Re: [Numpy-discussion] OpenBLAS on Mac

2014-02-22 Thread Sturla Molden
On 20/02/14 17:57, Jurgen Van Gael wrote:
 Hi All,

 I run Mac OS X 10.9.1 and was trying to get OpenBLAS working for numpy.
 I've downloaded the OpenBLAS source and compiled it (thanks to Olivier


make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

(staying with MKL...)


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] OpenBLAS on Mac

2014-02-22 Thread Robert Kern
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 8:55 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:
 On 20/02/14 17:57, Jurgen Van Gael wrote:
 Hi All,

 I run Mac OS X 10.9.1 and was trying to get OpenBLAS working for numpy.
 I've downloaded the OpenBLAS source and compiled it (thanks to Olivier


 make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

 (staying with MKL...)

Without any further details about what you downloaded and where you
executed this command, one can only assume PEBCAK. There is certainly
a Makefile in the root directory of the OpenBLAS source:

If you actually want some help, you will have to provide a *little* more detail.

Robert Kern
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] OpenBLAS on Mac

2014-02-22 Thread Sturla Molden
On 22/02/14 22:00, Robert Kern wrote:

 If you actually want some help, you will have to provide a *little* more 

$ git clone


$ cd OpenBLAS

did the trick. I need some coffee :)


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] OpenBLAS on Mac

2014-02-22 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:
 On 20/02/14 17:57, Jurgen Van Gael wrote:
 Hi All,

 I run Mac OS X 10.9.1 and was trying to get OpenBLAS working for numpy.
 I've downloaded the OpenBLAS source and compiled it (thanks to Olivier



You'll definitely want to disable the affinity support too, and
probably memory warmup. And possibly increase the maximum thread
count, unless you'll only use the library on the computer it was built
on. And maybe other things. The OpenBLAS build process has so many
ways to accidentally impale yourself, it's an object lesson in why
building regulations are a good thing.


Nathaniel J. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] A PEP for adding infix matrix multiply to Python

2014-02-22 Thread Nathaniel Smith
[Apologies for wide distribution -- please direct followups to either
the github PR linked below, or else]

After the numpy-discussion thread about np.matrix a week or so back, I
got curious and read the old PEPs that attempted to add better
matrix/elementwise operators to Python.
And I was a bit surprised -- if I were BDFL I probably would have
rejected these PEPs too. One is actually a proposal to make
itertools.product into an infix operator, which no-one would consider
seriously on its own merits. And the other adds a whole pile of
weirdly spelled new operators with no clear idea about what they
should do.

But it seems to me that at this point, with the benefit of multiple
years more experience, we know much better what we want -- basically,
just a nice clean infix op for matrix multiplication. And that just
asking for this directly, and explaining clearly why we want it, is
something that hasn't been tried. So maybe we should try and see what

As a starting point for discussion, I wrote a draft. It can be read
and commented on here:

It's important that if we're going to do this at all, we do it right,
and that means being able to honestly say that this document
represents our consensus when going to python-dev. So if you think you
might object please do so now :-)


Nathaniel J. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-22 Thread Nathaniel Smith
Hi all,

Currently numpy's 'dot' acts a bit weird for ndim2 or ndim1. In
practice this doesn't usually matter much, because these are very
rarely used. But, I would like to nail down the behaviour so we can
say something precise in the matrix multiplication PEP. So here's one


dot(0d, any) - scalar multiplication
dot(any, 0d) - scalar multiplication
dot(1d, 1d) - inner product
dot(2d, 1d) - treat 1d as column matrix, matrix-multiply, then
discard added axis
dot(1d, 2d) - treat 1d as row matrix, matrix-multiply, then discard added axis
dot(2d, 2d) - matrix multiply
dot(2-or-more d, 2-or-more d) - a complicated outer product thing:
Specifically, if the inputs have shapes (r, n, m), (s, m, k), then
numpy returns an array with shape (r, s, n, k), created like:
for i in range(r):
for j in range(s):
output[i, j, :, :] =[i, :, :], input2[j, :, :])


General rule: given dot on shape1, shape2, we try to match these
shapes against two templates like
  (..., n?, m) and (..., m, k?)
where ... indicates zero or more dimensions, and ? indicates an
optional axis. ? axes are always matched before ... axes, so for an
input with ndim=2, the ? axis is always matched. An unmatched ? axis
is treated as having size 1.

Next, the ... axes are broadcast against each other in the usual way
(prepending 1s to make lengths the same, requiring corresponding
entries to either match or have the value 1).  And then the actual
computations are performed using the usual broadcasting rules.

Finally, we return an output with shape (..., n?, k?). Here ...
indicates the result of broadcasting the input ...'s against each
other. And, n? and k? mean: either the value taken from the input
shape, if the corresponding entry was matched -- but if no match was
made, then we leave this entry out. The idea is that just as a column
vector on the right is m x 1, a 1d vector on the right is treated as
m x nothing. For purposes of actually computing the product,
nothing acts like 1, as mentioned above. But it makes a difference
in what we return: in each of these cases we copy the input shape into
the output, so we can get an output with shape (n, nothing), or
(nothing, k), or (nothing, nothing), which work out to be (n,),
(k,) and (), respectively. This gives a (somewhat) intuitive principle
for why dot(1d, 1d), dot(1d, 2d), dot(2d, 1d) are handled the way they
are, and a general template for extending this behaviour to other
operations like gufunc 'solve'.

Anyway, the end result of this is that the PROPOSED behaviour differs
from the current behaviour in the following ways:
- passing 0d arrays to 'dot' becomes an error. (This in particular is
an important thing to know, because if core Python adds an operator
for 'dot', then we must decide what it should do for Python scalars,
which are logically 0d.)
- ndim2 arrays are now handled by aligning and broadcasting the extra
axes, instead of taking an outer product. So dot((r, m, n), (r, n, k))
returns (r, m, k), not (r, r, m, k).


Nathaniel J. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-22 Thread Matthew Brett

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
 Hi all,

 Currently numpy's 'dot' acts a bit weird for ndim2 or ndim1. In
 practice this doesn't usually matter much, because these are very
 rarely used. But, I would like to nail down the behaviour so we can
 say something precise in the matrix multiplication PEP. So here's one


 dot(0d, any) - scalar multiplication
 dot(any, 0d) - scalar multiplication
 dot(1d, 1d) - inner product
 dot(2d, 1d) - treat 1d as column matrix, matrix-multiply, then
 discard added axis
 dot(1d, 2d) - treat 1d as row matrix, matrix-multiply, then discard added 
 dot(2d, 2d) - matrix multiply
 dot(2-or-more d, 2-or-more d) - a complicated outer product thing:
 Specifically, if the inputs have shapes (r, n, m), (s, m, k), then
 numpy returns an array with shape (r, s, n, k), created like:
 for i in range(r):
 for j in range(s):
 output[i, j, :, :] =[i, :, :], input2[j, :, :])


 General rule: given dot on shape1, shape2, we try to match these
 shapes against two templates like
   (..., n?, m) and (..., m, k?)
 where ... indicates zero or more dimensions, and ? indicates an
 optional axis. ? axes are always matched before ... axes, so for an
 input with ndim=2, the ? axis is always matched. An unmatched ? axis
 is treated as having size 1.

 Next, the ... axes are broadcast against each other in the usual way
 (prepending 1s to make lengths the same, requiring corresponding
 entries to either match or have the value 1).  And then the actual
 computations are performed using the usual broadcasting rules.

 Finally, we return an output with shape (..., n?, k?). Here ...
 indicates the result of broadcasting the input ...'s against each
 other. And, n? and k? mean: either the value taken from the input
 shape, if the corresponding entry was matched -- but if no match was
 made, then we leave this entry out. The idea is that just as a column
 vector on the right is m x 1, a 1d vector on the right is treated as
 m x nothing. For purposes of actually computing the product,
 nothing acts like 1, as mentioned above. But it makes a difference
 in what we return: in each of these cases we copy the input shape into
 the output, so we can get an output with shape (n, nothing), or
 (nothing, k), or (nothing, nothing), which work out to be (n,),
 (k,) and (), respectively. This gives a (somewhat) intuitive principle
 for why dot(1d, 1d), dot(1d, 2d), dot(2d, 1d) are handled the way they
 are, and a general template for extending this behaviour to other
 operations like gufunc 'solve'.

 Anyway, the end result of this is that the PROPOSED behaviour differs
 from the current behaviour in the following ways:
 - passing 0d arrays to 'dot' becomes an error. (This in particular is
 an important thing to know, because if core Python adds an operator
 for 'dot', then we must decide what it should do for Python scalars,
 which are logically 0d.)
 - ndim2 arrays are now handled by aligning and broadcasting the extra
 axes, instead of taking an outer product. So dot((r, m, n), (r, n, k))
 returns (r, m, k), not (r, r, m, k).


The discussion might become confusing in the conflation of:

* backward incompatible changes to dot
* coherent behavior to propose in a PEP

Maybe we could concentrate on the second, on the basis it's likely to
be a few years until it is available, and the work out compatibility
if the PEP gets accepted.

If A @ B means 'matrix multiply A, B' - then it would be a shame to
raise an error if A or B is a scalar.

Sympy, for example, will allow matrix multiplication by a scalar,
MATLAB / Octave too.

I have used  2D dot calls in the past, maybe still do, I'm not sure.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-22 Thread Jaime Fernández del Río
On Feb 22, 2014 2:03 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

 Hi all,

 Currently numpy's 'dot' acts a bit weird for ndim2 or ndim1. In
 practice this doesn't usually matter much, because these are very
 rarely used. But, I would like to nail down the behaviour so we can
 say something precise in the matrix multiplication PEP. So here's one


 dot(0d, any) - scalar multiplication
 dot(any, 0d) - scalar multiplication
 dot(1d, 1d) - inner product
 dot(2d, 1d) - treat 1d as column matrix, matrix-multiply, then
 discard added axis
 dot(1d, 2d) - treat 1d as row matrix, matrix-multiply, then discard
added axis
 dot(2d, 2d) - matrix multiply
 dot(2-or-more d, 2-or-more d) - a complicated outer product thing:
 Specifically, if the inputs have shapes (r, n, m), (s, m, k), then
 numpy returns an array with shape (r, s, n, k), created like:
 for i in range(r):
 for j in range(s):
 output[i, j, :, :] =[i, :, :], input2[j, :, :])


 General rule: given dot on shape1, shape2, we try to match these
 shapes against two templates like
   (..., n?, m) and (..., m, k?)
 where ... indicates zero or more dimensions, and ? indicates an
 optional axis. ? axes are always matched before ... axes, so for an
 input with ndim=2, the ? axis is always matched. An unmatched ? axis
 is treated as having size 1.

 Next, the ... axes are broadcast against each other in the usual way
 (prepending 1s to make lengths the same, requiring corresponding
 entries to either match or have the value 1).  And then the actual
 computations are performed using the usual broadcasting rules.

 Finally, we return an output with shape (..., n?, k?). Here ...
 indicates the result of broadcasting the input ...'s against each
 other. And, n? and k? mean: either the value taken from the input
 shape, if the corresponding entry was matched -- but if no match was
 made, then we leave this entry out. The idea is that just as a column
 vector on the right is m x 1, a 1d vector on the right is treated as
 m x nothing. For purposes of actually computing the product,
 nothing acts like 1, as mentioned above. But it makes a difference
 in what we return: in each of these cases we copy the input shape into
 the output, so we can get an output with shape (n, nothing), or
 (nothing, k), or (nothing, nothing), which work out to be (n,),
 (k,) and (), respectively. This gives a (somewhat) intuitive principle
 for why dot(1d, 1d), dot(1d, 2d), dot(2d, 1d) are handled the way they
 are, and a general template for extending this behaviour to other
 operations like gufunc 'solve'.

 Anyway, the end result of this is that the PROPOSED behaviour differs
 from the current behaviour in the following ways:
 - passing 0d arrays to 'dot' becomes an error. (This in particular is
 an important thing to know, because if core Python adds an operator
 for 'dot', then we must decide what it should do for Python scalars,
 which are logically 0d.)
 - ndim2 arrays are now handled by aligning and broadcasting the extra
 axes, instead of taking an outer product. So dot((r, m, n), (r, n, k))
 returns (r, m, k), not (r, r, m, k).


The proposed behavior for ndim  2 is what matrix_multiply (is it still in
umath_tests?) does. The nice thing of the proposed new behavior is that the
old behavior is easy to reproduce by fooling a little around with the shape
of the first argument, while the opposite is not true.


 Nathaniel J. Smith
 Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-22 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
 The discussion might become confusing in the conflation of:

 * backward incompatible changes to dot
 * coherent behavior to propose in a PEP

Right, I definitely am asking about how we think the ideal dot
operator should work. The migration strategy to get to there from here
is a separate question, that will raise a bunch of details that are a
distraction from the fundamental question of what we *want*.

 If A @ B means 'matrix multiply A, B' - then it would be a shame to
 raise an error if A or B is a scalar.

 Sympy, for example, will allow matrix multiplication by a scalar,
 MATLAB / Octave too.

Interesting! We do disagree on this then. I feel strongly that given
separate matrix product and elementwise product operators @ and *,
then 'scalar @ matrix' should be an error, and if you want scalar
(elementwise) product then you should write 'scalar * matrix'.

Sympy, MATLAB, Octave are not really good guides, because either they
have only a single operator available (Sympy with *, np.matrix with
*), or they have an alternative operator available but it's annoying
to type and rarely used (MATLAB/Octave with .*).

For us, the two operators are both first-class, and we've all decided
that the scalar/elementwise operator is actually the more important
and commonly used one, and matrix multiply is the unusual case
(regardless of whether we end up spelling it 'dot' or '@'). So why
would we want a special case for scalars in dot/@? And anyway,

Notation like 'L * X @ Y' really makes it immediately clear what sort
of operations we're dealing with, too.

 I have used  2D dot calls in the past, maybe still do, I'm not sure.

Have you used dot(2D, 2D)? That's the case that this proposal would
change -- dot(2D, =2D) is the same under both the outer product and
broadcasting proposals.

I feel pretty strongly that the broadcasting proposal is the right
thing, for consistency with other operators -- e.g., all ufuncs and
all functions in np.linalg already do broadcasting, so 'dot' is
currently really the odd one out. The outer product functionality is
potentially useful, but it should be called, because
logically it has the same relationship to that np.add.outer has
to np.add, etc.


Nathaniel J. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] OpenBLAS on Mac

2014-02-22 Thread Sturla Molden

On 22/02/14 22:15, Nathaniel Smith wrote:


You'll definitely want to disable the affinity support too, and
probably memory warmup. And possibly increase the maximum thread
count, unless you'll only use the library on the computer it was built
on. And maybe other things. The OpenBLAS build process has so many
ways to accidentally impale yourself, it's an object lesson in why
building regulations are a good thing.

Thanks for the advice.

Right now I am just testing on my own computer.

cblas_dgemm is running roughly 50 % faster with OpenBLAS than MKL 11.1 
update 2, sometimes OpenBLAS is twice as fast as MKL.



Ok, next runner up is Accelerate. Let's see how it compares to OpenBLAS 
and MKL on Mavericks.


#include mach/mach.h
#include mach/mach_time.h
#include stdlib.h
#include mkl.h

double nanodiff(const uint64_t _t0, const uint64_t _t1)
long double t0, t1, numer, denom, nanosec;
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb_info;
numer = (long double)(tb_info.numer);
denom = (long double)(tb_info.denom);
t0 = (long double)(_t0);
t1 = (long double)(_t1);
nanosec = (t1 - t0) * numer / denom;
return (double)nanosec;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
const int BOUNDARY = 64;
long double nanosec;
int n = 512;
int m = n, k = n;
double *A = (double*)mkl_malloc(n*n*sizeof(double), BOUNDARY); 
double *B = (double*)mkl_malloc(n*n*sizeof(double), BOUNDARY); 
double *C = (double*)mkl_malloc(n*n*sizeof(double), BOUNDARY);
uint64_t t0, t1;

t0 = mach_absolute_time();

cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
   m, n, k, 1.0, A, k, B, n, 1.0, C, n);

t1 = mach_absolute_time();

nanosec = nanodiff(t0, t1);

printf(elapsed time: %g ns\n, (double)nanosec);

mkl_free(A); mkl_free(B); mkl_free(C);

#include mach/mach.h
#include mach/mach_time.h
#include stdlib.h
#include cblas.h

double nanodiff(const uint64_t _t0, const uint64_t _t1)
long double t0, t1, numer, denom, nanosec;
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb_info;
numer = (long double)(tb_info.numer);
denom = (long double)(tb_info.denom);
t0 = (long double)(_t0);
t1 = (long double)(_t1);
nanosec = (t1 - t0) * numer / denom;
return (double)nanosec;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
long double nanosec;
int n = 512;
int m = n, k = n;
double *A = (double*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); 
double *B = (double*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); 
double *C = (double*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
uint64_t t0, t1;

t0 = mach_absolute_time();

cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
   m, n, k, 1.0, A, k, B, n, 1.0, C, n);

t1 = mach_absolute_time();

nanosec = nanodiff(t0, t1);

printf(elapsed time: %g ns\n, (double)nanosec);

free(A); free(B); free(C);

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-22 Thread josef . pktd
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
 Hi all,

 Currently numpy's 'dot' acts a bit weird for ndim2 or ndim1. In
 practice this doesn't usually matter much, because these are very
 rarely used. But, I would like to nail down the behaviour so we can
 say something precise in the matrix multiplication PEP. So here's one


 dot(0d, any) - scalar multiplication
 dot(any, 0d) - scalar multiplication
 dot(1d, 1d) - inner product
 dot(2d, 1d) - treat 1d as column matrix, matrix-multiply, then
 discard added axis
 dot(1d, 2d) - treat 1d as row matrix, matrix-multiply, then discard added 
 dot(2d, 2d) - matrix multiply
 dot(2-or-more d, 2-or-more d) - a complicated outer product thing:
 Specifically, if the inputs have shapes (r, n, m), (s, m, k), then
 numpy returns an array with shape (r, s, n, k), created like:
 for i in range(r):
 for j in range(s):
 output[i, j, :, :] =[i, :, :], input2[j, :, :])


 General rule: given dot on shape1, shape2, we try to match these
 shapes against two templates like
   (..., n?, m) and (..., m, k?)
 where ... indicates zero or more dimensions, and ? indicates an
 optional axis. ? axes are always matched before ... axes, so for an
 input with ndim=2, the ? axis is always matched. An unmatched ? axis
 is treated as having size 1.

 Next, the ... axes are broadcast against each other in the usual way
 (prepending 1s to make lengths the same, requiring corresponding
 entries to either match or have the value 1).  And then the actual
 computations are performed using the usual broadcasting rules.

 Finally, we return an output with shape (..., n?, k?). Here ...
 indicates the result of broadcasting the input ...'s against each
 other. And, n? and k? mean: either the value taken from the input
 shape, if the corresponding entry was matched -- but if no match was
 made, then we leave this entry out. The idea is that just as a column
 vector on the right is m x 1, a 1d vector on the right is treated as
 m x nothing. For purposes of actually computing the product,
 nothing acts like 1, as mentioned above. But it makes a difference
 in what we return: in each of these cases we copy the input shape into
 the output, so we can get an output with shape (n, nothing), or
 (nothing, k), or (nothing, nothing), which work out to be (n,),
 (k,) and (), respectively. This gives a (somewhat) intuitive principle
 for why dot(1d, 1d), dot(1d, 2d), dot(2d, 1d) are handled the way they
 are, and a general template for extending this behaviour to other
 operations like gufunc 'solve'.

 Anyway, the end result of this is that the PROPOSED behaviour differs
 from the current behaviour in the following ways:
 - passing 0d arrays to 'dot' becomes an error. (This in particular is
 an important thing to know, because if core Python adds an operator
 for 'dot', then we must decide what it should do for Python scalars,
 which are logically 0d.)
 - ndim2 arrays are now handled by aligning and broadcasting the extra
 axes, instead of taking an outer product. So dot((r, m, n), (r, n, k))
 returns (r, m, k), not (r, r, m, k).

I don't quite manage to follow that description for nd behavior.
How do you figure out which axes to use for the cross-product

dot((m,m,m), (m, m)) ?

Doesn't numpy have a new gufunc that does this kind of
vectorized/broadcasted dot product?
I cannot find it right now.


 The discussion might become confusing in the conflation of:

 * backward incompatible changes to dot
 * coherent behavior to propose in a PEP

 Maybe we could concentrate on the second, on the basis it's likely to
 be a few years until it is available, and the work out compatibility
 if the PEP gets accepted.

 If A @ B means 'matrix multiply A, B' - then it would be a shame to
 raise an error if A or B is a scalar.

 Sympy, for example, will allow matrix multiplication by a scalar,
 MATLAB / Octave too.

I also don't see a reason to disallow multiplication with a scalar
(it's just the math), but I doubt we use it in statsmodels.

 I have used  2D dot calls in the past, maybe still do, I'm not sure.

I've never found a use for dot with ndim  2 (nor tensordot), it never
did what I needed.



 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] OpenBLAS on Mac

2014-02-22 Thread Sturla Molden

On 22/02/14 23:39, Sturla Molden wrote:

Ok, next runner up is Accelerate. Let's see how it compares to OpenBLAS
and MKL on Mavericks.

It seems Accelerate has roughly the same performance as MKL now.

Did the upgrade to Mavericks do this?

These are the compile lines, in case you wonder:

$ CC -O2 -o perftest_openblas -I/opt/OpenBLAS/include 
-L/opt/OpenBLAS/lib perftest_openblas.c -lopenblas

$ CC -O2 -o perftest_accelerate perftest_accelerate.c -framework Accelerate

$ source /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013/mkl/bin/ intel64
$ icc -O2 -o perftest_mkl -mkl -static-intel perftest_mkl.c


#include mach/mach.h
#include mach/mach_time.h
#include stdlib.h
#include Accelerate/Accelerate.h

double nanodiff(const uint64_t _t0, const uint64_t _t1)
long double t0, t1, numer, denom, nanosec;
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb_info;
numer = (long double)(tb_info.numer);
denom = (long double)(tb_info.denom);
t0 = (long double)(_t0);
t1 = (long double)(_t1);
nanosec = (t1 - t0) * numer / denom;
return (double)nanosec;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
long double nanosec;
int n = 512;
int m = n, k = n;
double *A = (double*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); 
double *B = (double*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); 
double *C = (double*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
uint64_t t0, t1;

t0 = mach_absolute_time();

cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
   m, n, k, 1.0, A, k, B, n, 1.0, C, n);

t1 = mach_absolute_time();

nanosec = nanodiff(t0, t1);

printf(elapsed time: %g ns\n, (double)nanosec);

free(A); free(B); free(C);

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-22 Thread Alan G Isaac
It would help me follow this discussion if it were broken up
into pieces:

- what is being asserted as first principles for `dot`
   (e.g., what mathematical understanding)?
- to what extent do other important implementations
   (e.g., Mathematica and Julia) deviate from the
   proposed mathematical understanding?
- were the motivations for any deviations adequate
   (e.g., supported by strong use cases)?

An example is the discussion of whether scalar
multiplication of a matrix should be represented
by * or by a new operator (e.g., @).  I am
personally most comfortable with the idea that
a new matrix multiplication operator would not handle
scalar multiplication or violate tensor product rules
(perhaps I am influenced by Mathematica), but I am not
prepared to argue the principles of such choices, and
would appreciate hearing from those who are.

Alan Isaac

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-22 Thread Pauli Virtanen
23.02.2014 00:03, Nathaniel Smith kirjoitti:
 Currently numpy's 'dot' acts a bit weird for ndim2 or ndim1. In
 practice this doesn't usually matter much, because these are very
 rarely used. But, I would like to nail down the behaviour so we can
 say something precise in the matrix multiplication PEP. 

I'm not sure it's necessary to say much about this in the PEP. It should
in my view concentrate on arguing why the new binop is needed in the
Python language, and for that, restricting to 2D is good enough IMHO.

How exactly Numpy makes use of the capability for  2-dim arrays is
something that should definitely be discussed.

But I think this is a problem mainly interesting for Numpy devs, and not
for CPython devs.

Pauli Virtanen

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-22 Thread Matthew Brett

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Pauli Virtanen wrote:
 23.02.2014 00:03, Nathaniel Smith kirjoitti:
 Currently numpy's 'dot' acts a bit weird for ndim2 or ndim1. In
 practice this doesn't usually matter much, because these are very
 rarely used. But, I would like to nail down the behaviour so we can
 say something precise in the matrix multiplication PEP.

 I'm not sure it's necessary to say much about this in the PEP. It should
 in my view concentrate on arguing why the new binop is needed in the
 Python language, and for that, restricting to 2D is good enough IMHO.

Yes, I was thinking the same.


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