[obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik Kidod25
lalu ngapain sampai diturunin 50 bp kalau ga gawat2 amat ...
jawabannya nanti malam jam 8:30 ...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, indeks bei3000 

 Bukannya MARKET sudah ANTISIPASI Pak?
 Contohnya Pengumuman Fed Rate Cut
 2008/10/30, Kidod25 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
nanti malam ada pengumuman PDB, prediksi jelek seperti consumer
  confidence apakah akan di ignore???

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik t_bumi
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, indeks bei3000 

 Bukannya MARKET sudah ANTISIPASI Pak?
 Contohnya Pengumuman Fed Rate Cut
 2008/10/30, Kidod25 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
nanti malam ada pengumuman PDB, prediksi jelek seperti consumer
  confidence apakah akan di ignore???
sip : tbumi

Melihat Nikkei yg naik tajam dan disertai penurunan bunga the

FED ke 1%, maka kekhwatiran hasil GDP USA yg seandainya jelek,

maka akan di ignore oleh market di DOWJ.

Jadi kemungkinan besar DOWJ akan ikut rebound nantinya.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik Hendra Santosa
Hmm itu mungkin beda, diturunin 50 bps mungkin karena US sudah terlalu
bikin sesak nafas negara-negara lain, banyak pada cari selamat ke US$,
mata uang US$ mungkin harus diturunin, kasihan negara lain harus
ikutan intervensi mata uangnya, bikin risk inflasi di masa depan
kemana2. Kalau negara lain ikut jatuh tidak ada untungnya buat US
sendiri. Yen dan US$ diturunin buat kasih kesempatan negara lain
bernafas dulu. Mestinya diturunin 50 bps lagi tanpa negara lain turun

Melihat bentuk future kok meragukan GDP turun ya, minimal di atas
ekspektasi ... Apalagi kemarin menit terakhir djia jatuh tanpa volume kan?

Sekedar brainstorming, mungkin salah ...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Kidod25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 lalu ngapain sampai diturunin 50 bp kalau ga gawat2 amat ...
 jawabannya nanti malam jam 8:30 ...
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, indeks bei3000 
 indeksbei3000@ wrote:
  Bukannya MARKET sudah ANTISIPASI Pak?
  Contohnya Pengumuman Fed Rate Cut
  2008/10/30, Kidod25 kidod25@:
 nanti malam ada pengumuman PDB, prediksi jelek seperti consumer
   confidence apakah akan di ignore???

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik Hendra Santosa

Perlu dipuji si Bernanke :) Moga2 mau pada berpulang ke negara

-- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Hendra Santosa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hmm itu mungkin beda, diturunin 50 bps mungkin karena US sudah terlalu
 bikin sesak nafas negara-negara lain, banyak pada cari selamat ke US$,
 mata uang US$ mungkin harus diturunin, kasihan negara lain harus
 ikutan intervensi mata uangnya, bikin risk inflasi di masa depan
 kemana2. Kalau negara lain ikut jatuh tidak ada untungnya buat US
 sendiri. Yen dan US$ diturunin buat kasih kesempatan negara lain
 bernafas dulu. Mestinya diturunin 50 bps lagi tanpa negara lain turun
 Melihat bentuk future kok meragukan GDP turun ya, minimal di atas
 ekspektasi ... Apalagi kemarin menit terakhir djia jatuh tanpa
volume kan?
 Sekedar brainstorming, mungkin salah ...
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Kidod25 kidod25@ wrote:
  lalu ngapain sampai diturunin 50 bp kalau ga gawat2 amat ...
  jawabannya nanti malam jam 8:30 ...
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, indeks bei3000 
  indeksbei3000@ wrote:
   Bukannya MARKET sudah ANTISIPASI Pak?
   Contohnya Pengumuman Fed Rate Cut
   2008/10/30, Kidod25 kidod25@:
  nanti malam ada pengumuman PDB, prediksi jelek seperti consumer
confidence apakah akan di ignore???


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik indeks bei3000
Memang gawat sekali, tetapi market sudah membuat perhitungan seberapa besar
penurunan GDP US.
Kalau sesuai perhitungan = I Told You So, Thak God I Had Prepare
Di Bawah perhitungan = Damn .. it's Sucks
Di atas perhitungan = Well, look's like we have a HOPE

Sekarang tinggal lihat pengumuman nanti malam saja.

U.S. Economy Probably Contracted as Consumer Spending Dropped

By Shobhana Chandra
 [image: Enlarge

Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. economy probably shrank in the third quarter
by the most since the 2001 recession just as Americans were deciding how to
cast their ballots in the Nov. 4 elections.

Gross domestic product contracted at a 0.5 percent annual rate from July to
September, according to the median forecast of 75 economists surveyed by
Bloomberg News. The figure, the last major piece of economic data before the
presidential election, compares with growth of 2.8 percent in the previous
three months.

The economic slump coincided with Democratic presidential nominee Barack
lead in public-opinion polls. A Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times survey taken
Aug. 15-18 showed Republican nominee John
42 percent support to Obama's 41 percent; five weeks later, as the
credit crunch deepened, the poll showed Obama leading by 49 percent to 45

``There are multiple waves converging behind Obama,'' said James
a senior political analyst at Capital Alpha Partners.

The Commerce Department's GDP report is due at 8:30 a.m. in Washington;
Bloomberg survey estimates range from a 1.2 percent rate of expansion to a
contraction of 1.9 percent. The Federal Reserve yesterday warned of further
``downside risks' even after cutting interest
rateshttp://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=FDTR%3AINDtwice this
month and pumping billions of dollars into markets.

The Commerce Department's report is due at 8:30 a.m. in Washington.
Bloomberg survey estimates ranged from a 1.2 percent rate of expansion to a
contraction of 1.9 percent.

Half-Century Low

The Fed yesterday cut the benchmark interest rate by a half percentage point
to 1 percent, matching a half-century low.

``The intensification of financial-market turmoil is likely to exert
additional restraint on spending, partly by further reducing the ability of
households and businesses to obtain credit,'' the Fed's statement said.
``The pace of economic activity appears to have slowed markedly.''

The National Bureau of Economic Research, the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based
official arbiter of U.S. economic cycles, has yet to call a recession.

The group bases its assessment http://www.nber.org/cycles.html on
indicators including GDP, employment, sales, incomes and industrial
production, and usually takes six to 18 months to make a determination.
According to the NBER, the last recession lasted from March to November

CEOs See Recession

Chief executive officers from Ford Motor Co., Starwood Hotels  Resorts
Worldwide Inc. and Caterpillar Inc. are among those in the past two months
that have said the U.S. is in a recession.

``You might have a two- or three-quarter negative growth and then a slow
pullout,'' General Electric Co.'s Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt
said in an Oct. 24 Webcast. Government efforts to improve liquidity will
``take a while'' to work. GE's businesses, spanning jet engines, medical
equipment and consumer finance, make it an economic bellwether.

Consumer spendinghttp://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=GDPCTOT%25%3AIND,
which accounts for more than two-thirds of the economy, fell at a 2.4
percent pace last quarter, the survey median shows. That would be the first
drop since 1991 and the biggest since 1990.

``It was very much a quarter of transition from growth to a recession,''
said Peter 
a senior economist at Bank of America Corp. in New York. ``The fourth
quarter will be weaker. The credit crisis is at the center of everything.''

Appliances, Cookware

Whirlpool Corp., the world's largest appliance maker, this week said it'll
cut 5,000 jobs, and forecast lower annual profit as the credit crunch
clipped sales. Williams-Sonoma Inc., the biggest U.S. gourmet-cookware
chain, yesterday forecast a third- quarter loss because sales slowed
``significantly'' during the past six weeks.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik Meizal
  sebenernya indeks bei 3000 udah ngasih estimasi lengkap dari survey 
bloomberg,dan semua estimasi nya jelek sih pakkalo bocoran yang tepat 
wah susah pak,kecuali ada kenalan dari pihak fed hehehecuman kalo analis 
udah pesimis biasa nya sih standar eror nya paling 2%-5% batas atas/bawah 
dari data di bawah ini saya ambil dari posting --indeksbei 3000  
sekalian nanti baca posting pak indeks bei 3000 ya pak biar lebih detail :p
 GDPPersonal  Initial
  AnnualConsump.   Claims
QOQ% QOQ%  ,000's
  Median  -0.5%-2.4%  475
  Average -0.6%-1.9%  474
  High Forecast 1.2% 1.3%  485
  Low Forecast -1.9%-3.5%  460
  Number of Participants  75   14   41
  Previous  2.8% 1.2%  478

  kalau cut rate memang sudah direncanakan dari jauh2 hari, setau saya dari 
berita2 yang saya bacabahkan beberapa economis menganggap telat rate cut 
fed harus nya dari 2 bulan yang laluhehehe,jadi kalo saya pikir sih gak 
ada hubungan nya ama gdp yang bakal keluar nanti malem

  trs beberapa bank di eropa saya perhatikan financial report quartaly sudah 
mengindikasikan perbaikan earning,jadi potensi gdp us berada di atas 
estimasi analis peluang nya antara 55:45 ( 55% bagus ,45 % jelek )ini 
kalo menurut saya pak,jadi pasti banyak salah nya huehehehe

  yah paling kita cuman bisa hope for the best aja paksemoga reaksi 
pasar bisa bagus, jadi vlotalitas pasar dunia bisa agak mendingan

  o iya denger2 ---please read this to :


  Treasury, FDIC Near Deal on Mortgage Aid
  U.S. Would Guarantee Distressed Home Loans


  - Original Message - 
  From: Ari Sugiarto Santoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america

   pak riza
   kira-kira pengumuman GDP nanti malam gimana ya?
   apa ada bocoran?
   apa mungkin turun lebih dari estimasi, shg tadi malam pemerintah AS
   sudah buru-buru cut FED rate?
   2008/10/30 Meizal [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   untk referensi...dapet dari temen
   - Original Message -
   From: Hendra Santosa
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:08 PM
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america
   Hmm itu mungkin beda, diturunin 50 bps mungkin karena US sudah terlalu
   bikin sesak nafas negara-negara lain, banyak pada cari selamat ke US$,
   mata uang US$ mungkin harus diturunin, kasihan negara lain harus
   ikutan intervensi mata uangnya, bikin risk inflasi di masa depan
   kemana2. Kalau negara lain ikut jatuh tidak ada untungnya buat US
   sendiri. Yen dan US$ diturunin buat kasih kesempatan negara lain
   bernafas dulu. Mestinya diturunin 50 bps lagi tanpa negara lain turun
   Melihat bentuk future kok meragukan GDP turun ya, minimal di atas
   ekspektasi ... Apalagi kemarin menit terakhir djia jatuh tanpa volume 
   Sekedar brainstorming, mungkin salah ...
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Kidod25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   lalu ngapain sampai diturunin 50 bp kalau ga gawat2 amat ...
   jawabannya nanti malam jam 8:30 ...
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, indeks bei3000
   indeksbei3000@ wrote:
Bukannya MARKET sudah ANTISIPASI Pak?
Contohnya Pengumuman Fed Rate Cut
2008/10/30, Kidod25 kidod25@:

 nanti malam ada pengumuman PDB, prediksi jelek seperti consumer
 confidence apakah akan di ignore???


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik kepunton2000
GDP advance turun 0.3%, jobbles claim tetap di 475.000. Berarti?

--- On Thu, 10/30/08, indeks bei3000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: indeks bei3000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman PDB america
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 2:12 PM

Memang gawat sekali, tetapi market sudah membuat perhitungan 
seberapa besar penurunan GDP US.
Kalau sesuai perhitungan = I Told You So, Thak God I Had Prepare
Di Bawah perhitungan = Damn .. it's Sucks
Di atas perhitungan = Well, look's like we have a HOPE
Sekarang tinggal lihat pengumuman nanti malam saja.
U.S. Economy Probably Contracted as Consumer Spending Dropped 

By Shobhana Chandra


Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. economy probably shrank in the third quarter by 
the most since the 2001 recession just as Americans were deciding how to cast 
their ballots in the Nov. 4 elections. 
Gross domestic product contracted at a 0.5 percent annual rate from July to 
September, according to the median forecast of 75 economists surveyed by 
Bloomberg News. The figure, the last major piece of economic data before the 
presidential election, compares with growth of 2.8 percent in the previous 
three months. 

The economic slump coincided with Democratic presidential nominee Barack 
Obama's lead in public-opinion polls. A Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times survey 
taken Aug. 15-18 showed Republican nominee John McCain with 42 percent support 
to Obama's 41 percent; five weeks later, as the credit crunch deepened, the 
poll showed Obama leading by 49 percent to 45 percent. 

``There are multiple waves converging behind Obama,'' said James Lucier, a 
senior political analyst at Capital Alpha Partners. 

The Commerce Department's GDP report is due at 8:30 a.m. in Washington; 
Bloomberg survey estimates range from a 1.2 percent rate of expansion to a 
contraction of 1.9 percent. The Federal Reserve yesterday warned of further 
``downside risks' even after cutting interest rates twice this month and 
pumping billions of dollars into markets. 

The Commerce Department's report is due at 8:30 a.m. in Washington. Bloomberg 
survey estimates ranged from a 1.2 percent rate of expansion to a contraction 
of 1.9 percent. 
Half-Century Low 
The Fed yesterday cut the benchmark interest rate by a half percentage point to 
1 percent, matching a half-century low. 
``The intensification of financial-market turmoil is likely to exert additional 
restraint on spending, partly by further reducing the ability of households and 
businesses to obtain credit,'' the Fed's statement said. ``The pace of economic 
activity appears to have slowed markedly.'' 

The National Bureau of Economic Research, the Cambridge, Massachusetts- based 
official arbiter of U.S. economic cycles, has yet to call a recession. 
The group bases its assessment on indicators including GDP, employment, sales, 
incomes and industrial production, and usually takes six to 18 months to make a 
determination. According to the NBER, the last recession lasted from March to 
November 2001. 

CEOs See Recession 
Chief executive officers from Ford Motor Co., Starwood Hotels  Resorts 
Worldwide Inc. and Caterpillar Inc. are among those in the past two months that 
have said the U.S. is in a recession. 
``You might have a two- or three-quarter negative growth and then a slow 
pullout,'' General Electric Co.'s Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt said 
in an Oct. 24 Webcast. Government efforts to improve liquidity will ``take a 
while'' to work. GE's businesses, spanning jet engines, medical equipment and 
consumer finance, make it an economic bellwether. 

Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of the economy, fell 
at a 2.4 percent pace last quarter, the survey median shows. That would be the 
first drop since 1991 and the biggest since 1990. 

``It was very much a quarter of transition from growth to a recession,'' said 
Peter Kretzmer, a senior economist at Bank of America Corp. in New York. ``The 
fourth quarter will be weaker. The credit crisis is at the center of 

Appliances, Cookware 
Whirlpool Corp., the world's largest appliance maker, this week said it'll cut 
5,000 jobs, and forecast lower annual profit as the credit crunch clipped 
sales. Williams-Sonoma Inc., the biggest U.S. gourmet-cookware chain, yesterday 
forecast a third- quarter loss because sales slowed ``significantly'' during 
the past six weeks. 

Industry figures showed cars and light trucks sold at a 12.5 million annual 
pace in September, the fewest since 1993. October sales may drop to an 11 
million pace, according to a Deutsche Bank AG estimate. 

``These are truly unimaginable times for our industry,'' Robert Nardelli, chief 
executive officer of Chrysler LLC, said in a statement last week. The 
third-largest U.S. automaker will cut 25 percent of salaried workers and reduce 

Home construction, which has subtracted from