Missing releaseAllResource in ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl

2004-01-23 Thread Thierry Hanot
When i request a ConnectionManager.releaseAllResource in
DBCPConnectionManager , 
The connection are not release ,and if i change the JdbcConnectionDescriptor
to a new database the old connection are used again .
The method releaseAllResource is not defined on the DBCPConnectionManager
.The Map(poolMap) which is containing the datasources is never cleaned . And
the connection for a same pbkey ( even if the ConnectionDescriptor change )
are always the same .


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JDO : Unable to update object with references

2004-01-23 Thread Hubert Behaghel
I know I have already posted about this but it is very annoying and I
have been stuck to this problem for one week...

I create an instance of Company. I make it persistent : ok, my DB get it

I create a Division for my instance of Company. I make it persistent and
everything goes well too.

I begin a transaction. I retrieve my instance of Company. I change its
name and I commit and at this point I get this :

[JDO] DEBUG: OjbStoreManager.flush: company.business.Division{1}, P_NEW
[JDO] DEBUG: OjbStoreManager.insert
[org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.JdbcAccessImpl] ERROR: SQLException
during the execution of the insert (for a company.business.Division):
Invalid argument value,  message from server: Duplicate entry '1' for
key 1

That is to say, OJB does not understand that this Division which is
referenced by the modified Company only need to be updated and not

How can I change it ?

Any clue, advice, feeling, prayer welcome :)


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Re: SQL exceptions when using DList

2004-01-23 Thread Armin Waibel
Hi Scott,

Weaver, Scott wrote:

Why you need to specify DListImpl as collection class?

I found this approach in the mailing list archive.  If I don't specify it,
OJB uses the RemovalAwareCollection instead.  I would think, since I am
using ODMG, this would be a better approach.
The real reason for this is that I have use cases that are failing.  Example
unit test case:
1:n automatic update use case:

A contains a collection of B.  B has a reference back to its parent A.
Calling A.addB(B) sets B's reference to A.
Create new A.  
Create new B.  
Add B to A.
Make A persistent.
A and B successfully persisted to the DB.
Clear the OJB cache
Retrieve A (using PB)
Start Tx (ODMG)
Lock A for writing (ODMG)
Create a new B2.
Add B2 to A.
Commit Tx.
Clear Cache.
Retrieve A (using PB)
Assert(A count Bs == 2) FAIL.  B2 was never persisted.

ODMG's Persistence by reachability should have persisted B2, should it not?
I'm not a ODMG expert, but I guess you are right. I will add some new 
tests to reproduce your problem.
I made some quick test and it seems the problem is the reference (of B) 
back to its parent. When adding objects without an reference back to 
parent all works as expected.
Will try to fix this ASAP.


I thought that using DList might fix this.

| Scott T Weaver |
| Apache Jetspeed Portal Project |
| Apache Pluto Portlet Container |

-Original Message-
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:37 AM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: SQL exceptions when using DList
Hi Scott,

Weaver, Scott wrote:

Hi All,

I have never used the ODMG specific collection classes before.  That

said, I just started using DList in some of my mappings.



inverse-foreignkey field-ref=appId/
However, when I do specify the DListImpl, I get this error when updating

the DB:

Could not obtain next object: Can't build new sequence: Table not found:
OJB_HL_SEQ in statement [SELECT

The DListImpl class request on creation time and for each entry an ID
from the SequenceManager (DListImpl_2 a new implementation try to avoid
this overhead) and it seems you don't have created the tables used by
Why you need to specify DListImpl as collection class?


| Scott T Weaver |
| Apache Jetspeed Portal Project |
| Apache Pluto Portlet Container |
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2004-01-23 Thread Guillaume Nodet
I apologies to all of you and especially to Gopi Nandamuri
for the mail i posted a few days ago on this mailing list.
My intention was not to offend Gopi and in fact i
completely misunderstood his questions. In the future,
i will pay close attention, before replying to a mail,
to be sure to have really understood the meaning and to
be able to give something consistent as a reply.

As a good will and amendment gesture i want to propose the following
code of a PersistentField that i wrote to solve a problem i had
with nested fields. I think that the problem is not restrained to me.
The problem arise when using nested objects that can be nulled.
Actually, when ojb reads the first field of a nested object that is
null, an instance is created to continue the recursive walk through
the nested objects, even if the given value to set for the attribute
is null. So i needed to make two modifications for the process to work.

  * first i had overriden the 'set' method of the AbstractPersistentField
class to early test if the value will not be set. The added test is
borrowed from the PersistentFieldDirectAccessImpl but is performed
before having created an instance of the nested object.

public void set(Object targetObject, Object value) throws
if (isNestedField())
if (value != null || !getField().getType().isPrimitive())
setNestedObject(targetObject, fieldName, value);
doSet(targetObject, value);

   * the second modification i did is needed because the test on the 'set'
 works only for primitive types. But if we store a Date for example in a
 object, it will be nevertheless created. But the test can not extend
the test
 made earlier, because if we nested objects could have non-null default
 for certain fields.  So i overrided the 'setNestedObject' method to
 the test so that when realizing that the nested object is null, there
is no need
 to create one to put a null value in the field.
 When the added test 'if (attrib != null || value != null)' is true
 the instanciation and setting of the attribute is skipped.

protected void setNestedObject(Object obj, String fieldName, Object
int index = fieldName.indexOf(PATH_TOKEN);
if (index = 0)
String name = fieldName.substring(0, index);
PersistentField pField =
createInternPersistentField(ProxyHelper.getRealClass(obj), name);
Object attrib = pField.get(ProxyHelper.getRealObject(obj));
if (attrib != null || value != null)
  if (attrib == null)
String nestedName = fieldName.substring(index +
setNestedObject(attrib, nestedName, value);
PersistentField pField =
createInternPersistentField(ProxyHelper.getRealClass(obj), fieldName);
pField.set(ProxyHelper.getRealObject(obj), value);


Best regards,

Guillaume Nodet

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Re: Apologies

2004-01-23 Thread Armin Waibel
Hi Guillaume,

Guillaume Nodet wrote:

I apologies to all of you and especially to Gopi Nandamuri
for the mail i posted a few days ago on this mailing list.
My intention was not to offend Gopi and in fact i
completely misunderstood his questions. In the future,
i will pay close attention, before replying to a mail,
to be sure to have really understood the meaning and to
be able to give something consistent as a reply.
We all make mistakes (except most managers) ;-)

As a good will and amendment gesture i want to propose the following
code of a PersistentField that i wrote to solve a problem i had
with nested fields.
Thanks for this contribution and detailed description (I understand the 
problem ;-)). I will add a test for this problem and adopt your fix 
ASAP. Thanks!

I think that the problem is not restrained to me.
The problem arise when using nested objects that can be nulled.
Actually, when ojb reads the first field of a nested object that is
null, an instance is created to continue the recursive walk through
the nested objects, even if the given value to set for the attribute
is null. So i needed to make two modifications for the process to work.
  * first i had overriden the 'set' method of the AbstractPersistentField
class to early test if the value will not be set. The added test is
borrowed from the PersistentFieldDirectAccessImpl but is performed
before having created an instance of the nested object.
public void set(Object targetObject, Object value) throws
if (isNestedField())
if (value != null || !getField().getType().isPrimitive())
setNestedObject(targetObject, fieldName, value);
doSet(targetObject, value);
   * the second modification i did is needed because the test on the 'set'
 works only for primitive types. But if we store a Date for example in a
 object, it will be nevertheless created. But the test can not extend
the test
 made earlier, because if we nested objects could have non-null default
 for certain fields.  So i overrided the 'setNestedObject' method to
 the test so that when realizing that the nested object is null, there
is no need
 to create one to put a null value in the field.
 When the added test 'if (attrib != null || value != null)' is true
 the instanciation and setting of the attribute is skipped.
protected void setNestedObject(Object obj, String fieldName, Object
int index = fieldName.indexOf(PATH_TOKEN);
if (index = 0)
String name = fieldName.substring(0, index);
PersistentField pField =
createInternPersistentField(ProxyHelper.getRealClass(obj), name);
Object attrib = pField.get(ProxyHelper.getRealObject(obj));
if (attrib != null || value != null)
  if (attrib == null)
String nestedName = fieldName.substring(index +
setNestedObject(attrib, nestedName, value);
PersistentField pField =
createInternPersistentField(ProxyHelper.getRealClass(obj), fieldName);
pField.set(ProxyHelper.getRealObject(obj), value);

Best regards,

Guillaume Nodet

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Re: Orion App-server

2004-01-23 Thread Armin Waibel

Thomas Mahler wrote:

forwarded to the ojb-user list.


 Original Message 
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 09:17:13 -0800

I am just starting to use OJB recently.  Oracle application server (Orion
server) is our choice.  I wonder if you have some examples I deploy an OJB
application on Orion server.  I really get confused on the configuration.
Also, do I need to write a customized startup object as the instruction for
Weblogic or Jboss?  Thank you so much.
OJB was shipped with some session bean examples. In the documentation 
was a detailed description for deployment on jboss.
Instead a jboss specific sar-file/dir you can direct deploy the sample 
beans or setup an .ear file.

All configuration for Orion is the same as for JBoss, except
To make the OJB api's accessible via JNDI, you need to bind api's main 
classes to JNDI.
- *org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory* for 
PB-api. Make method PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory.instance() 
accessible. For jboss we doing this via org.apache.ojb.jboss.PBFactory 

- *org.apache.ojb.odmg.OJBJ2EE_2* for ODMG-api. Make 
OJBJ2EE_2.getInstance() accessible. For jboss we doing this via 
org.apache.ojb.jboss.ODMGFactory mbean

For a simple test it is possible to use this classes directly in your 
sample beans (without JNDI lookup).

I attached latest version of deployment doc (with some additional hints).

Paul He

A Representative of HSDD

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