Re: [OpenAFS] Zabbix monitoring AFS health

2022-09-20 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Back when I ran a cell that people other than me cared about, I had 
implemented various checks from:

I do not know anything about Zabbix, but I assume it is possible to take 
these nagios checks and make them work?


I started to implement a zabbix server for my OpenAFS cells.  For now
I only measuring the standard Linux measures.  Is there anyone with
more advanced setups?

 From the community, what OpenAFS measures are important to measure the
performance of the OpenAFS, that I should monitor with my zabbix server?

Kind regards
Jose M Calhariz

On Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 09:56:28AM -0400, Tim Champ wrote:

Hello all.

Just figured I'd check if anyone out there is using Zabbix to monitor their
AFS file servers, etc.  If so, we're interested in seeing/hearing about it
if you're willing to share any templates or other things you've done in
that regard.

If not, once we have something, we'll plan to contribute it to anyone it
may help.

Thanks for your time!

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Why the KfW/Heidmdal dependency with OpenAFS for Windows?

2011-10-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
The Microsoft libraries are only useful if one is actually using the 
Windows Kerberos parts (either through Active Directory or ksetup.exe 
with a realm.)

For your standard home user, they aren't going to be using either and 
need a way to enter Kerberos credentials from within Windows itself. 
Think of it as Windows not having a kinit command.  Windows can only 
obtain initial Kerberos credentials from the login screen.

Also, KfW or Heimdal allow one to obtain credentials for different 
realms/cells outside of the ones the computer is authorized to obtain. 
E.g. This allows me to authenticate to cells at other organizations just 
by having a password for their realm and (usually) not requiring me to 
join my computer to their Active Directory or Kerberos infrastructure.


Coy Hile wrote:

I'm almost certainly missing something obvious here, but why do we
have the dependency on either KfW or Heimdal for the Windows OpenAFS
client?  Microsoft already ships Kerberos libraries as part of Active
Directory; why can we not link against those directly?

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Proposed changes - restricted mode

2010-12-05 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Michael Meffie wrote:

Simon Wilkinson wrote:

On 5 Dec 2010, at 02:55, Derrick Brashear

We tell you that you can, and how, to disable this

Perhaps we should ship with it disabled by default?

Yes, I agree, bos exec really should disabled by default, and only
turned on after people understand the implications. (I've used
the same trick Derrick mentioned, bos exec/bos getlog. I thought
I was being clever.)

Someone correct me if this has changed, but be careful enabling 
restricted mode by default.  This adds a line to BosConfig and backing 
out newer binaries with this option enabled for older binaries can cause 
AFS to no longer work as the old binaries do not understand the 
restrictedmode entry in the BosConfig file and give some kind of cryptic 
error or something.  (Or at least I had something like this happen once 
and had to remove the offending line from BosConfig by hand to get my 
old binaries to work again.)

This can be somewhat of a problem when backing out upgrades due to 
whatever problems.

That said, I do think this is a good idea.  Random services (especially 
ones running as root) shouldn't have a default mechanism to run 
arbitrary binaries on a system.  People likely do not realize that 
adding someone to UserList also effectively gives them root access on 
the AFS servers which could be running other services as well.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: Proposed changes for server log rotation

2010-12-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
I was just wondering if anyone thought about these same logging changes 
on the Windows platform too.  I know the servers aren't really supported 
right now on Windows, but I wouldn't want to go in a direction that 
makes it extereme hard to share code between platforms for logging...

Or does that not really matter so much?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Proposed changes for server log rotation

2010-12-02 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Russ Allbery wrote:

Jeffrey Altman writes:

My one concern to switching to something like syslog by default is
that bos getlog will need to be re-implemented in a different

Yeah, this is a very good point.  I think I've used bos getlog maybe
three times in the past fifteen years, so I never think about it, but
I suspect others use it more than I do.

I'd say that you could BOTH log to syslog AND keep the current log file 

I'd actually prefer that myself.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] pts createuser -name hostname.domain ?

2010-11-09 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
As an FYI, I usually just create a group name that is similar to the 
hostname, then add the IP user to the group and use the group in ACLs. 
Of course, if you actually make a lot of DNS changes you'll need to keep 
these in sync, but it shouldn't be that hard to write a quick script to 
audit / check groups and IPs.


Assarsson, Emil wrote:


Thanks for the reply. I think I will be able to work around this
problem until then. But the new feature would make things a lot more

On 11/9/2010 4:32 AM, Assarsson, Emil wrote:


I know there is a way to add client machines by their ip address.
But is it possible to add them by hostname instead using their
Kerberos principalName?

Not at the moment.  There are two things that need to be done.

Jeffrey Altman 

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] AlwaysAttach

2010-09-28 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Russ Allbery wrote:

Jason Edgecombe writes:

Would it be terribly difficult to add an informational message to the
fileserver to mention this?

I took a look, but the code is structured in a really obnoxious way that
makes it hard to do this.  It needs substantial restructuring so that it's
aware of what partitions have been mounted already because they're
separate devices.

I'd prefer to NOT encourage people to use directories and instead have them 
actually create partitions to avoid problems with system partitions filling 
up for whatever reason.  Having the ability to work around it is one thing, 
recommending it via a default message is quite another entirely.

Someone just setting up AFS should create dedicated partitions.  People who 
absolutely need to use a directory can usually just ask, read the man page, 
or find this thread in the list archives.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Testing OpenAFS with Windows XP Roaming Profiles....

2010-09-16 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Claudio Prono wrote:

I am testing a solution like: OpenAFS with kerberos, Windows XP with
Integrated logon and roaming profile.

OpenAFS works, Kerberos works, integrated logon works... The profile on
AFS not.

I have manually copied the profile in a directory on AFS like
msprofile, edited the windows registry at key:

NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList and changed the key ProfileImagePath to

Deleted the local profile, rebooted the machine, logged in as claudio...
and...a new local profile was created!!! If i check the registry key, it
is changed again to the default (something like %SystemDrive%\Documents
and Settings\claudio.TESTAFS)...

What i am doing wrong? What is the best solution?

Are you literally changing the registry?  And not doing things the supported 
way by setting the user profile path within Active Directory?  I'd say the 
best solution is to NOT edit the registry directly to change a profile 

There are some group policy settings to disable windows trying to change 
permissions on the profile path.  I suspect this might be causing problems 
as Windows does not know how to set AFS permissions and if this attempt 
fails, Windows reverts to a local profile.

Also, you might need to set at least system:anyuser l on the folder so that 
the computer itself (without AFS credentials) can see that the folder exists 
before trying to use it as a profile path.  I am not sure about that though.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: [OpenAFS-devel] 1.6 and post-1.6 OpenAFS branch management and schedule

2010-06-18 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Russ Allbery wrote:

Chas Williams (CONTRACTOR) writes:

Russ Allbery writes:

I definitely agree that this is where we should go.  I don't think
we're quite ready to be there right now, unless you feel that we should
enable supergroups by default.  :)  (I can't reasonably turn it off in
the Debian packages, where it's been enabled for quite some time,
without causing obvious serious problems.)

what would be a good reason for not enabling by default?  no one is
forcing use to use supergroups even if the support is turned on.

Turning it on and not using isn't the issue.  Turning it off for those of us 
(like me) who do use will obviously cause problems and won't encourage 
people to upgrade to newer versions of OpenAFS.

The code is dire verging on unsupportable and really needs to be

If the code is so bad, why was it accepted in the first place?

This seems to be a completely different issue than supporting a specific 
feature.  You cannot penalize people who are using what appeared to be a 
supported feature because someone allowed said bad code in and now it cannot 
be maintained.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: [OpenAFS-devel] 1.6 and post-1.6 OpenAFS branch management and schedule

2010-06-17 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Rainer Toebbicke wrote:

Derrick Brashear schrieb:

Considering it a showstopper when you admit one graph earlier that
you're already running with a patched tree seems a bit overblown,
perhaps? The tree is now gold and patches may no longer be applied?

No, of course not.

It would be painful to have to put back the '--enable-fast-restart and
--enable-bitmap-later' code if you removed them, probably dangerous. My
plea is to keep them in as an alternative to the demand-attach
file-server: with mandatory salvaging the non-demand-attach case is
seriously impaired, hence disabling it is no real alternative.

With the ambitious schedule for new releases I see this happening very
quickly. I'd like to avoid having to stop at a particular release next
year because of a functionality that we manage to live without, and miss
others that we're interested in.

I agree with Rainer on this.


At the same time, I'd be happy to start doing more testing of the various 
DAFS features, although I'm not quite sure what version I should be using 
for testing, nor am I completely sure how to actually migrate an existing 
file server to use DAFS or if there is a reverse path to downgrade if I 
encounter problems.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: [OpenAFS-devel] 1.6 and post-1.6 OpenAFS branch management and schedule

2010-06-17 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Russ Allbery wrote:

Chris, to check, are you currently using --enable-fast-restart or

Yes, both of them.

Please understand that neither of those options are recommended now,
whether you have DAFS enabled or not.  I consider --enable-fast-restart in
particular to be dangerous and likely to cause or propagate file
corruption and would not feel comfortable ever running it in production.
I know that some people are using the existing implementation and taking
their chances, and if they're expert AFS administrators and know what
they're risking, that's fine, but, as I understand it, it's pretty much
equivalent to disabling fsck and journaling on your file systems after
crashes and just trusting that there won't be any damage or that, if there
is, you'll fsck when you notice it.

I have heard that, but I have never experienced any problems myself in many 
years of running that way.  In general the way I see it is that if the power 
goes out, my server stays up for a little longer due to its UPS but the 
network dies immediately so the AFS processes are not doing anything when 
the power finally dies and the server goes down a few minutes later.  (This 
is of course assuming no actual server crashes and luckily I haven't had any 
of those.)

Its fine to not have it enabled by default, but I can't see why one would 
remove the functionality from the source tree.

If you want to require a --yes-i-know-i-can-corrupt-data configure option, 
that is also fine, but requiring source code patches sounds like an major 


I guess I don't understand the particulars of what could happen, but if one 
is really worried about sending corrupt data, wouldn't the best thing to do 
be check the data as it is being sent and return errors then and log that 
something is wrong, not require an ENTIRE VOLUME to be salvaged, leaving all 
of the files inaccessible for a potentially long period of time?  I assume 
that such a thing is not possible to do?

I mean I occationally see NTFS errors in the event log on Windows servers. 
Windows doesn't take the disk offline and run a chkdsk for me to prevent 
potential errors, it allows me to try and access other data and if it works 
there are no problems and denies access to specific files or directories if 
there is corruption.

At the same time, I'd be happy to start doing more testing of the
various DAFS features, although I'm not quite sure what version I should
be using for testing,

If you want to test DAFS, you need to use a 1.5 series server or (coming
soon) a 1.6 release candidate.

Ah, excellent.  I will wait for a 1.6 release candidate.

Will DAFS be enabled by default in 1.6?  Or is that still being determined?

nor am I completely sure how to actually migrate an existing file server
to use DAFS or if there is a reverse path to downgrade if I encounter

Migration is documented in the bos_create(8) man page as one of the
examples.  You can do the inverse procedure to downgrade, although of
course you'll also need to replace the server binaries with a version
compiled without demand-attach.

Ok, so is the only 
documentation on on demand attach?

Ah, I see a as well.

Perhaps a generic dafs man page is in order for us non-developer types to be 
up to speed on what DAFS is, what the benefits are, and how to use it 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: [OpenAFS-devel] 1.6 and post-1.6 OpenAFS branch management and schedule

2010-06-17 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Simon Wilkinson wrote:

On 17 Jun 2010, at 19:45, Christopher D. Clausen wrote:

Its fine to not have it enabled by default, but I can't see why one
would remove the functionality from the source tree.

Because every different configuration option you have doubles the
complexity of testing the code. What actually tends to happen is that
stuff that isn't enabled by default never actually gets tested when
changes are made, and so ends up rotting. So, these options are dangerous
both because we _know_ they can cause data loss now and that's only going
to get worse in the future because nobody developing for the fileserver
actually tests with them enabled.

We have very limited developer effort available. Reducing the breadth of
our code significantly improves our ability to add the new features that
everyone says they want.

My original proposal for both fast-restart and bitmap-later was that we
should remove the configuration options but retain the code for one
release cycle and then remove the code entirely in the next cycle. That
hopefully prevents folk from running them thinking that they're in any
way supported, but still allows those brave enough to do so some time to
move over to demand attach.

Ah, ok.  I thought these options were just being removed because people 
thought it was dangerous.  If it is actually a long-term support issue, I am 
fine with the code being removed.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] forcing coredumpsize in bosserver

2010-05-17 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Derrick Brashear wrote:


I submitted a patch which would use the fact that bosserver runs as
root to override resource limits and always drop a core. The issue
it's intended to address is that often people will start bosserver
from contaminated environments (where coredumpsize is limited) and
then have a crash, and can provide no data...

Is anyone deliberately turning off cores with limit? Would a command
line switch to bosserver be acceptable to you in lieu of it? (None is
provided in this patch yet but it could be if it mattered),1959

I'd don't care if core files get generated, but I'd want some way to make 
sure that the core file doesn't fill the disk partition when it gets 
written.  I'm not sure how large the files can get, but I have had that 
problem in the past (on other software) with multiple GB core files 
completely filling a smallish / or /usr partition (as on a file server, I'd 
want to have as much space as possible go to the vice partitions.)

Would it be possible to reserve some space in the vice partition and have 
the core file written there instead?  (I suppose you could argue that could 
be worse, but in general I have much larger vice paritions than system 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Purging the client cache

2010-01-09 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Russ Allbery wrote:

We're starting a project to provide a set of AFS servers and a file
space with additional security restrictions around who can access it
so that it's suitable for storing data subject to various regulatory
requirements. This space will require using either strong TLS or a
VPN to access any files in that space.

One of the concerns raised by our Information Security Office is that
a primary point of this space is to get the data off of people's hard
drives and into central storage that can be managed securely.  If the
data persists in users' caches after they disconnect from the VPN
required to access the secure space directly, this would partly
defeat this purpose.

If it were me, I would NOT allow such data to go to end-user systems 
(and thus avoid having it cached there.)  I would setup a few servers 
within a secure data center and require all work to be done via remote 
access to these systems (using RDP, SSH, FreeNX, etc.)

If the user can view data directly as a filesystem, they can copy it 
elsewhere and you can no longer control it.  If you force them to use a 
specific set of systems, you can restrict how they could copy data off 
of the system and even restrict, filter and log outbound network traffic 
and filter outbound email (if needed.)

In this case I would setup an AFS cell (or maybe just a few file servers 
in an existing cell) that was only accessible from this secure data 
center and actually had vice partitions encrypted when on-disk on the 
file servers, probably taking a performance hit for the additional 
security (which is hopefully acceptable in this case.)

This way the data never leaves the data center and all access to it can 
be enforced over encrypted channels (you can force high encryption with 
RDP and do similar things with SSH to disable weaker ciphers.)  This 
should also help with access to non-file data such as SQL and Filemaker 
Pro databases which don't work so well in AFS.


And correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't you also want to wipe the 
client's system pagefile or swap area after VPN disconnect as some data 
could be cached when swapped to disk?  (This may actually be true when 
using RDP and FreeNX as well as screen bitmaps and other data may be in 
memory after the system disconnects.)


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: Ideas for finer grain set acl controls

2009-11-12 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Alf Wachsmann wrote:

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, Russ Allbery wrote:

Andrew Deason writes:

In other words: *** PLEASE SPEAK UP *** if you want to be able to
prevent normal users from doing something like fs setacl ${HOME}
system:authuser rlidwka even when they have the 'a' bit on ${HOME}.

Even if it's just +1, yes, I want that, please say something.

It's not as important as being able to block system:anyuser, but
yes, I'd ideally like to be able to block arbitrary PTS groups from
being added to ACLs with all or write access.

What he said. I would like that feature.

Me too!

Also, I would like separate change acl and add mount point 
permissions.  I often end up granting a just so that users can add 
mount points as I see mount points as one of the key benefits of AFS. 
The end user can define their view of the file space and not have to 
resort to hard-coded things like symlinks or hardlinks.

Some users just cannot be trusted to manage their own ACLs though.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] The removal of afscreds.exe and afs_config.exe on Windows Vista and Windows 7: Seeking Opinions

2009-10-09 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

David Bear wrote:

The only other thing I miss from afscreds is the version number for
afs. I don't see where this is easily available -- elsewhere, not
even in the control panel applet.

Just run fs -version from a command prompt:

Win+R cmd - fs -version

C:\fs -version

C:\vos -version

C:\bos -version


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] The removal of afscreds.exe and afs_config.exe on Windows Vista and Windows 7: Seeking Opinions

2009-09-30 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

David Boyes wrote:

1. afscreds simply doesn't work reliably.  as a result, its continued
   use is in my opinion not an option on Vista, 2008 and Windows 7.

Valid point, but it seems a bit precipitous to remove it before a
replacement with equivalent function is available. Clearly it works
for *some* people.

It also clearly doesn't work for some people.  Perhaps just making the 
installation of afscreds optional would be acceptable?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Openafs on Ubuntu

2009-07-20 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Jason Edgecombe wrote:

gottoomanyaccounts wrote:

I am wondering is there a plan to have an official repository for
Ubuntu, like the one we have for Fedora/RHEL?  It would be nice to
be able to install the openafs client on Ubuntu as easily as on

Um... I'm running ubuntu with the openafs client. I just had to run
sudo apt-get install openafs-client

I think that depends on the Ubuntu version that one is using.

Is the outdated version the problem?

According to what the developers tell us, yes, the outdated version is a 
problem.  (1.4.6 is current for Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and it is likely to 
remain so until 2013 when hardy goes out of support.)  And I'm still 
running 6.06 dapper (previous LTS release) on some machines.  Dapper 
goes out of support in 2011.

I'd like to see newer packages in dapper-backports and hardy-backports, 
although I have no idea on the process to get them there.

Further info at:


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: Thinking about a different way to distribute configuration.

2009-05-17 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Russ Allbery wrote:

David Boyes writes:

Why? If the data it serves is on a SAN or otherwise connectable
storage, why should the physical server handling the information be
somehow special if it gets the same address and configuration

 I want to use my configuration management system to do
configuration management, not my distributed file system.  If you
want to do large-scale seamless configuration management, use Puppet,
don't invent a half-assed version of Puppet and embed it in AFS.

*YOUR* configuration management system is Puppet.  Great!  Some of us 
use other products, like say Windows Group Policy.

The OpenAFS for Windows client already does support registry settings 
for nearly everything and I would like to eventually use OpenAFS servers 
on Windows and as such I think that somehow supporting the Windows 
registry should be a key feature of OpenAFS servers on Windows.  This 
allows for easy configuration using Group Policy.  This same level of 
control is simply not available when using a config file of any kind.

I realize few if any people are running servers on Windows today, but 
please keep Windows in mind when developing a config file format.  Using 
a config file is NOT the usual Windows way to manage a service and in 
the few instances where config files exist, there is usually some other 
process that edits them such that the user nevers touches them directly.

Which IMHO would argue that there needs to be exactly ONE command
line argument -- the location of the config file.

No.  This is exactly the behavior that constantly annoys me with
Kerberos where many things have to go into krb5.conf and you have to
duplicate krb5.conf and set an environment variable to get different
behavior.  It's understandable for Kerberos where the configuration is
for an underlying library and there's no clear way to tie into the
command line, but that loss of convenience in AFS where we can easily
do better would be a disservice to our users.

This problem already exists with CellServDB files on Windows (and of 
course the same Krberos config file problems that you mention.)  How do 
I push a change to a specific cell's servers?  Oh thats right, I have to 
modify or replace the existing file, which is a terrible process and can 
end badly.  This would be much easier to deal with if this file format 
was instead represented within the registry where atomic changes can be 
made on a per-value basis and do not require replacing an entire file.

You could argue that simply having a way to include other config files 
within a file (include=/path/to/file) would solve a lot of this and I 
concur with that, although I suspect most people would hate to now 
manage a CellServDB directory instead of a single file.  (But it would 
allow for a greater level of flexibility for those who wished to use 


Here's an example (I realize that the CellServDB file was not the target 
for this discussion, just using it as an example) that may not be easy 
to represent in some of the simpler file formats.  Consider the case of 
linked cells within CellServDB.  I do not think anyone has linked cells 
in the public CellServDB file currently.  Could these be represented in 
all file formats suggested?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS + Active Directory documentation

2009-04-23 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Josh Fiske wrote:

I've been doing alot of research recently...  We have an old (circa
2003) AFS cell and are looking at replacing those aging servers.  For
our new implementation, I hope to (read as:  have received an edict
that we must...) be able to use Active Directory as the
authentication source.  Initially, I began the new server
installation following the Quick Start guide[1], but it still uses
kaserver (krb4) that was right out.

Can anyone point me towards some detailed documentation on the
subject?  If no documentation exists, might someone be able to help
step me through the process?  If the latter, I would be happy to
create detailed (step-by-step) documentation of the setup to share
with the community (perhaps as an update to the Quick Start

Please ask questions in the #openafs IRC channel on freenode.

Basically, you use ktpass.exe to create an afs/celln...@ad.domain (after 
marking the user account DES only within AD) service principal for use 
by AFS and then import this keytab into the AFS KeyFile using asetkey.

Note that this only uses AD for authentication.  You still need to add 
users to PTS for authorization to AFS.

You can try and look at:

Note that I did not write that, but I do use AD.UIUC.EDU for several AFS 
cells.  I also would not have used ktutil when asetkey works just fine.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Best Filesystem

2009-04-12 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Jason C. Wells wrote:

Dirk Heinrichs wrote:

So your server OS is Solaris

No.  My server OS is debian. My client OS are FreeBSD, debian, XP. 
Your assumption that file system suitability is determined purely by

OS is limited.  ZFS appears to ready for prime time on BSD and Linux
or it will be soon enough for me to start thinking about adopting it.

Your assumption is that just because an OS supports a filesystem, that 
OpenAFS will support it for a client cache.  This is not the case. 
Support for ZFS caches on Solaris does NOT mean that ZFS on Linux would 

I'd stick with etx2/ext3 caches on Linux if I were you.

You are welcome to try it out, but I'm fairly certain you'll run into 
strange errors using ZFS on Linux as an afs cache partition.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] adding a repository for yum on centos

2009-04-07 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

David Bear wrote:

Unless, there is a different file I would use to add the repository.
I don't
see that these are rpms themselves and thus cannot be added via

rpm -Uhv http:...

Do these represent configuration added to /etc/yum/repos.d ???

They are in the source code section on the release page, but I suspect 
that is what you want.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] openafs and tivoli backup client

2009-04-02 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Russ Allbery wrote:

Vladimir Konrad writes:

Do you know a way to persuade IBM Tivoli client to do backup of
openafs file-system?

Not any more.  Tivoli dropped support for AFS.  We have old binaries
that we're still using because they've not broken the API (yet), but
I don't think we're allowed to give them out, and they're not really
a long-term solution for anyone anyway.

I'm fairly certain the TSM 5.1 client here has AFS support (as I use it 

AFS file level support only works from the AIX client.  (You can force 
it to install on AIX newer than 5.1, but it isn't easy.  I'd recomend 
installing AIX 5.1, then the AFS tsm client and then upgrade to 
something newer if you need to.)

We have many filesystems defined within TSM (one per volume) on our TSM 
5.2 server and I haven't heard any complaints from the TSM admins about 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] openafs and tivoli backup client

2009-04-02 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Russ Allbery wrote:

Christopher D. Clausen writes:

Russ Allbery wrote:

Not any more.  Tivoli dropped support for AFS.  We have old binaries
that we're still using because they've not broken the API (yet),
but I don't think we're allowed to give them out, and they're not
really a long-term solution for anyone anyway.

I'm fairly certain the TSM 5.1 client here has AFS support (as I use
it now):

Oh, I didn't realize they still had the 5.1 client available.  Yes,
that approach will work for the time being if that comes with the
*.afs binary.

Note, though, that the current version of Tivoli is 5.5, and I'm
fairly sure that later versions no longer include AFS support.  We've
been told by IBM that they do not support it and eventually it will

I too have heard that, but there are still machines on campus using the 
3.x TSM client, so I'm not too worried about 5.1 breaking anytime soon. 
Additionally, I don't think we're planning on upgrading our TSM server 
(5.2) anytime soon either.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] windows list permission confusion

2009-03-25 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Sean O'Malley wrote:

Our users are getting confused with the 'list' permission and the
Windows client. The Windows afs client -will- show 0k files if you
have the list permission, but in the Windows Explorer properties
get/show change permissions box thing, they see that it is set to
read-only box is checked when in fact it is not read only, it is list

Yes, that is what it is supposed to do.  Although I don't think the 
read-only box is actually checked.  Its greyed out.  It does the same 
thing on files on the C: drive.

In contrast, if they go through the afs-smb gateway, samba
doesn't show the file because they don't have read permissions. (it
ignores the list acl.) They either think, the smb-gateways do not
work, or they lost their files so we end up with a phone call.

So the samba gateway is broken, not the AFS client?

Can we have the default be list doesn't show any files in the
Explorer? Or at least not have the checkbox come back and say they
have read-only permissions when in fact they don't. We can
potentially make an override advance preference for advanced users.
(I am sure there are good reasons to make list permissions list
files, however, that is a more advanced topic then some of our users
can handle.)

I consider the current functionality working as desgined and your 
suggested changes as broken.

Should I file this as a bug report? I am not sure if this is by
design, or if it is a legitimate bug because it is setting the
read-only flag for the file.

You should provide the AFS server and client versions though.  I'm 
running OpenAFS_1.5.5711 on Windwos 2003 and have 1.4.2 and 1.4.6 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] encrypted volumes

2009-02-06 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Jason Edgecombe wrote:

Why not just use a truecrypt to mount a file from an AFS volume as an
encrypted volume?

I've found that mounting anything (even ISOs on loopback) out of AFS 
causes serious system hangs and/or crashes.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] some afs clients are unreachable afs servers from time to time.

2009-01-18 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Derrick Brashear wrote:

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 8:59 PM, TIARA System Man wrote:

thank you..  : ) but, i have further questions. if you could tell me
more, it will be appreciated.

there should be the reason afs programmers let server restart at
sunday 4am by default. if i turn it off, will server become more
unstable? i found previous threads at

That is from 2001, which was over 7 years ago and a different openafs 
version.  The 1.4.x series seems to have much better stability than the 
1.2.x and older versions (the mentioned 3.4a version is from 
Transarc/IBM and predates openafs.)

do you suggest to turn off auto restart? thanks..

someone else should answer. i leave it on. in 1.4.8 rx doesn't leak
like it did in prior versions so even the people who might have needed
to before probably don't now.

I have it turned off and have not had problems:

% bos getrestart localhost
Server localhost restarts never
Server localhost restarts for new binaries never
% uptime
up 611 days

This is with openafs 1.4.2 and stability likely improved in newer 
openafs versions.


At a minimum though, you should set each of your different AFS servers 
to restart at a different time.  You do not want them all to restart at 
once and have your cell go down.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.5.56 and Vista Home Premium 64bit SP1

2009-01-13 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
According to the subject, you are on 64-bit Vista and the below refers 
to the 32 bit installer, which is likely the problem.


mbn wrote:

OK thanks a lot.

I had to use 7-zip to extract the contents because the cmd line you
sent keep giving me errors.

Jeffrey Altman-2 wrote:

You can extract the binaries without installing them with the

  msiexec /a openafs-en_US-1-5-55.msi 

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Problem with OpenAFS on Vista x86

2009-01-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Paul Accisano wrote:

Jeffrey Altman wrote:

Paul Accisano wrote:

Finally, here's an extremely telling bit of information: not only
do I lose access to \\afs when I connect to VPN, but I also lose
access to all other comptuers on my network except the only other
one that's running Vista.  What's more, I don't regain access even
when I disconnect from VPN!  Rebooting seems to be the only cure
after I've connected to VPN once.  Unfortunately, this suggests to
me that it's some kind of Vista  VPN conflict, which means
I'm getting outside of your area of expertise here...  Any ideas?

Reconfigure the Cisco VPN entry for NJIT to permit access to the
local area network.

 No change.  I was pretty excited when I saw that check box in the VPN
settings, but it doesn't seem to have any effect; I checked it,
rebooted, VPN'ed, and the same thing happened.  All my non-Vista
computers vanish, along with \\afs, and don't come back until I

What version of the Cisco VPN client are you using?

What happens if you wait and start the OpenAFS client service after you 
are connected to the VPN?  (Leave the OpenAFS service in the manual 
state instead of automatic and then start it after you are connected 
to the VPN.)


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Weird conflict between openafs kernel module and nvidia driver on Ubuntu

2008-11-07 Thread Christopher D. Clausen

Karl M. Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As part of my standard setup, I've been editing /etc/openafs/afs.conf:

OPTIONS=-chunksize 20 -memcache -blocks 65536

Is that not legit?  Can't recall where I was told to do that, but I'm
guessing it was likely someone in the IRC channel.

It was probably me that suggested that.  I run several machines that 
way.  Does it not work for you?

How much RAM do you have on this machine though?  The -blocks 65536 
requires 64MB of memory (possibly a continuous chunk.)

Or, switch to the on-disk cache and see if the problem goes away.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Fileserver doesn't recognise host-principals

2008-09-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Douglas E. Engert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Frank Burkhardt wrote:

 I've got a strange problem here. Some of my AFS-client-machines must
 put some stuff into AFS on a regular basis. Since all of them have
 a host/...-Keytab, I wanted to use it as AFS-identity:
 However, when I try to create a file in AFS, I'm recognised as
 anonymous: [EMAIL PROTECTED] # cd /afs/;rm -f xxx
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] # touch xxx
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] # ls -la xxx
  -rw-r--r-- 1 anonymous root 0 Aug 26 16:25 xxx

 ls -l uses the host's mapping of UID to names.

 So was the file written with the anonymous UID?
 ls -ln  should show the UID.
 What mappings are /etc/passwd, NIS or LDAP?

Doesn't fs examine on a specific file show the actual PTS owner?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS in a static kernel build

2008-08-31 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone built OpenAFS statically into a Linux kernel with a recent
 code base?

Someone posted code in RT for openafs 1.4.4 that does this for web 
hosting places that do not allow kernel modules but will allow customers 
to provide a kernel binary or something like that:

Is that what you are talking about?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS/Kerberos Windows client

2008-08-23 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Karen L Eldredge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not real familiar with Windows, because I mostly work on AIX or
 Linux. AIX and Linux have the tool k5start that can be used to run
 scheduled (cron) jobs by accessing the principal's password via a
 keytab file.  Is there something similar for Windows?

I use the at command to create scheduled tasks that run as the local 
SYSTEM user.  These tasks automatically have access to the SYSTEM host 
principal ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) in the MSLSA cache for machines joined 
to Active Directory.  You can then just have your script run aklog to 
obtain tokens (provided you create a PTS entry for the SYSTEM user.) 
Windows will auto-renew the tickets so you'd just need to periodically 
obtain new tokens.  I don't have jobs that run long enough to need to 
renew tokens.

If you want to run a job as a particular user, the same thing applies, 
only you have to actually enter the user's password to create the job. 
The user's Kerberos credentials are accessible in the same way.

In theory you could write a short script that does the same thing as 
k5start but I'm not sure what it will gain you.  The hard part of 
renewing tickets / tokens is handled by Windows if you are using Active 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Win2K AFS server, mirror data+config to RHEL4.5 new Server?

2008-08-18 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jeffrey Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 avison48 wrote:
 Our KDC is a Windows server managed by someone else who wants to
 upgrade it, which will probably break krb to the Win2K AFS server.

 Why do you believe this to be true?

An upgrade of Active Directory from Windows 2000 to Windows 2003 
increments all kvnos and WILL break all non-Windows machines that have 
had keytabs extracted for them.  Yes, this did happen to me when campus 
upgraded AD.

You can of course re-extract the keytabs and fix everything, but it is a 
real annoyance.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] windows download links broken

2008-07-30 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
I think he meant:

The installers are all located at

The path without the .org did not work for me.


Jeffrey Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The windows.html has been fixed.
 The 1.5.51 release page was not broken
 Fixing the download URL would have been obvious if you had looked at

 The installers are all located at

 David Bear wrote:
 It seems the download links to both the msi and exe installers are
 broken on

 At least, for me..

 Anyone else able to download the windows client?

 Can I grab it directly from an afs path? /afs/openafs.or/???

 David Bear
 College of Public Programs at ASU

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] when openafs becomes a windows IFS

2008-07-22 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jeffrey Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A symlink is not an object that Windows knows how to describe.
 It is reported to Windows as a directory if it points to a
 directory and as a file if it points to a file.  The behavior you
 are seeing is the behavior that Windows provides when you delete
 a directory.  It deletes all of the files under the directory
 and then the directory.

 To remove a symlink, use

   right click for the context menu
   select AFS
   Select Symlink
   Select Remove

There is also a symlink.exe command line binary.


Would using mount points instead of symlinks to directories help with 
this problem?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] inode to namei process

2008-07-01 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
anne salemme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if the goal is to make a copy of a quiescent RW volume, you could do a
 'vos dump' of the .backup volume, piped to a 'vos restore'.

 as in 'vos dump volume.whatever.backup'  |  'vos restore
 using appropriate arguments.

 if the goal is to make a volume unavailable for a short time, you
 would need to do something else.

How is that different from vos copy ?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Solaris 10 crashing - BAD TRAP ... NULL pointer dereference

2008-06-13 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jeff Blaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're having this exact same problem that was never replied
 to publicly in 2006:
 OpenAFS 1.4.7 (and older revs too) with libafs64.o under
 Solaris 10 (old version and also fully patched modern version).

 BAD TRAP: type=31 rp=2a101c9ee30 addr=4 mmu_fsr=0 occurred in module
 afs due to a NULL pointer dereference

Did you file a bug through the openafs-bugs email address to RT?

Same questions as before apply.  Are you using the NFS translator?  And 
if not, why aren't you using the nonfs module?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Re: [OpenAFS-devel] Compiling source in Debian (Ubuntu)

2008-06-07 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Vishal Powar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am having some trouble in compiling the sources of (1.4.7) on
 ubuntu. I have an existing cell made up of two machines. One acting as
 the KDC,dbserver 'kerbserver' and other as a fileserver 'server1', I
 have installed this according to the document 'Setting up a Debian
 OpenAFS Server'. The debian paths are different than the traditional
 afs paths, as shown in the two columns below, the first column is the
 traditional path and the second column is the debian path.

  /usr/afs/local  /var/lib/openafs/local
  /usr/afs/db /var/lib/openafs/db
  /usr/afs/logs   /var/log/openafs
  /usr/vice/etc   /etc/openafs

 I have downloaded the source from the openAFS site and compiled it on
 './configure  --enable-transarc-paths
 --with-krb5-conf=/usr/bin/krb5-config   makemake dest'

 As I understand there is backward compatibility with the previous
 version and should run perfectly fine if I do the following

 1) /etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver stop

 2) Replace the binaries in /usr/lib/openafs

 bos install (host) fileserver
 bos install (host) volserver
 bos install (host) salvager

 4) /etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver start

 Now here is the problem, the compiled binaries do not follow the
 debian file paths and work with the traditional paths. So the above
 mentioned steps fail.

 My question, what do I pass to the ./configure to get the binaries
 work with debian filepaths?
 './configure --help'  did not help me, is there something else that I
 need to do\think? anybody faced similar problem and found a working

This isn't a development question.  It should be sent to openafs-info in 
the future.


Set your apt.sources list to deb-src to Debian unstable.  apt-get 
update; apt-get source openafs-fileserver; cd openafs*; 
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

The Debian packages require actual source code patches to get the proper 
paths set for Debian.  Just downloading the raw source from 
will not get you what you want.

I can help with further questions on #openafs on the Freenode IRC 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS 1.5

2008-06-02 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On May 26, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
 . . .  Plus, a stable demand-attach is a good milestone for
 releasing 1.5 . . .
 That said, do we have a milestone list for 1.5 becoming 1.6?

 At this point, I'm fairly sure that the only major thing that's left
 is testing and fixing the resulting bugs, although Derrick is the
 best person to give a canonical answer.

I was under the impression that the object storage stuff was going to be 
added to 1.5.x as well?  Am I hoping for too much?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] kerberos 5 and afs server

2008-06-02 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008 May 22, at 7:31, Lara Lloret Iglesias wrote:
 I installed a kerberos server in both machines, but maybe I just
 have to install it in one of the machines and copy somehow the
 configuration to the other servers...I don't know what do I have to
 do actually. Each server on the cell needs its own kerberos server?
 If not how do I do it?

 You only need one Kerberos server, as long as it's named like the cell
 (but uppercase) and there is a krb5.conf  or SRV records for it then
 AFS will find it.

Each AFS server needs the same copy of the KeyFile.  I suspect that you 
re-extracted a new KeyFile on a new server and broke the existing one. 
But perhaps not.

If you can join #openafs on the Freenode IRC network various smart 
people can figure out what is going on and help you fix things or answer 
further questions.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] vos listaddr problem?

2008-05-28 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Lars Schimmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 While trying to get the script to run I found a glitch with
 vos listaddr.

 As done via help from the #openafs chat I managed to get my cell back
 to run with vos syncvldb (all fileservers)  after a IP change of the

 Now a vos listaddr shows:

I get:

C:\vos listaddrs  -cell

 But a vos listvldb shows two filserver more (oberon.cgv.tugraz and
 Even a vos exa user.schimmer tells the two fileservers are active
 (and I can access the volumes on those two fileservers).
 And I can do vos syncvldb and a vos listaddr shows
 nothing of that fileserver afterwards.

 Did I miss something?

One of those fileservers isn't accessible on the live internet, right? 
I wonder if that has something to do with it.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Getting Tickets but not Tokens

2008-05-10 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jason C. Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am able to get an krb5 ticket for afs, but for some strange reason
 aklog won't get a token for me.

 I use heimdal on FreeBSD 6.3 and openafs 1.2.8 on Redhat 8. I am not
 running a kaserver.

 From the command line:

 Password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]]$ aklog -d
 Authenticating to cell (server
 We've deduced that we need to authenticate to realm
 afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Kerberos error code 
 returned by get_cred: -1765328228
 aklog: Couldn't get AFS tickets:
 aklog: Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm while getting AFS

The error indicates a Kerberos problem, not an AFS problem.

Where did you get aklog from?  openafs 1.2.8 does not have an aklog 
binary and I suspect your aklog is trying to contact a krb524d process 
on the KDC (runs on port  udp) and is probably failing thus 
rendering you unable to obtain tokens.

Either upgrade to a newer openafs version or obtain an aklog that has 
native Kerberos 5 support and does not need a krb524d service running. 
(You could also enable krb524d on the KDC, but I would not suggest 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Newbie Question

2008-05-02 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Gary Bowling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, after being side tracked by real work for an hour or so I'm back
 to looking at this. Here are some answers to a few of the responses.

 Lars - Thanks, I had no idea DNS needed anything. I have everything in
 /etc/hosts right now. Will that work or do I need DNS entries? Time is
 sync'd already.

I don't think DNS is an issue at this point, although it might be.

vos listaddrs -nore output would be handy to see.

 Sergio - No real reason to downgrade to single-des, I wasn't even
 thinking as that set up was just copied from some place I found... If
 I get it all working I'll go back and change that to 3des. As for
 -dynroot, I do not have that on the client, the only client option is

 Christopher - Thanks for that, at least I can stop looking at those
 log entries :) Here is the output of vos listvldb -noauth
 VLDB entries for all servers

RWrite: 536870912
number of sites - 1
   server partition /vicepa RW Site

 Total entries: 1

vos create root.cell wait a few minutes, restart your AFS client, and 
then try the fs sa command again.  Just in case -dynroot is on this will 
allow you to at least see something in /afs assuming you can get tokens 
with aklog.

The other question is if afsd is even loading properly.  Any dmesg 
output when afsd starts?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Newbie Question

2008-05-02 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Gary Bowling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 klog admin
 Unable to authenticate to AFS because Authentication Server was

I'm pretty sure you aren't using kaserver and as such klog won't work 
(without a ka-forwarder or aother such service running.)  You want to 
use aklog and aklog -d output may be useful to debug, although I don't 
think that you are seeing problems with your tokens not working.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Speed difference between OpenAFS 1.4.x on Debian and CentOS

2008-04-08 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jeffrey Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 MichaÅ, Droździewicz wrote:
 Is AFS_CRYPT really that needed that debian is turning this _ON_ by

 One of the benefits that AFS provides over other file systems
 is privacy.  For that you need crypt to be on.

 The Windows client defaults to use of encrypted sessions as well.

I think the better question is why CentOS has it _OFF_ by default. 
Packages should fail safe by being in the safest operating mode by 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Speed difference between OpenAFS 1.4.x on Debian and CentOS

2008-04-08 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jeffrey Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christopher D. Clausen wrote:
 I think the better question is why CentOS has it _OFF_ by default.
 Packages should fail safe by being in the safest operating mode by

 Agreed but then you get the folks who install AFS and perform
 some tests and say NFS is 20 times faster, AFS sucks.

Anyone performing such tests should know about and be able to issue a fs 
setcrypt off command before running benchmarks.  What if OpenSSH left 
encryption turned off by default so people could benchmark it against 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Speed difference between OpenAFS 1.4.x on Debian and CentOS

2008-04-08 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Wesley Chow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does turning crypt off mean data in transit can be read *and*
 tampered with? Or read, but still safe from tampering?

 Also, does this imply that a server participating in the public
 directory is trusting that all clients are using encryption to connect
 to it? Is there a way for a server to force encryption on any clients
 accessing its volumes?

Encryption in OpenAFS is a per-client command and only operates when one 
is using tickets.  IP based ACLs and system:anyuser anonymous access 
cannot be encrypted.

There is not currently a way to enforce encryption from the server-side.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] best practice for salvage

2008-04-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED],Robert
 Banz write s:
 What makes you think running salvage is a good thing? I had gotten to
 the point where I would avoid running it like the plague -- using

 running salvage once in a while is a good way to clean up .__afs

Would a find command execing rm do the same thing?  Or does the salvager 
actually need to be run for a correct cleanup?

Also, is it not possible to have a volume salvaged during a vos move? 
(I realize this may not happen in the code now, just if such a thing is 
indeed possible.)


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] kstart for windows ?

2008-04-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Hans Melgers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was wondering if there are ways to make a windows machine get tokens
 automatically, similar to Russ's kstart utility for *nix?  Or am i
 missing a cool feature in MIT KfW ?
 I need it for a win server to sync some files to afs every night.
 Anybody here who has done this before ?

Is the machine joined to a Windows domain?

Is the job running as a domain user or the local SYSTEM account?

If so, running ms2mit.exe and then aklog.exe should just work.  You 
would of course then need to add the appropriate PTS entry for the 
system COMPUTERNAME$ or so to PTS.  I have some winscp jobs I run this 
way with Kerberos credentials for authentication.  Should work just as 
well for direct AFS access, although going through another machine using 
SSH is always an option.

A keytab will work as well.

You probably want to remember to unlog and kdestroy when the job is done 
though, or the machine itself may be able to continue to write into AFS 
and that could be bad.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] will OpenAFS serve my needs?

2008-03-30 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
F. Even [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 F. Even [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   So...I guess another question then (that everyone probably dreads
  as  it's usually meaningless to real support of a product, but it
  gives  companies warm and fuzzies).  Are there any commercial
  products still  out there supporting OpenAFS?

  Yes -- one example that comes to mind is Teradactyl's backup system. bring up another interesting point.  We use TSM for backups.
 Can the AFS exports be read as normal filesystems and be backed up

Exports is a NFS term.  One would not backup the data through the 
/vicepXX partitions on the fileservers like one can with NFS.  You would 
want to use an AFS client which should work just fine, provided you 
understand circular mount points and how afs can link to foreign cells 
and such.  And your backup software obviously needs an ACL to read the 

 to TSM...or would this data have to be flushed to a normal filesystem
 (using up additional space) to make available to TSM for backup

Some sites actually still use a TSM client for native AFS backups.  The 
older TSM 5.1r17 or 5.1r18 client still supports AFS buta file level 
backups.  Although you have to run the TSM backups from an AIX client 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] will OpenAFS serve my needs?

2008-03-30 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
F. Even [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Christopher D. Clausen
  Some sites actually still use a TSM client for native AFS backups.
  The older TSM 5.1r17 or 5.1r18 client still supports AFS buta
  file level backups.  Although you have to run the TSM backups from
  an AIX client machine.

 That shouldn't be an issue.  As of right now all the servers in the
 environment are AIX which are clients to AIX TSM servers.  But
 yes...some method of reliable and replicatable backup is necessary.
 Business continuity/disaster recovery needs to be a consideration

You might want to read this thread:

Some sites are using AFS backup volumes (BK) for the case when a user 
deletes a file.  These volumes are a Copy-on-Write snapshot of a volume 
at a certain point in time (usually run at night.)  End-users can 
directly access backup volumes and can generally copy the files out 
themselves to restore accidentally deleted files.  There is only one 
backup replica per volume though.

There are other methods of doing DR / BC instead of restoring from 
backups.  There are ways to create volume replicas or copies and simply 
point clients at a different server if something catches on fire and 
burns to the ground.

In backup industry jargon, what are your Recovery Time Objective (RTO) 
and Recovery Point Objective (RPO)?

Of course, a more traditional backup method for restoring files that are 
no longer in the backup volume are probably wise.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS and SELinux?

2008-03-30 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jason Edgecombe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joshua Hutchins wrote:
 Harald Barth wrote:
 I'm concerned that a hacked mail server could lead to compromise of
 the server key, which would then compromise the entire cluster.

 I know that there are folks out there which deliver email into AFS
 and not all of you do it by distributing the server key to the email
 server, don't you? So how do you do it?

I was doing this by having seperate mail.user volumes with an ACL 
allowing the mail server itself (not an IP ACL, a keytab used by k5start 
was created) to create, insert, lookup, etc. in specific directories as 
required by the mail server.  The seperate volume was needed to NOT 
grant users a to prevent someone who knows what they were doing from 
mounting another user's mail volume under their own and reading the 
contents.  It was also done to mount these volumes at a specific 
location and have the mail server chroot there.  This also required 
disabling exec-ings commands with procmail and .forward files and other 
precautions to prevent access to other user's data.  It also required 
using the maildir format, as MBOX files don't work so well in AFS.

The IMAP server I was using (dovecot) supported PAM and one could 
actually have it obtain tokens on behalf of the user in order to read / 
delete email.

This worked for me but it was slow and I do not have a lot of email. 
This setup has also been taken down as there were very few people who 
cared about it.

 I would highly recommend splitting the mail server from the file
 server. Use Xen/VMware or something else to make two virtuals if you
 don't have a spare box.

 selinux works fine with OpenAFS clients, but I haven't run it on
 servers before.

I too would recomend NOT running the email server on an AFS fileserver 
directly.  (Or nearly any other service, with the possible exceptions of 
a KDC or an AFS backup process.)


OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] vos syncserv and vos syncvldb

2008-03-23 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
I was trying to help someone on #openafs yesterday with a hosed vldb due 
to an AFS server being initial setup on localhost.  Once we determined 
that was indeed the problem (which was not easy in and of itself) and 
corrected, attempts were made to fix the vldb by using vos syncvldb and 
vos syncserv.  However, these did not seem to help and I had the user in 
question simply shutdown their AFS servers and manually delete the 
vldb.DB0 and vldb.DBSYS1.  This worked, but I suspect this is not the 
correct way to solve the problem.

Can someone provide the correct steps to make an incorrect (say 
localhost) entry disappear from the vldb and vos listaddrs or at least 
say in what situations vos syncserv and vos syncvldb should be used?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] vos syncserv and vos syncvldb

2008-03-23 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Steven Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Christopher D. Clausen
 I was trying to help someone on #openafs yesterday with a hosed vldb
  due to an AFS server being initial setup on localhost.  Once we
  determined that was indeed the problem (which was not easy in and
  of itself) and corrected, attempts were made to fix the vldb by
  using vos syncvldb and vos syncserv.  However, these did not seem
  to help and I had the user in question simply shutdown their AFS
  servers and manually delete the vldb.DB0 and vldb.DBSYS1.  This
  worked, but I suspect this is not the correct way to solve the

  Can someone provide the correct steps to make an incorrect (say
  localhost) entry disappear from the vldb and vos listaddrs or at
  least say in what situations vos syncserv and vos syncvldb should
 be used?


 - vos listaddr -noresolve (to make sure 'bad-addr' is indeed

It was indeed bad and we did that, after fixing /etc/hosts to make 
localhost appear instead of the machine name in there.

 - vos changeaddr bad-addr new-addr'

Was doing vos changeaddr -remove which gave: Could not remove 
server localhost from the VLDB  I guess that was not the correct thing 
to do.  Now I know.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Public Cell as Sandbox

2008-03-22 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Fred Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new to AFS and just wanted to try using the client without
 having to setup a full cell. Is there any public cell out there where
 I can get some type of Guest account just to try it out on? Thanks

You can get a cheap account at
They run an AFS that you will get access to as a member.

Most production cells have network policies that prevent random people 
from getting accounts.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] New to OpenAFS

2008-03-20 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
billbaird3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm new to OpenAFS and was hoping if the community could help me
 determine if it would be a good fit for my company. We are approx 150
 people, with 50 home users and the rest in small offices of about
 10-15 people. I would like to have a main file server that everyone
 can access, but also departmental servers in offices that would allow
 people to save files quickly (without going over the WAN).

What operating system are these users running?  If you are running 
nearly all Microsoft Windows machine, you probably want to at least look 
at Microsoft's Distributed FileSystem (Dfs.)  It allows for multi-master 
read-write replicas and a user-defined site topology to optimize 
replication and allowing clients to find the closest replica.  Be aware 
that Dfs is not encrypted and is not a true WAN filesystem.  Microsoft 
recomends using IPsec to secure connections.  There is also no caching 
by default (one would need to setup Offline Folders functionality to 
cache files locally on the computer.)

While AFS is very useful in heterogeneous environments, there may be a 
better choice if only a single operating system is in use.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] perpetual Connection timed out

2008-03-19 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Wesley Chow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mike Garrison wrote:

 On Mar 19, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Wesley Chow wrote:

 On a few of our clients (running 1.4.1), we sometimes get
 Connection timed out with a single volume. Other volumes on the
 same server are

 1.4.1 is almost 2 years old. Have you tried upgrading? 1.4.6 is

 Yep, I'll do that. I was just hoping there was a bos restart-like
 command for clients that I could use in the meantime. It's not a
 common problem anyway, so I'll just upgrade.

fs checks; fs checkv


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] groups in groups, ptsviewers etc...

2008-03-18 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Anders Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Marcus Watts wrote:
 Also, for people to be able to see what's in the protection
 database, they must obviously be members
 of the (undocumented?) ptsviewers group. Is it safe just to add all
 people to this group or are there other
 implications of doing so?

 Depends on if you ever want private groups or not.

 If you want everybody in your cell to be able to see group
 membership by default, you're probably better off running ptserver
 this way: /usr/afs/bin/ptserver -p 16 -default SOM-- SOM--
 probably you will need to remake your ptserver instances in bos to
 do this.
 As a follow-up to this question, is there a way to allow users to list
 the pts entries in some way?

Being in system:ptsviewers doesn't help here, as you have probably 
figured out.  You could use something like remctl to allow others to run 
it via delegated access.  Or make modifications to the source code.

 % pts listentries -groups seems to require that the user belongs to

I don't think you realize just how many groups there are in some cells. 
Enumerating all of them is not useful in many cases.

Most users are probably fine just checking on their own group membership 
and using these groups to allow access to files.  pts mem username 
will list the groups that a user is in.  And pts listowned username 
will list the groups that a particular users owns.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] groups in groups, ptsviewers etc...

2008-03-18 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Anders Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I am thinking on is letting people give access to groups that
 they are not member of.
 For example to let a teacher give and take rights for courses he
 gives; we have about 20k
 of (auto-generated) student groups so it's good to be able to list
 them to find the right group :-)

I would make the teacher the owner of this group in that case and then 
pts listowned would show it.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Rodney M. Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So the only variable we have left is
 %username%.  How am I supposed to setup folder redirection?
 I can't use:

 That won't work since the parent folders are different for every user.

I have not tested this (all my user directories are out of a single 
folder) but can one use the documented set command envirnoment variable 
display options (set /?) to obtain the first (second, third, etc.) 
letter of a username?

C:\echo %USERNAME%

C:\echo %USERNAME:~0,1%

C:\echo %USERNAME:~1,1%

Christopher D. Clausen

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Stephen Joyce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 10 Feb 2008, Rodney M. Dyer wrote:
 2.  A users profile has a folder under it called Local Settings. 
 THIS FOLDER DOES NOT ROAM.  This folder only exists during your
 session on the local machine.  When you logout, the data in that
 folder is considered temporary for your session.  Microsoft in
 further grand wisdom decided to store valuable information in that
 folder that you really need to carry around with you with the
 profile, but this data is excluded by default. Notable application
 data includes: Microsoft Outlook email settings and PST files, etc..
 Microsoft IE history, etc..
 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET option settings,etc.

 This is a very good reason to recommend Firefox and Thunderbird. The
 most annoying thing for my users was that the desktop picture is a
 Local Setting that doesn't roam. Clever logout and login scripts
 took care of this though.

Last time I checked, attempting to use an Outlook PST file from ANY 
network file system was considered unsafe, which is probably why it 
defaults to a local folder.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] can someone point me in the right direction on cleaning up RO volumes?

2007-12-19 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Kim Kimball [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While it's true that putting an RO on the same server and partition
 as the RW will save some disk space, it doesn't protect against
 failure of the RW storage device (LUN, drive, whatever.)

 I therefore put some critical ROs on separate LUNs on the RW server.

I thought was point was to save some time during the vos release process 
and as such the RO clones MUST be on the same partition as the RW in 
order for this copy on write benefit to work correctly.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] restart times

2007-12-18 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That said, I think the advice to restart the file servers weekly is
 pretty thoroughly obsolete.  We've not done that at Stanford since at
 least 1995, and I think longer.

Does the default installation still setup an automatic weekly restart at 
4:00a on Sunday?  If so, perhaps that could be changed?

I have not done periodic restarts either, other then on a normal patch 
cycle for the server OS.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Puzzler: lack of access to AFS files

2007-12-12 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Rodney M. Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 05:26 PM 12/12/2007, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
 I disagree.  We need more resources for testing a broader range of
 scenarios than we currently have available.  The performance
 improvements must be implemented or you absolutely should go find
 something else to use.

 If we can't get to the point where operations are as fast or faster
 than NFS or CIFS and if we can't support all of the application
 operations they support and if we can't scale to the number of
 clients per server and requests per second that they can scale to,
 you might as well go find something new.

 I understand this, however you need to realize where I'm coming from.
 We support professors who have research projects that run into the
 millions of dollars.

Perhaps some of these millions of dollars from these research projects 
can go into testing to provide a better AFS client that is both fast 
AND reliable.

 Many times these people don't know anything
 about where their data files are being saved when they choose
 File-Save from an application.  They expect it to work.  We need
 to be in a position to provide the works part.

Are you currently paying to cover any of the development costs for AFS? 
Do you have a support contract with any company specifically for AFS 

 If they save a
 valuable data file from an application one day, then return the next
 and the application won't load it because of some random network
 change updated a few bytes here or there when the file was saved,
 what do we tell them?  Oh btw, maybe you should keep a local copy on
 your USB keychain unless the AFS network fails?  Most professors
 don't spend the extra time to run checksums on their files after the
 save.  This kind of thing doesn't cut it.  I'm the type of
 professional sysadmin who's willing to give up 10 percent of my
 speed for guaranteed delivery.  I'm not some young post high school
 geek who's got a job running a smallish home network and constantly

Some of us ARE young post high-school geeks who have jobs running 
smallish networks.  I thought a benefit of AFS is scalability?  What is 
wrong with scaling down?  Remember that some of us young post 
high-school geeks grow up to have jobs as professional sysadmins.

 boasts product x is faster than product y, and that's just uber cool
 because product y sux'ors!

I find that now is an appropriate time to post this link:

But seriously, if AFS is at the point where non-professional geeks look 
at it and say AFS rules! then something has been done right.  Right 
now people just look at it and say its not that bad and then go on and 
look at other cool alternatives.

Many would-be AFS admins stop by and ask questions in the #openafs IRC 
channel.  Most of them go something like this:
* newuser1 has joined the channel
newuser1: Hi!  I heard that AFS can do replication.
afsadmin1: yes, but only for read-only data
afsadmin2: if you want real-time replication, you probably need to look 
at something else.
newuser1: oh? really? Too bad.
* newuser1 has left the channel

The other conversations involve those already using AFS and post 
high-school geeks who DO want to setup something cool.  The AFS 
community isn't going to grow if these people are insulted and 
discouraged from testing various new and cool technologies.

 I am happy with the speed improvements, and I hope we can continue to
 use AFS.  However I need to be able to look at people with a straight
 face when they ask about how well AFS works.

  Speed?  Check
  Scale?  Check
  Functionality?  Check
  Reliablity?  hrm...

I know this is isn't a useful data point, but to my knowledge, none of 
the AFS servers that I maintain have lost important data due to a fault 
in AFS.  Yes, some test data was lost, but that is exactly why a 
professional sysadmin runs tests in the first place.  Have you 
actually lost data?  Or are you just concerned about truthful warnings 
posted by the developers?  (Of course I realize that there is always the 
possibility that data is corrupted and one doesn't know yet.  Volunteer 
and help test new builds to help reduce these posibilities or fund 

I will also point out that a salesperson for a commmercial company isn't 
as likely to tell you that his/her company's product will not work in 
your situation.  The AFS community IS more likely to tell you the 
reality of the situation.  AFS is not better than filesystem y, at least 
not yet.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] aix 5.3 crash becasue of afs client 1.4.4

2007-12-10 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
sajid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 we are running afs client 1.4.4 on aix 5.3. and its doing core dump
 and reboot the machine sometime. afs server 1.4.5 is running on Red
 Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 5).
 im getting the following error on the aix server

Did you compile the client yourself from source?  Or are you using the 
provided binaries?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Problem for file system navigation in a backup volume tree

2007-12-06 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jason Edgecombe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeffrey Altman wrote:
 And I just added equivalent functionality to the Windows client.  If
 you want to test it, let me know.

 Should -backuptree be the default? What might that break? I'm
 thinking that -backuptree would be the behavior a user expect's when
 they use their ~/BACKUP folder in a traditional AFS config.

No, it should NOT be the default.  Bad idea.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Deletion of clones source volumes takes a while with vos move

2007-11-30 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jeffrey Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christopher D. Clausen wrote:

 Apply the no-fsync patch

 There is no patch to apply.  Just update to 1.4.5.

Hmm...  Jason's previous email seemed to indicate that he was already 
running 1.4.5.

I guess we need to know how many files are in the volume and how long 
the clone actually takes.  B/c things should get considerably faster 
with the included no-fsync patch in 1.4.5.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] E212: Can't open file for writing

2007-11-16 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Ron Croonenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christopher D. Clausen wrote:
 Ron Croonenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Uhm...  I noticed that after a while (an hour or so)that problem
 fixed itself ? It looks like I copied the files there and it took
 a long while before it was actually there (even though sftp said it
 transferred the files)?

 Writes go to your AFS cache first, and then to the fileserver.  You
 could see a large hang at the end of a transfer as the data is
 flushed out of the local cache and actually written to the AFS

 Especially with large files  ?

Probably, yes.  Larger files will take longer to write on the fileserver 
side.  I've found that using a smaller cache size and using -memcache 
allows the cache to be flushed periodically and lessen these hangs on 
file close.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] E212: Can't open file for writing

2007-11-15 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Ron Croonenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Uhm...  I noticed that after a while (an hour or so)that problem
 fixed itself ? It looks like I copied the files there and it took a
 long while before it was actually there (even though sftp said it
 transferred the files)?

Writes go to your AFS cache first, and then to the fileserver.  You 
could see a large hang at the end of a transfer as the data is flushed 
out of the local cache and actually written to the AFS fileserver.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Kerberos5 and afs

2007-11-15 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Steve Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does the order of the enctypes listed in the kdc affect this?
 This is my current kdc.conf entry:
 supported_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-crc:normal
 des-cbc-crc:v4 des-cbc-crc:afs3
 I'm not sure how to manipulate the kvno on the AD

I currently have the following on a KDC with an AD domain trust:
supported_enctypes = aes256-cts:normal aes128-cts:normal rc4-hmac:normal 
des3-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-crc:normal

I suspect that you may want at least the rc4-hmac:normal in that list, 
as that is one of the enc_types that AD supports.

I remember that I had no luck getting the trust to work when using 
specific enc_types in the -e option to ktadd.  Completely omiting the 
-e seemed to work though.  This could be something odd in my 
environment though.

For instance, my cross-realm TGT has AES enc_types that are not actually 
supported by Windows:

kadmin.local:  getprinc krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Principal: krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key: vno 1, Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1, no salt
Key: vno 1, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, no salt
Key: vno 1, AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC, no salt
Key: vno 1, AES-128 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC, no salt
Key: vno 1, ArcFour with HMAC/md5, no salt

You can turn on RC4 for the realm trust using ktpass.exe.

If you join #kerberos on Freenode IRC there are smart people in the 
channel who can help you with this.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Kerberos5 and afs

2007-11-15 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Steve Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Forgive the slightly off topic post but I think it applies here as
 well on the kerberos list
 Several years ago we moved to MIT kerberos 5. At the time I set the
 master key in the  kdc.conf  to:
 master_key_type = des-cbc-crc
 I did this to allow transfer of principals from our old kaserver to
 the new kdc.
 Now we are trying to get Windows 2003 AD to auth against our Kerberos
 server and it seems that it will not work with our kdc as it is
 configured. My question is am I screwed here or just missing
 something easy?  I have tried multiple allowed enctypes and still no
 luck. If I build a kdc without specifying a master key it seems to 
 Have any others done this same thing?

Can you be more specific with what you are attempting?  Windows AD can
trust an MIT realm.  (I have multiple MIT realms trusting AD.UIUC.EDU,
one using a des3 master key type and one using des as above.)  As far as
I can tell, the master key type should not actually matter.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Best practice: inode or namei fileserver?

2007-11-13 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jason Edgecombe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We are currently running inode-based fileservers on solaris 9.

 Does the namei filesystem play nice with logging filesystems?

It seems to.

 Going forward, which format is recommended, inode or namei?

I migrated some Solaris systems to namei simply to use ZFS as there is 
no inode support for ZFS currently.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] trouble running programs out of AFS after imaging

2007-11-12 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Dean Knape [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christopher D. Clausen wrote:
 What application?

 Could you copy the application in question to local disk?  (E.g. did
 you actually have read access to it?)

 For testing and example, I've installed perl and and SSH client in
 Start - Run - \\afs\uis\platform\local\platform\Perl\bin\perl.exe
 Both fail with error described above.

 Logs and detailed description sent to openafs-bugs.

What are the ACLs on the files?

F:\fs la \\AFS\\system\sys\local\util\network\\
Access list for 
\\AFS\\system\sys\local\util\network\\ is
Normal rights:
  winadmin rlidwk
  acm.admin rlidwka
  acm.users rlk
  system:administrators rlidwka
  system:anyuser rlk

F:\fs -version

I can run 
just fine.

\\AFS\\system\sys\local\util\Perl\bin\perl.exe -V seems to 
work from start - run as well.

Try using the above paths yourself.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] trouble running programs out of AFS after imaging

2007-11-12 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Dean Knape [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeffrey Altman wrote:
 Something to note.  You are attempting to run a 32-bit exe from
 64-bit Server 2003.  I wonder if that is a variable.

 I was thinking same but everything runs fine on my base image.  It's
 only after a sysprep that
 things fall apart.

Hmm...  Did you completely DELETE the %TEMP%\AFSCache file before 
cloning the system?  This is specifically mentioned in the release notes 
and weird things happen if you have multiple systems based off of the 
same image.  The AFS uuid is stored in the cache file and multiple 
machines can look like the same client if these are not unique.

 According to your reproduction steps, you need to sysprep the vmware
 image.  Is that really a requirement for reproduction?

 This avoids the duplicate SID and AFS UUID problem.

Sysprep by itself does not take care of duplicate UUIDs.  You need to 
delete the AFSCache file.

Or run fs uuid -generate


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] trouble running programs out of AFS after imaging

2007-11-12 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Dean Knape [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No and yes.  According to section 3.38 of release notes, if SID is
 regenerated by sysprep then there is no need to delete the file.
 However, I did eventually delete the cache file as I was

Well, this is eay to check.  Just run fs uuid from each system and 
compare the UUIDs.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Error 11862791 AFS service may not have started

2007-11-09 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
 I downloaded and installed 1.5.27 and got the same error.

 ipconfig /all indicates that AFS is bound to the loopback adapter. The 
 only anomalous setting is that DHCP enabled = NO.

DHCP should not be enabled on the loopback adapter.  By default, it has 
the hardcoded IP address of

 There is extensive debugging information in the Release Notes. Please 
 read them if you have not already done so.

 I did not see anything that addresses this persistent error, either in
 the release notes or in the documentation in general, on

Not your error specifically, but there is information in the release 
notes on how to debug general problems.

For instance, what is in the %SYSTEMROOT%\Temp\afsd_init.log file?


If you join the #openafs IRC channel on Freenode there are useful people 
who can help you out.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] trouble running programs out of AFS after imaging

2007-11-08 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Dean Knape [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a W2K3 R2 server VM with OpenAFS 1.5.26 provisioned from a
 sysprep image.

 When I try to run a program out of AFS from explorer I get Windows
 cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have
 the appropriate permissions to access the item..  Running the same
 programs from a command line works correctly.  ACLs are correct.  I
 get the same error with and without token. Refreshing the AFScache
 file did not help.

What application?

Could you copy the application in question to local disk?  (E.g. did you 
actually have read access to it?)

fs checks  fs checkv  fs flusha
and try again.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] installing loopback adapter after sysprep

2007-11-07 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Dean Knape [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a sysprep'd W2K3 R2 server VM with OpenAFS 1.5.26.  I've added
 the necessary GuiRunOnce entry in the sysprep.inf using the
 instloop.exe extracted from this version's MSI to have the loopback
 adapter reinstalled.

 Instloop does reinstall the loopback adapter but I end up with my
 previously DHCP enabled local area connection getting a static 10.
 ... address and my AFS adapter doing DHCP.

I too have seen this happen.  Usually happens only when there are 
multiple NICs in a machine, either real ethernet ones or FireWire.  But 
since you are using a VM, I bet you do not have firewire.

Try this:
Before running sysprep on the image, disable the network adapter at the 
VM level.

Shutdown the AFS service.
start - run - cmd

View - Show hidden devices
then find and delete all NICs, including the loopback adapter

This should remove pre-configured network adapters from your syspreped 
image.  Hopefully this will allow newly detected ones to be correctly 
setup and the loopback adapter install to work as desired.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] where does volserver deposit its core dumps?

2007-11-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Adam Megacz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could anybody tell me where volserver leaves its core dumps? (the
 answer is not /var/lib/openafs/cores/)

 I have to honestly admit I've never debugged a program via core dumps
 before.  Always used printf() or [last resort] gdb.

 Unfortunately in my current situation, attaching gdb to any of the
 volserver pids causes volserver to become unresponsive (yes, even
 after typing continue in gdb).  After detaching gdb, volserver
 remains unresponsive.  Kinda frustrating.

Probably depends on the platform.  On sun4x_510, I think cores ended up 
in /usr/afs/logs


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] openAFS 1.4.4 - ticket contained unknown key version number

2007-10-26 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Hamish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 26 October 2007 17:49, Hamish wrote:
 Thanks. I'd just taken that route when I got your reply. (I think I
 probably stuffed it up trying to build the second machine 
 rerunning some of the commands that should only have been run once.
 Joys of trying to adapt a readme I found on the internet that only
 deals withinstalling a single machine :).
 The local machine works fine now. But when I try to run a command
 remotely (e.g. run bos restart from the first server against the
 second server I installed) it fails with

 '(you are not authorised for this operation)'

 Both work locally though... And if I append -localauth to the
 command on machine1 to restart machine2 it works...

 Whoops... Telling lies... My token was old... I unlog'ed, kdestroyed
 and tried again (On machine 2)... kinit works no problems, but aklog
 is hanging after

 'About to revolve name admin to is in cell'

Check your AFS server log files for any errors.  I suspect something 
isn't running correctly.  Or, you did not add a PTS account for the user 
you are trying to obtain tokens for.

If you'd like more interactive help, please join the #openafs channel on 
the Freenode IRC network.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] openAFS 1.4.4 - ticket contained unknown key version number

2007-10-26 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Hamish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why the heck do I get an unknown key version when trying to do
 anything? I've googled till I'm blue in the face and have only found
 some really really old emails asking questions with no answers... The
 Wiki seems devoid of any info unless it's using kaserver when it
 comes to krb at all...

I suspect that your KeyFile contains an entry where the kvno on the KDC 
does not match.  Delete your KeyFile, recreate a keytab and re-run 
asetkey (using the proper kvno) to generate a good KeyFile.  Copy this 
KeyFile to all of your AFS servers and restart all of them.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] openAFS 1.4.4 - ticket contained unknown key version number

2007-10-26 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Hamish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 26 October 2007 18:09, Christopher D. Clausen wrote:
 Hamish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 26 October 2007 17:49, Hamish wrote:
 Thanks. I'd just taken that route when I got your reply. (I think I
 probably stuffed it up trying to build the second machine 
 rerunning some of the commands that should only have been run once.
 Joys of trying to adapt a readme I found on the internet that only
 deals withinstalling a single machine :).
 The local machine works fine now. But when I try to run a command
 remotely (e.g. run bos restart from the first server against the
 second server I installed) it fails with

 '(you are not authorised for this operation)'

 Both work locally though... And if I append -localauth to the
 command on machine1 to restart machine2 it works...

 Whoops... Telling lies... My token was old... I unlog'ed, kdestroyed
 and tried again (On machine 2)... kinit works no problems, but aklog
 is hanging after

 'About to revolve name admin to is in cell'

 Check your AFS server log files for any errors.  I suspect something
 isn't running correctly.  Or, you did not add a PTS account for the
 user you are trying to obtain tokens for.

 Spelling mistake in my CellServDB file... Damnit I hate that... I
 also just discovered that aklog won't work unless I've started the
 AFS client... Didn't realise that was mandatory... The user was
 admin... e.g.

Oh, yeah, need to have AFS client running in order for the store tokens 
ioctl to work.

 Now it works (getting the tokens), but I'm still not authorised for
 doing restarts of the second server, vos create etc... Nothing logged
 as to why.

Are you in that server's UserList?

bos listusers to check.

 If you'd like more interactive help, please join the #openafs
 channel on the Freenode IRC network.

 Hmm... Wonder if I can get there from here (At a client site,

A client?  As in someone is paying you to ask me AFS questions on a 
mailing list?

 firewall might kill me. I may have to work on it over the weekend
 from home where I can get to things like IRC).


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] openAFS 1.4.4 - ticket contained unknown key version number

2007-10-26 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Hamish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 yeah, can't get on at the moment...

 QUick question... When I kinit as admin  give my passwd, I get in
 klist the default principal 'admin', but the two service principals
 are krbtgt/... and afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Those are Kerberos TICKETS.

 When I aklog  display the tokens, the tokens are AFS ID 1 tokens for

That is an AFS TOKEN.

 is that right? Or should I get tokens for admin? (Sorry... I've been
 running AFS on kaserver for a few years with openafs  transarc (very
 old), and only now trying to run up a new cell on krb5... And it's
 not going well :)

The tokens are for admin.  I bet if you run pts mem 1 you'll get back 
admin as the user.  The [EMAIL PROTECTED] part just informs you that you have 
tokens in cell and the AFS ID tells you which user these tokens are 


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Strategy for disaster recover of an AFS fileserver

2007-10-25 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Lars Schimmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jose Calhariz wrote:
 In recent past I had lost a /vicepa partition with half of the
 volumes of my cell and found that my backup procedure is not fast
 enough for recovering so many volumes and data.  I am using amanda
 without afs patch.

 What plans do you have for quick recovering from massive loss of data
 on an AFS cell?

 first: no loss of data ;-)
 second: a extra server with HD space and a RO copy of ALL volumes
 third: 2-4 RO copies of all RW volumes spread over 4 fileservers
 fourth: vos convertRotoRW

I specific fs mkm -rw when doing this, otherwise users end up reading 
the RO version, which is not usually want they want.

Also, you need to use the namei fileserver.  Vos convertROtoRW does not 
work with the inode fileserver.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Automatic move of volumes

2007-10-24 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Steven Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/24/07, Derrick Brashear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 perl scripts exist to do it and I think have been posted here in the
 past; they may even deal with the RO already exists case.

 It would be nice if there were a repository of publically available
 contrib stuff like that.

I've offered to maintain such a thing if someone would be willing to 
grant AFS space in some part of a public cell.  I can't really host 
things at UIUC due to various campus network usage policies.

And actually, with AFS we can just create a mount point to a world 
readable volume in any public cell so that the contributor can maintain 
the most up to date version without involving someone in updating the 

 the interesting case is where the RW has unreleased changes and you
 want to recreate the ROs as they are now. i don't know of
 distributed tools to do this.

 I hadn't really thought about people intentionally keeping their RWs 
 ROs out of sync w/each other.  I'm not clear why someone would want to
 do that -- could you elaborate?

Yes, I do this.  This isn't easy to work around either as I'm pretty 
sure that vos dump and vos copy specifically prevent you from doing 
operations on an RO volume.

For instance I may pre-stage content for a website that is to be 
released next week at 10a on Monday.  I can then cron the release and 
have the data show up exactly at a specific time.  However, what usually 
happens is that some last minute change needs to be made to the current 
live website and its not easy to undo the new site, make the change, and 
then re-release.  I generally end up deleting (copying elsewhere first 
of course) the contents of the RW with rm, copying the RO, making 
changes and re-releasing.  And then putting back the pre-staged content.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Automatic move of volumes

2007-10-24 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Steven Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/24/07, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 24, 2007, at 10:15 , Steven Jenkins wrote:
 - the RO handling is not good -- what happens if the _only_ RO is on
 the old server and the remsite happens?  Clients with existing

 remsite is irrelevant:  it just informs the vlserver of where an R/O
 replica will be stored in the future, it has no impact whatsoever on
 what R/Os (if any) exist *now*.

 remsite is _very_ relevant for clients that don't already know about
 the RO that has been remsite'd -- when they ask the vlserver for the
 volume, the vlserver will tell them that only the RW exists.

That sounds like a mis-use of the remsite command, although that is an 
interesting way to hide RO volumes.

I assume that a client that gets rebooted / crashes is going to start 
reading the RW when it comes back up though, right?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS Fileserver Won't Start -- Can't Release root.cell or root.afs

2007-10-05 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Kim Kimball [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You might also try
 vos remove server partition volumename.readonly #for each
 readonly instance
 vos backup volumename
 vos dump volumename.backup | vos restore server partition
 volumename -overwrite full

 Use the same volume name for each instance of volumename

 This will give you a new volumeID for volumename which will be
 reflected in the VLDB. Then vos addsite to replace the RO sites.
 Then vos release

I was going to suggest that, but I figured it may not actually clear up 
the problem and could potentially just waste a lot of time.

How does one know that the 127.* IPs really are gone?


When specifing server names, DO NOT use localhost or  Use 
the FQDNs of your servers.


Hmm... would vos delent for each volume, then the vos 
changeaddr -remove, and then a vos syncvldb do the same thing and not 
take as much time for the dump / restores?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS Fileserver Won't Start -- Can't Release root.cell or root.afs

2007-10-04 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Karl M. Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, after rebooting again, things suddenly seem to be working.  No
 idea why...

 I still have some problems with making RO copies of root.cell and
 root.afs, though.  Running vos release gives me:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ vos release -id root.cell
 Failed to start a transaction on the RO volume.
 VOLSER: volume is busy
 The volume 536870918 could not be released to the following 1 sites:
   picacho.ridgetop-group.local /vicepa
 VOLSER: release could not be completed
 Error in vos release command.
 VOLSER: release could not be completed
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ vos release -id root.afs
 Failed to start a transaction on the RO volume.
 VOLSER: volume is busy
 The volume 536870915 could not be released to the following 1 sites:
   picacho.ridgetop-group.local /vicepa
 VOLSER: release could not be completed
 Error in vos release command.
 VOLSER: release could not be completed

Try vos release -id root.afs -verbose -local as root to get more info 
and use your KeyFile instead of user tokens.

Does vos listaddrs -noresolve print out?

And can you vos changeaddr -remove any incorrect IP addresses?  (You 
might need to vos remsite replicas attached to those IPs first.)
You might still be having problems related to having your 127.* 
/etc/hosts line match the actual IP of your AFS server.  In theory you 
can shutdown both AFS servers, delete your VL DB and have it regenerated 
via vos syncserv and vos syncvldb commands.  Of course, this could also 
make things worse.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS Fileserver Won't Start -- Can't Release root.cell or root.afs

2007-10-04 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Karl M. Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I then tried running vos changeaddr -oldaddr -remove, but
 it looks like some of my volumes are still stuck on the old IP:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo vos changeaddr -oldaddr -remove
 -localauth -verbose
 Could not remove server from the VLDB
 VLDB: volume Id exists in the vldb

I'd say to try and get a good vos dump of each volume that you care 
about so that you can at least restore to a new cell if things go bad 
from here.

Usually I'd fix this finding the volume that is listed as being on that 
IP and moving it to another server :-)  But it would seem that you have 
already done that.  I guess its possible that the vldb still thinks that is one of the servers somehow.  Did you try restarting your 
file servers?

Does vos syncvldb/syncserv do anything useful for you?  If not, it 
should be safe to shutdown the AFS server and delete the VL db files and 
have them get recreated at server startup.  (Might need to delete the 
sysid file as well.)

Or, vos dumping, deleting, and recreate each volume via vos restore may 
fix it, assuming you have fixed all problems.

 How would I go about resolving this?  By the way, thanks very much
 for all of your help so far; you've really saved my ass on this.

No problem.  I'm glad it helped.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS Fileserver Won't Start

2007-10-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Karl M. Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Karl.  I'm going to assume it was you in the #openafs IRC channel. 
I'd suggest staying logged in if you really want help.  You have to wait 
for people to have time to respond.  And more than the 15 minutes that 
you waited.  We do need to do things like eat and sleep.

 Somewhere towards the end of moving the volumes from the old server
 to the new server, things got badly goofed.  The fs process will no
 longer start on the new server and I find the following entry in the
 /var/log/openafs/FileLog file:

 Wed Oct  3 19:26:59 2007 afs_krb_get_lrealm failed, using

Is the above a correct assumption about your Realm?  I would expect you 
to be using

 Wed Oct  3 19:26:59 2007 VL_RegisterAddrs rpc failed; The IP address
 exists on a different server; repair it

Check the /etc/hosts file on all machines and all CellServDB files for 
incorrect entries.

 Wed Oct  3 19:26:59 2007 VL_RegisterAddrs rpc failed; See VLLog for

What is in VLLog?

 Unfortunately, there's nothing helpful in VLLog.  Interestingly, vos
 listaddrs returns nothing on the new server, either.

vos listaddrs might not be working b/c of the above errors.

 Running vos listvldb returns the following:
 VLDB entries for all servers
RWrite: 536870915 ROnly: 536870916
number of sites - 3
   server picacho.ridgetop-group.local partition /vicepa RW Site
   server picacho.ridgetop-group.local partition /vicepa RO Site
   server picacho.ridgetop-group.local partition /vicepa RO Site

RWrite: 536870918 ROnly: 536870919
number of sites - 3
   server picacho.ridgetop-group.local partition /vicepa RW Site
   server picacho.ridgetop-group.local partition /vicepa RO Site
   server picacho.ridgetop-group.local partition /vicepa RO Site

 I'm unsure why there are duplicate RO entries, but the last thing I
 was working on was recreating RO volumes for root.cell and root.afs
 on the new server.

Well, it looks like something did not work out right.

 I'm panicking because all of the volumes are now on the new server and
 non-accessible.  Anyone have some clue what I did wrong and how I can
 fix things?

Probably going to need more information about what happened, what you 
did to try and fix it, and other infrastructure questions, like how many 
AFS DB servers you actually have, and if any of them are multi-homed.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] fileserver on etch may crash because ulimit -s 8192

2007-10-03 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 XFS is a lot better than ReiserFS, though, in terms of support and
 knowledge by the kernel developers, and would probably be fine.  It is
 faster for a lot of usage profiles than ext3.

I have had some problems with XFS on a Debian-based AFS fileserver.  XFS 
decided to off-line a volume due to a long timeout in the underlying 
RAID volume.  I would not recomend it without heavy testing.

 Ok, I have by default ulimit -c 0.  I don't depend on core files
 for so many years I forget about ulimit -c 0.  Now I am a sysadm not
 a programmer.  I only program in bash and install gdb for other
 people to use, not for myself :-)

 Right.  :)  I got caught recently the same way, actually.

I'll note that someone mentioned a problem with the 8192 stack size in 
Debian a few months ago in the #openafs IRC channel.  They worked around 
the problem with via changing some setting before starting the AFS 
processes.  Unfortunately I do not remember the exact solution or the 
exact problem, but you are not the only one experiencing it.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Howto speedup the restore of a crashed fileserver

2007-10-02 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jason Edgecombe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jose Calhariz wrote:
 If you're not already, I recommend restoring into a local directory,
 then copying into AFS. That will at least make the tape part go
 faster and reduce wear and tear on the tapes and drive.

 I am doing that,  As I can recover from tapes faster than I can
 write to AFS.  Specially because I use virtual tapes on disks.

 Do you have multiple AFS servers? If so, are you copying files to
 different servers simultaneously? Perhaps it's worthwhile to set up a
 temporary server and then do a vos move of the volumes after
 everything has settled.

What are the settings on the client you are using to restore the files 
into AFS?  I'd suggest maybe using a memcache while doing restores. 
Should avoid needing to write the data into the AFS cache file. 
Additionally, is the AFS cache file on the same block device as your 
vice partitions?  Keeping things on seperate physical disks should help.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] performance stats

2007-09-28 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
David Bear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We are finding that cifs performance is very BAD over a WAN and I'm
 guessing that the checkpoint vpn software the we MUST run is a
 contributing factor. We can't trust cifs over the wider internet
 without vpn. We can trust afs. But there are still some microsoft
 diehards that just don't think anything else could work.

Some VPNs actually compress sent data as well as encrypt, so your 
performance might actually get worse without the VPN.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] AES Support ?

2007-09-27 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Russ Allbery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Hascall [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The difference here is that somebody else turning something off can
 be the trigger.

 Still not seeing your point.  This looks pretty much like every other
 we're going to turn something off transition I've been through in
 IT. Clear-text telnet, ftp, NFS, DCE, you name it.

Exactly.  Isn't the whole point of disabling less secure methods so that 
they cannot be used anymore?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] AES Support ?

2007-09-26 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
John Hascall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What makes your cell rxk5 capable is if you have an
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] service key.

 That seems icky.  Why does it have to have a different name?

I suspet that if it had the same name, the enc-types would be confused 
with AES vs. DES in the current clients.  Additionally, using a 
different service principal ensures that only binaries that are setup to 
use the new principal will attempt to do so, allowing for current 
clients and servers to keep working while adding support for rxk5 to 
your cell, one server / client at a time.

I'm assuming that something like afs-k5/[EMAIL PROTECTED] will work, as I 
already have multiple AFS cells using the same Kerberos realm.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] multiple kerberos realms support.

2007-09-26 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Matthew Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 a few questions about the multiple kerberos realms support in the 1.5

If you only need support for two realms, I believe that mostly works 
with the current code.

 Is there a concise set of patches that I could apply to a 1.4 series
 release to get the multiple kerberos realms support?

Yes.  Look in the OpenAFS RT queue:

 Do these changes affect all of the servers, or only the ptserver?

The source code in the patch can probably tell you that.

 Is anyone currently running with this feature in production?

Yes, but only on a very small cell so I wouldn't consider the features 
completely tested yet.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] AES Support ?

2007-09-26 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
John Hascall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The behavior prevents a denial of service attack against the
 Sorry, meant to say prevents a downgrade attack against the

 Huh?  How exactly would returning a security index not supported
 error instead of just ignoring the packet result in a downgrade

How would you ever know if the security index not supported packet 
came from a legit server?


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] klog with sites using fakeka against MIT1.6.2 broken?

2007-08-31 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Just a thought, did you add/change enc_types when you went to 1.6.2? 
E.g. were you supporting AES256, DES3 and DES under krb5-1.4.3 ?  I've 
seen issues with certain things not understanding the AES256 type.


Mike Dopheide [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We've also found that reverting back to MIT Kerberos 1.4.3 wasn't good
 enough.  Some principals would start working with klog again after
 another password change, but others needed to be deleted and
 Is anyone else using MIT Kerberos 1.6.2 and klog?

 Mike Dopheide wrote:
 Number of keys: 5
 Key: vno 30, AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC, no salt
 Key: vno 30, Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1, no salt
 Key: vno 30, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, no salt
 Key: vno 30, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, Version 4
 Key: vno 30, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, AFS version 3

 Jeffrey Altman wrote:
 Matt Elliott wrote:
 We just discovered a problem with our KDC now running MIT 1.6.2. 
 When a user changes their password (previous keys were created
 with our old kdc version 1.4.3 still work) with patches and then
 tries klog it  longer grants tokens. klog returns Unable to
 authenticate to AFS because password was incorrect.  kinit and a
 subsequent aklog still works.  Has anyone else seen this or have a

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] bos restricted mode

2007-08-11 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Jeffrey Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jason Edgecombe wrote:
 Are there any objections to enabling pts interactive, sleep, quit,
 and source for all compiles, not just supergroups?

 I have no objection to those commands being added to the general

What about other commands only enabled with specific compile time 
options such as bos setrestricted?  Is there any reason to require the 
compile time --enable-bos-restricted-mode to enable this functionality 
in the bos command itself?  Or for that matter, is there any reason to 
not always enable it in the bosserver itself?  Restricted mode is not 
enabled by default, so always having support for it compiled in would 
not seem to cause any problems.



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