13606 revisited - list proposal

2012-03-28 Thread Grahame Grieve
 Some, actually most, of the issues you mentioned in the context of the NEHTA
 work are familiar, and I think apply to many implementation situations.
 Thomas and I have been discussing some possible solutions.

 1. The ability to expose parts of the RM which are of particular
 significance to a particular audience, clinical or technical, to assist in
 clinical review or implementation guidance, along with contextual
 descriptions or name overrides. e.g If in a Dischage document we are using
 the ACTION.time attribute to carry the Date Procedure performed as
 described in the original requirements, I want to be able to express that in
 a template, so it is clear to developers and clinical reviewers. One option
 we discussed was to allow an RM attribute to be annotated and associated
 with an at-code, which would allow a local nameDate of Procedure and a
 description to be overlaid. This would be in design-time i.e the name
 overlay would not appear in data.

Right. that would be very nice.

 2. The problem of openEHR archetype constructs being over-granular for
 summarised reports, mostly in the integration space but we do also need this
 in the EHR space at times. As an example I might want to record a Medication
 instruction in a summary, along with a couple of key events e.g Date of
 first prescription, Date of last prescription. Currently we need to use a
 further 2 ACTION archetypes, which feels clunky to developers and looks
 clunky in the tooling, as it requires encapsulation within a SECTION or
 written documentation.

right. Agree with this, though I suspect it doesn't quite cover all my issues.

 I think we can largely resolve this with better tooling but we do lack any
 easy way of asserting the relationship between the Instruction archetype and
 the child Action archetypes.

I thought this was in ADL 1.5?


13606 revisited - list proposal

2012-03-28 Thread pablo pazos

Hi Thomas,

Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:47:05 +0100
From: thomas.be...@oceaninformatics.com
To: openehr-technical at lists.openehr.org
Subject: Re: 13606 revisited - list proposal


On 26/03/2012 19:49, pablo pazos wrote:

Hi Thomas,

  A while ago, we gave this issue a big thought when
designing the EHRGen framework.

  Periodic event records are needed when recording certain
studies and when monitoring a patient, but this can be
recorded as single point events, and using a query to get
all the points in a series.


it can but that's very inefficient, and doesn't correctly represent
what is happening, when you are talking about multiple samples in a
series, e.g. coming from vital signs monitors, orthostatic BP,
apgar, and many others.

What I've said was incorrect, I mentioned periodic events and I should have 
said an Observation with many events, that was your question about, sorry for 
Here is the corrected answer: if you want to record a series of eventual events 
you can do it with only one Observation with many EVENT, or many Observarions 
with a single EVENT and an query to get the whole series, e.g. do create a 
graph. E.g. for vital signs when a patient is under observation at an ER.



  From the GUI perspective is very difficult to record
periodic events, because you have to login, select a
patient, select a record, select the section of that record
that contains the periodic data, enter a new item to the
time series. 


and presumably enter another, and another. That doesn't sound like a
problem - it's how normal GUI for Apgar and multi-sample manual BP
collection work. Don't forget, we are talking about time series in
the seconds to minutes domain here. Although Glucose tolerance test
data would make more sense to be entered as one time series, after
the fact. 
Consider this my comment with the right answer. 
From the GUI perspective is very difficult to record MANY EVENTS IN THE SAME 
OBSERVATION, because you have to login, select a patient, select a record, 
select the section of that record that contains the OBSERVATION, enter a new 


  The other option is to have the patient's record always
open, and that is not possible in all scenarios (for
technical or security reasons).


well ifyou are talking about long period of time, like repeated
nursing observations, you should be committing those 1 sample at a

Consider this ER scenario: a BP value could be recorded each 30 or so, and the 
system could be used 1. for many patients, 2. by many users, 3. on the same 
The problem is when an item is commited, it should be as a part of a 
COMPOSITION (?), so if a nurse want to record a second take of a BP she is 
monitoring, and of course she wants to see the current recorded values for that 
series, another COMPOSITION should be created only for that value (or not?).

Sorry again for the confusion.
Kind regards,Pablo.
Of course, the system could have something in the middle storing all the values 
without commiting them



  In the other hand, in the majority of cases of clinical
record through a GUI, the data is recorded as a single point
event, e.g. at a patient visit. So we design the EHRGen just
to use point events, and if you want to record a series of
events, a service should be provided to get the data from
other systems (e.g. a LAB system), but not from the GUI.


that and vital signs monitors are certainly a common source of
time-based data. But whether the source of the data is the GUI or
somewhere else doesn't change the semantics of the model, or the
need for it. Like I said elsewhere, I have no problem with adding a
single-event Observation as well. But having only that will
completely cripple many hospital apps and efficient data
representation and querying related to this data.

- thomas


openEHR-technical mailing list
openEHR-technical at lists.openehr.org
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13606 revisited - list proposal

2012-03-28 Thread Thomas Beale
On 28/03/2012 03:01, pablo pazos wrote:

 Consider this ER scenario: a BP value could be recorded each 30 or 
 so, and the system could be used 1. for many patients, 2. by many 
 users, 3. on the same machine.

this is most likely a 1-event-per-Observation scenario. I realise it is 
not always obvious when to use which recording approach! But the other 
design aspect of a COMPOSITION is that it is a 'single health system 
event for the patient'. Here it sounds like 1 nursing observation every 
30 mins. Therefore we would expect 1 COMPOSITION for each one, each 
containing one OBSERVATION, containing one EVENT.

 The problem is when an item is commited, it should be as a part of a 
 COMPOSITION (?), so if a nurse want to record a second take of a BP 
 she is monitoring, and of course she wants to see the current recorded 
 values for that series, another COMPOSITION should be created only for 
 that value (or not?).

if I understand correctly, you want to generate a time-based plot for 
e.g. last few hours' measurements. In that case, use an AQL query to get 
all the Observations based on BP (or whatever archetype) in a certain 
time frame. You can get just the systolic and diastolic values if you want.


SELECT obs/path/to/*systolic*/value/magnitude, 
FROM e EHR [ehr_id = $ehr_id] CONTAINS comp 
COMPOSITION[openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.nursing_obs.v1] obs 
WHERE comp/context/start_time  current_time() - P24h
* I would have to double check if I have the syntax completely right 
(and I put fake paths in the SELECT part), but this will return a table 
of systolic and diastolic pressure values (Reals) from BP measurements 
inside nursing observations, for the last 24h. The real paths are below:

- thomas
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NCA STu in the smoke

2012-03-28 Thread Linhardt Peter
Hi Thomas

Mr. A. Orban, head of NCZI have ivited today Mr. Martin Foltin, the vice dean 
of FEI STU and head of NCA STU for short briefing.
He had informed Martin, that NCZI will initiate the break of contract between 
NCZI and STU concerning NCA
Because we do not follow the CEN 13 606 but OpenEHR.
I will have meeting tomorow with Michal D to investigate next steps.

If you could have some advice for us, how to succesfulle defend this attack , 
pls. Provide me some hints

Thank you

Ing. Peter Linhardt, PhD.,
V?skumn? centrum STU

Slovensk? technick? univerzita v Bratislave
Vazovova 5
812 43  Bratislava

tel.  +421 918 669 121
peter.linhardt at stuba.skmailto:peter.linhardt at stuba.sk
P Think environment before you print.
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openEHRArchetypes/openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.ecg.v1: Is any_allowed...allowed?

2012-03-28 Thread Athanasios Anastasiou
Hello everyone

I keep getting an error when parsing this ecg archetype (expressed as 
XML) and i was wondering if this could be because the archetype was 
uploaded to the CKM when the CKM used a different version of the 
published openEHR XSDs, if this used to be a bug of the archetype editor 
or if it could be something that i am doing wrong.

The error i keep getting is unrecognised element for any_allowed.

In fact, in my small local collection of archetypes*, this archetype is 
the only one that has an any_allowed element as part of its 
C_COMPLEX_OBJECT definitions.

If i remove any_allowed, the archetype is parsed without any problems, 
but that's usually a way to create problems, not solve them :-)

I would really like to use this ECG archetype as a test case because it 
contains a large number of definitions.

According to the specs C_COMPLEX_OBJECT is supposed to inherit 
any_allowed by C_DEFINED_OBJECT but the Archetype.xsd does not 
contain an element / attribute definition for any_allowed in any of 
the relevant class definitions.

This is why i suspect come kind of a (possibly older) mismatch between 
the CKM / Archetype editor code and the XSDs.

What do you think?

Could this be related to this item as well?

I suppose i can safely remove any_allowed (?)

Looking forward to hearing from you
Athanasios Anastasiou

P.S. (*) The 7 Archetypes i am interested in: (encounter, 
menstrual_cycle_day, blood_pressure, body_temperature, 
body_weight_adjusted, ecg, height)

NCA STu in the smoke

2012-03-28 Thread Ian McNicoll
Hi Peter,

I think it is pretty clear that openEHR and 13606 are headed for a very
significant convergence as the next update of 13606 takes place and the
CIMI work progresses. There has been substantial discussion between
developers/implementers in the 2 communities on these lists and the openEHR
wiki, with a real willingness to learn from each other's experiences. Many
of the tools such as AWB and the LinkEHR editor work with both, several
jurisdictions use openEHR tools to deliver 13606 archetypes , as the
transforms are generally straightforward, and significant value of tools
such as CKM to gather and review clinical content is really agnostic of any
Reference Model.

There is some interesting news about to emerge from CIMI, which in my
opinion, makes the very close alignment of openEHR and 13606 even more
likely .. watch this space ...


2012/3/28 Linhardt Peter peter.linhardt at stuba.sk

  Hi Thomas

 ** **

 Mr. A. Orban, head of NCZI have ivited today Mr. Martin Foltin, the vice
 dean of FEI STU and head of NCA STU for short briefing.

 He had informed Martin, that NCZI will initiate the break of contract
 between NCZI and STU concerning NCA

 Because we do not follow the CEN 13 606 but OpenEHR.

 I will have meeting tomorow with Michal D to investigate next steps.

 ** **

 If you could have some advice for us, how to succesfulle defend this
 attack , pls. Provide me some hints

 ** **

 Thank you

 ** **

 *Ing. Peter Linhardt, PhD.,*

 *V?skumn? centrum STU*


 * *

 *Slovensk? technick? univerzita v Bratislave*

 *Vazovova 5 *

 *812 43  Bratislava*

 * *

 *tel.  +421 918 669 121*

 *peter.linhardt at stuba.sk***


 P* **Think environment before you print.*

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at lists.openehr.org


Dr Ian McNicoll
office +44 (0)1536 414 994
fax +44 (0)1536 516317
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com

*Primary Health Info 23 - 25th April in Warwick - are you

Clinical Modelling Consultant, Ocean Informatics, UK
Director openEHR Foundation  www.openehr.org/knowledge
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
SCIMP Working Group, NHS Scotland
BCS Primary Health Care  www.phcsg.org
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NCA STu in the smoke

2012-03-28 Thread Linhardt Peter
Thank you Ian, for good advices.
I guess, all wise people, dealing with AT and 13 606, with standards, to build 
proper future constructuion of national/european/global
Health solutions understand the advantages of OpenEHR approach and necessity of 
convergence with 13606, which is only part of the solution currently.
There is in fact a business imperative, sourceing in NEss and NCZI still listen 
to the master voice.
I will prepare the defending letter, utilising all your input concerning 
expected merge of OpenEHR and 13606, NCA role
In educationg the medical and IT professionals and advantages of archetypes for 
national eH system.
Than we will see.

Thanks and best regards0

Ing. Peter Linhardt, PhD.,
V?skumn? centrum STU

Slovensk? technick? univerzita v Bratislave
Vazovova 5
812 43  Bratislava

tel.  +421 918 669 121
peter.linhardt at stuba.skmailto:peter.linhardt at stuba.sk
P Think environment before you print.

From: openehr-technical-bounces at lists.openehr.org 
[mailto:openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org] On Behalf Of Ian McNicoll
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 3:54 PM
To: For openEHR technical discussions
Subject: Re: NCA STu in the smoke

Hi Peter,

I think it is pretty clear that openEHR and 13606 are headed for a very 
significant convergence as the next update of 13606 takes place and the CIMI 
work progresses. There has been substantial discussion between 
developers/implementers in the 2 communities on these lists and the openEHR 
wiki, with a real willingness to learn from each other's experiences. Many of 
the tools such as AWB and the LinkEHR editor work with both, several 
jurisdictions use openEHR tools to deliver 13606 archetypes , as the transforms 
are generally straightforward, and significant value of tools such as CKM to 
gather and review clinical content is really agnostic of any Reference Model.

There is some interesting news about to emerge from CIMI, which in my opinion, 
makes the very close alignment of openEHR and 13606 even more likely .. watch 
this space ...


2012/3/28 Linhardt Peter peter.linhardt at stuba.skmailto:peter.linhardt at 
Hi Thomas

Mr. A. Orban, head of NCZI have ivited today Mr. Martin Foltin, the vice dean 
of FEI STU and head of NCA STU for short briefing.
He had informed Martin, that NCZI will initiate the break of contract between 
NCZI and STU concerning NCA
Because we do not follow the CEN 13 606 but OpenEHR.
I will have meeting tomorow with Michal D to investigate next steps.

If you could have some advice for us, how to succesfulle defend this attack , 
pls. Provide me some hints

Thank you

Ing. Peter Linhardt, PhD.,
V?skumn? centrum STU

Slovensk? technick? univerzita v Bratislave
Vazovova 5
812 43  Bratislava

tel.  +421 918 669 121tel:%2B421%C2%A0918%C2%A0669%20121
peter.linhardt at stuba.skmailto:peter.linhardt at stuba.sk
P Think environment before you print.

openEHR-technical mailing list
openEHR-technical at lists.openehr.orgmailto:openEHR-technical at 

Dr Ian McNicoll
office +44 (0)1536 414 994
fax +44 (0)1536 516317
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.commailto:ian.mcnicoll at 

Primary Health Info 23 - 25th April in Warwick - are you 

Clinical Modelling Consultant, Ocean Informatics, UK
Director openEHR Foundation  
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
SCIMP Working Group, NHS Scotland
BCS Primary Health Care  www.phcsg.orghttp://www.phcsg.org

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openEHRArchetypes/openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.ecg.v1: Is any_allowed...allowed?

2012-03-28 Thread Athanasios Anastasiou
Hello Sebastian

Thank you for your response.

A couple of quick comments:

Yes, the archetype that you are linking is the one i am referring to.

any_allowed as an attribute could be inherited from C_DEFINED_OBJECT 
(page 27)...It is of course also referred to as a function in 
C_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT but it has the indication (effected) (?) page 28 on 
the same document)

All the best
Athanasios Anastasiou

On 28/03/2012 16:44, Sebastian Garde wrote:

 On 28.03.2012 14:47, Athanasios Anastasiou wrote:
 Hello everyone

 I keep getting an error when parsing this ecg archetype (expressed as
 XML) and i was wondering if this could be because the archetype was
 uploaded to the CKM when the CKM used a different version of the
 published openEHR XSDs, if this used to be a bug of the archetype
 editor or if it could be something that i am doing wrong.
 No - the xml in CKM is produced on the fly from the adl, so it is always
 up to date...
 But of course not necessarily always correct: There may well a bug in
 the generation process of the Java XML generator,
 but can someone say definitely if the any_allowed tag should be in the
 xml or not, first?
 (any_allowed is an operation, not an attribute in the constraint model)

 Many archetypes have this in CKM, e.g. when a DV_TEXT is not further
 constrained, this would be expressed in XML using the any_allowed tag.

 I assume you refer to this archetype?


 The error i keep getting is unrecognised element for any_allowed.

 In fact, in my small local collection of archetypes*, this archetype
 is the only one that has an any_allowed element as part of its
 C_COMPLEX_OBJECT definitions.

 If i remove any_allowed, the archetype is parsed without any
 problems, but that's usually a way to create problems, not solve them :-)

 I would really like to use this ECG archetype as a test case because
 it contains a large number of definitions.

 According to the specs C_COMPLEX_OBJECT is supposed to inherit
 any_allowed by C_DEFINED_OBJECT but the Archetype.xsd does not
 contain an element / attribute definition for any_allowed in any of
 the relevant class definitions.

 This is why i suspect come kind of a (possibly older) mismatch between
 the CKM / Archetype editor code and the XSDs.

 What do you think?

 Could this be related to this item as well?

 I suppose i can safely remove any_allowed (?)

 Looking forward to hearing from you
 Athanasios Anastasiou

 P.S. (*) The 7 Archetypes i am interested in: (encounter,
 menstrual_cycle_day, blood_pressure, body_temperature,
 body_weight_adjusted, ecg, height)

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at lists.openehr.org

 *Dr. Sebastian Garde*
 /Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI/
 Senior Developer
 Ocean Informatics

 Skype: gardeseb

openEHRArchetypes/openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.ecg.v1: Is any_allowed...allowed?

2012-03-28 Thread Thomas Beale
On 28/03/2012 16:44, Sebastian Garde wrote:

 On 28.03.2012 14:47, Athanasios Anastasiou wrote:
 Hello everyone

 I keep getting an error when parsing this ecg archetype (expressed as 
 XML) and i was wondering if this could be because the archetype was 
 uploaded to the CKM when the CKM used a different version of the 
 published openEHR XSDs, if this used to be a bug of the archetype 
 editor or if it could be something that i am doing wrong.
 No - the xml in CKM is produced on the fly from the adl, so it is 
 always up to date...
 But of course not necessarily always correct: There may well a bug in 
 the generation process of the Java XML generator,
 but can someone say definitely if the any_allowed tag should be in the 
 xml or not, first?
 (any_allowed is an operation, not an attribute in the constraint model)

ADL example:

DV_TEXT matches {*} -- object case


value matches {*} -- attribute case

In the AOM it is computed to be True if...

  * in a C_ATTRIBUTE there are no children
  * in a C_COMPLEX_OBJECT there are no children
  * in a C_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT, there is no 'value', i.e. no attached
C_PRIMITIVE (parent type of C_DATE, C_INTEGER etc etc)

I would also expect it to be computed from the XML, since the XML is 
based in the AOM.

- thomas*

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openEHRArchetypes/openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.ecg.v1: Is any_allowed...allowed?

2012-03-28 Thread Ian McNicoll
Although interestingly the same archetype, saved as XML via the archetype
editor (or in .opts) does not include any_allowed elements

attributes xsi:type=C_SINGLE_ATTRIBUTE
  children xsi:type=C_COMPLEX_OBJECT
node_id /

Looks like the java parser is behaving a little differently.


On 28 March 2012 16:44, Sebastian Garde 
sebastian.garde at oceaninformatics.com wrote:

 On 28.03.2012 14:47, Athanasios Anastasiou wrote:

 Hello everyone

 I keep getting an error when parsing this ecg archetype (expressed as XML)
 and i was wondering if this could be because the archetype was uploaded to
 the CKM when the CKM used a different version of the published openEHR
 XSDs, if this used to be a bug of the archetype editor or if it could be
 something that i am doing wrong.

 No - the xml in CKM is produced on the fly from the adl, so it is always
 up to date...
 But of course not necessarily always correct: There may well a bug in the
 generation process of the Java XML generator,
 but can someone say definitely if the any_allowed tag should be in the xml
 or not, first?
 (any_allowed is an operation, not an attribute in the constraint model)

 Many archetypes have this in CKM, e.g. when a DV_TEXT is not further
 constrained, this would be expressed in XML using the any_allowed tag.

 I assume you refer to this archetype?


 The error i keep getting is unrecognised element for any_allowed.

 In fact, in my small local collection of archetypes*, this archetype is
 the only one that has an any_allowed element as part of its
 C_COMPLEX_OBJECT definitions.

 If i remove any_allowed, the archetype is parsed without any problems,
 but that's usually a way to create problems, not solve them :-)

 I would really like to use this ECG archetype as a test case because it
 contains a large number of definitions.

 According to the specs C_COMPLEX_OBJECT is supposed to inherit
 any_allowed by C_DEFINED_OBJECT but the Archetype.xsd does not contain
 an element / attribute definition for any_allowed in any of the relevant
 class definitions.

 This is why i suspect come kind of a (possibly older) mismatch between the
 CKM / Archetype editor code and the XSDs.

 What do you think?

 Could this be related to this item as well?

 I suppose i can safely remove any_allowed (?)

 Looking forward to hearing from you
 Athanasios Anastasiou

 P.S. (*) The 7 Archetypes i am interested in: (encounter,
 menstrual_cycle_day, blood_pressure, body_temperature,
 body_weight_adjusted, ecg, height)

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at lists.openehr.org



 *Dr. Sebastian Garde*
 *Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI*
 Senior Developer
 Ocean Informatics

 Skype: gardeseb

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at lists.openehr.org


Dr Ian McNicoll
office +44 (0)1536 414 994
fax +44 (0)1536 516317
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com

*Primary Health Info 23 ? 25th April in Warwick ? are you

Clinical Modelling Consultant, Ocean Informatics, UK
Director openEHR Foundation  www.openehr.org/knowledge
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
SCIMP Working Group, NHS Scotland
BCS Primary Health Care  www.phcsg.org
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