New Standard Proposal

2007-12-03 Thread Dr LONJON Roger
PDF is a standard for creating and reading documents
Acrobat reader is free and equivalent free software (opensource in french). It
is indeed the need, in my opinion, the doctors, requesting documents.

However PDF is not done to create a system of information. This requires tools
(language) to enable the computer to swallow, sort and manipulate data.
It's totally different.

Best regard's


Selon Eddy Rospide edrs22 at

 PDF would require at the very least the Adobe Acrobat Reader on the local
 machine to be read. While I understand the finality of using PDF for medical
 purposes, it becomes even more difficult to work with if you want to convert
 it to plan text for query purposes.


Dr LONJON France XML versions of the ADL

2007-11-07 Thread Dr LONJON Roger

Hello heath

In the examples you show,
  located at 

 there is a french version pending and write?
This is that there are people interested in doing the job?

best regard's

Clermont Fd - France

Selon Heath Frankel heath.frankel at

 Greg and others,
 We have configured an auto-build process to convert the ADL archetypes to
 XML located at  They now
 all exist and are valid against the RM 101 XML Schema.  Let me know if you
 find any issues with the XML content.



DV_QUANTITY_RATIO - remove from specification

2006-12-11 Thread Dr LONJON Roger

  The semantic debate, if I understood door well on the way to represent an
exploitable data by a computer. The topic is the numeration formulates red
it exists an unit well to know the number of globules counted on the one hand by
reference to an unit of volume and a percentage in relation to the other cells
in the same unit of volume.

Excuse me if my remark is to quoted of the question, because my comprehension of
the technical English is basic.

 Dr R LONJON France

Selon Sam Heard sam.heard at

 Dear Tim

 The reality is that PCV and Red Cell Distribution width are proportions
 and as such have no units. So the new data type meets the needs you
 have identified. One aspect is to constrain the magnitude (which is a
 function) and might usefully be set.

 Cheers, Sam

 Tim Churches wrote:

   Sam Heard wrote:

 Yes, and replaced with Proportion which is a more general concept. Sam

 Surely a proportion has to be constrained to lie between 0.0 and 1.0?
 How can that be used to express quantities without units which are
 greater than one (without the added complication of a multiplier). A
 ratio has no such constraints.

 Or have I misunderstood what is intended?

 Tim C

 Mattias Forss wrote:

 2006/12/8, Thomas Beale Thomas.Beale at
 mailto:Thomas.Beale at

 Mattias Forss wrote:

 Does this mean that the ratio constraint could as of now be
 removed from
 the archetype editors? Will the DV_RATIO class be removed from the
 specifications as well? If not, should the editors change the current
 ratio constraint to be of a DV_RATIO instead of a DV_QUANTITY_RATIO?

   this is the expected approach. I know it is annoying for us to make
 software change, but we cannot escape the fact that there were some
 categories of clinical data that were not properly addressed by the
 current data types.

 Not sure what your answer is here, can the ratio constraint be removed from
 the editors or not?

 I think that the new DV_PROPORTION class could be used instead of
 DV_QUANTITY when there are no units, e.g. only the property 'Qualified
 real' and the empty string as a unit or a missing unit attribute in the
 item list of C_QUANTITY and only a magnitude attribute. The current ADL
 parser doesn't expect empty or null units which is correct according to
 the specification of C_QUANTITY_ITEM in the archetype profile package.
 Hence, there should always be a unit specified for each item in the item
 list of C_QUANTITY in archetypes and it cannot be empty because
 quantified data with no units could be represented with the DV_PROPORTION
 data type, right?

   DV_COUNT will take care of countable things - also with no units.
 Otherwise, anything else with no units I think will end up being a
 DV_PROPORTION - is we think of proportion as the idea of relative
 amount, how much of a total, then it is quite a wide concept that is
 likely to cover many situations. Sam and I believe your assumption is
 pretty safe at the moment.

 Understood, the proportion data type makes a lot more sense than the
 DV_QUANTITY_RATIO which allowed a lot of different quantifiable data types.
 There is no need to make things more complicated than they are and the
 simplification with DV_PROPORTION is great.

 If you have a look at the blood film archetype (here:
 you will see that the elements named 'Packed cell volume (PCV)' and
 'Plateletcrit' are quantity data types with empty units, but maybe they
 could be changed to proportion data types instead? If not, then the
 specification of C_QUANTITY_ITEM must be changed.

   Sam - I imagine this is right - can you check this?

 Although we have not yet uploaded cleaner archetypes with all the changes
 everyone wants, we have nearly done all the changes to the tools, and the
 next generation of archetypes on the openEHR website should address
 everything. After that we should be able to proceed faster, since I think
 we will have removed all the anomalies in tools with respect to the
 specification, and also fixed a few anomalies in the specfication.

 It would be great if the archetypes could be updated soon. Could I get a
 listing of the changes so I can update the Java archetype editor accordingly?



 openEHR-technical mailing list

Templates and archetypes-Prise de Contact

2005-10-28 Thread Dr LONJON Roger

 Votre message  (renvoi automatique ) bi lingue .. sezmble indiquer que vous
?tes un peu francophone ( et teamlog ?)

Je suis ? l'initiative d'un projet visant ? mettre sur le site ( en
accord avec T Baele) une version en fran?ais des documents  qui sont surtout en
anglais .

Je fais appel ? toutes les competences et bonne volont? , a titre b?n?vole ,
susceptible de donner un peu de leur temps pour realiser une traduction
fran?aise ..

Si vous maitrisez parfaitement l'anglais et le fran?ais .. vous ?tes la perle
rare .. que je recherche ..
Seriez vous interess?e  ?

Bien cordialement


Selon Sandrine VILLAEYS svi at

 Je suis en cong?s jusqu'au mercredi 2 novembre inclus.

 I'm in vacation until the 2nd of November, 2005 included.

 Sandrine Villaeys

 If you have any questions about using this list,
 please send a message to d.lloyd at

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at

Templates and archetypes-Prise de Contact

2005-10-28 Thread Dr LONJON Roger
Hi All,

Thank you Thomas for the translation and explanations!!!
My message would not have to appear it on the list...who is in English language
It is a mistake.. (of recipient)
I ask you to accept my apologies


Selon Thomas Beale Thomas.Beale at

 For the non French speakers here (most of the group) - I will quickly
 translate so that no-one feels uncomfortable with stuff they can't read
 on this list! Dr Lonjon is simply looking for some help amongst
 francophone openEHR members who could help with translating the openEHR
 documents into french. (for the francophones reading this, probably best
 to organise such things with Dr Lonjon directly, or stick to english as
 far as possible in this list; thanks).

 - thomas beale

 Dr LONJON Roger wrote:

  Votre message  (renvoi automatique ) bi lingue .. sezmble indiquer que vous
 ?tes un peu francophone ( et teamlog ?)
 Je suis ? l'initiative d'un projet visant ? mettre sur le site (
 accord avec T Baele) une version en fran?ais des documents  qui sont surtout
 anglais .
 Je fais appel ? toutes les competences et bonne volont? , a titre b?n?vole ,
 susceptible de donner un peu de leur temps pour realiser une traduction
 fran?aise ..
 Si vous maitrisez parfaitement l'anglais et le fran?ais .. vous ?tes la
 rare .. que je recherche ..
 Seriez vous interess?e  ?
 Bien cordialement
 Selon Sandrine VILLAEYS svi at
 Je suis en cong?s jusqu'au mercredi 2 novembre inclus.
 I'm in vacation until the 2nd of November, 2005 included.
 Sandrine Villaeys
 If you have any questions about using this list,
 please send a message to d.lloyd at
 If you have any questions about using this list,
 please send a message to d.lloyd at


 CTO Ocean Informatics (
 Research Fellow, University College London (
 Chair Architectural Review Board, openEHR (

 If you have any questions about using this list,
 please send a message to d.lloyd at

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at

Issue 1

2005-05-28 Thread Dr LONJON Roger

Hi all,
the exercise of medicine is an art.
This is not an exact science as the physics.
With the biology, the anatomo-pathology, the x'ray explorations and R.M.Imaging,
the physician gets information that are validated.
They are validated because there was physical signal registration that was
digital, pictures in RMI. These pictures, as blades of microscope, can be
reread, in the time by other physicians.
They have a statute of data validated by the physician and therefore publishable
in the file of cares of the sick.
The diagnosis makes by the physician is the result of a reasoning, from one
wholes of information that it to on his patient. One teaches it to students
future physicians.
The diagnosis is sometimes fast, but often it asks for a delay of several days
weeks or years!!  or never !!
Hypoth?seses, elaborate by the physician, are only some likely, probable
 In France, there is an agreement to say that it is about  personal  Notes
that are not validated.and what are the property of the physician.
 They are not therefore publishable and especially no opposable in judicial
proc?s case.
 In short according to Shannon (theory of information), too much information, no
precise, mask the good information to take a decision.

  Distressed for my English!!


If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at

status of BitKeeper in openEHR

2005-05-21 Thread Dr LONJON Roger
Hello Thomas !!

 You have big problems !! with bitKeeper  ??

 CMS ??  see CPS (  in french)
 Il existe CPS ( un bon produit sous ZOPE et Python) qui permet de la
publication et du travail ccoperatif sur les documents .

Avez vous perdu ou non lu mes messages pr?c?dents ?? qui sont sans r?ponse de
votre part .



Selon Thomas Beale thomas at

 Dear all,

 BitMover Inc has recently decided to withdraw its open license, and we
 are going to be forced to change our CM system for openEHR. This is a
 huge disappointment, since BitKeeper really is the rolls-royce
 application in its class, and is ideally suited to open development.
 However, they have made a decision, and given some leeway for people
 like us to change. I am not 100% sure of what you will be experiencing
 currently if you try to do a pull with your current copy of BK; if you
 are experiencing problems, please let us know.

 Some people may be thinking told you so, but as a quick defence of our
 choice I would note:
 - we placed quite some weight on Linus Torvalds' choice of BK 2 years
 ago, and also some other large open source projects
 - we started using BK in openEHR at the end of 1993. THe most likely
 alternative, Subversion, was much less mature then
 - the choice has absolutely minimised our manual work in CM for the
 period we have had it.

 We will most likely move to subversion, and set up a subversion server
 on Subversion is essentially the new CVS and handles
 moves and renames properly, and also has some semblance of change sets.
 The biomedical engineering group at the university of Valencia where I
 have been for the last couple of days have been using it for a while and
 report no problems, and showed me integrations with Eclipse and
 JBuilder. (Not sure if refactoring inside those tools does the right
 things to Subversion, but we'll test that).

 Unless anyone in the community has some strong reason or evidence why
 subversion would not be a good choice, we will migrate in the next few
 weeks. We cannot guarantee that all interior versions of openEHR
 repositories will be kept intact when migrating the files, but we will
 do our best.

 We will announce further details as we know them.

 - thomas beale


 CTO Ocean Informatics (
 Research Fellow, University College London (
 Chair Architectural Review Board, openEHR (

 If you have any questions about using this list,
 please send a message to d.lloyd at

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at

The Uncertainty Decision was: Dr R LONJON Confidence indicator !

2005-04-28 Thread Dr LONJON Roger

I read opinions expressed on the topic. This question is important in France.
The government took the decision that all citizen is going to have an
electronic medical file.personal (DMP acronym)
In principle all physicians with the authorization of the patient will have an
access to this medical file
for me it is about a medical file published a little like a weblog (to private
and controlled acc?s)
It is completely different of the electronic medical file that every physician
must create and hold up to date for his/her/its patient in his/her/its cabinet.
we call it the software profession.( logiciel m?tier in french )
This DMP should receive information exported from the software profession of the
The difficulty is to decide:
1 - what information must be published,
2 - this information is it reliable, so that another physician can use him and
not to ask for a new exam
3 - if the physician producer of information, has a space of liberty, so that
his/her/its responsibility implication is not systematically.?
The solution would be can be to differentiate well:
1 - an information validated by the physician and that gives him the opposable
information statute. He/it accepts to hire his/her/its responsibility. It is an
information that is certified by documents as the imagery, the biopsy, the
biologic analyses.
2 - an information proposed by the physician and that gives him the likely,
possible information statute, but of which the level of certainty is not
sufficient to have the opposable information statute. In this case the
responsibility of the physician, be able to not be put in reason, while using
this information no validated like proof.
It is a legislative and legal probl?me, that is different of a computer
analysis, but that is real.

Indulgence for my English and thank you.


Selon Gerard Freriks gfrer at


 I agree.

 In otherwords any clinical  (or non-clinical) concept model must be
 able to express the view of the author about certainty.
 3 states are sufficient for starters:
 likely (as default)

 When a person attaches new information to the EHR and is of the opinion
 that whole or parts of a received  extract (or EHR) need an other
 qualifyer then via versioning he must be able to annotate this by
 adding his beliefs about certainty.


 --  private --
 Gerard Freriks, arts
 Huigsloterdijk 378
 2158 LR Buitenkaag
 The Netherlands

 +31 252 544896
 +31 654 792800
 On 27 Apr 2005, at 23:25, Sam Heard wrote:

  Arild and Tim
  This is clearly an issue. In the CIP project the group wanted to be
  able to say that a diagnosis was a working diagnosis.
  We have archetyped a number of concepts that I think will enable the
  clinician to express these levels of uncertainty without resorting to
  confidence ratings on all entries in the record. Arild has shown that
  you could not possibly do a mastectomy without rating your certainty
  at 100% - or you will be sued. And not treating a pneumonia in a
  newborn with a certainty of only 20% will probably get you in trouble.
  These sort of explicit ratings are - in my opinion - very problematic.
  The solution lies in the recording constructs used for many years:
  1. To express differential diagnoses (with or without probabilities)
  and to note key excluded diagnoses as well.
  2. To express a diagnosis as a problem (such as lump in left breast)
  even if the likelihood of cancer is 100% clinically until the
  histology is returned.
  3. To be able to label a diagnosis as a working diagnosis - ie it is
  likely enough to warrant the current management - but not certain.
  Appendicitis is a good example.
  So the archetypes for problem, problem-diagnosis (specialised) and
  differential diagnosis should meet these needs.

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please send a message to d.lloyd at

Dr R LONJON Confidence indicator !

2005-04-11 Thread Dr LONJON Roger

hello philippe and thomas,
excuse me to intervene, in English of bad quality.
in medicine for me, a result must be validated and must be signed by the
producer. This result is therefore automatically a total confidence level. It
is a very important notion on the legal plan when these results are put to
disposition on a shared medical file (server web)

Inversely if this result is approximate, with a coefficient of mistake
importing, it is not about a validated data and therefore publishable, because
consequences in r?ponsabilit? for their author are unforeseeable if the patient
carries complaint.

I am unaware of this aspect of the problem so enters in your reflection.



Selon Thomas Beale thomas at

 Philippe AMELINE wrote:

  Hi Koray,
  Don't you think that Null is not a singularity (I mean an isolated
  point), but the extreme value of a linear cursor we could name
  validity or confidence.
  To give a matter of fact example, I could say that :
  I can provide a value without any comment : I am confident in the
  quality level of the measurement process
  I can provide a value saying that an average (or poor) level of
  quality must be noticed when using this information
  I can decide not to provide a value and explain why

 Hi Philippe,

 our analysis in GEHR/openEHR has always been that confidence are
 null-flavour are two different things:
 - null / data quality - indicates that some datum was not obtainable
 - confidence is likelihood of being correct a datum is, in the opinion
 of the health care professional (or maybe someone else); it can only be
 set when there is a value

 - thomas

 If you have any questions about using this list,
 please send a message to d.lloyd at

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2005-03-11 Thread Dr LONJON Roger

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at
( Unsubscribe you from this list !! )


Selon Minal Thakkar mthakkar at

 Unsubscribe me from this list

 mthakkar at
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