[OpenIndiana-discuss] test

2012-08-12 Thread openbabel

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] conky scripts

2012-09-21 Thread openbabel

Installo Scons:
tolua++ uses SCons to build. SCons is based on python, you can get a 
stand-alone version on their website. After you have SCons, follow this 
simple instructions:

$ tar xvzf scons-1.2.0.d20090919.tar.gz
$ cd scons-1.2.0.d20090919
$ pfexec python setup.py install

Installed SCons library modules into /usr/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20090919
Installed SCons scripts into /usr/bin
Installed SCons man pages into /usr/man/man1

$ ls -lah /usr/bin/scon*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5.9K 2009-09-20 01:59 scons
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5.9K 2009-09-20 01:59 scons-1.2.0.d20090919
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 49K 2009-09-20 01:00 scons-time
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 49K 2009-09-20 01:00 scons-time-1.2.0.d20090919
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17K 2009-09-20 01:59 sconsign
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17K 2009-09-20 01:59 sconsign-1.2.0.d20090919

Installo TOLUA++:
$ pfexec pkg install SUNWlua

tolua++ is an extended version of tolua, a tool to integrate C/C++ code 
with Lua. tolua++ includes new features oriented to c++ such as:

* Support for std::string as a basic type (this can be turned off by a 
command line option).

* Support for class templates

$ wget http://www.codenix.com/~tolua/tolua++-1.0.93.tar.bz2
$ tar xvjf tolua++-1.0.93.tar.bz2
$ cd /data/tolua++-1.0.93

$ vi config_posix.py
# libraries
#LIBS = ['lua', 'lualib', 'm']
LIBS = ['lua', 'm']

$ pfexec scons
$ pfexec scons install

Compilo e installo conky:

Installo pkg-config:
$ pfexec pkg install SUNWgnome-common-devel

Scompatto e compilo:
$ tar xvjf conky-1.7.2.tar.bz2
$ cd conky-1.7.2

$ ./configure
Your operating system SunOS isn't supported
Feel free to help. :P

Dowload conky-1.7.2-opensolaris.diff da "http://www.milax.org/?p=287";

$ wget http://milax.org/files/conky-1.7.2-opensolaris.diff

$ cp configure configure.old

$ patch --dry-run -p1 -i conky-1.7.2-opensolaris.diff
patching file configure
patching file src/common.c
patching file src/config.h.in
patching file src/conky.c
patching file src/fs.c
patching file src/mail.c
patching file src/Makefile.am
patching file src/Makefile.in
patching file src/solaris.c

$ patch -p1 -i conky-1.7.2-opensolaris.diff
patching file configure
patching file src/common.c
patching file src/config.h.in
patching file src/conky.c
patching file src/fs.c
patching file src/mail.c
patching file src/Makefile.am
patching file src/Makefile.in
patching file src/solaris.c

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/include:$PATH

$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/conky --disable-mpd --disable-moc 
--enable-weather-metar --enable-lua-cairo

$ gmake && pfexec gmake install

Scarico e installo i file di configurazione:
Download .conkyrc clock_rings.lua

$ mkdir $HOME/.lua
$ mkdir $HOME/.lua/scripts

$ mv clock_rings.lua $HOME/.lua/scripts
$ mv conkyrc $HOME/.conkyrc

Lancio l'eseguibile:
$ /opt/conky/bin/conky &

$ vi $HOME/.conkyrc
${color FF}${goto 125}${voffset 25}${upspeed rtls0}
${color FF}${goto 125}${downspeed rtls0}
${color 3399FF}${goto 125}Net

cambio rtls0 con bge0/yukonx0

${color FF}${goto 125}${voffset 25}${upspeed yukonx0}
${color FF}${goto 125}${downspeed yukonx0}
${color 3399FF}${goto 125}Net

per cambiare la temperatura modificare la riga:
${font caviar dreams:size=12}${color FF}${alignr}${weather 
http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/ LIRQ 
temperature temperature 30} °C${font}

per Firenze/Peretola

per aggiungere più schede di rete:
${color FF}${goto 125}${voffset 25}${upspeed rtls0}
${color FF}${goto 125}${downspeed rtls0}
${color 3399FF}${goto 125}Net rtls0
${color FF}${goto 100}${voffset 25}${upspeed atge0}
${color FF}${goto 100}${downspeed atge0}
${color 3399FF}${goto 100}Net Atge0
${color FF}${goto 75}${voffset 25}${upspeed hme0}
${color FF}${goto 75}${downspeed hme0}
${color 3399FF}${goto 75}Net hme0

"goto" serve per spostare orizzontalmente "Net "

Per aggiungere e spostare l'interfaccia grafica si deve
modificare lo script:
$ vi $HOME/.lua/scripts/clock_rings.lua

Nel mio caso ho aggiunto due interfaccie di rete:
x=125, y=565,
x=125, y=565,
x=100, y=630,
x=100, y=630,

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Gnome and the future

2012-10-31 Thread openbabel

I am of a commercial view. I am interested in the most popular desktop 
and most developed environment which is accepted by the current or 
potential user base.It would not be the correct choice
going with a project which either peters out or is not accepted by 
commercial users as this would waste development time and resource too?

As an Enterprise system the commercial view should prevail?

On 30/10/2012 17:27, låzaro wrote:

Hi all, as many people don't wanna see, gnome future is like a submarine
without roof. So, my question. What about make the new gnome's fork as
default desktop enviroment, just like is making linux mint. OI always
have the step in the next time. That project look like very good with a
lot of good toys...

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Caps Lock Indicator - Lenovo Thinkpad T430

2012-11-28 Thread openbabel

Has anyone managed to compile cnslock 1-1.02 on Oi?

On 21/11/2012 19:59, kishore kumar wrote:

It is unfortunate that there is no led light for indicating caps lock on
Lenovo Thinhkpad T430 keyboard.
However, Ubuntu/windows 7, both support that by showing an indicator image
on the monitor panel.

Is there way I can get this on OpenIndiana?  Please let me know.
$ uname -a
SunOS openindiana 5.11 oi_151a5 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris


Kishore Kumar Pusukuri
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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notify the sender at the e-mail address above.Thank you.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Tentative listing : Webcam experience with OI.

2012-12-10 Thread openbabel

tutorial here


On 10/12/2012 12:16, bscuk2 wrote:
Perhaps you should also examine Android Mobile devices which could 
fulfill this function too there seems to be development in the Android 
community on this Topic?

On 05/12/2012 18:11, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

for those of us who work with OI as a desktop.
Suddenly today, I just noticed that I've been using my thinkpad running
Debian in the past months just to chat with my colleagues and never 

that my webcam might work on the lab workstation running OI 151a7...
But I works perfectly in Ekiga for resolutions  < 640x480, after 
there are

some glitches which could be fixed :) Just enough to work :)

So here is an attempt to list the working webcams:

- Logitech Portable Webcam C905, Detected YES, Video YES up to 640x480,
Sound YES
- Logitech Quickcam V-UAM37, Detected YES, Video NO, Sound YES

If this email gets replies, I would like to list the supported 
webcams on a

wiki page.



A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is 
done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu 
This transmission is intended to be private and confidential.Intended 
solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed.It may 
contain privileged and confidential information.If you are not the 
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reliance on it. If you have received this transmission in error, please 
notify the sender at the e-mail address above.Thank you.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana roadmap

2013-01-29 Thread openbabel

On 28/01/2013 13:55, Dmitry Kozhinov wrote:

How much are you willing to pay for this service?
Correct me if I am wrong, but "roadmap" and "paid services" are 
different things.

The fact that OI is an open source and community driven project does 
not mean a "no roadmap" strategy.

- Dmitry.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

As I understand it the strategy was always to encourage the 
proliferation of solution providers and integrators to fulfill this 
function.These It was thought would form in the market where a stable 
release,sufficient development had taken place to provide significant 
market penetration and adoption.If this time has come perhaps it maybe 
helpful to welcome the listing of interested parties on the website?

Rob Jones

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is 
done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu 
This transmission is intended to be private and confidential.Intended 
solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed.It may 
contain privileged and confidential information.If you are not the 
intended recipient,you should not copy,distribute or take any action in 
reliance on it. If you have received this transmission in error, please 
notify the sender at the e-mail address above.Thank you.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] abandoned support for OpenOffice, Miozilla Firefox, Adobe Flash, etc.

2013-02-10 Thread openbabel
Its worth bearing in mind that the HTMl format will eventually be 
available through FF as a default format,  although if you wish to be 
creative it would be great develope VLC as
the default player in the browser.Bear in mind many programs will 
eventually be available through wine or the industries gradual migration 
to cloud services.Clearly Oi could

be a great cloud desktop on a USB.

For your consideration:

Support for several programs that I really enjoy has been discontinued for the 
OpenSolaris / OpenIndiana platforms.  It won't be long
before FireFox 3.6.12 becomes unacceptably obsolete ... and OpenOffice 3.1.0 
... and Thunderbird 3.2.4 ... and Adobe Flash ... and ??
The unfortunate result is that with no continuing support from software 
providers, OpenIndiana is gradually drifting toward obsolescence.

Please know that my understanding of programming is basic and mostly 
conceptional and I have just about zero experience.  So,
what I am about to offer might be based on a misunderstanding of what would be 
in involved.

Would it be possible to modify some select segments of OpenIndiana code to 
accommodate programs that are tailored to run on one
of the major Linux Distributions?  And, most importantly, while making the necessary 
alterations, do not effect the "look and feel" of
OpenIndiana (as OpenIndiana has not changed the 'look and feel" of OpenSolaris).

If I correctly understand the nature of the GNU General Public License, the 
Free Software Foundation, copyleft licensing, etc., I believe
it should be possible to copy and adapt some of the pertinent source code 
segments and libraries directly from the Linux kernel and/or
from a major Linux distribution.  I imagine that the required modifications 
would probably not be as extensive as designing that support
rom scratch ... though it would certainly be more involved than a simple "copy and 

If (as example) Debian source code is fairly close to OpenIndiana, with regard 
to support for a specific web-browser (let's say FireFox),
then the program, its libraries, and updates (as run on Debian or Debian 
derived LinuxOS) could be applied directly and unchanged to
OpenIndiana.  Thus, a copy of the FireFox program for Debian (and its updates) 
would work as cleanly on OpenIndiana as they do on any
of the Debian derived Linux OS (Ubuntu, Linspire, Knoppix, etc).

If the above can be acomplished, a "Debian flavored" copy of a program and 
updates (again if I correctly understand GNU GPL licensing)
could be added to the OpenIndiana repository.

I regret that I don't have the knowledge or talent to provide a real and 
working illustration, but I am sure that a more knowledgeable person
will understand what I propose.

If OpenIndiana cannot be updated and kept current, how long before a user is 
forced to change operating system to keep up with new
program features and new hardware or to view new (and even the 'not so new' 
multimedia formats)?

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is 
done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu 
This transmission is intended to be private and confidential.Intended 
solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed.It may 
contain privileged and confidential information.If you are not the 
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notify the sender at the e-mail address above.Thank you.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] sponsorship and wallpapers

2013-03-25 Thread openbabel
l would be interested to know if there are any ongoing sponsorship 
negotiations taking place? It is my intent to start putting out informal 
approaches over time. Intially focusing on the website, graphics, and 
wallpapers el al.

Are the opensolaris desktop wallpapers opensource and available to modify?

Any thoughts?

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is 
done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu 
This transmission is intended to be private and confidential.Intended 
solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed.It may 
contain privileged and confidential information.If you are not the 
intended recipient,you should not copy,distribute or take any action in 
reliance on it. If you have received this transmission in error, please 
notify the sender at the e-mail address above.Thank you.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Adobe Flash crashes with Firefox 20 & 21 on OI_151a8

2013-06-01 Thread openbabel

Have you tried to use VLC as default player


On 01/06/2013 19:57, Milan Jurik wrote:

Hi Bryan,

I know about it for long time. It could be because some libs were 
updated and even if they did not change public ABI, flash plugin can 
use something specific. Or something else. I have no plans to 
investigate. Adobe stopped to support our platform some time ago and 
there are different things which would be nice to solve instead of 
hunting the root cause in old vulnerable binary blob.

Best regards,


On 31.05.2013 19:11, Bryan N Iotti wrote:

Hi all,

I can't seem to be able to view YouTube videos on OI_151a8 using
Firefox 20 or 21 and Adobe Flash 11.2.

When I go to the page for a video, any video apparently, Firefox
seems to load the page and then hangs for 20 seconds before reporting
that the Flash plugin crashed.

I have core dumps from the plugin-container process.

My knowledge of mdb is very limited, but this is the kind of feedback
I'm getting:


debugging core file of plugin-containe (32-bit) from Spook

file: /export/home/ghost/Apps/firefox/plugin-container

initial argv:


threading model: native threads

status: process terminated by SIGSEGV (Segmentation Fault), addr=14


0xf8195dc2(efd06000, 280, b4, 280, 280, efd63010)

0xf81745e9(8046250, 280, b4, f6bceeb0, 280, 280)

0xf7e02645(f1197480, 8046250, 0, b4)

0xf7b7d181(f700b070, fed8, f6bcef88, f79aa20e)

0xf79aa236(f700b078, fe8c2000, 210, fed1e6e6)

0xf79aa290(f700b078, 62, 8, fed85840)

0xf79a9f50(f700b078, fed8, f6bcefe8, fed1f3ee)


libc_hwcap1.so.1`_lwp_start(f9a92240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

If I try to walk the affected threads, I get this:

0xf8195dc2::walk thread | ::findstack

stack pointer for thread 1: 8046198

[ 08046198 libc_hwcap1.so.1`yield+0x15() ]

  080461e8 libc_hwcap1.so.1`cond_signal+0x18c()

  08046208 0xf79aa372()

  08046428 0xf7c94b77()

  08046468 0xf7ab4d49()

  080464f8 0xf7abef48()

  080465a8 0xf7ac0f39()

  08046688 0xf7de5132()

  08046718 0xf7da51cf()

  080467d8 0xf7da71db()

  08046888 0xf79adbb1()

  08046948 0xf79a125c()

  08046968 libglib-2.0.so.0.2800.6`g_timeout_dispatch+0x20()

  080469f8 libglib-2.0.so.0.2800.6`g_main_dispatch+0x1df()

  08046a18 libglib-2.0.so.0.2800.6`g_main_context_dispatch+0x93()

  08046a78 libglib-2.0.so.0.2800.6`g_main_context_iterate+0x3a8()

  08046ab8 libglib-2.0.so.0.2800.6`g_main_context_iteration+0x7f()






  08046b68 libxul.so`__1cLMessageLoopDRun6M_v_+0x35()

  08047818 libxul.so`XRE_InitChildProcess+0x3a7()

  08047848 main+0x3e()

  0804786c _start+0x7d()

Now, what should I do?

Does anyone want a copy of the core files so they can dissect them
more accurately?
Should I also post this to oi-dev?


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is 
done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu 
This transmission is intended to be private and confidential.Intended 
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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Firefox on OI 151a8 ???

2013-11-07 Thread openbabel

I am have updated to FF24 and Thunderbird they seem to be stable releases


On 07/11/2013 00:29, John D Groenveld wrote:

In message<527ac156.3060...@2e-systems.com>, Predrag Zecevic writes:

i am using FF24

25.0 addresses some security issue:

The Java Applet Test runs with Oracle JRE 7u45:


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is 
done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu 
This transmission is intended to be private and confidential.Intended 
solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed.It may 
contain privileged and confidential information.If you are not the 
intended recipient,you should not copy,distribute or take any action in 
reliance on it. If you have received this transmission in error, please 
notify the sender at the e-mail address above.Thank you.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] mailinglist oios

2014-02-08 Thread openbabel

Dear Hans,

Oios is best described as system design and built for the enterprise 
professional.If you like, a niche market player. It represents a great 
opportunity to expand enterprise functionality to those who were not 
fully engaged with enterprise and provides an ideal platform to be a 
leading player in the emergence of the much promised professional low 
cost server market (to reach from the server philosophy).

Internet feedback seems to point to hotspots of interest in the North 
Australia.Economically emerging countries under the BRIC label are 
Brazil,Russia,India,and China.This may indicate that oi is being adopted 
by these emerging enterprise markets.My guess is that oi adoption is 
aided by desktop use as an interaction and learning tool for enterprise.


pictures on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/openindiana/

your reference

Von: Hans J. Albertsson [hans.j.alberts...@branneriet.se]
Gesendet: Freitag, 7. Februar 2014 17:34
An: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Betreff: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] 2014 April 8

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is 
done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu 
This transmission is intended to be private and confidential.Intended 
solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed.It may 
contain privileged and confidential information.If you are not the 
intended recipient,you should not copy,distribute or take any action in 
reliance on it. If you have received this transmission in error, please 
notify the sender at the e-mail address above.Thank you.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Future of OI (was Bash Bug issue)

2014-10-10 Thread openbabel

On 10/10/2014 14:22, ken mays via openindiana-discuss wrote:

I understand that there is a new SSL Beta version available and some 
patches for the latest Bash version.Perhaps someone could test these and 
push them downstream.


On 10/10/2014 14:22, ken mays via openindiana-discuss wrote:

You missed Tribblix and DilOS and a few others. Same as in cars, why are there 
so many of them that do
similar things ??? Choices.

Tribblix, XStreamOS-Desktop, and OI are the current leading 'desktop-oriented' 
distros. Those distros differ in
package management and default desktops (amongest other things). OpenSXCE was 
one of the leading
  desktop distros for the OpenSolaris community that supported both x86/x86-64 
and legacy SPARC platforms.

As in cars, people working on similar things can contribute to each other as 
well as the big brother distro
(aka Solaris). Some distro projects are self funded or corporate sponsored 
(Nexenta, OmniOS, SmartOS, etc).

OI was more about the foundation of testing the latest Illumos kernel snapshots 
and porting the core upstream consolidations - while supporting a desktop UI 
experience. People wanted to support the 'core OS' consolidations and some of 
the legacy OpenSolaris core projects.

People then branch out and spread their wings to 
build/consult/enhance/embrace... hence, like a phoenix


On Friday, October 10, 2014 5:59 AM, The Outsider  


That's why i pay for hard&software support on solaris 11.2. (Prices are
reasonable when you have Sun hardware)

But 11.2 != openindiana.

On 10 oktober 2014 02:08:00 Dave Pooser  wrote:

On 10/9/14 5:13 PM, "The Outsider"  wrote:

Hmm i am sorry. I seem to have missed that.
Last time i installed and tested it i needed to get a registrationkey and
wasn't allowed to use nexenta for business without paying a quite high
amount of euros.

But that was 3 years ago.

Open source != free-as-in-beer
Dave Pooser
Cat-Herder-in-Chief, Pooserville.com

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list
openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Oios ????? Re: mailinglist oios

2017-01-30 Thread openbabel

oios stands for open indiana operating system these are ideas,branding, 
and media development of the project for the immediate and interest 
groups such as graphics designers. It is pointed out that the oios 
project skills spans further than software development encompassing 
branding,graphics,desktop,cloud and users solutions. You will not the 
current volume of interest in the project from all over the world.


On 30/01/2017 00:36, Jerry Kemp wrote:

Came across this post searching my personal archives for something else.


Assuming you are still here with us, what is/was Oios?  An OpenIndiana 
based distro?  Or, do/did you sell OpenIndiana compatible hardware?

I followed the flickr.com post, and I do see a bunch of pretty pictures.

Sorry if I am just overlooking the obvious.

Even if this is something that was here but is now history, I would 
appreciate hearing more about this.


On 02/ 8/14 09:31 AM, openbabel wrote:

Dear Hans,

Oios is best described as system design and built for the enterprise
professional.If you like, a niche market player. It represents a great
opportunity to expand enterprise functionality to those who were not 
engaged with enterprise and provides an ideal platform to be a 
leading player in
the emergence of the much promised professional low cost server 
market (to reach

from the server philosophy).

Internet feedback seems to point to hotspots of interest in the North
emerging countries under the BRIC label are Brazil,Russia,India,and 
may indicate that oi is being adopted by these emerging enterprise 
guess is that oi adoption is aided by desktop use as an interaction 
and learning

tool for enterprise.


pictures on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/openindiana/

your reference

Von: Hans J. Albertsson [hans.j.alberts...@branneriet.se]
Gesendet: Freitag, 7. Februar 2014 17:34
An: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Betreff: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] 2014 April 8

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] The end is near

2017-03-20 Thread openbabel
I think this is off topic noise..but my opinion is that this is the 
result of a decision by Fujitsu to back ARM technologies in the data 
centre. Following the announced takeover of this industry leading UK 
chip company the Japanise company now wants to launch new ARM 
technologies into the data centres. This may explain 

The question for oi is will it run on these ARM chips which will likely 
be common place after the downward fortunes of intels monoploy.

On 25/01/2017 19:35, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

On 01/25/17 11:15 AM, Tim Mooney wrote:
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] The end is near, Udo 
Grabowski said...:

You need reliable sources:

I haven't seen any posts to the list from Alan Coopersmith since this
thread started; here's hoping Alan escaped this unscathed.

Then you must have deleted all the e-mails I sent:





As long as we're cluttering the OI list with off-topic noise, some 

reading material on what we're doing with Solaris:

https://twitter.com/ORCL_Solaris & https://twitter.com/opensolaris 
have both
been sharing various links as well (though obviously with different 

https://twitter.com/alanc on the other hand is completely off-topic.  8-)


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] coreboot and OI

2017-05-10 Thread openbabel
I am trying to install oios after updating the UEFI bios to the latest 
F20/21. The previous bios ran oi but post install of the new bios it 
freezes after SUNOS boot information screen. This is similar to solaris 
11.3. I am advised that I can no longer return to earlier copies of the 
bios so I am resorting to looking at the opensource coreboot project 
which is meant to support opensolaris. Has anyone any experience of 
installing coreboot to run Oi ? if so what are instructions to do this?

Robert Jones

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] openindiana.org website maintance

2017-05-12 Thread openbabel

Dear all,

I noticed there is some unwanted entries on the dashboard of the site. 
Is there currently a maintainer for the site ?

Robert Jones


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] openindiana.org website maintance

2017-05-13 Thread openbabel


Top right under Anonymous sparc server entries viagra


On 13/05/2017 08:22, Nikola M wrote:

On 05/13/17 02:25 AM, Will Brokenbourgh wrote:

On 05/12/2017 04:56 PM, Harry Putnam wrote:

If you dig back in the archives of this list just a few weeks, I think,
you will find some discussion about that and some pleas for helpers to
step forward Oh, it might have been on the dev list:


To the admins, I'd be happy to take on this responsibility.  I'm at my
computer most of the day anyway because I support customers, so I
volunteer.  Just let me know.

What exactly you want to do?
If wanting to contribute something to the Wiki, you can request an account.
Don't know what this threat actually refers to? Don't see anything unwanted.

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openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana Hipster 2017.04 mates 1.18

2017-06-18 Thread openbabel
I have set up snapshot 04.2017 on a FW21L Sony VAIO updated to 1.18 
through Pkg update.
I have notice when reconstructing the top panel add application both the 
volume and brightness appellets are missing. In themes the colour 
customisation tabbs are also missing.

Cycling through themes and hardware profiles makes little difference. 
The multimedia on this hardware still continues to function correctly. 
Is there anything that can be done to get back these features?


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana Hipster on Xserve 2008

2017-08-24 Thread openbabel

It might be worth considering both the coreboot and open bios projects.

Robert Jones

On 11/08/2017 07:37, Rasaki Temidire wrote:

Thanks for the response Alexander.  Are there any imminent plans for UEFI 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 10, 2017, at 23:17, Alexander Pyhalov  wrote:

On 08/11/17 02:33 AM, Rasaki Temidire wrote:
I acquired an Apple Xserve 2008 for no apparent reason at all except that I 
thought it would be fun to throw OpenIndiana Hipster on it and learn more about 
virtualization, maybe set up Plex, NZBget, Sonarr and some other (zoned or 
VMed) services and a development environment for data analytics software.  I 
created an OpenIndiana 2017.04 CD and tried to boot the Xserve but the EFI did 
not recognize the CD as a boot disk.  Has anyone else tried installing on an 
Xserve?  I thought the OpenIndiana installation media could boot on EFI enabled 
machines?  Any ideas are welcome.  I have yet to try using a UB flash to boot 
OpenIndiana but something tells me that this has to do with EFI as I was able 
to boot on a BIOS Dell i5 laptop with no hassle.
One more question.  Has anyone ever set up a macOS kvm under Hipster?  Would be 
great to have that set up and run Xcode in it.
Thank you.

Currently OpenIndiana doesn't support UEFI boot.

Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] reboot after loading platform

2017-09-03 Thread openbabel


I did run oios on a GA 775 with a GT430 did you try a different grahics 
card ?


On 03/09/2017 13:33, Dirk Willems wrote:


I tried to install OI on my desktop

- Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Product Name: EP45-UD3R

- Socket 775

- GeForce GTX 750 Ti

- OI-hipster-gui-20170502.usb

In the HCL I found

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti 

GA-EP45-UD3R => Works when "Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology" (CPU 
EIST Function) is disabled in BIOS. (Intel speedstep causes abnormally 
high kernel CPU usage). 

But after getting the bootlader and boot on to multi or single user 
and loading the platform then I normally should get the gui I see the 
screen changing in 1 light line and then it reboot :(

Any suggestion to try out or just not compatible with the Graphics  or 
motherboard ?

Kind Regards,


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] switching from Ubuntu

2017-11-07 Thread openbabel

Greetings All,

I would like to add that if you have a particular interest in helping 
the desktop environment advance we would welcome your imput.

Robert Jones

On 07/11/2017 07:53, Nikola M wrote:

On 11/ 7/17 01:34 AM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:

Greetings All,

I have used many operating systems over the years and lately have been
using Windows (all flavors) as well as Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS, Gentoo,
etc...) bu mostly have been using Ubuntu 16.04 as my desktop for some 


Currently, I am gearing up to do a couple of projects which have the
Illumos base which are in the SmartOS arena, but it made me start to 
if I should also consider loading up OpenIndiana Hipster as my 
desktop so

that I can become more familiar with it as it seems to have many
similarities as SmartOS and wanted to get the opinion of the OI 

as to what they thought about it as a day-to-day OS?

Mostly just exploring the possibility of nuking Ubuntu in favor of
installing OI for a while to see how it runs.

Any comments, experiences, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Firstly , Openindiana is the distribution name because /hipster 
(lowercase) is not OS/distribution name, but a repository name.
I welcome you to illumos distributions, Unix-derived family. (It is 
truly derived from Unix and not just Unix-like)

Openindiana is a server-oriented UK-hosted OS that have a desktop. OI 
has 'snapshots' twice a year (not a releases per se, since they are 
not supported to be updated as such like in Ubuntu) and in the 
meantime there are contiuous updates of fresh and 'vanilla' illumos 
updates and the effort of contributors in 'userland' source repository 
to make it better, more bug free and add fundamental features, where 
Alexander Pyhalov is standing out together with all other important 

Having a MATE desktop, Firefox ESR and LibreOffice (from SFE 
repository), Openindiana is enough for everyday use of internet 
services and using Solaris zones (those might end up hosted in the 
illumos based cloud), but it is sure that some device driver support 
might lacking or trailing behind  a bit.
You can also bootstrap Joyent SmartOS userland and use it in the 
window, using pkgsrc packages, separately installed, in the terminal 
emulator and have it together with OI desktop experience. There are 
also Boot Envornments on top of ZFS that makes both testing and 
production use more reliable and predictive experience etc.

So you can count on frequent and inclusive experience, that would 
demand of you to be more included in the development of the OI itself, 
not only by posting bug reports or driver support requests, but it 
could also allow you to be more directly involved (and more 
appreciated) then in some other distributions you could. So it's both 
exciting and fulfilling experience to use it and make it better.
Don' take anything by the letter , be free to openly (and publicly!) 
collaborate with others and everything you do will be important.

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openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Laptop wireless card replacement recommendations.

2018-01-10 Thread openbabel
I am considering an upgrade to my sony laptop wireless card hopefully to 
the latest industry standards. Could anyone recommend a wireless card 
which works with OI ? Currently I have looked atAtheros 9280 Abgn Half 
Size Wireless Card and BroardcomBCM94352HMBAzure wave half size.

Robert Jones
openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] 2018-02-07 09:00 MATE 1.20 released

2018-02-08 Thread openbabel

Are there any plans to update to the new mate release ?


 * 2018-02-07 09:00 MATE 1.20 released

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [CFT] gcc 6.4.0-built repository available

2018-02-12 Thread openbabel

Hi everyone,

To help desktop users I would like t continue Wine,Conky, and a Dock 



On 07/02/2018 20:10, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

Hi everyone,
we are happy to announce that a repository containing all the oi-userland
packages built with gcc 6.4.0 is now available for testing.

The repository is located at:


It is synchronized with the latest oi-userland bits and contains some minor
While these packages have been tested for a few weeks now, be aware that
the repository should be used for evaluation only (not in production).

Note that illumos-gate is still built with illumos-gcc 4.4.4.

To test this repository, we recommend that you create a new Boot
Environment (BE) and update manually this newly created BE.

Assume the right credentials using sudo, or pfexec if you have Software
Installation profile: you need to add sudo or pfexec before each of the
following command lines.

$ beadm create 20180207-gcc6

with '20180207-gcc6' an arbitrary BE name.

$ beadm mount 20180207-gcc6
Mounted successfully on: '/tmp/tmp.7mayXC'

with '/tmp/tmp.7mayXC' the mountpoint of the new BE.

Add the gcc-6 repository to the list of publishers and set as preferred:

$ pkg -R /tmp/tmp.7mayXC set-publisher -P -O http://pkg.openindiana.org/
gcc-6/ userland

$ pkg -R /tmp/tmp.7mayXC set-publisher --non-sticky --disable

$ pkg -R /tmp/tmp.7mayXC publisher
userlandorigin   online F http://pkg.openindiana.org/
openindiana.org (non-sticky, disabled) origin   online F

Finally you can update the new BE:

$ pkg -R /tmp/tmp.7mayXC update -v

Be aware that the update can make up to 3GB of data.

The created BE can be chosen manually at the next reboot, or activated

$ beadm activate 20180207-gcc6

Please report any package dependency issue that may arise.

Happy testing!


openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Mate 1.18 Desktop menu reset commands

2018-02-19 Thread openbabel

Dear all,

I have lost some function in the main desktop menu on mate 1.18. 
Attempts to reset it locally produces a momentry flash on screen. Use of 
snap shots have not been successful. It would appear that this problem 
has been experienced in linux mate installations also. I have attempted 
to reset the panel through the single user login screen by using the 
command sudo mate-panel --reset and dconf reset -f /org/mate/terminal/

Is there a set command in oi I can try to now reset the main menu ?

Thank you,


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Wine and recent Openindiana

2018-05-23 Thread openbabel

Has anyone managed to compile the latest versions 3.x of wine ?



On 22/05/2018 18:48, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:

Hi, can you rebuild it with -ggdb -O0 and resend the back trace?

$ gdb /opt/gnu/wine/bin/wine core
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.10.1
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-pc-solaris2.11".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from /opt/gnu/wine/bin/wine...done.
[New LWP 1]
[New LWP 1]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 1 (LWP 1)]
Core was generated by `wine DVD Shrink 3.2.exe'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0  0xfeda902d in wine_set_fs (val=4103) at ../../include/wine/library.h:188
188 __DEFINE_SET_SEG(fs)
[Current thread is 3 (Thread 1 (LWP 1))]
(gdb) bt
#0  0xfeda902d in wine_set_fs (val=4103) at ../../include/wine/library.h:188
#1  wine_ldt_init_fs (sel=4103, entry=0x8047300) at ldt.c:433
#2  0x7ff7e046 in signal_init_thread (teb=0x3fff8000) at signal_i386.c:2547
#3  0x7ff8676a in thread_init () at thread.c:354
#4  0x7ff54872 in __wine_process_init () at loader.c:3341
#5  0xfedaa407 in wine_init (argc=2, argv=0x804787c, error=0x804740c "",
 error_size=1024) at loader.c:979
#6  0x0805146c in main (argc=2, argv=0x804787c) at main.c:258

Hope this helps!


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] MATE 1.20 and updated GTK+3 for hipster

2018-10-16 Thread openbabel

Thanks will try it..seems the Deamon failed upon start up.


On 16/10/2018 08:05, Michal Nowak wrote:


the only MATE 1.20 component which deals with sound is libmatemixer, 
but looking at v1.20.1 changes compared to v1.18, there are barely any 
code changes...

Though, we updated Pulse Audio several times since 2018.04 snapshot.

Could you try to back out ~/.config/pulse/ and restart? Pulse Audio 
should re-create that directory with fresh configuration.


On 10/14/18 11:07 PM, Dr Peter jones wrote:

Dear Michal

I have update to 1.2 mate, users may have to reconfigure all 

days but first impressions are it runs more smoothly. I am presently
getting trouble with pulse audio although the volume is loud the 

don t respond

On Sun, 14 Oct 2018 at 16:13, Michal Nowak  wrote:


as part of preparations for the 2018.10 snapshot, MATE 1.20 and GTK+3
3.24.1 were published to the hipster repo. Once you update you system,
you will have them.

If you have a custom theme which worked with MATE 1.18 it may not work
with the updated GTK+3. In that case you may revert in "Appearance
Preferences" to a stock MATE theme or to our default Nimbus one.


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openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster 10 / 2018 Mate desktop 1. 2 -changing password utility

2018-11-02 Thread openbabel

Dear all,

I have tried to change the current password using the mate desktop 
utility. The utility seems to stall under authentication on two separate 
hardware configurations. Is there a work around for this problem ?


Robert Jones

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] mate desktop 1.22

2019-04-15 Thread openbabel

Dear All,

The mate 1.22 new desktop is now available for download. Would it be 
straightforward to download and attempt to update it myself or are there 
too many dependencies to attempt this as a non developer ?


Robert Jones

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Firefox 60 ESR available

2019-04-29 Thread openbabel

Dear All,

Perhaps I have misunderstood this,Did you try the extensions on FF such 
as https://github.com/erkserkserks/h264ify ?

Robert Jones

On 04/29/19 09:16 AM, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:

The Firefox plugin for this codec was built by Cisco and made
available for free for several operating systems, but not for illumos
or Solaris.  Perhaps we can convince Cisco to build one for us?

If you are talking about this OpenH264

|  |




the source code is freely available. And I have compiled it a couple of
years ago. I can give you the tree withe produced binaries if you like.
The problem is that the binaries do not work with firefox but they pass
the tests...


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Firefox 60 ESR available

2019-04-30 Thread openbabel
It is understood that AV1 maybe available in forth coming FF 

On 04/29/19 06:49 PM, openbabel wrote:

Dear All,

Perhaps I have misunderstood this,Did you try the extensions on FF 
such as https://github.com/erkserkserks/h264ify ?

Robert Jones

On 04/29/19 09:16 AM, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:

The Firefox plugin for this codec was built by Cisco and made
available for free for several operating systems, but not for illumos
or Solaris.  Perhaps we can convince Cisco to build one for us?

If you are talking about this OpenH264

|  |




the source code is freely available. And I have compiled it a couple of
years ago. I can give you the tree withe produced binaries if you like.
The problem is that the binaries do not work with firefox but they pass
the tests...


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] : open ssl security update

2015-07-09 Thread Private openbabel
Open SSL have released a security fix today. Is this something that is 
relevant to OiOS ? https://www.openssl.org/


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Support for USB3?

2015-10-31 Thread Private openbabel

On 28/10/2015 21:45, Rich Teer wrote:

On Wed, 28 Oct 2015, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

USB-3 is not supported yet.  I have not heard of anyone working on it.

Ah, that is what I feared, but thanks for confirming it.

Consider ZFS on Linux or FreeBSD if you need USB-3 and ZFS within the next

Yep; I've already started pondering those options...
Theoretically there are adapters available for esata and usb 3 as a 
short term fix but remain untested for example 
If a driver was available it would be best aimed at 3.1 or 
http://www.mhlconsortium.org/technology.aspx. You may ponder Qualifying 
corporate development funding for drivers in the UK under  

Robert Jones

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Updated website

2015-11-21 Thread Private openbabel
This is a welcome contribution however the failure to progress further 
with new branding and logo slows the distros progression. I do hope we 
can see further steps forward for OiOS in 2016.

Robert Jones
On 18/11/2015 20:39, Dmitry Kozhinov wrote:

Congratulations on the redesigned website!

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI roadmap (for production)

2015-12-06 Thread Private openbabel

On 05/12/2015 21:16, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

On Fri, 4 Dec 2015, Predrag Zečević - Unix Systems Administrator wrote:

Also, number of people involved in OS maintenance made me suggest 
SmartOS or OmniIT...

OmniOS succeeds due to its quite limited scope rather than a large 
number of maintainers.  It leaves the responsibility for providing 
common server applications (e.g. Apache) to others.  SFE is in a 
fledgling state for OmniOS, but might prove to be a significant future 
source of applications (in addition to Joyent-supported pkgsrc and 
third parties who have provided public access to their IPS packages).

SmartOS does not likely have a large number of maintainers either, but 
Joyent has bet its future on it.  SmartOS also succeeds by limiting 
its scope.

OpenIndiana has a much larger scope given how many packages it offers 
by default.


Dear Bob,

I would like to see a foundation registered in the UK in early 2016 to 
receive donations and sponsorship similar to Libre Office.This will help 
with some of the development objectives outlined.


Robert Jones

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Posting inline

2015-12-13 Thread Private openbabel

Dear All,

I am concerned that accessibility for the blind and visually impaired 
should be maintained at all times.

Robert Jones

On 13/12/2015 07:42, Nikola M wrote:

On 12/13/15 05:44 AM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

On 12/12/15 07:03 PM, Ian Collins wrote:
Both of these appear to be due to incorrectly configured mail 
clients. The
second may be a matter of (bad!) taste.  The first, being uncommon, 
is more than

likely a problem with the client.

And as annoying as both may be, is it worse than making the list so 
hostile that
the very small community you have shrinks even further because no one 
wants to
participate at the risk of being flamed for their mail client? Surely 

more important things to spend time on than typing in all those replies.

Sorry people need to learn to use their mail clients.
If community is to develop and grow in positive way and possibly have 
an web representation of mailing list in the future, individuals that 
are doig it wrong on the list and they are informed on it, should be 
informed to do it right so that everyone is happy and list is not 

It absolutely has nothing to do with "hostility" , on the oposite, it 
is being friendly and positive and understanding recognizing the issue 
and help people not to repeat same mistakes.
If it would be hostile, people would be temporarely banned from 
posting after being informed to correct posting mistake and not doing 
something about it. If one recognize the problem and keeps doing th 
same thing, it is then aganst community goals of having civile 
environment and may and may not be intentional.

Also well-behaved and civile community is much more important then 
someone's personal opinion that laziness to fix it's own problem has 
anything to do with OI. Also it is of most importance to inform 
Newcomers that being polite and helpful is valued and ignoring 
technical problems (especially when it has nothing to do with OI 
mailinfg lists) is not.
So using one's own mail client is not connected with Openindiana 

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Posting inline awareness

2015-12-13 Thread Private openbabel
I think that original Gnome developers saw awareness in terms of font 
sizes, colours and simplified processess. I cant see any problem in 
going forward as long as you are aware that over complex processes may 
be be excluding users or developers with failing eyesight. I am 
interested in expanding the community to recently retired developers and 
users who would interested in participating in the future. In an aging 
population this is a untapped contributor group it is not by chance 
major vendors are traveling in this direction.

On 13/12/2015 10:23, Rob Jones wrote:

I cannot think of what this means for a blind or visually impaired 
user of the list..at best intelligable prusumably it means exclusion 
from this list?

On 13 Dec 2015 7:56 am, "Nikola M" > wrote:

On 12/13/15 03:46 AM, Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss

I would like to suggest that there just might be a bug in the
archive software if  posts did not show up properly in the
thread hierarchy.  It might also be some pathology among MTAs
which is confusing the archive software.

I can confirm that it is not related to OI mailing list but to the
mail client and/or mail provider you are using, too.
Multiple people confirmed they see the issue and it is displaying
it the same way in my client (Thunderbird, Gmail ofet IMAP with
filters) as it it on Mailing list archive.

It is common problem and is fixed with list subscriber chage of
it's behaviur when posting, changing ways of usig your mail
client, changing mail client or changing mail provider. Until it
is solved for you you can please restrain from posting, not to

If you want you can pop in sometimes on #openindiana IRC channel
on Freenode so we can help you setting your mail clent.
 . I can show you that with
uncpacking and concatenating mailing list archives, and using mail
filter in Thunderbird, you can have all mailing list posts in one
place , offline or online, too.

openindiana-discuss mailing list


openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Christmas message 2015

2015-12-24 Thread Private openbabel
A big thank you for all the contributors,developers, and sponsors for 
you hard work in 2015.We look forward to you help in 2016.

Robert Jones
openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster 2016.04 snapshot

2016-05-02 Thread Private openbabel

I have tried this snap shot and have two questions.
Why have we now got yet another mail client on the snapshot?
Do you have plans to include the IPS packages or have I missed something ?


On 23/04/2016 18:50, Lou Picciano wrote:

Nice work, guys!

Lou Picciano
- Original Message - From: "Aurélien Larcher" 
 To: "Discussion list for OpenIndiana" 
 Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2016 
12:09:48 PM Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster 2016.04 
OI Hipster 2016.04 snapshot is ready.




SHA 256 checksums are available at ${link}.sha256sum

Release notes:http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/2016.04+Release+notes  

Congratulations !

News has been relayed on:

- Distrowatch [http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=09371] and
- Phoronix [

Also Distrowatch diligently updated the list of packages on:


but some versions are not set correctly.


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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] ASUS Z170-WS

2016-05-20 Thread Private openbabel

Hardware compatibility questions -It maybe worth reevaluationing the 
relationship between HCL database and the Device Driver Utility 
submission mechanisum. A self serve HCL is a very useful tool OiOS.


On 20/05/2016 00:36, Joe Reid wrote:

On 5/19/2016 6:30 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
I'll be certain to update the HCL on the OpenIndiana wiki when I have 
board and can test it, but as I said, that will be several weeks yet. 

Thanks for the info.  I'm not in a hurry, per se...it's just that the 
mobo's on-sale, 70% off...

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [off-topic] Samsung acquires Joyant

2016-07-12 Thread Private openbabel
It maybe to early to tell but does this mean SmartOS will continue as an 
opensource distro ?

On 11/07/2016 04:20, Nikola M wrote:

On 07/10/16 08:53 PM, Jerry Kemp wrote:

I'm also subscribed to the Joyant SmartOS list, although I don't keep
up with it as well as I do the OpenIndiana one.

Catching up on post, I find that Samsung is acquiring Joyant, makers
of the SmartOS distro, among many other neat things.


This apparently happened, or minimally, kicked off mid-June 2016.

Fingers crossed that Joyant, their products, and their employees come
out of this unscathed.

When I heard of it and read it on Joyent site, I was somehow happy,
because Samsung is producing it's of silicon and having factories and
large user base and the clear public image.
As I remember Samsung makes it's phones with an ability to record
phonecalls, because they implement function in silicon they produce,
where many(most) other vendors doesn't implement it in fear of coming
under local regulations and hardware is reused in many other models. So
it's important to make your own silicon. That can also open the question
of ARM port, where Samsung produces it.

They got exceptionally fine server and cloud crew for them and not to
forget big community for open cloud (SDC), distro and illumos in
general, including Openindiana (extending partially to Solaris).
If they keep the business and have it growing and open and reuse it,
there's clear road ahead for Samsung, too.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] MATE feedback

2016-08-11 Thread Private openbabel

I was wondering if you could use cairo dock or similar with mate ?

Robert Jones

On 11/08/2016 17:48, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:

On 08/11/16 07:44 PM, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

Am 11.08.16 um 17:37 schrieb Aurélien Larcher:

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 8:29 AM, Alexander Pyhalov  wrote:

[ stuff deleted ]

And I wanted to finish with lightdm before announcing MATE :)

Sorry about that ;) at least I did some preview testing ;)

BTW, MATE package set looks like


I installed everything listed on the Wiki page:


Should we have a 'mate' meta-package?

yes, please :-)

I have mate-install meta-package (like gui_install), which in theory 
can be used to create MATE iso image. But it's in theory. On practice 
it's not so good, as it delivers broken gdm after installation. So, I 
didn't publish it. I hope I'll do it after finishing with lightdm.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Nobody for whom OI/Hipster Mate on i915/KMS is working fine wants to report?

2016-09-06 Thread Private openbabel
I was testing the DVD mates again and decided to install it but could 
not get the partition manager to work. this is in addition to add to 
panel omission of the volume appelet.

look forward to using this in the future.


On 06/09/2016 16:23, Мартин Бохниг via openindiana-discuss wrote:

Ok, hi Apostolos,

as said already: A pity that (almost) nobody of all those others for whom it apparently 
works fine took the time to report, while there are always enough individuals interested 
in discussing "code of conduct" and worse pogroms..
Now that the only feedback anybody hears on-list about the i915 backport is "oh, doesn't 
work" it appears as if it is "instable crap", to quote certain well-known geniuses.

Nevertheless thanks for reporting and sorry that you are experiencing problems.

Now, let's nail this issue: Yes, the same pciid 42 was already attched for the 
old ums i915:

alias = pci8086,42  \

And yes, it should also still work with Oracle's newer driver designed for 
Solaris 12 that I backported to OpenSolaris.
Your output below is a good beginning at best, but what's missing:
*Did you still test in 32bit mode, without 32bit i915/drm bins on the 
Hipster/Mate DVD?*

If yes, then it wonders little that you ended with what you call a "black 
screen", because as there is no 32bit compiled version of i915/drm included on the 
DVD, how would it work?

Yesterday I stated already that it *is* possible to build old IA32 bins of 
i915/drm, and they are for download (together with the 64bit bins)  here, as 

They would already be part of the Illumos-gate and would by default get built 
for IA32 _and_ x64, if Illumos was anything related to what they claim to be 
(free bird and stuff).
But history took different routes on scary alarming paths.
So, that's why users of outdated hardware still running 32bit kernels have to 
perform the installation manually after the OS is installed in text mode 
following the steps as outlined in   

So to test them you need at least a USB stick or a growisofs or a 
hdd-installation (because otherwise you have a tough time copying any 32bit 
variant of i915/drm into the boot_archive on wrirte-protected media).

You didn't send /var/log/Xorg.0.log*,
You didn't send syslog
You didn't send any more information, such as where does the "the screen is 
black" event happen.
You did not say if you are now in 64bit mode off DVD, 32bit mode off DVD and if 
64bit mode, why you first said you wanted to run it in 32bit mode.

 From your pciid I could now derive that this is:

{0x8086, 0x42, CHIP_I9XX|CHIP_I965,  "Intel IGDNG_D" }, \

so i965,and in  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel-900-Serie

that it appears to be:
P965 [17]
Broadwater 90 nm Q2 2006 ICH8 / ICH8R / ICH8-DH 533 / 800 / 1066 MHz 19 W 8 GB 
RAM DDR2-533/667/800
1.1 keine
Q965 [18]
Broadwater 90 nm Q2 2006 ICH8 / ICH8R / ICH8-DH 533 / 800 / 1066 MHz 19 W 8 GB 
RAM DDR2-533/667/800
1.1 GMA 3000

But as you didn't tell me more about your Netbook (not even its name, only its 
vendor), I can only *guess* if it is 64bit capable: PROBABLY NOT.

So then again tell me how you can expect it to function with the current 
Hipster/Mate KMS LiveDVD, after I explained long and well *that* and *why* it 
does *not* contain IA32 bins for i915/drm?

If you want to test my backport on your vintage hardware, then you need to 
perform the installation in text mode or vesa mode and then take the 32bit bins 
after installation from the link I provided.

When I try the live DVD on this machine I see a black screen.

Did you read what I wrote yesterday already?
NO 32bit bins of i915/drm on this current iso/DVD.

%martin bochnig

Вторник,  6 сентября 2016, 14:23 UTC от Apostolos Syropoulos 


As I reported yesterday I have tested the live DVD on a system that has an 
Intel processor.
The system is running a pre-KMS version of Xorg where the i915 is working. Here 
are the details:

node name:  display
Vendor: Intel Corporation
Device: Core Processor Integrated Graphics 
Sub-Vendor: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
binding name:   pci8086,42
devfs path: /pci@0,0/display@2
bus addr:   2
pci path:   0,2,0
compatible name:
driver name:i915

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster distro contents confusion

2016-09-28 Thread Private openbabel
I have suspected sometime that a rolling release would confuse potential 
users. Perhaps we should consider a named beta release soon under the 
appropriate celestrial name?


On 27/09/2016 20:05, Hans J Albertsson wrote:

Ok, so I install the iso, check what is missing and get the rest as you

This machine is just a tryout for me. Wanna see if I can get SunRays, with
Firefox, thunderbird and libreoffice going and then a serviio dlna server
using ffmpeg for transcoding.
Most other server bits here are on FreeNAS boxes.

I'm not seriously expecting hipster to be super stable, but I can't imagine
you folks putting all this effort in unless your experience occasionally
includes reasonable usefulness.

Hans J. Albertsson
 From my Nexus 5

Den 27 sep. 2016 7:40 em skrev "cpforum" :

Message du 27/09/16 09:02
De : "Hans J. Albertsson"
A : openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
Copie à :
Objet : [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster distro contents confusion

I'm looking at Hipster 2016.04 and noticing that it supposedly includes
gnome and mate1.4, apart from firefox and ffmpeg and lots of nice things.

No warnings on the Release Notes page.

Then I find another download, 2016 08 16, a test iso where the
intro/invite text talks about serious problems with having both MATE and

And I have a few other minor unclear points when trying to understand
the ISO snapshot vs ips server stuff.

So a few questions to clear my mind of unfounded worries:

I suppose the ISOs are "hipster in a reasonably stable state, well worth
trying in a non-critical machine, likely to work just fine, mostly"?

On the desktop hipster is a "no crash stable beta". But you have to add
some package to make it

Here is a script for that.


# Compléments Gnome

pkg install \
system/install/locale \
image/gnome-backgrounds \
gnome/theme/background/os-backgrounds-extra \
gnome/media/sound-recorder \
desktop/keepassx \
image/viewer/gthumb \
image/editor/inkscape \
image/webcam/cheese \
web/editor/bluefish \
editor/diagram/dia \
image/scanner/xsane \

# Multimédia

pkg set-publisher \
-g http://pkg.openindiana.org/hipster-emcubered hipster-encumbered

pkg refresh --full
pkg install \
media/vlc \
gstreamer/plugin/bad \
gstreamer/plugin/ffmpeg \
gstreamer/plugin/ugly \

# Bureautique

pkg set-publisher -g http://sfe.opencsw.org/localhostoih localhostoih
pkg install \
pkg://localhostoih/library/g++/icu \
pkg://localhostoih/system/library/g++/boost \
desktop/application/libreoffice4-desktop-int \


Are the live graphical ISOs reasonably complete, including most standard
toppings for the Hipster ice cream? Or should I expect to add further
packages after the ISO is installed, in order to have a nice basic
desktop or media server experience??

Is the Gnome vs Mate issue from the 2016-08-16 test ISO a problem in the
2016.04 ISO as well???

In the future, how do I upgrade from my then current Hipster ISO distro
to the next Hipster ISO distro?
Will the ISOs contain an upgrade option?? Or is there some consolidation
package magic to use the IPS server for that??

I intend to run Hipster in a new machine, no old data to backup.

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] "strange" behavior

2020-10-17 Thread private mail openbabel

I had an incident on Friday which attempted to change the screen
resolution, did not occurred again after saturday update.


On 17/10/2020 18:55, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> Hello,
> Last week I installed OI/hipster on four identical machines using the 
> latest installation DVD (not the text installer). Then, I upgraded to
> the latest version of OI/hipster because I wanted to install LibreOffice
> on all machines. Everything was OK and there was absolutely no problem.
> On Friday I tried to do the same on a fifth machine that was identical to 
> the previous 4. I installed the OS and everything was OK. Then, I tried 
> to upgrade the system. The process finished successfully but after reboot
> the system refused to start the login screen. There was a message that
> lightdm had failed to start. Also, there was an error in Xorg.0.log.
> I am not sure but I think something is wrong with the latest version
> of OI/hipster. Has anybody seen this kind of problem? 
> Regards,
> Apostolos
> --
> Apostolos Syropoulos
> Xanthi, Greece
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] New system planning comments

2021-04-17 Thread private mail openbabel
Dear all,

Planning ahead. It would be nice to compile Anaconda for science
sometime in the future.




On 17/04/2021 18:24, Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> I'm about to set up  an HP Z840 with 1x 14 core E5-2690 V4,  a 4x 4 TB RAIDZ2 
> array and 4x 16 GB ECC DIMMs.
> The dbx implementation in the Oracle/Sun/Forte compiler suite is the only 
> debugger I've encountered which will evaluate F77 intrinsics on the command 
> line.  This is immensely valuable to a scientific programmer.  Without that 
> one must use temporary variables when debugging.  While the optimization 
> process will remove the overhead, it makes the code quite long winded and 
> ugly.
> I currently have Studio 12.1 on Hipster 2017.10 and have not seen any issues, 
> though more serious work has been done on my S10 u8 system.  I tend to prefer 
> mixed F77 and C89 for reasons of portability and the vast number of high 
> quality scientific libraries available.
> It seems to me that 14 cores and 64 GB of DRAM should be sufficient to run 
> S11.4 in a VM if I *really* need the latest Studio version. The Z840 will 
> take 12 more DIMMs so I can easily expand memory and add a 2nd 14 core 
> E5-2690 V4 if needed. 
> This inclines me to use Hipster as the base OS and use VirtualBox to run 
> S11.4, Win 7, Debian and an OI build system in VMs when needed with a fall 
> back of a Z400 and swappable disks if MMU limitations constrain performance 
> too much.
> Ten years ago a VM was not viable for building OI, but 14 cores and 64 GB of 
> DRAM seems to me likely to handle it.  Is an OI VM running on top of OI 
> viable for building and testing?  In particular, how good is VBox for that?  
> it's become very Windows host oriented.  I'm also aware the Solaris USB 
> support is not very good.  I'll have Win 7 and Debian available  running 
> native on a Z400 if USB proves an issue for working with microcontrollers 
> which is my primary use case for both of those.
> Thanks.
> Have Fun!
> Reg
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
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[OpenIndiana-discuss] ARM chips V9 oi

2021-05-06 Thread private mail openbabel
Dear All,

This is a general question.The announcement of ARM v9 architecture has
questioned the direction of chip technologies. Will Oi be able (as far
as we can tell) to run on the next generation ARM architecture for
server and workstations ?


Robert Jones

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Ekiga

2021-07-20 Thread private mail openbabel
I have had no luck with login onto the media account.I was under the
impression that since firefox has been updated you may be able to use
browser web conferencing apps such as netcloud and jitsi. I noticed this
version may now be fully integrated with AV1 which supports live
streams.Has anyone tested this ?


Robert Jones

On 20/07/2021 10:21, Carsten Grzemba via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there anyone who uses Ekiga on openindiana or has experience with Ekiga on 
> other platforms   ?
> I ask because Ekiga seems to be out of development and if nobody use it we 
> can it remove from oi-userland.
openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Time-slider

2022-06-10 Thread private mail openbabel

Dear All,

Time slider fequency adjustment

It would be interesting to add a menu item with this code on Time slider?


Robert Jones

On 09/06/2022 12:15, hput via openindiana-discuss wrote:

Oscar del Rio  writes:

On 2022-06-07 1:36 p.m., I wrote:

On 2022-06-06 3:59 p.m., hput via openindiana-discuss wrote:

Any way to set the pace of snaps myself? It appears that its set to
do 24 hourly snaps a day which for my use is about %90 more than I
need or want.  In fact 2 per day would be about right for me.


# svcprop auto-snapshot:hourly
zfs/interval astring hours
zfs/keep astring 23
zfs/period astring 1


# svccfg -s auto-snapshot:hourly setprop zfs/keep=2
# svccfg -s auto-snapshot:hourly setprop zfs/period=8

I forgot to add "refresh"

# svcadm refresh auto-snapshot:hourly

Thank you sir.  I see the difference after the above mentioned
refresh . . .

  svcprop auto-snapshot:hourly 2>&1|tee |egrep 'zfs/(interval|keep 
astring|period astring)'

Now outputs:

  # svcprop auto-snapshot:hourly 2>&1|tee |egrep 'zfs/(interval|keep 
astring|period astring)'
  zfs/interval astring hours
  zfs/keep astring 2
  zfs/period astring 8

So we're now doing 3 snaps per day?
But keeping only 2?

So one is removed every day?


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[OpenIndiana-discuss] AV1 Codex on firerfox 102.1

2022-08-15 Thread private mail openbabel

Dear All,

Can anyone clarify the situation about AV1 on the newest FF build? My 
understanding is that AV1 is now enabled in FF but needs a AV1 codex to 
work.Does anyone have an idea where I can find a suitable codex build or 
source code?


Robert Jones


openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Login Manager SDDM

2022-12-12 Thread private mail openbabel


Has anyone successfuly installed the sddm login manager ? Could anyone 
ecommend any source code links. It is my understanding it requires very 
few dependencies and might be compatable with any distribution and mate 
desktops ?


Robert Jones

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Install Seamonkey 2.53.15?

2023-02-17 Thread private mail openbabel

Hi All,

Thunderbird has announced this year the redesign of the project. I do 
wonder if Thunderbird will become the one to stick with ?


Robert Jones

On 17/02/2023 14:29, Predrag Zečević via openindiana-discuss wrote:

On 2/16/23 23:46, Elima wrote:


is it possible to install Seamonkey 2.53.15?


No one makes it for Solaris/OPenIndiana/etc ploatform anymore (same is 
true for Opera browser)

You might want to try PaleMoon browser (also based on Mozilla code):
* Code: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon
* SunOS ready tar files: ftp://ftp2.palemoon.org/sunos/
* Building guide: http://developer.palemoon.org/build/sunos/ (Tribblix 
Distribution includes it, for example: 


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[OpenIndiana-discuss] ZFS disk is full at boot

2023-11-05 Thread private mail openbabel

Dear All,

I havr had aseveral notices my disk is becomming full. Having liberated 
space of th rpool with destroy beadm // instructions. I have arrived at 
the point when at boot up the system refuses to boot due to disk full 
instruction. I have tried to follow other people who have also 
encountered similar problem but have been unsuccessful. I am unable to 
access the zfs files with live media through single user mode. Any help 
would be appriciated on clearing the snapshots or similar from this 
position ?


Rob Jones

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