Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-05 Thread Uwe Dippel
Closed case.
Though I had tried everything to get X back, finally needed to swap in Lars' 
/etc/passwd, for everything to came up.
Now I swapped back in my old /etc/passwd, it reads as it always read: offers 
/root to 'root', and everything still works perfectly well. 
Somewhere on the way something remembered some parameter until it was reset, my 
only explanation.

Cruft - or as Lars had put it: don't trust upgrades of alphas.

Thanks again for everyone's concern and help!

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Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-04 Thread Lars Tunkrans
Well  it  may work better but its not exactly solved, is it.

   What I would do is to  truss(1M)a login session .

Logon to  the root account from another PC   using  SSH  or telnet  or 
whatever . 
Find  the dtlogin deamon  for the VGA screen,  process 646  in the example 
   process 617 is the  overall dtlogin daemon.  

# ps -ef | grep dtlogin
root   646   617   0 15:31:34 ?   0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon 
-udpPort 0
root   617 1   0 15:31:29 ?   0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon 
-udpPort 0

Start  a truss session:

   # truss -rall -wall -vall -sall -fao  /var/tmp/truss_trace  -p  646 

   Now switch to  the PC VGA screen of the  sick  PC. 

  login graphically  as  anyuserand logout.

   now the file  /var/tmp/truss_traceshould contain  quiet a few megabytes. 
find  the line  that containsexec  /usr/bin/login  

   a few lines further down  you should see  aforkand a new 
PID_number   at the 
   start of the line .Then do 

   grep  PID_number   truss_tracelogin_trace 

   The problem  should hopefully   be visible  in the file  login_trace. 
   the login binary is supposed to read the home directory  from the 
   /etc/passwd  file 

we can do  

grep open login_trace 

to find the files that is opened  by the login program 

open the login_trace   in an  editor  or with  less(1) 
scroll  down to were it opens   the passwd   file 

What happends  next ? 

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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-04 Thread Uwe Dippel
Hi, Lars, I might try tomorrow, though I seem to understand that you want to 
truss the X logon. It does work, and I guess it reads HOME from /etc/passwd.

When I run an xterm, env is perfectly well and okay. But also, it is vastly 
different from real console. The problem of the strange HOME only shows on 
It is my uneducated guess, that the problem creeps up elsewhere, before dtlogin 
can do a proper job.
Meaning, I should revert to /root for 'root' (hoping it will still die as it 
did), chmod 744 /root to confirm that it is a permission problem, and (if it 
is) truss the console login instead!?

Don't forget that I made two changes in that first line of passwd:
1. HOME of 'root'
2. default shell for root

The double-blind test would be if you swapped in my old first line for root, 
mkdir /root, chown root /root, chmod 700 /root, maybe rebooted, and checked how 
your fresh install handles the matter. If everything was okay, we'd have to 
assume cruft of the previous installs (70, 78) in my box. 


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Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-03 Thread W. Wayne Liauh
 We have installed SX81 in a few additional machines.
 I can confirm that the problem has nothing with
 editing the passwd file.  Rather, it was caused by
  nautilus crash.

After a couple of reboots, nautilus no longer crashes.  Everything seems to be 
normal now.  (Self-healing feature of Solaris?  Don't know.  It seems to work 
on GNOME.)
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Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-03 Thread Uwe Dippel
bash-3.2$ cat /etc/passwd

If I remove the /root *only from /etc/passwd* but leave the /root directory, 
and make /etc/passwd:
X starts properly.

HOME for user anyuser is still at '/', but there are at least read permissions.
No, on nv70 and nv78 both work perfectly well.

I'll file my bug report(s) now ...

Thanks, Lars, for your help

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Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-02 Thread Uwe Dippel
Thanks, Lars, 
though curious, give me 1.5 days until I'm back at work.
[No, I don't feel like updating my machine at home for the time being. It has 
the similar introduction of /root, though working properly in nv78:

bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ whoami
bash-3.2$ cd
bash-3.2$ cat /etc/passwd
lp:x:71:8:Line Printer Admin:/usr/spool/lp:
uucp:x:5:5:uucp Admin:/usr/lib/uucp:
nuucp:x:9:9:uucp Admin:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/lib/uucp/uucico
dladm:x:15:3:Datalink Admin:/:
smmsp:x:25:25:SendMail Message Submission Program:/:
listen:x:37:4:Network Admin:/usr/net/nls:
gdm:x:50:50:GDM Reserved UID:/:
webservd:x:80:80:WebServer Reserved UID:/:
postgres:x:90:90:PostgreSQL Reserved UID:/:/usr/bin/pfksh
nobody:x:60001:60001:NFS Anonymous Access User:/:
noaccess:x:60002:60002:No Access User:/:
nobody4:x:65534:65534:SunOS 4.x NFS Anonymous Access User:/:]


[I'll also not mention the SPACE in your line bin:x:2:2::/us r/bin:. Thanks for 
your help and your thorough look at the details, though. I'd surely have 
rectified the problem had it been in my passwd, the user had been added with 
useradd, and the line with my account looked flawlessly, but behaved badly.]
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Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-02 Thread Lars Tunkrans
Yes I see the SPACE in my post .   
These  seems to be artifacts of the web posting mechanism. 
The space is not there in the original file . 

I have  had a look into  the Solaris security toolkit , download link  below.

after installtion, and before activation ,   you will  have a file 

this script  contains   the logic  to  install   the /rootdirectory 

So   what did you   do  exactly ? 

 You had  snv78  installed  with some  modifications . 
Did you do  an upgrade install or a Liveupgrade ? 

I Decided a long time ago that upgrade installs  of alpha grade O/S releases 
is iffy at best.
What I do is always  Install from scratch of a new build  of /  and /var  
I have all my files  on a ZFS  filesystem on a separate set of drives 
  that  I   zpool exportbefore a new install   and  zpool import
after a new install. 
Then  I have a script  that reinstalls the mods I want in the system files. 

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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-02 Thread Uwe Dippel
[i]I have had a look into the Solaris security toolkit , download link below.
So what did you do exactly ? 

Full of confidence into a history of Unix,
vi /etc/passwd
[cf. OpenBSD] to change the parameters for root. That was all.

[i]You had snv78 installed with some modifications .
Did you do an upgrade install or a Liveupgrade ? [/i]

(Still) an upgrade install, due to various reasons, one being to volunteer as 
guinea-pig for the [future] layperson approach. Always hoping that HOME remains 
accessible; and some helpful chap in the forums here helps me to get X up 
again. ;)

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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-02 Thread W. Wayne Liauh
We have installed SX81 in a few additional machines.  I can confirm that the 
problem has nothing with editing the passwd file.  Rather, it was caused by 
nautilus crash.

In previous versions of SXCE, nautilus will be immediately restarted after a 
crash.  This does not seem to be the case with 81.

SXCE has its many advantages (e.g., better hardware compatibility, new 
features--especially in X-windows, built-in xVM, etc.), but it is not intended 
to be a stable OS.  Solaris 10 update 5 should come out very soon.  This is 
something we are really looking forward to.
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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-01 Thread Uwe Dippel
not quite. But your hint was, I guess, good:

Script started on Fri Feb 01 16:45:21 2008
bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied
bash-3.2$ whoami
bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ ls -l
total 168538
drwx--   2 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:43 Mail
-rw---   1 testostaff86208726 Feb  1 13:42 core
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff  17341 Feb  1 13:38 firefox_dump
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff   1599 Feb  1 16:41 permi
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff  0 Feb  1 16:45 permis
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff  9 Feb  1 16:38 test
bash-3.2$ ls -la
total 170326
drwxr-xr-x  13 testostaff   1024 Feb  1 16:45 .
drwxr-xr-x   5 root root 512 Dec 26 17:15 ..
-rw---   1 testostaff407 Feb  1 13:42 .ICEauthority
-rw---   1 testostaff 71 Feb  1 16:20 .TTauthority
-rw---   1 testostaff147 Feb  1 16:20 .Xauthority
-rw---   1 testostaff169 Feb  1 13:49 .bash_history
drwxr-xr-x  12 testostaff512 Feb  1 16:20 .dt
-rwxr-xr-x   1 testostaff   5111 Feb  1 13:33 .dtprofile
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff 884497 Feb  1 13:42 .fonts.cache-1
drwx--   2 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:42 .gconf
drwx--   2 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:42 .gconfd
drwx--   4 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:42 .gnome2
drwx--   2 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:34 .gnome2_private
drwxr-xr-x   2 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:42 .gstreamer-0.10
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff 94 Feb  1 13:42 .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2
drwx--   3 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:34 .mozilla
drwx--   2 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:49 .ssh
drwxr-xr-x   3 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:36 .staroffice8
drwx--   3 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:46 .sunw
drwx--   2 testostaff512 Feb  1 13:43 Mail
-rw---   1 testostaff86208726 Feb  1 13:42 core
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff  17341 Feb  1 13:38 firefox_dump
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff   1599 Feb  1 16:41 permi
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff  0 Feb  1 16:45 permis
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff  9 Feb  1 16:38 test
bash-3.2$ echo Nonsense  testo
bash-3.2$ ls -l testo
-rw-r--r--   1 testostaff  9 Feb  1 16:46 testo
bash-3.2$ cat testo
bash-3.2$ cd
bash: cd: /root: Permission denied
bash-3.2$ tail /etc/passwd
listen:x:37:4:Network Admin:/usr/net/nls:
gdm:x:50:50:GDM Reserved UID:/:
webservd:x:80:80:WebServer Reserved UID:/:
postgres:x:90:90:PostgreSQL Reserved UID:/:/usr/bin/pfksh
svctag:x:95:12:Service Tag UID:/:
nobody:x:60001:60001:NFS Anonymous Access User:/:
noaccess:x:60002:60002:No Access User:/:
nobody4:x:65534:65534:SunOS 4.x NFS Anonymous Access User:/:
udippel:x:101:10:Uwe Dippel:/export/home/udippel:/bin/bash
bash-3.2$ exit
script done on Fri Feb 01 16:46:51 2008

You see, testo is in his home, can write to a (new) file and all his files are 
But there are two strange lines:
bash-3.2$ cd
bash: cd: /root: Permission denied
even though testo is in his home. Where does this last strange line come from? 
It also was there at the start of the script.

Since I have just only done an update, it must be a snag resulting from nv81.

Also, the permission problem might be at the source of the strange error of 
webconsole not starting?

Still without clue, but much closer, I feel... .

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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-01 Thread Uwe Dippel
Somewhat further:
As to be expected, % env for each and any user returns HOME=/root.
Meaning, I can export the correct directory, and then % cd works fine, bringing 
me back to each user's HOME under /export/home/.
If I was still on Linux, I might have been able to start X with % startx or 
similar, but on Solaris I don't know. Somehow, HOME seems to be improperly read 
from /etc/passwd.
Logout  Login reinstate HOME=/root.

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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-01 Thread Lars Tunkrans
from  the Bourne shell manual :

 HOME The default argument (home directory)  for  the
  cd  command,  set to the user's login directory
  by  login(1)  from  the  password   file   (see

Does   Build 81 introduce the /root   directory  or is that you own  invention. 

/root   as a home directory for root in Solaris  exists in the  Solaris 
Security toolkit 
but has not been  a standard feature. 

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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-01 Thread Lars Tunkrans
There is a  SPACE   in the shell path for testo  in  the passwd file fragment 
you posted 

isten:x:37:4:Network Admin:/usr/net/nls:
gdm:x:50:50:GDM Reserved UID:/:
webservd:x:80:80:WebServer Reserved UID:/:
postgres:x:90:90:PostgreSQL Reserved UID:/:/usr/bin/pfksh
svctag:x:95:12:Service Tag UID:/:
nobody:x:60001:60001:NFS Anonymous Access User:/:
noaccess:x:60002:60002:No Access User:/:
nobody4:x:65534:65534:SunOS 4.x NFS Anonymous Access User:/:
udippel:x:101:10:Uwe Dippel:/export/home/udippel:/bin/bash
testo:x:102:10::/export/home/testo:/bi n/bash


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opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-01 Thread Lars Tunkrans
I have installed  B81   my self now  as an Initial Install  using the SXCE  old 

  There is no /root   directory   not on the filesystem , not in /etc/passwd
  the $HOME variable   works as excpected. 

   So Im afraid  that  whatever  the problem is you have caused it  yourself by 
  changing  the root account homedirectory  or /etc/password or /etc/profile or 

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Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-01 Thread Uwe Dippel
Sure, that is my 'invention', with /root for root. And I don't see anything 
wrong at that.

Everything worked in nv70 and 78, as it is, (I only upgraded) and - yes - I 
have read passwd(4) and login(1) and now I hope for some way to go back to my 
desktop, because that's my desktop at work.

[i]So Im afraid that whatever the problem is you have caused it yourself by
changing the root account homedirectory or /etc/password or /etc/profile or 
similar [/i]
'caused yourself' is a bit harsh, it did work for 70 and 78, introducing /root 
is Unix practice and - following the man pages as cited - HOME should be 
defined as written down in /etc/passwd.
At least, it doesn't do the latter, when it defaults to /root for whichever 
user. Yes, /root is defined HOME for root in passwd. But that should - 
according to the man pages - not affect other users.
The only change I did was changing HOME for root in passwd, I haven't touched 
/etc/profile or similar.
Please, if any of what I write here is wrong, correct me.

Maybe you can help me at getting back my desktop, you know much more than me. I 
am still a newbie on Solaris, and the '/root' was done on suggestion from 
blastwave (for mplayer, pan). For the rest it is pretty much standard 


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Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-01 Thread Uwe Dippel
I used the new installer ...

Fine, let's assume nv81 doesn't like the reassignment of (root's) HOME.
Do you mind posting your /etc/passwd, so that I can swap it in here, to exclude 
any other snag?
(Everyone knows that there are no secrets any more in that file.)

If I start to edit mine, I might overlook something. I guess, on a new install 
the /etc/passwd should all look then same, except of maybe the last line. Now I 
am curious.

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Re: [osol-help] upgrade 78 to 81 with problems - help needed with Gnome startup

2008-02-01 Thread W. Wayne Liauh
In one of our machines (which has a nVidia 6150 GO chipset), SX81 ate the 
/export/home/$HOME directory.  We couldn't run anything on the GNOME (i/o 
error, /export/home/$HOME missing).  This never happened before.

We will file a bug report.  Perhaps you should also do the same.
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