Creating new certificate for FTP Server with openssl

2002-10-09 Thread Nordin David

I'm playing around with my FTP server (RaidenFTPD) 
and amtrying to make a new certificate for it with openssl.
I get as far as making the keys: cert.pem  
key.pem which I'm supposed to be using.
The PEM Phrase is supposed to be "password" but 
what about the challenge password?
When I later connect to my server I get "invalid 
certificate" with the openssl certs.
I've made certs with FTP Voyager and CuteFTP also, 
then my clients reports "self signed".
Is there some part I've missed?
openSSL genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 1024openSSL 
req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crtopenSSL x509 -noout -text 
-in ca.crtopenSSL genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024openSSL rsa -noout 
-text -in server.keyopenSSL req -new -key server.key -out 
server.csropenSSL ca -days 365 -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key -in server.csr 
-out server.crt"

Any help would be appreciated :) It's a fun 
project, but not really prosperous :D

Re: SUN Crypto Accelerator + OpenSSL

2002-10-09 Thread Joerg Bartholdt

Arin Komins wrote:

 This is just from memory, but isn't the Sun card a repackaged
 Rainbow Cryptoswift?  (which is engine cswift?)

I read an article on the web, indicating that the old SUN Crypto Accelerator 1 is a 
CryptoSwift (, but I don't know about the 
1000, because the libs mentioned in that article are not on my machine

I have filed a SUN support request, but no answer yet.

I'll let you know when I get a response.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

error in instalation

2002-10-09 Thread Pedro Manuel Augusto

Dear colleague,

I am installing Openssl on a Sun Workstation (SOlaris 2.6). It gives the
following error (with make; with config it gave a couple of warnings

echo   #define DATE \`LC_ALL=C LC_TIME=C date`\; \ echo '#endif' ) 
buildinf.h cc -I. -I../include -KPIC -DTHREADS -D_REENTRANT -DDSO_DLFCN
-DHAVE_DLFCN_H -xtarget=ultra -xarch=v8plus -xO5 -xstrconst -xdepend -Xa
-DB_ENDIAN -DBN_DIV2W -DULTRASPARC -DMD5_ASM -c -o cryptlib.o cryptlib.c

License Error : Licensing product (Sun WorkShop Compiler C SPARC). 
License File: 
Invalid (inconsistent) license key
 The license-key and data for the feature do no match. 
 This usually happens when a license file has been altered
Feature:workshop.c.sparc FLEXlm error:-8,130.  cc: acomp failed for
cryptlib.c make[1]: *** [cryptlib.o] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory
`/ssh/openssl-engine-0.9.6g/crypto' make: *** [sub_all] Error 1 bash-2.05#

We do have the given package properly installed (we purchased it so we
have a legal prduct and key). How do we overcome this problem?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Pedro Augusto

Dr. Pedro Augusto
Assistant Professor tel: +351 291 705150/8
Dep. Matematica fax: +351 291 705199
Universidade da Madeira
Caminho da Penteada 
9000-390 Funchal

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Problem using crypt() with 0.9.6g Apache 2.0.43 php 4.2.3

2002-10-09 Thread Don MacAskill

Just got the latest tree and build 0.9.7-stable.  Worked like a charm.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Richard 
 Levitte - VMS Whacker
 Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 5:24 PM
 Subject: Re: Problem using crypt() with 0.9.6g  Apache 
 2.0.43  php 4.2.3
 In message 000401c26c2b$149aad70$637ba8c0@sanctuary on Fri, 
 4 Oct 2002 21:52:59 -0700, Don MacAskill 
 onethumb It's been a bit of a pain to figure out where the error is 
 onethumb occuring, and I may be totally wrong still, but it 
 onethumb to be in OpenSSL at this point.
 onethumb Am I barking up the wrong tree?
 You're barking up the right tree.  I just commited a change 
 that removes the definition of crypt() in OpenSSL (it's been 
 increasingly in the way more than anything else).
 Richard Levitte   \ Spannvägen 38, II \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Redakteur@Stacken  \ S-168 35  BROMMA  \ T: +46-8-26 52 47
 \  SWEDEN   \ or +46-708-26 53 44
 Procurator Odiosus Ex Infernis-- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Member of the OpenSSL development team:
 Unsolicited commercial email is subject to an archival fee of 
 $400. See ~levitte/mail/ for more 
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apache and that whole bugbear thing

2002-10-09 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

Uhhh last time I checked bugbear was a virus infecting M$ Lookout users.
Don't think it runs against Linux.

At 20:51 5-10-02 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is this the right place to ask questions about the bugbear worm?

On a Sun box, we upgraded openssl to 0.9.6g because of the potential
for the whole bugbear attack... I realize it's apparently targeted
at linux, but better safe then sorry... well, we've started getting
hit with what we think may be attacks... they're not getting through,
but they cause apache to lock up... it's very strange... the situation
seems to happen as follows:

We get a couple http requests that return a 400 status... then the
server stops serving requests... then EXACTLY (every time) 5 minutes
later, to the second, we get a request that gives a 408 error from
the same IP, then apache needs to be restarted before it accepts any
further requests...

until this morning, there has not been much information in the logs...
but this morning, there were some entries in the ssl_engine_log that
looked like this:

[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] SSL handshake timed out (client, server
[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Connection to child 14 established 
(server, client
[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 bytes of entropy
[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] SSL handshake failed (server, client (OpenSSL library error follows)
[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] OpenSSL: error:1406B458:SSL 
routines:GET_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY:key arg too long
[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Connection to child 14 established 
(server, client
[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 bytes of entropy was the ip address that gave the 400's and 408 this
time around (different IP each time)...

If this is not the best place to ask about this, please point me in
the right direction... I'm starting to sweat with my boss breathing
down my next... this is a 24/7 production server, running critical
web applications that internal and external customers access
constantly... so any help towards an answer would be greatly


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Normal operation?

2002-10-09 Thread nishi
We're operating the network by using the function of OpenSSL. 
If taskmanager of Windows is seen during the network communication, 
the amount of the memory used will increase gradually. 
Is this normal workings?
In addition, it checked that the increase in the memory is not a memory leak by using 

The environment of operation is as follows:
Openssl Version$B!'(BOpenssl-0.9.6g
Operation System   $B!'(BWindows2000 sp3

Please give me a reply.

The results of an investigation of memory necessary quantity and sample program are 
indicated below.

|  Windows   |DES:@STRENGHTH|
|  2000  ++++
||   Before   |   After| Difference |
| 100  times |1032|2444|1412|
| 1000 times |1028|2780|1752|
| 2000 times |1032|3044|2012|
| 3000 times |1028|3096|2068|

#include stdio.h
#include memory.h
#include string.h

#ifdef WIN32
#include winsock2.h 
#include io.h
#include unistd.h
#include sys/socket.h
#include arpa/inet.h

#include openssl/ssl.h
#include openssl/err.h
#include openssl/rand.h


#define SERVER_IP   ""
#define _SERVER_PORT5963
#define HELLO_MESSAGE   "Hello, World!"
#define QUIT_REQUEST"Shut you down."

#define SEND_FILE_1000KB"./SKDDL.cpp"   // about 100kb

int main(int argc, char **argv)
SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL;
SSL *ssl = NULL;
SSL_SESSION *session = NULL;
struct sockaddr_in sa;
int sd = -1;
int ret;
int err;
int len;
char buf[4096];

int exit_count = 1;

FILE *fp = NULL;

char *server_ip = SERVER_IP;
int server_port = _SERVER_PORT;

if (argc  1) {
server_ip = *(argv + 1);

if (argc  2) {
sscanf(*(argv + 2), "%d", server_port);


getchar();/* 0 */





while (RAND_status() == 0) {
int rnd = rand();
RAND_seed(rnd, sizeof(rnd));


ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_client_method());


if (ctx == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "SSL_CTX_new() failed\n");
goto cleanup;

SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, CIPHER_LIST_STR);


ssl = SSL_new(ctx); 


if (ssl == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "SSL_new() failed\n");
goto cleanup;

#ifdef WIN32
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;

wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);

if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, wsaData) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"WSAStartup failed\n");
goto cleanup;



fprintf(stdout,"\n** %d **\n", exit_count);

if (sd != -1) {


sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

if (sd == -1) {
//  fprintf(stderr, "socket() failed\n");
goto cleanup;


memset (sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
sa.sin_family   = AF_INET;
sa.sin_addr.s_addr  = inet_addr(server_ip);
sa.sin_port = htons(server_port);

ret = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*)sa, sizeof(sa));


if (ret != 0) {
//  fprintf(stderr, "connect() failed\n");
goto cleanup;

SSL_set_fd(ssl, sd);


ret = SSL_connect(ssl);


if (ret != 1) {
err = SSL_get_error(ssl, ret);
ERR_error_string(err, buf);
fprintf(stderr, "SSL_connect() failed: %s\n", buf);
goto cleanup;

//  printf("SSL connection established.\n");

if(session != NULL){

smime utility: can't get decrypt to return the data that was encrypted

2002-10-09 Thread Himanshu Soni


I am using openssl engine 0.9.6g on Windows XP.

I sign an html file using using smime as follows:
openssl.exe smime -sign -nodetach -signer signer.pem
-in in.html -binary -inkey signer.key -out out.p7s
-outform DER 

Then, I encrypt the signed data as follows:
openssl.exe smime -encrypt -des3  -in out.p7s -inform
DER -out out.enc -outform DER cert.pem 

Then, I decrypt the encryped data as follows:
openssl.exe smime -decrypt -recip cert.pem -in out.enc
-inform DER -inkey cert.key -out out2.p7s -outform DER

The output from the decrypt is not the same size of
the input to encrypt. Files out.p7s and out2.p7s
differ in size and contents.

I am sure I am doing something wrong here.
Any ideas what it is? I have attached my certs and a
batch file with this email.


Himanshu Soni

Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos  More

Description: files.tar

basic SSL questions

2002-10-09 Thread Ian Douglas

Hey all,

I have some newbie questions about how to use certificates properly, so I've
compiled a few questions for anyone out there willing to offer a few minutes
of their time to help me out.

RedHat 7.3

1. When I use the Makefile in /etc/httpd/conf/ I can generate the .crt and
.key files, no problem, add them to httpd.conf, piece of cake. But when I
try to view the site I'm securing, it says the certificate comes from
localhost.localhost, and not  How do I get around this? I
plan to eventually get Thawte to sign my cert.'s, just curious if they're
all going to say they came from localhost.localhost?

2. From a very basic, high-level view, if I make a certificate for, will it, by default, work without complaining to the user
about the host name if I try to use it for and and - or is it
absolutely tied to the hostname? That is, if I make a certificate for it will ONLY work as or can I add
whatever prefix I want (www., myprefix1. etc)?

Thanks for any info,

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

question about ciphers used by OpenSSL and general terminology

2002-10-09 Thread Edward Chan

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what ciphers
implemented and used by OpenSSL.  I've followed the
example in the book Network Security with OpenSSL,
and have tried to create an SSL enabled server and
have called SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list() like this:

SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, CIPHER_LIST);

My understanding is, this enables all algorithms, but
disables certain ones.  But what are all the
algorithms that are enabled by doing this?

I also have a general terminology question...what are
key management algorithms?  And what is the modulus


Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos  More
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: apache and that whole bugbear thing

2002-10-09 Thread John . Airey

I think you ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) are confusing bugbear with slapper.
Provided you restarted your web server after the upgrade to 0.9.6g, you
should be OK as far as that is concerned. The restart is necessary to ensure
that no code from the previous version of openssl is still in memory.

Could you give some more details about your other problems please? eg,
version of apache and mod_ssl? You may need to upgrade these. For example,
there is a recent update to apache (1.3.27) that contains several new
security fixes.

John Airey, BSc (Jt Hons), CNA, RHCE
Internet systems support officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute of the
Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU,
Tel.: +44 (0) 1733 375299 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 370848 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Theories of evolution are like buses - there'll be another one along in a

 -Original Message-
 From: B. van Ouwerkerk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 07 October 2002 17:17
 Subject: Re: apache and that whole bugbear thing
 Uhhh last time I checked bugbear was a virus infecting M$ 
 Lookout users.
 Don't think it runs against Linux.
 At 20:51 5-10-02 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is this the right place to ask questions about the bugbear worm?
 On a Sun box, we upgraded openssl to 0.9.6g because of the potential
 for the whole bugbear attack... I realize it's apparently targeted
 at linux, but better safe then sorry... well, we've started getting
 hit with what we think may be attacks... they're not getting through,
 but they cause apache to lock up... it's very strange... the 
 seems to happen as follows:
 We get a couple http requests that return a 400 status... then the
 server stops serving requests... then EXACTLY (every time) 5 minutes
 later, to the second, we get a request that gives a 408 error from
 the same IP, then apache needs to be restarted before it accepts any
 further requests...
 until this morning, there has not been much information in 
 the logs...
 but this morning, there were some entries in the ssl_engine_log that
 looked like this:
 [05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] SSL handshake timed out (client, server
 [05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Connection to child 14 
 (server, client
 [05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 
 bytes of entropy
 [05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] SSL handshake failed (server, client (OpenSSL library 
 error follows)
 [05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] OpenSSL: error:1406B458:SSL 
 routines:GET_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY:key arg too long
 [05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Connection to child 14 
 (server, client
 [05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 
 bytes of entropy was the ip address that gave the 400's and 408 this
 time around (different IP each time)...
 If this is not the best place to ask about this, please point me in
 the right direction... I'm starting to sweat with my boss breathing
 down my next... this is a 24/7 production server, running critical
 web applications that internal and external customers access
 constantly... so any help towards an answer would be greatly
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing List
 Automated List Manager   
 OpenSSL Project
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NOTICE: The information contained in this email and any attachments is 
confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the 
intended recipient you are hereby notified that you must not use, 
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RNIB has made strenuous efforts to ensure that emails and any 
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Please note that the statements and views expressed in this email 
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