Re: SHA1 Message Digest Getting Generated less than 160 Bits i.e. 152 bits.

2010-09-27 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Kedar Sabnis wrote:

in some specific case SHA1 digest is coming as 152 bits long instead of
160 bits long.

All possible 160 bits values have the same chance of being the output of 
a SHA1 digest, *including* those that comprise long strings of all zeros 
or all ones.

This mean that, statistically, for 256 SHA1 hash values you generate you 
get one for which the initial byte is all zero. Depending on your code, 
this may make that value look like it's only 152 bits long instead of 160.

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Re: Win CE 6.0 + ARM + openssl

2010-09-21 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Jakob Bohm wrote:

1. The current README.WCE and code assumes that you link with one of
two less free libraries (one is LGPL, the other requires reconfiguration
of the target device/phone).  I wrote my own more minimal library
under the OpenSSL license to avoid them both.  This obviously implied
patching OpenSSL to use the new library rather than one of the two
old ones.

Why does it mean patching OpenSSL ? wcecompat seems to be just providing 
some stdlib function not available by default on WCE, so isn't your 
library just an alternative implementation of those functions ? If not, 
then why ?

I suggest you put your lib on sourceforge or google code, and just 
provide the openssl patch. But I think your patch to openssl is much 
more likely to be accepted if you keep it as small as possible.
If it's not small, maybe it's better, in a first step at least, to leave 
it together with the library on an external repository.

2. To simplify installation of my program, I prefer static linking of
OpenSSL.  This turned up a number of general (not WinCE specific) design
issues in EVP and ASN code, resulting in massive bloat of programs that
don't use all of OpenSSL.  Basically, lots of .o files are pulled in
by just-in-case calls (mostly XXX_free() functions), table-driven
selection of which code to execute and other such bad practices.
Using a number of ad-hoc patches I managed to cut down some of the
overhead, but its not very clean or efficient yet.

Could you provide this as a separate patch, that you would call "openssl 
code reorganization to optimize for use on embedded platforms" ?

I think this discussion should continue on openssl-dev instead of -users.
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Re: Slow crypto initialization.

2010-07-01 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Ger Hobbelt wrote:

a symptom I have learned to associate with the Rand_poll() heap walking

AFAIR some time ago there was a problem that *just the first call* to 
the heap walking function would, under 64 bits Windows, take second in 
some circumstances. That's clearly a bug, and only Microsoft can do 
something about it.

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Re: Using ssldump fails with "segmentation fault" and core dumps.

2009-11-19 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Krishnappanaidu, Vasu wrote:

We are using your ssldump to decrypt the SSL traffic and we get
“segmentation fault” and also it core dumps.

Use wireshark (or the command line version tshark), ssldump is dead and 

wireshark also has some bugs in this domain (less than ssldump, but 
still a few), but has an active development team behind it.

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Re: OpenSSL Security Advisory

2009-01-09 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Dr. Stephen Henson wrote:

On Wed, Jan 07, 2009, Victor Duchovni wrote:

This is not very clear to me. Which signatures are poorly verified:

1. The server's signature on SSL/TLS protocol messages that must
   be signed under the server's private key (corresponding to the
   private key in its certificate)?

[ITYM "... corresponding to the public key in its certificat..."]

Yes it is 1 only.

Certificate chain validation is not affected nor other forms of DSA/ECDSA
signature verification such as S/MIME.

Stephen, can you elaborate on that response because from the patch it 
seems that more than only client validation of the server signature in 
SSL sessions is affected.

cms/cms_sd.c is affected, but the consequence is only a missing error 
message, right ?

ssl/s2_srvr.c ssl/s3_srvr.c : The error in those two file seems to mean 
that server verification of DSA signed clients certificates is also 

apps/verify.c is affected. This is the "app" file, not "crypto", so 
chain validation that is done in crypto is not affected. But if someone 
happens to rely on the command line tool to do the verification, he may 
be affected.

apps/spkac.c is affected. This will not impact many people (command line 
verification of Netscape format certificate request) but should be noted.

apps/x509.c is affected, but the impact seems extremely low affecting 
only the code path to generate a self signed cert.

Also it may be important to insist on the point that anybody who has 
developed applications using openssl and using the existing code as a 
model (cut/paste) is quite likely to be impacted by this problem.

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Re: OpenSSL HTTPS application and Wireshark v1.0.0 (Win32)

2008-06-02 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Joe Flowers wrote:

I can decrypt the HTTPS traffic OK [...] where the HTTPS
traffic is initiated from a web browser (IE) on the client machine.

BUT, when I try my HTTPS client application (on the client machine,
talking to the server machine), the application seems to work correctly
other than I am not able to see the decrypted data in Wireshark. [...]

Is there a trick to getting Wireshark to work with OpenSSL applications
or is there something wrong with my application which prevents Wireshark
from decrypting the data?

This sounds more like a Wireshark than an openssl question.

I suspect, if your configuration of Wireshark is correct, that the 
negociated ciphersuite uses Diffie-Hellman, so can not be externally 

Two solutions :
- configure openssl on your server to disable the DH ciphersuites
- use Debian for the server so that's it possible to break the generated 
DH secret and decrypt the session ;-)

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Re: About ECC patent and OpenSSL ECC code

2008-02-13 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Bob Bell (rtbell) wrote:

[...] (for
instance Certicom has a patent on having an ECC public key in an X.509 cert
signed using RSA) [...]
This patent really can not hold water if challenged (if the content's 
actually what's described here).
This is what x509 has been designed to allow, also prior art of DSA 
public key X.509 cert signed using RSA is obvious, and you can not claim 
inventivity by doing exactly the same just with another algorithm, in a 
system where algorithm flexibility is built-in.
But you need the patience, the nerves, the time and foremost the money 
to challenge it.

It's too bad the American patent system apparently does not have a 
systematic public review period (I understand the new system for that 
since last year is voluntary, not systematic) like there is in France 
with the INPI. However, so few people in France know about the process 
for public review of patents that it's not effective at all (Here's a 
reference in french about it : 
, also

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Re: segfault in ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN() to get serial number from a certificate

2007-08-17 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Jeremie Le Hen wrote:

% char   *tls_serial_number(X509 *peer)
% {
% BIGNUM bn;
% char *bnstr, *snstr;
% size_t len;
% if ((sn = X509_get_serialNumber(peer)) == 0)

% return (0);
% ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(sn, &bn);

This can not work, you can not avoid dynamic allocation of bn.
You are telling openssl to reuse the value inside bn, that will be 
random content from the stack.
You might make it work by initialising bn to zero, but you'd depend for 
it to work on details of the internal working of ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN

Use either :
bn = ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(sn, NULL);

ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(sn, bn);

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Re: Symmetric Encryption/Decryption with PKCS7 Padding

2007-07-03 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Hecber Cordova wrote:
I'm trying to decrypt with openssl some encrypted files coming from 
.NET 2.0. The problem is  .NET uses PKCS#7 Padding and openssl uses 
PKCS#5 Padding.
It's the same thing. The other padding is ISO padding, also used within 

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Re: See which random device openssl is using?

2007-05-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

ScottZ wrote:

Is there an easy way (ed. in AIX) to see what random device this compiled 
of openssl chose to use?

Found the answer to my question and that the tool to use depends on what 
platform your on.

Truss is available on quite a few OS.
That's a nice tip, thanks for the message.

For a bit more info:
truss -topen,kread,close openssl rand 2 

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Re: Certificate ordering inside CRL

2006-11-10 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Dr. Stephen Henson wrote:

On Fri, Nov 10, 2006, Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:

That led me to use a modified index.txt with "openssl ca 
-gencrl" where the entries are not in the order of the serial number.
But the crl openssl generates always has the certificate entries 
reordered in the order of their serial number.


No there's no requirement to do that just OpenSSL does it that way. When it
uses CRLs it can reorder the revoked entries into serial number order so if
they are presorted that saves a bit of time.

You can stop this by commenting out the X509_crl_sort() line in apps/ca.c 

Thanks that will be helpful. Just, that's X509_CRL_sort :-)

Whilst we're at it : In the documentation  for openssl ca, I think it 
would be best to mention in the "-crlexts section" paragraph that the 
crl number extension should be set by using the crlnumber configuration 
file option, and not through that section*.*

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Certificate ordering inside CRL

2006-11-10 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier


I'm trying to reproduce with "openssl ca -gencrl" an existing crl where 
some entries are not ordered  in the order  of the serial number of the 
certificate. That led me to use a modified index.txt with "openssl ca 
-gencrl" where the entries are not in the order of the serial number.
But the crl openssl generates always has the certificate entries 
reordered in the order of their serial number.

I read  RFC3280/2459, but  I see nothing that says that the certificate 
entries must be  ordered by serial number  in the crl.
revokedCertificates  is a SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE, not a SET, so the 
content should be allowed to be in any order ?

Did I miss something that says you *must* order the certificate entries, 
or is it done so just because that's the way openssl does it ?

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openssl 0.9.8 and pkcs5v2 alg in pkcs12

2006-10-26 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier


The pkcs12 man page reads :

-keypbe [...] If a a cipher name (as output by the 
list-cipher-algorithms command is specified then it is used with PKCS#5 
v2.0 [...]

The 'list-cipher-algorithms' command is only available in the 0.9.9-dev 
trunk version of openssl.

Does it mean also that  it's not possible with openssl 0.9.8 to use 
pkcs5v2 to use non-standard encryption algorithms to encrypt a pkcs#12 
file ? If it is possible, what is the correct syntax to use aes, because 
I couldn't find out ?

PS : Is it still true that anybody's authorized to post to openssl-users 
? It didn't seem to work for me.

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Re: cert5.db

2002-11-28 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Miroslav Zubcic a écrit:

I must convert normal
certificates in cert5.db or ServerCert.db format.

How can I do this with openssl(1)? I have read man pages for pkcs7
pkcs8 pkcs12 etc ... grep google but I cannot find anything usefull.

Convert them to pkcs12.
Run a netscape 4.x (best done with a fresh new profile).
Import the PKCS#12 in netscape through the security option
Find the cert5.db file in the Netscape profile (~/.netscape)
Copy it to where you want it to be exploited by the cisco access registrar.
Somehow the cisco access registrar will need to know the password 
Netscape asked you before accessing the certificate db and that is used 
to encrypt cert5.db

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Re: OCSP and netscape 7 or mozilla

2002-10-18 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

El Vie 18 Oct 2002 09:45, Michiels Olivier escribio:

I've just implemented an OCSP responder and I want to test it with
netscape or mozilla.
Both browsers returns that the certificate cannot be verified for an
unknown reason but when I use the ocsp client of openssl it works.

Michiels Olivier a dit :

Do you also believe that this is a mistake in Mozilla ?

I have tested Mozilla with succes with the Verisign OCSP responder 
(activate OCSP, and connect to

The unknown reason error code sure is annoying.
Make sure all the CA are properly configured within Mozilla and have the 
proper usage enabled.

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2002-09-18 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Thomas Spoelstra a dit :

>At 19:00 gmt+1 - is the OpenSSL site down?
It does happen for me quite often that the OpenSSL site is down.

It is indeed down for me too now, and I don't know any other site that I 
see down as often as the OpenSSL one.

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Re: Please Help!!!

2002-04-23 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Aleksey Sanin wrote:

> IMHO it's bad idea to use gcc 3.0 on Solaris now. I had very bad 
> expirience
> with it in the past. If it is possible, try gcc 2.95.3.

I've had recently the occasion to compiles openssl 0.9.6 out of the box 
without problem with both 2.95.3 and 3.0.3 under Solaris.

But with 2.95.3, I had a mysterious coredump inside dlopen everytime I 
was trying to load a Chrysalis pkcs#11 library inside my application 
I was not able to understand what was happening and I did not have the 
problem with 3.0.3, so I went on with that one.

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Re: Prevent apache from giving out server cert?

2002-04-18 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Erwann ABALEA wrote:

>But to me it seems that enhancing access restriction using the server cert
>is not a good idea. That means the server cert is a secret known only by
>the trusted users. By definition, a certificate is public, so it cannot be
>a secret.
Basically, this means that the client is truly doing password based 
authentification, and that the password is the certificate of the server.

Not going into that and doing standard user/password authentification 
will be a lot simpler, and more secure as each user will be able to have 
his own password.
Shared password is about the worst you can imagine in security.

That's what I meant by "even if you manage to do it, it won't bring 
anything more than the above solution".
And we still haven't proved it's feasable, this would mean modifying the 
SSL stack of the client so that it accepts a connexion without receving 
the certificate of the server, and use instead a copy of the certificate 
from somewhere else to continue the transaction.
No standard SSL stack will be able to do that, if modifying the stack 
for this is possible, you could as well modify it to do proper user 
certificate authentification.

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Re: Netscape vs. IE with self root CA

2002-03-18 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Williams, Jeff wrote:

>for Netscape, I'm having a problem getting Netscape to import the Root
This is a known problem.
The only way to import a new root inside Netscape 4.x is to create an 
HTML page with a link that points to the certificates, and install by 
clicking on the link on this page. The HTML page can be a file on your 
hard drive, as well as the certificate.
The only important thing is that the MIME type associated inside the 
registry with the certificate file be the one Netscape expects.

This usually is the case when you give the file the extension is .der. 
Try .cer too.
If that doesn't word, do some search on the mailing list archive to get 
the exact MIME type needed, and find how to modify the MIME type from 
file explorer.

>Also, is there a way to tell if my certificates that I sign are 128 bit
>encrypted?  Or is there something I should use with openssl to guarantee a
>128 bit certificate?  Thanks for the help!
What is called 128-bit certificates is a certificates with some special 
extension, and that is signed by an authority that the client browser 
will recognised as allowed to emit 128-bit certificate.

When seing both of these together, the client webbrowser (IE below 
version 5.5 or Netscape Navigator 4.x) will switch to 128-bit 
cryptography, even if it's an export version that would usually be 
restricted to 56 bit.

Your home-made CA is not recognised as such a trusted CA.
If the application is intranet, you could search and find how to 
individually get each client webbrowser on the intranet to trust you CA 
to emit 128-bit certificate, but it won't be of any use in the general 

Even for an intranet, simply updating all the clients to a 
non-cryptographically restricted version would be _a lot_ easier.

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Re: Openssl req and accents

2001-10-30 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Dr S N Henson wrote:

> OpenSSL by default will assume the characters presented to it are
> IS08859-1 (Latin 1) strings. It stores these in the ASN1 string type
> known as a T61String: this isn't actually correct but Netscape and MSIE
> can do this too.

It would be correct if the real T61String encoding for this characters was used.

Unfortunately if Netscape and MSIE can use IS08859-1 in T61String, they can't
interpret the real, correct T61 encoding in T61String.

> Characters which can't be represented as ISO8859-1 can still be handled
> with the latest OpenSSL 0.9.7 development version. This has a new option
> (-utf8) to the req application which instead interprets the input as
> UTF8 strings.

Do UTF8 strings crash as many applications as BMP strings or less ?

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Re: Netscape 6 Client Hello

2001-08-21 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

"Draelos, Timothy J" wrote:

> I have imported a "Personal" certificate that I
> created with openssl. It appears to work (i.e., says "Import successful"),
> but the certificate never shows up in the Personal certificates list. I can
> import into the "Intermediate CA" and "Trusted Root CA" certificate stores
> and see them in the list, but not the Personal certificate store.

Sounds like you're importing a certificate, and not a PCS#12 (certificate +
private key).
Without the private key, it will never be considered a personnal certificate.

> Is there a way to "make" Netscape 6 issue a TLS-compliant Client Hello
> handshake message? I have Disabled SSLv2 and SSLv3 and Enabled TLS in
> "Netscape Personal Security Manager --> Advanced --> Options," but it still
> begins the SSL handshake with an SSLv2/3-style Client Hello structure.

Maybe someone can answer to that, but that's more a question for the newsgroup

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Re: SSC with explicit "Not Before" & "Not After" dates

2001-07-26 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

> Xeno Campanoli wrote:
> >
> > Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
> > >

> >> Generate a self signed certificate with -req.
> >I've only generated self signed certificates with openssl req -x509.

This is what I meant. -req was a mistyping.

> I also
> was a bit confused until I found the resulting certificate apparently
> couldn't be redirected explicitly, and please correct me if I'm wrong
> about this, but rather I ended up extracting it from the 01.pem file
> that ends up in the newcerts directory.

You can redirect it. You can use -out for that in addition to the other options.

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Re: Smart Card Readers

2001-04-24 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

"Kenneth R. Robinette" wrote:

> But no problem, if you order one, and try it out, you will not have to worry
> about the license.  You will have given it to
> your kids to play with way before a year is up.

This said if you are successful in using the iButton with the pkcs#11, you can
be confident you have a program that can work with any pkcs#11 library that is
able to work with Netscape, no matter how bad the interface is implemented.

The only way to get it working is to do the same things as Netscape, in the same
order, with the same values in the arguments.
Any deviation from that means failure.

> Both the GemSAFE and Rainbow have very good PKCS-11 support
> and everything works as advertised.  I can import/export SSH
> public/private keys and certs with no problem, and both work well
> with OpenSSL (thanks to all the excellent help from Dr. Henson).

Hum, import/export SSH public/private keys ?

I know the Gemsafe cards allows you to import RSA private keys from PKCS#12.

Not sure if this is a great idea or not :-)
It is convenient in some cases.

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Re: RSA Encrypt/Decrypt fails

2001-02-15 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Jan Zoellner wrote:

> At 15.02.01 13:04, you wrote:
> >point of using RSA if not ?, so I will insist once again on the fact that you
> >SHOULDN'T do that.
> I reimplemented the whole thing to be padded with random data (which are
> discarded upon decryption). PKCS#1 padding is worse than that, if I
> interpret the source correctly.

It sounds much better.

> >If your protocol _ever_ sends the same data block to two different
> >recipients, you are dead and buried.
> Different recipients don´t matter: The data is privately encrypted and can
> be read by many recipients, all having posession of the same public key.
> (Symmetric or hybrid cryptography is not applicable.) Data is never sent to
> different recipients, as there is only one (at least from the viewpoint of used
> keys).

You are right, I spoke a bit too fast.

What's more, the attack I was refering to, as someone made me notice already,
requires "e" messages, not 2, so it's more difficult to do if you use a large e,
like 65535.

I remembered how I was told of an actual implementation, not using padding, that
could be broke this way very easily, but it sounds like it used e=3.

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Re: PKCS #7 in OpenSsl?

2001-02-02 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

"A. Konigsdorfer" wrote:

> 'Free' means something different in my eyes:
> 1.2 The period of this license is a hundred eighty days (180 days)
> from the moment the userdownloads the Software from Safelayer's
> web ( The use beyond this time is not permitted.
> The original poster of this message asked for a COM control. You
> should try which
> includes S/MIME, PGP and of course PKCS#7.

> Take a look at the license.

Well, if he takes a look at the license, he'll see it's 'Free' only for
a restricted subset of peoples.

He might be in a situation where he can use it for free, but it's better
to check carefully first :
Any large-scale commercial use of cryptlib requires a license.
"Large-scale commercial use" means any
revenue-generating purpose such as use for company-internal purposes, or
use of cryptlib in an application or product,
with a total gross revenue of over US$5,000.

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Re: Certificates with many Virtual host

2001-01-25 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Reiner Buehl wrote:

> Hi,
> > a) Can I make my on certificate valid for many host names ?
> There is a (not recommended) possibility for this: If all of your hosts
> belong to the same domain you could generate a so called "wildcard certificate".
> This is a certificate with a hostname like '*' that would
> not produce the error message.

What public CA will accept to generate such a certificate !?

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Re: How do I create certificate requests from pubkey?

2001-01-04 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

unshine sun wrote:

> hiI want to converting public key to certificate requests. How do it?

You  can't. You need the private key in order to create what is called a
proof of possession.
i.e. the system is conceived so that you can't just take the public key
and create a certificate request with the information you want.
You need to use the private key to sign this request.

This restrains you from requesting a certificate for someone else with
information he does not want inside.

Of course technically it's always possible, but the tools are conceived
so that you will not be able to do it too easily.
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Re: Hardware Tokens and OpenSSL

2000-12-20 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:

> From: James Dabbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> JDabbs> Does OpenSSL presently support hardware tokens for client-side
> JDabbs> authentication, such as Aladdin "eToken" or Rainbow "iKey
> JDabbs> 2000"?  If not, is there any activity in this direction?
> I've been thinking about it.  What's needed is the following:
>   - a .so/.dll to use as an interface to the token
>   - programming documentation
> However, it may be that they all support PKCS#11, so perhaps it would
> be a good thing to build a PKCS#11 engine...

A number of people have made PKCS#11 patch against the software
implementation, that could be reused ...

The trouble with PKCS#11 is that in most cases the implementation is very

It's hard to have an implementation that can adapt to whatever set of
functions is implemented or not, and many implementation will simply not
work if anything in the call parameters doesn't look like what they like
or if you don't call the function in the order they expect.

So having one implementation of pkcs#11 that will just compile and run
with any pkcs#11 token is really very hard, because you would have to go
around every implementation bug of every token.

One solution is to have an engine that does things _exactly_ the same way
as Netscape (I mean same functions call, same functions call order, same
parameter value), and you will be able to use it with every token that is
compatible with Netscape.
That the way I was finally able to make some use of the iButton pkcs#11
library ().

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Re: certificate issued by an official CA for openssl wanted

2000-12-13 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Alexander 'Alfe' Fetke wrote:

> our customers
> will run our application which will be both client and server.
> the used protocols will be IIOP over SSL or plain IIOP (but then
> of course without encryption, so this case is not of interest).

> we are not planning to issue certificates by ourselves or make
> our customers issue anything.

Standard ssl server certificates have exactly the extension needed to open an ssl

It doesn't matter if the protocole on it is HTTP or not.

They could be restricted to have only the server usage, but until now all those I
have seen have both ssl server (receives connexion) and ssl client (opens
connexion) usage.

If you ask for an intranet certificate, this frees you of the contraint that the
common name does should be a FQDN in a domain you own.

It's quite reasonnable for you to use a certificate under a public CA, but if the
expense of a certificate under a public CA is too much for your clients, you
might consider searching a non-commercial option for the clients and having an
OOB (out of band) way of checking if the certificate owner is really your client.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Experiencing error when installing a Verisign certificate!

2000-12-06 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

"Wilt, Paul" wrote:

> [04/Dec/2000 12:09:21 5411938] [info]  Init: Initializing OpenSSL library
> [04/Dec/2000 12:09:21 5411938] [info]  Init: Loading certificate & private
> key of SSL-aware server

There apache loads your server and private key.
It work ok : No error.
I can tell there is no password on your private key, or there would be log that
says the password has been read from user.

> [04/Dec/2000 12:09:24 5523600] [error] Init: (

> Unable to configure verify locations for client authentication (OpenSSL
> library error follows)

There apache tries to load the PEM certificate of the CA that must be used for
user verification in SSLv3.
It doesn't work.
There seem to be a problem with the end of line.

> [04/Dec/2000 12:09:24 5523600] [error] OpenSSL: error:0B084009:x509
> certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:missing asn1 eos

I must say I'm not completely sure if it's the loading of the CA certficates
that fails, or the loading of the CRL that's associated to that CA.

Anyway this should help you to search in the right direction.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Looking for an HTTPS client for NT C/C++

2000-11-24 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier


> On 24 Nov, Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
> > Shridhar, a tool that incorporates OpenSSL code can hardly be released as
> > GPL, because OpenSSL itself is not GPL.

> As I understand the BSD license, BSD licensed code can be rereleased
> under the GPL. See drivers/scsi/ncr53c8xx.c in the Linux kernel. This
> code was BSD licensed, it originates from FreeBSD, was ported to Linux
> and rereleased under the GPL.

I said "hardly", the exact meaning is "they are problems" and they have been
shown very recently.
Just consut the archive, thread title "Licencing issues", and you'll know
everything you need about it.
This is only 10 days old.

Only the original author can really take the decision to rereleased BSD/BSD
like code under the GPL.
In the case of ncr53c8xx.c, the original author is Stanglmeier, and _he_ is the
one who has rereleased it under GPL if the announcement at start of the file is
This will not happen with OpenSSL.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Looking for an HTTPS client for NT C/C++

2000-11-24 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Shridhar Bhat wrote:

> > ¾G¹ÅÂ×(kevin) wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Will you post to this mailing list how and where to download the tool?
> >
> > kevin
> Yes, I would post it here.
> I've got the permission from management to release it under GPL.
> I have asked to set up a machine from where it could be downloaded.
> Also, I am figuring out the licensing issues. I came across lot of
> discussions which advise releasing a tool under GPL. I may not spend
> too much time on it but if you have some quick words on it, I would
> be happy to have them. Sorry for the delay.

Shridhar, a tool that incorporates OpenSSL code can hardly be released as
GPL, because OpenSSL itself is not GPL.

I think you should release it under a license similar to the one of OpenSSL,
that is BSD like, that both makes the source of the product available to
everyone, and leaves you perfectly free to use the code in any commercial
product you do not want to  release the source code of.

Maybe be you could release it as an external contribution to openssl.

It might be a good idea to take the license of the recent release of
Echohttpd as a model.

OpenSSL Project
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