Re: renegotiating problem - connection hanging?

2006-06-10 Thread Joe Flowers
I'm watching this thread with great interest as I have not figured out 
the correct way to handling OpenSSL with non-blocking sockets which are 
a requirement in my case.

Can anyone expand on the correct way to handle OpenSSL over non-blocking 
sockets please?
I haven't been able to find any reliable literature on it yet, even the 
O'Reilly book is very sketchy on this.


David Schwartz wrote:

Well, we are talking about s_client here... part of openssl executable.
select() is used with the blocking sockets to make sure that, well, they
don't block.

It doesn't work that way. The only way to ensure that socket operations
don't block is to set the sockets non-blocking.


If you call SSL_read on a blocking socket when select says
it is readable you expect it not to block [forever].  Of course
it might block
if there is some data available on the underlying socket but not
enough to
complete SSL deciphering, but under normal circumstances it will only
block until the rest of the record is received.  Am I missing something?

Here's a hypothetical. The 'select' function gives you a 'read' hit. You
call SSL_read (thinking there's application-level data, but you don't really
know, do you?). SSL_read reads part of a re-negotiation but has no data to
return to you, so it calls 'read' again (how does it know it's not supposed
to block until it has data?). That 'read' blocks forever because there was
never any application-level data to read. Sorry, you're screwed. You are
blocked in 'read' but the other side is waiting for you to send
protocol-level data.


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Re: On select and blocking

2006-06-22 Thread Joe Flowers

Darryl Miles wrote:

David Schwartz wrote:

I don't get it.


Ah, finally something concrete.

Hey thats ok; sit back and relax.  I'm sure a patch is on its way.

God I hope so.. I'm right in the middle of trying to get this 
non-blocking stuff to work consistently (with a timeline fast 
approachingarg!) and I can't tell if it's something I am doing wrong 
and what exactly that is. Too many variables to be easy.



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Re: On select and blocking

2006-06-22 Thread Joe Flowers

David Schwartz wrote:

God I hope so.. I'm right in the middle of trying to get this
non-blocking stuff to work consistently (with a timeline fast
approachingarg!) and I can't tell if it's something I am doing wrong
and what exactly that is. Too many variables to be easy.

If you are trying to use blocking socket operations and be sure you will
not block, you can never be certain that your code will work. If you do not
ask for non-blocking behavior, there is no way for the implementation to
know that you want it.


Thanks David. This helps me A LOT.


OpenSSL Project
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2006-08-01 Thread Joe Flowers

Should I call SSL_load_error_strings() at the beginning of each thread?
Or, can I call it once in the parent thread before any child threads are 
launched, so the strings are shared globally across all threads?



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Putting just SSL_read() and SSL_write() inside the non-blocking regions

2006-08-07 Thread Joe Flowers
Is it "safe" to put just SSL_read() and SSL_write() inside the 
non-blocking BIO regions and leaving SSL_accept(), SSL_connect(), 
SSL_shutdown(), accept(), socket(), bind(), listen(), connect(), 
shutdown(), close(), SSL_CTX_new(meth),  SSL_new(ctx), 
SSL_CTX_free(ctx), etc. in the blocking BIO regions?

David Schwartz are you listening I hope?


OpenSSL Project
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Re: Putting just SSL_read() and SSL_write() inside the non-blocking regions

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Flowers

I am not 100% sure I understand your question.

It is necessary that I make a very simple HTTPS "browser" in one thread 
and a very simple HTTPS "server" in another thread.
I'd like to make the HTTPS "browser" thread impervious (not get hung in 
a blocking state) to web servers that are rebooted at any time during a 
socket/HTTPS session or CGI/PHP scripts that it is talking to. Likewise, 
I'd like to make the HTTPS "server" program impervious (not get hung in 
a blocking state) to full-fledged web browsers or CGI/PHP scripts acting 
like simple web browsers. I'd be surprised if I couldn't get in a 
blocking hung state if the SSL_read() and SSL_write() operations were 
being run over a blocking socket connection, but I'm not sure I need to 
leave all of the other SSL function calls running over a non-blocking 
socket and wrap a lot of code around them to deal with the 

Sorry for the confusion. I hope this is making sense now.


David Schwartz wrote:

Is it "safe" to put just SSL_read() and SSL_write() inside the
non-blocking BIO regions and leaving SSL_accept(), SSL_connect(),
SSL_shutdown(), accept(), socket(), bind(), listen(), connect(),
shutdown(), close(), SSL_CTX_new(meth),  SSL_new(ctx),
SSL_CTX_free(ctx), etc. in the blocking BIO regions?

David Schwartz are you listening I hope?

I am not 100% sure I understand your question. But it should be 
safe and legal to create a socket in blocking mode, perform blocking
operations to establish the connection, then switch the socket to
non-blocking mode and use the connection in non-blocking mode with
non-blocking operations. It should similarly be safe to set the socket to
blocking mode and then tear down the connection with blocking operations.

The only problem I can think of would be that while the socket is 
operations can always block. However, if you only set the socket blocking
and call functions that you want to block, I can't see any possible problem.

I have never done anything like this, however.


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Re: Putting just SSL_read() and SSL_write() inside the non-blocking regions

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Flowers

David Schwartz wrote:

I have never done anything like this, however.


H. Then, I'm curious to know at what point (between what socket 
functions) you put your socket in the non-blocking state and when/if you 
ever set it back to blocking?


OpenSSL Project
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Re: Putting just SSL_read() and SSL_write() inside the non-blocking regions

2006-08-08 Thread Joe Flowers


If I can get 999% guarantee, I'd be happy. Not looking for the 
impossible 100%.

In any case, yes, you've pegged the heart of my real question. And, your 
answer is not the one I was hoping for but it has the authoritative 
flavor that I ultimately really wanted, regardless of the answer. Thank 
you!  100% non-blocking it is then. I'll start wrapping them up now.

Thanks a million David!


P.S. I remember writing a socket program on Netware many years ago (that 
we still use on several servers to this day) that required connect() in 
the non-blocking section or it would fail sometimes although very rare. 
I suppose I was trying to forget that here.

David Schwartz wrote:

David Schwartz wrote:

I have never done anything like this, however.


H. Then, I'm curious to know at what point (between what socket
functions) you put your socket in the non-blocking state and when/if you
ever set it back to blocking?


I almost always use a 100% non-blocking architecture. There are few if 
advantages to blocking indefinitely. The only exception is on Windows, where
there used to be no 'ConnectEx'-type function that would make an outbound
connection using IOCP.

I think your question comes down to whether there is an absolute 
that making a connection and closing a connection are always guaranteed to
complete after some limited amount of time.


This is a more complex question
than you might think at first. If, for example, the SSL_connect function
ever calls 'read', then you're sunk. I'm pretty sure SSL_accept does try to
read, so it can block indefinitely.

I strongly caution you that if you don't want to ever block 
you should always use non-blocking operations. Otherwise, you risk writing
code that can be made to block should a circumstance you didn't think of
arise. In principle, any blocking operation can block indefinitely as it is
only supposed to return when it is certain that the requested operation can
or cannot complete. Most of the functions that are exceptions (like 'close')
are not always exceptions, and it's dangerous to rely on them always timing

I would strongly advise you to put in the extra effort to make 
non-blocking (except perhaps a raw TCP 'connect' prior to any 'read's,
'write's, or SSL functions of any kind). I believe even SSL_accept and
SSL_connect can make calls down to 'read' to do the SSL negotiation.


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When to use CRYPTO_set_locking_callback() and CRYPTO_set_id_callback()?

2006-08-17 Thread Joe Flowers

Help please.

I have a program/parent thread that launches 4 child threads. It's a 
Win32 application that has to be linked using the /MT VC compiler option 
for reasons other than OpenSSL. The parent thread calls the following 
OpenSSL calls.


Two of the 4 child threads make OpenSSL calls. One child thread is a 
very simple single-threaded HTTPS web server. One child thread is a very 
simple single-threaded HTTPS web browser.

As per the OpenSSL FAQ (, 
do I need to implement the CRYPTO_set_locking_callback() and 
CRYPTO_set_id_callback() functions?

Quoted from the FAQ: "Multi-threaded applications must provide two 
callback functions to OpenSSL by calling CRYPTO_set_locking_callback() 
and CRYPTO_set_id_callback(). (For OpenSSL 0.9.9 or later, the new 
function CRYPTO_set_idptr_callback() may be used in place of 
CRYPTO_set_id_callback().) This is described in the threads(3) manpage."

I was thinking that since these child threads are not multi-threaded, 
then I may not need to implement these functions? However, since I've 
had to use the /MT option in VC and since the program/parent thread does 
have children threads, then  maybe I do?

NOTE: I am linking with the the non-static versions of libeay32MT.lib 
and ssleay32MT.lib in MS Visual C++ v6.

In any case, does it hurt anything if I try to implement these two 
OpenSSL functions anyway?
And, if it's quick and easy to do, can someone sent code snippets of 
implementations of these two functions?

Thanks a million... again! Love this OpenSSL stuff!


OpenSSL Project
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Re: When to use CRYPTO_set_locking_callback() and CRYPTO_set_id_callback()?

2006-08-17 Thread Joe Flowers

Joe Flowers wrote:

In any case, does it hurt anything if I try to implement these two 
OpenSSL functions anyway?
And, if it's quick and easy to do, can someone sent code snippets of 
implementations of these two functions?

In my parent thread, should I just call the following two OpenSSL 
functions (mentioned in 




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Re: Wrapping SSL_read/SSL_write so they behave like read/write.

2006-08-19 Thread Joe Flowers


You need to put select(ready to read or write) inside each (BOTH 
SSL_read() and SSL_write()) of your while loops at the beginning, and 
then cycle on WANT_READ or WANT_WRITE for BOTH SSL_read() and 
SSL_write() loops.

You're getting high utilization because you are not putting select 
inside the while loops.


Steven Young wrote:


  I'm writing a program which can be compiled either with SSL support or
without.  In order to limit the amount of #ifdef'ing I have to put
throughout the rest of my program, I'm trying to wrap SSL_read and
SSL_write so they can be treated like read/write on a regular socket.

  This is not meeting with much success.

  In the non-SSL case, I do connect(), set it nonblocking, and start
select()ing on the fd(s) that I have connected to.  This works okay.

  In the SSL case, I connect(), create a new context with SSL_new,
set it nonblocking, do SSL_set_fd, then do
  int ret;

  do {
ret = SSL_connect(sslobject);
if(ret != 1) 
  err = ERR_get_error();
  } while (ret != 1 && (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ || 

  This part also seems to work okay.

  The part where everything falls apart is in my read/write wrappers.
They look like this:

  do {
ret = SSL_read(sslobject, buf, bufsz);
err = SSL_get_error(sslobject, ret);
  } while (ret <= 0 && (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ));

  my write_wrapper looks pretty much the same, except s/read/write/, 

  This and variations on these themes have given me a number of novel
results, such as the read loop eating 100% CPU time as SSL_read starts
to always return ret = -1 and error = SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ.  SSL_write
seems to be behaving a bit better.  I am mystefied as to why select()
would mark the fd as ready to read, and yet SSL_read returns nothing,
resulting in a 100% CPU loop.

  Is there some other way I should be doing this? I have tried putting

  if(ret <= 0 && (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE)) 
SSL_write(sslobject, NULL, 0):

  in my read loop after the err = ... statement, but it didn't do

  If anybody can make any suggestions, or even point me to an example
of how this should be done, I would be much obliged.  Is there an
IRC channel for OpenSSL support?


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Re: Wrapping SSL_read/SSL_write so they behave like read/write.

2006-08-20 Thread Joe Flowers

I wouldn't advise that. Read the docs:
"When calling |SSL_write()| with num=0 bytes to be sent the behaviour is 

I still stand by me first reply on this thread, as I believe it follows 
directly from the docs.

Read the docs on SSL_read() and SSL_write().

SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE does not mean call SSL_write(). It means the 
exactly same SSL function you just did with the exact same parameters as 
you ust did that produced this SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE return. Again, it's 
clearly explained in the docs.


Kyle Hamilton wrote:

If you get SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, even if you have no application data
to send, the protocol itself requires data to be written -- so you
need to call SSL_write().  If you get SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, even if
you're writing application data, that means that the protocol itself
is requiring data to be read from the peer, so you need to call

Both situations can happen in either case.  If you have no data to
write, call it with a NULL buffer and a length of 0.

-Kyle H

On 8/19/06, Steven Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I'm a little unclear on how this should be implemented.. so if I call
SSL_read, get -1 back, and err = SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, do I just call
SSL_read again? Because that's what I've been doing and it ends up
in an infinite loop.  Also, is err = SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, but I have
no data to write (because I'm waiting to see what the server sends me
before replying), what should I write in my call to SSL_write?

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Re: Wrapping SSL_read/SSL_write so they behave like read/write.

2006-08-20 Thread Joe Flowers

Joe Flowers wrote:
It means the exactly same SSL function you just did with the exact 
same parameters as you ust did that produced this SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE 
return. Again, it's clearly explained in the docs.


Good grief. Pardon my grammar.
The sentence should have read:

It means call exactly the same SSL function you just did with the exact 
same parameters as you just did that produced this SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE 

Kyle Hamilton wrote:

If you get SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, even if you have no application data
to send, the protocol itself requires data to be written -- so you
need to call SSL_write().  If you get SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, even if
you're writing application data, that means that the protocol itself
is requiring data to be read from the peer, so you need to call

Both situations can happen in either case.  If you have no data to
write, call it with a NULL buffer and a length of 0.

-Kyle H

On 8/19/06, Steven Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I'm a little unclear on how this should be implemented.. so if I call
SSL_read, get -1 back, and err = SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, do I just call
SSL_read again? Because that's what I've been doing and it ends up
in an infinite loop.  Also, is err = SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, but I have
no data to write (because I'm waiting to see what the server sends me
before replying), what should I write in my call to SSL_write?

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Re: Wrapping SSL_read/SSL_write so they behave like read/write.]

2006-08-22 Thread Joe Flowers

Do something like this for a SSL_read() and something very similar for 
SSL_write() and SSL_shutdown(), etc. (I'm assuming non-blocking sockets):

unsigned char buf[bufsize]="\0";

memset(buf, 0, bufsize);

do {

ret=select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptionfds, timeout);

if(select() fails, times out, or has exceptionfds) {

if((stop=='n')&&(bail=='n')) {

if(bufsize-1-totalbytesread < 1) {
stop='y'; and/or bail='y'; depending on your situation; }

if((stop=='n')&&(bail=='n')) {

ret2=SSL_Read(&buf[totalbytesread], bufsize-1-totalbytesread);

if(ret2<1) {

if((ret3!=WANT_READ)&&(ret3!=WANT_WRITE)) {
} if((ret3!=WANT_READ)&&(ret3!=WANT_WRITE))

} //if(ret2<1)
else { //OK, we've read more bytes


if((bufsize-1-totalbytesread)<1) {

stop='y'; and/or bail='y'; depending on your situation;

} else {

if((bail=='n')&&(stop=='n')) {

totaltime=totaltime+(this time here - last time here);

Check to see if buf contains information that "tells" you it's time to stop or 
if too much time has been taken for this whole SSL_Read() routine.

if(time to stop) {
stop='y'; (and/or bail='y' for too much time) ; depending on your situation.
} //if(time to stop)

} //if((bail=='n')&&(stop=='n'))

} //else OK, we've read more bytes
} //if((stop=='n')&&(bail=='n'))
} //if((stop=='n')&&(bail=='n'))
} //while((stop=='n')&&(bail=='n'));

printf("\nbuf=(%s).\0", buf);
} else {
printf("\nFatal Error!\0");


Good luck!


Steven Young wrote:
  Apologies if this is a duplicate; I was messing around with my e-mail

yesterday and it was broken for a while.  I didn't see this go through.

On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 06:54:36PM -0400, Joe Flowers wrote:
It means call exactly the same SSL function you just did with the exact 
same parameters as you just did that produced this SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE 

  Pardon me, I think I'm a little thick today.  I get what you're 
all saying but I'm still not 100% sure of how this should be applied.

Here's the program flow, without SSL:

while(!quit) {
  for(i in all file descriptors) {
if(we have something buffered up to say to the server)
  FD_SET(thisfd, &writefds)
/* we are always interested in what the server has to say
 * to us */
FD_SET(thisfd, &readfds);

  select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, &writefds, NULL, timeout);

  if(FD_ISSET(thisfd, &readfds)) {
read(thisfd), process it, probably send a reply with write()
  } else if(FD_ISSET(thisfd, &writefds) {
write(thisfd) whatever we have buffered up; if it was a partial
write, update the buffer.

  Using SSL, how should this look? From what I'm hearing, it shouldn't
use select() at all.  So how do I find out if the server has something
to say short of polling it with SSL_read?


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Re: SSL_read returns SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ

2006-08-25 Thread Joe Flowers

David Schwartz wrote:

Make sure that you protect the SSL session with a
mutex. You are not allowed to call SSL_read and SSL_write at the same time
on the same session from different threads.




Does "same session" mean, same instance of an ssl object, or same 
instance of a ctx object?



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Re: When to use CRYPTO_set_locking_callback() and

2006-09-15 Thread Joe Flowers


I really appreciate this code snippet **a lot**. It looks like an 
excellent snippet of best as I can tell.
Can anyone else please confirm that these functions (listed below) are 
what I need to implement for making OpenSSL thead-safe?

No offense intended Marek. I'm just looking for a second confirming source.

I'm running this on a Win32 platform, so I'm going to have to convert 
from pthreads to Win32 speak, but I think I can do that. Any gotchas 
will be appreciated though. For example, do I need the Win32 keyword 
CALLBACK or EXPORT in the function prototypes?

I'm also wondering if there is someway I can test this to make sure this 
is working correctly?

Thanks a million.again!


Marek Marcola wrote:
You may use something like that:

struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value
pthread_mutex_t mutex;

static pthread_mutex_t *mutex_buf = NULL;

 * OpenSSL locking function.
 * @parammodelock mode
 * @paramnlock number
 * @paramfilesource file name
 * @paramlinesource file line number
 * @returnnone
static void locking_function(int mode, int n, const char *file, int line)
if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) {
} else {

 * OpenSSL uniq id function.
 * @returnthread id
static unsigned long id_function(void)
return ((unsigned long) pthread_self());

 * OpenSSL allocate and initialize dynamic crypto lock.
 * @paramfilesource file name
 * @paramlinesource file line number
static struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *dyn_create_function(const char 
*file, int line)

struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *value;

value = (struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *)
malloc(sizeof(struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value));
if (!value) {
goto err;
pthread_mutex_init(&value->mutex, NULL);

return value;

return (NULL);

 * OpenSSL dynamic locking function.
 * @parammodelock mode
 * @paramllock structure pointer
 * @paramfilesource file name
 * @paramlinesource file line number
 * @returnnone
static void dyn_lock_function(int mode, struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *l,
  const char *file, int line)
if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) {
} else {

 * OpenSSL destroy dynamic crypto lock.
 * @paramllock structure pointer
 * @paramfilesource file name
 * @paramlinesource file line number
 * @returnnone

static void dyn_destroy_function(struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *l,
 const char *file, int line)

 * Initialize TLS library.
 * @return0 on success, -1 on error
int tls_init(void)
int i;

/* static locks area */
mutex_buf = malloc(CRYPTO_num_locks() * sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
if (mutex_buf == NULL) {
return (-1);
for (i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++) {
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_buf[i], NULL);
/* static locks callbacks */
/* dynamic locks callbacks */


RAND_load_file("/dev/urandom", 1024);

return (0);

 * Cleanup TLS library.
 * @return0
int tls_cleanup(void)
int i;

if (mutex_buf == NULL) {
return (0);



for (i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++) {
mutex_buf = NULL;

return (0);

Best regards,
-- Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: memory leaks - what am I doing wrong?

2007-02-05 Thread Joe Flowers


I assume you are running this inside a loop inside of main() and that is 
how you can tell there is a leak?


Lars Uhlmann wrote:
Please reference -- 

> "I think I've detected a memory leak, is this a bug?"


It doesn't matter if I call those cleaning functions, the leaks are
still there.

/* --- cut here --- */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


return 1;
/* --- cut here --- */

valgrind: still reachable: 1,336 bytes in 81 blocks.
What now?

My problem is, I dont't know _where to read_ about doing it right. The 
large output about blocks allocated from openssl makes it hard to find 
my own leaks. That's quite confusing.

These functions I'm now using. Can someone please look at it and tell 
me a little bit more where I should pay attention about freeing things?

| SSL_library_init();
| SSL_CTX* pCtx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_client_method())
| SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(pCtx, "client.crt")
| SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(pCtx, "client.key", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
| SSL_CTX_check_private_key(pCtx)
| SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(pCtx, "ca.crt", NULL))
| BIO* pBio = BIO_new_buffer_ssl_connect(pCtx)
| BIO_get_ssl(pBio, &pSsl);
| SSL_set_mode(pSsl, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY);
| BIO_set_conn_hostname(pBio, HOSTNAME);
| BIO_set_conn_port(pBio, HTTPS_PORT);
| BIO_do_connect(pBio)
| SSL_CTX_set_verify(pCtx, VERIFY_SWITCHES, NULL);
| SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(pCtx, 1);
| SSL_get_verify_result(pSsl)
| BIO_write(pBio, REQUEST, sizeof(REQUEST));
| BIO_flush(pBio)
| BIO_gets(pBio, buffer, buffer_size);
| SSL_CTX_free(pCtx);
| BIO_free_all(pBio);

thanks in advance
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%OSVERSION% is not defined at util/pl/ line 41.

2007-05-14 Thread Joe Flowers

Hello All-

I can't remember getting this error the last time I built OpenSSL from 
I saw a recent archived post where Steve said that this is caused by the 
MS VC++ v6.0 SP6 environment not being setup correctly, but I'm not sure 
this is the case here. This is my second development machine with the 
exact same fatal error message. Arg...

Any ideas please?



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Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual C++ tools.

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This is perl, v5.8.8 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
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Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.

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Configuring for VC-WIN32
   no-camellia [default]  OPENSSL_NO_CAMELLIA (skip dir)
   no-gmp  [default]  OPENSSL_NO_GMP (skip dir)
   no-krb5 [krb5-flavor not specified] OPENSSL_NO_KRB5
   no-mdc2 [default]  OPENSSL_NO_MDC2 (skip dir)
   no-rc5  [default]  OPENSSL_NO_RC5 (skip dir)
   no-rfc3779  [default]  OPENSSL_NO_RFC3779 (skip dir)
   no-shared   [default]
   no-zlib [default]
   no-zlib-dynamic [default]
DES_ENC   =des_enc.o fcrypt_b.o
AES_ASM_OBJ   =aes_core.o aes_cbc.o
CAST_ENC  =c_enc.o
RC4_ENC   =rc4_enc.o
RC5_ENC   =rc5_enc.o
PERL  =perl
RC4_INDEX mode
RC4_CHUNK is undefined

Configured for VC-WIN32.


F:\joe\openssl-0.9.8e>perl util\  1>MINFO

F:\joe\openssl-0.9.8e>perl util\ no-asm VC-WIN32  1>ms\nt.mak

F:\joe\openssl-0.9.8e>perl util\ dll no-asm VC-WIN32  1>ms\ntdll.mak

F:\joe\openssl-0.9.8e>perl util\ no-asm VC-CE  1>ms\ce.mak
%OSVERSION% is not defined at util/pl/ line 41.
Compilation failed in require at util\ line 138.

F:\joe\openssl-0.9.8e>perl util\ dll no-asm VC-CE  1>ms\cedll.mak
%OSVERSION% is not defined at util/pl/ line 41.
Compilation failed in require at util\ line 138.

F:\joe\openssl-0.9.8e>perl util\ 32 libeay  1>ms\libeay32.def

F:\joe\openssl-0.9.8e>perl util\ 32 ssleay  1>ms\ssleay32.def


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: %OSVERSION% is not defined at util/pl/ line 41.

2007-05-14 Thread Joe Flowers

Dr. Stephen Henson wrote:

Note that the two errors are produced when generating the WinCE makefiles
which aren't used so they can be safely ignored.


Yeah, I noticed the "ce" warning messages too and tried to continue on 
to the next step (nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak) but it failed repeatedly at the 
same place with something like *"version"* in the fatal error message. 
So, I assumed it had something to do with the earlier "OSVERSION" error 

Alas though, today I am embarrassed because I just tried again on my 1st 
development machine and it ran through like a charm with no problems at 
all, other than the original CE benign warning message. Arg So, now 
I'm embarrassed for wasting everyones time.


I'm very sorry Steve.

I'll have to try it again at home on my 2nd dev. machine.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: openssl clients for windows

2007-06-01 Thread Joe Flowers


Have you tried running your application in a Dependency Walker profile?


gary clark wrote:

Hey Victor,

Thanks for the response. I dont think its an attribute
issue of dlls or files. I checked and they seem to be
ok. Not read only. The two dlls I'm using are
ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll and of type application

I want to load the libraries dynamically using
"LoadLibrary(L"ssleay32") is this fine?

When I do the above I get a new error message failure.

"The application failed to start because the
application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling
the application may fix the problem."

This is going to be something really,reall silly. Can
somebody shed some light on this?


--- "Victor B. Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On 2007.05.31 at 22:28:27 -0700, gary clark wrote:


Using 0.8.9e.

Attempting to port my openssl testclient to a XP
machine which does not have the complete install


I took the ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll and


them in the system32 directory.

When running the client I am seeing it crash with


message "The application has failed to start


the application configuration is
incorrect.Reinstalling the application may fix


problem. I built the application with \MD in the


Generation section.

On NTFS such problem can occur if executable file or
some dll
doesn't have execute permission. 

If you've send dlls as mail attachment or use some
archiver to pack and
transfer them, attribute which allows execution can
be lost.

Check attributes of both your client and dlls.   

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netware CLIB libraries

2007-06-01 Thread Joe Flowers


I've done a lot of NetWare programming but have never heard of a 
"OpenSSL .lib for Novell Netware's CLIB library". I don't think such a 
beast exists.

If you are looking to make .exe files then you can probably use the free 
Borland compiler 
( You 
can use Borland's implib.exe to create .lib files from .dll files, 
although you probably don't have to. I haven't had experience with 
Borland and Netware in a long time because I usually use MSVC6 (for 
.exe) and CodeWarrior (for .nlm) for all of my NetWare programming.

You can determine exactly what Netware .lib files you need from by looking closely toward the bottom of the 
online API docs. Look for the NDK, and I think those downloads are free 
still. They include the .lib files.

I know there are some free utils under Linux that will compile EXEs and 
NLMs, but I haven't dealt with them in a long time either.


Zack Payton wrote:

Hello all,

I am looking for an OpenSSL .lib for Novell Netware's CLIB library.  
I'm looking at all the documentation and it appears this is only 
supported with Code Warrior which costs $.
Does anybody know where I could find a precompiled lib, could anybody 
send me one, or give any advice for building with a free compiler such 
as Watcom?

Thanks and have a good weekend!

Zachary Bell Payton

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netware CLIB libraries

2007-06-01 Thread Joe Flowers


I'm sorry I have an old mind and memory, but I actually do have a 
program that requires libeay32.lib and libssl32.lib to make a specific NLM.
Unfortunately, I did not make them myself, but I do have an inside 
contact that I have queried on how to make these for Netware. It may 
just turn out to be a CodeWarrior util like implib.exe for Borland. The 
ones I have probably only work with CodeWarrior anyway.


Zack Payton wrote:


Thank you for the response.  I guess I am looking to compile openssl
into a static library that will work with older versions of netware.
The netware readme file makes mention of this but documentation
suggests that Code Warrior is a requirement (which I do not have).

I will take a look at the borland stuff, but I was trying to wing it
without having to purchase anything as this was a one time shot.


On 6/1/07, Joe Flowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've done a lot of NetWare programming but have never heard of a
"OpenSSL .lib for Novell Netware's CLIB library". I don't think such a
beast exists.

If you are looking to make .exe files then you can probably use the free
Borland compiler
( You
can use Borland's implib.exe to create .lib files from .dll files,
although you probably don't have to. I haven't had experience with
Borland and Netware in a long time because I usually use MSVC6 (for
.exe) and CodeWarrior (for .nlm) for all of my NetWare programming.

You can determine exactly what Netware .lib files you need from by looking closely toward the bottom of the
online API docs. Look for the NDK, and I think those downloads are free
still. They include the .lib files.

I know there are some free utils under Linux that will compile EXEs and
NLMs, but I haven't dealt with them in a long time either.


Zack Payton wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am looking for an OpenSSL .lib for Novell Netware's CLIB library.
> I'm looking at all the documentation and it appears this is only
> supported with Code Warrior which costs $.
> Does anybody know where I could find a precompiled lib, could anybody
> send me one, or give any advice for building with a free compiler such
> as Watcom?
> Thanks and have a good weekend!
> Sincerely,
> Zachary Bell Payton

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netware CLIB libraries

2007-06-04 Thread Joe Flowers


This is what I got back from a different friend:


Search for NTLS.NLM.

Novell TLS Library

   * SSL stack based on OpenSSL.
   * If unloaded, there is no SSL services for consuming applications, 
which is only LDAP in NetWare 6.5.

   * Dependent on nldap.nlm, nici.nlm, and npkit.nlm.
   * Loaded by default.

This seems to indicate that it probably exports the OpenSSL functions."


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL HTTPS application and Wireshark v1.0.0 (Win32)

2008-06-02 Thread Joe Flowers
Hello everyone,

Does anyone have ideas on how I can get Wireshark to decrypt my OpenSSL
HTTPS client application data?

I can decrypt the HTTPS traffic OK to the server machine from the client
machine with Wireshark installed on the client machine, where the HTTPS
traffic is initiated from a web browser (IE) on the client machine.

BUT, when I try my HTTPS client application (on the client machine, talking
to the server machine), the application seems to work correctly other than I
am not able to see the decrypted data in Wireshark. This is killing me when
trying to troubleshoot this application on other client machines.

Is there a trick to getting Wireshark to work with OpenSSL applications or
is there something wrong with my application which prevents Wireshark from
decrypting the data?

Thanks for any help or ideas to try!


Re: OpenSSL HTTPS application and Wireshark v1.0.0 (Win32)

2008-06-02 Thread Joe Flowers
Thanks Jean-Marc.

Do you think that because my OpenSSL app uses AES-256 for the cipher that
that could be the problem?


Re: OpenSSL HTTPS application and Wireshark v1.0.0 (Win32)

2008-06-04 Thread Joe Flowers
Thanks for the specific detail and recommendations Matt. Yes, this will help
for sure.

Thank you!


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 9:21 AM, Matt Tesauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If you only need to look at the HTTP traffic, I'd suggest you use a
> local proxy and place it between your client and server.  This will
> establish 2 SSL connections, I between the client and the proxy and a
> second between the proxy and your server.  At the proxy, everything is
> in the clear.  There are a bunch of good (and free) proxy's to do this
> and keep a log of all the HTTP traffic they pass.  My favorite is burp:
> OWASP also has WebScarab:
> or even Paros:
> HTH.
> -- Matt Tesauro
> On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 11:54 -0400, Joe Flowers wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > Does anyone have ideas on how I can get Wireshark to decrypt my
> > OpenSSL HTTPS client application data?
> >
> > I can decrypt the HTTPS traffic OK to the server machine from the
> > client machine with Wireshark installed on the client machine, where
> > the HTTPS traffic is initiated from a web browser (IE) on the client
> > machine.
> >
> > BUT, when I try my HTTPS client application (on the client machine,
> > talking to the server machine), the application seems to work
> > correctly other than I am not able to see the decrypted data in
> > Wireshark. This is killing me when trying to troubleshoot this
> > application on other client machines.
> >
> > Is there a trick to getting Wireshark to work with OpenSSL
> > applications or is there something wrong with my application which
> > prevents Wireshark from decrypting the data?
> >
> >
> > Thanks for any help or ideas to try!
> >
> > Joe
> >
> __
> OpenSSL Project
> User Support Mailing
> Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Basic question on version number..

2008-08-22 Thread Joe Flowers
>   We're thinking of using openssl in our company but wondering about the
version number.


OpenSSL is a great product. It is very widely used and adopted throughout
the world. If you ripped it off the face of the planet right now, it would
be catastrophic because so many people and systems and programs and etc.
depend on it. Care none what version numbering scheme they use.


Re: OpenSSL Web Server Certificate renewed

2008-09-12 Thread Joe Flowers
Thanks a lot Steve! We'll definitely be keeping Globalsign is mind.


On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Lutz Jaenicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi!
> I have just installed a new (2048bit) certificate and key to the
> OpenSSL Project webserver. It is a wildcard certifcate for *
> catching both and
> Many thanks go to Steve Roylance from Globalsign for donating a
> 3 year wildcard SSL certificate!!
> Best regards,

SSL != HTTPS ???

2005-04-01 Thread Joe Flowers
Please help me understand what's going on.
I've successfully used OpenSSL (latest released version - 0.9.7f) to 
communicate with a https:// site. (See my pseudo-code at the bottom of 
this message.) However, nowhere in my code is a public key for the 
https:// site specified.
But, when I look at the converstations with a packet sniffer, it "looks" 
like the communication is indeed encrypted?
Is it using some sort of defaults known (in advance) by both OpenSSL and 
the https:// server - like a default public key for the initial SSL 
connection and then a default symmetric encryption algorithm for the 
rest of the conversation?
Is the https:// server sending my OpenSSL client it's public key to help 
establish the initial connection?
If this is so, then  I assume my OpenSSL client could, at that point, 
try to do some checks on that public key to see if it's a regular, valid 
SSL certificate as given by Verisign, et. al.? And, how is the symmetric 
encrytion algorithm chosen to finish the communications?

Among the infinite things I do not understand, I don't undertstand how 
this is working without the public key of the https:// site.
Why isn't the https:// site telling me to "buggar off"?
And, since it is working, how is it doing the apparent encryption and 
deciding which encryption algorithms to use? Is this considered 
"secure"?  (I know that's a relative term.)
Where are the security weaknesses and strengths in this?

If this was to be done better, more secure, what would be the next 
features to add?
I assume requiring the public key of the https:// server be used by the 
client and maybe doing some sort of CRL check on the client side would 
be a couple of the suggestions?
And, if so, can someone give me pointers to the functions that I'd need 
to use, please?
If this current setup is "weak" or "insecure", what can be done at the 
server-side to tell my client to "grow up or get lost"?

Thanks a ton for teaching me this!
P.S. OpenSSL rocks! You guys are incredibly awesome!
ret=connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &ServAddr, sizeof(ServAddr));
RAND_seed(buffer, MaxBufferSize);
ret=SSL_set_fd(ssl, sock);

ret=SSL_connect(ssl); //ret=1=no error
ret=SSL_write(ssl, buffer, ret2);
ret=SSL_read(ssl, &buffer[numread], sizeof(&buffer[numread])-1);
shutdown(sock, 2);
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maurice Gittens' ReadPrivateKey(), ReadPublicKey(), etc.

2001-03-03 Thread Joe Flowers

I am trying to port pieces of OpenSSL to NetWare.

I have been able to compile and link a program with the following
function OK.
RSA_private_decrypt(pubKeySize, input, buf_dec, privKey->pkey.rsa,

However, I would like alternative functions to 

ERR_load_crypto_strings(); //Well, maybe not this one.
privKey = ReadPrivateKey(PRIVFILE);
pubKey = ReadPublicKey(PUBFILE);  

that read the Public and Private Keys from simple character strings
instead of files.
Then, I want to input the returned values to the RSA_private_decrypt()
function to get the unencrypted data back in clear text form.

Please help!

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compile error on Maurice loadkeys

2001-07-24 Thread Joe Flowers


Add an extra NULL parameter to the end of the arguments in each of these
two functions in the loadkeys.h and/or loadkeys.c files.


Mohamed Nadjar wrote:
> I am a new user of openssl and I try to understand how it works by
> looking at the demos!
> But I have the same problem and the same message !
> Could anyone help us ??
> --
> Mohamed NADJAR, Inria - Rhône-alpes, Planete project, France
> Darryl Wagoner wrote:
> > It seems that most of the demo programs will not compile.  Any ideas?
> >
> > dwagoner: -> make
> > loadkeys.c: In function `ReadPublicKey':
> > loadkeys.c:36: too few arguments to function `PEM_ASN1_read'
> > loadkeys.c: In function `ReadPrivateKey':
> > loadkeys.c:67: too few arguments to function `PEM_ASN1_read'
> > make: *** [loadkeys.o] Error 1
> >
> > --
> > Darryl Wagoner - WA1GON
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

recommendations for encrypting a document on a distributed CD?

2011-11-02 Thread Joe Flowers
Hello Everyone,

I would like recommendations and suggestions for encrypting a document on a
distributed CD. I would like someone to be able to open and read the
document only if they have a "password" or secret string or other(?).
I understand there is a limit to how secure this really is, but I would
like it to be reasonably secure for what it is, and that's why I'm asking
the question here.

Down the same lines, I'm wondering if something like AES-256 should be used
with several "rounds" (encrypting the encrypted data N times) to help
prevent (slow down) an exhaustive attack?

How is something like this usually done? Any suggestions/recommendations
inside or outside the box?

It would also be nice if a common, widely available unencrypting tool could
be easily used to unencrypt the document if the secret string is known.



Re: recommendations for encrypting a document on a distributed CD?

2011-11-02 Thread Joe Flowers

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Joe Flowers wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I would like recommendations and suggestions for encrypting a document on
> a distributed CD. I would like someone to be able to open and read the
> document only if they have a "password" or secret string or other(?).
> I understand there is a limit to how secure this really is, but I would
> like it to be reasonably secure for what it is, and that's why I'm asking
> the question here.
> Down the same lines, I'm wondering if something like AES-256 should be
> used with several "rounds" (encrypting the encrypted data N times) to help
> prevent (slow down) an exhaustive attack?
> How is something like this usually done? Any suggestions/recommendations
> inside or outside the box?
> It would also be nice if a common, widely available unencrypting tool
> could be easily used to unencrypt the document if the secret string is
> known.
> Thanks!
> ---

[openssl-users] OpenSSL 0.9.8 - No more security fixes, nor updates and support, But NO CVEs listed either?

2016-01-12 Thread Joe Flowers
Hello OpenSSL Developers,

I understand through your previous announcements that OpenSSL 0.9.8 is
no longer "supported", and no more "security fixes", nor "security
updates" will be provided by

Does this mean that we can expect no more CVEs to be generated or
listed for OpenSSL 0.9.8 also?





"As per our previous announcements and our Release Strategy
(, support for OpenSSL versions
1.0.0 and 0.9.8 will cease on 31st December 2015. No security updates for these
versions will be provided after that date. In the absence of significant
security issues being identified prior to that date, the 1.0.0t and 0.9.8zh
releases will be the last for those versions. Users of these versions are
advised to upgrade."


openssl-users mailing list
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[openssl-users] OpenSSL 0.9.8 - No more security fixes, nor updates and support, But NO CVEs listed either?

2016-01-12 Thread Joe Flowers
Hello OpenSSL Developers,

I understand through your previous announcements that OpenSSL 0.9.8 is no
longer "supported", and no more "security fixes", nor "security updates"
will be provided by

Does this mean that we can expect no more CVEs to be generated or listed
for OpenSSL 0.9.8 also?




"As per our previous announcements and our Release Strategy
(, support for OpenSSL
1.0.0 and 0.9.8 will cease on 31st December 2015. No security updates for
versions will be provided after that date. In the absence of significant
security issues being identified prior to that date, the 1.0.0t and 0.9.8zh
releases will be the last for those versions. Users of these versions are
advised to upgrade."

openssl-users mailing list
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Re: [openssl-users] OpenSSL 0.9.8 - No more security fixes, nor updates and support, But NO CVEs listed either?

2016-01-12 Thread Joe Flowers
Thanks, Matt!

I did not know that is the only organization that creates
CVEs for OpenSSL.

Thanks for clearing this up for me!



On 12/01/16 22:43, Joe Flowers wrote:
>* Hello OpenSSL Developers,
*> > >* I understand through your previous announcements that OpenSSL
0.9.8 is no longer "supported", and no more "security fixes", nor
"security updates" will be provided by
*> > >* Does this mean that we can expect no more CVEs to be generated
or listed for OpenSSL 0.9.8 also?
Not supported means we will no longer being doing work on the 0.9.8 or
1.0.0 branches. This includes any analysis which may lead to a CVE

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[openssl-users] Source code to build "OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013"?

2017-06-02 Thread Joe Flowers
Hello Everyone,

Will someone tell me where the source code is to build this version of
openssl, please?

"OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013"


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Re: [openssl-users] Source code to build "OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013"?

2017-06-03 Thread Joe Flowers
Andrew, Thank you very much.  This is very helpful.

On Jun 2, 2017 9:17 PM, "Porter, Andrew"  wrote:

> If that version string was printed by a Linux system-provided "openssl"
> command you'd be best off downloading the system-specific source packages.
> To make your best guess at building it manually yourself from original
> source:
> (a) your old OpenSSL source here:
> (b) that string doesn't tell you which exact FIPS module source, the
> current version is here:
> (c) The FIPS-140 User Guide here, which covers how to build first the FIPS
> module and then fips-enabled OpenSSL:
> Andrew
> From: openssl-users [] On Behalf
> Of Joe Flowers
> Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 14:37
> To:
> Subject: [openssl-users] Source code to build "OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb
> 2013"?
> Hello Everyone,
> Will someone tell me where the source code is to build this version of
> openssl, please?
> "OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013"
> Thanks!
> Joe
> -
> --
> openssl-users mailing list
> To unsubscribe:
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[openssl-users] Difference between libssl.a in static openssl build versus libssl.a in dynamic openssl build ???

2017-07-23 Thread Joe Flowers
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to upgrade some libraries of an older version of openssl
(~0.9.7) with the libraries of a less old version of openssl (1.0.0e).

When I perform a dynamic openssl build with the following commands, I get
(among other files) a libssl.a file.

cd /joe/openssl-1.0.1e/dynamic/64bit/openssl-1.0.1e
make clean
setarch x86_64 ./config -m64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC shared no-zlib

When I perform a static openssl build with the following commands, I get
(among other files) another libssl.a file.

cd /joe/openssl-1.0.1e/static/64bit/openssl-1.0.1e
./config -D_GNU_SOURCE
make clean

I am trying to determine which one of these two newer libssl.a files I
should use to replace the older ~0.9.7 libssl.a file.

Any ideas how to do this?

I have been trying to use the "readelf " and "file" commands on these 3
different libssl.a files, but I am not seeing a pattern in the files which
allows me to determine which one should be used.

I am compiling on a SLES11 SP1 64-bit machine.



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Re: [openssl-users] Difference between libssl.a in static openssl build versus libssl.a in dynamic openssl build ???

2017-07-24 Thread Joe Flowers
> You know you are going from something horribly out of date to something
very out of date, right?


> Can’t you at least move to 1.0.2?

That is out of my hands and is almost entirely irrelevant to the
information I asked for and need. Even if I could upgrade to 1.0.2 the same
problem and same question would remain.

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 7:42 AM, Salz, Rich via openssl-users <> wrote:

> You know you are going from something horribly out of date to something
> very out of date, right?
> Can’t you at least move to 1.0.2?
> --
> openssl-users mailing list
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