Re: domain check vs pubkey check

2007-07-22 Thread Scott Gifford
"David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Hi, a question about the SSL:
>> In SSL, the server certificate is checked by the
>> client as to whether the server actually holds the
>> private key of it. This is done by client sending the
>> session key signed by server's public key.
>> So, why there is a need for a check of domain name in
>> the server certificate? Shouldn't the above check be
>> enough?
> Absolutely not. If I type ""; and I get connected to a
> secure server run by some bad guys, knowing they own the certificate they
> present to me isn't good enough. I need to make sure the certificate was
> issued to and signed by a certificate authority I trust.
> Anyone can obtain a certificate and confirm that it is their certificate. If
> the certificate is signed by a CA I trust, I then know who I am talking to.
> But knowing I am talking to someone I don't trust, and still sending them my
> credit card information, would be really stupid.

Perhaps wandering a bit off-topic, but in practice many CAs which are
trusted by most browsers will issue certificates to whomever controls
a domain at the time the cert is issued, and so there's very little
difference between trusting DNS and trusting DNS+SSL for site
authentication (though of course SSL has the advantage of encrypting
the connection).

In other words, the difference between the model Soner expected and
reality is the purchase of a certificate for a few tens of dollars
from one of the many CAs that do minimal checking before issuing

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Re: huge memory allocation on simultaneous ssl handshakes.

2007-10-30 Thread Scott Gifford
Lutz Jaenicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Yes, only 100MB might be actually used but the 2GB would still be
> reserved in memory.
> To get an idea about this behavior you can write a simple program like

And just to elaborate a little, if other processes need this memory,
the OS will swap out the unused memory after a short time.  So the
memory consumed will take up swap space, but will not take up actual
memory if the OS has a better use for it.

If this presents a real problem, the general solution is to use a
specialized malloc, which uses a memory allocation method that allows
returning memory to the OS, such as mmap.  I'm not sure how to use a
custom malloc with OpenSSL, but hopefully this will give you something
useful to Google for.  And it's worth noting that it this sort of
memory usage doesn't usually cause a real problem.

Good luck!

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Patch Openssl

2006-04-12 Thread Scott Gifford
"Sara978 (sent by" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have tried to write:
>  patch -p1 < ts-20060225-0_9_8a-patch.gz

You have to uncompress the patch file first:

gunzip ts-20060225-0_9_8a-patch.gz
patch -p1
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Re: Securing passwords

2006-09-05 Thread Scott Gifford
David Irvine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Apart from that what is the most effective way of entering a
> password to stop keyloggers I have been racking my brain thinking of
> a defeat for them but can't come up with one yet although I'm sure
> there is an answer somewhere.

Consider the use of one-time passwords.  A google search for this
phrase turns up most of the interesting information; RSA's SecurID is
a popular example.

Challenge-response mechanisms, with the response calculated on a
device completely controlled by the user (such as a cellphone, PDA, or
specialized device), are a similar idea.  S/Key is a well-known
example of this, although there may be newer ones.

Both of these are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, but will
significantly reduce risk, and protect you from keyloggers that don't
transmit their results within a few seconds after they are sent.

These probably don't present turnkey solutions to your immediate
problem, but will hopefully get you pointed in a useful direction.

Good luck,

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Using the command line tool talk to a socket

2006-09-11 Thread Scott Gifford
Raymond DeGennaro II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can the command line tool be used to talk to a socket?  

See if:

openssl s_client -help

gives you the information you need.

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dhparam question

2005-09-10 Thread Scott Gifford

I'm putting together a short step-by-step guide to using SSL with
qmail and sslserver.  sslserver requires a "dhparam" file generated by
"openssl dhparam -out dhparam 1024"; I know how to generate it, but
not exactly what it does.  I'd like to include a brief explanation,
and I was hoping somebody could tell me:

  * What types of parameters does the dhparam file contain?  For
example is it a key, or a seed, or a configuration a la
openssl.conf?  Does it need to be kept secret?

  * Is it necessary to generate a unique dhparam for each server, or
can they safely be shared?  For example, since it takes a long
time to generate one, could I generate one and post it on my Web
site for users to download, or would that compromise/reduce their

Thanks for any help!

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Announcement: OpenSSL 0.9.6e (Security related upgrade)

2002-07-31 Thread Scott Gifford

Lutz Jaenicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   OpenSSL version 0.9.6e released
>   ===
>   OpenSSL - The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS
>   The OpenSSL project team is pleased to announce the release of version
>   0.9.6e of our open source toolkit for SSL/TLS.  This new OpenSSL version
>   is a security and bugfix release and incorporates several changes to the
>   toolkit (for a complete list see
>   The most significant changes are:
>   o Important security related bugfixes.
>   o Various SSL/TLS library bugfixes.

I've done some work on running SSL/TLS code as a separate process in a
chroot jail as an unprivileged user, communicating with the daemon
it's doing encryption for via UNIX domain sockets.  This approach
massively mitigates the possible damages from the bugs discovered in
the last day or two.

OpenSSL is good code, but it's over 200,000 lines.  It makes sense to
isolate it from the special privileges daemons often have.

The work I've done is with stunnel.  See: 

for the patch to stunnel (and some related patches; I'll be happy to
split out just the paranoia patch if anybody wants it without the
others), and the various README files in:

for some examples.  It currently works fine, has been tested with
several SSL/TLS clients, and is in production use at a client's site
for about a month.

The stuff that's there right now isn't real user-friendly, but
hopefully these patches or something similar will get incorporated
into stunnel sometime in the near future, and then things will get a
little easier; if there's an interest I can write up some more

Please send along any comments, questions, criticisms, etc. to me or
to the list.

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Re: valgrind and BIO_new_mem_buf

2008-12-01 Thread Scott Gifford
"Shaun R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> valgrind --leak-check=yes shows the below message, trying to figure
> out what i need to do to correct this.  i do have
> BIO_free(verify_bio); before the function returns

Not sure if it addresses your problem directly, but this FAQ entry
might be helpful:

OpenSSL Project
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Reducing OpenSSL per-session memory usage

2008-12-13 Thread Scott Gifford

We're working on a server that will be used to serve a large number of
mostly-idle clients over SSL connections.  As we are starting to test
our scalability, we are finding that the memory used by each SSL
connection is one of our limiting factors.

We are measuring about 10K per session when we use just TCP, and
closer to 50K when we use SSL over TCP.  We are using SSL3.1/TLS1.0.
Both our TCP server and SSL/TCP server are implemented using

Looking around at the problem, we found this change to OpenSSL in the
CVS repository:

We installed a copy of openssl-SNAP-20081210 (which includes this
change) to test with, and modified our code to set the
SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS flag on the context.  This appears to be
working as its supposed to: when I run everything under the debugger
and set a breakpoint on the call to OPENSSL_malloc in
freelist_extract, it gets called a few times, then is not called again
while I'm bringing up my test connections.

However, memory usage remains about the same; over 1K connections my
process goes from 10MB RAM to 48MB RAM, about 38KB/connection.

We're a bit stumped about what to do next.  I was hoping somebody who
was more familiar with the OpenSSL code could suggest some other ways
we could reduce memory usage, or perhaps troubleshoot our use of

Thanks for any suggestions,

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Question about buffers

2008-12-15 Thread Scott Gifford

I'm trying to reduce the per-client memory usage on my OpenSSL-enabled

I'm having a hard time figuring out what the different buffers are
used for, though.

I can see in ssl3.h that SSL3 sessions will have a read and write
buffer (rbuf and wbuf), and also a read and write record (rrec and
wrec).  The SSL sessions also have a BIO object.

I'm not quite getting when things are buffered into the rbuf and wbuf,
and when they are buffered into the BIO object.

Also, I think the rdbuf and wbuf have to be at least 16KB to
accomodate a maximum-size SSL record.  Does the BIO need to be 16KB

Any tips on where to go to get a better understanding of this?

Any other tips or suggestions on reducing memory usage will be very
much appreciated.


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Re: Where to store client PEM certificates for an application

2008-12-31 Thread Scott Gifford
Edward Diener  writes:


> In this last case I do not understand how the client can encrypt
> data going to the server if it has no private key of its own.

Each combination of algorithms that can be used when only one party
has a key must provide some way to do this.

When RSA is used and only one party has a private key, the party
without the key (usually the client) generates a secret, then sends it
to the server using its public key.  The client knows the secret
because it made it up.  The server knows the secret because it can
decrypt it with its private key.  But an observer cannot figure out
the secret, so it is secure.  This secret is used as part of the key
generation process, and the generated key can be used with a
conventional symmetric cipher (like DES or AES) to communicate

Alternately, the Diffie-Hellman(-Merkle) key-exchange protocol can be
used to establish a shared secret.  See the Wikipedia entry:

These are the two most commonly used ways.


> For what books do I look to specifically understand how these
> certificates work with public key-private key pairs ? SSL books ?
> Cryptography public key-private key books ? 

For a general understanding of cryptography, I learned from Bruce
Schneier's "Applied Cryptography".  That provided enough basic
background information to get me by for a number of years.  Recently
I'm having to understand more of the details, and I'm reading Eric
Rescorla's "SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems" to
learn about the SSL protocol, and the O'Reilly book "Network Security
with OpenSSL" to learn about the OpenSSL library and its API.

Hope that helps!


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Re: TLS SSL and virtual hosts

2009-01-08 Thread Scott Gifford
"Kevin Murphy"  writes:


> I came accross a couple "howto" articles for setting up one certificate that
> will cover all virtual hosts on a web server... one static IP, one 
> certificate,
> multiple sites, lots of saved money!

Hi Kevin,

Those sites describe a way to put multiple certificates on the same IP
address, so they will save you IP addresses, not certificates.

The only way I know of to put multiple hosts on the same certificate
is to use a wildcard certificate, and make sure all host names match
the wildcard. 


> These posts are all made in 2006 - 2007, I can't find any recent howto's or
> information as to whether OpenSSL or Apache still require recompiling (I don't
> have any experience with that, just "apt-get install..." and configure) or
> whether this can really be done effectively as the Apache docs claim it cannot
> be (

It looks like a patch is required, so regular Apache could not do
this, but a patched Apache could.  The docs are for the unpatched

All of these things involve experimental patches, custom compilation,
etc.  If you're uncomfortable with that, your best bet is probably to
wait until this feature makes its way into regular OS distributions.

Good luck!

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Re: IE can share the SSL conncetion made by Openssl

2009-01-11 Thread Scott Gifford
lampa  writes:

> Hello All:
> At first , I make SSL connection By OpenSSL ,and then ,I want IE can share
> this connection ,which means that IE do not need SSL authentication again
> ,so IE can connect the WEB server on the SSL tunnel.
> Now,SSL connection is built by OpenSSL. But ,I do not know  IE how to share
> the SSL connection. 


It is hard to understand exactly what you mean.  One thing that is
possible is to create an SSL tunnel from your machine to a remote
server using SSL.  Then your local Web browser can connect via this
tunnel without using SSL.  stunnel would pick up the plain TCP
connection, forward it to the SSL connection, then forward the
response back.  stunnel is a good tool for doing this, though you
could certainly implement it yourself if your needs are more

Apart from tunneling like this, I don't think it's possible to make IE
or any Web browser use an already-established connection to a Web
server, or share the connection between a browser and another

Hope this helps,

OpenSSL Project
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Re: openssl TLS query

2009-02-05 Thread Scott Gifford
"Pickford, Steve"  writes:

> I wonder if you can help me, I can connect to our Active Directory server with
> ldapsearch compiled and running with TLS under linux.
> If I do this with my mingw version I get :-
> TLS trace: SSL3 alert write:fatal:unknown CA

You need to tell it where your list of acceptable CAs is.  On the
commandline with s_client, you use something like:

-CApath arg   - PEM format directory of CA's
-CAfile arg   - PEM format file of CA's

I don't remember the equivalent in the API, but I'm sure some
searching will turn it up.

Good luck!

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Starting a c++ program with openssl support

2009-02-05 Thread Scott Gifford
dratone  writes:

> I've read the documentation (3 times over), but can't fully make sense
> of it. Could someone show me an example of how to create a listening ssl
> socket, and a connecting ssl socket?

I would consider boost::asio:

We used it for a recent project and are very happy with it.  It has
SSL support using OpenSSL.  asio is easy to use and reliable (though
its scalability could be improved a little, if you will have thousands
of simultaneous connections).

Good luck!

OpenSSL Project
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Re: On the fly certificate generation to send to the client

2009-05-20 Thread Scott Gifford
AngelWarrior  writes:

> I need some Info.I have a client and server application which
> requires a secure medium for the transferring of data between each
> other. Currently I am using openssl to achieve this using private
> and public key certificates with RSA encryption. I don't want to
> ship the certificate with each every and client application.


The easiest way to transfer data securely between a client and server
over the network is to simply use an SSL connection.  It will only
require a certificate on the server, and will take care of all of the
necessary details to set up a secure channel.

Is there a reason this won't work for you and you need to use RSA
directly?  If so, please explain the reason; it will probably affect
what sort of solution will be workable for you.

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Re: On the fly certificate generation to send to the client

2009-05-20 Thread Scott Gifford
AngelWarrior  writes:

> but this still requires a CA kind of certificate right.I dont know if the
> client will be have a CA certificate to authenticate it.If I am wrong please
> explain me how it can be done.

Regular SSL only requires a certificate on the server.  Encrypted Web
browsing with https, for example, doesn't require a client

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Re: send encrypted data to remote server

2009-09-09 Thread Scott Gifford
skar  writes:


> I have a file on my server which needs to reach several client machines
> safely and to remain encrypted there. 

You may want to consider using PGP for this, it sounds like your
scenario is exactly what it was designed for.  Each client would
generate its own private and public key, then the sender would add the
public keys to its PGP keychain and encrypt and sign a message to all
of them.  PGP would take care of making this work (IIRC it would
encrypt the file using a symmetric key, then include copies of the
symmetric key encrypted with each recipient's public key).

An alternative would be to use straight symmetric cryptography, where
there is one secret key which is known by the server and all the
clients.  Then you could just encrypt the data with something like:

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc

and on the other end use:

openssl dec -aes-256-cbc

Hope this helps!

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