[opensuse-wiki] Re: How members in each localization team are communicating each ether?

2006-03-28 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

houghi ha scritto:

Have you seen how many postings there are done in the Italian list? None.

I have circa 3000 mails to read, sigh ... can you point me on it ?

Nicola, italian guy !

[on http://www.suseitalia.org a group of 4/5 people have declared to have 
begun to work on the wiki, but i doubt they are reading this list]

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[opensuse] gnome shortcut

2006-02-18 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

... and this is the second question unanswered in SLE.

I've got SUSE 10.0 and use KDE/GNOME supplementary repos. I also use Smart PM 
build by Pascal and configured following his directions posted on the blog  
adding the mirrors of supplementary.

KDE works like a charm, Gnome suffer of some problems the most noticeable of 
which are:

- ALT + F2 (and similar) doesn't work ... I've had a look on gnome shortcuts 
on the Control Panel, tried to modifie them but still no result :-(

- when I lauch programs like YaST, Smart I am correctly asked the root 
password, then the launch process silently fails  if i launch the app from 
the root terminal (yast2 ) everything works normally 

- today, after a system update managed from smartpm everything in gnome 
seems f***ed up ! gnome-panel, evolution, and other things are all in a bad 
state of installation  maybe are the repos changing under my feet while I 
am upgrading ?

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[opensuse] Re: gnome shortcut

2006-02-18 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

houghi ha scritto:

If people can't get answers in suse-linux-e and
start asking them here, more and more people will come here and drown out
the openSUUSE project mailings. :-/

In Italy we have an old said which tells (circa):

to question il accepted, to answer is kind

that means I am here to ask, IF and only IF someone wants to answer he does 
it, IF the group says to me to , I'll accept it with the same light heart :-)

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[opensuse] Re: harware compatibility

2006-02-17 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

I know I am a bit late but these are crazy days for me!


so may be the solution could be to keep _one_ low end
distribution downloadable and with at least security updates
for ten years.

[Carl-Daniel Hailfinger]

What about switching to SLES 9? It is very similar to SUSE
Linux 9.1 and has a much longer support period.

Well, maybe IF a CentOS like project starts over the opensuse community that 
dream could be true  but 10 years seems a really long support period  
five or years I believe would be fairer (?) [don't know the right word]

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[opensuse] Re: Online Update/System Update.

2006-02-17 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

On Fri, 17 Feb 2006, Siegbert Baude wrote:
If you have third party repositories, yast normally locks them. Can 
they be updated with system update without further action? Would 
eliminate one good reason to use apt.

Eberhard Moenkeberg ha scritto:
Only if the third party repositories come with YasT2 metadata (like 
packman, usr-local-bin, suser-guru and more and more others), and if you 
have added them as installation sources.

For this pourposes I am using the Smart PM package made by Pascal, so far it'w 
working charmly. I've added all the repos  mirrors staten in Pascal's post 
plus all the YaST package repository showed in the Additional ... page on 
the wiki.

The only problem I am witnessing is a failure with lividium media.1 content 
which has made me disable the source ...

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[opensuse] Re: opensuse on Flickr

2006-02-10 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito


the group is, obviously, open to everyone who would like to join in  I
thought it can be fun, hope you'll have fun too ...

[Richard Bos]
For what can this be used, can you give a little introduction about its 

Uhm, I'll try to explain my vision. First and foremost I like the community 
aspect of Open Source, I believe that if people are well with each other works 
and interest then they can collaborate better to achieve a common goal. And 
doing so they can feed the soul and have fun too ...

So, flickr has born some time ago now, and reading the Flickr FAQs we can see:

What is Flickr?

Flickr is the best way to store, sort, search and share your photos online. 
There is a huge mass of photos in the world, and Flickr provides a way to 
organize yours, and for you and your friends and family to tell your stories 
about them.

The best way to learn about it is to upload some photos, explore the site[1], 
join some groups [2] and make some friends.

[1] http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/
[2] http://www.flickr.com/groups/

So, to agglomerate since many people have blogs {Planet SUSE, Planet Gnome and 
so on}, posts on forum it's screenshots and hangs around the web promoting 
their interests I find that Flickr can be used too to invite people around the 
opensuse group since it's social aspect ...

So, if I have a nice groups of images of a LUG conference, a workshop on some 
code, a FOSDEM photo report I can put my photos on Flickr, tag them with 
opensuse suse whatever and then publish them everywhere ...

Hope I've explained myself clearly ... if not, ask me again ;-)

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[opensuse] Re: opensuse on Flickr

2006-02-10 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

houghi ha scritto:

I think you might have a point on comunity pictures and screenshots. I am
just not convinced that flickr.com is the correct solution for this.

I'm on the run in going to work ...

in my vision Flickr is not THE solution to that stuff, but a tool that has 
just right now many people subscribed in, and so i would like to aggregate the 
photos of SUSE stuff by people already in it (or that will sign in) in a 
organized group

cheers -e

  .~. nicola -=kOoLiNuS=- losito
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[opensuse] opensuse on Flickr

2006-02-09 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Hi to everybody 
Yesterday I was surfing Flickr groups searching for SUSE/openSUSE stuff ...
i've found a SUSE group with only one member in it and decided to open an
opensuse group.


the group is, obviously, open to everyone who would like to join in  I
thought it can be fun, hope you'll have fun too ...

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[opensuse] Re: Help request: KPowersave Translations

2006-02-04 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Danny Kukawka ha scritto:


we working currently on the next stable release (v0.6.0) of KPowersave [1] for 
the upcoming SUSE 10.1 Final release. Now we need some help to translate all 
strings to the actually available languages. 

the deadline is ?

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[opensuse] Re: italian mailing list

2006-02-02 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Sonja Krause-Harder ha scritto:

The opensuse team asks the opensuse mailing list what they think about
it ;-)
Wouldn't it be nicer to have an [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list?
I'll put it on the agenda for the next meeting.

Yes Sonja ... indeed it would be cool . I've asked here because I don't 
know *directly* any other italian guy who would be interested in the list, and 
having seen that in many years the request was not formulated or merely 
suggested I thought (? it's written correctly ?) the was no urge to go 
official ...

I'll post something on http://www.suseitalia.org forum and see if any other 
people is interested ...

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[opensuse] Re: Refreshing the source in yast2 sw_single should be skippable

2006-02-02 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Silviu Marin-Caea ha scritto:
If yast2 sw_single + YOU is going to be replaced soon with something from the 
grander vision, very well, then it's not justified spending resources on 
this.  Else, some buttons or CLI options that will skip the refresh wouldn't 

I personally think that this is personal taste  I mean, on the yum-side of 
the world this is strictly necessary (haven't found - or searched, for what 
matters - any different option on this) and they have worked out on speeding 
out yum (using sql-lite IIRC) and the speed of the repos.

Now, having slow answering yast repos (sorry pal, but anyone I know here in 
Italy sais the same and I have a formal 4megabits line) are annoying (if not 
 other things).

So, *you* have to decide whenever go with a stable repo list for a day, a 
week, a month or to update the list on a regular basis  it depends on your 
user profile ... you are running a development machine, a mission critical 
one, a bleeding-edge laptop ...

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[opensuse] italian mailing list

2006-02-01 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Hi to everyone 
I would like to know if one (I for example) can open a mailing list on 
yahoo-smart-whatever Groups on SUSE and publish it's presence on the wiki 
pages ...

Also, can I use the (open)SUSE name in the list name ?

Thanks in advance!

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[opensuse] Re: Upgrade to KDE 3.5

2005-12-10 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Pascal Bleser wrote:

Is there a 3.5 update available to put into suse 10.0 (online updated)? For 

There is:

But don't use Online Update. Online Update is for security and bug fixes for 
the core distribution
(i.e. stock SUSE Linux 10.0). Use YaST2's Software Management module.

Maybe someone is willing to write a wiki page on opensuse.org on how to best 
upgrade to KDE 3.5 ?

In those cases I think that fou4s (Fast Online Update 4 SUSE) [1] does the work.

One has just to add his repos (and for KDE 3.5 or the latest Gnome I think the 
*supplementary* [2] tree are the right ones) and then launch fou4s [3].


[1] http://fou4s.gaugusch.at/index.shtml

[2] ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/ , as stated on 

[3] i've wrote a post, pardon me, I'm a newbie: 

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Re: [opensuse] newbie questions

2005-11-17 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

- I have a new Treo 650,  my Treo 600 would sync with Fedora/Kpilot but not so 
with the 650. Is it known to work with Suse?

maybe you can find useful this:

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[opensuse] Re: FAQ for opensuse mailing list(s)

2005-11-14 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Sonja Krause-Harder wrote:

I'd like to propose creating a FAQ to clarify the usual questions, like:

Given that there can be a _opensuse-help_ list which talks about issues on 
the current opensuse, but probably this is done in high volume mailing list 

- Purpose of the list

Spread OpenSUSE, and as the wiki says general discussions about the openSUSE 
project ... emphasis on project ?

- Good topics
- Bad topics (and where to discuss them instead)

depends on the purpouse ...

- Preferred conduct

can you make an example ? I don't get what you are pointing out, since 
respect, education and trying to write down the most decent english I am 
capable of are pre-requisites to ALL.

- Preferred email and quoting style, if applicable

plain text, my input under the minimun amount of quote needed to catch what's 
going on

- Subcribing / unsubscribing / archiving

a link in the footer of every email pointing out the mailto-links to get 
things done ...

What do you think? We'd need volunteers to actually write down the

I think that in the week end I could translate a mini how to on quoting from 
an italian friend of mine ... but I also remember ex-member of this list 
(houghi) linking to an already english one.

I think it's all

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[opensuse] Re: openSUSE governance

2005-11-12 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Robert Schiele wrote:

You are raising an interesting question.  I will not give an answer to this
question because I think this is not the question that has the highest
priority to be solved now. 

Robert !

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[opensuse] localized pages on OpenSUSE wiki

2005-11-04 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Hi to *,
i was wondering what kind of policy it has been decided to manage localized 
pages of the OpenSUSE wiki.

Is preferable to open subsection on the main blog or it's better to organize 
independent wikis all over the world ?

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[opensuse] Re: localized pages on OpenSUSE wiki

2005-11-04 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Christian Boltz wrote:
If you have more questions about the wiki, maybe opensuse-wiki is the 
better list ;-)

Thanks Chris,
+1 mailing list on my back  I hope the email load won't bloat my account :D

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[opensuse] Re: smart woes

2005-10-27 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

I did follow Liquidat [1] how to.
Added the mirror Pascal's pointed out ...

then launched smart-update (from command line) and also smart --gui  (also 
from c.l. because the link in the menu doesn't launch the application) ... but 
the result is always the same, cpu  memory usage to 100% for 10/15 minutes 
blocked at 99% up the update cache procedure ...

Any hint ?
centrino laptop here [1,6GHz cpu, 512mb of RAM, 4200rpm disk :-( ]

[1] http://liquidat.blogspot.com/2005/10/set-up-smartpm-on-suse-linux-100.html
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[opensuse] Re: Wireless Problem in 10.0

2005-10-27 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Francesco Scaglioni wrote:

FWIW :: had similar problems on a dv1000 laptop.  In the end I
had to rename wlan0 to eth1 manually 

How do I do this ?
because I have to re configure the NIC's at every boot they have changed 
themselves  now eth0 is the wireless card ..

And a weird thing  after yesterday I got it all working at startup this 
morning I had to spend 1 hour trying to connect again to the AP  and I've 
seen that even if I set YaST to manual IP address to the wlan card, it showed 
always the dhcp option enabled.

i had to manually change
to static to get the card work 

it's driving me insane...

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[opensuse] liferea and rssowl

2005-10-27 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Hi people ...
I have a strange problem with my 2 favourite rss reader.

rpm -q liferea

this package cannot use the internal browser when it's set to Mozilla. It 
simply crashes ... setting it to gtkHTML make the app work smoothly.

I've also tried RSS Owl (my favourite reader in these days), i've downloaded 
the 1.2rc package and it works ... but also it can't handle the internal 
browser thing  on their page [1] i can read:

Q: What do I need to run the Internal Browser on Linux?

A: A supported version of Mozilla must be installed (1.4 GTK2 or above 1.4).
Set the environment variable MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to your Mozilla installation 

so i did:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/mozilla/lib

and then:

[on one row]

but this doesn't actually makes any difference ...

Any hint ? I get the feeling the two are connected...

Thanks !

[1] http://www.rssowl.org/help#item_13

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[opensuse] Re: smart woes

2005-10-27 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Jon Nelson wrote:

I did follow Liquidat [1] how to.


then launched smart-update (from command line) and also smart --gui  (also
from c.l. because the link in the menu doesn't launch the application) ... but
the result is always the same, cpu  memory usage to 100% for 10/15 minutes
blocked at 99% up the update cache procedure ...

Are you using any rpm-md (rpm metadata aka 'yum' or 'yum2') 
repositories?  You can find out with:

   smart channel --show  | grep type
and look for anything that isn't apt-rpm or rpm-sys.

i actually have only 4 rpm-md occurence ... should i find to who they belong 
and remove them ?

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[opensuse] Re: Wireless Problem in 10.0

2005-10-20 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Daniel Hatfield wrote:

If I run iwconfig after configuring yast it shows all the correct setting 
(essid, wep key, mode), but is says it's unassociated and that the security 
mode is restricted!? If i just run iwconfig with all of my settings from the CL 
and it connects right up. Connecting from the command line isn't the end of the 
world, but it is a digression.

Hi Daniel,
i've got no problems at all with my Acer TM803LMi Centrino laptop.

I've got a US Robotics access point/modem/router and the ipw2100 card on my 

My network config is with static IP, shared key, WEP @128bit.
During the network config I had only to enter:
- eth1 ip (alternatively can be recorgnized as wlan0);
- subnet mask
- gateway
- DNS (the router ant the ISP ones)
- set YaSTo to pre-shared key
- select ASCII mode
- enter the 13 character's key

and all is working !

Now i'm working with windoze, but later I can attach my config files 

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[opensuse] Re: SmartPM (was: External repositories)

2005-10-18 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Pascal Bleser wrote:
  Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito wrote:

Do you experts think that can be merged with the apt4suse [2] script to
abtain a dumb-ready user like me a quick configuration for software
repository ?

Well, at least my smart RPM comes preconfigured with Packman and my repository.
I could add some others. And if you notice something fishy, please let me know.

hust today i came back @house and I've seen your post on the blog about this 
... I promise I'll test it soon :-D

thanks (another time, again !!)

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[opensuse] Re: RSS feed for mailinglist

2005-10-18 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, Lothar Werzinger wrote:
is there a RSS feed for the mailing list? If not could one be 
established? I am really tired to get flooded with all the messages on 
the list. A RSS feed would be very convenient.

can't be the same thing achieved (obtained, or how do you say it) by setting 
your e-mail client to download just the header or the subject or the first x 
KB of the list's e-mails and then download the one that interests you  ?

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[opensuse] Re: SmartPM (was: External repositories)

2005-10-18 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito
Iznogood, what you are seeing is the default Smart PM graphical interface, 
back when i used Fedora i wento to yum-extender for it's better interface:


I would like a clear interface like this with the capacity of yast to keep 
trace of the packages i've choosen to install/remove, since now you have to 
select it one per time ...

Hope to be not so distrubing to the nice people developing thing !

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[opensuse] Re: openSUSE packagers (was: SUSE, openSUSE, GM, ...)

2005-10-11 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Pascal Bleser wrote:

I really, really, really would love to see a lot of maintainers for one
huge repo, which everybody (after some quilification) can link they YaST
to, to get anything they like. That way it can already be added at

We already had some discussion about it, I'm sure you've seen the threads some 
2-3 weeks ago.
Note that we almost have one huge repo, and that's Packman.


Having it added at installation time isn't really necessary.

Being quite new to the SuSE bandwagon I'm going to ask (maybe) a stupid 

One, if not THE, thing I like about mandriva is:


it's a web page where any one can go, select his distro-version, select 
geographically the mirror he likes, and the tipe of mirror he needs:

A) Core distribution:
- Source contrib : Some packages made by voluntaries or Mandriva, no support, 
no update for it.

- Source main : The core of the Mandriva Linux distribution
- Source updates : Official updates for Mandriva Linux, including security 

B) Other repository
- Source jpackage : java stuff in here
- Source plf-free :
- Source plf-nonfree : Free to download and use, non-free as in licence

having set that the average guy (like me) is sure to have the 95% of the 
distro existing rpms available.

Now, given that we have to resolve the problem of the packman and/or 
suser-developer mirrors, this kind of approact is likely to be examinated ?

Many thanks !
  .~. Nicola -=KOOLINUS=- Losito
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[opensuse] Re: openSUSE packagers (was: SUSE, openSUSE, GM, ...)

2005-10-11 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

houghi wrote:

Looking at the whois info, I think it is not directly linked to Mandriva.

Exactly ...

Perhaps someone interested in hosting such a thing could ask him to share
the source and rewrite it for SUSE?

if i'm not mistaken here you can see the code:

cheers !
  .~. Nicola -=KOOLINUS=- Losito
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[opensuse] the point on multimedia ...

2005-10-11 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito
... so after some reading (circa 600 mail from here and SLE) I haven't still 
understood if a Multimedia Pack will be available to users via YOU like in 9.3 
or if I have to manually find a way to listen mp3's with amarok/bmp/rhythmobox.

Any hint ? thanks
  .~. Nicola -=KOOLINUS=- Losito
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[opensuse] Re: SUSE, openSUSE, GM, Retail, Eval, OSS and other naming conventions.

2005-10-10 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Another question, if it's possible to have an answer.

As you can read here:

When delivered on a single DVD ISO, SUSE Linux 10.0 required one download of 
4.5 GB

but when you actually download the iso, or click on the mirror location, going 


you have:

ftp://ftp.suse.com/ (Nuremberg)
* DVD ISO image (64bit, 3,6 GB)
* DVD ISO image (32bit, 3,6 GB)

So, what's missing ?
  .~. Nicola -=KOOLINUS=- Losito
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Re: [opensuse] SUSE, openSUSE, GM, Retail, Eval, OSS and othernaming conventions.

2005-10-10 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Shriramana Sharma wrote:
Hmm. I thought second to Red Hat SUSE was the most widespread distribution? 
Aren't RH, SUSE and Debian the big three in the Linux world?

the community thing pointed out can be resumed in the very little amount of 
free-lance developers doing their packages available for SuSE.

For example if you search a particular software, like Grass (a GIS 
application), it's more probale to find it for Debian of Mandrake than SuSE or 
another distro.

The pure number of SuSE rpms I think it's the point of this question, and 
having opened the gates of the development of SuSE should (i hope so) 
dramatically increase the number of hacker @work for us (at least me) users

  .~. Nicola -=KOOLINUS=- Losito
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[opensuse] Re: SUSE 10 and WLAN

2005-10-10 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito
I got my ipw2100 going with static IP and 128bit's WEP encryption by selecting 
ASCII where you put the passphrase.

Also on Gnome I have a nice little tool (remebering me of NetworkManager from 
Fedora) which enables me to choose which kind of connection to use, 
office-wlan, home-wlan or just the old eth0.

Hope it can help.

PS = do you have any switch on you case which de/activates the pci card ? 
check if SuSE detects it's state...

  .~. Nicola -=KOOLINUS=- Losito
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[opensuse] Re: md5sum and bitorrent

2005-10-08 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

jdd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I know it a kind of duplicate, but I would like to have the 
MD5SUM files included with the bitorrent download, to be 
able to do an easy check afterward

IIRC the CentOS guys do the torrents that way.

  .~. Nicola -=KOOLINUS=- Losito
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[opensuse] Re: Reply-To

2005-10-07 Thread Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito

Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
I'm all for Reply-To headers. Especially on mailing lists where newbies 
ask questions. In my experience, they tend to take futher discussion 
offline after someone answers their mail to the list. People searching 
the archives will never know the solution and the unfortunate person 
sending the first reply is going to support the original poster for the 
rest of his life (ok, that's a bit exaggerated).

I'm totally with Carl on this subject.
I do have got a list of clients [1] which are standard complaint about this 
problem, but for people like me dual booting, or just liking the mozilla's 
free stuff unfortunately there's no solution ... even the display mailing 
list header [2] isn't helpful.

[2] http://www.cweiske.de/misc_extensions.htm#mailinglistheader

On a side note: Is there any mail client similar to Mozilla Mail which 
supports SOCKS, Reply-To-List, PGP/MIME and is not QT- or Mono-based?

sylpheed-claws is right for you ? if not please ignore my advice.

Thanks for all the good work !

  .~. Nicola -=KOOLINUS=- Losito
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