Re: [opensuse-factory] Beta1 on VMWare requesting host clock rate change

2007-08-24 Thread Gaël Lams
> Please try "clock=pit" on the bootprompt. This fixes it for my SLES9
> workstation - so it would be great to hear if this is also true for
> 10.3...

And it works for SLES10 on ESX 3.0.x. Actually there is a knowledge
base document on the vmware's site explaining it.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] LTSP 5 + openSUSE

2007-04-23 Thread Gaël Lams


> Am Montag, 23. April 2007 14:08 schrieb CyberOrg:
> > Is anyone working on getting openSUSE native packages for LTSP 5 ?
> >
> > If so I would like to help, if not I would like to start working on it
> > and would need all the help I can get, so if anyone is interested
> > please get in touch with me.

I have no clue, who added us to that page :) Currently, I'm not aware of
anyone working actively on making LTSP5 work on openSUSE. AJ and myself were
involved in looking into what would be needed to get it running -- but those
efforts stalled, IIUC. Maybe it's time to push it again...

That would be great.

What would be the step involved/advised (I started looked at the build
service some time ago but I never managed to "block" me enough time to
work on the project)?

I read that Novell this year will release a thin client in its
SLES/SLED10 family. Is it based on LTSP5?



Re: [opensuse-factory] [suggestion] YaST-update should NOT refresh all installation-sources when called by opensuse-updater

2007-04-23 Thread Gaël Lams

Well, Herr Kuhlmann, have you ever considered that the average dialup user
wouldn't be stupid enough to try applying remote updates over his link?
Unless he was incredibly desperate not to have his Apache server hacked XD

Almost ALL computers these days have a broadband connection of some form.

Really? In which world are you living?

Yes, I'm not proud that I used a 33.6k modem up until January 19 2006, but
one of the first things i did on my broadband link was download a new
distro (i'd been using Fedora Core 4, and as you can imagine it
traumatised me for life.) - There's just NO excuse to use a dial-in
narrowband data link for anything more than ssh these days. Cheap and
plentiful data pipes are available in every developed country of the world

Welcome to the real world, where not all users are from the so-called
developed countries and where not all internet access are broadband.



Re: [opensuse-factory] Boot speed and services

2007-03-15 Thread Gaël Lams


It hasn't been removed: I have it (10.2)

However, notice that that line does not prevent mail from being _sent_ to
outside. It just prevents mail from being sent to that system using smtp
(ie, postfix or sendmail).

I thought it had been removed because I just installed a few days ago
a virtual machine with opensuse 10.3 and these lines were not present.

But you're right, I didn't read well the message and it was about
blocking delivery to external hosts.
I could be wrong but I think that, to configure the machine for local
only delivery of local mail, i.e to receive in a local account on the
local machine the mail sent from the machine itself, you only have to
modify the following parameters in /etc/postfix/

myhostname = localhost
mydomain = localdomain
inet_interfaces = localhost
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
mynetworks_style = host



Re: [opensuse-factory] Boot speed and services

2007-03-14 Thread Gaël Lams


> Some system services use email to notify root or the user of some things.
> For instance, smart monitoring, raid monitoring, rm installs - there was a
> time when Yast mailed the user of some install notices.

Yes, having an MTA which can deliver local email is absolutely
essential. cron, smartmontools, fetchmail(!), you name it. What would be
a very good idea(TM) is if the MTA in its default configuration was
prevented from delivering email to other than localhost or one of
localhost's domain aliases. I tried this with postfix and found that
it's not possible, though there are 2 drastic and not very nice
workarounds for this problem. I believe Debian and a few other distros
have had a default of "no mail is delivered externally" for a long time.
SUSE should do likewise. Note I'm talking about the default config only

There used to be the following lines in /etc/sysconfig/mail:

## Type:yesno
## Default: no
## Config:  postfix
# Set this to "yes" if mail from remote should be accepted
# this is necessary for any mail server.
# If set to "no" or empty then only mail from localhost
# will be accepted.

Why have they been removed?



Re: [opensuse-factory] Making the basesystem smaller

2007-01-22 Thread Gaël Lams

> The minimal system does not need an editor, only the admin does, and the
> perfect editor is the one that is added to the base by the admin.
> Think of the minimal system as equal to the foundation of a building.
> The foundation has no need for windows or doors but the people that use
> the building that is put on top of the foundation do.

Nice analogy.

However, that brings us back to the goal we're trying to achieve here:

Do we want to define a good foundation for a house or do we want to
define all parts mandatory for a house ? That is, if you take a single
part away, it wouldn't be called a house any more.

We can envisage that this minimum system would not be used by the all
the users but only by let's say more "advanced users" so we could
really work on a minimum system that would make happy who works on
embedded system (I see someone on this thread talking about it).
Maybe, in the case that someone select this "minimum system",
recommendations could be made (i.e recommended packages)

I just have no idea on work required to do something similar .-)


Re: [opensuse-factory] Making the basesystem smaller

2007-01-22 Thread Gaël Lams

We could define the functionality "text editor" as a requirement, fulfilled
by any of the mentioned packages. So you can't have a minimal system without
an editor but you're still free to choose your own.

That would great and would probably make everyone "happy"

It could even be extended to other packages if needed. I remember
seeing something "similar" in debian when I tried it, they call it the
virtual packages (from the debian web site: when there are several
packages which offer more-or-less the same functionality a virtual
package is defined whose name describes that common functionality.
These virtual packages only exist logically, not physically. The
packages with this particular function will then provide the virtual
package. Thus, any other package requiring that function can simply
depend on the virtual package without having to specify all possible
packages individually).



Re: [opensuse-factory] Making the basesystem smaller

2007-01-22 Thread Gaël Lams

1) logrotate is a beautifull tool, but should be optional, just like
sed,  (since i'm a perl convert, i abandonned sed, awk)

I didn't think about that one being optional but, well, you're right,
if we are talking about a minimum installation let's have it really
minimum, this way nobody would be jealous :-)

Are you willing to re-analyse all packages, and rewrite the spec-files?
Eventhough the effort will be worthwhile, considering the concequences,
do you think it feasable for 10.3?

I suppose that it would be probably difficult/dangerous to try to it
for 10.3 but we could see as a work-in-progress, some kind of "hidden"
option during the installation, the default being similar to the
current opensuse version.

But I think that it should be done (especially if you see it going
from opensuse to sles: less code, less bugs, more stability, more
security :-) and, well, I would love to have the minimum suse system
being near the debian basic system :-)

Kins regards,


Re: [opensuse-factory] Making the basesystem smaller

2007-01-22 Thread Gaël Lams

Think minimal install plus the ability to add what _you_ need to it. The
minimal install doesn't need networking only the ability to add as an
extra choice.

Ken Schneider

I agree with you. We really should think minimal and then have the
installation (or post-installation) giving you the possibility to add
what you need: Xen, lvm, ...

I'm currently removing +/- 80 rpms from a base OpenSuse and SLES and I
would prefer to have to add them later.

Actually I'm a little biased cause I'm using suse on servers, not as a
desktop. In this sense it would be fine with to me have by default a
"base system" which would be fine with "normal users" but having the
possibility during the installation to select a "minimum system". Take
into consideration that I'm thinking minimal for servers on which I
would add apache, postfix, tomcat, etc ..., not embedded systems.

Actually I would love to see the basic suse been less fat, i.e near
debian's base system which is +/- 350 MB (at least that what I
remember from my last installation 2 years ago)

King regards,


Re: [opensuse-factory] Making the basesystem smaller

2007-01-22 Thread Gaël Lams

Here's a proposal for a "Definition Base System":
  Multiuser system with:
  * Local login (via /etc/passwd)
  * network setup via ethernet
  * default filesystems used (ext3) directly (without evms, lvm,
mdraid etc)
  * no services running by default

My questions for discussion are especially the following:

* What do you think of this?  Do you have better ideas?

* Is the "base system definition" ok?  What's missing - or is it still
  too much or should made clearer?

I think it's a great idea (and I hope that it's something that will be
then apply to SLES version:-)

I like the idea of having no services running by default. In fact I
would see this base system as a system more secure by default.
For instance I would had the removal of various users in /etc/passwd
that should be added only when you install the relevant packages (lp,
news, )

Maybe, instead of modifying the base system (which could maybe confuse
users), a "minimal system" pattern could be created. Regarding what
should be included in this minimal pattern, I would be minimalist,
even if it would mean for me to have to install a few packages once
the installation if finished: it's always more dangerous to remove
packages and users than to add them (the first version of my hardening
script used to remove the news user and the relevant folders in /var
creating a problem in syslog-ng because it was trying to set
permissions on folders that were not existing anymore).

For instance, in a minimul system, I would have only one software "per
category". For instance only one shell. As to which software to
choose, I immagine that it will be impossible to make everyone happy
but as I said above, I prefer to have something to add that something
to remove.

Your suggestions (Local login (via /etc/passwd), network setup via
ethernet, default filesystems used (ext3) directly (without evms, lvm,
mdraid etc), no services running by default) makes really sense to me.
Obviously, only the relevant yast packages should be included

Kind regards,


Re: [opensuse-factory] Zope oddities

2006-11-29 Thread Gaël Lams

a) Zope3 does not appear in the packages for x86_64
   Hopefully this is just a package tweak

maybe not, not a lot of zope products are running on zope3

b) The last line of the Zope2 description

   "If you want to use MySQL with Zope install

The zope-mysql hyperlink brings up an empty 'Package
Description" window.

An explicit search for "zope-mysql" returns "No Result".

Actually more than a zope-mysql. it should be a python-mysql, because
it's a python extension. Any python-mysql package?
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Re: [opensuse-factory] Insatiable zmd

2006-11-03 Thread Gaël Lams


2) What is the proper way to deal with this? This instance of zmd has
now been running for 8 hours and has consumed over 120m of CPU time.
Should I kill it? Is there an init task I should disable to make it go
away permanently?

"/etc/init.d/novell-zmd stop" should be enough to stop it (+ insserv
-r novell-zmd)



[opensuse-factory] minimum installation - various questions

2006-09-26 Thread Gaël Lams

Hi all,

Reading the opensuse-factory's archive, I found a discussion regarding
a minimal pattern, kind of small-as-possible base installation.

Is there somewhere a list of the software that are in this minimum
installation (including the yast-modules, as some currently installed
yast-modules probably could be removed from the base system)?

I just installed Alpha4 on a virtual machine and I'm quite surprised
to see that the minimum installation seems to require cd 1, 2, 3, 4.
Is it something that will change? Ideally, it would be great to be
able to use only one CD for a minimum installation (SuSE 9.3 used to
require CD1 and CD5).

As far as the minimum installation is concerned, I was also wondering
whether there was any reason why nfs and portmap (and even alsasound)
are automatically started at boot time?

Last question: during the netwok configuration, I've been asked to
install something called the "network applet manager" and, even if I
disabled it, I had to put again 2 CDs.What is it used for?

Thanks all and keep up the good work.



Re: [opensuse-factory] List of current patterns

2006-09-26 Thread Gaël Lams

Is there any plan to add LTSP, the Linux Terminal Server Project? I
didn't see it in the server section but it's a software that is
probably worth it

Kind regards,


Re: [opensuse-factory] minimum installation - various questions

2006-09-26 Thread Gaël Lams

This should be fixed for Alpha5, I propose to look at it next week.

Ok, thanks

Laptop installation?

no, virtual machine created on an esx server 3.0. I will delete it and
try again, maybe a mistake I made

