[OGD] Stuff and Worker Bird

2004-12-14 Thread orchids
Loved the Worker Bird.  I think that sometimes we all get too caught up in the 
correct" and forget that there are sentiments that are worth expressing.

Susan Taylor

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] "... Jesus himself often quoted from the Old Testament, therefore I believe it is safe to assume that he believed it, literally!"

2004-12-14 Thread Gerald H Fisher
For days I struggled to say out of (Theistic or No) Evolution/Creation 
(Creationism) but +7 oz of wine makes for great profundity, verbosity of 
style and a presumption that the orchid - this world's most complete of all 
plants - is one damn fine expression of creation reality and yes, Faith (not 
religion).   If anyone wants to discuss the difference between Faith (Caps) 
and religion (lowercase) please feel free to go off OGD.  Be 
warned/informed -

Credentials seem very important with some in this group so:  I attended 17 
years of Catholic schools to include taking (except 6 hours in 'Sacramental 
Practicum' - or how we used to say - "How to do 'the Magic.'") all the 
required ordination courses at a Seminary. Formal Catholic training by Nuns, 
Brothers and Priests would be a couple years more but Dad was stationed in 
Germany following W.W.II and my tutor was more interested in 'bartering' 
cigarettes with my mother than offering wisdom in Catholicism ... or math 
for that matter. Added comment:  Don't know why - but it seemed very 
important to a 'Village Priest in the middle of Indiana' who didn't find it 
necessary for me to attend Pre-Marriage Instruction - I was 'privately' 
confirmed by the Cardinal of Vienna.  Hopefully everyone is impressed --- or 
as President Bush says, "In shock and awe."

Don't mean to 'pick on' you.  Your comment just offered the springboard for 
what has been building.  I invite anyone who does not accept my belief in 
some form of a Supreme Force to go off-line.  I have no illusion that either 
of us will change our beliefs but I will gain from you comments.  As to the 
rest and I do mean 'THE REST'   ...   isn't it really 'just 
religion' rather than Faith?

I often quote from 'Through the Looking Glass'  by Lewis Carroll but I don't 
literally believe everything that is in it.

   'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
   'To talk of many things:
   Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax -
   Of cabbages - and kings -
   And why the sea is boiling hot -
   And whether pigs have wings.'
Why is it "safe to assume that he (Jesus) believed it (the OT), literally" 
simply because He quoted from it?  A logical(?) extension, "There were many 
things in the OT that Jesus did not literally believe because he did not 
quote them."

'Assume' - possibly the most dangerous of words and also a most fun ---  
'What do you call it when you break it down into its parts?'

Creation    Evolution???  (Note that I do not say Creationism which I 
consider to be a religious term which may or may not be valid but some find 
of great value.)

Creation    Evolution???  Creation IS so that evolution MAY BE. 

An intelligent Being/Force imaged a physical universe and it formed - was - 
came to be.  The Being (I think it much, much to limiting to say He or She 
and especially It) posses(ed)(es) - all at the same time - 
perfect/whole/complete Knowledge. The Being gifted this created but formless 
universe with a set of rules. Some choose to call them the Natural Law but I 
like to think of them as The Master 'Do-It-Yourself/Put-It-Together' Manual. 
An assembly manual so complete; but, at the same time imaginative and 
flexible, that the universe was, in time and over time, free to form all 
sorts of things/creatures. Things and creatures that we (The Arrogant Human) 
can only guess about. I find this concept TRULY awesome and APPROPRIATELY 
respectful of the sublime limitlessness of The Being. The whole idea is 
exciting!  Talk about WISDOM.

Please don't see this as in anyway limiting the significance of God directly 
acting in forming The Man, Adam. It is so much more. God KNEW!!  Knew what 
was to be and billions of years ago set Knowledge into motion.  A 
'System --- The PLAN' that would one day allow for the gradual forming of 
SOME FUTURE TIME.  I think to say otherwise simply expresses human pride and 
insults the Being because in our arrogance we presume to place limits on 
Limitless Imagination. Scary and exciting and sort of fun -- all at the 
same time.  What is to be???

One of the creatures that 'formed  -  evolved' from this imaged original 
plan is uniquely gifted.  Unique in that it is the only one (so far known in 
all others) that has this gift/skill.  The gift is the ability to choose to 
say "Yes" to the Creator's gratuitous (we did not earn it) offer of 
relationship. Sadly, some humans reject the gift and say "No" to this 
sublime invitation of relationship. Some religions (including the one to 
which I am a member) choose to label this 'Sin' but I see it more as waste - 
something that is the antithesis of the plan of the Creating Being ---  
something not in 'appropriate' balance with The Plan.

Each creature was/is/to be from the Mind-Will-Love of the Creator. As the 
result of this gift the human is more complex BUT does not have greater 
value than any

[OGD] Re: Artificial lighting period

2004-12-14 Thread Richard Sharp

Message: 4
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 19:30:23 -0500
From: "MaryLou Porlick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OGD] Lengh of growing days
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Dear friends,
Those of you who mostly have to grow under artificial lights may be
missing the realities of real day length. When our sun starts to 'come
up' it is way over on the south eastern horizen and does not intensify
for quite a while so the plants cannot get the full effect of
photosynthesis early in the day. The sun does not come on as when you
click a light switch.  Your plant lights do. Then at sunset the
light drops gradually, sometimes hastened by clouds and rain squalls
preventing light from reaching plant leaves. Commercial greenhouses align
their growing areas to take full advantage of day length but some of us
have to make do with our small city lots.
In winter, as of now, the sun is coming almost from the horizen of the
south at a sharp angle. This is when C. trianae blooms in Miami, usually
Dec.   C. skinneri and aurantiaca come later in late Feb. or
March again depending somewhat on clouds, rain etc changing the light as
well as the slightly lengthening day and the sun starting to raise a
little over that southern horizen.   All this happens very
gradually then BOOM suddenly the sun is directly overhead and it is
summer! And we have days that last until 8PM.  All those summer
blooming Catts. suddenly throw blooms from their fresh green sheaths,
while the skinneris will develop dried brown sheath from their new
growths and wait  until the next spring.
It kind of works like clockwork but with slight variations each year. The
plants are reacting to very slight changes in their environment which
include the angle of the sun, the intensity as well as the hours per day
of light and the  temperature.
I do hope our drops to in the 40's this week don't hurt my 'chids. Can't
protect them, they are on their own.
It does seem that a lot of people have lights on the Catts. for too long
in number of hours but maybe not strong enough light when it is on. There
are complaints that Catts are hard to bloom and I believe that slight
changes would help them. Right now Bob figured out we get 10 hours 57
minutes of daylight counting sunrise to sunset, but the workable sun
hours are somewhat less and the sun in Miami is very intense even in
winter during the middle of the day.
Good blooming and a cosy warm winter to all,
Mary Lou/Miami

Hello to all,
I live in Oklahoma City, U.S.A. All of my orchids are grown in octagon
shaped Cedar baskets. In the summer time they reside outside in trees in
my yard where they get morning and late evening sun and are shaded from
the scorching mid day sun. In the winter they come inside under banks of
6500K florescent lights in a room in my house. These lights are triggered
from what I call a reverse photo cell, it turns on the lights when the
sun is about one hour above the horizon and off about one hour before the
sun sets. My collection is small, mainly species and I have no problem
blooming them. Some bloom in the summer and some in the winter. A
moderate amount of light comes from windows with  the lighting being
supplemental. The temperature is allowed to go as low as 60F at night if
it will, and up to 80F in the daytime. Before putting the lights on the
photocell and instead using fixed timers  the plants were not
"happy" and would often refuse to flower. The photo periodical
lighting has definitely helped my orchids.
 I enjoy this  forum and have for many years, despite  the
sometimes ranting  of a few members. While hoping not to ignite a
"flame", I would like to say ...
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night".


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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Thank you, Oliver

2004-12-14 Thread Harvey Brenneise
Oliver wrote, 

Happy Holiday - but what of all the unemployed, for whom this is just 
another day of capitalist tyranny? 

Thanks for remembering us, Oliver.  I can choose to have a happy holiday in 
spite of capitalist greed.  Even some orchid vendors seem to believe that 
unemployed orchid growers can buy their goods.  Think again. 


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Paphiopedilum pollination

2004-12-14 Thread William Z Rehrig
I found this site:


click on "Paphiopedilum". The key is placing the pollen on the 'X' 
part (stigma) which lies under the shield (the thick fleshy part that 
is centered in the middle of the flower- look at the picture, you'll 
see what I am trying to say).  


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Evolution / creation of orchid names...

2004-12-14 Thread viateur . boutot
"In Singapore last week on a five-day visit for the Biology In Asia 
International Conference, Dr Goodall ... found time to ... have an orchid 
named after her (spathoglottis Jane Goodall, a yellow-and-purple bloom)"

source :

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Dennis/Evolution

2004-12-14 Thread marianne.fleurimont

Dear Dennis,
Thank you for your message on the matter.  I 
almost meant to write one myself, but yours comes across much clearer!  

What still surprises me is how people are using 
"religion" to further their own ends.  I would greatly appreciate it if 
people who do lip service to their religions would deepen their knowledge 
through study and thinking.
The Old Testament was never meant to be taken 
literally.  It was a collection of myths, history, sanitary advice, and 
record of life of the wandering Jews in the Middle East.  Christ gave the 
world the New Testament to replace the Old.  He wanted to 
put emphasis on love, empathy, and forgiveness.  The Old Testament is 
only meant for symbolic interpretation.  This new round of fundamentalist 
thinking based on the fanatical and literal interpretation of the Old Testament 
is really frightening, as it is diametrically opposed to Christian 
beliefs.  At the moment, we have an uncannily large population of people 
who think they are believers of their religions without knowing the basics of 
their religions at all. (This goes for more than just "Christians".) 
 If Christ or Allah would know just how ignorant their current followers 
are... they would be frightened out of their wits.  
Darwin's theory on Evolution exists perfectly fine 
with the Christian God (and many other gods, too).  This fresh attack 
against evolution in the name of Christ is a lot of igorance mobilized for 
political "capital".
Thanks again for clearing up the 
PS - I think evolutionis absolutely relavent on an orchid forum: orchids 
are one of the best examples of the mechanics of evolution, and to refute 
evolution would be to throw into irrational chaos the entire family (it took 
long enough to sort them out!).
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Paph pollination photos

2004-12-14 Thread Kim Robilliard
Hi Ron
Like you, I have not managed to find any paph pollination photos on the  
web but there is a fair bit of written, video, and diagram info that  
you could maybe use.

I think someone has mentioned this site recently, but here is the link  
again: http://www.cichlidrecipe.com/orchids/info_tutorials.asp
It contains excellent on-line video tutorials including one on  
pollination of paphs.

For good written info try Antec's site: http://ladyslipper.com/ftf.htm
There are some really good photos here, although none of the actual  
pollenation process.

You could also try Dr Tanaka's site which has diagrams of pollination  
and info on pollen storage:

I hope this is additional to the info you have already found, (or that  
it of interest to others in the group!)

AKL NZ, the other 'down under'

Hi All.
Is there a web site avaible that shows with photographs, how to  
Paphiopedilum orchids.
Thanks in advance.
Ron Boyd in sunny NSW Austrailia

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] A small request to de friends debating Evolution Vs Creationism

2004-12-14 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
Please ...if you want to refer to the Supreme Creator of the scriptures
written for the People of the Covenant  use  G-D  do not  write the full
name: it is sacrilegious.



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Stuff

2004-12-14 Thread Oliver Sparrow

Please let's not have religious flame wars on an orchids channel. Next it will
be whether mericlones are neoconservatives, or orchids are capitalist exploiters
of trees. 

An equally off-topic  point was made that:

>A Pom is a slang term for someone of  British decent.

All British are by definition decent, but I think that the descent of the word
was a ship-board abbreviation - Person of Means - to distinguish the individual
from the rest of the human cargo, who were not. (Just like Port Out, Starboard
Home, or 'posh', which bought you a cabin on the India ships that was in the
shade on both legs of the journey.)

Anyway, may I wish readers a Happy ... but what to say without insulting
non-Christian readers.Um, then: how about Winter Solstice? No - think of the
potential flames from touchy people in the Southern Hemisphere who are enduring
their Summer solstice. So how about Happy Holiday - but what of all the
unemployed, for whom this is just another day of capitalist tyranny? Well,
please just read between the lines, and see here for a completely irrelevant but
certifiably seculo-religious pan-global politically-sensitive card:

Oliver Sparrow
Tel: UK (0)20 7736 9716

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Connections between the Old and New Testaments....

2004-12-14 Thread e.muehlbauer
I realize that this is off topic, but since its being discussed
anywayFrom what I gather, what is regarded as the New Testament was
compiled maybe 100 or so years after the death of Jesus, from the writings
of the apostles ...apparently, there were many more gospels written than
made it to the book...and most important, to me at least, from my Jewish
perspective, are the differences from Jewish tradition...I believe, and I am
no expert, but I have read a bit.that Paul (Saul of Tarsus) altered many
Jewish traditions in order to expand the scope of Christ's teachings to the
Gentiles. Originally, Christ's teachings were clearly and consistently
within Jewish traditions. To make this a little more orchid-related...I am
sure that Saul had some salep on his way to that road in DamascusTake
care, Eric Muehlbauer celebrating the last night of Hanukkah on the coldest
night of the winter so far...

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)