[OGD] Old orchid books

2005-11-03 Thread Bert van Zuylen

Dear all,

mr. Ton Klaassen, Librarian of the Dutch Orchid Society N.O.V., has asked 
me to sell some old books from the Library.
If you are interested please let me know 0f-group, so I can send pictures 
or descriptions of the books.

Backer - Beknopte Flora van 
Java (nooduitgave);Orchidaceae: deel 1-2-3, 
3bookspb. total 494 
pagesno pictures or drawings € 

Linden - Les orchidees 
exotique, 1894.
hc. 1019 
pages no pictures, justbw 
drawings € 150,00

Cox - A cultural Table of 
Orchidaceous plants, 1946.
hc. 378 
pageslots of bw pictures € 25,00

Stein -Orchideenbuch, 
hc. 602 
pagesno pictures, justbw drawings € 

Bert van 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] genus Zz

2005-06-15 Thread Bert van Zuylen

Dear Dr. Braem,

in the gorgeous book "Orchid hunting in the Lost 
World" a series of articles by the late G.C.K. Dunsterville are presented. In 
one of his articles (Äa, Aha, Aha ha - and What Next" from the AOS Bulletin from 
january 1983) mr. Dunsterville mentiones a wasp described by Reichenbach called 
"Zyzzyx". Could this be the wasp you mean?

Kind regards,
Bert van Zuylen
The Netherlands

Subject: [OGD] Aa
By the way, there is also a genus "Zz" if my memory doesn't fool me I 
mean to remember that it represents some kind of bee. regardsGuido

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] wrong url to unknown orchid

2005-04-28 Thread Bert van Zuylen

Hello OGDers,

sorry for the wrong url, this one should 


Can anyone please tell me which orchid this could be?
I allready would be happy if someone could give me the name of the 
Last weekend I got this orchid from a friend who told me the orchid is 
native to Vietnam. So I went through (a lot) of my books to find out more about 
I know I know the name, the problem is I don't know it right now, must be 
the age.
The greenleaves are flushed with purpleand the 
inflorenceis purple as well. The inflorence starts from the bulb, not from 
the top nor from the base but somewhere in between. The flowers have not opened 
yet, but it seems to me they will be yellow with purple.

Many thanks in advance,
Bert van Zuylen
The Netherlands
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Plocoglottis

2005-04-28 Thread Bert van Zuylen

Hello OGDers,

thank you very much for all the information about 
my unkown orchid.
I've only just could get behind our computer again 
(my son occupied it for some time) and I haven't been able to search for 
information in my books. But I allready found an article in Die Orchidee 
(D.O.G.) 1990 about a Plocoglottis. And that's where I found the pictures I knew 
I'd seen before!
Tomorrow I have plenty of time to find more info 
about my no longer unkown orchid.
Once again: thank you very much.

Kind regards from The NetherlandsBert van 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] webshots

2005-04-06 Thread Bert van Zuylen
Hello OGDers,
here's another cry for help from The Netherlands, and once more it's about 
books. Friends of mine presented me some books they bought during their 
holidays in Thailand, Russia, Japan and China. Beautifull books about 
orchids. The problem is that I can't read any Thai, Russian, Japanese or 
Chinese. But I really would like to know who wrote these books and what 
their titles are. There's also a small booklet about Hawaiian orchids and a 
Dutch book about Pleurothallis in my collection about which I can't find any 
data. Could you please help me with some more information about these books?
You can find pictures of the books and all the information I have on:

Kind regards and many thanks in advance,
Bert van Zuylen
The Netherlands
Where Listera ovata and Dactylorhiza maculata are showing their first leaves 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Emilie Vouga

2005-03-30 Thread Bert van Zuylen
Dear OGDers,
in Issue 154 mr. Peter O'Byrne placed the readers of the OGD in several 
Well, I'm in group H because I collect orchid literature. That is not on a 
professional scale but just for fun.
Some time ago I managed to buy a gorgeous set of plates, complete with the 
protective cover.
It's a set of 6 large plates depicting tropical orchids including 2 
The set is called: Les orchidees 1 Serie 6 plances.
The paintings are made by Emilie Vouga from Switzerland.
There is no date to be found on the cover nor the plates.

Is there anyone who can give me some information about the artist. I 
allready know that the set is really rare.
This is what I allraedy know about Emilie Vouga. (Mr. Rudolf Jenny kindly 
supplied the information.)

Emilie Vouga (born Prades), Vevey, Switzerland 1840 - 1909, artist and 
founder of the publishing company VOUGA.
She published her drawings as:
Flora Alpina, Geneva
Fleurs des Hautes Alpes, Geneva
Le champs et les bois, Geneva
Orchidees des Hautes-Alpes, Basel (1883)

Anything you can tell me about this artist or about  her drawings would be 
very welcome.

Kind regards from The Netherlands
(where it is raining again!)
Bert van Zuylen 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Lighbinders Orchids of the tropical world

2005-02-18 Thread Bert van Zuylen
What error do you get?
Bert Hello to all of you,
Bert last week we bought a new(er) computer and it runs on Windows XP.
Bert But now I can't install my Lighbinders Orchids of the tropical world
Bert cd-rom anymore. Does anybody have the same problem, and do you know 
how I
Bert can solve this problem?

Hello Steve,
the error I get is like this :
There is a mistake in your option.
SHADOW caused a general protection failure in module ~TMP1823.EXE on 

I got  a mail from Nancy who suggested to: go to the 'start' menu, and 
expand the list of 'programs'... One of the first ones will be 
'Accessories' - if you expand this list, you will hopefully find one called 
'Program Compatibility Wizard'. When you open this program, you'll be able 
to designate that your Orchids CD-ROM run as if it were running on Win98 
(95, ME, whatever).
(Thanks Nancy)

But I still got the same error.
Kind regards,
Bert van Zuylen 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchids of the tropical world

2005-02-17 Thread Bert van Zuylen

Hello to all of you,
last week we bought a new(er) computer and it runs on Windows XP. But now I 
can't install my Lighbinders "Orchids of the tropical world" cd-rom anymore. 
Does anybody have the same problem, and do you know how I can solve this 
Kind regards from The Netherlands,
Bert van Zuylen
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Sauleda '76 article

2004-09-01 Thread Bert van Zuylen
Hello Nicolas,

I have the issue of AOS with the article.
Would you like me to scan it, or do you prefer Xerox-copies?

Kind regards,
Bert van Zuylen
The Netherlands

- Oorspronkelijk bericht - 
Verzonden: woensdag 1 september 2004 10:21
Onderwerp: [OGD] Sauleda '76 article

 dear OGD,

 I wonder if anyone have an access to this rather old article I need:

 Harvesting Times of Orchid Seed Capsules for the Green Pod Culture
 Ruben P. Sauleda;
 American Orchid Society Bulletin 45(4):305-309.
 I would greatly appreciate your help! Please contact me.
 Thanks in advance.

 Nicolas Juillet
 Department of Ecology and Evolution
 Biology Building
 University of Lausanne
 1015 Lausanne
 Tel: + 41 21 692 42 43
 Fax: + 41 21 692 42 65
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] new orchid encyclopedia

2004-09-01 Thread Bert van Zuylen
 Hello ODGers,

I would like to introduce a new orchid encyclopedia.

The complete encyclopedia of orchids was compiled by Zdenek Jezek from the
Czech Republik. It was issued by Rebo International from Lisse in The
Netherlands.  Originally it was written in Czech, but there are also English
and Dutch issues.

It's a hardcover book with 304 pages and some 680 pictures in color.
It gives an introduction to orchids in the first 30 pages, deals with
tropical orchids from page 32 up to 261 and deals with terrestrials from
page 262 up to 298.

The pictures are often a bit pale, but the flowers can be recognized easily.
I do not know how the English translation is, but in the Dutch version are
some rather odd mistakes.

But best of all: the price. I've bought the Dutch version for only 10 euro.
A friend of mine brought me the Czech version when he returned from a
holiday over there, and I had to pay only 12 euros for this book. The German
version is offered for 15 euros by several bookstores.

If you would like to order the English version, please contact:
Tel: 0044 116 275 9060

I do not know if the book is available in the USA, Canada, Australia or New
Zealand. If not please feel free to contact me off-group and I ask Rebo if I
can order it for you. No extra charges, you pay what I have to pay!!

Kind regards from The Netherlands,
Bert van Zuylen
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] old and new orchidbooks

2004-07-12 Thread Bert van Zuylen
Hello ODGers,

if you are interested in books about orchids please visit

Unfortunately  this is the only page in English. But if can't find your way
in all this Dutch text please feel free to mail me for details.

If you want to be kept up-to-date about this bookservice, please mail me

Kind regards from The Netherlands
Bert van Zuylen
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)