[OGD] photos

2004-10-01 Thread T.N. Lewin
I can't imagine a good reason for not allowing photos at Botanical Gardens.
The Gardens that I work at is sponsoring a photo contest at the moment- a
stipulation for the prize is that the winning photo be taken at the Gardens.
But we're in friendly Buffalo.
Go figure.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] lmnop

2004-09-18 Thread T.N. Lewin
Charles Baker-

That is amazing  I read it three times with no problem.  I would love it
if you could post where you found the information, I'd like to read more about

Terri Lewin
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] jumbler

2004-09-18 Thread T.N. Lewin
Found the research for anyone who wants to take a look at it.

Rawlinson, G. E. (1976) The significance of letter position in word
recognition. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Psychology Department, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham UK
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] various yammering

2004-09-10 Thread T.N. Lewin
I had a fungus gnat problem in my smaller growing area and the droseras helped
out quite a bit.  So did drying out my pots more in between wateringbut
the leaves of the droseras *were* loaded with fungus gnat bodies

Nick is right-- the pingiculas are cool, too.

On another note- I have two questions:

1. I am going to Costa Rica in January.  Any suggestions for good places to go
see orchids?

2.  I am really fascinated by the crystalline appearance of Macodes petiola
leaves.  Are there any search phrases that anyone could recommend so that I
can look up what biological resources are responsible for the shimmering?  All
the web sites that I see just re-iterate what I already know...which is that
they're beautiful.

Thanks folks,

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Equitant Oncidiums

2004-08-31 Thread T.N. Lewin
I grow mine mounted on cork and tree fern with sphagnum padding about 2-2
1/2ft. from a 450 watt sodium halide.  Even my Brassavola nodosa won't take
that close to the light.  What colour are your leaves?  They should be getting
enough light to be medium/medium-light green with possible red tints along the
edges.  And what kind of fertilizer are you using?  Try a more balanced
fertilizer- not extremely high in Nitrogen.
I have experimented with putting a few of the mounts in a 5 gallon fish tank
on a shelf close to the lights--pretty good success.  It's hard to get them as
close to the lights as they want to be without the heat from the lamp cutting
down on the humidity (In my house, at least).
Let me know if that helps...
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] not orchid related, but interesting

2004-08-28 Thread T.N. Lewin
Not orchid related-

This has nothing to do with orchids, but I can't think of a more knowledgable
group of people to ask.  The director of our botanical gardens and I had a
discussion today about flowering vines.  He had a jasmine vine for years that
produced vegetative growth beautifully, but did not flower.  It did flower
when he finally placed the vine in a vertical position (it was previously
rambling along the bench).  His theory is that certain vines may not flower
when in a horizontal position because it would not be advantageous to flower
rambling on the ground where a pollinator may not see the bloom.  The second
part of the theory says that it would make sense for the plant to put its
energy into growing quickly so as to reach the next tree/support to climb.  He
has also observed this habit in some honeysuckles.  Might the plant be
reacting to an imbalance of auxins in the stem-- i.e. with the auxin
concentrated on one side of the stem?
I have tried searching Google, but trying to find the keywords to type in has
been unsuccessful.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated as well as directions towards any
research that I could read.

Thanks a bunch-  Terri
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] grow lights

2004-08-26 Thread T.N. Lewin
I have a very old grow cart that has spots in between the 4' fluoros for
incandescent lighting.  I took out the old bulbs in put in those new compact
flourescents (The kind with the self contained ballast that you can screw in).
Works great plus extra light.
Go for the four footer.
Iris and I disagree on the choice of bulbs, however.  I have used the grow
lights from several different companies and I find that one cool and one warm
work wonderfully.  I will try to look at the package to tell you what
specifically I have-

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] woofs 'n' poofs

2004-08-22 Thread T.N. Lewin
When I lived in Australia, it was poofter.  I hope this contributes greatly to
understanding the etymology of the word.
But although this word has a particular meaning, I found it to be hurled at
anyone- from the guy who cut you off in traffic to wayward politicians  Hell,
I even heard people's grandmothers saying it.  The amount of times that I have
heard John Howard called a 'poof' are too numerous to count.

Now, can we lay the woofter/poofter debate to rest?

Bob's your uncle,
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] sphag

2004-08-18 Thread T.N. Lewin
Re: Sphag

Everyone's results are different.  I grow almost all of my potted phals in
sphag and I am quite happy with the results.  It does break down easily and is
therefore questionable for use in a large collection where potting may not be
as prompt as it could be.  So far, I have grown onc., mini catts, milts,
neofinetia, gastrochilus, cischweinfia, cochleanthes, and ascocenda hybrids in
moss with good results.  I've also grown stuff in pea gravel with good results
too, so go figure...
I do think that everyone needs to experiment to find which medium suits their
growing needs.  And also remember that when you transfer something that is
used to being in a drier mix like bark to sphagnum, you will lose a lot of the
older roots.

P.S.-- If I order from a company that I know packs sphag like a brick
(Norman's), I will always repot or loosen the moss upon arrival.  Tightly
packed moss is a disaster waiting to happen for me.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] for bill bergstrom

2004-08-12 Thread T.N. Lewin
Send me a bottle of that Chardonnay!  (Or at least let us know the origin)


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] random things

2004-08-03 Thread T.N. Lewin
In Regards to this month's issue of 'Orchids'
Financial restraints have resulted in  ...  the elimination of the
part-time position of director of conservation

Does anyone else find it odd that this was stuck on the bottom of one of the
last pages?

Iris- I was howling at your quote-- I'm not fat, I just need repotting.
That will keep me motivated at the gym for at least another month or until I
can fit in a 4 pot, whichever comes first.
It begs the eventual response-- I'm not fat, I'm specimen size

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] ebay vendor

2004-07-27 Thread T.N. Lewin
It says right there on the e-bay page:

 The difference in our plants and others is they are grown in the woods at
our farm not in a nusery (sic) and they transplant and live so much better
plus we will replace any plant that does not live up to one full year.

Great.  So when the plants don't make it, they'll be stripping woods for
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] About Dr. Guido

2004-07-22 Thread T.N. Lewin
If you want to talk about easy research, type 'Guido Braem' into Google.
You will receive over 2,000 hits.   Its pretty basic.
His work on the Genus Paphiopedilum is known world wide.
I don't believe it's his capacity as a taxonomist in question by some, it's
his manner of communicating his well cemented ideas about taxonomy.

My suggestion- buy the book and skip the dinner date.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Peter O'Byrne

2004-07-13 Thread T.N. Lewin
Surely this is very upsetting to both yourself and you daughter-- I empathize
with your situation as I had similar problems with my boyfriend (who is not a
US citizen)
Is there not a direct flight to Canada from Tokyo?  I've flown several times
on QANTAS straight into Canada from the Pacific and I know JAL must have
flights---I believe they have one from Tokyo to Toronto.
Wishing for a better alternative for you and yours,
(And better times ahead for all of us)
Terri Lewin
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Encyclia tripunctata

2004-07-12 Thread T.N. Lewin
Encyclia tripunctata is one of my favourite orchids.  It is decidous and
should lose its leaves in the winter with a cooler, drier rest.  Aren't those
cute fat pseudobulbs irresistable?!?  The flower is green, white and wine
coloured and has a HUGE coconutty/spicy fragrance for such a little one.  It
will overpower your whole room/greenhouse.  Flowers for me in the Northern
hemisphere in April.  Very tough--when I first got mine, I was not growing it
properly and it sat for two years with no new roots-now it's fine.  Watch out
for spidermites on the leaves.  I would recommend picking up a few more
plants-can't have too many.  Fantasy Orchids used to sell them and may again
in the future, I am informed.  At this moment, you may buy them from H  R
orchids in Hawaii.  There is also a colour photo on H  R's website.
Best of luck!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Author Correction, Naturalizing orchids

2004-07-06 Thread T.N. Lewin
For those of you looking for the book The Botany of Desire, the correct
spelling of the author's name is Michael Pollan.  It is quite an enjoyable

And for the OGD'er looking for reliable December blooming orchids- the only
one that I can think of offhand is Cattleya percivaliana.  Mine blooms
consistently in mid-December, but there is one drawback.  It smells like oil
paint.really bad.

If I were doing it, I would buy the orchids in bloom and attach them to the
tree, covering the pots/roots with live spanish moss.  You have to consider
not only the blooming time, but how an orchid would adjust to being mounted.
The stress might cause it to skip a flowering and more importantly, you need
to know what time of year the plant sends out new roots.

Where are you going to be naturalizing them?  On trees?
I am volunteering with my local society repotting tomorrow- I will ask for
more opinions/suggestions for you.
Best of luck,
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Need clarification on Doritis

2004-06-20 Thread T.N. Lewin
I need yet one more clarification on a purchase that I made about a year ago.
I have a Doritis pulcherrima Thai aquinii form that came from JEM orchids in
Florida.  I wrote to Gene Monnier to see if this form (which I had never heard
of) was the same as Doritis pulcherrima var chumpornensis.  This was his
response which I found to be a bit lacking:

i am not familiar with the varietal form you indicate.  I'm sure that the
form is named and if they look the same, then that is probably the correct
Has anyone ever heard of Thai aquinii as a form of Dor. pulcherrima?  I really
don't want to wait for the other seedling that I have correctly labeled as var
chumpornensis to bloom to find out and I certainly don't need two of the
Thanks for your assistance,
Terri Lewin
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)