Re: [Origami] (no subject)

2023-09-15 Thread Weinstein, Michael
Oriented towards math, art, both?
Louise in NorCal

I intend for it to be a fun craft class, something for the seniors to take 
their last semester.  Thinking mostly simple models with some history and 
perhaps some geometry thrown in.  It will be asynchronous, I do need to start 
working on a syllabus.

Hello Mr. Weinstein,I would be interested in contributing to your classes 
through the internet with pictures, diagrams and videos. I would like to know 
more of what you're looking for in terms of types of models. My website shows 
the type of work I do. Lately I've been expanding into more abstract and 
sculptural models; I'll be posting these on the website next week. Please let 
me know if I can be of any assistance to your endeavor. Thank you and have a 
good day. Sean Lee.

What I’m looking for mostly are clever models that can’t be easily found on the 
web or on Youtube.  I do have quite a few in mind, though I need enough to 
comprise 14 one-hour lectures.


Michael  Weinstein
Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics
Room 975 Biological Sciences Building
Ohio State University 43210

[Origami] (no subject)

2023-09-14 Thread Weinstein, Michael
I am setting up a college level Origami class!

Take care,


Michael  Weinstein
Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics
Room 975 Biological Sciences Building
Ohio State University 43210

[Origami] Modular Origami Airplanes

2021-09-24 Thread Weinstein, Michael
I am proud to announce the publication of my new book, Modular Origami 
Airplanes.  It is available on Amazon:

Colorful diagrams and lots of photos.  IN coming days I will offer and Ebook, 
and I am in the process of writing a sequel.  I don’t seem to do any Origami, I 
just seem to write books.

Michael  Weinstein
Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics
Room 975 Biological Sciences Building
Ohio State University 43210

Re: [Origami] Rules of conduct (RoC) and Centerfold.

2021-05-19 Thread Weinstein, Michael
Rules of conduct (RoC) and Centerfold.

There is one aspect of this whole RoC discussion that REALLY bothers me. Lots 
of folks have said they support RoC for lots of reasons.  Doesn’t sound so bad, 
writing one of these things looks like the work of a couple hours.  Enforcing 
it, another matter entirely.

My employer has a Human Resources Department.  Allegations of harassment, 
discrimination and other maladaptive behavior get sent there.  Such allegations 
are handled by a professional staff that is well paid and trained to handle 
such situations in a professional manner.

This is what the volunteers of Centerfold have been asked to do.  And I will 
note that no where have I seen even one person volunteer to write said RoC 
and/or implement it at Centerfold.  I for one don’t want to go anywhere near 
it.  You can wind up in the middle of things you don’t want to be in the middle 

Says me if we can’t have a gathering of adults for one weekend without the 
expectation that everyone can be civil to everyone, we just shouldn’t do it. My 
enthusiasm for Origami conventions has taken a BIG nosedive over this.

Michael  Weinstein

Re: [Origami] Another reason to keep on folding!

2019-10-29 Thread Weinstein, Michael
re: Another reason to keep on folding! "[Unfolded] Microprotein
  Could Point to New Therapeutic Targets for Diverse Human Diseases

The only thing protein folding and Origami have in common is the word "folding"

Re: [Origami] Permission question (Dick and Serena LaVine)

2017-09-11 Thread Weinstein, Michael
Dick and Serena LaVine done said:

"Aside from any legal or copyright issues (covered extensively on the
OrigamiUSA website), I believe it's important to show respect for the
creators’ artistry and hard work.”

It might not have occurred to anyone, but there is significant work spent in 
preparing an Origami model for presentation in a public forum.  If that isn’t a 
demonstration of respect, I don’t know what is.  If I charged my usual 
consulting fees for my own preparations I’d be quite wealthy.

Now, time for a little rant.  I routinely use data and whole papers from my 
colleagues while teaching genetics and developmental biology.  On the few 
occasions when I’ve informed my colleagues that I was using their work in a 
classroom setting, they’ve been utterly delighted that their work was worthy of 
being spread in such a fashion. None would have dreamed of having their 
permission sought for such a purpose.

Now the work I’m talking about isn’t the exertions of one person for a day.  
We’re talking about years of highly trained and creative professional efforts.  
Why Origami is so special is truly beyond me.   

Re: [Origami] permission

2017-09-06 Thread Weinstein, Michael
Lisa done said:

"Hey Folders!

I am excited to be starting an after school job entertaining kindergarten
through 3rd graders. I get to run an activity daily with the kids. My
question is, can I teach origami and whose models can I teach? I am not
getting paid to teach the kids origami, I am just making sure they are safe
and have a good afternoon. I do want to inspire a love of origami in the
kids. Any suggestions?



It is my understanding that if you are teaching in a classroom setting for a 
nonprofit institution, to violate someone’s copyright you’d really have to work 
at it.  That said there are plenty of traditional models without a great deal 
of attribution that you can teach if you are really concerned about the issue.

US copyright statutes are available here.

Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 136, Issue 10

2017-08-20 Thread Weinstein, Michael

> At the 2015 origami Usa convention there was a guy that was folding an
> airplane folded from a square piece of Kami. He was able to fly it and
> consistently get it to loop around and fly right back to him. 

Most paper airplanes will do this with the appropriate control inputs.  
Ailerons can be made at the back of the wing, one downed one up in the 
direction of the turn.  A rudder made in the vertical stabilizer (most paper 
airplanes have one) will tighten the turn.

Re: [Origami] Looking for Barth Dunkan (Paper Dragon)

2016-07-21 Thread Weinstein, Michael
Centerfold is run by a not for profit organization, and in it you will be 
teaching Origami in a classroom setting.  As such, under  US copyright law I do 
not think you would be violating the artist’s copyright protection by teaching 
this in the aforementioned situation.  You can easily look up the relevant 
statutes on the internet.

I know its nicer to go find the artist and ask, but I believe spreading Origami 
is more important than assuaging anyone’s ego. 

[Origami] origami sighting

2014-08-08 Thread Weinstein, Michael
An article in the preeminent international science journal Science (OK, we 
science types don't dub so creatively) with our own Erik Demaine:

[Origami] interesting Origami sighting

2013-08-21 Thread Weinstein, Michael
The August 15 edition of the prestigious scientific journal Cell features a set 
of pseudo Origami instructions to promote a paper on viral assembly.

Re: [Origami] preserving models

2012-12-12 Thread Weinstein, Michael
-I've made some nice origami bowls and boxes using relatively thick,
-textured scrapbook style paper. I plan to use them as part of gifts
-and would like to make them more "permanent." What method(s) might
-work for this?

I have boxes and modulars made from cover stock that have been in service for 
decades.  One holds pennies.  Other than getting dirty I haven't really 
witnessed any degradation.

Michael Weinstein
Department of Molecular Genetics
Ohio State University
484 W 12th avenue
Columbus, Oh 43210

Re: [Origami] backlash to me opinion

2012-10-04 Thread Weinstein, Michael
First, I must compliment the courageous origami creators bravely offering their 
wares for sale through the new OUSA downloadable diagrams.  They have greater 
fortitude than I, or perhaps just better models.  Definitely better models.  
Definitely.  Giant kudos for those who dreamt up and implemented the system.

I would tremulously point out that one makes the same amount of money selling 8 
one dollar diagrams as one 8 dollar diagram, and that the former requires no 
extra effort on their part.   I do feel one should make more for 10 pages of 
diagrams than two, but charging more might not be the most efficacious way to 
realize this goal.

Michael Weinstein

[Origami] On Folded Wings

2012-10-04 Thread Weinstein, Michael
I have had word from my publisher than my second book, On Folded Wings, is off 
to the printers at long last.

Michael Weinstein

Re: [Origami] let's stop calling our creations "models"

2012-09-20 Thread Weinstein, Michael
I sell books at air shows all the time, and I give away origami pieces with 
many sales.  I usually just call them "Origamis", as in one origami for each 
book purchased.  If I am making something for display I usually refer to it as 
a "piece", though "pieces" often come in a frame or other display medium.

Michael Weinstein
Department of Molecular Genetics
Ohio State University
484 W 12th avenue
Columbus, Oh 43210