BUG: Taglib dont support double byte character set

2000-04-25 Thread Jen Hsien Huang

the taglib seems can't handle i18n correctly, for ex:
test:loop count="10"

it works fine, but if the body of taglib is a dynamic body, ex
test:loop count="10"
it works incorrect.

RE: Tag Example Problem

2000-04-25 Thread Magnus Rydin

taglib's probably needs to be recompiled using the latest orion.jar, as there 
was a problem with comilers replacing static variables with their 
see note on www.orionserver.com

I will 
update the taglibs in all examples asap.


  -Original Message-From: Eric Richardson 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: den 18 april 2000 
  17:12To: Orion-InterestSubject: Tag Example 
  ProblemHi, I searched the archives and couldn't find 
  anything relevent. 
  I'm trying to use the Iterate.java tag in some code I have. I pass the 
  collection but the nested usebean tag cannot find the object in page scope. 
  500 Internal Server Error 
  java.lang.InstantiationException: Could not find the bean named 'product1' 
  in the page scope  at 
   at com.evermind.util.e.run(JAX) 

  If I put an object in scope of the correct type it iterates through the 
  list and prints everything out so I know the collection is fine. % 
  pageContext.setAttribute("product1", product); 
  ts:iterate name="product1" collection="%= products %" 
   jsp:useBean id="product1" scope="page" 
  type="com.ratex.db.Product"/  !-- Product: 
  %=product1 % --  tr  
  td  jsp:getProperty 
  name="product1" property="productId"/  /td 
   td %=product1.getCategory() % 
  /td  td %=product1.getName() % 
  /td  td %=product1.getDescription() 
  % /td  /tr /ts:iterate 
  I haven't quite figured out the code but it seems it should work 
  correctly. Seems like the setAttribute(...) is not getting called. 
   public int doStartTag() {  if(iterator == 
  null) { //Make sure we have a Iterator  
  return SKIP_BODY;  }  
  if(iterator.hasNext()) { //check if we got more elements 
   // add the Bean to the pageContext using 
  the given name  
  pageContext.setAttribute(name, iterator.next(), PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE); 
   return EVAL_BODY_TAG; 
   }  else { 
   return SKIP_BODY;  } 
  Any help would be appreciated. 
  Eric :-) 

RE: jsp driver problem with hsql

2000-04-25 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: RE: jsp driver problem with hsql

I put mine in WEB-INF/lib/

Works fine

Magnus Rydin

 I'm trying to make a connection to a hsql database,
 which works perfectly if I use a standalone java-app.
 But when I use a jsp page to connect to hsql, it
 can not find the driver (org.hsql.jdbcDriver). I have
 made a classpath to the driver, so I see no reason why
 it shouldn't work. Are one supposed to put the driver
 in some special directory?
 /Robert Karlsson

Serializing java.lang.Class Objects

2000-04-25 Thread Thomas Hertz


I'm not sure this is a orion specific issue.

Is it true, that serializing a java.lang.Class object and
recreating it in a different VM can cause problems?

If have a bean which takes a Class[] as arguement.
Class implements Serializable, thats not the problem, but
when I call the bean, the EJBcode at serverside always 
receives a NULL-pointer, even when I put something different
as an argument.

I think that because Class is defined not only by name, but
also by it's ClassLoader, it could cause problems when
deserializing it?

what do you think? How do you transport Class-Object over 

Greetings, Thomas

- ---

Thomas Hertz

 hybris GmbH
  Schwere-Reiter-Str. 35
  Gebaeude 16
  80797 Muenchen

  fon: +49 89 30 66 97 0
  fax: +49 89 30 66 97 99

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Generating primary keys in CMP?

2000-04-25 Thread Anders Bengtsson


I'm looking for a way to generate primary keys for my container managed
entity beans.

For bean managed persistance you would simply use the functions that
your DBMS provides, like sequences or auto-increased columns. But how do
I do this with CMP beans? In books and example code everyone avoids the
subject entirely, with
create(int id)
as the creation method.

A solution I've seen suggested is to use a separate session bean to
generate unique integers, but they are generally a mess to implement and
use. So what I'm looking for is something better than that.

The J2EE servers based on object databases (GemStone/J at least) has an
id generator "for free". But it seems this shouldn't be impossible with
relational DBMSes. I would guess that it could be done by the CMP
container, possibly by using DBMS-dependent plugins for different id
generator implementations?

Anyway, if this isn't possible I'm looking for a good implementation of
a session bean based id generator...


A n d e r s  B e n g t s s o n [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Java Mail with POP3

2000-04-25 Thread Cosmin Popa

Can you explain me how to use java mail with pop3 support?

I have tryed:
   PrintWriter out;
/// ...
Session sess;
Store stor;
catch (Exception e) 
  out.println("Error :"+e.toString());

And when I execute the servlet, next error apear:
javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: No provider for pop3

I put the pop3 jar in the orion/lib and /orion ... but nothing.

Cosmin Popa

Re: Java Mail with POP3

2000-04-25 Thread Joe Walnes

And when I execute the servlet, next error apear:
javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: No provider for pop3

I put the pop3 jar in the orion/lib and /orion ... but nothing.

Cosmin, this is a shot in the dark, but try putting the jar file in 
path-to-jdk/jre/lib/ext. If you don't want to do that, try editing the 
MANIFEST file in orion.jar and append the path to pop3.jar on the line that 
starts with "Classpath:".

-Joe Walnes

Re: Generating primary keys in CMP?

2000-04-25 Thread Joe Walnes

For bean managed persistance you would simply use the functions that
your DBMS provides, like sequences or auto-increased columns. But how do
I do this with CMP beans? In books and example code everyone avoids the
subject entirely, with
create(int id)
as the creation method.

Annoyingly enough, most EJB resources tend to avoid this subject. Wish they 

A solution I've seen suggested is to use a separate session bean to
generate unique integers, but they are generally a mess to implement and
use. So what I'm looking for is something better than that.

There are 2 main approaches 2 generating IDs. Firstly you could use the 
internal features of your database - many db's support SEQUENCES. This 
solution seems fairly simple and elegant but using a db specific approach 
can cause problems if you later decide to switch databases.

The preferred way to generate ID's is using a session bean and an entity 
bean. The entity uses a reference to the table or bean name as a primary 
key, and has a second field which stores the next id to use for that table. 
The session bean is used as a wrapper around the entity to easily request 
the next id per table.

In fact, updating the entity every time a new id is needed can be quite a 
cumbersome and inefficient process, so a HIGH/LOW strategy is more 
appropriate. Briefly, this is where the session bean is stateful and 
instead of requesting and incrementing the entity each time an id is 
required, a block of id's (eg: 20) are requested from the entity (which 
then increments the count by that number) and the session counts out each 
id until the block runs out, at which point it requests another block. 
Multiple sessions can be used and each session will count with a seperate 
block. Concurrent access can be handled by catching transaction exceptions 
and trying again.

The drawbacks to this is that the id's in the db table are not guaranteed 
to be in order and there may be some gaps if a session is destroyed before 
it uses all of it's block of ids. The main advantage is that you will not 
be tied in to any particular db.

There's a nice little paper that may be of use that describes this method 
(although it has nothing to do with Java or EJB's):

-Joe Walnes

behavior of encodeRedirectURL()

2000-04-25 Thread Jen Hsien Huang

the encodeRedirectURL() is used when you generate a dynamic url without cookie support.
encodeRedirectURL()  in Orion will always generate session id , but I think it should 
be use only when the cookie is disable.

RE: Tag Example Problem

2000-04-25 Thread Victor A. Salaman


bug you mentioned has been corrected in aninternal buildof Orion 
already. This release is currently under regression testing andwill be 
available shortly.


  -Original Message-From: Eric Richardson 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 10:37 
  AMTo: Orion-InterestCc: Orion-Interest; 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Tag Example 
  ProblemHi Magnus, 
  I resolved my problem and think it is a bug. I did recompile with no avail. 
  Karl wrote me back and suggested from now on if I found what I think is a 
  bug to copy it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] He said he would add that to the Web 
  When this call is made in 0.9.6 the bean goes in application scope. 
  pageContext.setAttribute(name, iterator.next(), PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE); 
  I changed to the two arg version which for pageContext puts bean in page 
  scope which solves the problem temporarily. 
  pageContext.setAttribute(name, iterator.next()); 
  Thanks, Eric :-) 
  Magnus Rydin wrote: 
  The taglib's probably needs to 
be recompiled using the latest orion.jar, as there was a problem with 
comilers replacing static variables with their 
values.Please see note on www.orionserver.comI will update the taglibs in 
all examples asap.WRMagnus 

  -Original Message- From: Eric Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: den 18 april 2000 
  17:12 To: 
  Orion-Interest Subject: Tag Example Problem 
  Hi, I searched the archives and couldn't find anything 
  I'm trying to use the Iterate.java tag in some code I have. I pass the 
  collection but the nested usebean tag cannot find the object in page 
  500 Internal Server Error 
  java.lang.InstantiationException: Could not find the bean named 
  'product1' in the page scope 
  If I put an object in scope of the correct type it iterates through the 
  list and prints everything out so I know the collection is fine. % 
  pageContext.setAttribute("product1", product); 
  ts:iterate name="product1" collection="%= products %" 
   jsp:useBean id="product1" scope="page" 
  type="com.ratex.db.Product"/  !-- Product: 
  %=product1 % --  tr  
  td  jsp:getProperty 
  name="product1" property="productId"/  
  /td  td %=product1.getCategory() 
  % /td  td 
  %=product1.getName() % /td  
  td %=product1.getDescription() % /td  
  /tr /ts:iterate 
  I haven't quite figured out the code but it seems it should work 
  correctly. Seems like the setAttribute(...) is not getting 
   public int doStartTag() {  if(iterator == 
  null) { //Make sure we have a Iterator  
  return SKIP_BODY;  }  
  if(iterator.hasNext()) { //check if we got more elements 
   // add the Bean to the pageContext 
  using the given name  
  pageContext.setAttribute(name, iterator.next(), PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE); 
   return EVAL_BODY_TAG; 
   }  else { 
   return SKIP_BODY; 
   }  } 
  Any help would be appreciated. 
  Eric :-)

cursor problem

2000-04-25 Thread Wagner, SnowWolf
Title: cursor problem

I am having a problem with cursors on an Oracle 7.3.4 database.
I grab the connection from Orion as follows:

 public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
 try {
 javax.naming.Context context = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
 javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource)context.lookup(jdbc/CDE_JBDS);
 return ds.getConnection();
 } catch (javax.naming.NamingException ex) {
 throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());

I then get run a query and load the data into an ArrayList of objects:

public ArrayList selectRows(String sql) throws SQLException {
 ArrayList retRow = new ArrayList();
 java.sql.Connection con = null;
 Statement stmt = null;
 ResultSet rs = null;
 ResultSetMetaData rsmd = null;

 try {
 con = DBSession.getConnection ();
 stmt = con.createStatement ();
 rs = stmt.executeQuery (sql);
 rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
 int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
 while (rs.next()) {
 Row row = new Row();
 for (int col = 1; col = columnCount; col++)
 row.setProperty (col, rs.getString(col), rsmd);
 retRow.add (row);
 rs.close ();
 } catch (SQLException e) {
 throw e;
 } finally {
 try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}
 try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}
 try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}
 stmt = null;
 rs = null;
 con = null;
 return retRow;

For some reason I keep running out of cursors. Is there something I am doing wrong.


worked under 0.9.4 broken under 0.9.6

2000-04-25 Thread Walker, Eric

the following code snippet worked under 0.9.4 but generates a
NullPointerException under 0.9.6. The offending line is the lookup:

private IConfig getConfigBean()
if( m_configBean != null )
return m_configBean;

InitialContext initialContext = new
Object obj =
ConfigHome configHome =
m_configBean = configHome.create();
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Can't get Configuation bean. No
items will be available!");

return m_configBean;

Any ideas?

Eric Walker

Bug of Taglib and many i18n issue of Orion JSP

2000-04-25 Thread Jen Hsien Huang

Taglib can handle i18n correctly.
If I want use Big5 for my JSP page enocoding, according I have to set
%@page contentType="text/html;charset=Big5" 
otherwise the dynamic string, ex %="¤¤¤å"% won't be correct.
I find Orion handle it fine, but if in taglib body , it goes wrong.
This perhapers the taglib out put stream use the io stream that don't support i18n.

NOW I have serveral suggestion to orion, hopes the orion team can look the JSP i18n 
otherwise the orion can't deploy to the double byte enviroment.

1. use the system default encoding (file.encoding)be the JSP content-type encoding to 
ease development. So I dont need to type %@page contentType="text/html;charset=Big5" 
 on every JSP page.

2. use the  content-type to parsing the JSP to let JSP support multi-language

3. allow user to set JSP encoding in the orion web config

4. fix the TagLib and POST/GET value  i18n problem