Re: SSL question

2000-10-13 Thread Mike Atkin

- Original Message -
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 4:54 PM
Subject: SSL question

 Hi all

 I have a problem using the command below.

 keytool -keystore keystore -keyalg "RSA" -import -trustcacerts -file

 I get this error:

 keytool error: Failed to establish chain from reply

 But, this command worked fine

 keytool -import -trustcacerts -file

 Is there any problem using the second command, since it's missing some

 arguments as indicated in the ssl-how-to documentation.



The problem with the first command is that keytool can't find the root ca
certificates in your keystore and therefore can't build up the certificate
chain from your server key to the trusted root certificate authority.  With
the second example, keytool is using the system keystore and can locate the
root ca  certs in jdk-dir/jre/lib/security/cacerts.

When I created my keystore I used a certificate from bt trustwise which is
an intermediate ca so I had yet another cert to add.  The commands went
something like this (assume keystore does not yet exist):

keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias cacert -file cacert.cer
keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias intercert -file inter.cer  // Only
need this if you are using an intermediate signing authority like BT
keytool -keystore keystore -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias serverkey
keytool -keystore keystore -certreq -file

Get cert from csr then:
keytool -keystore keystore -import -file -alias serverkey

That should be that.  You can do a keytool -keystore keystore -v -list and
check that a cert chain has been built.

You can probably get round your problem just by importing the ca certs into
your keystore and then trying to re-add your server cert.



EAR Deployer (Orion stable v1.3.8)

2000-10-13 Thread Gordon Tyler
Title: EAR Deployer (Orion stable v1.3.8)


I'm not sure if this is by design or not ...

When deploying an EAR via the Service Console, the EAR Deployer pops up and allows one to set various deploy-time settings like the JNDI name a bean is bound to. However, it seems that the Deployer tool is only allowing Session Beans' JNDI names to be changed. Clicking on an Entity Bean doesn't display any information in the right-hand panel.

Another thing... The default JNDI name for a Bean is just BeanName, but the J2EE standard says that Beans should be bound to ejb/BeanName. Is there a reason for this deviation?


--- Codito ergo sum - I code therefore I am ---
AST -- Product Development
Tel: +27-(0)21-6803412
PGP key available on request

If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research. -- Einstein
Beware of Dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup. -- Unknown

More EAR Deployer (Orion stable 1.3.8)

2000-10-13 Thread Gordon Tyler
Title: More EAR Deployer (Orion stable 1.3.8)

Another problem in the EAR Deployer: I am unable to modify the Link for any EJB reference. The drop down list is empty and any text typed into the field is not retained or used.


--- Codito ergo sum - I code therefore I am ---
AST -- Product Development
Tel: +27-(0)21-6803412
PGP key available on request

If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research. -- Einstein
Beware of Dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup. -- Unknown

Re: Problems with EJB and JNDI-context

2000-10-13 Thread Sven van 't Veer

Nils Frohberg wrote:
 I am facing a problem with my EJBs that i cannot solve. I try to access a EJB via a 
JSP page:

 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: NamingException: Error instantiating web-app 
JNDI-context: No location specified and no suitable instance of the type 
'de.tako.user' found for the ejb-ref ejb/user
 at com.evermind.ejb.taglib.UseHomeTag.doStartTag(Compiled Code)
 My ejb-ref looks like this:
 Is there any aspect i am missing?
 I could not find any clues on the list, nor in the web. Maybe someone can give me a 
hint? :)
I had the same problem more or less. Do you have a file
in the web-app ?? I'm not exacly sure where to put it for EJB in JSP,
but try putting it in web-inf/classes if that does not work move it
around some.


Sven E. van 't Veer
Java Developer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

my orion freezes at a high load

2000-10-13 Thread Thomas Krantz


I am stress testing Orion, and in my application I have
lots of JDBC calls that use a configured data-source.
I have noticed that Orion stops serving requests (not even
static pages) after a while of high load. It still listen
to port 80, but doesn't return any content. If I increase
the "max-connections" data-source setting the system lives a little
bit longer. Now, I realize that I probably have leaking connections,
but shouldn't Orion log somewhere if the max-connection limit is
reached?  And why doesn't it serve static pages? I can't find anything
strange in any logs at all.

I am using Solaris 8 sparc with Java 1.2 (tried 1.3 also) and
Orion 1.3.7.

Any clues?

/ Thomas

"Hard work often pays off after time, 
 But laziness always pays off now."

PGP Public Key:

RE: Problems with EJB and JNDI-context

2000-10-13 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Are you accesing it thru "java:comp/env/ejb/user" ???
because just accessing "ejb/user" won't work

-Original Message-
From: Sven van 't Veer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Viernes, 13 de Octubre de 2000 7:21
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Problems with EJB and JNDI-context

Nils Frohberg wrote:
 I am facing a problem with my EJBs that i cannot solve. I try to access a
EJB via a JSP page:

 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: NamingException: Error instantiating
web-app JNDI-context: No location specified and no suitable instance of the
type 'de.tako.user' found for the ejb-ref ejb/user
 at com.evermind.ejb.taglib.UseHomeTag.doStartTag(Compiled Code)
 My ejb-ref looks like this:
 Is there any aspect i am missing?
 I could not find any clues on the list, nor in the web. Maybe someone can
give me a hint? :)
I had the same problem more or less. Do you have a file
in the web-app ?? I'm not exacly sure where to put it for EJB in JSP,
but try putting it in web-inf/classes if that does not work move it
around some.



Sven E. van 't Veer
Java Developer


RE: SSL question

2000-10-13 Thread David Ekholm

That's what I call an answer! It explained a lot. Orion guys, pleas add that
to your SSL howto.
You can also retrieve a cert+CAcert already chained right from Thawte.
Select an SSL type test cert and also check the chaining setting on the web
page for test cert generation.

- Original Message -
From: Mike Atkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SSL question

The problem with the first command is that keytool can't find the root ca
certificates in your keystore and therefore can't build up the certificate
chain from your server key to the trusted root certificate authority.  With
the second example, keytool is using the system keystore and can locate the
root ca  certs in jdk-dir/jre/lib/security/cacerts.

When I created my keystore I used a certificate from bt trustwise which is
an intermediate ca so I had yet another cert to add.  The commands went
something like this (assume keystore does not yet exist):

keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias cacert -file cacert.cer
keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias intercert -file inter.cer  // Only
need this if you are using an intermediate signing authority like BT
keytool -keystore keystore -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias serverkey
keytool -keystore keystore -certreq -file

Get cert from csr then:
keytool -keystore keystore -import -file -alias serverkey

That should be that.  You can do a keytool -keystore keystore -v -list and
check that a cert chain has been built.

You can probably get round your problem just by importing the ca certs into
your keystore and then trying to re-add your server cert.



RE: my orion freezes at a high load

2000-10-13 Thread Lawrence Fry

..just a thought. Are use executing a stm.close() in your database code?
Also, are you using pooled connections?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Thomas Krantz
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 7:00 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: my orion freezes at a high load


I am stress testing Orion, and in my application I have
lots of JDBC calls that use a configured data-source.
I have noticed that Orion stops serving requests (not even
static pages) after a while of high load. It still listen
to port 80, but doesn't return any content. If I increase
the "max-connections" data-source setting the system lives a little
bit longer. Now, I realize that I probably have leaking connections,
but shouldn't Orion log somewhere if the max-connection limit is
reached?  And why doesn't it serve static pages? I can't find anything
strange in any logs at all.

I am using Solaris 8 sparc with Java 1.2 (tried 1.3 also) and
Orion 1.3.7.

Any clues?

/ Thomas

"Hard work often pays off after time,
 But laziness always pays off now."

PGP Public Key:

Deployment Descriptor

2000-10-13 Thread Lopez Esteban

Where I can find a Deployment descriptor definition for EJB 2.0?


RE: Deployment Descriptor

2000-10-13 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

It's in Chapter 21 of the EJB2.0 Public Draft.  Sun has not released the
DTD in any other form, and isn't planning to until the final version of
the spec.  At least, that's what the two architects who are writing the
spec said in the (way too short) chat Sun hosted a couple weeks ago.
Has anyone extracted it from the pdf in a more palatable form?

-Original Message- 
From: Lopez Esteban 
Sent: Fri 10/13/2000 12:44 PM 
To: Orion-Interest 
Subject: Deployment Descriptor

Where I can find a Deployment descriptor definition for EJB 2.0?



Authentication - I thought I got it, but I don't

2000-10-13 Thread Ben Z. Tels


I just don't get it. Still using Orion server version 1.3.8, got a working
account and group set up, but I don't understand how to pass in
authentication information.

When I change the JNDI properties to reflect the new username and password,
they are rejected (using and so on).
When I add them to the InitialContext using addToEnviroment(), with the
constants defined in javax.namimg.Context as keys, they are not recognized
(the server brings up the dialog prompting for username and password).
When I type them in to the dialog box the server produces, everything works.

Obviously, using the latter option is not viable for production code. Can
anybody help me with getting another option to work?


Ben Z. Tels

"The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle

Re: my orion freezes at a high load

2000-10-13 Thread Greg Matthews

what database driver are you using?

if you're using the sun jdbc-odbc bridge then it's
prone to locking up and you'll have to purchase a 
proper driver.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Krantz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, 14 October 2000 2:28
Subject: my orion freezes at a high load


I am stress testing Orion, and in my application I have
lots of JDBC calls that use a configured data-source.
I have noticed that Orion stops serving requests (not even
static pages) after a while of high load. It still listen
to port 80, but doesn't return any content. If I increase
the "max-connections" data-source setting the system lives a little
bit longer. Now, I realize that I probably have leaking connections,
but shouldn't Orion log somewhere if the max-connection limit is
reached?  And why doesn't it serve static pages? I can't find anything
strange in any logs at all.

I am using Solaris 8 sparc with Java 1.2 (tried 1.3 also) and
Orion 1.3.7.

Any clues?

/ Thomas

"Hard work often pays off after time, 
 But laziness always pays off now."

PGP Public Key:


2000-10-13 Thread Michael Rimov

At 06:53 PM 10/12/2000 +0200, you wrote:
Hi Kevin,

Do you create the database in IBConsole ? Because the ibconsole has an bug 
creating databases.
If so, you probably have to get the newer version of IBConsole :
goto the miscellaneous section (at the bottumn of the page) and download
IBConsole - build 308. You must overwrite the ibconsole in your interbase
install directory. If you want the interbase-database-schema.xml (for 
orion cmp
managed persistence) mail me and i will sent it to you.

There's also a newer build somewhere on  Its 
where the author is posting all his updates.

Further more i think interbase 6 is an very good database but I would like to
if it handle a large amount of connections at the same time (like 500 or
There isn't much info about that in the docs.

I haven't scaled to that level, but you might want to post to the inprise 
newsgroups on that, and I bet you'll get a response from someone.
