Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread Paul Kofon

I'm developing an web-based Employee Directory for my company. I've got it 
working all right.
My problem is that I'd like to store the image files in a database 
(presently I'm using Hypersonic) and be able to display them as needed for 
each employee. However, I haven't been able to that. I worked aroud this 
problem by storing the images in the file system and entering a path to the 
required image file as a VARCHAR in the database. Eventhough it solved my 
problem, it is undesireable because I'd have to manually delete each image 
file that's no longer required instead of simply deleting a row in the 
I successfully stored each file as a Java object (in this case "File") but I 
just couldn't think of a way to display it on a web page. I'm sure this is a 
piece of cake for most of you out there but I just can't figure it out. Any 
he.lp would do. Thanks.


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Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread Paul Kofon

I'm developing an web-based Employee Directory for my company using Servlets 
and JSPs. I've got it working all right.
My problem is that I'd like to store the image files in a database 
(presently I'm using Hypersonic) and be able to display them as needed for 
each employee. However, I haven't been able to that. I worked aroud this 
problem by storing the images in the file system and entering a path to the 
required image file as a VARCHAR in the database. Eventhough it solved my 
problem, it is undesireable because I'd have to manually delete each image 
file that's no longer required instead of simply deleting a row in the 
I successfully stored each file as a Java object (in this case "File") but I 
just couldn't think of a way to display it on a web page. I'm sure this is a 
piece of cake for most of you out there but I just can't figure it out. Any 
he.lp would do. Thanks.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Orion and SSL

2001-02-12 Thread Daniel Lopez


I've already browsed the list archive and I've seen that many people
have had this problem but I didn't find a solution. So my problem is the
typical "Error listening to SSLServerSocket: No available certificate
corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled" I already
imported the certificate using "keytool -import -trustcacerts -file
mycert.der -keystore keystore", the certificate has been granted to the
same hostname which is specified in the mysite-web-site.xml file, the
certificate is valid until october, created by Verisign, 1024
public-key..., SSLv1, it works fine with Apache. So, is there any log
file where I can get a more specific error message? Have I forgotten to
do something? Any hints?
Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Services
Computer Center
Balearic Islands University

multi language support

2001-02-12 Thread Christos Voyiagis

Hi to all.

i use orion with hypersonicsql..
is there any way to support greek characters ?
i need some entries in the database in greek..
the Database Manager displays them but orion doesnt..

any workarounds?


RE: Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread Mikael Eriksson


I guess you could write the URL to all images from the database as
'/databaseimage/primary key'. For example: '/databaseimage/13'. Then you
map a servlet to /databaseimage. This servlet cheks the request URI for the
primary key, reads the file from the database and then sends it on the


Mikael Eriksson

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Kofon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: den 12 februari 2001 09:24
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Displaying image files stored in a database

 I'm developing an web-based Employee Directory for my
 company. I've got it
 working all right.
 My problem is that I'd like to store the image files in a database
 (presently I'm using Hypersonic) and be able to display them
 as needed for
 each employee. However, I haven't been able to that. I worked
 aroud this
 problem by storing the images in the file system and entering
 a path to the
 required image file as a VARCHAR in the database. Eventhough
 it solved my
 problem, it is undesireable because I'd have to manually
 delete each image
 file that's no longer required instead of simply deleting a
 row in the
 I successfully stored each file as a Java object (in this
 case "File") but I
 just couldn't think of a way to display it on a web page. I'm
 sure this is a
 piece of cake for most of you out there but I just can't
 figure it out. Any
 he.lp would do. Thanks.


 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Problems with servlet mapping

2001-02-12 Thread Dan Cramer

Okay, I have a web app that maps "/" to servlet X. According to the Servlet
spec, this is supposed to make X the default servlet. Also, according to the
spec, the container is supposed to do a recursive search for the longest
matching path.

Here's the problem, when requests come in for things like: /images/img.gif,
the container is mapping those to X as well. Ouch! Basically, "/" is being
interpreted to mean "/*".

The strange thing is that, while playing around with it, I redeployed once
and, all of a sudden, it worked correctly. Then, when I redeployed later
(changing something totally unrelated and not web.xml), it went back to the
incorrect behavior.

Has anyone else encountered this behavior? Is this a bug? I'm using 1.4.5.

Help would be greatly appreciated,
Dan Cramer
Chief Architect
Dynamic Resolve, LLC
Internet Solutions Consulting

Re: multi language support

2001-02-12 Thread Johan Fredriksson

It is probably because the shell that runs orion does not support greek
characters... Try that...

Or test run it using a Windows server. If it still does not work, I'm out of

We had a similar problem, displaying swedish characters on a webpage, and
the problem was the shell running did not have support for swe chars.

- Original Message -
From: "Christos Voyiagis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 10:10 AM
Subject: multi language support

 Hi to all.

 i use orion with hypersonicsql..
 is there any way to support greek characters ?
 i need some entries in the database in greek..
 the Database Manager displays them but orion doesnt..

 any workarounds?


Unicode and Orion in Java-Client

2001-02-12 Thread Dirk Ohst


I want to connect to orion from a java-client using interbase and
unicode data. The data in unicode-format are stored correctly in the
database, I just tested it with a java client connecting directly to the
database. But I get garbled data when using a simple client connecting
to orion. I think it is just a flag which has to been set to tell orion
to work with unicode but I don't know which. Please could anyone tell

Best regards

Dirk Ohst.

Unicode and Orion in Java-Client

2001-02-12 Thread Dirk Ohst


I want to connect to orion from a java-client using interbase and
unicode data. The data in unicode-format are stored correctly in the
database, I just tested it with a java client connecting directly to the
database. But I get garbled data when using a simple client connecting
to orion. I think it is just a flag which has to been set to tell orion
to work with unicode but I don't know which. Please could anyone tell

Best regards

Dirk Ohst.

Internal error in http server

2001-02-12 Thread Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen

Running with orion 1.4.5 on a Sun Solaris I found the following message in
the logfile:
Internal error in http server
...nullpointer exception

Anyone seen this before ?

med venlig hilsen
Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen

Using Session Variables

2001-02-12 Thread Øystein Walle


I'm having some 
difficulty using session variables. Here's a short abridgement of my code in 

HttpSession thisSession = 
intValue = fncFunction(...);
case -1:
thisSession.putValue("errorMsg","Error in 
case -2:

The problem: the 
error.jsp page sometimes shows some of the HTML code in the evaluate.jsp 
The error.jsp 
pagelooks something like this:

thisSession = request.getSession(true);
strError=(String)thisSession.getValue("errorMsg");if (strError!=null 
out.println(strError);else out.println("Ingen 
nærmere feilbeskjed er tilgjengelig.br");

What's the problem 
here?? It seems to me that the session variable includes much more than my 
simple errorMsg.


RE: Any news from Orion yet??

2001-02-12 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Weblogic (and the high priced products like Websphere) are great, if you want to pay 
the price.  They come with nice tools like front end gui's, good documentation, paid 
support, etc.  But if you look for the opinions of developers who have used these 
products, and compared them to Orion, jboss, etc., they would say the EJB capacies are 
no better then the other high priced products.  In order of ranking, here's how I look 
at the other products.
1 Orion -- This product is ready now, but I haven't seen anyone from this list run a 
Sears store on it.
2. Jboss (www.jboss.org) -- The founders are very bright, have five hundred developers 
on the projects, have EJB heavies contributing to the list, and it's a very easy to 
use product.  Personally, even though it is ready for production now, I would wait for 
it to mature a bit more.  It's like a fine wine -- drink it now, and it is OK, or 
allow it to age a bit then drink it (like jboss 3.0 final).
3. Openejb (www.openejb.org) - this project has a very bright and well known person 
heading it, and it is slated to be intergrated with Tomcat and Apache.  It has yet to 
prove itself, as it is not yet ready for production release.  But it has good future 
4. Jonas (www.evidian.com/jonas) - This is a good product, but it is not as advanced 
as the other two open source products and I don't think they have as many people 
behind them.
5. Enhydra enterprise (www.enhydra.org).  If you like the enhydra application server, 
this product has potential.  But it is not production ready yet and it intergrates 
with the jonas server.  
  In summary, Orion is here now but can it run Sears?  Jboss is ready but I would let 
it mature a bit more for production environments.  Openejb and Enhydra have great 
potential, but they are not ready yet and have to prove themselves.  Jonas is OK but I 
prefer the other open source alternatives. 

-Original Message-
From: Anthony W. Marino
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: 2/11/01 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: Any news from Orion yet??

On another note, can you and/or someone, qualify/quantify what you mean
the following previously made statement :

"For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the pack, and the
speed is stil EXCELLENT."

In the Apache Tomcat list I asked the following question:

"Can someone suggest to me what Apache and/or other OpenSource products
be integrated to compete with functionally and/or considered in the same

category as BEA WebLogic?  
I don't necessarily need all of what BEA has to offer at this time,
I would like to know, generally, what it would take to get there without
big $ price tag."

Thank You,

On Monday 15 January 2001 15:20, you wrote:
 On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Jason Boehle wrote:
  WL6 has support for EARs.  They also support all of the EJB 2.0 spec
  except for dependent objects.  In fact, I am currently using WL6 for
  development instead of Orion, due to the apparent lack of
  going on in the Orion team on EJB 2.0.  I had suggested to my boss
  we use Orion, as I had been lurking and following it for several
  and saw that it always met the latest specs first, etc. - now I feel
  for doing so, as they haven't had a new release in several months...

 Of course, this is a little unfair - weblogic hadn't had a new release
 several months, either. They've just had a major release recently,
 makes it seem like they're more active than Orion, when that's not
 necessarily the case. It might be, but that's not implied by the
 at present.

 For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the pack, and the
 speed is stil EXCELLENT. While I'm very much looking forward to a new
 round of released bug fixes, I'm still waiting for some things to
 out before I abandon ship.

  -Original Message-
  From: Santosh Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:57 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: Any news from Orion yet??
  Hi kevin,
  As far as i have known WL5.1 or , there is no concept of
  files, does 6.0 include
  that. Doesn't the J2EE mandate (I am not sure!) the use of EAR =
WAR  +
  JAR + CAR(or JAR)?
  To deploy the JPS1.1.1 on Orion, it is a piece of cake, while
  on WLS, i have to
  unpack the EAR files and dis-integrate them which is contrary to the
  essence of packaging the ear files,
  Even meddling with the ugly weblogic.properties frustrates one and
  Is that true with all WLS users?
  Orion is a neat impl of J2EE,  is WLS6.0?
  - Original Message -
  From: Kevin Duffey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:07 PM
  Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
   I am not one to advocate another product, but WL6 looks nice. It
   work with compared to WL5.1. Orion is still the best. JBoss looks


2001-02-12 Thread waheed_rahuman

hi all
Can anybody send me some ejb tutorials
bye then

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RE: The best way to get the context path

2001-02-12 Thread Luong, Tony S322

in your jsp, try application.getRealPath(). 

 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 6:32 AM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  The best way to get the context path
 Petr Podsednik wrote:
 img src="%=request.getContextPath()%/images/app-logo.gif" ..
 - I know that you often need your own context path in order to return a
 correct link to some resource in your web-app, but is there not a better
 way than calling request.getContextPath() ? It seems odd to me to ask for
 the context path on the request object - I am looking for something like
 pageContext.getServletContext().getInitParameter("the application context
 but I have not been able find out how to make this work...
 Any comments / suggestions would be appreciated

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Re: Problems with a finder method in a cmp

2001-02-12 Thread Geoff Marshall

Please don't laugh at me, but what IS a 'finder method in a CMP'??  Just a
simple explanation or a pointer to more info, please...

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

 From: "mangesh laad" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 19:49:26 -
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Problems with a finder method in a cmp
 All u have to do is just write the findByName as u already have in the
 home interface . While deploying the orion will write the coresponding
 finder query for you in the orion--ejb-jar in its finder-method tag
 From: "fresnaULL" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Problems with a finder method in a cmp
 Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 14:01:28 -
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to define this finder method in a cmp:
 SELECT * FROM people
 WHERE people.name LIKE '%name%'
 which is correct in SQL SERVER 7.0
 I put the following in the people home interface:
 String findByName_query = "people.name like '%$1%'";
 public java.util.Enumeration findByName(String value) throws
 java.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.FinderException;
 but it doesn't work. Orion is able to deploy the cmp but when I try to use
 it I only get this
 error message:
 500 Internal Server Error
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.clearParameter(Unknown Source)
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.setChar(Unknown Source)
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.setString(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind.sql.am.setString(JAX)
 at com.evermind.sql.am.setString(JAX)
 at Search.doGet(Search.java:46)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at com.evermind.server.http.d1.si(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.d1.forward(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.ed.so(JAX)
 at com.evermind.util.f.run(JAX)
 Does anybody know how i can make it work?
 Thanks in advance
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Error page

2001-02-12 Thread Johan Fredriksson

I included an error-page option in my web.xml, but 
whenever I force an error I get a strange response...

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server ErrorDate: Mon, 12 
Feb 2001 15:41:28 GMTServer: Orion/1.4.5Transfer-Encoding: 
chunkedConnection: CloseContent-Type: 


My browser interprets this message as if it is 
about to download an unknown application.

This is not the way it should be... 

Tried it on 1.3.8 and 1.4.5 (WinNT). Same message 
on both.

My web.xml :


Would appreciate a hint on where to look for the 


Johan Fredriksson

Dalai Lama wisdom

10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best 

Re: Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread nickm


How about creating an object that first deletes the image file referenced in
the database then deletes the record itself?


Re: Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread nickm


How about creating an object that first deletes the image file referenced in
the database then deletes the record itself?


Re: R: Why is Netscape slower with Orion?

2001-02-12 Thread nickm

Netscape has been the bane of developers for years. I doubt that it will get
better with version 6. How about Opera?

Re: R: Why is Netscape slower with Orion?

2001-02-12 Thread nickm

Netscape has been the bane of developers for years. I doubt that it will get
better with version 6. How about Opera?

Re: R: Why is Netscape slower with Orion?

2001-02-12 Thread nickm

Netscape has been the bane of developers for years. I doubt that it will get
better with version 6. How about Opera?

Re: Any news from Orion yet??

2001-02-12 Thread Andrew Whalley

 1 Orion -- This product is ready now, but I haven't seen anyone from this
list run a Sears store on it.

http://www.printpotato.co.uk/ is ran on orion, and is a fair sized
application.  Unfortunately tw2 who are developing it have just gone out of

Re: Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread nickm


How about creating an object that first deletes the image file referenced in
the database then deletes the record itself?


Installing application.

2001-02-12 Thread nickm


I have been trying to install an application using 
orion and I am having a terrible time of it. With what information I can find I 
have installed the application in the application direcotry of orion and set the 
refrence in the server.xml file but I get this error when starting up 

C:\orionjava -jar orion.jarError 
instantiating application at file:/C:/orion/addressbook2: Unable to 
find/read assembly info for C:\orion/addressbook2 (IO error: unable to find 
addressbook2)Orion/1.3.8 initialized

Any ideas?

Are there any clear tutorials out there in setting 
up an application in orion?



Re: Orion

2001-02-12 Thread Ray Harrison

Waheed - look at www.jollem.com, www.orionsupport.com.
Also buy Richard Monson-Haefel's book - "Enterprise Java Beans"
Look around the net - you will find a lot of stuff...
--- waheed_rahuman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all
 Can anybody send me some ejb tutorials
 bye then
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

RE: Using Session Variables

2001-02-12 Thread Duffey, Kevin

If this is in a JSP page, you don't need to get the session from the
request. Go to the java.sun.com site, select APIs, select Java Server Pages
and print yourself out the JSP Syntax Card. It tells you what you can use in
JSP. There is a session variable already defined for you. Also, there is a
servlet context variable (application scope), and others as well.

As for why one page is getting some HTML from the previous..it has nothing
to do with your session use. That is just a Hashtable of objects stored by a
key name. I don't remember for sure, but it has something to do with the way
pages are being flushed. If you forward from one page to the next, you
continue to build upon the html that goes back to the client. When you
response.sendRedirect(), my guess is that the buffer is not completely
flushed or something. I believe the JSP Syntax Card has an item that you can
set at the top of a JSP page that flushes the buffer. Look for that and see
if that helps. May I also suggest you use a simple MVC framework? If your
using Servlet 2.1 I have made one that makes it very easy to develop with.
Struts is another very good MVC framework more complete than my own.

Let me know if you are interested in that approach, which will resolve this
for you but require a bit different approach in coding (one that thus far
most people believe is a better more manageable and more scalable approach
than calling JSPs from other JSPs).

-Original Message-
From: ystein Walle
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: 2/12/2001 4:46 AM
Subject: Using Session Variables

I'm having some difficulty using session variables. Here's a short
abridgement of my code in evaluate.jsp:
HttpSession thisSession = request.getSession(true);
intValue = fncFunction(...);
case -1:
thisSession.putValue("errorMsg","Error in
case -2:
The problem: the error.jsp page sometimes shows some of the HTML code in
the evaluate.jsp page.
The error.jsp page looks something like this:
HttpSession thisSession = request.getSession(true);
String strError=(String)thisSession.getValue("errorMsg");
if (strError!=null  strError!="")
 out.println("Ingen nrmere feilbeskjed er tilgjengelig.br");
What's the problem here?? It seems to me that the session variable
includes much more than my simple errorMsg.

RE: Problems with a finder method in a cmp

2001-02-12 Thread Russ White

Read O'Reilly - Enterprise JavaBeans 2nd ed.

It will clear up a lot of your questions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Geoff Marshall
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 10:31 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Problems with a finder method in a cmp

Please don't laugh at me, but what IS a 'finder method in a CMP'??  Just a
simple explanation or a pointer to more info, please...

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

 From: "mangesh laad" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 19:49:26 -
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Problems with a finder method in a cmp

 All u have to do is just write the findByName as u already have in the
 home interface . While deploying the orion will write the coresponding
 finder query for you in the orion--ejb-jar in its finder-method tag

 From: "fresnaULL" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Problems with a finder method in a cmp
 Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 14:01:28 -

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to define this finder method in a cmp:

 SELECT * FROM people
 WHERE people.name LIKE '%name%'

 which is correct in SQL SERVER 7.0

 I put the following in the people home interface:

 String findByName_query = "people.name like '%$1%'";
 public java.util.Enumeration findByName(String value) throws
 java.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.FinderException;

 but it doesn't work. Orion is able to deploy the cmp but when I try to
 it I only get this
 error message:

 500 Internal Server Error
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.clearParameter(Unknown Source)
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.setChar(Unknown Source)
 at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.setString(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind.sql.am.setString(JAX)
 at com.evermind.sql.am.setString(JAX)

 at Search.doGet(Search.java:46)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at com.evermind.server.http.d1.si(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.d1.forward(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.ed.so(JAX)
 at com.evermind.util.f.run(JAX)

 Does anybody know how i can make it work?

 Thanks in advance

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

RE: Internal error in http server

2001-02-12 Thread Dan Cramer

Yes. Somewhere in your Servlet code you are getting a null pointer
exception. Check your log file.

Hope this helps,
Dan Cramer

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Henrik
 Skafsgaard Larsen
 Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 3:41 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Internal error in http server

 Running with orion 1.4.5 on a Sun Solaris I found the following message in
 the logfile:
 Internal error in http server
 ...nullpointer exception

 Anyone seen this before ?

 med venlig hilsen
 Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen

Re: Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread Huibert Aalbers


I have recently done what you are looking for using (not surprisingly if you
take a look at my e-mail) an Informix database. I stored the images as blobs in
the database and used a singleton class (called through a JSP custom tag) to
retrieve the images to the file system and manage a cache which can be easily
configured (size of the cache area and time before an image expires). Informix
provides a function called blobtofile which makes if very easy to transfer the
file from the database to the filesystem. This allows me to bypass the jdbc
calls which are slower. You should however be able to do something similar with
a java database like InstantDB (I am not sure about Hypersonic, since I have
never used it). By storing the image inside a database you make sure that you
maintain the data integrity and the cache allows you to get file system like

The result is a clean readable code in the JSP page. Here is an example:

  ip:DownloadFromDB table="vs_images" column="image"
indexColumn="content_id" index="%=document.getId()%" indexColumn2="order"
index2="1" fromCache="false"
ip:Success name="file"
IMG SRC="%=file.getImageURL()%"





 How about creating an object that first deletes the image file referenced in
 the database then deletes the record itself?


RE: Problems with a finder method in a cmp

2001-02-12 Thread KirkYarina

Suppose you had a widget CMP entity bean, with a handedness field, and 
wanted to get all the left handed widgets.  You'd use a finder method, 
findByHandedness("left"), to return a collection of left handed widgets.

Orion makes this easy; just define it and go.  See 
http://www.orionsupport.com/ for details ( 
http://www.orionsupport.com/articles/ejbfinderquery.html ).  More 
complicated finders ("left handed widgets sold on Mondays") takes a little 
more effort, also described on Orionsupport.

BTW, Orionsupport is a private effort, not an official site.  The 
maintainer occasionally uses the server hardware for other purposes, so if 
it doesn't respond wait a while and try again later.

Kirk Yarina

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Geoff Marshall
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 10:31 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Problems with a finder method in a cmp

Please don't laugh at me, but what IS a 'finder method in a CMP'??  Just a
simple explanation or a pointer to more info, please...

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Re: Installing application.

2001-02-12 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi -
Go check out www.orionsupport.com and www.jollem.com (orion primer example)
That should get you started
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have been trying to install an application using orion and I am having a terrible 
time of it.
 With what information I can find I have installed the application in the application 
 of orion and set the refrence in the server.xml file but I get this error when 
starting up
 C:\orionjava -jar orion.jar
 Error instantiating application at file:/C:/orion/addressbook2: Unable to find/r
 ead assembly info for C:\orion/addressbook2 (IO error: unable to find addressboo
 Orion/1.3.8 initialized
 Any ideas?
 Are there any clear tutorials out there in setting up an application in orion?

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a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

JNDI Lookup from Applet

2001-02-12 Thread John McManus

Does anyone have a simple example of an Applet doing a JNDI lookup of a
We are not using servlets, but a Swing Applet client contacting the
beans directly and I'm getting the
following exception:

 at com.evermind.xml.e.getJavaxDocument(JAX)
 at com.evermind.xml.XMLUtils.getDocument(JAX)
 at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig.ay(JAX)

Exactly what jars need to be on the client side?  I'm using and HTML
page to launch the applet and assuming
the jars are downloaded via http...


  |  |
  |  _  _| John B McManus
  | (.)(.) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  @  _)phone: (303)734-6002
   | ,___|
   |   /

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:John McManus

RE: JNDI Lookup from Applet

2001-02-12 Thread Torgeir . Lerkerod


The simpel answer is everything. You need the include orion.jar and all
it friends. I know this is a pain in the neck as it adds around 3mb to the
application and hurts us a lot her. (Thats the one of the reasons why I am
sitting her at the moment porting xml files to be valis so the works with
sybase EAS 3.6.1. (Orion doesnt validate the ejb-jar.xml's properly so it
was a huch task correcting them to spec. (with more that 1200 session and
entitybeans its a pain.)))

Back to your question her is how I load applets from a jsp page in orion:

%@ page errorPage="/misc/errorpage.jsp" %
%@ page language="java" import = "
   jsp:plugin type="applet" 
jreversion="1.3" %
jsp:param name="cache_option" value="Plugin" / 
jsp:param name="cache_archive"
jsp:param name="java.naming.factory.initial"
value="com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory" / 
jsp:param name="java.naming.provider.url"
value="ormi://nt-osl-8789/appit" / 
jsp:param name="java.naming.security.principal"
value="someone" / 
jsp:param name="java.naming.security.credentials"
value="something" / 
This software requiers that you have installed the java
plugin for Explorer/Netscape version 1.3. Contact helpdesk at 85150.

Torgeir Lerkerd

T +47 (227) 84588
M +47 91837430

-Original Message-
From: John McManus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 12. februar 2001 20:11
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JNDI Lookup from Applet

Does anyone have a simple example of an Applet doing a JNDI lookup of a
We are not using servlets, but a Swing Applet client contacting the
beans directly and I'm getting the
following exception:


 at com.evermind.xml.e.getJavaxDocument(JAX)
 at com.evermind.xml.XMLUtils.getDocument(JAX)
 at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig.ay(JAX)


Exactly what jars need to be on the client side?  I'm using and HTML
page to launch the applet and assuming
the jars are downloaded via http...


  |  |
  |  _  _| John B McManus
  | (.)(.) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  @  _)phone: (303)734-6002
   | ,___|
   |   /

RE: JNDI Lookup from Applet

2001-02-12 Thread Torgeir . Lerkerod


Commenting on myself. I forgot to add the client side code Just
remeber you can only make a context once from a client. Then you must reuse
that one to get the ejb-instances.

Her it is initialisation:

java.util.Hashtable env = new java.util.Hashtable();
env.put(javax.naming.Context.APPLET, this);

(AppitUtilities is a singelton which stores the information for later use)

snip of code which we uses to collect

  final StringBuffer homeName =
new StringBuffer("com.telenor.mobil.planit.");
homeName.append(moduleName.replace('/', '.'));
  if (context == null) {
  context = new InitialContext(env);
  final Object homeObject =
context.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/" + moduleName + "/" +
final Class homeClass = Class.forName(homeName.toString());
  final EJBHome home = (EJBHome)
PortableRemoteObject.narrow(homeObject, homeClass);
return home;

Torgeir Lerkerd

T +47 (227) 84588
M +47 91837430

-Original Message-
Sent: 12. februar 2001 20:43
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: JNDI Lookup from Applet


The simpel answer is everything. You need the include orion.jar and all
it friends. I know this is a pain in the neck as it adds around 3mb to the
application and hurts us a lot her. (Thats the one of the reasons why I am
sitting her at the moment porting xml files to be valis so the works with
sybase EAS 3.6.1. (Orion doesnt validate the ejb-jar.xml's properly so it
was a huch task correcting them to spec. (with more that 1200 session and
entitybeans its a pain.)))

Back to your question her is how I load applets from a jsp page in orion:

%@ page errorPage="/misc/errorpage.jsp" %
%@ page language="java" import = "
   jsp:plugin type="applet" 
jreversion="1.3" %
jsp:param name="cache_option" value="Plugin" / 
jsp:param name="cache_archive"
jsp:param name="java.naming.factory.initial"
value="com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory" / 
jsp:param name="java.naming.provider.url"
value="ormi://nt-osl-8789/appit" / 
jsp:param name="java.naming.security.principal"
value="someone" / 
jsp:param name="java.naming.security.credentials"
value="something" / 
This software requiers that you have installed the java
plugin for Explorer/Netscape version 1.3. Contact helpdesk at 85150.

Torgeir Lerkerd

T +47 (227) 84588
M +47 91837430

-Original Message-
From: John McManus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 12. februar 2001 20:11
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JNDI Lookup from Applet

Does anyone have a simple example of an Applet doing a JNDI lookup of a
We are not using servlets, but a Swing Applet client contacting the
beans directly and I'm getting the
following exception:


 at com.evermind.xml.e.getJavaxDocument(JAX)
 at com.evermind.xml.XMLUtils.getDocument(JAX)
 at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig.ay(JAX)


RE: Does Orion support PNG formatted images

2001-02-12 Thread Knudsen, Joe

it wasn't any problem with Orion it was in my building of the war
file a wasn't copying the PNG files into the war.  My build only
looked for GIF or JPG file extensions.  Simple build error.

Joe Knudsen

Optical Solutions
Network Management Developer
Phone: (763)268-3622

 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Endres [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 12:18 PM
 To:   Knudsen, Joe
 Subject:  RE: Does Orion support PNG formatted images
 Maybe you could post the fix for the benefit of the archive?
  I found my error it works just fine.
  Joe Knudsen

OT: Excellent new EJB 2.0 CMP book available

2001-02-12 Thread Jim Archer

I apologize that this is off topic, but its probably of interest to 
everyone here. For anyone interestred in EJB 2.0, there is a great book 
available at:


Its included in their persistence manager product. BTW, that persistence 
manager is a complete implementation of EJB 2.0 PFD, so if you want to get 
a head start you can.

Even if you don't need their code, the included PDF book is worth more than 
the $28 they ask for it. (No, I don't have anything to do with them... I 
just think its a great product that everyone can benefit from).



RE: Orion

2001-02-12 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

 Easy way is to go to a good search engine like www.northernlight.com and look for 
"EJB Tutorial". 

-Original Message-
From: waheed_rahuman
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: 2/12/01 7:08 AM
Subject: Orion

hi all
Can anybody send me some ejb tutorials
bye then

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Fault Tolerance in orion server's JMS service

2001-02-12 Thread Songbo Zheng


  Does anyone has the idea about fault tolerance in Orion application
server's JMS service.
And how to set it up.
  1) One JMS client how to talk to more than two orion application servers'
JMS service at the same time.
  2) How to setup and register more than two orion server's JMS services in
another JNDI server?




Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-12 Thread Duffey, Kevin


When I use the xsl:include.. directive, it appears to look in server root
dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this manner and
therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not?


RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-12 Thread Matt Krevs

Yes, we had this problem. I think its an XSL thing rather than an Orion

We are using Xalan and call XsltInputSource.setSystemId() to set the root
directory for transformations

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin
Sent: Tuesday, 13 February 2001 11:47 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and
not web-app root?


When I use the xsl:include.. directive, it appears to look in server root
dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this manner and
therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not?


Servlet Chaining?

2001-02-12 Thread Dan Cramer

More random stuff from Orion.

I put a statement in my servlet: resp.setContentType("text/html");

All of a sudden I start getting this error:

500 Internal Server Error
Failed to initialize chaining servlet for contenttype text/xml ()

I don't want any chaining, and haven't set any up. How do I prevent Orion
from trying to chain this kind of stuff?

Dan Cramer
Chief Architect
Dynamic Resolve, LLC
Internet Solutions Consulting

Re: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-12 Thread Tim Endres

If you read the xalan source, you will see that this is a problem with xalan.
The method that determines the location of the included file is written to be
file-system and URL based. If has no concept of calling a method like
"getRealPath()" to get a path relative to your webapp. The code is a mess.

The xalan folks should rewrite this complicated code to simply call an
interface that the programmer provides. Then your interface would be called
to locate a file, allowing you to apply the getRealPath() method that you
really want it to use. I am not sure if Xalan II addresses this or not.

The only way Orion could fix this is to patch the xalan code, which I think
would be a very bad idea.

The way that we solved the problem was to pre-compile the xsl pages in place
in our development tree, which presented XSL with a simple file-system to
locate included files. We then load the compiled pages for XSLT processing.
This also speeded up processing times.


 When I use the xsl:include.. directive, it appears to look in server root
 dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
 is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this manner and
 therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
 the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
 Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not?

RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and n ot web-app root?

2001-02-12 Thread Victor A. Salaman

Orion should just replace Xalan for Saxon anyways... and use TraX instead of
a propietary interface to Xalan... Xalan is Apache's excuse for having a
XSLT processors, besides being one of the slowest in the crowd... 

-- Victor

-Original Message-
From: Tim Endres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 1:07 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: Duffey, Kevin
Subject: Re: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder
and n ot web-app root?

If you read the xalan source, you will see that this is a problem with
The method that determines the location of the included file is written to
file-system and URL based. If has no concept of calling a method like
"getRealPath()" to get a path relative to your webapp. The code is a mess.

The xalan folks should rewrite this complicated code to simply call an
interface that the programmer provides. Then your interface would be called
to locate a file, allowing you to apply the getRealPath() method that you
really want it to use. I am not sure if Xalan II addresses this or not.

The only way Orion could fix this is to patch the xalan code, which I think
would be a very bad idea.

The way that we solved the problem was to pre-compile the xsl pages in place
in our development tree, which presented XSL with a simple file-system to
locate included files. We then load the compiled pages for XSLT processing.
This also speeded up processing times.


 When I use the xsl:include.. directive, it appears to look in server
 dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
 is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this manner
 therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
 the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
 Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not?

RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-12 Thread Dan Cramer

When you run Orion, are you starting it from /Orion? Try starting it from a
different directory, and see if that changes where saxon searches for
includes. My guess, is that it's just looking in the working directory by

Look through the saxon doc's to see if you can set a property to tell it
where to search for docs. I remember seeing something similar to this in

Hope this helps,
Dan Cramer

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin
 Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 5:47 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and
 not web-app root?


 When I use the xsl:include.. directive, it appears to look in
 server root
 dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
 is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this
 manner and
 therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
 the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
 Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not?


Re: Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread Vinh Chu Xuan

I have the same problem with Oracle Database Server 8.1.6
Please send me some information if you have any ideal
I would very much appreciate your ideal. Thanks
Best regards,
Vinh Chu Xuan
Software RD Department
Vietnam Data Communication Company
1E Trung Chinh - Hanoi - Vietnam

Paul Kofon wrote:

 I'm developing an web-based Employee Directory for my company using Servlets
 and JSPs. I've got it working all right.
 My problem is that I'd like to store the image files in a database
 (presently I'm using Hypersonic) and be able to display them as needed for
 each employee. However, I haven't been able to that. I worked aroud this
 problem by storing the images in the file system and entering a path to the
 required image file as a VARCHAR in the database. Eventhough it solved my
 problem, it is undesireable because I'd have to manually delete each image
 file that's no longer required instead of simply deleting a row in the
 I successfully stored each file as a Java object (in this case "File") but I
 just couldn't think of a way to display it on a web page. I'm sure this is a
 piece of cake for most of you out there but I just can't figure it out. Any
 he.lp would do. Thanks.


 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

SV: Installing application.

2001-02-12 Thread Magnus Rydin

you sure that youreference your application correctly?
your text, you say that you have put your application in the application 
the error message looks like you have made a reference (in server.xml) to the 
path "C:/orion/addressbook2".

that it?


  -Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 12 februari 2001 
  08:52Till: Orion-InterestÄmne: Installing 
  I have been trying to install an application 
  using orion and I am having a terrible time of it. With what information I can 
  find I have installed the application in the application direcotry of orion 
  and set the refrence in the server.xml file but I get this error when starting 
  up orion:
  C:\orionjava -jar orion.jarError 
  instantiating application at file:/C:/orion/addressbook2: Unable to 
  find/read assembly info for C:\orion/addressbook2 (IO error: unable to 
  find addressbook2)Orion/1.3.8 initialized
  Any ideas?
  Are there any clear tutorials out there in 
  setting up an application in orion?

SV: Displaying image files stored in a database

2001-02-12 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: Displaying image files stored in a database

Did you see the answer given by Mikael Eriksson on this topic?


 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Vinh Chu Xuan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 12 februari 2001 22:32
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: Re: Displaying image files stored in a database
 I have the same problem with Oracle Database Server 8.1.6
 Please send me some information if you have any ideal
 I would very much appreciate your ideal. Thanks
 Best regards,
 Vinh Chu Xuan
 Software RD Department
 Vietnam Data Communication Company
 1E Trung Chinh - Hanoi - Vietnam
 Paul Kofon wrote:
  I'm developing an web-based Employee Directory for my 
 company using Servlets
  and JSPs. I've got it working all right.
  My problem is that I'd like to store the image files in a database
  (presently I'm using Hypersonic) and be able to display 
 them as needed for
  each employee. However, I haven't been able to that. I 
 worked aroud this
  problem by storing the images in the file system and 
 entering a path to the
  required image file as a VARCHAR in the database. 
 Eventhough it solved my
  problem, it is undesireable because I'd have to manually 
 delete each image
  file that's no longer required instead of simply deleting a 
 row in the
  I successfully stored each file as a Java object (in this 
 case File) but I
  just couldn't think of a way to display it on a web page. 
 I'm sure this is a
  piece of cake for most of you out there but I just can't 
 figure it out. Any
  he.lp would do. Thanks.
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 

Re: Installing application.

2001-02-12 Thread Johan Fredriksson

Try using relative paths instead.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 5:51 
  Subject: Installing application.
  I have been trying to install an application 
  using orion and I am having a terrible time of it. With what information I can 
  find I have installed the application in the application direcotry of orion 
  and set the refrence in the server.xml file but I get this error when starting 
  up orion:
  C:\orionjava -jar orion.jarError 
  instantiating application at file:/C:/orion/addressbook2: Unable to 
  find/read assembly info for C:\orion/addressbook2 (IO error: unable to 
  find addressbook2)Orion/1.3.8 initialized
  Any ideas?
  Are there any clear tutorials out there in 
  setting up an application in orion?