RE: EntityBean Events inside tx.

2001-04-03 Thread Conrad Chan

You could wrap your whole process under a session bean and let the session
bean to fire events for you based on your transaction outcome.  A session
bean implemented interface SessionSynchronization will be notified when
transaction is commited or aborted.  


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 8:25 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EntityBean Events inside tx.

We would like our entity beans to propagate events in the same
fashion than regular java beans.
Therefore we must, for example, send events notifying of property
changes inside the bean.  The problem with this is that we don't know
if this method was called inside a transaction that might be
rolled back later on, and hence the property change event
should not have been sent at all.
Clearly, we want to propagate the events only when the transactions
are commited.
Is there a standard "pattern" to manage this sort of thing ?

Ramiro Diaz Trepat

RE: Class cast exception....

2001-03-19 Thread Conrad Chan

It is 
not going to work. Both ess.jsp and ess2.jsp are declaring their own 
Website subclass and they can't be cast to each other (They are totally 
different classes). Use a real java class instead.


  -Original Message-From: Christian Meunier 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 5:02 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Class cast 
  Hi all, i got a class cast exception trying to 
  use an instance of an object throught 2 jsp pages or so.
  dumb example:
  %!public class 
  Website{private int num;private 
  String nom;
  %@ include file="/fct.jsp" %%@ 
  page import="java.util.*"%%Website ess=new 
  Website();Vector v=new 
  %@ include file="/fct.jsp" %%@ 
  page import="java.util.*"%%Vector 
  = i first load ess.jsp and got the following 
  in log:
  =When i load ess2.jsp i got a class cast 
  exception and when i check the class name :
  How i can bypass this trouble and why the class 
  name is not Website and thats all ?
  Thx in advance for ur help.

RE: How to set orion to perform a timely task..

2001-03-06 Thread Conrad Chan
Title: SV: How to set orion to perform a timely task..

First of all, there 
is an option to load a servlet at startup so that you don't need to wait for the 
first request comes in.
Secondly I prefer 
this way better. You could create a separate ejb client application to 
start your timer daemon thread and package with your ear file. Then 
configure your orion-application.xml to start your embeded ejb application at 


  -Original Message-From: Yves Bossel 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 6:18 
  AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: How to set orion to 
  perform a timely task..

  Could you explain me the servlet solution with a 
  Timer, please ?
  The point that I do not undestand is 
  one hand, the servlet cannot stay loaded forever, probably the server will 
  detect and unload unused servlets.On the other hand, in order to 
  activate a servlet, the server has to receive an HTTP request to the 
  tcp/ip port that server is listening to, therefore the Timer should 
  implemente a tcp/ip socket.
  So, how can I wake up my servlet without having 
  to write a socket ?
  Thanks for explanations,


2001-02-27 Thread Conrad Chan

Have you try to package your version of JAXP files inside your application
archive (ear, war)?  This idea comes from the fact that every class is
identified not only its class name but also which class loader it is loaded
from.  Since Orion supports dynamic loading of application files, it should
be using a custom classloader for every application.  Hence, by theory, you
should be able to use a different JAXP than the one Orion uses.  Of course
it depends on exactly how Orion implements this.  If Orion looks for classes
from the default classloader first, it is still not going to work.  But I
think it does worth a try.

Hope this help


-Original Message-
From: Richard Doust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 4:31 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JAXP

I have been working on this problem all day. I have posted once before and
no one responded. I will try again.
I'm no Java expert and this is just my ignorance, but can anyone tell me if
I'm correct in my assumptions on this.
I am trying to develop server side code that runs under Orion that uses the
JAXP code that Sun has recently released. There are different versions of
parser.jar, xalan.jar and jaxp.jar distributed with Orion. Older ones. I
have tried replacing the older ones with the newer ones because my code
requires the newer ones and I guess that my code will be running in the same
image as Orion. Orion fails to start due to an exception while trying to
parse its configuration files. Putting the old .jar files back, it works
again. So, now it occurs to me that I'm basically stuck running with
whatever version of support code the tools I'm using are dependent on.
If I'm right, that means I can't use the latest version of JAXP until Orion
does? Is that right?

RE: Error Page

2001-02-21 Thread Conrad Chan

Or set 
the return status code backto 200 since I really don't see a reason why I 
would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 
  1:20 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Error 
  be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. You can turn 
  them off and try again.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 
PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Error 
I placed an error page tag in the web.xml in 
order to show a warning when any kind of error occurs.
However, that works fine with Netscape but not 
with Internet Explorer. Does anyone have any idea?
The following is the error page tag that I 


I tried to put the whole URL in the location 
field, but it was of no use.
Please anyone.. I really 
appreciate all your clues in advance.


RE: Best practices: How to initialize state in EntityBean's super class

2001-02-20 Thread Conrad Chan

Normally I would reset all my variables when my bean is passivated or
removed.  That would let garabage collector to clean up those variables
sooner since those values aren't valid any more after bean passivated or
removed.  This means differently than marking a variable transient.

Hope this help


-Original Message-
From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 12:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Best practices: How to initialize state in EntityBean's
super class

Thanks for your reply. I think you are right about naming the pseudo-method
"ejbCreate()" - makes good sence. I could not help noticing, though, how you
set states=null in some of your methods... I don't think that is necessary.
If you'd like the Vector called "states" not to be stored just declare it as

transient Vector states;

Actually I found a place in my own code where I forgot to put the transient
keyword in front of a variable which should not be persisted by Orion and it
works anyway, but it should be corrected, as the fact that it works may very
well be Orion specific.

See section 6.4.1 of the specification (I looked it up in the 2.0 spec but I
think it is the same in 1.0).


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Conrad Chan
Sent: 20. februar 2001 02:17
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Best practices: How to initialize state in EntityBean's
super class

I am doing something very similar to what you described.  My base class is
actually coded like a Entity bean so that it has all the ejbActivate,
ejbLoad, ejbStore etc.  Hence it is a self-contained entity bean which
handles its own state information nicely and my subclasses are not required
to re-declare those dummy functions if they do not need to.

Something like the following: -

abstract class MyBase implements EntityBean {
protected transient EntityContext ctx;

Vector states;

/** My pseudo ejbCreate function */
public void ejbCreate()

states = new Vector();

public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; }

public void unsetEntityContext() { this.ctx = null; }

public void ejbActivate() {
states = new Vector();

public void ejbPassivate() {
states = null;

public void ejbRemove() {
stats = null;

public void ejbLoad() { }

public void ejbStore() { }

public class MySubclass extends MyBase implements EntityBean {

String value;

public Integer ejbCreate(String value) {

this.value = value;

return null;


-Original Message-
From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 4:18 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Best practices: How to initialize state in EntityBean's

Suppose you have two EntityBean classes A and B which share some common
functionality and state by inheriting from the same superclass S. Then, if S
has some member variable, say a java.util.Vector called "foos", which is
part of the persistent state of both A and B, my question is this: When
should "foos" be initialized?

I am positive that the ejbCreate methods of A and B could include an
instantiation like "foos = new Vector();" but if I use this model, I have to
remember to write this instantiation into every subclass of S, and if S has
many member variables (and many subclasses) that becomes error prone. - Not
to mention that if I add a new member variable to S I have to modify all
subclasses A, B, etc. to make their ejbCreate(...) instantiate this new

My own suggestion is to define a method in S, lets call it "void
instantiateS()" and have subclasses A, B, etc. invoke this method in their
I believe this method should *not* be the (no-arg) constructor of S as I
expect this contructor will be called everytime an instance of A or B is
loaded from persistant storage (which is unnecessary).

What are your suggestions?
What do you do when using inheritance in your beans?

Any comments would be appreciated.


RE: Best practices: How to initialize state in EntityBean's superclass

2001-02-19 Thread Conrad Chan

I am doing something very similar to what you described.  My base class is
actually coded like a Entity bean so that it has all the ejbActivate,
ejbLoad, ejbStore etc.  Hence it is a self-contained entity bean which
handles its own state information nicely and my subclasses are not required
to re-declare those dummy functions if they do not need to.

Something like the following: -

abstract class MyBase implements EntityBean {
protected transient EntityContext ctx;

Vector states;

/** My pseudo ejbCreate function */
public void ejbCreate() { 
states = new Vector();

public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; }

public void unsetEntityContext() { this.ctx = null; }

public void ejbActivate() {
states = new Vector();

public void ejbPassivate() {
states = null;

public void ejbRemove() {
stats = null;

public void ejbLoad() { }

public void ejbStore() { }

public class MySubclass extends MyBase implements EntityBean {

String value;

public Integer ejbCreate(String value) {

this.value = value;

return null;


-Original Message-
From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 4:18 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Best practices: How to initialize state in EntityBean's

Suppose you have two EntityBean classes A and B which share some common
functionality and state by inheriting from the same superclass S. Then, if S
has some member variable, say a java.util.Vector called "foos", which is
part of the persistent state of both A and B, my question is this: When
should "foos" be initialized?

I am positive that the ejbCreate methods of A and B could include an
instantiation like "foos = new Vector();" but if I use this model, I have to
remember to write this instantiation into every subclass of S, and if S has
many member variables (and many subclasses) that becomes error prone. - Not
to mention that if I add a new member variable to S I have to modify all
subclasses A, B, etc. to make their ejbCreate(...) instantiate this new

My own suggestion is to define a method in S, lets call it "void
instantiateS()" and have subclasses A, B, etc. invoke this method in their
I believe this method should *not* be the (no-arg) constructor of S as I
expect this contructor will be called everytime an instance of A or B is
loaded from persistant storage (which is unnecessary).

What are your suggestions?
What do you do when using inheritance in your beans?

Any comments would be appreciated.


RE: problem invalidating servlet

2001-01-24 Thread Conrad Chan

I think he was trying to invalidate the existing session before setting the attribute.


-Original Message-
From: Boris Erukhimov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 4:05 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: problem invalidating servlet

Try this ...

if (event instanceof LogoutEvent) {
 HttpSession validSession = request.getSession(true);
 validSession.setAttribute(WebKeys.ModelManagerKey, mm);


Matt Bauer wrote:

 I have this small bit of code that handles a log out.  What I want to do
 is invalidate the session and put a new on in its place.  The problem is
 when I try to set the attribute, I get an exception telling my the
 session is invalidated.  Am I missing something?

 if (event instanceof LogoutEvent) {
  HttpSession validSession = request.getSession();
  validSession.setAttribute(WebKeys.ModelManagerKey, mm);



RE: ResultSet Caching

2001-01-08 Thread Conrad Chan

I would just like to clarify that I mean to use HttpSession to store your temporary 
data rather than Session bean.  A usual technique I have been using is to load a whole 
bunch of kind-of static data and serialize it into Xml.  Hence the XML data can be 
stored in the HttpSession safely or even persistently since my XML data is just a 
string.  Of course a more sophisticated solution can also be built on top of this 
generic architecture like cache time-out etc.

Hope this help

-Original Message-
From: Neal Kaiser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 4:31 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: ResultSet Caching

Right, I definitely wouldn't use an entity bean for list/search
functionality. Way too much
overhead. Stateless session beans is the way to go, but I don't think
throwing in large variable
sets into a session is a good solution either.  Bloated sessions don't
perform well either.
Some app servers provide a caching solution, like Gemstone I believe, and I
was just wondering
if Orion had something similar. I guess it makes most sense to just
re-issue the query for each
page. But if someone has any better ideas, I'm all ears! Thank you.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Conrad Chan
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 5:57 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: ResultSet Caching

 I don't think entity bean can effectively solve your problem
 since calling entity bean can potentially be remote calls.

 Why not use session variables?  Session variable is intended for
 temporary storage, like cache data.


 -Original Message-
 From: Neal Kaiser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 1:18 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: ResultSet Caching

 What's the benefit of using those products over an entity bean then? How
 does it differ?

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tony Wilson
  Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 3:50 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: ResultSet Caching
  There are products that act as middlemen between you and the
  Database.  They
  also offer database object abstraction  (so you can have an object
  representing table data.  You define field - property mappings, and the
  product handles the transfer of data.)
  These products usually have built-in caching.
  Two products are
  TopLink (expensive, but nice)
  VBSF (pretty inexpensive, and still nice)
  -Original Message-
  From:   Neal Kaiser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Friday, January 05, 2001 10:49 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:ResultSet Caching
  Does Orion have any built in caching functionality? Let's
  say I have a
  database query which returns 1,000 records and the user will
  page thru 100
  at a time.  Instead of re-issuing the query each time (each
  page), is there
  some sort of cache object?  How do you guys typically handle
  Thanks, Neal

RE: ResultSet Caching

2001-01-05 Thread Conrad Chan

I don't think entity bean can effectively solve your problem since calling entity bean 
can potentially be remote calls.

Why not use session variables?  Session variable is intended for temporary storage, 
like cache data.


-Original Message-
From: Neal Kaiser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 1:18 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: ResultSet Caching

What's the benefit of using those products over an entity bean then? How
does it differ?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tony Wilson
 Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 3:50 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: ResultSet Caching

 There are products that act as middlemen between you and the
 Database.  They
 also offer database object abstraction  (so you can have an object
 representing table data.  You define field - property mappings, and the
 product handles the transfer of data.)

 These products usually have built-in caching.

 Two products are
 TopLink (expensive, but nice)
 VBSF (pretty inexpensive, and still nice)

   -Original Message-
   From:   Neal Kaiser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Friday, January 05, 2001 10:49 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject:ResultSet Caching

   Does Orion have any built in caching functionality? Let's
 say I have a
   database query which returns 1,000 records and the user will
 page thru 100
   at a time.  Instead of re-issuing the query each time (each
 page), is there
   some sort of cache object?  How do you guys typically handle

   Thanks, Neal

RE: Group/role-mapping problem with own User implementation

2000-12-06 Thread Conrad Chan

I had the same problem as you do before.  After days of try and error, finally I 
realized that I have to put my group name into your application's principals.xml to 
work.  Personally I do see this as a bug

Hope this help

-Original Message-
From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 12:19 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Group/role-mapping problem with own User implementation

Hi, Kai

You say that you are authenticating. This is cool, but authentication means
only that you are verifying that the given username/password pair exists. In
order to actually identify the user to the server, and in the proper role,
you want to use the login() method of RoleManager.

Arved Sandstrom

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kai Schilz
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 12:13 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Group/role-mapping problem with own User implementation

Hi everybody,

I have a problem with the EJBUserManager. I have written my own
implementation of User, which extends EJBUser to include the user's
e-mail-address. The UserManager is set up correctly and it finds the
right user, which is correctly authenticated. But then either the group
is not correcly determined or the group is not mapped correctly to the
corresponding role. I don't know what happens exactly but I always get
an http-error "401 Unauthorized" when accessing the secured document.

[ Snippage ]

RE: webapp design: how to handle connection pooling

2000-08-09 Thread Conrad Chan

Here is my input on this interesting topic.

 * some people say, it's best practice to put 1 connection 
 into 1 user's http
 session and use it for all requests of that user
This only works if you don't have a lot of users concurrently, say a small intranet 
application, that doesn't care scalibility.  The reason is database connection can't 
be serialized for sure and connection in http session can't be replicated across your 
web server farm.  Hence each user in a session requires to use the same machine in 
your web farm.  This could be terrible if you intend to serve thousands of users 
concurrently.  Secondly database licensing is an issue.  Some database vendors charge 
you by concurrent opened connection.  If your site has a thousand users concurrently, 
you will need to purchase a thousand licenses (That is the thing scares me most).

 * other people say it's best practice to use a connection for 
 every request.
 (and if more than one methods are involved, the connection 
 should be given
 as a method parameter)

I would rather use this per-requset approach.  Only open a connection whenever a 
request comes in and needs database access.  I can't think of a reason why passing 
around connection as parameter is a bad idea as long as it is in the same request.  

 * again other people argue that they don't care at all about reusing
 connection, they just open and close them when they need/want to
I would not like this idea since opening a database connection is expensive unless 
there is a connection pooling mechanism in place.


RE: How to trap orion shutdown

2000-07-26 Thread Conrad Chan

Furthermore, I have an auto-start java module that will listen for socket connection.  
Every time I redeploy my application. The java module will start again and of course 
will return a 'Address already bind' error.  I defintely need the shutdown 
notification to stop the running instance gracefully before the new instance can be 


-Original Message-
From: Vidur Dhanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 1:24 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: How to trap orion shutdown

I'm really looking for trapping the shutdown for the EJB container.  I need
to do some clean up for the EJBs.

Robert Krueger wrote:

 At 07:57 26.07.00 , Eric Richardson wrote:
 Hi Vidur,
 I don't know if this will help but Servlet.destroy() should be called on
 shutdown of the web container.
 Eric :-)

 and also when the web application is reloaded due to a code change or a
 change in web.xml which is probably not what he wants. Vidur?



 Vidur Dhanda wrote:
 Is there a way to get a notification when the orion server gets a
 shutdown request?  My application needs to do some clean-up prior to
 server shutdown.

 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Vidur Dhanda
Active Solutions
tel: 617/566-1252

PROBLEM: Primary-child CMP object

2000-07-21 Thread Conrad Chan

Here is a simplified version of my problem:

I have a Person entity object that contains a list of phone numbers as string, which 
encapsulates Person and Phone database tables joined by foreign key person_id.

When I create a person instance first and then fill in phone numbers information, 
everything is fine and all the data is stored into their underlying tables properly.

However if I need to fill in all phone numbers during the creation of person instance 
(i.e. in ejbCreate()), I will get a foreign key constraint error.

public Integer ejbCreate(...)
phones = new ArrayList();


I look like to me that Orion tries to create all the dependent objects first before 
the primary objects and hence violates the underlying database constraint.

Could someone explain to me is there a reason Orion creates object in this order since 
it doesn't quite make sense to me.

P.S.  Here is my orion-ejb-jar.xml snap-shot

entity-deployment name="Person" location="Person" 
wrapper="PersonHome_EntityHomeWrapper25" table="Person" data-source="jdbc/ejb/NiceDb"
cmp-field-mapping name="id" persistence-name="id" /
cmp-field-mapping name="name" persistence-name="name" /
cmp-field-mapping name="phones"
list-mapping table="phone"
cmp-field-mapping name="id" 
persistence-name="personid" /
value-mapping type="java.lang.String"
cmp-field-mapping persistence-name="phonenumber" /

RE: Declare variable using Taglib TEI

2000-07-19 Thread Conrad Chan

I believe the error is telling you that 'java.lang.String[]' is not a valid java class 


-Original Message-
From: Jen Hsien Huang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 3:32 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Declare variable using Taglib TEI

While I am tring to declare variable in TEI
I return the VariableInfo array in TEI class like this
return new VariableInfo[]
  new VariableInfo[]{
   , "java.lang.String[]"
   , true
   , VariableInfo.AT_END


Orion just told me that

No such bean type "java.lang.String[]"

It's terrible that I can't delcare array type. Now I use Collection instead, but this 
is not a good way.
Is this a bug?

Jen Hsien Huang

RE: Auto creating table

2000-07-07 Thread Conrad Chan

You should edit orion-ejb-jar.xml instead.  Take a look at its DTD and you will know 
how.  It is very trivial.


-Original Message-
From: Rick Bos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 9:25 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Auto creating table

I don't see an auto-create element in the entity bean

!ELEMENT entity (description?, display-name?, small-icon?,
large-icon?, ejb-name, home, remote, ejb-class,
persistence-type, prim-key-class, reentrant,
cmp-field*, primkey-field?, env-entry*,
ejb-ref*, security-role-ref*, resource-ref*)



 -Original Message-
 From: David Sierra Fernandez [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: July 7, 2000 12:16 PM
 To:   Rick Bos
 Cc:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Re: Auto creating table

 You have to edit the deployment descriptor ejb-jar.xml and set to false
 the autocreate option of the beans you don't want to create tables.

 David Sierra Fern ndez
 E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaci¢n
 Universidad de ValladolidAULA CEDETEL
 Campus Miguel Delibes   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 47011 Valladolid (SPAIN)

  -- Sierr@ --

 On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Rick Bos wrote:

  How do I turn off auto creating a table for an entity bean ?
  I am not using any of the GUI tools that come with Orion, just
  the command line.

RE: False bug alarm [ was: Bug of RC2? - About Javac instantiating ]

2000-06-01 Thread Conrad Chan

Try to move your library tag from server.xml to application.xml (or vice versa).  I 
remember I did have the same problem and that was how I fixed the issue after days of 
try and error.  Orion is still in beta.  I wouldn't be surprised that their 
configuration DTDs will change constantly.  But Orion should update their documents in 
their web site accordingly to avoid confusion.


-Original Message-
From: Jen Hsien Huang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 5:04 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: False bug alarm [ was: Bug of RC2? - About Javac instantiating ]

No, I have use Orion for a long time, I am sure not my fault,
because the same configuration works fine under RC1.

My enviroment is Win2k and JDK 1.3, 1.2.2, both can't work.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ernst de Haan
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 2:53 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: Orion-Interest
Subject: False bug alarm [ was: Bug of RC2? - About Javac instantiating ]

Dear Jen,

Please read what the message says, it's quite verbose :) This is not a
bug, this is a feature. :)


Jen Hsien Huang wrote:
 I have try the newest orion, but Javac seem can't work, under the same 
configuration, it works fine.
 So, this should be a bug

 Orion/1.0rc2 initialized
 Error instantiating compiler: Javac not installed, copy tools.jar from your sun
 JDK dir's lib dir to the orion dir or add a library path="the/path/to/tools.jar
 " / and restart

RE: EJB CMP suggestion

2000-05-09 Thread Conrad Chan

How about having your Product company finder query to be 


I understand that this query may not be identical to the query you provided.  But my 
point is it is possible.


-Original Message-
From: Jen Hsien Huang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 3:38 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJB CMP suggestion

EJB CMP feature is fantasy. But it's use less because I cant do a simple joint on it, 
so I wonder the benifit of CMP is just a dream. for example I have two EJB , Company 
and Product, a Product can use Company as it CMP field , but if I want a finder method 
search the Product by the Company name, that's impossible.
So why not define a CMP finder syntax can do a simple joint ? for example

public Collection findByCompanyName(String value) throws RemoteException, 
public static final String findByCompanyName_query = "$ LIKE $1";

this will generate a SQL call that joint tables of Product and Company. ex
"SELECT * from Product , Company where = and 
LIKE ? "

I think this will make CMP more useful.

RE: Stateful Session timeout, JSPs

2000-05-04 Thread Conrad Chan

I bet you don't really want to have a dummy ping method to burden your server load.  
If the current implementation will throw java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException when session 
beans timeout, you could define in your war archive configuration to redirect to a 
particular page automatically if this error is thrown unhandled.  Hence you don't need 
to remember to put handling code everywhere in your pages.


-Original Message-
From: Thomas Munro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 9:37 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Stateful Session timeout, JSPs


I have a design question.

I have a (1) JSP session which stores a reference to (2) a stateful
session EJB.  If either times out, I want the user to be bounced to a page
where they have to log in (again).  The problem is that the JSP session
and the session EJB time out under different conditions -- that is to say,
merely surfing around the web application will keep the JSP session alive,
but the EJB is only kept alive by accessing it, which doesn't necessarily
happen on every page.  Otherwise, I could simply set the EJB to timeout
after a longer time than the JSP session.

I have a %@ include file="/system/bouncer.jsp" % at the top of all my
JSP pages, which tests whether the JSP session has timed out (among other
things), and if so, it bounces to the log-in page.

However, for the session EJB, I have to catch
"java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: Session has timed out" to know that the
EJB has expired.

In the interests of tidiness, I am inclined to try to put this test in the
same included file.

Which is the better design?  (A) to make a dummy method "ping()"  on my
EJB, and then try to call it inside a try block from the included JSP (=
extra network hit per page view), or (B) make each JSP page which uses the
EJB capable of redirecting to the log-in page if the Exception is thrown
(thus coding the same thing in many places, and potentially introducing
the need to buffer everything, in order to be able to

Or perhaps (C), I'm way off the mark (I'm not using JavaBeans or a taglib
to access the EJB, for example, which might well be the source of my

Opinions, solutions, experiences much appreciated.

Thomas Munro [EMAIL PROTECTED]  "Travelling through hyperspace   isn't like dusting crops, boy."
 GI Technology (Paris)

RE: Security problems with RMI and Orion

2000-04-19 Thread Conrad Chan

may not provide us enough information about your problem. I just don't 
understand how this 'ClassNotFoundException' issue relates to security 



  -Original Message-From: Eric Hodges 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 1:51 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Security problems with RMI 
  and Orion
  I have a servlet that tries to call an RMI 
  method. The RMI method tries to return a serializable object. I 
  receive this error:
  java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling 
  return; nested exception is: 
  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.tree.XmlDocument (no 
  security manager: RMI class loader 
  disabled)java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.tree.XmlDocument 
  (no security manager: RMI class loader 
  disabled) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  Source) at 
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native 
  Method) at 
  It seems that the security manager isn't 
  running. How do I get it started?

Missing orion-ejb-jar.xml when using EAR archive

2000-04-18 Thread Conrad Chan

When I package my application in an ear archive, I realize that there is no 
orion-ejb-jar.xml file created.  I tried to deploy news and atm apps using their ear 
archives and the xml file is not created as well.  So how am I supposed to configure 
my EJB objects when using ear archive?  

P.S.  This is a very promising EJB server! Great work Orion team!
