RE: Very Long Deployment Time

2001-12-18 Thread Jarrod Roberson
Title: Message

it is 
VERY slow to deploy using the ORMI commands, it takes 
it is 
much faster to use ANT to deploy via coping or ftping the .ear or .war files to 
orion directly.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Peter 
  DunnSent: Monday, December 17, 2001 2:27 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Very Long Deployment 
  used delegates for the implementation logic from the EJB classes and created 
  a batch file that re-packages the delegate classes into the .jar file. It 
  takes less than 5 seconds for redeployment, only when I've changed my 
  interface do I redeploy the EJB,  I've also done something similiar on 
  the web side of things minus the delegate bit.  So my deployment looks 
  something like this.
  MyClassDelegate package-name
  MyClassServlet package-name
  ejb and web are the names of my batch files.
    public void doSomething()
-Original Message-From: Gustavo Comba 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 
8:34 AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Very Long Deployment 
    I'm deploying a little 
project with a Client Application Module and a EJB Module with several EJB 
(about 30 Entity and 5 Session Beans). I'm using JDeveloper 9i Release 
Cantidate to develop/deploy my project.
    My project compiles very 
fast, but when I do the deployment, it take a very long time (about 10 
minutes). I'm debugging now, and I'm deploying continously, and it's very 
    There is something I can do 
to accelerate the deployment proccess? Can I copy the .ear file directly 
into the "applications" directory and start the server again? Help me 
    Thanks in 

RE: MDB using iBus JMS provider

2002-01-01 Thread Jarrod Roberson

you have to write resource wrapper around the external jms implementions
see the mail archive for an example

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> udi h bauman
> Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 12:51 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: MDB using iBus JMS provider
> Hi
> Help please: I've configured iBus//MessageServer to run as 
> Orion's JMS 
> provider, & have no problem sending messages from my EJBs & 
> clients, but 
> none of them reach my MDB's.
> In my client, when accessing the topic from the iBus 
> TopicConnectionFactory 
> I specify only the topic name ("MyTopic"), & in the 
> orion-ejb-jar.xml I 
> specify the full location 
> (destination-location="java:comp/resource/MessageServer/MyTopi
> c"). Is this 
> correct?
> Any help much appreciated!
> udi

RE: Transactions across a cluster Orion GURUS - please advise.

2002-01-03 Thread Jarrod Roberson

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Manuel De Jesus
> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:18 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Transactions across a cluster Orion GURUS - please advise.
> Hi All
> Has anyone actually tested orion transactions over a cluster 
> ? I am looking
> at developing a CMP Entity Bean that stores an account balance for a
> customer. If this entity bean is deployed on a cluster of 4 
> servers and I
> have and admin person and the actual customer do 
> transactions, will they be
> looking at the same object instance even if their requests 
> are being served
> on different servers ? 

Simple answer is maybe but probably not.

> Will ACID be supported in this scenario ?

transaction integrety with entity beans is done thru synchronization of
the data by ejbload and ejbstore.
the database handles this.

> I would greatly appreciate any help/advice on this.
> Regards,
> Manuel

RE: question about ip allocation

2002-01-09 Thread Jarrod Roberson

this is incorrect, they is a port 80 for each IP address.
As long as the clients can access each IP address, they can get to
either port 80.
Now Orion may be listening to ALL ip addresses on port 80 making it
"look" like there is only one
port 80. But each interface as a full compliment of ports.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Maximilian Eberl
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 5:27 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: question about ip allocation
> Your machine has 2 IP-adresses but only one port 80 !
> No 2 servers can listen on 1 port - no matter how many 
> network cards You
> pull in.
> You have to bind the IPs to different ports.
> I am doing this on Linux but don't know how this is done on Windows.
> Max
> --
> Maximilian Eberl
> - developer -

Ludwigstrasse 2
D-67346 Speyer / Germany
tel: +49-6232-2602-02
fax: +49-6232-2602-05

RE: Specifying transaction.log location

2002-01-15 Thread Jarrod Roberson
Title: Message

it is 
a argument when you start the server

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Lee 
  SmithSent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 5:17 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Specifying transaction.log 
  Just a nice easy 
  question - I was wondering if somebody could tell me if there is a way to 
  specify the location of the transaction.log file.
  By default this is 
  placed at:
  I've have a look 
  through all the configuration files, but the only piece of information I could 
  find that appeared to be relevant was the  tag in 
  application.xml - this doesn't seem to effect where the transaction.log goes 
  Thanks in advance 
  for any help.

RE: modeling tool

2002-02-27 Thread Jarrod Roberson
Title: Message

in my 
opinion, and I have been using modeling tools as part of every project since 
Java projects there is only one tool, Together!

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Vinícius de 
  Faria SilvaSent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:29 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: modeling tool
  Hey guys, i'd like to hear your comments about 
  this situation.
  My team has a well defined development 
  process, for developing j2ee web apps. This is a lightweight process 
  based on uml diagrams. Our Java IDE is JDeveloper9i and we are happy about it. 
  We need now to get a uml graphical modeling tool, which support the 
  analisys/design phases of the development process. JDeveloper9i doesn't 
  support all the uml diagrams we need. At the same time we don't want to spend 
  a lot of money with a tool that will bring much more than we need(process 
  development, java IDE and so on).
  I'm wondering to know what you guys think about 
  thanks in advance,

SQL Server JDBC driver from Microsoft

2002-03-15 Thread Jarrod Roberson

has anyone gotten this to work with Orion 1.5.4?

If so are there any "gotchas" or anything that I should look out for, I 
want to use it to develop against.

Trying to get opensymphony transform tags to work with Orion 1.5.4

2002-03-19 Thread Jarrod Roberson

anyone use these custom tags, I am trying to get this installed and can not 
remember how I did it last time on 1.5.2?

RE: idea=$395.00USD was: RE: Java IDE?

2002-03-24 Thread Jarrod Roberson

At 12:18 AM 3/24/2002, you wrote:
>You can't afford $400?!? where the hell are all you
>cheap bastards working that you can't scrape up $400?
>I think you all need to focus a little harder on
>working and spending less time looking at porn; then
>maybe you could get a job that would afford you a
>salary that gives you disposable income I could
>come up with $400 in two months just by bringing lunch
>to work from home...
>IDEA has rediculously high ROI. And it's normally high
>productivity is skyrocketed if you are refactoring
>because of all the advanced refactoring features it
>IDEA was written by people who apparently actually use
>the editor they're selling. JBuilder is probably used
>for JBuilder, too, but look at how long it takes
>Borland to crank out new useless features; Intellij
>does it every week.
>to sum it up: get a job that pays well you slackers!
>(or at least cut down on the ammount you spend on porn
>every month)

I have to agree Noah, I won't work for anyone that does not have the budget 
for tools, that means they don't have the budget to afford me.
Then again I have been a Senior Systems Architect for 8 years now, and have 
worked on large enterprise scale projects for 10 years now.
Personally having at least ONE license for Together from TogetherSoft is a 
requirement for me to take a job.
I have not used IDEA because I have lots of custom modules I have created 
for Together and just have not seen the need, I may download it and
try it out, even though I don't need " new useless features every week " 
once a year like Borland does is fine for me ;-)

Personally I use LOTS of tools for different tasks.

1. SlickEdit can not be beat for pounding out quicky command line tools in 
any language, its support for "code insight" is un-matched in any IDE esp 
for Java. It is awesome for cranking out straight C/C++ that use a command 
line interface also. For projects with hundreds of classes in dozens of 
packages it does get a little cumbersome. That is when I use 
Together.  IDEA looks like the closest competitor that SlickEdit has right 
now so I would probably say if you don't like SlickEdit then consider IDEA.

2. Together is a MUST for anything that is close to enterprise wide 
development and has multiple developers, code trees, or any kind of 
complexity, I only work on extemely large scale projects, that usually have 
legacy code that has to be dug thru to port to a J2EE container. The key to 
together is the SEEMLESS round trip engineering and code generation from 
diagram to code and back again, and seemless integrations with other 
external editors ( I tend to use SlickEdit as the editor for Together 
).  If you don't "GET" the value of a tool like Together you are not doing 
serious development.

There is a FREE community edition for Together with no time limits and most 
of the "useless features" removed. If you try it and don't understand what 
it brings to the development cycle of real world enterprise development 
efforts you got a ways to go in your career.

3. JBuilder is great for "cowboy" programming for small shops where you and 
only you have to work on a code base ( ala Visual Basic ), the new 6 
version has one of the prettiest UML diagram generators I have ever seen, 
but the it does have some things I don't like. I like to use it for GUI 
based applications and things that need a RAD style developement  cycle ( 
ala VB again ). JBuilder support ANY JDK version unlike the uniformed want 
to say, all these tools support any JDK, I am using 1.4 in EVERY tool 
mentioned in this letter with NO PROBLEMS.

In my experience people that complain about the price of tools or say that 
vi is all they need either aren't working on real world enterprise projects 
or are not real world programmers, ANYTHING that can increase my 
productivity is worth buying, simply because my TIME is worth MORE than 
anything else, it is priceless. If you worked on some of the projects I 
have in the last 6 years you would understand how silly all this vi and 
emacs and the jdk is all you need rehtoric is.

Every minute I SAVE by using a tool gives me a minute to spend with my 
wife, family, riding my motorcycles, recording music, working on my movie, 
sleeping or anything else, you get the idea.

To paraphrase a shampoo commerical "yeah Together is expensive, but I am 
worth it"! I mean if you suck at playing guitar you a crappy guitar will 
do, because no matter how much the guitar costs, you will still suck. If 
you don't have any good program design skills then the most expensive IDE 
will not make your program designs any better. But they will make someone 
that knows what they are doing work MUCH faster and be more effective.

So anyone that chants the "FREE mantra" keep using Tomcat and Vi and all 
the other "free" crap because in the end it will cost you HUNDREDS TIMES 
more than buying a proper tool and saving money over the long haul. Then 
again if you are lowba

Re: idea=$395.00USD

2002-03-24 Thread Jarrod Roberson

At 07:28 PM 3/24/2002, you wrote:
>On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Maximilian Eberl wrote:
> > > You can't afford $400?!? where the hell are all you
> > > cheap bastards working that you can't scrape up $400?
> > > I think you all need to focus a little harder on
> > > working and spending less time looking at porn;
> >
> > I really do not think that this is an appropriate discussion style for a
> > mailing list of developers of whom - I suppose - the majority has an IQ of
> > 90 points or even more.
>Pardon my elitism, but developers with an IQ of 90 aren't going to be very
>good developers, and such people *really* want to invest their money in
>the best tools possible, in order to eke out every last drop of
>performance they can muster. After all, that's below average.
>On the other hand, maybe develoeprs with IQ of 90 are part of why our
>industry has such a crappy success rate.

now that is the truth!

Re: Orion EJB 2.0 final

2002-03-26 Thread Jarrod Roberson

At 12:17 PM 3/25/2002, you wrote:

>does anyone know when Orion will be 100% EJB 2.0 compatible including
>local/remote inerfaces EJB-QL ...

I would just be happy with the JMS working correctly, have the JMS message 
types don't work at all!
This includes most of the really neat stuff in the MDB spec, which is missing!

Re: is Orion dead?

2002-04-11 Thread Jarrod Roberson

At 03:41 PM 4/11/2002, you wrote:
>Whats the current state of Ironflare and Orion?
>Nothing has changed in the 'stable release' of Orion for almost a year, even
>though there are glaring bugs in http session clustering (not even fixed in
>1.5.4) and some significantly lacking components.   Ironflare was supposed
>to be in the pavillion at JavaONE, but oddly they had no write up
>(apparently they didn't submit one), and didn't actually show up (so their
>booth was empty).  There also seems to be a conspicuous infrequency to their
>responses here.
>I know that Oracle 9iAS is evolving and expanding, and I believe that
>IronFlare is doing a significant amount of work on the 9iAS code base (as
>consultants?).  But whats to become of Orion?  It almost appears that Oracel
>has consumed Orion completely and no development will happen on the old

looks like someone finally figured it out!

this is what happens when you get one big "customer" with a guaranteed 
revenue stream, can't much blame them myself.