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2002-04-30 Thread John . Miller

Follow-up: Deploying Orion1.5.2 App on WebLogic6.1

2002-01-08 Thread John . Miller

Sent an email a 
while ago about migrating an app developed on Orion 1.5.2 to WebLogic 6.1 and as 
requested amletting you know about the 'quirks' I 

As its an intranet 
app and aint gonna have that many hits I didn't opt for using Apache to server 
static content, but my impression is that if you are gonna get a lot of hits 
they recommend using Apache. Setting this up didn't look that complicated and 
there are plenty info on doing this.

If you are using 
Oracle and the type4 JDBC drivers, there are quite a few issues WebLogic has. 
For example, if you do a select for update and autocommit is on, it messes up. 
Cant list them all, but had to do quite a few tweaks to the code to get it to 
work. There is a lot of information on these issues and I recommend reading it 
thoroughly before (which I didn't :) Its understandable why Oracle are using 
Orion for their app server.

In terms of 
Deployment, Weblogic 6.1 is really designed for EJB 2.0 and deploying 
appsas ear, war, and jar files via the gui console. But as I built mine 
exploded and EJB1.1 it was a bit fiddly to get it to work, but not impossible. 
The biggest prob I encountered was that it doesn't automatically generate its 
version of orion-ejb-jar.xml (weblogic-ejb-jar.xml). You have to create this 
yourself but its not complicated.

I had problems with 
the servers mime-types. If you have any odd mime-types (and by odd I mean a ms 
word file) you need to specify mime mappings in your WEB-INF/web.xml . There is 
no mime list like the file mime.types in Orion.

Overall, most of the 
problems I had was really figuring out how WebLogic works. It is way more 
complicated then Orion, which I think is intentional on BEA's part, and really 
really expensive. After using WebLogic, I have become an even bigger fan of 

Hope you find this 
info useful. If you have any questions let me know!


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Off-topic: UML Tools...Help!!!

2001-12-06 Thread John . Miller


I have been asked by 
my manager to evaluate some UML modelling tools: Rational Rose 
and Select. However, I have never really used UML so I 
probably wasn't the best person to ask :)

So, if anyone could 
tell me any pros and cons of these packages I would appreciate it. Developers 
are gonna be using JBuilder 5 Enterprise,and the idea would be to farm out 
classes/beans you have designed and structured in the UML 

Any information or 
experiences you would like to share would be appreciated as I don't have a clue 



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Orion and Virus Checking

2001-10-05 Thread John . Miller


I am developing an 
intranet application for uploading files to a central server using 
Orion,EJB, JSP etc.. on a Win 2k platform and have realised that there 
might be a potential problem.

Files that are 
uploaded could contain a virus so I need some method of scanning them. The 
obvious option is to have a virus checker on the actual server that scans at 
regular intervals. But, was wondering if anyone had ever encountered a problem 
like this and whatthey did. Did you use some java app to scan for any 
virus etc..

Any information on 
your experience or any ideas would be appreciated.


John Miller
ProgrammerIT DepartmentBMG Entertainment UK  Ireland LtdBedford 
House, 69 Fulham High Street, London SW6 3JW Email:  
+44-(0)20-7384 8102 Fax:  
+44-(0)20-7384 7872
information in this e-Mail message is confidential and for the use of the named 
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e-Mail message in error, please notify me immediately by telephone (44 207 384 
8102) or e-Mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 

EJB Problem with Oracle

2001-09-24 Thread John . Miller

Has anyone had 
problems with creating EJBs to connect to this version of Oracle. In particular 
EJB Finder methods - by primary key? I have a hunch that I need to be running on 
8i, but am not sure.

Any info would be 



RE: Help me

2001-09-20 Thread John . Miller

youcopy tools.jar (from your jdk) into your Orion 

  -Original Message-From: nguyen dinh uong 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 20 September 2001 
  12:28To: Orion-InterestSubject: Help 
  I have to meet some error when I deploy /demo/ejb I hope You can help 
  me First error .This is appear when I use java -jar orion.jar 
  /*Auto-deploying product (No previous deployment found)... Error 
  compiling file:/C:/orion/demo/ejb/product/: Error instantiating compiler: 
  Javac not installed, copy tools.jar from your sun JDK dir's lib dir to the 
  orion dir or add a librarypath="the/path/to/tools.jar" / and 
  restartAuto-deploying cart (No previous deployment found)... Error 
  compiling file:/C:/orion/demo/ejb/cart/: Error instantiating compiler: 
  Javac not installed, copy tools.jar from your sun JDK dir's lib dir to the 
  orion dir or add a library path="the/path/to/tools.jar" / and 
  restartAuto-deploying usermanager (No previous deployment found)... Error 
  compiling file:/C:/orion/demo/ejb/usermanager/: Error instantiating 
  compiler: Javac not installed, copy tools.jar from your sun JDK dir's lib 
  dir to the orion dir or add a library path="the/path/to/tools.jar" 
  / and restartAuto-deploying product... Error instantiating application 
  'ejbsamples' at file:/C:/orion/demo/ejb/: Error auto-deploying 
  application-client at product: No location specified and no suitable 
  instance of the type 'Product' found for the ejb-ref 
  MyProductOrion/1.4.5 initialized*/Second error .when I use command 
  java -classpath ../../../orion.jar;../../../ejb.jar;../../../jndi.jar;. 
  CartClient/*Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: 
  Invalid username/password for ejbsamples 
  (admin) at 
  at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIServer.f4(JAX, Compiled 
  Code) at 
  at com.evermind.server.administration.LazyResourceFinder.getEJBHome(JAX)
  com.evermind.server.Application.aq8(JAX, Compiled 
  Code) at 
  Compiled Code) at 
  at CartClient.main(
  */I don't know I'll have to continune how Thank you very much 
  Uo^ng Dinh Nguyen 
  Get your private, free Email by Vietnamese at 

Using NT Authentication

2001-09-14 Thread John . Miller

I am developing an intranet EJB application and 
am interested in using the users NT authentication as a means for user 
authentication. I know it is possible to do this in IIS, but has anyone ever 
tried doing it with a Java Web App?
advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

RE: I think, I will start a support site too....

2001-08-23 Thread John Miller

How about moving the mailing list onto yahoogroups? They seem to be quite

-Original Message-
From: Christopher J. Woods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 August 2001 15:53
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: I think, I will start a support site too

Rabi Satter wrote:
 I usually don't step into these times of discussions but I must object to
 your statement about sites going down. In the bad old days before the web,
 client/server, etc. a system manager would be fired for having a system go
 down as many times as this list and the sites you mentioned have. It is
 the IT world stops saying gee that's life stuff doesn't work every now and
 then. In the mainframe/minicomputer world 99.9% up time is the norm.
 That is what the IT world needs to have as a goal 100% reliable.


Of course, your point is completely moot, since nobody gets paid to
maintain this mailing list. Who're you going to fire?

Interactive Investor International is a leading UK Internet personal 
finance service that provides individuals with the capability to identify, 
compare, monitor and buy online a number of financial products and services.

Interactive Investor Trading Limited, a subsidiary of Interactive Investor 
International plc, is regulated by the SFA.

help...Error deserializing session

2001-07-10 Thread John Miller


I have written an 
EJB which does a pretty simple Oracle select and am getting this error, when the bean is instantiated for the first 

Error deserializing session: Writing aborted by exception; com.evermind.sql.ak

I have no idea what 
might be causing this, so any suggestions or ideas you might have would be a 
great help.



Interactive Investor International is a leading UK Internet personal 

finance service that provides individuals with the capability to identify, 

compare, monitor and buy online a number of financial products and services. 

Interactive Investor Trading Limited, a subsidiary of Interactive Investor 

International plc, is regulated by the SFA.

Java WebMail package

2001-06-28 Thread John Miller

I found this Java 
WebMail package on sourceforge:

The author has 
instructions for deploying on Jserv, Resin and Tomcat. Shouldnt be that hard to 
deploy on Orion anyway, but was wondering if any body has had any experience 
ofit? Any tips would be appreciated.



Interactive Investor International is a leading UK Internet personal 

finance service that provides individuals with the capability to identify, 

compare, monitor and buy online a number of financial products and services. 

Interactive Investor Trading Limited, a subsidiary of Interactive Investor 

International plc, is regulated by the SFA.

RE: Orion on RedHat

2001-03-22 Thread John Miller

You could use mySQL. Its free and easy to install on Linux.


  -Original Message-
 From: Jarek Skreta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: 22 March 2001 15:10
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  RE: Orion on RedHat
 Thanks for the news. I was hoping that this set up would work as it is
 easy to get relatively cheap hosting based on RaQ and Linux.
 One more question, if that's OK: at the moment we are doing without a
 database (information is stored in XML files). However, we may need to get
 one at some point. Which database system (low cost) would work OK in this
 Many thanks again.
   -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent:   22 March 2001 14:10
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:RE: Orion on RedHat
  This actually sounds like a good setup for what you want to do.
  I have setup many site for non-profits with a setup similar to 
  what you are doing.
  Using Linux in such an environment is a great idea because you 
  can set it up like a hands off appliance, and it is very cost effective.
  you could actually get by with less then a gig of HD space but 
  the more the better.
  as far as RAM 64-128 meg has work fine for me even on busy sites. 
  256 meg to 1+ gig is great but not generally necessary for small sites.
  Get the new sun JDK and not IBM's as IBM's is prone to crash.
  Use the newest version of Orion if you are going to be doing any 
  EJB 2.0 experimenting.
  Have fun!!!
   -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent:   Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:06 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:Orion on RedHat
  Dear All,
  We are planning for a budget (read 'cheap') deployment of a 
  website running on Orion for a charity. We're thinking about 
  RedHat Linux 6 on a Cobalt RaQ3 server. Does anybody has any 
  experience of running Orion on such kit? What resources (RAM, 
  etc.) should a single server have in order to run it comfortably 
  (it is just an informational web site with limited traffic)?
  Many thanks for your
  Nesscomp Limited
  This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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  this message. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the
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  This message can not be classed as SPAM, the recipient has not
  been added to any mailing lists.

PHP and Orion

2001-03-22 Thread John Miller

Does anyone have any experience of running PHP in Orion. If so how did you
install it etc..

Would appreciate any tips you could give.


RE: Friends!!!!

2001-03-21 Thread John Miller

What the hell are you talking about :)

-Original Message-
From: srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 March 2001 10:28
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Friends

hi Friends,

enjoy this Friendship Greeting Card!!!

CH.Srinivas Babu


RE: Orion crashed under load test

2001-03-05 Thread John Miller
Title: Orion crashed under load test

wondering what you used to test it with?

-Original Message-From: Eyal Litman (Kamoon IL) 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 04 March 2001 09:29To: 
Orion-InterestSubject: Orion crashed under load 
Hi, I load tested orion under linux red 
hat 7 and IBM 1.3 JDK. Orion crashed after few minutes 
of "easy" load. Does anybody had some similar problems 
? Could IBM 1.3 JDK could be the cause ? 
Thanks in advance, Eyal Litman 
Server Side Team, Kamoon Ltd. 

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Java ftp

2001-03-02 Thread John Miller

Off topic, but does anyone know a way of using Java for FTP'ing?


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RE: Java ftp

2001-03-02 Thread John Miller

Thanks lots. Nice library, it's a great help.


-Original Message-
From: Marcel Schutte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 March 2001 12:14
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Java ftp

See I think that's the library that is used by
the optional ftp task in Ant.


- Original Message -
From: "John Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 10:47 AM
Subject: Java ftp

 Off topic, but does anyone know a way of using Java for FTP'ing?


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ormi and security

2001-02-27 Thread John Miller

Does anyone have any experience of using the Orion remote management console
to get access to Orion which is behind a firewall? 

I want to use the console to get remote access a collocated Linux box which
is behind a firewall. Anyone know the best way to configure the firewall for
this? I know one option is to open up a port on the firewall and restrict
access to it via the users IP, does anyone have any other ideas?

Any information, examples or tips would be appreciated.



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Issued by Interactive Investor Trading Limited, regulated by the SFA.

Orion using Apache proxy module

2001-02-27 Thread John Miller

Has anyone used Apache to redirect port: 80 requests to a different port
number? If so, did you experience any problems with sessions or anything
else? If you did could you let me know please.



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Orion taken over

2001-02-27 Thread John Miller

Have heard that Orion has been bought by someone. Is that true? Is so by


BUY YOUR 2001 ISA AT INTERACTIVE INVESTOR'S NEW ISA CENTRE - visit for a choice of 400+ funds, market leading
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RE: Orion taken over

2001-02-27 Thread John Miller

off some bloke

-Original Message-
From: Ray Harrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 27 February 2001 16:36
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Orion taken over

Where did you hear it?

--- John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have heard that Orion has been bought by someone. Is that true? Is so by
 BUY YOUR 2001 ISA AT INTERACTIVE INVESTOR'S NEW ISA CENTRE - visit for a choice of 400+ funds, market leading
 and access to expert advice. 
 FANCY A FREE ISA? Enter our competition now at 
 Terms and Conditions apply and are available online. 
 Issued by Interactive Investor Trading Limited, regulated by the SFA.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

BUY YOUR 2001 ISA AT INTERACTIVE INVESTOR'S NEW ISA CENTRE - visit for a choice of 400+ funds, market leading
and access to expert advice. 

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Terms and Conditions apply and are available online. 
Issued by Interactive Investor Trading Limited, regulated by the SFA.

RE: Opening a secured form in a new browser window

2001-02-20 Thread John Miller

use html

target="_blank" in the form tag when submitting it

-Original Message-
From: Paul Kofon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 February 2001 08:53
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Opening a "secured" form in a new browser window

I've got a page that displays a form for authentication via a servlet. After

the process of authentication, the request gets forwarded to a data entry 
This data entry form is a JSP page that checks out to make sure it's the 
administrator accessing it. It works fine but I'd like it to be displayed in

a new window instead of the same one. How can I do this.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: Unsent Message Returned to Sender

2001-02-16 Thread John Miller

This is getting on my nerves. Any chance of stopping it?

-Original Message-
Sent: 16 February 2001 14:54
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Unsent Message Returned to Sender

Notice to Sender

This message was received by this installation but could not be
delivered to its intended cc:Mail recipient(s).

  Original subject: Re: Orion doesn't work.

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The following cc:Mail error(s) were recorded:

  ***  Message recipient is unknown  ***

 Original Message Text 

See below...

On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Geoff Marshall wrote:

 I've surfed and surfed, and can't find any info on the problem I'm having.
 All brand new:
 Red Hat Linux v7, Sun J2EE 1.2.1, Sun JDK1.3, Orion 1.4.5
 [geoff@daphne orion]$cd /usr/local/orion
 [geoff@daphne orion]$ java -jar orion.jar
 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/evermind/gui/server/ServiceConsole
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
 at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(

Whoops! kaffe.jar... ouch! Kaffe isn't a JVM that can run Orion. You'll
have to get either blackdown, IBM, or Sun. 

 Obviously, I'm missing some class, but where/what is it?  The JDK/SDK
 to be working fine i.e. I can compile and run java applications, etc.
 some .jar file need to be expanded???
 -Geoff Marshall, Director of Development
 t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
 54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
 San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

Using JSP to write/append PDF's

2000-11-29 Thread John Miller

Does anyone have any 
experience of this? Any information or resources you could think of would be 
very helpful.



orion 1.4.0

2000-11-25 Thread John Miller

being new to orion I am unsure as to whether or not to install orion1.4.0 on
a unix box. Should I use 1.3.8? Is 1.4 stable enough to use? Any advice
would be appreciated.



Using Webtrends to analyze Orion logs

2000-11-09 Thread John Miller

I want to use Webtrends to analyze orions logs. 
Has anybody any experience of doing this? If you do I would appreciate any 
advise you might be able to give.Also, I have noticed that logs to not 
log browser type, OS etc.. as Apache doeseg:Apache logs like 
this: - - [11/Oct/2000:00:05:01 +0100] "GET /file.html 
HTTP/1.1" 200 1669 "" "Mozilla/4.0 
(compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)" 0 "-"Orion like 
this: - - [11/Oct/2000:00:05:01 +0100] "GET /file.htm 
HTTP/1.1"Does anyone know how to get Orion to log the additional 
information Apache does in particular OS/Browser info and also get authenticated 
usernames into the 
logs.Thanks,Johnny[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: error logs - where are they?

2000-10-31 Thread John Miller


Thanks for the suggestion but I don't think that is the problem. 

I do sometimes get compilation errors displayed in my browser, but not

Is there no Orion logging facility for things like this?


-Original Message-
From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 5:02 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: John Miller
Subject: Re: error logs - where are they?

John, one possibility is that if your using Microsoft Internet Explorer, 
you have the "display friendly error messages" option enabled and, as a 
result, the real error from Orion is being hidden by the browser.

If this is the case, you'll be a happy camper after disabling that option. 
I sure was!


--On Monday, October 30, 2000 6:01 PM + John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I am trying to find some indication of JSP compilation errors and cannot
 locate them in any of the Orion log files.

 On several occasions I have got a 500 error and could not locate a log of
 what might be generating this error or any indication of what might be
 causing this.

 Does anyone know where I should be looking, or how I might configure
 Orion to log these JSP compilation errors?



error logs - where are they?

2000-10-30 Thread John Miller

I am trying to find 
some indication of JSP compilation errors and cannot locate them in any of the 
Orion log files. 

On several occasions 
I have got a 500 error and could not locate a log of what might be generating 
this error or any indication of what might be causing this. 

Does anyone know 
where I should be looking, or how I might configure Orion to log these JSP 
compilation errors?

