RE: Does Orion root .jar files interfere with my web-appWEB-INF/libjar files?

2001-07-15 Thread Kit Cragin

So is there an easy way to reverse or specify the order? xerces have
a different release schedule and may or may not be picked up by Orion. I
would rather it be under my control.

- Kit

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hani Suleiman
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 2:39 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Does Orion root .jar files interfere with my web-app
WEB-INF/libjar files?

Order of loading is:

Entries explicitly in the root classloader (specified by Class-Path in
orion.jar's MANIFEST.MF), which is most of what is in the orion/

Next is orion/lib

Next is application specific classes, and I think WEB-INF/lib has
precedence over WEB-INF/classes


On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Kevin Duffey wrote:

 Hey all,

 I am wondering..Orion comes with xerces, parser, jaxp and so on in the
 root dir. If I put the latest xerces (1.4.1) into my web-inf/lib dir,
 the soap.jar in there, put parser.jar in there, jaxp.jar, etc..will Orion
 load my web-inf/lib versions, the root-dir versions, or both..and in what
 order? Should I remove the xerces.jar from orion root, or copy the latest
 over the top of the root dir version?

 Probably stupid questions, but I have read alot on the soap list about
 people using the wrong version of the xerces.jar, putting it in a certain
 order in the classpath, etc. I'd like to make sure I am aware of how the
 .jar files in Orion interfere or load in what order compared to anything
 duplicated in any web application or enterprise application.


2 parameter finder finding wrong thing

2001-07-08 Thread Kit Cragin

I am using EJB 2.0 and have a finder method that takes 2 parameters (e.g.
the WHERE clause looks something like WHERE columnOne = ?1 AND columnTwo =

No matter what I do, it does not return the right entity. I have tried
single-object return, Collection return, narrowing, not narrowing, checking
parameters, etc.

I am running Orion 1.4.7 on HypersonicSQL for my testbed. Any ideas?

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

ejb-jar.xml -- orion-ejb-jar.xml bug? finder parameters

2001-07-08 Thread Kit Cragin

I have discovered that when creating a finder with 2 parameters, the
resulting orion-ejb-jar.xml that gets generated by Orion outputs

finder-method query=

instead of

finder-method query=$columnOne = $1 AND $columnTwo = $2

for the finder example below. Single-parameter finders seem to generate the
correct query. Has anyone experienced this problem? Is there a work-around
or should I report this as an enhancement request or bug? Please don't tell
me I have to edit this file by hand or some sort of processing during a

- Kit

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kit Cragin
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 12:30 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: 2 parameter finder finding wrong thing

I am using EJB 2.0 and have a finder method that takes 2 parameters (e.g.
the WHERE clause looks something like WHERE columnOne = ?1 AND columnTwo =

No matter what I do, it does not return the right entity. I have tried
single-object return, Collection return, narrowing, not narrowing, checking
parameters, etc.

I am running Orion 1.4.7 on HypersonicSQL for my testbed. Any ideas?

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

Orion/EJBGen/EJB 2.0/Hypersonic finder method problem...

2001-07-06 Thread Kit Cragin

Hi all,

I am using Orion 1.4.7 (and other versions), EJBGen 1.19, EJB 2.0 and
HypersonicSQL (last version).

The problem I am having is with all my finder methods that return a single
bean instead of a Collection. I can't get the single bean finders to work no
matter what I try. The spec says you can do this, and of course there should
be a reasonable expectation that you can generate a query that results in a
single object, even if you use an object ID as the primary key which I do.

I have an entity bean, with a long as the primary key, and a string, say
Name, as the second column. When I create my finder, the where clause is
WHERE Name = ?1 and the return type is the bean. Nothing weird there. No
matter what I do, the finder returns the first entity bean in the table,
even though the names DO NOT MATCH.

The only way I have gotten this to work is to have the finder return a
Collection and then iterate the collection. Now this collection is of size
one, but I shouldn't have to do this.

Any ideas?


Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

1.5.1 vs 1.4.7 RequestDispatcher

2001-05-30 Thread Kit Cragin

Is there something that changed between 1.5.1 and 1.4.7 that broke my
forward() requests?

I have a servlet mapped to /start and protected by a role, user, in
web.xml. The servlet obtains a RequestDispatcher to /roles/user/index.jsp.
This JSP has an iframe that loads /roles/user/content.html.

Under 1.4.7 when I do http://localhost/webapp/start I got a login prompt as
expected and everything shows up correctly. Under 1.5.1, the same URL causes
3 login prompts. On the last one, I get a 401 unauthorized on content.html.
Anyone know why this could be occuring?


Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

getProperty toString

2000-10-16 Thread Kit Cragin


I am trying to access a bean from my JSP code. The property on the bean is
an object. I thought, reading from the spec, that the toString() method
would be called on the object I am trying to access. For instance if I had:

jsp:useBean id="book" class="Book" scope="session" /
jsp:getProperty name="book" property="author" /

would print out the author's name if I had the following classes:

public class Book
public Author getAuthor()
return author;
private Author author;

public class Author
public getName()
return name;
public toString()
return name;
private String name;

The spec says "The conversion to String is done as in the println() methods,
i.e. the toString() method of the object is used for Object instances, and
the primitive types are converted directly," in section 2.13.3, but this
does not seem to be the case.

If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Thanks.

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

RE: tag library problem with attributes

2000-10-12 Thread Kit Cragin
Title: RE: tag library problem with attributes

Thanks! Amazing how you can stare at code for hours and 
then someone comes along and notices the problem 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus 
  RydinSent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 1:25 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: tag library problem with 
  Kit, should that be %=library.getBooks()% (notice the equals sign missing in your 

SSL question

2000-10-12 Thread Kit

Hi all

I have a problem using the command below.

keytool -keystore keystore -keyalg "RSA" -import -trustcacerts -file

I get this error:

keytool error: Failed to establish chain from reply

But, this command worked fine

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file

Is there any problem using the second command, since it's missing some

arguments as indicated in the ssl-how-to documentation.



tag library problem with attributes

2000-10-11 Thread Kit Cragin


I am getting the error message "Attribute of type 'java.util.Collection'
must be a request time attribute" when Orion attempts to parse my JSP. This
seems weird because I do set rtexprvalue to true in my taglib.tld (see
below). I was attempting to create an iterator similar to the one defined in
the orion taglib tutorial at
and include it in my web application.

My JSP contains:

%@ taglib uri="tags" prefix="model" %
jsp:useBean id="library" type="com.mongoosetech.model.Library"
model:iterator name="book" type="com.mongoosetech.model.Book"
collection="% library.getBooks() %"
jsp:getProperty name="book" property="name"/br/

where library.getBooks() returns a java.util.Collection of Book. I have 2

public class NestedTagInfo extends TagExtraInfo
public VariableInfo[] getVariableInfo(TagData data)
return new VariableInfo[]
new VariableInfo(data.getAttributeString("name"),
data.getAttributeString("type"), true, VariableInfo.NESTED)


public class IteratorTag extends BodyTagSupport
public int doStartTag()
if (iterator == null || !iterator.hasNext()) return SKIP_BODY;

public int doAfterBody() throws JspException
if( !iterator.hasNext()) return SKIP_BODY;
public int doEndTag() throws JspException
if(bodyContent != null)
  catch( e)
throw new JspException(e.getMessage());
return EVAL_PAGE;
public void setName(String name)
{ = name;
public void setCollection(Collection collection)
if (collection.size()  0) iterator = collection.iterator();
public void setType(String type)
this.type = type;
private String name;
private String type;
private Iterator iterator;

defined in the com.mongoosetech.tags package and a taglib.tld that looks


and is a part of WEB-INF/lib/tags.jar which has the structure:


Finally, I have a web.xml with an entry to point to the tag library:


Anyone have any ideas why this is happening? Thanks...

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

what are the rules for urls in a web-app?

2000-09-22 Thread Kit Cragin

Has anyone figured out the rules for URLs wrt relative path names in Orion?
They seem different in the following conditions:

* url in html page directly
* url in jsp
* url in html page forwarded to by a servlet
* url in jsp forwarded to by a servlet
* url in html page redirected to by a servlet
* url in jsp redirected to by a servlet

I have tried the following, and can usually get something working in most
cases, but not consistently:

* url with relative path several different ways:
* url rooted with / (excluding the root as specified in default website)
* url rooted with / (includeing root as specified in default website)
* fully qualified

And it gets more complicated with servlet mappings...



Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

(try 2) Programmatic remote shutdown/start/restart of a web-app orion server

2000-09-16 Thread Kit Cragin


I know that I can use "java -jar admin.jar etc" from the commandline on
host 1 to stop and restart Orion on host 2. This, however, requires
admin.jar (and others?) on host 1.

Can someone tell me if there is a programmatic method, that does not require
any installation of Orion on host 1 for any of the following, and if there
is, how to do it for each case?

1. from host 1, shutdown a web-application running on host 2
2. from host 1, start a web-application running on host 2
3. from host 1, restart a web-application running on host 2
4. from host 1, shutdown Orion on host 2
5. from host 1, restart Orion on host 2

Again, I'm looking for a *programmatic* way to do this. If this means
admin.jar on host 1, where's the API docs for making calls of this guy
without having to resort to the commandline?

Right now, we're resorting to doing these things by using the commandline,
manually, and writing code to remove web-apps out of the application.xml and
default-web-site.xml files. This doesn't seem like a great solution...


Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

EJB question

2000-09-14 Thread Kit

Hi all

I am trying to build a servlet client to look up an ejb.

But, i got the following error.

500 Internal Server Error

java.lang.ClassCastException: CartHome_StatefulSessionHomeWrapper1
javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(, Compiled
at testCart.doGet(, Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(,
Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(,
Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(,
Compiled Code)
at com.evermind.server.http.du.rr(JAX, Compiled Code)
at com.evermind.server.http.du.forward(JAX, Compiled Code)
at com.evermind.server.http.d5.rx(JAX, Compiled Code)
at, Compiled Code)

this is what i did to do the look up.

final Properties properties = new Properties();



properties.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password");

Context context = new InitialContext(properties);

Object homeObject = context.lookup("MyCart");

CartHome home = (CartHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(homeObject,CartHome.class);

Cart cart = (Cart)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(home.create(), Cart.class);

Can anyone tell me why it failed ?

Thanks a lot.


Remote start/stop/restart of web-app server

2000-09-12 Thread Kit Cragin

Forgive me if this was already asked, but it seems like my last post did not
make it to the mailing list.

Anyway, from host 1 that has no Orion installed on it, is there a way to

1. start a web-application (make it available for requests)
2. stop a web-application
3. restart a web-application
4. stop the server
5. restart the server

on host 2?

From what I can tell, it seems like the only way to do #4  #5 is by
installing admin.jar on host 1 and calling it by commandline "java -jar
admin.jar options". I see no way for #1 - #3. I can do #1 - #3 locally by
modifying the XML config files, but, again, I need to do it from remote.


Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

Programmatic remote shutdown/start/restart of a web-application orion server

2000-09-11 Thread Kit Cragin


I know that I can use "java -jar admin.jar etc" from the commandline on my
local machine to stop and restart a remote Orion server. This, however,
requires admin.jar (and others?) on my local machine.

Can someone tell me if there is a programmatic method, that does not require
any installation of Orion on my local machine for any of the following, and
if there is, how to do it for each case?

1. shutdown a web-application running on a remote Orion server
2. start a web-application running on a remote Orion server
3. restart a web-application running on a remote Orion server
4. shutdown a remote Orion server
5. restart a remote Orion server

Again, I'm looking for a *programmatic* way to do this. If this means
admin.jar on the local machine, where's the API docs for making calls of
this guy without having to resort to the commandline?


Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

Minimal configuration for web app deployment...

2000-08-23 Thread Kit Cragin

What is the absolute minimum that I have to do to deploy a web application
(.war) file in Orion?

Right now I am editing application.xml by adding a line like:

web-module id="test-web" path="../../../dev/deploy/test.war"/

and editing default-website.xml by adding a line like:

web-app application="default" name="test-web" root="/test" /

Ideally I would like to be able to just put a .war file somewhere that Orion
expects to see such things and away we go. Did I miss anything like that?


Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

RE: webapp design: how to handle connection pooling

2000-08-10 Thread Kit Cragin

 This is VERY slow, and in some tests its 100's of times slower than
implementing a connection pool. For the original sender (and Conrad if you
are not aware of this), there are two methods I would choose over the others
above. The first is connection pooling. Servlets in the same web app
maintain a Servlet Context that is a good place to store "global" objects.

This way seems like a good idea because it should be portable across J2EE
compliant application servers right?

 Option 2 is better when you are dealing with application servers,
with Orion. Orion has a very easy built-in connection pooling capability.

When you suggest this method, I assume you are talking about an Orion
specific mechanism correct? This is convenient if Orion is the only server
you're using. If you ever want to migrate your app to a new server, you have
to use that server's method or resort to the custom connection pool class

Have I grasped the situation, or is there a J2EE-based "standard" mechanism
for connection pooling that is portable across application servers?


Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

RE: Servlet handling both *.html and /

2000-07-07 Thread Kit Cragin

Did you try a servlet mapping with a '/' url pattern? According to the
servlet spec that makes your servlet the default servlet of the web app.

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joel Shellman
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 3:26 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Servlet handling both *.html and /

I have a servlet that I want to handle all the URLs. It acts as a super
servlet and allows us to parse the URLs we receive and act accordingly.
Right now I have it set up to handle .html. However, when someone makes
a request to a directory such as:

the servlet is not hit--it says it can't find it. How can I make it
handle these URLs as well? I know I could add a dummy file:


and then it would handle it, but I have lots of directories (and they
keep being added) so that is not possible. I'm doing that right now to
get around it for the root URI, but it's just a hack till I find a
better solution. I can't just have the servlet handle everything as I'd
like for images and style sheets and other such files to be served by
orion without having to go through my super servlet.

Any ideas?

Joel Shellman
Chief Software Architect
The virally-driven B2B marketplace for outsourcing projects

RE: Tools.jar doesn't works in lib statement

2000-07-06 Thread Kit Cragin

I have 
a similar problem. I tried an additional library tag instead of the ';' 
separated list but it didn't work. I also tried a relative path name separated 
by a ';' (you might try that). Otherwise copying it to the orion dir 

VP of 
Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
  hanasakiSent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 9:54 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Tools.jar doesn't works in lib 
  statementIt works fine for jsp's in the orion directory 
  but doesn't work when I do: 
  application.xml: library 
  path="../lib;c:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar" / 
  Did I put it in the correct file? Correct Syntax? 

RE: Taking actions after form-based authentication?

2000-07-03 Thread Kit Cragin

There's no non-proprietary way of doing this that I know of right now. I
think someone showed me a way to do this in Orion, but I can't seem to
remember at the moment. If you get the answer let me know.

I have received a response from the servlet 2.3 spec team, and they say that
this feature will most likely be implemented in the 2.3 api, which will make
it non-proprietary. There are members on the Orion team that are on the
servlet committee as well, so that's a good sign.

One portable, if inelegant solution, you can use right now is to create a
base class inherited from HttpServlet that calls a function similar to the
one below in the service() method. Example:

public com.your.UserObject getUser(HttpServletRequest req)
  HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
  com.your.UserObjectuser =
  if (user == null)
user = someWayOfCreatingAUser(req.getRemoteUser());
session.setAttribute("user", user);
// do other things you need to do
  return user;

Then create servlets that inherit from this class, and they all gain this
ability. I don't like this solution, especially when jsp files get thrown in
this mix, but I don't know of a better way right now.

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Martin Mavrov
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 6:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Taking actions after form-based authentication?


I've been wondering how can programmer take some actions (for example to put
things in HttpSession)
after the user had authenticated itself via form? For instance - the user
tries to access some
protected resource, it is presented the authentication form, it enters
login/password and
is forwarded to the requested resource - how can I intercept that forward

Best regards,

auto update - something to be aware of

2000-06-29 Thread Kit Cragin

Just a quick note: make sure you don't have an IDE like, say, JBuilder
referencing orion.jar while running autoupdate.jar. This is probably in the
docs somewhere but I thought I'd let ya know. You'll end up with a corrupt
jar file. Simple solution: rerun autoupdate w/o any references.

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

User strategies

2000-06-28 Thread Kit Cragin

Could anyone share their strategies for implementing their user management
when deploying a web application? Specifically, I know I can use
principals.xml to specify the users and roles and web.xml to apply those wrt
the various servlets and web pages within the web application. However, like
most websites, additional information needs to be captured for each user. I
can store this in some database or whatever no problem.

The question arises what is the best strategy for reconciling/merging the
user information between principals.xml and the database? I'd be interested
to hear your insights. Thanks,

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

RE: admin -shutdown

2000-06-28 Thread Kit Cragin

We are experiencing the same problem. It may be that this is isolated ONLY
to Windows based platforms as I've heard it works fine on Linux. Does anyone
know of a reasonable way to affect a shutdown from within Java by locating
the process ID and killing it or something like that? I know it's not likely
to be cross-platform though.

I think there should be a mechanism for elevating the status of problems
like this to the Orion team when quite a few people are experiening it.
Perhaps sending the message directly to someone on the team without cc'ing
this list?

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nathan Phelps
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 10:57 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: admin -shutdown

I just did, and the result is the same.
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(c) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp.
C:\cd orion
C:\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin admin -shutdown
Error: com.evermind.reflect.UndeclaredExceptionTypeException:
 -Original Message-
From:   KirkYarina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, June 28, 2000 10:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject:RE: admin -shutdown

Have you tried

java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin pwd -shutdown

i.e. no port. "/" after localhost?

Kirk Yarina

At 09:36 AM 6/28/00 -0500, you wrote:

This issue is frustrating to me.  You'd think something as fundamental as
shutting down the server would work--it did in 0.9.  I really like Orion,
but I just can't recommend it to my employer if such fundamental features
don't work.  Ideally you won't be shutting down the server very often,
however when you are configuring and testing you do it a lot.  This issue
has received a lot of traffic on this list, but I have yet to hear anyone
for the Orion Team explain either a) what we're doing wrong to cause this
error, or b) that it is indeed a bug in the software and it will be fixed
release 1.x.

I understand Orion is hard to beat for the price, but I'd gladly pay more
for a server I can shutdown!

Nathan Phelps

Kirk Yarina

RE: (loading servlet at startup) No performance using internet explorer

2000-06-07 Thread Kit Cragin

The following works for me:

servlet-nameMy Servlet/servlet-name

I don't know if it matters but the servlet I am loading is derived from
GenericServlet not HttpServlet. Also, you might try checking the various

- Kit

 -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Patrik Andersson
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 9:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: No performance using internet explorer

How do I have orion load a servlet on startup. I can't seem to get the
load-on-startup tag work. I've tried placing it inside servlet/servlet
tags and also in the servlet-mapping tag. When I place it in either of the
places the site goes down.

patrik Andersson

changes.txt for 0.9.6

2000-04-17 Thread Kit Cragin

I am curious about the changes between 0.9.6 and 0.9.4, but the changes.txt
is not updated...


Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

Re: session trouble still..

2000-04-12 Thread Kit Cragin

- Original Message -
From: bradley mclain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 then the jsp i redirect to executes the following:
 String userId = (String)

 would anyone be willing to describe briefly how they
 would pass information from a servlet to a jsp on
 orion via the session object?

I would think that the way you did it would work too, but the way I do it is
using jsp:useBean. It might make sense for you to package all your strings
up into a bean and then pass that along to your jsp. In my case, I have a
user object, where userid is one of the strings in the object:

jsp:useBean id="user" class="my.package.UserBean" scope="session"/
The user logged in is: jsp:getProperty name="user" property="userId"/.

You may have to do a little rework, but I think it's a little more elegant
in your jsp.

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

security not being enforced?

2000-04-10 Thread Kit Cragin


I would think if, in web.xml, the url-pattern in the security-constraint
and in the servlet-mapping were identical then security would be enforced.
But this does not seem to be happening. For example:


should be protected with a login screen if I have


This does not cause the login screen to come up as expected. I tried
url-pattern /* but that caused all kinds of problems. /test/* didn't work
either. If I attempt to protect a JSP or HTML file - that works fine, so I
know it has nothing to do with the principals.xml or roles I have setup for
the web app.

Any ideas?

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

can't protect servlet in war???

2000-04-07 Thread Kit Cragin

Does anyone know why I can protect a .html file in my WAR but not a servlet?

I have the following web.xml which correctly prevents access to all the
*.html files
in /home, but does not prevent access to the servlet:



   web-resource-nameMy collection/web-resource-name

I have tried replacing /test with test, /test/*, test/*, test/ and other
variations to no effect.

It seems like Orion is not following the URL pattern rules specified in the
Servlet 2.2 spec, though I could be wrong. This is similar to the other
problem I was having... see the other message.

Any ideas?  Is anyone creating web applications or is it just me?

Kit Cragin
VP, Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

Fw: referencing resources within a web application

2000-04-07 Thread Kit Cragin

Anyone have this problem?

- Original Message -
From: Kit Cragin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 12:20 PM
Subject: referencing resources within a web application

 I am not sure if the following is an Orion quirk, an oversight in the
 servlet 2.2 spec, or something that has just not been thought about yet...
 but I am having a problem with consistently referencing a resource from a
 .jsp within a web application via Orion.

 Assume I have a web-app "test" that has the following directory layout:


 and that page.jsp has this html code:

 !-- #1 --
 img src="/images/test.gif"/br/
 !-- #2 --
 img src="images/test.gif"/br/
 !-- #3 --
 img src="/test/images/test.gif"/br/
 !-- #4 --
 img src="../images/test.gif"/br/
 !-- #5 --
 img src="http://localhost/test/images/test.gif"/

 For the case in which I have test/stuff/page.jsp as a welcome-file in
 web.xml, img tags #2,3,5 properly display the image when browsing (i.e.

 For the case in which I directly address page.jsp in the browser (i.e.
 http://localhost/test/stuff/page.jsp), img tags #3,4,5 work.

 This is inconsistent. Ideally, I would like #1 or #2 to work in both cases
 (in fact section 9.4 of the servlet 2.2 spec seems to indicate #1 would
 work). This would allow for maximum maintainability. For instance, #3
 I have to change all the references in all the JSP's should the name of
 application change; #4 means I have to change all the references if I move
 JSP within the application. #5, means I have to change all the references
 I move application to a different server.

 Now, most of the time users are redirected to the .jsp files in my
 architecture anyway, so method #2 is fine. But I still regard this as
 inadequate since that may not always be the case.

 Is there something I missed? Any ideas?


 Kit Cragin
 VP of Product Development
 Mongoose Technology, Inc.

lack of response

2000-04-07 Thread Kit Cragin

Anyone know why the Orion team does not want to sell their product? It seems
crazy to me that one of the few app servers that supports the latest specs
to a high degree doesn't respond to any messages.

I was initially very impressed with the product, but support is less than
zero except for the few kind people who helped me out in this forum.
Admittedly, we haven't purchased anything yet - but are 120% in need of
something like Orion. A few simple responses would go a long way.

Anybody know of a good app server that supports the latest standards like
JMS 1.0, servlet 2.2, etc.? I would greatly appreciate it.

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

Contact information

2000-04-03 Thread Kit Cragin

I would like to request the contact information for Orion beyond the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] email address. Does anyone have this information? We
have evaluated the server, like what we see, but have more questions before
we can use it as a solution internally or externally. We are interested in
hearing more, but it has been difficult to contact anyone.

Thank you,

Kit Cragin
VP of Product Development
Mongoose Technology, Inc.

specifying security constraints

2000-03-22 Thread Kit Cragin

I am trying to specify security constraints for my web app and am running
into some difficulty. In the web.xml file below for twa.war (twa = test web
application), what is the correct url-pattern element of the
security-constraint element that will cause /login/login.jsp to be invoked
when the user attempts to access the "mytwa" servlet? i.e.
http://localhost/twa/mytwa should invoke
http://localhost/twa/login/login.jsp and then upon successful login redirect
the user to that servlet.
/*, * cause a 500 error, /mytwa, /mytwa/* pass the user straight to it. I
thought (checking with the 2.2 spec) that /mytwa/* was correct, but I guess




?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.2//EN" ""




   web-resource-nameEvery JSP Except Login Stuff/web-resource-name

  descriptionUsers of the TWA/description




2000-03-20 Thread Kit Cragin

In the servlet 2.2 spec it states '...the action of the login form must
always be "j_security_check"'. I noticed all the form based login examples
that come with Orion do NOT have that as the action; instead action is not
specified at all. It works fine w/o specifying j_security_check.

I don't really care, but it seems to be incorrect with regard to the spec.
and I don't want to have to change this code later. Is this a bug?

- Kit

Re: Dynamic class loading in servlet

2000-03-17 Thread Kit Cragin

I have gotten both of these techniques to work. Thanks for your responses. I
second getting the ClassLoader issues straightened out - that seems to
plague alot of servlet engines/containers and j2ee servers.

- Kit

- Original Message -
From: Ted Neward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic class loading in servlet

 If you don't want to use Beans, you can always go with

 Class.forName("package.class", true, this.getClass().getClassLoader())

 However, if you're loaded under the Extension ClassLoader, problems arise
 with this; I wrote a paper on this and how to get around it:

 Orion team: Make sure you get this ClassLoader thing right--BEA/WebLogic
 doesn't, I know for a fact.

 Ted Neward
 Java Instructor, DevelopMentor ( )
 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 8:12 AM
 Subject: Re: Dynamic class loading in servlet

 Did you try Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(),
 "my.package.Classname") ? This would use the same classloader as servlet
 loaded in assuming "this" is the servlet? We had to do this going from
 to Orion and this is a much
 better way for Servlet 2.2 API.
 Eric :-)
 Kit Cragin wrote:
  Does anyone know how to load a class at runtime from a servlet within
  Orion environment? I was able to do it using JRun 2.3.3 by getting the
  servlet's class loader and instantiating a class based on its name.
  does not seem to work under Orion: I get a ClassNotFoundException.

bug/feature? deploying servlet (name conflict)

2000-03-07 Thread Kit Cragin

I have a servlet defined in a package and I tried deploy it by adding the
following entry to orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/web.xml:


and then copying the package structure to orion/servlets, creating for
example this directory hierarchy:


I also had a directory named "mytest" in the orion/default-web-app
directory. This directory contains a number of .jsp and .jpg files.

This is what happens: I get a 404 (page not found). If I either rename the
directory from "mytest" to something else or change the test.mytest package
to something else, it works. In other words there is some sort of name
conflict on mytest.

Can anyone tell me 1) why this occurs? 2) what's the fix (besides what I
tried above) and 3) is this a bug or am I misunderstanging something


Kit Cragin

Re: bug/feature? deploying servlet (name conflict)

2000-03-07 Thread Kit Cragin

actually it turns out I went off on a wild goose chase, but you got me to
look at the code closer. I did the really brain-dead thing of not specifying
my servlet class as "public"! I'm going to claim lack of sleep as my

- Kit

- Original Message -
From: Noah Nordrum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: bug/feature? deploying servlet (name conflict)

 are you calling http://localhost/servlet/runtest ?
 that or http://localhost/servlet/test.mytest.TestServlet are the correct
 calls(assuming localhost is the intended hostname of course ;}  )

 Noah Nordrum
 Hyperride Technologies

 - Original Message -
 From: "Kit Cragin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 2:47 PM
 Subject: bug/feature? deploying servlet (name conflict)

  I have a servlet defined in a package and I tried deploy it by adding
  following entry to orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/web.xml:
  and then copying the package structure to orion/servlets, creating for
  example this directory hierarchy:
  I also had a directory named "mytest" in the orion/default-web-app
  directory. This directory contains a number of .jsp and .jpg files.
  This is what happens: I get a 404 (page not found). If I either rename
  directory from "mytest" to something else or change the test.mytest
  to something else, it works. In other words there is some sort of name
  conflict on mytest.
  Can anyone tell me 1) why this occurs? 2) what's the fix (besides what I
  tried above) and 3) is this a bug or am I misunderstanging something
  Kit Cragin