Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-13 Terurut Topik zarul shahrin
If you want to be just another programmer, then you don't need that much
of math, otherwise, yes math is important.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah


 for a mathematician a simpler answer is n*(n+1)/2

 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:57 PM, darXness darXness darxl...@gmail.comwrote:

 math n CS...
 IMHO,without math,programming cant go to the next
 part.if,else,while,and most of the programming part is derived from
 math.and we actually learn that in school.but under Math,not
 programming.slowly,we implement in our program.without we knowing,we
 actually doint math.just pick some of the code:

 while(i = 0;i5;i++){
 see?we actually doing plus operation there.:D
 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, E A Faisal wrote:
  I'm not formally trained on CS. All my programming knowledge is self
  So this is my opinion.
  Programming is not solely an art. It's both art and science. I
  countless of times where knowing maths would be extremely useful. While
  true that you can program something without any understanding of math
 but I
  learned the hard way that to implement something efficiently and of high
  quality you still need maths. I once created a middleware that helped to
  bridge between a system with Hylafax which I needed to write a scheduler
  poll fax status from Hylafax. My first implementation was straight
  without any thought of mathematical model. It worked but it ate up
  needlessly. Though it didn't give any problem but it's not elegant
  it wasted on computing resource which I might need in the future.
  I managed to find a mathematical model to implement a good scheduler -
  math to the rescue.
  Still not buying on the importance of math? Consider yourself doing
  programming and need to choose a data structure. Without good math
  understanding how can you decide which data structure would be best on a
  given program? Want to analyse your newly and cool algorithm? Who you
  call? Math, of course. Even when you code bussiness app, your business
  is basically a representation of mathematical model.
  Not to discourage new programmer, you can still code with knowing math
  depth. But, IMHO as you progress into a more competent programmer you
  catch up with math again. It certainly helps. Math has helped me, I'm
  it's useful to others too.
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:
  We really need math in CS. They way Computer engineers and software
  developers think are like mathematician. All are numbers.
  We codes in 1 and 0. if then else. all can be calculate and formula
  can be created.
  and one thing.
  Computer programming is an art :)
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:40 AM, sweemeng ng
   based on this article. Actually I kinda agree with the author. It
   depends on
   the goal, if aim for research YES, if for industry, maybe no
   what you guys think
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Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-13 Terurut Topik Chen Ruo Fei
I disagree with the statement that CS don't need math, but I think CS
courses do not help students much in their future career because they are
teaching it in the wrong (traditional) way.

First of all, I think programming skill should be the foundation before
entering CS. Everyone must have at least intermediary skills on programming
before entering CS and are expected to understand advanced programming
practices by themselves. If the students have little to no knowledge on
programming, they must be sent to foundation courses or get a diploma first.
Programming is a level-0 course and prerequisite of CS, it is the basics for
everything in CS but outside the teaching scope of CS.

Secondly, CS should teach the mathematical theories behind the various CS
subjects and let the students apply the algorithms with their existing
advanced programming skills. It's relationship with math is the same as
applied physics with math. Students are expected to understand the proof
behind the formulas but are not expected to construct new proofs - that's
the job for mathematician and theoretical CS.

If you only learn programming but not CS, you can only construct very high
level programs where other true hackers have built the foundations for you.
Yes, programming frameworks today are extremely powerful and allows
even mediocre programmers to write powerful programs without understanding
what's going on behind the scene, but somebody still has to write and
maintain the frameworks and libraries, and that needs a lot of CS and math

There are so many subjects out there that require deep understanding in math
and CS, just to name a few: information retrieval, image processing,
artificial intelligence, compiler design, formal semantics, operating
systems, database systems, concurrency, graph algorithms, distributed
computing, and so on. These are the subjects that really makes todays
technologies possible, even Google, Facebook, GCC, and Linux are built on
top of the many theories in CS.

Nevertheless, it is true that the market for jobs requiring CS is shrinking,
especially for places like Malaysia. I feel that today's programmers are
split into two camps: one camp that make use of CS to build various
libraries and frameworks, and the other camp that makes use of the libraries
and frameworks with little understanding on what's going on behind. The
market for non-CS camp programmers is expanding in rapid speed, thanks to
today's technologies such as Android, iPhone, HTML5, and cloud computing. It
is kinda sad for me to see the younger generation of prospective CS students
having too much attention focused on developing cool (insert-buzzword)-Apps,
rather that the CS behind that makes it possible. Now I'm not saying that
developing apps is not important, but I would prefer programmers to also
look at the CS behind the apps -  the programs that power Android, the
browsers, the cloud, and so on.

Also, technology is constantly changing. The buzzwords today might fade away
quickly in few years time and replaced by new buzzwords, but the maths and
theories behind the technologies will not change much. So a programmer who
has solid CS knowledge can easily adapt the technologies that based on new
theories, while the non-CS programmers will always need to wait for the CS
programmers to rebuild new frameworks and make use of the new APIs.

Anyway, regardless of the importance of CS, it's kinda sad that in Malaysia
there is almost no job opportunity for CS programmers AFAIK. Most Malaysian
companies that I seen focus on using existing frameworks to build software
that matter to businesses. There is nothing wrong with doing so, my point is
just that it has very little to do with CS. If I know any Malaysia company
that actually makes use of (non-theoretical) CS, I would probably jump ship
to work for that company. :P

I think the problem of CS getting further away from programmers is also
similar to the engineering field. Most people with engineering degree today
do not work as a true engineer. Well their job titles still write
engineer, but most of them don't really do the kind of fundamental
engineering, such as designing machines or building megastructures, that
make our modern lives possible. Most engineers also make use of the works of
a small number of core engineers who really make use of the engineering
knowledge. So while deeper engineering knowledge still matters today, it
matter less for majority of the engineers today. (disclaimer: I have little
understanding on what engineers really do, that's just my observation from
my friends graduating from engineering, and I may be wrong)

just my two cents. Btw even though I attended some CS courses, most of my CS
knowledge come from self teaching.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah


 for a mathematician a simpler answer is n*(n+1)/2

 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:57 PM, darXness darXness darxl...@gmail.comwrote:


Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-13 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
Becareful with that, in Malaysia programming will not be introduced until
you go college/university(got a feeling it is the same for other country),
it is not even teached fully in form 6, if at all. So even we know
programming, we need a cert, in comes the question by who, what syllabus
etc. Because public uni tends to be from Form 6, where as most in private
college, tend to continue from diploma or foundation which might not cover

Unless there is change, that again is another rant, this time by Boh in the
mailing list not long ago.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Chen Ruo Fei wrote:

 I disagree with the statement that CS don't need math, but I think CS
 courses do not help students much in their future career because they are
 teaching it in the wrong (traditional) way.

 First of all, I think programming skill should be the foundation before
 entering CS. Everyone must have at least intermediary skills on programming
 before entering CS and are expected to understand advanced programming
 practices by themselves. If the students have little to no knowledge on
 programming, they must be sent to foundation courses or get a diploma first.
 Programming is a level-0 course and prerequisite of CS, it is the basics for
 everything in CS but outside the teaching scope of CS.

 Secondly, CS should teach the mathematical theories behind the various CS
 subjects and let the students apply the algorithms with their existing
 advanced programming skills. It's relationship with math is the same as
 applied physics with math. Students are expected to understand the proof
 behind the formulas but are not expected to construct new proofs - that's
 the job for mathematician and theoretical CS.

 If you only learn programming but not CS, you can only construct very high
 level programs where other true hackers have built the foundations for you.
 Yes, programming frameworks today are extremely powerful and allows
 even mediocre programmers to write powerful programs without understanding
 what's going on behind the scene, but somebody still has to write and
 maintain the frameworks and libraries, and that needs a lot of CS and math

 There are so many subjects out there that require deep understanding in
 math and CS, just to name a few: information retrieval, image processing,
 artificial intelligence, compiler design, formal semantics, operating
 systems, database systems, concurrency, graph algorithms, distributed
 computing, and so on. These are the subjects that really makes todays
 technologies possible, even Google, Facebook, GCC, and Linux are built on
 top of the many theories in CS.

 Nevertheless, it is true that the market for jobs requiring CS is
 shrinking, especially for places like Malaysia. I feel that today's
 programmers are split into two camps: one camp that make use of CS to build
 various libraries and frameworks, and the other camp that makes use of the
 libraries and frameworks with little understanding on what's going on
 behind. The market for non-CS camp programmers is expanding in rapid speed,
 thanks to today's technologies such as Android, iPhone, HTML5, and cloud
 computing. It is kinda sad for me to see the younger generation of
 prospective CS students having too much attention focused on developing cool
 (insert-buzzword)-Apps, rather that the CS behind that makes it possible.
 Now I'm not saying that developing apps is not important, but I would prefer
 programmers to also look at the CS behind the apps -  the programs that
 power Android, the browsers, the cloud, and so on.

 Also, technology is constantly changing. The buzzwords today might fade
 away quickly in few years time and replaced by new buzzwords, but the maths
 and theories behind the technologies will not change much. So a programmer
 who has solid CS knowledge can easily adapt the technologies that based on
 new theories, while the non-CS programmers will always need to wait for the
 CS programmers to rebuild new frameworks and make use of the new APIs.

 Anyway, regardless of the importance of CS, it's kinda sad that in Malaysia
 there is almost no job opportunity for CS programmers AFAIK. Most Malaysian
 companies that I seen focus on using existing frameworks to build software
 that matter to businesses. There is nothing wrong with doing so, my point is
 just that it has very little to do with CS. If I know any Malaysia company
 that actually makes use of (non-theoretical) CS, I would probably jump ship
 to work for that company. :P

 I think the problem of CS getting further away from programmers is also
 similar to the engineering field. Most people with engineering degree today
 do not work as a true engineer. Well their job titles still write
 engineer, but most of them don't really do the kind of fundamental
 engineering, such as designing machines or building megastructures, that
 make our modern lives possible. Most engineers also make use of the works of
 a small 

Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-13 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
Precisely my point
While programming is mostly logics, which in turn is a branch of maths,
which in turn covered like in one class(?). But how about advance maths. do
we use calculus that much. unless we write game, or image processing. Most
of the apps, business apps is more of a get from database, display output,
or take from output and put into database, and scalability is by putting
more machine.

Then, comes another question, who here is actually solving the hard problem
in CS that actually require advance maths.

Just curious anyway

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 4:23 PM, zarul shahrin zarulshah...@gmail.comwrote:

 If you want to be just another programmer, then you don't need that much
 of math, otherwise, yes math is important.

 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:


 for a mathematician a simpler answer is n*(n+1)/2

 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:57 PM, darXness darXness darxl...@gmail.comwrote:

 math n CS...
 IMHO,without math,programming cant go to the next
 part.if,else,while,and most of the programming part is derived from
 math.and we actually learn that in school.but under Math,not
 programming.slowly,we implement in our program.without we knowing,we
 actually doint math.just pick some of the code:

 while(i = 0;i5;i++){
 see?we actually doing plus operation there.:D
 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, E A Faisal wrote:
  I'm not formally trained on CS. All my programming knowledge is self
  So this is my opinion.
  Programming is not solely an art. It's both art and science. I
  countless of times where knowing maths would be extremely useful. While
  true that you can program something without any understanding of math
 but I
  learned the hard way that to implement something efficiently and of
  quality you still need maths. I once created a middleware that helped
  bridge between a system with Hylafax which I needed to write a
 scheduler to
  poll fax status from Hylafax. My first implementation was straight
  without any thought of mathematical model. It worked but it ate up
  needlessly. Though it didn't give any problem but it's not elegant
  it wasted on computing resource which I might need in the future.
  I managed to find a mathematical model to implement a good scheduler -
  math to the rescue.
  Still not buying on the importance of math? Consider yourself doing
  programming and need to choose a data structure. Without good math
  understanding how can you decide which data structure would be best on
  given program? Want to analyse your newly and cool algorithm? Who you
  call? Math, of course. Even when you code bussiness app, your business
  is basically a representation of mathematical model.
  Not to discourage new programmer, you can still code with knowing math
  depth. But, IMHO as you progress into a more competent programmer you
  catch up with math again. It certainly helps. Math has helped me, I'm
  it's useful to others too.
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:
  We really need math in CS. They way Computer engineers and software
  developers think are like mathematician. All are numbers.
  We codes in 1 and 0. if then else. all can be calculate and formula
  can be created.
  and one thing.
  Computer programming is an art :)
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:40 AM, sweemeng ng
   based on this article. Actually I kinda agree with the author. It
   depends on
   the goal, if aim for research YES, if for industry, maybe no
   what you guys think
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Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-13 Terurut Topik zarul shahrin
 Then, comes another question, who here is actually solving the hard problem
 in CS that actually require advance maths.

 1) Many bro many. Many of these people are just being low profile.
 2) Math is important more than to solve hard problems. A good understanding
of math helps you to solve simple problems in the most elegant way.
  Just an example, some programmers without a math background would take
1000 LoC to implement something that took a good coder who is good at math,
perhaps 100 LoC?

Just curious anyway

 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 4:23 PM, zarul shahrin zarulshah...@gmail.comwrote:

 If you want to be just another programmer, then you don't need that much
 of math, otherwise, yes math is important.

 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:


 for a mathematician a simpler answer is n*(n+1)/2

 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:57 PM, darXness darXness 

 math n CS...
 IMHO,without math,programming cant go to the next
 part.if,else,while,and most of the programming part is derived from
 math.and we actually learn that in school.but under Math,not
 programming.slowly,we implement in our program.without we knowing,we
 actually doint math.just pick some of the code:

 while(i = 0;i5;i++){
 see?we actually doing plus operation there.:D
 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, E A Faisal wrote:
  I'm not formally trained on CS. All my programming knowledge is self
  So this is my opinion.
  Programming is not solely an art. It's both art and science. I
  countless of times where knowing maths would be extremely useful.
 While it's
  true that you can program something without any understanding of math
 but I
  learned the hard way that to implement something efficiently and of
  quality you still need maths. I once created a middleware that helped
  bridge between a system with Hylafax which I needed to write a
 scheduler to
  poll fax status from Hylafax. My first implementation was straight
  without any thought of mathematical model. It worked but it ate up
  needlessly. Though it didn't give any problem but it's not elegant
  it wasted on computing resource which I might need in the future.
  I managed to find a mathematical model to implement a good scheduler -
  math to the rescue.
  Still not buying on the importance of math? Consider yourself doing
  programming and need to choose a data structure. Without good math
  understanding how can you decide which data structure would be best on
  given program? Want to analyse your newly and cool algorithm? Who you
  call? Math, of course. Even when you code bussiness app, your business
  is basically a representation of mathematical model.
  Not to discourage new programmer, you can still code with knowing math
  depth. But, IMHO as you progress into a more competent programmer you
  catch up with math again. It certainly helps. Math has helped me, I'm
  it's useful to others too.
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:
  We really need math in CS. They way Computer engineers and software
  developers think are like mathematician. All are numbers.
  We codes in 1 and 0. if then else. all can be calculate and formula
  can be created.
  and one thing.
  Computer programming is an art :)
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:40 AM, sweemeng ng
   based on this article. Actually I kinda agree with the author. It
   depends on
   the goal, if aim for research YES, if for industry, maybe no
   what you guys think
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Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-13 Terurut Topik Azrul MADISA
My answer is simple:

If you want to do the same thing that every bloody one is doing then you do
not need math,

If you want to do something no one else has done before, then, hell yes you
need math


On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:40 AM, sweemeng ng wrote:

 based on this article. Actually I kinda agree with the author. It depends
 on the goal, if aim for research YES, if for industry, maybe no

 what you guys think

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Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-12 Terurut Topik Harisfazillah Jamel
We really need math in CS. They way Computer engineers and software
developers think are like mathematician. All are numbers.

We codes in 1 and 0. if then else. all can be calculate and formula
can be created.

and one thing.

Computer programming is an art :)

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:40 AM, sweemeng ng wrote:
 based on this article. Actually I kinda agree with the author. It depends on
 the goal, if aim for research YES, if for industry, maybe no
 what you guys think

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Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-12 Terurut Topik E A Faisal
I'm not formally trained on CS. All my programming knowledge is self taught.
So this is my opinion.

Programming is not solely an art. It's both art and science. I experienced
countless of times where knowing maths would be extremely useful. While it's
true that you can program something without any understanding of math but I
learned the hard way that to implement something efficiently and of high
quality you still need maths. I once created a middleware that helped to
bridge between a system with Hylafax which I needed to write a scheduler to
poll fax status from Hylafax. My first implementation was straight forward,
without any thought of mathematical model. It worked but it ate up resources
needlessly. Though it didn't give any problem but it's not elegant because
it wasted on computing resource which I might need in the future. Eventually
I managed to find a mathematical model to implement a good scheduler - yes!
math to the rescue.

Still not buying on the importance of math? Consider yourself doing
programming and need to choose a data structure. Without good math
understanding how can you decide which data structure would be best on a
given program? Want to analyse your newly and cool algorithm? Who you gonna
call? Math, of course. Even when you code bussiness app, your business logic
is basically a representation of mathematical model.

Not to discourage new programmer, you can still code with knowing math in
depth. But, IMHO as you progress into a more competent programmer you better
catch up with math again. It certainly helps. Math has helped me, I'm sure
it's useful to others too.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:

 We really need math in CS. They way Computer engineers and software
 developers think are like mathematician. All are numbers.

 We codes in 1 and 0. if then else. all can be calculate and formula
 can be created.

 and one thing.

 Computer programming is an art :)

 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:40 AM, sweemeng ng wrote:
  based on this article. Actually I kinda agree with the author. It depends
  the goal, if aim for research YES, if for industry, maybe no
  what you guys think

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Re: [osdcmy] Do CS need maths

2011-03-12 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah

for a mathematician a simpler answer is n*(n+1)/2

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:57 PM, darXness darXness darxl...@gmail.comwrote:

 math n CS...
 IMHO,without math,programming cant go to the next
 part.if,else,while,and most of the programming part is derived from
 math.and we actually learn that in school.but under Math,not
 programming.slowly,we implement in our program.without we knowing,we
 actually doint math.just pick some of the code:

 while(i = 0;i5;i++){
 see?we actually doing plus operation there.:D
 On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, E A Faisal wrote:
  I'm not formally trained on CS. All my programming knowledge is self
  So this is my opinion.
  Programming is not solely an art. It's both art and science. I
  countless of times where knowing maths would be extremely useful. While
  true that you can program something without any understanding of math but
  learned the hard way that to implement something efficiently and of high
  quality you still need maths. I once created a middleware that helped to
  bridge between a system with Hylafax which I needed to write a scheduler
  poll fax status from Hylafax. My first implementation was straight
  without any thought of mathematical model. It worked but it ate up
  needlessly. Though it didn't give any problem but it's not elegant
  it wasted on computing resource which I might need in the future.
  I managed to find a mathematical model to implement a good scheduler -
  math to the rescue.
  Still not buying on the importance of math? Consider yourself doing
  programming and need to choose a data structure. Without good math
  understanding how can you decide which data structure would be best on a
  given program? Want to analyse your newly and cool algorithm? Who you
  call? Math, of course. Even when you code bussiness app, your business
  is basically a representation of mathematical model.
  Not to discourage new programmer, you can still code with knowing math in
  depth. But, IMHO as you progress into a more competent programmer you
  catch up with math again. It certainly helps. Math has helped me, I'm
  it's useful to others too.
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:
  We really need math in CS. They way Computer engineers and software
  developers think are like mathematician. All are numbers.
  We codes in 1 and 0. if then else. all can be calculate and formula
  can be created.
  and one thing.
  Computer programming is an art :)
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:40 AM, sweemeng ng
   based on this article. Actually I kinda agree with the author. It
   depends on
   the goal, if aim for research YES, if for industry, maybe no
   what you guys think
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