Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bug stl pugin?

2014-11-04 Thread Michael Grey
Just to follow up on this, I've confirmed that the behavior we're each seeing 
is caused by the same bug. The STL plugin for 3.2.0 does not initialize its 
normal vector array correctly (it reserves all the memory it needs, but only 
fills in 1/3 of it), which results in undefined behavior. For you it aborts 
whereas for me it renders badly.

It seems that they patched this in version 3.2.1, so if you update to that, the 
problem should be resolved.

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Re: [osg-users] model rendering glitch on osg versions > 3.0.1

2014-11-04 Thread Michael Grey
Thank you so much! Now it makes perfect sense why the behavior I was seeing 
didn't match the code; I didn't realize that the version on the repo wasn't 
released yet. I guess I'll see about putting 3.2.1 on all my computers.

Thanks again!


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Re: [osg-users] model rendering glitch on osg versions > 3.0.1

2014-11-04 Thread Michael Grey
Hi, Robert

I think the one that generated the output I posted was found here:


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bug stl pugin?

2014-11-03 Thread Michael Grey
This might be related to an issue that I'm currently having. It seems that 
during the transition from 3.0 to 3.2, binding per primitive was deprecated, 
but the STL format binds its normal vectors per primitive. To deal with this, 
there was an ad hoc addition to the STL plugin where the normals of each 
primitive is being copied and applied to each vertex of the primitive. In 
theory, this should be fine, but I've noticed that STL files are being rendered 
incorrectly, and I believe it has to do with the normal vector array being ... 
wrong somehow.

When I print out the data in the normal vector arrays, many of the vectors have 
invalid magnitudes and look like their memory is uninitialized. It might be the 
case that something is very wrong about the way the normal array is being 
stored or initialized. It might be triggering a run time check for you where 
the program just quits, whereas for me it's just allowing it to be rendered 
even though the values are corrupted or invalid.

But this is all speculation...

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Re: [osg-users] model rendering glitch on osg versions > 3.0.1

2014-11-03 Thread Michael Grey
Hi, Robert

Thanks for your advice! I finally got back to this issue, and did as you 
recommended. I loaded a few of the STL files in the osgviewer application, and 
it had similar strange coloring problems (as seen in the attachment).

As you recommended, I looked at the change in the source code between version 
3.0 and version 3.2. Indeed, there were some changes pertaining to the normal 
array (I would add links to the commit history, but I am currently forbidden 
from including links in my posts). It looks like these changes may have been 
related to BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE being deprecated, because it takes the 
per-triangle normals that are used in the STL file format and then tries to 
extend them to be per-vertex.

I decided to print out the normals that the OSG node has for the STL files, and 
I found an interesting mixture of normals that were perfectly fine along with 
normals that were very bad, as in the magnitude of each normal was very far 
from 1 (many had a magnitude of 0, ~1e-42, ~1e+32, and a few were even NaN). 
This makes me think that they're uninitialized. Grabbing a few random STL files 
from around the internet produces similar results. I think this would explain 
much about the strange coloration, especially the way many vertices seem to 
drop to pitch black or be extremely bright for no apparent reason.

A few things I've noticed... Even though this is in the STL plugin source code:



The values that I'm seeing are not consistently triple repeats. I'm using the 
code in the .cpp file that I've attached, and I get the following print out 
using an STL file that I'm testing with (this print out is truncated because it 
would be hundreds of lines):

> Got a Group
> Got a Geode
> Got vertex array (718)
> Got normal array (718)
> #0(1) -0.111759 -0.993735 0
> #1(1) -0.111759 -0.993735 0
> #2(1) -0 0 -1
> #3(1) 0 0 -1
> #4(1) 0 0 -1
> #5(1) -0 0 -1
> #6(1) -0 0 -1
> #7(1) -0 0 -1
> #8(1) -0 0 -1
> #9(1) 0 0 -1
> #10   (1) -0 -0 -1
> #11   (1) 0 0 -1
> #12   (1) -0 0 -1
> #13   (1) 0 0 -1
> #14   (1) 0 0 -1
> #15   (1) 0 0 -1
> #16   (1) 0 -0 -1
> #17   (1) 0 0 -1
> #18   (1) 0 -0 -1
> #19   (1) 0 0 -1
> #20   (1) 0 0 -1
> #21   (1) 0 0 -1
> ...

The source code in the STL plugin suggests that we should see triples of each 
normal vector, but that's not quite what we seem to be getting. Also, 
strangely, the vertex array count and the normal array count seem to have a 
size that's NOT divisible by 3, but this varies from file to file. Most files 
produce a vertex & normal array that's divisible by 3, but not all. In every 
case so far, the size of the vertex array and size of the normal array match 
each other.

I think I've dug into the matter about as much as my level of expertise is 
capable. I strongly suspect there is something wrong with the way surface 
normals are being stored or accessed, and I think this is causing the strange 
darkness/shininess. Would there be a better place for me to post about this 

Thanks for any advice or suggestions you can offer!


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Re: [osg-users] model rendering glitch on osg versions > 3.0.1

2014-10-23 Thread Michael Grey

I'm running into an issue that I think is related, but not exactly the same.

Prior to the 3.2 release, I could load an .stl file using the 
osgDB::readNodeFile(~) function, and it would come out looking like a diffuse 
white material. Presumably this was just a default setting somewhere in OSG or 
OpenGL, because the .stl file doesn't encode color or material properties.

In the latest release, the file gets loaded as a shiny golden color (attachment 

I tried applying setGlobalDefaults() to the Viewer's Camera, but this had no 
effect. I also tried applying setGlobalDefaults() to the node which gets 
generated from osgDB::readNodeFile(~), and this changed the golden color to a 
blackish color (attachment "B").

I found that I could crawl through the auto-generated node and parse out its 
geodes and geometries, then change their color array to whatever I want. I 
imagine I could do something similar with their materials to get rid of the 
shininess. However, this is a problem for two reasons: (1) It's annoying, and 
more importantly (2) If some color/material properties are loaded from the 
file, I don't want to overwrite them.

I'd really just like a way to get back the behavior prior to 3.2 where a loaded 
node would have some reasonable default rendering properties if the properties 
aren't provided by the file that's being loaded.

If anyone has suggestions for how I might be able to accomplish this in a 
robust way, I would greatly appreciate it! I suspect there's probably some 
stupidly simple thing I could do that I'm just not aware of because of my 
inexperience with OSG.


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