[osg-users] [vpb] Terrain Deformation as per Road Profile

2017-12-04 Thread umesh ramesh

I am planning to use VPB for terrain deformation as per road profile. The road 
mesh has been generated separately and I shall put it on the terrain. The 
terrain generated by VPB must deform itself as per the road profile. Also 
additional geometry must be added to terrain geometry close to the road borders 
for smoothness as the terrain quad tile cells may be too big. This situation I 
have tried to visualize as shown in the two below images.
Now the best approach I see is to let VPB generate the terrain tiles as OSG 
files. I know the road border points. I can figure out which terrain tile a 
segment of the road shall fall. Let’s say I know the road border points for the 
particular terrain quad tile as per figure 1. Now I need to tessellate or 
subdivide the Terrain tile cells that are falling on the road path.
Thus I need to deform as well as increase the terrain mesh at the road borders. 
Question: What should be my best approach to achieve this? 
•   I might use tessellation shaders approach, but it might tessellate 
everywhere I move camera not specifically at road borders. Maybe create a 
grayscale texture runtime that highlights the road surface & pass it to Tess 
shaders to tessellate at the road borders?
•   I might use old GluTess with winding order to cut holes in terrain 
where road goes. But those may create very long triangles if cell size is large.
So please can anybody give me some pointers to approach this? I know this goes 
beyond VPB. By the way, each terrain tile also has its road cut piece.

Thank you, Robert!


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Re: [osg-users] Jittering/Flickering geometry problem

2017-02-15 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for the prompt reply. As I had written earlier, I do not prefer to 
generate my road geometries at origin & translate far off where they are 
located (maybe that’s the last option that I shall use).
I am under the impression that there might be other techniques to tackle this 
I think, VirtualPlanetBuilder is generating the Terrain Tiles in the way you 
had written.
But, FlightGear too has terrain & roads all over & they are rendered properly.
Do the similar Projects use the same basic theory that you had written?
It will be helpful if you can give additional insight into this.


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[osg-users] Jittering/Flickering geometry problem

2017-02-14 Thread umesh ramesh
Hello Robert,

I created geometries mathematically for a very long road (>1500km). The vertex 
values are similar to as shown below, for example:
osg::Vec3d bottom_left(-2849337.167, 42249.143, -1.0);
osg::Vec3d bottom_right(-2849337.167, 42249.143, -1.0);
osg::Vec3d top_right(-2849337.167, 42249.143, -1.0);
osg::Vec3d top_left(-2849337.167, 42249.143, 1.0);
As you can see, they are high values. 
The problem is the geometry is jittering during animation. I do not want to 
create the geometries at origin, & translate to the far location. 
How to solve this jittering/Flickering geometry problem in OSG? Any osg::Camera 
settings we can modify to solve it?

Thank you!..as always to reply to queries.


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[osg-users] Secondary Color not working?

2017-02-14 Thread umesh ramesh

There seems to be a bug in OSG related to accessing secondary colors in vertex 
shader. I am using OSG 3.2.1. The same issue might also exist in OSG 3.4 too.
Here’s how I found out the issue:
I want to pass 8 attributes from my osg App to the shader. Then I need to 
retrieve those 8 attributes in vertex shader & perform my operations on them.
Note: In Italics are Pseudo code, not actual syntax.

I use primary color as…


…in my osg App to pass the first 4 parameters. 

I use secondary color…


… to pass rest 4 parameters to shader.

In shader, I access…
texWeight[0] = gl_Color[0];
texWeight[4] = gl_SecondaryColor[0];
…to do my operations. But all (or some) of the 4 secondary color values are not 
proper or invalid.
So as a work around, I am using …

geometry.setTexCoordArray(0, secondcolors);

..and in shader
texWeight[8] = gl_MultiTexCoord0.s;   orgl_TexCoord[0].

The above is working fine.

To cross verify, I wrote the exact code in OpenGL and used:

glSecondaryColorPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, &SecColorBuffer[0] );

In shader…

texWeight[4] = gl_SecondaryColor[0];.

This worked perfectly. I am using Nvidia GPU.
Thus, I concluded that there’s maybe a bug in using SecondaryColor method in 

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Roads as Shapefiles in VPB?

2014-12-18 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi Robert,

How about osg Delaunay (Cutting terrain for road)? Or modifying the heightmap 
image itself (may be 2048X2048), modifying the pixels where the road falls with 
proper height value? VPB shall do the rest.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Roads as Shapefiles in VPB?

2014-12-18 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi Robert,

After posting this, I quickly realized that SHP files might be doing some sort 
of "draping" rather than modifying the terrain. Anyway,It will not do the job I 
Feel now.

There was osgTDS (Terrain Deformation s/w) sometime back. Now it seems to be 
out of shape. That was doing something similar to what I trying to achieve. 
Isn't it?
I do not prefer osgEarth. VPB satisfies my needs good enough except with this 
road issue.

Anything you can suggest to try out to modify Terrain to adjust to my 3D roads 
(using VPB/ osgTerrain etc)? I can try out your concepts.

Please reply to this part if you have little spare time  :) .

Thank you!


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[osg-users] [vpb] Roads as Shapefiles in VPB?

2014-12-18 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi All,

I have road geometry (3D) that I might be able to convert to SHP file using 
shapelib library.

If I load the shapefile for the road, shall I expect the terrain in VPB to be 
modified to accompany the road on top?
My Aim: Wherever the road is present, the terrain must be flattened (go below 
the road).

At least, VPB experts can be able to tell if this is feasible with existing SHP 
file support in VPB?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Does OSG support reading RGB8/RGBA8 PNG image data?

2014-12-11 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi Robert & Eric

Overall I feel (as Robert suggested earlier), just load the images & OSG shall 
automatically take care of the rest.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Does OSG support reading RGB8/RGBA8 PNG image data?

2014-12-10 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi Robert,

OSG supports and displays RGB, RGB8 etc correctly, agreed. But whether it is 
"packing" the RGB components properly, I need to analyze. I think now we are 
deviating from my simple question that I asked initially. I again give a short 
I had originally 32 Bit textures. I wrote the geometry with the texture data to 
IVE file. The IVE file size was 26 MB. Then I realized that I do not need true 
color textures, so I converted my images to 8 Bit images (RGBA8) reducing my 
image size from 4 mb to 1 mb (This can be easily done using Paint.Net Free 
App). Then I again wrote the data to IVE file expecting that now the IVE file 
size shall be far less as the image data has reduced. But the file size is same 
26 MB. 
Thus I guess OSG stores the texture data in RGB or RGBA format only and not in 
the original file format (that is RGB8 or RGBA8 unsigned byte in my case).

If I set RGBA8 in image->setInternalTextureFormat does not affect size or view. 
But if I set RGB in image->setPixelFormat instead of RGBA, I see 1 MB less size 
in the IVE file (now 25 MB). Maybe because now alpha componenet is not written.

My final objective is if my texture sizes are less I should have more texture 
memory available in graphics memory to load additional textures. And i am 
trying to verify whether OSG loads OpenGL with actual texture size (in my case 
RGBA8) or uses always RGB/RGBA format only. The display anyway will not be 
affected but unnecessary texture memory will be allocated I guess. The 
discussion above is on OSG with OpenGL & not OSG with OpenGL ES.
I am using OSG for our Simulation research & I do not doubt its capabilities. 
But since I am neither a novice nor a full expert in OSG I came across above 
doubts that someone in forum can answer/reply.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Does OSG support reading RGB8/RGBA8 PNG image data?

2014-12-09 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the prompt response.
I am not talking about compressed textures. By RGBA8 i mean typically R8G8B8A8.
I believe that OpenGL also interprets in this way. Typically if we use an 
OpenGL App in which we have to read a PNG image that is in RGB8 format, we may 
use LibPNG library to read the data in the correct format, then it shall give a 
pointer to the data (let's say *Data). 

Then we shall use glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, width, height, 0, 
So technically OpenGL shall interpret as per input & render.

I peeked into the osg::Texture and osg::Image classes, but could not make out 
whether they handle these data formats properly & pass on to OpenGL in the 
correct format as the image format (for example RGBA8).Again, OSG shall invoke 
LibPNG PlugIn for reading the data. It may need to tell that the data is in 
RGBA8 format. 
Or I might need to explicitly tell through osg::Image like 
(image->setImage(width, height, 1 ,GL_RGBA8,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (unsigned 

If OSG does handle 8bit/32bit images properly then I should be able to save a 
lot of texture memory I believe.
But I not able to figure out whether OSG does handle this correctly & pass on 
to OpenGL. Secondly, if it does correctly how shall I confirm this (may be as I 
posted earlier I need to see using an OpenGL debugger tool for texture memory 

(I actually am working on OpenGL/OSG as I am a Graphics developer).

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Does OSG support reading RGB8/RGBA8 PNG image data?

2014-12-08 Thread umesh ramesh

I am still not able to make out whether OSG or its PlugIns automatically 
determine the size of RGB/RGBA components and load accordingly to OpenGL 
through glTexImage2D(). Technically it must do in that way. When we program 
using direct OpenGL we provide glTexImage2D with the correct format & data type 
& it shall load accordingly (at least thats what I guess). Lesser size textures 
are really useful when we program for any embedded application running OpenGL. 
I am involved in Desktop OpenGl now though, using OSG. 
Anybody has any insight on this please let me know. From My side I shall try to 
use gDebugger to compare the Texture memory size with earlier images & with 8 
Bit images. 
That may tell whether graphics texture memory has reduced using 8 Bit format.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Does OSG support reading RGB8/RGBA8 PNG image data?

2014-11-27 Thread umesh ramesh

My PNG images were 32 Bit. Since they did not contain rich colors, I converted 
to 8 Bit PNG textures without any loss in  image quality. Also the image size 
reduced significantly. I tried to read those images using readImageFile() as 
usual with OSG. they looked fine. Then I wrote my scene data to IVE format 
expecting that the file size shall be less than earlier as the images are 8 bit 
now. But the file size remained same.
(image data are embedded in IVE).
Thus I concluded that OSG considers only RGB/RGBA format & it does not bother 
other lesser size formats.
If there is a way to tell OSG that this is my size & format, then perhaps it 
shall do accordingly, but how to tell it?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] How to use gDEBugger for OSG performance analysis

2014-05-19 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi Alistair,

I am able to see the graphics profiling using gDEBugger now. Actually there
are multiple GL Render Contex created. As i have attached the image, you can 
see around 15 Render contexes. I wonder how so many RC are created. I do not 
have so many render windows in my GUI (I am using a DLL that does the 
rendering, so I do not know how many RC being created).
Simply speaking, if you take any OSG example like osgShadow.exe & run it, in 
gDEBugger their are two RC created. The default one (RC1) does not show 
That's why I was confused & wrote in OSG forum. The second RC shows the 

I know that RC generally means there is a window for rendering (leave alone 
Can anyone tell why so many RCs are created.  Also in gDEBugger there is an 
option "Add Render Context". What shall it do?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] How to use gDEBugger for OSG performance analysis

2014-05-14 Thread umesh ramesh
Hi Everyone,

I have an App that loads various DLLs before opening a GUI. After giving some 
input from another App, this GUI invokes OSG DLLs for doing the rendering in 
that GUI, which has a OSG viewport.

How to use gDEBugger for making performance analysis on such type of set up 
(that includes various DLLs & osg DLLs)?
As fas as I know gDEBugger takes an exe & does the job. In my case, if I 
provide my EXE as input to gDEBugger, only it shows the CPU usage.

Thank you!


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