Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads reference manual, documentation or tutorial

2012-01-29 Thread Andrey Ibe
hi there!

my post was NOT in any way a criticism of the developers. i am only frustrated 
... well you read it anyway. what i wanted to say - maybe, a couple of lines, a 
single sentence - it helps a LOT. i really think this is the biggest downside 
of the OSG. i can't say anything else than "good job" for the rest.

also i have experience with "programming for free" and i do know what you are 
saying. it's just ... i always comment my code, it's better even for me if i 
happen to come across it once again some time later.

if i happen to be an expert in OSG and graphics, i will start with the OSG 
documentation for sake of other beginners like me :)

i heared of that book and now i think  i'm buying it this week. hope it helps. 
thank you, Torben.


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Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads reference manual, documentation or tutorial

2012-01-29 Thread Torben Dannhauer
Hi Andrey,

OSG is an open source project without a big company behind it. The developers 
are not paid for developing OSG, they spent their spare time to enhance OSG.
You can image the OSG development is always competitive to hobbies, family and 
of course to paid work.

If YOU were an expert in computer graphics and you would have limited time to 
invest in OSG, would you use it to fix bugs and to create new features, or 
would you document it?

Andrey, I understand you very well, after 3 years of OSG development, I feel 
still like a beginner and it is hard to learn new facts because you have to 
learn them from the code and the forum.
My best experience was Wang Rui's "OpenSceneGraph Beginners Guide", and this 
march the next of his books will be published, so buy them and start to read.

Additionally, you can wrap up a documentation work package, collect funding and 
hire on of the OSG experts to create documentation.

My personal experience regarding the forum is very positive, ask a well defined 
question and you'll get very soon a well defined answer.

Regarding yuor technical question? Sorry I have never used Openthreads in 
detail :(

Heads up and good luck,

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[osg-users] OpenThreads reference manual, documentation or tutorial

2012-01-29 Thread Andrey Ibe
Hello all the OSG enthusiasts and gurus!

Is there any tutorial for OpenThreads? or at least a reference manual for the 
current OSG version, preferably with some comments? all i have is a reference 
manual lacking almost any comments (i mean descriptions of classes, methods and 
parameters, data structures etc.), downloaded from, and it's for the 
OSG 2.9.6 :?

This is a problem of the OSG as such. How come, such a great framework lacks 
reasonable documentation ? It's not enough to just name methods in a reasonable 
way. At least some explanation of methods/classes/parameters is needed. I 
started using OSG about 6 months ago and so far every little thing i wanted to 
do had been preceeded with massive forum reading, trials to understand the 
example apps (which also lack comments), other apps i found online and the 
source of the OSG itself. I am literally spending hours to do a simple thing. 
All because there is no documentation that could be used. Yes, i am a 
self-student and i have no one to teach me OSG ways.
Now my patience is over after i have been searching for days for anything that 
could give me hand with the OpenThreads, which are not even included in the OSG 
documentation, although being a part of it... :O 

Or is it just me being blind  [Question]  [Question]  [Question] 

Thank you very much for providing any information on the OpenThreads (or OSG) 
documentation. And thank you for this forum, it's the only light in my 


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