[osint] Shocker: UK Muzzies Promote Jihad in Universities

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


had-in-universities/ Shocker: UK Muzzies Promote Jihad in Universities 

 http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/author/r0nin/ Ronin | 6 June, 2011 at
6:25 am | Categories:  http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=478086
British Muslims,  http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=714865 False
Prophet,  http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=31020 Fighting Back,
http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=427504 Indoctrination,
http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=8256698 Islam Sucks!,
http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=496259 know your enemy,
http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=729230 muslim Intolerance,
http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=693235 Muslim Students
Association,  http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=259237 Radical Islam
| URL:  http://wp.me/p1NPg-7ae http://wp.me/p1NPg-7ae 

A welcomed admission but short sighted. Islam itself is the problem. The
only differences between muslims promoting islamic extremism and main
stream muslim groups is the method they use to promote the cults goal of
world domination.

The UK is just one country facing an insurgency inside its borders, American
schools just like the rest of the western nations face the same threat.

Worse that the threat growing in our schools is the threat growing inside
our own government. When we see the State Department, the CIA, the military
and others promoting corrupt pro extremist governments and groups in Egypt,
Libya, North Africa just to name a few, we know that we have a serious

6 June, 2011, Basildon Recorder
The Home Secretary has criticised universities for their complacency in
tackling radicalisation and Islamic extremism on campus.

The remarks came ahead of the publication of the Government's revised
Prevent strategy, which was originally launched in 2007 to stop the growth
of home-grown terrorism.
-Yeah bout that, when ya goin ta start?

In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Theresa May said: I think for too
long there's been complacency around universities. I don't think they have
been sufficiently willing to recognise what can be happening on their
campuses and the radicalisation that can take place. I think there is more
that universities can do.

The Government has identified 40 English universities where there could be a
particular risk of radicalisation or recruitment on campus, according to
the Daily Mail which said it had seen the updated strategy.
-H best ya recount them sckools. You pear a bit low, wasz up wid yor
had-in-universities/#more-27542 Read more of this post

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[osint] Global Jihad Marches: Islam and Forced Conversion

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


Global Jihad Marches: Islam and Forced Conversion 

Sunday, 05 June 2011 15:55 Vin Ienco 

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ches-islam-and-forced-conversion/print.html Print

I have been producing a weekly synopsis and articles on the global
encroachment of Islam for about two years. In that time, a week hasn't
passed without certain 'staples' of Islam perpetrated on Muslims and Non
Muslims alike. One of the traits that are unquestionably unique to Islam is
'forced conversion'.

With very little research, it is easy to discover that forced conversion in
hand with over-breeding, is part of a larger Islamic strategy to achieve the
state of Dar al-Islam, or the 'house of Islam'. Simply defined, it is the
chipping away at a country until it is an Islamic state and continuing this,
on a global scale, until all religion is for Allah. The weekly synopsis
certainly gives a clear picture of this objective.

coptic-women-kidnappedSMThis past week, The Pakistan Christian Post reported
on yet another case of young girls being kidnapped and forced to convert to
Islam. The father of the girls, Rehmat Masih, was told by a rich, local
businessman that he intended to marry both daughters and had threatened to
kidnap them if this wasn't approved of. A complaint to the local Police
Station proved pointless as the Police refused to take action.

A few days later, the girls were kidnapped by the man while on the way home
from a market. Rehmat rushed back to the Police Station to complain. After
an investigation, Rehmat was accused of making false accusations against the
Muslim business man. It was further stated that Rehmat was a drunk and that
he often beat his daughters and they had likely ran away from home to escape
this treatment.

Forced conversion isn't unique to Pakistan and in fact regularly occurs in
Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Egypt and even England. It begs the question,
what could possibly embolden the adherents of Islam to engage in such a
heinous act? The answer is simple, the teachings of Mohammed.

Islam was spread by the sword after a slight initial, peaceful hiccup. The
warlord and slave –trader Mohammed's war conquests are very concisely
documented. Sûrah al-Baqarah 256: Allah says, Let there be no compulsion in
religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false
worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that
never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.

Sadly, this verse and other verses of peace were replaced by more violent
ones, like Sura 8:12, 9:5, 47:4 and many others.

Prior to emigrating from Mecca to Medina (the Hijra) in 622 CE, Mohammed
preached sermons of peace and tolerance, taking and perverting verses from
the Bible, the Torah and sacred Greek texts. This had proven to be an abject
failure to Mohammed, as barely 100 to 150 people had converted to Islam in
its first 13 years. Most of these converts were either close or long-time
friends or members of his family.

From 624 CE, raids on defenseless communities reaped great rewards for the
early Muslims in slaves, wealth and converts to Islam. A large portion of
these people converted for self-preservation as the warring Muslims
murdered, tortured, enslaved and raped their way across Arabia. This had
proven a more lucrative tact to the one of peace and tolerance.

This is accentuated in Ibn Ishaq 814: Submit and testify that there is no
God but Allah and that Muhammad is the apostle of Allah before you lose your
head. As well as Sahih Muslim 31:5917: Fight with them until they bear
testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his

The people of Mecca who refused to convert to Islam were forcibly removed
following Mohammed's last sermon in 632 CE. The same offer was made to the
Christians and Jews in Arabia, though their choice was extended to either
accept Islam as their faith, leave their land or be killed.

From Mohammed last sermon, Koran 9:5, Then, when the sacred months have
passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive),
and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and
establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah
is Forgiving, Merciful.

Sahih Muslim 19, 4366, Narrated Umar b. al-Khattib: I have heard the
Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) say:' I will expel the Jews and
Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim'.

In June 2008, Saba and Anila Younas, both Christian girls from Pakistan,
were abducted by a group of Muslims, and forced to marry and convert to
Islam. When the matter came before the court, Naeem Sardar, the District and
Sessions Judge, ordered that the girls were not to be remanded to their
Christian parents because the 

[osint] UK Foreign Office confirms Iranian support for Syria

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf

Foreign Office confirms Iranian support for Syria

Iran is helping the Syrian regime in its crackdown on pro-democracy

protests, according to British intelligence reports revealed to The Daily




Foreign Office confirms Iranian support for Syria 

Iran is helping the Syrian regime in its crackdown on pro-democracy
protests, according to British intelligence reports revealed to The Daily


A Syrian human rights group said 38 people had been killed in the northern
town of Jisr al-Shughour, 10 on Saturday and 28 on Sunday Photo: EPA


By James Kirkup http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/james-kirkup/ , and
Richard Spencer

12:01AM BST 06 Jun 2011

Senior Foreign Office sources said that there is credible information that
Tehran is providing riot control gear and paramilitary training to Syrian
security forces. 

Moreover, members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard have been providing
technical advice and equipment to forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad,
the sources said. 

The accusation comes as the Assad regime's policy of shooting down
protesters on the streets of Syria's major cities shows no sign of let-up. 

A Syrian human rights group said 38 people had been killed in the northern
town of Jisr al-Shughour, 10 on Saturday and 28 on Sunday. 

With 65 people also reported killed in the town of Hama on Friday, the
number of dead since the uprising began in March is now estimated at 1,200. 

A video leaked to a Syrian news website based in Dubai showed soldiers
standing among the corpses of their victims. 

As the Arab Spring has developed, Iran has accused the United States and
Britain of backing dictators such as President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and of
turning a blind eye to the killing of demonstrators in Bahrain. 

But Iran has also offered clear support to Mr Assad. This is a hypocritical
action by Iran, said a senior Foreign Office Source. 

It is not clear if Iranian personnel have travelled to Syria to help Mr
Assad, but members of the militant group Hizbollah, which is backed by
Tehran, are said to be in Syria fighting alongside Assad forces. 

The Iranians are also reported to have supplied specialist electronic
equipment to Damascus to shut down internet access and prevent the spread of
news about attacks on civilians. 

In response, the UK is expected to push for new EU sanctions on members of
the Revolutionary Guard. 

William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, said Iran's behaviour was

He said: As elsewhere in the region, protesters in Syria must be allowed to
express their legitimate aspirations and peacefully call for change without
fear of brutal repression. 

Iran's actions are in stark contrast with the will of the Syrian people. 

Iran's support for Mr Assad is well known, and Britain's decision to make
its allegations public now is part of a wider attempt to discredit the
Islamic among the young supporters of the Arab Spring movements. 


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[osint] Italy Hit by Global Insurrection

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf
Italy Hit by Global Insurrection

Posted By Michael Ledeen On June 5, 2011 

Italy is the latest country to be hit with the fury of the global
insurrection, whose recent targets include Muslim countries from Arab North
Africa and Iran, largely agnostic European nations including France,
Germany, Spain. and Holland, and of course that most revolutionary country,
the Christian United States. The occasion for the Italian insurrection was a
series of local elections all over the country, and the results were
devastating for the incumbents.

As elsewhere, the insurrection was focused on the current leader - in this
case, Silvio Berlusconi - took most expert observers by surprise, and was
intriguingly leaderless (the winning mayoral candidates in Milan and Naples
were virtual unknowns, and while both attracted support from the center-left
Democratic Party, they owed it nothing and will likely govern with teams of
young mavericks), leaving traditional opposition figures wondering what to
do next. As in Egypt, we can expect the usual suspects - here, the
center-left, and most importantly the heirs of the old Communist Party - to
reorganize, penetrate the new insurrectionaries, and trot out their old
dreams of an even bigger state with even more central control, but for the
moment, it's wide open. Meanwhile, Berlusconi has been battered in the most
unexpected way - most of us experts thought he was unbeatable at the
polls, as the public opinion surveys had documented until the eve of the
vote - and his party, which is more a cult of personality than a modern
political organization, is now looking for a successor for the first time in
eighteen years.

In our words, the Italian Tea Party has had a great success.

To be sure, winning some local administrative elections does not a political
revolution make, and Italy has some terrible problems. I am now in Naples,
where the new mayor is putting together a city government largely made up of
intellectuals, journalists, and lawyers, very few of whom have any
experience managing anything (the new guy himself is a former prosecutor).
We know how unhappily that sort of administration can turn out. For the
moment he's launching happy, politically correct promises: traffic-free
zones in the middle of town, no more plastic cups, differentiated garbage
collection, an invitation to Obama for Christmas vacation.none of which even
begins to come to grips with the city's massive corruption, lack of security
even in good neighborhoods, and one of the world's busiest and most lethal
criminal organizations, the camorra.

Moreover, as elsewhere, the tumult came from a minority of voters, typically
young ones. Here nearly seventy per cent of young voters said hell no  to
the pro-Berlusconi candidate. On the other hand, nearly half of registered
voters went to the beach or slept in, representing a landslide hell no to
the entire political class.

If the new guys prove unable to cope - and I wouldn't be at all surprised if
they fail, since most of the time most of us fail, and these challenges
would be daunting for Cardinal Wolsey at his best - the alienation of
Italians will intensify, with results that are very hard to iimagine.

But that can be said about the global insurrection most everywhere. We are
in the middle of a paradigm shift from a bipolar Cold War template to
something we do not yet know, and there is still no major leader anywhere
who shows signs of being able to master the tumult and guide us to the new

He certainly isn't anywhere in Washington.


Article printed from Faster, Please!: http://pajamasmedia.com/michaelledeen

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[osint] Islam's Viral Stasis

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 4, 2011

Islam's Viral Stasis

Edward Cline

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Two recent, contrasting analyses of Islam - or rather, of the Islamic
mindset that governs the behavior of Muslims - help to identify the
problem with the ideology. One is 
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/05/why-muslim-cultures-lag-behind.html Why
Muslim cultures lag behind,by Anti-Jihadist on Robert Spencer's Jihad
Watch. The second is by Daniel Greenfield on Sultan Knish, 
ehind+the+News) Will Islam Destroy Itself? Both articles discuss what can
be described as Islam's state of stasis, or moral, political, and cultural
stagnation. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary best indicates the phenomenon:


Stasis: a: a state of static balance or equilibrium; stagnation b: a state
or period of stability during which little or no evolutionary change in a
lineage occurs.

That Islam fosters stagnation in its adherents' cultures is an observable
given. Islam has not changed in any fundamental respect since its founding
in the 7th century. It has simply been refined in its details and
interpreted to govern all human action, regardless of race, region, or
nation. Christianity and Judaism underwent changes that made them tolerant
of secular, exo-religious values, such as freedom of speech. Men who saw no
value in stagnation, who wished to exercise their minds and be free to act,
waged a long and bloody conflict with religious and political authority in
the West, and won. If the Church claimed it ruled men to save their immortal
souls, men replied that their souls were not the Church's to save. 

Islam cannot cede such an argument. There are no doctrinaire loopholes in
the system. It is all-encompassing, and allows no exceptions to its rule. To
be saved by Islam is to submit to it without reason and in every
particular. Your soul is Allah's to save or to condemn. 

Jihad Watch's article lists several attributes prevalent in technologically
and economically advanced Western and Westernized nations (the latter
including India and Japan), but which are largely absent in any given
islamic culture: an absence of personal responsibility, of innovation, of
devotion to any idea or organization beyond family, tribe or clan, of
equality of women and men in terms of politics and economics, of skilled
labor, and of a meritocracy. Included in the list are a belief in magic
and an obsession with conspiracies (against tribes, against Islam, and so
on), but these will not be discussed here. 

The Jihad Watch article is correct and well-intentioned, but woefully
lacking itself in explaining why the West has surpassed Islam. Without
establishing the broader context of why and how innovation, devotion,
skilled labor and so on exist in the West but not in Muslim culture, the
list seems wholly arbitrary. One could easily substitute honesty, diet
or education for any of the others, or simply add them to the list. 

Innovation, for example, requires not only the freedom to create and
invent, but the desire to think. Capitalism fosters and rewards the freedom
and the desire. Islam suffocates and punishes them. The article makes this
odd statement about meritocracy, which is likely a euphemism for


The West has thrived not only because they have learned to hold people
responsible for their actions, but also they have learned to give out
rewards based on individual achievement. Hence higher-performing individuals
tend to be eventually in charge and reap the most rewards (in prestige,
rank, money, etc.).

Who are they who are giving out rewards to individuals? And who are the
high-performing Individuals who will eventually take charge and reap the
most rewards? This could just as well be a description of a communist or
fascist society, of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. Prestige, rank, and
(legally looted) money are paramount values in collectivist societies, even
in Islamic ones. If the author of the article is pro-capitalism, his choice
of words is ill-considered. 

Linked to the meritocracy issue, although the author treats it as a
separate issue, is personal responsibility, which he attributes solely to
political leaders. 


Muslim leaders often lie to or deceive their own people, to subordinates, or
to allies in order to advance their own personal 

[osint] The Audacity Of Hate

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 6, 2011

The Audacity Of Hate

Gadi Adelman

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The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas unveiled a monument to nine Turkish
activists killed last year during the Israeli raid on the flotilla seeking
to break Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip. 


Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh led Tuesday's ceremony at Gaza City's
harbor, on the first anniversary of the May 31, 2010 raid, in which Israeli
commandos boarded a Turkish aid ship, the Mavi Marmara. 


The monument, situated in a brand new public park, stands 10-meters high and
features nine metal sails with a world globe on top. 


This statue looks as if one of the Hamas rockets is sticking out of the
earth after being fired. The globe appears as a statement of world


Getting beyond the significance of its meaning, I have to wonder how these
poor, poor people who are living is such squalor can afford such a park, a
monument, the uniforms (on the sailors who have no navy), not to mention
those beautiful buildings in the background. Yes, the Gaza Strip is doing
quite well, but that is another story for another time.


Israel has been preparing - as well as training - to block the second aid
flotilla which is due to sail from Turkey to Gaza, one year after last
year’s deadly confrontation. This year’s flotilla will have up to 15 ships
from at least 14 countries. 


According to the
http://www.jpost.com/Features/FrontLines/Article.aspx?id=223430 Jerusalem
Post, there are training programs and changes for this year’s flotilla,


This time around, the navy has been preparing rigorously for the operation,
enlisting all of its Flotilla 13 commandos from the reserves and running
different training models with various scenarios, from passive resistance –
such as sit-downs – to potential gunfights and booby-trapped ships.


In addition to Flotilla 13 – better known as the Shayetet – the ships will
be boarded by members of the Border Police’s Yasam Unit and the Prisons
Service elite Masada Unit, both known for their expertise in crowd control
and the use of non-lethal means to quell violent riots.


But it doesn’t end with just “non-lethal means”,


The teams will be supported by snipers – whose job will be to neutralize
violent protesters before the commandos board the ships – with dogs from
Oketz, the IDF’s canine unit, and operators from Yahalom, the elite unit
from the Engineering Corps.


Thus far, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Norway,
Holland, Switzerland, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Canada and the United States
have ships involved with passengers possibly reaching 1000 or more.


According to the Israel National News
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/144733 report,


A ship flying US colors and carrying 34 passengers is set to joint this
year's Gaza-bound, IHH-sponsored “Freedom Flotilla 2” in June.


This year's American vessel, named The Audacity of Hope after US President
Barack Obama’s best-selling book, is being organized by an American group
called “US Boat to Gaza.”


Obama links to the Audacity do not end there, however. Prof. Rashid Khalidi,
director of the Middle East Institute at Columbia University’s School of
International and Public Affairs, and a friend from Obama’s time in Chicago,
is among the supporters of an appeal launched by the group last week.


Talk about “audacity”; why is another flotilla even necessary?  On Saturday
May, 28 Egypt opened the Rafah border crossing with Gaza after four years.


The closing of the border 4 years ago by Egypt was done to put pressure on
Hamas after they won the election of 2007 becoming the ruling body in the
Gaza Strip. This was done under the previous government of Hosni Mubarak,
but now that he has been ousted… 


The border between Egypt and Gaza is now open once again. Back on April 30
the Haaretz
rfere-with-opening-of-gaza-border-crossing-1.358969 reported a warning from
Egypt to its ally Israel,


Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces General Sami Anan warned Israel
against interfering with Egypt's plan to open the Rafah border crossing with
Gaza on a permanent basis, saying it was not a matter of Israel's concern.


Rafah's opening would be a violation of an agreement reached in 2005 between
the United States, Israel, Egypt, and the European Union, which gives EU
monitors access to the crossing. The monitors were to 

[osint] The Obama Peace Plan: Rahm Emanuel Is Wrong

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 6, 2011

The Obama Peace Plan: Rahm Emanuel Is Wrong

 http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/authors/id.187/author_detail.asp Dr.
Rachel Ehrenfeld

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Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's attempt last week to reassure Israel that
President Obama's
dle-east-and-north-africa May 19th speech was misconstrued; Mr. Obama's
repeated calls for Israel's return to the 1967 lines grew out of his concern
for the Jewish state, claimed the former White House Chief of Staff.


In his June 2nd
02/AGj0NZHH_print.html Washington Post article, Mr. Emanuel echoed the
president's contention that
ted-nations-general-assembly the hard realities of demography threaten
the survival of the Jewish state. Clearly, both anchored their arguments in
the conjured estimates of the
http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=386989 Palestinian Central
Bureau of Statistics. A 2006 World Bank study found a 
32% 'inflation' in the number of Arab births,  alleged by the Palestinians.


A more recent comprehensive study on Jewish-Arab Demographic Trends in the
Land of Israel, published earlier this year by
e-Land-of-Israel.aspx Yakov Faitelson, found that 


in 2011 there is a 66% Jewish majority . in the combined area of pre-1967
Israel, Judea and Samaria.


The study demonstrated that


. Despite 120 years of demographic calamity projections, the Jewish
population in the Land of Israel succeeded to grow from a 5% minority to a
60% majority.

. In 2010, the Jewish fertility rate is 63% higher than Lebanon's,
higher than Iran's, 33% higher than Turkey's and Kuwait's, 23% higher than
Saudi Arabia's, slightly higher than Egypt's and only 7% and 4% lower than
Jordan's and Syria's respectively.

. Israeli Arab fertility rate has collapsed since the 1970s [due to
a most
successful integration into the infrastructures of education, employment,
finance, politics, culture, sports, etc.].It declined to 3.5 births per
woman in 2009.

. In 1995, there were 2.34 Jewish births per 1 Arab birth.  In
there were 3.12 Jewish births per 1 Arab birth.

. The demographic trends within pre-1967 Israel are identical to
those in
Judea and Samaria.but, in a much faster pace.  The fertility rate of Judea
and Samaria Arabs dropped from 6.44 births per woman in 1990 to 3.12 births
in 2010.lower than Israeli Arabs and substantially lower than the Jewish
fertility rate in the Jerusalem region.

As this study clearly documented, the shifting sands of demography in the
Middle East work in favor of the Jewish state, not against it, as Mr.
Emanuel argued.


To be sure, the uncertainty brought by the Arab Spring, does not add to
the stability of the region. But dividing the Jewish state will do nothing
to calm the demands for freedom by millions of oppressed Arabs, reform
corrupt regimes, create new jobs, or lead to democracy. Instead, weakening
Israel - the only democracy and unwavering ally of the United States in the
Middle East - would encourage the highly indoctrinated, well-armed savage
Islamic fundamentalist elements in the region to move from political
extortion to physical attacks on the Jewish state, as well as other U.S.
interests in the region, such as Saudi oil-fields.


Mr. Emanuel warns of the danger to Israel from unilateral efforts to create
a recognized state of Palestine. But these are hardly unilateral; the
Palestinians are joined by the
stinian-state-by-next-year-1.263669 United Nations, the
European Union, the
stinian-state-israel-palestinian-arab-peace-initiative?_s=PM:WORLD Arab
League, most
http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=223051 OAS
countries, as well as the
dle-east-and-north-africa Administration




[osint] The Real Egyptian Revolution

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 4, 2011

The Real Egyptian Revolution

Caroline Glick

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The coverage of recent events in Egypt is further proof that Western elites
cannot see the forest for the trees. Over the past week, leading newspapers
have devoted relatively in-depth coverage to the Egyptian military
authorities' repressive actions in subduing protesters in Tahrir Square in
Cairo, particularly during their large protest last Friday.

That is, they have provided in-depth coverage of one spent force repressing
another spent force. Neither the military nor the protesters are calling the
shots anymore in Egypt, if they ever were. That is the job of the Muslim

The proximate cause of last Friday's mass demonstration was what the
so-called Twitter and Facebook revolutionaries consider the military's
slowness to respond to their demand for ousted president Hosni Mubarak's
head on a platter. The military responded by announcing that Mubarak and his
sons will go on trial for capital crimes on August 3.

Beyond bloodlust, the supposedly liberal young sweethearts of the Western
media are demanding a cancellation of the results of the referendum held in
March on the sequencing of elections and constitutional reform. Voting in
that referendum was widely assessed as the freest vote in Egyptian history.
Seventy-seven percent of the public voted to hold parliamentary and
presidential elections in September and to appoint members of a
constitutional assembly from among the elected members of the next
parliament to prepare Egypt's new constitution.

The protesters rightly assert that the early elections will pave the way for
the Muslim Brotherhood's takeover of Egypt, since the Brotherhood is the
only well-organized political force in Egypt. But then, the liberals said
they wanted popular rule.

The Facebook protesters demanded Mubarak's immediate removal from power in
January. They would not negotiate Mubarak's offer to use the remainder of
his final term to shepherd Egypt towards a quasi-democratic process that
might have prevented the Brotherhood from taking over.

In their fantasy world - which they inhabit with Western intellectuals - the
fates of nations are determined by the number of likes on your facebook
page. And so, when they had the power to avert the democratic Islamist
takeover of their country in January, they squandered it.

Now, when it is too late, they are trying to win through rioting what they
failed to win at the ballot box, thus discrediting their protestations of
liberal values.

Their new idea was spelled out last week at an EU-sponsored conference in
Cairo. According to the Egyptian media, they hope to convince the military
they protest against to stack the deck for the constitutional assembly in a
way that prevents the Brotherhood from controlling the proceedings. As
Hishan el-Bastawisy, a former appellate judge and presidential hopeful
explained, What we can push for now is that the Supreme Council of the
Armed Forces has to put some guarantees of choosing the constituent assembly
in the sense that it does not reflect the parliamentary majority.

So much for Egypt's liberal democrats.


AS FOR the military, its actions to date make clear that its commanders do
not see themselves as guardians of secular rule in Egypt. Instead, they see
themselves as engines for a transition from Mubarak's authoritarian
secularism to the Brotherhood's populist Islamism.

Since forcing Mubarak to resign, the military junta has embraced Hamas, the
Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. They engineered the
Palestinian unity government which will pave the way for Hamas's victory in
the Palestinian Authority's legislative and presidential elections scheduled
for the fall.

Then there is Sinai. Since the revolution, the military has allowed Sinai to
become a major base not only for Hamas but for the global jihad. As Prime
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned on Monday, Egyptian authorities are not
asserting their sovereignty in Sinai and jihadists from Hamas, al-Qaida and
other groups are inundating the peninsula.

Last week's move to open Egypt's border with Gaza at the Rafah passage is
further proof that the military has made its peace with the Islamic takeover
of Egypt. While the likes of The New York Times make light of the
significance of the move by pointing to the restrictions that Egypt has
placed on Palestinian travel, the fact is that the Egyptians just accepted
Hamas's sovereignty over an international border.

Many in 

[osint] Thanks To Barack Obama Egypt Is The New Iran

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 5, 2011

html Thanks To Barack Obama Egypt Is The New Iran 

By Barry Rubin

1. How Egypt is the New Iran

To put it simply, what has happened in Egypt is not just the undoing of the
Mubarak regime but the undoing of the Sadat regime, that is, repealing
the revolution Anwar al-Sadat made in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Sadat changed Egypt's course from a radical state trying to destabilize
other Arab countries, destroy Israel, and oppose U.S. interests. He
deemphasized spreading revolution, made peace with Israel, and allied Egypt
with the United States. 

Now, with help from President Barack Obama, those processes have been
undone. Egypt will return to the pre-Sadat era to support radical forces,
try to wipe Israel off the map, and oppose U.S. interests. 

According to a recent poll
their-list-of-concerns-not-democracy/2011/06/04/AGUV31IH_story.html , 65
percent of Egyptians said they supported the revolution because of economic
reasons; only 19 percent cited lack of democracy. Eighty percent of
Egyptians say they believe their economic situation will improve in the next
year. But it won't. Foreign investment won't risk sending money to Egypt;
tourists won't risk going.

When Arab governments can't provide cheap bread they turn to cheaper hatred
and foreign adventures. The only question is the relative proportion of
radical nationalism and Islamism there will be in that mix. The mass media
will discover this in September. Yet it is obvious in June. 

Egypt's transformation will be for today what Iran's meant for the last
thirty years. Inasmuch as U.S. influence had an effect, Jimmy Carter's
incompetence helped give us Islamist Iran, Barack Obama's incompetence and
ideology helped give us radical (perhaps Islamist) Egypt.

2. Egyptian Moderate Leader: We Don't Want to Fight Israel; We Just Have

And what about the Facebook kid moderates? One of their main leaders, Ahmed
Maher, gave a talk at MIT on April 29. He said
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3sD-9-wfLMfeature=youtu.be , according to
the translation: 

We do not want to have any problems or war with anyone. But there are
things we cannot ignore. There are people beside [neighboring} us being
oppressed and killed. And they have been treated very harshly, Palestine. We
cannot remain silent about something like this.

In fact, though, the translation was wrong. He used the word ibada, which
doesn't mean oppressed and killed it means genocide.

This mistranslation softens the point and the extreme hatred even Egyptian
moderates have toward Israel. But let's leave that aside to consider what
Maher's saying:

We don't want conflict or war with our neighbors BUT there's genocide next
door and so..

If you believe genocide is being committed next door one must act, right? If
the United States went to war to protect Libyans; how can Egypt not do so
to save fellow Arabs and Muslims from being murdered a few miles away? 

Thirty years after the Egypt-Israel peace treaty; eighteen years after
Israel agreed to the Palestinian Authority ruling almost all West Bank/Gaza
Palestinians;  and six years after Israel withdrew from all of the Gaza
Strip, the basic Egyptian moderate's view of Israel has not changed one bit.

A group that openly proclaims it wants to kill all Jews (genocide, ibada)
rules the Gaza Strip. It violently represses any opposition, helps to expel
all of the Christians there, teaches children that they should grow up to be
terrorists and kill Jews, breaks a functioning ceasefire and openly attacks
Israel militarily. Israel defends itself. But to this Egyptian moderate
(whose statement on Israel the audience at MIT applauded wildly) Israel is
supposedly the one committing genocide. 

Why should Israel's giving up all of the West Bank and east Jerusalem have
any more effect than Israel leaving the Sinai Penninsula, the Gaza Strip,
southern Lebanon, and the populated portions of the West Bank? And how can
anyone dare assert that doing so would end the conflict without even having
the decency to deal with these facts?

Contemplate those three paragraphs before advocating the idea that more
Israeli concessions will bring peace.

This is no abstraction. After September, Egypt will have a radical, possibly
Islamist parliament. Before the year's end it will have a radical, possibly
Islamist, president.

--What hope is there for the 30-year-old Egypt-Israel peace treaty? 

--Will the U.S. government recognize and do something about it if/when Egypt
stops honoring the peace treaty (whether or not it is explicitly announced?

--If Hamas attacks Israel again (inevitable) will Egypt join in the war?

--Will Egypt let thousands of terrorists and volunteers cross into Gaza to
fight? Weapons to flow freely from Iran and Syria? Huge amounts of money to
go into Gaza 

[osint] The Coming of the Mahdi

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 6, 2011

The Coming of the Mahdi

Amil Imani

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Comments (6)



The world is presently at its most wicked. It is beyond human help. It
requires only a nudge to implode and prepare for the divine ruler, the
Saheb-ul-Zaman (the Mahdi, the Lord of the Age) to come and set it aright.
It is the sacred duty and privilege of every Muslim to do all he can to
hasten the death of the old world and the birth of the global Islamic Ummah.
Thus goes the thinking of Iran's ruling mullahs and their hand-picked
president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


It seems like the old millennialist thinking, a belief held, in one version
or another by major religions. Indeed it is, with one terribly alarming
difference. This time around, a group of believers with tremendous resources
are intent upon forcing the issue, making the conditions so dire that it
leaves the reluctant Saheb-ul-Zaman no choice but to appear and assume his
universal reign. The belief in supernatural intervention to set the world
aright is scriptural to major religions, including Islam. The Jews have been
earnestly supplicating the Lord for the Messiah to come; the Christians are
impatiently awaiting the second coming of Christ; and, the Zoroastrians are
convinced that Saoshayant is the one who shall come, defeat the
trouble-making Ahriman-Satan-and make the creatures again pure.


Up to this point millennialism was a belief and a hope. No one ever aspired
to or had the means of making the anticipated events come about. The matter
was in the hands of God. The Muslims' perennial prayer recited every day,
posted in mosques and even on bumpers of vehicles has been, O,
Saheb-ul-Zaman, hasten your coming. The prayer for the advent, thus far,
has been limited to passive supplications of the faithful.


It is a well-established fact that beliefs are potent impetus to action. If
you believe your home is about to be burglarized, you secure the house and
take other precautions. If you, under the influence of cocaine, believe that
a bug is burrowing into your skin, you may take a knife to your own body and
try to dig the imaginary bug out.


Hence, it is shortsighted to dismiss the mullahs as a bunch of lunatics who
are out of touch with reality and that they have no intention of doing
catastrophic mischief to compel the Mahdi's coming-- maybe some arming of
the Iraqi Shiites, a little support for Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in
Palestine-but no, no major idiocy. After all, they are rational people and
in touch with reality. Any large-scale troublemaking spells their doom as
well. Thus goes the rationalization-the greatest risky tranquilizer of the


Rationalization, compounded by complacency and denial, can be deadly,
particularly when the adversaries have different realities. To the fanatic
mullahs ruling Iran Sahaeb-ul-Zaman is an absolute reality and his promised
advent is irrevocably ordained. This is their reality and their belief and
they have every intention of leading their life according to them.


It is foolish for non-Muslims to dismiss the mullahs and the likes of the
Taliban as a bunch of fringe lunatics who are going to go away simply by
wishing it. The Islamist reality is that non-Muslims are the ones who
deserve to be done away with; they are the ones who have refused to submit
to the summons of Allah for much too long; and, it is time for the faithful
to get rid of them. This makes for a lopsided contest. The non-Muslims are
passively wishing that nightmarish surge of Islamism is only a temporary
fringe phenomenon doomed to die on its own, while the other side is
marshaling its huge destructive power to accomplish its aim by eradicating


The cabal of fanatical mullahs ruling Iran has lost its patience, not only
with the unbelievers, but also with the Mahdi as well. They aim to force his
arrival. The mullahs believe they have the means to make it impossible for
the Mahdi to tarry any longer by causing unprecedented death and
destruction-conditions deemed essential for his coming. The world must hit
the very bottom, before the savior of the world comes to the rescue, so they
firmly believe.


The question is: What does prudence demand? Clearly wishing the problem to
go away is not a very effective solution in the same way that wishing for
the Saheb-ul-Zaman to come has not been. Reasoning and negotiating with the
mullahs and their ilk hold very little, if any, lasting promise. There are
always the easy ways of denial and appeasement. We 

[osint] Obama tunes out, and business goes on hiring strike

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf
June 6, 2011 / 4 Sivan, 5771 

Obama tunes out, and business goes on hiring strike 

By Michael Barone 


http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | Last week I noted that various forms of
the word unexpected almost inevitably appeared in news stories about
unfavorable economic developments. 

You can find them again in stories about Friday's shocking news, that only
54,000 net new jobs were created in the month of May and that unemployment
rose to 9.1 percent. 

But with news that bad, maybe bad economic numbers will no longer be
unexpected. You can only expect a robust economic recovery for so long
before you figure out, as Herbert Hoover eventually did, that it is not
around the corner.

Exogenous factors explain some part of the current economic stagnation. The
earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused a slowdown in manufacturing.
Horrendous tornadoes did not help. Nor did bad weather, though only a few
still bitterly cling to the theory that it's caused by man-made global

But poor public policy is surely one reason why the American economy has not
rebounded from recession as it has in the past. And political posturing has
also played a major role. 

Barack Obama and the Democratic congressional supermajorities of 2009-10
raised federal spending from 21 to 25 percent of gross domestic product.
Their stimulus package stopped layoffs of public employees for a while, even
as private sector payrolls plummeted.

And the Obama Democrats piled further burdens on would-be employers in the
private sector. Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill are
scheduled to be followed by thousands of regulations that will impose
impossible-to-estimate costs on the economy.

That seems to have led to a hiring freeze. The Obama Democrats can
reasonably claim not to be responsible for the huge number of layoffs that
occurred in the months following the financial crisis of fall 2008. And
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben
Bernanke did manage to help stabilize financial markets. 

But while the number of layoffs is now vastly less than in the first half of
2009, the number of new hires has not increased appreciably. Many more
people have been unemployed for longer periods than in previous recessions,
and many more have stopped looking for work altogether.

It's hard to avoid the conclusion that the threat of tax increases and
increased regulatory burdens have produced something in the nature of a
hiring strike. 

And then there is the political posturing. On April 13 Obama delivered a
ballyhooed speech at George Washington University. The man who conservatives
as well as liberal pundits told us was a combination of Edmund Burke and
Reinhold Niebuhr was widely expected to present a serious plan to address
the budget deficits and entitlement spending.

Instead the man who can call on talented career professionals at the Office
of Management and Budget to produce detailed blueprints gave us something in
the nature of a few numbers scrawled on a paper napkin. 

The man depicted as pragmatic and free of ideological cant indulged in cheap
political rhetoric, accusing Republicans, including House Budget Committee
Chairman Paul Ryan who was in the audience, of pushing old ladies in
wheelchairs down the hill and starving autistic children.

The signal was clear. Obama had already ignored his own deficit reduction
commission in preparing his annual budget, which was later rejected 97-0 in
the Senate. Now he was signaling that the time for governing was over and
that he was entering campaign mode 19 months before the November 2012
election. People took notice, especially those people who decide whether to
hire or not. Goldman Sachs's Current Activity Indicator stood at 4.2 percent
in March. In April -- in the middle of which came Obama's GW speech -- it
was 1.6 percent. For May it is 1 percent. 

That is a major drop in no time at all, wrote Business Insider's Joe

After April 13 Obama Democrats went into campaign mode. They staged a
poll-driven Senate vote to increase taxes on oil companies. 

They began a Mediscare campaign against Ryan's budget resolution that all
but four House Republicans had voted for. That seemed to pay off with a
special election victory in New York's 26th Congressional District.

The message to job creators was clear. Hire at your own risk. Higher taxes,
more burdensome regulation and crony capitalism may be here for some time to

One possible upside is that economic bad news may no longer be unexpected.
Another is that voters may figure out what is going on. 


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[osint] Turkey/Saudi Financed Mega Mosques in Europe - Fettualah Gulen

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf

The AKP, the dominant Turkish Islamist party of Prime Minister Erdogan,
President Abudllah Gul and Fetullah Gulen, is committed to restoring the
glory of the Ottoman Empire and Islamicizing the West under Turkish
domination.  Erdogan has publicly declared that he is a servant of the
shariah.  Gulen has been a U.S. resident for several decades, is worth
$25-50 billion and operates Gulen schools, think tanks and interfaith
centers throughout the world.  In fact, he controls the largest charter
school network in the United States.  This is all part of the overall
strategy to reestablish the Ottoman Caliphate.  


In the 2 minute video below, you will view another aspect of the
Turkish/Saudi Islamization strategy - the building of mega-mosques that can
be seen and heard from everywhere.






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[osint] Afghan War News - June 6, 2011

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 06, 2011

War In Afghanistan News 6 June 2011

pup AfghanistanProvincesWar in Afghanistan News reports provided by ISAF
Joint Command. Operations are reported in the following provinces:  Ghazni,
Kabul, Kunduz, Balkh, Zabul, Helmand, Kandahar, Logar, Paktika, Khost and

Bomb making materials, explosive vests, weapons caches along with Taliban
leaders were the name of the game with 11 provinces reporting on operations
today.  Various IED components were found along with drugs and several
insurgents who fired on troops were killed.

Tailor the way you get your War in Afghanistan News

In other International Security Assistance Force Joint (ISAF) Command
Operational News throughout Afghanistan: 

Ghazni Province

In Gelan district, Ghazni province, a combined Afghan and coalition force
patrol discovered an explosives cache during an operation yesterday. The
operation secured 44 pounds (20 kgs) of ammonium nitrate, 14 82 mm mortar
rounds, TNT, 30 12 mm rounds and one pistol. The explosives were safely
destroyed on site.

Kabul Province

A combined Afghan and coalition force patrol discovered a weapons cache
during a security operation targeting a suicide attack planner in Kabul,
yesterday. The operation secured a suicide vest, three grenades, three
detonators and 154 pounds (70 kgs) of homemade explosive. The explosives
were safely destroyed on site. One man was detained by Afghan authorities
for processing and further questioning.


A combined Afghan and coalition operation targeted a suicide improvised
explosive device cell in Kabul, yesterday.
One man was detained and the operation recovered one suicide vest, 40 pounds
(18 kgs) of ammonium nitrate and four AK-47 rifles. The explosives and
weapons were safely destroyed on site and the detainee was taken by Afghan
authorities for processing and further questioning.

Kunduz Province

A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader and
detained several of his associates during a security operation in Kunduz
district, Kunduz province, yesterday. 

The targeted leader was part of a significant attack network and commanded
20-25 fighters in Wali Mohammed Ogrtepa village in Kunduz district. He and
the Kunduz attack network are directly involved in roadside bomb and suicide
attacks against Afghan government officials and Afghan National Security

The Afghan-led security force captured the leader at a compound in the
district. The security force isolated the compound and an Afghan member of
the force called for all occupants to exit. Once the women and children were
secured, the force searched the area and interviewed residents, where they
identified the leader. He, along with several of his associates, were
detained for further questioning. 

The force ensured the safety of all civilians during the night operation and
no shots were fired.

Tailor the way you get your War in Afghanistan News

Balkh Province 

A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained several suspected
insurgents during a security operation in Chahar Bolak district, Balkh
province, yesterday. The Afghan-led security force was in the district
searching for a Taliban leader responsible for planning attacks in the

The force searched for the leader at an associated compound and interviewed
residents regarding Taliban activity in the area. Based on the interviews,
they were able to identify and detain the several suspected insurgents. The
night operation was conducted without shots fired and no civilians harmed. 

Zabul Province

A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained several individuals
with suspected ties to Taliban activity during an overnight security
operation in Tarnek wa Jaldak district, Zabul province, yesterday. The
Afghan-led force was conducting the security operation to capture a Taliban
leader who commands an explosive-device cell in the district. 

Based on several intelligence sources, the force searched for the leader at
a location in the district. While searching the area, they identified and
detained several individuals with suspected ties to the insurgent leader.
Also during the search, the force confiscated a warhead from a
rocket-propelled grenade. The operation was completed with no shots fired
and no civilians were harmed. 

Helmand Province

A combined Afghan and coalition force patrol engaged several insurgents
during a security operation in Kajaki district, Helmand province, yesterday.
Several insurgents were killed when they engaged the patrol with small-arms
No members of the combined patrol were injured during the engagement.


A coalition 

[osint] NATO Continues Offensive in Libya to Protect Civilians

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 06, 2011

NATO Continues Offensive in Libya to Protect Civilians

pup LibyaNATO Continues Air Assault on Libya

VoA News: NATO war planes on Sunday continued their assault on targets in
and around Tripoli, hitting a military barracks in the Libyan capital and
checkpoints near Brega.  The attacks are designed to keep up pressure on
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to bring to an end his 42 years in power.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague, who visited the rebel stronghold of
Benghazi on Saturday, said the campaign against pro-Gadhafi forces is
intensifying. But he rejected suggestions that it has strayed from the U.N.
mandate to protect civilians.

He told reporters in London Sunday, This is not mission creep .

Hague defended the use of British and French attack helicopters, which were
employed for the first time on Saturday. But Russian Deputy Prime Minister
Minister Sergei Ivanov warned that use of the helicopters puts NATO one
step closer to a ground operation.

Russia abstained when the U.N. Security Council voted in March to establish
a no-fly zone over Libya. It has repeatedly called for a negotiated solution
to the conflict.  A special Russian envoy is due Monday in Benghazi, where
he plans to meet with members of the rebels' Transitional National Council.


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[osint] Obama's Religion Czar Compares Evangelicals to Islamic Terrorists

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf




By NWV News writer Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
June 6, 2011
C 2011 NewsWithViews.com

One of the saddest moments for conservative Christians
http://www.usnews.com/listings/best-leaders/15-eboo-patel  was when U.S.
News  World Reports chose Eboo Patel as one of America's Best Leaders in

President Barack Obama's religion czar and spiritual adviser has likened
evangelical Christians to radical Islamists such as al-Qaeda. He has also
been heard comparing Rev. Pat Robertson of the Christian Broadcasting
Network to Osama bin Laden.

Obama's advisor, Eboo Patel http://www.ifyc.org/about-us/eboo-patel , is a
Muslim who is described by the White House as a moderate. However, Patel is
known for making derogatory statements about Bible-reading Christians and
Talmud-observing Jews.

In 2010, when Obama named Patel to his Advisory Council on Faith-Based
Initiatives, he immediately drew a line in the sand, according to political
strategist Mike Baker. For example, Patel discussed Christian
totalitarians in the United States and Jewish totalitarians in Israel,
according to Baker.

Obama met Patel when they both lived and worked in Chicago. Patel was
well-known locally as a Muslim activist and a friend to Rashid Khalid, a
Palestinian historian of the Middle East who left Chicago to become the
Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University in New
York City.

On one occasion, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Patel
stated in a speech: 

The problem is that we live in a time when the Muslim totalitarians are
dominating. Why? Because they are building powerful institutions that
propagate their interpretation of Islam - just as the Christian
totalitarians in America have powerful institutions; and the Jewish
totalitarians in Israel have powerful institutions; and the Hindu
totalitarians in India have powerful institutions. 

What do I mean by institutions? asked Patel. Lobbying groups that pass
policies, political organizations that get people elected, television and
radio and magazines and publishing houses which articulate ideas, schools
and universities, youth organizations and women's groups, bodies which raise
and distribute money. 

Surprisingly, Patel then stated
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/faith-divide , Al-Qaeda is a network
of institutions. Schools and mosques which teach 8-year-olds a certain
ideology; organizations which lead them to Afghanistan; training camps which
make them soldiers; manuals which offer advice on the prayers to whisper
while engaging in violence. The religious identity -- which is to say, the
ways of being, believing and belonging in relation with the transcendent --
of too many young Muslims is being shaped by these institutions.

Religious totalitarianism is not just the belief that one religion is
right, added Patel, but also that there is only one correct interpretation
of that religion and everyone should practice it or else. 

Patel failed to explain that so-called Muslim totalitarians, like al-Qaeda,
use terrorism to spread their belief system, said Baker. 

When was the last time you saw Christians proselytizing with guns and
bombs? Baker asks.

Aside from his attacks on Christians and Jews, Patel often refers to the
myths of America -- describing them as beliefs that the country is a land
of freedom and equality and justice. 

It's obvious Patel has a problem with anyone who claims the United States,
its Constitution and laws is based on Judeo-Christian principles. 

Patel is an associate of Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and like
Obama worked with Ayers, who served as a bomb maker for the Marxist group
that created havoc in the 1970s.

While many Americans question President Obama's religious beliefs, he has a
history of gravitating to the most extreme elements of Christianity or
Islam. For example, his pastor for 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, believed
a moving sermon highlighted the words, God damn, America! God damn,

Wright's idea of Christianity was a mixture of social justice (the welfare
state), race-based theology and bit of Karl Marx, according to several
observers including nationally-syndicated talk show host Laurie Roth.

One of the saddest moments for conservative Christians was when U.S. News
http://www.usnews.com/listings/best-leaders/15-eboo-patel  World Reports
chose Patel as one of America's Best Leaders in 2009. 


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[osint] A New Grand Alliance

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf

A New Grand Alliance

Posted on June 6, 2011
http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/2011/06/06/a-new-grand-alliance/  by
burkasrugly http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/author/burkasrugly/


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Fellow infidels,

Constantine points out the similarities between what is happening in the
world today with radical Islam and how it relates to the Nazi problem during

During World War II some of the British public were critical of Winston
Churchill’s alliance with the Soviet Union. To which Churchill replied,
“If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least make a favorable reference to
the Devil in the House of Commons”. Of course, this was Churchill’s way of
stating that the Nazis were the supreme threat to all that was held dear by
Western Civilization. And the Nazis needed to be opposed by every civilized

Today, we face an even more cunning and deceitful enemy in Islamo-Fascism.
Just like the Nazis of seventy years ago radical Islam is a supremacist
movement. They, too, have a concept of the Master Race, a.k.a. Muslim men.
Like the Nazis, they also engage in an irrational hatred of the Jews. The
Islamo-Fascists believe in the destruction of inferior races such as
Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Confucians. They degrade women and
children in the most bestial of ways. Instead of a Third Reich that will
last a thousand years, they promote the universal Islamic Caliphate that
will usher in the perfect age of Sharia utopian government. They believe in
slavery and submission, which is completely
incompatible with freedom and the rule of rational law as embodied in the U.
S.Constitution. They allow no expression of ideas that challenge their hate
filled ideology.

Churchill and Roosevelt crafted a Grand Alliance of nations to combat the
spread of Nazi rule. They did not insist on uniformity of thought and action
in their Grand Alliance The main thrust of the alliance was the defeat of
Nazi ideology by ANY means possible. It was by sheer statesmanship that the
Grand Alliance was cobbled together . It was by brilliant leadership that
the Grand Alliance swept the Nazi movement into the trash bin of

President Obama is intellectually, spiritually and morally incapable of
providing such leadership. He does not, nor will he ever develop, the strong
moral compass that is needed to lead a second Grand Alliance to victory.
Obama is a hopeless disaster. Let us pray to God that we will find a Winston
Churchill waiting in the wings willing to accept the leadership of the West.

Remember in the 1930′s Churchill was an outcast on the British political
scene. Neville Chamberlain with his politics of accommodation and
appeasement was king of the hill. Remember Chamberlain waving the paper that
guaranteed “peace in our time” In less than six months Herr Hitler and his
Panzers made short work of Poland starting
World War II. Within months Churchill was elected Prime Minister by
Parliament and led Britain through the darkest days of the War.

Events move rapidly sweeping aside the appeasers of history and bringing
true, fearless leadership to the fore. Perhaps, there is a second Churchill
already present awaiting his rendezvous with greatness.

“An appeaser is someone who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him

Winston S. Churchill

In hoc signo,


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[osint] Justice for Mumbai Terrorist Murderers

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 6, 2011 / 4 Sivan, 5771 

One defendant, two main characters at terrorism trial in Chicago 

By Annie Sweeney 


In the court room as justice is meted out for the Muslim murderers of Mumbai


JewishWorldReview.com | 

mHICAGO- (MCT) During a routine moment last week at a major terrorism trial,
prosecutors asked a witness to identify the defendant in court. 

At the defense table, Tahawwur Rana - with a little smile - quickly raised
his hand and waved. 

The surprising, enthusiastic self-identification from Rana, 50, drew laughs
from some jurors - and it also seemed a fitting moment because a man who is
not on trial has dominated the proceedings. 

From the start, Rana's trial has been more about his co-defendant and
childhood friend, David Coleman Headley, an admitted terrorist who, to avoid
the death penalty, has pleaded guilty to plotting the 2008 Mumbai attacks
that killed about 170, and to an abortive plot to storm a Danish newspaper
office and behead the staff. 

Headley and Rana both lived in Chicago at the time of the conspiracies. Rana
has denied any involvement. 

Rana, accused of the lesser charges of helping Headley, 50, in his plots,
listened as his former friend, the star witness, shared details and
accusations in clipped, precise answers about scouting in the tribal areas
of Pakistan, boat rides in Mumbai to find the best waterfront spot to land
an assault team and visiting a Copenhagen newspaper to figure out how to
storm the offices. 

Rana's role also has been eclipsed by Headley's politically explosive
testimony that he was plotting with the secret intelligence arm of the
Pakistani government to attack India. His testimony came just weeks after
Osama bin Laden was hunted down by the U.S. government and killed in
Pakistan, raising questions about that country's commitment to working with
the U.S. against terrorism. 

When the jury starts its deliberations - perhaps on Tuesday - the main focus
will finally be on Rana, as jurors sort through emails, transcripts and
recordings that prosecutors allege show that he allowed Headley to use his
Chicago-based immigration business as cover for scouting trips. 

But they also will have to consider the testimony of Headley, who, in
addition to providing insights into an international terrorist assault, also
emerged as a person who has consistently looked out for his own interests
and who easily l ies. 

Witnesses with shady backgrounds and character flaws are not unusual in
criminal trials. But here, the defendant's background is remarkably cleaner
than the cooperator's, highlighting the stark differences between the two
men at the heart of the case. 

Rana and Headley met as boys at a Pakistani school, bonding immediately even
though they were quite different. At that time, Headley was known by his
birth name, Daood Gilani. 

The bad boy and the good boy, was how Rana's attorney Charlie Swift
characterized it during the trial, calling Rana a model student and Headley
a discipline problem with troubled family relationships. 

The differences between the two would grow over the next few decades. 

Rana joined the Pakistani military and became a doctor. He married a doctor
after their families introduced them, believing they were a good match. They
had three children, raising them in the West after Rana deserted the
military in search of a better life. Rana became a Canadian citizen but
moved to Chicago, where he opened several businesses. 

Headley, an American citizen of Pakistani descent, returned to the U.S. at
age 17. Convicted of heroin smuggling in 1988 and 1997, he agreed to work as
an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration. 

Around 2000, Headley got involved with Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan-based
radical group that opposes Indian rule in divided Kashmir and attended
training camps on topics ranging from combat tactics to espionage, he
testified. He also revealed on the stand that there was an overlap between
his work for the DEA and his first days with Lashkar. 

From September 2006 to July 2008, Headley took five trips to Mumbai to
conduct surveillance for the plot. By now, Headley had legally changed his
name so that he could draw less suspicion while traveling. 

After the Mumbai attacks, whose victims included six U.S. citizens, Headley
turned to the Denmark plot, which targeted the Jyllands-Posten newspaper
because it had published a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad. When members of
Lashkar backed off that plot, Headley secretly met with other terrorists,
including one with ties to al-Qaida. 

Rana's defense elicited stories from Headley about how he has similarly
withheld information or even lied - including how he duped Rana about 25
years ago to help him smuggle heroin out of Pakistan. Headley said he never
told his friend about the heroin or that he was relying on Rana's military
identification card to reduce the chance he would be 

[osint] UK: Muslim Nursing Home Owner Bans Residents from Eating Bacon Sandwiches

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 05, 2011

UK: Muslim Nursing Home Owner Bans Residents from Eating Bacon Sandwiches 

More Islamic supremacism. Imposing Islam on non-Muslims, as if we are not up
to our eyeballs in this nonsense.

Muslim care home owner
-pensioners-from-eating-bacon-sandwiches 'bans pensioners from eating bacon
sandwiches' My Sun (hat tip TS)

A Muslim care home owner has been branded 'a disgrace' after banning his
pensioner residents from eating bacon.

The 40 pensioners - none of them Muslim - were shocked when all pork
products were cut off the menu by owner Dr Zulfikar Ali Khan.

He stopped deliveries from the butcher who supplied the home for years and
instead ordered halal-meat only from another firm.

The 40 pensioners - none of them Muslim - were shocked when all pork
products were cut off the menu by owner Dr Zulfikar Ali Khan.

It meant that the elderly residents at the 40-bed Queen's Care Centre in the
pit village of Maltby, near Rotherham, missed out on traditional favourites
like bacon sandwiches, sausage and mash, ham sandwiches and sausage rolls.

But the move has brought a furious reaction from the 37-strong staff - and
the families of residents.

Said a relative of an elderly resident : 'This is a disgrace. The old people
who are in the home and in their final years an deserve better.

'They are paying customers who are making profits for this man. The least he
can do is give them their favourite food.

'Bacon butties and bangers and mash is traditional English food and that's
what these people want, it's shocking that they should be deprived of the
food they like on the whim of this man.'

Said one member of staff , who asked not to be named: 'Only halal meat was
delivered to the home and all pork products such as bacon, ham sandwiches,
pork pies, sausages and even lard were stopped.

'He did not consult the residents or seek their approval. Bacon sandwiches
are a favourite here.

'It's also quite wrong that someone should impose their religious and
cultural beliefs on others like this.

'For many years meat has been supplied by Crawshaws, a Rotherham family
butcher but that contract ended two weeks ago and since then only halal meat
has been delivered along with other products with brand names you would not

'We were told that if people wanted pork products we could go out and get
them, but in reality this has not worked.

'We only have halal meat on the premises and so this is all we had to serve
to residents because there is no other meat in the building.

UPDATE: This is from 2009 - still vile. Daily Mail had the story here
-pensioners-eating-bacon-sandwiches.html .


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[osint] In America, a home-grown jihad

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf




Online edition of India's National Newspaper


In America, a home-grown jihad

Tuesday, Jun 07, 2011


Praveen Swami


As the Tahawwur Rana trial proceeds, United States confronts prospect of
terror within

CHICAGO: Mo-Mo, his friends called the slim young Oregon State University
student who parked a white van filled with what he thought were explosives
at a crowded Christmas tree-lighting in Portland last year.

Federal Bureau of Investigations agents arrested Mohamed-Mohamed Mohamud as
he repeatedly dialled the cellphone that should have triggered a devastating
blast in the midst of the 25,000-strong crowd - if the explosives hadn't in
fact been harmless putty, planted by undercover officers.

You know what I like to see, court documents show Somalia-born Mohamud
asking one undercover operative? Is when I see the enemy of Allah then, you
know, their bodies are torn everywhere [sic.].

The New York Times, he said of the planned bombing, will give it two thumbs

For many in the United States, the unfolding trial of Tahawwur Rana, a
Pakistani-Canadian businessman who prosecutors allege aided the 26/11
attacks, represents fresh evidence of a growing threat to their homeland.

Mr. Rana is just one of at least 180 residents and citizens of the U.S. held
since the tragic events 9/11 on charges of aiding Islamist terror groups.
The number of jihadist terrorism cases involving residents of the U.S. has
been rising steadily: there were 33 arrests in 2010, and another 43 in 2009
- together, almost half the number held in all years since 2001.

Last year, the Federal Bureau of Investigations arrested Pakistani-origin
taxi driver Raja Lahrasib Khan. Mr. Khan is alleged to have plotted with
Ilyas Kashmiri - Mr. Headley's mentor, who was reported killed in a drone
strike over the weekend - to blow up a stadium in Chicago.

In a video released online on June 3, Adam Pearlman - the 1978 born,
California-raised jihadist who became known to the world as al-Qaeda
propaganda head Adam Gadahn - called for more such operations. Muslims in
the West, he said, have to remember that they are perfectly placed to play
an important and decisive part in the jihad against the Zionists and the

The American jihadists

The American jihadists are a diverse crew: a study released this year by the
Washington, DC-based New America Foundation showed 24% were of West Asian
descent, 21% Caucasian, and 18% each Somali or Pakistani. Some were young,
others old; some poor, some rich.

Few were archetypical jihadists. He hung out with people who partied and
drank alcohol, recalled Omar Mohamed, who studied with Portland's Mohamud,
in an interview to the local radio station KVAL. He didn't commonly go to
the mosque. He wasn't an obedient Muslim.

It remains unclear just what led Mr. Mohamud, just 19 at the time of his
arrest, to embrace Islamism. His father, Osman Barre, an engineer at Intel,
is reported to have contacted the FBI to express his growing concern about
his son's politics.

Friends of Raeed Mansour al-Banna, who blew himself up outside a medical
clinic in the Iraqi town of Hillah in 2005, also had memories of an
unorthodox man. We hit some pretty wild clubs in Hollywood, recalled Steve
Gray, who worked with al-Banna at Ontario International Airport.

Pearlman's own case is instructive. Born to the musician Phil Pearlman, the
al-Qaeda public relations chief began attending an Islamist study circle as
a teenager, to address what he described as a yawning emptiness. The
grandson of Carl Pearlman, a zealous Zionist, Mr. Pearlman experimented with
Christian neo-fundamentalism before travelling to Pakistan, and joining

Even eccentrics have been drawn to the American jihad: members of a group
called the 'Liberty City Seven' belonged to a cult called the Seas of David,
which had splintered away from the fringe Moorish Science Temple of America,
which purports to combine the teachings of Christianity and Islam.

One of the Liberty Seven made a living practising voodoo.

Fears aside, few plots so far have actually come to fruition: bar Nidal
Malik Hasan, a soldier who succeeded in killing 13 when he opened fire
inside the Fort Hood base in Texas, America's would-be jihadists have mostly
been held before they could do harm.

Faisal Shahzad, of Pakistani origin, hoped to kill dozens at Times Square in
New York last year, but the car bombs he built failed to operate. Najibullah
Zazi, an Afghan, was arrested before he finished assembling improvised
explosive devices.

More than a few experts believe fears of a large-scale jihadist offensive by
Muslims living in the United States are overstated. The 1970s, Brians
Jenkins pointed out in a thoughtful study published last year, saw 60 to 70
terrorist incidents, most of them bombings, on U.S. soil every year - a
level of terrorist activity 15 to 20 times more than seen in most of the
years since 

[osint] Report warns of 'new generation' Islamic militants radicalized in back streets

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf

 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/ Terrorism in
the UK

Report warns of 'new generation' Islamic militants radicalized in back

A new generation of British Islamic militants is being radicalised in back
streets, counter-terrorism experts have warned.

Abu Hamza: Report warns of 

Feeding the process are jailed militants, such as Abu Hamza, who is still
exerting an influence from his prison cell on impressionable Muslim
youngsters susceptible to his violently anti-Western rhetoric Photo: GETTY

By Patrick Sawer and Patrick Hennessy

9:00PM BST 04 Jun 2011

A new report shows that the success of anti-radicalisation measures in many
of Britain's mosques has pushed militants underground, making them harder to
detect by both community leaders and police.

Feeding the process are jailed militants, such as Abu Hamza, who is still
exerting an influence from his prison cell on impressionable Muslim
youngsters susceptible to his violently anti-Western rhetoric.

Details of the report emerged ahead of imminent release of a key government
review of its counter-terrorism strategy, expected this month.

The review of the Prevent strand of the strategy - which aims to stop the
radicalisation young British Muslims - is expected to make good David
Cameron's promise to expel foreign preachers of hate, such as Hamza, from
the UK.

It is also set to bring in a new link between non-violent extremist groups
and violent ones - building on the Prime Minister's speech in Munich earlier
this year in which he vowed a tougher line and hit out at the state policy
of multi culturalism.


-embrace-our-British-values-David-Cameron-says.html Cameron: Muslims must
embrace our values 

05 Feb 2011

meron-Britain-on-New-Year-terror-alert.html Cameron: Britain on New Year
terror alert 

31 Dec 2010

 Muslim strategy alienates everyone 

31 Mar 2010

in-at-risk-of-being-poisoned-by-terrorist-groups.html Shops warned over
terrorist threat to food 

04 Jun 2011

Ministers are understood to be planning to stop short of seeking to acquire
new powers to ban groups - but instead will no longer work with, or share
platforms, with organisations which, for example, have illiberal views on

To win government approval, groups are likely to have to show that they
share mainstream British values.

The report prepared for the Association of Chief Police Officers by the
Universities' Police Science Institute at Cardiff University, found that 11
out of the 12 mosques it examined in London, Luton, Birmingham and
Manchester have been targeted by extremist Islamist groups.

The study found that as a result of efforts by mainstream Muslim leaders
working with police counter terrorism officers as part of the Prevent
agenda, some had succeeded in rebuffing these advances, others had not.

In the Alum Rock area of Birmingham elders at one mosque called in the
police after three militants were discovered attempting to radicalise young

In Luton a hands-on approach to tackling radicals has been adopted by
sections of the town's Muslim community.

This even involved local activists grabbing and running away with the table
and jihadi leaflets being used by radical militants for a street recruitment
stall in the Bury Park district.

On another occasion a community group in Birmingham confronted suspected
members of the banned organisation Al-Muhajiroun on the streets, with a
local women dressed in the traditional hijab telling them get stuffed, we
don't need your type.

But the Cardiff study warns senior police officers that while the majority
of Muslims have higher levels of confidence in the police than the general
population, many 16-24-year old Muslim men still express deep distrust and

It found that some individuals were, in their private conversations with
each other, voicing very negative sentiments and radical ideas.

Citing the example of a number of young Muslim men in Cardiff, the report
added: They were interpreting both local and international events in ways
that resonated with aspects of al-Qaeda's single narrative.

Professor Martin Innes said: Police tactics are creating a more hostile
environment for the extremists, but that is also forcing the problem of
radicalisation underground.

It has become a more private enterprise, hidden away from view and fed by
the internet. That makes it harder for the police and security services to
penetrate and gather intelligence on.

The breadth of the problem has been reduced by the Prevent agenda, but what
remains becomes grittier and harder to 

[osint] Venezuela Freezes Relations with US over Iran

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf


June 6, 2011 3:36 PM EDT 

Venezuela has frozen its relations with the United States after Washington
hit Venezuela's state-owned oil company with sanctions for providing
gasoline to Iran, according to Press TV, the state-owned Iranian news

Examiner.com said that Caracas froze relations with the US on Sunday,
citing a top Venezuelan diplomat.

According to reports, Venezuela's Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro suggested
that renewing relations with the US might be impossible.

In Late May, Washington punished Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) for
supplying Tehran with gasoline and other refined oil products. Under the
sanctions, PDVSA cannot receive US government contracts nor get any export
financing from the US.

However, Venezuelan companies can still supply oil to U.S. private

Maduro has condemned the sanctions as illegal, abusive measures taken by
this weak government of the United States. 

Venezuela's Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez, who is also the chief of PDVSA,
said Venezuela will continue to maintain relations with Iran.

This is a right we are not going to renounce, he said


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[osint] Legal Warfare May Stop IHH Flotilla

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf

Published: 06/06/11, 10:50 AM / Last Update: 06/06/11, 11:38 AM


Legal Warfare May Stop IHH Flotilla

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu


Headquarters of in Greater London Islington. Inmarsat, Bézier, mushroom

 http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/34272345.jpg Inmarsat,
Bézier, mushroom

Threats of a lawsuit against a firm supplying communications equipment to
the  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/144733 IHH flotilla
may stop the ships from sailing for Hams-controlled Gaza without a shot
being fired. The flotilla is scheduled to sail later this month.
Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Center) announced Monday that it has warned the
Inmarsat mobile satellite services company that it faces criminal charges
and a lawsuit if it supplies the flotilla sponsored by the terror-linked IHH

Inmarsat is based in London with offices in Dubai and the United States and
dominates the market of mobile communications system to ships, enabling them
to be in contact with ports and other ships.

Israel Law Center director Nitsana Darshan-Leitner noted that Inmarsat
supplied equipment last year to the
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/137997 Mavi Marmara ship.
it was aboard that ship that 50 IHH terror activists
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/137798 brutally attacked
Israeli Navy commandos who stopped the ship from trying to break the
maritime embargo aimed at preventing the smuggling of wepaons for Gaza

U.S. law states, according to the Law Center, that any company that supplies
the flotilla is liable for criminal charges for helping the enemy of a
friendly state. The Center says there is proven connection between the IHH
and Hamas, which the U.S. government has declared an outlawed terrorist

The Law Center said the notice of warning that was sent to Inmarsat
satisfies the American law that requires a week’s warning before legal
action can be taken against a company allegedly violating the law.
Darshan-Leitner warned the company that it faces a lawsuit from the Law
Center if it does not state in a letter that it will cease and desist from
selling mobile communications equipment to the IHH-sponsored flotilla.

The Law Center previously succeeded in receiving a
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/144423 letter from
Lloyd's insurance company that it would stop covering the Mavi Marmara, a
ship of the IHH. Most ports in the world will not allow ships to dock
without insurance.

“Our objective is to prevent bloodshed on the high seas and to stop the
ships before they set out to sail,” the attorney said.

The Israeli-based Law Center fights terrorist organizations through
lawsuits, and fights for the rights of terror victims with the intention of
bankrupting the terror organizations.

It has won more than $1 billion in judgments against terror organizations
and state sponsors and has succeeded in winning court orders freezing more
than $600 million in assets of Hamas, Hizbullah, Islamic Jihad, Fatah and
other terror groups.

(IsraelNationalNews.com http://IsraelNationalNews.com/ )


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[osint] Weiner Owns Up But Can't Man Up

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf

Weiner admits he sent lewd picture; won't quit (AP)



[Why on heaven’s earth would Weiner want to quit? The only way a Democrat could 
lose a seat in his district would be if he was caught on camera prancing about 
with a whip in a black leather Nazi uniform, flogging the bare bottom of a high 
school girl. (Oops, there I go opening up my big mouth again.) df]



Dan Friedman

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[osint] Food Chain at Risk of being Poisoned by Terrorist Groups

2011-06-06 Thread Beowulf



Food chain at risk of being poisoned by terrorist groups

Food and drink sold in Britain is under a growing threat from terrorist
groups which might try to poison supplies, the Government's security
advisers have warned. 


By Richard Gray http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/richard-gray/ ,
Science Correspondent

9:44PM BST 04 Jun 2011

Manufacturers and retailers have been told that their sector is vulnerable
to attacks by ideologically and politically motivated groups that may seek
to cause widespread casualties and disruption by poisoning food supplies. 

The warning from the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
[CPNI], which operates as part of the Security Service, comes as experts
warned the deadly E.coli outbreak in Germany has highlighted the
vulnerability of the food chain and how quickly bacteria can spread. 

The highly virulent strain has claimed 18 lives and left more than 1,800
seriously ill, with the true number of cases expected to be far higher. 

A senior German doctor last night called for an investigation into the
possibility that the bacteria had been spread deliberately. 

Klaus-Dieter Zastrow, chief doctor for hygiene at Berlin's Vivantes
hospital, said: It's quite possible that there's a crazy person out there
who thinks 'I'll kill a few people or give 10,000 people diarrhoea'. It's a
negligent mistake not to investigate in that direction. 

In the past, the main threat of deliberate contamination of food has been
from criminals attempting extortion or from individuals with a grudge, but
security officials fear there is an emerging threat from extremist groups
such as al-Qaeda, dissident republicans in Northern Ireland and animal
rights activists. 

The CPNI has asked food and drinks producers, suppliers and supermarkets to
tighten security at plants and depots and to identify vulnerabilities in
supply chains. 

One official from the CPNI spoke about the threat at a meeting of food
safety experts. Addressing a conference of the Society for General
Microbiology, he said: The UK suffers from a low level of malicious
contamination of food by the bad, the mad and the sad. Now it has to
consider the possibility of food supplies being disrupted by politically
motivated groups. 

The E.coli outbreak is thought to have been caused by poor hygiene at a
farm, in transit, or at a food outlet. 

Dr Richard Byrne, from the Centre for Rural Security at Harper Adams
University College in Shropshire, said: The outbreak in Germany very much
highlights how we produce food and how it is distributed is quite vulnerable
in terms of agroterrorism. 

The impact on the German economy and fresh vegetable industry in general is
huge. The US and Australia are much more publicly aware of the threat from
terrorism to the food supply compared to the UK. Groups could go after
consumer health in a short- term way by using something like E.coli, or
longer term by contaminating with cadmium or radioactive caesium. 

The CPNI report sent to companies in the food industry warns of a number of
threats. Attackers could contaminate prepared food or drink with bacteria or
chemicals. Or, by targeting basic ingredients used in large numbers of
foods, they could cause even wider disruption. 

US experts have warned that the dairy industry is particularly vulnerable,
as adding just a few grams of botulinum toxin or ricin to a tanker load of
milk could poison or even kill thousands of consumers. 

The report warns that it is harder to guarantee the security of produce
grown abroad and imported to Britain. 

It adds that such attacks could cause severe economic harm. In one example,
a major British producer of pastries was targeted by an attack where peanuts
were introduced into a nut-free product. The factory was shut down for five
days and products were removed from sale due to the risk of anaphylactic
reactions from allergy sufferers. Police ruled out accidental causes and the
company lost five per cent of its annual sales. 

In February, a South African farmer was arrested after allegedly threatening
to unleash foot and mouth disease in Britain. He was said to have believed
that Britain was responsible for letting Robert Mugabe inflict losses on
Zimbabwe's farming industry. 

The CPNI report warns: The food and drink industry in the UK - the food
sector of the national infrastructure - could be under threat from
ideologically motivated groups. The threat is unlikely to decline in the
foreseeable future. This could cause mass casualties, economic disruption
and widespread panic. 

The report singles out farms as vulnerable because they often employ foreign
workers, and urges all businesses to make comprehensive checks on new
employees and visiting contractors. 

Production facilities should have security and perimeter controls, while
unscheduled deliveries should not 

[osint] 270 Million Bodies in 1400 Years

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
Interesting video

Islam: 270 Million Bodies in 1400 Years - What Every Kafir Must Know!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbPIgSNfuzEsns=fb sns=fb


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[osint] Once Again, FBI's 'Muslim Outreach' Welcomes Terrorist

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
Once Again, FBI's 'Muslim Outreach' Welcomes Terror-Tied Man

Posted By Patrick Poole On June 4, 2011 

Court documents filed last month by the Department of Justice in a federal
civil rights lawsuit shows that Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Robert Grant
of the FBI Chicago field office had warned the Illinois State Police: newly
appointed Muslim chaplain Kifah Mustapha would never pass an FBI background

Mustapha's long association with terrorist group Hamas occurred at virtually
the same time that Mustapha was admitted into the FBI Citizens' Academy
sponsored by SAC Grant's Chicago office. The Academy program required a
background check and included a guided tour of the top-secret National
Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the FBI Academy at Quantico.

The statements made by SAC Grant were noted in a motion for a protective
order http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/639.pdf  [1]
filed with the court and noted in a report
-pass  [2] published by the Investigative Project. The DOJ's motion states:

In each conversation, SAC Grant stated that Mustapha would not pass an FBI
background check if he applied for an FBI chaplain position and then
proceeded to explain the bases for his opinion.

The DOJ motion is in response to the lawsuit filed by Mustapha after his
state police appointment as Muslim chaplain was revoked. Mustapha had
initially been accepted as state police chaplain, but after a news story
aired http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/iteamid=7309866  [3]
reporting Mustapha's terrorist connections and terror support, the state
police conducted another background check. During this check was apparently
when the conversations with SAC Grant took place, which resulted in the
state police revoking Mustapha
ent-of-muslim-chaplain.html 's appointment [4]. Mustapha then sued
ice-for-sheikh-kifah-mustapha/  [5], claiming ethnic and religious
discrimination, with his case being supported by the Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has also been identified by the FBI
and.html  [6] as a terrorist front for Hamas.

The FBI, which is not a party to the lawsuit, is seeking to protect the
information they shared with the state police on Mustapha, claiming it would
reveal sources and collection methods.

There's not much mystery as to why SAC Grant would tell the Illinois State
Police that Kifah Mustapha couldn't pass an FBI background check. Mustapha
is a known Hamas operative, including his prior employment with the Holy
Land Foundation, which was listed
http://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/po837.aspx  [7]
as a specially designated terrorist group by the U.S. government in December
2001, and whose executives were convicted
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,456904,00.html  [8] of terrorism
support for Hamas in 2008 and sentenced
http://www.fbi.gov/dallas/press-releases/2009/dl052709.htm  [9] to lengthy
prison terms. Mustapha was personally named by federal prosecutors as an
unindicted co-conspirator (#31) in the case, and employment records
submitted during the trial showed that he received more than $154,000 for
his work with the Holy Land Foundation between 1996 and 2000.

Also during the trial, FBI Special Agent Lara Burns testified that Mustapha
sang in a band sponsored by the Holy Land Foundation that regularly featured
songs dedicated to killing Jews and glorifying Hamas.

In a deposition he gave in a civil trial concerned with the murder of a
Chicago teenager killed by Hamas while waiting for a bus in Israel, Mustapha
admitted that he was the registered agent for the Holy Land Foundation in
Illinois, and also to his involvement with other Hamas front groups,
including the Islamic Association for Palestine. He was later hired as an
imam by the Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview, which the Chicago Tribune noted
in 2004 has long been a hotbed of Hamas support.

What makes the statements by SAC Grant so puzzling is that at virtually the
same time that he was telling the state police that Mustapha couldn't pass
an FBI background check, Mustapha apparently passed an FBI background check
when he was admitted to the FBI Citizens' Academy under the sponsorship of
Grant's office.

The Citizens http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/training/academy ' Academy
webpage [10] on the FBI's own website states:

Because of the classified investigative techniques discussed, nominees must
also undergo a background check and get an interim security clearance.

In at least some of the FBI programs http://www.tpafbicaa.org/  [11], each
nominee must meet the approval of the special agent in charge. This glaring
contradiction has been noted by Mustapha's attorneys in his lawsuit 

[osint] Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
June 04, 2011

Got five minutes, I'll give you four thousand years:

Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes



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[osint] Shot of the Day

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


June 04, 2011

Shot of the Day

I received this clipping from a reader in Egypt, attached with this note:

HI Pamela,
Have been reading your blog for a very long time, and really appreciate your
effort.  Always a good read, stuff I sometimes would rather forget, but
really need to see.
The attached was from the Egyptian Gazzette, a truly worthless piece of
crap, but a look at Egyptian thinking and stupidity. I live in Egypt,
although probably not for long.
The situation here is changed from last year in some ways, but in reality,
only security is changed.  Security is gone, and everyone is scared.  The
perfect opportunity for the brotherhood to step in and take control.  There
really is no other option,  anarchy or the brotherhood.  The fools that
started the revolution,  have not a clue.
If you look at the past two Fridays, you can see it is over.  The fools
garnered maybe 10,000, the brotherhood easily 200,000 in the Tahir square.
The anti Jewish/Israel situation has not really changed. Israelis from my
experience know more than I do about Egypt, while Egyptians are totally in
the dark, and are afraid of Israel.  It is a fear of the unknown as much as
anything.  You would laugh at the kind of conspiricy theories about Jews
here. My favorite was the trained sharks that attacked Sharm last year, I
just could not help but laugh whenever people brought it up.  We are dealing
with the truly ignorant.
Christians in Egypt will have what happened to Jews in the 50/60's happen to
them. A slow but relentless push out.
I totally despise the president fool [Obama], but more I despise a political
system that could result in such a poor result.


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[osint] New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


June 04, 2011

New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People

It's coming damn close to this in Europe. Do not believe for one second that
America is that far behind. Don't you dare criticize the religious ideology
that inspires jihad, you racistislamophobicantimuslimbigot.

And how is the West responding? By demonizing and destroying those fighting
in defense of freedom, like myself, Spencer, Sultan, etc., while cozying up
to Muslim Brotherhood proxies (like CAIR, ICNA, ISNA) whose stated goal is
eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging
its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers, so that
it is eliminated, and God's religion is made victorious over all other

New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People
ooting/story?id=13704264sms_ss=facebookat_xt=4de937908272e2d8%2C0  ABC

PHOTO: American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living
in America to carry out deadly one-man terrorist acts

American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living in
America to carry out deadly one-man terrorist acts. (ABC News)

Auto Start: On | Off



June 3, 2011

In a new video message released on the internet Friday, American-born al
  spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living in America to carry out
deadly one-man terrorist acts using fully automatic weapons purchased at gun
shows, and to target major institutions and public figures.

What are you waiting for? asks Gadahn in English, and then adds that
jihadis shouldn't worry about getting caught, since so many have been
released. Over these past few years, I've seen the release of many, many
Mujahideen whom I had never even dreamed would regain their freedom.

The two-part, two hour video appeared on jihadi websites Friday with images
of jihadi leaders as well as snapshots of alleged underwear bomber
lusive/story?id=9436297  Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and accused Fort Hood
shooter Major Nidal Hasan. Both Hasan and Abdulmutallab are charged with
carrying out attacks inside the U.S.

Called Do Not Rely on Others, Take the Task Upon Yourself and produced by
al Qaeda's media arm, as Sahab, the tape mixes Gadahn's new message with
clips from old videos of Osama bin Laden
d=13571480 , Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al Qaeda leaders praising one-man
attacks. They call on jihadis in the West to carry out lone wolf operations.

Gadahn sounds the same theme in his message, a series of soundbites
interspersed throughout the video and accompanied by images of U.S.
airliners, bombmaking and the logos of U.S. companies. Muslims in the West
have to remember that they are perfectly placed to play an important and
decisive part in the Jihad against the Zionists and crusaders, and to do
major damage to the enemies of Islam, waging war on their religion, sacred
places, and things, and brethren, says Gadahn. This is a golden
opportunity and a blessing.

He urges Muslims to pursue attacks with whatever is available. Let's take
America as an example. America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable
firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and
come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check,
and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are
you waiting for? 

Gadahn suggests targeting major institutions -- after a clip showing the
logos of such firms as Exxon, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America -- and
influential public figures. Getting to these criminals isn't as hard as
you might think, says Gadahn. I mean we've seen how a woman knocked the
Pope to the floor during Christmas mass, and how Italian leader Berlusconi's
face was smashed during a public appearance. So it's just a matter of
entrusting the matter to Allah and choosing the right place, the right time,
and the right method.

He claims that many Western born or raised jihadis, the brothers who came
from abroad are now thinking about returning to their Crusader countries
to discharge their duty of jihad. He also says not to worry about
imprisonment, since so many have been jihadis have been set free. If it's
Allah's will that you be captured, then it's not the end the world, and it
doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to spend the rest of your life in
prison. Many mujahideen who were 

[osint] The Fall of Constantinople

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

Gordon Robertson
11_154 The Fall of Constantinople 






The Fall of Constantinople

By Gordon Robertson 
The 700 Club 

May 31, 2011


 http://www.cbn.com/ CBN.com - There is only one thing I want: Give me
Constantinople. -Sultan Mehmet II

In AD 330, the Roman emperor Constantine did the unthinkable:  He moved the
capital of the empire from Rome to Asia Minor, now modern-day Turkey. There,
Constantine built a new Rome: the city of Constantinople. For more than a
thousand years, the city was the capital of the Byzantine Empire and the
center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

In Constantinople, Christianity permeated every aspect of life.  Even the
chariot races held in the Hippodrome began with the singing of hymns. The
center of worship was the Hagia Sophia, the Church of Holy Wisdom. The
Byzantine emperor Justinian commissioned the current building in AD 532,
making sure it was the largest in the world.

“On dedication day, Justinian made the remark, ‘O Solomon, I have outdone
thee.’ And in many ways, he certainly had,” says Dr. Paul Maier, the author
of The Constantine Codex, an historical novel that takes place in the Hagia
Sophia. “He provided a structure that has been a major landmark in the
history of the world ever since.”

The Byzantine Empire reached its height in the 11th century; then, like Rome
before it, the empire collapsed slowly from within. In 1204, Crusaders from
Western Europe invaded and left Constantinople in ruins. Then in 1347, the
Black Death killed a third of the population. By 1453, the city was in debt
and disrepair, and the Byzantines, overwhelmed by their own problems,
overlooked the growing threat rising in the East.

For more than a century, the Ottoman Turks had been gaining power and taking
land from the Byzantines. In 1451, a new sultan took the Ottoman throne.
Mehmet II was only 19 years old, a devout Muslim determined to prove
himself.  His goal was to conquer the strategic bridge between Europe and
Asia and make Constantinople his new capital.

“He was a follower of sharia law, very definitely,” says Maier. “It was
ultimately a religious drive that urged him on to conquer the city.”

In the spring of 1453, Mehmet wrote to his rival, the Byzantine emperor,
Constantine XI Palaiologos, and offered him a chance to surrender the city.
Constantine refused. In his letter to the sultan, he wrote, As it is clear
that you desire war more than peace, I turn now and look alone to God... and
closing the gates of my capital, I will defend my people to the last drop of

On April 6, the Ottomans began to bombard the city walls. The Byzantine army
was outnumbered ten to one, and with each passing day, panic grew inside the
city. The siege of Constantinople had begun.

“Of course when the siege takes place, when the aqueduct water is cut off
and you can’t buy food anymore, then of course a terrible malaise hits the
city,” says Maier.

In spite of the constant attacks, the Byzantines still believed they would
win, until they saw a series of bad omens. An old Byzantine prophecy said
that as long as the moon was in the sky, the city would not fall. But on the
night of May 22, a lunar eclipse darkened the moon over Constantinople.

The next day brought a furious storm with thunder and lightning, and that
night, a strange, ghostly light surrounded the dome of the Hagia Sophia.
Some witnesses said it was a sign of the Holy Spirit departing from the

As the Turks closed in on the city, hundreds of refugees fled to the church
for safety.

On May 28, priests began the last Christian service that would ever be held
Just before midnight, Emperor Constantine arrived at the Hagia Sophia. He
said his final prayer and returned to his post.

While the emperor prayed, the sultan ordered the final attack. By sunrise,
the city's famous double walls had been breached. Advisors urged the emperor
to escape, but Constantine refused, saying, I cannot leave the great
churches in such a plight.

What would the world say about me? I am resolved to die here with you.

Constantine led his men in a final charge against the Turks, and he was
never seen alive again. A few days later, a headless corpse was found,
wearing boots embroidered with the double eagle, the emblem of the house of
Palaiologos, the Byzantine royal family. By the end of the day, the Ottomans
had taken Constantinople. As a reward, Mehmet gave his soldiers the run of
the city.

“Mehmet, as a matter of fact, chivalrously limited the looting of his men to
three days,” says Maier. “So they really had to work hard in terms of their
pillage. And they did. “

The soldiers started in the Hagia Sophia, 

[osint] SWEDEN: Christians and Muslims headed for civil war?

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

SWEDEN: Christians and Muslims headed for civil war?





Sweden's famous 'welfare state' has attracted hordes of Muslim immigrants
from third world countries and native Swedes are getting sick of paying
their way and getting nothing but soaring rape and crime rates in return for
their famous Swedish hospitality.

MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41534380/ns/world_news-europe/  -MALMO,
Sweden  - The bullet exploded through the mosque's window, sending glass
splinters hurtling into the office worker's neck. Frantically abandoning
their New Year's Eve chatter and coffee cups, worshippers rushed to the
bloodied victim's aid. The bullet had missed his head by inches; the
sniper's target would survive.


Police allege the shooting at Malmo's Islamic center - Sweden's largest
mosque - was not random. Investigators say it was one of ten attempted
murders and at least one killing perpetrated by a gunman whose objective was
to shoot at immigrants.

The apparent bid to kill a Muslim in a place of worship provoked much
soul-searching in Sweden, long regarded as one of Europe's most liberal and
welcoming societies.

But only nine months later, hundreds of thousands would cast ballots for the
far-right Sweden Democrats
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39271077/ns/world_news-europe/ . The party
warned of the dangers of Islamization and ran a controversial campaign ad
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9VuW6vhV-E  showing a gang of burqa-clad
women overtaking a senior citizen in a race for benefits.

The election result grabbed headlines across Europe. Anti-immigration party
formed from skinhead movement seizes balance of power in Sweden was the
take of Britain
ration-party-formed-skinhead-movement.html#ixzz1DfAb 's Daily Mail. Germany
http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,718692,00.html 's Der
Spiegel magazine noted that the showing had shocked a world so used to
viewing Sweden as an open-
314doored bastion of tolerance.

The Sweden Democrats' success was another sign that a mix of immigration,
economic woes and the threat of Islamist extremism has swirled into a
perfect storm of problems in Europe. Story: Islamists raise fears of violent
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40336911/ns/world_news-europe/ 'clash of
cultures' in Europe

Far-right parties in Austria, Britain, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany,
Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland have all made
significant gains in recent years.

Some have pushed for caps on immigration. Other measures - such as France's
ban on face veils and Switzerland's moratorium on minaret construction -
have directly affected Muslims.


And the reverberations of radical Islam have been felt widely with security
services thwarting many terrorist plots on the continent since 9/11. The
invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and controversy over Muhammad cartoons
have made some Muslims feel the West is at war with Islam. (We ARE)

We can't deny that today Islam is regarded as the biggest threat to Europe
for many Europeans, said Professor Anne Sofie Roald of Malmo University's
Department of International Migration and Ethnic Relations. People are
perceiving it as a threat because they feel that the minority is growing.


It's then that the symbols, such as minarets and veils, become important,
she said. It always comes back to that people are afraid of Muslims taking
over their countries. An Iraqi-born bomber who blew himself up before he
could set off several devices along a busy Stockholm street before Christmas
damaged relations further.


[osint] Distorting History

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


June 04, 2011

Distorting History

Why aren't the Bosnian Muslims held to the same standard as the Serb
Christians? Why is this fabricated narrative protected so fiercely? The left
is spitting bullets every time I post on Bosnia. They are so vested in
establishing a militant Islamic state in the heart of Europe. Why?

The American people were fed an endless supply of distortions and deceptions
in order to grease Clinton's war. It began with a lie
l . How long will these human rights activists and international law clowns
ignore the Serbian people and their stories? Refuting the Bosnian Lies.

The international community jumped to manufacture a genocide of a couple
of hundred people, when real genocides like the millions of Armenians,
Greeks and Assyrians by the Muslims are systematically ignored, demied.
Enough. When does the truth get a hearing? Scroll here
http://www.facebook.com/#!/pamelageller .

This letter in the Edmunton Journal speaks truth to lie:

Mladic's record distorted

Edmonton Journal May 31, 2011

Re: Mladic trial a time for Balkan truth, Opinion, May 28.

Thanks for the ambitious headline: Mladic trial a time for Balkan truth.

We can only wish that truth were the goal of The Hague.

The Journal says that Unquestionably, justice is the prime imperative
behind the arrest and coming trial of the Balkans' dreadful Ratko Mladic.

Using the preface unquestionably doesn't make it unquestionable.

The Journal says that It is true that in the most passionate of conflicts,
nothing will shake some people from false or distorted versions of past

Serbians and the many reputable critics who have witnessed the reporting and
trials that came out of these civil wars will firmly support that statement.
What is a false version of past events? Could it be that changing the
definition of genocide to fit the crime Mladic is accused of is a falsehood?

Thousands of Serbs around Srebrenica were slaughtered, tortured and beheaded
by Muslims based in the Srebrenica safe haven. There was no question about
who did it: Naser Oric, the leader of the killers, photographed his victims
and bragged to Western journalists. This man got a light sentence -a slap on
the wrist.

Who would believe that Mladic will get a fair trial?

There was never a Serbian plan, much less a Mladic plan, for a greater
Serbia, but sloppy reporters, including The Journal, in using those words.

Anybody can pick up a package of past articles written about the conflicts
and spit it out again. The Journal coyly states that if Mladic is convicted
it will be for specific, verifiable crimes, but he has been convicted again
and again in the press until he is finally being sent to this kangaroo court
to tie things up.

The Serbian people are a dignified, justice-loving people whose story is

N. Jakovac, Toronto, Ont.

What the media refuses to report on are the facts.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur June 6, 1996
Senior official admits to secret U.N. report on Sarajevo massacre

For the first time, a senior U.N. official has admitted the existence of a
secret U.N. report that blames the Bosnian Moslems for the February 1994
massacre of Moslems at a Sarajevo market.

Yasushi Akashi, the Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and the
former head of the U.N. mission in Bosnia, told the German Press Agency dpa
that the secret report is no secret.

An international outcry over the massacre, in which 68 civilians perished at
Markale marketplace, led directly to a toughening of Western policy towards
the Serbs, who were widely blamed for the incident.

But there have been persistent rumours at the United Nations ever since that
a U.N. report clearly blamed the Moslems for firing on their own people in
order to create international sympathy and get the West to fight on their
side against the Serbs.

Until Thursday, U.N. officials strongly denied the report existed, even
after it was quoted in press reports.

Akashi told dpa that not only did the first report exist, but that some
journalists already had a copy. He said the details were in a 1995 story by
U.S. journalist David Binder, who quoted from the confidential report.

According to Binder, the report said U.N. peacekeepers were prevented by
Moslem police from entering the site in the aftermath of the explosion. No
doctors were allowed on the scene and the 197 victims were carried away to
hospital within 25 minutes.

After studying the crater left by the mortar shell and the distribution of
the shrapnel, the report concluded that the shell was fired from behind
Moslem lines. U.N. monitors reported no Serbian shelling that day from
points near the marketplace.

The official U.N. report that was subsequently released said the evidence as

[osint] Syrian Protesters Get Smart

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

Syrian Protesters Get Smart


by Dan Ephron



Their movement against Bashar al-Assad's regime began in the daylight, but
four months and 1,000 deaths later, Syrian demonstrators have taken a page
from other insurrections and taken their organizing to the shadows, reports
Dan Ephron.

They operate like an underground network, with false names, coded language,
and organized cells into which new members gain entry only if vouched for by
existing ones. In conversations among themselves, they avoid details that
would jeopardize the group if one of them is arrested and tortured.

As pro-democracy activists begin their fourth month of
at-is-happening-answers-to-6-key-questions/ protests in Syria, a movement
that began in the relative daylight of the Internet is increasingly taking
the form of older insurrections, characterized by secrecy and suspicion.

Article - Ephron Syrian Opposition AP Photo 

The shift, described to The Daily Beast by two organizers who recently
slipped out of Syria, comes in response to the more sophisticated measures
the secret police of
-put-bashar-al-assad-on-trial/ Bashar al-Assad's government are employing
against the movement. They include tracing Internet Protocol addresses to
the homes of leading activists and pressuring owners of Internet cafes to
name regular customers who might be steering the protests.

The two young men were attending a gathering in Turkey this week of the
usually fractious groups that
hocking-videos-photos-and-tweets/ oppose Assad's rule in Syria. Since
Assad's regime has barred foreign journalists from entering Syria to cover
the protests, their remarks illuminate an aspect of the insurrection that,
more than others across the region, has been difficult to follow.

Among other things, they point to a strategy of long-term rebellion by the
activists, who drew inspiration from the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt
but whose own insurrection has been met with brutal force. Human rights
groups estimate the number of dead so far in Syria at more than 1,000. When
the issue of casualties came up at the conference, some people in attendance
pointed to the experience of Algeria in the 1950s and '60s, where more than
a million people died in the fight for liberation from France.

Syria's secret police appear particularly rough with protesters from the
Alawite sect, the same ethnic group as Assad: Alawites who are arrested are
tortured horribly.

We have 20 cells across Damascus. We try to minimize contact so that if one
person is caught, not all are caught, one of the two young men said in a
90-minute interview in the lobby of a hotel in Antalya, Turkey, where the
opposition factions gathered. He gave his name as Mishel, age 24, and said
he studies geography at the University of Damascus.

Thin, with shoulder-length hair pulled back in a ponytail, Mishel described
being arrested at one of the first protests in Damascus. He said
plain-clothed members of the mukhabarat, Syria's secret police, dragged him
by his hair for more than a city block, then threw him into a bus, where
several men jumped him and beat him.

He said the regime had not been dispatching regular policemen to the
demonstrations, fearing perhaps that, like soldiers in Egypt's recent
revolution, many would side with the protesters. Instead, Assad had tasked
the secret police with putting down the rebellion.

In prison, Mishel suffered further beatings, though not as bad as those
inflicted on other detainees. He said the mukhabarat appeared to be
particularly rough with protesters from the Alawite sect, the same ethnic
group as Assad and many senior members of the regime: Alawites who are
arrested are tortured horribly.

Once released, Mishel set about organizing other students into small groups,
with each cell member charged with a specific task. His own job is to film
the protests with a small video camera and quickly upload the footage to the
Internet. He now uses a proxy server to hide his IP address, he said.

On the phone or in email, Mishel said activists use references to mundane
matters like the weather or terms specific to a particular profession—say,
carpentry—as part of a code for coordinating protests. Still, he said, it is
evident that the secret police are getting better at tracking specific
activists. A month after his first imprisonment, they showed up at his home
and arrested him again.

The details Mishel provided matched the story of the other activist,
Diyadeen, who was interviewed separately. A 25-year-old law student in
Beirut, Diyadeen helped organize the first protests through the Internet and
traveled to Damascus to attend the 

[osint] Shariah Law Will Not Stop at Your Home

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


By you standing strong for our constitution and the basis by which our
forefathers crafted this document, we have successfully sent out over
291,443 faxes to our nation's leadership in protest of Shariah Law being
accepted in our courts. 

You are being heard! 

The liberal Congress is working overtime to make sure that our One Nation
Under God is ruined and becomes a basis for extreme and radical ideologies
the remove our rights as opposed to protecting our rights as American

We must not stop! We must continue the fight and let our representatives in
our government know that we will not tolerate this being done to our justice
system. I've attached the campaign that we have sent earlier in the week,
again, asking for your support and encouraging you to get the message out. 

Please read this important update on what is continuing to happen with the
acceptance of Shariah Law and join us! Make your voice be known! Let's
continue to fax our Congress men and women! 

Arm in Arm!! 


William Greene, President
RightMarch.com http://RightMarch.com/ 


American Conservative, 

The Islamic Shariah Law has crept into a few legal courts inside this great,
exceptional country. And for me, and I believe you also, this is one step
too far. Sure, I believe in the freedom of religion for all people in the
United States. That's one of the cornerstones of our democracy that makes
our country great. As it says at the Statue of Liberty---Give me your
tired, poor, huddled masses... 

But when a radical religion mindset begins to interfere with our judicial
system, I believe we should stand up to that and tell it like it really is.
Do you agree? 

U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams (R-FL) introduced H.R. 973 which outlaws foreign law
from our U.S. Court system. She had 56 co-sponsors. Why aren't more
Congressmen committing to this very important bill? That's why we must fax
them to let them know how patriotic Americans truly feel. It is still in the
Subcommittee of the U.S. Congress and has been since March 9th. This bill is
too important to stay in a Committee for that long. Let's fax our
Congressmen to raise our voice of support. 

Certain legislative norms have already adopted Shariah Law. 

However, I want an adoptive, more prudential and effective strategy for
surviving Shariah's onslaught. Several policy and program changes are in
order; for instance: 

1.  United States policy makers, financiers, businessmen, judges,
journalist, community leaders and the public at large MUST be equipped with
an accurate understanding of the nature of Shariah and the necessity of
keeping America Shariah-free. 

At a minimum. This will entail resisting - rather than acquiescing to - the
concerted efforts now being made to allow that alien and barbaric legal code
to become established in this country as an alternate, parallel system to
the U.S. Constitution and the laws enacted pursuant to it. This is already
in effect for those who have taken an oath to support and defend the U.S.
Constitution, because the requirement is subsumed in that oath. 

United States government agencies and organizations should cease their
outreach to Muslim communities through Muslim Brotherhood fronts whose
mission is to destroy our country from within as such practices are both
reckless and counterproductive. These activities serve to legitimate,
protect, and expand the influence of our enemies. They conduce to no
successful legal outcome that cannot be better advanced via aggressive
prosecution of terrorists, terror-funders and other lawbreakers. 

They also discourage patriotic Muslims from providing actual assistance to
the United States government lest they be marked for ostracism or worse by
the Brothers and other Shariah-adherent members of their communities.

8C6F24F0C9B036BFE3597D95FBC  CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of our U.S.
Congress to support H.R. 973, to prevent the misuse of foreign law in United
States federal courts, including Shariah Law! Our inaction will permit our
Justice System be penetrated by radical, foreign religious laws! 

In keeping with Article VI of the United States Constitution, extend bans
currently in effect that bar members of hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan
from holding positions of trust in federal, state, or local governments or
the armed forces of the United States to those who espouse or support
Shariah. Instead, every effort should be made to identify and empower
Muslims who are willing to publicly denounce Shariah. 

Practices that promote Shariah - notably, Shariah-compliant finance and the
establishment or promotion in public spac3's or with public funds of
facilities and activities that give preferential treatment to Shariah's
adherents - are incompatible with the U.S. Constitution and the freedoms it
enshrines and must be proscribed. 

*   Sedition is prohibited by law 

[osint] Tennessee Passes Resolution Urging All Counties to Post the Ten Commandments in Courthouses

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


rging-all-counties-to-post-the-ten-commandments-in-courthouses/ Tennessee
Passes Resolution Urging All Counties to Post the Ten Commandments in

 http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/author/doctorbulldog/ doctorbulldog |
4 June, 2011 at 10:21 am | Categories:
http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=398 politics | URL:
http://wp.me/p1NPg-7a7 http://wp.me/p1NPg-7a7

ACLU to get a bug up their rump in 3...2...1:
Guess what lawmakers want counties to post!
Resolution affirms government 'rooted in belief in Almighty God'
June 04, 2011 - By Drew Zahn -
http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=306925#ixzz1OK7YqXXI WND
Throughout America's rich history, asserts a Tennessee House Resolution
that was passed 98-0 this week, both the citizenry and their elected
officials alike have deeply respected the Ten Commandments, its profound
influence on the formation of American legal thought and its fundamental
place in the history of law and government.
Therefore, H.R. 107 declares, This body hereby urges all Tennessee counties
to allow the Ten Commandments to be posted in their respective courthouses.
Rep. Todd Watson, author of the resolution, explains in its text, It is
imperative that these revered tablets continue to grace our public
buildings, as reminders to this generation and the next of the vital role
the Ten Commandments and its Author have played in shaping our great
Coupled with the more than 90 percent of Tennessee counties that have
already adopted similar resolutions acknowledging the historical
significance of the Ten Commandments, H.R. 107 marks a bold fusillade in the
ongoing battle over America's Christian heritage, particularly in the arena
of constitutional law.
The battle became a national issue nearly a decade ago, when an Alabama
judge, Roy Moore, faced pressure from the American Civil Liberties Union and
other groups to remove a monument that Moore had constructed in the Alabama
Supreme Court building because it featured the Ten Commandments.
Moore, who had previously beaten an ACLU lawsuit over posting the
Commandments in his courthouse as a county circuit judge, nonetheless lost a
second ACLU charge and was removed from his office as the state's chief
justice over the ensuing monument controversy.
The Tennessee House's resolution urges its counties to likewise refuse to
bow to similar pressure.
The full text of the resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, in order to preserve domestic tranquility and protect the blessings
of liberty, the foundation of any government must rest upon both law and
morality; and
WHEREAS, the underpinnings of our system of government are rooted in a
steadfast belief in Almighty God and the conviction that all morality,
justice and unalienable rights derive from his gracious hand; and
WHEREAS, most of the political theorists embraced by our Founding Fathers,
from Locke to Blackstone, espoused the Natural Law Theory, and as John
Quincy Adams explained, the laws of nature and of nature's God . of course
presupposes the existence of a God, the moral ruler of the universe and a
rule of right and wrong, or just and unjust, binding upon man, preceding all
institutions of human society and of government; and
WHEREAS, the Founders' desire to publicly acknowledge God as the source of
America's strength and direction is reflected in many of our founding
documents and practices, from the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of
Independence to the National Motto and Thanksgiving Day celebrations; and
WHEREAS, since our nation's birth, federal, state and local governing bodies
have continued to invoke Divine guidance and celebrate the role religion has
played in American life by issuing faith-based proclamations and opening
each legislative session with prayer and supplication, a practice instituted
by the First United States Congress and which has continued unbroken for
more than two centuries; and
WHEREAS, throughout America's rich history, both the citizenry and their
elected officials alike have deeply respected the Ten Commandments, its
profound influence on the formation of American legal thought, and its
fundamental place in the history of law and government as a whole; and
WHEREAS, the Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the historical
importance of these sacred texts and even upheld Sunday closing laws, which
originated in the Fourth Commandment's exhortation to remember the Sabbath
Day and keep it holy; and
WHEREAS, countless depictions of Moses and the Ten Commandments can be found
throughout our nation's capital as a testament to the Decalogue's undeniable
role in our country's legal tradition, including the magnificent displays
adorning the Supreme Court Building, the Library of Congress's Jefferson
Building, the National Archives, the Department of Justice, the Ronald
Reagan Building, the 

[osint] Federal Reserve Bank Flies Gay Pride Flag

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=306945 pageId=306945


Federal Reserve bank flies the rainbow flag

Officials working on 'response' after flood of complaints


Posted: June 04, 2011
12:00 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
C 2011 WND 


 http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=306945 Credit: Richmond

A state delegate in Virginia has sent a letter to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Richmond, http://www.richmondfed.org/index.cfm  demanding that it
remove a rainbow flag from the flagpole that also holds Old Glory. 

Dear President [Jeffrey M.] Lacker, wrote state Delegate Bob Marshall,
Flying the homosexual flag just under the American flag outside Richmond's
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=306945 Federal Reserve
Bank building is a serious deficiency of judgment by your organization. 

Marshall said the Federal Reserve policies are supposed to contribute to
the strength and vitality of the U.S. economy, but a flagpole in front of
a federal building is not a commercial or political message board. 

How to fight  http://superstore.wnd.com/s.nl/c.811217/id.1456/.f
politically correct agendas? The prescription is Joseph Farah's Taking
America Back

What does flying the homosexual flag, or any other similar display, have to
do with your central banking mission under the Federal Reserve Act passed by

The Richmond Fed's endorsement of costly, anti-social, immoral behavior is
rejected by 6,000 years of Western religious and moral teaching. You want
the American people to trust your judgment in economic matters when your
spokesperson celebrates an attack on public morals? Why? Marshall

Mr.Lacker, take down that flag! 


Marshall told WND that his letter to the bank must have set off a
firecracker, because there had been hundreds of responses via email and the
like already. 

This guy has no business taking an institution Congress created for
financial dealings and turning it into a political billboard, he said. 

 http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=306945 Bank spokesman
Jim Strader told WND that Marshall's letter had been delievered and we are
reviewing his letter and we will respond. 

He refused to say what the response would be or when it would come. 

But he said the pride flag is flying at our bank as a symbol of our
commitment to diversity and inclusion. 

He said bank managers got a request from an employee group and the request
to fly the flag was approved. 

Strader said it coincides with Barack Obama's proclamation that June is
the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. 

This month . marks the 30th anniversary of the emergence of the HIV/AIDS
epidemic, which has had a profound impact on the LGBT community, Obama
said. Though we have made strides in combating this devastating disease,
more work remains to be done, and I am committed to expanding access to
HIV/AIDS prevention and care. 

Strader refused to respond to questions about whether the statement of a
social agenda was a precedent for the bank, or whether other employee or
interest groups could take advantage of the forum and proclaim their
campaigns, also. 

I can't comment on that, he said. 

He said the bank, too, has gotten comments on the pride flag flying in
front of the institution assigned to manage the nation's fiscal policy. 

Officials with the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors refused to reply to
WND requests for comment. http://www.federalreserve.gov/  

But Marshall said, This is a celebration of a behavior that is still a
class six felony in Virginia. 

This dispute is not the only headache the Federal Reserve could be facing.
WND recently reported on a series of grass-roots lawsuits that are being
developed against the Fed.

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas

And U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas long has advocated an audit of the intensely
secret organization, as well as a shutdown of its operations. 

The lawsuit plans come from the PatriotStorm organization at its
SuetheFed.com http://www.suethefed.com  website. The plan envisions teams
of attorneys analyzing data, demanding information, verifying damages and
arguing court cases. 

Our litigation plan will be loosely patterned after the tobacco litigation
model executed during the 1980s and 1990s; only far more organized,
coordinated and focused in order to provide shared access of all discovery
materials and briefs developed to all of our network law firms and
prosecutors nationwide, the website explains. 

The litigation activities will be divided among three broad areas: a)
research; b) analysis and dissemination of discovery materials and briefs,
and c) litigation coordination. The company will recruit several hundred to

[osint] Palestinian Leaders Honor Their Terrorists

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

PA Leaders Honor Their Terrorists


We are told by the left that terrorists blow themselves up because of their
abject poverty and desperation. Here is a dinner with everybody dressed in
nice suits and attire at a party honoring families of terrorists. Most of
the terrorists who are being honored carried out their crimes after the Oslo
peace accord was signed by Arafat.

The world and even our own political leaders need to ask ourselves how
corrupt we are, that we would tolerate making peace with such duplicitious
and evil people.

They have cast lots for My people, they have given a boy (Israel as
payment) for a harlot (false religion of Islam), and sold a girl (Israel)
for wine (oil), that they may drink. Joel 3:3




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2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
There are no moderate Muslims.only Muslims.




Friday, June 03, 2011


ished-Qaradawi-tells-Tahrir-masses Photo:Yusuf al-Qaradawi returned from
Qatar to rally hundreds of thousands at Tahrir Square today in his first
public speech since 1981.

The new! free! Egypt belches more rotten poisonous gas. This from the leader
of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt -- outlawed under Mubarak, now welcomed
by millions of devout, authentic Muslims.

.html Al-Qaradawi: [Moderate Muslims] Accept Offensive Jihad, and
Attacking the Infidels in Their Lands  Translating Jihad (hat tip Marty)

The following is a translation from an excerpt of Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi's
Fiqh al-Jihad, which was posted on IslamOnline.net. Here al-Qaradawi defends
the position of those he terms 'moderates' from attacks by 'extremists' who
argue that moderates don't accept offensive jihad. Al-Qaradawi argues that
to the contrary moderates do accept offensive jihad, including raids into
enemy territory, and gives some reasons for which they would accept it.

This is interesting in light of statements of Muslim apologists and
spokesmen in the West, who routinely argue that Islam really means an inner
spiritual struggle against sin, but inasmuch as it does refer to warfare, it
is purely defensive. But when you look at the justifications al-Qaradawi
gives for offensive jihad, you find that by his definition even the
'moderate' Muslims accept offensive jihad against the infidels under almost
any pretense.

Translated from IslamOnline.net,
8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%85 8 January 2011 (I previously translated the
first half of this article
d-is.html here):


...I want to clarify here the difference between the moderates and
extremists, or the defensive (jihadists) and offensive (jihadists), as
they are called by some.

Some of the offensive (jihadists) have not been fair to those who hold the
opposing view. They have put words in their mouths which they did not say,
and accused them of that which they are innocent. They say: They (the
defensive jihadists) do not accept offensive jihad under any circumstance,
in any form, or for any reason. They do not believe jihad is legitimate
except in one condition, which is if Muslims are attacked in their homes and
lands. This is how they depict the opinion of the moderates or the
defensive (jihadists). 

I think they are not being fair with the opposing side, and are not being
precise or honest in presenting their views. Whoever reads their [i.e. the
moderates'] opinions, will find that they accept offensive jihad, and
attacking the infidels in their lands, for several reasons, including the

1- To ensure the freedom to propagate the call to Islam, to prevent fitna in
the religion (of Islam), and to remove the physical obstacles which prevent
the call to Islam from reaching the multitudes of people. This was the
reason for the conquests of the rightly-guided (caliphs) and the companions
(of the Prophet), as well as those who followed them in righteousness. (They
fought) to remove the power of the tyrants who controlled the necks and
minds of men, and who said what Pharaoh said to those of his people who
believed (in Islam): Have you believed before I gave you permission to
believe? This is the embodiment of the goal expressed in the saying of the
Almighty: Fight them on until there is no more fitna. 

2- To ensure the security of the Islamic state and its borders, when they
are threatened by the enemies (of the Islamic state) who lie in wait and
conspire against it. This is what is termed in our present day preemptive
war. This is one of the prerogatives of the ruler, and is in accordance
with the right to self-defense. Most of the Islamic conquests were of this
type of preemptive war, after the Islamic state was attacked early during
the reign of the Prophet by the two great kingdoms of Persia and Byzantium.
The conflict with Byzantium began with the battles of Mu'ta and Tabuk, and
the conflict with Persia began with Chosroes tearing up the Book of the
Prophet (PBUH) [i.e. 

[osint] Pro Bin-Laden Rally In Gaza Strip: That is the Man Who Brought the Americans to Their Knees'

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
The man who is feeding the fishes, thanks to the Americans.  Muslims sure
love losers.





 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250 Bookmark and Share



Text Size


May 31, 2011

Special Dispatch No.3878


Pro Bin-Laden Rally In Gaza Strip: '[Osama Bin Laden] is the Man Who
Shattered the Crosses; That is the Man Who Brought the Americans to Their

Speakers at Pro-Bin Laden Rally in Gaza Strip: 'That is the Man Who
Shattered the Crosses.That is the Man Who Brought the Americans to Their

Following are excerpts from footage from pro-Osama bin Laden rallies in the
Gaza Strip, which was posted on the Internet on May 20, 2011: 



At Gaza Rally: America is the Enemy of Allah

Crowds: There is no god but Allah. 

America is the enemy of Allah. [.]

At Rafah Rally: Osama Destroyed America

Crowds: Our souls and our blood we will give for you, oh Osama. 

Our souls and our blood we will give for you, oh Osama. 

Our souls and our blood we will give for you, oh Osama. 

Demonstrator: There is no god but Allah. 

Crowds: There is no god but Allah. 

Demonstrator: Sheikh Osama is loved by Allah. 

Crowds: Sheikh Osama is loved by Allah. 

Demonstrator: There is no god but Allah. 

Crowds: There is no god but Allah. 

Demonstrator: Sheikh Osama is loved by Allah. 

Crowds: Sheikh Osama is loved by Allah.

Demonstrator: Osama destroyed America.

Crowds: Osama destroyed America. 

Demonstrator: .using a civilian plane. 

Crowds: .using a civilian plane. 

Demonstrator: Say: 'Allah Akbar.' 

Crowds: Allah Akbar! 

Demonstrator: Beware, oh Pakistan. 

Crowds: Beware, oh Pakistan. 

Demonstrator: .of the soldiers of Taliban. 

Crowds: .of the soldiers of Taliban.

Khaybar, Khaybar, Oh Jews, the Army of Muhammad Is Returning 

Demonstrator: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews. 

Crowds: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews. 

Demonstrator: .the army of Muhammad is returning. 

Crowds: .the army of Muhammad is returning. [.]

Sheikh Munir Al-'Aydi: This blessed man, Osama, Allah's mercy upon him, has
given his money and his soul for the Jihad for the sake of Allah. At a time
when real men are few, he united the nation around monotheism. Allah's mercy
upon you, oh Osama. You were good in your life, and you were good in your
death. That man Osama thwarted the American plan in this region, and did
what no man has ever done before, especially in our times. He is not a man
like all men. He is a man who was true to the pledge he made before Allah. 

That is the man who said: 'I pledge before Allah that America and its
people will enjoy no security before we enjoy true security in Palestine.'
He was always devoted to the land of Palestine. He was always devoted to the
liberation of the holy places. He was always devoted to the instating of the
law of Allah. [.] 

Today, this proud lion has been dumped in the sea by the country of heresy
and prostitution, America. They wanted him dead or alive. [.] 

That is the man who brandished his weapon to fight the enemies of Allah. He
led the Global Front for Jihad against America and its allies, the
worshippers of the cross. He rightfully earned the title of the imam of our

Sheikh Munir Al-'Aydi: Bin Laden Is The Man Who Shattered the Crosses

Demonstrator: Say: 'Allah Akbar.' 

Crowds: Allah Akbar! 

Demonstrator: Say: 'Allah Akbar.' 

Crowds: Allah Akbar! 

Demonstrator: Say: 'Allah Akbar.' 

Crowds: Allah Akbar! 

Sheikh Munir Al-'Aydi: That is the man who shattered the crosses. That is
the man who brought the Americans to their knees. That is the man who
humiliated the hypocrites in the East and West. That man through whom Allah
distinguished men of truth from men of falsehood.  [.] 

In the days of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, when there were claims that the Koran was
man-made, the scholars of those times would say that you could distinguish
between a man of truth and a hypocrite by his love for Imam Ahmad. In our
times, we too say that you can tell a believer from a hypocrite by his love
for Osama bin Laden. 

Crowds: Allah Akbar! 

Allah Akbar! 

Allah Akbar! 

Allah Akbar! 

Sheikh Munir Al-'Aydi: You are not dead, oh Osama. You live on in the
hearts of us all. Osama lives on in the heart of every man. All our sons are
Osama. Our entire nation is Osama. [.]



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[osint] FW: Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf



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WND Exclusive



Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

22-page brief filed with FBI claims 'irrefutable proof' document a fraud


Posted: May 31, 2011
8:09 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WND



President Obama (White House photo)

This is the first of three articles on the criminal complaint that 
scanner-expert Doug Vogt filed last week with the FBI.

An international expert on scanners and document-imaging software filed a  
 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI, charging that the long-form birth 
certificate released by the White House is criminally fraudulent.

What the Obama administration released is a PDF image that they are trying to 
pass off as a Certificate of Live Birth Long Form printed on green security 
paper by the Hawaiian Health Department, Doug Vogt writes, but this form is a 
created forgery.

 Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis 
in modern history, in Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack 
Obama is Not Eligible to be President, autographed by the author!

Vogt's criminal complaint asserts: I have irrefutably proven that the 
Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 
27, 2011, is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe 
Photoshop or Illustrator programs, and the creation of this forgery of a public 
document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under 
U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, Sec.1028, and therefore an 
impeachable offense.

When the Obama birth 


2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf






Wednesday, May 25, 2011


He writes  24 May 2008 under his signature at Westminster Abbey - instead of 
2011! That is not normal under any circumstances unless you have a blank brain 
moment - scary for us if that person is in the Oval Office running the country 
(sadly, into perdition).

By the Way  OBAMBI is 50% White, 43.75% Arab and 6.25% African. He does not 
even qualify as an African American under Federal regulations for ethnic 
minorities status!

Some reasons to believe he has brain damage:

1. He was - by his own book -  an extensive  drug user in his younger days. Did 
he fry his brain?

2. He has enormous skull scarring that points to heavy HEAD trauma injury or 
major surgery. No explanation has ever emerged. (Nor in anything else about 
him) .

3. He has deep neck scarring pointing to major surgery - possibly lymph nodes 
that could indicate cancer intervention or serious infection. 

(See photos for 2 and 3 at)


4. He cannot speak coherently without his teleprompters (or has STILTED, 
repeated hesitations if he tries) and uses the electronic aids even for 
addressing staff meetings, FIFTH GRADE school children (Graham Elementrary 
School) and even miscues and JUST READS  what the teleprompter says when it is 
off subject or out of synch without apparent input from his brain.



10 person staff meeting!



Elementary School - note children!




He got the date wrong, didn’t cross the t’s in great and commemorate, and made 
a punctuation error by adding a comma after heritage.

ALSO he IGNORANTLY totally miscued his speech at the State Dinner:

The president paused, the guests stood, and the orchestra prepared to play.

But the president wasn’t done speaking.

“The vitality –“ the president said before the orchestra began…

“To the Queen,” the president finally said.

He lifted his glass to her, she smiled a bit uncomfortably.

But because the song was playing, no one drank from his or her glass, including 
the president, who put his glass down on the table. Later, the Queen raised her 
glass to him, to everyone but did not drink.

Protocol, apparently, requires the toastmaster to wait until after “God Save 
the Queen” plays and then begin the toast. But the almighty O waits for nobody 
so he RUDELY launched straight into his  statement.

The Black Irish must be rolling in their graves. The Kenyans are pissing in the 
jungles (they were under British colonial rule for decades). Michele’s family 
might have been slaves. Obama’s father was a communist, a Soviet-oriented 
stooge, and a failed one at that, and his adopted tribe, the Luo, are ruled by 
another marxist, the Odinga klan.

Posted by Alan Peters at 12:12 PM 


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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
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[osint] US Forces the Fall of Another US Ally

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


Yemeni crowds celebrate after president transfers power, flies to Saudi Arabia

By Ernesto Londono 
and Sudarsan Raghavan 
, Published: June 4 | Updated: Sunday, June 5, 6:20 AM

CAIRO — Hours after the Yemen’s president flew to Saudi Arabia for treatment of 
wounds sustained in a rocket attack, thousands of demonstrators flocked to the 
streets of the capital Sunday to celebrate what they billed as the latest 
ouster of an Arab autocrat.

“The Yemeni people have been born again,” cried out Fatima Ahmad, 72, who was 
among those who walked to Change Square in Sanaa to celebrate the president’s 

Thousands waved flags, painted their faces with the colors of the national flag 
and exchanged congratulations in a capital that had become a battleground in 
recent days 

“We have deported Ali,” some chanted. “The people have toppled the regime.” 

Saleh transferred power temporarily to his vice president, Abed Rabbo Mansour 
Hadi, after boarding a flight to Saudi Arabia late Saturday. He was wounded 
  in a rocket attack on the presidential palace Friday afternoon. 

The vice president on Sunday met with U.S. Ambassador Gerald M. Feierstein, 
Yemen’s news agency reported. The two discussed steps required to maintain a 
cease-fire between government forces and tribal militias. They also spoke about 
Yemen’s the political opposition, known as the Joint Meeting Parties. 

Yemeni officials have not called Saleh’s departure an abdication from power, 
but analysts say the longtime leader 
 , who had been a key U.S. ally on the fight against al-Qaeda, is unlikely to 
return as president.

Despite the jubilation in Sanaa, bloodshed continued in the southern city of 
Taiz, where gunmen attacked the presidential palace, killing four soldiers, the 
Associated Press reported. 

Saleh’s sudden departure comes as the country is on the verge of civil war and 
economic collapse, with a violent power struggle among rival tribesmen underway 
and no clear plan for a transition of power if Saleh were to permanently 
surrender office.

For months, Saleh had resisted intense pressure from within Yemen, the Middle 
East’s poorest nation, and from neighboring countries and the United States to 
step down. With an active al-Qaeda branch in Yemen — one ambitious enough to 
claim the mantle of Osama bin Laden in the near future — Saleh’s departure 
could pose one of the most significant policy challenges for the Obama 
administration in the months ahead.

A Pentagon spokesman acknowledged late Saturday that the crisis in Yemen was 
already affecting U.S. efforts to fight terrorism.

“The current protracted political issues are having an adverse impact on the 
security situation in Yemen,” said Col. David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, and 
the United States is “continuing to review and assess all aspects of our 
security assistance.”

But he indicated that Washington was already looking beyond Saleh’s rule. “Our 
shared interest with the Yemeni government in defeating al-Qaeda goes beyond 
one person,” Lapan said. The U.S. military has an unspecified number of 
counterterrorism trainers in Yemen, who the Pentagon has said remain in the 
country, although the civil unrest had affected their work.

In Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, an official in the president’s office confirmed 
that Saleh had left the country for Saudi Arabia and said that his vice 
president had taken over his duties. The White House said President Obama’s 
counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, spoke with Hadi by telephone Saturday 
but provided no details, news services reported.

The AP quoted the state-run Saudi Press Agency as reporting that Saleh had 
arrived in the country. 

Most of Saleh’s family accompanied him on the flight to Saudi Arabia, AP 
reported, citing a government official. But Saleh’s son Ahmed, whom he was 
grooming as a successor, was believed to have stayed behind, AP reported.

Christopher Boucek, an analyst with the Carnegie Endowment for International 
Peace, said violence in Yemen could become even more intense, given the 
animosity between Saleh’s supporters and those of the Ahmar clan, whose 
tribesmen have spearheaded the effort to topple Saleh.

“His son and nephews may try to finish off the Ahmars,” Boucek said. “The 
regime’s power lies in the military and security branches, the guys who have 

[osint] Israeli Gunfire Kills 4 at Border

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

Israeli Gunfire Kills 4 at Border, Syrian TV Says

Published June 05, 2011

| Associated Press

Read more:


June 5:
Lebanese army soldiers sit on their truck as they patrol the
Lebanese-Israeli border near the village of Kfar Kila, south


June 5: Lebanese army soldiers sit on their truck as they patrol the
Lebanese-Israeli border near the village of Kfar Kila, south Lebanon.

MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan Heights -- Israeli troops opened fire across the Syrian
frontier on Sunday to disperse hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters who
stormed the border of the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Syrian
television reported four people, including a 12-year-old boy, were killed by
Israeli gunfire.

The unrest marked the anniversary of the Arab defeat in the 1967 Mideast

The Israeli military accused Syria of instigating the disturbances to
deflect attention from its bloody crackdown on a popular uprising at home.

Israel had promised to prevent a repeat of a deadly protest last month, in
which hundreds of people burst across the frontier, entered the Golan and
clashed with Israeli forces. Thousands of troops were mobilized in
anticipation of possible unrest.

Unfortunately, extremist forces around us are trying today to breach our
borders and threaten our communities and our citizens. We will not let them
do that, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his Cabinet. He said
security forces had been ordered to show maximum restraint.

Despite Israel's warnings, hundreds of demonstrators -- a mix of
Palestinians and their Syrian supporters -- passed by a Syrian police
outpost early Sunday and marched to the barbed-wire lined trench the Israeli
military dug along the border after last month's unrest. Protesters waved
Palestinian flags and threw rocks and trash over the fence, though none
appeared to have crossed the line.

As the crowd reached the border, soldiers shouted warnings through
megaphones against crossing the border. Anybody who gets close to the fence
is endangering his life, they said.

Israeli troops opened fire, sending crowds of demonstrators running in
panic. Several wounded people were taken away by demonstrators, but dozens
more continued heading toward the trench. Those evacuating casualties
shouted shahid, or martyr.

State-run Syrian TV reported four dead, including a 12-year-old boy, and 15
wounded. There was no immediate confirmation of the report.

The Israeli military put the blame on the Syrian regime, which has killed
more than 1,200 citizens during three months of demonstrations against the
Alawite-dominated government of President Bashar Assad.

This is an attempt to divert international attention from the bloodbath
going on in Syria, said Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, an Israeli military

In the end, we are guarding our border, she said. I wish they had obeyed
our verbal warnings, but they chose instead to clash with the soldiers.

The Israeli military said troops fired warning shots into the air after
people started approaching the border fence, then issued verbal warnings to
protesters to stay away. After some of the protesters reached the fence,
soldiers opened fire at their legs, the military said.

Residents of Majdal Shams, ethnic Druse who remain Syrian citizens while
living on the Israeli side of the frontier, watched the protest from
rooftops, booing each time the military tried to speak, nearly drowning out
the warnings.

When three dozen villagers shouted, Zionists, get out. Arab land will be
free, Druse leaders in white skullcaps and black robes angrily told them to
be quiet to keep the situation from escalating.

At one point, several dozen protesters stopped along a hillside to pray,
bowing to the ground in unison. Later, protesters split into several groups,
trying to throw off the army as they unsuccessfully searched for ways to get
across the barbed-wire trench. A burning tire was thrown into the trench,
sending a plume of smoke into the air.

The demonstrators moved toward the frontier even after a dozen people were
killed in last month's unrest, which marked the annual day that Arabs mourn
the establishment of Israel. They acted even after organizers in Syria and
Lebanon canceled plans to march to their frontiers with Israel.

Forty-four years ago to the day, the 1967 Mideast war erupted. Within six
days, Israel conquered the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt; Syria
lost the Golan Heights and Jordan lost the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Israel has since returned the Sinai and evacuated Gaza -- but the agony of
defeat and the continued Israeli occupation of the Golan, West Bank and east
Jerusalem still torments the Arab world.

Things were relatively calm on Israel's other borders on Sunday.

About 400 Gazans hoisting 

[osint] Amicus brief filed against Obamacare in federal court

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

A public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government
corruption, announced Friday that it has filed an amicus curiae (friend of
the court) brief in a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare
(Susan Seven-Sky, et al v Eric Holder, Jr. et al.(No. 11-5047)). 


The lawsuit is currently on appeal before the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Judicial Watch's brief challenges the constitutionality of the law's
Requirement to Maintain Minimal Essential Coverage, or the individual
mandate, which forces citizens to purchase health care insurance or remit a
shared responsibility payment to the government.


As Judicial Watch notes, the key question for the court is whether an
individual who does not purchase health insurance has performed an
activity that can be regulated by Congress under the Commerce Clause of
the Constitution.


The Supreme Court's Commerce Clause jurisprudence requires that Congress
regulate an activity, as opposed to not engaging in an activity. Common
sense alone compels the conclusion that an individual who does not purchase
health insurance has not taken an action or exerted effort. 


The individual does not even need to take a mental action.  The individual
does not need to make a decision not to purchase health insurance; the
individual simply will not purchase health insurance.


Since Congress has regulated this passivity, Congress has overstepped the
Commerce Clause's boundaries in attempting to regulate Appellants.  Indeed,
it seems that Congress has put the cart before the horse.  In an effort to
regulate Appellants, Congress is attempting to compel them into action
through the PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), according to
Judicial Watch in a press statement




Recognizing the weak underpinnings of its conclusion that those who do
nothing are performing an activity, the lower court attempted to bolster its
argument by reasoning that Congress can regulate individuals today because
someday everyone will seek medical treatment and this will have an effect on
interstate commerce. 


However, as Judicial Watch noted, in United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549
(1995), the Supreme Court dismissed this approach as pil[ing] inference
upon inference.  The Supreme Court reasoned, If we were to accept [such]
arguments we are hard pressed to posit any activity by an individual that
Congress is without power to regulate.


Obamacare represents an unprecedented government power grab.  And if
Obamacare is allowed to remain the law of the land, the federal government's
ability to run our lives will be virtually unlimited, said Judicial Watch
President Tom Fitton. 


Obamacare is seen by many a fundamental threat to our nation's
constitutional order.  We hope this court abides by the plain meaning of the
U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court precedent and rules Obamacare
unconstitutional, Fitton added.


As Judicial Watch noted in its brief, by current count, at least 20 lawsuits
have been filed challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare, with the
individual mandate representing the main point of contention.  Two courts
have ruled this mandate unconstitutional, while three other federal courts,
including the lower court in this case, have upheld the constitutionality of
the mandate.




Continue reading on Examiner.com Amicus brief filed against Obamacare in
federal court - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com

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[osint] Sink To the Bottom With Me

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


Sink To the Bottom With Me 

Sunday, 05 June 2011 05:32 Daniel Greenfield 

f3643e25c37b13b3283c75260ac/tmpl,component/ E-mail
nk-to-the-bottom-with-me/print.html Print

What do you think about Global Warming? It doesn't matter what you think.
Not if you live in New York, Berlin, Yokohama or Karachi that is. On behalf
of his C40 group, Mayor Bloomberg explained
  to the BBC, Your job is not to ask the public where they want to go and
get behind them. Your job is to tell the public.

But the BBC knows that already. They've been telling the public what to
think for a long time now. And they don't need lessons on that from some
parvenu yank billionaire. Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs and
don't presume to teach the BBC how to disdainfully ignore public opinion for
the public's own good.

While Bloomberg leads from the front in his Large Cities Climate
Leadership Group or C40 group (the manufacture of Orwellian acronyms
accounts for 30 percent of carbon emissions from climate change propaganda),
New Yorkers are busy protesting in the streets
over firehouse closings. Residents of the city are not concerned about
global warming. They're worried about local incineration. Forget the tides
and do something about the firehoses.

Not that his Imperial Mayorality is listening. Real leaders don't listen to
the public. They drive tanks over them. As the mayors of Shanghai and
Beijing, also members of the LCCLG or C40, know. The peasants may cry for
firehouses, but what do they know anyway. Each firehouse emits carbon. Every
time a fire engine races off to save an apartment building, metric tons of
carbon is released into the software algorithms of climate change
researchers. Better to let the peasants burn and save the planet.

If you ask the public 'is there global warming,' 'is in 50 years the earth
going to be dramatically different or perhaps uninhabitable,' their eyes
roll. Nobody can think 50 years in advance, says Bloomy. Nobody clearly
doesn't include the mayor. Fortunately the city is blessed with a leader who
couldn't see a snow emergency coming two days ahead of time, but has no
trouble parting the mists of time and seeing half a century into the future.

While snow was falling on Brooklyn, the Prophet of City Hall was pondering a
distant future when the whole city would be underwater because too many
trucks have been crossing the BQE. Forget Mayor. It's time the city got
Bloomberg a crystal ball, a deck of tarot cards and something to gird his
loins with, if he has any, and appoint him our seer and prophet. We've been
shamefully wasting the man's time on minutiae like our worries about burning
to death because we only have a skeletal fire department, when we should be
coming to him with questions about the strange world of the future.

Tell me Mayor Mike, will there still be mayors in the future? Yes, but
they will all be underwater, have gold skin and be worshiped as gods at
international conferences.

It's funny until you remember that the snow emergency which the city
neglected http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/2010/12/bloombergs-snow-job.html
in order to participate in planning conferences for Waterworld actually cost
human lives. People died because the ruling class was too busy wrapped up in
an underwater end of days to attend to petty matters like doing their jobs.
In the winter they died in ice, while officials planned to combat the rising
tides of the future with bicycle lanes. Will they burn to death in summer
because officials are too busy pushing roof painting to consider the people
living under those roofs as anything but carbon waste on two legs?

Our governments are being run by a cult that makes Harold Camping seem
positively rational. An apocalyptic elite that proudly celebrates its
disdain for the common man. Mediocre politicians guided by a science they
don't understand, allowing themselves to be weaponized into tools of mass
regulation in the name of a philosophy that sees the human race as one giant
waste product. Plastic cups of Kool Aid with instructions to drink them in
atonement to Gaia haven't come in the mail yet, but at the rate we're going
it's only a matter of time.

The problem isn't Bloomberg. He's just the tackiest member of an
international coterie. A billionaire with bad taste who 

[osint] Gunfight At DC Corral: Palin vs Obama

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


Gunfight At DC Corral: Palin vs Obama. 

Saturday, 04 June 2011 10:52 Lloyd Marcus 

3e052a033ed77983304b3aca2ce/tmpl,component/ E-mail
al/gunfight-at-dc-corral-palin-vs-obama/print.html Print

Editor's note: my money is on Palin, cuz if she can take down a bear or an
elk, she can certainly take care of a rat!

I'm sorry guys. Every time you flood me with emails attempting to convince
me Palin can not win; is too toxic, not smart enough, a hypocrite and is
only in it for the money, the courageous woman boldly does another
extraordinary interview that makes me stand up and cheer, Sarah Palin, you
go girl! I love you!

On the Hannity show, Palin launched another in your face attack on Obama,
the GOP and the liberal media. I LOVE IT! http://fxn.ws/cxt8dv

Palin_Motorcycle_GangNothing frustrates me more than GOP candidates walking
on eggs cautious not to offend or anger the despicable, lying, agenda driven
and evil liberal media. Why should we show respect for characterless people
who are committed to lying and putting a negative spin on everything we say
and do? The liberal media's mission is to politically kill the tea party.
Get it?

Sarah Palin gets it. Palin does not give a rat's behind about what the
liberal media thinks of her.

On numerous occasions, without the slightest hint of reservation or FEAR,
Palin has attacked Obama the man; his lies, his anti-American
associations, his socialist agenda, his assault on our freedom, liberty and
culture and his horrific record, thus far. Thank You Sarah Palin! God bless

I realize I sound like a broken record, but I can not express the following
point strongly enough. To beat Obama and his media in 2012, our candidate
MUST embrace Palin's aggressive fearless battle plan.

It has been said, only a fool brings a knife to a gunfight. Without
restraint or mercy, Obama, the democrats and Obama's liberal media gang will
show up at the 2012 DC fight for the White House with mega guns firing at
the tea party and the republican presidential candidate.

Any republican presidential candidate who is timid due to the historical
context of Obama's presidency saying, God bless Obama's heart. He meant
well, but his policies have failed is like entering this crucial battle for
our country with a butter knife. Such a restrained effort would insure
political death to our side and the end of America as we know it.

Patriots, we need a fearless political gunslinging hero. And so far, our
heroic pistol packin' mama is Sarah Palin.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Vice Chair, www.CampaignToDefeatObama.com



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[osint] al-Qaeda in Sinai

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


Al-Qaeda in Sinai 

Saturday, 04 June 2011 10:36 P. David Hornik 

e46a7e6296447f2c95da8cc7a8e/tmpl,component/ E-mail
i/print.html Print

It started early this week when a senior Egyptian security official told
http://www.jpost.com/Headlines/Article.aspx?id=222820  the Egyptian-based
Al-Hayyat TV channel that over 400 Al-Qaeda members had made their way into
the Sinai Peninsula. They were said to be composed of Palestinians,
Bedouins, and foreign Arabs, and Egyptian security forces were said to be
pursuing them since they were planning to carry out terror attacks in

The official told Al-Hayyat that they had already carried out attacks
against [Egyptian] security forces in the Sinai city of El Arish. 

The report seemed to gain credence on Monday when Israeli prime minister
Binyamin Netanyahu told
rol-of-growing-terror-groups-in-sinai-1.364949  the Knesset's Foreign
Affairs and Defense Committee that Egypt is having a hard time realizing
its sovereignty in Sinai. International terror organizations are stirring in
Sinai and their presence is increasing due to Sinai's connection to Gaza. 

Although Netanyahu left it vague, that due to can work both ways:
terrorists in Sinai, particularly if intent on attacking Israel, can make
their way into Gaza, and terrorists in Gaza-especially now that Egypt has
opened the Rafah crossing
-crossing/ -can make their way into Sinai.

Although it may have gotten a significant boost this week, the problem of
Al-Qaeda and other global jihadist forces in Sinai is not new. Last February
5, a gas pipeline to Israel and Jordan was blown up
ael-and-jordan-after-pipeline-explosion-1.341368  in northern Sinai, and it
was blown up http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=218033  again
on April 27. The attacks are attributed to local Bedouins, global jihadists,
or a collaboration between the two.

Last August, five rockets were fired
100803  from Sinai at the Israeli resort town of Eilat; one, the only one
to cause damage, instead hit the adjacent Jordanian town of Aqaba, killing
one and wounding five. Global jihadists were believed to be behind it.
Another rocket, also probably fired from Sinai, had hit Aqaba in April
without causing casualties.

Severe bombing attacks have also struck Egyptian targets in Sinai: in 2006,
one in Dahab that killed at least 23; in 2005, one in Sharm el-Sheikh that
killed 88; and a double bombing at the Taba and Ras al-Shitan resorts in
2004 that took at least 34 lives.

The mounting terror threat from Sinai puts Israel in a difficult dilemma.
Under the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, Israel withdrew from Sinai
while Egypt agreed to leave it demilitarized, deploying only police and
border guards there. But after the first gas-pipeline bombing last February
5, Israel-for the first time since the peace treaty's signing-allowed Egypt
to move military forces into the peninsula.

Though the two Egyptian battalions were supposed to put a lid on the growing
anarchy, just days later, Israel turned down
http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Article.aspx?id=207115  an Egyptian request
to deploy additional forces, fearing a complete breakdown of the peace
treaty with Cairo.

Upholding the peace treaty, then, means a growing presence for Al-Qaeda and
other global terror in Sinai, without adequate Egyptian-or any other-forces
to counter it. Derogating from the treaty means allowing Egypt-in the
post-Mubarak era that has seen rising extremism
tml  there-back into the peninsula, which borders Gaza to the north and
Israel itself to the south, and from which Egypt attacked Israel in 1948 and

Above all, the situation underlines the fragility of the peace-process
paradigm, which has become axiomatic in international diplomacy and assumes
that Israel can gain peace in return for territorial concessions.

As long as the Mubarak government-which, while violating almost all the
other terms of the peace treaty, never militarily attacked Israel-ruled
Egypt, it could be claimed that the paradigm was at least succeeding in the
Egyptian case. Today, with Sinai becoming a terror haven that threatens both

[osint] Where Did Jesus Say, I Am God, Worship Me?

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


Answering Muslims 

The Islamoblog of Acts 17 Apologetics Ministries

Saturday, June 4, 2011

 Where Did Jesus Say, I Am God, Worship Me? 

The Qur’an commands Christians to judge by the Gospel:

Qur’an 5:47—“Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed 
therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, 
they are (no better than) those who rebel.”

Thus, when Christians present their beliefs, it makes sense for Muslims to ask, 
“Could you show us where the Bible says that?” Christians should therefore be 
eager to present evidence from the Gospel, because Muslims cannot condemn us 
for doing what the Qur’an commands. Indeed, since the Qur’an affirms not only 
the Gospel, but also the Torah (Qur’an 5:43), Muslims cannot ignore what the 
Bible says without thereby rebelling against Islam.

Muslims around the world are being trained to ask Christians, “Where did Jesus 
say, ‘I am God, worship me,’ in those exact words?” However, if Muslims are 
suggesting that Jesus could only claim to be God by uttering a specific 
sentence, we may reply by asking, “Where did Jesus say, ‘I am only a prophet, 
don’t worship me,’ in those exact words?” The unreasonable demand for a 
particular statement, if applied consistently, would thus force Muslims to 
reject their own view!

Fortunately, we have a simple way to examine what Jesus said about himself. 
According to both the Bible and the Qur’an, there are certain claims that only 
God can truly make. For instance, God alone can correctly state that he created 
the universe. Of course, a mere human being can pronounce the words, “I created 
the universe,” but the statement would be false coming from anyone other than 

Hence, if Jesus said things that can only truly be said by God, we must 
conclude that Jesus claimed to be God. Interestingly, Jews, Christians, and 
Muslims agree on many of the claims that cannot be properly made by (or about) 
mere human beings. Let us consider a few of these.


Surah 57:3 of the Qur’an refers to Allah as “the First and the Last, the Most 
High and the Most Near.” The Old Testament agrees that God is the “First and 
the Last,” as we read in the Book of the prophet Isaiah:

Isaiah 44:6—Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD 
of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me.”

When “LORD” is written in all capitals in the Old Testament, the term refers to 
Yahweh, the creator of the universe. Since both the Bible and the Qur’an give 
the title “the First and the Last” to God, it should be quite shocking for 
Muslims to open the New Testament and read Revelation 1:17-18, where Jesus says:

“Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was 
dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of 

Would a mere prophet claim to be the “First and the Last”?


While one human being may sin against another human being, there is a sense in 
which all sin is rebellion against God. Similarly, while you and I may forgive 
one another for the wrongs we commit, only God can offer ultimate forgiveness. 
Thus, the prophet David could say to God, “Against You, You only, I have sinned

and done what is evil in Your sight” (Psalm 51:4), and the Prophet Daniel could 
declare, “To the Lord our God belong compassion and forgiveness, for we have 
rebelled against Him” (Daniel 9:9).

The Qur’an agrees that ultimate forgiveness belongs to God, for it asks, “Who 
can forgive sins except Allah?” (3:135).

It might surprise Muslims to learn that, in the New Testament, Jesus claims the 
ability to forgive sins. In Mark 2, a paralyzed man is brought to Jesus in 
order to be healed. Jesus’ response leads the religious leaders to accuse him 
of blasphemy:

Mark 2:5-7—And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins 
are forgiven.” But some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in 
their hearts, “Why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming; who can 
forgive sins but God alone?”

The scribes correctly recognized that only God can forgive sins. Yet Jesus (who 
referred to himself as the “Son of Man”), knowing their thoughts, replied that 
“the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Mark 2:10). He then 
healed the paralytic, proving that his claims were true.


In Psalm 27:1, the prophet David proclaims: “The LORD is my light and my 
salvation.” Similarly, the Qur’an declares that “Allah is the light of the 
heavens and the earth” (24:35). Yet Jesus tells his listeners that he is “the 

John 8:12—“I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the 
darkness, but will have the Light of life.”


The prophet David refers to Yahweh as the “God of Truth” (Psalm 

[osint] Afghan War News - June 5, 2011

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


June 05, 2011

War in Afghanistan News - 05 June 2011

pup AfghanProvinceRegionA Taliban Leader and 9 Talib Thugs were captured

Another 9 Haqqani joined them at the Iron Bar Motel.

Meanwhile, the Taliban sent their suicidal terrorists to murder Kandahar
andahar-university.html students.
Across the eastern border, Al-Qaeda's #3
an-ilyas-kashmiri.html was killed, again.

Tailor the way you get your War in Afghanistan News
ISAF Details Follow:

A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader and
several of his associates during an overnight security operation in Nad 'Ali
district, Helmand province, Friday. 

The detained leader was responsible for leading Taliban operations in Marjah
district and worked closely with a network that conducts direct fire,
hit-and-run and ambush attacks. 

The leader and his associates were detained while the security force
searched a compound associated with the leader. With the help of interviews
with residents, the security force was able to identify the individuals and
transport them for further questioning. 

There were no shots fired during the search and no civilians harmed. 

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout


A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained numerous suspected
insurgents while searching for a Taliban leader during a security operation
in Panjwa'i district, Kandahar province, Friday. The leader directs
insurgents in Nakhonay village and conducts operations throughout Panjwa'i.
He also works with explosive device experts in the district. 

Intelligence tips led the Afghan-led force to the leader's suspected
compound in the district. After securing the compound, an Afghan member of
the force interviewed residents regarding the leader's location. Based on
the information provided, the force detained numerous individuals with
suspected ties to insurgent activity. The night operation was completed with
no shots fired and no civilians harmed. 


In Khost province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force detained
two suspected insurgents during separate security operations targeting
Haqqani leadership in Sabari district, yesterday. The Afghan-led force
targeted two Haqqani leaders who are responsible for coordinating indirect
fire, roadside bomb and car bomb attacks against the Afghan National Army
operating in Sabari. 

Following intelligence tips, the force searched two compounds associated
with the leaders. During the initial operation the force detained one
suspected insurgent after interviewing residents. Later in the night at a
separate compound, the force detained one additional individual with
suspected ties to Haqqani activity. Throughout the search, the force ensured
the safety of the women and children. No shots were fired during the

A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained several suspected
insurgents during a security operation in Dzadran district, Paktiya
province, Friday. The Afghan-led force conducted the nighttime security
operation to capture a Haqqani network leader in the district. The targeted
leader is directly responsible for supply movements to support attacks and
insurgent operations in the district. 

After receiving several intelligence tips regarding Haqqani activity, the
security force searched for the leader at a compound in the district. During
the search, the force identified several suspected insurgents. The
individuals were transported with the force for further questioning and
possible detention. Throughout the search, the force ensured the safety of
the women and children. 

In Paktika province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force detained
several suspected insurgents during a security operation targeting a Haqqani
network leader in Orgun district, Friday. The leader directs suicide bomb
attacks, and is involved in foreign fighter and weapons facilitation. 

The Afghan-led force searched for the leader at an associated compound in
the district, based on multiple intelligence sources. While searching the
area, the security force came across several suspected insurgents. With the
help of resident interviews, the force was able to detain several suspected
insurgents for further questioning. Additionally, the security force
confiscated homemade bomb making materials, multiple AK-47 rifles and chest
racks. No shots were fired during the night operation and no civilians were

A combined Afghan and coalition security force operating in Logar province
detained several individuals with suspected ties to Taliban activity 

[osint] US Terrorist Elmer Pratt, Dead in Tanzania

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


June 04, 2011

US Terrorist Elmer Pratt, Dead in Tanzania

Elmer Pratt, aka Geronimo ji-Jaga a high ranking member of the Black Panther
terrorist organization, died June 2, 2011, of a heart attack, in Tanzania.

Pratt was arrested in 1970 for murder and kidnapping.

Pratt was convicted in 1972 of the murder of the 1968 murder of elementary
school teacher, Caroline Olsen, and not even Johnnie Cochran could get him
off.  In 1997, under the Clinton Administration, the sentence was vacated.
Its Justice Department later paid him $1.75 million along with the $2.75
million paid by the LAPD on the premise that he was identified as the
murderer, by an FBI informant.

Pratt used his two tours in Viet Nam to attain the title of Minister of
Defense in an organization, after he used his GI Bill at UCLA, that
actively used violence against the American Government.  His pregnant wife
was murdered in a turf war for control of the organization in 1971.

Pratt was a vocal advocate for fellow Black Panther, Wesley Cook, aka
Abu-Jamal, a convicted murderer(12/8/81) of a Philadelphia Police Officer,
featured on Democracy Now and German Marxist publication, Junge Welt,
and a regular contributor to NPR.  Cook's criminal career began as young as
14.  Cook is a popular figure in the Black Panther, Communist, and muslim
convert circles.  Cook and Pratt met in the Black Panthers terrorist
organization.  While in prison, Pratt has been given an Honorary Law Degree
from the New College of California School of Law, recorded the keynote
address to graduating class of Evergreen State College and the commencement
speech at Antioch College.

Pratt was the godfather of Tupac Shakur.


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[osint] Hacker Defaces FBI-Affiliate Website In Protest Against NATO And Obama

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf



PBS Hacker LulzSec Takes On Archnemesis FBI, Defaces FBI-Affiliate Website
In Protest Against NATO And Obama

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden  on
06/05/2011 00:25 -0400


Even as the hacker collective known as Operation Empire State Rebellion,
which back in March
olution-america-will-engage-civil-disobedience-unt threatened to bring
peaceful revolution to America, and will engage in civil disobedience until
Bernanke steps down and has since largely fallen off the scene, presumably
surprised by Bernanke complete of lack fazing, another hacker group,
LulzSec, best known for recent hacking into PBS, has just taken the first
step toward pissing off none other than its archnemesis the FBI, by defacing
and taking control of an FBI affiliate website. From IBTimes: In an
apparent protest against the NATO and Obama administration, the LulzSec
group announced the breach of FBI  affiliate website, the Atlanta chapter of
Infragard. The group raised claims that they have taken complete control
over the website and has defaced it. They also announced that the data
including passwords obtained from infragardatlanta.org would prove useful
for them to hack into other FBI affiliates, since a lot of users tend to
reuse their passwords even though the practice is generally unappreciated by
FBI. So while OP_ESR continues to engage in emptry rhetoric and summons the
population to one after another attempt at uprising (Apparently June 14th is
the latest D-Day
14th-to-rebel-against-economic-tyranny/ ), LulzSec, which is also
speculated to be behind the historic ongoing hacks of the various Sony
networks, is taking cyber-matters into its own hands. We wonder however
whether this escalation of cyberwarfare against the US by the US will
necessitate a declaration of war by Obama against the US. Admittedly, that
would be a Keynesian wet dream: think of the record boost to GDP if Geithner
literally nukes the west and eastern seaboards, only to rebuild them

From IBTimes
m :

In what looks like a silent propaganda, hackers continue to taunt
corporations and have now laid their eyes on FBI. If the hackers' threats
are valid, even NATO and Obama administration including top officials have
got to be extra vigilant. While a large section believes that LulzSec, that
hacked into the system of PBS, did so in a bid to show moral support for
WikiLeaks, the matter is still under debate since Sony has also been
devastated by back to back security breaches by the same group, which
doesn't really fit into the same scheme of things.

The hackers' next target being FBI has raised considerable amount of
uncertainty, as they have been tweeting about it under the tag
#FuckFBIFriday. A little while before the Infragard hack, the group had
posted a tweet: #FuckFBIFriday in 45 minutes. infragardatlanta.org is
suspended following the hack. 

The group has announced that an Infragard member offered them money to hack
into his competitor's website and to stay silent about his own database,
when they informed him that his personal communication including that
through Gmail has been compromised. According to the LulzSec's claims, the
member, Karim Hijazi's company Unveillance, which specializes in data
breaches, has been exposed to extract critical information. The group
claimed to have uncovered an operation of US government orchestrated by
Unveillance, to control and assess Libyan cyberspace through malicious
means. The group alleged that the U.S. government is funding the CSFI to
attack Libya's cyber infrastructure. We accept your threats, NATO. Game
on, losers, LulzSec wrote in Pastebin.

The group posted a series of tweets mocking FBI, of which one said we sit
and laugh at the FBI. No times decided, but we'll cook up something nice for
tonight. The group has announced that the hacks and leaks will always
continue, even if twitter suspends our account. FBI is yet to issue a
statement regarding the matter.

In the meantime, the website of infraguardatlanta.org
http://www.infragardatlanta.org/ continues to be under the control of
LulzSec, and in a brilliant example of hacker entrepreneurship, is nothing
more than one big adsense ad, which is probably under the control of a
LulzSec's adsense account, thus  profiting from everyone who is curious
enough to visit the site.


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[osint] Deadly virus strain detected in S. Korea before European outbreak: doctors

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
Deadly virus strain detected in S. Korea before European outbreak: doctors




GWANGJU, South Korea, June 5 (Yonhap) -- South Korean medical doctors said

Sunday that a South Korean patient in 2004 was treated for the same strain

of stomach virus that has recently led to the deadly food poisoning outbreak

in Europe.


Professors Bae Yoo-kyun at Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital and

Jang Hee-chang at Chonnam National University Hospital said the 29-year-old

woman was hospitalized after suffering stomach pains and internal bleeding. 


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[osint] Colombia: FARC security chief killed - FRANCE 24

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


04 June 2011 - 20H51   

Colombia: FARC security chief killed 

es/afp/photo_1307213453254-1-0.jpg?1307285963 This undated handout picture
released by the Colombian Army shows Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces
member Alirio Rojas Bocanegra, aka 'El Abuelo' (the Grandfather). The
Colombian Army have announced they have killed Bocanegra, who was security
chief of the FARC guerrilla top commander, Alfonso Cano, during an operation
in the western Colombian department of Tolima.

This undated handout picture released by the Colombian Army shows Colombian
Revolutionary Armed Forces member Alirio Rojas Bocanegra, aka 'El Abuelo'
(the Grandfather). The Colombian Army have announced they have killed
Bocanegra, who was security chief of the FARC guerrilla top commander,
Alfonso Cano, during an operation in the western Colombian department of

AFP - The Colombian army announced Saturday it has killed the security chief
of the Marxist FARC group's top commander, in what officials claim is a blow
against the guerrillas.

Alirio Rojas Bocanegra, known as The Grandfather, headed the FARC's
Central Block tasked with guarding Alfonso Cano, who took over as leader of
the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia after its founder Manuel
Marulanda Velez was killed in 2008.

President Juan Manuel Santos praised the military operation that took place
in western Colombia, and used tough talk in pledging to make further inroads
against the rebel movement he has described as narco-terrorists.

We are dealing with FARC central command in a systematic way: they put up a
leader, and we take him down, Santos said during a public appearance in
Sincelejo, in northern Colombia.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Rodrigo Rivero, told reporters that the army is
increasingly close to Alfonso Cano, and we are shutting down all fronts of
action and mobilization.

Bocanegra died Friday high up in the mountains at Rioblanco, in an operation
that also killed Manuel Cepeda Vargas, aka Ruben, the commission chief
responsible for FARC propaganda and its radio station, Voices of the

The FARC, with an estimated 8,000 fighters, is Latin America's largest and
longest-fighting insurgency with 47 years of armed struggle.



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[osint] Infragard Atlanta, an FBI affiliate, hacked by LulzSec

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

Infragard Atlanta, an FBI affiliate, hacked by LulzSec

by Chester Wisniewski
http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/author/chesterwisniewski/  on June 4, 2011

logoIn a self-titled hack attack called F**k FBI Friday the hacking group
known as LulzSec has published details on users and associates of the
non-profit organization known as Infragard
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infragard .

Infragard describes itself as a non-profit focused on being an interface
between the private sector and individuals with the FBI. LulzSec published
180 usernames, hashed passwords, plain text passwords, real names and email

Where did the plain text passwords come from? Considering LulzSec was able
to decrypt them it would imply that the hashes were not salted
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password_salt , or that the salt used was
stored in an insecure manner.

One interesting point to note is that not all of the users passwords were
cracked... Why? Because these users likely used passwords of reasonable
complexity and length. This makes brute forcing far more difficult and
LulzSec couldn't be bothered to crack them.

In addition to stealing data from Infragard, LulzSec also defaced their
website with a joke YouTube video and the text LET IT FLOW YOU STUPID FBI
BATTLESHIPS in a window titled NATO - National Agency of Tiny Origamis

Aside from defacing their site and stealing their user database, they tested
out the users and passwords against other services and discovered many of
the members were reusing passwords on other sites - an violation of
FBI/Infragard guidelines.

LulzSec singled out one of these users, Karim Hijazi, who used his Infragard
password for both his personal and corporate Gmail accounts according to the

They've published a BitTorrent with what they claim are nearly 1000 of
Hijazi's corporate emails and a IRC chat transcript that proclaims to be a
conversation they had with him. 

They also disclosed a list of personal information including his home
address, mobile phone and other details.

It's hard to say when these attacks will end, but a great start would be to
carefully analyze your security practices and ensure that your data is
properly encrypted and to regularly scan your servers for vulnerabilities.

As for LulzSec? It appears they have declared war on one of the premier
police forces in the world... Their fate remains a mystery.

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[osint] Jews Won't Abandon Obama in 2012

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
Sabato Website: Jews Won't Abandon Obama in 2012

President Barack Obama's recent speech calling on Israel to accept the
country's 1967 borders as a starting point for talks with the Palestinians
has raised speculation that Jewish voters could turn against Obama and the
Democrats in 2012. 

But such a scenario is not very realistic for at least three reasons,
according to Alan I. Abramowitz, senior columnist for the Crystal Ball
website of Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for

First of all, political opponents - in particular, Hillary Clinton's
campaign - questioned Obama's commitment to Israel in 2008. But Jewish
voters still supported Obama in the general election at about the same rate
they had supported other Democratic presidential candidates in recent

One poll showed that 78 percent of Jewish voters cast their ballots for
Obama over John McCain. 

Secondly, Jewish loyalty to the Democrats is based largely on the liberal
views of most Jews on domestic policy issues, Abramowitz asserts. 

Between 1992 and 2008, 82 percent of Jewish voters interviewed in several
surveys said they leaned toward the Democratic Party, compared to just 43
percent of all other white voters. 

Jewish voters hold solidly liberal views on a wide range of domestic policy
issues, and especially on social issues such as abortion, that have
undermined support for the Democratic Party among some of its traditional
supporters, Abramowitz writes. 

Thirdly, the rightward tack of the Republican Party in recent years has made
a significant shift of Jewish voters into the GOP camp highly unlikely. 

Moderate-to-liberal Republicans including Nelson Rockefeller in New York and
Edward Brooke in Massachusetts regularly won a large share of the Jewish
vote, but in today's GOP there are almost no liberals or moderates,
Abramowitz observes. 

He concludes: There is almost no chance that the ultimate victor in the
Republican nomination contest will be able to significantly increase the GOP
share of the Jewish vote beyond the relatively small minority of
conservative Jews who have been voting for Republican candidates in recent


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[osint] HAMAS initiates a media campaign against UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon because of his concerns regarding the flotilla.

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
Time to realize that Islam and all Muslims are enemies of the rest of the world.




The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center Newsletter

Attached please find information about :

 Hamas initiates a media campaign against UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 
because of his concerns regarding the flotilla.

 Download PDF file (92KB)   

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/ 

Hamas initiates a media campaign against UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 
because of his concerns regarding the flotilla. Hamas spokesmen and media 
accuse him of surrendering to Israeli pressure and call him responsible for the 
flotilla's safety.




UN website, May 31, 2011
The statement issued by the UN Secretary-General to Mediterranean governments 
expressing his concern that the flotilla might escalate into violent conflict 
(UN website, May 31, 2011).


1. The de facto Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip and the pro-Palestinian 
organizations behind Freedom Flotilla 2 expressed strong criticism of a 
communiqué sent by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the governments of 
Mediterranean countries, including the government of Israel, regarding the 
upcoming flotilla (May 27, 2011).

2. The communiqué called on the various governments to use their influence to 
discourage the flotillas, which had the potential to escalate into violent 
conflict. It said that the Secretary-General believed the flotillas were not 
helpful in resolving the basic economic problems in Gaza and that assistance 
and goods…should be channeled through legitimate crossings and established 
channels. He called on the various governments, including the government of 
Israel, to act responsibly and with caution to avoid any violent incident (UN 
website May 27, 2011). 

3. The reservations of the UN communiqué joined many others issued by the 
international community. They have been made public by the United States, the 
European Union and countries such as France, Spain, Denmark, Holland and 
Canada. The reservations, which were not expressed for the previous flotilla, 
may raise doubts, as far as Hamas and its allies are concerned, about the 
legitimacy of the flotilla and its objectives, and are also liable to 
strengthen the justification for steps Israel takes against it. With that in 
view, Hamas initiated a media campaign attacking the UN Secretary-General, 
making him responsible for the safety of Freedom Flotilla 2. 

Responses from Hamas and its allies

4. The following are the main responses from Hamas and its allies, as 
publicized by Hamas-affiliated media:

1) Hamas' information office issued a statement denouncing the UN 
Secretary-General's appeal. According to the statement, it was a dangerous 
deviation from the UN's founding principles, and the Secretary-General's 
position set a dangerous precedent. In addition, it continued, Hamas expected 
the Secretary-General not to surrender to Israeli pressure and to demand that 
Israel end the siege and support steps to transfer humanitarian assistance to 
the Gaza Strip (Hamas' Palestine-info website, May 28, 2011).

2) Muhammad Awad, foreign minister of the de facto Hamas administration, said 
that the UN had to act to ease the situation of the Palestinian people, to aid 
in lifting the siege and to appeal to other countries to do the same. He also 
said that the UN Secretary-General had a significant role to play in ending the 
siege and rebuilding the Gaza Strip, and that he should not support the 
Israeli position (Al-Quds TV, May 28, 2011).

3) The Popular Committee to Break the Siege on Gaza1 issued a press release on 
the Hamas website making Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon responsible for the 
safety of Freedom Flotilla 2. It emphasized that the UN Secretary-General's 
communiqué prepared the ground for Israeli piracy and encouraged Israel to 
attack the flotilla as it had attacked in 2010. It also stated that the 
Secretary-General's warning would not prevent the flotilla from sailing at its 
appointed time and demanded that he protect the ships (12, according to the 
release) and its passengers (Hamas' Palestine-info website, May 28, 2011).

4) Rami Abdo, a European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG) activist and 
one of the central figures organizing the flotilla, denounced the UN 
Secretary-General's appeal in a television interview. He said that the flotilla 
was a popular activity of civilian organizations and that governments could 
not prevent it from sailing (Hamas' Radio Sawt al-Aqsa, May 28, 2011).

5) Zaher al-Birawi, Hamas activist living in Britain, who also serves as a 
spokesman for the International 

[osint] The Coming of the Mahdi

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf
June 5, 2011 

The Coming of the Mahdi

By  http://www.americanthinker.com/amil_imani/ Amil Imani

The world is presently at its most wicked.  It is beyond human help.  It
requires only a nudge to implode and prepare for the divine ruler, the
Saheb-ul-Zaman (the Mahdi, the Lord of the Age) to come and set it aright.
It is the sacred duty and privilege of every Muslim to do all he can to
hasten the death of the old world and the birth of the global Islamic Ummah.
Thus goes the thinking of Iran's ruling mullahs and their hand-picked
president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

It seems like the old millennialism thinking.  The belief in supernatural
intervention to set the world aright is scriptural to major religions,
including Islam.  The Jews have been earnestly supplicating the Lord for the
Messiah to come; the Christians are impatiently awaiting the second coming
of Christ; and, the Zoroastrians are convinced that Saoshayant is the one
who shall come, defeat the trouble-making Ahriman -- Satan -- and make the
creatures again pure.  But this time around, a group of believers with
tremendous resources are intent upon forcing the issue, making the
conditions so dire that they leave the reluctant Saheb-ul-Zaman no choice
but to appear and assume his universal reign.

Up to this point millennialism was a belief and a hope.  No one ever aspired
to or had the means of making the anticipated events come about.  The matter
was in the hands of God.  The Muslims' perennial prayer recited every day,
posted in mosques and even on bumpers of vehicles has been, O,
Saheb-ul-Zaman, hasten your coming.  The prayer for the advent, thus far,
has been limited to passive supplications of the faithful.

It is a well-established fact that beliefs are potent impetus to action.  If
you believe your home is about to be burglarized, you secure the house and
take other precautions.  If you, under the influence of drugs, believe that
a bug is burrowing into your skin, you may take a knife to your own body and
try to dig the imaginary bug out.

Hence, it is shortsighted to dismiss the mullahs as a bunch of lunatics who
are out of touch with reality and that they have no intention of doing
catastrophic mischief to compel the Mahdi's coming -- maybe some arming of
the Iraqi Shiites, a little support for Hezb'allah in Lebanon and Hamas in
Palestine -- but no, no major idiocy.  After all, they are rational people
and in touch with reality.  Any large-scale troublemaking spells their doom
as well.  Thus goes the rationalization -- the greatest risky tranquilizer
of the mind.

Rationalization, compounded by complacency and denial, can be deadly,
particularly when the adversaries have different realities.  To the fanatic
mullahs ruling Iran, Sahaeb-ul-Zaman is an absolute reality and his promised
advent is irrevocably ordained.  This is their reality and their belief and
they have every intention of leading their life according to them.

It is foolish for non-Muslims to dismiss the mullahs and the likes of the
Taliban as a bunch of fringe lunatics who are going to go away simply by
wishing it.  The Islamist reality is that non-Muslims are the ones who
deserve to be done away with; they are the ones who have refused to submit
to the summons of Allah for much too long; and, it is time for the faithful
to get rid of them.  This makes for a lopsided contest.  The non-Muslims are
passively wishing that nightmarish surge of Islamism is only a temporary
fringe phenomenon doomed to die on its own, while the other side is
marshaling its huge destructive power to accomplish its aim by eradicating

The cabal of fanatical mullahs ruling Iran has lost its patience, not only
with the unbelievers, but also with the Mahdi as well.  They aim to force
his arrival.  The mullahs believe they have the means to make it impossible
for the Mahdi to tarry any longer by causing unprecedented death and
destruction -- conditions deemed essential for his coming.  The world must
hit the very bottom, before the savior of the world comes to the rescue, so
they firmly believe.

The question is: What does prudence demand?  Clearly wishing the problem to
go away is not a very effective solution in the same way that wishing for
the Saheb-ul-Zaman to come has not been.  Reasoning and negotiating with the
mullahs and their ilk hold very little, if any, lasting promise.  There are
always the easy ways of denial and appeasement.  We are very good at both
practices.  No, the Muslims have been around for ages.  They make some
trouble from time to time.  But they really are not all that bad and
dangerous.  We'll get along.  If we have to, we'll even let them live by the
Sharia -- their stone-age laws -- in our midst.  We'll be reasonable and
they will come around.  We'll just have to get along.  So goes the line.

One problem: The other side doesn't think this way.  The Islamofascists
don't believe in the notion of live and let live.  They believe that the
earth is Allah's and it 

[osint] al-Qaeda Boosts Bloomberg's Antigun Campaign

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

Al-Qaeda Boosts Bloomberg's Antigun Campaign

By Kevin D. Williamson - Sunday, June 5th, 2011 'National Review Online' /
New York, NY

(Op/Ed - Commentary)



Things you to know about American al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn, or, as I
like to call him, Azzam al-Berkeley: He's a bratty California kid, offspring
of hippie parents, and steeped in the deeply ignorant suburban pop
anti-Americanism that fuels protests against World Trade Organization
meetings and the like. He is, like practically all of his kind, not too
terribly well informed.


Newspaper editors and mayors are not supposed to be like that. But when it
furthers your political agenda, ignorance truly is bliss.


In his latest statement, Mr. Gadahn repeated the myth that machineguns are
widely available to American civilians, and he encouraged his fellow jihadis
to hit the gun-show circuit and gear up for an intifada in the United
States. When I read that statement, I was certain that it would be repeated
as fact by the antigun ideologues and their enablers in the media. And,
behold this editorial in the New York Daily News, which quotes Mr. Gadahn
and then concurs.


America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go
down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully
automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without
having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?


We don't say this often about Al Qaeda types, but: He's right on the facts.


No, he is not - as two seconds' research would have revealed.


It is not easy for a U.S. civilian to legally possess a fully automatic
assault rifle, or any fully automatic firearm at all. If that civilian is
not a federally licensed firearms dealer, owning a fully automatic weapon
manufactured after 1986 is categorically illegal; fully automatic weapons
that were legally owned and registered with the federal government before
1986 may be transferred to a qualified buyer with the approval of federal
and local law-enforcement authorities, a rigorous background check, and, of
course, a sign-off from the U.S. Treasury Department: there's a couple
hundred bucks in fees and taxes involved. (You may examine the application
here.) Selling a fully automatic weapon to an unlicensed party, at a gun
show or anywhere else, is a very excellent way to land yourself in prison
for a good long while. Mr. Gadahn, and the editors of the New York Daily
News, are full of it.


So is Mayor Bloomberg, who repeated the falsehood, uncorrected, as evidence
for his antigun stance, as did practically every mainstream media outlet
I've examined. The hacks over at Media Matters, knowing upon which side
anti-gun zealot George Soros butters their bread, did the same.


There are about 250,000 fully automatic weapons registered with the federal
government. Most are owned by police departments and other law-enforcement
agencies. Many are owned by businesses that supply and train police and
military personnel. A good number are owned by curators of gun collections,
and many of those weapons, not having been fired for decades, probably are
no longer functional. Some are owned by Hollywood prop shops. And some are
owned by gun nuts like me. (But not by me: I pay enough taxes as it is, and,
even if Uncle Sam signed off on my application, Nurse Bloomberg surely would
not, and both state and local regulations still apply.)


The other civilians who own a great number of fully automatic weapons are
the federally licensed gun dealers who supply the police departments and
other parties mentioned above. They are heavily regulated, licensed,
inspected, etc.


Interesting thing about the machinegun gang: They're an awfully law-abiding
lot. Legally owned machineguns are practically never used in violent crimes.
Of all the murders committed in the United States involving legally owned
full-auto firearms, half were committed by police officers.


And lest you think that's my English-major math acting up, let me assure you
that the numbers were fairly easy to run: There have been only two murders
involving legally owned fully automatic weapons since the federal government
began tracking them back in the FDR administration. One involved a well-off
doctor who was involved in some stalking cases and a murder. The other
killer was a police patrolman using a police-issue weapon. (Incidentally, in
neither case was there a fully automatic assault rifle in play; both
involved handgun-sized submachine guns.) Testifying before Congress as the
1986 regulations were being debated, ATF chief Steve Higgins (who would go
on to resign after the Waco fiasco), said that he was aware of fewer than
ten crimes of any sort involving legally owned machineguns. 


So, no, the nation is not covered up with fully automatic assault rifles
bought at gun shows.


That is also because, as it must be repeated for the 10,000th time, there is
no gun-show loophole. If 

[osint] Rahm Emanuel? Really?

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

The Region: Rahm Emanuel? Really?






When President Barack Obama trots out his former chief of staff to write an

article in defense of his love for Israel, you know he understands that he's

in trouble.

You know President Barack Obama understands he's got problems with Israel
(and with its supporters in the United States) when he trots out Rahm
Emanuel to write an op-ed in defense of his alleged love for Israel.

Emanuel may have been born to an Israeli father and had his son's bar mitzva
in Jerusalem, but to have him attest to Obama's credentials on Israel is
like having Mel Gibson act as a spokesman for Australia, or Arnold
Schwarzenegger for Austria, or Dominique Strauss-Kahn for France's tourism
board. In other words, it's totally meaningless and even - for those who
know something about the individuals involved - counterproductive.

There are, however, two important things it tells us about Obama and his
administration: First, they are detached from reality enough to think this
is a clever idea. Rather than going to someone actually recognized as being
pro-Israel or active in Jewish affairs, he turned to a political crony
disliked by both communities.

Despite the near-fanatical support for Obama by the majority of American
Jews, he is totally deaf to their concerns and feelings.

Second, it shows that Obama always prefers a cheap public relations gesture
to a substantive policy action.

Just because Emanuel was born to an Israeli father doesn't mean he knows
much about the country. I was struck by the total vacuousness of his big
argument: President Obama, like every student of the Middle East,
understands that the shifting sands of demography in that volatile region
are working against the two-state solution needed to end generations of

If Obama is a student of the Middle East, he gets an F.

I'm a student of the Middle East, and I think that's total nonsense.

Why is the demography in the region against the two-state solution?
Because there are more Palestinians? Who cares? That has absolutely zero
political impact.

Israel does not rule the Gaza Strip. Hamas does.

Israel does not rule the people of the West Bank (as opposed to territory
there without any people living in it). Fatah does.

Hello? That's been the basic situation now for 17 years. (Not the Hamas
part, the Palestinian Authority aspect.) So what if the Palestinian
population doubles, triples, quadruples? That has no effect on Israel's
status as a democratic state.

There is something interesting going on here. Unlike the peace process
rhetoric of the 1993-2000 period, nobody dares to talk about how wonderful
life for Israel would be if it turned over all the territory captured in
1967 and accepted a Palestinian state. They can only say that things will be
worse if it doesn't.

People in Israel don't believe this, and for good reason.

For one of Obama's closest advisers to write something like this in a major
newspaper - with the text approved, no doubt, by the White House - proves
that these people are totally out of touch with the situation. It is the
equivalent of someone writing about Russia as if it were still the Soviet
Union, thinking Britain still rules a worldwide empire, or believing
creatures from the planet Beldron-5 have landed on Earth and taken over

It is delusional.

What truly represents the shifting sands... working against the two-state
solution and leading potentially to more generations of bloodshed is the
rising tide (the mixed metaphor is deliberate) of revolutionary Islamism
that this administration does not try to dam up. It is Obama's support for
revolution in Egypt and opposition to it in Syria. It is the refusal to
recognize that the Palestinian leadership is the cause of failure for every
peace effort since 1947 (partition into two states) - no, I should say 1939
(the British effort to give the whole thing to the Arabs after 10 years).

It is the Obama administration's inability to understand that the failure to
achieve peace is not based on borders or Jerusalem, but on the continued
attempts by Muslims generally to wipe Israel off the map. Indeed, partly
thanks to Obama's policies, they are more confident of doing so than they
were 10 or 20 years ago. (They're wrong, but they are - literally - going to
die trying.) That Emanuel can write such nonsense and not be laughed at is a
sign of how off-kilter is the whole Western debate on the Middle East.

FINALLY CONSIDER the logical fallacy of arguing that things are becoming
worse, so Israel must rush into peace now. If things are going to be worse,
why make concessions in exchange for a piece of paper that will be torn up,
and that is guaranteed by people who can't be trusted? Here, Mr. Emanuel,
are the tests Obama will fail: 1. Will the United States call for the
overthrow of the anti-American Syrian dictatorship? 2. Will the US

[osint] Ofer Brothers Ships Transported Mossad Agents to Iran, 'High Ranking Security Official' Shut Down Knesset Probe

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

Ofer Brothers Ships Transported Mossad Agents to Iran, 'High Ranking

Security Official' Shut Down Knesset Probe




I haven't covered or even followed in any great detail the Ofer Brothers

scandal involving illegal trade between Israel and Iran.  But developments

today really perked up my ears.  First a bit of background: Ofer Brothers

are Israel's wealthiest family, owning shipping and other interests.  They

were recently named to a Treasury Department blacklist for engaging in

illegal trade with Iran, which included their ships docking at Iranian ports

numerous times and sale of one of their tankers to an Iranian shipping



This news has erupted into a medium-sized scandal in Israel with the company

claiming it had the government's approval to engage in such trade.  This of

course would mean that the government colluded with commercial interests

against international sanctions.  Those of you with an interest in

intelligence activities and cloak and dagger mystery can imagine why this

might be the case.  The government, of course, denies the claims.  The

company also claims the government is attempting to get it removed from the

blacklist with the foreign ministry denying it is doing so.  All very



Today, a new wrinkle occurred in the case. A Knesset committee was in the

middle of a hearing on the affair when the chair was passed a note by a

mysterious source, upon which the MK abruptly adjourned the hearing.  No

explanation, at least no credible one.  The military censor, who was present

at the hearing (because the Knesset speaker had warned that secret

information might be revealed) denied causing the adjournment, as does the

Knesset security office.  But their denials are unconvincing because they're

not denying they sent the note, but rather denying being the cause of the

adjournment.  Unless and until you know the contents of the note, you can't

tell a thing.  But someone, probably in the intelligence community, wanted

this hearing stopped in order to protect intelligence assets or activities

involving Iran.


UPDATE: A veteran Israeli politician has confirmed to my Israeli source that

the note came from a very high-ranking security official.  The same source

also notes that Ofer Brothers ships docked in Iranian ports dozens of

times in the past few years, thus allowing numerous Mossad agents to sneak

ashore for secret missions.  Interesting to note that some of the Mossad

agents involved in the al-Mabouh assassination escaped via a ferry to Iran.

That always struck me as odd given Iran's animosity toward Israel.  But if

there was an Ofer Brothers ship waiting to take them home it wouldn't be

strange at all.


I'm betting even money that the note came from Mossad director, Tamir Pardo.

All of this would mean that government protestations that they didn't

approve of such visits are lies unless of course they're merely claiming the

civilian government didn't approve of such shenanigans.  Indeed, the Ofer

Brothers may and will argue that they were only doing their patriotic duty

in trading with Iran.  How's Israel gonna get out of this one I wonder?


This would indicate that Israel utilized a web of legitimate commercial

interests to pursue its intelligence activities inside Iran.  And it was

willing to exploit such commercial ventures despite the fact that they were

in direct contravention of an international embargo.  The only reason the

Mossad got caught was that the Obama administration had been crossed one

time too many by Bibi and wanted to bring him down a peg or two.  The Ofer

Brothers blacklist story broke the same day Bibi came to Washington and this

could not have been an accident.


UPDATE I: Israel's Channel 2 news just asked Ofer Brothers to comment on

this report and their response was no comment.  Rarely have two words

conveying silence spoken so eloquently.  An indication of how explosive the

scandal is becoming is that this report calls it Ofergate.


Meir Dagan, Israel's more recent former Mossad chief, has publicly

pooh-poohed the affair as much ado about nothing.  Which of course does not

mean that it is much ado about nothing, but rather than the Mossad probably

doesn't want the public to know about collaboration between his agency and

Ofer Brothers in surveilling or penetrating Iranian facilities or

infrastructure.  In fact, this is an example of a Mossad official telling

you one thing because the exact opposite is true. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor



[osint] al-Qaeda's Libyan Terrorist Pipeline in Operation

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf


Al Qaeda's Libyan terrorist pipeline appears to be in operation

By: James Jay Carafano http://washingtonexaminer.com/people/james-carafano
06/05/11 7:53 AM 
Examiner Columnist 

Congress is not happy with President Obama's Libyan adventure. House
leadership pulled a resolution calling for withdrawal from the action in 15
days because they thought it actually might pass.

Lawmakers have good reason to be displeased: There are few signs the
administration's Libya strategy is accomplishing anything.

The biggest concern remains that the inconclusive struggle gives Islamist
terror groups linked to al Qaeda an opportunity to open up a new front in
their global jihad.

As first reported in Beltway Confidential, Having set up a pipeline to
bring fighters out of Libya, al Qaeda affiliates may well attempt to reverse
the flow and bring fighters into the country. It would take time, of course.
And such a maneuver may not become apparent for weeks or even months after
it begins. Now, that concern may be becoming a reality.

The first open source reporting that al Qaeda may be rising in the region
came from Reuters. Two men suspected of being s of al-Qaeda. members were
arrested in Tunisia, near the Libyan border, carrying an explosives belt and
several bombs.

Now, the Associated Press reports a car bomb explosion in Benghazi, the de
facto capital for rebel forces. Initial reports blame the Gaddafi regime for
the blast. That may be right. But, then again, maybe not.

An inconclusive war coupled with the rise of al Qaeda could well turn Libya
into the next Somalia. That's a problem the US government should start
thinking about. Somalia is home to al Shabaab, the al Qaeda linked terrorist
group that launched a suicide attack against African Union peacekeepers in
Mogadishu earlier this week.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:


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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] Democracy? Arabs Should Try Being Humans First

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

vaguely familiar, doesn’t it? df]



 http://en.rian.ru/world/20110604/164432001.html Egyptian journalist attacked 
during Cairo protest


A female Egyptian journalist was attacked while covering a demonstration on 
Cairo's central Tahrir Square demanding an immediate trial for ousted Egyptian 
President Hosni Mubarak, local media reported.


CAIRO, June 4 (RIA Novosti) - A female Egyptian journalist was attacked while 
covering a demonstration on Cairo's central Tahrir Square demanding an 
immediate trial for ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, local media 


The journalist was interviewing participants in Friday's rally when a quarrel 
broke out between them, media reports said, quoting the head of the Cairo 
security department.


The attackers had torn the journalist's clothes to pieces before she managed to 
call police, the reports said. A police officer who arrived at the site pulled 
the journalist, who was about to lose her consciousness, out of the crowd and 
called her a taxi, but he was then attacked himself by the demonstrators, who 
stole his pistol and radio set.


A local imam reportedly took the police officer to hospital, where doctors 
described his condition as grave.


Mubarak, who was ousted as Egypt's president amid large-scale protests in 
February, and his two sons, Alaa and Gamal, will stand trial on August 3 on 
charges of premeditated and attempted killing of protesters during the unrest. 
More than 840 people were killed in clashes between Mubarak loyalists and 
opponents during the nearly three-week-long popular uprising.


The trial is expected to take place in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm 
El-Sheikh, where the 83-year-old ousted president has been remanded in custody 
at a local hospital.




Dan Friedman

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[osint] FW: Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf

Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Part 1

Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Part 2

Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Part 3

Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Part 4


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[osint] Israel Defends Borders against Violent Infiltrators

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf



Israel Defends Borders against Violent Infiltrators

*   Assad attempts to deflect attention from massacres of own people 
*   IDF exercises restraint, issues warnings 
*   400,000 Palestinians have friended Facebook sites calling for 3rd 

 Majdal Shams, Golan 

Protesters stormed Israel's borders with Syria on Sunday despite Israel's calls 
for them to cease. (Channel 2 News)

Jerusalem, June 5 - Around 500 infiltrators, some of them armed, attempted to 
storm Israel’s border with Syria Sunday. The events coincide with the 
Palestinian ‘Naqsa Day,’ the anniversary of the Six Day War in 1967. 

 protesters are trying to enter Israel near the northern Golan Heights’ town, 
Majdal Shams, primarily from the southwestern Syrian town of Kuneitra.

As they converged on the border fence, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) called on 
the infiltrators in Arabic to cease progress before firing warning shots in the 
air. Once these warnings were ignored, the IDF were forced to fire towards the 
legs of those breaching the fence. 

The IDF spokesperson told  
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2011-06/05/c_13912250.htm Xinhua 
News that “soldiers shot into the air as dozens of protesters kept approaching 
the fences, despite warnings to stay away,” and that the IDF used “bullhorns to 
warn rioters in Arabic” to not approach the border fence. 

The IDF could not confirm reports of dead and wounded. 

The protests are part of an orchestrated Syrian campaign to deflect attention 
from its killing of its own people.

The Syrian regime,  
 which has killed hundreds and injured thousands with Iran’s help, is thought 
to be deflecting attention away from its own domestic strife - including 
excessive violence against demonstrators, lack of internet and free speech - by 
focusing on Israel. 

In contrast, the Lebanese-Israeli border has maintained relative quiet while 
Jordan has urged residents not to march on Israel.

Foreign nationals that try to infiltrate Israel are illegally trying to enter a 
sovereign nation. Much like other nations that defend their sovereign borders, 
Israel is trying to protect violent mobs from storming its boundaries.

This follows similar Naqba Day events on May 15, in which violent protesters 
stormed Israel’s borders.

For more information please see:

 In Israel and Beyond, Riots Begin in Advance of “Naqba” Day

 Israeli Leaders Comment on Naqba Day

 Israel’s Commitment to Peace

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[osint] The Turkish Flag Flies Over Ghent

2011-06-05 Thread Beowulf




The Turkish Flag Flies Over Ghent

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Below is a picture of St. Joseph's Church in the Flemish city of Ghent. On
Friday there was a football match between Belgium and Turkey. Turkish youths
succeeded in covering the cross on the church with a Turkish flag.

Beschrijving: Ghent church with Turkish flag #1

The obscured cross is at the top of the tower in the area marked by the red

Below the jump are two close-up shots of the tower showing the cross and the
Turkish flag:

Beschrijving: Ghent church with Turkish flag #2


Beschrijving: Ghent church with Turkish flag #3

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[osint] Italy bans nukes and water privatization

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


 Italy bans nukes and water privatization 

 http://coto2.wordpress.com/author/coto2admin/ coto2admin | June 3, 2011 at 
8:16 pm | Tags:  http://coto2.wordpress.com/?tag=italy Italy,  
http://coto2.wordpress.com/?tag=legitimate-impediment-law legitimate 
impediment law,  http://coto2.wordpress.com/?tag=nuclear-power nuclear power, 
 http://coto2.wordpress.com/?tag=water-rights water rights | Categories:  
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http://wp.me/pAnVO-4iQ http://wp.me/pAnVO-4iQ 

From bad to worse as grip on nation slips further out of Berlusconi's hands By 
Paola Totaro Sydney Morning Herald They say bad things come in threes and for 
Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's Prime Minister, the week brought the full quota of 
political misfortune. On Monday Mr Berlusconi, 74, once seen as untouchable 
and invincible, witnessed [...]

talians, not government, to decide on nukes and water privatization

Posted on  
 June 3, 2011 by  http://coto2.wordpress.com/author/coto2admin/ coto2admin|  
 1 Comment 

http://coto2.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/nonukes.gif?w=200h=205From bad to 
worse as grip on nation slips further out of Berlusconi’s hands
By Paola Totaro
Sydney Morning Herald 

They say bad things come in threes and for Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s Prime 
Minister, the week brought the full quota of political misfortune.

On Monday Mr Berlusconi, 74, once seen as untouchable and invincible, witnessed 
Italy’s regional governments, including his home city of Milan, fall to a 
phalanx of communist mayors, some of them former lawyers and anti-corruption 
prosecutors – the very types he most hates.

Just 24 hours later, amid TV pictures of 50,000 people celebrating the 
”liberation of Milan” in Piazza Duomo, a trio of inscrutable women judges 
listened to the nation’s most expensive lawyers begin Mr Berlusconi’s defence 
against accusations of paid sex with an under-age nightclub dancer.

The ink on that morning’s front pages was barely dry when the country’s Appeals 
Court landed what some believe will turn out to be the knockout hit, announcing 
a controversial referendum on nuclear power, water privatisation and the 
so-called legitimate impediment law 
http://www.theworld.org/2011/01/berlusconi-fate-hangs-in-balance/  – 
originally planned for the same weekend as the regional polls – would go ahead 
on June 12 and 13.

Mr Berlusconi’s government, a powerful advocate of the atomic industry, had 
planned to embark on a big new building program from 2014 with the aim of 
producing 25 per cent of the country’s electricity needs with atomic energy by 
2030. Italy has had a ban on any industry expansion since 1987, when the 
electorate, deeply suspicious of nuclear power after Chernobyl, voted for a 
moratorium. Fearful of a similar backlash in the wake of the Fukushima 
disaster, Mr Berlusconi has waged an unstinting battle against the plebiscite, 
even offering a suspension of his nuclear plans in April in an effort to ride 
out controversy.

However, atomic power may well turn out to be the least of Mr Berlusconi’s 
problems because the referendum will also ask Italians to vote on another, 
explosive issue: whether the Prime Minister – now on trial for fraud as well as 
sex crimes – should be allowed to boycott court for 18 months so he can 
concentrate solely on his political responsibilities. In other words, does his 
leadership constitute a ”legitimate impediment” to his attendance at court. Il 
Cavaliere himself, ever defiant, insists that no matter what happened at 
regional polls, ”the government will forge on”.

In court this week his lawyers listed 16 reasons why the trial should not 
continue in Milan but in a parliamentary tribunal. Mr Berlusconi, they argue, 
was ”convinced” that Ruby, the Moroccan showgirl, was the niece of the then 
Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, when he made his phone call to have her 
freed from police custody.

Tactics to stall and delay – and push the case into a constitutional court – 
could buy Berlusconi precious time.

But history has shown that Milan has often been a litmus test for Italy’s mood, 
signalling political unrest and a desire for change well before the rest of the 

Problematic for the future is that the Northern League, the government’s 
coalition partner, copped a bruising, too.

The League leader, Umberto Bossi, has increasingly 

[osint] Drug War Means Boom Times for Armored Car Maker

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf

Drug War Means Boom Times for Armored Car Maker

*   By Robert Beckhusen
mailto:robertbeckhu...@gmail.com Email Author
*   June 3, 2011  |  

Bulletproofing Factory

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — A 10-minute drive away from the Alamo, small teams on
the factory floor of Texas Armoring Corporation work deliberately, turning
everyday civilian vehicles into armored workhorses for the world's
governments and business executives. The company is growing rapidly, and one
reason is Mexico's drug war.

An adjacent building under construction will double available manufacturing
space. TAC's workforce grew 30 percent last year to about 40 employees.
That's enough to produce around 80 cars per year. Reality television
networks have been calling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0UimhuDbJw ,
attracted to the company's tattooed workers, youngish executives and at-risk

Displayed inside the building's lobby are spiked road tacks that can be
dropped out of rear compartments, armor components dented by rounds fired
from AK-47 assault rifles, and a black SUV driver's side door with 2-inch
thick bulletproof glass chewed up by ballistic impacts. Next, is a tire with
a section cut out of it, showing hardened run-flat inserts underneath the

The armoring process is fairly straight-forward. A vehicle is sawed down to
its frame with cutting torches. The frame is then wrapped in a combination
of Kevlar, steel and polyethylene composite plates (industry term: Spectra
Shield) before the original fabrics and interior panels are restored.
Eventually, at a price of around $80,000 or more — not including cost of the
vehicle, and without options like smoke shields and digital video recorder
systems — a client should be protected from rounds sized up to 7.62

Company president Trent Kimball boasts about his clients — heads of state,
governments, multinational corporations and business executives — in a
general way. But he won't name any; these guys like their privacy.
International sales must clear U.S. Department of Commerce export controls,
which are supposed to keep known drug traffickers and terrorist
organizations from buying the armored rides. 

Kimball says he's confident the company has never inadvertently sold to a
drug lord. Traffickers avoid companies based in the United States, he said,
opting instead for in-house armorers. In fact, Mexico's own armored-car
industry is now worth $80 million a year
http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2010-11-15-bulletproof15_ST_N.htm  and
is growing at a brisk 10 percent. Mexican cartels have even begun building
their own tanks
http://www.warisboring.com/2011/05/16/roberts-latin-america-round-up-25 .

Armoring is happening across the board, and Kimball says his clients — 20
percent either live or work in Mexico — are reacting to a sharp increase in
crime and the threat of kidnapping. 

An alarming surge in the practice over the past decade has surfaced in Latin
America, the long-running leader in kidnapping. In Mexico, a record number
of kidnappings
d-year-for-kidnappings-in-mexico  happened last year. The country is now
the riskiest country
.pdf  in Latin America for kidnapping and world leader in express
kidnapping – quick, violent attacks that can last just a few hours and
involve victims selected seemingly at random.

Kimball admits some of his clients may be a bit too paranoid. But others
have to be, he says. Recently, a client in the Mexican city of Monterrey was
nearly killed in an attack. The car saved his life. Monterrey is a hotbed.
There are very wealthy people who live in Monterrey, Kimball says. It's an
industrial city, so one of our clients … he pauses. We don’t know what the
intentions of the people who attacked his vehicle were, but they did.

The spread of crime has spurred a partial restructuring away from high-end
luxury vehicles to more compact and mid-sized, low-profile models. In
Mexico's northern badlands and border cities, violence is now so widespread
residents have depopulated city districts
http://www.elpasotimes.com/ci_18118887  and abandoned entire towns to drug
host-town-900493.php . SUVs and trucks, particularly luxurious and
heavy-duty versions, are favored by gangsters and have become frequent
targets for carjackings.

An inspection of the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security
-bait  last year raised concerns about attacks in Colombia on conspicuous

[osint] Boehner Wimps Out on Libya

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


 http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/06-625/ Boehner Wimps Out on Libya 

 http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/author/amcogore/ Harold | June 4, 2011 at 8:37
am | Categories:  http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/?cat=22388 Corruption,
http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/?cat=398859 Criminal Activity,
http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/?cat=53796 Executive,
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http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/?cat=152793 NeoConservatives,
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http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/?cat=51155 U.S. Constitution | URL:
http://wp.me/pmtmV-604 http://wp.me/pmtmV-604 

Ben Johnson 6/3/2011 Boehner Saves Barry's Bacon The moment would be surreal
were it not so reminiscent: An arrogant Democratic president had committed
an impeachable offense, lied to the American people, and dared Congress to
do anything about it. Incensed congressmen of both parties asked,
negotiated, and threatened until they realized they had no alternative [...]

Boehner Wimps Out on Libya


Posted on  http://floydreports.com/boehner-wimps-out-on-libya/ June 3,
2011 by  http://floydreports.com/author/ben-johnson/ Ben Johnson 

by Ben Johnson, The White House Watch 

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5199/5795171466_c530d0e41d.jpgThe moment
would be surreal were it not so reminiscent: An arrogant Democratic
president had committed an impeachable offense, lied to the American people,
and dared Congress to do anything about it. Incensed congressmen of both
parties asked, negotiated, and threatened until they realized they had no
alternative but to take action. Then, the Republican leadership stepped in
to save their party's, and their country's, worst enemy.

This is not a Clinton-era flashback but a rehearsal of this week's actions
in Congress.

Barack Obama's indiscretion is more serious than a stained dress and a lie
under oath during a civil trial. Obama sent an already overstretched
American military to take sides in the Libyan civil war, as part of the NATO
operation known as Operation Odyssey Dawn. Now, well over 60 days into the
fight, the war proceeds with no sign of Congressional approval and a promise
of  http://floydreports.com/congress-ignores-obama%e2%80%99s-war-by-fiat/
no let-up.

By the most liberal reading of the War Powers Resolution
, this is illegal. Yet when Congress decided to act, the Republican
leadership came to the rescue.

Boehner Saves Barry's Bacon 

A bipartisan coalition of lawmakers opposed the war from the beginning.
Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul suggested the war called for
impeachment. Late last month Kucinich introduced House Concurrent Resolution
51 http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=hc112-51 , which
would require Obama to remove all U.S. troops from combat in Libya within 15
days of passage.

As its scheduled vote date neared earlier this week. Boehner yanked the bill
when he realized it might pass
ml .

Then he set out creating the toothless alternative that cleared the House

Boehner's House Resolution 292
http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=hr112-292  simply asks
for the president to send Congress a report describing in detail United
States security interests and objectives. It declares, Congress has not
provided authorization for Libya and has the constitutional prerogative to
withhold funding.

And that's it.

If it is ever produced, the report will create bad PR for Obama and further
turn public opinion against the intervention. Cynics will undoubtedly accuse
Boehner of playing politics with a war for requiring it.

At the least cynical, his actions could be interpreted as an attempt to
build public sentiment for cutting off funds. But if Boehner cannot find the
spine to follow the Constitution and the law now, how could he be expected
to find it later?

Others would argue Boehner has taken this course of least muscular
resistance because he fears one day a Republican president will violate the
Constitution and launch a long-running war with zero Congressional approval
and little oversight, and the GOP will not want Democrats to take action.
(They will anyway.)

The bill lowers the most important decision any president will ever make,
the decision to go to war, to the level of raising the debt ceiling,
confirming one of Obama's Supreme Court nominees, or prosecuting the Clinton
impeachment - an in-house game of Washington insiders wagging their fingers
at each other but offering no real 

[osint] FW: A Tremendous Resource

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf

ource.html?utm_source=feedburnerutm_medium=email A Tremendous Resource 

Posted: 04 Jun 2011 01:50 AM PDT

Bill Warner, of  http://www.politicalislam.com/ Political Islam, came out
with a handbook for talking about Islam. It's a PDF file - essentially a
book - to help us talk about Islam with people and actually get somewhere in
the conversation. Download it here: 


 http://www.politicalislam.com/pdf/WebSitePDF/CanWeTalk.pdf Can We Talk?


Print it out and study it. If you'd like to hear Bill himself speak about
Islam, check out the fifteen-minute video below from
http://citizenwarriors.com/2011/06/andy-miller.html the first inaugural
Signature Series event in Nashville, Tennessee. Click here to see the video
http://www.citizenwarrior.com/2011/06/tremendous-resource.html .





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[osint] Symptoms of Tyranny, Oathkeepers in Arizona

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf

Sheriff Dupnik strikes again!

SPECIAL REPORT: Symptoms of Tyranny, Oathkeepers in Arizona 


An epidemic is sweeping the nation. In this special report, never seen on
the mainstream news, we look at the symptoms of tyranny and take you to
Arizona where the Oathkeepers converged to march for a fallen Marine. Jose
Manuel Guerena was shot 61 times in his home when Pima County SWAT entered
to serve a search warrant. You will get an inside look at the Oathkeepers
memorial service where Stewart Rhodes and Sheriff Richard Mack spoke of the
recent abuses, presented the widow with a plaque, and provided solutions on
how you can overcome these symptoms of tyranny. 


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[osint] China dumps T-bills.

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills 

Friday, June 03, 2011 
By  http://cnsnews.com/source/74693 Terence P. Jeffrey 

Chinese President Hu Jintao and President Barack Obama of the United States

President Barack Obama and President Hu Jintao of China toast during the
State Dinner in State Dining Room of the White House, Jan. 19, 2011.
(Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

(CNSNews.com) - China has dropped 97 percent of its holdings in U.S.
Treasury bills, decreasing its ownership of the short-term U.S. government
securities from a peak of $210.4 billion in May 2009 to $5.69 billion in
March 2011, the most recent month reported by the U.S. Treasury.

Treasury bills are securities that mature in one year or less that are sold
by the U.S. Treasury Department to fund the nation's debt.

Mainland Chinese holdings of U.S. Treasury bills are reported in column 9 of
the Treasury report
41408.txt  linked here.

Until October, the Chinese were generally making up for their decreasing
holdings in Treasury bills by increasing their holdings of longer-term U.S.
Treasury securities. Thus, until October, China's overall holdings of U.S.
debt continued to increase.

Since October, however, China has also started to divest from longer-term
U.S. Treasury securities. Thus, as
.txt reported by the Treasury Department, China's ownership of the U.S.
national debt has decreased in each of the last five months on record,
including November, December, January, February and March.  

Prior to the fall of 2008, acccording to
his01.txt Treasury Department data, Chinese ownership of short-term
Treasury bills was modest, standing at only $19.8 billion in August of that
year. But when President George W. Bush signed legislation to authorize a
$700-billion bailout of the U.S. financial industry in October 2008 and
President Barack Obama signed a $787-billion economic stimulus law in
February 2009, Chinese ownership of short-term U.S. Treasury bills

By December 2008, China owned $165.2 billion in U.S. Treasury bills,
according to the Treasury Department. By March 2009, Chinese Treasury bill
holdings were at $191.1 billion. By May 2009, Chinese holdings of Treasury
bills were peaking at $210.4 billion.

However, China's overall appetite for U.S. debt increased over a longer span
than did its appetite for short-term U.S. Treasury bills.

In August 2008, before the bank bailout and the stimulus law, overall
Chinese holdings of U.S. debt stood at $573.7 billion. That number continued
to escalate past May 2009-- when China started to reduce its holdings in
short-term Treasury bills--and ultimately peaked at $1.1753 trillion last

As of March 2011, overall Chinese holdings of U.S. debt had decreased to
1.1449 trillion.

Most of the U.S. national debt is made up of publicly marketable securities
sold by the Treasury Department and I.O.U.s called intragovernmental bonds
that the Treasury has given to so-called government trust funds-such as the
Social Security trust funds-when it has spent the trust funds' money on
other government expenses.

The publicly marketable segment of the national debt includes Treasury
bills, which ( http://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/products/products.htm
as defined by the Treasury) mature in terms of one-year or less; Treasury
notes, which mature in terms of 2 to 10 years; Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities (TIPS), which mature in terms of 5, 10 and 30 years; and Treasury
bonds, which mature in terms of 30 years.

At the end of August 2008, before the financial bailout and the stimulus,
the publicly marketable segment of the U.S. national debt was 4.88 trillion.
Of that, $2.56 trillion was in the intermediate-term Treasury notes, $1.22
trillion was in short-term Treasury bills, $582.8 billion was in long-term
Treasury bonds, and $521.3 billion was in TIPS.

At the end of March 2011, by which time the Chinese had dropped their
Treasury bill holdings 97 percent from their peak, the publicly marketable
segment of the U.S. national debt had almost doubled from August 2008,
hitting $9.11 trillion. Of that $9.11 trillion, $5.8 trillion was in
intermediate-term Treasury notes, $1.7 trillion was in short-term Treasury
bills; $931.5 billion was in long-term Treasury bonds, and $640.7 billion
was in TIPS.

Before the end of March 2012, the Treasury must redeem all of the $1.7
trillion in Treasury bills that were extant as of March 2011 and find new or
old buyers who will continue to invest in U.S. debt. But, for now, the
Chinese at least do not appear to be bullish customers of 

[osint] Buy Guns and Start Shooting People: American Al-Qaeda Spokesman Calls on Americans to Carry out Random, Lone-Wolf Attacks

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
He's very wrong about going to gun shows and buying fully automatic weapons
with no ID. That only happens in Mexico. 

Buy Guns and Start Shooting People: American Al-Qaeda Spokesman Calls on
Americans to Carry out Random, Lone-Wolf Attacks

 http://tinyurl.com/3p3baj7 http://tinyurl.com/3p3baj7

In a chilling new video, U.S. born Al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on
American Muslims to buy weapons from gun shows and carry out random,
lone-wolf attacks.

The video, called 'Do Not Rely on Others, Take the Task Upon Yourself', was
produced by al Qaeda's as Sahab media team and shows 32-year-old Gadahn
speaking alongside old clips of Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama Bin laden.


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[osint] Minnesota Muslim Woman Passing Out Qurans Stabs Two People

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
This is what Muslims are supposed to do.  All part of their creed and faux
religious cult.



 http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/04-662/ Minnesota Muslim Woman
Passing Out Qurans Stabs Two People 

 http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/author/amcogore/ Harold | June 4, 2011 at 8:28
am | Categories:  http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/?cat=22388 Corruption,
http://a4cgr.wordpress.com/?cat=398859 Criminal Activity,
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http://wp.me/pmtmV-5ZY http://wp.me/pmtmV-5ZY 

Atlas Shrugs 6/3/2011 It is, after all, the religion of the sword Two people
were stabbed in a seemingly random attack at a Twin Cities library. After
the incident Wednesday night at the Oxboro Library in Bloomington,
35-year-old Samira Abdalla Salim was arrested. Salim was no stranger to the
Oxboro Library. She had a reputation for [...]

June 03, 2011

Minnesota Muslim Woman Passing Out Qurans Stabs Two People

It is, after all, the religion of the sword. Moe would be pleased.

Police: Woman Stabs 2 Outside Bloomington
ington-library/?sms_ss=emailat_xt=4de945feb0e90eae%2C0  Library CBS

BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (WCCO) - Two people were stabbed in a seemingly random
attack at a Twin Cities library.

After the incident Wednesday night at the Oxboro Library in Bloomington,
35-year-old Samira Abdalla Salim was arrested.

Salim was no stranger to the Oxboro Library. She had a reputation for
handing out the Koran and talking religion outside the building.

They had some issues with her harassing other patrons, said Bloomington
Police Commander Mark Stehlik.

But it's what investigators say she did on Wednesday night that surprised

I never thought she would do that. She was very nice, said Anisa Ahmed,
Salim's neighbor. 

Salim is accused of stabbing two people. The first victim was a woman who
was walking into the library.

The next thing she knew, she felt a sharp pain in the middle of her back
and realized she had been stabbed, said Stehlik.

The second was a security guard who heard the victim's cry for help. He went
to talk to Salim in the parking lot.

Spoke to her briefly and then she actually stabbed him as well. Stabbed him
in the abdomen, said Stehlik.

Because Salim lived next door to the library, witnesses identified her right
away and she was arrested in minutes.


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[osint] US Economy Heading Back Into Recession

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


US Economy Heading Back Into Recession 

Friday, 03 June 2011 04:27 Roman Baudzus 

527dd4a44afb42fe14775b10b25/tmpl,component/ E-mail
nomy-heading-back-into-recession/print.html Print

Data released over the last week indicates a significant deceleration in US
economic activity. America’s job market is still struggling, while consumer
confidence is falling – hurt in particular by rising petrol prices. In
contrast, the demand for gold and silver is solid owing to growing fears
about the depreciating value of the US dollar. As Bloomberg reported
yesterday, the sales of Silver Eagle coins reached 18.9 million ounces in
the first five months of this year, the highest level since 1986.

Double_Dip_Grim_ReaperAnnualised US GDP growth only reached 1.8% in the
first quarter – a rate that is much too low to encourage a sustainable
recovery in America’s job market. Weekly initial unemployment claims, which
still exceed 400,000, as well asyesterday´s job market report released by
Automatic Data Processing (ADP)
http://www.adpemploymentreport.com/PDF/FINAL_Release_May_11.pdf  indicate
that the official unemployment rate is stagnating between 9 and 10%. ADP’s
report stated that only 38,000 new jobs were created in the US private
sector in the month of May. In addition, the number of Americans who depend
on public subsidies in the form of food stamps now stands at 44.5 million
people, almost one in seven of the country
its-fresh-record ’s citizens.

Declines in regional purchasing manager indices and significantly slowing
production growth also contributed to the bearish mood among investors. This
week the markets have also had to cope with the latest S
P/Case-Shiller Index numbers as well, which showed that average house
prices declined 3.6% in the 20 largest American cities in March compared
with the previous year. The 20 US City Index is now at its lowest level
since 2003. US house prices at the national real estate market declined by
5.1% in comparison with last year, and a quarter-over-quarter decline of
4.2% was measured in March.

As a result, national real estate prices are now back at levels last seen in
2002. David Blitzer, chairman of SP’s Case-Shiller committee, said in an
interview that the data confirmed a double dip recession in most regions of
the US real estate market. This situation is occurring in spite of record
low mortgage rates, which were kept at an artificially low level by the
Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing measures.

Taking this rapidly deteriorating economic data into account, expectations
are growing that the Fed will begin a third round of quantitative easing at
some point this year. Nevertheless, experts are in disagreement as to how
the broad economy would be affected by “QE3”. Further government stimulus
programmes a la 2009 are unlikely now that the Republicans control the US
House of Representatives, and with arguments about raising the debt ceiling
expected over the summer months.

If the Fed does decide to print more money, the external value of the dollar
will keep falling, with price increases in gold, silver, other commodities
and broad equity markets highly likely.

Roman Baudzus of Gold Money.


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[osint] Another TSA Crime: Word Disfiguration

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf

Another TSA Crime: Word Disfiguration
by Ira Katz

Virtually every minute of every day the Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) is committing the serious crimes of arbitrary search
and seizure ( a hunt by law enforcement officials for property or
communications believed to be evidence of crime, and the act of taking
possession of this property
http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Search+and+seizure ) and
assault ( an act that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent,
harmful, or offensive contact
http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Assault+and+Battery ). I
contend every minute because international airports that have flights to the
US have also been forced to implement TSA procedures. For me, an expat
living in France http://www.lewrockwell.com/katz/katz18.html , the
formerly cheerful anticipation flying back home is now perceived with dread.
My recent trip through the Dallas, Denver and Orlando airports was typically
awful, but with what I found to be another crime. In the spirit of Betty
Akers http://www.lewrockwell.com/akers/akers-arch.html  I will describe
what transpired below.

I travelled to Denver for a conference where I had purchased a small
(perhaps less than 100 ml) snow globe with a buffalo in it as a gift for my
three-year-old daughter. It was in my luggage when I passed through security
in Denver for a flight to Orlando. Leaving Orlando for New York for a
connection to Paris the globe was identified on the scanner and confiscated.
I was politely offered to check my bag, but waiting another 30 minutes to go
through security again is not a real option. So the little snow globe
souvenir was gone. Luckily I had also bought a book for my little one.

This admittedly small incident I believe accurately reflects the stupidity
and inconsistency of the TSA. Traveling is inconvenienced, often to a great
extent because Blair's government ginned up a case against a supposed cell
planning to use liquids to make a bomb. We must take off our shoes because
of a single attempted shoe bomb that failed. We must go through porno
scanners and be groped because of a single attempted underwear bomb that
failed. These were the thoughts passing through my mind as I gathered up my
belongings in Orlando, sans my daughter's buffalo, when I spotted a stand
with a stack of TSA Customer Comment Cards that cheerfully stated that the
agency wants you to Help us improve our customer service by completing and
returning this card to a TSA drop box, to a TSA supervisor or by mail.

CUSTOMER! This is a complete disfiguration of the word customer, which, as
Orwell taught, is a grave crime when put to the service of state power. This
use is akin to a slave owner calling his chattel employees. A customer is a
person who purchases goods or services from another. The appropriate word is
victim, a person who http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/who  suffers
from a destructive or injurious action or agency. Now I am sure travelers
could complete reams of victim comment cards. The cards ask the victim to
provide their name and contact information. It is likely that the comment
card is simply a ploy to have on file the names of trouble makers.

My trip back to France was without further incident. But I can tell you,
traveling by train is much more enjoyable.



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[osint] Scotland Goes Mad for Islam

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
Scotland Goes Mad for Islam

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 30, 2011 

The West Dunbartonshire Council led by the loony Scottish National Party has
decided to ban books from Israel. The first book on their list should be the
Bible, a notorious Zionist tract which claims divine sanction for a Greater
Israel. But the Bible will likely remain on the shelves of West
Dunbartonshire libraries, while zealous SNP members will keep a watch for
books by Amos Oz, who agrees with them on all the essential details.

The silly thing about European boycotts of Israeli books and movies is that
it almost always comes down to leftists boycotting other leftists. Imagine
the UK boycotting Michael Moore to protest the War in Iraq and American
leftists reciprocating with a ban on Ian McEwan. Purging Amos Oz from
libraries and Samuel Maoz from theaters does Israel a favor. It also does
America and Europe a favor by sparing them from the prolonged leftist
diatribes of the cafe crowd. And maybe that's why directors like Ken Loach
and writers like Iain Banks bring down the axe, it spares them the
competition. Why import leftist writers and directors to Europe? You might
as well ship coal to Newcastle.

Keeping Israeli books off the shelf won't help the people of West
Dunbartonshire http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/247880 , which has the
worst unemployment in the UK, with thousands out of work. It might move
another one or two of Ian McEwan's depressing tomes to the register and into
someone's suicide kit, but it won't create any more jobs. It does however
make for a useful distraction. The SNP will try to divert attention from
their funding cuts with a round of Bash the Jews. Considering the minute
number of Jews in Scotland, they have to make do with Israel.

Of course it's not entirely fair to blame the SNP for all this. The actual
idiotic motion
srael-and-political-posturing/  came from Councillor Jim Bollan, of the
Scottish Socialist Party, formerly of the Communist Party. To clear up any
confusion between the two, the Scottish Socialist Party has a red flag with
a yellow star, with optional clenched fists on it, and its abbreviation is
one Cyrillic letter away from that of the Soviet Union. It's not clear what
the difference between the SSP and the Communist party is, except that it's
easier to get elected to the West Dunbartonshire Council as a Socialist than
a Communist, whereupon you are then free to tackle such vital issues as the
surplus of Israeli books in community libraries and boycotts of Marks and
Spencer for selling Zionist underwear.

According to itself, the Scottish Socialist Party is a fresh,
forward-looking party which dares to be different. And there is no better
way to be fresh, different and forward-looking than by waving the red and
yellow flag of a bankrupt ideology that not even the Russians and Chinese
want anything to do with anymore. But what doesn't sell in Russia, China or
even Cuba still passes muster in Scotland, where the welfare state has
become a way of life and the SNP makes David Sutch's Official Monster Raving
Loony Party seem downright sensible.

Scotland is in the midst of an economic disaster and the SSP and SNP are
bent on turning it into an even bigger disaster. The SSP has a bold program
of opposing the war, independence and taxing the rich. This distinguishes it
from the SNP which also opposes the war, wants independence and a local
income tax. But neither the SNP or SSP really want independence. Their own
economic policies make Scottish independence all but impossible. Their only
real election program is the welfare state, and independence would kill the
golden goose that makes it possible. Instead,  they look to the EU to take
over where the UK would leave off. But someone still has to foot the bill. 

For a party running a country into the ground during an economic crisis, the
Scottish National Party spends a peculiar amount of time obsessing over
Israel. But then considering the SNP's dueling Marxist and Fascist roots,
that's hardly surprising. Before Arthur Donaldson headed up the SNP, he was
cooling his heels in a cell for his enthusiastic desire to be Scotland's own
Vidkun Quisling. SNP founding member Hugh MacDiarmid
http://www.civilliberty.org.uk/newsdetail.php?newsid=1248  championed
Scottish fascism before switching to the Communist party. Another SNP
founder, Andrew Dewar Gibb
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4161/is_20010513/ai_n14528553/ ,
met with Nazi emissaries to prepare for an independent Scotland under German

Today,  the Scottish National Party is pro-independence and pro-EU, an echo
of the time when it was pro-independence and pro-Third Reich. Now it's
Pro-Islamic as well. The likes of Osama Saeed and Hamza Yousaf are the SNP
pointed.html 's new defenders of Scottish values. Osama Saeed, who 

[osint] Little left wing spoiled brat says Canada needs its own Arab Spring

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


-spoiled-brat-says-canada-needs-its-own-arab-spring/ STOP HARPER! Little
left wing spoiled brat says Canada needs its own Arab Spring 

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| June 4, 2011 at 12:07 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=16730991 EnemyWithin-foreign |
URL:  http://wp.me/peHnV-uRX http://wp.me/peHnV-uRX 

A Senate page who was fired Friday for holding a STOP HARPER sign during the
government's throne speech says she hopes to inspire more cases of civil
disobedience. I guess she's is lucky they don't shoot protesters in Canada
as they do in the 'Arab Spring.' CTV (H/T Kelly) -Brigette Marcelle, a
21-year-old graduate from the [...]

-spoiled-brat-says-canada-needs-its-own-arab-spring/ Read more of this post

3/  (H/T Kelly) -Brigette Marcelle, a 21-year-old graduate from the
University of Ottawa, said that she only recently decided to put her job on
the line and stage the silent protest. Though she was immediately fired from
the sought-after position, Marcelle said she doesn't regret upstaging the
government on its coming out day in Ottawa.

In fact, Marcelle, who is also a theatre performer, called on people across
the country to stage Canada's own version of the Arab Spring and stand up
to the recently-elected Conservative majority government. This is the only
way we're going to see real change, Marcelle told CTV News Channel, as she
conceded that Harper's majority government will hold parliamentary sway for
the next four years.

Marcelle managed to hold her sign up for about 20 seconds, and stood steps
from Prime Minister Stephen Harper. She was quickly escorted out of the
chamber and immediately fired., said Harper's agenda is disastrous for this
country and for my generation, Marcelle said. She added that the government
is blowing billions of dollars on fighter jets and corporate tax cuts, but
ignoring important environmental issues like climate change.


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[osint] FW: Pakistani Militant Leader Reported Killed by U.S. Strike - Again!

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
wanted=print pagewanted=print


Pakistani Militant Leader Reported Killed by U.S. Strike


Published: June 4, 2011 

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - One of
kistan/index.html?inline=nyt-geo Pakistan's most wanted militant
commanders, Ilyas Kashmiri, was killed in an American
ial_vehicles/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier drone strike in the tribal
territory of South Waziristan, residents and a militant active in the area
said Saturday. But Pakistani and American officials cautioned that they had
not been able to confirm his death. 

ars=no,resizable=yes') Enlarge This Image


Mian Khursheed/Reuters

Ilyas Kashmiri spoke at a news conference in Islamabad in this July 11, 2001
file photo. 

Mr. Kashmiri is considered one of the most dangerous and highly trained
Pakistani militants allied with Al Qaeda. A former member of Pakistan's
special forces, the Special Services Group, Mr. Kashmiri was suspected of
being behind several attacks, including the May 22 battle at the Mehran
naval base in the southern port city of Karachi that deeply embarrassed
Pakistani officials. He has also been implicated in the terrorist attack on
Mumbai, India, in 2008, in which at least 163 people were killed, including
some American citizens. 

He was reported to have been killed Friday in a strike on a compound in
Laman, near Wana, the main town of South Waziristan. Atifur Rehman, a senior
government official in Wana, said the strike killed nine people. Mr. Rehman
said there had been reports that Mr. Kashmiri had recently set up operations
in Laman, and that a sharp increase in drone flights over the area had been
noticed in the past few days. 

A known Taliban militant in Wana contacted by telephone confirmed that Mr.
Kashmiri had been killed. But an intelligence official in the capital,
Islamabad, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he had not received any
independent confirmations of the report. And American officials - who
cautioned that previous reports of Mr. Kashmiri's death had turned out to be
false, including a Pakistani claim he had died in a drone strike in
September 2009 - said they were trying to confirm the new reports on
Saturday morning. 

Mr. Kashmiri's death would certainly be welcomed by both American and
Pakistani intelligence agencies, and could go some way to alleviating the
strained relations between the two countries that have developed in recent
months, in particular since the May 2 raid that killed Osama bin Laden 75
miles from Islamabad. Pakistan has accused the United States of pursuing its
own agenda in Pakistan without coordinating with Pakistani security forces,
running its own intelligence agents and conducting unilateral strikes that
ride roughshod over Pakistan's sovereignty. 

The United States has sent three high-level delegations to Islamabad in
recent weeks, the last one led by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton,
to try to repair relations. Ms. Clinton said the United States was looking
for specific actions from Pakistan in coming days and weeks, including
intelligence sharing, which had all but broken down. 

Mr. Kashmiri was wanted by both countries and could have been a good target
for renewed intelligence sharing. He is reported to lead a unit called the
313 brigade, and belongs to the group Harkat-ul-Jehad-e-Islami, which is
suspected of a number of high-profile attacks, including an attack against
the army headquarters in Rawalpindi, the garrison city next to Islamabad. 

The attack on the navy base in Karachi, conducted by half a dozen commando
militants, lasted 16 hours before security forces regained control of the

Mr. Kashmiri, 45, has a long history of waging guerrilla operations. As a
Pakistani Army trainer of Afghan mujahedeen fighters, he lost an eye
battling Russian forces in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Later, while working
with Kashmiri militants attacking India, Pakistan's archrival, he earned
renown in Pakistan after escaping from an Indian jail where he had been
imprisoned for two years. But he turned against the state when President
Pervez Musharraf banned his group after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He
was arrested four years 

[osint] Kenya on High Alert after Terrorist Bombing

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


Kenya's government officials have placed the African country on high alert
following a terrorist bombing on Thursday believed to have been the work of
a Somalia-based group affiliated with al-Qaeda.

Ten Kenyan soldiers were wounded after a military vehicle was targeted by a
roadside improvised explosive device (IED) while traveling in the
northeastern section of Kenya. Abey Moallim Hassan, a Kenyan official in the
district, stated that one of the wounded soldiers was in critical condition.

Asked about who was behind making of the IED and the attack, Hassan stated
that no groups so far have officially claimed responsibility, but Somalia's
al Qaeda-linked group Al Shabaab may be responsible, since the terrorist
group has made threats against the Kenyan government.

While fighting against Somalia's transitional government and the national
military and police forces, Al Shabaab has been in combat against African
Union peacekeepers, some of whom come from Kenya, Ethiopia and other

An investigation is underway and the government will release a report when
it's available, officials announced.

Kenyan security forces began search operations immediately and arrested at
10 Somalis in connection with the attack. Somalia's Al Shabaab frequently
sends warning messages to Kenyan government officials, and they are expected
to initiate future IED and suicide bomb attacks.

The group stated it is angry with Kenya for training and coordinating forces
loyal to the transitional federal government of Somalia to open a new battle
front in the southern regions, warning that Al Shabaab  would no longer
tolerate what they called Kenya's provocative and aggressive acts against



Kenya has a practically unprotected border with Somalia and the group's
threatening messages have created strong fear of attacks by Al Shabaab,
sparking the government to announce that its security was put on high alert

Continue reading on Examiner.com
lert-after-terrorist-bombing#ixzz1OKQpDRYW Terrorism: Kenya on high alert
after terrorist bombing - National public safety | Examiner.com


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[osint] Key al-Qaeda Man (Said) Killed in Pakistan by Drone Strike

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
tan-kashmiri.html?ref=worldpagewanted=print pagewanted=print


Key Al Qaeda Man Killed in Pakistan by Drone Strike


Published: June 4, 2011 at 12:45 PM ET 


By Michael Georgy and Augustine Anthony 


(Reuters) - A U.S.
ial_vehicles/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier drone strike killed a senior
al Qaeda figure in Pakistan after a tipoff from local intelligence, a
Pakistani intelligence official said on Saturday. 

The elimination of Ilyas Kashmiri, regarded as one of the most dangerous
militants in the world, appeared to be another coup for the United States
after American special forces killed Osama bin Laden in a garrison town
close to Islamabad on May 2. 

Islamabad's cooperation in the killing could help repair ties with
Washington, badly damaged when it was discovered that bin Laden had
apparently been living in Pakistan for years. 

We are sure that he (Kashmiri) has been killed. Now we are trying to
retrieve the bodies. We want to get photographs of the bodies, said the
Pakistani intelligence official. 

Kashmiri was wrongly reported to have been killed in a September 2009 strike
by a U.S. drone. 

A Pakistani television station quoted the group Kashmiri headed, Harkat-ul
Jihad Islami (HUJI) which is allied to al Qaeda, as saying the latest report
was true. 

We confirm that our Amir (leader) and commander in chief, Mohammad Ilyas
Kashmiri, along with other companions, was martyred in an American drone
strike on June 3, 2011, at 11:15 p.m., Abu Hanzla Kashir, who identified
himself as a HUJI spokesman, said in a statement faxed to the station. 

God willing ... America will very soon see our full revenge. Our only
target is America. 

The authenticity of the statement could not be verified. 

Kashmiri's death is good news for Pakistan, which has failed to subdue
militants seeking to topple its unpopular government despite a series of
army offensives against their strongholds. 

It will be a very big blow to militants and Pakistan will be a major
beneficiary because he was behind attacks on Pakistani defence and military
installations, said retired Brigadier Asad Munir, a former Pakistani
intelligence officer. 

Kashmiri, said to be a former Pakistani military officer, and other
militants were with an Afghan Taliban member involved in liaison with the
Pakistani Taliban when the drone missile struck, said the intelligence

He said they were in a house in South Waziristan, close to the Afghan border
in northwest Pakistan, that was believed to be the headquarters of
Kashmiri's group, which has been described as an operational wing of al

We were closing in on him and he switched off his satellite phone and
cellphone and he wanted to cross the border to Afghanistan to find a hiding
place, the official added. It was a tipoff by us since we were closely
monitoring his movements. 

Five of his close allies were also killed in the attack by a pilotless drone
aircraft, along with two other militants, intelligence officials said. 


A U.S. embassy spokesman said he could not confirm the killing of Kashmiri
or whether Pakistan provided support for an operation. 

The killing of bin Laden aroused international suspicions that Pakistani
authorities had been complicit in hiding him, and led to domestic criticism
of them for failing to detect or stop the U.S. team that killed him. 

Kashmiri was on a list which the United States gave Pakistan of senior
militants it wanted killed or captured, said a Pakistani official. 

Drone strikes have increased under the Obama administration, sometimes
killing civilians and fuelling anti-American sentiment in Pakistan. 

While Pakistani leaders publicly criticise the attacks, analysts say killing
high-value targets like Kashmiri would not be possible without Pakistani

Washington reiterated its call on Pakistan, a major recipient of U.S. aid,
to crack down harder on militancy after it was discovered that bin Laden had
been living about a two-hour drive from intelligence headquarters. 

The U.S. Department of State has labelled Kashmiri a specially designated
global terrorist. 

Last year, the U.S. attorney's office quoted a Chicago taxi driver charged
with sending money to Kashmiri as saying the Pakistani militant had told him
he wanted to train operatives to conduct attacks in the United States. 

Kashmiri battled Soviet occupation troops in the 1980s in Afghanistan, where
he lost an eye. His group also fought Indian rule in the disputed Kashmir

He has been linked to attacks including the 2008 rampage through the Indian
city of Mumbai which killed 166 people. 

This will be a huge loss for al Qaeda, said Kamran Bokhari 


2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
- Original Message - 

From: i...@americansagainsthate.org 

To: i...@americansagainsthate.org 

Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2011 7:58 AM




June 4, 2011
For Immediate Release



(Margate, FL) On Monday, June 6th, Americans Against Hate (AAH), Tea Party
Fort Lauderdale (TPFL), and citizens of Margate will be demonstrating
outside Masjid Jamaat al-Mumineen (MJAM), an Islamic center located in
Margate, Florida. The groups will be calling on the government to shut down
the center for its connection to terrorism. 

Last month, the imam of the mosque, Izhar Khan, along with four members of
his family, including his father, Hafiz, were arrested and charged with a
conspiracy to finance the militant Taliban group in Pakistan. The father, as
well, has discussed buying weapons for the Taliban. 

Currently, the United States is involved in fighting the Taliban in both
Pakistan and Afghanistan. 

The President of the mosque's Board of Directors and the Registered Agent
for the group's corporation, Yazid Ali, continues to support Izhar Khan,
calling him a bright, young star. 

Joe Kaufman, chairman of Americans Against Hate, stated, Given the nature
of the arrests, and given the fact that the President of the mosque, as well
as other mosque goers, continue to support the Khans, we believe it is
necessary and warranted that the U.S. government moves to shut down the
mosque. Masjid Jamaat al-Mumineen and its officials should no longer be
allowed to operate within the state of Florida. 

Danita Kilcullen, director of Tea Party Fort Lauderdale, stated, After this
mosque's imam was found to be involved in financing a terrorist group, how
can this mosque be allowed to remain open? Local citizens are outraged. 

Demonstration details 

When: Monday; June 6, 2011; 7:00 pm 

Where: 3222 Holiday Springs Blvd, Margate, Florida 

Directions: Sample Road west of 441 approx. one mile to stop-light
intersection of Holiday Springs Blvd., Turn left, approx. 1/4 mile 

Contact Joe Kaufman at 754-204-4296, Danita Kilcullen at


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[osint] Attempt to Kill Pakistani President Foiled

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf

I'll bet the 8 plotters were Muslims.


Attempt to kill Pakistani president foiled 


 http://english.news.cn/ English.news.cn   2011-06-05 00:58:12

 mailto:engl...@xinhuanet.com Feedback mailto:engl...@xinhuanet.com
Print http://www.xinhuanet.com/english2010/rss/index.htm RSS

ISLAMABAD, June 4 (Xinhua) -- An Attempt to kill Pakistani President Asif
Ali Zardari was foiled as eight plotters were arrested respectively in the
country's capital Islamabad and Punjab province, reported local English TV
channel Express on Saturday night.

According to the report, the security forces first got informed about the
plan by some terrorists to kill the Pakistani President on May 21 by
intercepting a call and arrested four of them in Islamabad and another four
in different areas of Punjab province on Saturday.

Details about the plan and eight arrested terrorists are not available
immediately at this point.

Since the killing of the former al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden by the U.S.
forces in Pakistan's northwest city of Abbottabad on May 2, both Pakistan
Taliban and al-Qaida vowed to avenge the death of bin Laden by threatening
to launch attacks at the military, police and security forces as well as the
top government officials in Pakistan.

Pakistan Taliban have meant their words by launching a series of attacks
across the country since then.

Serious attacks launched by them included a twin suicide bomb attack at a
training center of armed border forces in Pakistan's northwest city of
Charsadda on May 13, in which 98 people were killed and more than 140 others
injured; an attack on Pakistani naval air force in Karachi on May 22, in
which over a dozen of security personnel were killed while two U.S.-made P3C
Orion surveillance planes and one helicopter were destroyed; and a suicide
car bomb attack in the country's northwest city of Hangu on May 26, during
which 36 people were killed and over 50 others injured.

The revenge target of the Pakistan Taliban is clear this time. Most of the
targets hit by them are the army, police and the United States. On May 20,
two employees of the U.S. consulate in Peshawar were hit by a road-side
planted bomb, which killed one passerby and injured several others apart
from the two U.S. diplomats. 



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[osint] Stuff To Consider When Planning For SHTF Scenarios

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
Lessons from Cairo.


Stuff To Consider When Planning For SHTF Scenarios

Some good thinking.

From the somewhat guilt filled comforts of Greece, I have been thinking
about what I learned from the recent Cairo SHTF experience. I am not putting
myself forth as an expert of any sort and, frankly, many or even most items
on the list below might be flat out wrong..who the hell knows. We were in
Cairo from Jan 25th until late Feb 3rd when the neighborhood gunfire became
full-auto and regularly occurring. At that point, we decided that Friday
prayers (the next day) might not yield a pleasant experience. We had no way
of knowing that we had already seen the worst.

Lesson #1..the best weapon for SHTF is truly whatever F*$ING firearm you
can lay your hands on and it does not matter the slightest bit what it is! I
had a borrowed three shot semi-auto Beretta 26 bbl trap grade shotgun. I
LOVED IT. It was my baby and I truly miss it now!. That said, I would have
given my left nut for my Yugo underfolder or SGL-21. Frankly, I am now of
the opinion that if, in the moment, you are being AT ALL picky about
firearms then by definition the shit has NOT truly hit the fan. One guy on
our street only had a nice little SW J-frame .22 and he seemed a lot more
relaxed than the guys with baseball bats I can tell you that!

Lesson #2...Good will with one's friends and neighbors has the power to
greatly enhance or even make unnecessary ABSOLUTELY ANY prep you can make
(including having money). Bad will with ones neighbors similarly has the
ability to completely nullify any prep (again, including having money). I am
and was the lucky beneficiary and supplier of the former. As an example, one
night on the street a local young cop who lived in the neighborhood asked me
where did you get that shotgun. I winked and said, I found it. He just
smirked and said, Oh.OK. End of conversation. That's what is achieved by
six years of being the Cool American who takes the time to chat with
everyone from street vendors, doormen, and neighborhood kids to villa owners
and businessmen.

Lesson #3..Bugging out is really only an option if you are lucky enough to
be psychic and see the shit BEFORE it truly hits the fan. The bug out plans
you have will almost certainly physically be blocked when SHTF. Good luck
getting to Alexandria after SHTF in Tahrir square or to Aswan when the
government shuts down the rail network! Frankly, we almost realized we had
those options before they were blocked off but by they might have been more
dangerous than bugging in with our friends and neighbors and banding
together to protect the neighborhood. Further, I did not want to be a
refugee so bugging in was perfectly fine since we prepped wisely. That
said, and in spite of the above, when you see an escape route, RUN (see
Lesson #4 and #11)!

Lesson #4..Do NOT be too proud to become a refugee if you can manage it
comfortably. There is a world of difference between being a penniless
refugee and taking a strategic vacation (new term I just invented!) on a
commercial flight with a fat wad of cash (see Lesson #13).

Lesson #5.People are stupid. There MAY (repeat.MAY) still be time to prep
the very day and even the second or third day the shit is kinda hitting
the fan (SKHTF! another new term!). Grocery stores MAY still be open and
things MAY be as normal for a short time. Now is the time to stock up on
little things you may need more of or on comfort items. I saw this happen in
Cairo even the first days of the worst rioting. Stores were open even a
couple blocks from Tahrir strangely enough..for a while. Day three of the
revolution, when Tahrir looked like a legitimate war-zone, the Souq two
blocks from the square was selling us vegetables and canned goods and,
amazingly, was not all that busy! We cleaned them out and distributed
surplus to those in our building who could not or would not go out (See
Lesson #2)

Lesson #6..Murphy's law applies. Preps will fail or break or prove
impractical when you least expect. For example, the sat phone I just
replaced worked just fine for all of the last five years. I wanted to
upgrade and bought the new model that arrived in Cairo a week before the
riots when my wife returned from the US. The brand new com equipment that
would have totally bailed us out when the govt cut cell and internet..you
guessed it..had a bad battery shipped with it!! Moral of the story: Invest
in MULTIPLE redundancies! I am now also buying a handheld HAM system.

Lesson #7..Marry well! Perhaps this should be Lesson #1. My wife was calm
and collected for the 10 days we were in Cairo during SHTF. She was
organizing things around the house and with neighbors and even making
improvised weaponry (clubs) even better with the addition of protruding
nails etc. She rocks! She also cooked for the neighborhood watch and is
now absolutely LOVED by the 

[osint] FW: Adjö, Sweden

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf




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[osint] UN probes peacekeepers' absence amid Sudan clashes

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
SOP for UN forces since Korea.





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EXCLUSIVE-UN probes peacekeepers' absence amid Sudan clashes
Sat Jun 4, 2011 5:48pm GMT
* Zambian troops holed up in Abyei compound for 2 days
* UN sends senior official to Abyei to assess troops
By Louis Charbonneau

UNITED NATIONS, June 4 (Reuters) - U.N. peacekeepers in Sudan stayed holed
up in their barracks for two days during violent clashes between northern
and southern forces that sparked the flight of tens of thousands of
civilians, diplomats told Reuters.

The United Nations is investigating actions of Zambian peacekeepers assigned
to regularly patrol and protect civilians in Abyei in the disputed region
between south and north Sudan, diplomats said, speaking on condition of

They locked themselves up for a couple of days, a U.N. diplomat said.
They were then instructed to come out of their barracks and start
patrolling, but they had already lost a crucial 48 hours.

A south Sudan official said nearly 100 civilians have been killed in recent
weeks in the Abyei region.

Diplomats described the peacekeepers' failure to maintain a visible presence
in Abyei during a period of heightened conflict -- which they said is
crucial for deterring attacks -- in disparaging terms. One senior diplomat
described their performance as pathetic. Another said it was terrible.

A spokesman for the U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) said a
senior military official was heading to Sudan's Abyei region, an oil-rich
zone that both the north and south would like to control once the country
splits on July 9, to assess the performance of U.N. troops deployed there.

DPKO dispatched its top military official to Abyei to assess the
peacekeepers' response and report back on lessons learned, DPKO spokesman
Michel Bonnardeaux told Reuters.

Diplomats said that U.N. officials in New York were livid when they found
out the Zambian troops had essentially gone into hiding when the violence

Zambia's U.N. mission did not respond to a request for comment.
U.N. diplomats said the poor performance of blue-helmeted troops at a time
when the fragile peace deal between north and south Sudan is in danger of
unraveling highlights a serious problem with U.N. peacekeeping -- that the
world body often lacks troops able to handle heavy conflict.

The Abyei incident occurred during a spate of violence that began escalating
on May 19 when south Sudanese militia attacked north Sudanese soldiers and
U.N. peacekeepers.

Days after the May 19 skirmish, militias and troops from the north occupied
the region, prompting the flight of some 80,000 people, according to south
Sudanese estimates.

Diplomats said Haile Menkerios, chief of the U.N Missions in Sudan (UNMIS),
also made clear to members of the U.N. Security Council recently that he was
not pleased with the performance of the Zambians in Abyei.

Khartoum's U.N. Ambassador Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman told Reuters that
twice when northern Sudanese troops were attacked by southern forces, UNMIS
didn't do anything.

The U.N. Security Council demanded on Friday an end to the northern
occupation of Abyei, which has sparked fears of a renewed civil war.

Ethiopia has indicated that it would be willing to consider sending
Ethiopian troops to the region if both Khartoum and Juba agreed to their

This is not the first time that Zambian troops have failed to distinguish
themselves in Abyei.

In 2008, Zambian peacekeepers refused to allow civilians caught in the
cross-fire of a heavy firefight between northern and southern Sudanese
soldiers into the UNMIS compound.

The civilians forced their way inside, but the incident sparked a similar
internal U.N. lessons learned probe.

Two diplomats said Menkerios made the point to members of the Security
Council that U.N. peacekeepers in the field are too often under-equipped,
underfunded and undertrained.

It was a wake-up call to the council that we need to get better troops, a
diplomat said.

Sudan is not the only place where U.N. peacekeepers have been accused of
leaving civilians in the lurch. Such allegations were widely raised in the
1990s about how U.N. troops behaved in the conflicts in Rwanda and the

U.N. peacekeeping operations generally rely on soldiers from the developing
world, who often need to be trained, equipped, sometimes even clothed before
they can become functioning peacekeepers.

The Americans and Europeans don't want to send their troops into the field,
and yet they're always demanding robust implementation of mandates, a U.N.
envoy said. The blue helmets could often use a few really professional
units from North America or Europe in their operations. Where are they?
(Editing by Sandra Maler and Vicki Allen)

C Thomson Reuters 2011. All rights reserved. Users may download and print
extracts of content from this website for their own personal 

[osint] Another reason to keep US Senate candidate George 'Macaca' Allen out of office

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


nate-candidate-george-macaca-allen-out-of-office/ Another reason to keep US
Senate candidate George 'Macaca' Allen out of office 

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| June 4, 2011 at 2:34 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=52721 Islam in America | URL:
http://wp.me/peHnV-uSV http://wp.me/peHnV-uSV 

U.S. Senate candidate George Allen of Virginia is sticking with his
Alexandria church despite rumblings within the congregation over the
church's decision to allow people from the Religion of Death to pray there.
Gee, I used to like this guy a lot. Washington Examiner - A handful of
people have left the Aldersgate United Methodist Church to [...]

A handful of people have left the Aldersgate United Methodist Church to
protest use of the church by Muslims. 


Allen, though, must tread carefully to avoid an appearance of racial
insensitivity. In his 2006 Senate campaign, Allen referred to an
Indian-American volunteer for his opponent Jim Webb as macaca, a perceived
racial slur. Allen has repeatedly apologized for the remark.

75h=204In a statement, Allen dismissed the matter as a side issue. With so
many families anxious about gas prices, losing their jobs, their homes, and
fearful the rising national debt will rob our children of the opportunities
we had growing up, it's disappointing to Susan and me that our family's
church would become an issue in this campaign, he said.

Chesapeake Bishop E.W. Jackson, one of several candidates seeking the GOP
nomination along with Allen, criticized the church's decision.

While we have a biblical mandate to love them as human beings, no pastor or
Christian should cooperate or assist Muslims in their worship practices, he


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[osint] Most wanted terrorist leader (sort of) confirmed dead in U.S. drone strike in Pakistan

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf



Most wanted terrorist leader confirmed dead in U.S. drone strike in Pakistan


 http://english.news.cn/ English.news.cn   2011-06-04 20:19:11


ISLAMABAD, June 4 (Xinhua) -- The militant group Harkatul Jihad al-Islami
confirmed Saturday that its leader Ilyas Kashmiri was killed in a U.S. drone
strike in northwest Pakistan's South Waziristan tribal region late Friday

Ilyas Kashmiri, one of the most wanted militants by Pakistan and the United
States, was among nine militants killed in the U.S. air strike, the BBC Urdu
website had earlier reported.

Abu Hanzala,, a purported spokesman for the militant group, confirmed the
death of Kashmiri, the mastermind of the brazen attack on a naval air
station in Karachi last month, which killed 10 Pakistan navy personnel.

We confirm the martyrdom of our leader Ilyas Kashmiri in U.S. drone
strike, the spokesman said in a hand-written statement sent to local media,
Dawn and Express TV channels reported.

We will take revenge of our leader on the U.S., Abu Hanzala said in the

Kashmiri was killed when he was having tea with other militants in the
village of Laman, about 10 kilometers from Wana, the center of South

Kashmiri was among the five most wanted militants, whose names were given to
Pakistani authorities by the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during
her visit to Islamabad last month.

Kashmiri was thought to be one of potential successors to the slain al-Qaida
chief Osama bin Laden.

The strike came days after Pakistan and the U.S. formed a joint intelligence
network to hunt down the most wanted militants including Ilyas Kashmiri,
Mullah Mohammad Omar, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Atiya Abdur Rahman and Sirajuddin

The death of Kashmiri is believed to be a second major blow to the
terrorists after Osama bin Laden was killed in a U.S. raid on his hideout in
Pakistan on May 2.


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[osint] Rekindled Syrian protests could revive Assad's threat to hit Israeli border

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


Rekindled Syrian protests could revive Assad's threat to hit Israeli border 
DEBKAfile Special Report June 4, 2011, 5:55 PM (GMT+02:00) 

Tags:   http://www.debka.com/search/tag/Syria/ Syria
http://www.debka.com/search/tag/Bashar%20Assad/ Bashar Assad
http://www.debka.com/search/tag/Israel/ Israel
http://www.debka.com/search/tag/Turkish%20PM/ Turkish PM
http://www.debka.com/search/tag/Muslim%20Brotherhood/ Muslim Brotherhood


It's still not over for Bashar Assad?

Two unforeseen events Friday, June 3 rekindled Syrian protests with full
force - just as Syrian President Bashar Assad was preparing to celebrate his
reassertion of authority after suppressing the uprising against his regime
with active Iranian and Hizballah help: The leaders of the Syrian
opposition-in-exile meeting in Antalya under Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip
Erdogan's aegis struck a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood which brought
100,000 Brotherhood loyalists back on the streets in the northern town of
debkafile's military sources disclose: Just as the conference of major
Syrian opposition party leaders approached a fruitless ending, the Muslim
Brotherhood, consented to introducing a clause in the National Unity
Charter providing for the separation of religion and state in the
guidelines of the post-Assad regime.
The MB made this concession after consulting with the group's leaders in
Cairo and under heavy Turkish pressure.
It means that, even if the Brotherhood, which is banned and persecuted under
the Assad regime, does run for election, the regime taking over would not be
religious in nature.
This decision is of major significance not only for Syria but also for
Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinians where the Muslim Brotherhood has a strong
Word of the Antalya accord flashed through Hama, center of the Brotherhood's
revolt against the Assad family since 1982, and brought half the population
out on the streets. Syrian security forces were caught unawares. Someone on
the spot or along the higher Syrian and Iranian chain of command in Damascus
panicked. An order went out to shoot directly into the crowd and break up
the demonstration with maximum casualties. The result of up to 150 dead and
350 injured ignited fresh outbreaks in neighboring Homs, a town of more than
1.2 million inhabitants.

Northern Syria was aflame again after the uprising in the North and most
other parts of Syria had largely subsided last week.
Fresh disturbances also hit the southern province of Horan and its capital
Deraa a month after unrest there had been suppressed by troops shooting dead
more than 500 protesters and injuring thousands. Covert Saudi agents
operating from Ramtha in neighboring Jordan managed to whip up fresh
anti-Assad riots in Deraa and Deir a-Zur among the Shamar, a nomadic tribe
which roams across the Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi borders and whose center
is in northern Saudi Arabia.
The new outbreaks confronted President Assad with a fresh challenge at the
very moment that he was polishing his victory speech to celebrate the
crushing of the revolt against him.

He must now decide between carrying on with his iron-fist crackdown to douse
persistent protests, or rely on the new bloodbath in Hama, Deraa and Deir
a-Zur to act as a deterrent against the nationwide revival of mass

The third option, which he threatened earlier in the three-month revolt,
would be to re-channel the fury directed against his regime into aggression
on the Syrian-Israeli border.





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[osint] Serbian mercenaries in Libya?

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


Serbian mercenaries in Libya?


To fight his own people, Gaddafi has reportedly enlisted foreign soldiers -
and mercenaries from European countries.

(Various sources -- 23/02/11 - 26/05/11)


Gaddafi's use of foreign fighters shows that he lacks support from Libyans,
analysts say. [Reuters]

Since the outbreak of the popular uprising against his more than
40-year-long rule began in mid-February, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has
resorted to hiring foreign fighters, mostly from Africa, to quell the
challenge to his rule.

According to Michel Koutouzis, a leading criminologist whose
French-registered consulting company does research for EU and UN
institutions, as many as 500 European mercenaries have also joined the
colonel's ranks.

Although the bulk of them come from Belarus, Serbia and Ukraine, others are
citizens of EU member states, the Greek analyst said. According to media
reports and bloggers, he is paying mercenaries up to $2,500 per day.

In Libyan society, there is a taboo against killing people from your own
tribal group, a report by Brussels-based EUobserver on April 26th quoted
Koutouzis as explaining. This is one reason why Gaddafi needs foreign

Other experts have cited the Libyan leader's lack of trust in his own

It is not surprising that Gaddafi is hiring fighters from the former
Yugoslavia, given their experience in warfare, Fatima Mahmud, a Libyan
journalist and member of the Transitional National Council in Benghazi told
Croatian daily Vecernji List in early April.

Aside from the Serbian mercenaries, who are believed to be involved mainly
in the aerial assaults against Libyan rebels, nationals of Bosnia and
Herzegovina (BiH) and Croatia are believed to be fighting on the ground
alongside the African recruits, she said.

She linked the involvement of Serbian fighters in Libya to the warm ties
between Tripoli and Belgrade during the Balkan wars in the 1990s.

After the breakup of Yugoslavia, Gaddafi sided with Slobodan Milosevic and
helped him in every way -- mostly financially -- to stay in power, Mahmud
said in her interview with Vecernji List, published on April 8th.

Contradictory signals from the Serbian government have also been a factor,
according to the Libyan journalist. Although Belgrade froze military and
economic co-operation with Gaddafi's regime in March, critics say the
government's stance remains ambiguous.

Meanwhile, Serbian nationalists have voiced support for Gaddafi, while
condemning NATO's efforts to protect Libyan civilians.

The opposition Serbian Radical Party (SRS), whose leader Vojislav Seselj is
being tried for war crimes at the UN tribunal in The Hague, staged a
pro-Gaddafi rally in Belgrade on April 9th.

Gaddafi absolutely has our support and we absolutely think that
non-meddling in one country's affairs has to be respected and that citizens
of that country should choose the government that suits them, Dragan
Todorovic, head of the SRS parliamentary caucus, said ahead of the protest.

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[osint] UK TOWER HAMLETS: Radical Muslim could soon gain control of $1.6 billion budget

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
Of course there is no such thing as a “Radical” (vs “moderate”) Muslim…
only Muslims.  All evil.



lim-could-soon-gain-control-of-1-6-billion-budget/ UK TOWER HAMLETS:
Radical Muslim could soon gain control of $1.6 billion budget

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| June 4, 2011 at 1:07 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=4957245 Islamic Britain | URL:
http://wp.me/peHnV-uSb http://wp.me/peHnV-uSb

A man with close links to Islamic fundamentalism and the backing of
prominent racists could this week be elected as the executive mayor of a
council, with almost total control over its $1.6 billion budget. The EDL
patriots will be there to protest. UK TELEGRAPH - Lutfur Rahman was sacked
by the Labour Party last month as [...]

extremist-vote-poses-Eds-first-big-election-test.html  - Lutfur Rahman was
sacked by the Labour Party last month as its candidate for mayor of Tower
Hamlets amid deep concerns about his links with a Muslim supremacist group,
the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE), and a number of powerful local


Mr Rahman also signed up entire families of “sham” paper Labour members -
some of whom do not even support the party - to win nomination as Labour’s
candidate. Mr Rahman is now running as an independent and his supporters say
he is “hopeful” of victory. ”Things look very good,” said one of his
major business backers, Shiraj Haque, a millionaire restaurateur.

Labour sources said the contest between Mr Rahman and their new candidate,
Helal Abbas, was “extremely close” and would depend on turnout in
Thursday’s election.

Unlike a conventional leader, a directly-elected mayor has almost complete
power over a council’s finances and cannot be controlled, checked or sacked
by councillors.Tower Hamlets moved from a conventional leader system to a
mayoralty this year as a result of a campaign spearheaded by the IFE.


In secret filming earlier this year, Abu Talha, an IFE activist, told an
undercover reporter for The Sunday Telegraph and Channel 4′sDispatches:
“The mayor is going to have a lot more control. That’s why we need to get
someone, one of our brothers, in there. Which we will do.”

According to one of its own leaflets, the IFE - based at the hardline East
London Mosque in Tower Hamlets - wants to change the “very infrastructure
of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed
… from ignorance to Islam.”


Mr Rahman, a former council leader, was removed from that post by his fellow
councillors in May after The Sunday Telegraph and Dispatchesexposed how he
had achieved the position with the help of the IFE. Six serving and former
Labour councillors told us they had been threatened by a senior IFE official
that the group would mobilise its supporters against them if they did not
choose Mr Rahman as their leader.


During Mr Rahman’s two years as council leader, Tower Hamlets channelled
millions of pounds of public money to front organisations run by the IFE.
The borough’s public libraries stocked large quantities of extremist
literature, including taped sermons by the spiritual leader of the 9/11
hijackers, Anwar al-Awlaki. An anti-gay preacher was hosted in the council


Mr Rahman said that if elected he would “work to bring together our diverse
communities”. However, one of his leading supporters, Wais Islam, a former
Tower Hamlets councillor, recently posted anti-Semitic insults about a local
journalist on his Facebook page. Another 

[osint] IAEA Reveals New Data Pointing to Iran Nuke Development

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


IAEA report reveals new data pointing to Iran nuke development 

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) revealed new information about
Iran's covert nuclear weapons programs that includes work on nuclear missile
warheads and development of triggering mechanisms and high-explosive
detonations used in nuclear bombs. 

A confidential IAEA report made public in mid-May provided the first details
of the watchdog agency s unanswered questions about past nuclear arms work
that many experts say is still underway, despite a controversial 2007 U.S.
intelligence estimate that said Iran halted work on nuclear arms in 2003. 

According to the report, the covert Iranian arms work falls into seven

.  Compression of uranium deuteride to produce a short burst of neutrons. 

.  Uranium conversion and metal work aimed at producing uranium metal and
making it into components for a nuclear bomb. 

.  Developing, manufacturing and testing explosive components used to
initiate high explosives like those used in triggering a spherical-shaped
nuclear warhead pit. 

.  Exploding bridgewire (EBW) detonator work related to applications
necessitating high simultaneity like those used to trigger a nuclear weapon

.  Multipoint explosive initiation and hemispherical detonation studies that
used detonators to set off hemispherical high explosive charges, and
included work which may have benefited from the assistance of foreign
expertise outside Iran. 

.  High voltage firing equipment used for explosives tests over long
distances and possibly underground nuclear tests to determine if high
voltage triggering of nuclear detonators can be carried out over long

.  Missile re-entry vehicle redesign activities for a new warhead that is
assessed as being nuclear in nature. The design work included modeling on
the removal of a conventional, high explosive warhead from the Shihab-3
missile and its replacement with a spherical nuclear payload. 

The report said the IAEA obtained new information on the military aspects of
Iran's illegal nuclear program earlier this year. And the report also
revealed for the first time that Iran is suspected of receiving foreign
support from unspecified places. 

The report says past information from member states and its own inquiries
showed the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed
nuclear related activities involving military related organizations,
including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a

Since the last report of the Director General on 25 February 2011, the
agency has received further information related to such possible undisclosed
nuclear related activities, which is currently being assessed by the
agency, says the internal IAEA report dated May 24. As previously reported
by the Director General, there are indications that certain of these
activities may have continued beyond 2004. 

That statement helps explain why the CIA in February revised its annual
report to Congress on arms proliferation to leave out language contained in
earlier reports echoing a controversial 2007 National Intelligence Estimate
that said Iran halted work on nuclear arms in 2003. 


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[osint] Pentagon Probe of WikiLeaks Found Security Breaches going Undetected

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


Pentagon probe of WikiLeaks found security breaches going undetected 

The disclosure of thousands of internal government documents to the
anti-secrecy Web site WikiLeaks highlighted the failures within the Pentagon
to protect the loss and compromise of information as the result of insiders,
according to a member of Congress. 

Rep. John Tierney, D-Ma, and ranking member of the national security,
homeland defense and foreign operations subcommittee of the House Oversight
and Government Reform Committee, disclosed during a hearing May 25 that the
Pentagon reviewed its computer security in the WikiLeaks failure. 

Defense Secretary Robert Gates ordered two studies of computer security at
the Pentagon after WikiLeaks began releasing documents in June 2010. 

The studies found that the department's policies for dealing with an
internal security threat were inadequate, and that the department had
limited capability to detect and monitor anomalous behavior on its
classified computer networks, Tierney said. 

Other threats to computer networks included the Chinese computer attack on
Google and at least 80 other U.S. companies. 

Tierney said last month in Massachusetts a virus called W32.qqakbot was
discovered on computers at the state Executive Office of Labor and Workforce

As a result, the Labor Department said as many as 210,000 unemployed
workers may have had data compromised, including their names, Social
Security numbers, employer identification numbers, addresses and email
addresses, he said. 

Cyber attacks on our federal IT systems are on the rise, Tierney said,
noting multiple threats from foreign nations engaged in espionage and
information warfare, criminals, hackers, disgruntled employees and


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[osint] Cyberthreats Increasing: Critical US Infrastructure Being Hit Often

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


Cyberthreats increasing: Critical U.S.infrastructure being hit often 

Senior Obama administration security officials said last week that the
threat posed by cyber attacks on U.S. computer networks is growing as
systems have numerous security vulnerabilities. 

The United States confronts a dangerous combination of known and unknown
vulnerabilities, strong and rapidly expanding adversary capabilities, and
limited comprehensive threat and vulnerability awareness, said three senior
officials in prepared testimony to the House Judiciary committee. Within
this dynamic environment, we are confronted with threats that are more
targeted, more sophisticated, and more serious. 


Governments have become as reliant on information technology as
corporations have.
ty_n_870179.html   Getty 


The three officials were James A. Baker, associate deputy attorney general,
Greg Schaffer, assistant secretary for cyber security at the Homeland
Security Department and Ari Schwartz, senior adviser at the National
Institute of Standards and Technology. 

Critical U.S. infrastructure including electrical grids, financial
institutions and transportation networks were hit with repeated cyber
intrusions and cyber crime has increased dramatically over the past decade,
they said at a hearing of two subcommittee that deal with crime and
information security May 25. 

Sensitive information is routinely stolen from both government and private
sector networks, undermining confidence in our information systems, the
information collection and sharing process, and the information these
systems contain, the officials said. 

While the lost of intellectual capital is deeply concerning, the three
officials said we increasingly face threats that are of even greater

Our nation is at risk. The cybersecurity vulnerabilities in our government
and critical infrastructure are a risk to national security, public safety,
and economic prosperity, Messrs. Baker, Schaffer and Schwartz stated. 

In later testimony, Robert W. Holleyman, president of the Business Software
Alliance, said current cybersecurity threats are gave and fall into four
categories: cybercrime, espionage targeting corporations, espionage against
governments and cyber warfare. 

Cyber attacks against the computers, servers and networks on which
companies depend have reached unprecedented levels of sophistication, with
the aim of committing extortion or stealing intellectual property and other
trade secrets for the benefit of competitors, Holleyman said. 

Governments have become as reliant on information technology as
corporations have; as a result, advanced persistent threats that penetrate
government computers, servers and networks can produce significant

On cyberwarfare, Hollyman said the dependence of the nation on networks can
be exploited by another to electronically disable its critical
infrastructure, essential governmental services and military capabilities. 

Among the attack trends outlined by Hollyman are: 

.  Targeted attacks: Attackers increasingly identify specific targets and
develop sophisticated plans for compromising their computers. They have
learned that the easiest vulnerability to exploit is our trust of friends
and colleagues. 

.  Social networking: Linked to the first trend is the exploitation of
online social networks which provide rich research for tailoring an attack
allowing hackers to learn our interests, gain our trust, and convincingly
masquerade as friends. 

.  Stealth: Once inside an organization, a targeted attack attempts to avoid
detection until its objective is met. Exploiting zero?day vulnerabilities
(previously unknown and unpatched security holes) and using rootkits
(software that provides privileged access) are two effective ways of evading

.  Attack kits that are packaged and traded as easy-to-use attack kits in a
vast underground economy.

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[osint] US Intelligence IDs IRGC Officer Who Trained Syrians for Crackdown

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


U.S. intelligence IDs IRGC officer who trained Syrians for crackdown 


Officials said Chizari and Suleimani were the key to the resilience of the
Assad regime in the face of nationwide protests. 


.  Role: Iran Quds Force No. 3 commander 

.  Notoriety: Arrested by U.S. troops in Baghdad in 2006 

WASHINGTON - The United States has identified a leading Iranian officer as
helping President Bashar Assad quell the revolt in Syria. 

The U.S. intelligence community has deemed Mohsen Chizari a leading Iranian
facilitator of the Assad regime. Officials said Chizari was responsible for
training at Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, whose officers were
helping quell the anti-Assad revolt in Syria. 

He is in charge of training the Syrians as well as sending Iranian advisers
to help the security forces, an official said. 

On May 18, the Treasury Department identified Chizari and Qassem Suleimani
as Iranian facilitators of the Assad crackdown. Suleimani, commander of
IRGC's Quds Force, was designated the conduit for Iranian material support
to the Syrian General Intelligence Directorate. 

Chizari was identified as commander of training at the Quds Force. The Quds
Force was responsible for IRGC foreign operations, including training and
equipment of such Iranian proxies as Hamas, Hizbullah and Islamic Jihad, all
of which have been based in Damascus. 


Syrian anti-government protesters in Nawa near the southern town of Daraa,
the epicentre of protests that have shaken President Bashar al-Assad's once
uncontested rule.
mAFP/Getty Images/AFP/Getty Images 


Mohsen Chizari, an Iranian military officer who is the No. 3 leader in the
Quds Force in charge of training, Treasury said. 

Officials said Chizari and Suleimani were the key to the resilience of the
Assad regime in the face of nationwide protests. They said the two IRGC
commanders were monitoring the revolt and advising the Assad leadership. 

IRGC was said to be providing several levels of assistance over the last 10
weeks. Officials said Chizari and Suleimani provided training and equipment
that allowed Syrian intelligence to track opposition organizers through the

For Chizari, this marked his second major mission abroad in less than five
years. In 2006, Chizari was operating in Iran's neighbor, Iraq, where he was
arrested by the U.S. military. Within days, the IRGC officer was released. 

On April 29, the White House imposed sanctions on IRGC for alleged help to
the Assad regime in trying to quell the revolt. But the White House did not
elaborate except to say that IRGC's Quds Force was working with Syrian
General Intelligence. 

Iran is providing material support to the Syrian government related to
cracking down on unrest in Syria, the White House said. The conduit for
this Iranian material support to the Syrian General Intelligence Directorate
is the IRGC-QF. 

Officials confirmed reports by the opposition that Hizbullah was also
helping support the Syrian Army and security forces to battle the
protesters. They said Hizbullah provided manpower as well as equipment to
the Assad regime. 

The Iranians are helping Assad but they are also hedging their bets and are
in contact with the opposition as well, an official said. IRGC is in
contact with the Muslim Brotherhood. 


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[osint] Belarus, China, Venezuela Aided Iran Strategic Programs

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


U.S. intel: Belarus, China, Venezuela aided Iran strategic programs 

WASHINGTON - Officials said the U.S. intelligence community has identified
renewed support for Iran's missile and nuclear programs. They said the
support came from such allies as Belarus, China, North Korea and Syria. 

Iran has so far not demonstrated a willingness to meet its international
obligations or negotiate seriously on its nuclear program, and so we and our
international partners have had no choice but to step up pressures in the
hope that Iran will reconsider what's in its own best interest, a senior
administration official said. 


The Obama administration hit several foreign companies with sanctions for
doing business with Iran that helps fund its missile and nuclear program.


On May 23, the White House announced sanctions on two Belarus entities,
three Chinese entities, five Iranian entities, two Syrian entities and a
company from Venezuela. Officials said many of the companies or government
agencies were determined to have helped Iran's ballistic missile program.
This marked the first time the United States imposed sanctions under the
Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act, a measure meant to last
two years. 

The two entities from Belarus were identified as Belarusian Optical
Mechanical Association and BelTechExport while the sanctions on China were
Dalian Sunny Industries, Dalian Zhongbang Chemical Industries Co., Xian
Junyun Electronic and a Chinese national Karl Lee. Syria was represented by
the state-owned Industrial Establishment of Defense and Scientific Studies
and Research Center, known as SSRC. 

There was credible information indicating that they had transferred to or
acquired from Iran, North Korea, or Syria equipment and technology listed on
multilateral export control lists Australia Group, Chemical Weapons
Convention, Missile Technology Control Regime, Nuclear Suppliers Group,
Wassenaar Arrangement or otherwise having the potential to make a material
contribution to WMD or cruise or ballistic missile systems, the White House
said on May 24. 

The latest sanctions also included North Korea's Tangun Trading, the
state-owned Venezuela Military Industries Co. and Iran's Milad Jafari,
Defense Industries Organization, Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines,
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, SAD Import-Export Company, and
Shahid Bakeri Industries Group. Most of these entities have already come
under American sanctions and were not believed to have assets in the United

We believe there's a growing consensus on the need to sharpen the choice
for Iran and bring it to the conclusion that it should meet its
international obligations and address international concerns about its
nuclear program, the official said. 

Officials acknowledged that the latest sanctions do not penalize the
governments that enable missile trade with Iran. In other sanctions, the
administration also said U.S. subsidiaries of the targeted companies would
not be harmed. 

It is true that for most of these entities, there are very few, if any,
commercial dealings with the United States, the senior official said. And
so the immediate practical impact of the sanctions will be minimal, but it
would impact possible future cooperation by these entities with the United


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[osint] Iran Tries to Smuggle US Military Helicopters via Spain

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


Madrid blocks try by Iran for nine U.S. military helicopters 

LONDON - Iran has been stopped in efforts to acquire U.S.-origin military

The government in Madrid reported blocking an Iranian attempt to purchase
nine U.S. military helicopters through Spanish companies. Officials said
Iran ordered the Bell-212 transport helicopter for Teheran's military and
security forces. 

They tried to protect the export sale, which could have resulted in revenue
of about 100 million euro, under the cover of legal aviation repairs,
Spanish police said. 

In a statement on May 26, Spanish police said they found the helicopters
ordered by Iran in warehouses in Barcelona and Madrid. Police said the
helicopters as well as spares were seized. 

This marked the latest attempt by Iran to acquire U.S. aircraft. Earlier
this year, Washington reported the arrest of several American businessmen
for agreeing to sell surplus aircraft, engines and spares to the Teheran

Police said five Spanish executives and three Iranians were arrested in
connection with the helicopter deal. They said Iranian representatives had
arrived in Spain to pay for the aircraft and arrange for shipment to

The Bell-212 has been part of the Iranian Air Force fleet since 1971. 

The helicopter, designed to transport soldiers and equipment, could reach a
speed of 225 kilometers per hour and a range of nearly 600 kilometers. 

The Spanish defendants were said to have acquired the helicopters from
Israel. Officials said Israel sold the surplus helicopters for $20 million
to a Spaniard identified as Pedro Matorna. The United States approved the
sale after Matorna said the Bell-212 would be used to fight forest fires. 

There was a group of Spanish citizens who bought material, in this case
helicopters, in Israel and then tried to sell them to other nations to which
you can't export arms, like Iran, Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Perez
Rubalcaba said. 


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[osint] New al-Qaeda Chief Pure Terrorist Commander

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf


New Al Qaida chief called 'pure terrorist commander'; targets Saudis 

WASHINGTON - Al Qaida's new chief was deemed brutal and intent on toppling
the royal family in Saudi Arabia. 

Western intelligence sources said Saif Al Adel, named the new commander of
Al Qaida, engaged in brutality as part of a campaign to promote himself and
the Islamic insurgency network. They said Al Adel would also team with Al
Qaida's No. 2, Ayman Zawahiri, in a new drive against Saudi Arabia. 


Saif Al Adel.


One of their [Al Adel and Zawahiri] first targets would be the Saudis, a
Western intelligence analyst said. 

The sources said Al Adel, named Osama Bin Laden's successor in May, angered
Al Qaida's founder with the former's brutal methods. 

They cited the abduction and beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl
in Pakistan in 2002 by Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, known as KSM. 

One of the high value detainees told interrogators that Osama Bin Laden was
angry that KSM had slaughtered Pearl so publicly and brutally, arguing that
the murder brought unnecessary attention on the network, a report on
Pearl's investigation, which quoted a former U.S. military prosecutor, said
in January. 

The sources said Al Adel encouraged Mohammad to abduct Pearl during his
visit to Pakistan. Pearl had been kidnapped by Islamic militants in
Pakistan, and Al Adel was believed this could represent a coup for Al Qaida.
In 2003, Mohammed was captured and taken for interrogation to the U.S. Navy
prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 

KSM told the FBI that he was pulled into the kidnapping by a high-level
leader in Al Qaida circles, an Egyptian named Saif Al Adel, who told him to
make the kidnapping an Al Qaida operation, the report by the Pearl Project
at Georgetown University said. 

He [Al Adel] thought this was an opportunity, the report quoted Mohammad
as telling FBI agents as saying. We can take advantage of it. He said he
wanted to make sure it's an Al Qaida thing. 

In 2002, Pakistan tried and convicted four Islamist defendants for the
killing of Pearl. All of them have appealed their sentences, one of which
was capital punishment. The sources also said Al Adel would work closely
with Zawahiri, both Egyptian nationals, in operations against Saudi Arabia.
They said Bin Laden had restricted Al Qaida attacks against his native Saudi
homeland after 2007. 

Unlike Bin Laden, Al Adel is a pure terrorist commander and strategist who
truly believes that the key to destroying the United States is to topple the
Saudi royal family, the intelligence analyst said. Zawahiri believes the
same thing, but until now Bin Laden stopped him. 

The sources said Al Adel, known as a critic of Bin Laden, has retained close
links to Iran. They said Al Adel used Iran as a haven since Al Qaida's air
suicide strikes on New York and Washington in which more than 3,000 people
were killed in 2001. 

We don't know what the Iranians are telling Al Adel, but it is clear that
Teheran wants to use Al Qaida in any anti-Saudi agenda, the analyst said. 

Al Adel was also said to have been one of the most experienced Al Qaida
commanders. The sources said he helped plan the 1998 bombings of the U.S.
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, regarded as one of the most complex and
successful attacks on U.S. interests abroad. 

He is very meticulous and takes great pride in his operations, another
intelligence source said. He will keep us busy. 


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[osint] Linked to Every Terrorist Plot

2011-06-04 Thread Beowulf
He was linked to every terrorist plot

Nirupama Subramanian



Ilyas Kashmiri, reported killed in a drone attack on Friday in South
Waziristan, has been linked to virtually every high-profile terrorist
operation in Pakistan from the assassination of Benazir Bhutto to the
attempted assassination of General Pervez Musharraf, as well as the attack
on the Mehran Base in Karachi last month.

The one-eyed jihadist has been named by U.S. investigators as the key
conspirator in the plot to bomb the offices of the Danish newspaper
Jyllands-Posten, based on the testimony of the Pakistani-American David
Headley, who was arrested in Chicago for his role in the plot, and is now
the main prosecution witness in the 26/11 trial in the U.S.

Only last week, Headley revealed that Kashmiri had planned to kill the head
of aircraft maker Lockheed Martin to avenge drone attacks in Pakistan's
tribal areas. During her recent visit to Pakistan, U.S. Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton is reported to have demanded that Pakistan track him down
without delay. If his elimination was the result of intelligence sharing by
Pakistan, it may mark a new chapter in the ties between the two countries
after the rupture over Osama bin Laden's killing in a secret U.S. operation.

From Afghanistan to Kashmir to South Waziristan, Ilyas Kashmiri was the
personification of the connections between the various militant groups based
in Pakistan, and their linkages to al-Qaeda.

From his bases in North Waziristan and South Waziristan, he was believed to
be churning out trained jihadists in the cause of al-Qaeda, prompting the
U.S. to announce a $5 million bounty for him. He had been targeted in
several drone attacks earlier, and was once even believed to have been
killed, wrongly as it turned out.

Kashmiri reportedly masterminded the deadly suicide attack on a CIA base in
the Khost province of Afghanistan in December 2009. He also claimed to have
been behind the German Bakery bombing in February 2010 in Pune. His name has
also been linked with the 26/11 attacks.

The only ever journalist to have ever interviewed Kashmiri - as recently as
October 2009 - and who could have confirmed if he has indeed been killed,
was Syed Saleem Shahzad, the Pakistani journalist who was himself found dead
in mysterious circumstances following his disappearance last Sunday.

From what has been reported in the Pakistani press about Kashmiri, he headed
the 313 brigade, an operational arm of the al-Qaeda in Pakistan that he had
raised when he was with the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen-Islami, a Pakistan-based
group that first fought the Soviets in Afghanistan and later set its sights
on Kashmir.

He was once arrested by the Indian Army in Kashmir, but managed to escape
and return to Pakistan. According to a report by the well-known Pakistani
journalist Hamid Mir, he was felicitated by none other than General Pervez
Musharraf with a cash award for bringing back the head of an Indian soldier
he had killed.

But he is said to have fallen out with the Pakistani military establishment
soon thereafter, and was arrested for the December 2003 assassination
attempt on President Musharraf.

Kashmiri, who was released a year later, cooled his heels for the next three
years. According to Mr. Mir, he was back in action after the 2007 Pakistan
military operation against militants holed up in Islamabad's Lal Masjid,
which totally changed him.

He moved to North Waziristan where he attached himself to al-Qaeda and
reorganised the 313 Brigade, this time for a war against Pakistan.

A UN enquiry into Benazir Bhutto's killing in December 2007 named Kashmiri
as one of the possible masterminds of that assassination.

Soon after the 26/11 attacks, Saleem Shahzad, the Pakistani journalist found
dead days ago, linked Kashmiri and the al-Qaeda to the attack. He reported
that they had turned a relatively less ambitious ISI-planned attack into the
spectacular terrorist show in Mumbai with the aim of causing a war between
India and Pakistan in order to divert attention from the Afghan border.

This theory, debunked in India as seeking to exonerate the ISI for the
Mumbai attacks, now appears in a book by him, Inside Al Qaeda and the
Taliban: Beyond bin Laden and 9/11, published in the United Kingdom three
weeks ago.

The only interview he gave was to Shahzad in October 2009, a month after he
was wrongly reported killed in a drone attack in the North Waziristan area.

In the interview, Kashmiri explained his move from the militancy in Kashmir
to al-Qaeda thus: The defeat of American global hegemony is a must if I
want the liberation of my homeland Kashmir, and therefore it provided the
reasoning for my presence in this war theatre.

He also warned that the world should expect more Mumbai-like attacks.
That was nothing compared to what has already been planned for the future.
He said he had chosen to join al-Qaeda because they were both 

[osint] 3 Americans have mutant strain of E. coli hitting Europe

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


un 02, 2011

3 Americans have mutant strain of E. coli hitting Europe


By Michael Winter
http://content.usatoday.com/topics/reporter/Michael+Winter , USA TODAY


The E. coli outbreak that has killed 18 and sickened more than 1,600 people
in Europe appears to be a new, more virulent mutant strain that is causing
potentially deadly blood and kidney damage and that may be spread person to
person, researchers and public health officials say.

Three Americans who traveled recently to Germany contracted the
food-poisoning bacteria and developed haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (HUS),
which affects the blood and kidneys, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention told CNN
-u-s/ . All are in U.S. hospitals.

Health experts warn that the bug could be exported to the USA, because the
bacteria has an eight-day incubation period and may be passed among people,
nfects-first-victims-in-Britain.html The Telegraph reports from London. The
CDC says the illness is rarely passed among people.

Seven cases have been found in Britain, the country's first. Most infections
have occurred in northern Germany, and hundreds are seriously ill. Nine
deaths have resulted from HUS, the World Health Organization says
http://www.who.int/csr/don/2011_06_02/en/index.html .

The BBC has a map of the outbreak
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-13626499 , the largest of its kind.

germany.html Science reports that DNA sequencing has yielded clues to the
super toxic bacteria.


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[osint] Durban III: The Good News and the Bad News

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
Durban III: The Good News and the Bad News

Posted By Claudia Rosett On June 1, 2011 

In the United Nations cosmos of Orwellian ventures, one of the prominent
features has become the series of conferences named for an initial 2001
conclave in Durban, South Africa. That gathering was supposed to be about
fighting racism. Instead, it became a debauch of anti-Semitic Israel-bashing
so extreme that then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell ordered the U.S.
delegation to walk out. That conference is now known as Durban I.

With the aim of building on the achievements of Durban I, the UN followed up
in 2009 with Durban II, also known as the Durban Review Conference. That was
held in Geneva, Switzerland, amid the manicured flowerbeds, peacock-bedecked
lawns and BMW-filled parking lots of the UN's Palais des Nations, former
home to the failed League of Nations. Durban II is most memorable for having
featured, as a star speaker, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The
Obama administration decided close to the last minute to boycott that
conference. Ahmadinejad's speech triggered a walkout
http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=mpgmpid=175load=1753  [1] by a host of Western
delegates. Pajamas Media's Roger Simon and I had gone to Geneva to cover
Durban II (we found ourselves staying in a hotel where Ahmadinejad had
booked 40 rooms to accommodate his entourage) and when the conference
fizzled into a gross embarrassment for the UN, thanks to Ahmadinejad's
Holocaust-denying style, Roger quite reasonably hoped
n-folds-its-cards/  [2] that might mean an end to the Durban process.

The UN General Assembly decided otherwise. A Durban III conference is now
scheduled for Sept. 22, this time at UN headquarters, in New York, timed to
coincide with the annual opening of the General Assembly. Officially, it is
styled as a 10th anniversary commemoration of the original 2001 Durban I
conference. That was an event so hate-filled and grotesque that one might
suppose the UN would wish either to forget it, or apologize for it - not
commemorate it. But that's not how things work at the UN, where standard
operating procedure of the General Assembly is that U.S. taxpayers supply
the biggest share of the money, and outfits like the 57-member Organization
of the Islamic Conference, or the  131 members of the so-called Group of 77
(presided over in 2009 by Sudan), decide how to spend it.

The good news is that the Obama administration has finally decided to
boycott Durban III. As UN Watch reports
rban-iii-summit/10150223580899273  [3], Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New
York led a coalition of 18 senators who months ago called on the U.S.
administration to follow the lead set by Canada, and pull out. On June 1,
the State Department sent Gillibrand a letter saying the U.S. will not
participate in Durban III, and had voted against the General Assembly
resolution establishing this event because the Durban process included ugly
displays of intolerance and anti-Semitism, and we did not want to see that

The bad news is that the UN is still going ahead with Durban III. The next
consultation on the scope, modalities, format and organization of the
high-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the tenth
anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of
Action is scheduled for this Friday, at 10 A.M., in the UN's General
Assembly Hall in New York. The co-facilitators of these consultations, the
ambassadors of Monaco and Cameroon, sent a letter on May 27th to the
president of the General Assembly, Switzerland's Joseph Deiss, inviting him
to draw up a list of NGO representatives to attend Durban III. That's not
reassuring, given Deiss's record as the General Assembly president who this
past March employed the UN's General Assembly Hall as the extravagant and
utterly inappropriate venue for the U.S. premiere of a movie trashing
/  [4]

An Obama administration boycott of Durban III is a good start (though
Inner-City Press reports that the U.S. ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice,
describes it not as a boycott, but, more euphemistically, an act of
non-participation http://www.innercitypress.com/sudan1chairs060111.html
[5]). But even if the U.S. does not participate - indeed, even if the U.S.
refuses to fork out the money for the conference itself - U.S. taxpayers are
still bankrolling the biggest share of the facilities, the amenities, and
even the security that will enable this conference. American taxpayers are
footing the biggest share of the bill for the current $2 billion renovation
of the UN's New York headquarters, where the organizers of Durban III are
now availing themselves of the meeting halls. American taxpayers pay for 22%
of the UN's core budget, and the U.S. hosts its 

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