[otrs] FW: Queues on New Ticket

2006-05-09 Thread Mamakwa M. Sefiri

I have managed to put in the relevant queues
in the New Tickect window and I tried to put the third queue but it did not
allow me to, this is what I have put in

$Self- {'CustomerPanelOwnSelection'}
= {

'Second Queue' = Helpdesk

'First Queue' = Business Support


And I get the error below

Error: Need TicketID!


Traceback:  ERROR:
OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.8.7 OS: linux Time: Tue May 9 09:45:52 2006

Message: Need TicketID!

Traceback (17212):

Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleCreate (v1.94) Line: 84

 Module: Kernel::Modules::CustomerTicketMessage::Run
(v1.3) Line: 311

Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceCustomer::Run (v1.6) Line: 677

(v) Line: 47

 Module: (eval) (v1.36) Line:

ModPerl::RegistryCooker::run (v1.36) Line: 203

ModPerl::RegistryCooker::default_handler (v1.36) Line: 169

ModPerl::Registry::handler (v1.99) Line: 30

From: Mamakwa M. Sefiri 
Sent: 08 May 2006 12:25 PM
To: 'User questions and
discussions about OTRS.org'
Subject: Queues on New Ticket

Is it possible to show the queues on the TO field, on the
new ticket window. I tried to find clues on the manual. 



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[otrs] Chinese character in subject gives Perl error Wide character in syswrite

2006-05-09 Thread Daniel Ciaglia
Hi there,

there was, some time ago, a similar error which should be fixed by a
Config.pm setting

Gerben Meijer wrote:
 Before I go report this as a bug, does anyone else experience problems
 using the euro sign in a reply?
 I'm getting:
 Software error:
 Wide character in syswrite at /usr/share/perl/5.8/Net/Cmd.pm line 430.
 This shows up in the error_log too:
 [Thu Sep 23 15:42:19 2004] index.pl: Wide character in syswrite at
 /usr/share/perl/5.8/Net/Cmd.pm line 430.

I'm not sure, but I think this is becasue syslog can't log in utf-8.

So OTRS 1.3 comes with an extra option:

 # param for LogModule Kernel::System::Log::SysLog
 # (if syslog can't work with utf-8, force the log
 # charset with this option, on other chars will be
 # replaces with ?)
  $Self-{'LogModule::SysLog::Charset'} = 'iso-8859-15';

Then it should work.

Martin Edenhofer

Well, setting this to utf-8 still gives the following error:

  Wide character in syswrite at /usr/share/perl/5.8/Net/Cmd.pm line 436.

OK, we don't use the syslog but LogModule-File. Is there any suggestion
besides NOT using chinese in the subject?

Please note, the error occurs only with Chinese in the subject, the body
itself can contain whatever characters we like (e.g. japanese too)...

|   Daniel Ciaglia  |Count the Moon.   |
|daniel [at] ciaglia [dot] de   |One.  |
| Knowledge Brings Fear |Whoa  |

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[otrs] Email Customer

2006-05-09 Thread Olivier BATARD

Hi Everybody,

Could you tell me how I Can use the same email address for several 
customer ?

I haven't found that in documentation,

Thanks a lot !

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Re: [otrs-de] Agent-Benachrichtigung bei Follow up

2006-05-09 Thread Peter
Am Montag, den 08.05.2006, 15:41 +0200 schrieb Lehnert, Michaela (KRZ):
 Hallo Liste,
 Ich habe ein Problem mit Agent Notification bei Follow ups. Es sollen
 nur die Besitzer eines Tickets bei einer Nachfrage benachrichtigt
 werden. Der entsprechende Eintrag in den persönlichen Einstellungen
 steht auf 'ja'. Nun bekommt aber jeder Agent, der sich die Queue
 zusortiert hat eine Benachrichtigung.
 In der Sysconfig im Bereich Core::PostMaster 
 Unterpunkt PostmasterFollowUpOnUnlockAgentNotifyOnlyToOwner:
 kann man nur 'ja' wählen. 
 Wo muss ich drehen, damit meine Sachbearbeiter nicht mit Mails
 'geflutet' werden.
 Danke für irgendwelche Tipps
 Michaela Lehnert
Hallo Michaela,
hallo Liste!
Ich habe das identische Problem mit 2.0.4.

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