Re: AI

2024-02-24 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
I’m not a subscriber to read the entire article but 30% is a load of BS at
this stage

On Sat, 24 Feb 2024 at 15:18, Tom Gao via ozdotnet 

> Here's the article.
> So what does everyone think about the claim that 30% efficiency? ie to me
> as head of IT instead of hiring 10 developers to build applications now
> only 7 is required. To me that just doesn't seem realistic.
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 3:04 PM Tom Rutter via ozdotnet <
>> wrote:
>> On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 at 12:32, Dr Greg Low via ozdotnet <
>>> wrote:
>>> Worse, in the baseball umpiring exam I mentioned, someone said to me
>>> “isn’t that what you’d get if you just asked a whole lot of fans about the
>>> rules rather than asking umpires?”
>>> There’s probably something important about that. How does it know which
>>> of the material it was trained on is valid?
>> Yep that’s the thing, it doesn’t actually know what is “valid”. From what
>> I understand it just gets “pushed” in certain directions during training
>> and not in all cases obviously.
>> My experience with things like ChatGPT so far basically brings it down to
>> a better Google really. Early days
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Dr Greg Low
>>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile
>>> SQL Down Under | Web:
>>>  |
>>> About Greg:
>>> *From:* mike smith via ozdotnet 
>>> *Sent:* Friday, February 23, 2024 12:19 PM
>>> *To:* ozDotNet 
>>> *Cc:* mike smith 
>>> *Subject:* Re: AI
>>> "old system views"
>>> That makes me wonder if it has any way of differentiating between
>>> something it found from a decade ago to more recent data.
>>> Mike
>>> On Fri, 23 Feb 2024, 11:43 Dr Greg Low via ozdotnet, <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> For me, it depends what you want it to do. It certainly can appear to
>>> help someone who’s new to an area.
>>> For most code writing, I’ve been pretty underwhelmed. As an example, if
>>> I ask it to write SQL, I get a very poor outcome. It will use old
>>> deprecated views instead of the current system views (that have been around
>>> for a decade), and often does things in a convoluted way.
>>> What I have been impressed with, is how it can help you understand
>>> acronyms, etc. Quite amazing. I’ve also been pretty impressed with using it
>>> go generate some test data, including in multiple languages. And the test
>>> data is fairly believable. If I ask it for family names, and I also ask for
>>> Chinese, it does pick common Chinese family names in the test output.
>>> That’s pretty impressive.
>>> It can do a reasonable job of things like “here’s some DAX code, can you
>>> simplify it?” It often can. Or “here’s a regular expression, can you
>>> explain what it does?” and it does that just fine. I’ve seen people happily
>>> using it to explain code that they don’t understand, or to (sort of)
>>> document some code.
>>> But it also is so confident on things, yet so wrong. I gave it a 25
>>> question baseball umpire test the other day. It was 100% confident
>>> sounding, but 40% correct. The weird thing is that some of the questions
>>> that it got right, are things that new human umpires often get wrong. Yet
>>> for simpler questions, it would say that something legal is illegal.
>>> It’s certainly interesting, but it’s very much a work in progress. It
>>> will be part of our futures.
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Dr Greg Low
>>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile
>>> SQL Down Under | Web:
>>>  |
>>> About Greg:

Re: Web app large uploads and downloads

2024-01-02 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
Yep we usually do this sort of thing with a batch process, particularly if
there are large files. I don’t see any web app being used just to upload a
bunch of files.

For fun try asking ChatGPT or one of the others to see where they go.

On Wed, 3 Jan 2024 at 11:13, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet 

> Folks (welcome to the distant future of 2024)
> I'm pretty sure that there is no sensible way to provide a bulk Azure Blob
> upload facility in a web hosted app (Wasm, JS or whatever). There could be
> thousands of files with a total size up to hundreds of MB. Managers are
> currently using a WPF program I created for uploads and it feels like a
> perfectly natural process on the desktop, and it's pretty fast using
> streams on multi cores (I also optionally check for new or changed so only
> *diffs* are uploaded which often saves a lot of time).
> None of the components or controls I've seen are designed for huge
> uploads, and in any case, I've reported that it's technically and usability
> questionable to have "normal" users of the browser app doing this sort of
> thing. The boss of the app suite is now considering the bigger picture and
> the bulk upload feature may be delayed or moved to somewhere else in the
> flow, or the desktop program will suffice. So I'm happy the issue is
> on-hold for now.
> I think this is a good example of how the web browser should never have
> evolved into a host for business apps. I think the web browser, HTML, HTTP,
> REST, css and JS have diseased 21st century IT.
> *Greg K*
>> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
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Re: Blazor css overrides

2023-12-02 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
I recall doing something similar in the past but I believe I gave each
client their own entire css. So app.css by default OR use the client’s css
if the config value is passed (via querystring or whatever).

I don’t see a problem with using !important if it guarantees it and they do
it always. If they don’t want to then the alternative above may suit.

I’ve never bothered going down the rabbit hole of css to be honest.

On Fri, 1 Dec 2023 at 15:53, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet 

> Folks, TGIF
> Our Blazor app has a simple classic shape with a local wwwroot/app.css
> file containing all the styles for the app. I had to allow people to
> customise the appearance, and my way of doing that works, but not as
> smoothly as I hoped and I think someone might be able to suggest a better
> more elegant technique.
> If someone starts the app with query parameter ?t=contoso then the
> startup code appends a line like this into the 
> https://*somecompany*.
> They can edit this external css file and override selectors without
> touching the original app's files. Firstly ... is this sensible? It works,
> but there is a problem.
> To override a certain colour they have to code something like this:
> .HeadLinkSel { background-color: BlueViolet !important; }
> Note how the !important is needed, sometimes. I can't figure out why yet,
> but !important needs to be added to the overrides most of the time. I
> thought that the last selector override all previous identical ones, and
> it's really irritating and confuses people settings the overrides. Can
> anyone explain this?
> Maybe my whole technique is flawed and naïve. I'm keen for suggestions or
> links to recommended techniques for doing this sort of thing.
> Cheers,
> *Greg Keogh*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Re: [OT] Identifying domain details

2023-11-28 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
Domain is still up so I’m assuming this is still in progress. I am
interested in the outcome if you can reply to this thread if you remember

On Thu, 2 Nov 2023 at 15:23, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet 

> Folks, I'm preparing the paperwork to take some fraudulent plumbers to the
> Magistrate's Court for "recovery of civil debt". Background information is
> on my web page SCAM - KM Heating & Cooling
> .
> As part of the case I'm going to ask if an order can be made to shut down
> the matching fraudulent website at and
> (hopefully) have the domain registration cancelled.
> Can any network boffins in here tell me what identifying whois and similar
> domain information can be extracted for me to add to the case?
> *Consider replying to my personal email because this is not of further
> interest to the group.*
> Cheers,
> *Greg Keogh*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Re: [OT] Angular training

2023-11-28 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
What city?

On Thu, 2 Nov 2023 at 12:28, Tom P via ozdotnet 

> Hi folks
> Can anyone here recommend a good one on one in person Angular accelerated
> training program?
> Cheers
> Tom
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Re: AEC form

2023-09-15 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
LMAO. I had a mate who got a contract there several years ago and quit
after a day or two after seeing the codebase. Some places cannot be saved!

On Fri, 15 Sep 2023 at 19:33, Dr Greg Low via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> Whoever develops code for the AEC really needs to take a long hard look at
> themselves. Second error is the Captcha failing even though it didn't ask
> for it in the first place. It wasn't visible on the form.
> And I'm not sure what attempt at English the other error is meant to be.
> Does anyone review this?
> Regards
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> Director
> SQL Down Under Pty Ltd
> Office: 1300SQLSQL (1300775775)
> Mobile: +61419201410
> About me:
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Re: Blazor popularity and use

2023-09-08 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
I recall reading somewhere last night there are around 25k Blazor apps in
the wild (Internet facing I assume) whereas React has over 11 million (?).
Don’t know about the accuracy of that but that may explain why the original
poster cannot see any advertised jobs

On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 at 23:58, Nathan Schultz via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> I've only used Blazor on pet projects, and have been happy with the
> results.
> But our workplace is more back-end processing, and we use OutSystems to
> quickly knock together back-office SPAs. And the business has been very
> happy with that, so I don't see us moving to Blazor in the future.
> "I've never met a living person who uses Flutter, or the Dart language for
> that matter. It would be a brave decision to choose that as a development
> platform for the future."
> Ironically one of my C# devs is a moderator on the official Flutter
> Discord server. Mobile apps is where Flutter really shines (and in the
> demos I've seen and when I played around with it, it is quite impressive).
> It came after Xamarin and it's clear that Google learned from Xamarin's
> mistakes. As for Dart, they've borrowed a lot from C# so it doesn't have a
> hugely steep learning curve. With a cheat-sheet you can get effective
> fairly quickly.
> But IMHO it's a niche language in an ecosystem and so it competes more
> with Swift/Objective-C (although Google would not agree).
> They've got some nice ideas, but it doesn't have any compelling reason to
> move to it, and I don't see it being a safe bet for the future.
> As for Javascript, people forget that it isn't a W3C standard. It was the
> language of Netscape -> Mozilla foundation. And thus became the default
> language in the browser.
> Scott Koon famously said, "JavaScript won by default. People wanted to
> build better web applications. Programming against Flash movies
> sucked. Javascript was already in all the browsers. If you're the last man
> left on earth, it doesn't matter how ugly you are when the women come to
> re-populate the planet."
> But because it was the Lingua Franca it's not going away, even though the
> W3C opened the doors to everyone else with WebAssembly.
> On Fri, 8 Sept 2023 at 11:13, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <
>> wrote:
>> If demand *for SSW* to use Blazor is overtaking JS, then I'd believe it.
>> I saw the statement made.
>> I've never met a living person who uses Flutter, or the Dart language for
>> that matter. It would be a brave decision to choose that as a development
>> platform for the future.
>> Does MAUI generate browser hosted web apps? I didn't think it was made
>> for that purpose, but maybe it does. I haven't looked yet.
>> If you don't want to use a JavaScript framework, then Webassembly is the
>> future. I see there is a proposal to take JavaScript out of the stack so
>> that Wasm can talk directly to the browser DOM, which I think would be a
>> great leap forward because the JS layer is an utterly useless link in the
>> chain. Then we can finally consign JavaScript to the rubbish bin of history
>> where it belongs.
>> *GK*
>> On Fri, 8 Sept 2023 at 12:47, Tony Wright via ozdotnet <
>>> wrote:
>>> I agree. React demand is far higher than any other front end framework
>>> as far as I can see. Angular ticks all the corporate governance boxes but
>>> it is so unwieldy and requires so much boilerplate before getting to the
>>> business logic it has really lost the war. Most of it comes down to
>>> popularity. If something it discovered that it fast superior to everything
>>> else, you usually see it rocket up the list. Blazor doesn't seem to be
>>> doing that unfortunately. Vue should be more popular. NodeJs if you want a
>>> pure JavaScript approach. But if you don't want a JavaScript framework what
>>> choices do you have? .Net Maui? Flutter?
>>> On Fri, 8 Sep 2023, 12:31 pm DotNet Dude via ozdotnet, <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I find it very hard to believe Blazor demand has overtaken JS. That’s
>>>> an insane comment from Adam
>>>> On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 at 12:05, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Is anyone here actively using Blazor on a decent sized project? I used
>>>>>> it for a while on my last contract but am unable to find new work 
>>>>>> anywhere
>>>>>> that uses Blazor, not a single one!

Re: Blazor popularity and use

2023-09-07 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
I find it very hard to believe Blazor demand has overtaken JS. That’s an
insane comment from Adam

On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 at 12:05, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet 

> Is anyone here actively using Blazor on a decent sized project? I used it
>> for a while on my last contract but am unable to find new work anywhere
>> that uses Blazor, not a single one!
> Compared to server-side ASP.NET and JS Frameworks, Blazor is a gift from
> heaven .. well ... sort-of. Here's a Friday story.
> With the death of Silverlight, we had to replace an app with a quite rich
> UI with something else, what?! Like many people, I was spitting chips angry
> at the suggestion we must replace our Silverlight apps with HTML5 apps. The
> idea that HTML+CSS+JS could replace a WPF-like rich web UI made me laugh
> and cry at the same time.
> Angular was really popular around 2018 so we got an offer to write a JS
> replacement for $200/hr. I then decided to learn Angular and watched 5
> hours of a 10 hour Angular course, at which point I gave up and said f**k
> that s**t. Now what?
> Luckily, Blazor 0.9 was in preview around this time. I spent a whole
> Sunday afternoon experimenting with Blazor. By the end of the day I had
> quite a sophisticated hobby app working with only a few hundred lines of
> coding, thanks to the familiarity of using VS, C# and Razor markup (with a
> bit of JS). The same app in ASP.NET would have taken 5 times as long and
> 5 times the code. The same app in Angular would have required unfamiliar
> tooling and millions of lines of script.
> To answer your question, I have one quite complex Blazor app being used by
> some huge US companies to analyse marketing data (using Telerik and
> SpreadJS components to attempt to make charts and grids as fancy as was
> possible in Silverlight). I have a couple of smaller apps in live use, and
> few little ones for utility use.
> I know the guys at Melbourne App Development
>  are really keen on Blazor and were
> using it for some serious apps just as it reached version 1.0. About 18
> months ago, Adam Cogan at SSW said during the preamble to one of their
> monthly presentations, that Blazor demand had overtaken JS.
> I hope other people in here have similar stories.
> I must end on a sad note. ASP.NET, Blazor, JS, or whatever, all finish-up
> rendering in a web browser. It's tragic that the ancient dumb web browser
> is now the only host for web apps, and that we must attempt to present
> serious business applications using HTML, CSS and JS. The web browser was
> invented so we could have flame wars and look at pictures of cats and porn,
> it's barely evolved since then and it's completely inadequate for rendering
> business applications. Sure it can, but look at the flaming hoops and all
> the weird quirks you have to jump through. Web development is in a
> lamentable state.
> *Greg Keogh*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Re: Blazor popularity and use

2023-09-07 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
We tried it with one small client about two years ago and it went well but
couldn’t find any developers who wanted to use Blazor to expand to other
projects. We mainly use Angular now

On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 at 11:14, Tom Rutter via ozdotnet 

> Is anyone here actively using Blazor on a decent sized project? I used it
> for a while on my last contract but am unable to find new work anywhere
> that uses Blazor, not a single one!
> Thoughts?
> Tom
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
ozdotnet mailing list 
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Re: [OT] Junked business registry overhaul blew out by $2.3b

2023-08-30 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
Another problem is everyone involved has signed off to never speak on the
project details publicly so no learning. This wont be the last one

On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 at 11:50, Dr Greg Low via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> My favourite was Brisbane’s Go Card. Had a friend driving busses in
> Brisbane, and when it was first released, they had the sensitivity wrong.
> He’d drive past a bus stop, and it would charge everyone standing there,
> even if they weren’t getting on.
> It fascinates me that we continue to feel the need to develop these
> things, pretty much from scratch.
> As for the "I'll get some mates together and do it for half the price, I
> fondly remember the guy that quoted to paint the Sydney Harbour Bridge with
> his son. Their quote was a fraction of the prevailing cost. Yes, “how hard
> can it be” 
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile
> SQL Down Under | Web: | About Greg:
> *From:* Greg Keogh via ozdotnet 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 30, 2023 11:15 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Cc:* Greg Keogh 
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Junked business registry overhaul blew out by $2.3b
> Maybe we should set up OzDotNet Consultants specializing in government
> contracts? We could be swimming in cash!
> Yeah, when I see news about a planned $4bn IT project going ahead, I think
> "I'll get some mates together and do it for half the price".
> A replacement MYKI system, no problems. As Homer Simpsons often says, "How
> hard can it be?"
>  -- *Greg K*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
ozdotnet mailing list 
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Re: [OT] Junked business registry overhaul blew out by $2.3b

2023-08-29 Thread DotNet Dude via ozdotnet
Am hesitant to share much but apparently the sh!t show was due to earlier
decisions, 2 or so years old. Technically a lot of the work was being
delivered successfully.

On Tue, 29 Aug 2023 at 17:36, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet 

> Worse, they were probably drowning in XML schema definitions.
>> Only one mention of XML in the redacted report, but three mentions of
>> SBR1, so that still counts. 
> Aha!  That leads to a bit of IT tech talk I can sort-of understand:
> The MBR’s starting point for the technology architecture was Foster
> Moore’s 124 registry software, Catalyst. Catalyst was selected as the
> commercial-off-the-shelf product for the MBR implementation, following a
> formal approach to market and design validation with Foster Moore. 125
> During the course of the program, the implementation changed to a later
> version of Catalyst called Verne.
> Verne is a cloud-hosted registry product that uses Linux/Unix OS and a
> document database that is suitable for registries. It uses a lesser-known
> Java-based programming language called Groovy. 126 Verne provides
> out-of-the-box functionalities for registration management, client
> management, content management, access management, configuration
> management, analytics and reporting, data provision, account management,
> communication management, document management, API management, and fee and
> revenue management. The user interface framework provides a flexible way to
> generate XML based APIs.
> I've heard of Groovy , but
> now I see it's a Java-like static or dynamic language. Foster Moore's
> Verne  software is some gigantic
> off-the-shelf corporate registry software product that claims to be highly
> configurable. There's no mention of what back-end database it uses.
> *Greg K*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Re: WinForms toolbox blank in .NET 6

2022-09-15 Thread DotNet Dude
Hey Greg, have you tried a repair on VS? I usually end up doing that when
weird sh!t happens and although it takes a while it is quicker than it used
to be.

On Sun, 11 Sep 2022 at 09:09, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet 

> Folks, my Windows Forms toolbox is empty for .NET 6 projects. I've
> expended hours on web searches and "Resets" and experiments but it's
> utterly hopeless. I've run out of ideas.
> The problem is only on my work PC, not my idental laptop or in a VM. Has
> anyone experienced this and fixed it? There must be something peculiar
> about my work PC, but what?!?
> I could start randomly uninstalling and installing stuff again, but that
> could go on for days with no promise of a fix. Why does crap like this
> happen so often? Sometimes I spend more time keeping my PC and development
> environment working than I do actually writing software.
> *Greg K*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:

Re: [OT] Google Workspace free edition ending soon

2022-06-23 Thread DotNet Dude
I had a few bounce backs from the list peior to David’s mailman update so
sending this again in case people didn’t receive it…

Some good news here about google workspace free edition. Google are now
offering you to continue with the free version if not used for business
purposes. You just need to opt out of the upgrade.

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 11:49, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Some of you may know the free edition of Google Workspace is ending soon
> and we are now forced to upgrade to a paid version. I only set this up over
> 10 years ago as it was free and allowed me to have a custom domain for
> private use. I only use it for emails.
> Is anybody here in a similar position and planning to move away to another
> service? Any recommendations? I simply wish to keep my emails, in their
> current folder / label structure, and custom domain name.
> I assume one option is to connect my local Outlook to gmail and download
> all my emails and then upload them to another service? Could take a while -
> I have like 10GB of emails.
> Cheers
> -- Tom

Re: ozdotnet - New List Infrastructure

2022-06-22 Thread DotNet Dude
I vaguely recall the old days when it was on “stanski” or something like
that. My memory is not what it used to be

On Wed, 22 Jun 2022 at 14:26, Tony McGee via ozdotnet 

> Agreed, many thanks to our benevolent list maintainer(s).
> Untiring effort, all the way back to when it was called ausDotNet.
> PS. That NUC sounds like a champion, it belongs in a museum as Indy would
> say
> -Tony
> On 21/06/2022 15:17, David Burstin via ozdotnet wrote:
> Thanks David for all the work you do to keep this list going. Really
> appreciated.
> On Tue, 21 Jun 2022, 14:34 David Connors via ozdotnet, <
>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've readded everyone to the new mailman3 hosted environment. There are a
>> few changes to how message headers are presented etc as a result of the
>> move to mailman3.
>> If you want to change your subscription etc then head to
>> I am not going to continue keeping the old archives at
>> and will bin that server as soon
>> as I've removed the other lists from it that no one uses any more.
>> David Connors
>> | M +61 417 189 363
>> Telegram:
>> LinkedIn:
>> ___
>> ozdotnet mailing list --
>> To unsubscribe send an email to
> ___
> ozdotnet mailing list --
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:

Re: [OT] Google Workspace free edition ending soon

2022-05-27 Thread DotNet Dude
Some good news here. Google are now offering you to continue with the free
version if not used for business purposes. You just need to opt out of the

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 11:49, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Some of you may know the free edition of Google Workspace is ending soon
> and we are now forced to upgrade to a paid version. I only set this up over
> 10 years ago as it was free and allowed me to have a custom domain for
> private use. I only use it for emails.
> Is anybody here in a similar position and planning to move away to another
> service? Any recommendations? I simply wish to keep my emails, in their
> current folder / label structure, and custom domain name.
> I assume one option is to connect my local Outlook to gmail and download
> all my emails and then upload them to another service? Could take a while -
> I have like 10GB of emails.
> Cheers
> -- Tom

Re: Regex and Span

2022-01-26 Thread DotNet Dude
On Wed, 26 Jan 2022 at 21:18, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Sorry not helpful for your situation exactly, but I don’t know about regex
>> being easier to read than an old C style method.
> Ah, a religious coding war.
> The C++ raw parsing code that was transliterated into C# looks like
> classic C from the late 1970s (it was actually written in Borland C++ in
> the early 90s), and it really reminds me of the S/360 assembler I wrote in
> the mid 1980s. The only difference between early C and the assembler is the
> indentation.
> The C-style parsing code is about 50 lines of code with ijk ints and
> indexing. The Regex equivalent is 5 short lines (but 10x slower).

For arguments sake perhaps you could rewrite the old code and make it more
readable and retain the speed.

> Do you want the red pill or the blue pill?

I’ll take both.

> *Greg*

Re: Regex and Span

2022-01-25 Thread DotNet Dude
Sorry not helpful for your situation exactly, but I don’t know about regex
being easier to read than an old C style method.

On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 at 11:49, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I have to parse just over a million lines of text as quickly as
> possible. I'm using a Regex instance with a simple pattern (no backtrack or
> the like) and it's taking from 1 to 2 seconds, which my colleague says is
> too slow.
> Since it's a .NET 6 library I was keen to use the Span<> overloads of
> Regex.Match which should perform much better due to reduced allocations,
> but I can't find them. I know there was a big release of Span overloads
> recently, but didn't it make it into Regex?
> FYI -- My colleague used to parse the lines the old C-style way using a for
> (int =0; i substrings
> as he went. That 1970s style code was hard to read, but it performed about
> 10x faster than a Regex. I thought my demo with a Regex.Match and just a
> few lines of code would be faster, but now I have egg on my face. That's
> why I was looking for the Span overloads to save my reputation.
> *Greg K*

Re: Testing Web API

2021-11-28 Thread DotNet Dude
Breakpoint at the start of test method in test project.
Start debugging test project.
Breakpoint in web api action method.
Right click on webapi project and go to Debug -> Start new instance.

When the api call is made, the breakpoint in the action method will get hit.

Give that a go. I do that in VS2019 and it is working.

On Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 4:30 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Howdy, I have a VS2022 solution containing a .NET 6 Web Api project and an
> MS Test project to drive it. You can't hit F5 and run both the web app and
> tests in the debugger at the same time.
> Web searches produce no useful suggestions other than using "dotnet test"
> from the command line while the web app is debugging (which works, but is
> just a workaround). I could run two VS instances at the same time, but that
> seems stupid (is it?).
> Has anyone got a technique for debugging this combination?
> *Greg K*

Re: [OT-ish] IIS win auth for different domains

2021-10-02 Thread DotNet Dude
Try at cmd.exe:

nltest /trusted_domains

On Thu, 9 Sep 2021 at 08:06, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Ok domain\foo definitely does not work. Is that the test to see if there
> is trust or can there still be trust between the domains but something else
> is going on? Any other tests to see if there is trust?
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 1:23 PM David Connors  wrote:
>> Is there a trust between the two domains?
>> If so, people could just be able to log on as domaina\foo or domainb\foo.
>> David Connors
>> | M +61 417 189 363
>> Telegram:
>> LinkedIn:
>> On Wed, 8 Sept 2021 at 13:18, Tom Rutter  wrote:
>>> Hi folks
>>> I have an older web app sitting in IIS and it uses win auth. The IIS
>>> server is in domainA. Is it possible for users in domainB to get
>>> authenticated and access the app? I haven't had any luck. My google
>>> research has made me very confused.
>>> Cheers

Re: Visual Studio 2022

2021-08-06 Thread DotNet Dude
What sort of dev do you do most of the time? Web? Desktop? Wasm? Sql?

Any VS features you are missing?

On Thu, 29 Jul 2021 at 04:25, Peter Gfader  wrote:

> I am actually using Jetbrains Rider since some weeks and am very amazed by
> it.
> * Performance: Startup, Code Navigation, Compile, Run Tests VERY FAST <--
> Important to me.
> * Keyboard shortcuts and available refactorings are HUGE
> Every time I startup VS2019 it takes ages... and running tests (even with
> Resharper)
> Sorry for not being a fanboy here ... anymore...
> Sent from a mobile device. Tiny keys => Tiny emails
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 12:14 PM Dr Greg Low 
> wrote:
>> Love the AI based Intellisense
>> Get Outlook for iOS 
>> --
>> *From:*  on
>> behalf of Greg Keogh 
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 23, 2021 6:54:44 PM
>> *To:* ozDotNet 
>> *Subject:* Visual Studio 2022
>> (TGIF a bit late) I've been playing around with VS2022 in a VM for a
>> couple of weeks. Superficially it looks and feels similar to 2019, but I
>> haven't poked into the depths yet. It compiles and runs all of my personal
>> projects without a worry, but I ran into the following issues:
>> I have to maintain lots of Framework 4.5 projects for a few more months
>> (until new live Windows Server 2019 machines are deployed). Unfortunately
>> the earliest Framework support is for 4.6.1 (2?), but that's fair enough as
>> 4.5 is OLD. Luckily I'll be able to upgrade all those old projects to 4.8
>> to prepare for the new servers. Be aware that old Frameworks are dropped.
>> The following extensions are not available, but it's early days:
>> - Installer MSI/vdproj projects. We'll be completely stuffed if they
>> don't bring that one up.
>> - Sandcastle doc (hang on ... as I type ... I installed the extension,
>> but there is no project of the SHFB type ... confusing!).
>> - Tangible T4 free template colour coder (not critical, but really
>> helpful).
>> Anyone else discovered anything starling about VS2022?
>> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] Google Workspace with expired domain

2021-06-15 Thread DotNet Dude
I faced a similar issue last year and ended up backing up everything to
disk anyway. I backed up emails using Thunderbird and also google takeout
(takeout is quite lame). My domain expired and I just checked and my google
login still works and all previous emails are still there (not sure for how
long though).

On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 at 11:51, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have an old Google Workspace (formerly Google GSuite / Google or
> Business / Google Apps *for Free*) linked to a domain that will soon
> expire. I do not wish to renew the domain. Can anybody here confirm whether
> the existing accounts and emails in the Google Workspace will remain and
> operate as normal? I only need these old emails "just in case" one day.
> I was unable to confirm this via Google help center.
> -- Tom

Re: [OT] Credit check for new contract

2021-06-02 Thread DotNet Dude
Hey Tony,

Tom’s original question was about the recruiter asking for this info which
is quite different from the bank you’re working for. Financial institutions
do ask for the things you mention but I’d be suspicious and hesitant to
pass info like that to a silly old recruiter.

I’ve never been comfortable with systems like WorkPro, particularly with
credit files, which they let you just download as a PDF so the recruiter
can easily forward. Not cool at all.

The whole recruitment model and the systems they use really needs a revamp
to protect user privacy and security. I’m not convinced they are secure.

On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 20:33, Tony Wright  wrote:

> Really? At the bank I have had sign over a right for them to receive every
> contact note for any shares I buy or sell. I also have to submit requests
> to buy or sell shares. That's an Apra requirement. I'm also not allowed to
> have directorships in more than one company, and it has to be an approved
> directorship. So it really does depend on who it is and what it means to
> you. A credit check to ensure that you aren't susceptible to bribery might
> be reasonable too depending on who it is. If it's some random numpty, sure,
> tell them to get stuffed, but some places really do need extra checks on
> their staff.
> On Wed, 2 Jun 2021, 8:25 pm David Connors,  wrote:
>> Personally, I'd decline given the circumstances you've described. It
>> would be like asking for this information from an employee and
>> inappropriate if not probably illegal in the context of an FTE.
>> David Connors
>> | M +61 417 189 363
>> Telegram:
>> LinkedIn:
>> On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 19:20, Tom P  wrote:
>>> Yes as an individual contractor so I did find it very odd. I’ve asked
>>> for a reason so let’s see what they come back with.
>>> Cheers
>>> Tom
>>> On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 19:06, David Connors  wrote:
 If you're doing this as an individual contractor on a work for hire /
 hourly basis then this is pretty strange.

 Even as a company, we almost always decline disclosure of financial
 information on the basis that we're privately held and send whoever is
 asking a letter of solvency from our tax accountants instead (they just
 want to know we're not going to go bust - but that's a very strange
 consideration if you're an individual contractor).

 David Connors | M +61 417 189 363

 On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 18:32, Tom P  wrote:

> Hi folks
> For the experienced contractors here who may know...
> I am in the process of starting a new contract and the recruitment
> agent has requested access to my credit file (via WorkPro). Is this 
> normal?
> I’ve only had one contract in the past and the credit check was not done
> My credit file is clean so that’s not an issue but it contains
> sensitive information such as my credit card limits, etc, so I’m hesitant
> to release it unless absolutely necessary.
> Any info would be appreciated.
> Cheers
> Tom
> Thanks
> Tom
>>> Thanks
>>> Tom

Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens

2021-05-28 Thread DotNet Dude
On Fri, 28 May 2021 at 17:29, mike smith  wrote:

> Who was the vendor?  Seems to be omitted from all the articles I saw

Civica International

> Mike
> On Fri, May 28, 2021, 13:24 Greg Keogh  wrote:
>> For those interested in this story, here is some new information
>>> regarding the audit:
>>> I found the following quote from the article particularly interesting:
>>> *"DJCS expected VIEW to deliver 90 per cent of its required
>>> functionality at the go-live date. However, following its launch, it became
>>> apparent that the vendor had delivered substantially less functionality
>>> than DJCS expected, which DJCS later estimated to be 5 per cent on go
>>> live."*
>> Wow! well found. I only scrolled down the very long page, but it looks
>> like they bought an off-the-shelf system that needed +70% customisation.
>> They did not have the IT expertise to know what they were buying or might
>> need to build. There was no proper manager over the whole thing. Oh! There
>> were conflicts of interest. Inadequate contract management. Inadequate
>> testing.
>> As an aside: the article only contains 13 "impacts".
>> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens

2021-05-27 Thread DotNet Dude
For those interested in this story, here is some new information regarding
the audit:

I found the following quote from the article particularly interesting:

*"DJCS expected VIEW to deliver 90 per cent of its required functionality
at the go-live date. However, following its launch, it became apparent that
the vendor had delivered substantially less functionality than DJCS
expected, which DJCS later estimated to be 5 per cent on go live."*

Crazy stuff.

On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 10:20 AM DotNet Dude  wrote:

> Very interested to see how this ends up. My sources tell me managers and
> testers are jumping off sinking ship.
> On Sat, 23 Nov 2019 at 09:44, mike smith  wrote:
>> Reposted, cos it bounced ;)
>> Mike
>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2019, 13:23 mike smith  wrote:
>>> Another article
>>> On Wed, Nov 13, 2019, 22:44 Ken Schaefer  wrote:
>>>> This works for building a bridge, when you have “firm foundations” on
>>>> which to build upon aka what are the immovable requirements and
>>>> constraints. Many infrastructure projects run into the same problems as IT
>>>> projects - overruns due to changing requirements, or a lack of due
>>>> diligence re requirements.
>>>> At the same time, analysis has its own costs – the cost of employing
>>>> people to keep examining details, and the opportunity cost of forgone
>>>> benefits deferred.
>>>> What I see a lot of in these messages is casting blame onto other
>>>> people (e.g. PMs in this case). Most PMs work within broader enterprise
>>>> constraints (like confidence around cost/time/effort, in order to get
>>>> funding approved). SMEs need to play their part in ensuring that the right
>>>> level of information goes to PMs, in the broader context of “getting stuff
>>>> done”
>>>> Regards
>>>> Ken
>>>> *From:*  *On
>>>> Behalf Of *
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, 28 October 2019 9:20 AM
>>>> *To:* 'ozDotNet' 
>>>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
>>>> I think one of the biggest issues is that so many project managers
>>>> still think you can plan IT projects like you plan building a bridge. The
>>>> difference with a bridge is that you can specify what’s needed, and it’s
>>>> unlikely to change before you finish building the bridge.
>>>> Unfortunately though, that’s also how the people funding it look at it.
>>>> They want to know what it will cost before they start.
>>>> Somehow, we have to get project planning to match reality. At present,
>>>> when there are variations from the plan, that’s seen as a problem, and seen
>>>> as unexpected. But the reality is that it’s totally expected. The problem
>>>> was the idea that bridge-style planning is appropriate.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Greg
>>>> Dr Greg Low
>>>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676
>>>> 4913 fax
>>>> SQL Down Under | Web:
>>>> <>
>>>>  |
>>>> <>
>>>> *From:*  *On

Re: [OT] Power BI publishing

2021-02-02 Thread DotNet Dude
I believe there is a feature to publish to web where the client doesn’t
require the desktop software installed.

There is also an on-premise powerbi report server that can be installed and
used within the org but it has some limitations.

Licensing I think has changed so you only need office365 accounts. Will
have to fact check this.

On Wed, 3 Feb 2021 at 10:01, Tony Wright  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just wondering if anyone has had experience with publishing power bi
> reports for more general consumption within an organisation?
> I'm trying to figure out if the recipients need to have power bi installed
> or not, whether it's any different in Azure, and what licences are needed.
> Kind regards,
> Tony

Re: [OT] Employer wants photo of passport

2020-09-11 Thread DotNet Dude
Normally you would use a trusted middle man such as PharmacyID or WorkPro
for police checks. I prefer and use PharmacyID as they store minimal info
and none of your documents.

On Fri, 11 Sep 2020 at 15:26, Nathan Schultz  wrote:

> Had to hire a new member onto our team recently, and HR needed 100 points
> of ID (which could include a passport).
> We need it because we require a police check (we're a financial firm and
> fraud is an ongoing concern).
> On Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 10:43, Greg Harris 
> wrote:
>> Some years ago, the HR dept wanted a new hire to provide his passport to
>> prove he had the right visa to work here.
>> He was OK as a contractor, but when we offered him a perm role, they
>> wanted more.
>> That was easy, he just brought in the passport and went up to see them.
>> I would scan the passport title page and the Oz visa page, share on
>> dropbox or whatever and send a text message with the link.
>> OT OT
>> Interesting that it was only one of my new hires they asked that of, but
>> he was the clearly overseas one.
>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 12:28 PM Craig vN  wrote:
>>> My wife yesterday had our insurance company randomly call asking to
>>> change details. Told them there is no way she is giving them info to some
>>> random call with no heads up.
>>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 7:44 AM Tony Wright  wrote:
 It's a tough one. I had an argument with a loan company who called me
 and asked me to verify with them so they could access my account details. I
 said no way, because they called me. They argued with me, patronised me,
 and wore me down. I said the previous time they called me they let me call
 them back through switch, but he said that's up to the discretion of the
 rep. I was so pissed off. I still am. That reminds me to write a complaint.
 Sorry, off topic on the OT.

 On Thu, 20 Aug 2020, 9:10 pm Tom P,  wrote:

> Hi folks
> I’ve been verbally offered a contracting role by a recruiter and the
> employer has requested a photo of my passport via email. I do not feel
> comfortable sending this for a few reasons, email is not secure, who knows
> what they will do with the photo like forwarding it, etc.
> How do you all handle this as I’m sure you’ve been in similar
> situations?
> Cheers
> --
> Thanks
> Tom


Re: [OT] Employer wants photo of passport

2020-08-20 Thread DotNet Dude
Worse case scenario you ask them if it’s ok you black out the sensitive
info on the passport before sending like the DOB and passport number. I
assume they just want to see your name and photo on an Aussie passport.

On Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 08:28,  wrote:

> The better ones have started to use voice prints. If they call you, they
> can then have additional verification that it’s you.
> Otherwise, if they call me, and then want to verify details, that’s always
> “no”. Large percentage of the time, they just want to sell you something
> associated with your account, etc. anyway. Their loss.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web:
>  |
> *From:*  *On
> Behalf Of *David Apelt
> *Sent:* Friday, 21 August 2020 7:56 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Employer wants photo of passport
> Is it for a cyber security role? If yes, then it's a test.
> On Fri, 21 Aug. 2020, 7:44 am Tony Wright,  wrote:
> It's a tough one. I had an argument with a loan company who called me and
> asked me to verify with them so they could access my account details. I
> said no way, because they called me. They argued with me, patronised me,
> and wore me down. I said the previous time they called me they let me call
> them back through switch, but he said that's up to the discretion of the
> rep. I was so pissed off. I still am. That reminds me to write a complaint.
> Sorry, off topic on the OT.
> On Thu, 20 Aug 2020, 9:10 pm Tom P,  wrote:
> Hi folks
> I’ve been verbally offered a contracting role by a recruiter and the
> employer has requested a photo of my passport via email. I do not feel
> comfortable sending this for a few reasons, email is not secure, who knows
> what they will do with the photo like forwarding it, etc.
> How do you all handle this as I’m sure you’ve been in similar situations?
> Cheers
> --
> Thanks
> Tom
> Level 5, 143 Coronation Drive, Milton QLD 4064
> | PO Box 1464, Milton QLD 4064
> This e-mail and attachments may contain confidential or privileged
> information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the
> sender immediately by e-mail and then delete this message and attachments.
> In this instance, any distribution, copying, publication, or use of this
> information for any purpose is prohibited.

Re: [OT] Employer wants photo of passport

2020-08-20 Thread DotNet Dude
I’ve used this in the past:

Good luck convincing them though. They want what is easy.

On Thu, 20 Aug 2020 at 21:10, Tom P  wrote:

> Hi folks
> I’ve been verbally offered a contracting role by a recruiter and the
> employer has requested a photo of my passport via email. I do not feel
> comfortable sending this for a few reasons, email is not secure, who knows
> what they will do with the photo like forwarding it, etc.
> How do you all handle this as I’m sure you’ve been in similar situations?
> Cheers
> --
> Thanks
> Tom

Re: Recruiting in Melbourne

2020-08-05 Thread DotNet Dude
On Thu, 6 Aug 2020 at 14:44, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> If you find a gun CSS dev let me know and I will steal them from you ;)
> I don't think you have to be a Bruce Lee Top Gun instructor of CSS for our
> needs. We have 3 developers, but two are from a long C++ background and
> never done modern web work, and I have always avoided web design (it's like
> herding mad cats), so we need someone who knows how to nest and position
> s into columns and rows and set their sizes to fit the browser window.
> There are probably high school kids who can do that, but I can't find
> anyone at any skill level so far.
We are in a similar position. I’m sure we can all do it (with a bunch of
time) but there’s nothing like a proper front end design dev, had one in
the past and made everything so much better.

Re: Recruiting in Melbourne

2020-08-05 Thread DotNet Dude
If you find a gun CSS dev let me know and I will steal them from you ;)

On Thu, 6 Aug 2020 at 11:03, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Any software devs in Melbourne looking for work send me an email off list.
>> The company I work for is looking at the moment.
> And don't forget that I asked in here 10 days ago if there were any CSS
> styling boffins who could help us format our Blazor app pages correctly,
> but I've had zero reponses.
> Surely there must be someone in here, or they know someone who would like
> a few hours paid work to help us, for a start. We're bound to run into more
> web design problems in the future, so we could form a relationship where we
> could call for help when we stumble over problems.
> *Greg*

Re: [OT] Impact of covid19 on devs

2020-06-01 Thread DotNet Dude
Similar story from our experience in Melbourne. Contractors have suffered
and lots I know are out of work. I helped a few get some work but at much
lower rates. I’ve found really good devs are willing to work at lower rates
and surprised other companies are not scooping them up... perhaps they
don’t know about them

On Mon, 1 Jun 2020 at 16:29, David Rhys Jones  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was working as a contractor for an Oil company,  they had to remove all
> contractors.  I've been partially laid off, I am still employed by my
> company but the Government is paying my salary.
> I'm being forced to do online training while they look for work for me.  I
> was planning to change jobs, but there is zero market out there at the
> moment. All the usual head hunters have gone quiet.
> Davy.
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 4:29 AM Tom Rutter  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I’m curious to hear how these lockdowns and such have affected the dev
>> market. Any thoughts and experiences to share?

Re: Tech Support

2020-05-27 Thread DotNet Dude
You’d be surprised at what people do. We migrated several inhouse apps into
Azure last year for a major Aussie company and you’d never guess the things
they were doing. People do stuff and leave the company and nobody notices
for years as things look like they’re working so no complaints... until
either an app goes BANG or someone discovers it by accident.

On Thu, 28 May 2020 at 10:43, Craig vN  wrote:

> Wait, they're running a production website on a laptop sitting in the
> office?
> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 10:30 AM Glen Harvy  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have had a series of requests for help from a certain company over many
>> years in which they have been using my program. The staff member that runs
>> the office is not to bright when it comes to the tech side of computers so
>> I have generally remained calm when none of my 'suggestions' have been
>> heeded.
>> Over the past few weeks a new staff member has arrived on the scene. I
>> don't know if they are a permanent replacement or addition to the team. Nor
>> do I know where my usual contact has disappeared to. Nevertheless, I was
>> looking forward to perhaps establishing a relationship where 'self-help' at
>> the coal face may finally become a reality. Alas, I don't think this will
>> come to happen.
>> Content of emails between me and new team member. This is the full
>> content and only a staff members name has been ommitted:
>> *25th May: Me to client:*
>> Can you please test your website and ensure that this issue has now been
>> fixed.
>> You confirmation that it is now working OK will be appreciated.
>> *25th May: Reply from client:*
>> wont be able to check until the
>> morning.
>> Are members still able to go online in the meantime as the site can't be
>> reached. Let me know, so I can manage their expectations properly.
>> *25th May: Me to client:*
>> Your computer "crashed" at about 5:30 pm last Friday and didn't come back
>> into action until about 9:30 am Monday. Hence your website was down. This
>> has nothing to do with MyCourts except of course your website was also
>> down..
>> Your computer again "crashed" about 5:30 pm this evening. Again, this has
>> nothing to do with MyCourts. As at 6:18 this evening, your computer seems
>> to be working OK.
>> We installed the latest versions of MyCourts this morning and as far as
>> we can tell, MyCourts has been working fine since then.
>> I believe your password for user Staff has been changed. As we need this
>> to reboot your computer from time to time, can you please advise us what
>> the new password is.
>> *28th May: No reply so Me to client:*
>> I am only guessing but I understand your computer is actually a laptop.
>> If so, and you are closing the screen down when leaving at night, you are
>> locking the machine and nothing is working. Hence your website shuts down
>> and our ability to login remotely is disabled. This could be the reason
>> your website has been unreachable from about 5:30 pm to 9:30 am weekdays as
>> well as all last weekend.
>> Can you confirm this is the case please.
>> *28th May: Reply from client:*
>> Its hosted by a computer at the office. Its a bit concerning that we would
>> have to leave the computer running throughout the night for mycourts to
>> able to function properly.
>> --
>> Glen Harvy,
>> *Aquarius Communications* 
>>  Virus-free.
>> <#m_-4406907313737921848_m_-8695448313177870665_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Re: [OT] Any dev jobs?

2020-03-29 Thread DotNet Dude
Hey Tom, ask them to contact me and I’ll see of we can get them something.
We are in need of strong c# and webforms skills if they are happy and
capable to do that


On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 08:00, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hey folks,
> We’re about to let go of a few devs. Rather than them going straight to
> Centrelink in the current climate I thought checking if any of you have any
> vacancies that I can pass on. Any help would be appreciated.
> Cheers

Re: ASP.NET Razor Pages

2020-03-25 Thread DotNet Dude
We have a few apps here using razor pages. Simpler (less files) than mvc.
Not bad but I don’t see them ever being used widely. We are mostly mvc and
webforms and they work well.

On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 21:45, David Apelt 

> Team,
> Is anyone using ASP.NET Razor Pages in a production system?
> There is any number of articles comparing them to MVC (or even WebForms)
> but what are they like when used in anger?
> It strikes me that they provide value but are not sufficiently
> differentiated enough from MVC to justify the futzing around with yet
> another framework.
> Also, I am concerned that they have not gathered enough momentum and will
> be forever considered second class to that of MVC and not benefit from deep
> community support.
> Thoughts?
> Regards
> Dave A
> Level 5, 143 Coronation Drive, Milton QLD 4064
> | PO Box 1464, Milton QLD 4064
> This e-mail and attachments may contain confidential or privileged
> information. If you are not the intended recipient,please notify the sender
> immediately by e-mail and then delete this message and attachments.  In
> this instance, any distribution,copying, publication, or use of this
> information for any purpose is prohibited.

Re: [OT] What Facebook knows

2020-01-23 Thread DotNet Dude
Reminds me of an article I read yonks ago about a hacker sending the cops a
pic of his girlfriend’s goodies with a caption like “suck it”, only for
this super duper hacker not to realise the photo has location information
saved in the metadata.

On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 at 14:46,  wrote:

> You can share your phones contact list with Facebook.
> What this means is that even if you have never used Facebook before, one
> of your friends could have shared your details (name, phone, email) to
> Facebook because they have chosen to provide/sync their phonebook/contact
> list with Facebook.
> Now Facebook knows who you are and you haven’t even signed up or logged
> into Facebook ever.
> *Does Facebook use my phone contacts to make friend recommendations?*
> *Yes. If you share your phone contacts with Facebook or Facebook
> Messenger, the company will use that info to recommend your contacts as
> “Friends you may know.” Timing is a factor here. That means that you may be
> more likely to see a friend recommendation from someone you recently added
> to your phone, versus a contact you’ve had for years.*
> *Do both parties need to be saved into each other’s phones?*
> *No. If someone has added your number to their contact list, you might see
> them in your suggested friends list even if you’ve never added their number
> to your own contact list. It only takes one user to trigger a
> recommendation.*
> What might be even more worring to you is Facebooks facial recognition AI.
> Imagine that someone that you don’t know takes a photo and your face
> happens to be in the background.
> Facebook can match all the faces in the photo, including yours, and link
> it to your Facebook profile.
> Essentially now they have a record of the location and exact time you were
> there because somebody else uploaded a photo.
> Regards
> Adrian Halid
> *From:*  *On
> Behalf Of *Greg Keogh
> *Sent:* Thursday, 23 January 2020 2:33 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* [OT] What Facebook knows
> Folks, most of us probably know what I'm about to say, but when you see it
> live, it's really frightening.
> My wife had to join Facebook for the first time ever to follow her nephew
> who is a firefighter in the ongoing disaster. She joined okay without being
> asked for a phone number. The next day she tried to get in via the Apple
> App and it demanded a mobile number. It was an absolute block until a
> number was entered, so she was compelled to. Now it gets scary...
> She immediately was offered hundreds of friends that included my friends,
> musicians I have played with, her old work mates in jobs going back 40
> years, extended family adult and children friends of both sides of our
> family, old workmates of mine going back to the 1980s, etc, and the list
> goes on to find obscure and tenuous links of every imaginable kind.
> So … given that she has never been on FB before … where did all those
> associations come from? We know they have good algorithms of course, but it
> means that FB could be used to perform a comprehensive and reliable
> analysis of the complete life of someone who isn't even a member. Imagine
> if the police, or criminals, or an oppressive government simply asked FB
> "what do you know about person X?" Even if X isn't a member, they could
> compile a fantastically detailed dossier.
> How much information does FB hold? Who are they sharing it with? It's
> worse than we think.
> *Greg K*

Re: OT: Robo Vacs

2020-01-20 Thread DotNet Dude
I found it depends on your floors and what your idea of clean is. Forget
carpet. Tiles and timber floors they are ok, just ok. Not worth the money
imo. You can sweep (those material heads, I forget the name) and do an
equivalent if not better job in a few mins on hard floors.

On Mon, 20 Jan 2020 at 21:50, David Connors  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Very off topic but what success has anyone had here with robo vacs?
> Our 11 month old German Shepherd is blowing her coat and the place is dog
> hair central hence the question.
> I know a few people who have had them but they've died after a few months
> etc. The better ones that can self empty etc seem to be around the $1500
> mark - which gets up there in price as we have two floors and they haven't
> invented one that climbs stairs yet. :)
> David Connors
> | M +61 417 189 363
> Telegram:
> LinkedIn:

Re: DI in MVC

2019-12-03 Thread DotNet Dude
Agree with Nick here. Useful for testing mainly and haven’t found it
annoying yet. We don’t bother with tiny apps when writing tests is a waste
of time.

On Wed, 4 Dec 2019 at 10:34, Nick Randolph  wrote:

> I’m interested in the opinions regarding the use of DI – why is it that
> you avoid it?
> I’m asking because I see cases where I find DI invaluable (eg testing) and
> almost never find that it gets in the way. I’m interested to know whether
> the opinions are generated based on bad experiences with DI, or a perceived
> lack of benefits of DI.
> *Nick Randolph* | *Built to Roam Pty Ltd* | Co-Founder, Technical Lead |
> +61 412 413 425 | 1300 613 140 |
> The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not
> the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this
> email in any way. Built to Roam Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of
> any emails or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the
> author's own and may not reflect the views or opinions of Built to Roam Pty
> Ltd.
> *From:*  *On
> Behalf Of *David Burstin
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 4 December 2019 10:19 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* Re: DI in MVC
> Yep. I avoid DI like the plague, but no option in a legacy MVC
> project. Thanks anyway.
> On Wed, 4 Dec 2019, 09:58 Greg Keogh,  wrote:
> No takers?
> Sorry I can't help. I only use DI when I'm forced to, or it's really
> simply integrated (like in Blazor). I consider DI another form of "magic
> plumbing" and prefer something closer to the service locator pattern. The
> problem you're seeing is one I hit when writing Xamarin with FreshMVVM, it
> became DI spaghetti --* Greg K*

Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens

2019-11-22 Thread DotNet Dude
Very interested to see how this ends up. My sources tell me managers and
testers are jumping off sinking ship.

On Sat, 23 Nov 2019 at 09:44, mike smith  wrote:

> Reposted, cos it bounced ;)
> Mike
> On Tue, Nov 19, 2019, 13:23 mike smith  wrote:
>> Another article
>> On Wed, Nov 13, 2019, 22:44 Ken Schaefer  wrote:
>>> This works for building a bridge, when you have “firm foundations” on
>>> which to build upon aka what are the immovable requirements and
>>> constraints. Many infrastructure projects run into the same problems as IT
>>> projects - overruns due to changing requirements, or a lack of due
>>> diligence re requirements.
>>> At the same time, analysis has its own costs – the cost of employing
>>> people to keep examining details, and the opportunity cost of forgone
>>> benefits deferred.
>>> What I see a lot of in these messages is casting blame onto other people
>>> (e.g. PMs in this case). Most PMs work within broader enterprise
>>> constraints (like confidence around cost/time/effort, in order to get
>>> funding approved). SMEs need to play their part in ensuring that the right
>>> level of information goes to PMs, in the broader context of “getting stuff
>>> done”
>>> Regards
>>> Ken
>>> *From:*  *On
>>> Behalf Of *
>>> *Sent:* Monday, 28 October 2019 9:20 AM
>>> *To:* 'ozDotNet' 
>>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
>>> I think one of the biggest issues is that so many project managers still
>>> think you can plan IT projects like you plan building a bridge. The
>>> difference with a bridge is that you can specify what’s needed, and it’s
>>> unlikely to change before you finish building the bridge.
>>> Unfortunately though, that’s also how the people funding it look at it.
>>> They want to know what it will cost before they start.
>>> Somehow, we have to get project planning to match reality. At present,
>>> when there are variations from the plan, that’s seen as a problem, and seen
>>> as unexpected. But the reality is that it’s totally expected. The problem
>>> was the idea that bridge-style planning is appropriate.
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Dr Greg Low
>>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
>>> fax
>>> SQL Down Under | Web:
>>>  |
>>> *From:*  *On
>>> Behalf Of *Ken Schaefer
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, 27 October 2019 9:38 PM
>>> *To:* ozDotNet 
>>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
>>> Depends on how your measure success.
>>> By the typical bottom-line, most projects aren’t “successes”. However,
>>> lots of organisations have:
>>>1. Arbitrary limits on how much contingency can be included – which
>>>then doesn’t reflect the true level of uncertainty in the project
>>>2. Requirements change
>>>3. Vendors, systems integrators etc. go bust, change direction or
>>>4. Your project competes with everyone else’s for scarce capital, so
>>>everyone has an incentive to downplay cost, and upsell benefits
>>>5. Technological cost estimates can be done relatively accurately,
>>>but large-scale projects include significant organisational change which 
>>> is
>>>much harder to estimate/cost up-front.
>>> By my guess, about 15-20% of large IT projects ($50-100m+) are
>>> successful. Maybe 20-30% are real failures. Everything else is in a bit of
>>> a grey area where they are failures based on initial cost/time/features
>>> criteria, but might have been successful if business cases were allowed to
>>> be more realistic.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ken
>>> *From:*  *On
>>> Behalf Of *
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 23 October 2019 2:25 PM
>>> *To:* 'ozDotNet' 
>>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
>>> Not sure about that. I endlessly hear that the success ratio for large
>>> IT projects is around 30%, not up around 70 or 80%.
>>> It’s quite appalling really.
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Dr Greg Low

Re: Ping

2019-11-22 Thread DotNet Dude
Pong. No

On Sat, 23 Nov 2019 at 00:44, mike smith  wrote:

> Anyone else getting server timeouts?

Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens

2019-10-27 Thread DotNet Dude
Yep but every 6-9 mths when the system is full of critical bugs is a joke

On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 at 09:49, mike smith  wrote:

> Even alleged followers of Agile don't always do frequent releases
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2019, 09:43 DotNet Dude  wrote:
>> Agreed. Also some clients, especially government, such as Fines Victoria
>> in this example, still want to follow a waterfall approach and insist on
>> it. I know the Fines Vic people would not allow frequent releases and so
>> the releases would build up into monsters that would be deployed every 6-9
>> months. This approach never goes well and in this case certainly did not.
>> On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 at 09:20,  wrote:
>>> I think one of the biggest issues is that so many project managers still
>>> think you can plan IT projects like you plan building a bridge. The
>>> difference with a bridge is that you can specify what’s needed, and it’s
>>> unlikely to change before you finish building the bridge.
>>> Unfortunately though, that’s also how the people funding it look at it.
>>> They want to know what it will cost before they start.
>>> Somehow, we have to get project planning to match reality. At present,
>>> when there are variations from the plan, that’s seen as a problem, and seen
>>> as unexpected. But the reality is that it’s totally expected. The problem
>>> was the idea that bridge-style planning is appropriate.
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Dr Greg Low
>>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
>>> fax
>>> SQL Down Under | Web:
>>> <>
>>>  |
>>> <>
>>> *From:*  *On
>>> Behalf Of *Ken Schaefer
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, 27 October 2019 9:38 PM
>>> *To:* ozDotNet 
>>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
>>> Depends on how your measure success.
>>> By the typical bottom-line, most projects aren’t “successes”. However,
>>> lots of organisations have:
>>>1. Arbitrary limits on how much contingency can be included – which
>>>then doesn’t reflect the true level of uncertainty in the project
>>>2. Requirements change
>>>3. Vendors, systems integrators etc. go bust, change direction or
>>>4. Your project competes with everyone else’s for scarce capital, so
>>>everyone has an incentive to downplay cost, and upsell benefits
>>>5. Technological cost estimates can be done relatively accurately,
>>>but large-scale projects include significant organisational change which 
>>> is
>>>much harder to estimate/cost up-front.
>>> By my guess, about 15-20% of large IT projects ($50-100m+) are
>>> successful. Maybe 20-30% are real failures. Everything else is in a bit of
>>> a grey area where they are failures based on initial cost/time/features
>>> criteria, but might have been successful if business cases were allowed to
>>> be more realistic.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ken
>>> *From:*  *On
>>> Behalf Of *
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 23 October 2019 2:25 PM
>>> *To:* 'ozDotNet' 
>>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
>>> Not sure about that. I endlessly hear that the success ratio for large
>>> IT projects is around 30%, not up around 70 or 80%.
>>> It’s quite appalling really.

Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens

2019-10-27 Thread DotNet Dude
Agreed. Also some clients, especially government, such as Fines Victoria in
this example, still want to follow a waterfall approach and insist on it. I
know the Fines Vic people would not allow frequent releases and so the
releases would build up into monsters that would be deployed every 6-9
months. This approach never goes well and in this case certainly did not.

On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 at 09:20,  wrote:

> I think one of the biggest issues is that so many project managers still
> think you can plan IT projects like you plan building a bridge. The
> difference with a bridge is that you can specify what’s needed, and it’s
> unlikely to change before you finish building the bridge.
> Unfortunately though, that’s also how the people funding it look at it.
> They want to know what it will cost before they start.
> Somehow, we have to get project planning to match reality. At present,
> when there are variations from the plan, that’s seen as a problem, and seen
> as unexpected. But the reality is that it’s totally expected. The problem
> was the idea that bridge-style planning is appropriate.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web:
>  |
> *From:*  *On
> Behalf Of *Ken Schaefer
> *Sent:* Sunday, 27 October 2019 9:38 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* RE: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
> Depends on how your measure success.
> By the typical bottom-line, most projects aren’t “successes”. However,
> lots of organisations have:
>1. Arbitrary limits on how much contingency can be included – which
>then doesn’t reflect the true level of uncertainty in the project
>2. Requirements change
>3. Vendors, systems integrators etc. go bust, change direction or
>4. Your project competes with everyone else’s for scarce capital, so
>everyone has an incentive to downplay cost, and upsell benefits
>5. Technological cost estimates can be done relatively accurately, but
>large-scale projects include significant organisational change which is
>much harder to estimate/cost up-front.
> By my guess, about 15-20% of large IT projects ($50-100m+) are successful.
> Maybe 20-30% are real failures. Everything else is in a bit of a grey area
> where they are failures based on initial cost/time/features criteria, but
> might have been successful if business cases were allowed to be more
> realistic.
> Regards,
> Ken
> *From:*  *On
> Behalf Of *
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 23 October 2019 2:25 PM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet' 
> *Subject:* RE: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
> Not sure about that. I endlessly hear that the success ratio for large IT
> projects is around 30%, not up around 70 or 80%.
> It’s quite appalling really.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web:
>  |
> *From:*  *On
> Behalf Of *mike smith
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 23 October 2019 12:45 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens
> Success stories don't seem to make it into MSM.  pity, because you'd think
> there's more successful outcomes than failures
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2019, 12:24 Greg Keogh  wrote:
> Interesting front page article in The Age newspaper today
> about a Victorian government IT disaster. IT disasters are routine (I'm
> sure we've all caused a few!) but it's interesting that they 

Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens

2019-10-23 Thread DotNet Dude
Myki is another product bought from overseas I heard. From one of the
Scandinavian countries I think. Managed by NTTData from memory, could be
wrong, don’t quote me.

On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 10:42, David Connors  wrote:

> Myki in Vic should get a notable mention... ticketing system for trams
> and trains that was the same price as building sending a couple of
> Opportunity Rovers to Mars.
> David Connors
> | M +61 417 189 363
> Telegram:
> LinkedIn:
> On Wed, 23 Oct 2019 at 19:50, Grant Maw  wrote:
>> It's not just Victoria. The QLD government IT projects 9ver recent years
>> have also been rolled gold catastrophes
>> On Wed, 23 Oct. 2019, 11:24 am Greg Keogh,  wrote:
>>> Interesting front page article in The Age newspaper today
>>> about a Victorian government IT disaster. IT disasters are routine (I'm
>>> sure we've all caused a few!) but it's interesting that they actually name
>>> the software as VIEW from a company called Civica. The article is a bit
>>> vague about what's actually wrong, it just says "[it] doesn't work", "the
>>> system was absolute chaos" and systems are not "talking to" their
>>> computers. Does anyone have inside gossip about what really happened?
>>> There was another vast IT disaster a few years ago related to the
>>> education system I think, where dodgy contracts were being awarded to
>>> mates, and I think the loss ran into the hundreds of millions. That story
>>> vanished from the news and I never found out what happened.
>>> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens

2019-10-22 Thread DotNet Dude
Old .net framework c# upgraded from the original system written around 2004
with heavy use of poorly written sql server sprocs. All hosted locally in
IIS. Crystal reports.

Apparently the main issues are with several batch processing windows
services. All c# and all poorly written. God classes with all code in a
single class type thing. The usual.

Sad when it cost over a hundred million.

On Wed, 23 Oct 2019 at 14:39, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Ah interesting! Do you know what languages and platforms were involved?
> *GK*
> I actually know someone who worked on the system at Civica. The system was
>> an old legacy system from the UK which they butchered to fit the very vague
>> requirements from the Fines Vic.

Re: [OT] Fines Victoria crisis deepens

2019-10-22 Thread DotNet Dude
I actually know someone who worked on the system at Civica. The system was
an old legacy system from the UK which they butchered to fit the very vague
requirements from the Fines Vic.

The system is now overly complex and full of bugs. Several components like
the payment arrangement functionality requires manual intervention every
night to correct data.

Usual problems like mismanagement and outsourcing to India most of the dev
work also.

This won’t end well.

On Wed, 23 Oct 2019 at 12:24, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Interesting front page article in The Age newspaper today
> about a Victorian government IT disaster. IT disasters are routine (I'm
> sure we've all caused a few!) but it's interesting that they actually name
> the software as VIEW from a company called Civica. The article is a bit
> vague about what's actually wrong, it just says "[it] doesn't work", "the
> system was absolute chaos" and systems are not "talking to" their
> computers. Does anyone have inside gossip about what really happened?
> There was another vast IT disaster a few years ago related to the
> education system I think, where dodgy contracts were being awarded to
> mates, and I think the loss ran into the hundreds of millions. That story
> vanished from the news and I never found out what happened.
> *Greg K*

Re: Connection string to SQL Server requires port specified

2019-10-20 Thread DotNet Dude
Sorry forgot to mention we are attempting to connect to a named instance.

On Fri, 18 Oct 2019 at 13:11, DotNet Dude  wrote:

> Hi all,
> We’re facing a strange problem. A new Web server of ours is hosting a
> legacy web service (asmx) in IIS and for some reason connections
> to the database backend do not work unless we specifically put the default
> 1433 port number in the connection string in the web.config.
> Also, from the web server a UDL file is able to connect without the port
> specified so seems a bit strange the web app cannot do the same.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers

Connection string to SQL Server requires port specified

2019-10-17 Thread DotNet Dude
Hi all,

We’re facing a strange problem. A new Web server of ours is hosting a
legacy web service (asmx) in IIS and for some reason connections to
the database backend do not work unless we specifically put the default
1433 port number in the connection string in the web.config.

Also, from the web server a UDL file is able to connect without the port
specified so seems a bit strange the web app cannot do the same.

Any ideas?


Re: Friendly URL for intranet apps

2019-09-19 Thread DotNet Dude
An A or CNAME dns record can do what you want

On Fri, 20 Sep 2019 at 15:04, Tom P  wrote:

> Hi folks
> I’m moving an intranet app from an old server to a new server. Currently
> the users access the site with a URL like http://*serverA*/appName/.
> The issue is now that I’m moving the app the server name in the URL will
> change to http://*serverB*/appName.
> All the users are forced to update their bookmarks which is a bit lame in
> my view.
> I’m sure this isn’t a new issue. What is a good way to handle this?
> Would be good to have a URL like but where
> would this be set up? In IIS somewhere? DNS entry? How and where to set it
> up?
> Cheers
> --
> Thanks
> Tom

Re: [OT] GitHub busy?

2019-08-23 Thread DotNet Dude
Who the F uses Edge? Seriously

On Fri, 23 Aug 2019 at 14:15, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> It seems to be an Edge browser problem. I just installed and ran the
> latest Chrome in a VM and all the bits are working. It's still a worry! --*
> Greg*

Re: Versioning Solutions

2019-08-16 Thread DotNet Dude
+1 for Mike’s suggestion

On Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 13:45, mike smith  wrote:

> I'd wonder if it wouldn't be easier to have just one version, but with
> extra features enabled or not, depending on customer.  Having to maintain
> fixes in multiple versions gets to be a lot of work, testing, etc.
> Mike
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2019, 13:15 Glen Harvy  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Up till now I have been releasing updates to my projects to all valid
>> licence holders if they have a current 'support/upgrade' licence. What I
>> want to do is  keep maintaining the current version (for example version
>> 15) but I also want to release a new version (for example version 16). I
>> want to charge version 15 licence holders should they wish to upgrade to
>> version 16 but at the same time I will maintain version 15 for bug fixes
>> and minor improvements etc.
>> A complication is that Version 16 will have updated third party libraries
>> whilst version 15 will only have the current version of the third party
>> library. Unfortunately, the different versions of the third party libraries
>> cannot both be installed on the same machine.
>> I believe the above scenario will mean that I will need to maintain
>> separate projects for version 15 as well as version 16 plus (one day)
>> version 17 etc.  Unless I update version 15 third party libraries to the
>> newer versions of their libraries (and that is an option) then the separate
>> projects will also need to reside on separate machines.
>> I assume that the above can and probably often is resolved by using Git
>> and branches which I do currently use for tracking but I was wondering if
>> anyone else can share their experience before I take any course.
>> Glen Harvy,
>> *Aquarius Communications* 
>>  Virus-free.
>> <#m_-5550497165796426406_m_6029028682910055284_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Re: JSON deserialize

2019-07-24 Thread DotNet Dude
Apparently Mr NewtonSoft is now working for Microsoft on the Json project

On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 at 14:33, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> > it's worth noting that NewtonSoft Json.NET will NOT be installed by
> default as of .Net Core 3.0:
> I was preparing an invoice to send to James Newton-King to charge him for
> the countless hair-tearing hours of my life wasted trying to get rid of
> version conflict errors in my builds. So many wildly different versions of
> the library have become glued to so many components and libraries that he's
> effectively created a gigantic maths puzzle. And why does he keep updating
> the major and minor version numbers when (as far as I can tell) the
> commonly used part of the API doesn't change? I've seen other complaints
> that he's not following a sensible versioning strategy.
> I was also pleased to read several weeks ago in the Core release blogs
> that Microsoft will provide a leaner faster Json processing library, and
> hopefully they won't keep churning out new versions like confetti. Good
> riddance to Newtonsoft and yet another external dependency.
> *Greg K*

Re: Distributing Azure apps

2019-07-14 Thread DotNet Dude
I’ve seen custom powershell scripts and also automated pipelines (with
CI/CD) in Azure DevOps aka VSTS

On Sat, 13 Jul 2019 at 10:48, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, if I want to give someone a traditional ASP.NET app to run in
> their IIS then I create a web installer MSI and hand it over. What is the
> equivalent for an app that will be deployed to Azure?
> Currently I'm deploying directly from inside Visual Studio 2019, which is
> a narrow and amateurish way of doing it, so I need to learn the "real" way.
> How are others doing it?
> *Greg K*

Re: 3 x senior .net developers needed

2019-06-27 Thread DotNet Dude
I’ve heard similar about Canberra. Most govt tech is like 10 yrs old
(exaggerating a bit) and things move super slow so depends on what you’re
after. I’ve never found chasing the money to work for me so we always go
after projects based on tech and domain.

On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 at 09:14, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> $140/hr is quite easy to get doing govt contracts
> On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 at 07:26, Tom Gao  wrote:
>> Relocation is always an option :)
>> How much are they paying in Canberra?
>> On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 at 6:53 am, Tom Rutter  wrote:
>>> Yeah tell me about it. Melb rates are way lower. Canberra rates are
>>> astronomical
>>> On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 at 21:02, David Burstin 
>>> wrote:
 Oh wow. I wish you were in Melbourne.

 On Thu., 27 Jun. 2019, 20:15 Tom Gao,  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I've been on this forum for many years now since my developer days. my
> team is currently looking for 3 x senior .net fullstack developers in
> contracting positions with the opportunity to transition to perm roles. 
> Our
> rates are 900-950 p/d 12 months contract to start with. We're just above
> sydney townhall station so location is at the heart of the cbd.
> We're looking for someone ideally with digital agency background with
> enterprise environment experience.
> If you're interested please drop me a line.
> Thanks,
> Tom

Re: [OT] Contracting advice for payroll

2019-06-22 Thread DotNet Dude
I meant the 30% for a company was a benefit. Individual rates will be much
higher normally for contractor rates these days

On Sun, 23 Jun 2019 at 14:59, Greg Low  wrote:

> But you claim the 30% back as franking credits, so no issue.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> SQL Down Under Pty Ltd
> Mobile: +61419201410 Office: 1300775775
> --
> *From:* on behalf of DotNet Dude <
> *Sent:* Sunday, June 23, 2019 1:24 pm
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Contracting advice for payroll
> Companies also pay 30% tax so keep that in mind. Set up costs are around
> $2500+gst if I recall correctly and you get an ABN and ACN.
> Several agents in Melbourne only deal with companies from our experience.
> Sole traders don’t have to pay super which can be a good or bad thing.
> On Sun, 23 Jun 2019 at 13:13, Greg Low  wrote:
>> I’ve always had a company and have to say I can’t imagine not doing so,
>> but YMMV.
>> I think it’s the most flexible by far.
>> Mind you, I don’t look for long term gigs, otherwise the 80% rule, etc.
>> around personal services starts to be an issue. As soon as you want other
>> employees, etc, I would only use a company.
>> 10M for both prof and prod liability isn’t too expensive. So many of our
>> customers want it so it’s a no brainer. Someone recommended BizCover a long
>> time back, we’ve used them, and they’ve been ok to deal with so far. Gets
>> cheaper the longer you have it without any claims.
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> Dr Greg Low
>> SQL Down Under Pty Ltd
>> Mobile: +61419201410 Office: 1300775775
>> --
>> *From:* on behalf of Stephen Price <
>> *Sent:* Sunday, June 23, 2019 12:32 pm
>> *To:* ozDotNet
>> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Contracting advice for payroll
>> I might also add, that the easiest option is to just go with the PAYG
>> option. You pay tax as you go, so don't have to pay the ATO at some later
>> date (and realise you didn't keep any aside...) and there is also GST you
>> would have to collect and submit either annually or quarterly (but if the
>> amount is under a certain amount per year then you don't have to collect
>> GST)... forget what that amount is currently. I'm registered currently (for
>> side gigs) but the amount is less than their threshold... if its under, its
>> up to you if you do collect it or not but if its over it, then you have to.
>> Its less to think about if you go PAYG with your first contract.
>> Oh, as a sole trader you get an ABN (also as a company) which is the main
>> requirement. I think if you go the PAYG route then all of the tax stuff is
>> done as yourself using your tax file number. Get a good accountant, it's
>> worth it. Might spend extra money on the accountant, but they know the
>> stuff you can claim etc and you end up saving way more in taxes, plus they
>> keep up to date on the regular rule changes... crazy not to, unless you
>> like giving your money away. if so, I'll send you my bank account
>> details... hehe
>> --
>> *From:*  on
>> behalf of Tom P 
>> *Sent:* Sunday, 23 June 2019 8:28 AM
>> *To:* ozDotNet
>> *Subject:* [OT] Contracting advice for payroll
>> Hi folks
>> This is the first time I will be in a contracting role. I've done some
>> digging around payroll options but wanted to check with any contractors
>> here about their experiences and recommendations.
>> There seems to be three options: (1) PAYG where the recruitment agent
>> does it all, (2) set up my own company, or (3) use a management company.
>> Any advice from the contracting pros?
>> Thanks
>> Tom

Re: [OT] Contracting advice for payroll

2019-06-22 Thread DotNet Dude
Companies also pay 30% tax so keep that in mind. Set up costs are around
$2500+gst if I recall correctly and you get an ABN and ACN.

Several agents in Melbourne only deal with companies from our experience.

Sole traders don’t have to pay super which can be a good or bad thing.

On Sun, 23 Jun 2019 at 13:13, Greg Low  wrote:

> I’ve always had a company and have to say I can’t imagine not doing so,
> but YMMV.
> I think it’s the most flexible by far.
> Mind you, I don’t look for long term gigs, otherwise the 80% rule, etc.
> around personal services starts to be an issue. As soon as you want other
> employees, etc, I would only use a company.
> 10M for both prof and prod liability isn’t too expensive. So many of our
> customers want it so it’s a no brainer. Someone recommended BizCover a long
> time back, we’ve used them, and they’ve been ok to deal with so far. Gets
> cheaper the longer you have it without any claims.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> SQL Down Under Pty Ltd
> Mobile: +61419201410 Office: 1300775775
> --
> *From:* on behalf of Stephen Price <
> *Sent:* Sunday, June 23, 2019 12:32 pm
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Contracting advice for payroll
> I might also add, that the easiest option is to just go with the PAYG
> option. You pay tax as you go, so don't have to pay the ATO at some later
> date (and realise you didn't keep any aside...) and there is also GST you
> would have to collect and submit either annually or quarterly (but if the
> amount is under a certain amount per year then you don't have to collect
> GST)... forget what that amount is currently. I'm registered currently (for
> side gigs) but the amount is less than their threshold... if its under, its
> up to you if you do collect it or not but if its over it, then you have to.
> Its less to think about if you go PAYG with your first contract.
> Oh, as a sole trader you get an ABN (also as a company) which is the main
> requirement. I think if you go the PAYG route then all of the tax stuff is
> done as yourself using your tax file number. Get a good accountant, it's
> worth it. Might spend extra money on the accountant, but they know the
> stuff you can claim etc and you end up saving way more in taxes, plus they
> keep up to date on the regular rule changes... crazy not to, unless you
> like giving your money away. if so, I'll send you my bank account
> details... hehe
> --
> *From:*  on
> behalf of Tom P 
> *Sent:* Sunday, 23 June 2019 8:28 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* [OT] Contracting advice for payroll
> Hi folks
> This is the first time I will be in a contracting role. I've done some
> digging around payroll options but wanted to check with any contractors
> here about their experiences and recommendations.
> There seems to be three options: (1) PAYG where the recruitment agent does
> it all, (2) set up my own company, or (3) use a management company.
> Any advice from the contracting pros?
> Thanks
> Tom

Re: .NET Core or .NET Framework

2019-06-02 Thread DotNet Dude
>From Microsoft -

On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 6:59 PM Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hi folks
> In what situations would one would choose .net framework over .net core
> for building a new desktop application? We can wait for .net core 3 if that
> is a decider.
> Cheers
> Tom

Re: [OT] New job

2019-05-08 Thread DotNet Dude
Here we go again with someone from Newcastle bragging how awesome Newcastle
is... Yes, we know it’s awesome. Stop rubbing it in.

On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 19:21, Steven Parish 

> Hi Tom,
> Any chance you're interested in moving to Newcastle? Its a great place to
> live - great surf beaches, close to the vineyards :)
> Kind Regards,
> Steven Parish
> *Managing Director*
> BusinessCraft Pty Ltd | | M: 0417 688 599| T:02
> 4965  | Level 1, 418-422 Hunter Street, Newcastle, NSW
> 2300
> On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 14:29, Tom P  wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> Anyone’s Melbourne based workplace looking for a .NET developer?
>> Cheers
>> Tom
>> --
>> Thanks
>> Tom

Re: Blazor comments

2019-01-30 Thread DotNet Dude
I believe Silverlight died mainly because of the lack of support for the
plugin on iPhones. Blame Apple.

On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 17:53, Arjang Assadi  wrote:

> until a rendering engine is included I can not see any benefit to using
> blazer or any other WASM equivalents. Flash as bad as it was , was a better
> solution , no idea what the big idea was to kill it off , or for that
> matter ms unilaterally killing silver light.
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 5:26 pm Greg Keogh  wrote:
>> Folks, has anyone else in here given Blazor a good bash and got comments?
>> I've run some sanity tests on 0.7 and it's looking pretty good. You can
>> reference packages and projects, there's basic binding (which I hope they
>> improve), you can break things up into "components" and nest them, separate
>> code-behind if you want, register and inject services, define routing, make
>> async web calls, deploy to Azure web apps, etc. All this stuff I mentioned
>> is in the docs, but I had to try it myself to see if it really works. The
>> only thing I haven't tried yet is rendering a large complex page to see how
>> it performs and responds to DOM changes.
>> So finally it looks like there's a real chance in the .NET ecosystem that
>> the crazy zoo of JS frameworks to make SPAs will be displaced by a familiar
>> and respected languages and frameworks. Great, but suddenly I was slapped
>> hard by a shocking realisation … we're still stuck using the web browser
>> and HTML (and some JS glue) for rendering the UI.
>> The web browser cannot render complex business app UIs. Where are the
>> rich controls and layout features we are used to on the desktop, or in
>> Silverlight, or Flash or Java Applets for that matter? HTML was created to
>> render simple text and pictures and now 27 years later it's completely
>> effing stupid that we're still trying to create apps with it. We're
>> changing how those apps are written, but we're still stuck with the damn
>> browser and HTML for rendering.
>> I have an example … a few weeks ago I wondered by a web page was taking
>> 40s to load. It turned out I was loading a tree (a fake one, as there is no
>> tree control) with 4000 nodes, each one in a div and 3880 of them were
>> hidden. So the page looked small and tidy, but there were thousands of
>> hidden divs. I spent hours of suffering inventing a click-demand-load
>> technique. There is no virtualisation in HTML, which is taken for granted
>> in real UI frameworks.
>> There endeth the good news and the bad news.
>> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] Server 2008 R2 to 2019

2018-12-26 Thread DotNet Dude
Mother in law got me a book on c++ MFC. 100% serious

On Thu, 27 Dec 2018 at 18:15, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> Merry Xmas etc. I bought myself a welder but I also gave away some tech
> does that count?
> On Thu., 27 Dec. 2018, 8:07 pm Greg Keogh 
>> Hi folks (quiet in here lately... where is all the .NET chatter these
>> days?)
>> My home office LAN has a Windows 2008 R2 server running on a real box. It
>> only does two things:
>> 1. It's the domain controller.
>> 2. It runs my 2008 R2 web server inside Hyper-V.
>> I'd like to update the 2008 R2 DC to 2019, just so I have the latest for
>> testing and learning. However I have never before upgraded or replaced a DC
>> and I'm not sure what the easiest path is. I could just wipe and install
>> 2019 and set the DC feature, but all the AD tree of computers and users
>> would be gone and all the authentication and ACLs all over the LAN would be
>> cactus (I think).
>> Is there some ay of upgrading my DC with the least suffering? Any general
>> advice would be most welcome.
>> Cheers,
>> *Greg*
>> P.S. I must be marginal, as Santa just gave me socks, undies and Bunnings
>> vouchers … nothing IT related. Anyone get any good tech?

Re: A new DLL Hell?

2018-09-24 Thread DotNet Dude
Before they used to tell us a single massive .net framework was the way to
go because everything just worked and everything was available. Now they’re
telling us to just “have” the components we need which means bringing down
and chaining numerous packages.

Better now? Arguable.

On Sun, 2 Sep 2018 at 11:00, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I just resurrected an old utility project that pokes into IIS logs.
> I updated the project to Framework 4.6.1 and add the
> Microsoft.Web.Administration package. I notice that it adds a total of 56
> packages and about 100 dll files to the build output.
> I see that the bulk of the files have been pulled in through a reference
> to NETStandard.Library 1.6.0. Now, this is a full .NET Framework 4.6.1
> project, so why have packages for things like System.Console and
> System.Collections been added when they're already in the full Framework?
> Is there some trend I'm not aware of caused by the introduction of .NET
> Standard?
> *Greg K*

Re: Web app development process

2018-04-17 Thread DotNet Dude
My recommendation is to not use web forms. I don't care what anyone thinks,
just don't use it. Your life will be easier.

Mvc or webapi with some js framework like Aurelia.

On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 at 12:45, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I'm creating a non-trivial ASP.NET Web Forms application for the
> first time in several years. I have previously suffered from the terrible
> problem where I spend more time on formatting and stying than I do on
> coding. Sometimes it can take 1 hour to get a single web page working, then
> it takes 4 hours to make it look nice. I thought I'd try Bootstrap this
> time to ease the burden of styling, but now I'm wasting more time learning
> all the conventions and quirks of Bootstrap. This is typical, I find if you
> decide to use some "kit" then you usually have to become an expert in that
> kit.
> The answer to this problem is to split the development into (1) coding (2)
> styling. I have done this twice before, over 10 years ago ... I write a
> completely working web site with only the bare minimum formatting and
> styles, then later someone comes along and styles it beautifully.
> Is anyone still doing this sort of thing? What do others do to style their
> sites with minimum suffering?
> Finally ... Is there anyone in this group who is a styling boffin and
> might take a short contract in several weeks time to style my app once it's
> near completion? I guess it might be several hours work spread out over a
> few days. If you can help, please email me off-list at,
> or phone on 0419-113-543.
> Cheers,
> *Greg Keogh*

Re: Web debugging problem solved

2017-09-18 Thread DotNet Dude
Lol some good ones there, gotta get one

On Monday, 18 September 2017, Ken Schaefer  wrote:

> There are some funny t-shirts here:
> I LOLed
> *From:*
>  [mailto:
> ] *On
> Behalf Of *grant.maw
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 30 August 2017 10:14 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet  >
> *Subject:* Re: Web debugging problem solved
> At a funeral, the Real Programmer is the one saying ``Poor George. And he
> almost had the sort routine working before the coronary.''
>  Original message 
> From: David Burstin  >
> Date: 30/08/2017 5:27 PM (GMT+10:00)
> To: ozDotNet  >
> Subject: Re: Web debugging problem solved
> Real programmers use butterflies.
> On 30 August 2017 at 17:22, Tom Rutter  > wrote:
> Real programmers don't even program!
> On Wednesday, 30 August 2017, Greg Harris  > wrote:
> Real programmers program in FORTRAN edited with TECO!
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 5:15 PM, Tom Rutter  > wrote:
> Real programmers don't use context menus or even the mouse to be fair
> On Wednesday, 30 August 2017, Greg Keogh  > wrote:
> The option is also in the toolbar in the dropdown next to the "play"
> button where you choose IIS Express or whatever else.
> Real programmers don't use toolbars! (but you're right, it's in the
> "Standard" bar, which I've hidden for years) -- *GK*

Re: Visual Studio 2017 and WWF

2017-08-24 Thread DotNet Dude
Lol actually if anyone of our clients want Webforms work out of us we
always say only if we are replacing it, we don't do enhancements.

On Thursday, 24 August 2017, Stephen Price 

> On a completely unrelated note, I got a call from a recruiter who's found
> me roles in the past (there's a couple of good ones - recruiters, that is)
> for a Silverlight role.
> I laughed and said, really? Someone is looking for a Silverlight
> developer?!
> He replied yes. To remove it.
> I just about lost it, crying with laughter. Might be worth leaving
> Silverlight on your Linked in profile (or change it to "removal of")
> On 24 Aug. 2017 3:29 pm, Greg Keogh  > wrote:
> I think I found the answer here:
> *Thank you for your feedback! The .NET 3.5 Workflow project type is no
> longer supported in VS2017. This is by design as WF from .NET 3.5
> (System.Workflow) has been deprecated since 2012. While you will not be
> able to create new projects, it is still possible to open old projects if
> you install Office Developer Tools. But only SharePoint 2010 workflows are
> still supported.*
> I forgot that there was some huge WWF update years ago and all the
> plumbing and libraries changed. The project I'm trying to open is the old
> style that references System.Workflow. As a test I created a new stub WWF
> project and I see it references System.Activities.
> So it looks like the project which opened in VS2015 two weeks ago is no
> longer supported by VS2017 ... another subtle trap for the complacent or
> trusting. The comment above hints that I *might* be able to open it if
> certain conditions are met, but I'm not confident of the outcome and waste
> of time.
> *GK*
> On 22 August 2017 at 08:51, Greg Keogh  > wrote:
> After upgrading to Visual Studio 2017 I can't open any Windows Workflow
> projects (Incompatible, The application is not installed).
> Various advice from searches suggests to check WWF in the Individual
> Components list (seems obvious), but it weirdly makes no difference. Others
> suggest you need SharePoint support, others suggest Framework 3.5 is
> needed. It all makes no difference.
> There must be some other dependent piece of dark matter that I can't find.
> Any ideas anyone?
> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] Aurelia use

2017-08-24 Thread DotNet Dude
I must say I agree. I don't know a better alternative but working in JS
land or even TS still feels dirty. This can't be the way it will stay.

On Thursday, 24 August 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Reading the jargon in this short thread so far still fills me with dread
> and fear. I think people who are using (and writing) JS frameworks are to
> close to their subject to see the bigger picture of what's happening. From
> a historical, technical and creative perspective, the whole JS ecosystem is
> like a virus that people have caught that causes hysteria. It's a gigantic
> wobbling Turboencabulator 
> propped up by a half-baked scripting language a guy wrote as a hobby. If
> the time comes when I have to put JS on my CV or write JS anything to
> make a living , then it will be the nail in my retirement coffin.
> Some things I want to see before I die are: discovery of extra-terrestrial
> life, the (peaceful) collapse of the North Korean dictatorship and the
> extinction of JavaScript.
> *GK*
> On 24 August 2017 at 19:04, Tom Rutter  > wrote:
>> Yep I resisted for a long time and stayed with winforms lol but am now
>> forced to look at this stuff.
>> On Thursday, 24 August 2017, Tony Wright > > wrote:
>>> After doing all the research I chose angular for my current enterprise
>>> application. I had to choose a technology that could withstand an assault
>>> from people who are still in a  circa 2000 mindset. It's non trivial but
>>> will do everything I need it to. There's so much to learn just to get going
>>> on any of the frameworks.
>>> Part of the decision to go with angular is also the proliferation of
>>> angular 1 apps out there, which was chosen pretty much for the same
>>> reasons. There will still be years of support required for Angular 1 apps,
>>> and much work converting them to angular 2, which is really the only path
>>> available for those apps.
>>> When I first decided to learn angular it was because there were no jobs
>>> at the time for my traditional Microsoft tech stack. At the time it freaked
>>> me out as I recognised that the world had moved on and I had to quickly get
>>> on board or be dead in the water. I analysed the market, figured out where
>>> the jobs were and viola, the rest is history.
>>> On 24 Aug 2017 6:39 PM, "Tom Rutter"  wrote:
 Yep I did notice that in the core 2.0 update. Angular 2/4 never really
 felt right to me. Aurelia felt much better. I'll have to take a look at Vue

 On Thursday, 24 August 2017, Tony Wright  wrote:

> Interestingly, dot net core 2.0, which was released a couple of weeks
> ago, only supports react,react+redux and angular 2/4 in its spa templates.
> They will work against pure dot net core as well as dot net framework. 
> Both
> Vue and react are view only and require a dog's breakfast of technologies
> to make up the stack, hence the inclusion of redux, which is now part of
> Facebooks offering. Angular is the most complete/enterprise ready of all
> the frameworks, but it has its own impediments, predominantly being it's
> stupid syntax. Vue is out performing both angular and react at the moment
> on github. But stars can be rigged, so I'm prepared to wait a bit longer
> before taking a more serious look.
> T.
> On 24 Aug 2017 5:29 PM, "Greg Keogh"  wrote:
>>> ould-i-choose-enterprise-tony-wright
>> Nice summary, but it seems to confirm my fears that the JS ecosystem
>> is still devolving into more fragments. I mean, oh lord, not another one
>> ... Vue.js -- *GK*

Re: [OT] New surface laptop

2017-07-11 Thread DotNet Dude
Hey Tom,
Wasn't sure if you bought a machine already but The Good Guys have a deal
currently on the zenbook flip for $1299. Super cheap compared to everywhere
else. Only has win 10 home but you can always upgrade to pro if you need
to. A good number of ports too.

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 9:55 AM, Tom Rutter <> wrote:

> i5+, 8gb+ ram, 128gb+ ssd, win 10 pro, 13-15 inch, $1500-2000 max
> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 9:47 AM, DotNet Dude <> wrote:
>> What are your requirements?
>> On Monday, 3 July 2017, Tom Rutter <> wrote:
>>> Hah didn't even notice that before you mentioned it. It's as if the
>>> designers did it just to make something wrong with the laptop. I've looked
>>> at so many laptops now that I'm over it all...
>>> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 4:37 PM, DotNet Dude <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Have you seen where the power button is on the keyboard? Lol no thanks
>>>> On Monday, 3 July 2017, Tom Rutter <> wrote:
>>>>> Anyone got the new surface laptop? If so, thoughts?
>>>>> My old reliable dell laptop took its last breath today. :(
>>>>> Cheers

Re: Global SQL Server timeout

2017-07-09 Thread DotNet Dude
I don't recall such an ability. You'll probably have to go the helper
method and config value route - fun fun!

On Monday, 10 July 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I have some old code that uses a mixture of Enterprise Library 5
> and traditional ADO.NET classes. On some machines I'm getting command
> timeouts at 30 seconds. Is there a way of globally changing the timeout for
> all commands on the connection, perhaps by changing the connection string?
> I could get into every db call and set the timeout on each command, but
> there are hundreds of them. That's why I'm looking for some global change
> that avoids code changes.
> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] New surface laptop

2017-07-04 Thread DotNet Dude
On Wednesday, 5 July 2017, mike smith <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 4:37 PM, DotNet Dude <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Have you seen where the power button is on the keyboard? Lol no thanks
>> Is it a soft key that you can disable?  I've got a power key on my
> logitech wireless kb that I've disabled for that reason
> Of course but that doesn't make it right ;)

>> On Monday, 3 July 2017, Tom Rutter <
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>> Anyone got the new surface laptop? If so, thoughts?
>>> My old reliable dell laptop took its last breath today. :(
>>> Cheers
> --
> Meski
> "Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure,
> you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills

Re: [OT] New surface laptop

2017-07-04 Thread DotNet Dude
What are your requirements?

On Monday, 3 July 2017, Tom Rutter <> wrote:

> Hah didn't even notice that before you mentioned it. It's as if the
> designers did it just to make something wrong with the laptop. I've looked
> at so many laptops now that I'm over it all...
> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 4:37 PM, DotNet Dude <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Have you seen where the power button is on the keyboard? Lol no thanks
>> On Monday, 3 July 2017, Tom Rutter <
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>> Anyone got the new surface laptop? If so, thoughts?
>>> My old reliable dell laptop took its last breath today. :(
>>> Cheers

Re: [OT] New surface laptop

2017-07-03 Thread DotNet Dude
Have you seen where the power button is on the keyboard? Lol no thanks

On Monday, 3 July 2017, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Anyone got the new surface laptop? If so, thoughts?
> My old reliable dell laptop took its last breath today. :(
> Cheers

Re: Azure Active Directory

2017-06-21 Thread DotNet Dude
Being super obvious here but could you turn the 3 pieces of info into 2 with



On Wednesday, 21 June 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> If you do get to revisit Auth0, as you probably discovered it has the
>> ability to authenticate against multiple sources including existing
>> databases and AAD (see screenshot
>> screenshots/u/xj9/1498029629044-30138.png). It was one of the reasons we
>> switched to it, in addition to authenticating API calls.
> Despite what the boss says, I'm not letting my suggestion for Auth0 get
> rejected. It was really easy to get working with little code, and it works
> as advertised as a unified front-end to lots of other systems, including
> legacy databases like ours.
> The recent problem we had with Auth0 is that users of our product need 3
> bits of information to authenticate: *username*, *password* and "*agency*"
> (which is a very high level grouping of customers). So the Auth0
> traditional model doesn't fit for us. I'll continue pondering over it.
> *GK*

Re: Azure Active Directory

2017-06-21 Thread DotNet Dude
Hey Greg, are you asking how to bulk create a bunch of users (username,
password) in azure AD?

On Wednesday, 21 June 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Chaps, I spent almost four hours this afternoon attempting to write some
> managed code that authenticated a user/password against Azure AD from a
> native app. I know you're not supposed to handle credentials like that, but
> it was an experiment for migration of the old database. I read hundreds of
> confusing and conflicting articles on the subject and they generally say
> it's possible, but I failed despite heroic and obtuse efforts. I presume it
> just doesn't work the way I think and I'm using the frameworks incorrectly.
> To be honest, I'm not even sure I had the AD environment setup correctly,
> so I might have been doubly wasting my time.
> Now I'm wondering how I would migrate hundreds of users from the legacy
> database into Azure AD. Anyone done that?
> *GK*
> On 21 June 2017 at 12:19, Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)  > wrote:
>> AAD is a wonderful tool really. Keep in mind that it has a couple of
>> flavours, B2C (business to consumer) being the latest.
>> I’ve got clients who moved to it and simply love it. One is a car
>> manufacturer who used to have to manage domains for dealers, etc. They used
>> to spend their life with password and access issues. Now they just use 2
>> factor auth and cloud-based password reset, etc. and that’s all pretty much
>> disappeared.
>> It’s also worth thinking about the fact that AAD is what anyone using
>> Office 365 will already be using anyway. And it can then be the directory
>> for a big range of other things – Microsoft stuff like Power BI, Flow,
>> Office 365, etc. but also others like DropBox, ZenDesk, etc, etc, etc.
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> Dr Greg Low
>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
>> fax
>> SQL Down Under | Web: |
>> *From:*
>>  [mailto:
>> ] *On
>> Behalf Of *Greg Keogh
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:45 AM
>> *To:* ozDotNet > >
>> *Subject:* Re: Azure Active Directory
>> Yooiks! I'm not quite sure what I want (which is a worry). WAAD vs AADDS
>> You say WAAD is more light-weight, which probably suits us, I think.
>> Overall, as a coder, I want to put all authentication and
>> permission/roles information for all of our apps and users in a single
>> place where it can be maintained by admin staff, and it's easy to query
>> from .NET code.
>> Am I wrong to regard WAAD as some sort of "magic" database to where I can
>> stuff all our vintage data? Perhaps I'm thinking like a reductionist and
>> expecting a quick fix.
>> If all you need to do is put WAAD authentication in front of a web app,
>> then this is a piece of piss. Just deploy your app into App Server or App
>> Service Environment and then turn on Azure AD auth. The App Service
>> intercepts requests and does the SAML login for you transparently. The
>> logged on user gets presented back to the app in a cookie.
>> This is a good clue. I'll look into the details of doing this.
>> *GK*

Re: What are the WebDev technologies that any self respecting Dev should know these days?

2017-06-16 Thread DotNet Dude
Hey Preet,

Generally, Azure and JS frameworks like React and Angular is where "it" is
mostly at these days as far as general .net wed dev goes. It also depends
on location from my experience. I'm not familiar with the Auckland market
at all. In Melbourne most of the maintenance work is in mvc, very little if
any webforms, LOTS of Angular/React/whatever JS framework. Same for Sydney.
Canberra is mostly webforms and mvc from what I know (govt is usually a bit
behind), Qld and WA I am not sure about.

If you're wanting to get back into web dev I would ask you why. Not joking.
:) If your reason is because you want to update and get back into it I'd
say go hard on Javascript. If you're after money I'd say forget all that
and get into Salesforce lol. Kidding. Well not really. As I said earlier
you need to know your market too if you're wanting to be valuable


On Friday, 16 June 2017, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> Hi team,
> Got Friday OT question for you all.  I started .net with the beta and used
> aspx all those years ago. I stayed with ASPX until about 2007 but about
> then I moved into doing more desktop development. I'd really like to dust
> off and polish my web dev skills but there seems to be a plethora of things
> that have sort of past me by Azure, Javascript, Angular (?) to name a few.
> I know that fair few of you do web dev so i was wondering what you could
> advise as the must have skills today!
> Just to give you a history, from 2007 I did WCF/WF & WPF type stuff, from
> 2010 I did more Cubes and SSRS BI stuff and for the past couple of years
> I've been doing pure legacy desktop C++/CLI/.Net so not a lot of webbie
> stuff at all :-)
> regards,
> Preet, in Auckland NZ

Re: Modern C++

2017-04-17 Thread DotNet Dude
I miss C but not C++ at all

On Tuesday, 18 April 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, those of us writing managed code in here should be really grateful.
> I know because on the weekend I tried to resurrect some of my C++ library
> code that has been untouched since 2003. Well ... everything has changed
> thanks to the security review, Unicode, new standard libraries, language
> features and compilers. It took me hours to get the old code modernised to
> compile, but then I ran into incomprehensible linker errors that I still
> haven't solved. So I'm not there yet.
> Then this morning I had to prove to a colleague who only writes C++ that
> Azure Storage was usable from C++ programs without too much suffering
> because I expected and hoped that helper libraries would be available. I
> found good sample articles here
> and here
> ,
> and I eventually made a simple working sample, but it was hell. The
> namespaces are unfamiliar, the iterators are cryptic, there are new magic
> string macros, but worst of all is asynchrony via the pplx library. In
> managed code we can just await or let! bind for asynchrony, and the
> language syntax is short and clear. I still haven't managed to get a single
> async C++ function call to work yet.
> I was hoping that after all these years, and with the trend to "modern
> C++" that things would be better, and I'm sure they are once you get the
> hang of it, but the change in style, libraries, language and compilers
> makes your 20th century C/C++ code experience mostly obsolete. Now I really
> appreciate how lucky we are writing C# and F#.
> Here endeth the post Easter sermon.
> *Greg K*

Re: SPA decision

2017-04-03 Thread DotNet Dude
Lol "classic mvc".

It depends on what the client wants obviously but we've found mvc suits
best for most projects we work on.

On Sunday, 2 April 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I've been reading the results of search for things like "SPA vs
> ASP.NET" and "why use SPA" etc etc. I have come to the conclusion that JS
> driven SPAs are not all they're cracked up to be, and the cons outweigh the
> pros. I'd even go so far as to say that SPAs are a fad, and even worse,
> that they're the misguided use of languages (JS) and hacks (async http) in
> inappropriate ways.
> I'm going to write a demo ASP.NET MVC app for the boss, and it will be a
> hybrid that a lot of articles hint that is the best way to go. JS scripting
> will be involved, but only in libraries that use it internally, and I'll
> only use it to create popular UI illusions like menus and dialogs. So after
> all my pondering and reading it looks like going back to a classic ASP.NET
> MVC based hybrid is best for me.
> *Greg K*

Re: WebApi - PUT and DELETE

2017-03-26 Thread DotNet Dude
Just ask a bunch of devs to define REST and you get all different answers.
I wouldn't take all this too seriously though :)

On Monday, 27 March 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Yep the client should detect what has changed
> As an aside: this discussion hints at just what a shambles REST is. As
> Wikipedia reminds us, REST is just a "style" not a well defined "protocol"
> like SOAP for example. I just don't know how this subject leaked out of a
> guy's PhD thesis and was adopted worldwide. There are no rock solid
> conventions for verb usage, for what comes in and out of the body, or for
> error handling. A web search on REST and verbs produces reams of arguments,
> confusion and conflict. It's a modern technical tragedy that we got to this
> situation -- *GK*

Re: WebApi - PUT and DELETE

2017-03-26 Thread DotNet Dude
Yep the client should detect what has changed

On Monday, 27 March 2017, Tony Wright  wrote:

> Hmm ok. So you post, and only post the field(s) that have changed and need
> to work out how to process the update on only those fields that have come
> through (not null) on the server.
> I assume you get some small efficiency from posting the whole object and
> having only those that have values passed over the wire.
> How does the put call detect that nothing has changed in some of those
> fields, or is that something we have to do on the client, that is, detect
> ourselves what has changed and what has not and only post the changes? (I
> have already assumed this is the case, but just checking)
> On 27 Mar 2017 7:26 AM, "noonie"  > wrote:
>> Tony,
>> Using the correct verb can sometimes remove ambiguity and promote
>> efficiency.
>> You POST a 30 field form to add a record to your system and later only
>> want to update one of those fields. If POST was your only verb you would
>> have to retrieve and re-post all 30 fields so that you could update that
>> one. Otherwise there would be ambiguity around nullable fields.
>> If you were to implement PUT or PATCH then your transaction would be
>> smaller on the wire and you could unambiguously NULL a field that
>> previously contained a value.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> noonie
>> On 26 March 2017 at 21:59, Tony Wright > > wrote:
>>> Thanks. I'm still reading up on it, but the penny hasn't dropped yet.
>>> I'm not seeing any real benefit of moving away from just using get and
>>> post, as to do so requires the team to be more disciplined, and for
>>> potentially dubious reasons. That is, just because it's seen as being more
>>> "correct" is not a good enough reason. There is an argument that says it
>>> leads to "unrequired" overhead but I am yet to come to an understanding of
>>> what that is supposed to mean.
>>> On 26 Mar 2017 9:52 PM, "Nick Randolph" >> > wrote:
 The other verb you might want to consider is PATCH….. for when you want
 to update part of an entity but don’t want to send the whole item to the
 service. Definitely has its uses but it’s really a architectural choice
 whether you use PUT, PATCH or both.

 *Nick Randolph* | *Built to Roam Pty Ltd* | Microsoft MVP – Windows
 Platform Development | +61 412 413 425 <+61%20412%20413%20425> |
 @thenickrandolph | skype:nick_randolph
 The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not
 the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this
 email in any way. Built to Roam Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of
 any emails or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the
 author's own and may not reflect the views or opinions of Built to Roam Pty

 ] *On
 Behalf Of *Tom Rutter
 *Sent:* Sunday, 26 March 2017 9:38 PM
 *To:* ozDotNet >
 *Subject:* Re: WebApi - PUT and DELETE

 On Sunday, 26 March 2017, Tom Rutter > wrote:

 For "RESTfulness" perhaps

 On Sunday, 26 March 2017, Tony Wright  wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have written a few angular apps and our team has collectively got
 away with using HttpGet and HttpPost for just about every call to the
 WebApi services. We never seem to be having any issues.

 When running through the tutorials for Angular 4 (yes, its out), I have
 come across yet another learned guru who just uses all 4 of the main verbs
 when calling webapi - GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. GET for retrieval, POST
 for new items, PUT for updates and DELETE for, well, deletes. Yes I know
 what they are meant to be for, but why?

 I guess the real question is, what am I losing by not using PUT and

 Kind regards,



Re: Web developers needed in Canberra

2017-03-19 Thread DotNet Dude
Sorry list, it's been a long day

On Sunday, 19 March 2017, DotNet Dude <> wrote:

> Hey mate, what's the company? I know a few good devs up there. Contract or
> perm?
> On Sunday, 19 March 2017, Arjang Assadi <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Hello
>> The company I work for is needs web developers in Canberra.
>> Finding decent developers has been hard.
>> PS : I am not a recruiter, just very happy developing for my current
>> company which has excellent culture, intelligent talented developers that
>> are friendly and helpful, specially with new comers to get started. Normal
>> working hours, management do not expect or want people to work overtime
>> unless it is absolutely necessary (very rarely).
>> So if you want to know more about developer friendly company that is joy
>> to work for witha fantastic culture then send me a short descriptive email.
>> Company Location is near Civic

Re: Web developers needed in Canberra

2017-03-19 Thread DotNet Dude
Hey mate, what's the company? I know a few good devs up there. Contract or

On Sunday, 19 March 2017, Arjang Assadi  wrote:

> Hello
> The company I work for is needs web developers in Canberra.
> Finding decent developers has been hard.
> PS : I am not a recruiter, just very happy developing for my current
> company which has excellent culture, intelligent talented developers that
> are friendly and helpful, specially with new comers to get started. Normal
> working hours, management do not expect or want people to work overtime
> unless it is absolutely necessary (very rarely).
> So if you want to know more about developer friendly company that is joy
> to work for witha fantastic culture then send me a short descriptive email.
> Company Location is near Civic

Re: [Advice] Xamarin as a next step.

2017-03-13 Thread DotNet Dude
They're all unstable except for c# and sql lol. I'd accept the challenge

On Tuesday, 14 March 2017, David Rhys Jones  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently working on Web aps, using javascript / angular / c# back
> ends with sql.
> I've been doing c# since it was in beta 1, javascript since the last
> centurary and angular since monday ;-)
> My manager now wants me to learn Xamarin, but I don't feel confortable
> doing mobile apps etc.
> How stable is the technology, should I buckle down and learn it, or should
> I start looking for another job?
> Thanks.
> Davy
> *... .. /  --- -.-. / .-.. . --. . .-. . / ... -.-. .. ... / -. .. --
> .. ..- -- / . .-. ..- -.. .. - .. --- -. .. ... /  .- -... . ... .-.-.-*

Re: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are Virtual machines still the way to go?

2017-02-05 Thread DotNet Dude
On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 2:20 PM, mike smith  wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 11:13 AM, David Gardiner 
> wrote:
>> VMs and Docker are great for isolating things.
>> Also now with Windows 10 being able to do a 'refresh' (leaving all your
>> documents and source files etc alone) combined with something like
>> Boxstarter (or even just Chocolatey), being able to rebuild your machine
>> can be done relatively painlessly (eg. a few hours, or overnight). I do
>> like the idea that recreating my development environment is pretty straight
>> forward.
>> Do watch out for having too many versions of SQL Server installed - it
>> can end up making your PATH environment variable too big and then "bad
>> things" start happening.
> THis.  Why are apps so terrible at managing adding and removing themselves
> from the path?
Many apps also suck at managing their registry keys after
uninstalling/installing. Some just leave the keys there, some don't update
them, some don't even use them and so on.

Re: Used Azure SQL DB? Why or why not?

2017-01-30 Thread DotNet Dude
They are definitely the same ones who are the gatekeepers for the
decisions. I've seen that the most. Protecting their jobs and trying to
maintain the "seniority by age" mindset in the company. I've seen some gun
devs just leave because they couldn't be bothered dealing with the nonsense.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 1:00 PM, Greg Low (罗格雷格博士) <> wrote:

> So you think it is just job protection?
> Are the people protecting their jobs the same ones who are gatekeepers for
> the decisions?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web:
> --
> *From:* <> on
> behalf of DotNet Dude <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 31, 2017 7:22:25 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: Used Azure SQL DB? Why or why not?
> The arguments are everything they can come up with even if they're not
> true. Eg. Pricing. It's just people who have been here the longest trying
> to keep things unchanged and keeping their jobs and super high salaries.
> On Saturday, 28 January 2017, Greg Low (罗格雷格博士) <> wrote:
>> I can guess, but what type of politics? What are the arguments?
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> Dr Greg Low
>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
>> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
>> SQL Down Under | Web: |
>> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@ozdot
>>] *On Behalf Of *DotNet Dude
>> *Sent:* Saturday, 28 January 2017 12:44 PM
>> *To:* ozDotNet <>
>> *Subject:* Re: Used Azure SQL DB? Why or why not?
>> Everything Tony said plus politics :p
>> On Saturday, 28 January 2017, Tony Wright <> wrote:
>> Hi Greg,
>> The main thing I think stopping us has been on premises sql or dev
>> edition sql. It just doesn't make sense to rely on the stability of the
>> internet when developing, and an existing environment or dev edition is
>> very little cost.
>> The other issue is that it ends up in an account belonging to a single
>> person rather than being an organisational account.
>> The places where we've used Azure sql is when we've all wanted to all be
>> able to access the database remotely with simplicity.
>> The main business driver for using sql Azure as opposed to on premises
>> sql had been more about wanting sql to operate in a DMZ, nowhere near the
>> organisation's confidential on premises data.
>> That said, we've just moved one application to using Windows Azure
>> (started with table storage, moved to blob storage) simply because of the
>> significant drop in cost of data.
>> Regards Tony
>> On 28 Jan 2017 1:19 PM, "Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)" <> wrote:
>> To my developer buddies: I'm preparing a session for Ignite where I'm
>> discussing using Azure SQL DB for greenfield (new) applications. Would love
>> to hear opinions on if you've used it, and what you found/learned, and if
>> you haven't used it, what stopped you ?
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> Dr Greg Low
>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
>> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
>> SQL Down Under | Web: |

Re: Used Azure SQL DB? Why or why not?

2017-01-30 Thread DotNet Dude
The arguments are everything they can come up with even if they're not
true. Eg. Pricing. It's just people who have been here the longest trying
to keep things unchanged and keeping their jobs and super high salaries.

On Saturday, 28 January 2017, Greg Low (罗格雷格博士) <> wrote:

> I can guess, but what type of politics? What are the arguments?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:*
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> [mailto:
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>] *On
> Behalf Of *DotNet Dude
> *Sent:* Saturday, 28 January 2017 12:44 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
> *Subject:* Re: Used Azure SQL DB? Why or why not?
> Everything Tony said plus politics :p
> On Saturday, 28 January 2017, Tony Wright <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> The main thing I think stopping us has been on premises sql or dev edition
> sql. It just doesn't make sense to rely on the stability of the internet
> when developing, and an existing environment or dev edition is very little
> cost.
> The other issue is that it ends up in an account belonging to a single
> person rather than being an organisational account.
> The places where we've used Azure sql is when we've all wanted to all be
> able to access the database remotely with simplicity.
> The main business driver for using sql Azure as opposed to on premises sql
> had been more about wanting sql to operate in a DMZ, nowhere near the
> organisation's confidential on premises data.
> That said, we've just moved one application to using Windows Azure
> (started with table storage, moved to blob storage) simply because of the
> significant drop in cost of data.
> Regards Tony
> On 28 Jan 2017 1:19 PM, "Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)" <> wrote:
> To my developer buddies: I'm preparing a session for Ignite where I'm
> discussing using Azure SQL DB for greenfield (new) applications. Would love
> to hear opinions on if you've used it, and what you found/learned, and if
> you haven't used it, what stopped you ?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |

Re: Used Azure SQL DB? Why or why not?

2017-01-27 Thread DotNet Dude
Everything Tony said plus politics :p

On Saturday, 28 January 2017, Tony Wright  wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> The main thing I think stopping us has been on premises sql or dev edition
> sql. It just doesn't make sense to rely on the stability of the internet
> when developing, and an existing environment or dev edition is very little
> cost.
> The other issue is that it ends up in an account belonging to a single
> person rather than being an organisational account.
> The places where we've used Azure sql is when we've all wanted to all be
> able to access the database remotely with simplicity.
> The main business driver for using sql Azure as opposed to on premises sql
> had been more about wanting sql to operate in a DMZ, nowhere near the
> organisation's confidential on premises data.
> That said, we've just moved one application to using Windows Azure
> (started with table storage, moved to blob storage) simply because of the
> significant drop in cost of data.
> Regards Tony
> On 28 Jan 2017 1:19 PM, "Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)"  > wrote:
>> To my developer buddies: I'm preparing a session for Ignite where I'm
>> discussing using Azure SQL DB for greenfield (new) applications. Would love
>> to hear opinions on if you've used it, and what you found/learned, and if
>> you haven't used it, what stopped you ?
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> Dr Greg Low
>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
>> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
>> SQL Down Under | Web: |

Re: [OT] Accepting a one off credit card payment

2017-01-15 Thread DotNet Dude
Maybe a device like Squared (officeworks has them) if this turns out not to
be a one off

On Friday, 13 January 2017, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hey folks
> I have a client who can only pay me with a credit card. is there something
> I could use to accept this payment as a one off? Paypal? Something better?
> I assume I'd be hit with merchant fees of some sort regardless of method.
> Cheers
> Tom

Re: [OT] HP Spectre x360 thoughts

2016-12-15 Thread DotNet Dude
I recall Stephen Price had a Spectre x360. Maybe wait for him to join in
this conversation with his thoughts.

On Friday, 16 December 2016, Tom P  wrote:

> Not a requirement
> On Friday, 16 December 2016, mike smith  > wrote:
>> It's a touch-screen, is that a feature you're looking for?
>> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 7:11 AM, Tom P  wrote:
>>> I'll mostly be using it at my desk but I guess I'd like the option to
>>> travel with it so I wouldn't go for anything larger than a 15". RAM I
>>> thought 8GB would be enough but everyone keeps telling me 16GB is the way
>>> to go, SSD for speed obviously, 512GB storage would be enough unless 1TB is
>>> not much more expensive, screen res as high as possible given my budget,
>>> Windows 10, onsite service 3 or 4 years unless there is a higher offering.
>>> In the past I've had problems after 3 years right after not renewing the
>>> warranty. Not sure about driving 4K screens, I probably wouldn't but again
>>> if it does then I wouldn't complain. Budget is $3000 give or take $100 or
>>> $200 since it's a lot of money already anyway.
>>> Sorry I speak like a user :-)
>>> On 15 December 2016 at 21:51, Ken Schaefer  wrote:
 First thing, given there are a huge number of laptops out there, are
 what are your requirements/constraints/use cases…

 a)  What are the minimums you think you need (storage, RAM,
 battery life, screen res)

 b) What is your budget (or any other constraint – OS etc.)

 c)  Is this going to be mostly portable, working in customer
 offices, cafes, planes etc), or mostly sit on your desk. Do you want to
 drive 4K screens etc. off it on your desk

 Given that this is going to be your primary work machine, I guess it’s
 safe to assume you need either (a) maximum reliability or (b) onsite
 service – no “return to base and wait a week” type offerings.

 Sorry I speak like an architect. I guess I’ve been doing that for too
 long now.

 *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@ozdot] *On Behalf Of *Tom P
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 December 2016 8:40 AM
 *To:* ozDotNet 
 *Subject:* [OT] HP Spectre x360 thoughts

 Wow thanks for the comprehensive email Tony. During my research I
 actually did read about horror stories like yours where people ended up
 sending machines back several times. It's really disappointing when you're
 spending so much money. I know several people who just refuse to deal with
 Dell now after having many issues with them. I'll keep looking...

 On Wednesday, 14 December 2016, Tony Wright  wrote:

 Hi Tom,

 I have been reviewing laptops lately for value for money and decided
 the battery life on the x360 sucked.

 Most of the laptops in the $3000 range are dual core as well.

 If you're after a 2in1 and dual core is fine you could consider Lenovo
 thinkpad x1 yoga, or the Lenovo yoga 910. Lenovo yoga 910 is consumer and
 had 7th gen Intel chip but no pen capability. Thinkpad x1 yoga has pen but
 different port configuration.

 Check ports on all laptops you consider. Thunderbolt ports are best if
 you can get them. Usbc is second best (you can run multiple external
 monitors + Ethernet cable via those ports) But you will also need adapters
 to fit.

 The best value I ended up coming up with was a Dell Xps 15. But I have
 had major issues. They have now replaced my motherboard 3 times due to
 crashes, screen flickering and thunderbolt port failures. Tomorrow they
 will replace my motherboard for the fourth time. Not good enough. If it
 fails this time, I'm getting a refund.

 My advice is look for discount codes as well. My son has a student
 account giving him access to discounts on hp (limited selection up to 40%),
 Dell (15%) and Microsoft (15%). Lenovo had up to 20% recently but have
 removed that deal. Lenovo often have other deals. Apple 10% through a
 student discount. Auto clubs, like racv, also have discounts.

 If my laptop fails again and I have to buy another laptop, I think I
 might get a Lenovo P50, but they're expensive and not as sexy,but I can get
 a xeon chip or high end quad core, go up to 64gb ram, and put a second nvme
 pcie ssd of I like.

 The other laptops I considered were surface book. Didn't like the lack
 of thunderbolt. Apple Macbook pro, which you can install windows natively
 on. It's got an awesome configuration but bad battery life, and that's

Re: [OT] HP Spectre x360 thoughts

2016-12-13 Thread DotNet Dude
Is that with the FHD or QHD screen? Unlikely the latter

On Wednesday, 14 December 2016, Tom P  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I'm thinking of buying the HP Spectre x360 13 inch with high specs (16gb
> ram, 512 ssd, i7) which ends up costing about $3100 with the warranty. Have
> any devs here had bad experiences with this machine or recommend a better 
> alternative
> for the price?
> Cheers
> Tom
> --
> Thanks
> Tom

Re: [OT] node.js and express

2016-11-29 Thread DotNet Dude
Just choose something and go with it based on your team's experience and
preference. In a few years either the app will be dead anyway or the
employer will have to pay decent money to have "old" devs come and maintain
these "legacy" apps. :p

On Wednesday, 30 November 2016, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> ES6
> Typescript
> AngularJS 1.5
> Angular2
> Aurelia
> Polymer
> react
> grunt
> gulp
> This list extracted from Glav's message should be a hint that JS is on the
> fritz, and it's the tip of the iceberg -- *Greg K*
> On 30 November 2016 at 09:13, Paul Glavich  > wrote:
>> It depends J
>> However in an attempt to answer, which usually requires a lot more
>> context and thought, here we go:
>> · I’d choose ES6/Typescript at a minimum. ES6
>> imports/modules/classes are pretty handy and good to separate out your
>> logic. Typescript is also good for structure/”pretend static-ness” and
>> helps with catching errors but is not to everyones flavour.
>> · I would then consider the following:
>> o   AngularJS 1.5
>> §  I’d consider this because it is well known (not bleeding edge) and
>> can be easily packaged with no dependencies, thus reducing risk.
>> o   After consultation with whatever team is working on and assessment
>> of their JS skillset, I would also consider:
>> §  Angular2/Aurelia/Polymer (I personally like Aurelia but that is
>> purely personal)
>> · This would be dependent on the teams skill level and
>> application requirements. A proficient javascript team can overcome any JS
>> limitation or issue, irrespective of framework
>> · In addition, I’d look at using something like YARN (vs NPM) as
>> a package manager to reduce issues with package inconsistency.
>> §  Note: I didn’t mention react simply because I don’t like it. No
>> technical reason – it just is fugly J. In addition, it went from v0.14.8
>> to v15.0.0 in one release. Not sure what versioning world it came from, but
>> that is not sequential, semantic or anything in between.
>> · As a caveat to this, in a current engagement I recommended the
>> team use Angular 1.5 because
>> o   The team was familiar with it.
>> o   Team had no idea about grunt/gulp/ES6/Angular2 etc.
>> o   Had tight timeframes with no leeway to ramp up time.
>> o   I am only on the engagement 2 days a week and cannot effectively on
>> ramp it in addition to working on CI/CD, architecture, team process etc.
>> o   So far, this is working very well and has been a good decision.
>> Hope that clarifies my thinking somewhat.
>> -  Glav
>> *From:*
>>  [mailto:
>> ] *On
>> Behalf Of *Adrian Halid
>> *Sent:* Monday, 28 November 2016 10:17 AM
>> *To:* 'ozDotNet' > >
>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] node.js and express
>> If you were to start a new Enterprise Web Project which has the potential
>> to be continually developed and enhanced over 5 to 10 years what web
>> technology frameworks would you choose?
>> *Regards*
>> *Adrian Halid*
>> *From:*
>>  [
>> ] *On
>> Behalf Of *Paul Glavich
>> *Sent:* Monday, 28 November 2016 6:18 AM
>> *To:* 'ozDotNet' > >
>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] node.js and express
>> Yeah pretty much J
>> I am a web guy through and through and I don’t mean to hack on people
>> specifically, but as an industry it still manifests as real immaturity. I
>> also don’t mean to suggest we don’t use and play with the new stuff either
>> but the level of acceptance, particularly from people way smarter than me,
>> is puzzling. It is real easy to be critical (like I have here…. ) so
>> providing feedback on progress is pretty important. Doesn’t always work as
>> momentum can carry it through (I am looking at you Angular2).
>> My rather rambling and opinionated point is that on a few engagements, I
>> have recommended to not use the shiny new stuff, in favour of older but
>> well known, and easier to maintain frameworks (after assessment of
>> timeframes, people’s skillsets etc). Not using the latest in those cases
>> has proven to be a boon, rather than an impediment. Sure it is lower on the
>> coolness scale, and could be replaced with newer stuff later (obviously
>> with a little rework) but it is working very well. It kind of 

Re: [OT] node.js and express

2016-11-24 Thread DotNet Dude
If in VS and not javascript then productive, else not productive.

On Friday, 25 November 2016, Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)  wrote:

> But that's exactly the point Scott. Why have we gone so far backwards in
> productivity?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web:
> --
> *From:*
>  <
> > on
> behalf of Scott Barnes  >
> *Sent:* Friday, November 25, 2016 12:09:38 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] node.js and express
> "It Depends" on what tool you're looking at. If all you're doing is
> staring at Visual Studio and that's it and wondering why the world is so
> hard to develop for then that's not a realistic outcome, as despite all the
> OSS rhetoric, Microsoft is still preoccupied with Windows first class
> citizen approach to roadmaps. They'll dip their toes in other platforms but
> until revenue models change, tool -> windows. The rest will just be
> additive biproduct / bonus rounds outside that.
> Products like Unity3D and Xamarin were the answer to that question but not
> as "drag-n-drop tab dot ship" as Winforms of old.. those days are well
> behind us now.
> ---
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)  > wrote:
>> So it then comes back to tooling again.
>> Why can’t I build an app with the ease of a winform app and have it
>> deployed in the current environments? Surely the app framework should fix
>> the underlying mess and let me code to a uniform clean model.
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> Dr Greg Low
>> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
>> fax
>> SQL Down Under | Web: |
>> *From:*
>>  [mailto:
>> ] *On
>> Behalf Of *Ken Schaefer
>> *Sent:* Thursday, 24 November 2016 9:41 PM
>> *To:* ozDotNet > >
>> *Subject:* RE: [OT] node.js and express
>> I guess the conclusion I would draw from that is not so much that the
>> “web world is so much worse because we have to cater for all these clients”
>> as “the web world is the only feasible answer to catering for all these
>> clients – it’s simply not financially feasible to do it via thick clients”
>> *From:*
>>  [
>> ] *On
>> Behalf Of *Nathan Schultz
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 23 November 2016 5:40 PM
>> *To:* ozDotNet > >
>> *Subject:* Re: [OT] node.js and express
>> As I said in my first e-mail, (when Greg was wondering what the key
>> drivers were for web-development), I said "accessibility". Thick clients
>> are simply not transportable.
>> So the simple answer is, you don't.
>> On 23 November 2016 at 14:21, Ken Schaefer > > wrote:
>> *From:*
>>  [mailto:
>> ] *On
>> Behalf Of *Nathan Schultz
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 23 November 2016 5:10 PM
>> *To:* ozDotNet > >
>> *Subject:* Re: [OT] node.js and express
>> @Ken, your definition of Technical Debt isn't that different from that of
>> Martin Fowler's.
>> Although I'd say (with some seriousness) that JavaScript is Technical
>> Debt ;-)
>> I've found many of the things you mention far worse in the web-world
>> (where you sometimes have to cater for everything from a mobile phone to a
>> quadruple monitor desk-top, and everything in-between, all with different
>> OS's, software, plug-ins, versions, and incompatibilities).
>> I’m curious to know how you’d cater for this variety of consumers if you
>> were to do thick-client development? Wouldn’t that be even more of a dog’s
>> breakfast of OSes, development environments/languages, pre-requisites you’d

Re: Asp.Net Core

2016-11-23 Thread DotNet Dude
You must be using the 'empty' template

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 12:56 PM, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hey folks,
> I assume some of you have at least played with core. Is it just
> me or has Microsoft taken this "let's separate everything and let the dev
> get whatever they as they need it" too far? Even serving static files isn't
> baked in by default. C'mon! The VS web project templates should at least
> have this on by default.
> Regards
> Tom the new plumber

Re: [OT] node.js and express

2016-11-21 Thread DotNet Dude
It's tough to conquer this issue because most devs I encounter don't stay
in one place very long and even ones that do get bored of the same old
thing. They need to stay on top of shiny new tech to be employable so when
they can do something in "old" tech x in a week, they fight to do it in
shiny new tech y and take 7 months. This produces a nice addition to the CV
and also keeps them somewhat interested.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 2:34 PM, Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)  wrote:

> Along with an endless fascination with “shiny new things” at every phase
> of the development process.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 22 November 2016 2:33 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* RE: [OT] node.js and express
> But that’s a centralized vs distributed argument. I understand that. By
> why exactly does a centralized development process have to be orders of
> magnitude slower than a distributed one? I just think the tooling has let
> us down -> big time.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> ] *On Behalf Of *Ken Schaefer
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 22 November 2016 2:29 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* RE: [OT] node.js and express
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> ] *On Behalf Of *Nathan
> Schultz
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 22 November 2016 1:53 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] node.js and express
> But many of the same problems persist on the web, and the web has brought
> entirely new challenges. The web has all the same issues of DLL hell -
> different components need different versions of the same component - like
> the other day I saw a project where there required multiple versions of
> JQuery due to different component requirements - and the hacks required to
> ensure that the right version is used for the right components isn't
> pretty. And apps are no longer isolated within the company - you're not
> developing for a particular SOE anymore - but rather a polyglot of devices
> with different operation systems, software, features, sizes, resolutions
> and capabilities. Testing if anything is a longer process than ever before.
> Licensing for some software is on a per-user basis on the web, which brings
> it's own challenges for anonymous systems. Deployment must still go through
> a full change management process (there are still a multitude of things
> that can go wrong), and when you consider the same thing could occur today
> using one-click deployment, sand-boxed applications, and Docker containers,
> the web doesn't have an ace up its sleeve there either.
> In my experience, part of the reason that enterprises prefer stuffing all
> that complexity resolution into the development effort (or getting your
> vendor to take the hit in their development effort) is that it’s project
> cost. It makes it much clearer what the true cost of “application X” is to
> the business.
> If the alternative is passing the cost to BAU/Ops (in terms of managing
> interoperability and keeping an end-user fleet of devices running), it
> becomes far more murky as to what is causing the complexity and how much
> it’s costing. Whoever is funding the project will cut whatever they can
> (whether it be security, sociability testing, monitoring instrumentation),
> and make it Operations problem.
> As for “click once” etc. that’s just solving a small technological piece
> of a puzzle. How do I do deployment accounting/licensing etc. via
> click-once?
> My current org is ~40,000 users spread from Sydney to Woomera – do not
> underestimate the complexity of deploying or upgrading anything critical in
> that type of environment: when we used to run a distributed Active
> Directory environment (so that local branches could keep running if the WAN
> was down), simply upgrading AD schema was a 9+ month project, where we
> ended up auditing every DC (around 150 branch ones at the time) to verify
> that their out-of-band management cards were working (about 20 needed
> replacing, or were not cabled), and had to roster tens of support techs to
> be ready to drive/fly out to a site, just in case we had to pull the
> upgrade process due to something going catastrophically wrong. The change
> had to be done over a long weekend, because that was the only time that
> gave us enough lead time to do an authoritative restore. Now, upgrading AD
> isn’t particularly 

Re: [OT] node.js and express

2016-11-21 Thread DotNet Dude
On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 9:43 AM, David Connors  wrote:

> 80% of the cost of an application starts after you finish dev and a well
> written modern, responsive web app costs very little to maintain (and works
> on all the things both network and device).

Not in my experience. I'm yet to see one of these well written modern
responsive web apps you speak of. We normally get hired to go in and fix
the mess left by devs learning on the job. We also can't really blame the
devs for everything as with all the new frameworks and such coming out each
week (slight exaggeration) they are always learning on the job and can't be
expected to write good stuff.

Re: [OT] node.js and express

2016-11-21 Thread DotNet Dude
Totally agree Greg. About 80% of what we are currently building could be
done in 1/10 of the time using winforms or mvc.

Some of our clients are even TELLING us how to build it using whatever
technology they've recently heard of. One customer recently asked us to use
Electron. Did they need cross platform? No. Why force javascript down my
team's throat when it can be avoided altogether and we can have it done in
a week with wpf or winforms?!

Many years ago we just did a winforms app and deployed via clickonce.
Worked well and no complaints in the Intranet environments. I've yet to see
a case where not using winforms (or wpf) or webforms (or mvc) is worth it
in Intranet situations.

Internet facing apps is a whole different thing obviously.

On Tuesday, 22 November 2016, Greg Low (罗格雷格博士)  wrote:

> I’m simply amazed at what we’ve done to ourselves as an industry.
> I was on a project a while back. With 12 devs and 7 months’ work, the core
> business web app was created. The guys worked hard. At the end, they were
> still struggling to get it to look right on different browsers.
> But in the end, I looked at the outcome and knew in my heart that I could
> have created it as a winform app by myself in around a week.
> This is progress?
> We started building web apps because the IT people were fed up with trying
> to deploy Windows apps. It wasn’t because users were crying out for a lousy
> visual experience, and apps that throw away their work if they stop using
> them for the session timeout period.
> I think we “fixed” the wrong problem.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@ozdot
>] *On Behalf Of *Stephen Price
> *Sent:* Monday, 21 November 2016 6:59 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] node.js and express
> Goodness, you are not alone.
> I'm more surprised that you are surprised, that's all.
> Some links to confirm you are not alone (and some funny, cause it's true,
> reading)
> 016-d3a717dd577f#.cdvrepjwi
> 3a861d29f#.kqtp9oyq6
> There was a hilarious one written by a Java developer where she all but
> dissolved in tears and screaming... but I can't find it right now. Funny
> because it was pretty spot on, not because a poor soul was suffering.
> If this shit was easy, everyone would be doing it. There's job security in
> the pain, somewhere.
> cheers
> Stephen
> p.s. All opinions and beliefs are my own. I'm not sure how they came to
> be, for that I can only blame those I've hung around, in real life and
> online.
> --
> *From:*  on
> behalf of Greg Keogh 
> *Sent:* Monday, 21 November 2016 2:48:54 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] node.js and express
> You're not alone Greg. It's like going back to spaghetti but everyone
> around me doesn't agree.
> Thanks heavens someone is sympathetic. I thought I was crazy, but I'm glad
> to know you are too! -- *Greg*

Re: [OT] Surface Studio

2016-10-27 Thread DotNet Dude
On Friday, 28 October 2016, David Connors  wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Oct 2016 at 06:43 Andrew Tobin  > wrote:
>> What do we think of the Surface Studio?  I've long said that it'll be
>> great when we have that sort of touch interface directly in front of us to
>> manipulate...
>> My thinking is it'd be more powerful if instead of moving from the tilted
>> position to vertical, if you had one or more screens vertically and had
>> Kinect or similar to "drag" windows down to be manipulated directly in
>> front of you, and then back up when just viewing.
>> I can't imagine it'll be that far away.
> It looks excellent but at USD$3-4.5K for a desktop ... not sure it is
> going to fly. Maybe it will find a niche but that is a pant load of cash
> for something you can't take with you in the age of cheap
> laptops/tablets/etc.
> Surface book aint cheap and lots of people bought them

> Desktops are dead to me.
> David.
> --
> David Connors
> | @davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61 417 189 363

Re: [OT] Angular certification

2016-10-13 Thread DotNet Dude
Lol nice article.

I can count at least 1 interview per week I do where the candidate knows
lots of JS libraries but can't write a simple algorithm in ANY language.
Web dev in 2016.

On Friday, 14 October 2016, Wallace Turner  wrote:

> slightly topical link
> How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 12:14 PM, Craig van Nieuwkerk  > wrote:
>> RC is the new Alpha.
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 3:10 PM, Nick Randolph > > wrote:
>>> We’re just in process of publish an app written in Angular 2, so yes,
>>> definitely taking it seriously. A lot of pain upgrading from Beta/RC to RTM
>>> (it’s like they didn’t understand what Beta/RC means).
>>> *Nick Randolph* | *Built to Roam Pty Ltd* | Microsoft MVP – Windows
>>> Platform Development | +61 412 413 425 | @thenickrandolph |
>>> skype:nick_randolph
>>> The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not
>>> the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this
>>> email in any way. Built to Roam Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of
>>> any emails or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the
>>> author's own and may not reflect the views or opinions of Built to Roam Pty
>>> Ltd.
>>> *From:*
>>>  [mailto:
>>> ] *On
>>> Behalf Of *Tom P
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, 13 October 2016 3:05 PM
>>> *To:* ozDotNet >> >
>>> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Angular certification
>>> Angular 2 is entirely redone. TypeScript makes it also bearable
>>> Thanks
>>> Tom
>>> On 13 October 2016 at 14:54, Greg Keogh >> > wrote:
>>> Are there any Angular certifications you guys can recommend that may be
>>> taken seriously?
>>> Can anyone even take Angular seriously?!
>>> I thought it was already abandoned by the author who went off to write a
>>> new competing BlahJS, or is a new group completely rewriting it to Angular
>>> 2, or something like that? They all blur together.
>>> *GK*

Re: [OT] Angular certification

2016-10-12 Thread DotNet Dude
On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 3:10 PM, Nick Randolph  wrote:

> We’re just in process of publish an app written in Angular 2, so yes,
> definitely taking it seriously. A lot of pain upgrading from Beta/RC to RTM
> (it’s like they didn’t understand what Beta/RC means).

I heard the same thing about .net core. It seems people are just pumping
out stuff too quickly.

> *Nick Randolph* | *Built to Roam Pty Ltd* | Microsoft MVP – Windows
> Platform Development | +61 412 413 425 | @thenickrandolph |
> skype:nick_randolph
> The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not
> the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this
> email in any way. Built to Roam Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of
> any emails or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the
> author's own and may not reflect the views or opinions of Built to Roam Pty
> Ltd.
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *Tom P
> *Sent:* Thursday, 13 October 2016 3:05 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Angular certification
> Angular 2 is entirely redone. TypeScript makes it also bearable
> Thanks
> Tom
> On 13 October 2016 at 14:54, Greg Keogh  wrote:
> Are there any Angular certifications you guys can recommend that may be
> taken seriously?
> Can anyone even take Angular seriously?!
> I thought it was already abandoned by the author who went off to write a
> new competing BlahJS, or is a new group completely rewriting it to Angular
> 2, or something like that? They all blur together.
> *GK*

Re: [OT] Angular certification

2016-10-12 Thread DotNet Dude
"2 years of angular 2 experience" should be replaced with "we are looking
for John Papa - only apply if you are John Papa"

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Nick Randolph  wrote:

> Just wait until they ask for 2 years of Angular 2 experience….. which
> hasn’t even been out 2 months, let alone 2 years ;-)
> Sorry not the answer you were looking for, but given that 2 is so
> different from 1, you’d be struggling to find certification on v2. I
> haven’t look recently but this book ( used to be
> quite a good getting started guide, and they seem to publish updates quite
> frequently, so perhaps they’ve updated for v2.
> Thanks
> *Nick Randolph* | *Built to Roam Pty Ltd* | Microsoft MVP – Windows
> Platform Development | +61 412 413 425 | @thenickrandolph |
> skype:nick_randolph
> The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not
> the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this
> email in any way. Built to Roam Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of
> any emails or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the
> author's own and may not reflect the views or opinions of Built to Roam Pty
> Ltd.
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *Tom P
> *Sent:* Thursday, 13 October 2016 2:32 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* [OT] Angular certification
> Hi folks
> Are there any Angular certifications you guys can recommend that may be
> taken seriously? I can't seem to get my foot in there door to get the
> angular experience employers are after.
> Thanks
> Tom

Re: Training/Mentoring a developer who doesn't seem to use many modern development productivity tools

2016-07-18 Thread DotNet Dude
I'd prioritise the most productive tools/keystrokes in terms of
productivity and have her do some pair programming. You or someone else who
sits with her can occasionally ask her to use some shortcuts. Just don't
bombard her with shortcuts as she won't absorb them. One or two per pair
session should help a lot.

On Tuesday, 19 July 2016, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> Guys I wonder if I can ask for some advice please.
> I'm currently leading a project with a developer who originally came from
> a Delphi background but has been using visual studio (C++ and C#) for a few
> years now. However I'm finding that she doesn't seem to have much
> experience of many of the productivity features available in modern tools
> like visual studio, or the OS or office for instance.
> By these I mean even simple things like autoformating, intellisense (well
> some), keystrokes to comment/uncomment, snippets, or  refactoring for
> instance. I even had to teach her to do auto build on starting execution
> (PF5 etc), or to use the keyboard to save or build. Things like resharper
> are a pipe dream it seems. I felt as though I was doing magic incantations
> when I started writing some unit tests... Nearly everything she does is
> sort of 'most manual way possible" it sometimes seems.
> Now generally I'm happy to let other do it their way but I find that her
> productivity is very low and I'm thinking part of it might be this factor.
> I know we all have different styles, and I'm far from dictating other use
> my style however I do feel that a modern developer should be aware of the
> capabilities of their development environments.  If her productivity was OK
> I wouldn't care how she used whatever tool.
> What I'd like to do is encourage her to do some directed training that
> would help her productivity and thus personal development. I've tried
> putting together some Pluralsight (it's paid for by our employers so it's
> always there) playlists for her, but I get the "I did some of the training,
> and then stopped to get some work done". I've been more than happy for her
> to actually do the courses lowering the workload for this reason.
> I'd really like her to get the best out of her tools and not be hamstrung.
> Can anyone with experience of this kind of thing tell how how perhaps I
> could approach this in a more positive way please?
> Preet.

Re: Command and Query Responsibility Segregation Pattern (CQRS)

2016-07-17 Thread DotNet Dude
They probably just have an IQuery and an ICommand ;p

On Monday, 18 July 2016, Paul Glavich  wrote:

> It would seem to be the case, CQRS and repository are not mutually
> exclusive patterns, far from it actually. They are quite often used
> together. I would say CQRS is  far broader pattern than the repository
> which is simply to abstract the data store mechanism whereas CQRS is a
> functionally more complex pattern. I would be curious how they are storing
> commands and interacting with the query engine though.
> -  Glav
> *From:*
>  [mailto:
> ] *On
> Behalf Of *Nathan Schultz
> *Sent:* Thursday, 14 July 2016 5:13 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet  >
> *Subject:* Re: Command and Query Responsibility Segregation Pattern (CQRS)
> Hi Tony,
> Yeah, it seems strange to me too.
> Often CQRS is sometimes used in conjunction with Event Sourcing (i.e. an
> append only data-store). So maybe he's thinking of the Repository Pattern
> as a traditional CRUD interface, and it's that which they're not using?
> Regards,
> Nathan.
> On 14 July 2016 at 14:03, Tom Rutter  > wrote:
> Hey Tony, I too am confused by the developer's comment. My understanding
> is the same as yours it seems.
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Tony Wright  > wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a discussion the other day with an experienced developer who told me
> that "instead of using the repository pattern, they just use CQRS these
> days."
> I am somewhat puzzled with that statement, because it is my understanding
> that the two are almost completely independent of each other.
> In simple terms, CQRS is used to separate requests from responses, so data
> received from a database use different classes from the ones used to submit
> updates. e.g. PersonCreateInputDto, which might contain just the fields
> used to create a new person in the database, and PersonOutputDto, which
> might contain just the fields needed to display a list of Person records.
> You don't use the same object for both types of transaction, just the bare
> minimum in each.
> Repository, on the other hand, is used for dependency injection. By
> changing the dependency provider, I can switch a set of runtime classes
> with a set of testing classes. The dependency provider injects the
> dependent objects that are desired at the time, which could be either
> runtime objects, or mock testing objects, so it is predominantly used to
> enable better testing.
> I got the impression that the person was somehow using CQSR to perform
> their testing instead. Is there something that I'm missing here?
> Regards,
> Tony

Re: Headphones Review [OT]

2016-07-07 Thread DotNet Dude
You must be listening to some super special stuff for that price buddy

On Thursday, 7 July 2016, Stephen Price  wrote:

> Hey all,
> I recall some time ago there were people raving about their Bose
> QuietComfort 25's. I have some before they refreshed the model (didn't see
> the point of upgrading, as it was just a cosmetic upgrade on an already
> awesome set of headphones).
> I've been using Sennheiser bluetooth headphones (with an extra battery so
> I can swap and always have a full battery).
> Not cheap (about $450) and they broke in the middle of the headband but
> they replaced them under warranty (after 18 months!).
> Well, today I picked up my new set of *Bose QuietComfort 35*s (wireless!!
> what I've been waiting for 2+ years for).
> Impressed so far. 20 hours battery life according to the box (40hrs if
> using a cable), plus an app that shows your current battery. Lets you have
> multiple pairings, which you can switch with a flick of switch. (not tried
> that yet).
> I think the noise cancelling is better than the Sennheiser (as was my
> wired version). Not that the Sennheiser was bad at all, but Bose seems
> slightly quieter. The Bose also seems to have stronger Bass. So I'm really
> happy.
> It might not be as good for down time, if it goes flat as the battery is
> not removable... but may be able to charge while using em? or use cable and
> then charge when not listening to music.
> Just wanted to share in case someone wanted a set. Also not cheap $500 at
> JB HiFi, but damn, worth every cent (so far!)
> cheers
> Stephen

Re: [OT] Looking for work

2016-06-09 Thread DotNet Dude
4) So you can roll them and race cars down a hill

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Stephen Price 

> The reason man hole covers are round are:
> 1) the hole is round and
> 2) its impossible for a round cover to fall into a round hole. no matter
> which way you turn it, it can't fall down the hole. A square cover can fall
> down if you angle the shortest edge between the diagonals.
> 3) and because turtles.
> --
> *From:*  on
> behalf of Scott Barnes 
> *Sent:* Thursday, 9 June 2016 1:39:00 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Looking for work
> I'm still stumbling my way through a psychology degree (hah weak attempt
> at an appeal to authority lol) but I'm more and more convinced that
> "technical interviews" are a form of projection less about means testing a
> persons' potential / abilities. Some folks just have extremely poor working
> memory while others have excellent ones but on the whole the ability for
> them to regurgitate the exact location of where logic lies within the .NET
> framework is really moot. Hell, I think i could probably put the .NET
> program managers themselves into the same process and i'd wonder if they
> would come out unscathed and more over what purpose does it really serve?
> If someone can memorise the entirety of ASP.NET MVC but fails to apply
> the same logic in say Mono Subset then do they really know .NET or do they
> just know a subset of .NET. What if they could provide coverage on
> everything .NET up and until LINQ or Entity Framework? is that still .NET
> pass or fail? In that they've effectively illustrated they can grasp or
> comprehend the primitives required to progress with .NET but in the end
> have poor recall abilities?
> In my interview process what I typically look for the most is appetite for
> puzzles. You're an engineer, you're not meant to walk in with answers
> you're supposed to walk in with enough foundation pieces to find answers,
> trick with interviews is to then test the foundation... its why stupid
> questions like "Why are manhole covers round" are legendary... its an open
> question that has only one true answer (because Ninja Turtles need to get
> in / out of them) but lends itself to creative / critical thinking.
> Technical are fine but if they are more targeted at foundation level
> points "inside pseudo code, write the usage of a pointer being passed
> in out of two separate layers and then same thing but a copy instead" - who
> cares if the person writes this in python, you now have an indicator marked
> out on their ability to understand how memory works which in turn is really
> what you want to know at the end of the day.
> When people lie in their CV"s they are an "expert" don't be quick to
> punish, as what you're likely seeing unfolding is someone who's got the
> confidence and ambition to fight for that title - so in a way, use that,
> feed that behaviour and you'll likely come away with a seasoned warrior. If
> after 1 - 3 months they are an empty vessel, well you still can say "Sorry,
> the tribe has spoken, thanks for coming". Only a fool would assume that a
> new hire is productive in the 1-3 month timelines anyway, as thats just not
> how it actually unfolds (regardless of skill level).
> my 25c.
> ---
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Bec C  wrote:
>> That's what recruitment agencies typically ask for on a CV. I know how
>> hard it can be when recruiters look for an "angular expert" but the only
>> angular experience you have is some online videos. Hard to compete. Many
>> devs lie on the CV actually to get the job, sometimes it works.
>> On Tuesday, 7 June 2016, Tony Wright  wrote:
>>> I would find it a dubious stat, and certainly wouldn't rely on it.
>>> It only indicates your perception of where you are and may have no basis
>>> in reality.
>>> Best leave it out and wait for those employers that think it means
>>> something to request it from you.
>>> Better employers will be able to gauge where you are from your history
>>> and clever questioning.
>>> T.
>>> On 7 Jun 2016 3:49 PM, "Tom P"  wrote:
 What do the seniors here look for on a CV? I've been told by a few
 people I should be giving myself a score out of 10 for competency in a
 particular language/technology but I find it quite hard to do that and have
 it actually mean anything.


 On 7 June 2016 at 10:22, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> I had a tough time down there too. Everywhere seemed to want an
>> AngularJS "expert" when I was looking.
> Oh hell! I'll never work again -- *GK*


Re: [OT] Looking for work

2016-06-06 Thread DotNet Dude
Send through your CV and I'll try to hook you up

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Tom P  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've really had a tough time finding work in Melbourne. Getting very
> desperate now. If anyone knows of a junior-intermediate role please send
> through.
> Thanks
> Tom

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