VS2012 unit testing

2013-01-11 Thread Greg Keogh
Folks, I'm experimenting with VS2012's unit testing features. When this
feature arrived many years ago I found it crippled and difficult to
navigate, so I continued using NUnit. Now I am compelled to use the Visual
Studio test features.

The first confusion is the 3 different windows. I have 'Test Explorer',
'Test Results' and 'Test Runs'. The first shows my test results in summary
form. The second is empty but has a prompt for 'Manage test runs...'. The
third has a weird 'Connect' option which I pointed to the folder
'TestResults' which I didn't know existed and I see another test summary.
Anway, the details aren't important, but the relationship between these
windows is incomprehensible and I don't know what each is expected to do or
how they talk to each other (if they do!).

The second confusion is about where my trace output is going (nowhere?). I
have Debug, Trace, Console and TestContext WriteLines but all of their
output goes nowhere I can find.

I must be missing some vital link, or my preconceptions have hobbled me,
but how are other people here happily using the VS test features? What's
your technique?


Fwd: VS2012 unit testing

2013-01-11 Thread Greg Keogh
Forget my problem with the test output. I was dumping rows from an empty
database table, so there was no output.

Now I can see all of the 4 types of WriteLines appearing in a new pane when
I click the 'Output' link. It's curious that the Console output comes
first, then the Debug and Trace output mixed together, finally the


Re: VS2012 unit testing

2013-01-11 Thread Preet Sangha
I think I've lost more sleep on MS Test than any other technology from MS
including COM! I believe it's a tool from the pre MS accepting the open
source ecosystem and it did show it's 'me too'

I've not used it since vs2010 and wouldn't wish that tool on my enemies.
Well maybe some all of them.

I believe that MS have put a lot of effort in to VS2012 testing and that
can only be a good thing. I've not played with it yet (well only tiny tiny
bits), but I pray to the non existent god of mine that it's not as crap as
it used to be.

I look forward to being pleasantly surprised.

On 12 January 2013 16:37, Greg Keogh g...@mira.net wrote:

 Forget my problem with the test output. I was dumping rows from an empty
 database table, so there was no output.

 Now I can see all of the 4 types of WriteLines appearing in a new pane
 when I click the 'Output' link. It's curious that the Console output comes
 first, then the Debug and Trace output mixed together, finally the


Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland