re: conference

2002-05-30 Thread Katie Walsgott

Here's another Melbourne conference coming up, which I hope to attend:

Victorian Association of Neonatal Nurses
Saturday, 29th June
 Royal Children's Hospital
Enquiries to Denise Harrison 9345 5522

Katie Walsgott
Student, Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
University of Ballarat

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2002-05-30 Thread Barry MacGregor

Dear all!
I vaguely remember some information on this site previously on PUPPS. 
As a student midwife, I have a lady on which I am conducting a longitudinal 
study - following her through her clinic visits, labour and post partum. 
However, now in her 37th week she has PUPPS. The doctors want to induce 
her, which she is happy about as it will stop the itching. However, I am 
wondering if anyone has any info this condition, like remedies for the itches, 
and why it occurs. Can't find anything in the textbooks!!
Thanks in anticipation

Oh! I heard on the grapevine that Nepean's birth centre was stopped due to 
lack of staff and clients. 


2002-05-30 Thread Lynne Staff

Dear Jo - 
Lots of support and information for women who book 
into Nambour-Selangor. We have a group of professionals who are comfortable 
working with women who are planning vaginal birth after caesarean, and also 
classes (I hate that word) - information is better for those women looking for 
information and support. Most of the women who are planning this go ahead and do 
it! And hey! Havewe seen some wonderful women doing wonderful 
Regards, Lynne

MC Media release

2002-05-30 Thread S.J.F.ELECTRICAL.

Thursday 30 May 2002

to Maternity Indemnity Crisis

The Maternity Coalition calls on the federal government to implement a 
real solution to indemnity for all maternity health professionals and 
particularly to acknowledge the evidence on the most effective care for the 
majority of healthy, pregnant, Australian women, the care of a known 

is the key issue. If the Government 
is serious about resolving this crisis and reducing their indemnity risk then 
they must implement more midwife care. 
“In Australia, fewer than 1% 
of women can currently access one-to-one continuity of care from a midwife in 
the public health system and only in specific locations in WA, SA and the 
Said Justine Caines

There have been very few cases of litigation against midwives. It is known that when women are 
supported by midwives and take responsibility for their own care that they are 
far less likely to sue if an adverse outcome arises. Midwife-led care has been 
proven to result in fewer obstetric interventions to achieve safe childbirth; 
the fewer interventions the lower the risk.

“The majority of midwives that provide this care will not have insurance 
cover after tomorrow. Health 
Minister, Kay Patterson has not taken the plight of midwives seriously. Her actions show contempt for 
international best practice and the rights of women to access this care.” Said 
Justine Caines.

The Maternity Coalition demands that independent midwives be treated as 
all other health professionals and have access to the government rescue package 
and that their legal and professional status as autonomous maternity providers 
be recognised.

“Over the last 15 years most states and territories have had enquiries 
into maternity services, they have all found a need to increase midwife care and 
yet little if any recommendations have been acted upon” said Maternity Coalition spokesperson, 
Justine Caines.

“It is ludicrous that when the country faces an indemnity crisis that 
includes maternity that there has not been an acknowledgement of midwife care 
that has been proven the most cost effective and appropriate by the World Health 
Organisation for the vast majority of women (80%).” Said Justine 

The Maternity Coalition is a national, not for profit organization, of 
consumers and midwives seeking to improve maternity services in Australia and to 
enable women to choose the care of a known midwife.

Media Contact: Justine Caines (02) 6238 1041, 0408 

Re: conference

2002-05-30 Thread Jo Zoch

I am planning on going to this one too:)


- Original Message - 
From: Katie Walsgott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 5:06 PM
Subject: re: conference

 Here's another Melbourne conference coming up, which I hope to attend:
 Victorian Association of Neonatal Nurses
 Saturday, 29th June
 @ Royal Children's Hospital
 Enquiries to Denise Harrison 9345 5522
 Katie Walsgott
 Student, Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
 University of Ballarat
 This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
 Visit to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit to subscribe or unsubscribe.


2002-05-30 Thread Kim Hunter

Hi Sonja,

To find information previously send to list have
a look at the archives.

The searching facility is very easy to use.  I did
a quick search myself, it brought up 11 messages that
seem to relate to your query.

Hope you find what you're after.


At 18:44 30/05/2002, you wrote:
Dear all!
I vaguely remember some information on this site previously on PUPPS.  As 
a student midwife, I have a lady on which I am conducting a longitudinal 
study - following her through her clinic visits, labour and post 
partum.  However, now in her 37th week she has PUPPS.  The doctors want to 
induce her, which she is happy about as it will stop the 
itching.  However, I am wondering if anyone has any info this condition, 
like remedies for the itches, and why it occurs.  Can't find anything in 
the textbooks!!
Thanks in anticipation

Oh! I heard on the grapevine that Nepean's birth centre was stopped due to 
lack of staff and clients.

Kim Hunter
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
Knowledge Management Consultancy, SGML  XML

Content Management Requirements Toolkit
112 CMS requirements, ready to cut-and-paste

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Re: Intuitive Midwifey Workshop

2002-05-30 Thread jennifairy

On Thu, 30 May 2002 14:50, Vicki Chan wrote:
After the success of the Brisbane Intuitive Midwifery workshop, Nic
and I are keen to share it further.
We are presently planning workshops in Sydney and Adelaide but would
love to bring it elsewhere.
We welcome all women...mothers, pregnant women, midwives, childbirth
educators, doulas. I imagine we would need to do a minimum of two
workshops in an area, each with about 16 participants. Numbers in the
workshop are very small to allow deep focus for those commited to their
personal growth as a birthworker and/or birth giver.

We may need someone to liase with, assist with venue, equipment,
catering etc in return for a place in the course.To express interest in
either participating in or planning a workshop in your area...or for a
copy of the pamplet describing it, send a reply email.

Also, with our video In Union now available at CAPERS and shortly at
Birth International...we are on our next task...a video montage
celebrating the important role of women supporting women during
pregnancy, birth, and early mothering. We are presently seeking images
(still and moving) of women with their midwife, doula, is
going to be very beautiful.

With great hope for better birth!

Vicki Chan and Nic Edmondstone

Please feel free to pass on this message to anyone you think may be

yeah I could prolly do something here Vicki, in terms of helping to organise 
stuff. Do you have dates in mind etc?
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2002-05-30 Thread Barry MacGregor

Thanks everyone for your replies.
All my lady's liver function tests have come back normal, however she had a 
haemoglobin test that went from 112 in one week to 90 the next. Don't know 
if this is related or not. I have asked all the senior midwives and 
doctors about PUPPS and all have said that it spontaneously resolves within a 
week after the birth and that it affects first time mothers only. They 
have all been unable to direct me towards any literature on the subject like 
what is the cause.
Thanks again

Re: stillborn questions

2002-05-30 Thread Lynne Staff

Hi Jessica - I am a midwife who 
accompanied a woman through her grieving following an unexpected stillbirth two 
years ago, and she has since had another child at the unit where I work. I 
approached her last week about your posting to this list, and she and her 
husband would be happy to speak with you about her experience - the things that 
were meaningful, the things which helped and those that didn't. Email me if you 
are interested and I will forward her details.
Regards, Lynne

  - Original Message - 
  To: ozmid 
  Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 3:15 PM
  Subject: stillborn questions
  hello list,
  i am in the same boat as jo, who emailed the list 
  awhile ago about stillbirth info. 
  i was wondering if someone could point me in the 
  right direction, when/who initiated that it was better for mum to see/hold 
  their stillborns? 
  any other gems of wisdom on the subject would 
  also be apprecited. i have already spoken to sands and they have been very 

Can you help us?

2002-05-30 Thread Andrea Robertson

Hi all,

We are currently working on further improving the Birth International website,
and we need your help.

We are looking for a few volunteers to help test our current website, to 
any issues that need fixing.

This testing will take only an hour of your time, and we will give you a 
book voucher in return.

It doesn't matter how much computer experience you have, or even whether 
you have visited our site. The only important thing is that you are a 
member of the birthing or midwifery community.

You can find details on the testing below. If you are interested in helping 
out, please send an e-mail to:


(Please indicate when in the day you are available.)

Testing the current Birth International website.

Friday 7th June 2002 (please indicate when during the day you are free)

Birth International offices, Annandale, Sydney
(You will need to arrange your own transport to and from our office.)

1 hour only

We can offer you a $50 book voucher, in return for your participation.

All tests results will remain strictly confidential, and will not be shared 
with anyone
outside of the testing team.

If you can spare some time to come and help us, we can promise you a fun 
day, refreshments, a chance for us to catch up and a a book token. Thanks 
in advance!



Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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