Re: gripe - ME TOO!!!

2002-07-03 Thread JoFromOz

Hi Rhonda... thanks for understanding! That is a horrible piece of 
journalism. I read in the Hearald Sun today about the lack of idemnity insurance 
for obstetricians, and, they said, "who will look after the pregnant women 
now?" Ahem? Excuse me?? WHO LOOKS AFTER THEM ANYWAY?? Midwives do. 
Simple. Grr.

And another thing... I heard also today that 'in the 
pipeline' is going to be a consent form women have to sign in order to have a 
vaginal birth, similar to that for a caesarean... with all the risks 
explained. If they're going to go that far, I think there should be a 
consent form for some women to HAVE a pregnancy in the first place!! 

*sigh* what is the world coming to??? Back in my day 
(ok, so I'm only 23, but still... )


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 8:10 
  Subject: Re: gripe - ME TOO!!!

This is so true and yet in our local paper there was a big front 
page article on the increased Caesar rate in geelong and they are 
blaming the "mothers are choosing them"
The mothers are given the options and are deciding to have caesar's 
The doctors say things like - We wont let you go past this or it 
would be better to do a c/s at this time etc and they are NOT making the 
decisions it is up to the woman to do that. Humph!
I sat all night trying to word a decent reply but it just made me 
so cross that I was forced to have c/s and they are now saying that in 
the past 6 yrs in Geelong Caesarean births have doubled to more than 10% 
outside the WHO guidelines. but this is the mothers fault! 


Well, where is this choice?? 

I am cross tonight anyway because my son came home from care with 
mucky eyes (he has a cold) and I thought I would go the evening clinic 
(open til 8pm) and get some eye drops for conjunctivitis - they had not 
only changed the time from 8pm to 6pm and I was there before 6. 
But said that as they had one person waiting they turned away a 2yr old 
sick child so they could go home on time. I was furious and have 
him at home with boiled water to rinse his eyes - any suggestions for 
natural remedy for conjunctivitis?
I was thinking all the way home - who took the CARE out of Health 
care. Coz it sure hasgot lost somewhere in the system.



From: JoFromOz
Date: Wednesday, July 
03, 2002 07:40:40

Can I just vent a little?

My new workplace is frustrating me.. I'm working in 
the Antenatal Clinic atm as part of my Midwifery graduate program, and 
not enjoying being a handmaiden to the doctors at all. It's 
privatised, so I open the history to the right page, call the woman in 
and do her BP and the doc does the rest. Not very satisfying. 
Today, walking past one of the rooms, I overheard a doctor say "we 
won't let you go over 38 weeks"... I know there is possibly a 
reason for this, but I really hate the language they use... 'won't 
let".. as if the woman has no say at all. I mentioned this to the 
midwife incharge, and she said, 'of course it's not up to her!" I was so 
shocked!!! "But it's her body! He can't do anything to her unless she 
says so..." etc, etc. I just said that there could have been a 
better way of putting it, like, 'My advice is..." The midwife just shook 
her head at me and turned away. I couldn't believe it 

And the other thing... one of the pamphlets they 
routinely hand out down there is one about 'Never shake a baby". 
The first thing it says to try if your baby is crying and not hungry or 
dirty is to give it a bottle of water!!! They still do that on the 
post natal wards over night at this hospital if a baby is crying and is 
breast fed! I said to another co-worker how appalled I was that 
they suggest this, not even mentioning age appropriateness... just 
simply, 'give your baby a bottle of water'. And she said, "yeah? 
what else would you do then? Have you ever had a baby that cries 
constantly?" she proceeded to tell me how she thinks all maternal 
and child health nurses should have their own babies before giving out 
advice, etc etc... 

Not happy, Jan :(

And I haven't even told you anything about the birth 
suite yet :(


Be happy; for every 

Re: gripe - ME TOO!!!

2002-07-03 Thread Megan Tan

  the best remedy for conjunctivitis which I have used for both my 
children is a good old
squirt of breastmilk!  I don't suppose that you have any of that lying 

On Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 08:10 PM, Rhonda wrote:

- any suggestions for natural remedy for conjunctivitis?

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Re: gripe - ME TOO!!!

2002-07-03 Thread Lynne Staff

I always ask in Antenatal sessions if anyone knows what the risks are for 
caesareans and epidurals and am constantly amazed at how many couples say "there 
aren't any, are there?"

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 1:14 
  Subject: Re: gripe - ME TOO!!!

similar to that for a caesarean... with all the risks 
Excuse me - wince when do they explain all the risks of a 
They said with my second one that they didn't need to tell me 
anything coz i had already had one so it didn't matter what i 
knew. The thing was the first one was done while I was high as a 
kite on High BP and magnesium and almost fitting and I didn't care less 
- the second I was in a much more allert and concerned state of 
Hmm... I bet they make vaginal birth look like hell with so many 
risks and then say - a c/s is a safe alternative to these risks. 

It is disheartening isn't it.



From: JoFromOz
Date: Wednesday, July 
03, 2002 20:09:38
Subject: Re: gripe - 

Hi Rhonda... thanks for understanding! That is a horrible piece of 
journalism. I read in the Hearald Sun today about the lack of idemnity 
insurance for obstetricians, and, they said, "who will look after the 
pregnant women now?" Ahem? Excuse me?? WHO LOOKS AFTER THEM 
ANYWAY?? Midwives do. Simple. Grr.

And another thing... I heard also today that 'in 
the pipeline' is going to be a consent form women have to sign in order 
to have a vaginal birth, similar to that for a caesarean... with all the 
risks explained. If they're going to go that far, I think there 
should be a consent form for some women to HAVE a pregnancy in the first 
place!! Sorry.

*sigh* what is the world coming to??? Back in my 
day (ok, so I'm only 23, but still... )


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 
  8:10 PM
  Subject: Re: gripe - ME 

This is so true and yet in our local paper there was a big 
front page article on the increased Caesar rate in geelong and 
they are blaming the "mothers are choosing them"
The mothers are given the options and are deciding to have 
caesar's more.
The doctors say things like - We wont let you go past this 
or it would be better to do a c/s at this time etc and they are 
NOT making the decisions it is up to the woman to do that. 
I sat all night trying to word a decent reply but it just 
made me so cross that I was forced to have c/s and they are now 
saying that in the past 6 yrs in Geelong Caesarean births have 
doubled to more than 10% outside the WHO guidelines. but 
this is the mothers fault! 

Well, where is this choice?? 

I am cross tonight anyway because my son came home from 
care with mucky eyes (he has a cold) and I thought I would go 
the evening clinic (open til 8pm) and get some eye drops for 
conjunctivitis - they had not only changed the time from 8pm to 
6pm and I was there before 6. But said that as they had 
one person waiting they turned away a 2yr old sick child so they 
could go home on time. I was furious and have him at home 
with boiled water to rinse his eyes - any suggestions for 
natural remedy for conjunctivitis?
I was thinking all the way home - who took the CARE out of 
Health care. Coz it sure hasgot lost somewhere in 
the system.



From: JoFromOz
Wednesday, July 03, 2002 07:40:40

Can I just vent a 

RE: ear infections

2002-07-03 Thread Vicki Chan

My kids (almost 3, 6, 15, almost 18) have been very healthy, the only
thing that ever raised it's ugly head was the dreaded ear
infections...terrible pain, fevers...until I discovered onion juice!
Squeeze an onion...I use a citrus juicer, pick up the juice in a
dropper, and squirt it in! Easy as! Never again did any of the kids get
past my ear is sore! In fact the two littlies have had one a piece and
then never again.. The two big ones had a couple more and then never
sick again!

On another note, a client of mine with 18 month old twins was told they
needed grommets urgently(!!! No other option!Come in this week!) She
begged 6 weeks grace...I suggested she visit a chiropractor friend of
mine...miraculously, when the mother returned to the ENT guy, there was
no longer any need for grommets... Did he concede to the benefit of the
chiro? Of course not, apparently the miraculous cure was due to her
dropping a day of day care!! :) 

BTW onion is great grated applied to the feet for colds 'n just about

Yours with stinky oniony kids

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Macha
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 5:20 AM
To: ozmidwifery
Subject: ear infections

Hi.  I need some advice..again!!  My 15.5 month old daughter is
suffering from her second ear infection in 3 weeks.  The doctor she saw
mentioned referring her to a specialist to have grommets put in!  (after
2 infections!...I suspect that they are the same infection).  She has 2
bottles of cows milk a day, and she suffers from a bit of excema.   I
know I
should lose the bottles, but apart from that, I have been told that cows
milk and dairy products, being mucolitic can cause the build up of
mucousy fluids in ears, particularly if the child has an atopic reaction
to cows milk (like excema).  Our problem is, our daughter will not drink
milk from anything other than a bottle, making it hard to wean her from
them, and we find it almost impossible to make up the reccomended 600mls
of dairy in her diet if shes not having bottles.  And what about the
mucous thing?  Have any of you experianced ppl out there heard of this,
and does it have any credibility?  If I did take her off dairy, how on
EARTH would I adjust her diet to make sure that she was receiving
adequate nutrition?  The doctor she saw told me to give her formula
instead of cows milk (WHY?).  Im just so confused!  What do you
reccomend I do? Thanks a million, Macha.

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This is a test - please ignore

2002-07-03 Thread Brian White

We are working on the spam problem. There will
a few of these test message whilst I try some
things out.


Brian White
Brian White
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
Knowledge Management Consultancy, SGML  XML
Phone: +612-93197901

Content Management Requirements Toolkit
112 CMS requirements, ready to cut-and-paste

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RE: my story

2002-07-03 Thread Vicki Chan

I have been midwife at home to several women who have had  3rd degree
tears with previous births... All of them have had intact perineums, one
with a 4.4 kg baby! :)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of judit
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 4:19 PM
Subject: my story


 I was recommended to tell you this story by my midwife friend, to
 to know so more opinions on the subject.

 I am a believer in natural birthing so I had my first baby at home 
 because I didn't trust the hospital to respect my wishes. I had a 
 wonderful midwife and a wonderful baby. I did end up in hospital 
 because of a 3rd degree tear but I wouldn't have wanted it any other 
 way if I had to do it all over again. Well that time has come. I am 
 now 33 weeks pregnant. This time we had to resort to the hospital. I 
 wrote my birthplan and they requested a meeting. It was me against
 four of them, the manager of the ward, a midwife, the obstetrician
 someone from administration.
 They said they respected my wishes against any interventions until
 emergency occurs so I thought everything would be allright. Than at 
 the end the obstetrician stated a ceasarian would be a better option 
 in my case, if I could go home and consider this scenario. I told him 
 straight away I wouldn't change my mind. He said my
 is probably to small because my first baby was only 3.3kg so I 
 shouln't have torn so badly, and that the scar tissue is likely to 
 tear again and might not heal up as well, leaving me farthing
 my fanny for the rest of my life.
 So all of a sudden my wish for a natural birth changed into a 
 recommended x-ray at 36 weeks, if the baby is not to heavy I can
 a vaginal birth on my back with an episiotomy the size of my first 
 tear only in a different direction. I do not like my options very much

 as you can imagine so can anyone tell me if I can trust my 
 obstetricians judgement. Is this normal procedure in a case like mine 
 or shall I have a homebirth again

  Thanks for taking your time to read my story.

 a worried mum

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Test Message Number 2 - please ignore

2002-07-03 Thread Brian White

Brian White
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
Knowledge Management Consultancy, SGML  XML
Phone: +612-93197901

Content Management Requirements Toolkit
112 CMS requirements, ready to cut-and-paste

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conjuntivitis ear infections

2002-07-03 Thread Larry Megan

Hi Rhonda and all
one of the best things for clearing eyes is breastmilk, if you have any on
you. The other great product is Eyebright, make an infusion and clean the
eyes with this. Careful not to cross contaminate. Hilde Hemmes makes the
product I have, but a health shop should be able to help.

I have just read an article from a Dr Lines in Adelaide, which states its
been estimated that one has to give antibiotics to 14 children with middle
ear infection to help one - the other 13 will resolve their infection just
as quickly without medication. We should be seeing less and less
prescribing of antibiotics for this complaint.
Its OK to get a specialist opinion, like birth you can still make an
informed choice on what to do with your info.I would be doing natural
therapies and seeing a certified osteopath as well.
As for the milk thing and mucous, I was told by someone who studied Ayurveda
(Indian healing science), that it is cold drinks that are mucous producing,
regardless of what it was. We should have all our fluids warm, even yogurt

Good health to you all,

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[ozmidwifery] Test Message Number 3 - please ignore

2002-07-03 Thread Brian White

Brian White
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
Knowledge Management Consultancy, SGML  XML
Phone: +612-93197901

Content Management Requirements Toolkit
112 CMS requirements, ready to cut-and-paste

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[ozmidwifery] Good News

2002-07-03 Thread Kim Hunter

Hi everyone,

We have been working on the mailing list to
solve the spam problem and also to make the
list easier to use, hence all the test
messages.  The results of this work are:

1.  Using the reply button automatically
sends your messages to the list, not
the person who originally sent the

2.  We have added the name of the list,
i.e. [ozmidwifery] to the subject line of
the list messages.  Hopefully this will
assist you in sorting your emails.

3.  We are experimenting with a solution to
to stop spam messages reaching the list.
This means the ozmidwifery-list email
address no longer exists.  We cannot
guarantee that no spam will reach the list
but this should greatly reduce it.

Let me know if you have any queries regarding
these changes.


Kim Hunter
List Administration
Birth International
ACE Graphics and Associates in Childbirth Education

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