Re: [ozmidwifery] Midwife in Johannesburg??

2002-07-16 Thread MHS Grové

Hi Vicky
Yes it is true about what this woman say but I am sure there might be
someone for her I am forwarding  My address please e-mail me and I will send
you her addy.There certainly is people who will consider VBAC
Hettie Grove South Africa

- Original Message -
From: Vicki Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 9:33 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Midwife in Johannesburg??

 Hello all...

 Does anyone know of a midwife in Johannesburg that could support this

  Mum has been telling me alot about the work your doing with
 intuitive midwifery. She probably told you that I am pregnant with my
 second child, due in January 2002. I am living in South Africa at the
 moment, but after having experienced the interventionist
 medical/maternity care here during the birth of my daughter Jasmin in
 1999 (resulting in a caesar), I am thinking seriously about coming back
 to Australia to have this baby.

 The main reason for my thinking this way is that I am not having much
 success in finding midwives or gynaecologists who support natural/home
 birth here. The rate of caesareans in the country is scary - in some
 clinics about 80% (mainly in the private clinics where most white people
 go). I do know people who have had home births with midwives here, but I
 heard that they will not do home births for women after they have had a
 caesar. I understand that there can be risks with VBAC, but I have also
 read of many cases where women have had home births without any problem.

 My main interest is to find someone who has the same values and
 understanding as I do about the significance and power of the birthing
 process for a woman. Whether it does end up in a hospital birth or a
 caesar is not so important. Also, as I don't have family around me where
 I live, I know that it would be a wonderful experience for everyone
 (myself, husband, mother, sisters and daughter in particular) to be in a
 nurturing homely environment on the occasion. My husband, Stefan, is
 supportive of a natural birth, but is worried that I will go off to
 Australia and leave him out. So making arrangements for his
 participation is also important. But when he discusses the money and
 time issues involved I get reacted as these are not things that I want
 to consider as obstacles. I feel very strongly that this is very
 important for me personally and would be wonderful for him too, although
 he doesn't fully understand this now.

 I would like to ask you firstly if you know of anyone practicing
 according to the values and systems that you use in Johannesburg, RSA.
 There is a clinic here called Linkwood which has been set up for natural
 birthing with double suites, attached bathroom, etc. But the gynae who
 they referred me to for my first visit this week just completely turned
 me off. When I told her that I was 35 and had a caesar last time, she
 spent most of my appointment informing us about the risk of downs
 syndrome, the choices we have for testing, the unreliability of these
 tests, the options we have for termination, etc. Then went on to say
 that if there were any slight complications such as hypertension,
 gestational diabetes, overdue, etc, there would be no question of having
 a natural birth. If things were all on track, she said she wouldn't mind
 if I had a bash at a trial of labour. This is not the way I want to be
 treated or guided through the pregnancy.

 If I came to Australia in early December (due date around 24 January),
 would you be able to be my midwife? If you are able, would it be
 possible to have some sort of virtual consultations in the meantime so
 that I can get to know you and the work that you're doing. If you won't
 be able to be my midwife, can you refer me to someone else who you could
 strongly recommend. Please also let me know what your costs are.

 I had a look at your website and saw that you have a video. could I
 order this and get it sent to me?

 I look forward to hearing from you.


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[no subject]

2002-07-16 Thread apks

I am would like to contact midwives working in a 
team midwifery model providing continuity of care,
anne brisbane

[ozmidwifery] RE: ABC story

2002-07-16 Thread Danielle morley

Congratulations Justine and all for the fantastic story presented on ABC TV 
tonight. Although I only caught the last bit, it was fantastic to see the 
ABCaccurately reportthe challenges facing midwives and woman whom 
choose midwifery care.


[ozmidwifery] Antenatal education training

2002-07-16 Thread Di Felsbourg

Hi to all the enjoying reading the many  varied topics on the ozmid list  now have a query to anyone out there who may be able to assist

I ( quite a few of my fellow student midwives) require a workshop or course on the topic of 'learning how to conduct antenatal education/classes'. Yes...these courses are available but are either not 'fit' as an elective subject due to number of hours OR are far to long  indepth for what we require as an elective subject. 
Ideally, the workshop would consist of approximately 40 hours of theory with associated assesment tasks in the way assignmentswhich could be assessed and graded and just to make this request a bit more of a challenge would have to be conducted in Melbourne :)

Would very much appreciate any help with this request

Thanks.Di FelsbourgMSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click Here
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Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: ABC story

2002-07-16 Thread Jen Semple

I saw the whole thing- fantastic!  Well spoken to all
of your who were interviewed for it.   what a breath
of fresh air after all of the rubbish that's been on
the other shows lately.

For people who missed it, the ABC website is usually
pretty good- they might have something on the story. 
Go to

Cheers, Jen

 --- Danielle morley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote:  BlankCongratulations Justine and all for the
 fantastic story presented on ABC TV tonight. 
 Although I only caught the last bit, it was
 fantastic to see the ABC accurately report the
 challenges facing midwives and woman whom choose
 midwifery care.

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Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: ABC story

2002-07-16 Thread Jen Semple

I saw the whole thing- fantastic!  Well spoken to all
of your who were interviewed for it.   what a breath
of fresh air after all of the rubbish that's been on
the other shows lately.

For people who missed it, the ABC website is usually
pretty good- they might have something on the story. 
Go to

Cheers, Jen

 --- Danielle morley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote:  BlankCongratulations Justine and all for the
 fantastic story presented on ABC TV tonight. 
 Although I only caught the last bit, it was
 fantastic to see the ABC accurately report the
 challenges facing midwives and woman whom choose
 midwifery care.

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Antenatal education training

2002-07-16 Thread Lois Wattis

Hello Di -- this sounds to be a 
pretty daunting task. I'd suggestyou put it together in parts, and 
here's a good starting point:
 Get hold of copies of Andrea 
Robertson's video's "Skills for Childbirth Educators" - volume 1 "Learning about 
the Pelvis", and volume 2 "Using Models Effectively". Also copies of 
Andrea's books "Preparing for Birth - Mothers" and "Preparing for Birth - 
Fathers". These few references will equip you to present the fundamentals 
of active birth preparartion andeducational issues for parents. 
(Hopefully you'll find them in your uni library)... However,the 
books are cheap and well worth having inyour personal library( I 
know only too wellabout financial constraintsof being a 
student). This may seem like a blatent advertisement (and I have NO vested 
interest in these items) - but they are, in my opinion,among the most 
valuable resourceson which to baseantenatal education in 

If you can also afford to get to any of 
the Active Birth Workshops with Andrea Robertson you will be well equipped to 
tackle the workshops as required.
Good luck with your project, and your 
midwifery studies. Kind regards, Lois Wattis

  - Original Message - 
  Di Felsbourg 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:36 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Antenatal 
  education training
  Hi to all the enjoying reading the many  varied topics on 
  the ozmid list  now have a query to anyone out there who may be able to 
  I ( quite a few of my fellow student midwives) require a workshop or 
  course on the topic of 'learning how to conduct antenatal 
  education/classes'. Yes...these courses are available but 
  are either not 'fit' as an elective subject due to number of hours OR are far 
  to long  indepth for what we require as an elective subject. 
  Ideally, the workshop would consist of approximately 40 hours of theory 
  with associated assesment tasks in the way assignmentswhich could be 
  assessed and graded and just to make this request a bit more of a 
  challenge would have to be conducted in Melbourne :)
  Would very much appreciate any help with this request
  Thanks.Di Felsbourg
  MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click Here-- This 
  mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics. Visit to subscribe or unsubscribe. 

Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: ABC story

2002-07-16 Thread Lois Wattis

Dear Jen - the web address doesn't work - should be abc - something??
Anybody else know what it should be? I'd like to send my congratulations
too.  George Negus covered the whole issue wonderfully.

 Congratulations to Jan,  Justine, etc. for representating us all so well.
Cheers, Lois

- Original Message -
From: Jen Semple [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: ABC story

I saw the whole thing- fantastic!  Well spoken to all
of your who were interviewed for it.   what a breath
of fresh air after all of the rubbish that's been on
the other shows lately.

For people who missed it, the ABC website is usually
pretty good- they might have something on the story.
Go to

Cheers, Jen

 --- Danielle morley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote:  BlankCongratulations Justine and all for the
 fantastic story presented on ABC TV tonight.
 Although I only caught the last bit, it was
 fantastic to see the ABC accurately report the
 challenges facing midwives and woman whom choose
 midwifery care.


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Re: [ozmidwifery] Antenatal education training

2002-07-16 Thread P A Koziol

Dear Di
Have you contacted the Royal Womens Hospital, Melb, 
Childbirth Education Department?? or I can put in contact with NACE (National 
Association of Childbirth Educators) Vic Branch. Both of these organisations run 
childbirth educator training workshops for beginner educators which may fit your 



Alesa KoziolClinical Midwifery EducatorMelbourne

  - Original Message - 
  Di Felsbourg 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 8:36 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Antenatal 
  education training
  Hi to all the enjoying reading the many  varied topics on 
  the ozmid list  now have a query to anyone out there who may be able to 
  I ( quite a few of my fellow student midwives) require a workshop or 
  course on the topic of 'learning how to conduct antenatal 
  education/classes'. Yes...these courses are available but 
  are either not 'fit' as an elective subject due to number of hours OR are far 
  to long  indepth for what we require as an elective subject. 
  Ideally, the workshop would consist of approximately 40 hours of theory 
  with associated assesment tasks in the way assignmentswhich could be 
  assessed and graded and just to make this request a bit more of a 
  challenge would have to be conducted in Melbourne :)
  Would very much appreciate any help with this request
  Thanks.Di Felsbourg
  MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click Here-- This 
  mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics. Visit to subscribe or unsubscribe. 

[ozmidwifery] health dimensions

2002-07-16 Thread Larry Megan

Hi all
It was really well done, congrats to the women involved and the ABC. I loved
the water births, so brilliant to see a baby being born this way on our
TV's. Hope someone from ACA was watching to see how it's done.


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Re: [ozmidwifery] health dimensions

2002-07-16 Thread Carol Thorogood

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[ozmidwifery] dimensions

2002-07-16 Thread Carol Thorogood

Hi I've sent the following letter to the ABC. You never know we might 
generate some more woman friendly and midwifery friendly stuff. By  the way 
this week Norman Swann did an excellent radio national program about a 
woman who took on a hospital after she nearly died post caesar. A medico 
told her that a ligature probably 'fell off'  after her caesar cause she 
moved.  I kid you not. That's what the woman said. Her Hb was 2 and there 
seemed to be a little delay in detecting that haemorrhage. But if she moved 
then it must have been all her fault!!!   the transcript should be 
available soon on Radio National 's  web site.

Dear ABC
The Dimensions program on Midwives was superb and worth every one of my 8 
cents a day (it must me at least 10 cents by now).  Will it be possible to 
have it commercially released? I know that licensing agreements increases 
the costs but  it would be very useful for teaching purposes for students 
and parents alike.  I know that the production  Losing Layla generated huge 
interest after it was presented on the ABC and was sold commercially. There 
is a dearth  of quality, properly researched 'documentaries' on things like 
what childbearing really means for women. There is also very little 
material concerned with what midwives do, why they are so good and how 
women can choose a care provider that is suitable for them, or how  to deal 
with a not very user-friendly health care system.

Well done ABC. Judging from the positive feedback about Dimensions' 
Midwives I think that if the ABC released it for commercial purposes it 
might recoup  a little bit of its money and then it can invest in more 
quality programs such as this! My peers would be very happy to 'talk' to 
the ABC about the sorts of issues we  would like to see on our ABC.

Carol Thorogood

Carol Thorogood

Visiting Midwifery Scholar
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Flinders University, Adelaide, 5001

Telephone: 08 8201 3924
Fax:   08 8201 3410

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Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: ABC story

2002-07-16 Thread TinaPettigrew
In a message dated 16/07/02 10:31:03 PM AUS Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear Jen - the web address doesn't work - should be abc - something??
Anybody else know what it should be? I'd like to send my congratulations
too. George Negus covered the whole issue wonderfully.

Hi Lois

I missed the programso went looking for a transcript at the ABC such luck but there was a small blurb on the segment of this weeks health dimensions at the above address... 

Cheers TinaXX 

[ozmidwifery] dimensions

2002-07-16 Thread Carol Thorogood

I've sent the following letter to the ABC. You never know we might generate 
some more woman and midwifery friendly stuff. By  the way this week Norman 
Swann did an excellent radio national program about a woman who took on a 
hospital after she nearly died post caesar. A medico told her that a 
ligature probably 'fell off'  cause she moved.  I kid you not.  Her Hb was 
2 and there seemed to be a 'little' delay in detecting the hemorrhage. But 
I suppose if she moved then it must have been all her fault!!!   The 
transcript should be available soon on Radio National 's  web site.

Dear ABC
The Dimensions program on Midwives was superb and worth every one of my 8 
cents a day (it must me at least 10 cents by now).  Will it be possible to 
have it commercially released? I know that licensing agreements increase 
the costs but  it would be very useful for teaching purposes for students 
and parents alike.  I know that the production  Losing Layla generated huge 
interest after it was presented on the ABC and was sold commercially. There 
is a dearth  of quality, properly researched 'documentaries' on things like 
what childbearing really means for women. There is also very little 
material concerned with what midwives do, why they are so good and how 
women can choose a care provider that is suitable for them, or how  to deal 
with a not very user-friendly health care system.

Well done ABC. Judging from the positive feedback about Dimensions' 
Midwives I think that if the ABC released it for commercial purposes it 
might recoup  a little bit of its money and then it can invest in more 
quality programs such as this! My peers would be very happy to 'talk' to 
the ABC about the sorts of issues we  would like to see on our ABC.


Carol Thorogood

Visiting Midwifery Scholar
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Flinders University, Adelaide, 5001

Telephone: 08 8201 3924
Fax:   08 8201 3410

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[ozmidwifery] RE: ABC story

2002-07-16 Thread Jen Semple

I hate those typos, sorry!  You're right Lois, should


 --- Lois Wattis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Dear
Jen - the web address doesn't work - should be
 abc - something??
 Anybody else know what it should be? I'd like to
 send my congratulations
 too.  George Negus covered the whole issue
  Congratulations to Jan,  Justine, etc. for
 representating us all so well.
 Cheers, Lois

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[ozmidwifery] re: new dimensions

2002-07-16 Thread Barry MacGregor


Shea, Maree and yourself were wonderful on 
Tuesday's show!
I want to say thanks for training me in my first 
semester of uni last year as a very green midwifery student. Now I am a 
fully fledged midwife, still working within the obstetric model of care in the 
local hospital but often asking WHY!!!, especially in relation to inductions at 
40+6 for post dates and routine LSCS's for twins and breech etc. The 
latest, I am told, is that a previous 3rd or 4th degree tear is an indication 
for "offering" women the "choice" of LSCS. Have you heard anything so 
ridiculous in your life (well I guess we all have with many of the interventions 
that go on almost routinely).

However, I am looking forward to gaining much 
experience and working within a team midwifery model in the near future, plus 
spendingtime attending midwifery conferences etc now that I no longer have 
to spend hours upon hours writing assignments.

Independent midwives are my inspiration to keep on 
going within this obstetric model of care, and I feel very privileged to have 
been partly educated by yourself.

Yours in gratitude

[ozmidwifery] Dimensions Web site

2002-07-16 Thread Christine Tony Holliday

Try this for the transcripts of last nights segment on Midwives


[ozmidwifery] AMA calls for National Medical Accident Scheme......

2002-07-16 Thread TinaPettigrew
Hi fellow listers...

I have just sat through the Federal AMA President Dr. Kerryn Phelps address to the National Press Club (NPC) in Canberra on the PII crisis...her address as part of 'Family Doctor Week' proposed the question: 'Medical Practice: An uninsurable risk?'

In her address to the NPC... Kerryn Phelps announced the AMA's call and support for State and Federal tort law reformand the AMA's backing for a Gov't funded National Medical Accident Scheme, similar to that of the ACC in NZ.she declared that in the present climate, medical practice is an uninsurable risk, and only drastic law reform that removes the right of patients to sue their doctors in favour of a National Care and Rehabilitation Scheme, and a Gov't funded National Medical Accident Scheme, would we see and end to the PII crisis...

Transcripts of her address are available from

Yours in birth,

Tina Pettigrew
Bachelor of Midwifery Student and Independent CBE 
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life
 - So we can trust birth"
Harriette Hartigan.