Re: [ozmidwifery] Foxtel Midwives

2002-10-29 Thread JoFromOz

Does anyone know if it is available on video/DVD?
I finished reading the book a few months ago, and would LOVE 
to see the movie, but I don't have foxtel.

Thanks, Jo

Babies are Born... Pizzas are 

RE: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

2002-10-29 Thread Vance Edwina

Hey Aviva,

Is your Leslie available and can you
introduce my very lovely Kasia to him - or even Harry?
(You know how I feel about her current boyfriend)

JJJ Edwina JJJ 

(Just joking!  or am I?)

Behalf Of Aviva Sheb'a
Sent: Tuesday, 29 October 2002
9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery]
educating the community

Hi, Liz,

Leslie, my little angel, butter
wouldn't melt in his mouth, sizzle sizzle. 

Now, who he really is! According to
his media studies teacher for his last two years of high school, if anyone was
born to be a film director, it's Leslie. In his 30+ years of teaching media
 art, L was his best student. OK, I've had my brag.

Leslie and Harry Aronsten studied
together, made 17 short films whilst doing year 12. Entered some in
competitions, came awfully close to winning (didn't compromise their ideas,
didn't suck up enough?) and were asked to apply for positions with
Perspicacious Productions. They've been working there ever since. 

Started with editing Year 12
videos, then filming as well. They've recently done Live Editing of a two week
music festival. Leslie's also been doing the administration...going to schools,
pitching to the students and teachers, taking orders etc. as well as all the
tax, pay etc. They've moved on to corporate videos, CD-ROMs. Leslie's on the
lookout for his own whiz bang computer so he can work independently as well,
though they've just done one on Harry's computer. He and Harry both have kept
sight of their goals and can hardly wait to get their teeth sunk into their own
film making. Of the two, Leslie is the one with the spark and flare; Harry is
the perfectionist. They're both utterly dedicated, both have brilliant ideas,
both really know their stuff, are almost 19, wonderful to work with. 

Naturally I want Leslie to succeed;
nonetheless, I havea deep respect Harry's abilities and dedication too.
Leslie has more drive I think, but Harry is one of those quiet, unassuming lads
(rare?) who goes about his business quietly doing wonderful things. Leslie is a
wonderful communicator with everybody. Can talk to anyone, any age, about
anything. (Rosie's like that too.)

Leslie's been drumming since he
could flail his arms in utero. At a jazz concert in Amsterdam at the age of 13
months, he stopped the show banging on the metal seats along with the drum
solo. The drummer, Han Bennink, stopped playing except for a light background
beat. Leslie kept going -- in perfect time as though the music was still there.
It was, in Leslie. Brought the house down! Han later told me to get him drums
as soon as possible. Well, we stuck to saucepans and chop sticks till he was
eight or nine, then he joined the local brass band as second drummer, using a
hired crappy old kit, having a weekly lesson. Then he became first drummer in a
few weeks. It wasn't long before we moved the kit from the shed to the bedroom,
as I loved hearing his music! Triple J have asked the band, No See Dolly, for a

Two years ago, we (Leslie, Rosie
[voice] and I [vocal dance]) did a gig in Adelaide with one of the jazz
musicians I used to work with in Holland, Michiel Dhont; one of the top jazz
double bass players for many years. Michiel and his wife, Mea, were only in
Adelaide for three days. We had no rehearsal, the children had not heard
Michiel's music, and Michiel and I had not seen each other for fifteen years,
since Leslie was a toddler and we came back to Australia. We performed two 45
minute sets, totally improvised. Afterwards, Michiel said Leslie, at 16, had
the ability and professionalism to fit in with any of the top bands in the

I know this sounds like the ravings
of a very proud Mama. It is. I am justifiably proud, and also my children's
greatest critic! When something's not up to scratch, I'm the first to say so.
Poor buggers! I think it's done them both the world of good having a mother who
has travelled widely and been spoiled rotten by exposure to the best of what
the world had to offer. My dance teacher, Maestro Alberto Vila, taught me
perfectionism and an incredible lack of tolerance of mediocrity, which my
parents also instilled. I do not praise lightly! 

Humble apologies to you for this
rambling...oh dear, look at the time!!! KKK



[ozmidwifery] Just some thoughts off the top

2002-10-29 Thread Rhonda

  I got a good laugh out of these so just had to pass them on.
Just some thoughts off the top 1. Give a person a fish and 
you feed them for day; teach that person to use the Internet and they 
won't bother you for weeks.2. Some people are like Slinkies . . . 
not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when 
you see one tumble down the stairs.3. I read recipes the same way I 
read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that's not 
going to happen." 4. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, 
lying in hospitals dying of nothing. 5. The other night I ate at a 
real family restaurant. Every table had an argument going. 6. Have 
you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks about 
seeing UFOs like they used to. 7. According to a recent survey, men 
say the first thing they notice about a woman is their eyes, and women 
say the first thing they notice about men is they're a bunch of liars. 
8. Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again. 9. All of us 
could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. 
10. Have you noticed that a slight tax increase costs you two 
hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut saves you thirty cents? 
11. In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the 
world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal. 12. 
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to 
realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.13. How 
is it one careless match can start forest fire, but it takes a whole box 
to start a campfire? 14. You read about all these terrorists--most 
of them came here legally, but they hung around on these expired visas, 
some for as long as 10-15 years. Now, compare that to Blockbuster: 
you're two days late with a video and those people are all over you. 
Let's put Blockbuster in charge of immigration.


 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - 

Re: [ozmidwifery] original music for ads

2002-10-29 Thread elizabeth mcalpine
correct Jen

 Nic  Vicki have done several videos.  I think the one that Liz 
 (specifically) has been talking about is called In Union  the song 
 that accompanies it, also called In Union, is original (written by 
 Vicki  her brother?).
 Please correct me if I'm wrong.
 - Original Message -
 From: Aviva Sheb'a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:40 am
 Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] educating the community
  If you use other people's music, you have to have the rights to 
  use it. Easier and cheaper to write our own??? It could be 
  recorded as the ad/segment is made. 
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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Re: [ozmidwifery] original music for ads

2002-10-29 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

excellent! Their videos are fabulous. I'd 
forgotten (forgive me) that the song's original.
- Original Message - 
From: Jennifer Semple 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:54 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] original music for ads
Nic  Vicki have done several videos. I think the one 
that Liz (specifically) has been talking about is called "In Union"  
the song that accompanies it, also called "In Union", is original (written 
by Vicki  her brother?).

Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

2002-10-29 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

Oh, brilliant, Pinky! Your risk management 
strategies sound like mine!
- Original Message - 
From: Pinky 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

Absolutely Aviva -I was interviwed by ACA a few 
years ago about teenagers - they ended up taking the tack that teenagers today 
were 'out of control" and although I had said things like -It is important 
to keep the communication lines open so you can implement risk management 
strategies - and wow my kids havent actually got up to half of what I did -I was 
living with a heroin addict at 17!
I came across as the most pious,right 
wing mama you could find - my "born again' christian neighbours were most 
impressed at how sensible I sounded - the local butcher was in hysterics!! His 
son and mine were mates so he knew first hand that my risk management strategies 
included free condoms and frequent discussions about respecting women/ safe sex 
etc etc.

Re: [ozmidwifery] from Leilah McCracken/BirthLove

2002-10-29 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

The word 'awesome' has been overused, abused. THIS 
writing, THIS perception, is, truly, awesome. 
- Original Message - 
From: Denise 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] from Leilah 

Dear Jayne
Leilah piecemade me cry as I have with many 
women and felt the need to for so many others.
Why are the sufferings of these women and babies 

Is this pain what this generation needs to wake up 
to?It reminds me of when I was at school ( a top girls school) crying 
because my father had beaten my mother the night before and I was sent to the 
head mistressas could not stop crying and get on with my work!She told 
me not to bring this to school and to go into the play ground and compose 
myself!Another girl came at recess and told me she often felt as I did that 
Still we went back to school and our families and 
more of the samefor a while longer.
My mother did leave my father but did not know 
about refuges...

Now we have campaigns to make men and our community 
take responsibility for domestic violence.
So a campaign to take some of the pain out of 
childbirth is more than a possibility it is happening that is NMAP 

Denise Hynd

  - Original Message - 

  Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 11:45 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] from Leilah 
  Leilah writes 
  amazing stuff from the heart about birth - this seemed appropriate to share 
  here. Especially from about almost half way down where it starts "Women suffer, babies suffer too, pain of all kinds- "for 
  their own good".
  The Moon's 
  Soft Happiness amidst the Troubles of the WorldI know I should try 
  writing while the moon is full and it's 1am (precisely).The sky is light 
  with quick moving clouds, the trees are black with silent,brooding 
  intent... gorgeous night, lusty and cool, deepening Autumn andseeming to 
  hold its breath, waiting for some omen or other to make it turnits head- 
  to light, or to further shadow.This is the night, this is where I sit. 
  The house is silent, save for thequiet murmurs of my husband and two of 
  our older children (and of course theaccursed din of these computers). I'm 
  aware of shimmering light cast off byscreens in here- and of the night, 
  the night does shimmer to those sentient,and my window is open and some 
  soft moonlight filters in... faces, moods,emotion- all sorts of things 
  flash past in my mind softly, nuances of wordedpossibility that can come 
  down to my screen. What words shall I let flow...what thought should be 
  unleashed... what, why- to whom shall I focus? Everdistracted, ever 
  preoccupied- ever looking away, within- up at the sky as itglows white 
  with thickening cloud. Thus is my night... shrouded with seemingintent; 
  purposeful, but for distractions from sole purpose.Focus, dear. We 
  need focus- what has been idling in my mind, waiting for atime that is 
  ripe to come out? (Is the time ripe now? Or will my little babywake up and 
  cry because she is teething?) I know what has been in my mind,but I don't 
  know if the words will come to release the thought. I will try.My life 
  is a study of the day. And if in the day I am satisfied, then thereis 
  nothing more that I could ask for. If I have loved my children- did 
  somesite work- did some housework- laughed with my husband- ate 
  nutritiously,and fed my family well too- if I did all these things, I am 
  content. I havedone these things, yes, today I have. And while today was a 
  difficult day inmany ways (seven out of eight kids, aged thirteen and 
  under, being"challenging"), I am still satisfied- content- for my day was 
  served well.Yes: I am content, even though in my province dozens of women 
  hadunnecessary cesareans, and even more babies were blasted out by 
  inductiondrugs. I am content... I have learned to be content, and this 
  revelationcame to me only recently.I wrote two weeks ago about my 
  son almost dying from choking. (Note toparents everywhere: when a child is 
  choking, it may not look like he ischoking. My son was in no way 
  indicating he couldn't breathe- he just seemedto be having a seizure, then 
  he lost consciousness and turned ashen.) Afterhe recovered and I brought 
  him home, it occurred to me that my family is thesingle most important 
  thing in my life; that no matter what goes on outsidemy little realm, I 
  can only be truly satisfied and productive in my life ifmy family- my 
  absolute core- is intact and safe. I realized that everythingI do for 
  birth and for women is rooted, at its very core, in my sense ofwell-being 
  that comes from being a mother; and that if the core is shaken,then all 
  else will shake as well.This has proven to be a greatly important 
  realization to make (that myfamily is my absolute core, and that a 
  satisfied core is a 

RE: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

2002-10-29 Thread Vicki Chan
Title: Message

Pinky...I'm ready for anything it takes!!

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Pinky 
  McKaySent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:21 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ozmidwifery] Birth 
  Hi Liz,
  I am a trained advertising copywriter (I have 
  done weekend workshops with some of the top creative directors in Melbourne 
  -with a two year old on my breast -most of these guys were more familiar 
  with the association between breasts and fast cars!)- Yes I can help - 
  my time is very limited but I can take on small chunks and am happy to pass on 
  I was invited on GMA for an interview this doesnt 
  cost at all -although they have a system where you can pay $3000 for an 
  interview -I have costings for ads in an elusive notebook - they charge per 
  state on a sliding scale so a national ad is a multiple of state prices - 
  Sydney is more expensive withWA and Q lessexpensive,but 
  around $200 per state per 30 second ad - Birthingis a non 
  commercial issue but we need something to pin it on - they arent a current 
  affair show so wont be involved in politics and probably like to think they 
  are not having rabid "birth nazis" on their show. I reckon we could get Nic 
  and Vicki on if GMA was simply sent a copy of their video with a good press 
  release and followup. I am happy to talk to the producer if they are happy to 
  be interviewed!!! They will get about 3 minutes if it comes off - better than 
  30 seconds!!
  Then if this comes off - any money raised / 
  sponsorship for an ad can be put towards an ad - TWO bites of the 
  Do you want me to go ahead and contact the 
  producer?-Vicki are you ready for an interview re midwifery and your and 
  Nics work helping women enjoy birth in this technological age - I think a 
  fairly 'mainstream' approach would be all you will get on Bert - he is a nice 
  interviewerbut conservative and wouldnt be out to create controversy 
  -hiswomen producers are older first time mothers who were probably 
  epiduralled then back to work quite early. The In Union video footage would be 
  a lovely reinforcer for a piece highlighting NMAP and womens choices/the 
  benefits of having your 'own' midwife - not necessarily at home -(Slide all 
  that in sideways around an interview about the video if that is the only way 
  to get it on) -To get on TV/ in the media - it needs to affect a 
  majority or be sensational (ie ACA who only want sensation and edit/ alter the 
  context of anything said during a pre-recorded interview).
  It also helps to have a website to refer women to 
  for further info.

[ozmidwifery] back on line

2002-10-29 Thread Lynne Staff

Hello all - Yes another glitch with the modem, and 
I am back on line after a week and a bit, I have lost all my mails for the past 
month, plus my address book again. If anyone had sent me any mail,could 
they please resend it now? (except that I will be in Byron the next few 
daysa small break)

I went to Intuitive Midwifery on the weekend and 
what a day! Came awayhaving experienced every emotion under the sun! And 
having met some wonderful women too.

Vicki and Nic - my love to you both for the vision, 
passion, commitmentand skills you have putting it all together. How lucky 
am I?:-)

RE: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

2002-10-29 Thread Vicki Chan
Title: Message

the beauty of Ïn Union" it's all ours...we can do what we like with it!! I 
have written a few songs and awaiting my income to move into a positive 
direction to finance recording.. "Women's work"sung by Caitlin at the Adelaide 
and Nambour workshop is mine!! sorry melbourne, damn that laryngitis! 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Aviva 
  Sheb'aSent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:41 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] educating 
  the community
  If you use other people's music, you have to 
  have the rights to use it. Easier and cheaper to write our own??? It could be 
  recorded as the ad/segment is made. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tom, Tania and Sam 
  Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] educating the community
  I think you're thinking of the wonderful work Vicki and Nic 
  have done withthe song "from a distance" by Bette Midler. 

RE: [ozmidwifery] Love of midwifery

2002-10-29 Thread Vicki Chan
Title: Message

When I 
went to see my local member [ Carolyn Male, member for Glasshouse, QLD] , she 
was intelligent, open, and wanted more than anything to hear from her 
constituents both mothers and midwives if it were indeed true that things were 
less than ideal in the system...she was somewhat shocked and deeply moved by the 
stories of the mother I had accompanied to her office to discuss birth issues 
and particularly NMAP...Carolyn had had her babies in the same hospital (and by 
fluke, with the same lovely midwife both times!!) and had thought everybody must 
have been as satisfied as her. If we dont tell them, they dont 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Denise 
  HyndSent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:37 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Love of 
  Dear Fiona
  So many of us feel like this and it is not enough 
  to just get it off our chests!We must never accept it we must work to 
  change it and the only way is to get political!
  Trouble is in doing otherwise we support it, 
  contribute to it and the effects roll out as the mothers are disempowered to 
  mother etc...Make Appointments and act!1) Go tell your local members 
  of parliament 
  2) If you are in NSW or Victoria go and tell 
  every candidate and ask each one act to introduce Community Based midwifery 
  3) Arrange to talk to mothers group about NMAP 
  and what is possible and ask them to go ask their politicians for Community 
  Based midwifery Programs
  Only by a ripple effect engendered with your 
  concern (imagine it multiplied by all on the list , their friends etc) will we 
  change this situation!
  Play on the parochialness of Ozzies tell them of 
  how much better it is in NZ.!!
  How about all of us dissatisfied Ozzie midwives 
  applying for NZ passports,??Would that make Senator Knowless and John W 
  Pay attention to us and not the AMA??Denise
- Original Message - 
Smith, Anne 

Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 8:34 
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Love of 

Dear list, 
I am a midwife who is very passionate and very 
for woman centred care. I love being a midwife and can not imagine not 
being a midwife, but l have become so dissolusioned with the system that it 
is breaking my heart. I have been a midwife for 5 years and feel that 
the system (especially where l work in a large country city) which is 
medical based has not changed. It has actually become worse. 
Despite being a strong advocate for evidence based practice and presenting 
this evidence to doctors and management, l have been walked all over, some 
midwives have been yelled at, 'put in their places' by RESIDENTS and we have 
basically have our hands tied. The amount of autonomy we have is 
decreasing, which makes me feel sometimes that all the hospital wants are 
obstetric nurses. They do not want midwives because they cause too 
much trouble. Who cares about the women? Management want to make 
the doctors happy and stuff the midwives. 
One example, i am really against the use of CTG's 
in normal pregnancy and labour. Because of one bad outcome, management 
wants to introduce admission CTGs for all women who present in labour. 
I produced for them so much evidence based material which actually states 
that this is not a good idea, but they introduced it anyway. I dont 
know why l try because nothing worse. I dont know what to do and all 
my collegues feel like this as well. We need different models of care, 
we need to take over the care of women in normal pregnancy and birth. 
I fully endorse NMAP but will it have an effect in my workplace. Will 
it really change the obnoxious doctors we work with and management who only 
care about beds and money? Midwives have tried to get a midwives 
clinic in this town for 11 years, but has been blocked by the doctors (one 
in particular). We have no free antenatal care except for one midwife 
who works with aboriginal women (who we also refer white women to). If 
women only knew what was going on and they care they get from their doctors 
is less than substandard.
I hate feeling like this. Women are being 
ripped off, assulted, and their rights violated, and there is only so much l 
can do. I do the best l can for these women but l feel that it is no 
where near enough. It makes me feel like l have a hollow pit in my stomach 
thinking of coming to work. But l love midwifery, and l know that what 
ever happens, l need to go on...
sorry, but l really needed to get this off my 
MIdwife trying to make a difference 
Fiona Dunmore NOTICE: CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONThis e-mail message and 
any accompanying files may 

[ozmidwifery] RE: Milk

2002-10-29 Thread Robyn Thompson

same applies to the risks of Cow's milk formulas, many babies are sensitised 
in-utero because of the mothers ingestion during pregnancy and then they have 
increased risks of all the problems associated with Dairy 

need to run Breastmilk advertisingto be displayedon National and 
International media in opposition to the Advertisements about how good cow's 
milk is. Not many women realise that Infant Formula is Cow's Milk they 
have a very surprised expression when you explain these things. We need to 
be educating/informing women, there is so much to learn, everyday I learn 
something new.

I see 
many babies affected by Cow's milk and of course many other products too. 
One of the vogue products at present is Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding 
capsules.The babies whose mothers are taking these products start 
tobreast refuse and when I ask the mother to cut the capsule in half and 
taste it she can clearly understand why the baby doesn't want her milk. 
Smelling inside the bottle of tablets and other products and tastingwill 
give you an idea of what the baby experiences. When they stop taking these 
products inevitably the baby settles back into happy 

So the 
moral to Soy and Cow's Milk is replace it with BREAST MILK and that means 

regards. Robyn

  -Original Message-From: Valerie  Richard James 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:19 

  Greetings! The British 
  government's Committee on Toxicity in Food and the Environment 
  (C oT) has assessed the risks to 
  consumers of the phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in soy foods and other products, 
  especially the risks toinfants of hormonal disruption from consumption 
  of soy infant formulas
  You can see their findings here
  We draw your attention in 
  particular to the chapters on fertility and reproduction, and on thyroid 
  You will find more on these topics at 
  Having this information, who would knowingly feed their child soy... or 
  themselves, for that matter? Yet, incredibly, this Committee has not 
  suggested that consumers be told of this. All it does isconclude that 
  doctors only prescribe soy formulas"when clinically 
  indicated"(whatever that means). 
  It does not even suggest that doctors tell their patients what risks 
  there may be, or that these risks should be matters of "informed 
  How many mothers would submit to exposing their baby, if they knew the 
  full extent of risk to their child's future ?
  Consultations with the UK Food Standards Agency are invited until 
  December 3, 2002. WeURGE you to express an opinion on whether soy baby 
  foods should be sold at all, or whether they should have health warning 
  labeling (eg this product may make your child infertile and cause thyoid 
  diseases), and whether the general public should be warned of the risks to 
  The "Precautuionary Principle" would indicate, from the material 
  offered by the CoT Committee, that isoflavones should be removed from soy 

Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: Milk

2002-10-29 Thread Robyn Borgas


You mentioned Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding capsules 
may cause breast fefusal, at what age have you noticed this happening. Is it 
more noticable from mothers taking them during pregnancy or postnatally only 
This was suggested to me during my second pregnancy by my 
naturopath (which I took during and after pregnancy) and my daughter is still 
happily breastfeeding at 5 months. I'm very interested in your observation, 
thanks Robyn

-Original Message-From: 
Robyn Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:05 AMSubject: [ozmidwifery] RE: 
The same applies to the risks of Cow's milk formulas, many babies are 
sensitised in-utero because of the mothers ingestion during pregnancy and 
then they have increased risks of all the problems associated with Dairy 

need to run Breastmilk advertisingto be displayedon National and 
International media in opposition to the Advertisements about how good cow's 
milk is. Not many women realise that Infant Formula is Cow's Milk they 
have a very surprised expression when you explain these things. We 
need to be educating/informing women, there is so much to learn, everyday I 
learn something new.

see many babies affected by Cow's milk and of course many other products 
too. One of the vogue products at present is Blackmores Pregnancy and 
Breastfeeding capsules.The babies whose mothers are taking these 
products start tobreast refuse and when I ask the mother to cut the 
capsule in half and taste it she can clearly understand why the baby doesn't 
want her milk. Smelling inside the bottle of tablets and other 
products and tastingwill give you an idea of what the baby 
experiences. When they stop taking these products inevitably the baby 
settles back into happy breastfeeding.

the moral to Soy and Cow's Milk is replace it with BREAST MILK and that 

regards. Robyn

-Original Message-From: Valerie  Richard 
James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 
2002 10:19 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 

Greetings! The British 
government's Committee on Toxicity in Food and the Environment 

(C oT) has assessed the risks 
to consumers of the phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in soy foods and other 
products, especially the risks toinfants of hormonal disruption 
from consumption of soy infant formulas
You can see their findings here

We draw your 
attention in particular to the chapters on fertility and reproduction, 
and on thyroid function.

You will find more on these topics at 

Having this information, who would knowingly feed their child 
soy... or themselves, for that matter? Yet, incredibly, this 
Committee has not suggested that consumers be told of this. All it does 
isconclude that doctors only prescribe soy 
formulaswhen clinically indicated(whatever that 

It does not even suggest that doctors tell their patients what 
risks there may be, or that these risks should be matters of 
informed consent.

How many mothers would submit to exposing their baby, if they knew 
the full extent of risk to their child's future ?

Consultations with the UK Food Standards Agency are invited until 
December 3, 2002. WeURGE you to express an opinion on whether soy 
baby foods should be sold at all, or whether they should have health 
warning labeling (eg this product may make your child infertile 
and cause thyoid diseases), and whether the general public should be 
warned of the risks to adults.

The Precautuionary Principle would indicate, from 
the material offered by the CoT Committee, that isoflavones should be 
removed from soy protein


[ozmidwifery] Australian Story

2002-10-29 Thread Larry Megan
I needed to comment on the follow up of Vanessa,Layla and her very beautiful
Raphael and I wish no disrespect to her or her choices. I was watching and
crying as we all no doubt were but when I saw her baby being born by
caesarean my whole body wrenched and I cried new tears that caught me by
surprise. I cried for all the babies denied the chance to be born vagianlly,
it is not the gentle birth that they promise. I know she has her live baby
and I wish her all the love in the world for that.
I was intrigued that her epidural didn't work and my thoughts were that she
needed to feel the pain of her child being born. I wonder what difference it
would make to the heeling process to have a subsequent pregnancy supported
by a midwife who could help you on the journey? It looked as if she chose
technology and obstetric care which can give you a live baby but doesn't
address those deeper concerns about the bodies ability to birth. I wonder if
she explored the option of one-on-one midwifery care?

Just some thoughts I had on it,

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[ozmidwifery] Fw: Industrialized childbirth harms future generations

2002-10-29 Thread elizabeth mcalpine
Title: Re: Industrialized childbirth harms future generations

Dear Listers,
To give us a wee boost.
Liz Mc

Hi ElizabethI would like to see the film first. I am not going to 
screen it with the full program of Wild Spaces as it is not legitimately part of 
the Festival. However, at the Beltane Festival we are screening selections from 
WS and I could possibly screen it there with the announcement that it is not 
part of WS.I am very much concerned about industrialized birthing as an 
ex-nurse and having being involved in supporting several homebirths including 2 
of my nieces.I would like to screen independent films on social and 
environmental issues, and am developing the idea of a travelling media circus, 
so it is quite possible I could help with this.What format is the 
program on (i.e. DVD, VHS, miniDV0). You could post it to me C/- Colac ACE. PO 
Box 382, Colac, Vic, 3250.I'll forward you info about the Beltane 
Festival in a separate email.RegardsDavidon 30/10/02 
8:18 AM, elizabeth mcalpine at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  David,Thank you. 
  Should I just post the video to you at ACE, Colac, for copying to your 
  computer? I live in Melbourne - do you ever visit?? I 
  can come to Colac if you need to discuss the film 
  beforehand.The film is not 
  my work. It is the copyright of Vicki Chan  Nic Edmonstone, 
  Queensland. However, I have been given permission to distribute it 
  as I see fit in pursuit of humanizing childbirth. 
  It is a 
  matter of urgency to disseminate this short film, which needs no words, to 
  resonate in human, particularly women's consciousness, to explain its message. 
  The film, "In Union" is about humanizing childbirth incontrast to 
  industrialized childbirth which has severe implications for civilization such 
  as aggression and other dysfunctions, and total disregard for nature's 
  laws.Similarly, (from Odent, 2002), this industrialized birth is 
  familiar in animal husbandry, and catastrophic births among endangered species 
  in zoos is due to the same ignorance (or rejection??) of mammalian birth 
  physiology. The corollary with industrialized farming with its degradation of 
  the planet, manipulative techniques and recent disasters such as mad cow and 
  foot and mouth disease, antibiotic resistance, exogenous oestrogens and its 
  effects, alerts one to the possibilities of impending disaster in 
  industrialized childbirth.sincerely,Elizabeth

Re: [ozmidwifery] Love of midwifery

2002-10-29 Thread Sandra J. Eales
Title: Love of midwifery

Dear Fiona
Don't give up. I'm sure you are making a 
difference for a lot of individual women and it is possible that you will be an 
agent of change in this unit. It can seem like an impossible task 
with insurmountable barriers (doctors and management) but you do have more power 
than you realise. You do need to ensure that you 
maintain your strength however. Join forces with 
like-minded midwives and support each other and take regular nourishment for 
your midwife soul by meeting other midwives at conferences and workshops. 
Make a plan of how you want to change your unit - you can't change 
everything at once but many small steps will get you a long way along the path 
..plan small changes to start with - maybe simple changes in the physical layout 
- make up information sheets (referenced and evidence based) to hand out to the 
women about whatever issues you feel they need exposure to alternative views to 
that being presented by the MOs - having info in printwill often add 
weight - might even shine some light into the closed MO 
With regards to the admission CTG - if you can't at this point change the 
policy (though don't stop trying) then encourage and support women to refuse 
admission CTG as is their right - As you say there is plenty of evidence to 
support yourview so if the policy makers aren't interested 
thenensure that the womenget the information - you could do up 
an info sheet about the CTGs as well as something on the Bill of Rights. 
Others on the list have suggested starting your own childbirth ed classes this 
can be empowering for yourself as well as for those you are 
I have been a midwife for 
15 years and have spent most of that time working in hospitals. I fully 
understand what you are feeling. I have had many sleepless nights and know 
well that feeling in the gut which churns with anger and frustration as I lay 
there and think about all the things I would like to have told some smart 
arse doctor who knows nothing of value about childbirth but seems to think he is 
an authority because he has a medical degree.A nursing background is a 
handicap that is difficult to overcome when it comes to being assertive!..but 
practice makes perfect..I have often found it a challenge to have the confidence and 
strength of mind to resist and shake the obstinate belief some doctors seem to 
have that they are "the keepers of all knowledge". 

I know well the hissing. spitting, frustration 
of dealing with the arrogant young doctor with two minutes experience of 
childbirth who has denigrated the profound knowledge of midwiveswho have 
been deeply involved with childbirth for decades as being 'airy fairy 
nonsense'But I also know thesatisfaction of working in a cooperative 
team where there is mutual trust and respect.

It is important thatpassionate midwives 
continue to work in the mainstream services where the majority of women give 
birth.Whilstwe continue to 
fight to change the system these women need the support and protection 
thatonly a passionate midwifecan give. We do have to protect the 
women from the contagion of fear and the skewed world view of the medicos who 
practice in fear. We need to be there for support when a woman chooses not 
to take the advise given by the doctor.We have toallow women 
access to the knowledge and wisdom contained in our art of midwifery rather than 
leave them exposed to theundiluted and so often self 
righteous"expert advice"in the medical system. 
The advocacy role of the midwife in the hospital 
situation is so important for the health and well being ofwomen and their 
families. It is a difficult path to walk for the midwife and can sometimes feel 
like you are working in a war zone, full of fear and conflict, when it should 
(and can) be positive, nurturing and cooperative

We need to keep tapping away to get the system 
changed so that all women have access to good midwifery care we have to arm ourselves with evidence - scientific facts and 
figures are what appeal to these folk so arm yourself and keep presenting it to 
them and arguing. We need to be tenacious and dogged in our defence both 
of the birthing women we advocate for as well for the truth of midwifery 
knowledge. We need to learn to be assertiveas well diplomatic - we 
do need to have a cooperative team for the benefit of the woman as well as 
ourselves - it is often difficult to know when to bite your tongue and when to 
dig in and say no you are wrong and I am right. We don't want a war of 
egos going on over the top of a woman who is labouring. She needs to be 
allowed to focus on herself rather than on the conflict between midwife and 
doctor - we need to remember the woman is first consideration and our job is to 
protect her interests.
We need to build an environment of mutual respect 
and trust between doctors and midwives. Sometimes to achieve this you 
first have to belt them around the head a few times before that 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

2002-10-29 Thread Pinky McKay
Title: Message

I have my lovely Sarah (19) in hospital with quinsy 
-drains IV antibiotics etc (She NEVER gets sick so this is a shock to her ) when 
she had a blood test at the clinic the previous day,she thought the nurse 
was going to "do it like the blood bank" that she visited with a biology class a 
couple of years ago - the nurse said -"you MUST have had needles at school ! 
Sarah nodded "no" - she couldnt talk andhasnt been immunised.The woman 
asked, were you one of the ones who hid in the toilet? THATs why you are sick 
now!! -I didnt have the energy to argue -just asked could Sarah please lie down 
as she wasnt feeling at all well, then sat with her.

Thankfully all the hopital nurses have been 

Im just on the way back to hospital to see her but 
will contact the relevant people in the next week or two and will keep you 


  - Original Message - 
  Vicki Chan 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:54 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Birth 
  Sure, Pinky...I'm ready for anything it takes!!
  Love, Vicki

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Pinky 
McKaySent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:21 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
[ozmidwifery] Birth ads
Hi Liz,

I am a trained advertising copywriter (I have 
done weekend workshops with some of the top creative directors in Melbourne 
-with a two year old on my breast -most of these guys were more 
familiar with the association between breasts and fast cars!)- Yes I 
can help - my time is very limited but I can take on small chunks and am 
happy to pass on contacts.

I was invited on GMA for an interview this 
doesnt cost at all -although they have a system where you can pay $3000 for 
an interview -I have costings for ads in an elusive notebook - they charge 
per state on a sliding scale so a national ad is a multiple of state prices 
- Sydney is more expensive withWA and Q lessexpensive,but 
around $200 per state per 30 second ad - Birthingis a non 
commercial issue but we need something to pin it on - they arent a current 
affair show so wont be involved in politics and probably like to think they 
are not having rabid "birth nazis" on their show. I reckon we could get Nic 
and Vicki on if GMA was simply sent a copy of their video with a good press 
release and followup. I am happy to talk to the producer if they are happy 
to be interviewed!!! They will get about 3 minutes if it comes off - better 
than 30 seconds!!

Then if this comes off - any money raised / 
sponsorship for an ad can be put towards an ad - TWO bites of the 

Do you want me to go ahead and contact the 
producer?-Vicki are you ready for an interview re midwifery and your 
and Nics work helping women enjoy birth in this technological age - I think 
a fairly 'mainstream' approach would be all you will get on Bert - he is a 
nice interviewerbut conservative and wouldnt be out to create 
controversy -hiswomen producers are older first time mothers who 
were probably epiduralled then back to work quite early. The In Union video 
footage would be a lovely reinforcer for a piece highlighting NMAP and 
womens choices/the benefits of having your 'own' midwife - not necessarily 
at home -(Slide all that in sideways around an interview about the video if 
that is the only way to get it on) -To get on TV/ in the media - 
it needs to affect a majority or be sensational (ie ACA who only want 
sensation and edit/ alter the context of anything said during a pre-recorded 

It also helps to have a website to refer women 
to for further info.


[ozmidwifery] Fw: If Only... disregard previous email

2002-10-29 Thread Pinky McKay

I just received the following email from a TV producer -she is a lovely
young girl - could this be an opportunity for someone to express regret
about a birth experience?


 Thank you all for your help, advice or participation in the second series
of Mums The Word.

 I am now researching wonderful, interesting new series for SBS Television
called If Only. The series will tell the real life stories of people who
have some kind of regret or guilt about an event, decision or process in
their past. The person may be seeking resolution or perhaps they are
battling with what would  have happened differently in their life.

 The series will be filmed in a documentary style and will only include
material that participants give us permission to use.

 We are looking for a range of human stories from the serious through to
the light hearted.

 If you know of anyone with an If Only.., whether short, funny and
lighthearted or serious and heartfelt I would love to hear from you.

 Kind Regards,

 Caroline Winnall
 If Only
 SBS Television
 ph:  61 2 9430 3908
 fax: 61 2 9438 1590

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[ozmidwifery] reaction to cs

2002-10-29 Thread Jo Dean Bainbridge

Megan wrote:
my whole body wrenched and I cried new tears that caught me 

The first time I saw Losing Layla was the first 
time I was 'back in a theatre' and it set off a regressed memory of how 
terrifying my experience was. I am glad I did not see the doco the other 
night as mine cs's epidural didn't work either and it probably would have sent 
me off again.
Megan and I have discussed in the past that 
unless you have been there it is hard to understand how having a cs can effect 
you emotionally..and I guess that for most they don't even know that it has 
effected them.
I agree with respecting choice but I also know of 
people who after losing one, then having a cs for the next, that they can 
realise that a cs is not a guarantee of painfree and problem free.
don't know where I am heading with this.just 
wanted to make a comment. 
Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES SAemail: 
08 8388 6918birth with trust, faith  love...

[ozmidwifery] breastfeeding web site

2002-10-29 Thread Julia Monaghan
Hi, can anyone help me? I am looking for a breastfeeding information web
site that is entitled BSMed or something like that. Has anyone heard of
it??? Cheers, Julia M.

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[ozmidwifery] here is a hot one

2002-10-29 Thread Jo Dean Bainbridge

here is a topic that will get many of you annoyed 
at me!( thought it was about time)

I have noticed a trend happening and wanted to 
point this out. There has been discussion in the past of the lack of 
consumer support and push for change. Yes, I agree to and extent as most 
of the community are oblivious to what is going on. Those consumers who do 
now are usually slogging their arses off to get change...with no real benefits 
to themselves in any way other than satisfaction that SOMEONE else may not end 
up with a scar on her belly for no reason (unlike the one on my belly that I can 
never get free of)
Now here is the juicy bit..I am starting to 
realise that it appears that there is a large portion of midwives who lament 
about the way birth is today, they know what it happening and yet when there is 
something like NMAP being suggested it suddenly is left up to consumers to do 
the work. I am referring to situations like last week when here in SA a 
meeting was held to see what to do next with NMAP implementationtwo 
consumers (who work beyond their limits anyway) and one uni lecturer midwives. I know that women are the ones who will benefit 
from something like NMAP, but hey! there are midwives that will be in far 
greater positions career wise (money wise) job satisfaction wise and so forth if 
NMAP does get implemented. 
I suppose what I am saying is that yes, consumers 
CHILDREN IN CARE (sorry about caps!) or drag the children to meeting after 
meeting with pollies; we are not the ones who should be using our home computers 
and resources and so forth without reimbursement; we are not the ones who should 
be putting families and friends second to trying to improve maternity services 
Here in SA we have some very strong and determined 
women who are not going to benefit from something like NMAP but we are the ones 
who are working tirelessly to get it happening. I would like to ask all SA 
midwives if you agree with the NMAP and would like to see it happen here 
in SA then BE THERE TO SUPPORT US SUPPORT YOU! There is only so much that 
Cheryl, Megan, Jen, Emma, Carolyn and myself can do guys! Now those of you 
who know me know that I am not really a bitch (well most of the time), but I am 
just about ready to say "stuff it" and go and dig in my rose garden and not do 
anything other than take the occasional phone call in reference to CARES 
SA. Those of you who know me know how passionate I am about women's 
rights to the best type of care - midwifery care.but at the moment I am 
looking around and not seeing any midwife fighting for NMAP with us. I 
know that many of you are fighting within the system, but we as consumers need 
to know that you support us by being there at meetings or something! I 
know you work and have families BUT SO DO WE!
Anyway, I will sit back and wait for the hate 
mail to come rolling inI am not attacking those of you who are active; just 
those who are sitting back and letting others fight a fight for you! I 
have read about maintaining passion for midwifery...but not seen much commitment 
and support for those consumers who are trying to keep the option of 
midwifery alive.
cheers guys!
Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES SAemail: 
08 8388 6918birth with trust, faith  love...

[ozmidwifery] Birth tableau

2002-10-29 Thread Mrs joanne m fisher

Subject: Fwd: Fw: birth tableau 

I just had to send this one on.

Betsy, a grammar-school teacher from Miami, remembers this Oscar-worthy 

birth tableau from one of her students... 

I've been teaching now for about fifteen years. I have two kids myself, 

but the best birth story I know is the one I saw in my own second-grade 

classroom a few years back 

. When I was a kid, I loved show-and-tell. So I always have a few 

sessions with my students. It helps them get over shyness and experience 

a little public speaking. And it gives me a break and some guaranteed 


Usually, show-and-tell is pretty tame. Kids bring in pet turtles, Model 

airplanes, pictures of fish they catch, stuff like that. And I never, 

Ever place any boundaries or limitations on them. 

If they want to lug it To school and talk about it, they're welcome. 

Well, one day this little girl, Erica - a very bright, very out-going 

kid - takes her turn and waddles up to the front of the class with a 

pillow stuffed under her sweater. She holds up a snapshot of an infant. 

"This is Luke, my baby brother, and I'm going to tell you about his 


First, Mommy and Daddy made him as a symbol of their love, and then 

Daddy put a seed in my mother's stomach, and Luke grew in there. 

He ate for nine months through an umbrella cord." 

She's standing there with her hands on the pillow, 

and I'm trying not To laugh and wishing I had a video camera rolling. 

The kids are watching Her in amazement. 

"Then, about two Saturdays ago, my mother starts going, 'Oh, oh, oh! 

'" Erica puts a hand behind her back and groans. "She walked around the 

House for, like an hour, 'Oh, oh, oh!'" 

Now the kids' are all doing this hysterical duck-walk, holding their 

back and groaning. 

"My father called the middle wife. She delivers babies, but she doesn't 

have a sign on the car like the Domino's man. 

They got my mother to lie down in bed like this." Erica lies down with 

her back against the wall. "And then, pop! 

My mother had this bag of water she kept in there in case he got 

thirsty, and it just blew up and spilled all over the bed, like 


This kid has her legs spread and with her little hands is miming water 

flowing way. 

It was too much! 

"Then the middle wife starts going "push, push, and breathe, breathe." 

They start counting, but they never even got past ten. 

Then - all of a sudden - out comes my brother. He was covered in yucky 

stuff they said was from the play-center, so there must be a lot of 

stuff inside there." 

Then Erica stood up, took a big theatrical bow and returned to her seat. 

I'm sure I applauded the loudest. 

Ever since then, if it's show-and-tell day, I bring my camcorder - just 

in case another Erica comes along. 

[ozmidwifery] FW: [birthnews] Fw: Industrialized childbirth harms future generations

2002-10-29 Thread Sally Westbury
Title: Re: Industrialized childbirth harms future generations

Have the organizer in each place been
contacted with the idea of a side show screening??

I would be happy to follow this through in

Yeah to Colac!! And
Im sad that I wont be at Wolfgangs Beltane this year. 

Sally Westbury

-Original Message-
From: elizabeth mcalpine
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002 9:19 AM
To: ozmidwifery
Subject: [birthnews] Fw:
Industrialized childbirth harms future generations

Dear Listers,

To give us a wee boost.

Liz Mc

Hi Elizabeth

I would like to see the film first. I am not going to screen it with the full
program of Wild Spaces as it is not legitimately part of the Festival. However,
at the Beltane Festival we are screening selections from WS and I could
possibly screen it there with the announcement that it is not part of WS.

I am very much concerned about industrialized birthing as an ex-nurse and
having being involved in supporting several homebirths including 2 of my

I would like to screen independent films on social and environmental issues,
and am developing the idea of a travelling media circus, so it is quite
possible I could help with this.

What format is the program on (i.e. DVD, VHS, miniDV0). You could post it to me
C/- Colac ACE. PO Box 382, Colac, Vic, 3250.

I'll forward you info about the Beltane Festival in a separate email.



on 30/10/02 8:18 AM, elizabeth mcalpine at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear David,

you. Should I just post the video to you at ACE, Colac, for copying to
your computer? I live in Melbourne - do you ever visit??
I can come to Colac if you need to discuss the film beforehand.

film is not my work. It is the copyright of Vicki Chan  Nic
Edmonstone, Queensland. However, I have been given permission to
distribute it as I see fit in pursuit of humanizing childbirth.

It is a matter of urgency to disseminate this short film, which needs no words,
to resonate in human, particularly women's consciousness, to explain its
message. The film, In Union is about humanizing childbirth
incontrast to industrialized childbirth which has severe implications for
civilization such as aggression and other dysfunctions, and total disregard for
nature's laws.

Similarly, (from Odent, 2002), this industrialized birth is familiar in animal
husbandry, and catastrophic births among endangered species in zoos is due to
the same ignorance (or rejection??) of mammalian birth physiology. The
corollary with industrialized farming with its degradation of the planet,
manipulative techniques and recent disasters such as mad cow and foot and mouth
disease, antibiotic resistance, exogenous oestrogens and its effects, alerts
one to the possibilities of impending disaster in industrialized childbirth.


RE: [ozmidwifery] here is a hot one

2002-10-29 Thread Malavisi, Pete

on you Jo, you're spot we need to do this together, we have a local group here 
and sadly I am often the only midwife who attends the meetings and all I can 
think of is where is everyone else? Last week I put up a notice to set up a 
working party of midwives to look at our local maternity service, no one has put 
their name on the list as yet, basically it pisses me off, I know all the 
reasons why but to be perfectly honest I'm not interested in the excuses any 
more, maternity services in this country as a rule are appalling and we as a 
collective have an opportunity to change things for the better, I honestly 
believe in NMAP and what it stands for and have a great respect for all those 
who have put the work into it, the least I can do is raise it at any opportunity 
I can and speak in favour of it, whenever I tell any consumers about it, they 
think it is a great idea. It worries me though when I get blank looks from 
many of the midwives I work with, it just all seems a bit too much for them, bad 
luck I believe in it and for as long as I can I will push for NMAP. 

in midwifery pete malavisi

  -Original Message-From: Jo  Dean Bainbridge 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002 
  12:54To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [ozmidwifery] here is a hot one
  here is a topic that will get many of you annoyed 
  at me!( thought it was about time)
  I have noticed a trend happening and wanted to 
  point this out. There has been discussion in the past of the lack of 
  consumer support and push for change. Yes, I agree to and extent as most 
  of the community are oblivious to what is going on. Those consumers who 
  do now are usually slogging their arses off to get change...with no real 
  benefits to themselves in any way other than satisfaction that SOMEONE else 
  may not end up with a scar on her belly for no reason (unlike the one on my 
  belly that I can never get free of)
  Now here is the juicy bit..I am starting to 
  realise that it appears that there is a large portion of midwives who lament 
  about the way birth is today, they know what it happening and yet when there 
  is something like NMAP being suggested it suddenly is left up to consumers to 
  do the work. I am referring to situations like last week when here in SA 
  a meeting was held to see what to do next with NMAP implementationtwo 
  consumers (who work beyond their limits anyway) and one uni lecturer midwives. I know that women are the ones who will 
  benefit from something like NMAP, but hey! there are midwives that will be in 
  far greater positions career wise (money wise) job satisfaction wise and so 
  forth if NMAP does get implemented. 
  I suppose what I am saying is that yes, consumers 
  CHILDREN IN CARE (sorry about caps!) or drag the children to meeting after 
  meeting with pollies; we are not the ones who should be using our home 
  computers and resources and so forth without reimbursement; we are not the 
  ones who should be putting families and friends second to trying to improve 
  maternity services alone! 
  Here in SA we have some very strong and 
  determined women who are not going to benefit from something like NMAP but we 
  are the ones who are working tirelessly to get it happening. I would 
  like to ask all SA midwives if you agree with the NMAP and would like to 
  see it happen here in SA then BE THERE TO SUPPORT US SUPPORT YOU! There 
  is only so much that Cheryl, Megan, Jen, Emma, Carolyn and myself can do 
  guys! Now those of you who know me know that I am not really a bitch 
  (well most of the time), but I am just about ready to say "stuff it" and go 
  and dig in my rose garden and not do anything other than take the occasional 
  phone call in reference to CARES SA. Those of you who know me know 
  how passionate I am about women's rights to the best type of care - midwifery 
  care.but at the moment I am looking around and not seeing any midwife 
  fighting for NMAP with us. I know that many of you are fighting within 
  the system, but we as consumers need to know that you support us by being 
  there at meetings or something! I know you work and have families BUT SO 
  DO WE!
  Anyway, I will sit back and wait for the 
  hate mail to come rolling inI am not attacking those of you who are 
  active; just those who are sitting back and letting others fight a fight for 
  you! I have read about maintaining passion for midwifery...but not seen 
  much commitment and support for those consumers who are trying to keep 
  the option of midwifery alive.
  cheers guys!
  Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES 
  SAemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]phone: 08 
  8388 6918birth with trust, faith  

Re: [ozmidwifery] breastfeeding web site

2002-10-29 Thread TinaPettigrew
In a message dated 30/10/02 4:50:00 PM AUS Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi, can anyone help me? I am looking for a breastfeeding information web
site that is entitled BSMed or something like that. Has anyone heard of
it??? Cheers, Julia M.

HI Julia...

no not that page I have this URL for a GP website on breastfeeding...

Cheers Tina Pettigrew.

RE: [ozmidwifery] RE: Milk

2002-10-29 Thread Robyn Thompson

observation is during consultationbabies fuss at the breast and 
eventuallybreast refuse. When I take a detailed history the common 
denominator is something the mother swallowsevery single day that is 
altering the taste and smell of her milk and the baby reacts to this. When 
we investigate the smell and taste and eliminate the possible cause from her 
ingestion the baby inevitably stops fussing and enjoys breastfeeding 
again. I think it is more likely to occur early in the breastfeeding 
history when the mother has been ingesting a common denominator during pregnancy 
because the taste and smell of the ingested product/food crosses into 

regards, Robyn

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robyn 
  BorgasSent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:25 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: Milk 
  You mentioned Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding 
  capsules may cause breast fefusal, at what age have you noticed this 
  happening. Is it more noticable from mothers taking them during pregnancy or 
  postnatally only ?
  This was suggested to me during my second pregnancy by my 
  naturopath (which I took during and after pregnancy) and my daughter is still 
  happily breastfeeding at 5 months. I'm very interested in your observation, 
  thanks Robyn
-Original Message-From: 
Robyn Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:05 AMSubject: [ozmidwifery] RE: 
The same applies to the risks of Cow's milk formulas, many babies are 
sensitised in-utero because of the mothers ingestion during pregnancy and 
then they have increased risks of all the problems associated with Dairy 

need to run Breastmilk advertisingto be displayedon National and 
International media in opposition to the Advertisements about how good cow's 
milk is. Not many women realise that Infant Formula is Cow's Milk they 
have a very surprised expression when you explain these things. We 
need to be educating/informing women, there is so much to learn, everyday I 
learn something new.

see many babies affected by Cow's milk and of course many other products 
too. One of the vogue products at present is Blackmores Pregnancy and 
Breastfeeding capsules.The babies whose mothers are taking these 
products start tobreast refuse and when I ask the mother to cut the 
capsule in half and taste it she can clearly understand why the baby doesn't 
want her milk. Smelling inside the bottle of tablets and other 
products and tastingwill give you an idea of what the baby 
experiences. When they stop taking these products inevitably the baby 
settles back into happy breastfeeding.

the moral to Soy and Cow's Milk is replace it with BREAST MILK and that 

regards. Robyn

  -Original Message-From: Valerie  Richard 
  James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 
  2002 10:19 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  Greetings! The British 
  government's Committee on Toxicity in Food and the Environment 
  (C oT) has assessed the risks to 
  consumers of the phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in soy foods and other 
  products, especially the risks toinfants of hormonal disruption from 
  consumption of soy infant formulas
  You can see their findings here
  We draw your 
  attention in particular to the chapters on fertility and reproduction, and 
  on thyroid function.
  You will find more on these topics at 
  Having this information, who would knowingly feed their child soy... 
  or themselves, for that matter? Yet, incredibly, this Committee has 
  not suggested that consumers be told of this. All it does isconclude 
  that doctors only prescribe soy formulas"when clinically 
  indicated"(whatever that means). 
  It does not even suggest that doctors tell their patients what risks 
  there may be, or that these risks should be matters of "informed 
  How many mothers would submit to exposing their baby, if they knew 
  the full extent of risk to their child's future ?
  Consultations with the UK Food Standards Agency are invited until 
  December 3, 2002. WeURGE you to express an opinion on whether soy 
  baby foods should be sold at all, or whether they should have health 
  warning labeling (eg this product may make your child infertile and 
  cause thyoid diseases), and whether the general public should be warned of 
  the risks to adults.

[ozmidwifery] Midwifery in the UK

2002-10-29 Thread Andrea Robertson
Hi Oz listers,

I read Jo Bainbridge's comments about the lack of support from midwives in 
OZ for those consuemrs working their butts off for NMAP, and I empathised 
with her sentiments exactly. Right now I am slogging my way around the UK 
trying to get midwives to look at their practice and to rediscover their 
midwifery roots, because midwifery is on a slippery downward slope here in 
the UK.

One reason that midwives are unable to go to meetings etc is that they are 
overworked because of short staffing etc. When midwives have to work as 
obstetric nurses this leads to burnout and despondancy. Finding extra time 
and commitment to go to meetings may just seem impossible.
This comment is not intended as an excuse for not getting more invovled, 
nor a let out for midwives - I think they should make that extra effort, 
because not only will they advance the cause of their own profession, but 
they will reconnect with passionate consumers who will help to lift  their 
spirits and remind them of what it is all about.

I had a shocking experience the other day at a Conference in Wales - too 
long to write it all up again here - but have a read of my Diary entry.
This is happening in Australia too, I feel sure and we must fight to make 
sure it does not become widespread.

I am hoping that the next Future Birth tour in April will expose a lot more 
midwives to NMAP and also to ACMI - the last Future Birth tour attracted 
over 1100 midwives in all, and very few of them were ACMI members, for 
example. I hope to get a similar number to this series so we can spread the 
word further and inspire the younger midwives to take up the challenges. 
Please spread the word! The details are on our web site.

Yours from a wet, cold and windy Wales (wish I could bring some of this 
rain home with me in 2 weeks!)


Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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