Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-10 Thread Denise Hynd

Dear All
I understand that Carmen Lawrence is attending the Homebirth Week Awareness
picnic in Geelong and that as she is the MP for Fremantle and supporter of
the Community Midwifery Program WA that she and other Labour (women) MPs
support the replication of CMWA acroos the country if Labour wins the

Now is the time for all of us to visit our federal MP's and all candidates
to secure their committment to universal access to midwifery models of care
for all Australains!!!

This list can be help in generating ideas, strategies and keeping all
energised and infromed as previously!!

My local MP recommends that you have a specific strategy to ask polies to
implement (rather than a concept)so I am opting for;
1) Replication of the Community Midwifery WA across the country.
2) Access for Community Midwives/MIPP's  to every maternity unit across the
country (as recommended by NHMRC and every review of maternity services in
the past 2 decades).
3) Establishment of birth centres and team midwifery projects in every
maternity unit across the country.
4) Introduction of no fault health insurance as in NZ in light of the
insurance industry collapses which will probably be escalated after the WTC.

What else is happening?
What have been repsonses other have had??


 Original Message -
From: "Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ozmidwifery list (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: national homebirth awareness week 25-31 October

> G'day
> Several people have asked me if the midwifery campaign has posters that
> express the goal of a known midwife and choice of place of birth.
> We don't, but that shouldn't stop anyone from making up their own.
> My suggestion is that anyone who has the computer capacity and know-how
> children/friends/partner) should make up posters (A4 pages can be
> enlarged).  The posters should have a simple message such as a quote from
> woman as to why she chose to plan homebirth.
> "I chose homebirth because ..."
> Here are a couple of examples:
> "I chose homebirth because I want safety for myself and my baby."
> "I chose homebirth because giving birth is one of the most intimate and
> important acts I will ever engage in."
> national homebirth awareness week
> 25-31 October
> [insert your local homebirth/maternity group's contact number]
> If you like this idea, and are able to make up some posters, please
> consider sharing your ideas via this list.  Some people who can't do it
> themselves may want to have copies made and posted to them, so you would
> need to set a fee to cover your costs.  Also some might be prepared to
> share photos.  Some of the photos on my website would be suitable, and the
> women would agree - I'll have to go through them.
> Not much time to get this organised, but it is do-able.
> Happy poster-making
> Joy Johnston
> 25 Eley Rd  Blackburn South Vic  3130
> Tel: 03 9808 9614
> Fax: 03 9808 3611
> M: 04111 90448
> www.aitex.com.au/joy.htm
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
> Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-10 Thread Justine Caines

Hi Denise

I am attaching an old message (so the list is up to date on what's been
going on federally, sorry to some individuals who have already seen it) I
agree with asking for specifics not just acknowledgement of a model of  care
etc.  I do think there is still a LOT of work to do with Labor, Jenny
Macklin certainly wasn't interested in making it an election issue (even
though it would make great in roads to curtain the outrageous  rates of
intervention and there associated costs).  I know Carmen Lawrence is
supportive but in the event of a fed Labor Gov we will still have to push
hard - they are still so scared of rocking the AMA boat!!! I think the
national body (that Barb Vernon suggests) is imperative for the on going
campaign and esp direct lobbying.

Anyway the old message follows FYI.  The group was represented by
Maternity Coalition
Homebirth Access Sydney
and Sally Tracy as our amazing "brain" or 'nerd' - in her words!!!

Justine Caines


Yesterday we (26 September) (Barb Vernon, myself, Emma Baldock ,Sally Tracy
and Kate Mc Maugh) met with Meg Lees, Jenny Macklin and advisers for both
Amanda Vanstone and Michael Wooldridge.  Barb will no doubt also give you a
perspective on things but here's mine for what it's worth!!

Lees was great (I know we already know she's converted) but she took it a
step further.  She plans to visit WA, we have forwarded on Tracy's details
to her and she got me to write a question for her for question time today!
She has a contact in ACT Health and was quite interested in our developments
there.  We are still plugging away with the ACT (more behind the scenes) as
we still have until 20 Oct before the election.

Macklin was poker faced and revealed very little than a general support of
midwifery and assistance 'where they could', she is unable to "do anything
before the election".  I believe she saw us out of duty as we are a consumer

Vanstone's and Wooldridge's adviser gave us a run for our money!! They
showed little understanding (who's surprised) about the amazing amount of
work that has gone before us.  Astoundingly when we metioned the ultrasound
budget in relation to antenatal care they replied with "If you can present
an argument for cost saving in ultrasound I am sure health ministers would
like to see it" -DER did they forget that's about the only thing Rocking the
Cradle did.

They want a succint 3 page paper on our ideas for a solution to the lack of
midwifery care in this country (in our own words -how condescending).  Sally
T is helping us on this (phew!!).  The lack of a health focus for the Gov is
a bit of a worry both Wooldridge and Tambling (Parl Health Sec) are not
re-standing so Wooldridge's office are linking us up with a Comm Health
Bureaucrat (which won't go astray).  We plan to meet with Vanstone's office
again and will push the status of women stuff.

We will circulate the paper widely ( may as well hey) and continue to push
on.  If we get a Labor Gov in the ACT (election Oct 20) we may have a real
chance in effecting change.  Will keep you all posted.

Yours in the struggle (and yes I feel a bit like that today)

Justine Caines

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Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-11 Thread Sally-Anne Brown

Hi all, 
just thought I would update you re speakers for the midwives support picnic
and rally in Geelong October 28th

Confirmed speakers include:
Dr Peter Lucas 
Vanessa Owen  - (ACMI)
Scott Kinnear - Vic Greens Lead Senate candidate
Michael Bjork Billings - ALP federal candidate for Corangamite

Both Senator Bob Brown and Joan Kirner have sent their apologies as both
have prior engagements and are therefore unable to attend on the day.  
Please note that we are yet to receive confirmations from two speakers
invited to attend, these include Dr Carmen Lawrence (unlikely to attend due
to closeness to the federal election) and Vicki Chan.

Hopefully by the end of this week I will be able to put on the list our
completed poster for your reference and would really appreciate anyone who
is able to, copying it and putting it out there !!

We are also having live music and have just had confirmed that "The Stiff
Gins" are going to do a special appearance for the day.

Re lobbying pollies, this is what the rally is all about.  However, I would
urge you all to note that whilst it is good to lobby, the crucial question,
particularly when dealing with the minor parties is  " Are you prepared to
discuss a preference negotiation on this issue".  That is, 'do you have
this on your list'.  As major parties are desperate for preferences to get
over the line, they typically do preference deals at election time.

Basically, if it is not on the preference agenda then it is political
bureacratic whitewash.  You can have all the support in the world from the
minor parties (who do count when it comes to elections - the tighter the
better !)  but if it is not on their preference list (typically there are
three or more issues discussed in these situations) then the support being
pledged is in reality and political terms, very superficial.

Whilst I cannot put a certain negotiation on the ozmid list at the moment,
I will be able to annouce in a couple of weeks whether this has taken
place, and I hope to be able to bring you good news on that front.  In the
meantime, pressure all pollies to get community midwifery programs actually
on the political preferencing agenda.

Kind Regards
Sally-Anne Brown
Mother, Doula and 
Convenor, The Greens - Otways Branch.

> From: Denise Hynd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ozmidwifery list (E-mail)
> Subject: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!
> Date: Thursday, 11 October 2001 15:09
> Dear All
> I understand that Carmen Lawrence is attending the Homebirth Week
> picnic in Geelong and that as she is the MP for Fremantle and supporter
> the Community Midwifery Program WA that she and other Labour (women) MPs
> support the replication of CMWA acroos the country if Labour wins the
> election!!
> Now is the time for all of us to visit our federal MP's and all
> to secure their committment to universal access to midwifery models of
> for all Australains!!!
> This list can be help in generating ideas, strategies and keeping all
> energised and infromed as previously!!
> My local MP recommends that you have a specific strategy to ask polies to
> implement (rather than a concept)so I am opting for;
> 1) Replication of the Community Midwifery WA across the country.
> 2) Access for Community Midwives/MIPP's  to every maternity unit across
> country (as recommended by NHMRC and every review of maternity services
> the past 2 decades).
> 3) Establishment of birth centres and team midwifery projects in every
> maternity unit across the country.
> 4) Introduction of no fault health insurance as in NZ in light of the
> insurance industry collapses which will probably be escalated after the
> What else is happening?
> What have been repsonses other have had??
> Denise
>  Original Message -
> From: "Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "ozmidwifery list (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 9:36 AM
> Subject: national homebirth awareness week 25-31 October
> > G'day
> > Several people have asked me if the midwifery campaign has posters that
> > express the goal of a known midwife and choice of place of birth.
> >
> > We don't, but that shouldn't stop anyone from making up their own.
> >
> > My suggestion is that anyone who has the computer capacity and know-how
> (or
> > children/friends/partner) should make up posters (A4 pages can be
> > enlarged).  The posters should have a simple message such as a quote
> a
> > woman as to why she chose to plan homebirth.
> > "I chose homebirth because ..."
> > Here are a couple of examples:
> >

Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-11 Thread Rachel Kennedy

Denise wrote : 
> I understand that Carmen Lawrence is attending the
> Homebirth Week Awareness
> picnic in Geelong and that as she is the MP for
> Fremantle and supporter of
> the Community Midwifery Program WA that she and
> other Labour (women) MPs
> support the replication of CMWA acroos the country
> if Labour wins the
> election!!

Just prior to the election being announced, I met
Jenny Macklin (my local MP and the shadow health
spokesman) in the local shopping strip. I spoke to her
as a consumer about the midwives PI insurance debacle
and about the need for greater choice for women in
birth - she was very supportive along the lines that
Denise mentioned in her email - ie. know your midwife
programs attached to all maternity units or community
health centres - whether giving birth at home or in
the hospital. I felt that she obviously was pretty
good at all the political talk (it is afterall her job
!), but as a woman and a mother, she also had that
perspective that not many men would be able to claim !
Interestingly, she mentioned that she had had one of
her children at a birth centre. It will be interesting
to see if the talk becomes action if Labor gets up.

http://briefcase.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Briefcase
- Manage your files online.
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Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-11 Thread Denise Hynd

Dear Justine
Thank you for the reposting of the message I must have missed when
I am aware Labor will not make it (midwifery access) an election issue and
this probably has got AMA implications BUT EVEN MORE IMPROTANTLY
Supportive MP's will tell you OUR ISSUE(S) do not rate with electors when
they are polled /canvassed!!!

Health and the costs/access does in general terms and it is part of this
package that we can get a look in when Labor is in government.

have THEM even more than us TALK/write TO THE POLIES, inform women's groups
to get on the demand trail.
For example it would such a boost if we could get ABA (NMAA) to nationally
acknowledge that the birth impacts on the breastfeeding expereince and
research shows that women who have continuous midwifery  care have the best
breastfeeding (and Other ) outcomes!!

- Original Message -
From: "Justine Caines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OzMid List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

> Hi Denise
> I am attaching an old message (so the list is up to date on what's been
> going on federally, sorry to some individuals who have already seen it) I
> agree with asking for specifics not just acknowledgement of a model of
> etc.  I do think there is still a LOT of work to do with Labor, Jenny
> Macklin certainly wasn't interested in making it an election issue (even
> though it would make great in roads to curtain the outrageous  rates of
> intervention and there associated costs).  I know Carmen Lawrence is
> supportive but in the event of a fed Labor Gov we will still have to push
> hard - they are still so scared of rocking the AMA boat!!! I think the
> national body (that Barb Vernon suggests) is imperative for the on going
> campaign and esp direct lobbying.
> Anyway the old message follows FYI.  The group was represented by
> Maternity Coalition
> Homebirth Access Sydney
> and Sally Tracy as our amazing "brain" or 'nerd' - in her words!!!
> Justine Caines
> _
> Yesterday we (26 September) (Barb Vernon, myself, Emma Baldock ,Sally
> and Kate Mc Maugh) met with Meg Lees, Jenny Macklin and advisers for both
> Amanda Vanstone and Michael Wooldridge.  Barb will no doubt also give you
> perspective on things but here's mine for what it's worth!!
> Lees was great (I know we already know she's converted) but she took it a
> step further.  She plans to visit WA, we have forwarded on Tracy's details
> to her and she got me to write a question for her for question time today!
> She has a contact in ACT Health and was quite interested in our
> there.  We are still plugging away with the ACT (more behind the scenes)
> we still have until 20 Oct before the election.
> Macklin was poker faced and revealed very little than a general support of
> midwifery and assistance 'where they could', she is unable to "do anything
> before the election".  I believe she saw us out of duty as we are a
> org.
> Vanstone's and Wooldridge's adviser gave us a run for our money!! They
> showed little understanding (who's surprised) about the amazing amount of
> work that has gone before us.  Astoundingly when we metioned the
> budget in relation to antenatal care they replied with "If you can present
> an argument for cost saving in ultrasound I am sure health ministers would
> like to see it" -DER did they forget that's about the only thing Rocking
> Cradle did.
> They want a succint 3 page paper on our ideas for a solution to the lack
> midwifery care in this country (in our own words -how condescending).
> T is helping us on this (phew!!).  The lack of a health focus for the Gov
> a bit of a worry both Wooldridge and Tambling (Parl Health Sec) are not
> re-standing so Wooldridge's office are linking us up with a Comm Health
> Bureaucrat (which won't go astray).  We plan to meet with Vanstone's
> again and will push the status of women stuff.
> We will circulate the paper widely ( may as well hey) and continue to push
> on.  If we get a Labor Gov in the ACT (election Oct 20) we may have a real
> chance in effecting change.  Will keep you all posted.
> Yours in the struggle (and yes I feel a bit like that today)
> Justine Caines
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
> Visit <http://www.acegraphics.com.au> to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit <http://www.acegraphics.com.au> to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-11 Thread Denise Hynd

Dear Rachel,
It will if we remind her that we will hold her and the others to their
verbal promises.
It would be great if it was actually listed in their policies rather than
covered by concepts.
Perhaps this request is what we each on this list should ask in unison?
- Original Message -
From: "Rachel Kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

> Denise wrote :
> > I understand that Carmen Lawrence is attending the
> > Homebirth Week Awareness
> > picnic in Geelong and that as she is the MP for
> > Fremantle and supporter of
> > the Community Midwifery Program WA that she and
> > other Labour (women) MPs
> > support the replication of CMWA acroos the country
> > if Labour wins the
> > election!!
> >
> Just prior to the election being announced, I met
> Jenny Macklin (my local MP and the shadow health
> spokesman) in the local shopping strip. I spoke to her
> as a consumer about the midwives PI insurance debacle
> and about the need for greater choice for women in
> birth - she was very supportive along the lines that
> Denise mentioned in her email - ie. know your midwife
> programs attached to all maternity units or community
> health centres - whether giving birth at home or in
> the hospital. I felt that she obviously was pretty
> good at all the political talk (it is afterall her job
> !), but as a woman and a mother, she also had that
> perspective that not many men would be able to claim !
> Interestingly, she mentioned that she had had one of
> her children at a birth centre. It will be interesting
> to see if the talk becomes action if Labor gets up.
> Cheers,
> Rachel
> http://briefcase.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Briefcase
> - Manage your files online.
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
> Visit <http://www.acegraphics.com.au> to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit <http://www.acegraphics.com.au> to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-12 Thread Justine Caines

Dear Denise

In our discussions COST is what we flog and flog and flog. I am concerned
that even the cost stuff doesn't get through their thick heads! We prepared
a rough cost paper for the ACT Gov and the Chief Medical officer of ACT
Health said "their are not significant cost savings in m/wife only care!"
Surprise Surprise he's an Obstetrician.  We set him VERY straight so much so
he had nothing to come back with (on many issues by the way).  We intend to
keep plugging away but I am so aware of the power of the AMA.  Don't worry I
believe we will get there.

If Jenny Macklin is true to her words (on hansard about the increased
medicare rebate to Ob's for complicated vaginal deliveries) then she will
actively promote the most appropriate and cost effective care

Good luck with NMAA (ABA) I wrote a feature on the importance of
doula/midwife support on birth and thereafter.  I was very careful not to be
a rampant homebirther and kept to the topic and naturally incorporated
successful breastfeeding post 12 months and it was cut to hell, so much so
it didn't make sense!  I got an e-mail apology from the Ed who agreed with
me but that did little to inform the many thousands of women out there of
the love and support a midwife provides.  If you have contacts in the higher
echelons then GO FOR IT.  I find them so very scared to even broach the
birth related issues. I totally agree that consumers will win this war and
from our local (ACT) perspective our (Maternity Coalition) info nights are
certainly helping to inform and build our consumer numbers.

In birthing solidarity

Justine Caines

> From: "Denise Hynd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 08:57:12 +0800
> To: "Justine Caines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!
> Dear Justine
> Thank you for the reposting of the message I must have missed when
> interstate??
> I am aware Labor will not make it (midwifery access) an election issue and
> this probably has got AMA implications BUT EVEN MORE IMPROTANTLY
> Supportive MP's will tell you OUR ISSUE(S) do not rate with electors when
> they are polled /canvassed!!!
> Health and the costs/access does in general terms and it is part of this
> package that we can get a look in when Labor is in government.
> have THEM even more than us TALK/write TO THE POLIES, inform women's groups
> to get on the demand trail.
> For example it would such a boost if we could get ABA (NMAA) to nationally
> acknowledge that the birth impacts on the breastfeeding expereince and
> research shows that women who have continuous midwifery  care have the best
> breastfeeding (and Other ) outcomes!!
> Denise
> - Original Message -----
> From: "Justine Caines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "OzMid List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!
>> Hi Denise
>> I am attaching an old message (so the list is up to date on what's been
>> going on federally, sorry to some individuals who have already seen it) I
>> agree with asking for specifics not just acknowledgement of a model of
> care
>> etc.  I do think there is still a LOT of work to do with Labor, Jenny
>> Macklin certainly wasn't interested in making it an election issue (even
>> though it would make great in roads to curtain the outrageous  rates of
>> intervention and there associated costs).  I know Carmen Lawrence is
>> supportive but in the event of a fed Labor Gov we will still have to push
>> hard - they are still so scared of rocking the AMA boat!!! I think the
>> national body (that Barb Vernon suggests) is imperative for the on going
>> campaign and esp direct lobbying.
>> Anyway the old message follows FYI.  The group was represented by
>> Maternity Coalition
>> Homebirth Access Sydney
>> and Sally Tracy as our amazing "brain" or 'nerd' - in her words!!!
>> Justine Caines
>> _
>> Yesterday we (26 September) (Barb Vernon, myself, Emma Baldock ,Sally
> Tracy
>> and Kate Mc Maugh) met with Meg Lees, Jenny Macklin and advisers for both
>> Amanda Vanstone and Michael Wooldridge.  Barb will no doubt also give you
> a
>> perspective on things but here's mine for what it's worth!!
>> Lees was great (I know we already know she's converted) but she took it a
>> step further.  She plans to visit WA, we have forwarded on Tra

Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-12 Thread Denise Hynd

Dear Justine
I think this is an example of why our message does not penetrate if their
advisors are not Drs
then they have been influenced by them like the women who sign up for social
That is why as well as trying to put an alternative message accross to the
polies, bureacrats etc we need to not stop raising general awareness and the
profile of midwifery care.
But it is extra frustrating when the polies kick the cost of health care but
will not take a hold of a more cost effecient re-organisation of health
For example nurse practitioners and other non MD practitioners  have the
same problem as midwives and their advocates!
Denise- Original Message -
From: "Justine Caines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OzMid List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

> Dear Denise
> In our discussions COST is what we flog and flog and flog. I am concerned
> that even the cost stuff doesn't get through their thick heads! We
> a rough cost paper for the ACT Gov and the Chief Medical officer of ACT
> Health said "their are not significant cost savings in m/wife only care!"
> Surprise Surprise he's an Obstetrician.  We set him VERY straight so much
> he had nothing to come back with (on many issues by the way).  We intend
> keep plugging away but I am so aware of the power of the AMA.  Don't worry
> believe we will get there.
> If Jenny Macklin is true to her words (on hansard about the increased
> medicare rebate to Ob's for complicated vaginal deliveries) then she will
> actively promote the most appropriate and cost effective care
> Good luck with NMAA (ABA) I wrote a feature on the importance of
> doula/midwife support on birth and thereafter.  I was very careful not to
> a rampant homebirther and kept to the topic and naturally incorporated
> successful breastfeeding post 12 months and it was cut to hell, so much so
> it didn't make sense!  I got an e-mail apology from the Ed who agreed with
> me but that did little to inform the many thousands of women out there of
> the love and support a midwife provides.  If you have contacts in the
> echelons then GO FOR IT.  I find them so very scared to even broach the
> birth related issues. I totally agree that consumers will win this war and
> from our local (ACT) perspective our (Maternity Coalition) info nights are
> certainly helping to inform and build our consumer numbers.
> In birthing solidarity
> Justine Caines
> > From: "Denise Hynd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 08:57:12 +0800
> > To: "Justine Caines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!
> >
> > Dear Justine
> > Thank you for the reposting of the message I must have missed when
> > interstate??
> > I am aware Labor will not make it (midwifery access) an election issue
> > this probably has got AMA implications BUT EVEN MORE IMPROTANTLY
> > Supportive MP's will tell you OUR ISSUE(S) do not rate with electors
> > they are polled /canvassed!!!
> >
> > Health and the costs/access does in general terms and it is part of this
> > package that we can get a look in when Labor is in government.
> >
> > have THEM even more than us TALK/write TO THE POLIES, inform women's
> > to get on the demand trail.
> > For example it would such a boost if we could get ABA (NMAA) to
> > acknowledge that the birth impacts on the breastfeeding expereince and
> > research shows that women who have continuous midwifery  care have the
> > breastfeeding (and Other ) outcomes!!
> >
> > Denise
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Justine Caines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "OzMid List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:15 PM
> > Subject: Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Hi Denise
> >>
> >> I am attaching an old message (so the list is up to date on what's been
> >> going on federally, sorry to some individuals who have already seen it)
> >> agree with asking for specifics not just acknowledgement of a model of
> > care
> >> etc.  I do think there is still a LOT of work to do with Labor, Jenny
> >> Macklin certainly wasn't interested in making it an election issue
> >> though it would make great in roads to curtain the outrageous  rates of
> >

Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

2001-10-14 Thread Lois Wattis

Hello to Justine and colleagues - Thank God you are there doing what you are
doing  We need political activists with "savvy" to advance this
extraordinarily important cause  We are not all good at the same things
and play our parts accordingly (eg. Tina Pettigrew, Vicki Chan, Jan Robinson
etc).  I, for one, am So glad you are at the "political coalface" 'cos
it's not my area.  Keep letting us know how we can help, and keep up the
good work.  We WILL win for women eventually!  Best wishes, Lois Wattis
- Original Message -
From: Justine Caines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: Political Action is Imperative NOW!!!

Hi Denise

I am attaching an old message (so the list is up to date on what's been
going on federally, sorry to some individuals who have already seen it) I
agree with asking for specifics not just acknowledgement of a model of  care
etc.  I do think there is still a LOT of work to do with Labor, Jenny
Macklin certainly wasn't interested in making it an election issue (even
though it would make great in roads to curtain the outrageous  rates of
intervention and there associated costs).  I know Carmen Lawrence is
supportive but in the event of a fed Labor Gov we will still have to push
hard - they are still so scared of rocking the AMA boat!!! I think the
national body (that Barb Vernon suggests) is imperative for the on going
campaign and esp direct lobbying.

Anyway the old message follows FYI.  The group was represented by
Maternity Coalition
Homebirth Access Sydney
and Sally Tracy as our amazing "brain" or 'nerd' - in her words!!!

Justine Caines


Yesterday we (26 September) (Barb Vernon, myself, Emma Baldock ,Sally Tracy
and Kate Mc Maugh) met with Meg Lees, Jenny Macklin and advisers for both
Amanda Vanstone and Michael Wooldridge.  Barb will no doubt also give you a
perspective on things but here's mine for what it's worth!!

Lees was great (I know we already know she's converted) but she took it a
step further.  She plans to visit WA, we have forwarded on Tracy's details
to her and she got me to write a question for her for question time today!
She has a contact in ACT Health and was quite interested in our developments
there.  We are still plugging away with the ACT (more behind the scenes) as
we still have until 20 Oct before the election.

Macklin was poker faced and revealed very little than a general support of
midwifery and assistance 'where they could', she is unable to "do anything
before the election".  I believe she saw us out of duty as we are a consumer

Vanstone's and Wooldridge's adviser gave us a run for our money!! They
showed little understanding (who's surprised) about the amazing amount of
work that has gone before us.  Astoundingly when we metioned the ultrasound
budget in relation to antenatal care they replied with "If you can present
an argument for cost saving in ultrasound I am sure health ministers would
like to see it" -DER did they forget that's about the only thing Rocking the
Cradle did.

They want a succint 3 page paper on our ideas for a solution to the lack of
midwifery care in this country (in our own words -how condescending).  Sally
T is helping us on this (phew!!).  The lack of a health focus for the Gov is
a bit of a worry both Wooldridge and Tambling (Parl Health Sec) are not
re-standing so Wooldridge's office are linking us up with a Comm Health
Bureaucrat (which won't go astray).  We plan to meet with Vanstone's office
again and will push the status of women stuff.

We will circulate the paper widely ( may as well hey) and continue to push
on.  If we get a Labor Gov in the ACT (election Oct 20) we may have a real
chance in effecting change.  Will keep you all posted.

Yours in the struggle (and yes I feel a bit like that today)

Justine Caines

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