Re: unsupported international call

2005-05-10 Thread Ken Krugler
I am developing an application and testing it on the emulator. I am
getting the weird (at least to me) error message "unsupported
international call" when executing:
err =3D TxtConvertEncoding(
  NULL,  // just return the size
Has anybody a clue on what it could be due and how fix it?
What version of the OS are you running with the Emulator? It sounds 
like something < 4.0.

TxtConvertEncoding was added in Palm OS 4.0. If you use 
TxtGlueConvertEncoding then you still do conversions on Sony Japanese 
devices built with Palm OS 3.5, but only between Shift-JIS and UCS-2, 
not UTF-8.

If you need to run on Latin-based pre-4.0 devices, I'd suggest 
creating your own hard-coded conversion from CP1252 to UTF-8, which 
wouldn't be hard. If you also have to work with Japanese & 3.5, then 
you could use the glue and subsequently convert UCS-2 to UTF-8, which 
is easy.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: FEP problem

2005-04-15 Thread Ken Krugler
I am writing custom text control and I want to use FEP in it. But I
think I found a problem with APIs.
First I call TsmLibFepOpen to get pointer to TsmFepStatusType structure.
Then I can use that pointer normally. But when FEP library decide to show
popup list it stops working normally, items in list are not drawn correctly.
FEP library has its own event loop and call SysHandleEvent in it. Then
SysHandleEvent calls TsmHandleEvent which call TsmLibFepMapEvent. That's ok
but TsmLibFepMapEvent wants TsmFepStatusType as parameter and TsmHandleEvent
gets one from system globals to call TsmLibFepMapEvent. And this is the
problem. FEP library is trying to handle event with TsmFepStatusType
structure that is in system globals, but not with mine structure.
Any suggestions for workaround this problem. Or may be there is some
useful API that solves it.
What version(s) of the OS are you targeting?
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: overlay spec, SDK-4

2005-04-06 Thread Ken Krugler
1. Where in the docs is the format for the overlay headers documented?
Don't know what you mean by "overlay header". Overlays are regular 
PRCs with a specific type ('ovly') and a special resource 
('ovly'=1000). The creator for the overlay PRC has to match the base 
PRC, and the contents of the 'ovly'=1000 resouce need to be in sync 
with the resources found in the base PRC.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: DataMgr.c, Line:7649, Overlay without a base

2005-04-05 Thread Ken Krugler
i am using metrowerks codewarrior 9.3 and palmos emulator 3.5 with 
debug rom of m505

sometimes when i want to debug my application the emulator crashes immediately
with following error
The Emulator crashes, or just logs a fatal alert? There's a big difference.
0.000:  === WARNING:

0.000:  === WARNING: Date & Time (4.0) called SysFatalAlert with the message:
"DataMgr.c, Line:7649, Overlay without a base".
0.000:  === WARNING:

the mentioned application is built-in. but i would like to know if this can be
caused by my application or if it is any known problem with m505rom 
and/or emulator?

and if it is my error, can someone point me to possible cause?
I haven't heard of this error showing up before, which makes it more 
likely that it's a problem triggered by your application.

This non-fatal alert is displayed if DmGet1Resource is called, it's 
searching the list of open resource databases, and it finds an 
auto-opened overlay PRC in the list without a base PRC immediately 
following it.

I don't see any obvious way this could happen, other than the typical 
hand-waving explanation of "memory got munged".

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Converting a string into UTF-8

2005-04-02 Thread Ken Krugler
I need to convert a string from the default encoding used by the OS 
to UTF-8 for delivering to the external. How can I do it? Is there a 
system API for it (sorry, but I could not find it)? If not, is there 
any code snippet for it?
First, a general comment that most routines for direct text 
manipulation are either in the String Mgr or the Text Mgr, so that's 
where you'd want to start looking.

Second, a comment on the code Greg'll need to use 
LmGlueGetSystemLocale(), since LmGetSystemLocale was added in 6.0.

Finally, there are two other reasons for the existence of 
TxtGlueConvertEncoding beyond backwards compatibility to 3.5. It also 
works around a bug in the Sony 3.5 implementation of this routine, 
and it allows you to pass the charEncodingDstBestFitFlag in with the 
destination encoding without having to check which OS version 
supports this flag.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Using Hebrew fonts on Palm Os Developer suite

2005-03-07 Thread Ken Krugler
I believe that you have to do nothing, just enter the Hebrew text. Since the
Palm device has Hebrew support, the default fonts should be able to show
A problem here is that PORE & PalmRC don't "know" about the character 
encoding used by 3rd party hacks to support Hebrew. So PORE can't be 
used to do WYSIWYG editing, and PalmRC can't calculate menu and popup 
trigger widths correctly.

I believe Pilrc has some support for Hebrew.
-- Ken

"Udi Kobi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
 >I need to know how to use hebrew fonts for buttons, menues, etc.
 under the Palm Os Developer suite, so once I installed the
 complied application to the already hebrew installed Palm device,
 > I will be able to view those fonts.

Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: How To Make A Custom Japanese Font?

2005-02-28 Thread Ken Krugler
I was already thinking about this after 
examining the Font.c and the private header.

Here is what I think:
  1. The fontMap is contracted on the fly.
  2. A fake subfont featuring few unused 
"character codes" is added to the system.
  3. On a first run we run a "calibration loop" 
- set the starting subfont index to 0 and create 
the master font and the subfont; call 
CharWidth() for say 3 or 30 (no matter) of the 
unused chars; on !=expected widths - undefined 
the two fonts, increase the subfont index; do it 
again until success.

Should take a up to a second to calibrate the 
font. May even calibrate it on every run if this 
is fast enough.

What do you think about this?
If you are trying to determine the maximum in use 
subfont index, then (if I understand your code 
correctly) you are relying on the OS handing an 
invalid subfont index properly. I don't know 
whether this is true for all versions of the OS.

Another approach (I think) would be to call 
FntGetFontPtr for the four standard fonts. By 
checking the bits in the header, you can verify 
that it's a font map. If so, you can walk the 
data to determine the subfont indexes that are 
actually in use, and thus determine the maximum 
value. And then continue with your idea for 
creating the font map on the fly.

I have one more question ’Äì is there a decent 
way to extract all the printable char codes on a 
Japanese device? To clarify ’Äúall the 
printable’Äù I mean all the char codes that are 
in the hierarchical ’ÄústdFont’Äù and need to be 
in my replacement font for the replacement to be 
There's not an existing API, unfortunately.
One approach I've used is to first draw (to an 
offscreen bitmap) a character that I know is 
undefined (but valid), and record the resulting 
bits. Then go into a loop like:

for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 0x; i++)
if (TxtCharIsValid(i))
Draw the character into another offscreen bitmap
Compare to the "known" undefined bitmap
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: How To Make A Custom Japanese Font?

2005-02-27 Thread Ken Krugler
As the title says - the need is to make a custom Japanese font, just for
with smaller characters then the std one in the CLIEs.
The ideal case will be to be able to install it in the device and activate
it with FntSetFont() and use it like a custom font on a Latin based device.
The worst scenario will be total custom drawing, which considered that the
whole app is a total custom drawing is not that bad. But if the overhead can
be avoided, I'd gladly do so.
A little help in the structure of the main font if the hiearchy and how is a
sub-font accessed, at least?
Unfortunately there's no reliable way to use FntDefineFont to define 
a Japanese (ie hierarchical) font. The problem is that sub-fonts are 
referenced from the top-level font (which is actually a font map) via 
absolute subfont indexes. So the correct index to use depends on 
what's been previously installed by the OS.

Which means your most compatible approach is to define your own set 
of "sub-fonts", where you parse the text and select the appropriate 
sub-font to use using the high byte of the double-byte character, and 
then you draw the low byte. This does mean that you'll have to manage 
dynamically installing the required sub-font(s) yourself.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: multilizer - localization

2005-02-26 Thread Ken Krugler
Thanks, Ken.
One more thing i am wondering is: when multilizer do translation 
directly in PRC file, is it also smart enough to re-size and 
re-position UI controls (like button) if the translated string/label 
is too long to fit the original control?
Their latest version has some support for UI resizing, but I don't 
know if it's automatic or not. I just downloaded 6.1, but I haven't 
tried it out yet.

What strategy you recommend for localization?
Depends on lots of factors. If Multilizer really worked, and you 
could afford it, then that would be my recommendation.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: SMS & Unicode

2005-02-26 Thread Ken Krugler
Does PalmOS phone library support unicode SMS messages? Does PalmOne 
SMS libray support them?

I tried to use the SMS bundled application on a T|T to receive a 
message that is known to be in unicode from an GSM phone and it just 
ignored it!
The 5.x platform telephony libraries do support Unicode (UCS-2) in 
SMS messages. I don't know if these libraries are used by the T|T, or 
if it has a replacement set from a 3rd party.

Also note that any non-convertible Unicode character (ie anything not 
found in Windows code page 1252) will get mapped to either a '?' or 
perhaps nothing, depending on the version of the library. So if you 
received a Chinese message, for example, on an English T|T then you 
might not wind up with anything being displayed.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: multilizer - localization

2005-02-25 Thread Ken Krugler
i know multilizer can do the translation inside PRC file.
Does anybody know if multilizer can also do the translation for .rcp file?
I don't believe so. They can handle XML (XRD) files, from what I've heard.
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Date formats

2005-02-21 Thread Ken Krugler
I was just wondering how most Palm developers deal with formatting dates.
I know PalmSource suggests using the user's choice from the Preference
panel for date format,
Yes - I'd say "strongly suggests".
but I don't think that is an option as it is
missing ISO format
By this you mean -MM-DD, right? As in 2004-12-24.
and thus the locale defaults are thus bunk in a lot
of cases.
You mean for many locales the preferred date format for most people 
is ISO? I hadn't heard that...could you point me to some place that 
documents this?

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: fonts txt

2005-02-21 Thread Ken Krugler
with much luck i was able to compile the app
but the fonts are not anti aliased
any 1 knows any fonts program that allows anti alias?
i tried xFont and piBuilder already, any others?
Anti-aliased fonts aren't supported directly by Palm OS. When you see 
various programs such as book readers displaying anti-aliased text, 
they are using their own private drawing routines.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: TxtCharIsHardKey - Error in Palm OS Reference.pdf?

2005-02-16 Thread Ken Krugler
The Palm OS Reference states that;
"TxtCharIsHardKey Macro is valid only if International Feature Set is
I believe that is incorrect, and causes confusion.
It is a simple macro that does not use any TxtManager function, and works
with any OS.
I believe I once saw a Post about this.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
I agree that the documentation is wrong. This macro was added to the 
headers when international support was added to the OS, way back in 
Palm OS 3.1 days, so that's why I think it was flagged as such, since 
all of the new TxtXXX functions did in fact need this warning.

Note that the TxtCharIsVirtual() macro is different, in that you need 
to use the glue version on versions of the OS < 3.5.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Graffite gets locked

2005-02-02 Thread Ken Krugler
I am facing one issue in my Palm App. I am working with Palm Zire 72
(simplified Chinese version).
I have one edit box on my screen, which takes input as integer only(0,9).
After using the application extensively , my graffiti area is getting
locked, I am not able to enter any character's any more.
Note: I have tried adding character by writing on the display area also.
Can  any body please give me any clue , why it is behaving so.
Is their any feature which does that.
I don't believe palmOne released a Chinese Zire 72 device. Which 
means that you're using an English Zire 72 with a 3rd party hack to 
support Simplified Chinese. I would contact the maker of this 
software to find out if they know of any such problems.

Also, you asked:
I had observed one feature in chinese devices " it allows to write on the
screen area along with the numpad(grapffite area for writing no and
i.e. like a touch pad i can directly go to the editboc in the screen and
start writing. applciation displays some chinese characters in the box.
I do not want to allow user to write directly on the screen area. I want to
support grffite feature only in the area below the screen. (Input Area from
where num pad can be opened)
If you can write Chinese characters on the screen, then this is also 
something added by the 3rd party hack, so you'd also want to ask them 
this question directly.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: How can I force Palm OS to use single byte text encoding?

2005-01-24 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi Clive,
 > But I'm curious why an assumption like this (1 byte =3D=3D 1 character)
 > would simplify your record packing problem.
It is not the "coding" that concerns me, it is the storage.
I have to pack a huge amount of data into the Palm. Unless I am=
 fundamentally mistaken, double byte
characters will require twice as much storage per string as single byte=
I think maybe there is a fundamental misconception here. A 
"double-byte" encoding such as Shift-JIS is more accurately described 
as a "mixed-width" encoding, where every character occupies either 
one OR two bytes in a string.

So the "twice as much storage" requirement only exists if the 
character in fact actually needs two bytes to represent it (as is the 
case for Kanji, Hiragana, full-width Katakana, etc).

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: How can I force Palm OS to use single byte text encoding?

2005-01-23 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi Clive,
From Manual:
"Because you do not know which character encoding
is used until runtime, you should never make an assumption about the
size of a character."
I am developing an application that will require me to pack a lot of 
data into a Palm. I will have to pack multiple custom records inside 
each Palm record.
Both for overall storage data packing and for setting custom record 
offsets etc. how can I force the Palm (Zire 31) to use single byte 
It is a custom "read only"/"U.S. only" application.
If you only have low-ASCII text, then you can assume that each 
character will occupy only a single byte, even on non-US devices.

If you have to handle accented characters, for example, then 
currently on a US-device the same will be true, but this isn't a safe 
assumption to make in the future.

But I'm curious why an assumption like this (1 byte == 1 character) 
would simplify your record packing problem. Even for multi-byte 
characters, lengths of strings are still in terms of bytes, and 
typically field lengths (or fixed sizes) are in terms of bytes, so 
where is the win?

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Incorrect PRC file ?

2004-12-28 Thread Ken Krugler
With PRC explorer (v1.0.19.1), I clearly see the 24 bitmaps that I 
declared in my app. They are named Tbmp 9 to Tbmp 32. They can be 
displayed => ok.

I have 2 additional Tbmps, named Tbmp 1 and Tbmp 2.
Tbmp 1 : when I click on it, I get message "TBitmap parsing error - 
unknown version", and it displays "Resource size 72292 bytes"
Tbmp 2 : when I click on it, I get another message "TBitmap parsing 
error - wrong size", and it displays "Resource size 19266 bytes"
Wild guess - these aren't actually bitmaps, but rather code/data. I 
don't know anything about CaslSoft, though, so I couldn't guess at 
how this might be happening.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Chinese Character Recognition

2004-12-22 Thread Ken Krugler
See if you can help me out with this one.
I need to write an application (its like a form) where the user will
type in Chinese and the characters need to be displayed in the text
fields of the form. Basically I am looking at Chinese handwriting
All Chinese solutions for Palm OS have methods for entering Chinese 
text. The base platform from PalmSource (for Simplified Chinese) has 
a pinyin FEP, which converts ASCII text into Hanzi. Other 3rd party 
solutions (overlays) typically have both FEPs and handwriting 

This should be all you need, unless your application needs to be able 
to enter/edit/display Chinese on an English device, which is a very 
different kind of problem. Even then, some 3rd party hacks support 
running the device w/an English UI, while still supporting Chinese 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Unicode on palm

2004-12-03 Thread Ken Krugler
Robert asked:
Does palm OS support Unicode, if not is there a patch for this.
and Ben Combee replied with:
Palm OS supports multibyte characters sets on devices with the appropriate
locale, such as Japanese and Chinese devices.  There's an extensive Text
Manager API for handling this.  However, the OS doesn't natively use
double-byte characters, although there is a transcoding function.
Actually the OS does natively use double-byte characters, when the 
device character encoding is Shift-JIS (Japanese), GB (Simplified 
Chinese), Big-5 (Taiwan), or EUC-KR (Korean).

Robert's question could be answered two different ways. Without any 
additional context, it's hard to provide a useful response. But...

No, Palm OS does not support using any Unicode transformation (UTF-8, 
UTF-16, etc) as the device encoding.

Yes, Palm OS does support convert text to/from Unicode via the 
TxtConvertEncoding API.

If the goal of using Unicode is to support multi-lingual display, 
then there are several options that have been discussed on this list 
in the past - Robert should search the archives.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: TxtGlueParamString on Sony S300

2004-11-21 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi Tom,
Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it. 
The really strange thing is that on the S300 emlulator, simply 
calling TxtParamString seems to work. It's only the Glue version 
that crashes. So, based on that, and the information in your post, 
this is what I came up with:

Boolean sony_os_35_glue_bug (void) {
Err error;
UInt32  result;
Boolean answer = false;
error = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumOEMCompanyID, &result);
if ((error == 0) && (result == hwrOEMCompanyIDSony)) {
   error = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &result);
   if ((result >= palmos_35) && (result < palmos_40))
answer = true;
return answer;
Then in my code, I just do this:
if (sony_os_35_glue_bug())
   p = TxtParamString(temp, sub[0], sub[1], sub[2], sub[3]);
   p = TxtGlueParamString(temp, sub[0], sub[1], sub[2], sub[3]);
This seems to work with all the ROMs I can find. Does it make sense 
and look OK to you? I'm going to ask the customer to test this 
version for me, and if it works OK for him, I'll go ahead and 
release it.
Actually all you need is to check if the OS version is less than 3.5, 
and if so, call the glue code, otherwise call the routine directly.

It turns out there's a bug in the glue code, where it uses the 
(Latin) glue version if the OS version is < 4.0, but the check should 
be < 3.5. That's why I thought you needed to handle the Sony/3.5 case 
specially, but you don't.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: TxtGlueParamString on Sony S300

2004-11-19 Thread Ken Krugler
One of our applications needs to use TxtParamString. Since it wasn't
available until OS 3.5, and our app runs on 3.0 or later, we use
TxtGlueParamString instead. It's always worked perfectly, and we've never
had a complaint about it, until yesterday. A customer is running our app on
a Sony S300, which he says is running 3.5.2. When it gets to the
TxtGlueParamString call, it crashes his handheld. Running this in the
CLIEpose emulator (which reports the OS version to be 3.5.1), I am told that
our application:
... is close to overflowing the stack. The functions currently using the
stack are: IntlGetRoutineAddressPatch(0), IntlGetRoutineAddressPatch(10),
IntlGetRoutineAddressPatch(10), IntlGetRoutineAddressPatch(10)
This does not happen on the Palm OS 3.0 or 3.5 emulator, so it seems to
somehow be specific to the S300. If I change the code to call TxtParamString
instead of TxtGlueParamString, it works just fine. But of course, I can't
leave it that way, because we need to support older devices.
The problem is that Sony's 3.5.x ROM has a bug in it. They patched 
IntlDisplatch to support the TxtConvertEncoding call needed by their 
early release of VFS, but when this patched version is called to 
handle IntlGetRoutineAddress(), it calls IntlGetRoutineAddress() 
versus the pre-patched version. So you wind up in an infinite loop, 
with the patch code calling back into itself, and eventually (OK, 
pretty quickly) you wind up overflowing the stack.

We fixed this in TxtGlueConvertEncoding by calling 
FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumOEMCompanyID) when the OS version was 
<= 3.5 and < 4.0. If the result is hwrOEMCompanyIDSony, then we know 
they did in fact implement TxtConvertEncoding, otherwise it doesn't 

For your case, it's a bit harder if you want to still be able to use 
the current glue code. Here's one approach:

#typedef Char* _TxtParamStringF(const Char* iTemplateP, const Char* iParam0,
			const Char* iParam1, const Char* iParam2, 
const Char* iParam3);
typedef _TxtParamStringF * TxtParamStringF;

MyTxtParamString(const Char* iTemplateP, const Char* iParam0,
			const Char* iParam1, const Char* iParam2, 
const Char* iParam3)
	If (BuggySonyV35())
		TxtParamStringF* procP;
		procP = (TxtParamStringF*)TxtLatinParamString;
		return(proc(const Char* iTemplateP, const Char* iParam0,
			const Char* iParam1, const Char* iParam2, 
const Char* iParam3));
		return(TxtGlueParamString(const Char* iTemplateP, 
const Char* iParam0,
			const Char* iParam1, const Char* iParam2, 
const Char* iParam3);

I found this post in the archives, from April 2000:
which mentions problems with PalmOSGlue, though not exactly the same issue,
so I'm not sure it's relevant. (Ken Krugler, if you're reading this, did
this problem ever get resolved?)
I'll check. But I don't believe it's related.
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: database sorting is wrong

2004-11-12 Thread Ken Krugler
i'm writing a simple application that inserts records into a 
database, sorted according to date (a UInt32). my compare function 
is simple:

static Int16 mycompare(dbrecord *dbr1, dbrecord *dbr2, Int16 
arbitrary, SortRecordInfoPtr r1info, SortRecordInfoPtr r2info, 
MemHandle appinfo)
	return (dbr1->date - dbr2->date);
My guess is that something else is going wrong, but you also need to 
fix your comparison code. Whenever you're sorting unsigned values, 
you don't want to rely on straight subtraction. Instead you'd do 
something like:

if (dbr1->date < dbr2->date) {
} else if (dbr1->date > dbr2->date) {
} else {
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: T5 memory leak in FntDefineFont

2004-11-08 Thread Ken Krugler
the crash happens with FntDefineFont(id,  NULL) in the 5.4 simulator from
OK, I'll look into that. You should also report it as a bug to PalmSource.
the leak is in the real T5 unit being sold and this simulator.
By "this simulator" I assume you mean the 5.4 version from 
PalmSource, not the T5 version from palmOne.

If so, then also report this as a bug to PalmSource.
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: T5 memory leak in FntDefineFont

2004-11-07 Thread Ken Krugler
so to whom do I report the leak since its in the T5 device being sold in
stores ?
Since you haven't narrowed down whether it's a bug in the palmOne 
modified OS, or the base 5.4, then I guess you need to report it to 
both palmOne and PalmSource.

If you get a leak with the standard 5.4 Simulator then you'd only 
report it to PalmSource. If the leak doesn't happen in this version 
of PalmSim, but only with the special T5 version, then you'd only 
report it to palmOne.

Also, I'm still interested in an answer to my question about a better 
description of the crash that occurs when you call FntDefineFont(id, 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: T5 memory leak in FntDefineFont

2004-11-06 Thread Ken Krugler
I tried this, but it crashes,
How does it crash? Is this on the T5 simulator?
and the manual says:
""Palm OS 4.0 and later do not allow a NULL value for the fontP
That's because of a bug in FntDefineFont, which was introduced in 
Palm OS 5.0, and fixed in Palm OS 5.3 (or maybe earlier...the bug fix 
was made on 1/15/03).

So you should be able to safely call it when running with Palm OS 
5.4/T5. I took at look at the source, and didn't see any obvious 
problems. I'll need to check if palmOne is patching this routine for 
some reason, as that could be where it's crashing.

-- Ken

- Original Message -
From: "Ken Krugler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: T5 memory leak in FntDefineFont

 >Has anyone found a work around for this memory leak ?
 >In the T5 simulator and the actual unit, the function:
 >void  FntDefineFont(fontID id, FontTag *pTag)
 >appears to have a memory leak, about 80% of the size of the
 >font being passed in,  who should I report this to ?I'm not aware of
 >API to
 >recover this,   it is not a leak in any other OS 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0 units or
 What happens if you call FntDefineFont(id, NULL) to clear out the
 font? I know that PACE used to have some code to release the shadow
 of the font when you did this.
 One warning is that passing NULL would trigger an error (and
 potentially give you invalid results) on Palm OS 4.0, 4.1, and
 perhaps early 5.x releases.
 > -- Ken

Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: T5 memory leak in FntDefineFont

2004-11-05 Thread Ken Krugler
Has anyone found a work around for this memory leak ?
In the T5 simulator and the actual unit, the function:
void  FntDefineFont(fontID id, FontTag *pTag)
appears to have a memory leak, about 80% of the size of the
font being passed in,  who should I report this to ?I'm not aware of any
API to
recover this,   it is not a leak in any other OS 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0 units or
What happens if you call FntDefineFont(id, NULL) to clear out the 
font? I know that PACE used to have some code to release the shadow 
of the font when you did this.

One warning is that passing NULL would trigger an error (and 
potentially give you invalid results) on Palm OS 4.0, 4.1, and 
perhaps early 5.x releases.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: problem in displaying chinese characters correctly

2004-10-27 Thread Ken Krugler
Now that I am able to copy and paste Chinese text from Notepad into
constructor 1.9 on Windows Xp.
When I run the Chinese prc on a Palm Zire 71 with CKJ OS Ver 4.61
installed, on some of the buttons on the forms I see correct Chinese
text but on some other buttons I see wierd latin characters. Palm is not
able to display these chinese characters correctly. I have also verfied
the hex codes for all the characters, the hex codes are correct.
On CJKOS I have set Char Set to "Chinese BIG5" and display to "Auto".
Should the Palm be told how to correctly display these characters? I am
not sure how to do that. Given below are examples of text which are
displayed correctly and some text which is not displayed correctly.
and also...
Does any one know how to force Palm OS not to use single byte encoding.
It is displaying Chinese characters incorrectly if the hex value of any
of two bytes is less than A0, in this case it is displaying latin
characters equivalent of the hex value. If both the bytes have a hex
value greater than A0, then the chinese character is displayed correctly.
Does any body know more or how to resolve this.
The first problem you've got is a conceptual one. The device you're 
using (the palmOne Zire 71) has a ROM that only supports the Latin 
character encoding. You've installed a 3rd party hack (CJKOS) that 
patches the OS so that the device encoding can now be set to Big-5 
(for Traditional Chinese text). So any issues with Chinese text 
processing need to be directed to the makers of CJKOS.

The second problem is that CJKOS apparently only supports Big-5, and 
not the Hong Kong Supplemental Character Set (HKSCS). Double-byte 
character codes less than 0xA140 are all part of HKSCS, not the core 
Big-5 set. I believe the reason why you're seeing Latin characters is 
that CJKOS (like many other multi-byte hacks) tries to interpret what 
it considers to be invalid multi-byte sequences as Latin, which 
improves compatibility with English applications.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Change database name of overlay

2004-10-26 Thread Ken Krugler
1. I have created a French Overlays from a Base English Prc using the
following command
"PRC2ovl.exe CONFIG.prc -locale frFR -o CONFIG_frFR.prc"
2. After all the changes in french Overlay I have modified the base english
PRC database name from
CONFIG to PDApp. I have used the following command to change the output file
name of french overlay
from CONFIG_frFR.prc to PDApp_frFR.prc.
"Prc2Ovl  CONFIG_frFR.prc -p PDApp.prc -o PDApp_frFR.prc"
The above command only changes the file name and not the database name.
Is there any command to change the french overlay data base name same as
PRC database name without losing the changes done in french overlay?
I don't know of any such command, but it's easy enough to fix up the 
name of the overlay PRC. Just open it using a binary editor and 
replace the existing "CONFIG_frFR" with "PDApp_frFR" + a null to keep 
the name field the same length.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: StrPrintF for wide characters

2004-10-20 Thread Ken Krugler
Is there an equivalent of "StrPrintF" function for wide characters?
StrPrintF has supported %lc (and %C) for printing wide characters for 
quite a long time. Note that it assumes the character uses the device 
encoding, not Unicode.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Zire 72 sim in chinese

2004-10-20 Thread Ken Krugler
Is simulator for Zire 72 is available in chinese.
I don't think palmOne has released a fully localized Zire 72 for the 
Chinese market, so then the answer would be no. If the 3rd party 
hacks ("overlays") used to support Chinese on the Z72 were all 
written in 68K, then you could just load them onto PalmSim, but I 
believe they use ARM code, and thus wouldn't work.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Chinese on POSE

2004-10-15 Thread Ken Krugler
Does anybody know how to display chinese on POSE or if there is a
chinese rom file available that I can run on POSE.
I downloaded the ROM from a Chinese Palm to run on POSE, but it doesnot
work on POSE.
I don't believe there's a PalmSource-provided Chinese ROM that you 
can use with POSE, since the first platform release w/Chinese support 
was 5.3, and POSE only works with 4.x (and older) ROMs.

You didn't say which device you used to download the ROM, but even if 
it's based on Palm OS 4.x, if POSE doesn't "know" about that device 
then it won't be able to use that ROM for emulation.

You can install 3rd party RAM-based Chinese solutions ("overlays") on 
a stock English 4.x ROM, or you can use Simplified Chinese Palm OS 
5.3/5.4 with PalmSim.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Info reqd regarding creating a chinese prc using Constructor

2004-10-01 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi Chandra,
I found your message on the net regarding problems developing a 
Chinese prc. I am having a similar problem.

I have a created a prc file which contains only resource files of my 
application. I need to create a chinese version of these resources.

When I use Constructor 1.9 and Select PRC Text Encoding as (Chinese 
Simplied) and copy and paste chinese text into forms.
All I see are ???s.
Are you using the Windows or Mac version? If Windows, what platform 
(XP, 2000, etc)?

I just tried this on Mac OS X 10.3 with Constructor 1.9.1X (from the 
CodeWarrior 8.3 package) and it worked fine.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: looking for a case-insensitive string search algorithm

2004-09-16 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi Stephen,
Does anyone know of a good way to perform a case-insensitive 
search of a large text string for the first occurrence of a small 
text string - using code that supports non-ASCII character encodings 
(possibly multiple bytes per character) - and which doesn't restrict 
matches to beginning at the beginning of a word?  (I.e. something 
just like TxtFindString() except allowing matches that start one or 
more characters past the beginning of a word)
Alternatively, even a case-insensitive version of StrChr() would 
be helpful...
Thanks in advance,

p.s. no need to point me to approaches that assume ASCII characters, 
since I understand case-insensitivity in that context - it's when we 
get into alternate character encodings that I don't  have a good 
grasp of what 'case insensitivity' (or accent insensitivity) might 
Normally the default behavior for case-insensitive ("weakly equal" is 
a better term) string matching is to treat two characters as being 
equal if their primary sort value is the same.

Unfortunately there's no easy way for a Palm application to implement 
this, for various reasons. For example, in Japanese you can get 
multiple characters (not just multiple bytes) combining to form a 
single "sort value" that is then used for comparison purposes. So 
even if you wrote code to call TxtCaselessCompare with every valid 
code point, and used the resulting ordering, it wouldn't be correct.

If this is critical, then I'd look at the ICU open source code/data 
as a starting point, as they've implemented this kind of search 
support. But you'd have to convert it to work with device encoding, 
as otherwise converting all of the data to Unicode during a search 
would make things very slow (unless you can store the data being 
searched as UTF-16).

At 12:00am -0700 9/16/04, Veronica Loell wrote:
I can't really see how the meaning of 'case insensitivity' can be
dependent on the character encoding. No matter how an alphabeth is
encoded the mathing characters will be the same. What does make a
difference here is the locale/language, unless you assume that is
decided by the encoding used?
As you move beyond ASCII, the meaning of "weakly equal" expands 
significantly. For example, in Japanese you can have a base Hiragana 
character such a "ha" followed by a sign-extension (chou-on) 
character. This changes the sound of the vowel (makes it long), but 
the resulting two characters combine to form a single unit that is 
weakly equal to just the base "ha" character, as well as the Katakana 
"ha" character, and the single-byte (half-width) "ha" character, etc.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: CHineese PRC does not work - Urgent Please Help

2004-09-12 Thread Ken Krugler
I have created a sample application, for which i had generated a chinese
Using PRC2OVL?
I have added chinese labels in GBK encoding to my PRC,
How? By directly editing the Chinese overlay using Constructor?
When i am running my
application using Chineese Simulator.
What version of the Chinese Simulator? 5.3/5.4?
It is not showing the chineese Text.
What does it show? Are you sure the overlay is getting used?
I had also changed PRC encoding option in Constructor to Simplified
Can any body please let me know where i a going wrong.
or steps to create Chineese Overlay will also Help.
It would be useful to first know what steps you followed to create 
the overlay that's not working.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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re: Error In TextMgr

2004-09-01 Thread Ken Krugler
thanks, but I not pass 0,
Actually you are passing in 0...see below.
the code is:
//Function search string in description of DB (internal,  not GlobalFind )
FilterStock(char * SearchString)
As Matt noted in his response, this isn't necessary.
 int i=0, j=0;
 UInt32 posP;
 UInt16 length;
 Int16 tam;
 MemHandle myRecord;
 Boolean match=false;
 ListType *pList = (ListType*) GetObjectPtr(ConsulStockList);
 StrCopy(theSearch, SearchString); //In the api doc  say "The same 
text as in inSource ...", its ok?
 TxtGluePrepFindString ( SearchString,  theSearch,  StrLen(theSearch) );
Since you've set theSearch[0] to 0, StrLen(theSearch) is going to return 0.
I believe you want:
TxtGluePrepFindString(SearchString, theSearch, sizeof(theSearch));
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: SysStringByIndex

2004-09-01 Thread Ken Krugler
Hanumanth Rao wrote:
I am using SysStringByIndex()api to get the string from StringList.
 >>It is required to give Max string length as a parameter to this.
As Lengths of my string vcaries so much ,I do not want to specify a maximum
length for my destination string.
Can any body please tell me any APi which can be used to get the length of
the string at run time.
You can find this out by parsing the string list yourself.  The first 2
bytes of a locked string list resource hold the # of strings in the
list.  The remaining bytes hold the list of null terminated strings.
Parsing the string list is a good idea. Note, however, that the very 
first thing in the string list resource ('tSTL') is a null-terminated 
"prefix" string, followed by the string count. So you have to skip 
over the prefix string first, and then the next two bytes (which 
contain the count) might not be on a word boundary.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Error in TextMgr

2004-08-31 Thread Ken Krugler
I want to find one substring  in other, i use TxtFindString, but 
before i use TxtGluePrepFindString to set the
search, the 2 string are same
Not sure what this means.
but inSource not are the same address as inSource.
Same comment as above.
When i run with the emulator say this:
Filtra (1.0) called SysFatalAlert with the message:
"TextMgr.c, Line:945, Dest buffer too small".
Any idea?
First, whenever you post an error message generated by the OS, it's 
very useful to include the OS version number, the device's locale 
(language), and whether you're encountering this with a real device 
(if so, which one) or POSE/PalmSim.

Second, as Gavin noted in his response you'll get this error from 
Txt[Glue]PrepFindString if the last parameter (iDstSize) is zero.

One clarification to what Gavin said - the iDstSize parameter is 
actually the size of your destination buffer, not the length of the 
destination string. In other words, the value you pass in should 
include space for the byte at the end of the destination buffer 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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RE: Unicode

2004-08-27 Thread Ken Krugler
At 12:00am -0700 8/27/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you want the converted string in any of the formats other than UTF-8,
UCS-2, UTF-16LE, or UTF-16BE, you have to do the conversion yourself.
Lots of free conversion algorithms are available in the web which can be
used for the conversion.
At 12:00am -0700 8/27/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have seen following #defines in Palm Locale.h
// Unicode character encodings
#define charEncodingUCS2  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(9)
#define charEncodingUTF8  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(6)
#define charEncodingUTF7  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(24)
#define charEncodingUTF16  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(75)
#define charEncodingUTF16BE  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(76)
#define charEncodingUTF16LE  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(77)
#define charEncodingUTF32  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(84)
#define charEncodingUTF32BE  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(85)
#define charEncodingUTF32LE  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(86)
#define charEncodingUTF7_IMAP CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(87)
#define charEncodingUCS4  CHAR_ENCODING_VALUE(88)
Does this means All theabove types arenot be supported by
Correct - the charEncodingXXX values defined in PalmLocale.h are a 
larger set than the encodings supported by the device.

However Y Rekha's response to your first email was slightly in error. 
Starting with Palm OS 5.3, the following Unicode encodings are 

Also note that the additional encodings (beyond Unicode) supported by 
a device depend both on the OS version and the device's character 
encoding. For example, a Japanese device using the PalmShiftJIS 
character encoding will support conversion to/from Shift-JIS, but 
that won't be the case for an English device using the PalmLatin 
character encoding.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Strings are always maintained in UTF-8 format while characters are always in 2 bytes?

2004-08-19 Thread Ken Krugler
I read the following on Text Manager and just wondering if this means that
"strings are always mainteained in UTF-8 format while characters are always
in 2 bytes".
No. The encoding for characters in a string is based on the device's 
character encoding. Currently no device is based on UTF-8 - the set 
of officially supported character encodings is Latin, Shift-JIS, and 
EUC-CN (aka GB).

"Character variables are always two bytes long. However, when you add a
character to a string, the operating system may shrink it down to a single
byte if it's a low ASCII character. Thus, any string that you work with may
contain a mix of single-byte and multi-byte characters, up to four bytes."
Here's an example from what happens on a Japanese device that uses 
the Shift-JIS character encoding, first using the character 'A' 

WChar myChar = 0x0041;  // sizeof(myChar) == 2.
UInt16 charSize = TxtSetNextChar(buffer, 0, myChar);// charSize = 1
After the call to TxtSetNextChar, buffer[0] will contain 0x41.
Now an example (also using Japanese) of what happens when you set the 
first character in the buffer string to be a full-width (double-byte) 
space (0x8140):

WChar myChar = 0x8140;  // sizeof(myChar) == 2.
UInt16 charSize = TxtSetNextChar(buffer, 0, myChar);// charSize = 2
After this call, buffer[0] will contain 0x81, and buffer[1] will contain 0x40.
So in a string, a single "character" can occupy one or two bytes when 
the device's character encoding is Shift-JIS. If and when a device is 
released that uses UTF-8, each character will occupy between one and 
four bytes in the string.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: How to display into Uppercase

2004-08-18 Thread Ken Krugler
Iam sorry that not given complate information from my side
 earlier .
Iam using PalmOS V5.2 software.
My application is keyboard driver.
This application iam developing for Samsung I530 smart phone.
The driver receives the packet from the Serial port when the key is pressed.
In The packet Specific byte contains the Character to be displayed .
Iam retrieving the character and enqueing in the queue with
  EvtEnqueueKey(keyCode,0,0) .
This is displaying the character well on the Memopad in lowercase.
when i select the CAPS key in order to display in Uppercase
  iam setting the state  with
capsLock = true
and then enqueing the Characters , but it is not 
displaying in the uppercase , it is displaying 
in lower case only.
Setting Graffiti flags will normally only affect 
the character that Graffiti generates when the 
user writes in the input area. Though most 
keyboard drivers read these flags to ensure 
they're responsive to apps that set these flags 

If i set the shift flag then it is displaying in uppercase , with
 SHIFT key selection it is displaying in uppercase well.
Iam handing CAPS key also same as like SHIFT key only , but it is
 not displaying in uppercase .
Where as if i run the application on Tungsten T2 PDA it is
  displaying well in the uppercases .
Samsung I530 & Tungsten T2 PDA are using the same OS version only .
With some apps such as Memo, a keydown event will 
be upper-cased if this event causes a new record 
to be created. I don't know if this is what 
you're seeing when you say that there's a 
difference between the Samsung and palmOne 
devices. Or maybe Samsung is playing some 
interesting games with these flags.

Could you pls help me how to rectify this problem so that i can
  display in Uppercase !
I need to display the data in device specific application only
  like Memopad or Notepad ...etc .
Is there any special flags to set ?
You need to upper-case the character yourself 
before you enqueue it. The right way to handle 
this would be something like:

Char srcBuffer[maxCharBytes];
Char dstBuffer[50];
UInt16 offset = 0;
UInt16 srcLength;
UInt16 dstLength = sizeof(dstBuffer);
Err result;
srcLength = TxtSetNextChar(srcBuffer, 0, keyCode);
result = TxtTransliterate(srcBuffer, srcLength,
dstBuffer, &dstLength,
ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't upper-case");
offset = 0;
while (offset < dstLength)
WChar curChar;
offset += TxtGetNextChar(dstBuffer, offset, &curChar);
EvtEnqueueKey(curChar, 0, 0);
This works even if the result of upper-casing the 
text causes expansion, as would be the case (if 
this ever gets fixed) of upper-casing a letter 
such as ß in Germany (becomes "SS").

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Is StrCopy Localisation safe?

2004-07-30 Thread Ken Krugler
 > >My application will be localized to Spanish, German, French, Simp Chinese
 >and Italian.
 >I don't know whether these languages use NUL character or not?
 > >
 >Is it optional to use this NUL character or any string in above localized
 >languages will definately contain NUL character.
 >I hope u can clear my doubt.
 You won't have a problem with Spanish, German, French, or Italian.  Those
 all use the standard Latin character set.  For Simplified Chinese, the
 encoding used by Palm OS also doesn't use embedded NUL characters.
 For more details on character encodings, go to and
 > for "encoding".
Any character encoding supported by the existing Palm OS API will 
always treat a NULL byte as an end-of-string.

There are wide character encodings, such as UTF-16, where the 
end-of-string is a 16-bit NULL word, but such an encoding would never 
work as the device encoding, since all of the existing Palm OS APIs 
are "narrow" in the sense that they expect a byte stream, versus a 
16-bit word stream.

The only current Palm OS function that will correctly process a wide 
encoding is TxtConvertEncoding.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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RE: using a string resource

2004-07-30 Thread Ken Krugler
Use SysStringByIndex() function. The Maximum length of the string that
can be stored is 255 characters. If you want to store more than that
break it into multiple strings, fetch the strings from the resource
using above function and concatenate programmatically.
No, the maximum length of any one string in the string list resource 
is 32767 or 65535 bytes (not characters), depending on whether all of 
the routines that SysStringByIndex correctly handle UInt16 string 
lengths. Though you'd also hit the limit of 64K bytes minus a bit for 
the maximum size of a resource.

But in double-checking the code, I noticed there's a separate issue, 
where the number of strings in a string list resource (modulo 256) 
must be less than 128 for the routine to work properly. Otherwise the 
code in SysStringByIndex that calculates the string count won't 
generate the correct result, due to sign extending the low-order byte.

Though this bug will only cause the routine to fail with more than 
127 strings if (a) you pass an out-of-bounds index, in which case 
you'll get back a garbage result versus an empty string, or (b) if 
you've got more than 255 strings, then the calculated count would 
wrap around, and you can get an empty string returned even with a 
valid string index.

But having more than 127 strings in a resource is not a great idea anyway.
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: TxtConvertEncoding Failing on Cobalt

2004-07-24 Thread Ken Krugler
 I am using TxtConvertEncoding function to convert my text buffer from
charEncodingUCS2 to system encoding ( ISO-8859-1) on Cobalt. While doing
this, sometimes the encoding fails and returns the error value
txtErrNoCharMapping. I ORed destination encoding value with
charEncodingDstBestFitFlag while calling TxtConvertEncoding, but still that
problem is there. Can anyone tell me why I am getting this problem on
Cobalt?  Thanking you in advance.
If your input stream (of UCS-2 encoded Unicode text) contains a 
character that can't be mapped to the device character encoding, then 
you'll get the txtErrNoCharMapping result. This will happen even if 
you specify the best fit flag, as that merely "tries harder" to find 
an approximate mapping to something in the device encoding (versus an 
exact, round-trippable mapping).

So, for example, if you input text contains a Kanji character, and 
you're converting to PalmLatin, then there's going to be no possible 

Note that when this error is returned, the source offset (an in/out 
parameter) should be set to the offset of the unmappable character.

Also note that if you pass in a substitution string, then you would 
still get an error returned, but all of the input text will be 
processed, and any unmappable character will be replaced by the 
substitution string.

And finally, all of this is, or should be, explained by the 
documentation that is part of the SDK.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Displaying Unicode characters

2004-07-24 Thread Ken Krugler
Where I can find information on how to display/handle unicode characters on
Palm OS 5.0+. I know this sounds stupid, but I did not find any useful
discussion about this.
There was just a thread on this very topic, from about a week ago. 
Search the archives at the PalmSource web site.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: More font questions

2004-07-17 Thread Ken Krugler
I've written a little Hiragana/Katakana flashcard app and created my 
own custom kana fonts (from the PD Kana/Kanji fonts used by JWPce, 
etc). However, I'm looking to add some more functionality and am 
reworking my character/font processing. I'm a little confused by the 
Palm (and tools) font support.

Rather than do something arbitrary, I'd like to create a Unicode 
font that contains the Latin and kana codepoints (maybe adding some 
kanji later). However, it doesn't look practical to do this as the 
Palm font format doesn't support sparse fonts (yes, I know it allows 
for sparse glyphs/images, but the  font bitmap and offset tables are 
The glyph offset and width tables are dense, but only within a 
min/max character code range.

and the kana are up at 0x3000 - alot of table entries which could 
quickly get me to the record size limit (this applies for resources 
as well as pdbs, doesn't it?)
If you mean resource databases (.prc) versus .pdb record databases, then yes.
Palm OS supports Japanese. How do they deal with the large font issue?
Via a hierarchical font structure, where the top-most font maps a 
potentially wide (> 255) character code to a sub-font (referenced via 
an index) and a glyph index.

I don't see any Palm support for aggregating fonts that cover 
different regions of the codepoint space.
There's no documented support for user-defined hierarchical fonts.
So, the only solution I see right now is creating fonts with an 
arbitrary dense glyph mapping and have my app convert between UCS2 
and that mapping before drawing the chars via WinDrawChars. This is 
basically how my app works now, anyway. It's just a little annoying 
that I can't leverage standards more and other apps can't leverage 
my fonts without explicit support added.
You can easily apply the same approach as Palm OS, where the high 
(most-significant) byte of the 16-bit UCS-2 character code is used as 
a font resource ID offset, and the low byte is the glyph index. So 
all of the Hiragana & Katakana characters would fit into a single 
sub-font, with a resource ID of +0x30, as these characters are 
all 0x3041...0x30FE.

Final thing, Pilrc only supports creating font resources with < 256 
glyphs and doesn't support codepoints greater than 255 even though 
the Palm format does.
The Palm format doesn't really support glyph indexes > 255, which is 
why the hierarchical font format is used for Japanese/Chinese/Korean.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Displaying Unicode

2004-07-15 Thread Ken Krugler
I have run into a situation where I need to display unicode characters
not in the 1252 code page.  From what I've been reading, it would
appear that I need to make my own custom font to do this.
Is that correct?
Yes. Also, depending on the characters, you might need to do 
additional processing of the text before you display it (e.g. if it's 
bi-directional or contextual).

Are there any commercial fonts folks can recommend
that are made for this kind of problem, or does everyone just roll
their own?
There are some public-domain fonts for other platforms that can be 
adapted, but it will take a bit of work. The biggest issue is how 
many non-1252 characters you need to be able to handle.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: what is the hexadecimal code for right arrow symbol

2004-06-29 Thread Ken Krugler
 > the repeating buttons used to represent scrolls
 have hexadecimal code of "\x01" & "\x02", likewise
 what are the hexadecimal codes for right & left
 > arrows?plz help me,

I would assume  "\x04" for left and "\x08" for right..
as the definitions from keymgr.h is as below:
#define keyBitRockerLeft0x0004  // 5-way rocker left
#define keyBitRockerRight   0x0008  // 5-way rocker right
correct me if otherwise..
I believe the question was what character codes need to be used for 
the right and left arrow glyphs in the 7pt symbol font used to draw 
the up and down scroll arrows. From Chars.h:

enum symbol7Chars {
symbol7ScrollUp = 1,
I don't believe there are left/right arrows that are the same size as 
these small scrollbar glyphs. There are bigger arrows found in the 
9pt symbol font at code points 0x05 and 0x06. See Chars.h for a 
complete list.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: TsmLib.c Line448

2004-06-24 Thread Ken Krugler
It crash,and tell me "TsmLib.c Line448".
How do I correct it?
Whenever you post information about a crash, it's critical that you 
include the exact OS version and device model (or simulator) that 
you're using. You should also include the language/locale.

For the case above, since you noted in a separate email that you're 
working on a PNO, I assume you're running Palm OS 5.2. This 
particular source file is part of the platform Japanese FEP, so I'm 
guessing it's on a Japanese version of PalmSim, since Sony ships with 
a different FEP (ATOK).

If all of the above is correct, then the full text for this error 
message says "Unknown Fep mode". This would happen if somebody calls 
TsmSetFepMode with a value that the Japanese FEP does not understand.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Working with time zones

2004-06-24 Thread Ken Krugler
I want to make a popup list that lets the user select a time zone. 
What I did is that I made a list with 24 items. The minutes value 
that i pass to TimeZoneToAscii is equal to ((itemNum - 12) * 60). 
Therefore, the list items range from -720 (-12 hours) to 660 (+11 
hours). Is this the correct way to list every time zone?
No. There are many time zones that don't fall on exact hour 
boundaries. Also, most users want to see a list of cities, where 
there are multiple cities in each time zone, as that provides a 
better chance of the user seeing a city that they know is in their 
same time zone. Finally, if you want to use time zone information to 
also help specify daylight savings rules, then you'll need to be even 
more precise in defining a region with the same time zone & DST 

Using the existing OS support for picking a time zone would be the 
best option, unless you need functionality that it doesn't provide.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: about input mode on clie

2004-06-23 Thread Ken Krugler
I input 'a' on Japanese mode,then do the same as 1.jpg of the attachment.You
will see the 2.jpg of the attachment.
Attention:It is different between it and selected state. 3.jpg of the
attachment is the selected state.
What you are seeing here is Japanese text entry using a FEP (front 
end processor). When you tapped the top button, that told the FEP to 
convert the character you'd just entered.

In 2.jpg,How do I get the state?
What do you mean by "...get the state"? The field selection in the 
second image is from 0 to 2, the same as in the 3rd image. The reason 
it looks different in the second image is that the field code is 
receiving information from the FEP  that tells it to highlight the 
Hiragana "a" character as converted text.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: No of pixels in a character string

2004-06-15 Thread Ken Krugler
 > Is this method Localization safe?
 If my application is in multiple languages, will method FntCharsWidth() work
 safely??? I could not find this method in Localization Guildelines.
FntCharsWidth *IS* safe to use on a device, regardless of the 
character encoding or "localization" of the text. In fact you can 
assume that all of the FntXXX and StrXXX routines are safe to use 
with any text that's encoded using the device's character set, unless 
the documentation explicitly states otherwise.

Note that this is not the case for Palm OS 6 strXXX routines, most of 
which are designed to work properly only with unlocalized 7-bit ASCII 

FntWCharWidth() - you'll need to write your own wrapper for multichars
If you wanted to measure the width of an array of WChar characters, 
then yes, you would have to write your own cover routine. But Palm OS 
never stores text in this format, so there isn't much reason to do so.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Finding overlay database

2004-06-10 Thread Ken Krugler
Is there an easy way to get access to a particular
resource database's current overlay?   If I have a
database, what's the best way to get a DmOpenRef or
LocalID for the currently used overlay database?
It's not easy, but you can do the following:
1. Get the creator and name for the target database.
2. Call OmGetCurrentLocale to get the overlay locale.
3. Call OmLocaleToOverlayDBName to get the overlay DB name.
Now you can either open the overlay DB directly, or you can loop over 
the open resource databases using DmNextOpenResDatabase (starting 
w/NULL) until you find a database with the same creator, the type = 
'ovly', and the name = to result of calling OmLocaleToOverlayDBName.

Is there a way other than using OmGetCurrentLocale to
determine the current language & country
Calling OmGetCurrentLocale is the right way to determine the overlay locale.
and figure
the name of the overlay database from that info?
See above.
If I
do end up using OmGetCurrentLocale, does that work
okay with EFIGS devices where the locale is not
stamped directly into the ROM?
Yes. Though even on an EFIGS device, there is a ROM locale, which is 
currently always enUS for all devices I know of. This ROM locale is 
used to initialize the system and overlay (current) locales. Then the 
user can pick a different system/overlay locale using the Language 
Picker app, which is automatically run following a hard reset.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: truncate a string

2004-06-03 Thread Ken Krugler
rua17 schrieb:
 > I want to display in a list the name and the last name of my 
clients, but in
 some cases the string is to long, is there any function to truncate the
You can simply write a Null-terminator at the desired cutoff position:
string[max_length] = chrNull;
It looks nice to cut off with an ellipsis ("..."):
string[max_length - 1] = 0x85;
This will not work on multi-byte character codings of course (Japanese
The safe way to do this is:
UInt32 truncOffset = TxtGlueGetTruncationOffset(string, max_length);
WChar ellipsis = TxtGlueGetHorizEllipsisChar();
TxtGlueSetNextChar(string, truncOffset, ellipsis);
or for the one-line-of-code-does-it-all fans out there:
TxtGlueSetNextChar(string, TxtGlueGetTruncationOffset(string, 
max_length), TxtGlueGetHorizEllipsisChar());

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Localization for Strings

2004-05-20 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi Ritu,
"If you want to provide language support for you app but you don't want to
use any of the localization techniques "
Does this means any standard technique is available for achieving this?
If yes please let me know what it is ?
The various techniques we've been telling you about recently.
One more thing is now simplified for me.Now requirment is
"The Application will automatically detect the language of the Palm device
and display the appropriate localized text."
i.e. i can use the overlays technique for static text.
Still the problem persists for dynamic strings
(I will get list of english string from the server, which needs to converted
according to current locale.)
Is their any standard Api available which can give me string version
specific to the locale.
Uhm, no. Since Palm devices don't yet provide built-in machine translation.
Or if i can get some sample code to achieve this That will be help full to
This sounds like a general programming problem to me. But what I would do is:
a. Have a stable list of English strings in a resource (a string 
list, for example, if the list is short). Store this resource in your 
core app.

b. In each overlay, have a corresponding resource with the localized versions.
c. When you get a string from the server, look it up in the English 
list, and load the same indexed string from the overlay.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: overlays

2004-05-20 Thread Ken Krugler
can someone help me with overlays? It is no problem for me to create an
overlay for example to Contacts. Then I upload my csCZ overlay to device
(with palmos 5) and use OmSetSystemLocale function to set system locale to
csCZ. But the function fails because of unknown locale. What I should do to
make it function??? Thanks for any suggestions. Jirik
You'll first need to implement a character encoding that supports 
Czech (e.g. CP1250/8859-2), then localize at least the key device 
overlays, and then you'll be able to change the system locale to 
csCZ. But it would be easier to get an existing Czech solution from a 
third party (maybe Paragon?) versus rolling your own.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: palmos 5 localization

2004-05-20 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi Karel,
I found you as an well skilled palm os developer.
Please can you help me with palm os 5 localization?
I'm trying to make overlays for standard palm applications which are 
stored in ROM.

These things I have done (for example for calculator):
- downloaded .prc
- made overlay with prc2ovl -- Calculator_csCZ.prc
- edited some string in it -- current size is about 2KB
But when I'm trying to HotSync it there is error in log -- ReadOnly,
Not sure what this means. Did you perhaps have the PRC still open on 
the desktop when you tried to HotSync it? What tool did you use to 
edit the string?

but file something is copied on device. File Calculator_csCZ is 
present on device but with the length of 84 bytes
This sounds like either the PRC was damaged when you edited it.
and when I'm trying to set system locale to csCZ an error is present 
-- Unknown Locale (but when I try to set it to e.g. German, 
everything works fine, therefore I think I must have made some 
mistake in the time of overlay creation).
No. What's confusing you is the difference between the system locale 
(the locale being used by the device) and the locale of an overlay 

In order to change the system locale to csCZ, you MUST have, at a 
minimum, both a Boot_csCZ overlay PRC that's the localized version of 
the Boot_enUS overlay PRC, and you must also have a Palm OS Data_csCZ 
that's the localized version of the Palm OS Data_enS overlay PRC.

Boot_enUS is the PRC that contains all of the system resources. Palm 
OS Data_enUS is the PRC that contains the splash screen (the Palm OS 
logo) and the hard reset confirmation screen.

Other thing is that I can't find something how to set system font -- 
on Palm OS 4 it was made by direct access to the memory, but it 
doesn't work here.
Unfortunately, to properly support Czech you'll need a different 
character encoding (Latin-2/8859-2/CP1250), not PalmLatin (CP1252). 
So that means you really need to create a new locale module. You 
can't just localize the two existing overlays I mentioned above.

Your best bet is to find an existing 3rd party solution (maybe from 
Paragon?), and hope that they did it right and set the system locale 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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RE: Localization Overlays and Address App

2004-05-11 Thread Ken Krugler
Please help me out by answering the following queries.

a) What should be the most efficient way to achieve localization

b) can you please give me some more details about the following technique:--
sample code will help ...
Not using overlays. There are various techniques for doing thus, such
as using resource ID offsets based on the locale. But you'd have to
write this yourself.
There are three approaches that you need to decide between:

1. A fully localized app. You release a different PRC for each target locale.

2. An English app with overlays, either using the OS support or Scott 
Maxwell's technique.

3. A "combo" app that contains the localized data for all of your 
target locales.

I'm not going to comment on #1 and #2, as there is plenty of 
documentation available for each.

One approach you could use for #3 that makes it easier is to include 
each overlay PRC inside your app as a resource, which you then turn 
into a separate PRC via DmCreateDatabaseFromImage. So you could still 
leverage overlays, but not have to ship multiple PRCs as part of your 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Localization Overlays and Address App

2004-05-07 Thread Ken Krugler
I have started working on Overlays to create a localized application.

Can any body please answer the following queries for me

a) What i could i understand about overlays is "for every locale a different
PRC file will be created".
Which will be loaded on the device. Is their any way to create only one PRC
file for all the locales.
Not using overlays. There are various techniques for doing thus, such 
as using resource ID offsets based on the locale. But you'd have to 
write this yourself.

Can i do this localization stuff at run time. If yes then how?
In the past some 3rd party localization hacks did this by patching 
out low level resource loading calls, and then swapping in the 
"right" resource based on the target locale. But this is harder to 
get working on Palm OS 5, requires patching, and won't work on Palm 
OS 6 or later.

b) I have gone through the sample code for SDk5(r3).

It contains a sample App saying Address which has following directory in
it's resource folder
C:\Palm OS 5 SDK (68K) R3\(CodeWarrior Examples)\Palm OS 5 SDK (68K) R3
which contains resources for Italian, French and other languages.

I am unable to find the way of creating the resources like this.(Overlays
utility generates only PRC file)
Is their any other way to achieve localization.
I believe this sample is set up with different targets such that you 
build a full PRC with either English, French, Italian, German or 
Spanish resource data.

To create overlays, the hOverlay tool can be used if you've got an 
English PRC and a localized PRC. But you first have to create these 
PRCs yourself. Read the hOverlay documentation for details.

c) Is their any way to replicate the changes of base overlay to the new
overlays ,without creating them again.
Not using PalmSource tools. Multilizer is a high end solution. 
Paragon has some tools for building their own form of overlays. Scott 
Maxwell has yet another solution, see 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Crash within WinCopyRectangle

2004-05-07 Thread Ken Krugler
Ken Krugler a Ècrit :

 > >When running my program on a OS 3.5 IIIc, the map pan feature based on
 >WinCopyRectangle (following stylus moves) often crashes with the
 > >following stack crawl (seen in the CW 8.3 debugger):
 > >
 >MapHandleEvent( EventType* )
 >0x10C55E52( WinCopyRectangle )
 >0x10C4E0D2( BltCopyRectangle )
 >0x10C4E0D2( BltCopyRectangle )
 >0x10C51E32( PrvMisAlignedBackwardInnerBitBlt¡ )
 > >What can I do about this (other than telling my user to ditch his IIIc)?
 >I never saw this occur on another device, monochrome or color.

 I ran into the same problem with some picture pan code. From an old post...

 > At 12:25 PM -0800 2/17/01, Ken Krugler wrote:
 >2. When calling WinCopyRectangle(screen,
 >off-screen) and the off-screen window uses a
 >bitmap without a color table, then Palm OS 3.5
 >will accidentally dispose of the system color
 >table, and a subsequent call will die in Poser.
 >I think this same situation might occur in the
 >inverse case as well.
 The full post is at <>

 I fixed it in my code by making sure the 
off-screen bitmap had a color table.
In my case, I'm just moving the screen window 
onto itself, drawing from screen to screen:

WinCopyRectangle( NULL, NULL, &bounds, newX - 
screenX, newY - screenY, winPaint );

How could the screen window not have a color table?
It should. But the specific bug was in the 
low-level blitter code, where it was incorrectly 
disposing of a color table that it _thought_ it 
had allocated, but was in fact (in my case) the 
system color table that's used when the 
destination bitmap doesn't have a color table.

So there may be other ways in which the same bug 
could be triggered. However rectangle to 
rectangle copying from the screen is something 
that gets used a lot, which makes me suspect 
something in your code that's trashing memory. 
Have you been running on POSER with a IIIc debug 
ROM and all debug checks turned on?

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Crash within WinCopyRectangle

2004-05-06 Thread Ken Krugler
When running my program on a OS 3.5 IIIc, the map pan feature based on
WinCopyRectangle (following stylus moves) often crashes with the
following stack crawl (seen in the CW 8.3 debugger):
MapHandleEvent( EventType* )
0x10C55E52( WinCopyRectangle )
0x10C4E0D2( BltCopyRectangle )
0x10C4E0D2( BltCopyRectangle )
0x10C51E32( PrvMisAlignedBackwardInnerBitBltÁ )
What can I do about this (other than telling my user to ditch his IIIc)?
I never saw this occur on another device, monochrome or color.
I ran into the same problem with some picture pan code. From an old post...
At 12:25 PM -0800 2/17/01, Ken Krugler wrote:
2. When calling WinCopyRectangle(screen, 
off-screen) and the off-screen window uses a 
bitmap without a color table, then Palm OS 3.5 
will accidentally dispose of the system color 
table, and a subsequent call will die in Poser. 
I think this same situation might occur in the 
inverse case as well.
The full post is at <>
I fixed it in my code by making sure the off-screen bitmap had a color table.
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Supplying a '\0' for StrNCompare on not null-terminated strings

2004-05-02 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi Luc,
If you were going to write your own version of StrNCaselessCompare to 
avoid the problems that you've run into, it could look something like 
this (danger - untested/uncompiled code ahead):

Int16 MyStrNCaselessCompare(const Char* s1, const Char* s2, UInt16 n)
// Assumes you've pre-cached the os version numbers someplace. If
// you're running on pre-3.1 or Cobalt then you don't need to
// worry about calls to StrLen.
if ((palmOSVersion < 3.1) || (palmOSVersion >= 6.0))
return(StrNCompare(s1, s2, n))
UInt32 len1, len2;
len1 = StrNLen(s1, n);
len2 = StrNLen(s2, n);
return(TxtCaselessCompare(s1, len1, NULL, s2, len2, NULL));
} // MyStrNCaselessCompare
// if  < length of , return starting offset of character
// that contains the byte at offset , otherwise return
// the length of .
UInt32 StrNLen(const Char*s, UInt32 n)
UInt32 i = 0;
if (n < i)
if (n < i)
UInt32 charStart, charEnd;
TxtCharBounds(s, n, &charStart, &charEnd);
} // StrNLen
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: How to determine if an app is running on the Simulator?

2004-04-26 Thread Ken Krugler
Does anyone know a way to determine programmatically whether or not an
app is running on the Simulator?  I'd like to know this so I can avoid
calling SysGlueTrapExists() when running on the Simulator.  (Calling
SysGlueTrapExists() on the Simulator causes a debugger break.)
By "the Simulator" I assume you mean PalmSim, not the old Mac Simulator, right?
If so, then it seems like maybe you're linking against the Mac 
Simulator version of the PalmOSGlue library, when in fact you should 
be linking with the regular (device) version. Or at least I didn't 
see any other obvious way to trigger a fatal error/debugger break.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Japanese fonts on an English Palm Device

2004-04-13 Thread Ken Krugler
Thanks in advance, is there a page somewhere that describes how to put
Japanese fonts on an English-only Palm Device?
Not that I know of. And I don't think you could legally extract the 
fonts from a Japanese device and then re-install them (along with 
your app) on an English device.

One option is to work out a deal with Hacker Dude-san, who has 
previously created a Japanese locale solution for English Palm 
devices. Though this probably won't work with Palm OS 5.

Or you could create your own fonts using one of the public-domain 
bitmap Japanese fonts, as long as all that you needed was the ability 
to draw Japanese text (versus wrapping/editing/sorting/etc).

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: How to share fonts among apps ?

2004-04-10 Thread Ken Krugler
To save space, I would like to share a big set of fonts (a precedent set
I build were around 1.5Mb, and I expect the next to go up to 3-4Mb)
among many applications. Ideally I would like to end up with a separate
font database, but I could go with a "master" app.
All the font in the database have to be accessible at the same time. The
goal is to display multilingual text, thus my need of a huge font set.
I'm using PRC tools and Pilrc.
On the net I found some articles to share forms and strings, but it was
only for CodeWarrior.
So :
- How to build such database with my tools ?
- I would like a sample code showing how to use such db.
Since you just want to share the data, all you need to do is put the 
font resources into a single PRC. Then each app would open this font 
PRC read-only, and use regular DmGetResource calls to load the font 

As far as how to create the PRC from resources, I assume that it's 
easy to do this with PilRC, but I don't use it as a stand-alone tool.

If you wanted to compress the resource data to save space, then it 
might make sense to create a shared library, but that would be 
significantly more work. To start with I'd suggest just trying out 
the uncompressed font PRC approach.

Another alternative that might work is to leverage FontBucket.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: find offset of character in string

2004-04-08 Thread Ken Krugler
 > I had done a Google search on "StrStr" and found a little example like
 Vu Pham posted.

 Thanks for the help,
 D. Kirker
 P.S. How could I delete the character at the offset found with StrStr and
 all the characters to the end of the string?
If you search for a char, then it is better to use StrChr. If you search for
a str, then use StrStr.
If pend points to the found offset, then *(pend+1) will "delete" the rest of
the string.
If you really want to clear all chars after pend, then put 0x0 to each char
since pend+1 until the end of the original str.
Except that this won't work for multi-byte characters. To handle that 
correctly, assuming a FindCharOffset routine that returns the offset, 
then you'd do something like:

offset = FindCharOffset(buffer, someChar);
if (offset != -1)
offset += TxtGetNextChar(buffer, offset, NULL);
buffer[offset] = '\0';
-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: overlays

2004-03-25 Thread Ken Krugler
I know that such question was posted many times before, but I guess I'm
still missing something. I'd like to localize my app to e.g. Russian or
Hebrew or Arabic. I'm creating overlays with PRC2OVL and translate them. But
when I'm installing them, nothing is changing. Overlay's locales are
correct. prc-files have correct names etc. I've also installed some apps to
see localized text on Palm.
Since you can see localized text, I'm assuming you've installed some 
3rd party locale solution. In that case, the two most likely problems 

a. You're using a pre-4.0 ROM. Overlay support was added in Palm OS 
3.5, but only for the platform (EFIGS+J) locales.

b. The 3rd party locale solution isn't setting up the overlay locale 
properly. If you call OmGetCurrentLocale, it should return 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: TxtFindString question

2004-03-25 Thread Ken Krugler
Like FindStrInStr, it seems that TxtFindString only matches the
beginning of words only - not documented in PalmRef doc.
That's the current behavior on all Latin-based devices. On Japanese & 
Chinese devices it matches anywhere in the word. The behavior is 

Finding "ased" in "based" doesn't work whereas finding "bas" in "based"
works fine.
To me, this makes this function quite useless. Is there any real usable
Palm text find function I've missed, or do I need to write it myself ?
If you need to do a caseless match anywhere (and thus StrStr won't 
work) then yes, you'll have to write your own. There might be a 
really old thread on this in the archives, when Paul Nevai asked the 
same question.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Text manager and International manager

2004-03-23 Thread Ken Krugler
Can any one please tell me following things.
1.How can i write my code for supporting unicode languages.
I'm not sure what you mean by "unicode languages". Currently Palm OS 
supports several different legacy character encodings, which in turn 
are used by a number of different languages.

If you use the Text Mgr appropriately, your code should work with any 
character encoding, though there is still missing support for 
contextual and bidi writing systems.

2.Is there something similar to Unicode support like TCHAR(supported in
windows) in Palm OS, so that it does not always take a single character as 2
bytes(1 Byte for non unicode languages and 2 bytes for unicode
languages).This is because i don't want to use WCHAR(2 bytes) always and
make my application use more memory.
Palm OS currently does not support Unicode. When it does, it will use 
the UTF-8 encoding, where every character is represented in a string 
by one to four bytes.

Even today, though, Palm OS supports mixed-width encodings. For 
example, Shift-JIS (for Japanese) is a mix of one and two bytes per 
character in a string. The same is true for Simplified Chinese, 
Traditional Chinese, and Korean.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: system keyboard

2004-03-23 Thread Ken Krugler
well, What I need is not a special keyboard function. I only want to show=
 the keyboard there a function which shows the keyboard rather=
 than the whole frame.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Inserting the shortcut (ribbon) character

2004-03-21 Thread Ken Krugler
"RaNo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi All!

 > When I try to insert the shortcut character with either EvtAddEventToQueue
 or EvtEnqueueKey, it gets inserted in a field, but it is POWERLESS for
 expanding the shortcut's text.
 Is there any way to give it the power?
This is the same thing I have found.  Seems like the graffiti processing is
doing something special when you draw and it interprets it is the shortcut
symbol, that it will then do the lookup.  I have even tried enqueuing the
full shortcut dt to test and it does nothing.
Graffiti/Graffiti 2 needs to be in shortcut ("macro") mode for 
shortcut matching to work. This happens automatically when it 
recognizes the shortcut stroke. Unfortunately I don't see any 
straightforward way to set the internal macro mode flag used by the 
Graffiti glue code.

So the only approach I see now is to replicate what the Graffiti glue 
code does, which is a bit challenging if you want to handle all of 
the special cases.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Font families with Pilrc

2004-03-09 Thread Ken Krugler
Alexander Lange wrote:
 > if (densityCount < 2)
 >   Error("FontFamily must have 2 fonts with density 72 and 144.");
 So obviously it is not possible at the moment to create a font family with
 only a high-res member.  Too bad.  Maybe the Pilrc designers could rethink
 this in the future.
If you read the font family specification [1], I think you'll agree that
it requires the family to contain a low-density font.  Thus if there is
any rethinking to be done, it really ought to be PalmSource issuing a
clarification of this specification.

An extended font can contain any mix of 72/108/144dpi glyph bitmaps. 
Where the specification referenced by John says "Tables for the 
low-density font", it means the bitmap location table and the 
offset/width table, which have to be created with correct values for 
single-density glyph & character data, even if the font doesn't 
contain a single-density glyph bitmap.

The diagram in the documentation shows a typical extended font, which 
would have both single and double-density glyph bitmaps.

The reason most extended fonts have both single and double-density 
glyph bitmaps (even if they're found in a ROM on a double-density 
device) is that an app can still create and draw text in a 
single-density offscreen bitmap. The Palm OS 5 blitter can only 
up-sample (use single-density glyph data at double density), it can't 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Detect ROM language

2004-03-05 Thread Ken Krugler
Is there a way to find (by code) what is the language of the PDA?
For example, if the PDA is in Hebrew, I need to know it to change some
layouts on the screen.

Answering to my own question ;-)

Look for LmGetLocaleSetting
Unfortunately that's not the right answer :)

What you need is the system locale. On devices from Palm OS 3.5 
through Palm OS 5, you'd call OmGetSystemLocale. For Palm OS 6 you 
call LmGetSystemLocale. On pre-3.5 devices you'd use 
FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumLanguage) and FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, 

The above assumes that if you're using a 3rd party locale solution, 
they've correctly set up these values.

LmGetLocaleSetting returns default settings for a given locale (e.g. 
what is the default short date format for frFR).

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Japanese

2004-03-02 Thread Ken Krugler
 > I'm guessing that the strings you're referring to are being displayed
 in a dialog by POSE -
No, the text was drawn to the screen using WinPaintChars.
Then it should work, if you're using a Japanese ROM, as there's no 
desktop OS support involved.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re[2]: Base PRC and Overlay localization

2004-03-02 Thread Ken Krugler
Thanks for this info.
Could you tell me where in constructor I can check the PRC's DB
In constructor, in the project settings, there is a button "Auto
Generate Header file" if I click on it, I can provide a header file
name. Do I have to use that ?
As the original program is not one of mines, I can't change anything
in the code.
It's not a Constructor setting. How the DB header name gets set 
depends on what tool chain you're using to generate the final PRC. If 
you were using CodeWarrior and PalmRez, for example, then you'd need 
to change the PalmRez prefs setting for your project.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Base PRC and Overlay localization

2004-03-01 Thread Ken Krugler
I've made localized overlays using PRC2OVL for the creation of the overlay,
and Constructor for the translations.
Constructor opens the overlay file, I can translate and save, but when I
hotsync the overlay file, it is still the base version  of the prc which
runs. The overlay is correctly loaded, but is not used.
Any idea of what I could have missed ?
The base program has for name Prog3.prc, and the ovelay is named
Prog3_frFR.prc as stated in prc2ovl guide.
But if I check the infos on the palm, the base program's name is Prog3.prec,
and the overlay's name is completed by the version number
Is it possible that the overlay could not work if the name is not the same
one than the name of the base (except the frFR extension) ?
Yes. The name of the overlay (in the PRC's DB header) must be the 
same as the base PRC's DB header name, plus the appropriate locale 

The name of the overlay file on your desktop ("Prog3_frFR.prc", in 
your example above) doesn't matter.

Neither does the name of overlay PRC as displayed by the Launcher, as 
this should be coming from the tAIN resource inside of your overlay.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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RE: Language Support in Cobalt

2004-03-01 Thread Ken Krugler
What about Language Support in Cobalt, is it going to be limited to the five
Six currently: EFIGS + Japanese.

and the rest will be created by developers, or is it going to be
part of the OS or created by PalmSource.
Additional locales can be created by 3rd parties, though support for 
patched-based solutions is much more limited in Cobalt. So it would 
be very difficult to create a Hebrew or Arabic locale, for example.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Japanese

2004-02-29 Thread Ken Krugler
Could you please explain what do you mean by Japanese support installed?

Acc. to my own experience Japanese emulator is not enough. Once I got
screenshots from our app taken on some Japanese Clie emulator by a Japanese
user. I was not able to display the same strings as he saw (I got just some
junk characters) despite using the same prc, the same emulator, the same
rom - the only difference was that I used English Windows. My conclusion was
that the emulator probably relies on some Windows services (maybe fonts)
that are available on Japanese systems only. I suppose that you refer to the
same thing.
I'm guessing that the strings you're referring to are being displayed 
in a dialog by POSE - for example, if it's a fatal alert that POSE 
has intercepted. In that case, yes, the OS needs to have Japanese 
support installed.

What this means varies by platform/version. In Mac OS 9 and earlier, 
you had to install the appropriate language kit. In Mac OS X, you 
have the option of installing the required fonts when you install the 
OS - it's not a separate product/package. On Windows 2000/XP I 
believe you only need to have an appropriate Japanese font installed, 
but I haven't had to do much configuration here - it's just worked 
for me in the past.

One final note is that POSE has to do some special processing to pick 
the correct font to use when displaying text that comes from the ROM. 
It could be that this is broken in the Clie emulator.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
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Re: Japanese port

2004-02-28 Thread Ken Krugler
Yes, thats part of it.  I need a japaneese GUI but I am also sending
down pdb files that I assume need to be converted to widechar?
If you have text in a PDB that you're creating on the desktop, then 
it needs to be encoded using Shift-JIS. This is a mixed one- and 
two-byte encoding. When you say "widechar" it sounds like you're 
thinking about Windows (and Mac) support for Unicode.

widechar supported in code warrior?
Not sure what this means. How is CodeWarrior involved in the creation of a PDB?

I am also considering moving to the
pilrc format.  Not sure if that helps or hurts.
For the GUI resources it's another option to Constructor. For me, 
running Constructor on an English Mac with Japanese support installed 
has been the easiest approach, but if you need to send text to a 3rd 
party localization company, then being able to send out a PilRC text 
file can work better.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Question about FntCharWidth

2004-02-03 Thread Ken Krugler
 > I am building a character mapping that will map Unicode to the correct
 (like TxtConvertEncoding).
 I'm doing this because there are many glyphs that I need that do not exist
 in the Palm fonts (primarily italic but also greek etc.).
 > Sine the API doesn't support custom fonts,
But there is a FntDefineFont call, which lets you install a custom 
font. What's the problem with that?

I'm stuck writing this code.
 > (unless someone knows another way).
I've posted answers to similar questions in the past, so checking the 
archives would potentially be useful. The general technique (assuming 
you've got a stream of UTF-16 code points) is to use the most 
significant byte to map to a custom font ID (which has to be in the 
range of 128...255), and then use the low order byte as the 
"character code" to draw, once you've switched to that font. 
Something like:

void DrawCustomChars(const WChar* iBuffer, UInt16 iCharCount, Coord x, Coord y)
FontID curFont = FntGetFont();
UInt16 curOffset;
for (curOffset = 0; curOffset < iCharChar; curOffset++)
WChar curChar = iBuffer[curOffset];
UInt8 fontID = kHighByteToFontIdTable[curChar >> 8];
if (fontID != curFont)
curFont = fontID;
WinDrawChar(curChar & 0x00FF, x, y);
x += FntCharWidth(curChar & 0x00FF);
This assumes you've called FntDefineFont for all of your custom 
fonts, and there's a kHighByteToFontIdTable static table that is used 
to map from the high byte to the font ID.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Finding undisplayable characters in current font

2004-02-03 Thread Ken Krugler
 > When copying a string into a field, is there a quick and simple way to
 determine whether the copied string can actually be displayed in the
 field font? e.g. letters produce a hollow rectangle when displayed in the
 font. I would like to exclude those undisplayable characters that
shouldn't be
 in the source string.
Unfortunately there's no API for querying a given font's set of 
defined glyphs. On pre-Palm OS 5 you could roll your own by 
inspecting the font data, though I don't think that would work any 
longer when you're running under PACE, and it wouldn't work for 
Japanese, Chinese, or other non-Latin locales that use complex fonts.

OTOH, the set of defined glyphs in the LED font hasn't changed much 
over time (maybe since 3.5?), so if that's the specific font that you 
need to deal with then that's a pretty simple check.

Or, if you really needed a general solution, you could craft your own 
by drawing both a known invalid character and the target character to 
off-screen bitmaps and comparing the bits. Ugly, I know.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: International Feature Set

2004-02-02 Thread Ken Krugler
Am I correct in assuming that any OS after 3.1 has the International Feature
Set. My program anyways cannot run on less than OS3.5, so I want to know if
I have to use the PalmOSGlue version at all.
The core Text Mgr routines exist on 3.1 or later. But note that the 
glue code implements support for new routines added after 3.1 (and 
3.5, in some cases), as well as fixing some known bugs, so you still 
might want or need to link with it.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: regionalized version of __DATE__

2004-01-30 Thread Ken Krugler
Is there a slick way of getting a regionalized version of the __DATE__
Note that "regionalized" isn't sufficient if you're displaying dates 
to the user. You want to convert to the format that the user has 
selected in the prefs panel.

I am thinking that I am going to have to parse the string and
convert it to DateType. Does anybody have any better ideas?
If you're using CodeWarrior, you could create a Rez (.r) file that 
uses $$Month, $$Day and $$Year to create numeric values in a resource 
that can then be used to fill in a DateType structure.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Unicode Programming

2004-01-30 Thread Ken Krugler
Can someone tell me in some C/C++ code language how can I set a label or
a button caption in Palm OS 5.0 to a unicode string which is in either
Italian language or Spanish language?
Call TxtConvertEncoding to convert from Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16, 
UCS-2, etc) into the device encoding, then use the result to set the 

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: OS 5 Simulator, FrmCustomAlert(), "text can't end with blank line" error

2004-01-08 Thread Ken Krugler
"Brian Preston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
 The Palm OS Reference (which I did read before posting
 this, btw) that I've been using says that is only
 required for OS 2.0 and below. I was testing 5.0, so I
 didn't think I needed to do that.
 However, that solved the problem! So thanks. I wonder
 if the Reference is wrong, or the Simulator?
Methinks the simulator is just being "helpful" by doing extra checks.
Nothing bad will happen on a device if you don't put a space, but since the
simulator debug rom complains, methinks the reference should just say
"always put a space".  No, come to think of it my vote would be to drop this
check from the simulator.  Who's still using a 2.0 device anyway?  I've
never even seen one.
Actually this warning is displayed whenever the text being displayed 
in an alert ends with a linefeed character. Maybe your message looks 
like "blah^2", thus setting the second parameter to " " (versus 
NULL) would suppress the warning.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: TxtFind and International Feature Manager brain dead?

2003-12-27 Thread Ken Krugler
I'm struggeling to get global search working on strings that may (!)
contain Japanese kanji characters that are represented as double-byte
Shift-JIS characters.
The API documentation of FindStrInStr suggests to use TxtFindString if
the International Feature Set is supported. While the API says that it
matters for some strange reason that both pointers point to the start of
a valid character,
Some strange reason? If your text pointer is referencing the second 
byte of a double byte character then it would be rather difficult for 
the routine to correctly process the text.

the function seems to perform just the usual
case-insensitive one-byte comparasion. So it happens that if a
double-byte character 0x215L is to be searched also 0x215l is found
which sucks quite hard because since there just is not such a concept
like "capital letters" in Japanese I have to filter all found results
based on whether they found a Shift-JIS character through an own (3
line) function. This shouldn't be necessary. Or am I missing something?
I'm assuming you're running your code on a Japanese ROM, right? 
Otherwise the device character encoding is Latin (PalmLatin, 
basically CP1252) and the various text related routines throughout 
the OS assume that they're getting passed single-byte text.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Who sets prefMeasurementSystem?

2003-12-26 Thread Ken Krugler
 > >>  >is there a
 >>  >system or pref dialog that changes it?
 >  > No. It gets initialized at hard reset time to match the measuremen=
 > >>  setting for the system locale, as provided by the Locale Mgr, which=
 > >>  in turn is read from the 'locs' (68K) or 'alcs' (ARM) system resour=
 > >You mean the country choice?
 No, the country/language pair (the locale) that's burned into the ROM
 when it's built by a licensee.
So there's only one locale per device,
There is one ROM locale per device.

The system locale is set to be the ROM locale at hard reset time. It 
can be changed via calls to OmSetSystemLocale (or now 
LmSetSystemLocale), which will trigger a soft reset. You can have 
multiple possible system locales installed on a device. For example, 
the Tungsten|T3 (among others) has five in ROM (EFIGS), and it's 
possible to add more in RAM.

no matter the country setting made=
 after a
hard reset? Or is it set by the country choice among many possibilities?
The Formats panel and Welcome app let you set the formats locale, 
which is completely separate (in meaning) from the ROM or system 
locale. The only connection is that after a hard reset the formats 
locale is set to be the same as the system locale.

The set of countries displayed in the Formats panel and Welcome app 
are based on the set of locales that the Locale Mgr "knows" about, 
which is derived from the contents of the 'locs' (or 'alcs' in 
ARM-land) system resource.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Key Q size

2003-12-24 Thread Ken Krugler
At 9:05am -0800 2003-12-24, Ken Krugler wrote:
1) What is the total size(in bytes) of the system Key Queue in Palm OS 4.1
and above ?
Call EvtKeyQueueSize() to find out.

2) In what conditions do we get this error "Bus Error-Connect to Debugger"
Got me. It's useful to provide more context when asking this type of 
question. For example, what device were you using when this happened, 
the OS version number, etc.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Who sets prefMeasurementSystem?

2003-12-24 Thread Ken Krugler
 > >I see there is a prefMeasurementSystem system preference that seems to=
 be set
 >to unitsEnglish if the OS language is English, metric otherwise. But
 >is there a
 >system or pref dialog that changes it?
 > No. It gets initialized at hard reset time to match the measurement
 setting for the system locale, as provided by the Locale Mgr, which
 in turn is read from the 'locs' (68K) or 'alcs' (ARM) system resource.
You mean the country choice?
No, the country/language pair (the locale) that's burned into the ROM 
when it's built by a licensee.

Canada went metric almost 20 years ago, yet =
my Cli=E9
offers me feet as a default.
The Canadian entry in the 4.0 (and later) locale settings resource is 
for metric. What version of the ROM are you using? I think there was 
a change that went in between 3.5 and 4.0, where the Welcome app and 
the Formats panel would set the measurement system (in prefs) to 
match the selected locale. So if you're running on 4.0 or later, and 
have selected "Canada" in the popup list, then the prefs setting 
should be metric.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Who sets prefMeasurementSystem?

2003-12-23 Thread Ken Krugler
I see there is a prefMeasurementSystem system preference that seems to be set
to unitsEnglish if the OS language is English, metric otherwise. But 
is there a
system or pref dialog that changes it?
No. It gets initialized at hard reset time to match the measurement 
setting for the system locale, as provided by the Locale Mgr, which 
in turn is read from the 'locs' (68K) or 'alcs' (ARM) system resource.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Adding a scrollbar dynamically

2003-12-20 Thread Ken Krugler
I am writing an application that is launched through the command bar. It
starts on top of other applications (for looking up something), so I
don't have global variables nor can I open resources.
I'm curious as to why you can't get access to resource data.

Anyway, as you've discovered, without being able to load a form 
resource you really don't have a good alternative to implementing it 
yourself. Though if you signed the NDA and have access to the source 
code, you'll see that it wouldn't be all that hard if it turns out 
that's your only option.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Multibyte strings

2003-12-19 Thread Ken Krugler
Can we safely assume that the length of the ASCII 32-128 on non-ASCII
encodings is always 1?
Palm OS Programmer Companion says that all ASCII chars 0-0x7F) are the same
in all encodings.
Not exactly true. 0x5C has different meanings depending on the 
encoding - for example, with ShiftJIS (Japanese) it's a yen character.

However the other statement is "Never make any assumption
about the size of a character". For example Unicode is an example of the
encoding (not supported on Palm?), where low range ASCII values are
preserved, but the length of a character is (always) 2.
This isn't really correct either. The Unicode character set is just 
an ordered list of characters, where each character has a scalar 
value associated with it. There are many encodings for Unicode, one 
of which (UCS-2) uses two bytes for every character.

But the existing Palm OS APIs will never work with such a wide 
encoding. The only encoding of Unicode you're going to see with the 
existing APIs is UTF-8.

For UTF-8, each character occupies one to three (or four, in Palm OS 
6) bytes in a string.

If we could assume 1 By length of ASCII 0-128, then the code could be a bit
smaller and faster.
There are two separate issues here. The first is how many bytes are 
required to represent a character in a string. The second is whether 
an individual byte in a string can safely be treated as a single 
character, depending on its value.

For the first, the documentation should be pretty clear that the 
number of bytes required for a character varies depending on the 
character set encoding and the specific character. For PalmLatin 
(basically CP1252) it's always one byte for each character, but 
PalmSJIS (basically CP932, for Japanese) uses one or two bytes per 
character, and UTF-8 uses one, two, or three bytes (currently) per 

For the second issue, if you're looking at individual bytes then the 
only thing you can safely assume is that any byte value < 0x40 is a 
single character.

Note that you can check the encoding flags feature to see if the 
device's character encoding only contains single byte characters. If 
so then you could use your optimized code, otherwise fall back to 
something more general.

If you were parsing text left-to-right then you could also use the 
TxtByteAttr function to create a table that would let you do a faster 
job of parsing, if necessary.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Multibyte strings

2003-12-19 Thread Ken Krugler
Can we safely assume that the length of the ASCII 32-128 on non-ASCII
encodings is always 1?
Palm OS Programmer Companion says that all ASCII chars 0-0x7F) are the same
in all encodings.
Not exactly true. 0x5C has different meanings depending on the 
encoding - for example, with ShiftJIS (Japanese) it's a yen character.

However the other statement is "Never make any assumption
about the size of a character". For example Unicode is an example of the
encoding (not supported on Palm?), where low range ASCII values are
preserved, but the length of a character is (always) 2.
This isn't really correct either. The Unicode character set is just 
an ordered list of characters, where each character has a scalar 
value associated with it. There are many encodings for Unicode, one 
of which (UCS-2) uses two bytes for every character.

But the existing Palm OS APIs will never work with such a wide 
encoding. The only encoding of Unicode you're going to see with the 
existing APIs is UTF-8.

For UTF-8, each character occupies one to three (or four, in Palm OS 
6) bytes in a string.

If we could assume 1 By length of ASCII 0-128, then the code could be a bit
smaller and faster.
There are two separate issues here. The first is how many bytes are 
required to represent a character in a string. The second is whether 
an individual byte in a string can safely be treated as a single 
character, depending on its value.

For the first, the documentation should be pretty clear that the 
number of bytes required for a character varies depending on the 
character set encoding and the specific character. For PalmLatin 
(basically CP1252) it's always one byte for each character, but 
PalmSJIS (basically CP932, for Japanese) uses one or two bytes per 
character, and UTF-8 uses one, two, or three bytes (currently) per 

For the second issue, if you're looking at individual bytes then the 
only thing you can safely assume is that any byte value < 0x40 is a 
single character.

Note that you can check the encoding flags feature to see if the 
device's character encoding only contains single byte characters. If 
so then you could use your optimized code, otherwise fall back to 
something more general.

If you were parsing text left-to-right then you could also use the 
TxtByteAttr function to create a table that would let you do a faster 
job of parsing, if necessary.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
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Re: Add a menu item to system menu

2003-12-15 Thread Ken Krugler
According to your way,I find the new meun item only appear on my
application. I want to let it appear on all palm application installed in
the palm machine. Thanks again.
You'll have to install a resident patch to SysHandleEvent, not just 
something that's active when your application is running. Check the 
archives for information on writing patches (especially references to 

-- Ken

 > >Hi~,all!I want to add "mail" menu item under "GraffitiHelp".Please see
 >"mail" menu item appear if the user hit "Edit" system menu.I get
 >text,and do relevant operation.

 > Patch SysHandleEvent. When you see a menuOpenEvent, call MenuAddItem
 with sysEditMenuGraffitiCmd as the positionId parameter, and your own
 (hopefully unique) command id. When your SysHandleEvent sees a
 menuEvent, and the id == your unique command id, call
 FrmGetActiveField to get the field, and then do your mail thing.
 > -- Ken
Ken Krugler
+1 530-470-9200
For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

Re: Add a menu item to system menu

2003-12-13 Thread Ken Krugler
Hi~,all!I want to add "mail" menu item under "GraffitiHelp".Please see the
"mail" menu item appear if the user hit "Edit" system menu.I get highlighted
text,and do relevant operation.
Patch SysHandleEvent. When you see a menuOpenEvent, call MenuAddItem 
with sysEditMenuGraffitiCmd as the positionId parameter, and your own 
(hopefully unique) command id. When your SysHandleEvent sees a 
menuEvent, and the id == your unique command id, call 
FrmGetActiveField to get the field, and then do your mail thing.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

Re: Determining areas of the screen

2003-12-07 Thread Ken Krugler
Is there an API or other means to determine areas of the screen for things
like the four soft buttons (on Vx these are "home," "calculator," "find,"
and "menu")? Such an API might include the ability to get the screen area
for the drawable screen, the silkscreen, and alphabetic part of the Graffiti
area, the numeric part, the "abc" and "123" areas, and so on. I know that
all these areas are rectangles (despite whatever curvy our round shape is
there), so it would seem natural that there might be an easy way to get
those rectangles. Anybody know? Thanks in advance.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

Re: May be a silly question...converting string to uppercase

2003-12-05 Thread Ken Krugler
Alternatively, test each character in your string, if it's >=3D 'a' and =
'z', simply add ('A' - 'a') to it.
Except that this won't work with multi-byte encodings, unless you're 
using TxtGetNextChar to walk the string, in which case you might as 
well use TxtTransliterate, and it doesn't upper-case high-ASCII, or 
double-byte ASCII, etc.

So you'd want to use TxtTransliterate unless you need to run on an 
old (pre-3.1) version of Palm OS, in which case there's always 

-- Ken

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Markus
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 1:26 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: May be a silly question...converting string to uppercase
 I was just wondering, how does one convert a string to uppercase,
 doesn't seem to be a StrToUpper function along with the StrToLower
 in the Palm OS String API.
maybe TxtTransliterate(..., translitOpUpperCase) is what you are looking
markus dresch (

Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

Re: chrDelete in palm

2003-12-02 Thread Ken Krugler
Is chrDelete command char disfunctional in palm os 4.1 & 5.0 ? We enqueued
it as follows :

But it does not act upon it . The OS simply ignores this char . Is something
missing here ?
Use chrBackspace, not chrDelete.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
+1 530-470-9200
For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

Re: Retrieving text (as a string) from middle of a string

2003-12-02 Thread Ken Krugler
Why not use the StrNCopy function and just get a
pointer (char*) to the string position you want to
start at then specify from that point the number of
characters you want.
Don't forget that bytes != chars. So you'd want to use 
TxtGetTruncationOffset (aka TxtTruncate) or TxtCharBounds to convert 
your byte offset to a character offset, before advancing the pointer. 
After that StrNCopy will take care of not copying partial characters.

-- Ken

--- "D. Kirker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 How do I retrieve text (as a string) from the middle
 of a string? Similar to
 the substr, strleft, strright functions. Is there
 anything like it for
 > PalmOS?
Ken Krugler
+1 530-470-9200
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RE: WinDrawChar problem with

2003-12-01 Thread Ken Krugler
At 05:51 AM 11/24/2003, Jeremy wrote:
I'm having a strange problem with WinDrawChar.  It works fine with other
characters in stdFont, but with some of the less common characters such as
'=B5' and '=BC', I get the following error:
called SysFatalAlert with the message:  "TextMgr.cpp,
Line 2723, Sign-extended char passed to TxtSetNextChar
 WinDrawChar (c, position + bounds.topLeft.x, y);
your 'c' variable is a Char.  Make it a WChar instead, or cast it to WChar=
in the call, i.e.
 WinDrawChar ((WChar)c, position + bounds.topLeft.x, y);
Unfortunately this doesn't work, as the 8-bit value is still 
sign-extended to 16-bits. What you need is:

	WinDrawChar((UInt8)c, position + bounds.topLeft.x, y);

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200
For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

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