Re: SD card woes

2010-04-14 Thread Shorin
I've had something like that happen to a 512MB card in a Tungsten T. I 
forget how it happened. There werent many files in the particular 
directory. I ended up reformatting the card.

On 4/13/2010 11:41 AM, Harry wrote:

Hi all,

I am experiencing problems with the TE2 and SD-cards. When an application 
writes too many files into a directory the directory may get corrupted.

This happens e.g. with many 512MB cards when say 200 files with 1K of text each 
are written with VFSFileOpen/-Write/-Close. Suddenly the directory shows dozens 
of garbage entries like

ñ7y+õÅ■.Nà 271614 KB 27.03.2074 23:45
ÛZT.Ûý,.Öbj 3776489 KB07.08.1993  01:48
-4=--.l./' Directory

It seems the VFS layer or the corresponding FS-lib play havoc with the 

Alas I cannot ask the user to format those SD cards out in the field. I need to 
gracefully repair them by removing/deleting those 'fragments' or by deleting 
the directory that was corrupted.

Unfortunatley the VFS/FSLib functions cannot delete those entries because the 
file names are invalid. Neither can I delete the corrupt directory because it 
is not emtpy.

Any ideas on how to get rid of this garbage without formatting the entire card?



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Re: Reset Loop after Debugging

2009-11-05 Thread Shorin
Yeah, I determined that it was my particular app. It doesn't matter if 
I'm debugging or not. My app always causes a reset loop if I use it. 
Also, it didn't free up the bluetooth resources either... even though I 
explicitly had it close the port and library.

I've not had much luck trying to write bluetooth apps.
I can attach the entire source for the program... can anyone point out 
something I'm doing wrong right off the bat?


Kasny J. wrote:

 I'm attempting to use the Palm OS Debugger to debug my apps on a 
 device. Whenever I'm finished, the device goes into a reset loop and 
 continues to do so until I delete my app that I installed. I dunno 
 why it does this. Its a bluetooth app, but I don't think I'm doing 
 anything I shouldn't.

 It is normal, that the device goes into the reset loop after finish. 
 But the loop reset is propably caused by your application. Maybe 
 memory leak or something like this. Or insufficient memory space. 
 Check it.


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For information on using the ACCESS Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please 
see /**
 * Copyright (c) 2007, ACCESS Systems Americas, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * File: AppMain.c
#include PalmOS.h
#include Event.h
#include SysEvent.h

#include ../rsc/AppResources2.h

#include AppMain.h
#include BtCommVdrv.h
#include SerialMgr.h
#include FeatureMgr.h
#include BtLib.h
 *  Entry Points

 *  Internal Constants
#define appFileCreator  'SHRN'  // register your own at
#define appVersionNum   0x01
#define appPrefID   0x00
#define appPrefVersionNum   0x01

 void OpenPort(void);
 void Disconnect(void);
 void SendString(void);
 void ServerOpen(void);
 void GetReceivedData(void);

UInt32 ports[12] = {
sysFileCBtConnectPanelHelper };
UInt32 speeds[10] = {

UInt32 serial_port_choice;
UInt32 speed_choice;

Here is a simple way to communicate with your bluetooth serial device, 
this example code  is as simple as possible you have to implement the 
errors management.

You have to:
1) Load the Library
2) Find a device if not already known
3) Open the connection
4) Use it (Receive, Send, Flush, etc.)
5) Close the connection


/* BT Globals  */
static UInt16 unPortId;
static UInt16 btLibRefNum;
static UInt8   cAddress[6];
static Err err;
static SrmOpenConfigType config;
static BtVdOpenParamsbtParams;
static BtLibSdpUuidType  sppUuid;
/* Pause n milliseconds*/
static void Uti_WaitMilliSec(UInt32 ulMilliSec)
 UInt16  unTickPerSec;

/* Close a Bluetooth serial connetion*/
static void BT_Close()
   SrmClose(unPortId); // Retry, on some system it's hard to die
/* Open a Bluetooth serial connetion  */
static void BT_Open()
  MemSet(sppUuid, sizeof(sppUuid), 0);
  sppUuid.size = btLibUuidSize16;
  sppUuid.UUID[0] = 0x11;
  sppUuid.UUID[1] = 0x01;
  MemSet(btParams, sizeof(btParams), 0);

Re: Reset Loop after Debugging

2009-11-05 Thread Shorin

What does that mean? I only want my app to respond to normal launch.

Jim Morris wrote:
One reason this can happen if your application's necessary minimal 
launch functions are not in the first segment.

Shorin wrote:


I'm attempting to use the Palm OS Debugger to debug my apps on a 
device. Whenever I'm finished, the device goes into a reset loop and 
continues to do so until I delete my app that I installed. I dunno 
why it does this. Its a bluetooth app, but I don't think I'm doing 
anything I shouldn't.


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Reset Loop after Debugging

2009-11-04 Thread Shorin


I'm attempting to use the Palm OS Debugger to debug my apps on a device. 
Whenever I'm finished, the device goes into a reset loop and continues 
to do so until I delete my app that I installed. I dunno why it does 
this. Its a bluetooth app, but I don't think I'm doing anything I 


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Reset Loop after debugging

2009-11-03 Thread Shorin


I'm attempting to use the Palm OS Debugger to debug my apps on a device. 
Whenever I'm finished, the device goes into a reset loop and continues 
to do so until I delete my app that I installed. I dunno why it does 
this. Its a bluetooth app, but I don't think I'm doing anything I shouldn't.


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Re: a new handheld platform?

2009-07-30 Thread Shorin

no keyboard = fail. Other than that, very nice.

Harry wrote:

Hey guys,

while we bemoan the end of PalmOS and eagerly await the arrival of DGOS we 
should have a look at this one:

- an inexpensive handheld (not a phone)
- a hardware platform that seems to surpass the iPod-touch
- two (!) unproven but promising OS options
- all relevant media libraries and codecs

Is this what we wanted Palm to be?

What do you guys think of this?


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Re: Classic emulator interface on Palm Pre

2009-04-08 Thread Shorin
It really doesn't have a card slot? I would be certain that they'd put 
it in the battery compartment like the Centro at least. Palms have 
always had card slots, haven't they?

One thing I'm kinda pissed about is that I heard it has a capacitive 
touchscreen... which means no stylus. . . Now there's no reason to port 
any art programs onto the Palm Pre, and that's one of my favorite things 
to do on the Palm.

Edward Jones wrote:
Yes Palm says it has a total of 8Gb internal storage (see here for the 
full specs : 

but with regards to the absence of an SD slot the only thing I can 
think of is that Palm designers were trying to keep the thickness/cost 
of the Pre down? To me though it would be worth sacrificing a lttle 
more thickness for the undoubted usefulness of an SD slot. Maybe the 
production model will have it or maybe even one of the other models 
that Palm say will follow... A lot of maybes...

Edward Jones

Martin Henne wrote:

On Dienstag 07 April 2009, Edward Jones wrote:

Thank goodness Palm have woken up to the fact that people might still
want to use their PalmOS apps on their new baby. I wonder how Classic
will cope with Bluetooth and SD cards as this is what my app uses a lot
and as far as I am aware the Pre will not have an SD slot?

It has no SD-Slot? Why is that? So I wont buy one. Or does it 
have heaps of GB space? it should have at least 8 GB then.


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Re: Classic emulator interface on Palm Pre

2009-04-08 Thread Shorin
They have, however left the option of using dial-up in there right up to 
the centro. However some areas (northeast US switched over to somebody 
else running the PSTN and ffed up something so that wireless dialup 
calls no longer got through.) (CDMA only btw). I am actually surprised 
that Dialup over CDMA worked at all, considering the underlying protocol.
I used dial up instead of a data plan for a while, until I just happened 
to get one for $5 a month (One of those famous screwups and they throw 
in a dataplan to make up for it), and then I ended up getting rid of 
that too. Nowdays, I realize that I don't need a dataplan at all. I have 
a laptop, and its always with me.

Don Albertson wrote:
I think it's more accurate to say that all the extras above and beyond 
the ability to make and receive phone calls are secondary to my needs.

I got my Centro for $50 when I renewed my basic ATT contract -- which 
I would have done anyway because I get a discount. I no longer carry 
my E2 and a phone that takes pictures of the inside of my pocket but 
won't connect to my PC to share them. I can manage my calendar and my 
contacts using a real keyboard and keep the one at work sync'd to the 
one at home. I may not be typical, but I suspect that given the choice 
of having a sensible phone service plan over a full data plan a lot 
more people would take the sensible option. This, however, is not in 
the best interests of Spring, ATT, Verizon, et al. so you won't see 
sensible options -- just more ways to bill for airtime (whether you 
use it or not).


Lee Church wrote:

The days of the $200 PDA are gone forever. The Palm market lasted 
longer than most (Windows Mobile manufacturers exited several years 
ago, and the low-end HP units are now $400 +). If you want just a 
Palm OS device w/o phone then the Acceda and the Janam units will 
have to do.

I do find your comment that phone service is secondary to our real 
needs somewhat myopic. None of my customers carry only a PDA and no 
cell phone. Asked which they would give up first, I would bet the PDA 
would lose. So let's do some math: option 1 would have been to buy a 
Tungsten E2 at $200, and get a free phone with a cell contract at $49 
per month, and I carry 2 devices. Option 2 would have been (and now 
is) to pay $99 for a Centro (current market price in my area), plus 
$49 per month for cell service, and I carry one device. So option 2 
costs me less money and cuts my device count in half; that seems like 
a good deal for the consumer. It's not the PDA portion of the device 
that costs $49 - 159 per month, it's the cell service.

*From:* luis maldonado []
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 08, 2009 9:27 AM
*To:* Palm Developer Forum
*Subject:* RE: Classic emulator interface on Palm Pre

Whatever the solution is in moving our apps to the new webOS platform 
is fine. however, it doesn't solve the issues of the PDA platform 
disappearing from the face of the planet leaving a PDA market without 
the necessary hardware to run these applications that are more of a 
realtime data collections than phone conversations. the beauty of the 
TX and similar PDAs is their pricing structure, once that is gone, 
then we have the Symbols and the like able to charge an exhorbitant 
price for PDAs which are used just to collect data and nothing more. 
so we're stuck with an expensive monthly phone service which is 
secondary to our real needs...

There is a market out for these units, it's just not sexy enough 
and offcourse it doesn't have the 49.99 to 159.99 monthly service fee 
tag to go along with it


 Subject: Re: Classic emulator interface on Palm Pre
 Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 06:31:26 -0700

 Edward Jones wrote:

  I wonder how Classic will cope with Bluetooth and SD cards

 ...and conduits and beaming...

 Luc Le Blanc
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Re: Are you feeling special?

2009-01-14 Thread Shorin

I think if palm is to survive they need to UPDATE PALM OS!! Seriously.
It is supposed to be an OS not a calculator. Most palms come with
software that make it only a little more useful than a
datebook/calendar. Most people don't have a memory card to use with
pTunes... and they would need a stereo adapter to use headphones
anyways. A2DP Bluetooth is BUILT IN to Windows Mobile now. You have to
buy $20 in software from a non-Palm vendor to do that (not to mention
you have to FIND OUT about it).
Also, Docs To Go is great... but anybody with a phone like a Treo650
didn't get it... or at least I didn't for some reason. Also it doesn't
have the ability to create files... like in Pocket PC's Pocket Word.

Also ... Hotsync is and always has been SLOW! Why??? I heard something
about  it not taking advantage of USB 2.0 high speed at all... and
instead using legacy serial speeds. (am I wrong about this?). Either
way... I NEVER hotsync because it just sits there seemingly frozen. I
bet it would finish in a few hours.

Another thing... most common cell phone users would like something
better than Midi for ringtones these days. I didn't notice support for
non-midi ringtones (native) until the Centro. I hear in Windows Mobile,
you can select from a variety of file formats for ringtones - per contact!

Windows Mobile (it seems to me) qualifies more as an OS than Palm
does... its more useable out of the box... and you don't have to go
searching for 3rd party vendors for all those common features you want.

Hopefully the SDK for this new OS will actually allow Palm to get their
act together. They had better. I think the only way they are going to
survive is to make Palm OS integrate with Windows (the dominant OS) and
office products even better than Windows Mobile currently does - and out
of the box! Built in stuff, not 3rd party software. Well maybe 3rd party
software wouldn't be bad if it integrated into the OS well. Also as I
pointed out earlier... at least meet the minimum cell-phone user

One thing they ought to add is a built-in PC-Palm file transfer
feature... so that music and pictures can be downloaded waay easier. I'm
sure many of the Windows Mobile phones already have a USB Mass Storage

I'm kinda debating as to whether I should aim for Palm job-wise...
because I'm not sure whether it will survive. I really want them to,
though. I am still awaiting the next Palm OS phone that has GPS and Wifi
like the other recent models.

Luc Le Blanc wrote:

Palm has been quick in the past to boast the wide software
offering for Palm OS, yet did very little to actually support the
developers who made their platform attractive, especially
freeware writers, while much of the offering was freeware.
Continued support from developers to migrate their apps to web OS
is just taken for granted after years of uncertainty about OS 6,
ALP and Nova. Today Palm says forget about a compatibility layer, there's no 
adaptation possible, just rebuild your apps from the
ground up with Javascript, HTML or CSS and stay with us, we need
you to make money!

Count me out!

Luc Le Blanc

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Re: Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-26 Thread Shorin
I went back to this project and I'm still turning up blank as to how to 
get BT connections working as a client.

The definite error code is 0x030C - serial port configuration failed.

can you give a good example of how exactly its done? (I think I have a 
bad parameter in my code or something).

Oh also... something that's wicked annoying that I'm dealing with 
Whenever I disconnect my device from the debugger it resets and goes 
into a loop and i have to go and manually delete the thing every time. 
Its wicked annoying. Is there a way I can have the debugger remove the 
prc for me? ... or maybe its just that I should write a program thats 


Joseph M Fleming

Edward Jones wrote:
My first step then would be be confirm that you really are receiving 
chars over the Bluetooth serial connection. I use an open source 
product called AsyncPro ( - 
but I also imagine that there are probably plenty of others - and open 
a standard COM port on the PC and display whatever comes in in ASCII. 
You should be able to find out what COM port your Bluetooth adapter is 
using on your PC and set AsyncPro to point at that. The advantage of 
this is that as it is displaying any chars that arrive on the port 
unformatted you can see if you are actually receiving or not.

By the way you may also want to have a look at Peter Eastons site, who deals specifically in Bluetooth solutions 
for the Palm. I have found him very useful in the past. His products 
are not free but if you want to get up and running quickly he supplies 
the necessary Palm code to get you going fast, once you have a license 
to his libraries.

Good luck!

Edward Jones

Shorin wrote:

Okay, last night I sorta got the connections working. I looked at the
documentation for it and also I gleaned some stuff from the Duke3d 

I got server connections going okay, although whenever I send serial
port data it doesn't seem to show up on the computer I'm connected to.
I had client connections working too (I did not use
DiscoverSingleDevice, but just filled the address with all zeros and
opened with SrmExtOpen), but it fails to connect to the device I select
(a PC). The computer doesn't even respond really.
I think I'm going to go back over this code and get a definite method to
do both. Currently I have to have the computer connect to the palm (when
I try to open it as a server on the palm), while my program is stopped
(because I open it, send data, and close it...thats the way its
written...just for tests). It seems to work, because the port is
monitored in a background thread, but like I said before, when I send a
string, it doesn't show up on the computer. I'm using a simple serial
port monitor program.

What I would LIKE is to have a dialog (just like in TriConnect), that
tells me its listening for connections. I think that would be

Either way, I would like to know why the connections as bluetooth client
do not complete successfully. By the way, those error codes were
primarily resulting because of my misunderstanding of what
ErrAlert(number code) does. I thought that was supposed to print out the
string resource number you specify. Instead it prints out the referenced
error code by that number...i guess.



Edward Jones wrote:
DiscoverSingleDevice is covered in the Palm OS Programmers API 
Reference - p1881 under Bluetooth Library: Management section.

Yes I agree that you don't necessarily have to fiddle with BtLib as 
it will do a lot of the work for you, doing the discovery and 
presenting the user with a handy list of nearby available Bluetooth 
devices. However, the reason I have gone deep with BtLib is so 
that the connection and transmission via Bluetooth is a seamless as 
possible as whilst most users will be fine selecting the right 
device from the list, you will always have one who will try to 
connect to their mobile phone or PC instead of the modem which is 
what the program is looking for!

So both approaches work, it is what your users want and how you want 
your program to flow which dictates which path you take.

Edward Jones

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Re: Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-10 Thread Shorin

Okay, last night I sorta got the connections working. I looked at the
documentation for it and also I gleaned some stuff from the Duke3d source.
I got server connections going okay, although whenever I send serial
port data it doesn't seem to show up on the computer I'm connected to.
I had client connections working too (I did not use
DiscoverSingleDevice, but just filled the address with all zeros and
opened with SrmExtOpen), but it fails to connect to the device I select
(a PC). The computer doesn't even respond really.
I think I'm going to go back over this code and get a definite method to
do both. Currently I have to have the computer connect to the palm (when
I try to open it as a server on the palm), while my program is stopped
(because I open it, send data, and close it...thats the way its
written...just for tests). It seems to work, because the port is
monitored in a background thread, but like I said before, when I send a
string, it doesn't show up on the computer. I'm using a simple serial
port monitor program.

What I would LIKE is to have a dialog (just like in TriConnect), that
tells me its listening for connections. I think that would be

Either way, I would like to know why the connections as bluetooth client
do not complete successfully. By the way, those error codes were
primarily resulting because of my misunderstanding of what
ErrAlert(number code) does. I thought that was supposed to print out the
string resource number you specify. Instead it prints out the referenced
error code by that number...i guess.



Edward Jones wrote:
DiscoverSingleDevice is covered in the Palm OS Programmers API 
Reference - p1881 under Bluetooth Library: Management section.

Yes I agree that you don't necessarily have to fiddle with BtLib as it 
will do a lot of the work for you, doing the discovery and presenting 
the user with a handy list of nearby available Bluetooth devices. 
However, the reason I have gone deep with BtLib is so that the 
connection and transmission via Bluetooth is a seamless as possible as 
whilst most users will be fine selecting the right device from the 
list, you will always have one who will try to connect to their mobile 
phone or PC instead of the modem which is what the program is looking 

So both approaches work, it is what your users want and how you want 
your program to flow which dictates which path you take.

Edward Jones

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Re: Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-08 Thread Shorin
Where's the documentation for that? Is it in the ACCESS docs somewhere 
or on palmdev? (link would be helpful)


Henk Jonas wrote:
Actually, there is no need to fiddle with the BtLib. Even if you need 
to Discover a single device (to remember it's address for later use) 
you just call the DiscoverSingleDevice function. Or you don't care and 
just open the serial connection. the BtStack will go and ask the user 
which device he wants to connect to.

Shorin wrote:
! THANK YOU! I think I will be well on my way with that 
detailed help you gave me. I do not remember any instructions like 
that in the ACCESS documentation...which didn't cover bluetooth 
specifically and seems to be a little outdated.
Oh also, I didn't know that you could write palm apps with Pascal... 
I'm using C++. From what you said, I doubt the process is much 



Edward Jones wrote:
Error 0x03EA sounds like you haven't paired the device you are 
connecting with, you need to go through this process before you can 
send and receive any data. Also note that before using SrmExtOpen to 
open your Bluetooth serial connection you must close the Bluetooth 
library otherwise you will get error 0x30A.

So after pairing the devices, Palm-mobile phone or Palm-modem or 
Palm-pc etc (once done you should not need to do this everytime), 
the process I go through to setup and use a Bluetooth serial 
connection is:

1) open the Bluetooth lib
2) setup a callback routine to deal with Bluetooth discovery 
responses (BtLibRegisterManagementNotification)

3) start the discovery process (BtLibStartInquiry)
4) find out if the device I want to connect to is in range and 
responding in my callback routine setup in step 2
5) once I have the device, fill in the Palm structures sppUid, 
btParams and SrmConfig

6) close the BtLib (**important**!)
7) open the serial connection using SrmExtOpen
8) send data to the paired device over the serial ink using SrmSend
8) use SrmReceiveWait to wait for incoming traffic and receive that 
data using SrmReceive

9) finally once I am done, use SrmClose to close the serial port

If you want I have a working example in Pascal which goes through 
the processes to connect to a Bluetooth modem.

Hope this helps!

Edward Jones

Shorin wrote:


I'm relatively new to Palm OS Programming (but not programming in 
general). I can't seem to get the serial port open with the 
Bluetooth Connection panel serial port. The VirtRfComm doesn't work 
either, but I know that needs some extra settings passed to 
SrmOpenEx to open. I've been trying this with SrmOpen and 
SrmOpenBackground. Those functions keep failing with something like 
0x03EA or something like that. This used to make my phone go into a 
reset loop until i deleted the program. I think i had other bad 
files that were causing that, though.

So anyways, whats the REAL way to open a bluetooth serial connection?



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Re: Launching error during debug?

2008-03-07 Thread Shorin
Did you try reinstalling yet? If that doesn't work...then check your 
java installation too. I know Garnet OS Dev suite is basically eclipse, 
which relies on java, i believe.

Beyond that I don't think I can help you. Make sure you double-check all 
the steps.

Karthik Jaganathan wrote:
thanks for ur reply, i did what u told, but till now the problem has 
not solved, send me if u hear the solution

ok byeee.

Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 14:00:27 -0500
Subject: Re: Launching error during debug?

Things you need to check up on:

Simple things to check first:

* Make sure a PRC is actually built at the end of the build. I
  often have the thing build successfully but for some reason
  makes no PRC.
* Make sure you set up the debugging session in the dev suite
  by going to um... Run (~the menu you run stuff
  from...whatever its called~) - Debug..., and in the
  Target tab, make sure you select Simulator or something.

1. Make sure the simulator runs on its own (start it manually)
a. Make sure in the settings (right click) under
communications, that there is a connection set up for the
Debugger. Note the port number...
b. Make sure you have chosen the appropriate ROM
(Simulator_Full_EFIGS_Release.rom or
Simulator_Full_EFIGS_Debug.rom should do just fine since it covers
multiple languages. Those files are in the folders I
mention in #2.
2. Check Windows Firewall. Make sure PalmSim_54_dbg.exe and
PalmSim_54_rel.exe are in the allowed programs list (I forget the
real name of the exes).
If not, ADD them. They are typically in:
C:\Program Files\ACCESS\Garnet OS Development
Suite\sdk-5r4\tools\Palm_OS_54_Simulator, debug and release
subfolders respectively.
3. If its not fixed by now... then reinstalling the whole dev
suite is the best way to go. Make sure you completely uninstall it
first, though.
a. Oh, and I found out that using the newest cygwin build
doesn't really mess up the Palm OS build environment, except that
in the resource xrd files you have to replace C:\ (drive names)
with cygwin paths like /cygdrive/c/. This is because of the
newer version of make...or something.

Okay, I think i really killed the topic for you. I couldn't help
you with device debugging, though, because I haven't exactly been
so successful with that (yet).

Good luck,


karthik wrote:

hi i am having following error during debug my application, this error 
arise after launching simulator then it doesn't run the application, the error 
pop up window is,

Launching(Error: Target request failed: Errors occurred during the load 
process. Run aborted..)

i am using garnet development suit IDE, windows xp, the problem is 
occurred during second time i am running the application after enter into IDE 
please help for me..

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Re: Launching error during debug?

2008-03-06 Thread Shorin
Things you need to check up on:

Simple things to check first:

* Make sure a PRC is actually built at the end of the build. I often
  have the thing build successfully but for some reason makes no PRC.
* Make sure you set up the debugging session in the dev suite by
  going to um... Run (~the menu you run stuff from...whatever its
  called~) - Debug..., and in the Target tab, make sure you
  select Simulator or something.

1. Make sure the simulator runs on its own (start it manually)
a. Make sure in the settings (right click) under communications, 
that there is a connection set up for the Debugger. Note the port number...
b. Make sure you have chosen the appropriate ROM 
(Simulator_Full_EFIGS_Release.rom or Simulator_Full_EFIGS_Debug.rom 
should do just fine since it covers multiple languages. Those 
files are in the folders I mention in #2.
2. Check Windows Firewall. Make sure PalmSim_54_dbg.exe and 
PalmSim_54_rel.exe are in the allowed programs list (I forget the real 
name of the exes).
If not, ADD them. They are typically in:
C:\Program Files\ACCESS\Garnet OS Development 
Suite\sdk-5r4\tools\Palm_OS_54_Simulator, debug and release subfolders 
3. If its not fixed by now... then reinstalling the whole dev suite is 
the best way to go. Make sure you completely uninstall it first, though.
a. Oh, and I found out that using the newest cygwin build doesn't 
really mess up the Palm OS build environment, except that in the 
resource xrd files you have to replace C:\ (drive names) with cygwin 
paths like /cygdrive/c/. This is because of the newer version of 
make...or something.

Okay, I think i really killed the topic for you. I couldn't help you 
with device debugging, though, because I haven't exactly been so 
successful with that (yet).

Good luck,


karthik wrote:
 hi i am having following error during debug my application, this error arise 
 after launching simulator then it doesn't run the application, the error pop 
 up window is,

 Launching(Error: Target request failed: Errors occurred during the load 
 process. Run aborted..)

 i am using garnet development suit IDE, windows xp, the problem is occurred 
 during second time i am running the application after enter into IDE please 
 help for me..

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Re: Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-06 Thread Shorin
! THANK YOU! I think I will be well on my way with that detailed 
help you gave me. I do not remember any instructions like that in the 
ACCESS documentation...which didn't cover bluetooth specifically and 
seems to be a little outdated.
Oh also, I didn't know that you could write palm apps with Pascal... I'm 
using C++. From what you said, I doubt the process is much different.



Edward Jones wrote:
Error 0x03EA sounds like you haven't paired the device you are 
connecting with, you need to go through this process before you can 
send and receive any data. Also note that before using SrmExtOpen to 
open your Bluetooth serial connection you must close the Bluetooth 
library otherwise you will get error 0x30A.

So after pairing the devices, Palm-mobile phone or Palm-modem or 
Palm-pc etc (once done you should not need to do this everytime), the 
process I go through to setup and use a Bluetooth serial connection is:

1) open the Bluetooth lib
2) setup a callback routine to deal with Bluetooth discovery responses 

3) start the discovery process (BtLibStartInquiry)
4) find out if the device I want to connect to is in range and 
responding in my callback routine setup in step 2
5) once I have the device, fill in the Palm structures sppUid, 
btParams and SrmConfig

6) close the BtLib (**important**!)
7) open the serial connection using SrmExtOpen
8) send data to the paired device over the serial ink using SrmSend
8) use SrmReceiveWait to wait for incoming traffic and receive that 
data using SrmReceive

9) finally once I am done, use SrmClose to close the serial port

If you want I have a working example in Pascal which goes through the 
processes to connect to a Bluetooth modem.

Hope this helps!

Edward Jones

Shorin wrote:


I'm relatively new to Palm OS Programming (but not programming in 
general). I can't seem to get the serial port open with the Bluetooth 
Connection panel serial port. The VirtRfComm doesn't work either, but 
I know that needs some extra settings passed to SrmOpenEx to open. 
I've been trying this with SrmOpen and SrmOpenBackground. Those 
functions keep failing with something like 0x03EA or something like 
that. This used to make my phone go into a reset loop until i deleted 
the program. I think i had other bad files that were causing that, 

So anyways, whats the REAL way to open a bluetooth serial connection?



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Re: Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-05 Thread Shorin
Good suggestion... I'm very familiar with those apps. I ought to look at 
the source code and hope its not really tough. I know there are many 
other open source BT palm apps out there too...

I am really wondering if there's a special secret to doing this that 
someone here knows right off the top of their head. I noticed that the 
ACCESS Palm OS documentation is a little out of date, and following 
their methods it apparently doesn't work. I haven't checked the palmdev 
documentation specific for my phone yet. Aiee... its tough to find time 
to even work on this anymore...argh.

Henk Jonas wrote:
check the source code of LJP or ZDoomZ for an example how create a 
serial BT connection (ZDoomZ has client and server side).

Shorin wrote:


I'm relatively new to Palm OS Programming (but not programming in
general). I can't seem to get the serial port open with the Bluetooth
Connection panel serial port. The VirtRfComm doesn't work either, but I
know that needs some extra settings passed to SrmOpenEx to open. I've
been trying this with SrmOpen and SrmOpenBackground. Those functions
keep failing with something like 0x03EA or something like that. This
used to make my phone go into a reset loop until i deleted the program.
I think i had other bad files that were causing that, though.

So anyways, whats the REAL way to open a bluetooth serial connection?



Sent by my computer haha.

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Re: Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-05 Thread Shorin

Good suggestion... I'm very familiar with those apps. I ought to look at
the source code and hope its not really tough. I know there are many
other open source BT palm apps out there too...

I am really wondering if there's a special secret to doing this that
someone here knows right off the top of their head. I noticed that the
ACCESS Palm OS documentation is a little out of date, and following
their methods it apparently doesn't work. I haven't checked the palmdev
documentation specific for my phone yet. Aiee... its tough to find time
to even work on this anymore...argh.

Henk Jonas wrote:
check the source code of LJP or ZDoomZ for an example how create a 
serial BT connection (ZDoomZ has client and server side).

Shorin wrote:


I'm relatively new to Palm OS Programming (but not programming in
general). I can't seem to get the serial port open with the Bluetooth
Connection panel serial port. The VirtRfComm doesn't work either, but I
know that needs some extra settings passed to SrmOpenEx to open. I've
been trying this with SrmOpen and SrmOpenBackground. Those functions
keep failing with something like 0x03EA or something like that. This
used to make my phone go into a reset loop until i deleted the program.
I think i had other bad files that were causing that, though.

So anyways, whats the REAL way to open a bluetooth serial connection?



Sent by my computer haha.

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Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-04 Thread Shorin


I'm relatively new to Palm OS Programming (but not programming in 
general). I can't seem to get the serial port open with the Bluetooth 
Connection panel serial port. The VirtRfComm doesn't work either, but I 
know that needs some extra settings passed to SrmOpenEx to open. I've 
been trying this with SrmOpen and SrmOpenBackground. Those functions 
keep failing with something like 0x03EA or something like that. This 
used to make my phone go into a reset loop until i deleted the program. 
I think i had other bad files that were causing that, though.

So anyways, whats the REAL way to open a bluetooth serial connection?



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Re: Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-04 Thread Shorin

Oops... Relocating topic...

Shorin wrote:


I'm relatively new to Palm OS Programming (but not programming in 
general). I can't seem to get the serial port open with the Bluetooth 
Connection panel serial port. The VirtRfComm doesn't work either, but 
I know that needs some extra settings passed to SrmOpenEx to open. 
I've been trying this with SrmOpen and SrmOpenBackground. Those 
functions keep failing with something like 0x03EA or something like 
that. This used to make my phone go into a reset loop until i deleted 
the program. I think i had other bad files that were causing that, 

So anyways, whats the REAL way to open a bluetooth serial connection?



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Bluetooth Serial Connections

2008-03-04 Thread Shorin


I'm relatively new to Palm OS Programming (but not programming in
general). I can't seem to get the serial port open with the Bluetooth
Connection panel serial port. The VirtRfComm doesn't work either, but I
know that needs some extra settings passed to SrmOpenEx to open. I've
been trying this with SrmOpen and SrmOpenBackground. Those functions
keep failing with something like 0x03EA or something like that. This
used to make my phone go into a reset loop until i deleted the program.
I think i had other bad files that were causing that, though.

So anyways, whats the REAL way to open a bluetooth serial connection?



Sent by my computer haha.

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Re: Palm OS Debugger problem

2008-02-07 Thread Shorin
Yuk... are you sure? I was reading on the Palm website on instructions 
on how to do it... it said it was supposed to work.

The problem I had was that I was trying to do simple freaking page 
flipping (of sorts) for a drawing app. I was creating an offscreen 
window, and drawing on it using pen strokes and then blitting it to 
the screen. It works okay in the simulator. I didn't add safety 
constraints to keep the line segment inside the offscreen window, but my 
tests shouldn't have caused drawing to occur outside the window...
I think I really should ADD those safety constraints before I complain 
here about it resetting my device every time i started so much as a 
dot... and even once it did so badly that it got my device stuck on the 
reset screen...which made me have to hard-reset and restore the thing... 
and also lead to another escapade which resulted in my antenna being 
permanently loose... not my fault directly but sorta (wah).

Its still likely that this programming bug is all my fault..


Ben Combee wrote:

On Feb 5, 2008 3:27 PM, Shorin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey, on a related note... can anyone help me out with getting device
debugging working for my Treo 600? (over USB). I already found out how
to enable debugging on it, but debugging doesn't work. I tried both
Garnet OS Development Suite and the Palm OS Debugger. I have Hotsync
4.1.0 I read on some forums about people monkeying around with DLLs
and hotsync versions to get device debugging working for their Treo 650,
which I will probably never ever have anytime soon ever (with emphasis
on the /ever /part).

As far as I remember, the Treo 600 never supported USB debugging; the
debug nub on the device just wasn't hooked up correctly, so only
serial cables worked.


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Re: Palm OS Debugger problem

2008-02-05 Thread Shorin

Hey, on a related note... can anyone help me out with getting device
debugging working for my Treo 600? (over USB). I already found out how
to enable debugging on it, but debugging doesn't work. I tried both
Garnet OS Development Suite and the Palm OS Debugger. I have Hotsync
4.1.0 I read on some forums about people monkeying around with DLLs
and hotsync versions to get device debugging working for their Treo 650,
which I will probably never ever have anytime soon ever (with emphasis
on the /ever /part).

So yeah... please help.

If this turns out to be a lost cause... does anybody know where I can
get a Treo 600 debug and release ROM for the simulator? The simulator
works on my system.

In Palm OS development I have run into large inconsistencies between
running it in the simulator and on my device. Simple code can cause
resets and terrible things for some reason.

James Screech wrote:

I've just come back to developing a Palm application after a short break and 
I'm having problems with the debugger. Before when running the debugger it 
would ask for the location of the source code and display this during a debug 
session. Now it doesn't ask for the source code and only displays assembler.

Presumably I've inadventantly changed a setting somewhere, but I cann't see 
what. Does anyone know what I need to do to re-enable the display of source 


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