Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Jan Slodicka
Hi Bob,

this theme was covered many times.
There is a very good paper from Aaron Ardiri on this subject - I don't know
the reference by heart, but it should be easy to find.
There are plenty of other discussions on this topic around and all kinds of
argument were covered.

Basically we all exist in this imperfect world and most of us stopped
looking for an "unbreakable code" because given the existing possibilities
nothing like this exist. Plus such trials increase the risk of getting angry
the honest people.

What proved to be working is relying on sincere users. They constitute not a
negligible quantity. The others would not be paying probably anyway.

Finally, when a program achieves the state that it is being cracked, then it
must already be a popular program. And illegal users - if nothing else - at
least contribute to the growth of the popularity.

So it is...

Best regards,
Jan Slodicka

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Kodadek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 9:18 PM
Subject: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

> Well,  I have searched this forum, the PalmOne site, Appforge, and
everything I can find on the internet, and no one has ever found a solution
to protecting software apps on Palm devices.  I've seen lots of explanations
and whimsy, but nothing real.  Simply put, if there is no ROM serial number,
or unique (Read Only) ID stored in the hardware, then you are screwed and
that's all there is to it.  When copy protection is an absolute necessity
for anyone developing programs in today's world, why doesn't Palm include a
Flash Eprom or ROM chip with a unique serial number?  Who wants to waste
their time developing products for a device when the manufacturer doesn't
care what happens to the developer.
> Now, anyone in the world can develop some scheme based on the HotSync user
name, but that is completely worthless.  It's not a matter of just a few
people getting your program for free.  Anyone can get one copy of your
program with a working password and then upload the contents of the BackUp
folder from the Palm Desktop for that username, onto the internet and the
whole world has your program the next day.  All they need to do is supply
that user name.  They could buy Palms on Ebay for $20.00 and resell the
entire Palm with your program and that user name.  And, they could sell
hundreds and hundreds of them and no one would be the wiser.  Don't you
think that your application is worth putting onto a $20.00 Palm just to have
it?  I'll bet you do!  The developer is the one who suffers here.  No one
else.  It doesn't hurt the manufacturer of the Palm device one bit.  In
fact, it helps to sell more Palms because there is plentiful, un-protected
software available for free.
> There are no dongles available for a Palm device, no copy proctection
schemes that work.  You cannot hide anything in the programs's Preferences,
because a HotSync creates a database file of those preferences and stores it
the the BackUp folder!
> I've been programming for about 20 years now, started in machine language
and have seen and done it all since then.  I began working with PalmOS last
year and feel that, unless you are doing it for a hobby, it is a wasted
effort.  You can have all the hash routines and randomly generated serial
numbers that you want.  When you can simply HotSync the files located in the
BackUp folder over to another machine with the same user name, nothing that
you do can work.
> So, my real question is, why isn't everyone demanding that the hardware
manufacturer incorporates a unique serial number, or unique ID of some type,
that is Read Only on every device?  One extra 25 cent chip on every device,
that's all it would take.
> Bob
> -- 
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please see

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Ed Pugh


Concerning Aaron's white paper on this topic, following is a post
that I wrote in reply to the "Lock beamin" thread (which began on
2004-10-29 at 05:10:00).  The following has instructions on how to
obtain the white paper from Palmsource's Knowledge Base.



-- my "Lock beaming" reply post follows ---


The Palm developers' Knowledge Base has a pretty good white paper 
from March 2003, on copy-potection. Depending on how bullet-proof 
you want to make it, it can get pretty complicated. I guess it 
depends on the worth of your software. 

By the way, on "unique ID" information, keep in mind that the 
Palm serial number is only available to software on PDAs that have 

The white paper can be downloaded as follows: 

Under "Answer Type", select "Whitepaper". 

Under "Search Text", type "protection". 

Click on the "Search" button. 

In the resulting list, select "Platform Software Protection" 

Near the bottom of the resulting page are .sit (for MAC) and .zip 
(for PC) files that contain the white paper. 

It has some interesting ideas. 


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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Logan Shaw
Bob Kodadek wrote:
> Now, anyone in the world can develop some scheme based on the HotSync
> user name, but that is completely worthless.  It's not a matter of just
> a few people getting your program for free.  Anyone can get one copy of
> your program with a working password and then upload the contents of the
> BackUp folder from the Palm Desktop for that username, onto the internet
> and the whole world has your program the next day.  All they need to do
> is supply that user name.

Then all the rest of their licensed software (that was tied to another
name) would no longer work.  People don't want to go changing their
hotsync user name to something different for every different app they
run and do it every time they run an app.  In fact, most people probably
don't know how.

> They could buy Palms on Ebay for $20.00 and resell the entire Palm with
> your program and that user name.  And, they could sell hundreds and
> hundreds of them and no one would be the wiser.  Don't you think that
> your application is worth putting onto a $20.00 Palm just to have it?

Sure, they could do that.  But if you have 5 applications that you like
to use regularly, how convenient is it to carry around 5 Palm devices
with you all the time?  It's much more convenient to just pay the license
fees properly and carry around one device with all the software on it.
In other words, no user is really going to spend $20.00 (plus shipping)
on some old used Palm device when they could just buy your software
for $20 or $30 or $50.

Actually, both these schemes that you describe could in fact be done,
and maybe someone somewhere actually does them.  But that does not
change the fact that there are people out there making a fair amount
of money selling Palm software.  Yes, piracy can happen, but there is
not a foolproof way to stop it.  (Even if there were a hardware serial
number, it's easy enough to get a disassembler, find the code that
checks it, and put a JMP instruction at the beginning of that block
of code to bypass it.  Doing that is certainly much easier than buying
a large quantity of devices on eBay.)  The fact is, from a business
point of view, piracy is a reality, but it's only a small percentage
if you take some precautions.  In fact, I think you have to ask yourself
if you lock the license to the hardware, will the support costs of
issuing new keys (when someone upgrades to a newer device) outweigh
the advantage of reduced piracy?  It might.

  - Logan

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Ed Pugh


Actually, Logan, I do remember once seeing a Palm application to
store a number of user names in a data-base, and allow the user to
select and change the registered user name.  (I forget where I
came across it.  I did not download it!)

The idea was to use it for just what Bob describes; i.e. to
use a program registered for someone else's user name.  So,
just run the "switch-the-name" application before running the
registered application.  When finished, just "switch-the-name"
back again to run your own registered applications.  (I don't
recall the actual program name.)

The lengths some people will go to ...

One other idea that may, at least, restrict the number of palm
devices that the application could run on is to "register" it
against the Palm OS version, the manufacturer and model number of
the device.  (If memory serves, these are all available via APIs.)
This still is not bullet-proof becuase the app could still run on
another device of the same make, model and OS version.  However,
these are parameters that can not be changed, so the registered
app cannot run on a different make/model/OS-version.  Combine this
with the user name and, if available, the unique ID (usually the
serial number - for Palms with FLASH ROM), and it becomes much
more difficult to pirate the software (but still not completely

Aaron's white paper had some other good ideas.


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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Bob
That would all be true for a program that sells for $20, $30, or $50.  I was 
referring to commercial software that costs much more and would be in big 

Would it be worth giving out new license keys?  Absolutely!

Just imagine waking up one morning to find your program available for free 
download on the internet to anyone and everyone who wants it.  Once that 
happens, it's over. You aren't selling that program again.
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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Logan Shaw
Bob wrote:
> Just imagine waking up one morning to find your program available for
> free download on the internet to anyone and everyone who wants it.
> Once that happens, it's over. You aren't selling that program again.

True.  But, short of using some sort of encryption (with a separate
key in each device) and a kernel that makes it impossible for the
user to read the decrypted code, it isn't possible to prevent that.
You can always just disassemble, reverse engineer, and patch the
executable to make an unlocked version.  So, to *really* solve the
problem would require a fundamental change to the way devices are
made and the way the OS executes programs.  Anything else is just
a measure that will increase the hassle of pirating.

However, you're right that the more expensive the program, the
greater the motivation to pirate it.  And the Palm model doesn't
work as well for expensive software as it does for $10 or $20 apps.

  - Logan

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Bob
Hi Logan,

In a nutshell then, I suppose it would be wise to have a different version of 
the software for each specific device and try to tie that version to the 
device.  In effect, using the OS version and other information.  Then, the 
protection would have to be circumvented for each device.  That makes a lot 
more sense to me.  While it would be more work, it could be worth it in the 
long run.

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Douglas Handy

>In a nutshell then, I suppose it would be wise to have a different 
>version of the software for each specific device and try to tie 
>that version to the device.  

Why not just include the company/device/HAL id etc as part of the encryption or
hash process on the registration code?  While it may be arguably more secure by
using those IDs as part of a decryption of a code resource, maintaining and
distributing those versions may not justify the extra hassles.



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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Logan Shaw
Douglas Handy wrote:
>>In a nutshell then, I suppose it would be wise to have a different 
>>version of the software for each specific device and try to tie 
>>that version to the device.  

> Why not just include the company/device/HAL id etc as part of the encryption 
> or
> hash process on the registration code?  While it may be arguably more secure 
> by
> using those IDs as part of a decryption of a code resource, maintaining and
> distributing those versions may not justify the extra hassles.

I would love if my competitors would do something like this.  It would
give me an advantage, since users don't like the hassle of dealing with
stuff like that.

  - Logan

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Rob Larson
There is a unique serial number on each SD card.  That could be used as part of 
the installation verification for high
value software.  If you're really involved with high budget software, join the 
SD association and learn about how to
utilize the SD security facilities.

All of the system identifiers can be spoofed by a hack.  System calls that ask 
for security information highlight the
code involved in security.

If you want to turn crackers into customers, how about the following game.  
Offer a prize for the first contestant to
crack your security.  In order to participate, a contestant has to either 
purchase a legitimate copy, or wait for
someone else to win the prize.

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Chris Tutty
From: "Bob Kodadek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've been programming for about 20 years now, started in 
> machine language and have seen and done it all since then.  
> I began working with PalmOS last year and feel that, unless 
> you are doing it for a hobby, it is a wasted effort.  
So how do you protect your desktop software?  I wasn't
aware that desktop hardware included the unique serial
number that you're asking PDA's to include.  I've been 
programming a similar number of years and I'm surprised 
to hear you present this as a PDA-specific problem.
Hardware piracy is a *computer* problem that hasn't been
solved on other platforms in spite of serious amounts of
money being thrown at the problem.  

In spite of this a large number of companies manage to
be profitable.  You approach PDA software security
the same way you'd approach the security of any other
app - provide good value for money, make it easy to buy 
the app, provide advantages for software registration, 
release regular upgrades to discourage hacking, etc, etc.

>From memory, desktop protection uses hardware id's
available from some hardware components (drive, NIC, 
etc.  With modern PDA's that include Bluetooth, wireless 
networking and the like I would have thought that something 
similar was possible.

> One extra 25 cent chip on every device, that's all it would 
> take.
>From this can we assume that your '...done it all since then"
doesn't include hardware engineering or hardware cost
assessment?  :-)  There's a lot more to hardware manufacture
than the cost of the chips.

Chris Tutty

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-22 Thread Chris Tutty
> Just imagine waking up one morning to find your program 
> available for free download on the internet to anyone and 
> everyone who wants it.  Once that happens, it's over. You 
> aren't selling that program again.
> -- 
Then someone had better tell Microsoft they're out of
business because most of what they sell is downloadable
in cracked form.  Just because a hack is available doesn't
stop honest people from buying your software.  I've also
worked for a large number of companies that consider
use of pirated software to be a reason to fire an employee.

Sure it's a problem, but to say that it prevents Palm OS 
software development being anything but a hobby is 

Chris Tutty

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Aaron Ardiri
> So, my real question is, why isn't everyone demanding that the
> hardware manufacturer incorporates a unique serial number, or 
> unique ID of some type, that is Read Only on every device? 
> One extra 25 cent chip on every device, that's all it would take.

i've ignored the rest of this thread - mainly because everyone else
has brought up the relevant issues. but no-one really talked about
a reply to this original question.

since i wrote the whitepaper on this, here is the url in the knowledgebase

the bottom line is this.

if there was a hardware "lock", it has to be checked somewhere
in software; and, modifying the software is quite an easy task. 
at some point, there is a check, to verify the hardware lock against
the registration. a simple negation of this check will normally 
mean it is no longer unregistered.

in my paper i outlined ideas like doing encyrption and checksum
checks - but, eventually in order to execute the code; it must be
in pure assembly format. with the tools available on the palm these
days, it is quite easy to dump a memory chunk (ie: the code decrypted)
and then reverse engineer the encryption.

most systems like this have symmetric encryption techniques.
(need to get back to the original data). 

the only truely proven "protection" is what is implemented on the
tapwave zodiac (which, i was also involved in). the concept there
is that the zodiac requires that the application have a digitial 
signature in order to use its API's. the digital signature can be locked
to a specific person, an SD card or whatever. its built into the rom,
so modifying the application doesn't help.
i think you get the idea tho. DRM is a tricky system especially when
you have to implement it all in software; we have had a few ideas that
have been quite successful to prevent the spread of piracy - but,
they all get broken eventually.

one project i am involved in ( locks the contents
of the software to the SD card. so, copying it between cards isn't 
possible (of course it is, but, very painstaking). faking the SD card
rom identifier is quite nasty on palmos :) its much easier to fake
the hotsync username or the rom id (flash rom) - and, i even wrote an
application to do this on an app-by-app basis:

i think someone else mentioned it here in one of the followup threads.
of course, |HaCkMe| exists for OS5 for my own personal use :) you would
be surprised how many emails i get per day asking for a working OS5 
version :) also, look how simple it was to use :)

Aaron Ardiri (Skype:: callto://ardiri)
PalmOS Certified Developer

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Dave Lippincott
I've said it before here, locks only keep honest people out.  The people
that will steal your software will do so no matter what kind of protection
you try.  They are also unlikely to purchase it no matter the cost.
Breaking protection is an end onto itself.

The smallest amount or least obtrusive protection you can engineer into your
product will serve its purpose.  Too much and you risk upsetting your true

- Original Message - 
From: "Aaron Ardiri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

> > So, my real question is, why isn't everyone demanding that the
> > hardware manufacturer incorporates a unique serial number, or
> > unique ID of some type, that is Read Only on every device?
> > One extra 25 cent chip on every device, that's all it would take.
> i've ignored the rest of this thread - mainly because everyone else
> has brought up the relevant issues. but no-one really talked about
> a reply to this original question.

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Bob
That would be great if every device used a memory card, but they don't.  
Limiting the program to a memory card is the same as limiting the program to 
specific device.  A device that has a ROM Serial Number is a more better 
solution.  But, I'm glad to see that there is someone on here who understands 
the need for a solution.  That's a start anyway.
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RE: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread John Sutton
> But, I'm glad to see that there is someone on here who understands the
need for a solution.

I personally take exception to that statement (a little bit) :)
We *ALL* understand the need for a solution, and I don't see that a
serial numbered device is a final solution at all.  As has already been
said, whatever code you write to check the serial number can be
disassembled, removed and therefore usurped by a determined
We personally abandoned registration codes and locked licenses in our
software some years ago, we have around 40,000 users worldwide who were
causing our Helpdesk an ongoing nightmare when they changed versions of
windows or moved to another PC etc., and thus required new codes.
It was a question of support costs vs lost revenue, we don't think we've
lost too much revenue (though there's no acid figure), but we certainly
have a more relaxed Helpdesk that is considerably cheaper to run.
John Sutton

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Bob
There can be no security, when the files can merely be copied from the backup 
folder to any machine using the same UserName.  That's about as lame as it 
gets.  Do you think it takes a hacker to do that?  

I'm not going to debate my expertise as a programmer with you, nor my 
experience in the PC world.  I can't argue with ignorance. 
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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Bob
My last reply was for Chris, not you John.  Thanks for your input.

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Ben Combee
At 09:16 AM 11/23/2004, you wrote:
That would be great if every device used a memory card, but they 
don't.  Limiting the program to a memory card is the same as limiting the 
program to specific device.  A device that has a ROM Serial Number is a 
more better solution.  But, I'm glad to see that there is someone on here 
who understands the need for a solution.  That's a start anyway.
If you're selling a very, expensive commercial application, I don't see the 
problem in limiting it to devices that support SD cards or that have 
flash-embedded serial numbers.  The expense of upgrading to a device with a 
slot or Flash will be small compared to the cost of your software.

-- Ben Combee, Technical Lead, Developer Services, PalmSource, Inc.
   "Combee on Palm OS" weblog:
   Developer Fourm Archives:

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 08:18:33PM -, Bob Kodadek wrote:

> Well, I have searched this forum, the PalmOne site, Appforge, and
> everything I can find on the internet, and no one has ever found a
> solution to protecting software apps on Palm devices.  I've seen lots
> of explanations and whimsy, but nothing real.  Simply put, if there is
> no ROM serial number, or unique (Read Only) ID stored in the hardware,
> then you are screwed and that's all there is to it.  

You seem to be operating under a severely misguided assumption that a
ROM serial number will somehow help you protect your software. It won't.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Pop Will Eat Itself - England's Finest (The 
Looks or The Lifestyle)

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 11:00:51PM -, Bob wrote:

> Just imagine waking up one morning to find your program available for
> free download on the internet to anyone and everyone who wants it.
> Once that happens, it's over. You aren't selling that program again.

I can find any number of copies of Windows XP on the Internet free for the
download. The same applies to any version of Microsoft's software, all the
way back to DOS 1.0. Yet Microsoft still seems to be making money.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Pop Will Eat Itself - Eat Me Drink Me Love Me 
Kill Me (The Looks or The Lifestyle)

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Logan Shaw
Bob wrote:

> Limiting the program to a memory card is the same as limiting the program
> to specific device.  A device that has a ROM Serial Number is a more
> better solution.

In a purely practical sense, a single solution like a ROM serial number
is NOT a good solution.  The reason is, in a 68k app at least, the
only way to access a serial number is going to be through a system
call, and that means a system trap.

And THAT means that since it's the 68000, it's going to have to be
an A-line instruction.  (Traps are missing opcodes, and Motorola
reserved the opcodes 0xA000 through 0xAFFF for use as system traps
or whatever else the operating system wants them to be.)  So, for
example, FrmDrawForm() is 0xA171.  Let's say for the sake of
discussion that the hypothetical call SysGetHwSerialNum() is trap
number 0xA833.  And let's say that suddenly everyone modifies all
their Palm apps to use this new "secure" method of locking the
software to the device.

Well, what have we accomplished?  Now it's trivially easy to locate
the registration logic within the machine language of an app!  All
you do is search for A833 within its code resources.  And the worst
part is, if everyone did move to hardware serial numbers, they'd
all be using the SAME method of protecting their software.  You
could practically write a program that would AUTOMATICALLY crack
all Palm software!

The situation right now is a bit different:  everyone uses a slightly
different method to protect their software.  So there is no one
hex code that you can search for in order to locate the registration
logic.  You have to start all over again to figure it out for every
separate app.  In this sense, diversity and variation are good!

  - Logan

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Mike Margerum
Bob wrote:
That would all be true for a program that sells for $20, $30, or $50.  I was 
referring to commercial software that costs much more and would be in big 
Would it be worth giving out new license keys?  Absolutely!
Just imagine waking up one morning to find your program available for free download on the internet to anyone and everyone who wants it.  Once that happens, it's over. You aren't selling that program again.

Don't SD cards have a unique ID?  Just deploy your app on an SD card and 
tie it to that serial

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-24 Thread Roger Stringer

Subject: Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:55:23 -
There can be no security, when the files can merely be copied from the 
backup folder to any machine using the same UserName.  That's about as 
lame as it gets.  Do you think it takes a hacker to do that?

I'm not going to debate my expertise as a programmer with you, nor my 
experience in the PC world.  I can't argue with ignorance.

My last reply was for Chris, not you John.  Thanks for your input.
When people give you good advice based on years of experience of trying 
different solutions to the problem of software piracy, and you don't like 
some of the advice you are getting, then don't call it ignorance.  It isn't.

But one of the big factors is the cost of the software and the environment.
Copy protection schemes cause aggravation, and on typical Palm OS software 
in the $5 to $30 range this aggravation results in support calls, which are 
relatively expensive to handle and hammer away at your profitability.

If you are selling software which costs hundreds of dollars per copy then 
the relative cost of the support calls caused by copy protection is much 
smaller and won't significantly affect your profitability.  You also won't 
have much volume, which means that you don't need to worry about a large 
number of employees for your support desk.  And with high cost software you 
can justify the creation of unique ID's for each user and other higher 
protection tricks.

Also on PC's you have some additional tricks available (such as checking 
for original install CD and use of dongles, etc).  While all can be 
cracked, it ups the ante on the cracking game.

So take the advice, look at the price point of your software, and look at 
the environment you run it in.  Then choose the optimal solution, which 
will have some copy protection.

Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc. (

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