Headphone suggestion (Bluetooth, Wired, or wireless

2007-06-03 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I work as a word processor for a local state agency and use a tape recorder and 
a pc equipped with JAWS, plus I like listening to XM radio while I'm working.  
I'm looking for a three-way stereo headset, with large ear covers, as I want 
all outside sounds to be shut out with great professional stereo sound.  I will 
also be taking the headset home to use on my PC and XM radio.  I hope I can 
find one without totally emptying the bank, but I'm willing to get a good one 
because my agency may get it for me.  

Now, this set must be professionally sounding, Bose like.  Since I'm visually 
impaired, I want this headset to have button controls and operational features. 
 Something like a professional broadcasting device, whereby I could listen to 
the two devices simultaneously (taking dictation and hearing what I have typed 
for review) and later turning on XM radio to hear some good stereo sounds.  

Thanks for your assistance.

James Robinson

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Cell phone program on notebook/laptop computers

2007-06-03 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I own a Cingular 8525 PDA.  I understand that this is actually a PC with a cell 
phone program.  What I don't know is whether or not the phone portion of this 
device is the same as a regular cell phone or it is just a program on Windows 
Mobile.  If this is true; then why couldn't the same type program be on a 
notebook or laptop computer?  What is the difference?  I hear some notebooks 
talk of having Windows Mobile operating system on it.  If this program could 
fit on a notebook, then we could just use bluetooth to access it on a bus or in 
a car--couldn't we?  If not, then why not.  We could then run Code Factory or a 
similar program just to work with this device or maybe JAWS or Window-eyes 
could do the job.  I'm just wondering since a PDA is a computer too with a cell 
phone program.  Am I just whistling dixie or is my assumption or perception 
correct?  Do let me know!

James Robinson

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Shoutcast or Windows Media servers for cell phones

2007-06-20 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I have a shoutcast server through Ultrahost for my regular internet radio 
station.  I was wondering if such servers exist that are designed for cell 
phones and, if so, where can I find one?  I'd like to stream my station via my 
shoutcast server and a cell phone server at the same time so cell hone 
listeners could hear my station as well.  A low-cost one would be preferable.


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Skype Version to use with Skylook

2007-06-21 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
I am using a version of Skype about two versions before the latest.  Can I use 
that Skylook program with any version of skype or must I use the latest version 
and scripts

James Robinson

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Easy CDDA Extractor Scripts: What do I do with them

2007-06-21 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

You know, back when JAWS was installed onto the root director and had the JFW 
folder right there, one could find the settings folder and add scripts to it.  
Now I don't see where JAWS is stored, so how do I get the scripts where they 
are suppose to be?  The script writer should put a direct extraction link to 
the right place in JAWS were they should be (an executable I think it is 
called).  Could someone give me the place where it should go.  I'm lost 


James RobinsonO

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Accessability of Skype 3.2; Skylook; and available scrips for bothos

2007-06-30 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I currently have Skype 3.1+ installed on my systems, Windows XP Pro and Vista 
Premium/home edition (came with new PC).  I was thinking about upgrading to 
Skype 3.2 so I can use Skype-In" and Skylook and wanted to make sure the latest 
Skype version is stable or accessible.  the last time I tried the latest Skype 
Version, nothing went right--no speech or edit field announcing; therefore, I 
uninstalled it and returned to Skype 3.1+.  This version works well.  Should I 
upgrade or can I upgrade with good results?  If the latest version is helped 
with scripts, do let me know and I'll try it again.

Thanks very much for your help

James Robinson

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Linerec and what should I do with it

2007-06-30 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I am using Winamp 35 Pro and the Sam Winamp encoder (older version) and have an 
internet stream station that is on from time to time.  I can play music fine, 
but I want to do some talking too.  I hear that some ACB Radio people use the 
Linerec Plug-in to talk.  I recently downloaded that plug-in and installed it 
into the Winamp Plug-ins folder; then I fired up my station and tried to do a 
little talking after playing a song or two, but nothing happened and it asked 
me for a URL; I thought I was supposed to be able to talk and it would be 
recorded through the Sam Winamp Encoder just like the music.  Could someone 
tell me what is suppose to happen when I invoke the Linerec plug-in.  Am I 
suppose to have that dll line in my playlist before this happens.  I just fired 
up the server, invoked the play folder, clicked on ok and music played.  I saw 
something about putting a dll line in the playlist.  Should I have done this 
with an m3u folder or something?  I just play from my mp23 folders on my 
system.  Should I be using the winamp play list or create an mp3 folder?  Help 
is needed and appreciated.

Once I get this figured out, please tell me how to talk; go through the steps 
from starting winamp and the encoder to playing songs and talking.  that would 
do the trick for me.

Again, thanks.

James Robinson

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Windows Media Player/Mobile and playing mp3, pls, m3u, and other formats

2007-07-17 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I have a Cingular (ATT) 8525 PDA, running Mobile Speak Pocket and Windows 
Mobile 5 OS.  I have tried to play radio stations and other media on my mobile 
phone, but never get pass the page loading stage.  Now, do I have to do 
anything to Window Media Player to work when I click on a station or file?  I 
even copied an MP3 to a flash drive, put it in my pda, and tried to play it.  
Nothing happened.  What shall I do.

James Robinson 

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Windows Media Player on PDA and various formats

2007-07-19 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello Cornell!

The Cingular 8525 does have a memory card slot for more storage, but I am not 
sure how, or if, one could add memory to the phone.  That's probably something 
one would have to take into a shop for I suppose, but I don't know.  How does 
your wife add memory to her T-Mobile Phone?  It it a software thing or must one 
insert memory (RAM) sticks?  My Windows Media does play some things (movie 
clips and songs from stuff from the mobile phone system), but nothing I 
generate, like my web site stuff or radio stations (including ACB Radio).  
During a demo of this phone on a blog and Code Factory, the structor played 
something from a radio station and an MP3, but he didn't mention anything about 
memory.  Maybe you ca n shed some light on this issue for me.  I am not that 
familiar with memory adding on a PDA, but would like to learn about it.  

thanks very much for your assistance and info.

James Robinson

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Skype and Windows Media on the Cingular 8525 PDA and kind of memory Player on the

2007-07-20 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello Lists!

Now, I have the Cingular (ATT) 8525 PDA and want to play MP3's, radio stations, 
and other music formats on it.  What is the real story?  What do I have to do 
to make this device work properly and do what it is suppose to do.  I have 
Mobile Speak Pocket on it too.  I heard the demonstrator on the Mobile Speak 
Pocket and the Cingular 8525 play a radio station and music, but he never 
mentioned anything about memory.  How do I add memory?  Do I just get a larger 
flash card or what.  

James Robinson

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Setting default player on Notebook

2007-09-14 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I recently purchased a Toshiba Notebook, with Vista.  The system comes with 
Windows Media Player as the default; I normally use Real Player as my default.  
I also use Winamp to run my radio station.  I installed Winamp, with 
associating it with any music file types; then I installed Real Player and set 
it as my default.  Windows Mwedia Player still has priority and plays 
everything; however, when I try to play stuff on my web site, which is in M3U 
format (files), Windows asks me to download the file to my system.  I just want 
to click and play the files (songs).  I did see something in Audio on control 
panel listing format types, similar to what you get when you insert a new CD 
and windows asks which program to play it in.  How does one assure default 
player in Vista?

James Robinson

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CallBurner and SkyLook: What's the difference: Do I need SkyLook if I already Have CallBurner installed

2007-09-17 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello list!

I have CallBurner on my system and use it with Skype.  Now, I get an 
advertisement for me to buy SkyLook to use with MS Outlook (I assume 2003 or 
2007).  Now I originally thought SkyLook could be used in conjunction with 
Skype, as well as MS Outlook, and that CallBurner was just an accessible 

Can Skylook be used to record Skype calls too?  Does it do more than 
Callburner.  Now the advertisement say to download and install Callburner if 
you don't have MS Outlook; Are the two programs interchangeable: can you use 
either one or both at the same time; would one override the other if installed 
on same machine?  

If I have callBurner already, would I have to buy a new copy of Skylook if I 
wanted it too?  I'm considering which one to install on my notebooks or both.  

Hope someone can give me an idea of what I should do;  By the way, how much 
would it cost me to get additional CallBurner Licenses on my new notebooks; the 
same question with SkyLook?  

Lot at once, but I hope someone can shed light on my questions.

Thanks for your info and help.

James Robinson

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Callburner VS Skylook (the difference)

2007-09-21 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello Lists:

I have Skype (the latest) and Call Burner on my system; I also have Microsoft 
Outlook, which uses Skylook to record phone calls and other things; and I want 
to know, do I need Skylook if I have call burner?  Could someone give me the 
low-down on both programs.  I would like to know which one to install on my 


James Robinsono   

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Skype On Notebook and using Skype as mobile phone source

2007-10-21 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I have lots of friends who use Skype and I stay in contact with them a lot 
during the day.  I have had trouble trying to get Skype for Pocket PVC to work 
(never getting it to contact or work at all), so I take my notebook to work 
sometimes and use it and my Verizon wireless card to connect to the internet.  
The problem is, I have to keep the notebook open while I am using it.  I was 
wondering if there is a way to use a notebook with the top closed and locked 
while you are riding the bus and connect to cell phones, house phones, and 
skype/MSN/Yahoo while riding the bus; also answering calls this way as well.  I 
don't want to have to open notebook on the bus or plane.  I was just thinking 
that it could work pretty good and save me some money when making calls to U.S. 
and Canada telephone-wise and skype to skype PC-to-PC contacts.  I guess I just 
want a notebook cellphone and be able to use skype on the go.  

Oh by the way, I am using Code Factory's Mobile Speak Pocket on a Cingular 8525 
PDA that I had Skype Pocket installed on, but had to uninstall because I never 
got it to work.  Then when I got my Toshiba, which I love, I figured it might 
be a way to do it with this notebook.  The toshiba is a little big to carry 
around, but I can carry it in a bag on my shoulder and interact with it via 
some kind of wireless keyboard or notetaker (Impower or Pac Mate or something). 

Am I whistling dixie or can this be done.

James Robinson

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Setting Default Players (Windows Media Player; Winamp; or Real Player) in Vista

2007-10-26 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I have a Toshiba notebook running Vista.  I want to have Winamp and Real Player 
on my system along with Windows Media Player.  Now, I did this on my HP Desktop 
running vista and it works, but I can for the world get it to work on my 
Toshiba.  I want Real Player to be my default player.  I have taken the 
requir3ed options and set Real Player as the option, but Media Player still 
runs the show and plays everything.  What do I need to do to get things set the 
way I want them?

Also, whenever I go to my web site and click on a link, which has a M3U file to 
be played, Windows Vista asks me to download the file.  It won't play it on the 
spot.  I think the same thing would happen with any type of files.  

How do you set default player to come on in Vista.  I have two notebooks to set 
up and another vista desktop.

thanks for your help.

James Robinson

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Talking Blood Pressure Machine

2007-10-28 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I have a problem with blood pressure and need to check it daily to see if my 
blood pressure medicine is working properly or if my wife's blood pressure 
machine is accurate.  Is there a talking blood pressure machine out there that 
I could use with a battery or one that connects to the computer and could be 
read out via my screen reader?  A computer-connected one would be good, as I 
probably could email the info to my doctor for review or, in any case, I need 
one that will check my blood pressure and read out all of the settings.

James Robinson

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Goldwave Tutorial

2007-11-11 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
I just purchased Goldwave (the latest version) and am interested in finding a 
comprehensive Goldwave tutorial; one that will take me from beginning to 
expert.  I have downloaded and installed the latest JAWS scrips for the 

Thanks very much for your assistance.

James Robinson

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Voice Broadcasting Tutorial availability

2007-11-18 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

For quite a while, I have had a shoutcast server running and juse it quite a 
bit to play MP3 and other files.  Now, I would someday like to broadcast live 
in voice and need to know how this is done, specificially from a tutorial on 
the subject.

I have Sam Broadcaster and an older version of OTSDJ, along with Winamp; 
however, I have found Sam Broadcaster almost impossible to use due to its 
accessability problems and I can't get Otsdj reactivated after my machine was 
reset with a new OS; therefore I am stuck with Winamp for the time being.  I 
downloaded and installed the Linerec Plug-in.  I saw something on ACB Radio 
describing how to do this with the plug-in, but I can never get it to work or 
sound smooth.  

What I am looking for is a step-by-step tutorial, with examples, how to work 
this plug-in with Winamp and actually do a little broadcasting using Winamp, 
both talking and playing music.  I guess this would also include some tutorial 
info on Winamp.  

I have the server and connectability of the server and my system set up.  I 
just want a good tutorial on broadcasting.  I know most of the ACB people use 
Winamp and the linerec plug-in or Otsdj, so hopefully someone can help me do 
this.  Just a step-by-step text instruction would do as well.  I have all the 
equipment I need to do this and am just waiting on the instructions or tutorial 
to teach me how to do it.  Thanks very much for your time and help.

Also, if someone knows of a program (autimated) or system that a person could 
just install and have everything there.  Would a system like VIPConduit, 
Talking Communities, or any other similar service be use for broadcasting?  
Sort of a already put-together studio with everything from server connection to 
playing commercials, etc in a box.  That would make broadcasting in voice and 
playing music easy.  If such a thing exist, do let me know.  I'm ready to get 

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Talking On The Air On My Internet Radio Station

2006-11-10 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello Guys

I have an internet radio station and can play music at 128k at all times; 
however, I have not yet learned how to talk on my station--like they do on ACB 
Radio.  I'd like to learn how to do this.  I own OtsDJ, Sambroadcaster, and 
Winamp.  I know people use Winamp and OtsDJ to broadcast on ACB Radio.  It 
doesn't seem hard, but I haven't figured it out yet.

Could someone give me some info as how to learn this.  Is there a book or 
tutorial on the step-by-step approach to talking on the air.  Being a real DJ.

thanks for your help.

James Robinson and radi
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Locating and securing a Windows Media Server or service host

2006-11-26 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

Recently, I listened to an internet radio station out of Georgia called 
Shallohsplace located at http://shallohsplace.net, with a direct streaming url 
of http://cobra.mediacast1.com/shallohsplace.

My question is "what is this cobra.mediacast1.com.  It appears to be some kind 
of player on the web site or it may be hosted by someone.  The reason I ask is 
that I am looking for a windows media server hosting site or a windows media 
encoder.  I like the way this one sounds.  It doesn't look like a hosted site, 
rather a dsl company's program.  

If anyone knows of a lost-cost windows media server hosting site, which is as 
easy to use as Ultrahost's Shoutcast server, do let me know, as I want to also 
run a windows media stream on my station.

Thanks for your help and information.

James Robinson
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Windows Media Streaming

2006-11-26 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I'm looking for a windows media streaming service at an affordible price, 
between $30-$50 monthly, for forty to fifty listeners, streaming in stereo at 
56k--128k.  I have a Shoutcast service and want a windows media service to go 
along with it.  This is a hobby, so I don't want to go overboard, but yet have 
a great sounding station.  Also, I want a service that allows me to play 
whatever kind of music or show that I want.  I found a service called 
Churchquest that offers a windows media streaming service at $8.95 monthly, but 
it is a Christian service that does not allow secular music and has no phone 
support.  My Shoutcast server host is great, but I want to offer my listeners a 
Windows Media Stream as well.

Note:  this service can be in the U. S., Canada, England, or Australia/New 
Zeland; that is if their price is right.

James Robinson
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Windows Media Servers Vs. Shoutcast Servers and comparing bit rates and quality of listening ro

2006-12-09 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I currently have an internet radio station running a Shoutcast Server at 128K.  
I also would like to run a Windows Media Server.  I'd like to know something 
about the bit rates in Windows Media Servers in comparison to those of 
Shoutcast Servers.

First of all, I see that Windows Media Servers cost more per bit rate and 
listeners.  Why?  Is it the cost of maintaining the server or just a company 

Secondly at what bit rate could I get a good CD quality sound on my stream with 
Windows Media Servers (the lower the better and the most listeners the better 
due to the high cost)?

Thirdly, Do I really need a Windows Media Server?  Doesn't the user's default 
player come up whenever he/she click on my station (probably Winamp, Real 
Player, or Winamp).  I thought this was the case, but when I clicked on my 
radio station link at my friend's house and he didn't have Real Player 
installed and the station did not play; instead, it wanted to download my 
stream as if it was a file or program I had  ought.  Embarrasing!

Finally, should I use Winamp as my default player?  Would any station or user 
system be able to play a file if I used Winamp.  I actually play the streem 
through Winamp, with Real Player playing all MP3 and PLS files.

I'd like to get this station on the road so I'd appreciate any info on this 

James Robinson
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Speech software for the Treo Palm Pilot

2006-12-26 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello Lists!

For Christmas, my wife gave me a Treo Phone (Palm Pilot 1 Device [their latest 
model]).  I've heard of Palm Pilots, but never used one.  My main question is: 
"Is there any speech software available for this device?  I installed the 
software and it has something called a "Palm Desktop" and "Palm 1 Quick 
Install" on my desktop.  I think I can access the system through these icons, 
but what about the phone itself?  This device has a full keyboard, although 
very small keys, with a numpad directly in the middle of the keyboard.  If 
anyone has this evice or has used it and know about making it accessible, do 
let me know.  I've put juice to the battery and getting ready to take a look at 
it today.  

Thanks for your help.  

James Robinson
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Treo 650 (A Palm Phone using Palm-OS)

2006-12-27 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I checked with Cingular Wireless about the Treo 650 and they said they have no 
info on speech software because it is a Palm thing and Palm won't give them any 
info on it.  I called Palm and they said they had no info either.  I then 
checked with the CodeFactory.es company via the net and they say they support 
smart phones (palm versions).  The Treo 650 doesn't use the Windows Mobile 
Pocket OS yet I guess.  Does anyone know of a seller of the CodeFactory cell 
phone screen reader programs?  I also heard of a program called Talks and Speak 
(or something to the fact).  Would some of the Nokia phone software work on the 

I'm checking before I have to return the phone and get another one.  Any 
recommendations of a better and similar phone, with accessible software 
available, would be appreciated.  

James Robinson
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Acquiring Discontinued Audio Softward

2006-12-30 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello Guys!

I recently attempted to download DVD Decrypter from the web site where it 
previously could be gotten and a message said it is no longer available.  I 
would like to know if anyone could tell me where I could get a copy of this 
software in full, the download link, or if anyone could send me a copy of the 

James Robinsonsomeonel

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Cingular 8525, with Windows Pocket Pc 5.0

2007-01-07 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Well Lists:

I had to take the Treo 651 back to the store and got a Cingular 8525 instead.  
I heard some demos and went to the web sites of Dolphin (Pocket Hal) and 
Scansoft (Talks) and got demos to try.  I want to know if either of these 
products would work with a Windows Pocket PC Version 5.0 PDA.  It is not clear 
from their sites.  All I see is they work on Nokia Phones.  I heard on a list 
once that some of these programs do work with the Windows Pocket PC phones.  
Could someone tell me which one is most likely to work with this phone?  Also, 
I saw a program called "Mobile Speaks."  Is this still a third one?  I'm 
getting overwhelmed with so much stuff to research.  All I wanted was a simple 
Phone (or maybe a PDA Phone).  Nevertheless, it shouldn't be so much 
trouble--should it?

Finally, I checked with Cingular and they say they have a program called either 
"Talks" or "Talkx."  Is this the same as Scansoft (Nuance) offers.  Cingular 
subsidizes this software for a one to two year commitment.  I already have a 
two year agreement effective this past Saturday.

Thanks for listening to me and indulging in my phone problems.  Your help is 
appreciated very much.

James Robinson

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Mobile Speak Pocket

2007-01-13 Thread JardataMailServicesBox

I recently purchased a Cingular 8525 PDA and downloaded Mobile Speak Pocket.

If anyone ou there uses this program, could you give me an idea of how good it 
is?  Also, I'd appreciate some info on getting the product as inexpensive as 
possible, as it seems to be a little steap, more expensive than the phone 

Are there any places around that will subsidize this product.  A list of these, 
if any, would be appreciated.  Why does adaptive technology cost so much and 
how can we benefit from it if we can't afford it?  

Thanks for your assistance.

James Robinson

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OG and Streaming

2007-01-17 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I recently purchased the pro-version of Easy CDDA Extractor, with the OG 
feature.  I used the program and actually extracted a CD into OG format.  
Sounds great.

Now, I heard that a person could get great quality streams at lower bit rates 
with OG files.  Is this true?  If so, how?

For example, If I have a 128k stream and all lower rates, how would OG compare 
to MP3?  For xample at 56; 64; 80k; 96k; 112k; and 128k?  

James Robinson

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OTSDJ and playlist (no Sound)

2007-01-20 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I reinstalled OTSDJ on my system recently; however, it only works after the 
initial playlist creation.  For example, once I get it setup, load or convert 
files into the Ots format, and run the create playlist feature, things play as 
usual; however, once I quit the program and come back to it later, nothing 
happens.  I generate a playlist; it says it is creating it; and finally it says 
it is created; but no music.  I did not save the playlist when I closed the 
program.  Am I suppose to save it in order for a playlist to be generated the 
next time i use the program?  Since the files are in the Ots library, shouldn't 
the playlist automatically generate and play the next time?  

Also, do I have to do anything with the sound card-- output configuration or 
something?  Previously, it just played once I installed it.

Help with info!

James Robinson

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Using A Mixer to connect microphones (two) and other audio devices to broadcast music and voice online

2007-02-02 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I have a five-channel Ederol mixer that I want to use to speak through my 
computer.  Now, I also have two mikes that I want to plug into the mixer.  I 
see six large plugs for a large mike connector in the back--four says input and 
the other two are for running connecting the mixer to the computer.  

On top, there are two knobs for each input device I think.  

Anyway, I connected the mixer to the soundcard's line-in jack; plug a mike into 
one of the designated plugs for mikes; and then I turned on the device to see 
if I could hear anything.  Well, I can only get sound in one ear.  Is this what 
should happen?  When I turned on the mike and listened through my speakers 
(stereo), I only hear sound out of one.  I'm accused, but shouldn't there be a 
way to get sound from both mikes or am I just suppose to hear the sound in one 
ear?  What are the steps in setting up a mixer and devices to a computer?  

James Robinson  .  .  .  the a

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Availability of Software/Drivers for the Sony Netmd Walkman MZ-S1 Mini-Disk Player

2007-02-12 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I purchased a Sony Netmd Walkman Mz-S1 Mini-Disk Player a couple of years ago, 
around 2003 I think from Best Buy.  Well, I lost the CD somewhere and, when I 
try to connect it to my PC with the USB, it says windows cannot find the 
necessary drivers for this product.  I searched for it on line, but cannot find 
it either.  Does anyone out there know where I could get a copy of the product 
installation disk that comes with this product or have any info on where one 
could get such stuff?  If so, I'ld like to have this info.  The product sounds 
great, but has a mini-disk that cannot fit in any of my card readers or disk 
drives on my Sony Vaio PC.  I have a rare disk of sounds that I got abroad and 
want to download them to my PC for burning to CD.  

Thanks very much for your help.

James Robinson

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Using Linerec in Winamp

2007-02-24 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!
I've been trying to set up my radio station for talking.  I use Winamp and 
recently installed the linerec plug-in.  Whenever I am playing my station 
through winamp and do the Control-L to talk, I get asked for a URL.  then when 
I repeat the CTRL_L command to resume playing music, I get nothing.

What is the process?

Now, I have "what you hear" set on my sound card; the mike plugged through a 
mixer into the line-in jack on the sound card; I have my encoder set and 
playing music; and I can't figure out what to do next.  How do you know you are 
talking and broadcasting?

If possible, could someone give me the step-by-step approach to talking on air 
through winamp (a simple 1-2-3 approach)!

James Robinson
.  inG un

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Trouble with CallBurner properly recording both sides of conversation in Skype Version 3.6 and No Tones or inoperative selection feature when making calls while calls are being recorded with CallBurne

2007-12-02 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello CallBurner Support!
Below are two problems I am experiencing with CallBurner since I upgraded to 
Skype Version 3.6.

(1)  I have been using CallBurner for months and, up until upgrading to Skype 
Version 3.6 from Version 3.5, things went well; however, now that I have Skype 
Version 3.6, during a call, the recording is half done.  The CallBurner Program 
records both voices, but only my voice (from my system) is intelligible and the 
second party's voice is low and recorded at a very slow rate (speed).  The 
recording sounds like a record, with a secondary sound behind it.  I use to 
hear all clear voices at the same quality.  Could you tell me what to do to get 
this feature working again.  I want a clear and high quality recording of both 
aspects of the conversation.  

(2)  Also, If I make call with Callburner loaded and activated, I cannot get 
any tone activity on a certain call and the numbers do not activate or do what 
the choice asks for; however, once CallBurner is turned off, all phone tones 
are available and work.  I generally have to redo the settings, but they only 
work for one session and then go back to acting strangely.  If I don't load 
callburner, then there is no problem with tones or activation of numbers or 

Several or many visually impaired users have spoken of the same problem as 
stated above.  CallBurner is a good program and we enjoy using it.  I hope you 
can assist me in clearing up the problems outlined above.  This, as I mentioned 
above, only seems to be a problem with Skype Version 3.6.  

thanks for your quick response to this question,

James Robinson

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Apple IPOD Shuffle and Setting it up

2007-12-23 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Dear Lists!

I have an Apple IPOD Shuffle and am trying to get it to set up or work.

First of all, I attempted to recharge the unit by plugging the USB cable that 
it came with into the Vista Machine and let the unit charge in its cradle for 
up to four hours.  

The unit never seemed to charge properly, as the light remained yellow.  
However, the unit played when I copied some MP3 files onto the drive for it.  
As soon as I plug the ipod in to the usb, it plays in Windows Media Player.  We 
cannot get it to play from the unit when it is unplugged from the computer.

Now, the directions (quick start) say it s fully charged when light is green 
and fully sincted.

My question is, do we have to install itunes on the unit or some other media 
player (Real Player or Windows Media Player) to get it to play.  

Give me step-by-step directions to setting up the unit if necessary.

James robinson

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Looking for Blind I-Pod Users Page; Rebuild.EXE; and Anapod & accessories Programs for working with I-Pod on Windows machine

2007-12-24 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello Lists!

One of the guys on this list mentioned a program called Rebuild.exe which can 
be used to make an I-Pod Shuffle accessible and this person said you could get 
this program from the Blind I-Pod Users Page.  Could someone tell me where this 
site is located (URL) and/or how I could get this rebuild.exe program, along 
with the Anapod and similar programs.

I want to be able to manipulate and put songs on and off the I-Pod Shuffle.

Also, if someone knows of one, a program to use on a Sandisk MP3 player would 
be nice too.  Similar stuff as the I-Pod.

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GPS (Sendero) and Toshiba Notebook

2008-02-02 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I have a Toshiba Notebook and have heard of a GPS system called Sendero.  Could 
a GPS system like that one be made to work on a Toshiba Notebook.  I have heard 
they work on systems such as the Pac Mate and Impowered PDS and other similar 
devices, but I don't have one of them, so I'd like to know if I could hook one 
of these devices to my notebook.  I currently use a wireless modeum for Verizon 
service on my notebook via a USB connection.  the device is less in size than a 
small remote control device.  If the GPS is such a thing, could I hook it to my 
notebook and install the software for it on the notebook and have it work.  

If this device can't properly be used for such a thing, is there a software 
solution to my needs?  Could I get a software program that could install on my 
notebook and have access to all of the maps and stuff that a GPS software 
program would have and have it work like my wireless modeum?  I have four USB 
ports so room is no object.  

Thanks for your time and help.

James Robinson

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Magic Jack and accessability of the device/service

2008-02-24 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

A company just sent me a free Magic Jack device; It is a jack that you plug 
into the pc via usb and you can make and receive calls free for a year.  The 
device normally sells for $29.95, but it drops to $19.95 the next years.  You 
get all phone calls in the US and Canada for free; they say you can take the 
device anywhere in the world and your freign relatives can have a local US area 
code; and they can dial your local number via a phone hooked to the device as 
long as they are logged onto the net, meaning they could make free calls to the 
US and Canada from anywhere.  Just like Skype, you can call foreign 
destinations for low cost credits.  

the program is totally accessible from a regular phone that is hooked into the 
device for calling; however, it does not seem to be too accessible from the pc 
screen, as it is pretty graphical.  It has the basic phone stuff, with a few 
contact and voice message features; you can switch from phone to headset, but I 
didn't get it to work yet.  

If other blind people out there uses this device, I'd like to know how to make 
it more accessible and, since other blind people use it, there may be some kind 
of scripts or programs to help it be more accessible.  I'm not sure, but it 
seems to have Yahoo and other features and I think it shouldn't be too 
difficult to make it accessible on the screen like Skype and Messenger.  

the system does not put any files on your system; however, it puts a temporary 
file on your system that is there only as long as your Magic Jack is attached; 
once it is unplugged, the icon is gone.  Supposedly, it works anywhere in the 
world that has high-speed internet service.  I'm traveling to the Philippines 
soon and am anxious to see if it will actually work in one of their computer 
cafes.  Any comments on this would be appreciated.

James Robinson ga;acceiem datollrh66%copy ofn

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Goldwave and SoundForge Tutorials

2008-03-02 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello lists!

I own both soundforge and goldwave.  I am looking for a copy of Jonathan 
Mosen's tutorial on Soundforge 4-5 (exact version not known) in any form I can 
get it, preferably MP3, OG, or Wave.  

Also, I would like to know if such a tutorial exists for Goldwave and, if so, 
I'd appreciate someone telling me how to get a full tutorial on Goldwave with a 
step-by-step approach to learning it.  The soundforge tutorial by Mosen really 
helped me learn soundforge and I feel a Goldwave tutorial would be just as 

You know, I think such tutorials would be good on all such programs, along with 
the manual in voice.

Thanks very much,

James Robinson

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Goldwave Tutorial

2008-03-02 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I recently purchased Goldwave.  I have also downloaded and installed the 
manual; however, I would like to get my hands on a tutorial or book for 
Goldwave similar to what Jonathan Mosen did on Soundforge years ago.  I 
definitely learned from this type of tutorial, as it contains a live do it and 
show format for Soundforge.  Such a tutorial on Goldwave would get me started 
on using the program.  I'm looking for a step-by-step approach (start to 
finish).  Any info on podcasts on the topic would also be useful.

James Robinson  

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Station Playlist Studio/Editor/Streamer

2008-03-09 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

I've been searching for an easy-to-use DJ program and someone recommended 
StationPlaylist Studio/Editor/Streamer.  From the documentation, it appears to 
be an easy program to navigate around; however, in reality, it has a lot of 
functions available and setting it up is a tough thing for me.  If anyone uses 
this program and knows of a tutorial or example of how to set it up and use, 
I'd appreciate having it sent to me or if that person could tell me where to 
get it.  I'm actually looking for the easiest program to use possible.  I want 
talking and playing music to be relatively easy to do.  I'm using their demo 
pro version now for thirty days.  

James Robinson

Skype Name:  rajnosnibor

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Streaming Encoders (Sam Winamp Encoder or Shoutcast DSP Plug-In)

2008-03-09 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello lists:

(1)  Is the Sam Winamp Encoder that I purchased three years ago the same 
version of the encoder available for purchase today?  Has SpacialAudio upgraded 
this software?

(2)  Previously, when I used the Shoutcast DSP Plug-in Encoder, it had a limit 
of bit rate (56k) If I remember correctly.  Is this different now and, if so, 
could I set my bitrate as high as I have bandwidth in broadcast in any format?  
Also, can I have automatic recording of my stream in this version of the 
encoder?  Also, if possible, could someone send me the direct download link to 
the latest version of this program?

thanks for your time and help.

James Robinson  

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Linerec Plug-In and Winamp and talking on air

2008-03-09 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

Can someone tell me how to do a little broadcasting, specifically talking 
(voice), streaming on the net using winamp and the linerec plug-in.  Now, if 
there is an easier way to talk on air, do let me know what it is and how to get 
it.  I've tried to use Sam Broacdcaster, but it is too difficult to use and 
inaccessible; OTSDJ, I've tried to use this one, but it is also a bit 
complicated without scrips and I can't seem to get my key or license from the 
program's producer so I can't use it anymore; and, I have downloaded the demo 
version of Station Playlist/editor/streamer, but haven't figured out how to use 
it yet.  I think the linerec plug-in is the easiest and cheapest so far.

I heard someone say you use the linerec through winamp and I must set my volume 
control to "what you hear."  Well, I'm using a dell PC of three years ago or 
maybe four; it has a sound card with a wincows cvolume type interface, but I 
can't for the life of me find a "What You Say" control or button.  I use Skype 
and other programs and all tests come out fine and my phone programs work.  
Winamp has some kind of tool bar or program that you can stream with; does this 
work with the linerec plug-in or is it different.  Hopefully, someone can get 
me on the right track.  I know how to connect to my shoutcast server and play 
my music; now I want to know how to talk on air.  So far, I've been shooting 
blanks on this one.  

Hope help is on the way.

James Robinson

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JAWS9 and Problems with IE

2008-03-24 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello Lists!

I'm not sure it has anything to do with how Internet Explorer is working on my 
systems, both Vista and XP, but lately whenever I have installed JAWS 8 and/or 
9 on my XP systems, everything works like a top, with no problems whatsoever; 
however, once I have installed JAWS 8 and 9 on my Vista machines only, I've had 
trouble with Internet Explorer, with the following message, "Internet Explorer 
is shutting down.  If Windows finds a solution to your problem, we'll contact 
you."  Then it gives you an option to close the program.  I thought I had fixed 
the problem by updating my sound system on my new HP Desktop; however, with 
each reinstallation of JAWS, the problem returns.  Now, on my two Toshiba 
notebooks, on the machine with JAWS 9, IE won't load up at all and quickly 
closes.  This does not happen with Window-Eyes at all, which I also have and 

If anyone else has experienced this, do let me know and possibly give me some 
solutions to the problem.  I emailed Freedom Scientific with the question today 
and am awaiting their response by tomorrow.  Again, IE is the only program that 
seems to be impacted by something going on when I instll JAWS 8 or 9, 
especially nine.  You know, I am thinking it may have something to do with one 
of the speech software synthesizers, but I am not sure.  Having IE close 
abruptly that is so annoyingI know they are two different programs (JAWS and 
Window-Eyes), but they certainly put a lot of synthesizers (speech) on your 
system; it seems as each put some of the same ones and we have double Decktalks 
and Eloquences, etc.  

Again take care; hope someone can help me get rid of this Ie shutdown problem.

James robinson

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Accessible GPS software for PC's

2008-04-11 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello list!

I have a notebook and desktop, both running vista; is there any kind of GPS 
software, fully featured with maps and other direction-giving programs, out 
there that can be used with screenreaders.  For example, if I had my notebook 
in the car with me and had even a mobile GPS unit running, is there software 
that could be used in the same way as the GW Micro, Humanware, and other units 
do>?  I mean and have it talk.  Sort of like the TomTom adapted for the blind.  
I want a fully-operational GPS program on my notebook with all kinds of 
features (Trekker-like features).  I really don't want to spend thousands of 
dollars for the software and I don't need it to walk around with, but I do want 
it to have it all (satellite connection and the like, plus directional info, 
and landmarks, and everything else)  I want to get a gps system off the store 
shelf and put adapted software on my pc to use it.  

James Robinson

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TomTom and what A Blind per can do with it

2008-04-11 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

Recently, my wife purchased a TomTom GPS System from Wallmart in thinking I 
could somehow use it with my notebook computer.  I have aToshiba notebook and 
HP Desktop, both running Vista; I have a home version of the TomTom GPS 
software.  I don't expect to carry the device around with me and use it on the 
fly, but is there anyway I can access the program via the PC.  The unit only 
has one button and a touch screen.  Once you get your data in, you can have 
directions and stuff spoken to you in great voices.  They say the software is 
strictly written in C/C++ and they even have a kit for customization of the 
Navigator software.  I was just wondering how this product can be adapted to 
the blind for directions and using the various features of the unit (maps and 
location lookups, etc.).  I know Trekker and other spcially adapted units are 
more adaptable to the blind, but their prices are way beyond my reach at this 
time.  The TomTom cost $148.00 total and you get it all at once.  

Does anyone know of any special software that could run the TomTom and make it 
accessible via a PC keyboard.  The unit has bluetooth technology available.  
What about a brialle keyboard or Stowaway keyboard being used with it to access 
the minues and stuff.  right now, it is strictly touch screen accessible.  You 
can, however, set up the unit and set some preferences through their home 
versin of the software, but as far as I can see, no blind friendly access is 
available.  My wife has so much fun just finding stuff and having directions 
readand so forth and so on.  I just want to be able to use the unit via my 
notebook or desktop and use the maps etc.

James Robinson ios alatenr 1

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Callburner Problems

2008-04-13 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello List!

Callburner always seems to be causing me problems when I am using Skype.  
Recently, I downloaded and installed a new version of Callburner and, almost 
immediately, it started working poorly.  Whenever I try to set the options or 
simply click on a choice, I get a big boom that tells me I violated some rule.  
Now the program simply does not work.  I removed new version and reinstalled 
older version, as well as restored my system to the time prior to upgrading 
Callburner; this has not helped, as I still get the same info and problems.  I 
am using the current version of skype, I haven't upgraded skype lately.  

If I cannot get Callburner to work properly, is there another program that is 
similar in function and pretty straightforward in using.  I just want to set 
the program to record whenever I make a call, save the recording, and get out 
of the way when I am not using it.  Callburner is beginning to bother me 

James Robinson

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Magicjack and Screenreaders

2008-04-13 Thread JardataMailServicesBox
Hello James!

To answer your question about Magicjack and Screenreaders (JAWS or 
Windows-eyes), yes, a blind person can use it just fine.  All you do is insert 
the Magicjack into a USB port and it installs itself temporarily.  You have to 
answer a few questions at the sign-in screen the first time, but that is it.  
The interface on the screen is not to accessible, but it has a skype-like 
interface and you can enter numbers and there is a dial and hang-up button.  
However, once the program is loaded, you can minimize the screen, so Magicjack 
is hidden or minimized; then you can plug a regular house phone into the MJ 
unit and you are ready to go.  You get a regular dial-tone and you can make 
phone calls directly from the regular phone.  You don't even have to use the 
screen at all.  It works directly like a regular phone.  

One thing:  On my old Dell Desktop, once I plug the MJ unit, the sound goes to 
the phone (XP Pro); however, when I plug the MJ unit into the HP Desktop 
(Vista) I don't get the same effect and the sound stays with the computer.  You 
can turn off JAWS and just use the phone.  Some guy said you could start JAWS 
first and plug in the MJ unit later and the USB may not take over the sound 

Like I said, MJ is definitely usable via the phone regardless of your 

I have the unit and it works fine.  They could, however, do a little 
script-type work on the screen interface.  The good thing about it is that, 
once you get the unit, your phone costs go way down.  You only have to pay a 
small licensing fee in succeeding years ($18 a year for me, as I bought unit 
early, but it may be cheaper for current purchasers).  Free long distance in US 
and Canada and skype-type credits for calling abroad.  I think, however, that, 
if you sent a friend or relative in another country a unit, you could have free 
long-distance calling, as long as you both are logged on or if you call your MJ 
number and it is in England, they could answer it and pay nothing.  I like 


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