Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V05 #2011

2005-08-25 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I have this tiny lens and love the handy combination it creates. It  
is a bit fiddly to handle when changing lenses and the focus ring can  
be difficult to find.
I look forward to the other pancake lenses that Pentax is planning,  
these will perhaps cover the 28 and 50 mm form factors...

Here's an example photo; late afternoon light, 1/250 f/6.7.


Re: Pancakes for Breakfast

2005-08-26 Thread Bertil Holmberg
In M mode the ring controls shutter time, pressing the Av button  
tranfers control to the aperture. A little awkward, but you learn =)

On the istD, the front ring controls the shutter time, the rear one  

the aperture value. I haven't handled a Ds, apparently it only has one
control wheel, so I don't know how it seperates the control function.

I have this tiny lens and love the handy combination it creates. It  
is a bit fiddly to handle when changing lenses and the focus ring can  
be hard to find.
Nevertheless, I look forward to the other pancake lenses that Pentax  
is planning, these will perhaps cover the 28 and 50 mm form factors...

Here's an example photo; late afternoon light, 1/250 f/6.7.


Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V05 #2032

2005-08-27 Thread Bertil Holmberg
It can be set at half stops like 2.8 - 3.5 - 4.0 - 4.5 etc, but not  
between those. Those are also the ones chosen by the camera in  
shutter priority mode, for example. No fractional values. Interesting  
since this would be possible, wouldn't it?


Just curious ... can the aperture be set between stops, like  
between 2.8

and 3.5, or can the camera do that automagically?

Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V05 #2034

2005-08-27 Thread Bertil Holmberg
What about the US then? I noticed that the DS can be had for $650  
although the new DL is $750 Isn't that  a  
sign of too many DS lying around in the warehouse? The D50 BTW is a  
whopping $897, probably much in demand...


I suspect you may be onto something here. Wouldn't be surprised if  

changed their minds in a few months - after the warehouses are cleared
of DS stock, of course ;-)

Pentax-M f/13.5 2000mm

2005-08-31 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Since few of you are likely to follow the German eBay, I stick my  
neck out on this one: 

I did not know that such a monstrocity even existed but now I'm glad  
to have seen it!

Re: IR *istD experiences?

2005-09-01 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Awesome photo John!

Thanks for the link to Jens' IR world, very interesting and *istDS too!

Shot this with my D, the FA-J 18-35, and a Cokin infrared filter  
(which is

nearly opaque in the visible spectrum).

LED lighting

2005-09-10 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Does anyone have experience of LED lighting panels in photography?

Although there are commercial products available, it should not be  
that difficult for the electronics buff to make a couple of panels  
quite cheap. White high intensity LEDs are avaialble for about $50  
per 100 and that should be enough for small object photography, I  
think. With 25-50 light sources mounted close together, a diffusor  
seems unnecessary.

What kind of light intensity would be required at a distance of 50 cm  
(20 inches)? I'm afraid that I know little about the physics involved  
apart from that some of it is measured in Candela. Ah, the Wiki says  
that a 100W bulb emits about 120 Cd. A 5mm LED can give 20.000 mCd so  
100 of the blighters should give 2000 Cd. That sounds pretty intense,  
does't it?

Any help is appreciated :-)


Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V05 #2147

2005-09-11 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Thanks a lot for this info! I noticed this site and thought that the  
concept might be worth exploring -

Since I can get 50 white leds for as little as EUR 6, it might be  
worth the trouble to experiment. I just need 50 resistors to hook up  
the leds in parallel to a 5 V power source that I already have.

In my particular setup I can get as close as 10 inches to the  
subjects (4 inch dolls) so this kind of lighting should be more  
practical than the Elinchrome lamps with umbrellas that I use now - 2  
yards off.

The *istDS allow me to adjust the white balance to the lighting,  
holding up a white or gray card before the camera etc. Hopefully,  
this will work even with leds!


11 sep 2005 kl. 18.05 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

More info on LED light output measurement:

Generally speaking, you should not expect any savings as compared to
tungsten - in power required and especially not in cost of devices.

There are some white LED lamps available for macrophotography - their
advantage over tungsten or flash may be reduced weight and size.

A white LED used as light source for photography is not (yet) a good
idea, especially if decent colour reproduction is required and film is
used rather than RAW power of digital :)
Spectrum of white LED is continuous (contrary to some "urban  
legends") -
but distribution within the visible spectrum is different than  

or daylight colour films expect.
Another problem is quite big variation of (perceived)colour, even  

one production lot.

More on this:


Re: LED lighting

2005-09-13 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Sorry about the confusion, but that should be twentythousand mCd, ie  
20 Cd from one premium high intensity LED. The standard cheap ones  
that I ended up buying is more like 5,000 mCd.

I took the numbers from a German site and should have recalled that  
many Europeans use 1.234,00 instead of the English 1,234.00.


that a 100W bulb emits about 120 Cd. A 5mm LED can give 20.000 mCd so
100 of the blighters should give 2000 Cd. That sounds pretty intense,
does't it?

Your math seems a little off.  100 * 20mCd = 2000 mCd = 2 Cd., I'm
assuming the "m" stands for "milli" or 1/1000th.

Comparison of *istDS, DS2, and DL

2005-09-29 Thread Bertil Holmberg
PCWatch has a comparison between the *istDS, *istDS2, and the *istDL.  
It is in Japanese but the online translator that I have to use is not  
exact enough for a general translation.

One sentence stand out, however; not only is the display of the DS2  
larger, the menu text is larger too, making it even easier to read.

There seem to be a [very] slight improvement in the SD card writing  
time in the DS2.

Of special interest to the non-Japanese speaking person are two sets  
of comparison shots for the three models using the set 18-55mm lens.

A number of macro shots from the DS2 using the DA 50-200mm and the DA  
50mm Macro concludes the article.

This article is the last in a series of tests of the DL. I have  
collected the other links on my *istDL page: 

RE: Fisheye lens options for the *istDS?

2005-09-29 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Don't forget the funny DIY focus adjustment on some Zenithar lenses.  
These come unfocused from the factory so you have to uncouple the  
focusing ring and reposition it in a way that allows the lens to  
focus at infinity. Not difficult but strange.


Although I have already grown to hate the M42 screw adapter, the  
Peleng is much more fun than the Zenithar. It is also surprisingly  


Re: Non A-lenses on *ist-DS

2005-10-03 Thread Bertil Holmberg


See this article on K mount (M) lenses on *ist DS - what's  
the real story ? 

For the German readers:
To sum it up:

In the *istDS set Custom Setup > Using Aperture Ring to Permitted.
Set the Mode Dial to M.
Set the Aperture Ring to the desired value and focus the camera at  
your object.

Press AE-L. This will stop the aperture down and set the exposure time.
Check the depth of field if you wish. Take your picture.


Re: LCD display as Viewfinder

2005-06-18 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I aknowledge the rational behind your question, it is not always  
practical to use the viewfinder, for example if you hold the camera  
the Hasselbald way above your  head.

A gadget was shown recently that could help on such occasions. The  
Zigview is a small camera cum LCD screen that attaches to the  

Re: PDML Digest, Vol 4, Issue 33

2006-08-04 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I reda this somewhere about the K100D:

"The digital preview is not very usefal as it cannot be enlarged and  
the histogram cannot be shown."

It sounds incredible, and hopefully is.


4 aug 2006 kl. 23:04 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>> Not making a major issue of it, but the screen is a good 5 times  
>> the size of
>> the viewfinder, plus one can zoom in on the part of the image they  
>> wish to
>> inspect... I can see it being useful (though I would easily have  
>> traded 2
>> more megapixels for the feature).

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Holy Crap -- Pentax 10MP body

2006-08-17 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, I get the digest and it is  
easy to miss a post...

What I would appreciate in a new body is the alternative to look down  
into the viewfinder. This is possible with the Pentax 67, I believe.  
I don't think I have seen it in any of todays "35mm" DSLRs, though,  
but it is not a new idea among traditional SLRs.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Holy Crap -- Pentax 10MP body

2006-08-17 Thread Bertil Holmberg
A 35-year old memory came to light after my post – TOPCON. I think it  
was the RE Super that I bought in 1970. It had an interchangeable  
viewfinder and was a very clean and nice looking camera for its day.  
Regrettably, I sold it when I bought my LeicaFlex.

Well, the view finder is something in the 67 that I think many would  


> It's a feature that exited the marketplace only recently. The Nikon F5
> had it, and was only discontinued in January, also all the F5-based
> Kodak's had it, although the only one of those that's likely viable
> today is the DCS 760. Pentax only offered that feature in 35mm on  
> the LX
> and Canon hasn't offered it in years.
> -Adam

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: ist-DL2 press release

2006-01-28 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I was under the impression that the GX-S1 is a rebadged *istDS2. This  
is confirmed by the German photoscala site that writes: Neben dem  
Topmodell GX-1S führt Samsung zum Start in die Welt der digitalen  
Spiegelreflexfotografie mit der GX-1L eine zweite Kamera ein, die mit  
einem unschlagbar guten Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis... and in the GX- 
S1 story: Ähnlichkeiten zur *ist Ds2 sind also nicht rein zufällig.

The GX-S1 is the top model that's based on the *istDS2 and the GX-1L  
is a budget model similar to the *istDL, although this has the  
improved 5 point autofocus of the DL2, but not the live preview, as  
far as I've been able to judge. wites on the *istDL2: mit der Vorstellung der neuen  
Pentax-DSLR dürfte auch die Frage geklärt sein, auf welcher Pentax- 
Kamera die kürzlich vorgestellte Samsung GX-1L (siehe entsprechende unter den weiterführenden Links) genau  
basiert. That is, they ask what the second Samsung is based on. They  
also note that this has a different view finder from the others: Die  
Bildfeldabdeckung von 96 Prozent und die 0,85-fache  
Sucherbildvergrößerung findet man bei keiner anderen Samsung- oder  
Pentax-DSLR wieder.

The linked DP Review covers the GX-1S – not the 1L. This I4U note  
mentions both – – but the linked  
articles in LetsGoDigital are both about the GX-1S!

This is all rather confusing so far, but I guss we will learn more in  
due time.

Not so far, though the rumored Samsung GX-1L supposedly had a 9mp
sensor, but that now seems to be a rebadged *ist-Ds2 while the  
GX-1S is

a rebadged *ist-DL...

First *istDL2 at DCWatch

2006-02-14 Thread Bertil Holmberg
The good people in the DCWatch has had some fun with the *istDL2 and  
share the result with us in this page:

It's in Japanese, of course, but you can at least enjoy the photos,  
especially if you are in Asia or Canada ;-)


Pentax history exhibition

2006-02-17 Thread Bertil Holmberg
The Japanese camera museum is holding a Pentax history exhibition  
until June 18.

DCWatch has a page with many interesting pictures, among them several  
of the K-1 full format Pentax digital.

Use Excite if you require a translation - 

Re: Samsung announces GX-L1

2006-02-25 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Have you noticed that the GX-1L specs differ from what would be  
expected from a pure *istDL2 clone?

"Designed to enable easy viewing of images in all lighting  
conditions, the GX 1L features a large, 2.5-inch LCD monitor (210,000  
pixels) and a bright, high-magnification pentaprism viewfinder  
offering a 96-percent field view."

Yes, pentaprism. That's *istDS2, not DL2, isn't it? A very different  
body. So maybe Samsung is already mixing and matching Pentax  
features, ne?


BTW, could the D2 have a larger sensor? Just cramming more pixels on  
the same sized silicon doesn't increse quality, does it? Just  
dreaming of greater use of my vintage lenses ;-)

Re: Any experience with

2006-03-02 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I was rather miffed by their slow handling, it took them 4-5 days to  
send me an invoice, and my lens shipped a week after the auction ended.


PHOTO Browser update

2006-03-11 Thread Bertil Holmberg
DCWatch offers a note about an update to the Pentax software for the  
news lenses. This is the Japanese version, I don't know if there will  
be an English one.

DCWatch also features a "Photogenic Weekend" report using the *istDL2  
and some nice lenses on a fair young lady, highly recommended.


Enablement: Optio A10

2006-03-15 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I expected it at the end of the month and was pleasantly surprised  
when it appeared yesterday.

Here's a photo to compare it to the original Optio S. This still  
looks and feels great but the image quality is inferior, of course.  
But it does have a real view finder!

The A10 has a green button! This change the presets of the four arrow  
buttons so that for example the Mode button could lead to the White  
balance setting. These short cuts can be chosen by the user.

I wont pile other facts here that you can read from the specs so if  
you are interested in the A10 and have any questions I'll be happy to  
try and answer them.

A couple of poor pictures that try to illustrate the stabilizer  
feature. Shot in low light at f/2.8 and 1/10 sec exposure they also  
show the noise at ISO 200.

Detail with sharp lines: 

Full image:

Closeup of sign:
Full image:

RE: Enablement: Optio A10

2006-03-16 Thread Bertil Holmberg
About the SR test shots: Are they shot at the wide or at the long  
end. If

wide, it's pretty good. If long, that's very impressive.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that; the first was shot wide (7.9mm)  
and the second at 13.7mm (the long range is 23.7mm).

Here's a photo to compare it to the original Optio S. This still  
looks and

feels great but the image quality is inferior, of course.

Why inferior?

I guess you got me there, I jumped to conclusions, an older camera  
with a lower pixel count must be inferior. However, although adequate  
for some purposes, I don't think 3.2 MP can produce the same quality  
as a 8 MP camera. I addition, the Pentax folding lens system has most  
likely evolved during the intervening years; my first generation  
Optio S has problems with sharpness in one quadrant.

Whatever the case, cameras should not be judged untried, so I will  
take some comparison shots when I have recovered from the cold that  
is subduing me right now. I will also compare the A10 with my *istDS,  
of course.

Are you able to take the same pictures witout stabiliser at the same
settings (incl FL) for comparison?

A good question that I will try to answer although it is not so  
simple. I will have to take a number of pictures and try to establish  
some statistical  average for each situation.


Re: Beginner's photo software for Ma

2005-10-21 Thread Bertil Holmberg
iPhoto is nice but a terrible memory hog, perhaps even worse than  

BTW, what do you guys think about Apple excluding Pentax users from  


Re: Beginner's photo software for Ma

2005-10-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
This is exactly what I meant when I said iPhoto is a memory hog. It  
takes my 1GHz 1GB PB a minut of hard disk activety to recover after a  
photo editing session with iPhoto and PS. And that's a long time to  
wait when you just want to go back to your email. Sure, I could use a  
Power Mac, but I don't want a nine fan windtunnel in my bedroom.

Regrettable, the Pentax RAW software is even slower. It is unusable  
for all practical purposes. I shudder when I think of the next gen of  
8MP+ cameras. Now, a shareware program such as Graphic Converter not  
only opens Pentax RAW images when Apple can't (or won't), it does so  
much faster than the Pentax software. Go figure...


I find it adequate for simple photo management.  I find it completely
doggy on my 1.4gig Powerbook with a gig of RAM if I try to use it to
edit photos.  It's quicker to launch CS2 once (with the inevitable
wait for everything to load) and then double-click on each photo in
turn to load it up for editing.

*istDL vs LUMIX-LX1

2005-11-04 Thread Bertil Holmberg
An interesting comparison between the *istDL and the  
"semiprofessional" compact from Panasonic, LUMIX DMC-LX1 with a Leica  
lens, and Ricoh's GR thrown in for good measure.

I am somewhat suprised by the differences, despite having a higher  
resolution, the new compacts render the images much less clearly than  
the Pentax. Perhaps I should have said that am relieved...

Swedish retailer Cyberphoto aslo notes that the LX1 offers a middle  
class image quality. So perhaps the smaller and much cheaper Optio S6  
may be a reasonable alternative to the LUMIX for some.

However, Phil Askey writes that the LX1 – is capable of delivering  
stunning resolution, sharpness and detail --- but is unsuable above  
ISO 100 because of a high noise level.

Well, I'm not impressed by the LX1 PCWatch samples, they look rather  
unsharp to my eye.

Re: Peleng 8 mm fisheye on istD

2005-11-13 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Jack, I don't have the *istD but I guess the DS is similar enough.

I'm preparing a page on the Peleng for my little site, it is not  
finished for the lack of some example pictures, but there's something  
on the mirror issue, as well as links to other sites with examples. (please disregard the  
Pinky, they are just for company :).

I have placed a few examples in this directory: 

Turning the camera diagonally makes it possible to cover 180 degrees  


Re: Thoughts on Russian K-mounts, any?

2006-03-25 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Some thoughts and links here – 



2006-04-15 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Although I appreciate that Pentax need to offer the D2 this autumn, I  
do not personally see any use for the 10MP behemoth.

I rather like the small frame of the DS/DL, and would regret to see  
these languish in the face a more advanced product. It worries me  
that I have heard nothing further about the evolution of the  
semiprofessional Pentax line.

Will Pentax do a DS3, or just keep the budget DL and use their high  
end effort on the new D2? Or will they leave the middle/low line to  

Shake Reduction is such an obvious ingredient that a DS3 including  
this seems like a certainty, but when and from whome? What other  
useful things should Pentax have in their next models? Shaking dust  
from the sensor would be a great thing, if it can be made to work.


Re: Message from the List Guy

2005-11-27 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Message for the List Guy!

I received one viral message for each digest.
They have now stopped, thank you very much!

Bertil (who use a Mac=)

smc PENTAX-DA FISH-EYE 10-17mm

2005-12-01 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Looks like this lens should become available on the 22nd for about  
50,000 Yen.

PCWatch have a page with photo here – 

Excite translation:

Pentax puts interchangeable lens "smc PENTAX-DA FISH-EYE 10-17mm  
F3.5-4.5 ED(IF)" for a digital single lens reflex camera made of this  
company on the market on the 22nd. The shop expectation price is an  
expectation of 50,000-yen level middle though the price is an open  

Lens only for digital single lens reflex made of this company  
equipped with taking picture element of APS-C size. It becomes the  
fish-eye lens of 180 degrees in the diagonal picture corner at the  
focal length 10mm time. As for the optical system, the development  
design was done in cooperation with Tokinar Ltd..

The mount is Pentax K AF mount (metallic). It is composed of eight  
crowd ten pieces including ED (low special decentralization) glass.  
In the squeezing shuttlecock, six pieces and the small apertures are  

The shortest taking a picture distance is 0.14m(the lens promise  
0.025m) by the whole area of the zoom. The inner focus is adopted.  
The maximum taking a picture magnification is 0.23?0.39 time.

"Quick-Shift Focus System" of possible MF is adopted without the  
switch operation in AF combination Aseat. Moreover, the SP(Super  
Protect) coating of new development is given in front of the lens.  
The SP coating provides with water-repellent and Batiabra by the one  
that a special fluorine compound was deposited. It is assumed that  
dirt can be not attached, and the oil dirt be washed off easily.

In the size of the main body, it is 68×71.5mm(maximum diameter ×  
length), and weight is 320g. Food is a built-in type, doesn't have  
the filter installation frame, and the lens cap become the special  
covering type of the aluminum material.

Re: Thanks! (firmware update for -DS)

2005-12-01 Thread Bertil Holmberg
This is most probably due to the way English words are spelled using  
katakana where "aperture" becomes "apaachia" [アパーチャ]. There  
are rules for this and they are not always easy to understand. A more  
common example is "apaato" [アパート] - apartment.

[Shutter Delay (Nml/Apature) Apature On/Off]


Re: PESO: SMCP-DA 40 Limited

2005-12-04 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Awesome picture!

I like this lens a lot too.


Here are some Koi in Hawaii

AF540FGZ postponed

2005-12-08 Thread Bertil Holmberg
According to PCWatch, the new flash is postponed to April 2006,  
probably due to a redesign, and a change in specs. Expected price –  
52,500 Yen.

Re: New Pentax: 8MP IS

2006-01-03 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Very interesting. I was thinking along the lines of the new Fujifilm  
Finepix F11 but this Pentax looks better in several aspects – it even  
has a Food mode!
The Fuji excels in low level light with low noise levels but the  
antishake should allow the Pentax to operate at comfortable ISO levels.

Re: New Sigma 30mm1.4

2005-06-29 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I certainly hope that your are right; the new Sigma 10-20/4,0-5,6 EX  
DC HSM is not listed for Pentax either, but I hope it will be  

29 jun 2005 kl. 17.34 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I might bet against you.  The 30mm isn't listed there yet but if you
look at the sigma
site for lens compatibility and availability you'll find that most of
their lenses are
available in Pentax AF.  The only system that seems to be really
discriminated against
is 4/3 (Olydak)

Re: grip for the *istDS

2005-07-08 Thread Bertil Holmberg
The *istDS is one of the smallest DLSRs around, especially with the  
unique 40mm pancake lens (love it!!).

Why do you want to make it much larger? Why not simply buy a hideous  
Nikon instead?

Just curious...


8 jul 2005 kl. 16.59 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

O wow.

Is this a real product? Has anyone tried it? How does it work?
Is it available in North America? How much

Please let it be so...
Please let it be so...

FishEye for digital (was: A15mm/3.5...)

2005-07-13 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Would you buy a A15mm/3.5 for a *istDS? I mean, at 22mm practical  
focal length it would be a bit waisted.

How does a fisheye of similar length perform comparison wise? I have  
no experience of that kind of lens at all.

Is the 16/17mm fisheye at all useful with the *istDS?


Re: K15mm for House Interiors

2005-07-25 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Very nice images, great looking house too, thank you for the  

Paying dearly for a [used] Pentax lens and then only using part of it  
for the rare shot that needs these extreme angles seems a bit silly  
to me. So I'm considering the Zenitar instead that can be had brand  
new for $105 + S&H from Russia.

Thanks for the field-of-view calculator link! This does not explain  
the 180 degrees claimed for some fish-eyes though. Are these a  
special case?

Re: K15mm for House Interiors

2005-07-25 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Thank you all for the info on fish-eye lenses! The article  
is just what I needed!

I think I have seen the Pelang lens on eBay but there does not seem  
to be one there now, and pitifully little information on the web at  

So I will get a Zenitar and see if that fulfill my needs.

There are already some new lenses made for the APS size sensor and  
unless all DLSRs progress to a full size sensor we will most likely  
see more really short lenses in the future.

The Pentax roadmap lists a fish-eye zoom of about 10-20mm but there  
is already the 12-24mm zoom to buy. Hopefully, we will see a Pentax  
version of the Sigma 10-20mm zoom too.

Re: K15mm for House Interiors

2005-07-27 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Thank you again for all the tips and links relating to wide lenses :-)

Bob Atkins has written a nice introduction called: "Wide angle lenses  
for small sensor APS-C Digital SLRs" that compares the new lenses  
from Tamron, Tokina, Canon, and Sigma. A second page adds thoughts on  
fisheyes. He also offers a review of the Zenitar with example photos!

Not many of the new APS-sized wide lenses are actually available yet,  
especially not in a Pentax mount. This includes the Pentax 12-24mm  
that was announced in March (I was wrong there).

Does 1-2mm matter? I don't know, I guess other things will influense  
your choice more than whether the lens is 10, 11 or 12mm at its  
widest. What do you think?

Re: what's so special about the pancake?

2005-08-03 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Even smaller is the Lens in a Cap thing from Loreo – http://

The PC version could be fun to experiment with even if the image  
quality is poor.

Has anyone tried them?


Re: OT - Mac users help please

2005-08-07 Thread Bertil Holmberg
The interesting question is why a click on a Google link opens a  
separate window for you. It doesn't in my Safari (or Explorer) and I  
can see no setting that will make it do that either (a click on a  
link in ANOTHER program can be chosen to have this effect but that is  
a different case.)

As it has been suggested, this is controlled by the Google HTML which  
tells the browser what to do when you click the link. This line will  
open the Pentax site in a new window:
The First Single Lens Reflex 
en/special/digiichi/" TARGET="_blank" >Pentax digiichi
If you put the TARGET="_blank" in a BASE tag, all links on the page  
will inherit this behaviour.
The default behaviour should be to open the linked page in the parent  
window (_self), I guess...

Hope this helps, Bertil

Re: Recommended SD Cards for istDs

2005-08-17 Thread Bertil Holmberg

The card type or brand is not only a question of speed.

I bought a 256 MB SanDisk card for my *istDs that worked well in the  
camera but was impossible to read from my puter, not even when I  
attached the camera directly to my Mac.

A 64 MB Kingston card that I had in my Optio worked fine, however, so  
I assumed the SanDisk card was faulty and had it replaced. Same  
problem with the new card, though.

Next, I got a new card reader and that setup worked for a month or so  
with the SanDisk card, after which I was back at square one.

Finally, I bought a 256 MB Kingston card that has worked fine ever  


Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V05 #1940

2005-08-17 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Thank you for your comments Godfrey!

I guess the point I was trying to make was that there must be  
interesting differenses betweens cards from different makers (and  
perhaps also) between different card types from the same maker too.

My present card reader is a cheap no brand type, I guess the previous  
one was too. It might have helped to buy for example a SanDisk one.  
But the layperson has no way of knowing about the quality in products  
like this. I guess I don't like paying for a brand name without  
knowing what I get.


17 aug 2005 kl. 19.38 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hmm. I have had a Sandisk 256Mbyte SD card for a couple of years,
used it first in my Konica Revio, then the Pana FZ10, then the *ist
DS for a backup, and now it lives in my Palm Treo as backup storage
most of the time. I've probably stuck it in my card reader and
downloaded its contents to the Mac on my desk a thousand times or
more. What kind of card reader are you using? (BTW: I've heard more
problems reading cards by connecting the camera directly than I've
heard about with card readers. I think all of the card readers that
I've seen reports of problems from are the Dazzle brand.)

Re: Silver lenses on black bodies

2005-08-21 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Since the question is up – how easy is it to get the black LE lenses?

SMC PENTAX-FA 1:1.8 31mm AL Limited is available in black I believe.

Another aspect – silver will always be silver while the black will  
wear off ne?

The silver lenses will look great on the *istDL!


Re: New Digital SLR Products From Pentax

2005-08-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Perhaps Pentax has realised that the the market already is crowded  
with professional level DLSR's and will focus on the segment where  
the money is. Sure, they will sell a  dozen D2's to the members of  
this forum but that may not be worth the effort...

Just joking ;-)


Let's hope these two annoucements mean that *istD successor is  
coming sooner

that we think ;-) After all it is about 2 years old ;-)

Re: New Pentas lens road map: Can you say 15mm Limited? :)

2008-01-30 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Nor are the wonderful 31, 43, and 77mm limiteds. Will new Pentax  
owners be unable to enjoy these marvels?


> None of the FA series lenses are listed on it.
> The road map only seems to be for DA, DA* & DFA lenses.

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Re: Interesting post listing the coming lenses for K-mount

2008-02-01 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Thanks, Thibouille!

Image of Tamuron glass here –

More PMA Pentax images from DCWatch (Japanese) -


> -- 
> Thibault Massart aka Thibouille

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Re: Lunar Eclipse Picture

2008-02-21 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Beautiful eclipse photos, everyone!

I had a fine full moon over my balcony earlier in the evening and  
took this photo with my smc PENTAX-M 1:4 200mm plus Jessops 2x  
teleconverter. Not too bad with this simple setup, I think.

I then found out that the eclipse was set for 4 am. Had I risen at  
that unholy hour, I would have found the moon hidden by clouds ;-(


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Re: Zenitar-K f2.8 16mm

2009-01-11 Thread Bertil Holmberg

I don't have the *istD but perhaps the *istDS will do just as well.

There are some samples and tips on my P&P Zenitar page


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Re: "One of the best budget DSLRs available?"

2009-02-07 Thread Bertil Holmberg
It is not only that Pentax is leaving the photo shops, the shops are  
leaving too. Those of you who live in or near a large city may still  
find one but many places the dedicated shops are gone. Online shopping  
as well as the large warehouses have taken over Radio & TV sales, as  
well as much of the camera business.

Cases in point: The latest isssue of the Swedish magazine Foto & Bild  
features a full page Pentax ad from German giant Media Markt that has  
200 large malls all over Europe. The spring catalog from Swedish mail  
order outlet Haléns listed one DSLR: The Pentax K-m – made by women  
for women. This is where Pentax is going - to the places where they  
can reach lots of potential customers. We may not like it but it is  
where the money is and Pentax needs it to make new cutting edge  
cameras and lenses for the enthusiasts.

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Re: Beatles Pentax Sighting (or: I Want To Hold Your Pentax)

2008-10-26 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Nice photo! Those were the days when I was fifteen years old ;-)

Pity he has placed the lens cover upside down.

Anyone recognize the plane? The large round window makes me think of  
the Comet 4.


26 okt 2008 kl. 08:19 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I knew Ringo used a Pentax in A Hard Day's Night (anyone know what
model/lens?), but I had never seen George using one too.  Pretty  
nifty.  :)

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Re: 77mm Limited Series Lens Case

2009-07-10 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Careful mechanical removal with an eraser usually works after removing  
the stickiness with powder etc.


10 jul 2009 kl. 10:59 skrev

I sold one of these cases to someone, removed my stock label, but
neglected to clean off the resultant label residue. What will work,
without damaging the surface of the case? - IsoProPyl? warm soapy

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Re: K20 Shutter noise.

2009-07-18 Thread Bertil Holmberg
The K-7 shutter is quiet. It is also fast which perhaps may reduce the  
percieved sound too.

Try to say the words "click" and "clamour" in the same voice and you  
see what I mean ;-)

However, what we are noticing is not really the shutter but the mirror  
mechanism, isn't it?


18 jul 2009 kl. 12:41 skrev

Probably came from the same people who say the out of camera jpeg's  
are to soft.

I find the shutter noise on my K10D is quiet enough, and the jpegs
sharp. I have to do a lot more work on the D200 ones.

Maybe send these reviewers an SF-1 and or a 6x7 to compare.


On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 11:18 PM, P. J.
Alling wrote:
I'm getting a bit tired of reading all these reviews of how noisy  
the K20
shutter is. ?Last night I was at an event where there were a couple  
of other
photographers with their DSLR of choice, a Nikon D90 user and a  
Sony user,
(I think he was using an A100, it had two dials, on either side of  
the prism
anyway), both commented favorably on how quiet the shutter was on  
the K20.
?I don't know what the reviewers are comparing the K20 shutter  
noise to but

it sure isn't other real world DSLRs.

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Re: K-7 has materialised in Norway (and Sweden)

2009-08-12 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Gave the old K10D to my sister.

But I will keep the *istDS, I still love that tiny DSLR :D


I wouldn't sell the K20D just yet. I love that camera :-)
But I'll selle my K10D and *ist D, if possible.

I'd rather sell the K20D and keep the K10D. The K20D does nothing the
K-7 can't do as well but the K10D is much better suited for night
photography, has lower noise under certain conditions and seeing its
price in the second-hand market
is just not worth selling.


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Re: K-7 and 77 Ltd

2009-08-14 Thread Bertil Holmberg
In addition, the new K-7 DR is excellent, says German foto magazine –  
that incidentally finds that of the K-m next to useless. Is that the  
same shaky one as in the K20D – and K10D?


The main thing is no more of the awful shake noise at start up (dust  

I'm sure the K20 will shake itself apart.

Regards,  Bob S.

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Re: Pentax sensor cleaning kit

2009-09-10 Thread Bertil Holmberg

I bought mine online. Around $40 + S&H.

Here is one example


10 sep 2009 kl. 18:03 skrev

Thanks for the report.

Maybe i'll look into one. I'll have to see if any one up here sells  

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Order your colorful K-x from Japan!

2009-09-17 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Here is how to do it: Go to the simulator page ( 
) and choose your color. Then click the green square. Next, click the  
Pentax Onlie Shop button for the version you want (one or two lenses).  
Note the URL of the online order page which should feature the color  
of your choosing.

This is the hot pink one, for example –

Then go to and register there. Tell  
Masamichisan what you would like to purchase. You can post the URL in  
the online form. He may want a deposit but will tell you how much the  
camera will be, his fee and the shipping costs. It will be more  
expensive than your local dealer but you will have a unique camera!

After ordering, you will have to wait two weeks for your color version  
to be made.

7¥ today is $768.


But K-x, with 100 different versions of the same camera, it will be a
real PIA for camera retailers.
"Oh, it's a crappy shop, they even don't have a yellowish-blue version
in their stock..."

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Re: New Pentax stuff

2009-09-18 Thread Bertil Holmberg
We used to have this joke on the late goverment controlled (and owned)  
Televerket and its steam telephones.

“You can get it in any color – as long as it is black.”

So why should a DSLR be black? Let steam companies of the Canikon  
breed have their black bricks as long as they wish.

Pentax now offers colors to the people. Let the people rejoice. Long  
live Pentax.

Bertil – who carries a hot pink iPhone

You know, everyone laughed when Apple introduced the lollipop colored
iMac ... Saved the company, even though they now look terribly dated
and old fashioned.

... Bring on the translucent plastic! ...

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Re: OT - iPhone photography

2009-03-02 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Wonderful. Thanks for the link, Cotty.


The iPhone camera is regarded as shite at 2MP. So this can't be art:

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Re: Hellow Kitty, Hello Pentax

2009-03-14 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I'd love a Kitty camera, as long as it is really kawaii, not just a  
poor PS job...

HK cuteness overload -


14 mar 2009 kl. 18:08 skrev

Please tell me this is a bad joke. After the white KM, anything is  

I suppose, but surely Pentax wouldn't do this.

William Robb

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PIE and DA 15/4 Limited

2009-03-26 Thread Bertil Holmberg

DA 15mm sales start on March 27.

PIE reports:

DCWatch (Japanese) -

Akihabara News (English ;) -

“Camo K-m” sounds nice, doesn't it? Looks nice too IMHO :-)


Anyone got any info on the arrival of the DA 15mm Limited or a  
price. I've been looking forward to a wide angle lens to replace the  
24mm that I used on film, something small, light and with a sensible  
filter size, it would fit nicely into my prime lens kit. I used a  
Sigma 24/2.8 for years and really miss having the equivalent FOV of  
that lens on digital.

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K-7 Live Talk

2009-05-24 Thread Bertil Holmberg
DCWatch already offers a report from the weekend K-7 public  
presentation in Tokyo.
Visitors to Osaka should note that the planned event there has been  
cancelled due to the flue scare.

The small size and the silent shutter seem to have impressed the  
It looks as if contrast AF operates more smoothly with lenses using  
"SDM" focusing.
Video did not use AF, the translation does not make it clear if this  
will be the case in production models too.

The page features several comparison photos of the K-7 and a K10D.

The exhibition also had a huge teaser photo printout from the 645D...

Hope this helps, Bertil

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RE: Tamron adapatall 90/2.5 macro, is it worthwhile?

2009-06-11 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Is the new Tamron AF SP 90/2,8 Di Macro equally good?

I have the old manual SMC-M 100mm F/4 Macro. Any comparison?

Best regards,

11 jun 2009 kl. 04:49 skrev

Outstanding lens. They go for about $150 in EXC conditon w/o mount.
Early version was metal 49mm filters, later version plastic 55mm
Filters, both same optics. I like the early one better but it is

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Re: Olympus Digital Pen on DPReview

2009-06-16 Thread Bertil Holmberg
What beats me is how ugly the finished product is compared to the  
clean and cute lines of the yellow & silver concept model shown  
earlier this year. I don't think I would like to own and use something  
this revolting...


16 jun 2009 kl. 14:07 skrev

Hopefully this is not old news. Personally, I think this would be a
good camera for Galia and me as well. Suddenly I realize that I could
use great many interesting lenses on this camera (with certain
limitations such as 2x crop factor). Nonetheless, this year seems to
be significant w.r.t. new interesting introductions by major camera
manufacturers (new FF DSLRs, Pentax K-7, and now this Olympus camera).

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It's a kitten!

2008-09-19 Thread Bertil Holmberg
K-m :-)


PS Love the DA 15mm and the ring flash

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PENTAX K-m - Nice camera or what?

2008-09-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Pentax calls it small and kantan, kirei, omoshiroi, tanomoshii,  
tanoshii and anshin. Simple, pretty, interesting, reliable, fun and  
restful for the mind. Cute adjectives aside, I think you can safely  
call it nice, at least in the words of Pentax.

If I am not all together wrong, it should produce pictures virtually  
as good as those from my K10D, if not better, in a body as small and  
light as that of my old ist*DS, and that with Shake Reduction thrown  
in. Not bad at all, quite nice actually. Cheaply too, which should be  
nice to all those who have yet to take the step from the digital  

My five cents worth ;-)


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RE: PENTAX K-m - Nice camera or what?

2008-09-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
> Despite all the grumbling from people who say Pentax needs a high-end
> camera, this sort of thing is what Pentax REALLY needs: a small,
> affordable, entry-level camera with simple controls and features so  
> that
> Mrs. Soccer Mom can pick it up and photograph her kids.

It sounds as if you had studied the Japanese K-m site closely – its  
theme is something like “Mama uses a simple camera.”

It's kind of cute, I'd wish they could make something similar in  
English -

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Pentax on 645 and FF

2008-09-26 Thread Bertil Holmberg
DCWatch has an interview with Kicoreshi Kitazawa of Pentax imaging  
system that offers interesting insight into the company's plans.

Translate here:

The gist - 645 is not dead, just suspended. Pentax is aiming to  
produce FF quality from a APS-C sized sensor, perhaps already in the  


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Re: Pentax on 645 and FF

2008-09-26 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Sorry about that, I should have been more explicit; you have to choose  
the second alternative in the little menu. If that does not work there  
is likely to be some problem with the way your puter displays the page  
and it's text.

You can also try Google translate, it is not as good as Excite, but  
you should get the main idea.

Good luck, Bertil

DCWatch has an interview with Kicoreshi Kitazawa of Pentax imaging
system that offers interesting insight into the company's plans.

Translate here:

All I see is gibberish.

An excerpt –

- I want .."645.. to give priority to Digital more than the full size.

――In it, is there a possibility as the business 645 systems?

645 that exhibits reference in PIE2007 Digital
「It is so. 645 digital is higher than the development of the full  
size sensor adoption machine as an in-house priority level. A lot of  
voices of the expectation from the film camera user of Pentax to 645  
digital were heard by the echo with PIE (photo imaging Exposition)  
that exhibited the last Fotokina and the reference. Moreover, there  
might be coming to 645, too, if 35mm full size machine user of the  
other companies also investigates a hobby and high camera thoroughly.  
Also in a professional field, I got the voice that it wanted to use it  
for the scenery taking a picture etc.It is necessary to answer such a  
voice neatly. 」

「When the picture to which capture is done with a system 645 digital  
is seen, the depth feel etc. understand 35mm base is the single lens  
reflex system and quite different at one view. An existing seal lens  
property can be made the best use of, and it is thought that there is  
a user advantage, too. 」

――Have you actually started development though Mr. Torigoe was  
speaking at PIE2007,"645 digital is done without fail"?

「Having temporarily interrupted development has come to be able to  
work though did because of an in-house development resource because  
the development that had to be done came back to some degree. The  
amateur cameraman is often using Pentax from the studio taking a  
picture usage for the scenery taking a picture though it is called an  
inside seal, and I want to answer such people's expectations. 」

――In other words, the system of 35mm base does focus to the machine  
equipped with the APS-C size sensor.

「Because it is necessary to review it from the lens lineup if 35mm  
full size sensor machine is put out, it will concentrate on the APS-C  
size between now. It should be thought that it thinks about operation  
by the full size sensor because the blurring correction of Pentax is  
in the body for the image circle it. The image circle : because there  
is a very limit lens, too a part it. It only becomes difficult as a  
business in being O even if the other companies and the same thing are  
done to it. 」

――If the image "The full size 35mm is a high-ranking format of APS- 
C" is completed, many of APS-C size machines will be pulled below in  
the price though it depends 35mm full size sensor machine's what  
position on being secured in the market in the future. Does not it  
have such an anxiety?

「The image "Full size the under" will be had. Only a certain meaning  
is a hoop. the falling phenomenon the price trend of the APS-C size  
machine because of itHowever, the APS-C size machine has the advantage  
of small even in case of being so. If the APS-C size machine can  
achieve the image quality of 35mm full size average sensor in it, it  
might be still good. It develops by thinking that it is not possible  
to survive if we are also small, and they are not high-resolutions  
besides. 」

- It aims at the image quality of an average full size 35mm in the  
next model.

――Then, is two models that put it on the market next summer to be  
aimed at the image quality of 35mm full size average sensor with the  
APS-C size sensor?

"Of course, it is so. "

――It is likely not to become an equal full size if there are no  
some technical improvements if it says for instance by the S/N  
comparison etc. of the sensor though there are various cuts even if it  
is said the high-resolution. Is there a conviction that achieves the  
image quality of some average full sizes?

「It is not possible to say in detail now because there is respect  
developed with the sensor manufacturer, too. Moreover, the image  
quality changes greatly with the same sensor because of the latter  
part processing. 」

――Is postprocessing a story of the signal conditioning and the  
quality until the signal from the sensor is converted in A/D?Or, is it  
a story of NR in the digital region?

「It is the both. The noise measures in the route from the sensor to  
the A/D converter are important as it and the same, etc. though the  
noise measures can be given even by a digital signal conditioning. How  

Re: Pentax on 645 and FF

2008-09-26 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Below the URL textfield there is a small table to the left with two  
choices, the top one is English to Japanese, the bottom one Japanese  
to English. The popup button controls wether you want the original  
[Japanese] text included in the translation. Hit the button to start.

Under the tab bar, to the extreme left, is the link to text  
translation, this can be useful when you just want to translate a  
short snippet.

I often wonder if the bad translations are the result of poor  
technology, or that the original grammar is less than ideal. However,  
given that many words can have different meanings, the task is not  
The headline “The succession machine of "K20D" and "K200D" is turned  
on before the summer of 2009,” for example, makes more sense if you  
know that the verb in question can mean: throw (e.g., something into  
somewhere), investment, release of a product, making (an electrical  

So we will probably see a large but capable successor to the K20D in  
the spring of 2009, in 2010 this will hopefully trickle down into a  
smaller successor to the K-m :-)


I see two little menus, neither of which brings up a translation.  
May we

have more explicit instructions please?

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K-x color envy is ripe

2009-09-28 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Just had another look at the Japanese K-x color chooser -
The premier version did not include a lens choice. I thought they  
would offer colored lenses too but that is not the case.

Instead, they include the 40mm limited pancake - and soon - the 43mm  
F1.9 limited too!
The standard choices are the 18-55mm, of course, but also a 55-300m  

The badge says - I love It! - and what else is there to say. Let's  
hope the color thing comes our ways too.

The color ranking page is interesting, the most popular combo is white/ 
black, followed by navy/black and red/black.
Rather conservative choices it seems, with hot pink in the 12th place  
However, with the pure black version in the ninth place, it still  
looks as if they are onto something good.


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Re: K-x color envy is ripe

2009-09-28 Thread Bertil Holmberg
One should perhaps also point out that the colored models that we will  
get - white, navy and red - will have kit lenses in the same color.
That is not the case for the hundred color combinations available to  
the Japanese.


...also, not every color of grip is available with every color of
camera. Guess I'm conservative too - I'd get a navy/black myself,
failing other combinations not available right now.

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Re: PESO wasabi biscuits

2009-12-11 Thread Bertil Holmberg
It's a "Lucky Cat," a traditional Japanese symbol, not at all like the  
commercial Kittysan ;-)



Except for the "Hello Kitty" type graphics...  :-)

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Re: PESO - Protesters

2009-12-19 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Crocs are very durable and comfortable. They have some discreet models  
that might be acceptable even in a posh place.

Use them myself daily, both at home and at the hospital where I work.


A good friend of mine is a vegan, and she works in a restaurant. ?She
has one pair of leather shoes to wear to work because she says
everything else she's tried just didn't hold up. ?She also eats  

which probably means she's going straight to vegan hell.

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Re: Wide angle for K-X?

2010-01-02 Thread Bertil Holmberg
>> If on a limited budget and lightweight the 16-45 is what you want. One
>> of my most used lenses.
> Agreed. It is my walkabout lens on both the *istD and now the K20D. 
> Great optics. I am not so sure about the longevity due to the 
> plasticky construction, though.

Hm, 16 + 45 / 2 = 30.5. I guess that's why I love the 31mm Limited ;-)


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Re: PDML Digest, Vol 46, Issue 119

2010-02-10 Thread Bertil Holmberg
645D - $9,475. Does that sound reasonable? Whatever, March 11 is the day.


> Anybody read Japanese?

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K100D Super review (Japanese)

2007-09-03 Thread Bertil Holmberg
DCWatch now offers a review of the K100D Super – http://

I mention it here as it contains several photos taken with the new  
DA* 50-135mm lens.

In case you wonder, Power Zoom does not work even if the [old] lens  
has it.

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Re: OT: Another cycling injury ;-(

2007-10-13 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Still shooting film there, are they ;-)

> For a few dollars I obtained a copy of my X-Rays so I might throw
> some coal into my old 8x10 transparency scanner and post some
> gruesome pics later.

Sorry to hear about your accident, get well soon!

Have a swig of sympathy whiskey with me tonight :D


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Pentax Sensor Cleaning Kit

2006-11-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
This simple to use and economical kit will become available on the  
30th for about $36.

The camera in the article is the *istD so the kit should work with  
all Pentax DSLRs.

It would be interesting to know how often it might be required for  
the K10D. Time will tell how efficient the built-in dust removal is  
and I suppose your mileage will differ depending on the environment  
in which you use the camera and how often the lens is changed.

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Re: OT: Leica's M8 fixes

2006-11-26 Thread Bertil Holmberg
> Fine, Leica is dead.

When DCWatch first published its M8 overview, the ISO 1250+ examples  
featured horrible noise.

The next day they had replaced all the ISO images with much less  
noisy ones. Go figure!


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K10D still the number 1 seller

2006-12-20 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Japanese seller bic camera has had the K10D as the No 1 in its list  
of top sellers since well before the Nov 30 release. Indeed, Pentax  
now occupies the two top positions; body only and the kit with lens.


(You may need to install the Japanese character set on your PC,  
unless it is a Mac ;-)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Pentax and HOYA merging

2006-12-21 Thread Bertil Holmberg
>> Where does that leave Samsung?

It was mentioned at [the end of] the press conference:

The press conference concerning HOYA and Pentax and the amalgamation  
is held.

CEO Suzuki of HOYA and president Urano of Pentax from the left
HOYA Ltd. and Pentax Ltd. held the press conference concerning  
business integration in Tokyo on the 21st. The president of the two  
companies attended the interview, and it explained the purpose and  
details of the amalgamation.

The two companies reached the basic agreement by amalgamating dated  
October 1, 2007 on the same day. The surviving company is HOYA. The  
name of the company of a new company becomes HOYA Pentax HD (Eitide)  

First of all, representative Hiroshi Suzuki execution post CEO of  
HOYA talked about the reason for integration in the interview. HOYA  
and Pentax are developing the two companies besides the common  
feature "Optics" and a medical business. President Suzuki : to  
Pentax. 「It was felt that Medical was able to be attractive, and to  
offer the growth acceleration of the business by integration. Our  
resource is used and developed. 」It solved and the ambition was  
described. The target of a medical business is assumed to be "About  
present twice".

President Fumio Urano of Pentax also「It is medical that the rate of  
profit is the highest among our businesses. However, about 30% and  
ratios of all businesses are low now. It takes time though there was  
always a desire that it wants to hasten the growth of medical. It is  
expected that it is felt that it is a story that may hear this story,  
and leads to the step-up. I want to do Medical to the same degree of  
the scale as the digital camera. 」It talked.

Moreover, Mr. Suzuki :. 「It is a situation for which it competes  
with China and a Taiwanese manufacturer though our company is doing  
the material supply and the processing of the optical glass. If the  
designs of Pentax can be integrated and the knowhow of assembly be  
integrated vertically」、It is described, "Pentax is a company with  
steady R&D and technology" etc. , and Pentax as the manufacturer also  
is evaluating it.

The talk advanced in the story of integration after it had gone out  
in the seat of the meal two years ago, and this year came. It is  
October to have shown the concrete progress. It is said that the  
appeal is from HOYA.

Suzuki and Urano's both mens clarified the activities after it had  
integrated it. Mr. Urano「HOYA of glasses, image cultivated for years is  
strong. However, whether it keeps using a past name over time is not  
understood. 」Continuing now of the Pentax brand is promised. On the  
other hand, Mr. Suzuki showed that now, there was no big  
conformational change about the explanation and this business ,  
saying that "To function as a standalone, the digital camera is set  
up under the headquarters function by the one set though medical and  
optical of Pentax were integrated with our company".

Moreover, Mr. Suzuki : the digital camera market. 「It is  
competitive, and a low-priced competition seems to make a tour, and  
to have converted the structure in the last few years though thought  
that it is none of markets that make a profit. Especially, I want to  
expect it of gaining power a digital single lens reflex camera. It is  
not actually so though a compact digital camera also saw one o'clock  
as a low-priced product made of foreign countries carries everything  
before one. The market environment has changed. 」、「It is not a  
business that puts out the amount, and chases the share. It is a  
business that can make Kiratsu and the shining one. 」It solved and  
the impression was described.

President Urano also receives it. 「The share of present Pentax is  
the eighth. It is not possible to compete by the share. Then, the  
resource becomes a single lens reflex. It is not possible to do with  
a single lens reflex alone because the market scale is still small,  
and in either, there can be business development only with the single  
lens reflex camera, too. The single lens reflex also is a pioneer our  
company, and has the time that had been done only with the single  
lens reflex for 30 years. 」It solved and confidence was shown.

Pentax is a joint development of a South Korea Samsung Techwin and  
digital single lens reflex camera and exists in affiliations now. Mr.  
Urano : about the relation of the future to Samsung Techwin. 「It is  
not different from the current. I want to continue as it is. 」It  
made, and it touched as an excellent relation example about digital  
single lens reflex camera "K10D" put on the market on November 30  
that was concluding successfully. It is said that the development  
ratio of K10D will become Pentax 70-80% and Samsung Techwin 20-30% by  
"Our company is 90%, and Samusung Techwin is 10%" in the product of  
the following phase. Mr. Urano expressed, "When it was able also to  
advance to 

Re: Pentax and HOYA merging

2006-12-21 Thread Bertil Holmberg
> Pentax is a valuable trademark, and its value is increasing now  
> with the K-series dslrs.  I do not think they will leave it.

More info from DCWatch. Twice as large and much more profitable HOYA  
is swallowing Pentax but I'm sure they will keep their trade marks.  
Will this mean HOYA glass in Pentax lenses?

Basic agreement for HOYA, Pentax, and business integration

The digital camera maintains the imaging business of Pentax.

HOYA Ltd. and Pentax Ltd. announced that it basic agreed for the two  
companies to amalgamate on the 21st and October 1, 2007, and to do  
the management integration. The surviving company becomes HOYA. The  
name of the company of a new company is "HOYA Pentax HD (Eitide) Ltd.. "

President and Representative Director present Pentax Fumio Urano  
assumes the position of the new company director chairman and Hiroshi  
present HOYA representative execution post CEO Suzuki assumes the  
position of representative execution post CEO respectively. In  
integration, the common stock 0.158 stocks a common stock stock of  
Pentax of HOYA are allocated.

The two companies assume optics, the image, and the material to be a  
common technological base by business integration, and aim at the  
optimization of the business centering on each field of the life  
care, Optx, the information electronics, the eye caring, and the  
imaging system. Additionally, earnings to which the information  
electronics field and the eye caring field are steady are turned on,  
and it aims at strategic growth in the life caring field. In  
addition, the business structure is qualitatively converted by the  
vertical integration, and strengthening competitive edge is aimed at  
in the Optx field.

After it integrates it, each business field where "Business section  
to which the authority is transferred with a small headquarters" was  
assumed to be an indicator is reorganized. In a new company, it is  
assumed that HOYA and the brand of Pentax of each business field are  
made the best use of.

In the imaging system fields such as digital cameras and binoculars,  
the imaging business of Pentax is maintained. The differentiation is  
aimed at with the high value-added product, and it specializes in the  
field where competitive edge can be demonstrated. The same field is  
aimed at, and moreover, it locates, and the horizontal development is  
aimed at with the mother's body that invents a new technology of the  
optical equipment system in the life caring field and the security  

It is assumed that it wants to attempt differentiating by raising the  
additional value that demonstrates the strong point of the two  
companies in each field for the intensification of the competition by  
the entry of gaining power Asian power and the appliance maker etc.  
in the digital camera field, and centers on the technology in  
addition to cost competitiveness.

In the Optx fields of the optical glass, the lens, and the digital  
camera module, etc. , the Optx business of HOYA and the optical  
component business of Pentax are integrated. The material lens, the  
processing, and the vertical integration to the module are aimed at  
from the design, cost competitiveness is improved, and the  
technological development power is strengthened at the same time.  
Moreover, the competitive edge that can correspond to the industry  
structure change in the future including Asian power is secured by  
using HOYA, the manufacturing base of Pentax, and the customer base  

In the life caring field such as endoscopes, a medical business of  
HOYA and the life caring business of Pentax are integrated. The same  
field is aimed at, and it locates, and consistent development from  
the diagnosis to treatment is aimed at with the strategic growth  
field. Moreover, it aims at doubling the business scale by expanding  
the improvement of the product development power by the research and  
development investment and M&A and business and the marketing body  

The information electronics field such as the glass magnetic disks  
separates the Optx business from the electro Optx field of HOYA. It  
enhances competitiveness as a center business of the earning power  
after it integrates it and growth is aimed at.

The eye caring field of glasses and the contact lens separates a  
medical business from the eye caring field of HOYA. It aims at the  
information electronics field and a center business and the location  
growth that queues up from can the expectation of stable growth.

In other fields, the business of the two companies is maintained. The  
research and development section unites the R&D center of HOYA and  
the research and development headquarters of Pentax as a Corporate  
section. It improves the efficiency of the business selecting and  
intensively in the new field such as the measurement equipment where  
earnings or more are expected in the future while invested positively.

The two compani

Re: 77 Ltd

2006-12-27 Thread Bertil Holmberg
A bit long in the tooth on digital, isn't it?

I'd love to have one but I received a 70mm from HK today so I guess  
that will have to do for now ;-)

Bertil, who lives outside the realm of $100 lens rebates...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: K10D sample pix and manual

2006-10-05 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Looks like at least one of the images was shot a month ago (Sep 3rd,  
EXIF data). So why weren't they displayed at Photokina?


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Friday Foto Fun

2006-10-06 Thread Bertil Holmberg
It is that time of the year when Nobel prizes are heaped on a few  
deserving and needy. All the rest can always hope for the alternative  
Ig Nobel Prize, and that's where we find the photography connection.  
The math prize went down under to Nic Svenson and Piers Barnes who  
have calculated the number of group photos required to get one where  
nobody is blinking. Not quite in the Ig tradition, being marginally  


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Dual AF system in DA* lenses ? It seems so :D

2006-10-14 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Thanks for the link :-)


That's not entirely surprising, given Pentax support for older bodies  
and lenses.

Of more ímmediate interest is the other note in the German  
DigitalFotoNetz that claims that the K10D will actually be released  
earlier in Europe than the Japan Nov 30 date! Well, I'm skeptical...

"Neu für Pentax ist, dass die weltweite Erstauslieferung in Europa  
und auf dem deutschen Markt geschehen wird , wo die Kamera bereits  
gegen Mitte November erwartet wird."


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Show in Japan

2006-10-16 Thread Bertil Holmberg

16 okt 2006 kl. 20:14 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> But I cannot believe Pentax's reason for the delay. If production
> started a month ago, Pentax should have about 13,000 K10D cameras by
> now. It makes no sense that these are just sitting in a warehouse  
> rather
> than earning the company a return on its investment. Pentax hasn't  
> done
> anything like this with previous products.

Joe, I'm not so sure, I seem to recall that they delayed the Optio  
A10 not that long ago with the same motivation. I had to wait a  
couple of extra weeks for my camera. Of course, that's what they  
said, the real reason may have been different.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: $890 for a 85mm f1.8 SMCT lens !

2006-10-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Yes, I was very tempted but then someone pointed me to the new DA  
70mm which is even smaller, and black only ;-)

Like the other two DA pancakes, it should have the handy Quick-shift  
Focus System too that is absent from my 43mm LE, and I guess from the  
77mm too.


> Well jco, you'll probably never regret buying a 77mm Limited. Great  
> lens,
> very pretty and small -  a joy to use too.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Adults on bicycles

2006-10-31 Thread Bertil Holmberg
The up to date version should be:

"Every time I see and adult cyclist wearing a helmet, I no longer  
despair for the human race"

Take care, Bertil

31 okt 2006 kl. 09:39 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> "Every time I see an adult on a bicycle", said H G Wells, "I no longer
> despair for the human race"

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: Adults on bicycles

2006-11-01 Thread Bertil Holmberg
My old neurosurgery teacher said:

”It is wise to use a helmet,
it protects the brain,
that is were the wisdom is located."


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: K10D & GX-10 (Samsung) samples

2006-11-13 Thread Bertil Holmberg
The interesting question is if moire can be completely avoided, at  
least without some cost.
When the finite resolution of the camera is very close to some highly  
regular object in the image moire can obviously appear.
We have all seen someone appear on the TV screen dressed in a striped  
suit, not the thing to do twice.
Another common example is the flat bed scan of a rasterized print.  
Rotating the original may help, reducing the moire in software will  
invariably degrade the image, I believe.
I'd love to hear your views on this.


> I think it's a roof or something similar. If you look just above the
> third and fourth supporting pole (lower left part of the image) moire
> is visible in the roof and the side panels of the building. (just
> above the ugly purple fringing in the bottom of the image).

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: How about Pentax M 135/3.5 and M 200/4.0?

2007-02-28 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I bought both for about $100 but have really only used the 135mm.  
Free hand, with SR on the K10D.

Here are a few examples, for what they are worth -  
- 1/20 sec


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: SMCP 70mm f2.4 Limited (reviews)

2007-03-02 Thread Bertil Holmberg
There's this excellent Chinese comparison with the FA 77mm:


2 mar 2007 kl. 15:04 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> I've seen PBase sample photos of SMCP 70mm f2.4 Limited. Very nice.
> Can't find in-depth reviews. Any information?

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Sony

2007-03-09 Thread Bertil Holmberg

Looks a bit like the grotesque Mamiya lighthouse, not something I  
would like to be seen in public with...


> It does appear to have a larger pentaprism, which means?

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: For Those Who Enjoy Rumors

2007-03-17 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Well, we have just read the PMA interview with two Pentax managers  
and they say a few things such as "Easy model changes should not be  
done" or "We no longer make cheap revisions" and "Actually, the next  
product already exists."

Does this not mean that the K10D replacement that should be available  
this autumn will be a substantial upgrade, along the lines suggested  
by the rumor(s)?


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Pentax for killers...

2007-03-23 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Akihabara News offers some closeups of the latest Pentax kit and boy  
does it looks cool! Makes me suddenly want one ;-)

On a more serious note, how do they fit both viewfinder prism and  
mirror inside that compact body?


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