MX mirror problem

2004-12-18 Thread Joakim Johansson
I bought my self a Pentax MX for two days ago, and I took some test photos
today. After a while the mirror jammed in locked-up position. This hasn't
happened when I tested the camera in room temperature. But the weather was a
little bit chilly (5 Celsius, 41,00 Fahrenheit) and windy today. 

I have read about this problem but I dont know if it's serious. Is easy to
fix, what do you think? Or In other words, should I contact the seller and
demand my money back? 



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SV: MX mirror problem

2004-12-18 Thread Joakim Johansson
Thanks Frank!


 I bought an MX some years ago, and the mirror jammed up every 10
 frames or so.  Turned out that a CLA fixed it up real nice.
 I'm thinking that maybe the cooler temps make the lubricant more
 viscous, so it jams up the shutter/mirror mechanism easier than at
 room temp.
 I'd guess CLA would fix her up (but I could be wrong).

PS:  As an addendum, IMHO, a CLA should be factored into the cost of
any used camera, especially one as old as an MX (unless, of course,
the seller tells you that it's been recently CLA'ed).  Also, you
mention that you've heard of mirror problems before.  I wonder if
you're thinking of the LX, some of which did indeed have a sticky
mirror, and the fix isn't always easy or effective, AFAIK.  I've not
heard of sticky mirrors being endemic to MXen.

cheers again,
Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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SV: Grain desolving programs

2004-12-16 Thread Joakim Johansson

Try this!


I have used Digital GEM and ISOX Pro. I am not satisfied with either 
one. They soften the image too much. If I then sharpen, the grain/noise 
just comes back.

Anyone found a better plug-in for this?


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SV: Reasonable price for an LX? And K2?

2004-12-15 Thread Joakim Johansson
I'm going to by a Pentax MX tomorrow, and the seller also has a K2 in used
(but quite good) shape. He wants 1400 SEK ($204.15) for the camera.


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Toralf Lund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 15 december 2004 21:00
Till: pdml
Ämne: Reasonable price for an LX? And K2?

What would you guys pay for an LX these days? How about a K2?

A guy here in Oslo (same person who sold me the M40, actually) has had 
both for sale for a while, and I'm a bit tempted...

- Toralf

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SV: SV: Reasonable price for an LX? And K2?

2004-12-15 Thread Joakim Johansson
Toralf wrote:

I mean, the price seems somewhat high compared to the 450 NOK I paid for 
my ME Super - including an M50 and an A70-210, but I guess that was a 
rather good deal. I've also seen MXes being sold for quite a bit less 
than 1400 SEK, though.

I agree with you, the price is a little bit high. But the prices in Sweden
are higher than elsewhere, I really don’t know why! I'm going to pay 1700
SEK ($247.9) for my Pentax MX, but it’s a very fine and checked example with
three months of guarantee. But still, it’s a little bit high.  


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Toralf Lund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 15 december 2004 21:00
Till: pdml
Ämne: Reasonable price for an LX? And K2?

What would you guys pay for an LX these days? How about a K2?

A guy here in Oslo (same person who sold me the M40, actually) has had 
both for sale for a while, and I'm a bit tempted...

- Toralf

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SV: SV: SV: Reasonable price for an LX? And K2?

2004-12-15 Thread Joakim Johansson
Yes, that's probably the main reason Henri, I think so too. It's too bad!


Sweden never was Pentax-country. Still isn't. That we have already 
found out at fotosidan, right? ;-)
There aren't very many Pentax'es going around here, so that drives up 
the prices on the attractive houses and lenses. The stuff that was sold 
alot are the ones that are cheap today, ie. 50mm lenses and ME/ME Super's.


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SV: SV: SV: The film is dead

2004-12-14 Thread Joakim Johansson

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Mark Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 14 december 2004 21:16
Ämne: Re: SV: SV: The film is dead

Mark Roberts wrote:
What on earth does having a computer or access to the Internet have to
do with this??? Nothing. (I'd wager that much *fewer* than 5% have a C41
processor and print minilab!) The infrastructure for getting a print
from digital is far less than that needed to get a print from color

That's right, you don't need a computer to use a digital camera. But it's
very hard to handle and store digital images without access to a computer.
And how are you going to charge the camera batteries if there isn’t any
electricity available? 

Mark Roberts wrote:
I'm sure he did think about it, but realized that it was irrelevant when
both film manufacturing and use are in precipitous decline. Film
manufacturing volume is determined by how much film people actually
*use*, not the number of cameras available for them to use it in! 

Most people on this planet live in the third world. They may be poor, but
they are many. And they use cameras and take photographs too, mostly with
film cameras. So I don't think the film is dead. The film manufactures will
certainly be forced to lower their production and minimize their
organisations because of lesser needs for film in the future. But I
personally think that the need for film will exist for many years to come.
Perhaps even other manufactures will rise (in the third world) which
specialises on producing film in a lesser scale.

Well, this is my opinion. I don’t force you too agree whit me, which you
probably won't. 



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SV: The film is dead

2004-12-14 Thread Joakim Johansson
If we think about it for a second, it may strike us that the digital
revolution is nothing but an easy summer breeze. In a global perspective
that is. 

Still most people around the world doesn’t even has electricity, and
therefore certainly no DLSR.s. I don’t think the film is dead!


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Paul Stenquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 14 december 2004 12:54
Ämne: Re: The film is dead

I believe that somewhere in the world there may be some enlargers and 
some operators who can make optical prints from 35mm negatives that are 
superior to a good inkjet print from a 6 megapixel image. But even the 
work of the best pro lab in this area isn't up to snuff. I know I can 
print BW from 6x7 with my Schneider Compuron-S that is superior to BW 
from my digital. However 35mm printed with my Nikon 50/2.8 is merely 
comparable, although perhaps more classic because of the grain and 
superior grayscale. However, I can't get a stunning color optical print 
anywhere around here, and Detroit is a city of big studios and 
top-dollar pros. Of course they all shoot digital now, so there's 
really no need for a good optical lab support system.

Yes, I said it was a plastic toy. I was wrong.

On Dec 14, 2004, at 12:02 AM, William Robb wrote:

 - Original Message - From:
 Subject: Re: Fw: The film is dead

 The fair comparison is to compare a high quality optical print to
 Do that, and yer 6 megapixie dslr starts to look like cheap junk.

 Not really. But you can believe that if you want.

 You have really come to like the little plastic toy haven't you?

 The guy I share studio space with is a very good custom printer.
 It is amazing what he can pull from a 35mm negative.

 Paul, I wouldn't say it if I had any reason to doubt it.

 William Robb

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SV: SV: The film is dead

2004-12-13 Thread Joakim Johansson

Rob Studdert Wrote:
Do you seriously think that film manufacturers are going to keep
non-profitable film production lines on ice for those people across the
globe who still don't have electricity (let alone the ability to afford
cameras/film/processing or prints)? 

I do not think so, and that wasn’t my point. I do think that there is going
to be a need for film for many years to come. And the reason for that is
that only 5 percent of all people on this planet have a computer and access
to the Internet. 

And what you probably didn’t even think about is that film based cameras
still is the most spread camera type on this planet, by far.


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Rob Studdert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 14 december 2004 15:06
Ämne: Re: SV: The film is dead

On 14 Dec 2004 at 13:49, Joakim Johansson wrote:

 If we think about it for a second, it may strike us that the digital
 revolution is nothing but an easy summer breeze. In a global perspective
 that is. 
 Still most people around the world doesn’t even has electricity, and
 therefore certainly no DLSR.s. I don’t think the film is dead!

I think you'll find that low end (but capable) digital cameras will very 
quickly become more cost effective than film cameras and all film but those 
destined for a for few niche markets will die out.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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SV: Next Pentax DSLR?

2004-12-03 Thread Joakim Johansson
I hope your source is correct, I need a new camera very soon (my old Z1p is
slowly dying). I also hope that Pentax for once could show their muscles and
give us a camera comparable with the DSLR:s produced by Canon and Nikon. 


No, Pentax does not like official releases of information, even after the
is in the hands of reviewers. However, the info came from a usually reliable

source. His info on the istDs, that I posted here on the list at least a
before any official info, was right on target. He gave me the info about the

spring release at the same time and had no details except it was to be a
above the istD.

Idiot Proof == Expert Proof

Patrick Genovese wrote:
 Was that mentioned offically anywhere ?
 Look for a upscale model in the late spring. If they have not changed 
 their plans that is.

 Idiot Proof == Expert Proof

 William Robb wrote:

 - Original Message - From: Joakim Johansson
 Subject: Next Pentax DSLR?

 Hi all,

 My name is Joakim Johansson and I'm a new member.

 I have a question, witch perhaps have been discussed before, about 
 the next
 Pentax DSLR. Is it possible that Pentax release a new advanced model (a
 upgrade of the *istD) during 2005, and what can we expect from it if 
 that is
 the case?

 I think the new camera is scheduled to be released at the next Ulan 
 Bator show..

 Seriously, they pretty much have to release a new model, if for no 
 other reason than to maintain some sort of dignity in the marketplace.
 My bet is nothing until the fall of 2005, similar body style to the 
 istD, 8mp, more or less the same feature set as the istD, but with a 
 larger buffer and faster frame rate.
 Note, this may well be completely off base.

 William Robb


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Next Pentax DSLR?

2004-12-02 Thread Joakim Johansson
Hi all, 

My name is Joakim Johansson and I'm a new member.

I have a question, witch perhaps have been discussed before, about the next
Pentax DSLR. Is it possible that Pentax release a new advanced model (a
upgrade of the *istD) during 2005, and what can we expect from it if that is
the case?

Joakim Johansson   

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