OT: Alternative Light Pic

2001-08-04 Thread John Edwin Mason

Folks, I have another pic up on the Photo Forum
gallery.  It's the shot that I prepared for the August
PUG, only to check my notes and see that I'd taken it
with my Contax.  So off it went to my second favorite
place to display.

Alternative light for sure.  Shot was made in an
orchestra pit during a run of the musical Carousel. 
The only illumination is a 25 watt music stand light
just out of the frame.


Best, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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Re: First Camera

2001-08-01 Thread John Edwin Mason

I'm one of those people who's very dogmatic about
proper first cameras.  Has to be all manual and

Have always thought that the K1000 is perfect choice,
plus it's indestructable, plus its design is almost
elegant in its simplicity, plus it's a true classic.

But then I remember that I didn't follow that path.

My first camera was a Kodak 126 (or 127?), completely
unadjustable.  My second camera was a Kodak
Instamatic, completely unadjustable.

Didn't have a truly manual camera--focus, shutter
speed, aperture--until high school, when I started
using my father's Ricohflex TLR.  Even then didn't
have a meter.  Guessed exposure using the pictograms
on the film box (remember those?).  Set up my first
darkroom soon after.

I suppose the point is that if you're simply trying to
get a kid hooked on photography, the camera really
doesn't matter much.  On the other hand, if she's
already hooked and you want her to learn exposure,
selective focus, etc. take the meter battery out of a
K1000 and send her on her way.


John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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Foto Follies, Pro Division

2001-07-27 Thread John Edwin Mason

The timing is perfect, boys and girls.

In this week's column, Frank van Riper has a very
funny, slightly sardonic take on the many of the
issues we, myself included, have been endlessly
rehashing this week.


If the link doesn't work, go to the
washingtonpost.com, click on Camera Works, click on
Frank van Riper.  Worth the trouble.

BTW, has anybody got a battered Domke bag they want to
sell?  The more beat up the better.


John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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OT: Eudora Welty

2001-07-26 Thread John Edwin Mason

The Americans on this list will know that Eudora Welty
died this week.  I'm not sure how well known she was
outside of the States.  Suffice it to say that she was
one of the most significant novelists and short story
writers of the last century.  She had won all of this
country's important literary awards--the Pulitzer
Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the
American Book Award.

What I didn't know until I heard a lengthy obituary on
the radio is that she was a published photographer. 
Yesterday I went off to the library to see what she
had done.

Virtually all of her published photos date from the
1930s, and most of it was shot in the towns and
countryside of Mississippi.  Anyone familiar with the
work of the Farm Security Administration
photographers--Gordon Parks, Walker Evans, Dorothea
Lange, Marion Post Wolcott, Arthur Rothstein, Ben
Shahn, et. al.--will recognize her subject, the life
of ordinary people, black and white, during the
depression.  What's different is her style.

There's an relaxed intimacy about her photos that few
of the FSA photographers, for all their undoubted
brilliance, ever achieved.  Wherever they went, the
FSA photographers were outsiders (Parks, arguably, was
an exception); Welty was at home.

The FSA photographers, under the direction of Roy
Stryker, were also out to make a point about the
dignity, resilience, and suffering of the American
working class at a time of terrible hardship.  (There
was often tension between Stryker and his
photographers over the demands of politics, on the one
hand, and art, on the other.) 

Welty wasn't making a point.  She was doing what
writers do, observing the world around her with great
care and empathy.  In an interview in _Eudora Welty:
Photographs_ (University Press of Mississippi, 1989),
she calls her photos "snapshots."  She's not putting
herself down.  She's alluding to her desire to observe
life, but not to comment on it or, at least, not to
comment very much (she saved that for her fiction).

For me, the beauty of Welty's photos lies in their
simplicity, their honesty, and, because of clarity of
her vision, their evocation of a particular time and

Best, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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Re: Professional

2001-07-26 Thread John Edwin Mason

Pal, I hesitate to continue this conversation because
it really is silly and because I've been wanting to
write a post about Eudora Welty, a brilliant writer
who died this week and who was also an gifted amateur

You're wrong to accuse either Mike or me of having
written or implied that pro=good and non-pro=bad. 
What we said was pro=lots of pros use 'em (for the
reasons Mike detailed), non-pro=very few do (ditto). 
Quality, in and of itself, was not at issue.

We can all think of good non-pro cameras, for
instance, the many K1000s soon to enter their third
decade of problem-free service.

We all agree that the MZ-S is a good camera, that
Pentax makes good lenses, and that any pro can take
pretty pictures with them.

On to Welty.  --John

Pal wrote:

>>John wrote:

>>Why do you care?  

>I care because the myth that Pentax doesn't offer pro
>gear or pro service is just that; a myth.

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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RE: Is the New LX Going to Be a Digital Camera

2001-07-24 Thread John Edwin Mason

John F. wrote:

>>An updated LX would appeal to the nostalgia buffs...

Nostalgia buffs and those of us with big hands.

Seriously, I would love to see an AF LX.  I shot two
rolls last weekend with a friend's F2A, with a motor
drive and battery pack.  Spent half the day carrying
it around.

It's the aesthetics of the camera that got me.  The
heft.  The precision of its tolerances.  The
snick/whir of the shutter and motor drive.  Not AF, of
course, but still five pounds of exquisitely
engineered and machined heaven.  (Almost heaven,
actually--couldn't mount my lenses.)  Just what I
would expect of an AF LX.  Substantial, robust,

As I've mentioned, my eyes aren't getting any better. 
My next camera will have to be AF.  An AF Pentax with
the genes of an LX rather than MX would be just about

--John M.

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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RE: Amateur Photographer MZ-S review

2001-07-24 Thread John Edwin Mason

I'm a bit surprised that the consensus is to praise
the MZ-S for its size and weight.

I was able to hold one last week for the first time
(though hold it was all I was able to do--it had given
up the ghost mid-way through its first roll of film
and was headed back to Pentax).

Certainly an impressive machine, but too small for my
hands and too light for my taste.

Reminded me of the time I was considering buying a
Miata.  Didn't take more than a few minutes behind the
wheel for me to see that, despite its many virtues, it
wasn't the car for me.  Headroom, legroom, hiproom--it
was just too damn small.  In the same way, the MZ-S is
a 7/10ths version of a camera I'd like to buy.  (I've
already made the mistake of buying a ZX-5N, which I
almost never use because even with the battery pack
it's uncomfortably small and awkward for me to use.)

I realize, of course, that YMM, and probably does, V.

Which brings me to Pal's autofocus LX.  My eyes have
never been particularly good, and it's getting to the
point where I'm going to have to think about going AF
or shooting only with my Contax IIIa, a '50s
rangefinder that's still wonderfully easy to focus.

An AF camera with the feel and heft (and metal
construction) of an LX would be awfully nice. 
Assuming that I could afford it.  A camera with AF
built to LX standards would cost how many thousands of

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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Re: Superbike race photos from Mid-Ohio

2001-07-24 Thread John Edwin Mason

Very cool pics, Mark.

The colors seem subdued.  The Sensia 400?  My monitor?
 The light?  Your scans?


John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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Re[2]: Your "No Fat" Pentax Outfit

2001-07-19 Thread John Edwin Mason

Bob done wrote (re: Bill Allard of beautiful
Charlottesville, VA, and National Geographic):

[much snipped about Allard's travel kit]
>>Not to mention...a fifth of George Dickel bourbon 
>>whiskey.  ...for three weeks in Mississippi.

For three weeks!?  Barely enough for three days.


John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia
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Re: Frank van Riper

2001-07-15 Thread John Edwin Mason

Mike wrote:

> This is a nice article. Check it out before it 
> disappears

> http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/galleries/
> essays/102000.htm

Yes, very nice.  Van Riper's column changes every
Friday and is always worth a look.

This week's is terrific, too (you may have to cut and

In fact you you like photography, the Camera Works
section of the Washington Post's site is one of the
best things on the web: 

Check out Jan Faul's haunting Battlefield Parks
index.html?inside and be amazed.


John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: OT: Quotes without comment

2001-07-10 Thread John Edwin Mason

Stan writes:

> it almost seems as though the author is purposefully

> doing a spoof on the golly-gee dumbed-down typical 
> reviews. He/she is making fun of the editors, the
> readers, and the magazine.

You're an optimist, Stan.  Hope you're right, but the
cynic in me doesn't think so.  --John

John Edwin Mason
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Re: OT: Graphics Pad?

2001-06-19 Thread John Edwin Mason

Robb rote:
>rolls around on the pad in random
>circles  This leads to great confusion.

Sounds like one of my college roommates.

But seriously, thanks for the advice.  --John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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OT: Graphics Pad?

2001-06-19 Thread John Edwin Mason

Hi, all.

I've decided to get a graphics pad for my PC for use
with Photoshop, etc.

I wonder if anyone has any strong feelings regarding
make and/or model?

Thanks, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: PUG Commentary - John Mason's "Night Train"

2001-05-03 Thread John Edwin Mason

I really thought that I wasn't going to have to say
anything about the photo itself, but I do.

I wasn't, as Shel would have it, sneaking.  The photo
is one of a series that I took at the station that
evening.  Several show the two men standing in various
places on the platform, gazing in various directions,
including directly at me.

Earlier the three of us had talked.  They were
surprised that I was able to take pictures under such
conditions without a flash.  I told them about Delta
3200 and fast lenses.

That, I hope and pray, is my last word on the subject.

Best, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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2001-04-28 Thread John Edwin Mason

I was singing the praises of Kodak's T400CN.  Great
portrait film.  Luminous skin tones.  Incredible
latitude.  Etc.

I've just scanned an 8x10 print that I hope
illustrates the point about skin tones.  (Printed on
Ilford multigrade IV RC glossy Portfolio, using 3 1/2

It's a 40k .jpg file.  I'll send it out to anyone
who's interested.

The scan probably isn't the best.  I'm new to anything
having to do with photos and computers.  I've only
recently gotten my hands on an oldish HP scanner.  My
submission to May's PUG gallery was one of my first
attempts.  This portrait is about my tenth.

Cheers, John (who still prefers Tri-X, most of the

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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2001-04-28 Thread John Edwin Mason

>Also, the grain of chromogenic looks like color
>film...it reminds me of
>looking at a color scan that's been desaturated,
>rather than a b+w print.

I agree.  It's odd to see a B&W print that doesn't
have the kind of grain structure that we've come to

I like grain.  When I shoot with, say, Tri-X, grain is
a vital part of the image that I have in mind when I
press the shutter.

T400CN, the only chromogenic that I've used
extensively, is nearly grainless at the same time that
it lacks sharpness.

Not the film to use if you're going for the HC-B or
Salgado look, but wonderful for portraits.

On the other hand, it's a fine portrait film.  Lack of
sharpness generally doesn't hurt here.  And, as
somebody mentioned, it produces luminous skin tones
(including African-American).

It's also damned versatile.  Rate it at 200 or 400 or
800, have it processed normally, and get back negative
with all the shadow and highlight detail you can ask

As for archivability...  Is it any different from
color print film?

Best, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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2001-04-27 Thread John Edwin Mason

Interesting article by Frank van Riper on Ilford and
Kodak chromogenic B&W films.

If the link below doesn't work, go washingtonpost.com,
click on Camera Works, click on Frank van Riper.


My experience with Kodak's T400CN is pretty much the
same as his as far as shadow and highlight detail
(superb), exposure latitude (immense), and printing
(start with a 3 1/2 contrast filter and go up from
there) is concerned.  He likes it.  So do I.

But I still prefer Tri-X's tonalities and grain.

BTW, van Riper's Friday column is generally well worth

Best, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: OT: Camera Shops, Thanks

2001-04-12 Thread John Edwin Mason

Many thanks for the tips about camera shops in St.

I believe that I've privately thanked everyone who
answered.  If I missed someone, very sorry.  This
one's for you.

I'm signing off until I get back.  If I find something
interesting, I'll let you all know.

Best, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: MZ-S First look

2001-03-08 Thread John Edwin Mason

Pal wrote:
>My guess is that the MZ-S will sell very well the
>first year. Then I think it will settle as a steady
>long term seller but in relatively small 

Part of me hopes that you're right, Pal.  A larger
part of me hopes that you're wrong and that Pentax is
forced to drop the price into my range.  Don't get me
wrong, I like most of what I've heard about the
camera.   Just don't want to part with that much

I still worry about Pentax's marketing.  Retailers
I've spoken to about the MZ-S (in Charlottesville and
and Abby and Penn in DC) think of Pentax as a maker of
P&S and cheap SLRs (and high quality lenses that are
too often difficult to find).  To them the LX and MX
are ancient history.  They're going to steer anyone
with nearly a grand to spend towards Nikon and Canon. 
How is Pentax going to overcome this prejudice?

More on marketing...  Wouldn't producing a silver
version would be a mistake?  (Yes, I know, matches the
limited lenses.)  But Nikon and Canon have trained
consumers to see silver SLRs as low end.  Pro cameras,
the thinking goes, are black, unless they're high end

A silver MZ-S, if it is actually manufactured, would
reinforce people's impression that the camera not in
the same class as, say, the F100.  And overpriced as
well.  I'm not saying that black=pro, silver=entry
level amateur makes sense.  But is does seem to be the
way the market operates.

Or is all of this going in the wrong direction?  Does
Pentax simply accept that the MZ-S will sell in very
small numbers and largely to Pentax fanatics?  Is
their model for the MZ-S the LX--a superb camera that
failed in the marketplace, but has achieved cult

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: First look at MZ-S

2001-03-07 Thread John Edwin Mason

I talked to my favorite camera dealer today for the
first time since he got back from the PMA.  His
reaction was the same as Dick's brother's.  My guy
also doesn't feel he can sell it for at the price
Pentax will be asking (dealer cost about USD 800). 
He's frankly perplexed at Pentax's marketing strategy.
 The only people he sees buying the camera are serious
Pentax fanatics, an exceedingly small market.

This guy is no fool.  Years of experience in
photojournalism and commercial photography.  A
darkroom wizard, both fine art and commercial.  For
the last 15-20 years has run the best full service
camera store in town.

How is Pentax going to move product if they can't win
over people like him and Dick's brother?

Dick's brother wrote:
>Our Pentax rep brought an MZ-S in last week. The one
thing that 
>all else about the camera is it's price. With a
street price of $850 
>$900, it will not sell very well.  We figure, based
on fell and 
features, it
>should be priced at about $600.

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: What are your shootin' this weekend?

2001-03-03 Thread John Edwin Mason

What have I shot this weekend?

This morning, indoor and outdoor portraits of a very
beautiful older woman friend.  Using Tri-X/K1000/50mm
Pentax A; Sensia 400/ZX-5N/28-105mm Tokina; Delta 100
and Tri-X/Rolleiflex TLR/75mm Zeiss.  Available light
indoors in the kitchen and den, bright overcast
outdoors in her garden.

What more will I shoot?

Tomorrow, if we get the storm that's been promised,
wintry cityscapes (actually townscapes).  Probably
using Tri-X/KX/28mm and 50mm Pentax A.

Best, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: Delta 3200@11x14, was Shel's Survey

2001-02-20 Thread John Edwin Mason

Tom opines:
>Oh yeah. Delta 3200 at 11x14. Gotta love it. I bet
DOF >is like an inch too.

I think you meant Gotta try it for myself.  You'll
find that...

DOF is unaffected by the choice of Delta 3200.

Apparent grain can be well controlled by right
lighting--typical concert set-up in this case, spotlit
subjects, background going to black.

Developing in Microphen or similar lessens actual

As I mentioned, they'll be hanging over the chopped
liver and curried tuna salad in my favorite sandwich
shop, 115 Elliewood Ave, C-ville, VA.

Cheers, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: Shel's Survey

2001-02-19 Thread John Edwin Mason

Shel queries:

>SURVEY:  How many list members make 11x14 or larger
>B&W prints,and how often?

Printed a series of 11x14s just the other weekend,
Shel.  Concert shots.  Acoustic, of course.

Delta 3200@3200, developed in Microphen.

Look pretty good, IIDSSMS.  Musicians in spotlights
against a jet black background.  Perfect set-up for
surprisingly unobtrusive grain.

A couple will be going up on the wall of a sandwich
shop near my office at the U of Virginia, once they're
matted and framed.  (Take-It-Away on Elliewood--get
the curried tuna salad.)  Let me know when you're in
the neighborhood.  ;-)

Cheers, John
Member (of the very prestigious), Acoustic
Photographers' Guild

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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OT: WTB, Shutterbug, Feb. '01

2001-02-17 Thread John Edwin Mason

Hi, folks.

Does someone have a February 2001 Shutterbug that
they'd be willing to part with for a few bucks?

Thanks, John

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: News from PMA - MZ-S and other stuff

2001-02-12 Thread John Edwin Mason

Folks, it seems to me that how the MZ-S looks depends
on where you stand.  I stand in need of something to
replace my ZX-5N, so the MZ-S looks pretty darn good.

I bought the 5N about a year ago.  After many years
with my trusty K1000 and KX, I wanted autofocus, spot
metering, auto advance, auto bracketing, TTL flash,
and, I'll admit, point and shoot capability for when I
get lazy.

But it hasn't taken long for the 5N's limitations to
get on my nerves, especially the autofocus, which is a
generation behind the N80 and two generations behind
the new Elan 7 (I say this on the basis of
side-by-side -by-side shooting that I did with a
couple of friends a few weeks ago).

I don't much like the 5N's design (in terms of both
looks and utility) and it has a much noisier shutter,
advance, and rewind than the Elan 7 (something that
matters to me since much of my photography involves
accoutic musicians in rehearsal and concert).  (No, a
rangefinder is not usually an option.  When I shoot
individual performers, I'm generally using at least a
135 lens, often 80-200, sometimes 100-300.)

I mention the N80 and the Elan 7 because the specs
which cause so much disappointment for those of us who
hoped for a F100 competitor and PZ-1P successor
actually make me quite happy.  They suggest that the
MZ-S is aimed at the middle of the market, at the N80
and Elan 7 (which, BTW, also has a part-metal frame). 

If that's right, the US street price should be USD
450-500.  Beautiful.  Affordable.

If I'm wrong and Pentax prices the MZ-S above the N80
and Elan 7, I'll be very disappointed.  And Pentax
will likely have trouble moving it.  (Things are
moving fast.  Adorama is selling USA warranty F100's
for USD 985.)

Cheers, John

PS  I made some of these points in a post Sunday which
seems not to have gone through.  Sorry if I'm
repeating myself.  I also received double posts
Sunday--digests 215 and 217.

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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Re: OT: Going semi-digital

2001-02-05 Thread John Edwin Mason

What a great list!  Many thanks to William, Joe,
Aaron, Mark, Steve, Cy, Dan, Cotty, Collin, and
Antti-Pekka for their advice.  (Apologies if I've
missed anyone.)

Nice to have a sense of where I ought to spend
money--RAM, monitor--and where I needn't--pure
procession speed.

Best, John (who hopes some listmembers will be at the PMA)

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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2001-01-26 Thread John Edwin Mason

Flavio, Kodak's T400CN has become one of my favorite
films, especially for portraits.  The tonality can be
beautifully smooth, even creamy.  Very flattering.

It also has superb latitude.  It's rated at 400, but I
always shoot at 800 and have it processed normally. 
The negs are beautiful--nice shadow detail, no
increase in contrast--and print easily.  At 800 it
gives better results than pushing Tri-X, T-Max 400, or
Delta 400.

But the film has its quirks.  Being chromogenic, lacks
the grain structure that we're used to seeing in B&W
photos.  Some people dislike it for that reason.

C-41 B&W films also lack contrast, which means that
they have less apparent sharpness than conventional
B&W films of similar ISOs.  When I print T400CN, I
begin with a 3 1/2 contrast filter--with a normal
3 1/2 is neutral, like 2 with a Tri-X neg.

Most importantly, don't take the film to a one-hour
lab, unless all you want are reference prints. 
One-hour labs will print on color paper, and that will
almost always give unpleasant results.  (Although I
once ended up with nice sepia prints.)

I take my C-41 film to a local pro lab that prints on
B&W paper.  The results are very nice and not much
more expensive than a one-hour lab.

One last point.  T400CN picks up scratches much, much
more easily than conventional B&W films.  Be careful. 
It also holds on to dust much more tenaciously.

Cheers, John

>Flavio writes:
>Well, the question: I tried Kodak 400 CN, Ilford XP2
>and Konica VX. All ISO 400 C-41  B&W film with
various >results, the most annoying thing
>being the fact that 1-hour lab prints always come up
>in every shade of tones but neutral.

>Flavio also writes:
>The question is: if I print B&W from this films how
>will the mask
>interfere with filtering? I suppose the general
>contrast should be lower but if I use a magenta
filter >for a high contrast it will blend with 
>the film mask, won't it?
>Will it be the same if I tried real colour film?

John Edwin Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

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