Re: [Looking for]

2005-02-05 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 03:44:26PM +0100, Thibouille wrote..
> * SuperA Grip:  Sometimes I'd like to use it without the MotorA and
> without the grip, it is a pain. Anybody having a spare one?
> * MX MotorDrive: I have no idea about the price but I understand they
> are quite rare and expensive. I still need an idea of the price. MX
> winders are everywhere however.

There is one on eBay Germany at the moment.  I think they ask EUR 245.

Too expensive for my taste.  Heh!  But I was lucky last week:
I picked up a very nice MX with 1.7/50 in excellent condition
for (no typo...) EUR 12.50   (that is roughly US$ 15)


Re: Have you ever heard of Porst lenses?

2005-02-06 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 08:44:44PM -0500, Larry Cook wrote..
> I have run across a 135/1.8 lens for Pentax K mount that I have never 
> heard of. It is a Porst. Porst I believe is a German camera company and 
> the lens was actuallt made by a Japanese company named Tomioka. Does 
> anyone know anything about this Porst/Tomioka lens or about the brand in 
> general?

Porst is indeed a German company.  To the best of my knowledge they
never had manufacturing capability, rather they sold OEM-ed stuff under
their own name.  Most likely different OEMs as well.

Around here (the Netherlands) the Porst stuff does not fetch any real
money at used-camera markets. For what that means..


Re: Day at the beach.Funny Paw

2005-02-06 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 12:06:57AM +, Bob W wrote..
> Hi,
> > Yer cars rust out really fast here, as well, and we don't use hardly
> > any salt on our streets.
> > Not that an English car will work in our winters.
> You think your pantywaist Canadian winters are severe, huh? You ain't
> never seen a British winter, mate. They're so severe our entire transport
> infrastructure grinds to a halt, and everybody has to stay away from work!
> It all starts early, too. As soon as the first wet leaves fall in autumn.

The wrong kind of leaves that is..



Re: [Looking for]

2005-02-07 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 01:16:08PM -0600, Gonz wrote..
> Wilko Bulte wrote:
> >On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 03:44:26PM +0100, Thibouille wrote..
> >
> >>* SuperA Grip:  Sometimes I'd like to use it without the MotorA and
> >>without the grip, it is a pain. Anybody having a spare one?
> >>
> >>* MX MotorDrive: I have no idea about the price but I understand they
> >>are quite rare and expensive. I still need an idea of the price. MX
> >>winders are everywhere however.
> >
> >
> >There is one on eBay Germany at the moment.  I think they ask EUR 245.

I was EUR 4 off, they are asking EUR 249.

> >Too expensive for my taste.  Heh!  But I was lucky last week:
> >I picked up a very nice MX with 1.7/50 in excellent condition
> >for (no typo...) EUR 12.50   (that is roughly US$ 15)
> >
> I hate you.

Hihi.. Yeah, I drew my wallet in 0.02 ms when I saw the price tag
and got verbal confirmation that it was no typo.  Remains the question
why one would want to own 3 MX' but hey..

These are really neat pieces of camera work, I had my first MX (dates back
to 1977 I think) on the shuttertester recently.  All timing is within 15%
of nominal.

For fun the EUR 12.50 body went onto the same tester and shows similar



Re: Have you ever heard of Porst lenses?

2005-02-08 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 12:07:40AM +0100, Jens Bladt wrote..
> Many brand names have been reused as names for products that have nothing to
> do with the original brand/manufacturer. Trading companiers, that have no
> production anymore or have no real realations with the original brand buy
> old names. Exakta, Contax, Voigtländer - are examples - to mention a few. I
> believe ther's a market for just "names". When a manufacturer closes down,
> they can make a profit by selling or licensing their name/brand.
> A Cosina named Porst is still not a Porst, just a Cosina with "borrowed"
> name tag.
> BTW, I may be confusing Alpha (made by Zeiss) with Acra Swiss, a large

Arca Swiss, not Acra Swiss.


Re: Yummy Ektar 25

2005-02-08 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 07:10:22AM -0800, Shel Belinkoff wrote..
> It's a shame that a whole generation of photographers will never know the
> joy of emulsions like Ektar 25, Panatomic-X,  RG25, Agfa APX-25, and other
> similar emulsions.  

Go and buy some Efke 25 or Efke 50.  They are *neat*...


Re: New K1000 owner

2005-02-09 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 02:40:23PM -0800, Shel Belinkoff wrote..
> I gotta jump in and say "What a load of crap."  Leica owners have really
> gotten associated with this business of fondling their gear, collecting
> cameras rather than using them, and being just a bunch of image-craving
> dilettantes.  This image goes contrary to the Leica owners I know.  Every
> one of them use their cameras a lot - many Leicas are brassed, scratched,
> beat up with their vulcanite chipped and falling off, and many have been
> rebuilt and rebuilt again.  There are thousands of hybrids out there -
> cameras with parts scrounged from other cameras.  Some M4's have been
> fitted with M2 and M3 advance levers, my M2 has an M4 viewfinder, I've seen
> an M6 with an M4 finder, and, of course, M4's with M6 finders.
> I know that you didn't write what you posted, but frankly, it's just
> bullshit.  I've seen more Pentax owners afraid to scratch their little
> jewels, worry about dust on or in the lens, or not using their gear when
> the weather's bad than I have Leica owners.

And that will most likely not get any better with the latest electronic
toys (read: digital SLRs).  


Re: New Pentax DSLR announced!

2005-02-14 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 08:49:05AM +0100, Jens Bladt wrote..
> Not pretty. It looks cheap and toyish.
> It also makes it look non-professional, which I believe, is the whole idea.
> Some people hate the idea of being confused with a pro.
> I once waated to buy a Metz hammer head flash for work - like the ones I
> often use myself.
> My boss said no - go with a traditional camera flash. The hammer head will
> look too professional!

Duh...  My ancient Metz 402 got me remarks like "Oh, look, a guy from the
press!" for sure.  And got me access to places un-asked to which I would
not normally have had access :-P


Re: Pentax doing IR conversions ??

2008-01-17 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Timber, who wrote on Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 03:03:29AM +0100 ..
> I don't think any company will release an IR converted camera. Fuji 
> tried it and so far I know it wasn't really a success. The IR conversion 
> is nothing more than removing/replacing the hot-filter since the 
> CCD/CMOS is already sensitive to both IR and UV. The Pentax K10D has a 
> very strong hotfilter so IR photography is quite impossible with an 
> unmodded K10D, but K100D Super has some potential (where the K10D needed 
> 30sec K100Ds needed 2sec). Also full spectrum modded (hotfilter removed) 
> SLR has some serious disadvantage if it doesn't have a live view, since 
> you can't see trough the IR filter. IR modded (hotfilter replaced with 
> IR filter) SLR makes life just a little easier since the IR light's 
> different wavelength needs different focusing (it means if with normal 
> light the focus distance is for example 5 meters then with IR light it 
> would be 7 meters). Sigma has an interesting solution to this, since the 
> hotfilter can be found between the lens and the mirror and you can 
> remove it anytime (or even replace it with some filters).
> With Live View things are way more easier since you can see trough the 
> IR filter with the help of CCD+LCD and you can compose much more easier 
> with this. Also to get the correct exposure if the camera meters with 
> the CCD/CMOS is just as easy as with normal light photography.
> I have a full spectrum modded Panasonic FZ50 and I really enjoy doing 
> hand-held IR photography with it. I can't wait to have a little better 
> weather here and make some nature IR shots with it.
> To test your camera's IR capabilities you should get a remote control, 
> face it to the cam and make a picture of it while pressing a button. If 
> you see a little white/purple light on the front of the RC then you 
> camera has IR possibilities (like K100D). If you see nothing (like K10D) 
> then your camera has a strong hotfilter.
> Also to mod a CCD-Shift mechanism SLR is very risky cause you have to 
> 'touch' the very sensitive anti-shake mechanism too. I think that's why 
> lifepixel won't do K10D modding. If you want to get into the IR 
> photography I suggest to buy an SLR-Like cam (like Panasonic FZ50, 
> Fujifilm S9600, Canon S3/S5 IS or if you can afford then a Sony R1) and 
> start with that. Modded SLR is only needed if you would like to do 
> astrophotography, but in this case I recommend using an Canon EOS 
> 350D/400D (or if you can afford then a Nikon D300) instead of Pentax 
> K10(0)D, since there you won't need Shake Reduction, EOS has lower noise 
> at higher ISO and you can put your K lenses on EOS with ease.
> But I highly recommend to try IR photography with a modded SLR-like cam 
> first. If you're brave enough then you can do the conversion yourself, 
> there are lot of instructions about this on the internet. For me the 

In case you like to try a DIY job

OK, it is not a Pentax, I don't own any digital Pentax cameras.  


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Re: OT: Film advise

2008-01-23 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting David Savage, who wrote on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 12:41:49AM +0900 ..
> I've got a weekend trip coming up in a few weeks, while I'll mostly be
> shooting with the K10D, I'm planning on taking the 6x7 also.
> What I'm after is recommendations for colour slide film. I've never
> really shot slides much in the past, I was always more of a B&W
> shooter, so I don't really have any clue as to what is good or what I
> should steer clear of.
> The main point of the trip is to get out of the city & shoot some star
> trails, with early morning sunrise & full sun beach/desert like
> scenery thrown in for good measure.
> Any recommendations/advise you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Ektachrome 100 does it for me.  Not the overdone colors of Velvia for


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Re: Official K20D and K200D (Almost)

2008-01-23 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Godfrey DiGiorgi, who wrote on Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 11:03:38AM -0800 ..
> On Jan 23, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Tim Øsleby wrote:
> > A bit premature(?) release of the manualls from the german distributor
> > PDF's at bottom of page
> > 
> > photo&service&download
> > I don't read geman very well I find:

> - digitally Preview (after treatment storable)
> - sharpness depth preview
> - histogram announcement in single channels
> - Pentaprismensucher

Sucher -> viewfinder

> - Custom image with 4 color profiles
> - 5 color profiles and SW Aufnahmefunktion

recording function

> - RAW files in the DNG format - RAW + JPEG at the same time
> - individual file name can for photographs be assigned
> - interval timer
> - x-Synchronkontakt for lightning plants

Gotta love auto translation.  Flash units.

> - exposure row for white alignment, farbsaettigung, colour, contrast,  

Farbsaettigung -> color saturation.


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Re: next week's news

2008-02-23 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Bob Sullivan, who wrote on Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 06:54:47AM -0600 ..
> Peter,
> Since when is Schneider anything more than an old trade name that
> Samsung slaps on somebody elses lenses.  Schneider last made lenses
> when, the 1950's or early 1960's?  I have some in M42 screw mount for

Keep on dreaming..

Schneider is very much alive.


> the old Pentax K camera.
> Regards,  Bob S.
> On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Peter Fairweather
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Next week's Amateur Photographer in the UK has a "newspaper style"
> > insert, "The Amateur Photographer Iformer"
> >
> > Samsung feature very strongly with a 2 page advertisement centre
> > spread on the GX20. On the front page you can read about their plans
> > to produce their own lenses rather than rely on Tokina.  With help
> > from their partners Schneider they will be able to create very high
> > quality products
> >
> > Doesn't time fly. It seems like only last week that Pentax were still
> > advertising the K10D. It probably was!!  Perhaps they could make their
> > marketing expertise available to Samsung. What do these big electronic
> > firms know about real cameras?
> >
> > Anyone remember the name of the Japanese firm that used to make
> > betamax? I wonder if they are still trading?
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > --
> > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >
> >
> > to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
> > follow the directions.
> >
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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> the directions.
--- end of quoted text ---


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Re: next week's news

2008-02-23 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Bob Sullivan, who wrote on Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 10:30:46AM -0600 ..
> Wilko,
> Thanks for the correction.
> I didn't see many 35mm lenses there...

Schneider is quite big in MF lenses, and they are also engaged in lenses
optimised for digital capture.  I think (could be wrong) that the new
MF Rollei uses Schneider optics.

35mm lenses...  well, everybody is into plastic stuff assembled in Vietnam
(or wherever labor costs are minimal today).  Not something Schneider fits well

Hmm... I just love the classical lenses with aluminium & brass construction.
The good old Takumars & M lenses I just like better.  Or my Zeiss
lenses for the Hasselblad.  Ah well... dinosaur maybe? :-P


> Regards,  Bob S.
> On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 9:30 AM, Wilko Bulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Quoting Bob Sullivan, who wrote on Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 06:54:47AM -0600 ..
> > > Peter,
> > > Since when is Schneider anything more than an old trade name that
> > > Samsung slaps on somebody elses lenses.  Schneider last made lenses
> > > when, the 1950's or early 1960's?  I have some in M42 screw mount for
> >
> > Keep on dreaming..
> >
> > Schneider is very much alive.
> >
> >
> >
> > Wilko
> >
> >
> >
> > > the old Pentax K camera.
> > > Regards,  Bob S.
> > >
> > > On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Peter Fairweather
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Next week's Amateur Photographer in the UK has a "newspaper style"
> > > > insert, "The Amateur Photographer Iformer"
> > > >
> > > > Samsung feature very strongly with a 2 page advertisement centre
> > > > spread on the GX20. On the front page you can read about their plans
> > > > to produce their own lenses rather than rely on Tokina.  With help
> > > > from their partners Schneider they will be able to create very high
> > > > quality products
> > > >
> > > > Doesn't time fly. It seems like only last week that Pentax were still
> > > > advertising the K10D. It probably was!!  Perhaps they could make their
> > > > marketing expertise available to Samsung. What do these big electronic
> > > > firms know about real cameras?
> > > >
> > > > Anyone remember the name of the Japanese firm that used to make
> > > > betamax? I wonder if they are still trading?
> > > >
> > > > Peter
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
> > > > follow the directions.
> > > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> > >
> > >
> > > to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
> > > follow the directions.
> > --- end of quoted text ---
> >
> > --
> > Wilko
> >
> >
> > --
> > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >
> >
> > to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
> > follow the directions.
> >
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.
--- end of quoted text ---


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Re: Shots from a new K20D

2008-02-23 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting mike wilson, who wrote on Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 06:14:30PM + ..
> > 
> > From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: 2008/02/23 Sat PM 04:07:57 GMT
> > To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
> > Subject: Re: Shots from a new K20D
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "mike wilson"
> > Subject: Re: Shots from a new K20D
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > >> > Oh well.
> > >>
> > >> Each one comes with a latex clad middle aged lady.
> > >>
> > >
> > > Sadly, that is not one of the three things I am waiting for in a Pentax 
> > > DSLR.  It is about as 
> > > likely as two of them, though.
> > 
> > It's the closest they could come to an aperture stimulator
> > WW 
> Of the middle-aged women I know, it is a better attempt at full-frame.

Or a 40mm on 6x6..


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Re: next week's news

2008-02-24 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Cotty, who wrote on Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 12:27:10AM + ..
> On 24/02/08, Sylwester Pietrzyk, discombobulated, unleashed:
> >No. Back then it was JVC (VHS), Sony (Beta) and Philips (V2000). Of  
> >course the worst of these systems (VHS) has won :-)
> I always remember my brother-in-law bleating on about his Video 2000 kit
> - "it has the best freeze-frame function of all three". I mean for
> 's sake!

I've had the pleasure of being show a V2000 prototype while at Philips
Research.  This was a further development of the existing kit at the time,
with digitally encoded sound and all that.  Really neat, superb sound and
image quality.

Never went into production :(


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Re: OT: The influence of fairy cakes on Darwinian selection

2008-02-25 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting frank theriault, who wrote on Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:40:51PM -0500 ..
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Bob W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's one thing to die from a surfeit of lampreys, but this?
> >
> >
> Yes, but did he win the contest?

Sure, he got a Darwin Award.

> cheers,
> frank
> -- 
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Re: Woo Hoo, it's here

2008-02-26 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Bob Sullivan, who wrote on Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 04:30:54PM -0600 ..
> UPS man brought the K20D from Calumet Photo this afternoon...battery
> is charging.
> Initial impressions:
> Huge 250 page instruction book - much worse that I remember for the K10D.
> (30 page Quick Start booklet included.)
> Remote assistant 3 included along with PictureBridge & Photolab 3
> Nearly identical to the K10D - will be difficult to tell them apart by feel.
> More options on the set-up screens and haven't touched custom settings yet.
> Picture display goes to 32X zoom vs 20x? for the K10D...seems like
> lots more detail.
> It's a mighty big sensor folks!

Santa was early this year ;)


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Re: PESO: hardcore industrial kitsch

2008-02-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting frank theriault, who wrote on Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 05:57:26PM -0500 ..
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Ralf R. Radermacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > Arcelor's Dunkirk steel mill, christmas 2007:
> >
> >
> >
> >  As always, your comments and suggestions...  :-)
> Gorgeous!
> That you can find beauty in the bleak austerity of these industrial
> landscapes never fails to amaze me.

Peope close to Duisburg, Germany might want to check out Landschaftspark

I took my 'Blad there, with Ilford 3200 or 400.  Really makes for nice B&W.

There are a lot fascinating places to visit in the Ruhrgebiet, the heavy
industry heartland of Germany.

Well recommended!


(and it ain't kitsch.. no way! :-)

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Re: K20D long-lens, high ISO samples

2008-03-03 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Timber, who wrote on Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:23:01PM +0100 ..
> Paul,
> You really want me to go totally broke? I am trying to surmount the 
> temptation, but you make it very hard :D Couldn't you just post images 
> to show something bad about the K20D to save me from running dangerously 
> low on money? :D
> All the pictures are very impressive. As I read on a german page at the 
> Photokina there will be 2 announcements from Pentax... a 'one numbered' 
> and a 'three numbered' digital. If Pentax manages to make this sensor 
> with Full Frame and releases a K2D with the same pricing policy (so 
> cheaper than Nikon's D3 and Canon's 1D series... maybe somewhere around 
> Canon EOS 5D?) then I believe the two giants could have a very serious 

With proper aperture stuff so I can fit my beloved M-lenses, and an
exchangable focusing screen, so that I can stick a split-image screen in it.
Viewfinder like the MX, or, even better, the LX.  Autofocus for those who
want it/think they need it.  A hack to retrofit lens data info onto older 
lenses like Leica did for the M8 glass.

We can dream, can we?


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Re: K20D long-lens, high ISO samples

2008-03-04 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Adam Maas, who wrote on Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 08:36:20PM -0500 ..
> On 3/3/08, Wilko Bulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Quoting Timber, who wrote on Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:23:01PM +0100 ..
> >
> > > Paul,
> >  > You really want me to go totally broke? I am trying to surmount the
> >  > temptation, but you make it very hard :D Couldn't you just post images
> >  > to show something bad about the K20D to save me from running dangerously
> >  > low on money? :D
> >  >
> >  > All the pictures are very impressive. As I read on a german page at the
> >  > Photokina there will be 2 announcements from Pentax... a 'one numbered'
> >  > and a 'three numbered' digital. If Pentax manages to make this sensor
> >  > with Full Frame and releases a K2D with the same pricing policy (so
> >  > cheaper than Nikon's D3 and Canon's 1D series... maybe somewhere around
> >  > Canon EOS 5D?) then I believe the two giants could have a very serious
> >
> >
> > With proper aperture stuff so I can fit my beloved M-lenses, and an
> >  exchangable focusing screen, so that I can stick a split-image screen in 
> > it.
> >  Viewfinder like the MX, or, even better, the LX.  Autofocus for those who
> >  want it/think they need it.  A hack to retrofit lens data info onto older
> >  lenses like Leica did for the M8 glass.
> >
> >  We can dream, can we?
> >
> >
> >  Wilko
> >
> Nikon does lens data WAY better than Leica. Database in the camera,
> enter your lens data, press a button and twirl a wheel to pick the
> lens, no mod to the lens necessary. Of course, Nikon's only using this

Is that better?  Playing with wheels & buttons, it should Just Work(TM)
when you attach the lens.

> for EXIF and matrix metering, while Leica's got certain image
> optimizations also applied.
> -- 
> M. Adam Maas
> Explorations of the City Around Us.
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.
--- end of quoted text ---


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Re: Pentax K10D firmware update 1.11 now available

2007-03-07 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 08:47:18AM +0100, Thibouille wrote..
> Yes of course. It often works like that for good (most of the time) reasons.

Because of that "most of the time" clause is exactly the reason why it is a
bad idea.

Seen this too often with customers (that is in the professional IT area,
but the principle of allowing a downgrade remains sound)


> 2007/3/7, P. J. Alling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > That's not surprising.  I know that's the way I'd design a firmware
> > upgrade to work.
> >
> > Dario Bonazza wrote:
> > > Doug Franklin wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >> Why do you say that, Ken.  Am I missing something?  It seems to me that
> > >> I set up two SD cards, one with the old firmware and one with the new.
> > >> A simple swap of the cards and the "magic startup" to load new firmware
> > >> and I'm set.  Does the 1.11 (or whatever) firmware notice that I'm
> > >> trying to load an older version and refuse?
> > >>
> > >
> > > Exactly, just tried that :-(
> > >
> > > Dario
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Entropy Seminar: The results of a five yeer studee ntu the sekend lw uf 
> > thurmodynamiks aand itz inevibl fxt hon shewb rt nslpn raq liot.
> >
> >
> > --
> > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Thibault Massart aka Thibouille
> --
> K10D,Z1,SuperA,KX,MX, P30t and KR-10x ;) ...
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
--- end of quoted text ---


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Pentax K10D firmware update 1.11 now available

2007-03-08 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 09:10:35AM -0500, Doug Franklin wrote..
> K.Takeshita wrote:
> > Also, I thought that firmware is something burnt into a ROM of the camera
> > CPU and not supposed to be easily manipulated back and forth, no?
> It can be in read-only memory, and in that case you can't upgrade it, if
> that's all that's available.  More often what you'll have is some memory
> that's read-only and some that's read-write.  The read-write memory
> contains the actual operational code for the camera and you can upgrade
> it.  The read-only part contains the basic bootstrap loader and utility
> functions (like update the read-write memory) so they can't get messed
> up in an upgrade and you can always change the upgradeable firmware in
> the read-write part if something goes wrong.

Think of the ROM in your DSLR as yet another incarnation of the FlashROM
that lives inside your SD or CF cards and you will understand how this fits


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Wedding shoot...deposit?

2007-03-14 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 06:06:53PM +1100, J and K Messervy wrote..
> I'm going to be shooting a wedding in October.  We've agreed on a price, but 
> how much should I charge for a deposit?  I'm thinking 50% but is that too 
> high?

Depends whether you expect an early divorce.. :-P


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Enablement: smc-Takumar 50mm f/4 macro w/ extension tubes

2007-03-14 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 04:31:05PM -0600, Mike Hamilton wrote..
> All I can say is "wow".  This is my first Takumar, and I'm simply
> amazed at the build quality of this lens.  It (and the extension

To a certain extent: the older the nicer the build quality.  I have
some pre-Spotmatic M42 Takumars here, and they are *so* beautifully
built..  And they are like new, after all these years that have gone
by since they left the factory.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Camera destroyed, CF survives

2007-03-19 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 09:33:48PM +0900, David Savage wrote..
> That bloke didn't think it all the way through did he?

Make that: that bloke did not think at all, did he?

He could well have qualified for a Darwin Award himself..

> Dave
> On 3/19/07, Scott Loveless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
--- end of quoted text ---


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: weird lens image

2007-03-26 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 01:20:00AM +0800, Bong Manayon wrote..
> I think it's the lens...could be a collector's item!
> I had one of them (the 1.8) once in my youth (I had an SP) and the
> photo got me intrigued so I pulled out the little red book and saw the
> entry for both the 55/2 & 55/1.8 were one and the same.  The
> specifications for both are an exact match with the exception of the
> aperture.
> It appears that the 55/2 is the standard lens for the SP1000 while the
> 55/1.8 is the alternative lens for the ESII and the SP F (vs. 50/1.4).

Well, for what it is worth, I have both a Super Takumar 1.8/ and a 2.0.
Both have a front ring that corresponds with their diafragm ring.
I have neither a ESII or a SP F.  I think one came with my SP and one
with my SV or S1a.

Maybe this helps: and

My SP1000 came with a SMC Takumar, not a Super Takumar.

What this all means is the question, exchangable lenses being, uhm,
exchangable ;-)

>  That data comes from the white pamplet which is newer.  My guess that
> the 55/2 should have been the low cost version...

Sounds reasonable.

> Bong
> On 3/26/07, Igor Roshchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello!
> >
> > I came across this image:
> >
> > Note two things: the front surface of the lens says:
> > Super-Takumar 1:2/55
> > The aperture ring has 1.8 position.
> >
> > I am puzzled. I don't have interest in the lens, it is just
> > my curiousity. My guesses:
> > 1. a lens that was put together from an SMCT 55/1.8 and 55/2.0 by
> > some craftsman;
> > 2. result of a good work in Photoshop;
> > 3. some weird case of a factory mixup.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Igor
> >
> >
> > --
> > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Bong Manayon
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
--- end of quoted text ---


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: weird lens image

2007-03-26 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 01:02:39PM -0500, Bob Sullivan wrote..
> 40 years since they made these lenses.
> The 2.0 and 1.8 are optically equivalent (elements, etc.)

What is it that accounts for the difference in speed, do you know?

> Any competent repairman could have salvaged 1 good lens from 2 poor ones.

The build quality is excellent.  I once had one of mine apart for servicing,
this is just a different league from all that plastic stuff we have these
days >:-|


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: weird lens image

2007-03-27 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 08:07:32AM +0200, Michel Carrre-Ge wrote..
> P. J. Alling a écrit :
> > Pentax engineers put a ring inside the f2.0 lenses to restrict the 
> > aperture.
> >   
> No additional ring
> I have the two models which I dismounted for cleaning.
> There is a ring which maintains the plates of the diaphragm: that of the 
> 2/50 A simply a smaller central hole.
> It is visible that the diaphragm opens broader than this hole.

Right..  I have been staring at my 2 lenses from the outside (no
autopsy) and there is no obvious difference to be seen.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: OT: Enablement

2007-03-28 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 10:56:33PM +0200, Jens Bladt wrote..
> Got my self a rather nice Leica CL today. Along with a 40mm, 90mm and 135mm
> M-lenses.
> It's SMALL!! And it seems to work rather well - after thirty-something
> years!

Of course it does, it is a Leica ;)  Mind you, my Pentax SV, S1a, SP and
SP1000 also "just worked" once I gently gave their shutters a workout.
Waiting anxiously for a Pentax K to arrive, that will be the oldest one
of the whole collection for now.

> The 135mm has it's own hot-shoe view finder with parallaxe correktion.
> I don't suspect I'll ever use the 135mm at all.

Nice toy!


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Human bone? 800x533-IMGP8963.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x533 pixels)

2007-03-28 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 05:51:11PM -0400, David J Brooks wrote..
> I thought more roadrunner, speedious maximus.
> Beep Beep

No, "meep meep"

> Dave
> On 3/28/07, Bob W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > looks hominin to me, possibly Australopithecus Estonianus. Either the
> > malleus (if the creature is large) or the femur (if the creature is
> > small). Or it could be a sheep (ovis stupidissimus) or cow (bos
> > hoggus).
> >
> > --
> >  Bob
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > Behalf Of Roman
> > > Sent: 28 March 2007 14:06
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Human bone? 800x533-IMGP8963.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x533
> > pixels)
> > >
> > >
> > > ^^^
> > > Is this the  human bone fragment? Ideas appreciated...
> > >
> > > --
> > > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Equine Photography
> Ontario Canada
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
--- end of quoted text ---


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Every K-Mount Ever Made, NIB

2007-04-08 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 11:16:09AM -0600, William Robb wrote..
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Shel Belinkoff"
> Subject: Every K-Mount Ever Made, NIB
> > This morning, while cleaning out the back of a closet that had been unused
> > for a few years, I found a large box on the top shelf.  Curious, and
> > needing the space, I took the box down and upon opening it I found boxes 
> > of
> > K-mount lenses.  Every focal length and iteration from the 15mm through a
> > 400mm, all NIB.  I also discovered a couple of NIB, black  K-bodied 
> > cameras.
> >
> > Holy F-stop, Batman!  Amazing - I can't believe I'd forgotten about this
> > treasure trove for so many years.  Imagine my joy.
> >
> > Then I woke up.
> >
> > I just wanted to share my dream with you.
> >
> Thats not a dream, thats a nightmare. Whats the use of a whole bunch of 
> outdated, obsolete lenses that don't work worth a darn on new DSLR cameras?
> WW 

You need to wait for the accompanying dream: an endless supply of film
in whatever brand/variation that makes you tick.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: The reason for my silence - this time...

2007-04-08 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 04:49:28PM -0300, Amita Guha wrote..
> Cesar, congratulations! Now who are you going to get to shoot the wedding? :)

Big mirror?

> Amita
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
--- end of quoted text ---


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Strap Lugs on K10D

2007-04-11 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 07:46:30PM -0600, Mike Hamilton wrote..
> I've never been satisfied with the mounting of any strap on the SLRs
> that I've owned.  With the K10D, I finally did something about it.

On my MX I have for the longest time used a similar hack, along
with a rubber anti-scratch tube around the metal bits.  The rubber
tube: a punctured race bicycle inner-tire.  Lasts forever ;-)


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: How do you guys do panoramas anyway?

2007-05-05 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sat, May 05, 2007 at 10:58:42AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote..
> In a message dated 5/5/2007 1:29:04 A.M. Pacific  Daylight Time, 
> I shoot panos with the 16-45  using a monopod and an old Metz flash
> bracket which has the correct length to  position the 16-45 nodal point
> above the monopod axis. A simple spirit level  in the flash socket of

Does Pentax list technical data like nodal points somewhere?  I have not
yet searched for it (I admit..) but I am curious.  My father got his
K10D with 16-45 last Thursday and I can borrow it when I want to...

Today I received a Pentax of a completely league:  a Pentax K of the
1958/59 era.  A very nicely built camera.  I will soon feed it some
film to see how well it has survived the years.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Question about MC circular polarizers

2007-05-08 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 04:52:41PM -0400, Igor Roshchin wrote..
> Hello!
> I have a few questions about Multi-Coated circular polarizers.
> I am considering buying one for my SMCP F-70-210/4-5.6, FA 50/1.4
> and future D-FA100/2.8.
> For other lenses I am using B&W 77E slim c-polarizer which works fine
> on my both Tokinas. The only problem I have with it is that it is so
> slim that I cannot use standart lens caps with it, and the cap it came with 
> is a bit loose - so it doesn't stay on the filter attached to the lens.
> So, do you have any recommendations for a good quality polarizer that
> is not too expensive? Or even better - can you compare or point

I own a Rodenstock C-polariser which works fine for me.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: SMC PENTAX 1:8/1000

2007-05-15 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 12:06:36PM -0700, Bob Blakely wrote..
> I just purchased this lens so that I can seriously compress distance and for 
> beach shots of ships and surfers taken off the piers here in Southern 
> California. This beastie weighs about 11.6 pounds, so it'll go on the 475B 
> tripod and 229 head. I'll be putting it on a CG-5 equatorial mount 
> occasionally for a little light astrophotography. It comes withflip up rifle 
> type sights, but I'm thinking of putting a red dot on it for quick initial 
> pointing.
> I've never owned a beastie like this before and would like any comments 
> about it. 

Talk to your chiropractor first?

It remembers me of the days Pentax had a sort of road-show here in the
Netherlands with all the K-bajonetted lenses then available.  I just
had to play with the monster mirror lens (2000mm??).


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Any one regret upgrading to the K10D?

2007-05-16 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 10:00:12PM +0100, Cotty wrote..
> On 16/5/07, David Savage, discombobulated, unleashed:
> >As long as you don't have the FA* 80-200mm f2.8 mounted (at 1.51kg).
> 1D = 1565 kg
> EF70-200 2.8 = 1310 kg
> Total weight = 2875 kg.

2.875 kg  I hope.. ;-)


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: SV: Any one regret upgrading to the K10D?

2007-05-17 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 11:08:08AM +0200, Jens Bladt wrote..
> Good you are finally out of the hospital, Larry.
> Yes - these old TTL only flashes are useless with the K10D. There's not even
> a sensor in that flash.
> Ii use old Metz flashes with a sensor. They work great. But I do miss TTL

What Metz models?  The old ones have a rather high sync voltage.  What can the
Pentax DSLR handle, especially the K10D?

(eyeing his Metz 60CT1..)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: SV: Any one regret upgrading to the K10D?

2007-05-17 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 08:47:58AM -0600, William Robb wrote..
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Wilko Bulte"
> Subject: Re: SV: Any one regret upgrading to the K10D?
> >
> > What Metz models?  The old ones have a rather high sync voltage.  What can 
> > the
> > Pentax DSLR handle, especially the K10D?
> >
> I routinely use a Metz 60 CT-2 with my cameras.

That sounds promising.  But given that the K10D is my father's I would like
to know what Pentax says?  Manual does not make me any wiser..


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: SV: Any one regret upgrading to the K10D?

2007-05-17 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 09:25:11AM -0600, William Robb wrote..
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Wilko Bulte"
> Subject: Re: SV: Any one regret upgrading to the K10D?
> >> I routinely use a Metz 60 CT-2 with my cameras.
> >
> > That sounds promising.  But given that the K10D is my father's I would 
> > like
> > to know what Pentax says?  Manual does not make me any wiser..
> >
> Unfortunately, Pentax's official line probably won't be very enlightening.

Which kinda st*inks.  I sent mail to the Pentax importer in NL but sofar no
sign of life.

> I never give this stuff much thought, I just use the equipment I have.
> I bought a Wein flash isolator thingie for my studio strobes to make up for 
> the lack of a PC socket on the K10. This is what I use with the Metz as 
> well.

Ah, the Wein brings back the sync voltage to a couple of Volts if I am not
mistaken.  I modified my 60CT1 to reduce it's sync voltage to around 6V.
But still.. ;-)


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Don't want to sound too alarmist but...

2007-05-22 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 02:03:32PM -0400, Norm Baugher wrote..
> Are you suggesting that the mergers like Time/AOL, HP/Compaq, 
> Daimler/Chrysler, etc. were not smashing successes?

Daimler-Chrysler definitely was not a smashing success..

>From my own experience I can tell that mergers are a mixed blessing
(politely speaking) for the employees.


> P. J. Alling wrote:
> > It's seldom that the results of such a merger are better than building 
> > the business you already have.  Most such mergers result in 
> > disappointment.  (That doesn't stop them from happening however).  A 
> > classic example was  Sperry and Burroughs merging in 1986 to take 
> > advantage of their "Synergy", the final market share resulting from the 
> > merger was less that either one had before the merger. Most seem to work 
> > out that way.  The spectacular successes, (which they are few and far 
> > between), are what keep M&A groups going, but don't ask them about their 
> > success ratio.
> >   
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
--- end of quoted text ---


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Editorial: Pentax missed the boat?

2007-05-28 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 11:10:53AM -0400, AlexG wrote..
> "MR-52" digital SLR camera (2000)
> An unnamed digital SLR camera, introduced Sep. 13th 2000, and then
> displayed at Photokina 20 25 Sep. 2000. Its project designation is
> MR-52.
> 6-megapixels CCD sensor by Philips and full image format (24x36mm) are
> the new breakthroughs in digital photography. Other specifications
> like the "sister" film camera above. Also see the  Photokina report.
> They didn't miss the boat
> Philips screwed them with the ccd.

Like how?


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: NEWS !! Pentax AP ...

2007-06-01 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 11:13:28AM +0200, Michel Carrre-Ge wrote..
> New DSLR: "AP 50th Anniv"
> A chrome  K10D with Spotmatic look , and  DA 2.8/40

Proper 'chromed' brass top I hope?  No plastic?



PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Don't shoot the messenger ;-)

2007-06-01 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 09:22:45AM -0600, William Robb wrote..
> - Original Message - 
> Subject: Re: Don't shoot the messenger ;-)
> > Shoot the messenger? Sounds like good news to me: "A new focus on highly
> > profitable digital SLRs." The abandonment of the MF development had become
> > pretty much an obvious direction as time went on and as the K digitals
> > proved quite successful.
> It's a pity about the medium format digital, but the simple fact is that 
> photographers now have to lower their image quality expectations to meet the 
> demands of the manufacturers, which is a

Well.. they don't have to.  Hasselblad and Sinar etc will happily sell you a
39MP back for 30k$ or somesuch..

> Pardon me while I go out for my annual shearing, my fleece is to long, and 
> summer has arrived

Don't step on it..


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: NEWS !! Pentax AP ...

2007-06-01 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 04:22:04PM +0200, Dario Bonazza wrote..
> While in the AP era they would be black+chrome.
> What about such a mix? Think of a black Limited with chrome rings...
> Dario

Or a black lens with machined-rings to give partially blank alu.
Like the Auto-Takumar on my Pentax K camera .


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: 22 MPix digital MF under 10000$

2007-06-06 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 01:04:41PM +0200, Sylwester Pietrzyk wrote..
> Yes, it is reality, with stanrard lens:
> I think we can be sure that integrated Pentax 645D using similar  
> sized CCD would be even cheaper... Now if only Hoya would allow  
> Pentax team to release 645D...

Assuming the 645D is ready for volume production.  Do we know that for
a fact?


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Super A and SMC A 50 f/2 - overexposure on 'A'-mode

2007-06-16 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 08:29:55PM +0200, Vic Mortelmans wrote..
> Hi,
> this was easy!!
> I went to a shop that does camera maintenance, and they estimated 75 
> euro for the job --- more than the lens is worth. So I was lucky: a good 
> reason to take a look at the inside of the lens without the risk of 
> destroying value.
> There was nothing wrong with the blades (as I expected, because oil on 
> the blades should be visible, shouldn't it?), but there was oil in the 
> mechanism. See the picture here:
> It shows the back of the lens with the mount removed (only five screws 
> and one loose ring, no tiny bits jumping allover the room). The red line 
> indicates the two sliding parts that had oil inbetween them. Applied 
> some aceton and now the diaphragma closes as snappy as it can get.

Aceton.. ouch...   Not a very good idea to use that.  Aceton is too
agressive in general for this kind of work.  Use lighter fluid 
or something similar.  Aceton will ruin plastic parts etc.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Super A and SMC A 50 f/2 - overexposure on 'A'-mode

2007-06-16 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 11:24:03PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote..
> On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 11:22:01PM +0200, Vic Mortelmans wrote..
> > Thanks for the warning! I'm always in doubt which product is suitable to 
> > perfrom cleaning jobs on certain material and for which kind of dirt.
> > 
> > I have at my disposal (in order or aggresiveness?):
> > 
> > - distilled water
> > - lighter fluid
> > - alcohol (95%)
> Ethanol or ?
> Keep in mind that denatured alcohol either contains methanol
> (bad for plastics) or 

or aceton ('spiritus ketonatus').  Not desirable.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Super A and SMC A 50 f/2 - overexposure on 'A'-mode

2007-06-16 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 11:22:01PM +0200, Vic Mortelmans wrote..
> Thanks for the warning! I'm always in doubt which product is suitable to 
> perfrom cleaning jobs on certain material and for which kind of dirt.
> I have at my disposal (in order or aggresiveness?):
> - distilled water
> - lighter fluid
> - alcohol (95%)

Ethanol or ?

Keep in mind that denatured alcohol either contains methanol
(bad for plastics) or 

> - vinegar acid (diluted for household use)

Useless for cameras.

> - aceton

If you have very dirty *metal-only* parts this works wonders.  Keep
it far away from plastics.

> - ammoniak (concentrated)

Never used that on cameras.

> What should I use (or should certainly not use) to
> - remove oil from metal parts (lighter fluid - got that :-))

"wasbenzine" as we call it in NL works fine (is that the same name
in Belgium?)

> - remove grease from metal parts (same??)


> - remove oil/grease from coated lenses

Eh...  I use ethanol for those, but better not get grease on the
glass to start with :-) 

> - clean up metal body (painted or chrome)
> - clean up plastic body
> - clean up leatherette
> - clean up rubber parts

I use plain pure ethanol for these 4, works fine sofar.

> Groeten,
> Vic
> Wilko Bulte schreef:
> > Aceton.. ouch...   Not a very good idea to use that.  Aceton is too
> > agressive in general for this kind of work.  Use lighter fluid 
> > or something similar.  Aceton will ruin plastic parts etc.
> > 
> > Wilko
> > 
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
--- end of quoted text ---


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Super A and SMC A 50 f/2 - overexposure on 'A'-mode

2007-06-16 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 12:24:11AM +0200, Vic Mortelmans wrote..
> Dag Wilko,
> Wilko Bulte schreef:
> >> - alcohol (95%)
> > Ethanol or ?
> > Keep in mind that denatured alcohol either contains methanol
> > (bad for plastics) or 
> Ethanol: the one that can cause a hangover, without getting blind.

The Good Alcohol(TM) therefore.  The variant that helps make
Westvleteren Abt or Rochefort 10 so tasty :)

> >> - aceton
> >> - ammoniak (concentrated)
> > Never used that on cameras.
> It's also capable of dissolving grease and oil, but very hard to use in 
> concentrated form. And when it's dissolved in water, that may cause 
> stains from residu, I guess...

Yeah, I know it does that.  But it emits the dissolved gas which is
bad news for a lot of things (including my nose/eyes/etc).  I would
never used it on cameras myself.

> > "wasbenzine" as we call it in NL works fine (is that the same name
> > in Belgium?)
> Yes, that's it. Took me a while to find out what I had to look for, but 
> the name explains a lot.



PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: K100D super (unofficial for now it seems)

2007-06-27 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 07:44:53AM +0200, Thibouille wrote..
> Very true, but AFAICT, they did exactly the same with previous bodies
> since ist-D.
> We shouldn't be surprised, really.
> Then again, a D40 (if I rememeber well) is not even capable of any
> metering at all with old Nikon lenses.
> Anyway I really wouldn't wait for a True Kmount compatibility on such a body.
> On a slightly different topic: I wonder why they didn't go 10Mpix. I
> see no problem personnaly but clueless folks on the street might care
> nonetheless.

Simpel, they want to sell K10D in the 10mp market.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: 9999 + 1

2007-06-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 03:56:47PM +0300, Roman wrote..
> What happens when camera reaches  image counts, what next?

666 ?

Nah, the count simply rolls over if the max counter value is exceeded.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC

2007-06-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 07:50:43AM -0600, William Robb wrote..
> - Original Message - 
> From:
> Subject: Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC
> > This suggested legislation is in response to pros shooting ads and 
> > editorial without permits. It happens a lot in New York and sometimes 
> > causes problems with traffic and/or crowds. I doubt that a wandering group 
> > of PDMLers would experience any problems.
> That might depend on if some security goon (as an example) decided that he 
> didn't want to be photographed, or didn't want his building to be 
> photographed. If this is enacted, he would have a real, bonafide law at his 
> disposal to harass photographers with.
> Any time you allow a law to be put in place that has the potential to 
> restrict someone's freedom, someone else will abuse said law to the 
> detriment of someone else's freedom, if for no other reason than because he 
> can.
> If the law was intended to restrict the actions of professional 
> photographers/videographers who cause traffic problems, the legislation 
> would be specifically targetting them in it's wording.
> This is another example of the creeping horseshit that is permeating 
> society, and another small freedom falling unnoticed by the wayside.
> Soon, we won't have any small freedoms left.

You can still seek asylum in Europe.  I've been shooting, tripod and all,
lots of public buildings in Berlin, even inside the main trainstation,
federal buildings etc.  Nobody will harass you there.  Police looks at 
you and walks off smiling.

It appears US legislators are loosing sight of what they are trying 
to achieve.  At least to my untrained (untrained in the legal sense) eye.

A sad thing.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC

2007-06-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 10:57:14AM -0400, Adam Maas wrote..
> William Robb wrote:
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "David Savage" 
> > Subject: Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> The sky isn't falling, the earth is rising.
> >>
> >> I blame global warming.
> >>
> > 
> > I blame the French.
> > WW
> > 
> On this point you may be correct. France is at the forefront of ridiculous 
> restrictions on photographers, having essentially made Street Photography 
> illegal.

Cartier Bresson must spin in his grave. :-(


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC

2007-06-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 09:24:54AM -0600, William Robb wrote..
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Adam Maas"
> Subject: Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC
> >>
> >> I blame the French.
> >
> > On this point you may be correct. France is at the forefront of ridiculous 
> > restrictions on photographers, having essentially made Street Photography 
> > illegal.
> HAR!! I knew that if I blamed them for everything for long enough, at some 
> point something would stick.
> I suspect that they have had a very hard knee jerk reaction from the 
> incident where Princess Diana was hunted down.

Well, if you watch the tele and see the British paparazzi haunt the 
rich and famous there is a certain point to protecting people's right to

Unfortunately governments insist on going from one extreme to the other.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC

2007-06-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 10:49:02AM -0400, P. J. Alling wrote..
> Just don't take photographs of any person without their permission in 
> France...

No idea, never tried. I'm into landscapes.  By the way, I think that
taking pictures of people is generally subject to their consent.  Even
if there is no legal requirement to do so I would call it impolite to 
take their picture without asking first.


> Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 07:50:43AM -0600, William Robb wrote..
> >   
> >> - Original Message - 
> >> From:
> >> Subject: Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >>> This suggested legislation is in response to pros shooting ads and 
> >>> editorial without permits. It happens a lot in New York and sometimes 
> >>> causes problems with traffic and/or crowds. I doubt that a wandering 
> >>> group 
> >>> of PDMLers would experience any problems.
> >>>   
> >> That might depend on if some security goon (as an example) decided that he 
> >> didn't want to be photographed, or didn't want his building to be 
> >> photographed. If this is enacted, he would have a real, bonafide law at 
> >> his 
> >> disposal to harass photographers with.
> >> Any time you allow a law to be put in place that has the potential to 
> >> restrict someone's freedom, someone else will abuse said law to the 
> >> detriment of someone else's freedom, if for no other reason than because 
> >> he 
> >> can.
> >> If the law was intended to restrict the actions of professional 
> >> photographers/videographers who cause traffic problems, the legislation 
> >> would be specifically targetting them in it's wording.
> >>
> >> This is another example of the creeping horseshit that is permeating 
> >> society, and another small freedom falling unnoticed by the wayside.
> >> Soon, we won't have any small freedoms left.
> >> 
> >
> > You can still seek asylum in Europe.  I've been shooting, tripod and all,
> > lots of public buildings in Berlin, even inside the main trainstation,
> > federal buildings etc.  Nobody will harass you there.  Police looks at 
> > you and walks off smiling.
> >
> > It appears US legislators are loosing sight of what they are trying 
> > to achieve.  At least to my untrained (untrained in the legal sense) eye.
> >
> > A sad thing.
> >
> > Wilko
> >
> >   
> -- 
> All dogs have four legs; my cat has four legs. Therefore, my cat is a dog.
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
--- end of quoted text ---


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Permits may soon be required to shoot in NYC

2007-06-29 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 12:49:24PM -0400, John Francis wrote..
> On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 05:51:49PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > 
> > Well, if you watch the tele and see the British paparazzi haunt the 
> > rich and famous there is a certain point to protecting people's right to
> > privacy.
> Why just pick on the British paparazzi?  Have you seen the scrum around,
> say, Paris Hilton?

No, I did not.  But the point is valid for all of them, regardless of


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Carl Zeiss lenses for Pentax K mount!

2007-07-03 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 08:08:51AM -0700, Jaume Lahuerta wrote..
> I have just seen this in a Spanish (reliable) site:

You can have it automatically translated in a (sort of) English
by working via

> It seems that there will be the MF models already available for Nikon:
> Planar 50 mm f1.4 in August
> Later ZK Planar 85 mm
> f1.4 and Distagon 25 mm f2.8 and 35 mm f2
> At the end of the year, Makro-Planar 50 mm f2 and 100 mm f2

Prices would be interesting to know  :)


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Carl Zeiss lenses for Pentax K mount!

2007-07-03 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 10:55:15AM -0700, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote..
> On Jul 3, 2007, at 10:28 AM, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> >> It seems that there will be the MF models already available for  
> >> Nikon:
> >> Planar 50 mm f1.4 in August
> >> Later ZK Planar 85 mm
> >> f1.4 and Distagon 25 mm f2.8 and 35 mm f2
> >>
> >> At the end of the year, Makro-Planar 50 mm f2 and 100 mm f2
> >
> > Prices would be interesting to know  :)
> US prices should be pretty similar to the Nikon mount versions of  
> these lenses, which are all listed at B&H Photo's website. Roughly  
> $500-2000 apiece, average around $900-1000 apiece.

Pricy, but to be expected from Zeiss.  Ah well.. I'll stick to my
Zeiss glass in Hasselblad mount then :-)


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Photographing le Tour

2007-07-07 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sat, Jul 07, 2007 at 02:33:47PM -0400, John Sessoms wrote..
> From:
> Bob W
> > has anyone here ever photographed the start of the tour de france
> > before? 
> >
> > tomorrow it is due to pass through greenwich from about 11am. the
> > clocks will start running when they get to the meridian line. I have
> > been scouting for a useful vantage point today. the one I like best is
> > shortly before meridian (about 100 metres before). 
> >
> > I am assuming that they will arrive from Central London and just carry
> > on straight through Greenwich - they won't have to stop and line up on
> > the meridian for a mass start or anything like that will they? 
> >
> > are there normally large crowds of officials and sealed-off areas
> > around the 'real' start? in other words, am I likely to be able to get
> > to the vantage point I want? (I have a plan B, of course)
> >   
> Ok, maybe this is a stupid question, but if it's the Tour de France, 
> what's it doing in Central London?

Cluttering up traffic (as if that was needed)?  
Making a long nose at the congestion charge?


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Camera Armor coming soon for K10D

2007-07-18 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 09:47:10PM +0100, Cotty wrote..
> On 18/7/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED], discombobulated, unleashed:
> >Coming soon for the K10D: Camera Armor.
> >
> >This blog post has some more details:
> >
> >
> >I think it's a pretty nifty idea, especially for people who are or want
> to be 
> >rough with their equipment.  If I had money and a local place to buy it, I'd 
> >get myself a black Camera Armor for my K10D.  The camo color idea would be 
> >great for serious wildlife photographers and kids who want to look tough.
> >
> >Any thoughts?
> That's hideous!

Absolutely.  See the brightside: no-one will nick your K10D in this disguise


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: flash and k10 d ?

2007-07-30 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 09:10:09PM -0400, John Sessoms wrote..
> From:
> "Sandra Hermann"
> > I am being told if I use a flash on my k10d that is not made for this 
> > camera it will mess up the camera and it will not be fixable.  is this 
> > true, or just a sales ploy? 
> Depends on the flash and what kind of trigger voltage it delivers thru 
> the hot shoe. If it's less than 30V it *should* be safe.

Did Pentax ever come forward with specifying this max voltage?

Pentax NL silently ignored my question for this information, which should
be in the user manual anyway.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Available light wedding

2007-08-01 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 01:26:57PM -0400, drew wrote..
> Hi there,
> I'm relatively new to this list, but I would like to ask about a
> scenario I have not been able to find much discussion about in the
> archives.
> I nearly always use available light in my photographs, and I still use
> film. I do work for a weekly newspaper and use a Nikon DSLR as time
> restraints and deadlines dictate, but my love is shooting with my pair
> of Pentax MXs and soon, a Pentax 645, which will replace my Mamiya C33
> as my primary medium format rig. (I also have a few Brownie Hawkeyes and
> a Graflex 22 TLR that round out my low-budget yet fun to use MF gear.)
> To the scenario... I have been commissioned by some acquaintances to
> shoot their wedding this fall. Ceremony will be outdoors, mid September,
> at 4:30 p.m. at a mountaintop resort in West Virginia. (About three
> hours before sunset, according to the US Naval Observatory.)

> I'd like to hear folks' thoughts on lenses appropriate for the job, film
> recommendations for such a scenario (I'm thinking Portra 160 and 400 --
> likely 800 for the reception and Ilford XP2 Super), and if I'm being a

I can second your choice of Portra NC 160, 400 and 800.  I used exactly those
films for a wedding I did 3 years back.  Used both in my MX cameras
as well as in the Hassy, both came out just fine.  The 120 film was only 
Portra400, Portra 160 was 120 plus 35mm.  The Portra 800 saved the day
in the MX during the candle lit dinner.  Nothing but 'just on edge, full
open @ 1.7/50'.  But it sure beats every flash..


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Oddly developed film

2008-01-05 Thread Wilko Bulte
Quoting Lucas Rijnders, who wrote on Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 10:13:03PM +0100 ..
> Hi all,
> I just had a roll of Fuji Superia 400 developed (by a Kodak lab, as far as  
> I know), and it looks odd, to say the least. The film is very dark with a  
> blue hue, as opposed to the normal orange base color. The lettering on the  
> side is white-ish, instead of black. I had the impression the images are  
> in positive, and scanning conforms this. I put a scan up at  
> This is scanned with Vuescan on a Minolta Scan Dual III. Scanned as a  
> slide, so the image is as-is, not inverted.

Looks like they stuck it in E6 chemistry instead of C41.


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