RE: What is going on!!

2002-11-24 Thread paul . x . wilkinson

I've tried numerous times to unsubscribe as instructed on the web site but
as yet to no avail (keeps telling me I don't exist - which I clearly do as
I keep getting the mails).

Who do I contact to stop this - particularly as we appear to have gone into
an enforced mail-by-mail subscription?


Paul Wilkinson

DDI: +44 (0) 207 844 7935
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  22/11/2002 18:53 cc: 

  Please respond toSubject: RE: What is going on!! 




How do I unsubscribe?

-Original Message-
From: Bucky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: What is going on!!

I'm finally getting the separate emails, which is what I asked for in the
first place.

-Original Message-
From: Bowman, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22-Nov-02 09:54
To: Pentax Discussion Group ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: What is going on!!

Instead of a digest... I am getting copies of all emails to the Pentax
Group! This has got to stop!


Nova Scotia

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Re: Pentax and support (WAS: PMA News)

2002-02-26 Thread paul . x . wilkinson

Just thought I'd add a very positive note on Pentax Service in the UK -
bearing in mind that their service location is the edge of Slough (you have
to have been there), I wasn't necessarily expecting great things.  My MZ-S
'died' a couple of weeks ago with the shutter sticking open and an "Err"
message (along with the flash symbol) appearing in the LCD panel.  Removed
and replaced battery - the shutter closed and all appeared well (at least
until I hit the shutter release again).  Of course, I now have a film of
very blurred surreal shots of my nose as I squinted hopelessly down the
lens to see if the shutter was indeed stuck.  Pentax took the camera and
said they would "look into it" (no joke intended!).  My SO (actually my
girlfriend - she's way more than significant - more like my gov'ner)
explained (I hope in a nice way but I suspect she may have given one of her
"Paddington Bear stares") that we were due to go skiing in Alaska for a
couple of weeks and would really like the camera back to be able to break
it again in the snow :-(  Pentax Man said he would see what he could do.

In the mean time, I've 'reduced the risk of not having a camera' ;-) by
"enabling" myself of an old Super-A for a dollar or two while I was working
in New York (not pretty and the self-timer is dodgy but for various reasons
- I LOVE IT!) as I couldn't be in Manhattan and not have a camera.  Like
being in a pub and not having a pint - unnatural.

Pentax Man rings girlfriend (v. apologetically) a week later to say that
the replacement part may not arrive in time - BUT they would lend us an
MZ-S for the trip while they repaired mine.  Good huh? I'm still wondering
what she had threatened them with.  Anyway, had a phone call over the
weekend to say that my MZ-S "has been 'rep*&%$£' and could be picked up" -
our digital-but-dreadful answerphone garbled the message so we couldn't
work out if it was "repaired" or "replaced".  Girlfriend turns up and
Pentax Man happily hands over a BRAND NEW MZ-S for keeps!  Wow!  I've NEVER
had such good service - I can truly say that Pentax have lived up to the
quality of the brand I invested in.  AND into the bargain, I have now
justified a second camera as back up!

Now if they could just sort out how they are going to add that quality to
the digital market, I for one will be a very happy bunny.


Peter Alling wrote:
>Pentax in the USA doesn't seem to offer service to anyone

Paul Wilkinson

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RE: Coming to America (sort of OT)

2002-02-08 Thread paul . x . wilkinson

Now I KNOW that America is where dreams become reality but I think I may be
pushing my luck on that one!  Of course, if I come across any Hen's Teeth
or Rocking Horse Manure, I'll be importing those as well!   ;-)

BTW thanks for all the info on camera stuff - but what about my beloved
beer?  I can't believe that New Jersey is full of photographers and no
pubs.  Surely that can't be true.   :-)


Frits rote:
>When you return from the USA, can you bring me a MZ-D from B&H?

Paul Wilkinson
The Accenture Centre for Digital Content in London
1 Kingsway, London

DDI: +44 (0) 207 844 7935
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Coming to America (sort of OT)

2002-02-07 Thread paul . x . wilkinson

For one reason or another, it appears I'm going to be spending the next 6
months away from my native England (sob!  I'm going to miss my warm beer)
and will be working in New Jersey and I have a couple of questions:

1.  Can anyone recommend any good photography/Pentax shops in the North
Saddle River area (or in Manhattan I guess, as I'll be travelling around
the city)
2.  Where should I buy and process films?  How much should I expect to pay
- for B&W, E6 and C41 (depending on what I'm up to).

Thanks for any advice from any New-Yorkers (and New-Jerseyers, if that is
the right term)


PS.  If anyone could recommend any good pubs in the area (preferably with
real ale) that could keep me from spending a fortune on photography ;-)

Paul Wilkinson
The Accenture Centre for Digital Content in London
1 Kingsway, London

DDI: +44 (0) 207 844 7935
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MZ-S Data imprinting (WAS: RE: MZ-S Film-rewind Problem) - SOLVED

2001-12-13 Thread paul . x . wilkinson

To anyone that's still interested!

Thank you to all the people who responded to this question - very useful.

I thought I'd give a quick update based on the test I finally got round to
1. Set the MZ-S NOT to fully pull a completed film back into the canister
2. Take a manufacturer-rolled Delta400 (DX-coded) film and shoot 10 shots
3.  Rewind the film
4.  Using a dark bag, pull these shots out into a tank and expose -  leave
some leader on the unexposed part of the film
5.  Shoot the rest of the film - but DON'T rewind it
6.  Using a dark bag pull these shots straight out of the back of the
camera into a tank and expose
7.  Check the difference

The reason for running the test in this way is that it eliminates
everything that I've had suggested as a possible cause of the imprinting
problem i.e. DX/non-DX coding, film-type, film-batch etc.  If the first
part imprints and and the other doesn't you KNOW that it's being printed on
the rewind - there are no more variables (except the shape of the leader -
I can't think that this has anything to do with anything - particularly as
others a bulk loading without error).

Sure enough, all those people who stated that the data imprinting is done
on the rewind were bang on the money.  It was the failed rewind that was
the problem NOT the failed imprint.

Dodgy canisters?  Not sure - was using plastic Jessops cannisters and
someone did say they'd seen problems with them sticking.  Have now run a
dozen or so steel canisters from bulk without a problem.  I will run some
more tests on this as it may just be that I am being much more careful now
with rolling and loading  ;-)

I am a bit disappointed that Pentax misguided me (I deliberately prodded
around the topic with their UK 'expert' and he ASSURED me that they
imprinting was done on shot - not rewind.)  However, I would like to stop
sounding  moaning for 2 seconds to say how much I LOVE the MZ-S - it is an
absolute joy to use (although I am still learning to get the best out of
it) - a friend of mine has recently got a Dynax7 (too many menus!!!) so
I'll be intrigued to do some comparison.  I know it's one loads of awards
but I like the ergonomics of the MZ-S - SOMEONE HAS CLEARLY THOUGHT ABOUT
SOMEONE QUITE IMPORTANT - THE USER!  This may sound obvious but it is
all too rare.


Paul Wilkinson
ELA Digital Content Service Centre of Excellence
1 Kingsway, London

DDI: +44 (0) 207 844 7935
Mob: +44 (0) 7973 489 353

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RE: MZ-S Film-rewind Problem (was MZ-S Imprinting Problem)

2001-12-11 Thread paul . x . wilkinson

Thanks for the note - I've spoken to Pentax who have said they would need
the camera back to have a look at it (it's only 8-weeks old!)  Not good.
There seems to be a link between the way they back-cover snaps shut and the
likelihood of the film not rewinding - i.e. you can tell if the film is not
seated properly if the cover doesn't click easily.  This is purely
anecdotal of course.  I'm going to roll off some bulk and run some sensible
(and recorded) tests - then maybe I can back with a reasonable argument to


Paul Wilkinson




11/12/2001 13:30 Subject: RE: MZ-S Film-rewind Problem 
(was MZ-S Imprinting Problem)   
Please respond to  




I had a Kodak roll get stuck in my MZ-S once.  I've run at least 50 rolls
film through this camera, and I've noticed that it never auto-rewinds when
the counter reads 25 or 37.  I'm a little paranoid, so I started pushing
button to force the rewinds.

It will be interesting to see what kind of response you get from Pentax.

-Original Message-
Sent: 12/11/01 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: MZ-S Film-rewind Problem (was MZ-S Imprinting Problem)

>I'm not sure if this is can solve part of your problem, but when I was
>making tests for figuring out hot data imprinting works, once I changed
>PF 15 four times during the same roll of film. I expected to see
>in data print density but - nothing, nada. So finally I remembered that
>was said here at PDML how the camera imprints data during rewind.
>Obviously, it imprints data as PF 15 was set when rewind took place.
>And, since PF15 was set at 4 (high density imprinting) during rewind,
>all data was lost because of the overexposure (film used wasHP5 at
>400 ASA).
>Can't tell anything about non DX coded canisters since I haven't used
>them with MZ-S, though.

>Hope it helps, Matjaz

>> Anyone had any problems with the in-film data printing on an MZ-S?
>> It's working fine on DX-Coded film, but I cannot seem to get it to
>> work on bulk-rolled Delta400 in non-DX canisters.  I have set the
>> Imprinting Density (function 15) to all of its available options but
>> still nothing - I have also tried all of these settings when using
>> DX-coded film and it appears to make NO difference to the print
>> density.  Am I doing something daft?
>> Any help much appreciated as this is one of the primary reasons for
>> camera choice (other than ergonomics, build quality, glass
>> availability)

Matjaz - you may have something here.  What I failed to piece together
that all three of the bulk-rolled canisters in question (all Jessops -
brand new) failed to rewind.  It occurred to me last night (as these
often do) that the imprint may be on the return leg of the film - in
case it would never have been printed.  However, at least judging by the
graunching sound, SOME of the film was rewound and I had the sense to
the back in a light-fast bag - yet NOTHING appeared on ANY of the film.
This may be coincidence.

So assuming, that you're right (and I'm betting right now that you are)

Has anyone had any problems with film not rewinding correctly?  I have
4 canisters stuck now (3 bulk and 1 XP2 Super).  I have noted that the
spring-load on the MZ-S canister slot can be a bit too much and it has a
habit of pushing the film up onto one of the guides on the upper edge of
the front pressure assembly.  I take a great deal of care ensuring the
is seated correctly - but this hasn't stopped films from jamming.
else observed this?

I have a call logged with Pentax UK so maybe they'll shed some light.

Thanks for any help,

Paul Wilkinson

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RE: MZ-S Film-rewind Problem (was/still is MZ-S Imprinting Problem)

2001-12-11 Thread paul . x . wilkinson


Just spoken to Pentax UK and their "MZ-S Expert" *assured* me that the data
imprinting happens on a per-frame-shot basis, NOT during the film rewind.
So we're now back to TWO questions:
1. Anyone had any problems with MZ-S film rewind (particularly - though not
only - with bulk-loaded film)?
2. Anyone had any problems with MZ-S imprinting on certain types of film?

Pentax have said they would need the camera back which is not exactly ideal
for an 8-week old "flagship SLR"  :-(


Paul Wilkinson

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MZ-S Imprinting Problem

2001-12-10 Thread paul . x . wilkinson

Anyone had any problems with the in-film data printing on an MZ-S?  It's
working fine on DX-Coded film, but I cannot seem to get it to work on
bulk-rolled Delta400 in non-DX canisters.  I have set the Imprinting
Density (function 15) to all of its available options but still nothing - I
have also tried all of these settings when using DX-coded film and it
appears to make NO difference to the print density.  Am I doing something

Any help much appreciated as this is one of the primary reasons for camera
choice (other than ergonomics, build quality, glass


Paul Wilkinson

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Re: Rebuilding the computer. Chapter II

2001-11-12 Thread paul . x . wilkinson

Glad to see the build went well  :)

My grandparents live in Aldridge - does that count?


I have to thank you guys for all the good advice over the past
few days. This computer that I bought now has exactly 2 original
components in it, the case and the motherboard. I may have a few
issues with it as well.
I ended up with a 19" Samsung flat screem monitor, and a dual
output video card. This is a cool little piece, it will support
the monitor up to an ungodly high resolution at 60hz, and will
support it at 1200x1600 at 32 bit colour at 85hz. The second
monitor can be run as an extension of the first, at a different
resolution and refresh rate, so I can run my toolbars on a
600x800 screen, get a decent refresh rate and still have enough
system resources to run the big monitor at a good resolution and
refresh rate.
Of course, I could have built the damned thing from scratch for
less than I have paid for the used rig, but this is the price
one pays for being a nice person.

Any of our British subscribers in or near Walsall?
William Robb
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