Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-20 Thread Camdir
In a message dated 20/03/03 04:36:58 GMT Standard Time, 

 I got the greatest MF camera ever, the T90 because of the descriptions I
 read in the old Modern Photography.  The feature that I liked the best in
 the T90 was the AA battery power it uses.  Had to have the shutter replaced
 recently.  Expensive, but now I have a great camera again.
 Still a Pentax fan, however.  Probably will never get the *ist D.  Now if
 only Pentax would copy the Canon Powershot Pro 90 IS.
 Jim A.
  From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 15:47:45 -0600
  Subject: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)
  Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Resent-Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 16:59:21 -0500
  - Original Message -
  From: Andre Langevin
  Subject: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)
  I recall the FD lens mount users gave a great big shit about it when the
  system came out, Bruce. As a matter of fact, they were extremely pissed
  they, and their equipment was being orphaned.
  I recall also, Canon had a pretty classy camera out at the time, was it
  F1? They were trying to be pro when they orphaned the mount.
  The T-90...  Still one of the greatest MF camera ever.  Like the LX
  with its mirror syndrome, it has its classic bug that shows with an
  EEE (error) message and ask for magnet cleaning or a shutter rebuild.
  Just by the way...
  Actually, the T90 was the template for the EOS system, stylewise, but the 
  was the premier Canon body of the day.
  William Robb
Good men after my own heart. F1s worked in the rain, T90s didn't. The reason 
I changed to Canon - spotmetering gave a lower failure rate and fast teles 
were available to hire. Plus I started work for a sports agency who used 
Canon so it just made sense. If Pentax had pulled out an equivalent back then 
to the F1 it might have been a more considered move, I suppose. 
 Kind regards


Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-20 Thread Boris Liberman

FK For the life of me Boz I cannot see any reason for you to leave the PDML, I
FK for one would never ask you too just because you using canon gear, and I
FK don't think anyone else here would either.

FK Feroze

FK Boz  wrote
FK  and I must say good-bye to this group.  It's like being forced to abandon
FK your domicile...

I'd second that opinion, or is it like n+1 here. Indeed, especially if
Boz is going to keep KMP alive...

Boris Liberman

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-20 Thread Mark Roberts
Boris Liberman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

FK For the life of me Boz I cannot see any reason for you to leave the PDML, I
FK for one would never ask you too just because you using canon gear, and I
FK don't think anyone else here would either.

FK Feroze

FK Boz  wrote
FK  and I must say good-bye to this group.  It's like being forced to abandon
FK your domicile...

I'd second that opinion, or is it like n+1 here. Indeed, especially if
Boz is going to keep KMP alive...

And if he's not going to keep it alive I hope he gives someone the
opportunity to mirror it.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Heiko Hamann
Hi Bojidar,

on 18 Mar 03 you wrote in pentax.list:

thank you very much for the nice answers to my previous mail!  It is a
really special feeling to know that I have done something worthwhile,

We have to thank you - the KMP is a real bible for all Pentax users. I'm  
really sorry, that your focus leaves Pentax.

So, the main factors are:

I can understand you reasons. If you want state-of-the-art, then there's  
no other way than Canon. Canon is technology driven and technological  
leader. Even Nikon can't compete with Canon's development. And Canon is  
developping really aggressive - take the 10D: they build it in a new,  
full automatic facility.

  - Canon has a more complete AF system
I think, that the new Pentax AF on the *ist/*istD is very competitive.

change their mount any time soon  (Pentax is moving towards a mount
change [at least simplification].  The *ist does NOT work properly with
K and M lenses, and it is NOT an entry-level camera --- it has the best
AF system of ANY Pentax camera!)

I don't think, that the crippled KAF-mount of the *ist is something  
that shows us the future of Pentax. We had such a crippled mount on the  
MZ-30, 50 and 60 but that was it. For me the *ist is a great camera but  
it is the *ist-entry-level. Take the *ist D with a fully compatible  
KAF2-mount (without Powerzoom) and work it out to an analog camera -  
that might be the flagship in fall. But I agree with you, that theese  
developments are slow and it is a really poor marketing of Pentax to  
leave us in uncertainty about the future (KAF3? USM? IS?).

Now, where is Pentax?  I feel that they have slowly but surely abandoned
the market segment in which I am -- serious amateur.  If we ignore the
They seem to be concentrating in the segment of *ist and below.  I have
nothing against that, but I wish Pentax would
In the end, it is all very simple.  I feel that very few serious
amateurs and professionals use Pentax gear, and therefore the few
serious Pentax items do not sell very well.  This then leads to Pentax
not investing very much in development of such items, and more serious
amateurs and professionals switch to other brands.

I think there are many satisfied serious amateurs on this list. But  
not all amateurs a equal: I think Pentax serves the niche of amatuers,  
that prefer a more classic style of photography and user interface and  
are satisfied with a certain amount of technology. The MZ-5n and the MZ- 
S are the best examples for this. But it IS a niche of serious amateurs:  
Pentax wouldn't build the Limited lenses for consumers. If I could  
choose if Pentax should build Limited lenses or USM lenses, then I would  
prefer the Limiteds. Otherwise they wouldn't offer something that is  
outstanding. Or in other words: Otherwise I could choose Canon.

Pentax recognizes and serves the consumer market as all other  
manufacturers. Because this is the market where they earn the real money  
to pay vor developping the real toys for us. With the *ist they will  
have good chances to earn more money there. And I'm quite sure that they  
will never drop the higher level products as those are necessary to hold  
up the company's image and sell in the consumer market.

It's a vicious circle, and I am the real loser.

No, you aren't. You have simply recognized, that the Pentax way is not  
the right for you. There are many more segments in the group of serious  
amatuers: one is that of the purists, maybe using Leica. Another that of  
the MF users. Or that of the technology driven users - that's for sure  
the Canon way.

I wish you good luck and hope, that you will keep an eye on Pentax's  
development and certainly on your great KMP. Maybe you can share your  
Canon experiences form time to time with us.

Alles Gute,


Thanks Boz was: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Greene
--- Bojidar Dimitrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 Now, where is Pentax?  I feel that they have slowly
 but surely abandoned
 the market segment in which I am -- serious amateur.
  If we ignore the
 brilliant FA* 200-600/5.6, they don't have much for
 sports or wild-life
 professionals either.  They seem to be concentrating
 in the segment of
 *ist and below.  I have nothing against that, but I
 wish Pentax would
 come out and say if my assumption is correct, or
 they are simply lacking
 the money/people/resources to develop things faster.


Though I came to the PDML just recently, your own page
has been an archive and working Encyclopedia at the
same time.

Wandering about trying to find your page, I discovered
that PENTAX, like Kodak, has so many corporate irons
in the scientific-space-medical fields, that Pentax
pro or serious amateur cameras are just a sideline. 
PENTAX dominates in so many other imaging fields that
mere photography is not enough of their corporate
income structure to actually CARE about the needs of
individuals like you and me or any latent pros who
might want to shoot the Pentax brand. 

It would not surprise me at all if Pentax abandoned
the SLR camera field entirely, including medium
format. They do quite well with PSs and that is where
they will probably draw the line.

I too wish that you continue to monitor your page.
While your page may have been a pure labor of love, I
can sense that you might want to do for Canon what
you've done for Pentax. That is, become the Canon
archivist-historian-keeper of the flame. Sure there
are plenty of Canon related pages out there, but few
of them are as comprehensive, as incisive as your own
Pentax page.

Thanks Boz,

PS: No matter what else anybody thinks, I consider my
Pentax PZ-1p and WR-90 PS my /most valuable/ Pentax


 I get it done with YAHOO! DSL!

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Arnold Stark
Hi Boz,

I am very unhappy that it were my K400/f5.6 and my M42/K500/f4.5 that 
made you turn away from Pentax. It is true that these wonderful all 
manual lenses need a lot of practice to get good results, however it is 
not only possible to get good results, you also would have gotten such 
results with just that: practice.

Still I agree that especially with long telephotos auto-focus is very 
very helpful. I much prefer the F*300/f4.5 over the A/M*300/f4 for this 
reason (and for its better minimum focusing distance). However, it is 
not fair to compare an all automatic Canon EF400/f5.6 with an all manual 
K400/5.6. The answers that you get depend on the questions that you ask. 
I guess the FA*400/f5.6 would be a similar joy to use as is the 
EF400/f5.6, and the results would be more or less indistinguishable.

OK, so now the FA*400/f5.6 is too expensive new (1600 Euros), and it is 
very hard to find used. I guess Pentax need not care much for customers 
that rarely buy their gear new, however, you could have gotten a used 
Sigma AF 400/f5.6 or a Tokina AF400/f5.6 in k-mount for about one third 
of what you paid for the used Canon, and you could have gotten a NEW 
Sigma 5,6/400 APO MACRO for less than what you paid for the used Canon 
EF400/f5.6, and I think the quality of this particular Sigma lens is 
quite good, too. You would still have switched away from Pentax but you 
would have stayed with the k-mount, and you would have been able to put 
that lens on your LX as well as on your Super A as well as on your 
MZ5-N. After all, two SLR systems (one AF and one manual focus) togehter 
are very hard to carry at one time.

About the Pentax future I am much more optimistic than you are, and 
lately Pentax has given us reason for such optimism. Of course Pentax 
will never be good as Canon in being like Canon, and if you are 
fascinated by Canon's very own strengths then go for them. However, 
Canon will never be as good as Pentax in being like Pentax, either. See 
my email of yesterday for why I stick with Pentax..


Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Alin Flaider

  Hi Boz,

  I believe I'm one of those close to your point of view. Pentax is
  good enough for what I do now, yet when trying to take on more
  specialized genres of photography I always look either to old lenses
  or to third parties. Pentax 35mm became a highly polarized system,
  and it's rarefied core leaves little to no options to advanced

  However I couldn't bring myself to make the switch, at least not in
  the film realm. I still expect Pentax to pull themselves together
  and rebuild a coherent system. Should I see the sign, I will
  continue to support Pentax. If all they do is cutting corners and
  crippling mounts to grab first time SLR buyers, then I might just
  keep the current film setup - as you do with LX - and buy into
  another digital 35mm system.

  Anyway, I do hope you'll drop in pdml from time to time. You've done
  a terrific job with the KMP, and it'll be a pity to see it turning
  into the K mount museum.

Bojidar wrote:
BD Now, where is Pentax?  I feel that they have slowly but surely abandoned
BD the market segment in which I am -- serious amateur.  If we ignore the
BD brilliant FA* 200-600/5.6, they don't have much for sports or wild-life
BD professionals either.  They seem to be concentrating in the segment of
BD *ist and below.  I have nothing against that, but I wish Pentax would
BD come out and say if my assumption is correct, or they are simply lacking
BD the money/people/resources to develop things faster.

BD In the end, it is all very simple.  I feel that very few serious
BD amateurs and professionals use Pentax gear, and therefore the few
BD serious Pentax items do not sell very well.  This then leads to Pentax
BD not investing very much in development of such items, and more serious
BD amateurs and professionals switch to other brands.  It's a vicious
BD circle, and I am the real loser.

BD So I switched...  But like I said, I'll keep an LX, FE-1, two bright
BD screens, a 17/4 fish, A20/2.8, A24/2.8, K30/2.8, A50/1.7, and A100/2.8
BD Macro.  Sad as it may be, soon after my current eBay auctions are over,
BD I will also sell the superA, MZ-5n, battery pack Fg, M24-35/3.5 and FA
BD 24-90/3.5-4.5.

BD Once again, thanks for all your positive remarks and nice comments to my
BD previous mail.

BD Cheers,
BD Boz

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Caveman
Bojidar Dimitrov wrote:

For me the *ist is a great camera but it is the *ist-entry-level.
Take the *ist D with a fully compatible KAF2-mount (without
Powerzoom) and work it out to an analog camera - that might be
the flagship in fall.
This is a rather optimistic point of view, but for the sake of all of
you and for Pentax, I hope you are right.
Pentax insisted that the *ist is entry-level (much to Paal's 
pleasure). We also know that the D version has full compatibility. I can 
see that there's place for a *ist S, with glass pentaprism, full lens 
compatibility and maybe some other minor mods. It would be the next MZ-5n.

Beeing said that, I do understand your decision. All I hope is that you 
could visit us once in a while and share some of your experience.


Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Bojidar Dimitrov
Hi Roland,

Do you remember the time about three weeks?  Pentax had said full
compatibility for the *ist, and everyone was talking about how his
personal Pentax sources were confirming that.  Pentax-Europe's marketing
director had confirmed it, and I was still not believing it because it
was not fitting together with several technical observations of mine.

It turned out that they were all wrong.  I see how passionate you are
about this, and I respect your choice.  However, I do not share your
optimism, and I have some technical reasons in my head.

 But the *ist D will have full compatibility with the older lenses.

This we have only seen on paper, just like we saw similar texts about
the *ist.  The only HARD evidence (the early prototypes at PMA and
CeBit) show the contrary.  Now, I am quite certain that the prototype at
PMA is a different one from the one at CeBit, and both featured the
crippled mount.  Are you feeling small waves of coldness on your back? 
I am...

For the *ist D I have good-heartedly indicated Kaf2 on the KMP, but I
could actually imagine how Pentax is thinking: those people have been
raving for a DSLR for years.  How about we save $5 on the aperture
coupling and $5 on aperture rings, and they all go out and replace those
fabulous 15/3.5, 18/3.5, 20/4, etc. lenses with FAJ equivalents...  I
hold that for unlikely but very possible.

 If the lens mount in the *ist D, with full compatibility for K and
 M lenses, scremount lenses (with adapter), 645 (with adapter) and
 67 (with adapter) are crippled mount, then why would this be a
 bad thing?

The crippled mount cannot meter properly with K and M lenses.  Either
part 1 of your statement is true or part 2 but not both.  My explanation
is that someone re-edited the MZ-D press release, updating the text hier
and there.  Compare the Lens compatibility sections fo both press

 Not true. It's possible to make a full electronic lens mount with
 aperture ring on the lenses. One simply has to have a mechanical
 to electrical decoder for the aperture ring in the lenses, so that
 the lens can send aperture ring information to the body.

Now read your statement a few times loud and ask yourself how likely
that is...

 This might be what Pentax are working on. It's probably less
 expensive to have electrical decoders around the aperture ring
 instead of a complete mechanical system.

I am no expert but consider myself relatively compentent about the
workings of the Pentax mounts.  What you are saying sounds unreasonable
to me, and I hold it for unlikely.

Having said all this, I realize that neither of us has hard facts, so
until we hear new definitive information, this will be my last e-mail on
the subject.


Crippled mount; was Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread ernreed2
Roland posted, among many other good things: 
 But the *ist D will have full compatibility with the older lenses.
 So, there's still no signs that Pentax are about to abandon support for 
 aperture ring. You can't judge Pentax future mid and market bodies by the 
 entry-level body.

What bothers me, (I am not Boz, and I am not switching to Canon anytime soon) 
is that the film *ist is now the FOURTH entry-level body they've introduced 
with this mount. 
My only reaction to the ZX-50 was well, whatever, I'm not buying that 
particular body. Maybe they'll see it's a mistake to have one that doesn't fit 
in with the compatibility that makes this system. I'm still not buying the 
crippled-mount bodies, but each time they produce a new one they seem more 
committed to this path, and I start to worry about where it will end. 

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Roland Mabo
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:27:20 -0500
Pentax insisted that the *ist is entry-level (much to Paal's pleasure). 
We also know that the D version has full compatibility. I can see that 
there's place for a *ist S, with glass pentaprism, full lens compatibility 
and maybe some other minor mods. It would be the next MZ-5n.
We have the answer when we look at the *ist D.
*Why*, oh tell me why, does it looks like a filmbased SLR?
It's a digital, so it doesn't have to look as a film-SLR.
Could it be because it's based upon a filmbased SLR? Could it be possible 
that Pentax took an existing design and re-made it for digital?
So, if this design exist - what is this then? The replacement for the MZ-5n 
and MZ-3. The design for the *ist D is the evidence.

But I don't think that it will be called *ist S. I believe more in *ist L, 
because the MZ-6 is called MZ-L in Japan, and the MZ-S has the S. So, 'L' 
fits logically between 'S' and plain *ist.

*ist - *ist L - *ist S

I like that. :-)

Speaking of names, I'm surprised that no one has commented upon the fact 
that the *ist is *ist everywhere, all over the globe. It's not
+ist, or /ist or even ~ist, not to mention 'ist. It's simply *ist. In 
Europe, Japan and in the U.S.

Best wishes,

Lättare att hitta drömresan med MSN Resor

Re: Crippled mount; was Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Roland Mabo
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:35:31 US/Central
What bothers me, (I am not Boz, and I am not switching to Canon anytime 
soon) is that the film *ist is now the FOURTH entry-level body they've 
introduced with this mount.
But it's still entry level.
Pentax has not made a mid or pro-market camera without full K and M 
compatibility. They could have done it with the *ist D, but everything 
points that the *ist D will have full K and M compatibility. Feel no fear, 
my friend. Don't worry, be happy.

Best wishes,
Hitta rätt köpare på MSN Köp  Sälj

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Roland Mabo
From: Bojidar Dimitrov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 16:11:29 +0100
Do you remember the time about three weeks?  Pentax had said full
compatibility for the *ist, and everyone was talking about how his
personal Pentax sources were confirming that.  Pentax-Europe's marketing
director had confirmed it, and I was still not believing it because it
was not fitting together with several technical observations of mine.
The press release from Pentax U.S stated that K and M lenses could be used. 
But the press releases from Pentax Canada, Pentax Germany and Pentax 
Scandinavia didn't. Obviously Pentax U.S made a misstake, they have done 
this before (in the first press release for the ZX-L, K and M lenses weren't 
in the lens compatibility chart. This was, as we all know by now, wrong). 
So, never listen to Pentax U.S. They have a tendency to get things wrong.

But everyone, not just Pentax U.S, are stating K and M compatibility with 
the *ist D. That's why I believe it. I don't believe Pentax U.S, but since 
Pentax Scandinavia tells it - I listen.

You see, when I first read Pentax U.S press release, I asked Pentax 
Scandinavia. They said that they hadn't got any information about 
compatibility. They didn't knowed, so they didn't say anything at that time. 
I believe this is true for Pentax U.S also, I believe that they simply 
*assumed* that the filmbased *ist were full K mount compatible. But they 
didn't have any information to back this up. (I don't believe that Pentax 
Japan tells Pentax U.S more than Pentax Scandinavia).

This difference to the situation with the *ist is very important.
I have learned not to listen to Pentax U.S, but I do listen to Pentax 
Scandinavia. They don't release information if they haven't got it confirmed 
by Pentax Japan.

This we have only seen on paper, just like we saw similar texts about
the *ist.  The only HARD evidence (the early prototypes at PMA and
CeBit) show the contrary.  Now, I am quite certain that the prototype at 
PMA is a different one from the one at CeBit, and both featured the
crippled mount.  Are you feeling small waves of coldness on your back?
I am...
No, because I have a strange feeling (not waves of coldness :-) ) that 
Pentax has things hidden up their sleeves, and this is about the lens mount. 
They haven't showned the true lens mount on the *ist D, because this would 
reveal secrets that Pentax are not ready to reveal yet.

One can always discuss when to show new technology, to preview and not to 
preview. Previewing new technology to the public means that the technology 
is previewed to the competition too, and I believe Pentax doesn't want this. 
It's better for them to release the secrets when the camera is ready to go 
on sale.

Anyway, don't judge future *ist models by the entry level model. It's not 

Best wishes,
Hitta rätt på nätet med MSN Sök

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Mat Maessen
Still my favorite camera and lens combo. There's just something 
therapeutic about loading up a roll of TriX and taking a walk with it...


Caveman wrote:
I'd suggest a ME Super with a 50/1.4 lens. You won't burry too much 
money into that combo, so you won't be tempted to sell it. And when you 
get angry on the world or pissed off by some quirks of the digital, take 
that one out and spend an afternoon in a nice place. Works miracles.

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
That's because the un-satisfied ones left (for the most part). There are 
about half the number of people on this list now as there were when I 
first joined about 6 years ago.



I think there are many satisfied serious amateurs on this list. 

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Bruce Rubenstein

Welcome to the world of modern photography!


Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
Don't I owe you a Program Plus body if the Ick D ships by Sept.? The PP 
is probably more reliable than the LX.



Maybe I'll get an LX so I can stick around here...


Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Bill Owens
Can you imagine the expense involved when he drops one of these things!


 For now I'll still be shooting the 645n mostly, but for things I would
 shoot 35mm with, I'll be switching to Canon digital.
 Once I get my workflow down, I'll stop shooting the 645 in favor of
 the 1DS.
 Maybe I'll get an LX so I can stick around here...

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
For anyone who has started photography with the EOS system since 1988, 
and that's millions of people it's a total who gives a shit? Pentax 
users put great importance on things about the Pentax system that other 
folks couldn't care less about.



Pentax does not abandon compatibility. You can use A-mount lenses 
since 1982 on the *ist. Can you use manual focus lenses on a Canon EOS?

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Bruce Rubenstein
Subject: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

 For anyone who has started photography with the EOS system since 1988,
 and that's millions of people it's a total who gives a shit? Pentax
 users put great importance on things about the Pentax system that other
 folks couldn't care less about.

I recall the FD lens mount users gave a great big shit about it when the EOS
system came out, Bruce. As a matter of fact, they were extremely pissed that
they, and their equipment was being orphaned.
I recall also, Canon had a pretty classy camera out at the time, was it the
F1? They were trying to be pro when they orphaned the mount.

William Robb

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Boris Liberman

All I can say is that you probably made a right choice. I am not sure
about Canon since I think I never actually held any Canon SLR camera
for more than one minute. But your reasons for abandoning Pentax seem
pretty sound. That's exactly the point that seems to be worth
repeating over and over. Once one's equipment cannot satisfy one's
technical demands, and once the hit rate, so to say, becomes
forbiddingly low, one should make a global change.

As for the discussion about *ist*. I think it is indeed a little too
early to arrive to any conclusion. Though the number of crippled mount
cameras grows dangerously. And now the new lenses.

I hope no one would add me to their kill file if I were to say that in
time, say several years, if and when I become a better photographer
than I am now, I may repeat your reasoning... Or may by that time
Pentax will simply grow enough to buy Canon so that we again would be
on the same side of the fence bg.

I wish you all the best with your new endeavor.

Boris Liberman

RE: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread tom
I might invest in a strap, but that's a big decision. I'll have to
think about it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 12:49 PM
 Subject: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

 Can you imagine the expense involved when he drops one of
 these things!


  For now I'll still be shooting the 645n mostly, but for
 things I would
  shoot 35mm with, I'll be switching to Canon digital.
  Once I get my workflow down, I'll stop shooting the 645
 in favor of
  the 1DS.
  Maybe I'll get an LX so I can stick around here...

RE: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread tom
 -Original Message-
 From: Bruce Rubenstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Don't I owe you a Program Plus body if the Ick D ships by
 Sept.? The PP
 is probably more reliable than the LX.

Doubt it, I've owned 3 Program bodies, and each one developed a wonky

But I'll still take it...


Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Roland Mabo
From: Boris Liberman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 21:14:55 +0200
I am not sure
about Canon since I think I never actually held any Canon SLR camera
for more than one minute.
A friend of mine, who is a professional photographers, has an EOS 3. For me, 
it simply feels like a big, bulky and empty tank. The build quality is very 
low, my MZ-5n feels much better built. And the shutter noise... Hard to 
describe, but it's annoying. But it has a chassi of aluminium. I know this 
because the thin plastic has scratches so one can see the bare aluminium. 
Everything about it feels so cheap.

As for the discussion about *ist*. I think it is indeed a little too
early to arrive to any conclusion. Though the number of crippled mount
cameras grows dangerously. And now the new lenses.
There has always been one MZ-body with crippled mount (MZ-50 became MZ-30 
which became MZ-60). And it will exist one *ist with crippled mount. So I 
can't say that the numbers are increasing.

I'm not worried about the new lenses. They're entry level.
My MZ-5n would be angry at me if I put entry level el cheapo plastique 
lenses on it. It deserves better than that. :-)

Best wishes,
Hitta rätt köpare på MSN Köp  Sälj

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Camdir

 I remember when Canon changed from FD to EOS. Many users were not happy 
 about this, since they couldn't use their old equipment any more. They had 
 to have twin systems, or they had to sell all their manual focus gear if 
 they wanted to stay with Canon. The EOS system was a slow starter, a slow 
 seller - in the beginning. It wasn't until the release of the EOS 650 that 
 sales started to take off, and the rest - as they say - are history. 

Roland. Absolutely. Minolta too, after all they were first. Wasn't the 650 
the first Canon? I did have a 620 for a while, that was a cool camera apart 
from the slow af.

Kind regards

Lord Mayor the Rt. Honorable Peter of Brighton

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Roland Mabo
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 15:27:57 EST
Roland. Absolutely. Minolta too, after all they were first. Wasn't the 650 
the first Canon?
Hm, I don't think so but, you know, it was a long time ago. :-)
Memories seems to fade away... :-)
When I started with SLR photography in 1988, I choosed a P30 because it was 
manual and Pentax had a nice system back then. I didn't want to pay for 
things that I wouldn't use. At that time, I saw autofocus as something very 
useless. The P30 felt more tempting, and it had depth-of-field preview. I 
remember visiting a shop and they recommended me a Nikon F501 (I believe it 
was called so). More expensive but the glass is better, you can clearly see 
the difference between Nikon and the others.. Well, we all know that Pentax 
has some nice glass too. :-)
I jumped onto the AF-train with the MZ-5. I was never really temped by the 
Z-serie. I liked the Z-20 but, well... I liked my P30 more. But the MZ-5 
felt just right. I changed it to MZ-5n only because I wanted to have 
depth-of-field preview.

Best wishes,
Hitta rätt på nätet med MSN Sök

RE: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread collinb
Or at least his assistants will.  :)

Ahhh, but that is the beauty of the LX - at least the ones I own - they can
take a beating. A couple of them have fallen quite a distance with no
complaints. People on this list can attest to my original 'beat to hell'
LX's appearance. It has gone in for a CLA once, and then another time when
the rewind shaft got bent. Not bad for over fifteen years of hard service.
But knowing TV he will find ingenious ways to test the LX...
Panama City, Florida

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Feroze Kistan
For the life of me Boz I cannot see any reason for you to leave the PDML, I
for one would never ask you too just because you using canon gear, and I
don't think anyone else here would either.


Boz  wrote
 and I must say good-bye to this group.  It's like being forced to abandon
your domicile...

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Paul Jones

From: Feroze Kistan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For the life of me Boz I cannot see any reason for you to leave the PDML,
 for one would never ask you too just because you using canon gear, and I
 don't think anyone else here would either.


 Boz  wrote
  and I must say good-bye to this group.  It's like being forced to abandon
 your domicile...

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Feroze Kistan
Come on, what do the rest of you say, I think Boz should stay
- Original Message -
From: Paul Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)


 From: Feroze Kistan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For the life of me Boz I cannot see any reason for you to leave the
  for one would never ask you too just because you using canon gear, and I
  don't think anyone else here would either.
  Boz  wrote
   and I must say good-bye to this group.  It's like being forced to
  your domicile...

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread gfen
On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Feroze Kistan wrote:
 For the life of me Boz I cannot see any reason for you to leave the PDML, I
 for one would never ask you too just because you using canon gear, and I
 don't think anyone else here would either.

Hey, we let Cotty hang around...

(why does it seem like all my input of late have been Cotty jokes? :)

--   - more fun than a poke in your eye. photography and portfolio.

RE: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread tom
Just for the record, I've never broken a camera, just lenses and
flashes. Mostly flashes, which almost invariably cost $93 to fix.

The PZ-1p's took a serious beating, no problem. The MZ-S's never
really got tested, the 645n's have survived some dings.


 -Original Message-
 From: collinb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 3:45 PM
 Subject: RE: Good-bye Pentax (2)

 Or at least his assistants will.  :)

 Ahhh, but that is the beauty of the LX - at least the ones
 I own - they can
 take a beating. A couple of them have fallen quite a
 distance with no
 complaints. People on this list can attest to my original
 'beat to hell'
 LX's appearance. It has gone in for a CLA once, and then
 another time when
 the rewind shaft got bent. Not bad for over fifteen years
 of hard service.
 But knowing TV he will find ingenious ways to test the LX...
 Panama City, Florida

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Greene
Subject: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

 Canon #1 eh? 
 Not Nikon?

Definitely not Nikon.

William Robb

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Andre Langevin
Subject: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

 I recall the FD lens mount users gave a great big shit about it when the
 system came out, Bruce. As a matter of fact, they were extremely pissed
 they, and their equipment was being orphaned.
 I recall also, Canon had a pretty classy camera out at the time, was it
 F1? They were trying to be pro when they orphaned the mount.

 The T-90...  Still one of the greatest MF camera ever.  Like the LX
 with its mirror syndrome, it has its classic bug that shows with an
 EEE (error) message and ask for magnet cleaning or a shutter rebuild.
 Just by the way...

Actually, the T90 was the template for the EOS system, stylewise, but the F1
was the premier Canon body of the day.

William Robb

Re: Crippled mount; was Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Doug Franklin
On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:35:31 US/Central, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What bothers me, (I am not Boz, and I am not switching to Canon anytime soon) 
 is that the film *ist is now the FOURTH entry-level body they've introduced 
 with this mount. 

I have a suspicion that there's a translation problem going on here.  I
think it may be that the term we've translated to entry level may
actually be a term that means first of a new series entering the


Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread KT Takeshita
On 03.3.19 5:47 PM, Carlos Royo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By the way, as this thread started with Boz's message saying he will
 leave the list, I join the chorus to ask him to stay. I'm sure that all
 the info he can give us about his experience using Canon cameras and
 lenses will be welcomed. I know he will not be sending F.U.D. messages
 to the list like some others who have switched to other brands have

Hi folks,

I think the same way.
I am sad that Boz, one of the institutions of the PDML, is going to leave
for another brand but that's his decision.
But I do appreciate his dropping in here from time time as his time permits
and giving us his honest opinion about Pentax and Canon too.
THAT, I believe, would be very invaluable to all of us, as we all know that
he is the expert on K-mount and can give us objective opinions about
different brand of cameras and/or comparison with Pentax based on his own
experiences, not taken from other internet sites.
That will make our discussion more interesting, enjoyable and informative,
than just a lot of unfounded slanders with no credibility or authority
because of it.

However, I do understand that Boz might be too busy to drop by here.

Boz, I thank you for giving us such an informative bible site which I hope
will be updated and maintained somehow.



Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread John Mustarde
On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 15:02:37 -0500, you wrote:

I might invest in a strap, but that's a big decision. I'll have to
think about it.


I have a Pentax strap on my D100.
Much more sexy than the Nikon strap, and it makes better pictures.

John Mustarde

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Cotty
 For the life of me Boz I cannot see any reason for you to leave the PDML, I
 for one would never ask you too just because you using canon gear, and I
 don't think anyone else here would either.

Hey, we let Cotty hang around...

(why does it seem like all my input of late have been Cotty jokes? :)

LOL. Boz, as of this moment I have 2 MXs, and 4 lenses. I consider myself 
a Pentax user with some Canon gear. You shoudl do the same g


Oh, swipe me! He paints with light!

Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
Yep, the style strap that is on the ZX-5 is nice. I have them on my F100 
and N80. Pentax wipes right off with a little acetone. Don't like any 
brand names on my straps.




I have a Pentax strap on my D100.
Much more sexy than the Nikon strap, and it makes better pictures.

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Cameron Hood
That's cause you're such a jerk most of the time nobody can stand you.


On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, at 10:57  AM, 

Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:29:07 -0500
From: Bruce Rubenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
That's because the un-satisfied ones left (for the most part). There 
about half the number of people on this list now as there were when I
first joined about 6 years ago.

Re: Crippled mount; was Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-19 Thread Bill Owens
My guess is the *ist is a new series that will eventually replace the MZ/ZX
series.  IIRC, the MZ/ZX replaced the Z/PZ series and the Z/PZ


- Original Message -
From: Doug Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Crippled mount; was Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

 On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:35:31 US/Central, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What bothers me, (I am not Boz, and I am not switching to Canon anytime
  is that the film *ist is now the FOURTH entry-level body they've
  with this mount.

 I have a suspicion that there's a translation problem going on here.  I
 think it may be that the term we've translated to entry level may
 actually be a term that means first of a new series entering the


Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-18 Thread Bojidar Dimitrov
Hi all,

thank you very much for the nice answers to my previous mail!  It is a
really special feeling to know that I have done something worthwhile,
and I am deeply moved that you all appreciate my work to such an
extent.  I took no offense to the one or two mails that spoke about the
results count, Canon is a gadget maker, don't worry.  I actually
expected more resistance...  :-)

What can I say?  It was not an easy decision, and I have been
contemplating it for over a year now.  I have thought about it long and
hard, and have had several (heated) discussions with PDML members Arnold
Stark and Knut Kampe.  But in the end even Arnold's strongest and solid
arguments could not overpower my will to move on.

The real turn came when I recently decided that I want to try
photographing birds and animals (nothing exotic, creatures in our garden
or in the zoo).  The only lens that I was able to afford was a
second-hand 400/5.6, and it had to be AF.  I have never seen a used FA*
400/5.6, so I look at eBay for a Canon.  Well, in the last 6 weeks there
have been 8 of them for sale, and I got mine at a wonderful price. 
Adding a body and a flash was a breeze, so I was all set.  Let's say it
like this:  My only Pentax experience with longer lenses was a day-trip
with Arnold where I got to use his K 400/5.6 and M42-K 500/4.5.  Those
photos were a disaster!  Manual aperture were manual focus too much for
me!!!  Using the EOS 30 with the 400/5,6 USM is much more convenient.  I
can dial in exp. comp. via the thumb dial in the back, flash exp. comp
on the flash, AF is very fast, and can see well even through the small
AF-type viewfinder.  Program shift is very convenient via the
index-finger dial, and the eye-control AF gimmick work wonderfully for

So, where are those that say that better technology does not lead to
better photos?  Yes, each photo made with the greatest USM, IS, etc.
lens can be made also without.  But the chances of doing that are almost

So, the main factors are:
  - Canon has a more complete AF system
  - Canon delivers new products and technologies faster
  - it is far easier and more cost-effective to buy (second-hand) Canon
gear (for example, I will soon be able to buy a like-new second-hand D60
for about $800)
  - one has certain security that one can never outgrow the Canon system
  - counting from 1986 until now, Canon actually has better system
compatibility than Pentax, and there is NO INDICATION that will have to
change their mount any time soon  (Pentax is moving towards a mount
change [at least simplification].  The *ist does NOT work properly with
K and M lenses, and it is NOT an entry-level camera --- it has the best
AF system of ANY Pentax camera!)

Now, where is Pentax?  I feel that they have slowly but surely abandoned
the market segment in which I am -- serious amateur.  If we ignore the
brilliant FA* 200-600/5.6, they don't have much for sports or wild-life
professionals either.  They seem to be concentrating in the segment of
*ist and below.  I have nothing against that, but I wish Pentax would
come out and say if my assumption is correct, or they are simply lacking
the money/people/resources to develop things faster.

In the end, it is all very simple.  I feel that very few serious
amateurs and professionals use Pentax gear, and therefore the few
serious Pentax items do not sell very well.  This then leads to Pentax
not investing very much in development of such items, and more serious
amateurs and professionals switch to other brands.  It's a vicious
circle, and I am the real loser.

So I switched...  But like I said, I'll keep an LX, FE-1, two bright
screens, a 17/4 fish, A20/2.8, A24/2.8, K30/2.8, A50/1.7, and A100/2.8
Macro.  Sad as it may be, soon after my current eBay auctions are over,
I will also sell the superA, MZ-5n, battery pack Fg, M24-35/3.5 and FA

Once again, thanks for all your positive remarks and nice comments to my
previous mail.


 _\\|//_ Imagination is more important than knowledge...
   0(` O-O ')0   A. Einstein
 Bojidar D. Dimitrov  author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
   __   __

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-18 Thread Rfsindg

As others have said, sorry to see you go.  
We will miss you, and wish you well.
Thanks for the wonderful efforts on you Pentax pages.
It is a bible for many of us.

Finally, I have always enjoyed your quote from A.Einstien.
It is one of my favorites.  Keep imagining...

Regards,  Bob S.


 Once again, thanks for all your positive remarks and nice comments to my
 previous mail.
 _\\|//_ Imagination is more important than knowledge...
   0(` O-O ')0   A. Einstein
 Bojidar D. Dimitrov  author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
   __   __

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-18 Thread Kenneth Waller
Boz, in all sincerity, I hope you get what you want out of the new system.
To me that would mean more keepers and less in the circular file.
Kenneth Waller
- Original Message -
From: Bojidar Dimitrov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 5:45 PM
Subject: Good-bye Pentax (2)

 Hi all,

 thank you very much for the nice answers to my previous mail!  It is a
 really special feeling to know that I have done something worthwhile,
 and I am deeply moved that you all appreciate my work to such an
 extent.  I took no offense to the one or two mails that spoke about the
 results count, Canon is a gadget maker, don't worry.  I actually
 expected more resistance...  :-)

 What can I say?  It was not an easy decision, and I have been
 contemplating it for over a year now.  I have thought about it long and
 hard, and have had several (heated) discussions with PDML members Arnold
 Stark and Knut Kampe.  But in the end even Arnold's strongest and solid
 arguments could not overpower my will to move on.

 The real turn came when I recently decided that I want to try
 photographing birds and animals (nothing exotic, creatures in our garden
 or in the zoo).  The only lens that I was able to afford was a
 second-hand 400/5.6, and it had to be AF.  I have never seen a used FA*
 400/5.6, so I look at eBay for a Canon.  Well, in the last 6 weeks there
 have been 8 of them for sale, and I got mine at a wonderful price.
 Adding a body and a flash was a breeze, so I was all set.  Let's say it
 like this:  My only Pentax experience with longer lenses was a day-trip
 with Arnold where I got to use his K 400/5.6 and M42-K 500/4.5.  Those
 photos were a disaster!  Manual aperture were manual focus too much for
 me!!!  Using the EOS 30 with the 400/5,6 USM is much more convenient.  I
 can dial in exp. comp. via the thumb dial in the back, flash exp. comp
 on the flash, AF is very fast, and can see well even through the small
 AF-type viewfinder.  Program shift is very convenient via the
 index-finger dial, and the eye-control AF gimmick work wonderfully for

 So, where are those that say that better technology does not lead to
 better photos?  Yes, each photo made with the greatest USM, IS, etc.
 lens can be made also without.  But the chances of doing that are almost

 So, the main factors are:
   - Canon has a more complete AF system
   - Canon delivers new products and technologies faster
   - it is far easier and more cost-effective to buy (second-hand) Canon
 gear (for example, I will soon be able to buy a like-new second-hand D60
 for about $800)
   - one has certain security that one can never outgrow the Canon system
   - counting from 1986 until now, Canon actually has better system
 compatibility than Pentax, and there is NO INDICATION that will have to
 change their mount any time soon  (Pentax is moving towards a mount
 change [at least simplification].  The *ist does NOT work properly with
 K and M lenses, and it is NOT an entry-level camera --- it has the best
 AF system of ANY Pentax camera!)

 Now, where is Pentax?  I feel that they have slowly but surely abandoned
 the market segment in which I am -- serious amateur.  If we ignore the
 brilliant FA* 200-600/5.6, they don't have much for sports or wild-life
 professionals either.  They seem to be concentrating in the segment of
 *ist and below.  I have nothing against that, but I wish Pentax would
 come out and say if my assumption is correct, or they are simply lacking
 the money/people/resources to develop things faster.

 In the end, it is all very simple.  I feel that very few serious
 amateurs and professionals use Pentax gear, and therefore the few
 serious Pentax items do not sell very well.  This then leads to Pentax
 not investing very much in development of such items, and more serious
 amateurs and professionals switch to other brands.  It's a vicious
 circle, and I am the real loser.

 So I switched...  But like I said, I'll keep an LX, FE-1, two bright
 screens, a 17/4 fish, A20/2.8, A24/2.8, K30/2.8, A50/1.7, and A100/2.8
 Macro.  Sad as it may be, soon after my current eBay auctions are over,
 I will also sell the superA, MZ-5n, battery pack Fg, M24-35/3.5 and FA

 Once again, thanks for all your positive remarks and nice comments to my
 previous mail.


  _\\|//_ Imagination is more important than knowledge...
0(` O-O ')0   A. Einstein
  Bojidar D. Dimitrov  author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
__   __

Re: Good-bye Pentax (2)

2003-03-18 Thread David S.
Bojidar Dimitrov wrote:
 Hi all,
 thank you very much for the nice answers to my previous mail!  It is a
 really special feeling to know that I have done something worthwhile,
 and I am deeply moved that you all appreciate my work to such an
 extent.  I took no offense to the one or two mails that spoke about the
 results count, Canon is a gadget maker, don't worry.  I actually
 expected more resistance...  :-)
 What can I say?  It was not an easy decision, and I have been
 contemplating it for over a year now.  I have thought about it long and
 hard, and have had several (heated) discussions with PDML members Arnold
 Stark and Knut Kampe.  But in the end even Arnold's strongest and solid
 arguments could not overpower my will to move on.
 The real turn came when I recently decided that I want to try
 photographing birds and animals (nothing exotic, creatures in our garden
 or in the zoo).  The only lens that I was able to afford was a
 second-hand 400/5.6, and it had to be AF.  I have never seen a used FA*
 400/5.6, so I look at eBay for a Canon.  Well, in the last 6 weeks there
 have been 8 of them for sale, and I got mine at a wonderful price.
 Adding a body and a flash was a breeze, so I was all set.  Let's say it
 like this:  My only Pentax experience with longer lenses was a day-trip
 with Arnold where I got to use his K 400/5.6 and M42-K 500/4.5.  Those
 photos were a disaster!  Manual aperture were manual focus too much for
 me!!!  Using the EOS 30 with the 400/5,6 USM is much more convenient.  I
 can dial in exp. comp. via the thumb dial in the back, flash exp. comp
 on the flash, AF is very fast, and can see well even through the small
 AF-type viewfinder.  Program shift is very convenient via the
 index-finger dial, and the eye-control AF gimmick work wonderfully for
 So, where are those that say that better technology does not lead to
 better photos?  Yes, each photo made with the greatest USM, IS, etc.
 lens can be made also without.  But the chances of doing that are almost
 So, the main factors are:
   - Canon has a more complete AF system
   - Canon delivers new products and technologies faster
   - it is far easier and more cost-effective to buy (second-hand) Canon
 gear (for example, I will soon be able to buy a like-new second-hand D60
 for about $800)
   - one has certain security that one can never outgrow the Canon system
   - counting from 1986 until now, Canon actually has better system
 compatibility than Pentax, and there is NO INDICATION that will have to
 change their mount any time soon  (Pentax is moving towards a mount
 change [at least simplification].  The *ist does NOT work properly with
 K and M lenses, and it is NOT an entry-level camera --- it has the best
 AF system of ANY Pentax camera!)
 Now, where is Pentax?  I feel that they have slowly but surely abandoned
 the market segment in which I am -- serious amateur.  If we ignore the
 brilliant FA* 200-600/5.6, they don't have much for sports or wild-life
 professionals either.  They seem to be concentrating in the segment of
 *ist and below.  I have nothing against that, but I wish Pentax would
 come out and say if my assumption is correct, or they are simply lacking
 the money/people/resources to develop things faster.
 In the end, it is all very simple.  I feel that very few serious
 amateurs and professionals use Pentax gear, and therefore the few
 serious Pentax items do not sell very well.  This then leads to Pentax
 not investing very much in development of such items, and more serious
 amateurs and professionals switch to other brands.  It's a vicious
 circle, and I am the real loser.
 So I switched...  But like I said, I'll keep an LX, FE-1, two bright
 screens, a 17/4 fish, A20/2.8, A24/2.8, K30/2.8, A50/1.7, and A100/2.8
 Macro.  Sad as it may be, soon after my current eBay auctions are over,
 I will also sell the superA, MZ-5n, battery pack Fg, M24-35/3.5 and FA
 Once again, thanks for all your positive remarks and nice comments to my
 previous mail.

I have many times over the years thought about switching from Pentax for
similar reasons.  Your expertise and knowledge will be missed on this
list.  I hope you are happy with your new system.

David S.
Nature and wildlife photography