New Member

2006-08-17 Thread Douglas Newman
Dear All,

As you might have guessed from the subject line (!), I
am a new member. I recently found this esteemed list
from a reference on DPReview. 

I currently own a Canon 20D and am preparing to switch
to Pentax, either to a K100D or possibly the upcoming
"K10D" (not the K10D if it turns out to be noisy like
the Nikon and Sony 10MP DSLRs). I am fortunate enough
to be able to travel a fair amount in my spare time
and my camera goes everywhere I do. It is important to
me that a camera be (relatively) lightweight and
because I often can't carry a tripod and need to shoot
in low-light situations, I've been attracted to
Pentax's system largely by the in-camera shake
reduction which I see as a "must have" feature.
However, I am not completely new to the Pentax fold.

(Note: long, boring story to follow. You may want to
quit reading here and move on to the next post ;-). I
write this only as a matter of record so as to get out
of the way questions about my background etc.!)

My first "real" camera - OK, it wasn't really mine per
se - was a Pentax ME with the 50mm f/1.7 lens. This
was, as the saying goes, "long ago and far away", when
I was ten years old and my parents took me on a trip
to London. It was my first time to Europe and they
bought me a cheap fixed-focus Fujifilm point and shoot
to bring with me. This is something they may have
later come to regret ;-)! I quickly discovered that I
liked photography a lot and moreover seemed to have a
natural aptitude for it, so when we returned home, my
dad loaned me his old ME. He had succumbed to the
convenience of point-and-shoots (shock horror!) so it
had gone unused and I suppose he saw no harm in
letting me play around with it.

(I should point out at this point that my paternal
grandfather was a very serious photographer, using a
various Leica rangefinders, Rollei TLRs and Nikon SLRs
among others. I don't think he ever owned a Pentax

I was delighted with the ME and used it for several
years - learning the basics of photography in the
process - before I decided to invest in a brand new AF
SLR. At the time I didn't know a great deal about
cameras but I had narrowed it down to the Canon EOS
Elan II, Minolta Maxxum 600si and Pentax ZX-5N.
(Sorry, I don't know just what these were called
outside the US!) They seemed to be good "middle of the
road" cameras and they were at the vanguard of a
revolution: they went back to "analogue" controls
(dials) after the electronic control frenzy of the
late 1980s and early 1990s. This appealed to me very
strongly. I didn't even consider Nikon; their offering
in that class at the time was the infamous N70, whose
control interface could only have been designed by a
sadist. (It was soon replaced by the much more
conventional N80, a camera I certainly would have
considered had it been available at the time.)

Alas, the local photo shop salesman convinced me that
these cameras were serious overkill for someone buying
his first AF SLR. I was (very) young and
impressionable and didn't know much at all about AF
SLRs or even cameras in general, so I figured that
perhaps he was right after all and I would've been
over my head with one of my original choices. He
showed me a Canon Rebel, a Minolta XTsi (I think), a
Nikon N60 and a Pentax ZX-7. He pushed the Canon -
kickbacks, I can only assume - but I immediately
dismissed it and the Minolta as much too cheap and
plasticky feeling. I'm a very tactile person and I
hate anything that feels "cheap". This left the Nikon
and the Pentax for me to consider. The Nikon felt a a
bit chunkier and more sturdily built - the N60 /was/ a
pretty sturdy camera, about the only thing it had
going for it - and not knowing enough to figure out
the other differences, I went with the Nikon. If my
naïveté at the time was not already apparent, the fact
that I chose the N60 has probably made it pretty
obvious now ;-)!

If any of you here have ever had the misfortune of
using an N60, you undoubtedly know it was an
absolutely miserable camera, solidly made but crippled
by a very awkward control interface (even though it
/looked/ a lot like the F100's) and the most woeful AF
system you could imagine. (I'd have focused manually,
but trying to manually focus my new Nikon AF lenses
was an excercise in futility...)

After not very long, I realized the N60 was a piece of
junk, so I looked to upgrade. I considered switching
manufacturers, offered a really good deal on a
just-discontinued Nikon N90s and it seemed
exceptionally nice for the price, so I bought it. And
indeed, it was an excellent camera. The N60 had taught
me a lot about modern cameras, and I was able to
appreciate the excellence of the N90s.

At the time I had my AF Nikons, my dad owned an
Olympus C-2020Z digital P&S (or "digital rangefinder"
as Olympus preferred). One day, purely out of
curiosity, I 

New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
G'day to all PDML'ers,

"Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)

The name's David & after a year of lurking in the archive I've finally
plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to say, you certainly
are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the mayhem ;-)

My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27). It started with a
little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All through high school
I used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement for about a year and
had a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a
Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I
got an *ist D.

For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:

and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):

Any comments & criticisms more than welcome

Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And a special thanks
to Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.

David Savage

New member

2003-09-01 Thread Hans Beumer
Hello everybody,
just a little introduction of a new member.
I' ve been reading this list (at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) since a few months
now, and since I'm a Pentax fan, I finally decided to join the list
(especially since I've been building up an MX-set latelly)
I've learned a lot since I started to read your mail.
My name is Hans Beumer, and I'm from Holland. Shooting an MZ-5 since 5 years
now (before that, a Ricoh KR10 super), and, with much pleasure, an MX since
may this year.

Hans Beumer.


New member

2003-09-02 Thread Paul Delcour
Hi all,

let me just properly introduce myself. Should have done that before imposing
my questions about the K2.

My name is Paul Delcour from Hilversum, Netherlands. If you want to know a

I started photography at the age of 8 or 9 woth a very simple all plastic
camera. I still have those first pictures. Then my father gave me his 6x6
rollfilm camera and I made some really lovely snaps with it. Sensation when
I was allowed a colour film.
Then in 1978 I did a holiday job and with that money bought the then
outgoing K2, a black one, for 780 Dutch guilders. Difficult to say what that
would have been in pounds or dollars, let alone euro's. Wonderful camera and
I was amazed at having such a fine piece of photographic equipment all at my
very own disposal.

Did a lot of photography with it for a couple of years. Joined a photography
club linked to the university of Groningen. Learned a lot from the teaching
photographer there called Ton Broekhuis. He's still an active photographer
and I have to say I think he's very good. Bit of an odd one at that, but
that can go with being artistic I know from my own experience.

Changed studies, found my wife and didn't do all that much photography for a
long time.

Then in 1992 (I think) I decided I was a bit fed up with being a choir
conductor and thought I'd make a serious job of being a photographer. So I
started a course in photography at the Fotovakschool in Apeldoorn. Got me a
second K2 (silver) and a Metz 60 flash (wonderful) to be fully armed for
Reason I quitted the course: there's a hell of lot of photographers about
and who am I to be another competitor. Besides, anybody can push a release
buttons. As one of the teachers explained: most people are happy if uncle
Bill's head AND feet are in the picture and he's in focus as well. I
couldn't see myself being pleased with a lot of that kind of assignments.
Apart form that, I simply couldn't master the proper film development and
printing techniques. Hated it and still do. I can drool over a wonderfully
well measured balk and white picture, but don't ask me to do it. I feel the
technique is in my way. Felt the same when playing the piano. As a conductor
I feel I have direct control over the singing. Not so over the keys.

I can't say that I picked up photography again very seriously, but it's
always lurking in the back of my mind. I 'see' pictures everywhere I go. But
there's not much point in taking all of them if there's no purpose behind
them. So I'm looking for small assignments in my circles of family and
friends. To get going again and get some practise.

I know this is beside the topic of this list, but I also picked up video.
Got a Canon XM1 for the purpose of making a documentary about my father in
law who is (since 21st of may was) an exceptional wood artist or sculpter.
So I need to skill myself in video and photography both. I already took some
pictures of his work:

They were shot in his workplace with light coming form above from three
large windows. I bought a Visatec flashset however, because we would like to
make an inventory of as much of his work as we can trace. That means going
to people's homes and taking pictures there. In order to get the same result
we felt a flashset was needed. Kep you posted on this as I have a lot of
trouble of measuring the flashlight properly.

My best subjects are those I simply run in to. I did some weddings and
parties and those I love best. I am able to be very not present and thus am
able to quietly go about and observe and shoot unposed scenes. That's my
strongest point: abserve and be ready to click.

I do like setting up a scene, especially since we got the flashset. It's
fascinating setting up a table top and trying to get the light right. So
far, after just 2 testfilms, I'm not that happy, but than I guess this takes
some time before I'll know how to get it right.

I still have two K2's and somehow do not wish to part with not h of them.
The black has always been my camera to use and I cannot see a lot of
advances if I take up a much more recent model. Sometimes I feel the lack of
autofocus as I'm always manual focussing and thus sometimes am simply too
late to take the snap I 'saw'. Also 1/4000 would be nice as with 200 and 400
being the standard I sometimes run out of time... I like a large aperture to
get depth.

I have all Pentax SMC K lenses, except for one:
Tokina 17/3.5 (very nice, though clearly softer than my Pentax lenses, but
this was simply affordable -  use it a lot indoors to get a room in one go)
Pentax 24/2.8 (love it)
Pentax 35/2 (hardly use it)
Pentax 50/1.7 (great for low light, but do not use it a lot)
Pentax 85/1.8 (love it)
Pentax 100/4 macro (great, though not much in use)
Pentax 200/4 (good, but seldom used)
Pentax converter 2x (great with the 200 to get 400, but seldom used. I had a
Panagor converter once which was terrible compared to the Pentax one)


New Member

2004-08-21 Thread Pat Curran
Hi All,
 I have just joined the list so this is my first post to let you
know who I am.

My name is Pat Curran and I hail from County Kilkenny in Ireland.

My main interest lies in the area of landscape photography but will seek to
take good pictures in all situations. Having recently changed careers from
dairy farmer to civil servant, I am now getting back into photography after
an absence of 20 years with the aid of weekends free, paid leave and flexi
time :)

This time round I want to make some money from the hobby and am actively
looking at sending some work to picture libraries . To this end I have
purchased a Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 film scanner - sorry if this is

With future picture sales in mind, I am also looking at the 6x7 medium
format. My equipment at present is 35mm - 2 Super A bodies, 15mm f3.5 SMC A,
50mm f1.4 SMC A, 200mm f4 A, Digital Spotmeter, Soligor 30DA flash and a S/H
Motor Drive A (purchased on eBay last year).

Can I ask the list what is the value of an 'Excellent' rated 28mm f2.8 A
Series lens at present? - I bid US$130 on eBay yesterday and lost which was
a stroke of luck as there are two on KEH today for US$84 and US$89.

Sorry for going on - future posts will be shorter and ON TOPIC!


Pat Curran

New member

2017-04-19 Thread michaelc
I would like to introduce myself to the forum.  My name is Michael Costello and 
I am from Saskatchewan Canada.  I shoot a K3 and am looking forward to learning 
from you fellow members

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
the directions.

New Member

2018-05-02 Thread Dale H. Cook
I am a recently retired broadcast engineer who is taking up photography as a 
hobby after using it largely only for work and genealogical research over the 
last 30+ years. Most of my genealogical photography going forward will 
undoubtedly be photographing gravestones in B&W, the preferred format for those 
photos (I am a member of the Association for Gravestone Studies).

I used SLRs for years (most recently a Pentax K-1000). but switched to a 
digital camera (a Sony Cybershot) about 15 years ago for convenience. With 
retirement I decided to upgrade, and recently bought a Pentax K-70 with a DA 
18-270mm as my walking-around lens. I am still mastering the amazing array of 
settings but am making progress. I am using a variety of colored B&W filters 
for gravestones, because 1) I am on old guy who was used to doing that with 
film, and 2) although I have done a fair amount of image post-production over 
the years I would rather get the correct image in-camera than fix it in post.

Dale H. Cook, 50+ years as an SLR photographer,
Pentax K-70 w/ Pentax-DA 18-270mm lens, using
colored filters for B&W gravestone photography 

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to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
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RE: New Member

2006-08-17 Thread Antti-Pekka Virjonen
> Dear All,
> As you might have guessed from the subject line (!), I
> am a new member. I recently found this esteemed list
> from a reference on DPReview.

Welcome Doug! 

Once you have joined, you are doomed to never leave ;-).

Greetings from Finland,

Antti-Pekka Virjonen

Computec Oy
R&D Turku

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread David Savage
G'day Doug,

As a start check out Graywolf's min-FAQ to help get you up to speed on
some of the acronyms & other stuff.

Others will let you know who to believe and who not to.



On 8/18/06, Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,

> So, anyhow, here I am - a lapsed Pentax user about to
> come full circle. I look forward to joining the ranks
> of Pentax users (again) sometime in the next month or
> two and to learning from and sharing with all of you.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Doug Franklin
Douglas Newman wrote:

> Dear All,


OK, list god is Doug Brewer, so by positional preference and imperial
fief, he gets just plain old "Doug".  I staked a claim on "DougF" years
ago.  I've started calling up the militia in case I have to defend the
borders.  So pick your moniker, "new Doug". :-)

> So, anyhow, here I am - a lapsed Pentax user about to
> come full circle. I look forward to joining the ranks
> of Pentax users (again) sometime in the next month or
> two and to learning from and sharing with all of you.

Welcome, and keep your flame suit handy, it gets a little warm in here
occasionally. :-)

DougF (KG4LMZ)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Douglas Newman
Dear All,

Thanks for your warm welcome.

It's not often that I come across a place with so many
Dougs! I'll go as "New Doug" from now on and hopefully
we will not have any more Dougs in the future :-).

New Doug

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PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread graywolf
Welcome aboard.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Douglas Newman wrote:
> Dear All,
> As you might have guessed from the subject line (!), I
> am a new member. I recently found this esteemed list
> from a reference on DPReview. 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Cotty
On 18/8/06, Douglas Newman, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Dear All,
>Thanks for your warm welcome.
>It's not often that I come across a place with so many
>Dougs! I'll go as "New Doug" from now on and hopefully
>we will not have any more Dougs in the future :-).
>New Doug

Hi New Doug,

Don't believe anything Mark Roberts or Frank Theriault tell you
(although Frank is quiet at the moment, what a pleasant thing :-)

Welcome aboard.



||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread John Forbes
On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 17:21:07 +0100, Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Dear All,
> Thanks for your warm welcome.
> It's not often that I come across a place with so many
> Dougs! I'll go as "New Doug" from now on and hopefully
> we will not have any more Dougs in the future :-).

Perhaps.  But I suspect we'll be dogged by Dougs.


PS: Hello!

> New Doug
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Mark Roberts
Douglas Newman wrote:

>Dear All,
>Thanks for your warm welcome.
>It's not often that I come across a place with so many

Mind if we call you "Bruce" to keep it clear?
Mark Roberts Photography & Multimedia

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Bob W
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Douglas Newman
> Dear All,
> Thanks for your warm welcome.
> It's not often that I come across a place with so many
> Dougs! I'll go as "New Doug" from now on and hopefully
> we will not have any more Dougs in the future :-).
> New Doug

As long as we've all got our Dougs in a row things should be ok.
Although with 3 of them the PDML is starting to resemble Scaramanga...


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread David Savage
That's pure gold Kenneth.

Dave ;-)

At 02:42 AM 19/08/2006, you wrote:
>Welcome to the list.
>Hope you stay.
>If all the Dougs leave we'll be...
>Douglas !
>Kenneth Waller
>Had to say it

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Kenneth Waller
Welcome to the list.
Hope you stay.
If all the Dougs leave we'll be...

Douglas !

Kenneth Waller

Had to say it

- Original Message - 
From: "Douglas Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: New Member

> Dear All,
> Thanks for your warm welcome.
> It's not often that I come across a place with so many
> Dougs! I'll go as "New Doug" from now on and hopefully
> we will not have any more Dougs in the future :-).
> New Doug
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Bruce Dayton
Hey now, wait a minute!  It took a while to get the Nikonian Bruce R.
off the list so I could be the only one.  Now you're trying to pawn a
Doug off on to my name - sorry, I got first dibs.  


Friday, August 18, 2006, 10:12:16 AM, you wrote:

MR> Douglas Newman wrote:

>>Dear All,
>>Thanks for your warm welcome.
>>It's not often that I come across a place with so many

MR> Mind if we call you "Bruce" to keep it clear?
MR> ;-)
MR> -- 
MR> Mark Roberts Photography & Multimedia
MR> 412-687-2835

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread frank theriault
On 8/18/06, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don't believe anything Mark Roberts or Frank Theriault tell you
> (although Frank is quiet at the moment, what a pleasant thing :-)

I'm LURKING, so I can still hear YOU, Cotty!  

Doug, welcome aboard.  Don't believe anything Cotty or Mark Roberts
tell you, and you'll be fine.

Seriously, this is a great place - unlike any other anywhere else
(maybe that's a good thing?).  Stick around for a bit!  


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Douglas Newman
--- "Bob W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Although with 3 of them the PDML is starting to
> resemble Scaramanga...

Being a Doug I probably should know this, but have
they got a lot of Dougs in Skaramanga?

I don't think I've ever met a Greek called Doug. 

New Doug

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Scott Loveless
On 8/18/06, frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/18/06, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Don't believe anything Mark Roberts or Frank Theriault tell you
> > (although Frank is quiet at the moment, what a pleasant thing :-)
> I'm LURKING, so I can still hear YOU, Cotty!  
> Doug, welcome aboard.  Don't believe anything Cotty or Mark Roberts
> tell you, and you'll be fine.
> Seriously, this is a great place - unlike any other anywhere else
> (maybe that's a good thing?).  Stick around for a bit!  
> cheers,
> frank

Mark, Cotty and Frank are all correct.  

Welcome to the list.  Good to have you.

Scott Loveless
Shoot more film!

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread John Forbes


On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 19:51:34 +0100, David Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's pure gold Kenneth.
> Dave ;-)
> At 02:42 AM 19/08/2006, you wrote:
>> Welcome to the list.
>> Hope you stay.
>> If all the Dougs leave we'll be...
>> Douglas !
>> Kenneth Waller
>> Had to say it

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

RE: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Bob W
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Douglas Newman
> Sent: 18 August 2006 20:31
> To:
> Subject: Re: New Member
> --- "Bob W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Although with 3 of them the PDML is starting to
> > resemble Scaramanga...
> Being a Doug I probably should know this, but have
> they got a lot of Dougs in Skaramanga?
> I don't think I've ever met a Greek called Doug. 

Scaramanga - the Man with the Golden Gun - had a superfluous papilla.
3 dugs...

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Douglas Newman
--- Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey now, wait a minute!  It took a while to get the
> Nikonian Bruce R. off the list so I could be the 
> only one. 

Hmm, actually, I have a good friend named Bruce who
uses a Nikon (F80), but he is not a Bruce R...

"My" Bruce hasn't gone digital yet so when I finally
convince him to do it I will have to make sure he ges
a K-something-D that way he can join this list and
drive everyone up the walls with his name ;-)!

New Doug

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread John Forbes
What about Spartacus?

(AKA Kirk Douglas)


On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 20:31:06 +0100, Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> --- "Bob W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Although with 3 of them the PDML is starting to
>> resemble Scaramanga...
> Being a Doug I probably should know this, but have
> they got a lot of Dougs in Skaramanga?
> I don't think I've ever met a Greek called Doug.
> New Doug
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Cotty
On 18/8/06, frank theriault, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I'm LURKING, so I can still hear YOU, Cotty!  

Get back on mic you ratbag ;-)



||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread frank theriault
On 8/18/06, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Get back on mic you ratbag ;-)

That's ~Mr.~ Ratbag to you...


M. Sac de Rat

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread David J Brooks
You can beleibve anything i say. You just have to fiqure out my speling./


Quoting Scott Loveless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 8/18/06, frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 8/18/06, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Don't believe anything Mark Roberts or Frank Theriault tell you
>> > (although Frank is quiet at the moment, what a pleasant thing :-)
>> I'm LURKING, so I can still hear YOU, Cotty!  
>> Doug, welcome aboard.  Don't believe anything Cotty or Mark Roberts
>> tell you, and you'll be fine.
>> Seriously, this is a great place - unlike any other anywhere else
>> (maybe that's a good thing?).  Stick around for a bit!  
>> cheers,
>> frank
> Mark, Cotty and Frank are all correct.  
> Welcome to the list.  Good to have you.
> --
> Scott Loveless
> Shoot more film!
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Equine Photography in York Region

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread David J Brooks
Easy lads.
I have the D1, D2H, D200 and just put a bid in for a D1H.

Looks like i'll take over for Bruce now.:-)

Still have more Pentax gear if your


Oh sorry, VBG


Quoting Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> --- Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey now, wait a minute!  It took a while to get the
>> Nikonian Bruce R. off the list so I could be the
>> only one.
> Hmm, actually, I have a good friend named Bruce who
> uses a Nikon (F80), but he is not a Bruce R...
> "My" Bruce hasn't gone digital yet so when I finally
> convince him to do it I will have to make sure he ges
> a K-something-D that way he can join this list and
> drive everyone up the walls with his name ;-)!
> New Doug
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Equine Photography in York Region

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Bruce Dayton
You apparently have more arms than I do .  I can only manage two
cameras at once.  You do realize that you can take a lens off and put
a different lens on - you don't need a body for each lens :)


Friday, August 18, 2006, 4:25:33 PM, you wrote:

DJB> Easy lads.
DJB> I have the D1, D2H, D200 and just put a bid in for a D1H.

DJB> Looks like i'll take over for Bruce now.:-)

DJB> Still have more Pentax gear if your

DJB> Dave

DJB> Oh sorry, VBG

DJB> Dave

DJB> Quoting Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> --- Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hey now, wait a minute!  It took a while to get the
>>> Nikonian Bruce R. off the list so I could be the
>>> only one.
>> Hmm, actually, I have a good friend named Bruce who
>> uses a Nikon (F80), but he is not a Bruce R...
>> "My" Bruce hasn't gone digital yet so when I finally
>> convince him to do it I will have to make sure he ges
>> a K-something-D that way he can join this list and
>> drive everyone up the walls with his name ;-)!
>> New Doug
>> __
>> Do You Yahoo!?
>> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

DJB> Equine Photography in York Region

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread David J Brooks

When did this happen.?

The Nikon group was very specific about this,.



Quoting Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> You apparently have more arms than I do .  I can only manage two
> cameras at once.  You do realize that you can take a lens off and put
> a different lens on - you don't need a body for each lens :)
> --
> Bruce
> Friday, August 18, 2006, 4:25:33 PM, you wrote:
> DJB> Easy lads.
> DJB> I have the D1, D2H, D200 and just put a bid in for a D1H.
> DJB> Looks like i'll take over for Bruce now.:-)
> DJB> Still have more Pentax gear if your
> DJB> Dave
> DJB> Oh sorry, VBG
> DJB> Dave
> DJB> Quoting Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> --- Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Hey now, wait a minute!  It took a while to get the
 Nikonian Bruce R. off the list so I could be the
 only one.
>>> Hmm, actually, I have a good friend named Bruce who
>>> uses a Nikon (F80), but he is not a Bruce R...
>>> "My" Bruce hasn't gone digital yet so when I finally
>>> convince him to do it I will have to make sure he ges
>>> a K-something-D that way he can join this list and
>>> drive everyone up the walls with his name ;-)!
>>> New Doug
>>> __
>>> Do You Yahoo!?
>>> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>>> --
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> DJB> Equine Photography in York Region
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Equine Photography in York Region

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread ernreed2
Quoting David S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> G'day to all PDML'ers,
> "Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)

'Morning, David!

> The name's David & after a year of lurking in the archive I've finally
> plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to say, you certainly
> are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the mayhem ;-)
> My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27). It started with a
> little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All through high school
> I used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement for about a year and
> had a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a
> Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I
> got an *ist D.
> For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:

Oh, look, y'all -- he's got one of the gold *istD bodies that Ryan originally 
told us about!

> and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):

... and he knows how to use it REALLY well, too! 

> Any comments & criticisms more than welcome

Very cool shots, especially (in my opinion) the macro ones.

E.R.N. Reed

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
Thanks Paul,

I really liked "Let's Bar-B-Q" that you posted recently. I've always
liked the "texture" of fresh snow. And the sky never looks that blue


On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 14:44:13 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Welcome David,
> I enjoyed your pics, particularly "Morning After the Storm," "Customs House," 
> and "Crane." I'm sure you'll enjoy the list.
> Paul

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
Thanks E.R.N.

You've made me blush.


> >
> ... and he knows how to use it REALLY well, too!
> > > Any comments & criticisms more than welcome
> Very cool shots, especially (in my opinion) the macro ones.
> E.R.N. Reed

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
Thanks Doug,

Our recent weather has me imune to anything hot  :-)


> Welcome to the PDML.  Make sure you have asbestos clothing ready (for
> the periodic flame wars) and some paper towels handy (for wiping the
> beer, cola, etc. off the screen when you catch a funny post while
> drinking).

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread pnstenquist
Welcome David,
I enjoyed your pics, particularly "Morning After the Storm," "Customs House," 
and "Crane." I'm sure you'll enjoy the list.

> G'day to all PDML'ers,
> "Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)
> The name's David & after a year of lurking in the archive I've finally
> plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to say, you certainly
> are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the mayhem ;-)
> My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27). It started with a
> little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All through high school
> I used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement for about a year and
> had a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a
> Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I
> got an *ist D.
> For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:
> and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):
> Any comments & criticisms more than welcome
> Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And a special thanks
> to Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.
> David Savage

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Graywolf
We are going to have to start setting quotas for the number of Aussies on the 
list the are taking over (grin). Welcome aboard, David.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"
David S wrote:
G'day to all PDML'ers,
"Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)
The name's David & after a year of lurking in the archive I've finally
plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to say, you certainly
are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the mayhem ;-)
My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27). It started with a
little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All through high school
I used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement for about a year and
had a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a
Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I
got an *ist D.
For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:
and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):
Any comments & criticisms more than welcome
Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And a special thanks
to Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.
David Savage

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.7.2 - Release Date: 1/21/2005

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread ernreed2
Quoting Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> We are going to have to start setting quotas for the number of Aussies on
> the 
> list the are taking over (grin). Welcome aboard, David.

Oh, Graywolf, it's not so bad. *Most* of them post in a language we all can 
understand ...



Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
Thanks Graywolf,

Could be worse, it could be taken over by poms ;-)


On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 11:13:39 -0500, Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are going to have to start setting quotas for the number of Aussies on the
> list the are taking over (grin). Welcome aboard, David.
> graywolf
> "Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"
> ---

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Peter J. Alling
David S wrote:
G'day to all PDML'ers,
"Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)
The name's David & after a year of lurking in the archive I've finally
plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to say, you certainly
are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the mayhem ;-)
My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27). It started with a
little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All through high school
I used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement for about a year and
had a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a
Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I
got an *ist D.
For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:

Oooh, Oooh, his is imprinted in gold, I want mine to be imprinted in 
gold, (and it has a gold shutter release too).

Ok, so that was childish, but I feel better now, really.
and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):

Nice some nice photos there.  I wish I could get my macros to come out 
that good.
Any comments & criticisms more than welcome
Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And a special thanks
to Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.
David Savage

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings 
and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
	--P.J. O'Rourke

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread christian
 Original message 
>Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 01:07:55 +0800
>From: David S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Thanks Graywolf,
>Could be worse, it could be taken over by poms ;-)

too late


Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 1/25/2005 5:27:38 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):

Any comments & criticisms more than welcome

Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And a special thanks
to Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.

David Savage

Welcome to the list! Some nice photos there. I especially like Clock Bit and 
Customs Building.

Remember, now that you have declared yourself, you no longer have the option 
of lurking and must immediately plunge into some of the "livelier" threads.

Marnie aka Doe ;-)

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Bob W

> Could be worse, it could be taken over by poms ;-)

> Dave

> On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 11:13:39 -0500, Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We are going to have to start setting quotas for the number of Aussies on the
>> list the are taking over (grin). Welcome aboard, David.

I say! Steady on there, you colonial chappies!

What Ho!

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Lasse Karlsson
From: "David S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Welcome to the list, David, from Scandinavia.

> On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a
> Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I
> got an *ist D.

Congratulations, I'm soon about to get me an DSLR too, but (kind of) sadly it 
seems I will be a defector into the dark side (as it's called on this list) of 
Canon land.
> For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:

What a funny way to write PENTAX! Is it in Russian letters, or :)
> and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):

They all look good.
I particularly like all the B&W ones. (I preferred the 1st Crane btw.
How did you set up the 500FTZ for the clock bit?
In thumbnail mode the "Gekko" looked something like a rotting p*nis. (Yeah, I 
know you can take jokes like that down there.) Relieved to find that was not 
the case, though, or I would be getting nightmares...

> Any comments & criticisms more than welcome

You got some, welcome to you too.


Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Jon M
Welcome to the madness. :) 

-Jon M.

--- David S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> G'day to all PDML'ers,
> "Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)
> The name's David & after a year of lurking in the
> archive I've finally
> plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to
> say, you certainly
> are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the
> mayhem ;-)
> My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27).
> It started with a
> little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All
> through high school
> I used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement
> for about a year and
> had a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in
> '93 I picked up a
> Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until
> November last year when I
> got an *ist D.
> For those of you interested in putting a face to the
> name:
> and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200
> kb):
> Any comments & criticisms more than welcome
> Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And
> a special thanks
> to Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.
> David Savage

Do you Yahoo!? 
Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! 

AW: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Michael Heim
I never introduced myself.

If you want to see a picture of me, go to:

Pictures i made (ant other stuff about me) you can find at:

And i'm no Aussie... ;-)

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Graywolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. Januar 2005 17:14
Betreff: Re: New Member

We are going to have to start setting quotas for the number of Aussies
on the 
list the are taking over (grin). Welcome aboard, David.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

David S wrote:
> G'day to all PDML'ers,
> "Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)
> The name's David & after a year of lurking in the archive I've finally

> plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to say, you certainly 
> are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the mayhem ;-)
> My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27). It started with a 
> little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All through high school 
> I used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement for about a year and

> had a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a 
> Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I

> got an *ist D.
> For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:
> and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):
> Any comments & criticisms more than welcome
> Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And a special thanks 
> to Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.
> David Savage

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.7.2 - Release Date: 1/21/2005

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread John Coyle
Welcome David, good to have another Aussie on board!
Where are you located?
John Coyle
- Original Message - 
From: "David S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PDML" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:25 PM
Subject: New Member

G'day to all PDML'ers,
"Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)
The name's David & after a year of lurking in the archive I've finally
plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to say, you certainly
are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the mayhem ;-)
My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27). It started with a
little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All through high school
I used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement for about a year and
had a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a
Z-20 (PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I
got an *ist D.
For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:
and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):
Any comments & criticisms more than welcome
Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And a special thanks
to Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.
David Savage

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Lasse Karlsson
From: "Michael Heim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:32 AM
Subject: AW: New Member

> I never introduced myself.
> If you want to see a picture of me, go to:
> Pictures i made (ant other stuff about me) you can find at:
> And i'm no Aussie... ;-)

Swiss is allright too, Michael. :) Welcome to the list.
I browsed around your site a bit. Interesting stuff, but my German is rather 
slow, why some finer details no doubt escape me.
Many nice photos from around the world.
However I found the headline "Bilder aus aller Welt" slightly misleading: No 
pictures from Scandinavia yet! :)
It also struck me that your pictures in general seem to have been subject to 
much less sharpening, compared to what you usually see on the web.

Thanks for showing,

Btw 1. I also periodically work as a freelance journalist/photographer and by 
visiting your site I thought I'd really should get started in trying to put up 
a site similar to yours.

Btw 2. Each time that BaZ news line rolls in, your web page jumps a little from 
expanding scroll bars, which makes me want to leave the page... 

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Doug Franklin
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 01:07:55 +0800, David S wrote:

> Could be worse, it could be taken over by poms ;-)

Damned pommy bastards have been trying for years. :-)

As long as they bring the good beer and ale we don't put up a hard
enough fight to run them off. ;->


Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
Thanks John,

I'm in Fremantle West Australia.


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 09:22:55 +1000, John Coyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Welcome David, good to have another Aussie on board!
> Where are you located?
> John Coyle
> Brisbane

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
Thanks Lasse,

> They all look good.
> I particularly like all the B&W ones. (I preferred the 1st Crane btw.
> How did you set up the 500FTZ for the clock bit?

The flash was in TTL mode and bounced off the celing

> In thumbnail mode the "Gekko" looked something like a rotting p*nis. (Yeah, I 
> know you can take jokes like that down there.) Relieved to find that was not 
> the case, though, or I would be getting nightmares...


> > Any comments & criticisms more than welcome
> You got some, welcome to you too.
> Lasse

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
Thanks Jon,


On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 13:50:34 -0800 (PST), Jon M
> Welcome to the madness. :)
> -Jon M.

RE: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Trevor Bailey
G'day David.
Welcome to the list.
Be prepared to get about 300 emails per day form the list.
Regards, Trevor Bailey
Grafton, N.S.W.

-Original Message-
From: David S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 12:26 AM
Subject: New Member

G'day to all PDML'ers,

"Allow myself to introduce...myself" ;-)

The name's David & after a year of lurking in the archive I've finally
plucked up the courage and subscribed. I've got to say, you certainly
are a voluble lot. Here hoping I can add to the mayhem ;-)

My Pentax history goes back 13 years (I'm only 27). It started with a
little p&s I was given as a birthday present. All through high school I
used the K1000. I had a brief laps in judgement for about a year and had
a Minolta SRT Super . On a trip to Canada in '93 I picked up a Z-20
(PZ-20), which has served me well until November last year when I got an
*ist D.

For those of you interested in putting a face to the name:

and some of my pic's are here (images between 50-200 kb):

Any comments & criticisms more than welcome

Anywho, Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies. And a special thanks to
Thibouille for the Gmail invitation.

David Savage

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread frank theriault
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 01:07:55 +0800, David S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Could be worse, it could be taken over by poms ;-)

...And thanks to others Aussies on the list, I now know what a pom is!  

Welcome aboard, Dave.  Don't listen to Tom.  We need more from the
Commonwealth here to balance out the preponderance of 'Murricans.  

Haven't had a chance to look at your piccies yet, hope to soon.

frank (Toronto, Canada)
"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Boris Liberman


One more soul is lost in vast and mysterious PDML...


Re: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread David S
Thanks Trevor


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 12:48:05 +1100, Trevor Bailey
> G'day David.
> Welcome to the list.
> Be prepared to get about 300 emails per day form the list.
> Hooroo.
> Regards, Trevor Bailey
> Grafton, N.S.W.
> Australia

AW: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Michael Heim
I know about the problem with the baz-newsline on my website. But i
didn't find a solution yet (i haven't been looking too hard). The source
code was made by a baz guy.

About the sharpening. I'm no fan of sharpening images too hard. You
didn't do that with film, so why should I now. The image should be
correct, not over-sharpened.
But there's another reason, too. Some pictures a quite old. I mean: The
were made with film and scanned with an old flat bed scanner, years ago.
Thechnology wasn't as good then as it is now.

I actually never was to scandinavia before. I once was to danmark, but i
was a liitle boy then. Beside this, i think the most northern place i
Europe I was is the North of Scotland.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Lasse Karlsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2005 00:34
Betreff: Re: New Member

From: "Michael Heim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:32 AM
Subject: AW: New Member

> I never introduced myself.
> If you want to see a picture of me, go to: 
> Pictures i made (ant other stuff about me) you can find at: 
> And i'm no Aussie... ;-)

Swiss is allright too, Michael. :) Welcome to the list.
I browsed around your site a bit. Interesting stuff, but my German is
rather slow, why some finer details no doubt escape me. Many nice photos
from around the world. However I found the headline "Bilder aus aller
Welt" slightly misleading: No pictures from Scandinavia yet! :) It also
struck me that your pictures in general seem to have been subject to
much less sharpening, compared to what you usually see on the web.

Thanks for showing,

Btw 1. I also periodically work as a freelance journalist/photographer
and by visiting your site I thought I'd really should get started in
trying to put up a site similar to yours.

Btw 2. Each time that BaZ news line rolls in, your web page jumps a
little from expanding scroll bars, which makes me want to leave the

AW: New Member

2005-01-25 Thread Michael Heim
Question from switzerland: what's a pom?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Doug Franklin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2005 01:47
Betreff: Re: New Member

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 01:07:55 +0800, David S wrote:

> Could be worse, it could be taken over by poms ;-)

Damned pommy bastards have been trying for years. :-)

As long as they bring the good beer and ale we don't put up a hard
enough fight to run them off. ;->


RE: New Member

2005-01-26 Thread Simon King
Must hold... tongue...

Nope, can't do it.
Q. What's the difference between a Pom and a 747?
A. A 747 stops whining at the airport


-Original Message-
From: Michael Heim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 3:42 PM
Subject: AW: New Member

Question from switzerland: what's a pom?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Doug Franklin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2005 01:47
Betreff: Re: New Member

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 01:07:55 +0800, David S wrote:

> Could be worse, it could be taken over by poms ;-)

Damned pommy bastards have been trying for years. :-)

As long as they bring the good beer and ale we don't put up a hard enough fight 
to run them off. ;->


Re: New Member

2005-01-26 Thread Bill Owens
The same thing is true of airline pilots.
- Original Message - 
From: "Simon King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:06 AM
Subject: RE: New Member

Must hold... tongue...
Nope, can't do it.
Q. What's the difference between a Pom and a 747?
A. A 747 stops whining at the airport

-Original Message-
From: Michael Heim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 3:42 PM
Subject: AW: New Member
Question from switzerland: what's a pom?
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Doug Franklin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2005 01:47
Betreff: Re: New Member
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 01:07:55 +0800, David S wrote:
Could be worse, it could be taken over by poms ;-)
Damned pommy bastards have been trying for years. :-)
As long as they bring the good beer and ale we don't put up a hard enough 
fight to run them off. ;->


Re: New Member

2005-01-26 Thread David S

Hadn't heard that one before.


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 19:06:47 +0800, Simon King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Must hold... tongue...
> Nope, can't do it.
> Q. What's the difference between a Pom and a 747?
> A. A 747 stops whining at the airport
> :-)
> Simon

New member intro

2005-03-14 Thread williamsp

I sort of introduced myself when I butted in on a discussion in progress on the
weekend :-)

I'm a 40 something Aussie who did film (mostly B&W) photography from about 5
years of age till my late 20's (Ricoh and Nikon 35mm slr mostly). Then I sold my
gear and gave up when I no longer had regular access to a decent darkroom.
At the start of last year I bought a KM DiMAGE A2 digital and have absolutely
rekindled my interest and enthusiasm for photography.
Then on the weekend I bought a secondhand Pentax MX with 50mm F1.7 M lens.

I'm going to have a try at the chromogenic B&W caper and scan the processed 

Peter Williams

This email was sent from Netspace Webmail:

old-new member

2004-03-05 Thread Sas Gabor
Dear PDMLers,

I subscribed again, and this time hopefully not for only a few 

I'm Gabor Sas from Hungary, with lots of Pentax 35mm SLR stuff in my 
bag and some let's say good slides made with them. You'll see...

I also use lots of non-Pentax gear, the most important one being a 
Mamiya M645 set (sorry P645ers, money and that 1.9/80 was the point).


Re: New member

2003-09-01 Thread Steve Larson
Welcome aboard Hans!
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California

- Original Message - 
From: "Hans Beumer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 9:56 AM
Subject: New member

> Hello everybody,
> just a little introduction of a new member.
> I' ve been reading this list (at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) since a few months
> now, and since I'm a Pentax fan, I finally decided to join the list
> (especially since I've been building up an MX-set latelly)
> I've learned a lot since I started to read your mail.
> My name is Hans Beumer, and I'm from Holland. Shooting an MZ-5 since 5
> now (before that, a Ricoh KR10 super), and, with much pleasure, an MX
> may this year.
> Greetings,
> Hans Beumer.
> mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: New member

2003-09-01 Thread Al Shaikh
Welcome to the club.

Re: New member

2003-09-01 Thread Paul Stenquist
Welcome to the list, Hans. I think you'll find that we have a lot of MX
owners here. It's a great camera and a favorite of many here, including myself.
Paul Stenquist
Hans Beumer wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> just a little introduction of a new member.
> I' ve been reading this list (at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) since a few months
> now, and since I'm a Pentax fan, I finally decided to join the list
> (especially since I've been building up an MX-set latelly)
> I've learned a lot since I started to read your mail.
> My name is Hans Beumer, and I'm from Holland. Shooting an MZ-5 since 5 years
> now (before that, a Ricoh KR10 super), and, with much pleasure, an MX since
> may this year.
> Greetings,
> Hans Beumer.
> mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New member

2003-09-01 Thread Lon Williamson
Welcome aboard, Hans.
This group is (mostly) well-behaved.
Hans Beumer wrote:
Hello everybody,
just a little introduction of a new member.
I' ve been reading this list (at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) since a few months
now, and since I'm a Pentax fan, I finally decided to join the list
(especially since I've been building up an MX-set latelly)
I've learned a lot since I started to read your mail.
My name is Hans Beumer, and I'm from Holland. Shooting an MZ-5 since 5 years
now (before that, a Ricoh KR10 super), and, with much pleasure, an MX since
may this year.
Hans Beumer.

Re: New member

2003-09-01 Thread frank theriault
Actually, Hans, don't listen to Lon.  We're not well behaved at all.  

Like you, I own an MX, and it's a little gem.  I love mine.

Hope you contribute to the Pentax Users' Gallery:

The deadline is the 20th of the month, and next month's theme is Professional or
Pro, or something like that.  Anyway, just click on "submission information" to
find that out.

Welcome aboard!

Toronto, Canada


Lon Williamson wrote:

> Welcome aboard, Hans.
> This group is (mostly) well-behaved.

"Jazz is about capturing the moment"
-Herbie Hancock

Re: New member

2003-09-01 Thread John Francis
> Like you, I own an MX, and it's a little gem.  I love mine.

Many of us do.  In fact I decided, a few years ago, that I'd better
pick up another one as a spare in case my old faithful gave up. So
when I was in Sam's in LA in 2000, I looked in the 'used equipment'
case, and there was a nice black MX sitting there.  Because the meter
wasn't working, they only wanted $100 for it.  So one $75 CLA & repair
at my local camera store later, everything is working just fine.

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread frank theriault
This must be Netherlands week, and no one told us!  

You're the second new Dutch member in two days.

Welcome aboard, Paul.  Hopefully, if you can put up with us, you'll actually
learn something!


Paul Delcour wrote:

> Hi all,
> let me just properly introduce myself. Should have done that before imposing
> my questions about the K2.
> My name is Paul Delcour from Hilversum, Netherlands. If you want to know a
> lot:
> I started photography at the age of 8 or 9 woth a very simple all plastic
> camera. I still have those first pictures. Then my father gave me his 6x6
> rollfilm camera and I made some really lovely snaps with it. Sensation when
> I was allowed a colour film.
> Then in 1978 I did a holiday job and with that money bought the then
> outgoing K2, a black one, for 780 Dutch guilders. Difficult to say what that
> would have been in pounds or dollars, let alone euro's. Wonderful camera and
> I was amazed at having such a fine piece of photographic equipment all at my
> very own disposal.
> Did a lot of photography with it for a couple of years. Joined a photography
> club linked to the university of Groningen. Learned a lot from the teaching
> photographer there called Ton Broekhuis. He's still an active photographer
> and I have to say I think he's very good. Bit of an odd one at that, but
> that can go with being artistic I know from my own experience.
> Changed studies, found my wife and didn't do all that much photography for a
> long time.
> Then in 1992 (I think) I decided I was a bit fed up with being a choir
> conductor and thought I'd make a serious job of being a photographer. So I
> started a course in photography at the Fotovakschool in Apeldoorn. Got me a
> second K2 (silver) and a Metz 60 flash (wonderful) to be fully armed for
> assignments.
> Reason I quitted the course: there's a hell of lot of photographers about
> and who am I to be another competitor. Besides, anybody can push a release
> buttons. As one of the teachers explained: most people are happy if uncle
> Bill's head AND feet are in the picture and he's in focus as well. I
> couldn't see myself being pleased with a lot of that kind of assignments.
> Apart form that, I simply couldn't master the proper film development and
> printing techniques. Hated it and still do. I can drool over a wonderfully
> well measured balk and white picture, but don't ask me to do it. I feel the
> technique is in my way. Felt the same when playing the piano. As a conductor
> I feel I have direct control over the singing. Not so over the keys.
> I can't say that I picked up photography again very seriously, but it's
> always lurking in the back of my mind. I 'see' pictures everywhere I go. But
> there's not much point in taking all of them if there's no purpose behind
> them. So I'm looking for small assignments in my circles of family and
> friends. To get going again and get some practise.
> I know this is beside the topic of this list, but I also picked up video.
> Got a Canon XM1 for the purpose of making a documentary about my father in
> law who is (since 21st of may was) an exceptional wood artist or sculpter.
> So I need to skill myself in video and photography both. I already took some
> pictures of his work:
> They were shot in his workplace with light coming form above from three
> large windows. I bought a Visatec flashset however, because we would like to
> make an inventory of as much of his work as we can trace. That means going
> to people's homes and taking pictures there. In order to get the same result
> we felt a flashset was needed. Kep you posted on this as I have a lot of
> trouble of measuring the flashlight properly.
> My best subjects are those I simply run in to. I did some weddings and
> parties and those I love best. I am able to be very not present and thus am
> able to quietly go about and observe and shoot unposed scenes. That's my
> strongest point: abserve and be ready to click.
> I do like setting up a scene, especially since we got the flashset. It's
> fascinating setting up a table top and trying to get the light right. So
> far, after just 2 testfilms, I'm not that happy, but than I guess this takes
> some time before I'll know how to get it right.
> Equipment.
> I still have two K2's and somehow do not wish to part with not h of them.
> The black has always been my camera to use and I cannot see a lot of
> advances if I take up a much more recent model. Sometimes I feel the lack of
> autofocus as I'm always manual focussing and thus sometimes am simply too
> late to take the snap I 'saw'. Also 1/4000 would be nice as with 200 and 400
> being the standard I sometimes run out of time... I like a large aperture to
> get depth.
> I have all Pentax SMC K lenses, except for one:
> Tokina 17/3.5 (very nice, though clearly softer than my Pentax lenses, but
> this was simply affordable -  use it a lot indoors to get a r

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Steve Desjardins
Welcome.  Like you, I bought an MX recently and have grown quite
attached (although not attached enough since my daughter has absconded
with it).  Be sure to submit to the PUG.

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Lon Williamson
Paul Delcour wrote, in part:
Thanks for all the response on my K2 and now what posting. For now, I'm
still very happy with it so unless someone convinces me I should get this or
that model, K2's my way.
The _problem_ with this list is euphamistically called
"enabling".  What that means is that after reading about
4000 messages, you are convinced you need more.  Stick
with that K2 for as long as possible.
And when you get the enabling bug and need to sell
your K2, of course, email me _privately_.  Grin.

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Boris Liberman

Well, the lines of PDML are getting enforced day by day...


Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Paul Delcour
It's very easu to put up with things through emaillists...


Paul Delcour

> From: frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization:
> Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 07:03:22 -0400
> Subject: Re: New member
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 07:17:29 -0400
> This must be Netherlands week, and no one told us!  
> You're the second new Dutch member in two days.
> Welcome aboard, Paul.  Hopefully, if you can put up with us, you'll actually
> learn something!
> cheers,
> frank
> Paul Delcour wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> let me just properly introduce myself. Should have done that before imposing
>> my questions about the K2.
>> My name is Paul Delcour from Hilversum, Netherlands. If you want to know a
>> lot:
>> I started photography at the age of 8 or 9 woth a very simple all plastic
>> camera. I still have those first pictures. Then my father gave me his 6x6
>> rollfilm camera and I made some really lovely snaps with it. Sensation when
>> I was allowed a colour film.
>> Then in 1978 I did a holiday job and with that money bought the then
>> outgoing K2, a black one, for 780 Dutch guilders. Difficult to say what that
>> would have been in pounds or dollars, let alone euro's. Wonderful camera and
>> I was amazed at having such a fine piece of photographic equipment all at my
>> very own disposal.
>> Did a lot of photography with it for a couple of years. Joined a photography
>> club linked to the university of Groningen. Learned a lot from the teaching
>> photographer there called Ton Broekhuis. He's still an active photographer
>> and I have to say I think he's very good. Bit of an odd one at that, but
>> that can go with being artistic I know from my own experience.
>> Changed studies, found my wife and didn't do all that much photography for a
>> long time.
>> Then in 1992 (I think) I decided I was a bit fed up with being a choir
>> conductor and thought I'd make a serious job of being a photographer. So I
>> started a course in photography at the Fotovakschool in Apeldoorn. Got me a
>> second K2 (silver) and a Metz 60 flash (wonderful) to be fully armed for
>> assignments.
>> Reason I quitted the course: there's a hell of lot of photographers about
>> and who am I to be another competitor. Besides, anybody can push a release
>> buttons. As one of the teachers explained: most people are happy if uncle
>> Bill's head AND feet are in the picture and he's in focus as well. I
>> couldn't see myself being pleased with a lot of that kind of assignments.
>> Apart form that, I simply couldn't master the proper film development and
>> printing techniques. Hated it and still do. I can drool over a wonderfully
>> well measured balk and white picture, but don't ask me to do it. I feel the
>> technique is in my way. Felt the same when playing the piano. As a conductor
>> I feel I have direct control over the singing. Not so over the keys.
>> I can't say that I picked up photography again very seriously, but it's
>> always lurking in the back of my mind. I 'see' pictures everywhere I go. But
>> there's not much point in taking all of them if there's no purpose behind
>> them. So I'm looking for small assignments in my circles of family and
>> friends. To get going again and get some practise.
>> I know this is beside the topic of this list, but I also picked up video.
>> Got a Canon XM1 for the purpose of making a documentary about my father in
>> law who is (since 21st of may was) an exceptional wood artist or sculpter.
>> So I need to skill myself in video and photography both. I already took some
>> pictures of his work:
>> They were shot in his workplace with light coming form above from three
>> large windows. I bought a Visatec flashset however, because we would like to
>> make an inventory of as much of his work as we can trace. That means going
>> to people's homes and taking pictures there. In order to get the same result
>> we felt a flashset was needed. Kep you posted on this as I have a lot of
>> trouble of measuring the flashlight properly.
>> My best subjects are those I simply run in to. I did some weddings and
>> parties and those I love best. I am able to be very not present and thus am
>> able to qui

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Paul Delcour
That reminds me: who on this list still owns a K2 and still uses it? I'm
very glad to read that many of you still use older models, sometimes even
quite old.


Paul Delcour

> From: Lon Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 09:12:27 -0400
> Subject: Re: New member
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 09:03:15 -0400
> Paul Delcour wrote, in part:
>> Thanks for all the response on my K2 and now what posting. For now, I'm
>> still very happy with it so unless someone convinces me I should get this or
>> that model, K2's my way.
> The _problem_ with this list is euphamistically called
> "enabling".  What that means is that after reading about
> 4000 messages, you are convinced you need more.  Stick
> with that K2 for as long as possible.
> And when you get the enabling bug and need to sell
> your K2, of course, email me _privately_.  Grin.
> -Lon

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Mark Roberts
Paul Delcour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>That reminds me: who on this list still owns a K2 and still uses it? I'm
>very glad to read that many of you still use older models, sometimes even
>quite old.

I don't use my K2 often but I love it when I do. That mechanical mirror
MLU is just the ticket for plant photography in the wild.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread John Dallman
Delcour) wrote:

> That reminds me: who on this list still owns a K2 and still uses it? I'm
> very glad to read that many of you still use older models, sometimes 
> even quite old.

Got one recently, haven't used it yet. Mostly I use a Spotmatic F, with 
occasional ESII. 


Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Jim Apilado
I had a K2.  Now I have a K2DMD.  I move my use of cameras from ES,ESII, the
K2DMD, an LX, and a PZ1-P.  I have a slew of SMC Takumars that I use with
the K-mount cameras.

Jim A.

> From: Paul Delcour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 16:08:44 +
> Subject: Re: New member
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 10:05:19 -0400
> That reminds me: who on this list still owns a K2 and still uses it? I'm
> very glad to read that many of you still use older models, sometimes even
> quite old.
> :-)
> Paul Delcour
>> From: Lon Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 09:12:27 -0400
>> Subject: Re: New member
>> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Resent-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 09:03:15 -0400
>> Paul Delcour wrote, in part:
>>> Thanks for all the response on my K2 and now what posting. For now, I'm
>>> still very happy with it so unless someone convinces me I should get this or
>>> that model, K2's my way.
>> The _problem_ with this list is euphamistically called
>> "enabling".  What that means is that after reading about
>> 4000 messages, you are convinced you need more.  Stick
>> with that K2 for as long as possible.
>> And when you get the enabling bug and need to sell
>> your K2, of course, email me _privately_.  Grin.
>> -Lon

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Familie Scheffler
Welcome, Hans, and restrain your wallet. There are so many good suggestions
for good equipment! Spending money for a MX is only the beginning ...   ;-)
Enjoy the list and perhaps we see some of your pictures?

--original message---
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 18:56:19 +0200
From: "Hans Beumer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everybody,
just a little introduction of a new member.
I' ve been reading this list (at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) since a few months
now, and since I'm a Pentax fan, I finally decided to join the list
(especially since I've been building up an MX-set latelly)
I've learned a lot since I started to read your mail.
My name is Hans Beumer, and I'm from Holland. Shooting an MZ-5 since 5 years
now (before that, a Ricoh KR10 super), and, with much pleasure, an MX since
may this year.

Hans Beumer.

RE: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Hans Beumer
That wallet-thing could become a problem. Buying gear seems te become a
hobby, next to taking pictures.
Maybe I'll make a contribution to PUG, altough I haven't got a good scanner
(watch the wallet :-) )
Hans B.

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Familie Scheffler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: dinsdag 2 september 2003 22:46
Onderwerp: Re: New member

Welcome, Hans, and restrain your wallet. There are so many good suggestions
for good equipment! Spending money for a MX is only the beginning ...   ;-)
Enjoy the list and perhaps we see some of your pictures?

--original message---
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 18:56:19 +0200
From: "Hans Beumer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everybody,
just a little introduction of a new member.
I' ve been reading this list (at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) since a few months
now, and since I'm a Pentax fan, I finally decided to join the list
(especially since I've been building up an MX-set latelly)
I've learned a lot since I started to read your mail.
My name is Hans Beumer, and I'm from Holland. Shooting an MZ-5 since 5 years
now (before that, a Ricoh KR10 super), and, with much pleasure, an MX since
may this year.

Hans Beumer.

Re: New member

2003-09-02 Thread Lon Williamson
I don't think "still own" is the way to put it.
Most of us have not owned them, as far as I know.
However, those who have them generally like them.
I'm a KX kind of guy, myself, but I almost bought
a K2 at a camera swap once.
Paul Delcour wrote:
That reminds me: who on this list still owns a K2 and still uses it? I'm
very glad to read that many of you still use older models, sometimes even
quite old.

Re: New member

2003-09-03 Thread Lon Williamson
Don't sweat the small stuff.  I've made a thousand misspellings

Boris Liberman wrote:
BL> You're terribly right, Long [grin].

Thousand apologies. It was supposed to be "Lon". And [grin] was not
about the way I misspelled it of course. It is a reflex in my typing,
to type certain letter combinations. I meant no offence.
One thousand apologies more.


Re: New Member

2004-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Pat Curran"
Subject: New Member

> Hi All,
>  I have just joined the list so this is my first post to
let you
> know who I am.
> My name is Pat Curran and I hail from County Kilkenny in Ireland.

Welcome aboard.

> My main interest lies in the area of landscape photography but will
seek to
> take good pictures in all situations. Having recently changed
careers from
> dairy farmer to civil servant, I am now getting back into
photography after
> an absence of 20 years with the aid of weekends free, paid leave
and flexi
> time :)

Ain't the civil service wonderful? Seems to be the same everywhere

> This time round I want to make some money from the hobby and am
> looking at sending some work to picture libraries . To this end I
> purchased a Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 film scanner - sorry if
this is
> OT.

Most of the posts on this list are OT.

> With future picture sales in mind, I am also looking at the 6x7
> format. My equipment at present is 35mm - 2 Super A bodies, 15mm
f3.5 SMC A,
> 50mm f1.4 SMC A, 200mm f4 A, Digital Spotmeter, Soligor 30DA flash
and a S/H
> Motor Drive A (purchased on eBay last year).

A man's camera to be sure. We have several members with 6x7's, myself
We are known as "The Brotherhood".

> Can I ask the list what is the value of an 'Excellent' rated 28mm
f2.8 A
> Series lens at present? - I bid US$130 on eBay yesterday and lost
which was
> a stroke of luck as there are two on KEH today for US$84 and US$89.

Not a heck of a lot. Under a hundred US, well under I think. US$84
sounds OK.
I only paid about Can$60.00 for mine, but I seem to come across these
deals for some reason.

> Sorry for going on - future posts will be shorter and ON TOPIC!

On Topic is not required.
What's your favourite beer?

William Robb

RE: New Member

2004-08-21 Thread David Schneider
> On Topic is not required.

Oh! You mean this is supposed to be a central theme here? 


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RE: New Member

2004-08-21 Thread Don Sanderson
Welcome Pat!

Here's a "Mini FAQ" made up by Graywolf:

It'll help you figure out some of the stuff that goes on here.


> -Original Message-
> From: Pat Curran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 7:13 PM
> Subject: New Member
> Hi All,
>  I have just joined the list so this is my first post to let you
> know who I am.
> My name is Pat Curran and I hail from County Kilkenny in Ireland.
> My main interest lies in the area of landscape photography but
> will seek to
> take good pictures in all situations. Having recently changed careers from
> dairy farmer to civil servant, I am now getting back into
> photography after
> an absence of 20 years with the aid of weekends free, paid leave and flexi
> time :)
> This time round I want to make some money from the hobby and am actively
> looking at sending some work to picture libraries . To this end I have
> purchased a Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 film scanner - sorry if this is
> OT.
> With future picture sales in mind, I am also looking at the 6x7 medium
> format. My equipment at present is 35mm - 2 Super A bodies, 15mm
> f3.5 SMC A,
> 50mm f1.4 SMC A, 200mm f4 A, Digital Spotmeter, Soligor 30DA
> flash and a S/H
> Motor Drive A (purchased on eBay last year).
> Can I ask the list what is the value of an 'Excellent' rated 28mm f2.8 A
> Series lens at present? - I bid US$130 on eBay yesterday and lost
> which was
> a stroke of luck as there are two on KEH today for US$84 and US$89.
> Sorry for going on - future posts will be shorter and ON TOPIC!
> Regards,
> Pat Curran

RE: New Member

2004-08-22 Thread Jens Bladt
Welcome Pat. It's very nice to have an Irish photographer here. I have spent
one year in Cork (2001-2002) and found, that you have got so many great
photographers and beautiful photography related websites in Ireland. Ireland
is a beautiful place to photograph, because of the amazing and wonderful
sceneries - not to mention the very nice people, who live there.

A SMC-A 2.8/28mm is hard to come by (I'll hold on to mine), but I still
think 130 USD is pretty steep.  There's a couple of M lenses at ebay right
now - one in Britain. If you are a landscape photographer, a M-lens should
be fine, since you'll be using aperture priority (and a tripod) most of the
time, right.

Jens Bladt

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pat Curran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 22. august 2004 02:13
Emne: New Member

Hi All,
 I have just joined the list so this is my first post to let you
know who I am.

My name is Pat Curran and I hail from County Kilkenny in Ireland.

My main interest lies in the area of landscape photography but will seek to
take good pictures in all situations. Having recently changed careers from
dairy farmer to civil servant, I am now getting back into photography after
an absence of 20 years with the aid of weekends free, paid leave and flexi
time :)

This time round I want to make some money from the hobby and am actively
looking at sending some work to picture libraries . To this end I have
purchased a Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 film scanner - sorry if this is

With future picture sales in mind, I am also looking at the 6x7 medium
format. My equipment at present is 35mm - 2 Super A bodies, 15mm f3.5 SMC A,
50mm f1.4 SMC A, 200mm f4 A, Digital Spotmeter, Soligor 30DA flash and a S/H
Motor Drive A (purchased on eBay last year).

Can I ask the list what is the value of an 'Excellent' rated 28mm f2.8 A
Series lens at present? - I bid US$130 on eBay yesterday and lost which was
a stroke of luck as there are two on KEH today for US$84 and US$89.

Sorry for going on - future posts will be shorter and ON TOPIC!


Pat Curran

Re: New Member

2004-08-22 Thread Antonio
Not according to the SPLOSdb (where it is classed as "OK, but not
particularly notable performance") - according to that source
(, it is considered amongst the
top 10 most common Pentax lenses.

It goes for between $60 - $90 on ebay.


 On 22/8/04 8:29 am, "Jens Bladt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A SMC-A 2.8/28mm is hard to come by (I'll hold on to mine), but I still
> think 130 USD is pretty steep.  

Re: New Member

2004-08-22 Thread Robert Woerner

Re: New Member

2004-08-22 Thread Cotty
On 22/8/04, Pat Curran, discombobulated, offered:

>Pat Curran

Top o' the mornin to you Pat. Cotty in England here. Welcome aboard.

>Sorry for going on - future posts will be shorter and ON TOPIC!

You must be joking mate. Pull up a stool and have a Guinness.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: New Member

2004-08-22 Thread Pat White
Welcome aboard, Pat!  My name is Pat White and I hail from Belfast in the
north of Ireland, although I live in Victoria, BC, in Canada these days.
Actually, I've been in Canada a long time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the list.  There are all sorts of folks here, and
there's usually someone able to answer  a question, or at least offer an
opinion, on nearly any topic, but photography is preferred.

You mentioned an interest in the 6x7.  Now there's a camera!  I've had mine
for a couple of years, and it's a learning experience, even if you're very
familiar with 35mm.  More detail is revealed, along with your focusing
errors, and everything else.  It's actually possible to have the subject's
eyebrow in focus, and the eye out of focus!  The older models are not that
expensive these days, and there's not the same tendency to buy lots of
lenses that there is with 35mm, which may keep costs under control.  The
film and processing is another story, though.  Like many things, there's no
free lunch.

With the big neg, you may find that a good flatbed scanner, like an Epson
3170, 3200, or 4870, does a fine job.  Good luck with your stock shooting
aspirations.  Let us know how it goes.

Pat White

Re: New Member

2004-08-22 Thread CRB


Welcome to the list.

It looks like you've got a nice outfit.  It should serve you well.

As far as the value of the A28/2.8, I'd personally not pay over $100 for one, and that 
if in perfect condition.  They're good lenses, but not great ones.  

BTW, my Irish ancestors were Devlin (O'Devlin) and Cowan.  Be they from your 
neighborhood?  (I've never traced them back very far.  The Cowans went first to 
Boston, Mass., and had to change the name to Cohen in order to find work.  Hence there 
is a notable contingent of non-Jewish Cohen people in the US.  Things were rough for 
us back then.)


C. Brendemuehl

"Every one of us is, even from his mother's womb, a master craftsman of idols."
-- John Calvin (1509-64)

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Re: New Member

2004-08-22 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda
Pat Curran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I have just joined the list so this is my first post
to let you
> know who I am.
> My name is Pat Curran and I hail from County Kilkenny in

Welcome aboard, Pat! 
I'm sure you'll love the list, if you can manage to sort among
the hordes of messages the interesting ones...

Ciao from Ercolano, near Naples - Italy

(who spent two nights in Kilkenny exactly 5 years ago...)


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Re: New Member

2004-08-22 Thread Gonz
Welcome Pat, don't worry about being off topic, I'm not sure too many 
postings on on topic here!  The folks here are very helpful, and its a 
great source of all things Pentax.

Ireland is on my list of "must see" places.  It certainly has a 
reputation as a wonderful place for landscapes.  Good luck in your 
journeys in this fine area of photography.

I think I'll go have a stout now, hmmm, I hope I still have some!
Hi All,
 I have just joined the list so this is my first post to let you
know who I am.
My name is Pat Curran and I hail from County Kilkenny in Ireland.
My main interest lies in the area of landscape photography but will seek to
take good pictures in all situations. Having recently changed careers from
dairy farmer to civil servant, I am now getting back into photography after
an absence of 20 years with the aid of weekends free, paid leave and flexi
time :)
This time round I want to make some money from the hobby and am actively
looking at sending some work to picture libraries . To this end I have
purchased a Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 film scanner - sorry if this is
With future picture sales in mind, I am also looking at the 6x7 medium
format. My equipment at present is 35mm - 2 Super A bodies, 15mm f3.5 SMC A,
50mm f1.4 SMC A, 200mm f4 A, Digital Spotmeter, Soligor 30DA flash and a S/H
Motor Drive A (purchased on eBay last year).
Can I ask the list what is the value of an 'Excellent' rated 28mm f2.8 A
Series lens at present? - I bid US$130 on eBay yesterday and lost which was
a stroke of luck as there are two on KEH today for US$84 and US$89.
Sorry for going on - future posts will be shorter and ON TOPIC!
Pat Curran

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Bruce Dayton
That is why they have so many different models to choose from :)


Friday, August 18, 2006, 4:59:25 PM, you wrote:

DJB> What.

DJB> When did this happen.?

DJB> The Nikon group was very specific about this,.

DJB> :-)

DJB> Dave

DJB> Quoting Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> You apparently have more arms than I do .  I can only manage two
>> cameras at once.  You do realize that you can take a lens off and put
>> a different lens on - you don't need a body for each lens :)
>> --
>> Bruce
>> Friday, August 18, 2006, 4:25:33 PM, you wrote:
>> DJB> Easy lads.
>> DJB> I have the D1, D2H, D200 and just put a bid in for a D1H.
>> DJB> Looks like i'll take over for Bruce now.:-)
>> DJB> Still have more Pentax gear if your
>> DJB> Dave
>> DJB> Oh sorry, VBG
>> DJB> Dave
>> DJB> Quoting Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
 --- Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey now, wait a minute!  It took a while to get the
> Nikonian Bruce R. off the list so I could be the
> only one.

 Hmm, actually, I have a good friend named Bruce who
 uses a Nikon (F80), but he is not a Bruce R...

 "My" Bruce hasn't gone digital yet so when I finally
 convince him to do it I will have to make sure he ges
 a K-something-D that way he can join this list and
 drive everyone up the walls with his name ;-)!

 New Doug

 Do You Yahoo!?
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 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

>> DJB> Equine Photography in York Region
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

DJB> Equine Photography in York Region

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread David J Brooks

I just made a discovery today with my D200.

I'm a happy man today.:-)

But, Stil looking forward to Pentax IS.

See i still capitoloze Pentax.:-)


Quoting Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> That is why they have so many different models to choose from :)
> --
> Bruce
> Friday, August 18, 2006, 4:59:25 PM, you wrote:
> DJB> What.
> DJB> When did this happen.?
> DJB> The Nikon group was very specific about this,.
> DJB> :-)
> DJB> Dave
> DJB> Quoting Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> You apparently have more arms than I do .  I can only manage two
>>> cameras at once.  You do realize that you can take a lens off and put
>>> a different lens on - you don't need a body for each lens :)
>>> --
>>> Bruce
>>> Friday, August 18, 2006, 4:25:33 PM, you wrote:
>>> DJB> Easy lads.
>>> DJB> I have the D1, D2H, D200 and just put a bid in for a D1H.
>>> DJB> Looks like i'll take over for Bruce now.:-)
>>> DJB> Still have more Pentax gear if your
>>> DJB> Dave
>>> DJB> Oh sorry, VBG
>>> DJB> Dave
>>> DJB> Quoting Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> --- Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey now, wait a minute!  It took a while to get the
>> Nikonian Bruce R. off the list so I could be the
>> only one.
> Hmm, actually, I have a good friend named Bruce who
> uses a Nikon (F80), but he is not a Bruce R...
> "My" Bruce hasn't gone digital yet so when I finally
> convince him to do it I will have to make sure he ges
> a K-something-D that way he can join this list and
> drive everyone up the walls with his name ;-)!
> New Doug
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>> DJB> Equine Photography in York Region
>>> --
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> DJB> Equine Photography in York Region
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Equine Photography in York Region

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-18 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 8/18/2006 12:37:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
Mark, Cotty and Frank are all correct.  

Welcome to the list.  Good to have you.

Ditto. Re the welcome that is. As to the first, I, personally, believe Mark 
more than Cotty. And, well, forget frank, he's simply rather unbelievable. So, 
see, opinions differ.

Marnie aka Doe :-)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-19 Thread Jostein Øksne
On 8/18/06, Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> As you might have guessed from the subject line (!), I
> am a new member. I recently found this esteemed list
> from a reference on DPReview.

WeLcOmE aBoArD. :-)


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-19 Thread Doug Franklin
Mark Roberts wrote:

> Douglas Newman wrote:
>> Thanks for your warm welcome.

You're welcome.  I hope you still feel that way in a month. :-)

>> It's not often that I come across a place with so many
>> Dougs!

Me either.

> Mind if we call you "Bruce" to keep it clear?
> ;-)

Only if he's in charge of the sheep dip, and that job's probably already
taken.  Of course, around the PDML, we might need an entire team to
handle the sheep dip. ;->

DougF (KG4LMZ)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: New Member

2006-08-19 Thread David Savage
On 8/19/06, Jostein Øksne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/18/06, Douglas Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > As you might have guessed from the subject line (!), I
> > am a new member. I recently found this esteemed list
> > from a reference on DPReview.
> WeLcOmE aBoArD. :-)
> Jostein

He's sending hidden messages again folks.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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