[PEN-L:1927] RE: Re: Re: a question

1999-01-01 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 My recollection is that Nixon said "We are all Keynesians now." but 
that Friedman amended it with "but in a sense none of us are Keynesians." 
It's a quote I love to mangle with any convenient theorist's name.
 PS - I hope to see some of you at the URPE sessions in NY.
 PPS - Did any of you know Tom Richards, who passed away last week to my 
great sorrow?
From: owner-pen-l
To: pen-l
Subject: [PEN-L:1925] Re: Re: a question
Date: Friday, January 01, 1999 3:08PM

Without an old newspaper to authenticate it, I recall that it was Nixon
in August 1971 after imposing wage price controls and an
expansive fiscal policy.

Gerald Friedman
Associate Professor of Economics
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Amherst, MA.  01003

tel.: (413) 545-6357

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Tom Walker wrote:

 I always thought it was Nixon, but a few weeks ago I came across the quote
 in a published collection and it was attributed to Milton Friedman!

 If anyone out there has is awake and has shaken off their hangover, I 
 if you could answer the following question for me.
 Was it Nixon who said "We are all Keynsians now"?
 Thank you and best wishes for a healthy 1999.

 Tom Walker

[PEN-L:1906] RE: holiday greetings

1998-12-29 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 There has got to be some way of putting warnings on this sort of thing. 
I print pen-l messages at night after checking the beginnings for warnings. 
The warning on this one was nested too far into the message and I got 100 
pages of garbage.
From: owner-pen-l
To: pen-l
Subject: [PEN-L:1761] holiday greetings
Date: Sunday, December 20, 1998 9:48AM

X-Comment: Report all Spams and Spoofs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 09:48:29 -0800
From: Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PEN-L:1761] holiday greetings

Here's to all of you, to praise the Jewish celebration of the liberation
fight by the Jews against the Syrians (Hanukah), Black Americans'
celebration of their African roots (Kwanza), the Roman celebration of the
birth of the New Year (Saturnalia), the Christians' celebration of the
Birth of Christ (Christmas), the Moslem's celebration of the birth of the
Koran (Ramadan), and the Unitarians' celebration of the birth of Doubt.

The attached file has been guaranteed to be free of viruses, though all I
know is that Norton anti-virus didn't object to my executing it. It's cool.




[PEN-L:433] FW: Assessment

1998-10-07 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Bove, Roger E.
To: ECON_CHAIR-owner
Subject: Assessment
Date: Wednesday, October 07, 1998 4:48PM

 We are currently under mandate to develop assessment mechanisms for our 
majors. We are working with three major goals ; to develop economic 
reasoning and problem-solving, to develop the ability to use current 
technology in economic problem solving and to develop the ability to 
communicate clearly and effectively. Have any of you developed documents or 
assessment mechanisms that you could share with us, especially in the 
technology area? If you can send anything on this subject we would be 
grateful. Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please do not email encoded 
documents as part of messages, since our mail system butchers them. I'm 
hoping that enclosures will work, though I haven't tried them from 
off-campus sources.
Web-site references are great too.
Roger Even Bove, Ph.D.
Dept. of Economics and Finance
West Chester Univ.
W. Chester PA 19383-2214

[PEN-L:744] FW: Fwd: House Defeats Local Sovereignty

1998-08-11 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Philadsa
To: QuinnKM
Subject: Fwd: House Defeats Local Sovereignty
Date: Monday, August 10, 1998 11:11PM

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Forwarded from the Pennsylvania Consumer Action Network (PCAN):


Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: House Defeats Local Sovereignty
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 10:09:49 EDT

Update on Kucinich Amendment: August 6, 1998
1) Summary of outcome   2) PA Congressional votes 3) Organize meetings with
your U.S. Rep and Senator during recess

1) Late last night, an amendment to protect state, local and tribal laws 
the World Trade Organization (WTO) was narrowly defeated by only 28 votes.

The Administration and the House leadership worked hard to derail the

In a letter circulated by Rep. Jim Kolbe (R, AZ), US Trade Representative
Charlene Barshefsky claimed that the amendment was unnecessary and
expressed her strong opposition to it.

Deputy Secretary of State Stuart Eizenstat spent most of the day yesterday
calling on Democratic Members of Congress to oppose the amendment. In this
lobbying, Eizenstat was greatly helped by the fact that the House
Republican leadership delayed the vote on the amendment and restricted
debate on the House floor.

To read the debate on the amendment, search the Congressional Record for
August 5, 1998 online at http://thomas.loc.gov/home/r105query.html.  The
Kucinich amendment is amendment #49 to the DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE,

Thank You!

The office of Rep. Dennis Kucinich asked me the pass on the Congressman's
heartfelt thank you to all of you who took the time to contact your Member
of Congress in support of this amendment. Rep. Kucinich's office received
dozens of emails, faxes and phone calls from people all over the country
who worked to gain support for this amendment.

The Administration has won a pyrrhic victory. The Administration has denied
that it would sue a state or local authority whose laws allegedly violate
WTO agreements. Consequently, the Administration has now made it virtually
politically impossible to take that action against cities and states in the

Although it narrowly missed passage, this amendment has helped send a
powerful message to the Administration that it should safeguard state and
local laws against pressure from the WTO.

Thank you again for all your help. For further updates on this amendment
and other actions to defend state and local selective purchasing laws,
contact me at the below address.

Simon Billenness
* for the New England Burma Roundtable *

2) How our PA delegation voted:
Yes: Goodling, Borski, Holden, Brady, Coyne, Klink, Mascara, McDade Fattah,
Fox, Weldon, Murtha, Doyle

No: Greenwood, Peterson, Pitts, Kanjorski, English, McHale, Gekas

Not Voting: Shuster

Call your Member of Congress at (800) 985-8762 to thank or criticize them
for their vote on this amendment.

3) We lost on this one, but we can't let them win on the big ones.  IMF, 
for Africa, Fast Track, and more will be decided in September, after the
recess.  This makes this August recess of UTMOST IMPORTANCE!  Organize
meetings with your House Member (No on IMF and Fast Track!) and Senator (No 
African NAFTA and Omnibus Trade Bill).  Meet with the members themselves or
with staffers if that's all you can get, but make sure each PA Member of
Congress  and both Senators hear loud and clear while they're home that PA
does not want these trade bills!

Michael Morrill
Pennsylvania Fair Trade Campaign
c/o PA Consumer Action Network
223 North Brobst St.
Reading, PA 19607
(610) 775-5958-v
(610) 775-2953-f


[PEN-L:66] Re: Yugoslavia and Hungary

1998-05-18 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 While packing my bags, I realized that the kind author of this message 
told me to use his/her name, but never told me what it was.
From: owner-pen-l
To: pen-l
Subject: Re: Yugoslavia and Hungary
Date: Friday, April 03, 1998 2:14PM

In Slovenia you may contact:
Andreja Crnak Meglic
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Science
Kardeljeva ploscad 1
1000 Lubjana
phone 386 61 168 3118

Her first name is pronounced 'Andreya'); she is knowledgeable about the
local NGO scene so she may be able to help you making a few contacts (she
speaks good English).  Just mention that you got the reference from me,
otherwise she might be surprised.


At 02:19 PM 4/3/98 -0800, you wrote:

 My adult son and I will be spending three weeks in Slovenia, Hungary,
Western Rumania (
Cluj area), Trieste and the Czech Republic with a car rented in Munich on
May 22. This is considered a professional junket since I teach Comparative
Economics (Andy Zimbalist - when do we get a new edition?) and my son is a
beltway bandit trying to get a job as a high school social studies teacher 
a 1997 Masters from American University). I've been in Eastern Europe 
(Pecs, Budapest, Southern Transylvania and the Slovenian coast on a
Fulbright program for teachers from provincial universities in 1989), but I 

am particularly interested in persons worth meeting (especially those
critical of the new order) and places worth seeing, especially in Slovenia. 

I would like to try for a sabbatical in Slovenia, so that I could at least
learn the language in a few years. Unfortunately, I have done no research
since I left Chase Econometrics 15 years ago, so this may be a pipe dream.
Any help would be appreciated.
 Roger Even Bove
 Dept. of Economics/Finance
 West Chester Univ., W. Chester PA

Dr. S. Wojciech Sokolowski
Institute for Policy Studies
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
voice: 410.516.4056
fax: 410.516.8233

FW: Religious Freedom Amendment; Internet Censorship

1998-05-13 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Philadsa
To: QuinnKM
Subject: Religious Freedom Amendment; Internet Censorship
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 1998 2:54PM

The following alerts were forwarded by members:


The UFWC Education Task Force is alerting UFWC members that the Istook
Amendment (Called the Religious Freedom Amendment) to the U. S. Constitution
will be voted on in a week or so. Maybe as early as May 18. Congressman 
is a co-sponsor.

This is an amendment to the Bill of Rights that is being pushed by the 
Christian Right. If passed, it will threaten the religious liberty and 
of all Americans. For more information visit the Interfaith Alliance web 

We urge you to write to Speaker Gingrich , Congressman Gephardt, and
your congressman. A sample letter is below.

Other actions you can take are:

Organize a meeting with your congressman: Take a group of religious leaders 
his district office Organize a local press conference Write letters to the

Here are some addresses:

Congressman Joseph Pitts
504 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-3816
Phone:(202) 225-2411
Downingtown Office: (610) 518-5823
Fax: (202) 225-2013

Speaker Newt Gingrich
H-232 Capitol Building
Washington, D. C. 20515

Congressman Richard Gephardt
H-204 Capitol Building
Washington, D. C. 20515

Sample letter (From Interfaith Alliance postcard):

Dear Speaker Gingrich,

Pat Robertson the Christian Coalition do not speak for me!

As an American of faith, I urge you to reconsider your support of the so-
called "Religious Freedom Amendment," sponsored by Representative Istook.

As a citizen and voter, I strongly believe in you American heritage of
religious liberty.

I understand that this liberty is guaranteed by the First Amendment to our

I hope that you will join me in opposing this effort to weaken its

Issues surrounding a child's religious education and practices should remain 
private matter between parents, their children, and their faith community.
State sponsored prayer does not belong in our schools. I look forward to 
support on this matter. Thank you.
*  *  *  *  *


American Civil Liberties Union
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Privacy Information Center



The United States Senate may vote as early as the week of May 11 on the
"Internet School Filtering Act" (S. 1619).  The bill would require schools 
libraries receiving federal Internet subsidies to install filtering software
designed to prevent children from accessing "inappropriate" material.

The ACLU, EFF and EPIC are sponsoring an online campaign to oppose this
measure.  By visiting any of the following links, you can send faxes -- free
of charge! -- to your two Senators:





On March 12, the Senate Commerce Committee approved the "Internet School
Filtering Act" (S. 1619).  The bill would require schools and libraries
receiving federal "e-rate" Internet subsidies to certify that they are using
filtering software designed to prevent minors from accessing "inappropriate"

The filtering bill could come to the Senate floor as early as the week of 

The bill raises serious constitutional questions.  In a decision issued on
April 7, a federal judge in Virginia rejected an effort to dismiss a 
to Internet filtering at a public library, finding that "the Library Board 
not adopt and enforce content-based restrictions on access to protected
Internet speech" unless it meets the highest level of constitutional 

Several studies have found that a great amount of valuable educational
material is blocked by filtering programs.  Some filtering systems even 
access to web sites created by elementary schools for elementary school
children.  Filtering
requirements are inconsistent with the goal of providing our children a rich
educational experience and, when mandated by government, violative of the
First Amendment.

Many local communities have decided that the best approach is one that
emphasizes acceptable use policies and Internet education programs.  They 
rejected the use of filtering software as ineffective and contrary to
educational objectives.  They've decided to instill values rather than 
filters.  Tell Congress to leave this issue to local communities, and not to
mandate a federal, one-size-fits-all filtering requirement.

Additional information on Internet filtering is also available at the 
Free Expression Alliance website:


FW: Action Alert from UFWC ETF - Istook Amendment to US Constitution

1998-05-11 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Linda Sander
To: John Atkeison; Cindy  Wayne Bullaughey -- Home; Ed  Kitty Caruthers; 
Shelly Case; Ed  Diane Cohle; Elaine Friedlander; Irv Friedlander; Robin 
Garrett; Gerry Giess; Gil - home Jacobsen; Gil - work Jacobsen; Sue 
Johnston; Debby Kern; Sue Larson; Ruth  Jim MacFadyen; Don Miles; Mike  
Flo Miller; Kathy Neary; Tom  Diane Pavelchek; Kate Rohde; Catherine Sachs; 
Steve  Linda Sander; Tom Townsend; Kathy Fisher; Julie Konik; Cheryl  Alan 
Pittinger; Keith Goggin; Mariane Kaplan; Jo Ann Neff; Becky Mason; Lincoln  
Pam Baxter; Roger  Pat Bove; Phyllis Kryven; Cindy Lohr; Jim  Millie 
Mitchell; Bob  Nora Radcliffe
Subject: Action Alert from UFWC ETF - Istook Amendment to US Constitution
Date: Monday, May 11, 1998 1:11PM

The UFWC Education Task Force is alerting UFWC members that the Istook
Amendment (Called the Religious Freedom Amendment) to the U. S.
Constitution will be voted on in a week or so. Maybe as early as May 18.
Congressman Pitts is a co-sponsor.

This is an amendment to the Bill of Rights that is being pushed by the
Radical Christian Right. If passed, it will threaten the religious
liberty and freedom of all Americans. For more information visit the
Interfaith Alliance web site (http://www.tialliance.org).

We urge you to write to Speaker Gingrich , Congressman Gephardt, and
your congressman. A sample letter is below.

Other actions you can take are:

Organize a meeting with your congressman: Take a group of religious
leaders to his district office
Organize a local press conference
Write letters to the editor

Here are some addresses:

Congressman Joseph Pitts
504 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-3816
Phone:(202) 225-2411
Downingtown Office: (610) 518-5823
Fax: (202) 225-2013

Speaker Newt Gingrich
H-232 Capitol Building
Washington, D. C. 20515

Congressman Richard Gephardt
H-204 Capitol Building
Washington, D. C. 20515

Sample letter (From Interfaith Alliance postcard):

Dear Speaker Gingrich,

Pat Robertson the Christian Coalition do not speak for me!

As an American of faith, I urge you to reconsider your support of the
so-called Religious Freedom Amendment, sponsored by Representative

As a citizen and voter, I strongly believe in you American heritage of
religious liberty.

I understand that this liberty is guaranteed by the First Amendment to
our constitution.

I hope that you will join me in opposing this effort to weaken its

Issues surrounding a childs religious education and practices should
remain a private matter between parents, their children, and their faith
community. State sponsored prayer does not belong in our schools. I look
forward to your support on this matter. Thank you.

FW: MIME messages-Pathfinder Boards - FORTUNE'S The Economy andPolitics

1998-04-28 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 Doesn't anyone else have trouble with messages like this one? The BLS 
daily reports come in with the second half in gibberish, and nothing our 
system people seem to be able to do can fix it. Most of the Pathfinder stuff 
comes in with some of the second half legible, though this one was too long 
to see. With the BLS  I have to zap the second half before I send it on to 
colleagues. Yet many MIME messages seem to be perfectly legible. You tell 
From: owner-pen-l
To: pen-l
Subject: Pathfinder Boards - FORTUNE'S The Economy and Politics
Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 12:57AM

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.



!-- Page produced by Web Crossing(tm)/Unix-2.0.2 (http://webx.lundeen.co=
m/) for Pathfinder Evaluation-P--
!-- User interface (c)Copyright 1995-97 by Lundeen  Associates. All rig=
hts reserved.--
titlePathfinder Boards - FORTUNE'S The Economy and Politics/title/HE=
body bgcolor=3D#ff

!--DynamicContent--!-- pfpackage /fortune --!--DEFAULT.TMPL--
OBR!-- AdSpace ^/html.ngspacedesc=3Dfortunepagepos=3D1^ --a href=3D=
%3Fuserinfo%26qnum%3D1%26q-1-0%3D5" target=3D"new"img src=3D"http://www=
f"  alt=3D"Pathfinder Survey" BORDER=3D"0"/a#160;/NOBRbr/TD

Yugoslavia and Hungary

1998-04-03 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 My adult son and I will be spending three weeks in Slovenia, Hungary, 
Western Rumania (
Cluj area), Trieste and the Czech Republic with a car rented in Munich on 
May 22. This is considered a professional junket since I teach Comparative 
Economics (Andy Zimbalist - when do we get a new edition?) and my son is a 
beltway bandit trying to get a job as a high school social studies teacher ( 
a 1997 Masters from American University). I've been in Eastern Europe before 
(Pecs, Budapest, Southern Transylvania and the Slovenian coast on a 
Fulbright program for teachers from provincial universities in 1989), but I 
am particularly interested in persons worth meeting (especially those 
critical of the new order) and places worth seeing, especially in Slovenia. 
I would like to try for a sabbatical in Slovenia, so that I could at least 
learn the language in a few years. Unfortunately, I have done no research 
since I left Chase Econometrics 15 years ago, so this may be a pipe dream. 
Any help would be appreciated.
 Roger Even Bove
 Dept. of Economics/Finance
 West Chester Univ., W. Chester PA

FW: Fwd: Takings Bills Scheduled for Vote MONDAY, MARCH 30TH!!!

1998-03-27 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: leonobol
To: Kathy Quinn
Subject: Fwd: Takings Bills Scheduled for Vote MONDAY, MARCH 30TH!!!
Date: Friday, March 27, 1998 1:58PM


This is URGENT!!!  It is the ultimate attempt to value property over
society and people.  They're trying to sneak it through because they know
it won't stand up to public examination.  Do whatever you can to get the
word out.

 --Leon Oboler
   Philadelphia Progressive Pages
A Comprehensive Directory of Progressive Organizations and Activities
 in the Greater Philadelphia Area
   NEW URL http://www.phillyactivist.org

 1557 Thayer Drive,  Blue Bell, PA 19422
   "Working Together For Change"

  Begin Forwarded Message 
Date:3/26/98 4:22 PM
Received:3/27/98 12:11 PM
From:Jeff Schmidt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:  Pennsylvania Leaders, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, with
advance warning, has scheduled a vote on so called "Private
Property Rights" legislation for Monday, March 30 at 10:30AM.

We urgently need Senators to get calls, faxes, and e-mail
messages opposing these proposals immediately.

For specifics about the proposed bills, read on...


Rebuffed previously for their extreme "takings" legislation in
previous legislative sessions, private property rights advocates
have changed their focus.  Their new bills would make the
development of new environmental regulations much more difficult
by creating an expensive, burdensome analysis requirement,
limiting new regulations to be no more stringent than minimum
federal requirements, and significantly increasing the amount of
attorney=92s fees property owners can recovery if successful in

Senator Roger Madigan (R, Lycoming) is the prime sponsor of all
three bills.  He has previously introduced a "takings=92 bill and
legislation to weaken wetlands protection.  Both previous
proposals failed to gain passage as a result of opposition from
environmentalists, local governments, sportsmen and agency


SB 1248-extends the right to recover legal fees to private
property owners in takings cases.  It also increases the amount
of such compensation from $10,000 to $50,000.

SB1249-requires a "takings" analysis to be performed by the
Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC).  This analysis
would be in addition to all the other reviews undertaken to
reduce regulatory requirements for business by the IRRC.  In this
case IRRC would be required to analyze the impact of new
regulations on every property owner potentially affected by a new
regulation.  IRRC would be expected to evaluate each property to
determine if the remaining uses after a new regulation is enacted
are "unreasonable such that the property owner bears a
disproportionate share of a burden imposed for the good of the

The effect of SB1249 would be to paralyze the regulatory
development process, while the IRRC would be required to expend
enormous amounts of staff time (and taxpayer=92s dollars) in what
could be an open-ended analysis process.

SB1250-is the "no more stringent than" bill which would codify
the Ridge Administration=92s roll back of environmental
regulations.  It also requires a cost/benefit analysis and gives
special emphasis to the costs associated with complying.

The overarching theme of SB1250 is that Pennsylvanians don=92t
deserve any greater protection that what is afforded by minimum
federal requirements.  This "no more stringent than federal
regulations" says that the federal "floor of protection" (below
which we are prohibited from going) will be PA=92s ceiling.  This
philosophy implies that bureaucrats in Washington know better
than Pennsylvanians what=92s right for our people and environment.

SB1248, SB1249  SB1250 have all been referred to the Senate
Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, which is chaired by
the bills=92 prime sponsor, Senator Madigan.  The bills have a
significant number of cosponsors (19,21,21 respectively),
indicating somewhat strong initial support.  The "Wise Use"
Movement is gearing up for a major push for private property
rights legislation this spring, so public opposition of these
proposals will be important.

WHAT YOU CAN DO:  Please contact your Senator and urge opposition
to SB1248, SB1249,  SB1250.  Explain that private 


1998-03-19 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: owner-interfaith-alliance
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 1998 4:04PM

The Interfaith Internet Community Action Network (ICAN)
Precedence: bulk


Since our last alert, we have received hundreds of inquiries requesting
information about the status of this constitutional amendment.  Below,
find the answers those questions.

Now that it was passed out of the House Judiciary Committee, what's
Currently the bill is not "scheduled" for a floor vote, but that could
any day.  Some coalition observers speculate that leadership will bring
up in the next two weeks.

What is the Actual Text of the Bill :

``To secure the people's right to acknowledge God according to the
dictates of
conscience, neither the United States nor any state shall establish any
official religion, but the people's right to pray and to recognize their

religious beliefs, heritage or traditions on public property, including
schools, shall not be infringed. The government shall not require any
to join in prayer or other religious activity, prescribe school prayers,

discriminate against religion, or deny equal access to a benefit on
account of

What will this Bill really do?
The true intent of the misnamed Religious Freedom Amendment, (HJR 78) is
promote state-sponsored school prayer by weakening the protections
state sponsored coercion in government institutions like public schools,

the armed forces, and the criminal justice system.

Where can I get a find out more about the legislation?
On the Internet, visit the Thomas: US Congress on the Internet at
http://www.thomas.loc.gov and enter in the bill reference number HJ

This site can provide will give you access to the most update and
information on the bill's status and supporters.

What You Can Do:
Call, Write, and Email your member of Congress, telling him/her to
House Joint Resolution 78 and all efforts to weaken religious liberty
undermine religious freedom.

Organize a group of religious leaders with people of faith and goodwill
meet with your member in the district over the weekend

To find your member of Congress, on the Internet go to the Zipper at

Who Needs to Hear from You:
The following Members of Congress have not yet decided whether or not
oppose the amendment.  They need to hear from concerned people of faith
goodwill that this proposed constitutional amendment is a dangerous
designed to undermine religious freedom.

Baldacci- (D-ME)
Berry (D-AR)
Boswell (D-IA)
Boyd (D-FL)
Clement (D-TN)
Cramer (D-AL)
Danner (D-MO)
Doyle (D-PA)
Ethridge (D-NC)
Gorton (D-TN)
Hall, Tony (D-OH)
Hamilton (D-IN)
Hooley (D-OR)
Kaptur (D-OH)
Klezka (D-WI)
Klink (D-PA)
LaFalse (D-NY)
Lampson (D-TX)
Manton (D-NY)
Mascara (D-PA)
McKinney (D-GA)
McNulty (D-NY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Minge (D-MN)
Moakley (D-MA)
Murtha (D-PA)
Obey (D-WI)
Ortiz (D-TX)
Pascrell (D-NJ)
Regula (R-OH)
Sandlin (D-TX)
Skelton (D-MO)
Tanner (D-TN)
Turner (D-TX)
Weygand (D-RI)

FW: Welfare Reform Forum Series

1998-03-14 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Philadsa
To: QuinnKM
Subject: Welfare Reform Forum Series
Date: Wednesday, March 11, 1998 10:06PM

Monday, March 16, 5:00 p.m.
United Way Building
17th  Ben Franklin Parkway

The Philadelphia branch of the American Association of University Women and
the League of Women Voters of Philadelphia are co-sponsoring this series of
presentations which will be held on alternate Mondays starting March 16.
Registration is at 5:00 and the program from 5:30 to 7:00.  The first two
programs, entitled "Who's Minding the Children?" and "Welfare Reform:  Is It
an Anti-Poverty Program?", will be held at the United Way Building.  The 
program will be held at the Ben Franklin Room in University of 
Houston Hall, 3417 Spruce Street, and is called "Access to Health Care for
Pennsylvania's Poor Children."

For information and reservations, call (215) 545-4903.


1998-03-03 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: mrobinson
Date: Tuesday, March 03, 1998 10:18AM

March 3, 1998
To: UCS activists
From: Michelle Robinson, UCS Transportation Program

Senate Debate happening now on Federal Transportation Bill (ISTEA) -

Issue: The federal transportation bill (S. 1173), known as the Intermodal
Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) was brought to the Senate 
unexpectedly for debate and votes at the end of last week. Debate is 
continue this week with key amendments expected to come up over the next
of days.

Since its passage in 1991, ISTEA has enabled local governments and citizens
around the country to make cleaner, safer transportation choices.  For the
time, federal transportation dollars could be shifted away from more highway
development to projects which reduced air pollution and increased public
to efficient, affordable transportation alternatives.  Several amendments 
expected that would cripple or rollback the environmental and local 
control elements of ISTEA.

Action: Call or e-mail your Senators today to express your support for ISTEA 
(S. 1173)  Urge them to retain ISTEA's decision making structure and strong
environmental programs and to oppose any amendments (see details below) that
would gut the environment and transit programs in ISTEA 2  The Capitol
Switchboard number is 202-224-3121.

The most important piece of environmental transportation legislation at the
federal level in 1998 will be the reauthorization of the Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA).  ISTEA fundamentally changed the way
federal transportation funds were allocated and spent - shifting the focus
constructing highways to a more balanced transportation system that included
bike and pedestrian access, public transit, road maintenance, and allowed 
local control and community input.  Finally, cleaner, more efficient and
environmentally sustainable transportation projects could compete with 
and car-oriented projects.  UCS has been working for over a year with a
coalition working to preserve and strengthen ISTEA.

Powerful industry associations, including the highway interests, AAA, and 
auto and oil industries are lobbying hard this week to dismantle the
provisions and environmental protections built into ISTEA 2. It is critical
Senators hear from their constituents that the highway and asphalt interests
should not dictate transportation funding for their communities.

Major Threats:
Senate leaders announced an agreement yesterday to add $28 billion over six
years to the proposed funding levels under ISTEA 2 (S.1173) of $145 billion
the six year reauthorization of ISTEA.  None of these new funds will be 
transit.  This agreement ignores the historical precedent, established under
Reagan administration in 1981, to give at least 20% of any new 
spending increases to mass transit.

One third of the new funding will go to special road projects, like Senator
Byrd's (D-WV) Appalachian Roads Program (including West Virginia's
Corridor H highway) and NAFTA Trade Corridor and Border Infrastructure 
building programs.

The remaining two thirds of the new money will be spread across ISTEA 
categories, excluding transit.  This funding proposal unfairly impacts 
transit, local control, and the environment.

There are several amendments expected that would undermine the goals of 
and would gut its environmental programs.

1.  Anti-transit amendments:
Senators Lauch Faircloth (R-NC) and Tim Johnson (D-SD) are offering 
which would slash transit funding.  Under their proposal, communities would
receive transit funding based on how much driving was done instead of how 
transit was used or needed. For more details on this visit the American 
Transit Association's website at http://www.apta.com or call 202-898-4000.

2.  Anti-enhancements amendment:
Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) has an anti-local control amendment that would
allow state Departments of Transportation to opt out of the enhancements
program.  This program is the source of support for popular bike and
trails and community-building projects around the country.

3.  Making highway building eligible for CMAQ funds:
Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) is expected to introduce an amendment to allow
Departments of Transportation to shift scarce dollars dedicated to projects
which reduce air pollution into highway widening projects.  This might 
temporary relief of congestion but would worsen air pollution problems.  The
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program is the primary program
channeling federal funds into transportation projects which will lessen, not
worsen, the environmental and public health impact of transportation.

FW: Job announcement

1998-02-27 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Tolin, Thomas W.
To: Bove, Roger E.
Subject: RE: Job announcement
Date: Friday, February 27, 1998 1:40PM


 D0 Microeconomics
 E0 Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
 C1 General Statistics

One-year, temporary position to begin September, 1998.  Ph. D. preferred, 
with  teaching experience required.  A.B. D. will be considered.  Teaching 
assignments include Principles of Economics, Money and Banking, and/or 
Statistics.  Vita must be received by May 15, 1998.  An equal opportunity , 
affirmative action employer.  CONTACT:  Tom Tolin, 313 Anderson Hall, 
Economics and Finance Department, West Chester University, West Chester, PA 

FW: Fwrd: Istook Amendment On House Fast Track

1998-02-18 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Pennell, Julia
To: Bove, Roger E.; anna; AndreaB; Radcliffe; 'cyndy'; Cohles; Debby; Flo; 
Giess; John A; Mitchell; CARTER; MacFadyen; Gangwisch; Kryven; Larson; 
baxter; al; Don Miles; Mary Miles; Catherine; Deans; sue; linda; Fish; UUKat
Subject: FW: Fwrd: Istook Amendment On House Fast Track
Date: Monday, February 16, 1998 11:16PM

Something to consider  **JULIE**

Although the following from the February, 1998, "Church  State", a
publication of Americans United For Separation of Church and State, is
directly a gay and lesbian issue, the ramifications if this Amendment
certainly would affect us negatively...


Istook Amendment On House Fast Track

A Religious Right-backed constitutional amendment that critics
say would
remove church-state separation from the Bill of Rights may face a vote in
the U.S. House of Representatives as early as next month.
The so-called "Religious Freedom Amendment," introduced by Rep.
Istook (R-Okla.), has already cleared the House Constitution
As "Church  State" went to press, a vote was pending in the full
Committee; from there, the amendment would go to the floor of the House
an up-or-down vote.
The Christian Coalition's "Religious Rights Watch" reported in
January that
Istook expects a vote on H.J.Res. 79 in March.  The Coalition is asking
members to call their representatives and urge them to support the
which has 146 cosponsors.
Americans United Executive Director Barry W. Lynn has sent AU
members an
urgent appeal also asking them to call their representatives in the House
and urge a vote against the amendment.  Lynn said time is short, so AU
members should call, fax or e-mail their representatives rather than
(The House switchboard number is 202-224-3121.)
Opponents insist the Istook Amendment would allow coercive prayer
religious worship in public schools, require Government at all levels to
give tax aid to religious groups and permit government to "recognize ...
religious beliefs, heritage or traditions on public property."
Observed  Lynn, "This amendment would obliterate church- state
in one stroke.  It must be stopped."

[PEN-L:12706] Re: Clinton Aide Brokered Union Credit Card Deal

1997-09-30 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 This was illegible. Is another format possible?
From: pen-l
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [PEN-L:12670] Re: Clinton Aide Brokered Union Credit Card Deal
Date: Monday, September 29, 1997 12:12PM

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="4WARD.WPD"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="4WARD.WPD"


[PEN-L:12285] RE: Comp.Econ.Sys. course bibliography

1997-09-12 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 Eric - How about your email address?
From: pen-l
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [PEN-L:12256] Comp.Econ.Sys. course bibliography
Date: Thursday, September 11, 1997 8:37AM

I have just updated a bibliography on socialist economics that I sent
out to pen-l'ers in 1991, suitable for use in courses on, e.g., Comp.
Econ. Sys.  I'll be happy to e-mail the new version (about 200-titles)
to pen-l'ers on request.
Cheers -- Eric Schutz

[PEN-L:11389] FW: Radioactive Weapons; PUP Meeting

1997-07-22 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Philadsa
To: amhoffma; MacMan2; jantzen; leonobol; winant; lsekaric; BerniceS; 
jhogan; emoore; AlEmily; gdolph; straussjohn; strieb; skeptic; rbove; 
landreau; StahlBen; tjsiftar; hkadran; tobiabj; sullivmj; sschatz; shapsj; 
rbrand; shoshana; clampetlundquist; peacedel; QuinnKM; Dgkpfp; aaltman; 
hseitz; wisnia
Subject: Radioactive Weapons; PUP Meeting
Date: Tuesday, July 22, 1997 8:09AM


Wednesday, July 23, 7:00 p.m.
Rufus Jones Room, 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia

The speakers will be Asaf Durakovic, former chief of Nuclear Medicine, V.A.
Institute, Wilmington, and Frank Alexander, co-ordinator of the Depleted
Uranium Education Project of the International Action Center. Sponsored by
All Peoples Congress/National Peoples Campaign and co-sponsored by 
Peace Community, Philadelphia Vets for Peace Chapter 31 and CATA. For more
information, contact APC/NPC, 813 S. 48th Street, Philadelphia 19143,
215-724-1618, Fax 215-724-8513, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Thursday, July 24, 11:00 a.m.
116 South 7th Street, 6th Floor

The agenda will include PUP's proposal to the City to fund a Public Service
JOBS program.

[PEN-L:11050] FW: Re: Texts in Comparative Systems

1997-06-26 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Bove, Roger E.
To: pen-l
Subject: RE: [PEN-L:11047] Re: Texts in Comparative Systems
Date: Thursday, June 26, 1997 3:47PM

 I've used HBJ's 'Comparing Economic Systems' by Zimbalist, Sherman and 
Brown, but it hasn't been revised since the 2nd edition of 1989. If any of 
the authors are out there - how about a revision! And please put France back 
in or replace it with EU!
From: pen-l
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [PEN-L:11047] Re: Texts in Comparative Systems
Date: Thursday, June 26, 1997 12:38PM


I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on books or other materials
for a Comparative Systems course.

I last taught this course with a set of articles reflecting my own
perspective at the time but am looking for a more comprehensive and
systemic overview - a kind of radical text (if such a thing exits) for this
time to supplement my articles.

Thanks much!



Ron Baiman
Dept. of Economics
Roosevelt UniversityFax: 312-341-3680
430 Michigan Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60605 Voice:  312-341-3694


[PEN-L:11049] Re: Texts in Comparative Systems

1997-06-26 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 I've used HBJ's 'Comparing Economic Systems' by Zimbalist, Sherman and 
Brown, but it hasn't been revised since the 2nd edition of 1989. If any of 
the authors are out there - how about a revision! And please put France back 
in or replace it with EU!
From: pen-l
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [PEN-L:11047] Re: Texts in Comparative Systems
Date: Thursday, June 26, 1997 12:38PM


I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on books or other materials
for a Comparative Systems course.

I last taught this course with a set of articles reflecting my own
perspective at the time but am looking for a more comprehensive and
systemic overview - a kind of radical text (if such a thing exits) for this
time to supplement my articles.

Thanks much!



Ron Baiman
Dept. of Economics
Roosevelt UniversityFax: 312-341-3680
430 Michigan Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60605 Voice:  312-341-3694


[PEN-L:11008] Summer

1997-06-24 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 Can you repeat instructions for temporarily leaving the listserve for 
vacation? I have not received any messages since 5:23pm on June 23. Is 
something wrong?

[PEN-L:11010] FW: Top 10 Effects....

1997-06-24 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Pennell, Julia
To: Bove, Roger E.; Garrett, Robin; anna; Radcliffe; 'cyndy'; Cohles; Debby; 
Irv; Flo; Giess; Mitchell; CARTER; MacFadyen; neff; Gangwisch; Neary; 
Kryven; Larson; baxter; Lohr; al; Don Miles; Mary Miles; Catherine; Deans; 
Sue; linda; Tom Pavelchek; Audrey; UUKat
Subject: FW: Top 10 Effects
Date: Tuesday, June 24, 1997 2:21PM

 --This came from abunch of folks to me.  I hope that you enjoy it. 


10. Children in deep south begin mass conversion to Judaism.

9. Athletes now heard saying, "I'm going to Disneyland, and then to

8. Disneyland courts atheists with new slogan: "The closest place to
heaven YOU'LL ever see."

7. Hellfire and animation!

6. Reduced pressure to put pants on Donald Duck.

5. Neighborhood "working girls" can no longer count on generous tips
from visiting televangelists.

4. Crowds at DollyWood soar into the dozens.

3. Baptists now must visit Disney World in same disguise they wear to
the liquor store.

2. Chip  Dale land on the cover of Out magazine.


1.  Absolutely nothing!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Daniel M. Maxwell, MS Ed
 Assistant Director, Arizona Student Unions
The University of Arizona
   PO Box 210017 -- Tucson, AZ   85721-0017
520-621-8046 -- 520-621-6930 (fax)

[PEN-L:10906] RE: Gender and Strength

1997-06-18 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 There has been a program on this on The Learning Channel - it will 
probably be rebroadcasted several times, everything on TLC is.
From: pen-l
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [PEN-L:10892] Gender and Strength
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 1997 6:03PM

In the January/February, 1997 issue of ARCHAEOLOGY magazine, there is an
article by Jeannine Davis-Kimball titled "Warrior Women of the Eurasian
Steppes."  The evidence from new archaeological digs finds that many women
were buried as warriors, with weapons and trappings of war.  The author
hypothesizes that the Amazon women of Greek mythology may have been more 
than mythical.

maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:10381] FW: Petition to American Airlines

1997-05-28 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Pennell, Julia
To: Esposito, Jeffrey P.; Kabatt, Laura T.; Pyle, Spencer M.; Battisti, 
Armand A.; Boes, Maria; McCullough, Mary; Bove, Roger E.; Hewitt, William; 
Larsen, Elizabeth; Lammers, Kevin E.; Kelly, Leonard I.; Bednar, Cynthia; 
Jimenez, Carolyn; Radich, Carol Ann; DeVestern, Diane; Hodes, Jacqueline; 
Ressner, Joel; Welsh, Lesley Ann; Oliaro, Paul M.; Richardson, Pamela A. J.; 
Garrett, Robin; Welch, Joan; anna; atkeison; Radcliffe; 'cyndy'; Cohles; 
Debby; Irv; Flo; Giess; iliff; Mitchell; CARTER; MacFadyen; neff; Gangwisch; 
Neary; Kryven; Larson; baxter; WC-D; Lohr; al; Don Miles; Mary Miles; 
Catherine; Deans; Sue; linda; Tom Pavelchek; Pavelchek, Thomas   TPAVELCHEK; 
Audrey; UUKat
Subject: FW: Petition to American Airlines
Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 4:14PM

From: Emmons, Paul
To: Wilson, Carol A.; Pennell, Julia; Garrett, Robin
Subject: Petition to American Airlines
Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 2:38PM

American Airlines is a major sponsor to and supporter of groups like
GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, the
AIDS Action Foundation, DIFFA, AmFAR, and scores of community-based
groups representing gays and lesbians.  It is also the first airline to
adopt a written non-discrimination policy covering sexual orientation in
its employment practices.

An unusual joint letter was released to the media on Friday, March 14th
from the Family Research Council, Concerned Women of America,
American Family Association and Coral Ridge Ministries. Radical right
leader Beverly LaHaye also went on Christian "talk radio" on Friday to
blast American Airlines because "American's sponsorship of homosexual
'pride' events constitutes an open endorsement of promiscuous
homo-sexuality."  She and the other groups have written Bob Crandall at
American to complain that the airline has "gone beyond mere tolerance"
of gays and lesbians.  The full article appeares in Friday's Fort Worth
Star-Telegram, and possibly picked up by other newspapers around the

American Airline's switchboard and e-mails are being bombarded now by
homophobic and hateful callers who have been urged by LaHaye and others
to DEMAND the company terminate its gay-friendly policies.

At the end of this note is a petition supporting American Airlines'
stance on gay rights.  If you feel that discrimination is in nobody's
best interest, add your name to the list below.  And, of course, pass it
IF YOU ARE the 25th, 50th, 75th, 100th, etc., person to sign this
petition, please forward this copy to American Airlines at:

To American Airlines:
We, the undersigned, support your gay/lesbian rights polices and commend
you for your efforts in ending discrimination.  Thank you for your
dedication to such issues and please continue to remain active in the
struggle to end discrimination.

1. Marybeth Kurtz, Philadelphia, PA
2. Jen Faust, Goucher College, Balto. MD
3. Heather Riley, UMBC, Balto., MD
4. Katy Schuman, UMBC, Balto., MD
5. Rebekka Gold, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH.
6. Danielle Hirsch, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH.
7. Jerrod Wendland, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH.
8. Jon Morgan, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH.
9. Keri Rainsberger, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
10. Cheryl Lynn Bates, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
11. Court Singrey, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
12. Carol Fischer, Indiana University, Bloomington IN.
13. Victoria R. Gardner, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
14. Joshua S. Greenbaum, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
15. Tamara Grybko, Boston, MA
16. Jameson Hill, San Francisco, CA
17. Ed Roppo, San Francisco, CA
18. Christopher Pratt, Mountain View, CA
19. Tom Lloyd, San Francisco, CA
20. Brian Kliment, San Francisco, CA
21. Steve Christensen, Palo Alto, CA
22. Michael Larson, Sunnyvale, CA
23. Emily Rudenick, Dallas, TX
24. Ramya Vivekanandan, The George Washington University, Washington DC
25. Resha Shah, The George Washington University, Washington DC
26. Erin Hutton, University of Missouri-Columbia, MO
27. Elisabeth Brown, San Francisco, CA
28. Justus Daniel Brazelton, San Francisco, CA
29. Salim Cain, Western MD College, Westminster, MD
30. Jennifer Burns, San Francisco, CA
31. Gary Sanders, Half Moon Bay, CA
32. Sue Scott, So. Pasadena, CA
33. Jenny Meadows, Arlington, TX 
34. Betty Young, 5658 Forney Rd, Dallas ,Texas.
35. Shelby Kuenning, Great Falls, MT
36. Geoff Kuenning, Granada Hills, CA
37. Mary Ellen FitzPatrick, Simi Valley, CA
38. Karen Taylor McDaniel, Pasadena, CA
39. Deeder McDaniel, Pasadena, CA
40. Brian Donahoo, San Diego, CA
41. Paulette Radke, San Diego, CA
42. Brenda Kulow, La Crosse, WI
43. Chris Vogt, Madison, WI
44. Kimberly Marshall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

[PEN-L:10292] RE: Very HOT new Company Generating INTENSE Interest

1997-05-22 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 We have been spammed. How can we prevent this?
From: pen-l
Subject: [PEN-L:10274] Very HOT new Company Generating INTENSE Interest
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 1997 3:34PM

 Chosen "Company of the Month" for May '97
 in Network Opportunities Magazine



Failsafe Sponsoring can make you between $600 and  $13,000 per
This is simply the most explosive company in MLM history!!!

The simple facts are:

 1.  No personal selling of products!

 2.  No personal sponsoring required!

 3.  No meetings!

 4.  No distributor kits to buy!

 5.  No sign-up fees!

We have designed a system that enables the 95% of MLMers who have
never earned  more than a few hundred dollars to finally earn between
$600 and $2000 per month within their first few months.  This allows
most families to no longer have to rely on the income from one job and
one boss.

Receive this Powerful High-Tech Recruiting System and Online Enrollment
Database plus these benefits:

 1.  Distributors placed in your downline at no cost to you!

 2.  Only one customer needed-yourself!

 3.  A 100% committed downline!

 4.  Commission checks increase every month!

 5.  Most lucrative pay plan in the industry!

 6.  Earn thousands in your first few months!


 8.  Company provides FREE business tools!

This without a doubt the most aggressive MLM company that almost
guarantees that anybody can earn money without sponsoring even one
person! They even guarantee you a check the VERY FIRST MONTH!!

To learn more about the opportunity of a lifetime just e-mail me and
put and put "opportunity" in the subject area and I will get the address
back to you propmtly. This is for real. I look to hear from you soon.
The time is now!



Our research indicates that the preceding material may be of interest
to you.  If you feel that you received this letter in error, please
respond with the word "remove" in the subject field and our software
will automatically remove you from our mailing list.

[PEN-L:10291] RE: Very HOT new Company Generating INTENSE Interest

1997-05-22 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: pen-l
Subject: [PEN-L:10274] Very HOT new Company Generating INTENSE Interest
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 1997 3:34PM

 Chosen "Company of the Month" for May '97
 in Network Opportunities Magazine



Failsafe Sponsoring can make you between $600 and  $13,000 per
This is simply the most explosive company in MLM history!!!

The simple facts are:

 1.  No personal selling of products!

 2.  No personal sponsoring required!

 3.  No meetings!

 4.  No distributor kits to buy!

 5.  No sign-up fees!

We have designed a system that enables the 95% of MLMers who have
never earned  more than a few hundred dollars to finally earn between
$600 and $2000 per month within their first few months.  This allows
most families to no longer have to rely on the income from one job and
one boss.

Receive this Powerful High-Tech Recruiting System and Online Enrollment
Database plus these benefits:

 1.  Distributors placed in your downline at no cost to you!

 2.  Only one customer needed-yourself!

 3.  A 100% committed downline!

 4.  Commission checks increase every month!

 5.  Most lucrative pay plan in the industry!

 6.  Earn thousands in your first few months!


 8.  Company provides FREE business tools!

This without a doubt the most aggressive MLM company that almost
guarantees that anybody can earn money without sponsoring even one
person! They even guarantee you a check the VERY FIRST MONTH!!

To learn more about the opportunity of a lifetime just e-mail me and
put and put "opportunity" in the subject area and I will get the address
back to you propmtly. This is for real. I look to hear from you soon.
The time is now!



Our research indicates that the preceding material may be of interest
to you.  If you feel that you received this letter in error, please
respond with the word "remove" in the subject field and our software
will automatically remove you from our mailing list.

[PEN-L:9960] FW: Public Transportation Rally

1997-05-08 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Philadsa
To: amhoffma; MacMan2; jantzen; leonobol; winant; lsekaric; BerniceS; 
jhogan; emoore; AlEmily; gdolph; straussjohn; strieb; skeptic; rbove; 
landreau; StahlBen; siftartj; hkadran; tobiabj; sullivmj; sschatz; shapsj; 
rbrand; shoshana; clampetlundquist; peacedel; QuinnKM; Dgkpfp
Subject: Public Transportation Rally
Date: Sunday, May 04, 1997 9:07PM

Northeast Corridor Rally Train
Tuesday, May 6, 1997

Train departure:  7:30 am from 30th Street Station
Rally: 12:00 noon on Captial steps

 On September 30, 1997, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency
Act (ISTEA) will expire. The act provides the framework for the flow of
federal funds for transportation authorities like SEPTA and, according to 
Clean Air Council, "has empowered residents and local legislators to
revitalize public transportation, demand better environmental standards, and
more effectively allocate transportation dollars. Pressure on Congress in 
next few months is vital to ensure that this legislation is not weakened, 
emerges stronger.

The special, free rally train will be bringing Northeast Corridor ISTEA
advocates to Washington from New York, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia,
Wilmington and Baltimore. Reservations are necessary. Contact Lauren 
of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Area Coalition for Transportation (ACT),
(215) 580-7013.

[PEN-L:9747] FW: April 30 In U.S. College History

1997-04-30 Thread Bove, Roger E.

Bulletin Board: Message Board
Message Subject: April 30 In U.S. College History
Message Number: 23-1

 Let us never forget what April 30 means in the history of higher 
education.  During these times when history is forgotten or seems to have 
little impact, if known, on today's youth, let us not forget that on April 
30, 1970, President Nixon announced to the American public that the 
Cambodian invasion was in process.  This announcement led to an increase in 
massive protest on college campuses which led directly to student deaths on 
May 4 at Kent State and several days later at Jackson State. 
   We must never forget those six students 
who died on American soil.  We must never forget what led to their deaths, 
and we must always remember that these deaths were the result of strong 
divisions in a society , divisions that are still strong today, but for 
different reasons.  No, I am not lost in a time warp, but we often overlook 
important dates in higher education.  Yes, it is nice to remember the good 
times, which is most times, but college students should know that what 
happened at Tiananmen Square in 1989 did indeed happen on American soil only 
nineteen years earlier.   As an administrator, I 
always remember this date along with May 4 in my memories of life in higher 
education.  All college students should know these six student names not 
because of the tragedy, but because of the lessens learned from this 
tragedy.  In this era when civility and community is a goal within most 
university environments, let us make sure that people like Sandy Scheuer 
(one of the slain students at Kent State) are not our own students due to 
lack of communication or divisions within our midst.  Remember, the 
divisions at that time were obvious.  They are more subtle today, and, this 
is more dangerous.  What happened at Kent State and Jackson State were the 
result of  poor communication between administration/students/elected 
officials/public safety/police and the public at large.  Though this event 
seems lost in time, it should be remembered by all universities for the 
lessons learned.  The lesson learned is division can lead to violence where 
communication is lost.  Maybe someday universities will pay tribute to the 
six students who died twenty-seven years ago in remembrance of their lost 
potential, lost hopes, lost dreams and lost opportunities to be positive 
change agents in society.  In my own small way, I wanted to remember them on 
April 30 because what happened on this day led to their deaths in the days 
that followed.  We must always remember how precious all student lives are, 
especially in linkage with this important date in the history of higher 
education, and, in fact, the history of this nation.   Remember, these 
students may have been fathers and mothers.  And, their children would be 
college students today.  And with each student we have the potential to 
witness positive change agents for the betterment of the society and the 
world at large.  I hope millions of boomers are remembering these six deaths 
in 1970, and that this tragedy has been shared with their sons and 
daughters, the college students of today.

[PEN-L:9625] FW: Asian Studies Conference

1997-04-23 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 Anyone want more information?
From: Gould, Marguerite
To: Faculty
Subject: Asian Studies Conference
Date: Thursday, February 27, 1997 4:21PM

Message to All Faculty from Dr. Robert Young, Department of History

 The Mid-Atlantic Region Association of Asian Studies will hold its
annual conference at West Chester University, October 24 -26, 1997.  We
expect the conference to be as successful and well attended by regional
faculty as in 1992, when we last hosted, and over two hundred faculty

 We are now inviting West Chester University faculty to join us in
forming a Local Arrangement Committee and invite them to participate in the
program as either a member of a panel, discussant or presenter of an
individual paper.

 An initial brief meeting for interested faculty will be held March 18,
1997 at 3:15 p.m. in M-419 with an equally brief meeting March 20, 1997 for
those unable to come on March 18, 1997.

 Dr. Young, History Department (x3654), is conference coordinator and
may be contacted for additional information, panel or individual
presentation forms.

[PEN-L:9486] Measurement of inequality

1997-04-14 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 A friend has asked me about alternatives to the Gini coefficient. I 
seem to remember a paper titled 'On the Measurement of Inequality', but I 
can't find it in my files. Anyone have suggestions?

[PEN-L:9454] FW: Workers Memorial Day 1997

1997-04-11 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Bove, Roger E.
To: Bove, Roger E.
Subject: FW: Workers Memorial Day 1997
Date: Friday, April 11, 1997 12:27PM

Bulletin Board: AFSCME
Message Subject: Workers Memorial Day 1997
Message Number: 26-1

 On April 28, 1997, AFSCME and the unions of the AFL-CIO will once again 
observe Workers Memorial Day.  This day has been set aside since 1989 as a 
special day in memory of workers who have been killed or injured on the job. 
 But this day is more than a remembrance; it is also a time to renew our
 fight for strong safety and health protections.

This Workers Memorial Day we are fighting to "Stop the Pain"   from 
repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) and back injuries caused by ergonomic 
hazards.  Each year more than 700,000 workers suffer from these injuries, 
making them the nation's biggest job safety problem.  Virtually every 
industry and occupation is affected.

But it doesn't have to be that way.  Programs have been implemented in some 
workplaces that have reduced RSIs and back injuries.  Yet some employer 
groups and some Congressional Republicans are continuing their efforts to 
stop OSHA from issuing an ergonomics standard that could prevent these 

These efforts must be stopped.  On Workers Memorial Day, we must send a 
strong message to congress, employers and the public that workers and union 
are fighting back and demanding protection against RSIs and all workplace 
injuries and illnesses.

This message was sent from Jordan Barab at AFSCME Department of Research

Bulletin Board: AFSCME
Message Subject: Workers Memorial Day - 2
Message Number: 28-1

This Year on Workers Memorial Day  (April 28) the University Flag
will be flown at half mast in honor of all Americans who have been
killed or injured on the job.

I sincerely hope that every one of you take a minute to think about
this and to think about  what it has cost someone you know or perhaps
even yourself.

 Many of us are being  injured simply by sitting at a computer or by
doing repetitive work.  Our supervisors don't think there is anything
wrong with us because we are not in a plaster cast and you can't see
anything wrong.  But cumulative trauma disorders are the largest
growing problem in the American workforce today  with over 700,000
injuries being reported each year.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the number of CTD cases increased
by 10 times over the last decade and now account for more than 60% of
all reported illnesses.

The signs of pain and discomfort can be seen in many offices; with
computer operators popping pain killers, applying heat, using eye
drops, and taking other medications to get rid of their aches and
Also , a growing number of workers have had medical restrictions
placed on their duties by a medical professional.

Yes, the Information Age has certainly arrived; and tremendous energy
and creativity have been unloosed in order to find new applications
for computers.  Unfortunately, much less attention has been paid to
the effects these machines are having on those who work with them.

Carol Wilson

[PEN-L:9452] RE: Liberals, NDP harmonize positions on NAFTA

1997-04-11 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 Can anyone explain why this message came through with =20 at the end on 
every line and =C9 for is? It only happens rarely and must be some sort of 
translation problem.
From: pen-l
Subject: [PEN-L:9444] Liberals, NDP harmonize positions on NAFTA
Date: Thursday, April 10, 1997 4:56PM

The Ottawa Citizen  Thursday 10 April
1997 =20
PM explains radical conversion=20
Julian Beltrame, The Ottawa Citizen=20
WASHINGTON -- Prime Minister Jean Chr=E9tien gave his most detailed =20
explanation to date of his conversion from free trade critic to unabashed=
enthusiast yesterday in a free-wheeling discussion of philosophy and poli=
cies =20
that will shape his upcoming re-election bid.=20
Speaking to about 800 people at the National Press Club, Mr.
Chr=E9tien =
appeared to be road-testing many of the themes he will flesh out in the =20
campaign he is expected to launch soon.=20
"I was skeptical like many others about the free trade agreement, 
(particularly) when it was a bilateral one with America. We're afraid of =
you =20
guys, you're big and we're small," he said.=20
But the North American Free Trade Agreement has brought massive =20
economic benefits for both Canada and the U.S., he said, adding that glob=
al =20
free trade will be the engine of economic growth.=20
Mr. Chr=E9tien pointed out that two-way trade between Canada and the
U.S. increased 45 per cent during the past four years and many Canadian f=
irms =20
have become competitive world-wide as a result of the opportunities creat=
ed =20
by the global economy.=20
"Of course, there is some disruption. Some factories were affected 
my own district. It's inevitable, but at the same time others have replac=
ed =20
them," he continued. "Some go and some come, but the best survive and you=
become more competitive."=20
Mr. Chr=E9tien's comments here appeared designed to anticipate
attacks =20
from Conservative Leader Jean Charest that he and the Liberal party once =
opposed the free trade agreement with the U.S.=20
The Tories issued a list of questions for the prime minister
yesterday i=
n =20
which Mr. Chr=E9tien's flip-flop on the issue is called "opportunistic," =
though a =20
"good thing."=20
Mr. Chr=E9tien told his Washington audience that his trade missions
to =20
Asia taught him to be confident that Canadians will prosper as the countr=
y =20
moves to expand its trading relations in Latin America and the Asia-Pacif=
"I'm not pessimistic about the 21st century because you have one
200 million people in China and =8A they will develop a middle class; the=
y will =20
need to buy all sorts of products and both you and I will be there sellin=
"We (Canada) can sell them North American technology even in =20
Mr. Chr=E9tien said establishing trade and political links with 
countries is the biggest challenge facing Canada and the U.S. He noted th=
at =20
already five of Canada's 10 largest trading partners are in Asia.=20
Mr. Chr=E9tien also had assurances for the 600,000 anglophones 
Quebec, urging them not to abandon the province in fear, saying their rig=
hts =20
will be protected by the federal government.=20
"Quebec is their province and they should stay there," he said. "We
use the Canadian Constitution to protect their rights."=20
He said the majority of Quebecers will continue to reject the
option if they are asked a direct question -- "Do you want to separate fr=
om =20
Under the guise of underlining the differences between Canada and 
U.S., the prime minister bragged that Canada had gone from having the wor=
st =20
fiscal record next to Italy prior to his coming to office, to the best wi=
th a =20
deficit of less than two per cent of gross domestic product. Canada would=
 have =20
a budget balance in 1998-99 fiscal year if it calculated deficits like th=
e U.S., he =20
But the critical test for governments are what they do with the
funds that once went to debt servicing, he stressed.=20
"I believe that governments in Western countries will be judged not
on their ability to get their fiscal house in order, but also on the prio=
rities they =20
choose once they have fiscal room to act."=20
He said his government's priorities are alleviating child poverty, 
allocating resources to research and development and infrastructure to cr=
eate =20
jobs, and modernizing "our cherished public health-care system."=20
Asked to comment on his friendly relationship with U.S. President
Bill =20
Clinton in view of his charge that former prime minister Brian Mulroney w=

[PEN-L:9262] FW: Ronnie Dugger in Philly; April Fools Demo at PECO; JOBS rally in

1997-03-31 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Philadsa
To: amhoffma; MacMan2; jantzen; leonobol; winant; lsekaric; BerniceS; 
jhogan; emoore; AlEmily; gdolph; straussjohn; strieb; skeptic; rbove; 
landreau; StahlBen; siftartj; hkadran; tobiabj; sullivmj; sschatz; shapsj; 
rbrand; shoshana; clampetlundquist; peacedel; QuinnKM
Subject: Ronnie Dugger in Philly; April Fools Demo at PECO; JOBS rally in 
Date: Sunday, March 30, 1997 10:56PM

will speak on
Tuesday, April 1 at 7:00 p.m.
Friends Center, 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia

For more information, call Charles at (215) 235-0562.

* * * * * * * * *

Tuesday, April 1 at Noon
PERCRonnie Dugger, founder and co-chair of the Alliance for Democracy,
on Moving Toward Deep Democracy  Independence from Corporate Rule
7pm, Tuesday, April 1
Friends Center, 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia
For more info, call Charles at (215) 235-0562
Ronnie Dugger, founder and co-chair of the Alliance for Democracy,
on Moving Toward Deep Democracy  Independence from Corporate Rule
7pm, Tuesday, April 1
Friends Center, 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia
For more info, call Charles at (215) 235-0562

Citizen Action is planning a media event on April Fools Day (Tuesday, April 
at noon) to draw attentio to the ridiculous claims of PECO that it is in the
consumers' best interest to pay for their bailout. CA and cooperating
organizations will hold signs and distribute leaflets in front of PECO's
offices on Market Street. For more information, contact CA at (215) 
(215) 662-0761 fax, or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* * * * * * * * *

Wednesday, April 9, 10:30 a.m.
State Capitol, Harrisburg

The Coalition for JOBS is planning a rally in support of the JOBS bill to be
introduced by State Senator Vincent Hughes. The bill would create 10,000
public service jobs, with health benefits, daycare, job training, and job
search assistance, for welfare recipients and others with no source of
income. For more information or to reserve a seat on a bus to Harrisburg,
contact the Philadelphia Unemployment Project at (215) 592-0933.

[PEN-L:9059] Russia

1997-03-21 Thread Bove, Roger E.

 On 17 March the NY Times wrote up a lefty list on Russia run by David 
Johnson from Washington. Does anyone have any information on how to 
subscribe to it.

[PEN-L:8894] FW: DSA Alert

1997-03-13 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: Philadsa
To: amhoffma; MacMan2; jantzen; leonobol; winant; lsekaric; BerniceS; 
jhogan; emoore; AlEmily; gdolph; straussjohn; strieb; skeptic; rbove; 
landreau; StahlBen; siftartj; hkadran; tobiabj; sullivmj; sschatz; shapsj; 
rbrand; shoshana; clampetlundquist; peacedel
Subject: DSA Alert
Date: Thursday, March 13, 1997 7:59AM

"Welfare Reform-How Will It Affect You?
Saturday, March 15, 3-5 p.m.
Woodland Presbyterian Church
42nd  Pine Streets

Sponsored by the Philadelphia Unemployment Project (215) 592-0933

*  *  *  *  *
16 Annual Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Law Conference
University of Pennsylvania Law School
Saturday, March 22, 9:15-3:30

A day-long conference featuring Gilbert F. Casellas, Chair of the EEOC as
Keynote Speaker and panel discussions throughout the afternoon . 4.0 C.L.E.
credits available.

*  *  *  *  *

Just forwarded to me by a friend in Australia:

The Houghton-Mifflin Publishing Co. is giving books to children's hospitals;
how many books they give depends on how many e-mails they receive from 
around the world. For every 25 e-mails they receive, they donate one book.
All you have to do is e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@internet. Last year
Houghton-Mifflin received more than 23,000 e-mails.

[PEN-L:8802] FW: The New Economic Paradigm, The Integration of Labor(sm)

1997-02-28 Thread Bove, Roger E.

From: yyba
To: esam97
Subject: The New Economic Paradigm, The Integration of Labor(sm)
Date: Friday, February 28, 1997 4:28AM

(OUR APOLOGIES!  This message was previously sent with numerous errors, and
bad links. We are resending this edited version. Please accept our sincere
apologies. IPC, Jerusalem.)

International Planning Corporation - IPC, Jerusalem, Israel



   A call to affirm or refute the new economic paradigm...

   IPC's President  CEO's Conference Suggestion regarding the new
   paradigm, the Integration of Labor(sm)


Action: Economists and econometricians, and the operationally conscious,
are called upon to cognitively affirm, or refute, the new economic
paradigm, the Integration of Labor(sm), which defines 'information,' as the
new agent of transformation, as below, and elsewhere, in counterpart.

When and provided IPC receives (prior to the now scheduled July 2-4, 1997
Australasian Meeting of The Econometric Society - Conference) twenty five
or more qualified and/or serious on-line responses, as above suggested in
respect of the new economic paradigm from scheduled and/or planned
attendees, IPC will link a direct gateway, for an on-line dialogue
workshop, for all conference attendees, for the duration of the conference,
with the author of the new paradigm, for all who wish to participate in the
global new paradigm discussion. Most particularly, the discussion would be
in relation to their own or their institution's specific development

However, in regard to specific comments and suggestions being submitted to
IPC (as a condition to our responding) IPC will require log evidence, of a
serious investigation by the party making the communication (in the minimum
of one hour's review) of IPC's website materials, in the minimum, in
respect of these specific addresses, and, it is suggested the inquiry begin
with the Slide Shows ( http://www.ipc1.com/SlideShows/ ).

IPC's website introduces the new economic paradigm, the
Integration Of Labor(sm), in the following web-pages:

Man And Social Science-MASS Home Page (http://www.ipc1.com/MASS/)

 - GALLERY THREE - "What Creates Wealth?"

  * "The Economic Paradigm Shift in G-7 and Information and Services

  * "An Historical Perspective and Introduction to the New Economic 
the Integration of Labor(sm)" (http://www.ipc1.com/MASS/introIOL.html)

  * "Demonstrating the Integration of Labor(sm);
Replacing the 'Division of Labor'"

  * IPC's commentary on the European Commission's COBRA study on BPR
"The New Paradigm, Beyond Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)"

  * "The Impact of the Integration of Labor(sm) on World Capital Markets"

 - GALLERY FOUR - "What is the Technology for the Future?"

   * What is a Technologic Infrastructure Information Utility-TIIU,
 and What Does It Do? (http://www.ipc1.com/MASS/taxonomy.html)

Other pages:

   * Letter to Jack Smith, CEO of General Motors (GM) re: the new paradigm
   * IPC Products  Services Offering for Licensing  Development
   * The Four Programs of the Universal Theory of Organization(sm)
   * A Guide to Man And Social Science-MASS


Secondary action(s): Only when and where a specific consensus is attained,
in support of the new economic paradigm, IPC urgently requests to receive
your documented support (for G-7 policy development reasons, now
accelerating, in respect of the new economic paradigm). Your timely
information content and inputs, are very important, and so please reply
immediately. Additionally, please forward this communication to your
professional colleagues, with your personal request, that they as well
respond to you, and/or IPC, or both, in a 

[PEN-L:8787] FW: Conference

1997-02-27 Thread Bove, Roger E.


From: yyba
To: abel; abele; john_abowd; postmaster; chrisa; hja; adelman; ladkins;
fadmati; renato.aguilar; ahsansm; aic; djaigner; akiba; albrecht; falcala;
alesk; rob.alessie; alger.d; eco131; allenf; steve_allen; al-najjar; rma;
amemiya; la13; t-andersen; tandersen; anderson; sagw; fredrik.andersson;
lan; andreoni; andrews; panglin; angrist; luc; antille; antle; jja1; raoki;
aloisio; arellano; arnott/ec; arrow; aruka; s.w.arulampalam; asano-seki;
gasheim; tony.atkinson; atknsn; ecca; auerbach; aaustin; ybaba; bac; back;
dbackus; bagwell; baic; khba-k; 20883rtb; inbv; fmbald; bbb; bblk; nbalke;
rdballou; e304bb; rjb; rb7; gunnar.bardsen; baerlocher; barnett; fbaron;
bobb; basci; mzjb; gbattese; battigal; baum/ec; bauwens; mrb12; beachc;
c.bean; beaudry; beaumont; beck; becker; jbehrman; p.a.bekker; abelinfa;
benabou; mba; benassi; hbenegas; benhabib; benjamin; paschimc; joyce-berg;
olvar.bergland; tedb; berk; berliant; jtber; eberndt; helmut_bester;
r.bewley; bhargava; gbhattacharya; sugato; mbiancon; gbiglaiser;
arne.bigsten; mbilodea; uctpa97; erik.biorn; bisin; dblack; sblack.econ;
blackbrn; blanchar; econcjeb; harry.bloch; h.g.bloemen; sblough; ablume;
r.blundell; boadwayr; william-boal; boero; axel; vboehm; bohn; michele;
dbol; bollerslev; billb; gfbonanno; jmbonni; t.borgers; l.borghans; bosch;
pbs; wbossert; peterb; bourg; rbove; bowmand; braeutigam; frb; brander;
kbrannas; braym; breslaw
Subject: YYBA Conference Suggestion Re:The New Ec
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 1997 10:11PM

Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 01:11:46 +0200


From: International Planning Corporation - IPC, Jerusalem, Israel

To:  The Above 'List' For The - 1997 Australasian Meeting of The
Econometric Society

Subject:  The New Economic Paradigm, The Integration of Labor(sm)

Action:   Economists and econometricians, and the operationally conscious,
are called upon to cognitively affirm, or refute, the new economic
paradigm, the Integration of Labor(sm), which defines 'information ,' as
the new agant of transformation, as below, and elsewhere, in counterpart.

When and provided IPC receives, prior to the now scheduled July 2-4,1997
Australasian Meeting of The Econometric Society - Conference, twenty five
or more qualified and/or serious on-line responses, as above suggested in
respect of the new economic paradigm from scheduled and/or planned
attendees, IPC will link a direct gateway, for an on-line dialogue
workshop, for all conference attendees, for the duration of the conference,
with the author of the new paradigm, for all who wish to participate in the
global new paradigm discussion.

Most particularly,in relation to their own or their institution's specific
development agendas.  However, in regard to specific comments and
suggestions being submitted to IPC, as a condition to our responding, IPC
will reuqire log evidence, of a serious investigation by the party making
the communication (in the minimum of one hour's review) of IPC's Website
materials, in the minimum, in respect of these specific addresses, and, it
is suggested the inquiry begin with the Slide Shows:

http://www.ipc1.com/ EC_BPR_commentaryTOC.html
http://www.ipc1.com/ EC_BPR_commentary1.html
http://www.ipc1.com/ EC_BPR_commentary2.html
http://www.ipc1.com/ EC_BPR_commentary3.html
http://www.ipc1.com/ EC_BPR_commentary4.html
http://www.ipc1.com/ EC_BPR_commentary5.html

Secondary action(s): Only when and where a specific consnesus attains, in
support of the new economic paradigm, IPC urgently requests, to receive
from you, your documented support (for G-7 policy development reasons, now
accelerating, in respect of the new economic paradigm). Your timely
information content and inputs, are very important, and so please reply
immediately. Additionally, please forward this communication, to your
professional colleagues, with your personal request,that they as well
respond to you, and/or IPC, or both, in a timely manner.

More Specifically, to the Program Organizers:  Department of Economics
University of Melbourne - Parkville 3052 Victoria, Australia

Dear Peter and Vance:

Your 1997 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society, to be held at
the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, July 2nd to 4th, is why
this writing.

As this program's co-chairpersons, it is suggested you together consider to
introduce, formally, the new economic